of information
into telecommunications systems, combined with the public distribution
"hacker crackdown."
related to break-ins, led to what Bruce sterling calls the
have temporarily disabled Internet-
In the past few years, denial-of-service attacks
managed by many organizations. We examine some popular denial-of-
based serveis
service attack strategies and ways of combating them'
The controversy surrounding the 2000 Presidential election in
Florida has raised
the Internet be superior to our present
the issue of online voting. would voting over
methods? We consider the benefits and risks associated with online voting'
6.2.1 Viruses
program called
A virus is a piece of self-replicating code embedded within another
virus replicates within a computer' When a
the host [t].]igure 6.1 illustrates how a
virus, virus code executes first' The
user executes a irost program infected with a the
and replaces
virus finds another execuiable program stored in the computer's file system
After doing this, the virus allows the host
the program with a virus-infeited program.
to napP-el' If the virus does its work
proSram to execute, which is what the user expected
q"iJf.fy enough, the user may be unaware of the presence of the virus'
P, which is
Frcunn 6.r How a virus replicates. (a) A computer user executes Program
infected with a virus. (b) The virus code begini to execute.
It finds another executable
with the virus. (c) The virus passes
f.ogru- e and creates a new version of Q infected
:;;;r; to irogram P. The user who expected program P to execute' susPects nothing'
Frcunr 6.2 The attachment to this email message probably contains a virus. (The author
didn't open it to find out.)
Frcunr 6.3 How an email virus spreads. A cirmputer user reads an email with an attachment
(1). The user opens the attachment, which contains a virus (2). The virus reads the user's
email address book (3). The virus sends emails with virus-containing attachments (4).
Vtnusss, Woxtnls, aNo Tnolal HonsBs
keep them up-to-
th;i; computers. To be most effective, users must
viruses lurking on
Cotl".g. in August_tf 2003, they were required
free. When students ,"*".a to Oterlin
to have their computers checked for viruses.
sy"ttt* administrators found viruses in 90
operating system [7] '
percent of the computers running the Windows
308 Cnaprrn 6 Coupurpn aNo Nrrwonr Srcunrry
The sasser worm, launched in April 2004,
exproited a previousry identified security
weakness with windows computers.
computers with up-to-date software were
the worm' but it infected about safe from
ls million computers worldwide nonetheless. The
fects of the worm were.relativery ef-
benign; inrectea .o*pui.r,
down shortly after booting. still, the
,r,u, themserves
*lr* rrrua" millions unusable and
disrupted operations at Delta Airlines, the "i."-i",..,
nuropean commission, iurt.uliu, railroads,
and the British coast guard
After Microsoft offered a €250,000 reward,
a felow student pointed the finger at
German teenager Sven Iaschan, who confessed
to the .rirn. ura'ti., b.gu., working
for German computer fir,, s..u..point.
:.:u..ity Because he was ti-when he released
the worm, Iaschan was tried in a juvenile cou.t, *hich sentenced him to
years'probation and 30 hours of community one-and-a-half
service[14, 15, 16].
The Conficker (or Downadup) worm,
which appeared on Windows computers in
November 2008, is notable because computer
r..u.ity.*p.rts have found it particurarry
difficult to eradicate' th: is abre io profogur. in severar ways
variant of the worm used aryr.r
buffer or.rflo*uttu.k"to sp..ad
[18]. The original
not up-to-date with the latest security patches
;";;:;;puters that were
from Microroft. a,b l;;1." how a buffer
overflow attack works, see Figure O.S. j
fhe second version of the worm, which appeared
about a month later, had t*i n.* r.utur., tiui accelerated its spread; the ability to in_
vade computers with wfaf
nas1l0rd protection and the ability to propogate through
USB memory sticks and shared files
on ro.ui"..u networks. Early in 2009,
and 15 million computers were infected between g
with conficker,.including;;;o^ of military
networks in France, the United Kingdom,
and Germany [19].
According to Rodneyloffe of the conficker
working Group, ,,Itt using the best cur_
rent practices and state of the art to
communicate and to protect itself,,
fighting the worm do not-know *t o ...ui.a [20]. Those
ii, they are unsure what its urtimate
PurPose may b9' They do know that the authors of "rathe worm
have continued to release
ever-more-sophisticated variants, and
it appears the worm rr", u.." ur.a to load soft_
.ol computer o,.., i,to purchasing u pr,o,f u,iiui.u, product
;if ,fj::::.jlr.1::
6.2 Vtnusrs, Wonus, aNo TnoleN Honsrs 309
fr'ff.' ll I
Frcunr 6.5 A buffer overflow attack is a common way to take control of a computer'
(a) When a computer program makes a function call, the function's parameters and local
variables are stored on the run-time stack, along with the return address-the address to
which control should return when the function completes. The local variables occupl'lorver
memory addresses than the return address. (b) In a variable attack, the goal ofthe intruder is
to change the value ofa key variable. The program expects the user to input some characters.
It has allocated a buffer to store the characters. However, the string of characters provided
by the intruder is too long, and it overflows the buffer, changing the value of the target
variable. (c) In a stack attack, the goal of the intruder is to change the value of the return
address. Again, a longer-than-expected string is input, overflowing the buffer and changing
the value of the return address to point to the start of the buffer. When the function returns,
code inserted by the intruder begins to execute, taking control of the comPuter. One rvay
to prevent these attacks is to add checks to ensure array bounds are not erceeded. Another
prevention measure is to modify the operating system so that it rvill not e\ecute instructions
stored on the run-time stack.
