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Relearning to See

Improve Your Eyesight

Thomas R. Quackenbush
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"Iam very impressed with your book Relearning to See. Great! It is the best book
on the Bates method. I am going to recommend it to all my patients."
—Edward C. Kondrot, M.D., Ophthalmologist
"Congratulations for your excellent work. One more step towards the truth in nat-
ural vision improvement."
—Deborah Banker, M.D., Ophthalmologist
"The Bates method has been proved. It is scientific and successful."
—W. B. MacCracken, M.D., author of Use Your Own Eyes

"[After eliminating my presbyopic glasses] Dr. Bates' work has changed me from
an old man of forty-eight to a young man of fifty."

—E. F. Darling, M.D., Ophthalmologist, Bates method teacher

"I highly recommend Relearning to See. It is the most comprehensive book ever
written on the Bates method. If you want a simple and practical self-help book on
improving your eyesight, this is the book to buy."
— Roe Gallo, author of Perfect Body, health and fitness consultant

"I have your excellent book [Relearning to See] in my office and it is very popu-
lar.. ..someone is always reading it."

—Dr. Stan Appelbaum, Optometrist

"Relearning to See most comprehensive and complete work that I have had
is the
the privilege of reading on the subject of eyesight and its defects, and how they may
be overcome. I would like to thank you personally for all the effort that you have
put into making this knowledge available, and I perceive it to be a great work of love
and compassion towards all mankind."
—Dr. John L. Fielder, DC, D.O., N.D., Academy of Natural Living

"After several years of peering at my computer screen, my close-range vision had

deteriorated recently to the point where I could barely focus on anything within 12
inches of my nose, and I could not read small print without a magnifying glass. Two
weeks ago I got a copy of Relearning to See because I will be selling it. The book is

not about eye exercises; it is about relearning to relax the eyes. This morning I noticed
that my eyesight is almost completely back to normal."
—Dave Klein, editor, Living Nutrition Magazine
'Relearning to See is a very impressive text!. ..Outstrips all its predecessors.... Most

complete text that we've ever seen on natural vision improvement. For anyone seek-
ing to improve their eyesight without drugs, surgery or prescription lenses... Relearn-
ing to See is a 'must have."'
— Rosemary Jones, Healing Pages Bookstore, book reviewer for America Online
"I ordered your book [Relearning to See] and have been doing the eyesight

habits....And now I can see without my glasses! My prescription was -4.00 and -4.50....I
had to call you and tell you this! Thank you!"
—Debbie S., Reiki practitioner, New York

"Your wonderful book, Relearning to See, could actually be called Relearning to

—Pamela, California
"I'm really enjoying and appreciating your book Relearning to See. It's been an
excellent resource and the most researched, organized, detailed, and informative
work I've seen on vision improvement/'
—Dan, New Mexico
"'Your book is incredible, and certainly contains everything you need to know."
—Michael G, San Francisco
"Tom's holistic approach is a revelation. His 'new age' attitude is perfectly compli-
mented by his breadth and understanding of scientific fact."

—Stuart Diamond, Feldenkrais Method practitioner

"I have your book and it helped me incredibly."
—Todd D., D.C., California

"I am reading Relearning to See and finding it immensely helpful."

—Mike F, Washington

Continued on the last pages in the back of the book

Relearning to See
Improve Your Eyesight —Naturally!

Thomas R. Quackenbush

North Atlantic Books

© Berkeley, California
Also by Tom Quackenbush: Relearning to See

Copyright © 1997, 1999 by Thomas R. Quackenbush.

Better Eyesight:
No portion of this book, except for brief review, may
The Complete Magazines of William H. Bates
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans-
mitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the written permission of the publisher. For
information contact North Atlantic Books.
This book is solely educational and informational in

nature. The reader of this book agrees that the reader, Published by

author, and publisher have not formed a professional, North Atlantic Books
or any other, relationship. The reader assumes full P.O. Box 12327
responsibility for any changes or lack of changes expe- Berkeley, California 94712

rienced due to the reading of this book. The reader Cover photo licensed from PhotoDisc
also assumes full responsibility for choosing to do Cover and book design by Catherine Campaigne
any of the activities mentioned in this book. The

author and publisher are not liable for any use or Printed in Canada
misuse of the information contained herein. Relearning to See is sponsored by the Society for the
The educational information in this book is not
Study of Native Arts and Sciences, a nonprofit edu-
intended for diagnosis, prescription, determination
cational corporation whose goals are to develop an
of function, or treatment of any eye conditions or dis-
educational and crosscultural perspective linking var-
eases or any health disorder whatsoever. Readers
ious scientific, social, and artistic fields; to nurture a
and students of the Bates method are advised to have
holistic view of arts, sciences, humanities, and heal-
an eye doctor monitor their eyesight. The information
ing; and to publish and distribute literature on the
in this book should not be used as a replacement for
relationship of mind, body, and nature.
proper medical or optometric care.
Any person with disease, pathologies, or acci-
dents of the eyes should be under the care of an eye
ISBN 978- 1-55643 -341 -2
doctor, and consult with the eye doctor before doing
any activity in this book.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Quackenbush, Thomas R. 1952-

Relearning to see /Thomas R. Quackenbush.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-55643-341-7
1. Orthoptics. 2. Eye —Care and hygiene.
I. Title.

