HR Analytics Brochure
HR Analytics Brochure
HR Analytics Brochure
Online (Through Zoom Platform)
Duration of Program: December 2021 (All Saturdays)
About School of HRM XIM University, Bhubaneshwar
The School of Human Resource Management owes its origin to XIMB's HR specialization
program. It continues the legacy of shaping HR professionals since 1987. These students are
grounded in the vision and values of excellence and ethics set by the XIM University. The
curriculum is recognized by Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) USA as con rming
with global standards.
Since its inception in 1987, XIMB has o ered a functional specialization in HRM in the PGDM
program. A full- edged 2-year PGDM-HRM program was launched in 2011. This is now o ered as
MBA-HRM, the agship program of the School of HRM.
At the School of Human Resource Management, the focus is on grooming highly e ective and
competent human resource professionals with a holistic understanding of business, society and
government. We empower our students with the knowledge, skills, and long-term vision that
leads to innovation, service to society and growth. We groom visionary, competent, committed,
compassionate and value-based business leaders.
The traditional function of human resource management has gone through a wave of
metamorphosis in terms of its function and application in the wake of recent shift towards
evidence-based management and data analytics. HR has been supported in this exciting journey
through the user-friendly software packages, ranging from the more commonly known ones
such as MS Excel to the more advanced ones such as R, PYTHON, SAS, SPSS, RapidMiner and
others have lent a good hand in crunching the data and nding interesting inter-relationships
hidden in the data.
# All modules will be covered using open-source GUI software applications having
relevance for present industry demand. Prior coding knowledge is not essential to take
part in this certi cation and no additional monetary investment is required to access the
# Speci c sessions will be dedicated to understand and diagnose issues faced by
participants at their own organizations and pertinent road maps will be prepared
# Experiential learning-based pedagogy where participants will learn by doing in each
module. Real world and practice datasets will be shared by the program resource experts.
# Capstone project at the end of the training sessions to help participants immerse their
learning into real world problems so that the learning gets translated into applications
# Continued association with the program resource experts beyond the scope of the
program to accomplish rm speci c analytics objectives.
Participant Pro le:
The program is primarily curated for the HR professionals at entry level to middle level with
keen interest in HR analytics.
The program will follow a mix of demonstration, case studies and practice/project methods.
Learning Objectives:
Understand applications of HR analytics in di erent HR functions, developing an analytics
culture and how to initiate a analytics project pipeline
Learning to compute key HR metrics and linking them to key HR decisions
Demonstrate applied skills in using statistical techniques for problems such as employee
engagement, compensation and bene t impact, diversity policy impact on bottom line
Demonstrate applied skills in using machine learning techniques to apply on areas such as
predicting future attrition, joining propensity of candidates, promotion and performance
Understanding applications of Text Analytics in context of employee sentiment mining, social
media analytics and resume recommendation
Program Coverage:
Day 1: Module 1
Session 1-4: Introduction to HR / People Analytics and celebrated use cases
Tracing the origin and journey of analytics skills in HR Domain; looking back at pioneering works
of Thomas Davenport, Jac Fitz-enz and Josh Bersin and discussing major application areas such as
talent analytics, L&D analytics, Diversity & Inclusion Analytics, Engagement Analytics,
Performance Analytics and Comp-ben Analytics to name a few.
Speci c content covered under module 1:
Session 1: History and evolution of Analytics in HR - discussion driven through practical
examples, use cases from industry and real-world experience of Experts
Session 2: How to create a data driven culture and how to develop an analytics process pipeline -
LAMP Framework and other strategic blueprints
Session 3: Discussion with participants about their own critical pain points and ideate possible
way forward, how to get started, what challenges are typically faced
Session 4: Orientation towards measuring HR variables - metrics and measurement issues -
Developing a comprehensive standardization for measuring HR Data
Day 2: Module 2
Session 5-8: Applications of Microsoft Power BI in HR data visualization
To understand the applications of one of the fastest adopted BI tool - Power BI's features in data
visualization and dashboarding. Applications such as how to create dynamic dashboards and
storyboards showing HR process ow from multiple channels for depicting trends and patterns
hidden within HR data across multiple organizational factors will be shown in hands-on manner
Speci c content covered in Module 2:
Session 5: An orientation towards design thinking
Session 6: Hands-on exposure to Microsoft Power BI - A data visualization and BI Tool
Session 7: Understanding and applying advanced aspects of power BI - custom visuals, AI
powered visuals
Session 8: How to connect to multiple data sets, transforming existing data, appending and
merging data, connecting to data from websites, SQL Database and through Power BI service
Day 3: Module 3
Session 9-12: Predictive Analytics - How to glean data driven insights from HR Data
To help participants apply multivariate statistical techniques in HR applications such as analyzing
impact of employee compensation components on work related outcomes such as productivity,
understand how organizational factors (leadership, culture, structure etc.) are related with
employee perception about their employer (employee satisfaction, commitment, OCB etc.),
nding predictors of employee engagement and its consequences, understanding whether
training was e ective or not. All this will be shown through real world datasets and through MS
Excel and R Software (but with no coding involved)
Speci c content to be covered in Module 3:
Session 9: A brief orientation towards types of variables, basic statistical concepts such as
covariance, sampling etc.
Session 10: Hands-on exposure to two very essential statistical concepts to aid in data analytics -
Correlation and Regression analysis - applications for compensation benchmarking, employee
satisfaction and engagement analytics
Session 11: Exposure to A/B Testing - Independent paired t test and its application in L & D
Session 12: Hands-on exposure to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - for more complex application s
in L & D Analytics, performance comparison across business units etc.
Day 4: Module 4
Session 13-16: Data Mining - leveraging machine learning for HR Analytics applications
To understand fundamental concepts of supervised machine learning in a ready-to-apply
format. The focus will be on making participants capable of reaching a stage of applying the
concepts in practical scenarios. All concepts will be practically demonstrated with customized
datasets addressing major HR pain points such as predicting employee attrition, predicting
which candidates are more likely to join if o er letter is extended, how to make performance
appraisal bias-free and how to create resume recommendation systems through text mining.
Also, how to mine unstructured employee survey data to understand the generic mood of the
employees regarding certain HR policies or changes such as D&I initiatives through sentiment
Speci c content to be covered in Module 4:
Session 13: A brief introduction to machine learning - its application in predictive analytics
Session 14: Hands-on exercise on attrition prediction with Orange, a GUI environment in Python
Session 15: Fundamentals of text analytics - sentiment and emotion detection, tweet analysis
Session 16: Hands-on application of Employee survey data analysis for career pipeline
Software requirements:
The participant needs to have access to the following software tools for hands-on exercises:
MS Excel
Participant Details
Payment Details
(required in case participant needs invoice receipt)
*Payment of Rs. 24,000 + 18 % GST needs to be made in full to complete the registration process