310 Cneprnn 6 Coupurrn aup Nrrwonx Srcunrty
In the summer of 2009 more than five million Windows computers worldwide were
infected with the conficker worm. The rate at which conficker was spreading to new
PCs roughly matched the rate at which it was being erased from other pCs [20].
There may be a virus loose on the Internet.
Here is the gist of a message I got:
I'm sorry.
Sudduth's email was supposed to get routed through a comPuter at Brown Univer-
sity. However, computers at Brown were already infected with the virus and did not have
spare cycles to route the message. Also, the email did not have a subject line, which made
it less likely to be read during a crisis. The result is that the message was read too late to
be of any help to those fighting the worm.
System administrators at various universities worked frantically to stop the spread
of the worm. Within a day they had examined the worm's code, discovered the bugs
in sendmai I and f i ngerd, and published fixes to the Internet community. In all, about
6,000 Unix computers had been infected with the worm.
After some sleuthing by reporter John Markofl The New York Times named Robert
Thppan Morris, Jr., as the author of the worm. Morris was suspended from Cornell
312 CHeprrn 6 Col.purpn aNo Nnrwonr Srcunrry
University. A year later, he was the first person to receive a felony conviction under the
U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. He was sentenced to 3 years' probation, 400 hours
of community service, and fined $10,000. His legal fees and fines exceeded $150,000.
Was Robert Morris, fr., wrong to unleash the Internet Worm?
A Kantian evaluation must focus on Morris's will. Did Morris have good will? His
stated goal was to see how many Internet computers he could infect with the worm.
While Morris did not want to crash these computers or destroy any data stored on them,
his motivation was fundamentally selfish: he wanted the thrill of seeing his creation
running on thousands of computers. He used others because he gained access to their
machines without their permission. There is also evidence Morris knew he was using
others: he took measures designed to prevent people from discovering that he was the
author of the worm. From a Kantian point of view, Morris's action was wrong.
From a social contract point of view, Morris's action was also wrong. He violated
the property rights of the individuals and organizations whose computers were infected
by the worm. They had the right to determine who would use their computers, and
they attempted to enforce this right by requiring people to identifr themselves by user
name and password. Morris took advantage of security holes in these computers to
gain unauthorized access to them. When his worm caused these computers to become
unresponsive or crash, he denied access to the legitimate users of these computers.
A utilitarian evaluation of the case focuses on the benefits and harms resulting
from the spread of the worm. The principal benefit of the Internet worm was that
organizations managing these Unix computers discovered there were two significant
security holes in their systems. They received the instructions they needed to patch these
holes before a truly malicious intruder took advantage of them to enter their systems
and do a lot of damage to their data. Of course, Morris could have produced the same
beneficial result simply by contacting the system administrators at UC Berkeley and
informing them of the security holes he had found.
The Internet worm had numerous harmful consequences. A large amount of time
was spent by system administrators as they defended their machines from further at-
tacks, tracked down the problem, installed patches, and brought machines back on line.
There was a disruption in email and file exchange traffic caused by computers being
taken off the network. About 6,000 computers were unavailable for a day or two. Dur-
ing this time, many thousands of people were less productive than they could have been
had the systems been up and running. Morris himself was harmed by his actions. He
was suspended from Cornell and sentenced to three years ofprobation and 400 hours of
community service. His fines and legal fees exceeded $150,000. From a utilitarian view-
point, Morris was wrong to have released the Internet Worm.
In conclusion, Morris may not have been acting maliciously, but he was acting
If he had wanted to experiment with worms, he probably could have gotten
permission to try out his creations on a local area network detached from the Internet,
so that even if his worm had multiplied out of control, there would have been no fallout
6.2 Vrnusns, Wonr'rs, euo TnoJaN HonsBs 313
to the rest of the computer community. Instead, he chose to use the entire Internet as his
experimental laboratory, inconveniencing thousands of peopie.
A remote access Trojan (RAT) is a Tiojan horse program that gives the attacker
access to the victim's computer. Two well-known RAIs are Back Orifice and SubSei'en.
SubSeven is notable because ofits easy-to-use point-and-click user interface. SubSeven
consists of a client program running on the attacker's computer, and a server program
running on the victim's computer. The attacker is able to capture images from the
victim's monitor, record keystrokes, read and write files, watch traffic on the victim's
local area network, and even control the mouse.
In order to gain access to another person's computer, the attacker must trick that
person into downloading the RAT server. The most popular way to do this is to hide it
inside a file posted to a Usenet newsgroup specializing in erotica. The attacker advertises
the file as containing sexually explicit videos or photos. Those rtho dorr.nload the file
bring the RAI into their computer.
In 2009 computer security experts uncovered a surveillance effort targeting the
Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan government, and other Tibetans. Some agency had used
RAIs to penetrate 1,295 computers in 103 countries, creating a spving system the experts
named GhostNet. When a victim opened an email attachment supposedly containing
the translation of a book, the RAI was activated. Each RAT u'as able to transfer data files
and email messages back to the controlling computer. Even more ominously, it could
access the computer's microphone, turning the PC into an eavesdropping station. Some
of the researchers that discovered GhostNet blamed the Chinese government for the
intrusions, but the Chinese government denied responsibility 122,231.