RE992.07Q33 1997
817.7 —dc2i 96-54600

5678 9 10 II 12 TRANS 12 II 10 09 08 07
The following individuals and organizations kindly "Evolution," from Nevin Berger (Eli) of
granted permission to use their works in this book: Laughing Trout, Albany, CA.
Quotes from the "General Chuck Yeager
• "Vision," from the artist Gail E. Hargrove,
Air Combat" manual ©1993 from
Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., Ventura, CA.
Electronic Arts, Mountain View, CA.
• "ScientificAssumptions of the Empirical
"Dancer" from Terry Schmidbauer Illustra-
and Rational Schools of Health and Heal-
tion, Lake Zurich, IL.
ing" from "The Health Care Contract: A
"Georgia's View of Health" from Georgia
Model For Sharing Responsibility" from
Jerry Green, Mill Valley, CA.
Artwork "Relaxation," "Movement," "The
• "Spectral Power Distribution Curves" from
Three B's," "A Buoy," and "The Three See-
GE Lighting, a division of General Electric ing Mice" from Annie Buttons.
Company, Cleveland, OH.
"Suzie Q's Red Eyes" from Suzie, Bill, and
• Quotations from The New Species from
Laura Quackenbush.
Cherie Carter-Scott of The MMS Institute, Images from Life ART Super Anatomy 1-4,
Santa Barbara, CA.
and Imaging 1, ©1991-95, from TechPool
• Quotations from Inside Mac Games from
Studios Inc., Cleveland, OH.
Tuncer Deniz, Glenview, IL.
Image of "Ott-Lite" from Environmental
• The author's [TQ] photographs of model
Lighting Concepts, Inc., Tampa, FL.
Lynn Kahn beginning with the "The Sway"
Images from Photo Pro™, Vol. 1-3, from
from Lynn Kahn.
Wayzata Technologies, Inc., Grand Rapids,
• "BodyShots"™ Business Images ©1994
from Digital Wisdom Inc.,Tappahannock,
Images from "©1994 PhotoLab®" from Cre-
ative Data, Inc., Scottsdale, AZ.
• The author's [TQ] photographs of M.S.
Images from PhotoDisc ©1994, Seattle, WA.
Dixie II boat from Travel Systems, Zephyr
Images from "Art Explosion 40,000 Images"
Cove, NV.
from Nova Development Corp., Calabasas,
• Text and images from Perfect Sight Without
Glasses,©1920 by William H. Bates, from
"Cosmosis" Art Stone images from Jim
Henry Holt and Company, Inc., New York.
• "Out of the Night" poem from Adam
Images from "PowerPhotos™, Series I"
from Metatools™, Inc., Carpinteria, CA.
• Graph from The Science of Homeopathy
Images from "Color Digital Photos, Para-
from Grove Press, Inc., New York.
mount" from Seattle Support Group, Kent,
• "Chart to Iridology" from Bernard Jensen,
D.C., Ph.D., Escondido, CA.
Images from "MediaClips™," ©Aris Multi-
• "Health Returns in Cycles" from Share
media Entertainment, Inc. 1994, Marina del
International, Inc., Fort Worth, TX.
Rey, CA.
• "ClickArt" images from T/Maker® Co.,
Mountain View, CA.

William H. Bates, M.D.


This book is dedicated to

ophthalmologist Dr. William H.
Bates, M.D., who discovered the
principles and habits of natural,
clear vision.

I gratefully acknowledge my teachers Janet

Goodrich, Ph.D., and the late Anna Kaye,
who have gifted me with the knowledge and
joy of the Bates method of natural vision
acknowledge all of the wonderful stu-

dents I have taught since 1983. They have

enriched my life and work immeasurably, and

have also been my teachers.
I wish to express appreciation to Kathy
Glass for her monumental editing work and
outstanding suggestions for making this a bet-
ter book.
I also acknowledge Catherine Campaigne
for her expert designing advice and patience,
and the staff at North Atlantic Books for
guiding this author through a maze of vari-
ables in order to successfully complete this
Thanks especially to my parents for all

their support of my work.

