B. Reference: Curriculum Guide in Music C. Materials: Flashcards, Video Clip, Powerpoint
B. Reference: Curriculum Guide in Music C. Materials: Flashcards, Video Clip, Powerpoint
B. Reference: Curriculum Guide in Music C. Materials: Flashcards, Video Clip, Powerpoint
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson student should able to:
• Know what is Timbre
• Use his/her voice and other sound sources to produce variety of timbres.
• Develop cooperation in a Group activity
II. Subject Matter
B. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
-Class are you familiar to the song Yes/No ma’am.
“Oh Who Can Play”?
-Now let us watch, listen, and sing the song Yes ma’am.
“Oh Who Can Play”.
C. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Presentation
You’re voice has a special sound or tone
color. You use it in many ways such an in
speaking, singing, whispering, whistling,
humming, and shouting. Beautiful and
interesting sounds can be made through your
Part of getting
the most in
listening to
involves being
able to hear as
well, as being
able to
identify voices
and instruments
by their Tone
or Timbre.
As an illustration We will just have to mix two different
sound to produce a new and unique one.
of Tone color or
timbre let’s
to the 2
playing in a
same melody. This is my speaking voice.
Part of getting the most in listening to music
involves being able to hear as well, as being
able to identify voices and instruments by
their Tone color or Timbre.
• Violin
• Trumpet
Here’s a wonderful type of activity in music I realized that there are a type of voice that
play in grade level. can be used to communicate or make
Let’s try!
Is it clear?
Whispering voice.
Shouting voice.
Singing voice.
Speaking voice.
IV. Evaluation
Timbre of Voices.
Identify the pictures whether it is portraying Speaking voice, Whispering voice, Shouting
voice and Singing voice.
Whispering Voice
Singing Voice
Shouting Voice
Shouting Voice
Speaking Voice
V. Assignment
Prepare a song that suit to your voice and tomorrow you will sing it in front of class.
Prepared by:
Angelou Pagsiat