3I4 Cnepren 6 CoupurEn ano Nrrwotr Secunrry
6.2.5 BotNetworks
A bot is a software program that responds to commands sent by a command-and-
control program located on an external computer. The first bots supported legitimate
applications: Internet Relay Chat channels and multiplayer Internet games. Today, how-
ever, bots are frequently used to support illegal activities.
For example, it's been estimated that as much as 90 percent of spam is distributed
through bot networks [24]. Other bots are designed to collect personal data that can be
used to steal someone's identity. Bot networks can also be used to support distributed
denial-of-service attacks, which we will discuss in Section 6.4.
6.5.1 Hackers
Initsoriginalmeaning,ahackerrsanexplorer,arisktaker,someonewhoistrying of the
never done before. Hackers in this sense
to make u ,y*.* Jo slmething it has
constructedandcontinuouslyimprovedanenormousHo-scalemodeltrainlayout. switch-
Members sig""ir;;;i"*; subcommittee built an elaborate electronic
"r,n. wearing chino pants, short-sleeved
ing system . .;;;?;iihe movement oiit.lrui"r.
ofCoca-Colaandstayupallnighttoi*p.ou.thesystem.T'ft.*,a..hack-,wasanewly demon-
constructed piece of equipment that
,roi only ,.rrr.d u useful purpose, but also
calling someone a hacker was a sign of respect;
strated it, .r.ator,s t..rr.ri.ut virtuosity. created course in com-
lg5g, afler taking newly
hackers wore the label with pride. In
attention from model trains to
puter progra*;;;, ,";;Jf th. hu.k rs shifted theii
electronic comPuters [25]'
316 Cnapten 6 Cotupurrn. aNo Nprwonr Srcunrry
After extensive interviews with MIT hackers, Steven Levy has summarized the
"hacker ethic" with these precepts, which I quote verbatim [25]:1
o Access to computers-and anything which might teach you something about the
way the world works-should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-
On Imperative!
. All information should be free.
o Mistrust Authority-Promote Decentralization.
. Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogus criteria such as degrees, age,
race, or position.
o You can create art and beauty on a computer.
o Computers can change your life for the better.
Computer security expert Dorothy Denning has observed that the will of the hacker
is to make an improvement-a hacker is not malicious. A hacker is not out to destroy
data or equipment. A hacker does not commit fraud for personal profit 1271.
l. From Levy, Steven. Hackers: Heroes ofthe Computer Revolution, pp.40-45. Garden Ciry NY: Anchor
Press/Doubleday, 1984. Copyright @ 1984 Random House, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6.1 PHnnars auo Hecxpns 317
Frcunr 6.6 ln 1962 Steve Russell unveiled Spacewar, the first video game, and gave it away
to other users of the PDP-1 computer. (Computer History Museum)
hardware itself, but they also knew that waiting for permission to modi$. the hardware
would take months. Nelson decided not to ask for permission. One night, he and a few
cohorts opened up the cabinet of the PDP-1 and did some rewiring. They tested the
computer, and they thought they had increased the capability of the PDP-1 without af-
fecting its other functionality. However, their testing was incomplete. The next morning,
a legitimate user of the PDP-l discovered that her program, an important weather simu-
lation code, no longer worked. Adding a new instruction had caused another instruction
to malfunction.
On another occasion, Nelson was making an unauthorized, middle-of-the night ad-
justment to the power supply on an MIT computer. Needing a large screwdriver, he took
one from the locked cabinet of the machine shop craftsman. In the process of making
the adjustment, Nelson accidentally shorted out a circuit, melting the screwdriver's han-
dle. When the craftsman came to work the next morning, he opened the cabinet and saw
the ruined screwdriver with this sign attached: USED UP.
Was Stewart Nelson wrong to modifr the PDP-1 hardware without permission? Let's
evaluate his action.
A Kantian evaluation focuses on the will behind the action, rather than its results.
We might be tempted to state that Stewart Nelson's will was to improve the PDP-I,
318 Cnaprrn.6 Cot"lpurpn aNo Nsrwonx Spcunlrv
but Kant writes that we should avoid a characterization that allows an expected
If we ignore the expected result' what
to provide the motivation for an action [28].
acting under the maxim "Take advantage of
doie have left? He appears to have been
skills." In his desire to demonstrate his
every opportunity to demonstrate your technical
t".h.riff pro*.rr, N.lro., made modifications to the PDP-I without authorization' He
disregarded the instructions issued by the person with legitimate
authority to control
to the machine. He also disregarded the needs of the PDP-l's legitimate users'
whose work depended upon the reliabllity of the computer. Hence Nelson treated other
human beings as means to an end, and his action was wrong'
is similar to
From the point of view of social contract theory, this moral problem
the case of Robert Thppan Morris, |r. By modifying a system he did
not own, Nelson
legitimate owners and users of the computer. Hence his action
violated the rights of ihe
was wrong.