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations xx Vitreous Humor and Chamber

The External Parts of the Eye
List of Plates Will
The Optic Nerve
Introduction xxv The Eyelids and Tear Glands
The Six External Muscles
PART ONE: Fundamentals 1
Understanding Lenses
1. Relearning to See 3 and Prescriptions 11

2. Anatomy 5 Four Types of Refractive Lenses

The Eye Orbit 5
Understanding Lenses: Diopter,
Axis, and Base 13
The Eyeball 5
Diopters 13
The Three Layers of the Eye 6
Diopters and Diverging Lenses 13
The Outer Layer: Sclera
Diopters and Converging Lenses 14
and Cornea 6
Diopters and Cylindrical Lenses 14
The Sclera 6
Bases and Prism Lenses 15
The Cornea 6
Visual Acuity and Eye Charts 16
The Middle Layer: Choroid,
Distance "20/20" Vision 16
Ciliary Body, Lens, and Iris 6
The Choroid 6
What do the xx/yy Top and Bottom
The Ciliary Body 6
Numbers Refer To? 17
Driving Requirements 18
The Lens 7
Bates and the Snellen Eye Chart 18
The Iris 7
The Inner Layer: The Retina 8
Near "20/20" Vision 19

The Visual Portion of the Retina 8

Over-Correction: A Strain; Under-
Correction: A Relief 19
The Non- Visual Portion
of the Retina 8 Understanding Prescriptions 19

The Fluids and Chambers of the Eye 8 Prescriptions for Nearsightedness 20

Diopters and 20/xx Distance
Aqueous Humor, and the Anterior
and Posterior Chambers 8
Numbers: ALoose Correlation 21

Prescriptions for Astigmatism 21

Relearning to See • ix

Prescriptions for Strabismus A Scientific American Report on the
(Crossed Eye, Wall Eye, etc.) 22 Bates Method 48
Prescriptions for Farsightedness 22 Functional Problems —Errors of
Mixed Prescriptions 23 Refraction and Strabismus 49
Inadequate Prescriptions 23 Errors of Refraction 49
4. The Problem with Glasses Strabismus, an Error
and Contact Lenses 25 of Convergence 49
Accommodation Explained Further 50
Glasses and Contact Lenses:
Artificial Solutions to Blur 25
The Helmholtz Lens Theory
of Accommodation 50
Bates: "What Glasses Do To Us" 25
Bates Questions the Accepted
"Why Glasses are Harmful for
Theory of Accommodation 51
Children and Young People" and
Everyone Else 30 The "Grand Objection" 53
Farsighted Glasses for Nearsights? 31 How is the Helmholtz Lens Theory
The Monovision Solution 31 Regarded Today? 56
Nearsighted Glasses Can Double Could Presbyopia Be Caused by
Peripheral Objects 31 a Strained or Atrophied
Farsighted Glasses Can Lose Ciliary Muscle? 57
Some Objects 31 Presbyopia, an Age-Old
Bifocals and "Bifocal Neck" 31 "Old-Age" Myth 57
Trifocals, Quadrafocals, even
Physician, Heal Thyself 61
Dozenfocals! 32 More Problems with the
Problems with Contact Lenses 32 Conventional Presbyopia
A Visual Biofeedback — In Theory 63
the Wrong Direction 33 "Why Do So Many People Lose
5. Reduced Prescriptions 35 Near Vision around
Age Forty?" 63
Working With a Supportive
Eye Doctor 35
7. Accommodation and Errors of
The Importance of Reduced —
Refraction Bates' View 65
Prescriptions 36 Bates' Research on the Role
Driving and Work Glasses 36 of the Six Extrinsic Eye Muscles 65
Two Pairs of Reduced Glasses? 36 Bates: "The Truth About Accom-
"5&10" or Eye Doctor Prescriptions? 37 modation as Demonstrated by
Experiments on Animals" 65
Can Vision Improve While Wearing
Bates: "The Truth About Accommo-
Contacts? 37 dation as Demonstrated by
Building Vision Confidence 38 a Study of Images Reflected
PART TWO: Accommodation and from the Lens, Cornea, Iris,
Errors of Refraction 39 and Sclera" 69
Bates: The Lens Does Not Change
6. Accommodation and Errors of Its Curvature During

Refraction The Orthodox View 41 Accommodation 72
Bates' "Introductory" 41 Bates:"The Truth About Accommo-
Bates and Simultaneous Retinoscopy 47 dation as Demonstrated by
Clinical Observations" 73

X • Relearning to See
— ——

Table of Contents

Bates: "The Variability of the Experiencing Oppositional

Refraction of the Eye" 76 Movement of Stationary
Bates: "The Cause and Reversibility Objects 116
of Errors of Refraction" 78 The Variable Swing — Simple
How Long Does It Take? 84 Oppositional Movement 117
What are the Functions of the Lens Object Shifting 117
and Ciliary Muscle? 86 Oppositional Movement
The Ciliary Muscle Pumps The Pencil 118

