Hydrologic Elements and Analysis

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7/13/2021 Course Syllabus



  COURSE SYLLABUS 13 JUL 2021 12:24

Course Details
Subject {L-T-P / C} : CE6401 : Hydrologic Elements and Analysis {3-0-0 / 3}
Subject Nature : Theory
Coordinator : Prof.(Ms.) Sanat Nalini Sahoo
Basic concepts of hydrology, Systems concept, Reynolds Transport Theorem, Hydrologic cycle, hydrological processes and hydrologic
models, Climate and water availability, Water balance, Precipitation mechanisms, Measurement of precipitation, Unsaturated Flow,
Infiltration process, Infiltration Models, Evaporation and transpiration processes, Analytical and Experimental methods of estimation,
Surface runoff, Streamflow measurement, Curve Numbers, Hyetographs, Hydrographs, Derivation of UH, S-curve, Change of unit
period of UH, Conceptual models, Nash’s conceptual model, Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH), Clarks method for IUH, Developing
synthetic unit hydrograph, Flood routing in reservoirs and channels, Lumped and distributed flow routing, Regional flood frequency
analysis, Return period flood estimation, Risk and reliability concepts, Urban hydrology.
Course Objectives
1. To quantify different hydrological processes
2. To understand the concept of Unit Hydrograph (UH), S-Curve, Synthetic UH, IUH
Course Outcome
On completion of the course, the student should be capable to
1. Understand the concept of hydrologic cycle

2. Analyze different hydrological processes.

3. Apply the knowledge gained to practical problems in water resources

Essential Reading
1. V T Chow, D R Maidment and L W Mays, Applied Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill
2. K. Subramanya, Engineering Hydrology, Tata McGraw Hill
Supplementary Reading
1. K.C. Patra, Hydrology and Water resources Engineering, Narosa publishing house
2. V. P. Singh, Elementary Hydrology, Prentice Hall of India

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