in such
A rule utilitarian analysis considers what would happen if everyone engaged
went ahead and
behavior. Suppose everyone who had an idea about improving a system
would make systems
made the change without asking permission. Perhaps most changes
buiinevitably .om.-p"opl. would accidentally make changes that made the
run better,
system perform worse. A few supposed improvements would result
in systems being
Finally, let's evaluate Nelson's action from an act utilitarian point of view' The
and the computer's users' By
affected persons were Nelson, the PDP-1 administrator,
engineering, benefit. we
modifying the PDP-1, Nelson learned more about computer
of Nelson's failed modification:
know at least one computer user was harmed as a result
She spent a lot of timi tracking down the problem, and
she could not continue with
her work until the computer was fixed. In order to repair the computer,
it would have
harm. Fixing the computer had
to be made unavailable to its programmers, another
equipment. This cost is another
an associated cost, measured i., t.ims of labor and/or
negative effect. Nelson s deed most likely cost the PDP- I administrator
time and stress
the repair job. while we have
as he interacted with unhappy programmers and oversaw
it likely complete analysis
not assigned particular valuesto the b..r.fit and the harms, is a
ii.y *""ra still have concluded that he did the wrong thing.
would be completely ditrer11t' Nelson
However, the act utilitarian analysis The programmers
about computer engineering.
have benefi,tted from r.urrrirrg more
of the comput". *oota-iur.lenefitted
fro* u'*or. po:werful-instruction set' With
computer' no tne would have been
no interruptions in the daily use of the good thing, from an act
he did a
If Nersons hack had *";ili,;;" .orrta .on.todeask: what good is an ethical theory
it's fair to
utilitarian point of ,i.;.^A,-rhi;foint act
oftu'o'd *hethe' your action was right or wrong? Does
if it can only tell yoo dubious actions and then hope for
utilitarianism ..,.o,,.urlit;;t tt;k;;orally by the maxim
live in a world where everyone lived
best outcome? would y"'"-r*. ,"
"Better to ask forgiveness than Permlsslon
-e'*ug"aao"- movie' a lot of teenagers were
nearly causes u ,o.ttu'
i'ftet seeing the
prowl.tyU"t"putt *it]r u.h:*" computer
excited at the thought that ttrey could and
a modem. A few of ,h;;;;;;.
highly profiient at breaking into government
typi;"lt;;not pu; around their dumpsters. In midnight
tion. Compani",
Socialengineering,atermcoinedbyhackerKevinMitnick,referstothemanip- information'
i"iia. tn. organization to gain_access to.confidential
ulation of a person know each other
."*. * r"# organizatiois where people do not
Social engineering is that per-
a svstem administrator and call
very well. ro, .*u*pt"Ji;;;;k;;;"vl991ti+ know why he
of his sufervisor and'dem*qg to
son, pretendi"g t" Utif" "pt"'i'o' eager
can t access a particuiar malhine.
In this situation, a cowed system administrator'
into revealing or resetting a password [29].
to please his boss,s uo,,, *uy u. talked
,,hacking" has come to include comPuter break-ins ac-
In the modern use of the word, confidential
so.h-as destroyiog databases or stealing
companied by -uu.ioo, u.iurior, it computerworld
personal informationl eo .*u*pt.
of this use of the-word is a story
describing h"* p"";i; ;;k;irtousa Tod'ay;swebsite on |uly 11, 2002, and
fabricated news stories [30]'
320 CneprEn 6 Coupurrn euo Nnrwonx Srcunrry
In the 1980s phreaks used certain computer bulletin board systems (BBSs) called "pirate
boards" to share stolen long-distance access codes and credit card numbers with each
In response to these activities, telecommunications firms installed software to detect
overuse of particular long distance telephone codes. They also installed equipment to
detect and trace attemPts to guess access codes. The introduction ofdigital networks has
made 2600-hertz blue boxes obsolete.
l. To prevent the detection and/or capture ofvarious phreaks, hackers and oth-
ers, who attempt to gain access to: phone company central offices, phone clos-
ets, corporate of6ces, trash dumpsters, and the like.
In September 1988 Legion of Doom member Robert Riggs (a.k.a. .,The prophet,)
broke into a Bellsouth computer known as an Advanced Information Managlment
System. The computer contained employee email, documents, and databases. d".uur.
the system had no dial-up lines, Bellsouth thought the system was hidden from the
public and provided minimal security for it. It did not even ask users for passwords.
Rummaging around the system, Riggs found a document called "Bell South Standard
Practice 660-225-l04SV Control Of6ce Administration of Enhanced 911 Services for
Special Services and Major Account Centers dated March 1988" (the E9l I Document).
He copied the E9l1 Document to his personal computer.
Five months later, Riggs sent a copy of the E9l I Document to Craig Neidorf (a.k.a.
"Knight Lightning"), a pre-law student at the University of Missouri. Neidorf was the
publisher of Phrack, an electronic magazine widely distributed over BBSs. Both Riggs
and Neidorf had something to gain from the publication of the Egl l Document. Riggs
would be able to brag about the trophy he had bagged from a BellSouth computer. NlI-
dorf would be able to demonstrate the power of the hacker underground and thumb
his nose at the telecommunications companies. Still, neither wantedio get caught. They
edited the E9l1 Document heavily, deleting the document's NoT FoR USE oR DIS-
CLOSURE warning, phone numbers of Bellsouth employees, and other identifring and
322 Cneptnn 6 Corvrpurpn eno Nrrwonx Srcunrrv
sensitive information. By the time they were done, they had removed nearly half the ma-
terial from the report. On February 25,1989, Phrack published the document under the
pseudonym "The Eavesdropper."
switching system. It seemed too great a coincidence that the system should collapse on
a national holiday, just as Fry Guy had predicted. The U.S. Attorney's Office in Chicago
and the Secret Service decided it was time to take serious action against hackers and
6.5.6 U.S.v.Riggs
Three days after the collapse of AT&T's long distance system, two U.S. Secret Service
agents visited Craig Neidorf and accused him of causing the failure. They also confronted
him with the stolen E911 Document. Neidorf cooperated with the Secret Service agents.