Aqueous Humor 86 The Sway 118

A Brightness/Darkness The Long (or Elephant) Swing 121

Lens Theory 86 Become a Sharpshooter with

More on Nearsightedness (Myopia) 87 Oppositional Movement! 123

Nearsightedness is Not Hereditary 87 The Infinity °° (or Figure-8)

Bates Explains Nearsightedness 90

Swing 125

Artificial Corneal Refraction Double Oppositional Movement 128

Procedures: Radial Keratotomy Oppositional Movement

(RK) Surgery, and Depth Perception 128
Ortho-Keratology, etc. 90 The Near- To-Far/Far-To-Near Swing 129
Improvement of Nearsightedness 91 Motion Sickness and Dizziness?
More on Farsightedness Move! 130
(Hypermetropia) 91 Movement —The Physical
is Not Hereditary
Farsightedness 94 Connections 131
Improvement of Farsightedness 94 The Vestibulo-Ocular Connection 132
Astigmatism 95 Non-Movement Creates Tension 132

8. Accommodation and Errors Light Receptors Need Change 132

of Refraction —Summary 99
Many Types of Natural
Eye Movements 134
Bates: Nearsightedness =
Posture: The Eyesight
Farsightedness = Astigmatism =
Con-neck-tion 134
No Accommodation 99 Telephones and Posture 135
"Man Is Not a Reasoning Being" 100 Chairs 136
Accepting a New Idea 102 Posture during Sleep 136
The Physical Follows Movement —The Mental/
the Imagination 102 Emotional Connections 137

PART THREE: The Three Principles

The Problem is Staring 139

of Natural Vision 105

Why Do People Stare? 139
The Staring Trap 140
9. The First Principle —Movement 107 You Get What You Think 140
Movement 107 Staring While Moving 140

Bates on Movement
Non-Movement 141
PeripheralRods for Movement 141
The Problem of Rigidity 112
Other Notes on Movement
Oppositional Movement
and Staring 141
A Visual Massage
Movement and Oppositional
Staring — and Blurred Vision
is Epidemic 141
Movement are Fun! 115

Relearning to See • xi

An 84- Year-Old Child 142 The Color Centralizing Game 164
The Solution is Movement 142 The Counting Centralizing Game 164

10. The Second Principle — Centralization Patterns

But It Is Not Clear Everywhere I

Centralization 145
Centralize —Yet! 164
Centralization 145 It is Easier with Practice 166
Centralization —The Searchlight 146 Limits To Vision? 166
The Peripheral is "Not Clear" 146 Trusting Peripheral Vision While

Centralization The Physical Centralizing 167
Connection 147
The Center Correctly Disappears(!)
The Staring Connection 147 in True Nighttime Vision 169
The Larger Problem 147 Final Notes on Centralization 169

Not Obvious 148
11. The Third Principle — Relaxation 171

Centralization — Elusive Relaxation 171

in the Beginning 148 Bates on Relaxation 172

Interfering with Normal More on Relaxation 175

Centralization 149 The Problem is Abnormal Strain 175
Resistance to Relearning Relaxation —The Hearing
Centralization 150 Connection 178
Centralization Goes with Movement; The Solution is Relaxation 178
Diffusion Goes with Rigidity 151 Movement = Centralization =
Centralization without Movement: Relaxation = Clarity 179
Movement without Centralization
PART FOUR: The Three Habits
of Natural Vision 181
Centralization Without Movement
is Incorrect 151 12. The First Habit — Sketching
Movement Without Centralization (Shifting) 183
is Incorrect 152 Bates on Shifting 183
Centralization vs. Diffusion
The Nose-Helpers 184
The Emotional Connection 152
Sketching with the Nose-Pencil
Centralization —The Mental Vision Functions by Edges
Connection 153
Move the Head, Not Just the Eyes 185
Centralization = Relaxed
The Picture is Inside. Not Outside 185
Concentration 154 Artificial Improvement
Centralization —The Social is Not Sufficient 186
Connection 156 Shifting vs. Sketching 186
Centralization —The Hearing Variations on Nose-Pencil Sketching 186
Connection 156 The Nose-Feather 186
Centralization —The Universal The Nose-Paintbrush 186
Connection 157 The Nose-Crayon 187
Centralizing —The Two Pencils 159 The Nose-Laser Beam, the
Centralizing —The Pebble Game 160 "High-Tech" Nose-Helper 187

