Practical Management Study Programs
Practical Management Study Programs
Practical Management Study Programs
❖ Pisa: in general, they don’t. In principle, they can show up for the first time directly at
the exam. There are exceptions, usually related to compulsory attendance and
practical activities (e.g., laboratories). However, after Covid we implemented a (usually)
voluntary enrolment to courses via a dedicated web app, to keep track of the places
available in the classrooms, to be able to send messages about the courses and to let
the students access specific teaching material.
❖ Oslo: the online course registration, StudentWeb, opens early June for autumn and
early December for spring. Enrollment is mandatory if students want to sit for exams.
Access to courses is restricted to the number of seats in the classroom.
❖ Murcia: in general, the University doesn’t have a specific rule for that. Professors have
freedom to consider in the evaluation process the attendance of the student to the courses. In
some Bachelor Degree the attendance to the practical work is compulsory, and some
professors also take into consideration the attendance to the theoretical lessons. However, the
Ombudsman ensures that students who work, and thus cannot enroll to the courses, will be
able to follow the courses without barriers limiting the evaluation process.
APPRAIS — Oslo Training Week
Instances of practical management of study programs
❖ Pisa: at the end of the exam the professor inform the student of the score
and, if the student accepts, register the score using a web app. Only positive
scores are registered. Students must register to the exams but can withdraw at
any time up to when the score is registered.
❖ Oslo: Students register for exams at the same time as they enroll in the
courses, and they can withdraw from the exam until three weeks before the
exam date. Scores for exams are published no later than three weeks after
the exam, on the same online platform, StudentWeb, where students register
for courses.
❖ Murcia: The exam scores are registered on the virtual campus (the platform
for teaching and learning purposes, based on SAKAI technology). The scores,
both positive and negative, have to be published in the notice board of the
virtual campus, in one or two weeks after the exam, and there is a period for
making a complaint.
APPRAIS — Oslo Training Week
Instances of practical management of study programs
❖ Pisa: in most cases the students can try to pass an exam as many times as they
want/need, but once an exam is registered it cannot be repeated. Sometimes to try a
specific exam they must have previously passed other exams (prerequisites). The
students are not enrolled at a given year of the degree program.
❖ Oslo: Students can attempt an exam three (3) times if they fail or want to improve
grade. The students are not enrolled at a given year of the degree program, so they
can progress at their own pace. Less than 50% progression results in loss of student
❖ Murcia: With the official registration in an academic year the student can try to pass
the exam only two times of the three exam official calls (January/June/July). There
are not prerrequisites among the different courses, so they can try to pass the exam
when they are officially registered in a course.
APPRAIS — Oslo Training Week
Instances of practical management of study programs
❖ Pisa: if the degree program decides to recognise ECTS credits acquired elsewhere
(this is compulsory in case of Erasmus mobility; in other cases, it depends on the
content of the courses) then the credits are added to the student’ curriculum as they
stand, that is without changing the number of credits or the name of the activity.
❖ Oslo: Students can apply to have ECTS-credits obtained during exchange (Erasmus or
bilateral), OR ECTS-credits obtained before enrollment in a program at UiO,
recognized as part of their degree program. Recognition is done by the faculties
based on a review of documents and academic content. For exchanges during the
degree at UiO, some faculties pre-recognize the course plan before the students
enroll abroad.
❖ Murcia: In the mobility and Exchange programme the credits are directly recognised
between courses according to the contents and this information is included in the
leraning agreement and signed by the two parts. For those student that have moved
from other university, but are not involved in mobility programmes, credits are
recognised according to the content of the courses, extension or total credits and
compentences acquired by the students.
APPRAIS — Oslo Training Week
Instances of practical management of study programs
❖ Pisa: first of all, in 2002 we tried to convince the students in older systems to pass to
the Bologna system by recognizing practically every exam they already gave,
attributing credits according to the following rule: 1 semester course = 6 ECTS
credits. Almost all students accepted, but 20 years later we still have some students
in the older systems.
❖ Oslo: The Bologna process was implemented in 2003, so there are very few active
students who still have both systems in their degrees. For a number of years, both
the old and the new degree structure existed side by side, in order to ensure a
smooth transition for the students already in the system.
❖ Murcia: The Bologna process was implemented in 2009-2010, so there are very few
student from the older system that apply to change to the Bologna process, only
those that did not finish their old programme studies. We try to recognise, as much
as possible, taking into consideration the theoretical and practical contents and total
hours of the old courses that they approved.
APPRAIS — Oslo Training Week
Instances of practical management of study programs
❖ Pisa: The Academic Senate every year around March decides the compulsory
Christmas, Easter and summer vacations, and gives an indication on the start
and end of lectures in each semester for the next academic year. Then every
study program decides when effectively start and end their lectures, and what
are the periods devoted to the exams.
❖ Oslo: The director of the university decides the dates and deadlines for the
academic calendar about one year ahead of each semester, according to the
«Regulations governing studies and examinations at the University of Oslo», §
10-1 (1).
❖ Murcia: The Goverment Council decides the academic calendar including the
holydays and the exams periods. We have two semester with 15-16 weeks of
lectures. The faculties and each Bachelor program decides when effectively
start and end their lectures and exams, always within the dates of the
APPRAIS — Oslo Training Week
Instances of practical management of sudy programs