He admitted that he had received the document from Riggs, and he also admitted that
he knew the document had been taken from a BellSouth computer. The next day, Secret
Service appeared at Neidorf's fraternity house with a warrant, searched his room, and
seized his computer.
The U.S. Attorney in Chicago charged Riggs and Neidorf with wire fraud, interstate
transportation of stolen property valued at $79,449, and computer fraud. Robert Riggs
pleaded guilty to wire fraud for his unauthorized access of the BellSouth computer; he
ended up serving time in a federal prison. Neidorf pleaded innocent to all charges, and
the case went to trial in Chicago in fuly 1990.
The trial was short, lasting only four days. The defense quickly established that
the information in the E911 Document was in the public domain. BellSouth was ac-
tually selling to the public tlvo documents containing more detailed information about
enhanced 911 service. These documents, which could be ordered by calling a toll-free
number, sold for 913 and $21, respectively, belying BellSouth's contention that the E911
Document was worth $79,449.In light of this new information, the prosecution moved
to dismiss the indictments against Neidorf. The judge agreed to the motion, dismissed
the jury, and declared a mistrial.
The trial against Craig Neidorf is notable for a couple of reasons. First, it demon-
strates how the long history of break-ins at telecommunications companies, the posting
of information on BBSs about the inner workings of phone switches, and the collapse of
AI&T's long distance service all combined to created an atmosphere in which the justice
system was eager to "do something" about phone phreaking and comPuter hacking. ln
its zeal to prosecute, the government uncritically accepted AI&T's inflated valuation of
the E911 Document. When the true value of the document was revealed, the govern-
ment's case against Neidorf collapsed.
Second, the prosecution was careful to depict Neidorf as a thief, rather than a
publisher. They could do this because Neidorf's "newsletter" was completelv electronic.
Viewing him as a publisher would have brought up a variety of First Amendment issues
they were eager to avoid. In the early 1970s The Netv York Tima and the Washington
Post hadpublished the Pentagon Papers, documents Daniel Ellsberg had stolen from the
Pentagon describing government policies regarding the Vietnam War. The government
never prosecuted these newspapers for publishing the documents. Should Phrack have
been entitled to the same protection as The New York Times? The prosecutors didn't want
to go there.
324 Cneprrn 6 Cotntpurrn luo Nnrwonr SEcuntrv
6.5.8 Retrospective
In The Hacker Crackdown Bruce Sterling writes:
wouldn't give a r.rine-year-old his own car, or his own rifle, or his own chainsaw-
those things are "real."
People underground are perfectly aware that the "game" is frowned upon by
the powers that be. Word gets around about busts in the underground. Publicizing
busts is one of the primary functior.rs of pirate boards, but they also prornulgate
ar.rattitude about then'r, and their own idiosyncratic ideas of justice. The users of
r"rndergrounci boards won't cornplain if some guy is busted for crashir.rg systems,
spreading viruses, or stealing money by wire fraud. They may shake their heads
with a sneaky grin, but they won't openly defend these practices. But when a kid is
charged with some theoretical amount of theft: $264,846.14, for instance, because
he sneaked into a computer and copied something, and kept it in his house on a
floppy disk-this is regarded as a sign of near insanity on the part of prosecutors,
that they've drastically mistal<cn the immaterial game of con.rputir.rg for their
a sigr.r
real and borir.rg everybody worlcl of fatcat corporate money [26].2
We quote Sterling at length because there are parallels between this viewpoint and
the mentality of the millions of people who download MP3 files containing copyrighted
music. The first parallel is the attitude that intellectuai property is overvalued bv the
establishment. How can an AT&T technical document be worth $79,000? Horv can
distributing songs over the Internet be a $100 billion offense? The second parallel is the
use of technology as a joyride: "Hey, I can make a long-distance phone cail rr'ithout
getting a bill!" "Hey, I can make a music CD that costs me 17 cents instead oi i7
bucks!" The knowledge that actions are wrong actually makes them more fun i-31 . The
third parallel is the idea that breaking certain iaws is not that big a deal. There is the
assumption that the chance of actually getting caught is small.
There are also parallels between the response of the Secret Service to the BBSs that
posted inforn-ration about hacking and phreaking, and the response of the Recording
Industry Association of America (RIAA) to those who made available large number of
MP3 files.
On May 9, 7990, in Operation Sundevil, the Secret Service shut dortn l5 BBSs
for posting stolen long-distance telephone access codes and facilitating the erchange of
stolen credit card numbers. A press release stated:
Today, the Secret Service is sending a clear message to those computer hackers
who have decided to violate the laws of this nation in the mistaken belief that they
can successfully avoid detection by hiding behind the relatire anonvmitl, of their
Ur.rderground groups have been formed for the purpose of exchanging infor-
mation relevant to theircrir-r-rinal activities. These groups otten corlurunicate with
each other through message systems between computers called "bulletin boards."