XU • Relearning to See
! —

Table of Contents

Yes, You Can Imagine, Or Pretend! 187 Artificial Tears — Helpful

Nose-Helper Not Essential; or Harmful? 204
Movement and Irritant vs. Emotional Tears 204
Centralization Are 187 Bates on Blinking 204
Sketching (Shifting) is Not The Frequency and Duration
an Exercise; It is a Habit! 187 of Natural Blinking 208
But ItDoesn't Feel Natural Notes on Blinking 208
(At First) 188 TV and Movies — Blinking Allowed 210
The Mind Is Primary 188 A Butterfly Blinking Story 210
More What We Are Unlearning Squinting— A Harmful Habit 211
Than Learning 188 Why Squinting Creates an
13. The Second Habit — Breathing 191 Artificial, Sharper Image
The Pinhole Effect 211
Anatomy of Breathing 191
The Pinhole Camera 213
Natural.Abdominal Breathing 191 "But I Do Not See Clearly,
Abdominal Breathing 191 or More Clearly" 213
Breathing through the Nose 193 More on the Harm of Squinting 213
Shallow/Chest Breathing 193 Blinking—The Social Connection 214
Experience Abdominal Breathing 194 Blinking—The Emotional
The Emotional Connection 196 Connection 214
Breathing and Staring 196 Blinking and Flashes 214
Breathing and Posture 197 Final Notes on Blinking 214
Smoking is Out 197 15. Sketch, Breathe, and Blink
Exercise, Yoga, and Breathing 197 Summary 217
The Movement Connection 197 Bringing the Three Vision Habits
The Centralization-Relaxation Together 217
Connection 198 "In the Beginning..." 217
Bates on Breathing 198 The Eyes are Listening 218
Yawning 199 It is So Simple, But... 218
More on Breathing 200 Plateaus are a Time to Coast 218
Natural Breathing is Relaxing 200 Keeping the Perspective 218

14. The Third Habit — Blinking 201 "Positivity" Essential for Success 219

Anatomy and Physiology 201 Failures 219

The Eyelid Muscles and Blinking 201 Motivation 220

Ptosis, A Drooping of the Eyelid 202 Bates Summarizes the Key Habits
Secretion Portion of the Lacrimal and Principles of Normal Sight 221
(Tear) System 202
PART FTVE: Light, the Retina, and
The Conjunctiva 202
Stereoscopic Vision 223
The Irrigation System 203
The Drainage Portion of the 16. Light 225
Lacrimal System 203
The Eyes are Organs of Light 225
A Third Eyelid? 203
Sunlight 225
Dry Eye Syndrome 203

Relearning to See • XU1

— —

Sunlight, a Primary Source Mid-UV Causes Cataracts? 241
of Energy 225 Bates on UV 242
Sunlight, theAtmosphere, Sunglasses —
Learning to Live in
and the Earth 226 Darkness 242
The Visible Spectrum = Colors! 226 The Harmful Consequences
Sunlight, an Essential Nutrient 226 of Wearing Sunglasses 242
Light for Sight and Health 227 Addicted to Darkness 243
The Melatonin Controversy 228 Final Notes on Light 244
Syntonics —
Healing with Light 229 Books, Articles, and Resources 244
Sunning with Closed Eyelids 229 Practical Suggestions 244
Closed-Eyelid Sunning 230
The Sunning Sandwich 17. The Retina 247
Strobing (or Flashing) While Ten Retinal Layers 247
Sunning 231 Two Blood Supplies 248
Bates on Light 231 The Central, Retinal Blood Vessels 248
Artificial Lighting 231 The Choroidal Blood Vessels 249
Natural, "Full-Spectrum" Sunlight 232 In the Beginning, There Were
The CCTs and CRIs of Light 232 Rods... 249
The Quest for Artificial, One Type of Rod 249
Full-Spectrum Lighting 233 Rods are Very Sensitive
"Regular," Incandescent, Tungsten In Darkness 250
Lightbulbs 233 Rod Night Adaptation 250
"Quartz" Halogen Lightbulbs 235 Excellent Night Vision 251
High-Intensity Discharge (HID) From Brightness to Darkness,
Lights 236 and Back 251
"Compact" Fluorescent (CF) Rods — Our "Movement
Lights 236 Detectors" 252
Fluorescent Lights 237 And Then There Were Cones
. . . 252
Fluorescent Tube Types 237 Three Types of Cones 252
Advanced Full-Spectrum
Fluorescent Tubes
Tri-Chromatic Vision — Our
238 Natural RGB Monitor 253
"Diffusion is Still Confusion" 238 Cones Need Medium-Bright
Fluorescent Hardware
Intensity 253
Considerations 238 Most Colorblind People
Ballasts for Fluorescent Lights 238 See Colors 253
"Investigate Before You Invest"
X-rays, and Other Radiation
239 A Difference Between Day
239 and Night 254
Light "Jet-Lag" 240
Different Density Distributions 254
Daytime Full-Spectrum Light
Cone Density Distribution 255
All Day and All Night? 240
Maximum Cone Density
More on Ultraviolet 240 at the Fovea Centralis 255
Three Types of UV Light 240 Minimal Cone Density
Natural and Essential Mid- and in the Periphery 256
Near-UV Light 241 Experience Cone Density
Sunlight and Nutrition 241 Distribution 256