2. F'rom Sterling, Bruce. The Hocker Crackdown: Law d- Disorder ofi the Electronic Frontier, pp. 84-85.
New York: Bantam Books, 1992. Copyright O 1992 Randorn House, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
326 Cneprpn 6 Cor"rputtn eNo Nnrwonr Sscunrrv
Our experience shows that many computer hacker susPects are no longer mis-
guided teenagers, mischievously playing games with their computers in their bed-
rooms. Some are now high tech computer oPerators using computers to engage in
unlawful conduct. [26]
On September 8, 2003, the RIAA announced that its member companies had filed
261 federallawsuits against what it called "major offenders," each of whom on average
had been distributing more than 1,000 copyrighted music files through Peer-to-Peer
networks. RIAA President Cary Sherman said:
Nobody likes playing the heavy. There comes a time when you have to stand uP
and take appropriate action . . . We've been telling people for a long time that file
sharing copyrighted music is illegal, that you are not anonymous when you do it,
and that engaging in it can have real consequences . . . We hope that today's actions
will convince doubters that we are serious about protecting our rights. [35]
The message from the Secret Service and the RIAA is consistent: cyberspace ls real,
those who break the law can be tracked down, and illegal actions in ryberspace can have
severe consequences.
The maximum penalty imposed for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act is 20
years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
Another federal statute related to computer hacking is the Electronic Communica-
tions Privacy Act. This law makes it illegal to intercept telephone conversations, email,
or any other data transmissions. It also makes it a crime to access stored email messages
without authorization.
The use of the Internet to commit fraud or transmit funds can be prosecuted under
the Wire Fraud Act and/or the National Stolen Property Act. Adopting the identity of
another person to carry out an illegal activity is a violation of the Identity Theft and
Assumption Deterrence Act.
63 pnRrars aNr Hacrrns 322
purchases and bank withdrawals. The targets of the attacks were Heartland Data Sys-
tems, a card processing company; Hannaford Brothers; 7-Eleven; and two other national
retailers, who remained unnamed. Most of the numbers were stolen from Heartland
Data Systems, which at the time of Gonzalez's indictment had already paid about $13
million in legal costs and fines levied by Visa and MasterCard 142).
-,/- rarset
ncx+r-J /
E [il
Frcunr 6.7 How a SYN flood attack works. (a) In a normal client-server connection, the
client sends the server a SYN message, the server responds with a SYN-ACK message, and
the client follows up with an ACK message. At this point the connection is established, and
the client and server can interact. (b) In a SYN flood attack, the client sends the server a S\\
message with a spoofed IP address. The server replies to a client that is unable to respond
to the SYN-ACK message. Eventually, the server will stop waiting for the ACK message,
but in the meantime the connection remains half-open, depriving legitimate clients of that
computer and its network. Hence, it is important that organizations provide their servers
with adequate physical security.
The rest of the DoS attacks we are going to describe are electronic attacks on the
server or its network.
Two Internet processes establish a TCP communication link by follorving a precise
series of steps called a "three-way handshake" (Figure 6.7a). The three-rvav handshake
assures each process that the other process is ready to communicate. Suppose process X
wishes to communicate with process Y. Process X initiates the handshake by sending Y
a SYN message. If Y agrees to communicate with X, it replies rvith a SYN-ACK message,
acknowledging receipt of X's SYN message. At this point the communication channel is
half open. In the third step of the handshake, X sends an ACK message to Y, acknowl-
edging receipt of Y's SYN-ACK message. At this point the connection betrveen X and Y
is open.
In a SYN flood attack, the attacker's computer uses IP spoofing to send the target
computer a SYN message from a phony client (Figure 6.7b). \\tren the target computer
receives this message, it sets up its side of the connection and replies with a SYN-ACK
message. This message travels to the phony client, rvhich cannot respond to the SYN-
ACK message. While the target computer waits for the ACK message, the connection
remains half-open. The attacker sends the target many such spoofed SYN messages.
330 Cneprrn 6 Conpurrn aNo Nrrwonx Srcutrrv
'*t.'t/ E \ ti/.
/ Z:\
"'\ \
-,*r' ffil
W'--.r*o- ,-._FE,.--*^ ---t-----
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@-,"- ,m ,/ *[.] /
FrcunE 6.8 In a smurf attack, the attacker's computer "pings" many amplifier networks,
which broadcast incoming messages. The attacker has spoofed the packet's.
IP address to
appear to be the address of the target computer. The echoes of the "pinged" computers are
.oot.d to the target computer, consuming the target's network bandwidth.
Since a server can handle only so many clients at a time, it may turn away
users while it waits futilely for connections to complete [50]'
Another form of network attack consumes all the bandwidth on the target's net-
work by generating a large number of messages directed to that network. The smurf
attack is u', .*u*pi. of this form of DoS attack (Figure 6.8). The attacker
first identifies
routers that support broadcasting of messages to all of the computers on their local
networks. The attacker sends "ping" messages to these routers, which multiply them' A
computer receiving a "ping" *.SSug" is supposed to echo it. In this case, the attacker has
,poof.a the IP addlresr, r.rrt i"g it look as if the ping came from the target comPuter. AII
of th. .o*prrters receiving the ping message send an echo to the target computer'
In a
successful attack, the flooJ of incoming messages saturates the target server's network.