XIV • Relearning to See

Table of Contents

Rod Density Distribution 257 The Vision Halo 286

Maximum Rod Density Creating a Vision Halo 286
in the Periphery 257 Aligning the Vision Halo 286
Zero Central Rods 257 Learning about Vision Habits
Experience Rod Density with the Vision Halo 286
Distribution 258 Vision Halo for People with Sight
Different Networking 258 in Only One Eye 288
Putting It All Together 259 Amblyopia— A "Switched Off"
The Blind Spot —No Cones or Rods 260 Image 288

The Birds' and the Bees' Vision 261

Fusion Amblyopia
vs. 288
Variations on Amblyopia 289
Nictitans, the Third Eyelid 261
"Lazy Eye" or "Tense Eye"? 289
Birds 262
Strabismic Amblyopia 290
Daytime Birds 262
Refractive Amblyopia 290
Nighttime Birds 262
Other Types of Amblyopia 290
Other Animals 263
Activities for Amblyopia 290
Other Daytime Animals 263
Other Nighttime Animals 264 Fusion 2: The Bead Game 292
The Tapetum Doubling — The Bead Game: Convergence 292
Sensitivity 264 Aligning the String
Ultraviolet and Infrared Vision 265 for the Bead Game 292
Chapter Summary 265 Normal Convergence
with the Bead Game 293
18. Stereoscopic Vision 267
Strabismus 294
Binocular Vision 267 Strabismus and the Bead Game 294
Horizontal Fields 267 Common Types of Strabismus 295
Full Visual Fields 267 Esophoria 295
The Fused Finger 268 Exophoria 295
Binocular Vision Hyperphoria 296
for Depth Perception 268 Hypophoria 296
Judging Relative Distances 269 Infinite Possibilities 297
A Topsy-Turvy World 270 Activities for Strabismus 297
3-D Vision, More Than Just
Phoria (Directional) Swings 297
Stereoscopic Vision 270 Phoria Swing for Esophoria 297
The Stereoscopic Pictures Fad 272 Phoria Swing for Exophoria 298
Bates on Strabismus (Squint) Phoria Swing for Hyperphoria 298
and Amblyopia 272 Phoria Swing for Hypophoria 299
The Story of Esther 276 Phoria Swings for Other Types
"Then, One Day I Broke My of Strabismus 299
Glasses" 277 Straining Not the Solution
is 299
The Mechanical Solution to Improvements with Strabismus 299
Strabismus —Prisms 278
Final Chapter Notes 299
Bates on Strabismus, Continued 279
Fusion 1 280 PART SEX: Brains, Health,
Fusion and Double Images and Healing 301

Explained Further 283 19. Brains and Vision 303

Centralization and Fusion 284

Relearning to See • XV
— —

Right to the Basics 304 Left-Brain Concepts 318
Brain Characteristics 304 Right-Brain Relaxation 318
How the Brains Process the Left-Brain Centralization 318
Pictures We See 304 Both Brains Connected by
A Very Left-Brain Oriented Society 305 Movement 318

Eighty Percent Right-Handed

Two Perspectives on Opposition
A Clue to an Imbalanced Movement 319

Relaxation = Centralization =
Bias Favoring Right-Handed
Movement 319
(Left-Brain Dominant) The Cross-Crawl 319
Habits. Not Exercises 320
Individuals 309
Bias Against (Right-Brain Other Aspects of Natural Vision
Dominant) "Lefties" 309 Improvement 322
Too Much Left-Brain Emphasis = Forgetting About Your Eyes
Distress 309 Naturally 322
"Slow Down, You Move Too The Qualities of Natural Vision 322
Fast..." 310 Vision Dreams 323
Re-Activating the Right Brain 311 Right-Brain/Emotional
Dyslexia —Too Much Left-Brain Connection 323
Stress for the Right Brain 311 Vision and Memory 323
The Bates Method Explained Right-Brain Subjectivity
by the Right-Brain/Left-Brain and Beliefs 323
Model 312 Attitudes and Language 324
The Machines of Seeing 313
"It Makes Sense" 324
What's It All About, William? 313 20. The Two Sides of Health
Normal Vision 313 and Healing 327
Normal Distance Vision 313
The Empirical and Rational Schools
Normal Near Vision 313
of Health and Healing 328
Abnormal Vision 314
The Shift to Rational Medicine 328
Left-Brain Nearsights 314
"Why Haven't I Heard
Right-Brain Farsights 315
of the Bates Method Before?"328
Hemispheric, Not Genetic,
What's Going On? 331
Predisposition 315
Younger Left-Brain Nearsights. Symptoms —Messages of Imbalance 331