In a third kind of DoS attack, the attacker attempts to fill all of the available space
on the target computer's disk. Here are three ways to fill a target computer's
1. In emailbombing, the attacker sends the target a flood of email messages. The target
computer stor., th.r. email messages on its disk. By sending very long messages,
6.4 DrNtal-or-Srtvrcr Arrecxs 331
attacker can quickly fill the target's disk drive. Email bombing is usually combined
with email sioofing (changing the email address of the sender) to disguise the
identifr of the attacker from the target'
2. Theattackercreatesawormthatintentionallygeneratesaverylongstreamoferrors.
Since the target computer logs errors in a data file, eventually the disk fills
3. The attacker breaks in to the target computer and copies over files from another site.
Most computers have a limit on the number of processes that may be active at
one time. An attacker can disable the target's computer by penetrating it with a
program that quickly replicates. (This is how Morris's Internet Worm crashed manv of
ih.-.o*pu,.rs it infectel.) Even if the target computer does not crash, the presence oi
many active processes can significantly degrade the performance of the computer's
Another form of DoS attack crashes the target computer by sending it unexpected
data, such as an oversized IP packet.
tems in order to establish baselines. Once the baselines are known, it is easier to detect
aberrations that n-ray indicate a breach ofsecurity'
Disk quota systems are another good security measure. If single users have limits-on
the amount of disk space they may use, then it is tougher for an intruder to create
To defend against DDoS attacks, system administrators must be able to secure their
computers to keep them from being infected by bots. They can also install filters that
check outgoing messages for forged IP addresses. An outgoing message packet should
have a "from" address matching one of the local machines. If it does not, then the packet
has been forged and should not be forwarded. Filtering outgoing messages means that
even if someone has gotten into a machine, he can't use it for an attack that depends on
spoofing the addresses of IP packets.
included the Blue House (presidential mansion), the Defense Ministry, and the National
The DDoS attack was relatively minor, involving a bot network containing only
50,000-65,000 computers, compared with large-scale attacks that may utilize a million
computers. Still, the attack disrupted different networks over a period of days as it shifted
targets, and some sites ir.r South Korea were unavailable or comprornised as late as |uly 9.
South Korea's National Intelligence Service blarned the North Korean government or its
sympathizers for the attack, hypothesizing that the attack was in retaliation for United
Nations sanctions against North Korea. According to computer experts, it was unlike11.
the source of the attack would ever be positively identified [52, 53].
6.4.7 SATAN
In 1995 computer-security expert Dan Farmer released a program called Securitv Ad-
ministrator Tool for Analyzing Networks (SATAN). System administrators could use
SATAN to probe their computers for security weaknesses. Farmer said, "S,{TAN rras
written because we realize that computer systems are becoming more and more depen-
dent on the network, and more vulnerable to attack" [57]. In the first ferr davs after its
release, tens ofthousands ofcopies were downloaded.
Critics fretted that SATAN, with its easy-to-use interface, rrouid turn relatively
unskilled teenagers into computer hackers. A security official noted it rr'ould be easy to
create a script that would enable a hacker to probe hundreds ofsites and report on their
security holes [58]. Farmer admitted that SATAN was "a trvo-edged sivord that can be
used for good and evil."
As it turns out, a flood of SATAN-enabled computer break-ins never materialized.
Apparently, it served its purpose: helping system administrators, particularly novices,
identif, and fix security problems with their networks.
Still, nearly two years after the release of SATAN, Dan Farmer used it to survey
the security of more than 2,200 web sites. Farmer reported that more than 60 percent
of the sites were vulnerable to break-ir.rs. About half of these sites had major security
problen-rs, even though all of the security holes probed by SATAN had been publicized
by the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) [59].
334 Cneprrx 6 Coupurrn eNo Nrrwonr SscuRrry
GtO8Gt W. BUSII mrsrorrr
Sl0f, 8ll[*ft tl*mtrwrr
7Al &rl*l*&***,wxw*z .
Frcunn 6.9 The layout of the ballot" apparently led thousands of parm
countS Florida voters supporting Beach
candidate Al Gore to punch the hole associated with pat
Buchanan by mistake. lalnrVideworld photos)
6.5 ONUNE VorINc 335
6.5.2 Proposals
The problems with the election in Florida have led to a variety of actions to improve the
reliability of voting systems in the United States. Many people have suggested that voting
via the Internet be used, at least as a way ofcasting absentee ballots. In fact, online voting
is already a reality. It was used in the 2000 Alaska Republican Presidential preference
poll and the 2000 Arizona Democratic Presidential primary [61]. Local elections in the
United Kingdom used online voting in 2001. One hundred thousand Americans in the
military and living overseas were going to have the opportunity to vote over the Internet
in the 2004 Presidential primaries as part of the Secure Electronic Registration and
Voting Experiment, until the government cancelled the experiment at the last minute
Online voting is unfair because it gives an unfair advantage to those who are finan-
cially better off. It will be easier for people with computers and Internet connections at
home to vote.
The same system that authenticates the voter also records the ballot. This makes it
more difficult to preserve the privacy of the voter.
Online voting increases the opportunities for vote solicitation and vote selling.
Suppose person X agrees to vote for candidate Y in return for getting a payment from
Z. If person X votes from his personal computer, he could allow person Z to watch as he
cast his vote for I
proving that he fulfilled his end of the bargain. This is much less likely
to occur at an official polling place monitored by election officials.
A Web site hosting an election is an obvious target for a DDoS attack. Unlike
corporate Web sites, which have attracted the attention of teenage hackers, a national
election Web site could attract the attention of foreign governments or terrorists trying
to disrupt the electoral process. What happens if the Web site is unavailable and people
are not able to access it before the election deadline?
If voting is done from home computers, the security of the election depends on the
security of these home computers. The next few paragraphs describe ways in which the
security of home computers could be compromised.
A virus could change a person's vote without that person even suspecting what had
happened. Many people have physical access to other people's computers, giving them
the opportunity to install voter-deceiving applications in the weeks leading up to the
election. Alternatively, a rogue programmer or group of programmers within Microsoft,
AoL, or another consumer software company could sneak in a vote-tampering virus.
A remote access Tiojan such as SubSeven lurking in a voter's computer could allow
a person's vote to be observed by an outsider. A RAI could even allow an outsider to cast
a ballot in lieu of the rightful voter.
An attacker could fool a user into thinking he was connected to the vote server
when in actuality he was connected to a phony vote server controlled by the attacker.
For example, the attacker could send an email telling voters to click on a link to reach
the polling site. when voters did so, they would be connected to the phony voting site.
The attacker could ask for the voter's credentials, then use this information to connect
to the real voter site and cast a vote for the candidate(s) desired by the attacker.
A utilitarian analysis must add up the positive and negative outcomes to determine
whether allowing online voting is a good action to take. Recall from Section 2.6.2 that
not all outcomes have equal weight. We must consider the probability of the outcome,
the value of the outcome on each affected person, and the number of people affectecl.
Sometimes this calculation is relatively straightforward. For example, one of the
benefits of online voting is that people who voted online would not have to travel to
a polling place and wait in line. suppose online voting replaced polling places in the
United States. This change would affect about 50 percent of adult Americans (the ones
6.s ONrrNr VouNc 337
who actually vote) [64]. We can estimate that the ayerage voter spends about an hour
traveling to a polling place, waiting in line, and traveling back. The average annual salary
in the United States is about $37,000, or about $18.00 per hour [65]. We could compute,
then, that the time savings associated with replacing polling places with online voting
would be worth about $18.00 times one-half the adult population, or $9.00 for every
It is more difficult to come up with reasonable weights for other outcomes. For
example, a risk of online voting is that a DDoS attack may prevent legitimate voters from
casting their votes before the deadline. While an election result that does not reflect the
will of the voters is a great harm, the weight of this harm is reduced by three probabilities:
the probability that someone would attempt a DDoS attack, the probability that a DDoS
attack would be successfirl, and the probability that a successful DDoS attack would
change the outcome of the election. Experts could have vastly different estimates of these
probabilities, allowing the scales of the utilitarian evaluation to tip one way or the other.
A Kantian analysis of anyvoting system would focus on the principle that the will of each
voter should be reflected in that voter's ballot. The integrity of each ballot is paramount.
For this reason, everyvote should leave a paper record, so that in the event ofcontroversy
a recount can be held to ensure the correctness of the election result. Eliminating paper
records in order to achieve the ends of saving time and money or boosting voter turnout
is wrong from a Kantian perspective.
We have surveyed the potential benefits and risks of holding elections online, and we
have examined the morality of online voting from a utilitarian and a Kantian point of
Are we holding computers up to too high a standard? After all, existing voting sys-
tems are imperfect. There are two key differences, however, between existing mechanical
or electromechanical systems and the proposed online system.
Existing systems are highly localized. A single person may be able to corrupt the
election process at a few voting places, but it is impossible to taint the election results
across an entire state. A Web-based election system would make it much easier for a
single malicious person to taint the process on a wide scale.
The second difference is that most current systems produce a paper record of the
vote. Where paper records do not exist, there is a push to make them mandatory [66].
When all else fails, the hard copy can be consulted to try to discern the intent of the
voters. A Web-based voting system would not have paper records verified by citizens as
true representations of their votes.
There is already evidence of tampering in online elections. In April 2002 Vivendi
Universal, a Paris media conglomerate, held an online vote of its shareholders. Hackers
caused ballots of some large shareholders to be counted as abstentions [63]. If a private
338 Cneprrn 6 Colrpursn aNo Nnrwonr Spcunrry
election can draw the attention of a hacker, imagine how much more
attractive a target
a California election Web site will bel
Bruce Schneier has written, "A secure Internet voting system is
theoretically pos-
sible, but it would be the first secure networked applicatiJr, !u.,
created ir, .ompuiirrg
history" [67].
Ary election system that relies upon the security of personal computers managed
by ordinary citizens will be vulnerable to electoral fraud. For this reason
alone, there
is a strong case to be made that a government should not allow online
voting to be
conducted in this way.
As computers become more fully integrated into our lives, the
issue of computer security
becomes more important. This chapter has described ways in which
programs or people
can gain unauthorized access into computer systems.
Review Questions
1. What is a computer virus?
2. What is a computer worm?
3. What is the difference between a virus and a worm?
4' Soon after the Internet Worm was released, Andy Sudduth sent
out an email explaining
how to stop the worm. Why was this email of no help to the system
fighting the spread of the worm?
5. what are the two reasons why a fast-moving worm is usually more
dangerous than a
worm that replicates more slowlyl
6. In what way could slow-moving worm be more dangerous than a fast-mo'ing worm?
7' Name one virus launched by a computer science student. Name one worm
launched by
a computer science student.