Older Right-Brain Farsights 316 Our Legally Drugged Society 331

Many Younger Nearsights 316 Surgeries 'R Us 332
Many Older Farsights 316 The Consequences —From

Astigmatism An Ambiguity the Physical to the
of Brain Dominance? 317 Emotional Plane 333
A Funny Thing Happened An Issue of Awareness and
On My Way to My Other
Self-Responsibility 334
The Principles of Natural Vision
Symptoms —How to Answer
the Messages 334
Explained by Right-Brain/
Two Parts to Natural Healing 335

XVI • Releaming to See

— — ——

Table of Contents

Removing the Causes 335 The Fine Print 369

Accelerating Healing 336 "But I Feel Like I Am Straining
Homeopathy 336 When I Read Small Print" 369
Acupuncture 337 A Temporary Lowering of
Herbs 337 Comprehension 369
Iridology 337 Lighting and Reading 369
Massage Therapy/Bodywork 338 Near Print for Farsights; Far Print
Color Healing 338 for Nearsights 371
Other Healing Modalities 339 The White Glow! 372
Messages of Progress
More by Bates on Reading 373
Aggravations and Reversals 339
Healing Aggravations 339 23. Children and Schools 375

Reversals A Clue to A Child's Natural Eyesight
True Healing 342 A Precious Gift 375
"Health Returns in Cycles" 343 The Prevention of Myopia
Holistic Education and Practitioners 344 in School Children 376
Chapter Comments 345 Perfect Sight Without Glasses —
21. Palming and Acupressure 349 School Children 377
Palming Spontaneous vs. Voluntary
Attention 386
How to Palm 349
What To Do While Palming 351
"Definite, Irrefutable Proof 388
Positive Affirmations 351 Better Eyesight Magazines
Bates on Palming 352 School Children 390
Do Not Try to See Black 352 "Great Imitators" 394
More on Palming by Bates 353 Natural Speech Improvement 396
The Palming/Sunning Sandwich 354 Children's Vision Stories 396
Variations on Palming 354 Chapter Comments 398
Acupressure 356
24. Computers, TVs, and
PART SEVEN: Reading, Children, Movie Theaters 401
Schools, and More 357
Computers 401
22. Reading —For All Ages 359 Computers and Natural Vision
Interferences to Clear Reading Habits 401
A Locked Neck Computer Posture 402
Diffused Speed Reading
Annoying Monitor Flicker 403
Posture and Reading 360
CRT Computer Monitor
Radiation Concerns 403
Reading Naturally 360
Radiation 101 403
How to Read Naturally 360
Swedish MPR-II and TCO
Oppositional Words 362
Low-Emission Standards 404
Children Read Naturally
Radiation Solutions 404
Until... 362
On the Horizon 405
Bates on Reading 362 Radiation, Poor Vision Habits.
Bates: "The Menace or Both? 405
of Large Print" 362

Releaming to See • XV11

Glare 405 Risks Not Avoided by Refractive
Smaller, Not Larger, Print is the Corneal Surgeries and Ortho-
Solution 4°6 Keratology 427
Other Computer Tips 406 Serious Vision Problems 428
Television 4°6 Cataracts 428
Movie Theaters 407 Glaucoma 429
Chapter Comments 407 Detached Retina 430
Conical Cornea (Keratoconus) 431
25. Commuting and Recreation 409 Opacity of the Cornea 431
Driving 409 Other Natural Improvements 431
Natural Vision Habits = Three Case Histories 432
Safer Driving 409 Told to Learn Braille 432
Enjoyable and Relaxing Aldous Huxley's Improvement 432
Commuting 409 Betsy's Testimonial 432
Relearning Centralization and
Chapter Comments 433
Movement While Driving 409
Reading While Commuting 411 28. Just For Fun! 435
Driver's Education = Bates
29. "This Method Has Been Proved" 441
Method! 411
"Motion Sickness" While Driving 412
"It is Scientific and Successful" 441

Tips for Passing the Three M.D. Testimonials 442

Drivers Vision Test 412 Dr. Woodward's Testimonial 442
Student Case Histories 413 Ophthalmologist Darling's
M. P. 413 Testimonial 443
S.C 413 Ophthalmologist M. H. Stuart,
T. L. 413 —
M.D. Improvement
W C. 413 and Teaching 445
B.D. 413 More Proof 445
Flying 414 (Almost) 100 Messages from
Swimming and Boating 416 Natural Vision Students 446
Sports 416 Hundreds of Case Histories Now
Games in Literature 457
Chapter Comments 417 "Out of the Night" —A Vision Poem 457
26. Nutrition 419 30. Questions and Answers 459
The Nutrition Connection 419 How Can I Find a Natural Vision
The Vitamin A Connection Teacher? 459
General Nutrition Principles 420
How Can I Obtain Information
about Becoming a Certified
"Oh. I Don't Eat Much" 422
Natural Vision Teacher? 459
The Final Key to Nutrition 422
What are the Little Specks I See
Chapter Comments 422 Floating in Front of My Eyes
27. Serious Vision Problems 425 Sometimes? 459
The Risks of Blurred Vision 425
Is the Bates Method a Form
of Mind Control or Hypnosis? 460

XVUl • Relearning to See

Table of Contents

I Find There Are Some Parallels Appendix C: Biographical Sketch

Between the Bates Method and of William H. Bates, M.D. 477
Spiritual/Metaphysical Concepts
Why Do You Not Mention or
Appendix D: Light Comparison Table 479
Teach These Concepts in Your Appendix E: Becoming a Natural
Classes? 461 Vision Teacher 483
31. Summary 463 Appendix F: Eye Charts 485
One Final "Natural" Vision
Distance Eye Chart 485
Improvement Story 465
Near Eye Chart 493
Appendix A: Bibliography 467
Appendix G: Additional Vision
Vision 467 Stories 497
Other Recommended Reading 470
Bates' "Fairy Stories" 497
Appendix B: Resources 475 The Fairy School 500
Holistic Health 475 The Sand Man 50i
Lighting 476 Pansy Land 503
Cosmosis 476 Index 507

Releaming to See • xix

List of Illustrations

William H. Bates, M.D. (1860-1931) vi Figure 6-2: The Eye as a Camera 46

Figure 2-1: The Skull 5 Figure 6-3: Diagram of the Images

of Purkinje 52
Figure 2-2: The Eye Orbit 5
Figure 6-4: Diagram by which
Figure 3-1: Four Types of Refractive
Helmholtz Illustrated His Theory
Lenses 12
of Accommodation 52
Figure 3-2: Images Distorted by
Figure 6-5: Expected Conclusion and
Astigmatism 15
Conclusion from Helmholtz's
Figure 3-3: Astigmatism Chart 15 Research 53

Figure 3-4: Snellen Eye Chart 16 Figure 6-6: Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand
von Helmholtz 53
Figure 3-5: The 20/20 "E" for Distance 16
Figure 7-1: Demonstration Upon the
Figure 3-6: Table for Distance
Eye of a Rabbit that the Inferior
Eye Chart 17
Oblique Muscle is an Essential Factor
Figure 3-7: Table for Near Eye Chart 19 in Accommodation* 68

Figure 3-8: Theoretical Sample Single Figure 7-2: Demonstration Upon the
Lense Prescription for Nearsighted- Eye of a Carp that the Superior
ness, Astigmatism, and Crossed Eye 20 Oblique Muscle is Essential to
Accommodation 68
Figure 3-9: Theoretical Sample Bifocal
Prescription for Farsightedness and Figure 7-3: Demonstration Upon the
Astigmatism 22 Eye of a Rabbit that the Production
of Refractive Errors is Dependent
Figure 6-1: Diagram of the
Upon the Action of the External
Hypermetropic, Emmetropic, and
Muscles.* 68
Myopic Eyeballs 43
* Graphic not shown.

XX • Relearning to See

List of Illustrations

Figure 7-4: Demonstration Upon the of Refraction by the Methods

Eye of a Fish that the Production of Presented in this Book 86
Myopic and Hypermetropic
Figure 7-17: The Production of
Refraction is Dependent Upon the
Nearsightedness 89
Action of the Extrinsic Muscles* 69
Figure 7-18: The Production of
Figure 7-5: Rabbit with Lense
Farsightedness 92
Removed* 69
Figure 7-19: The Production of
Figure 7-6: Image of Electric Filament
Astigmatism 94
on the Front of the Lens 71
Figure 7-20: Production of Mixed
Figure 7-7: Image of Electric Filament
Astigmatism in the Eye of a Carp 96
on the Front of the Sclera 71
Figure 9-1: "Movement" 107
Figure 7-8: Image on the Side of the
Sclera 74 Figure 9-2: The Sway 119

Figure 7-9: Straining to See at the Figure 9-3: The Long (Elephant) Swing 121

Near Point Produces Hypermetropia 81

Figure 9-4: Movement During Target
Figure 7-10: Myopia Produced by Uncon- Practice 124
scious Strain to See at the Distance is
Figure 9-5: The Infinity Swing 126
Increased by Conscious Strain 81

Figure 9-6: Oppositional Movement

Figure 7-11: Immediate Production of
and Depth Perception 128
Myopia and Myopic Astigmatism in
Eyes Previously Normal by Strain to Figure 9-7: The Vestibulo-Ocular
See at the Distance 82 Connection 132

Figure 7-12: Myopic Astigmatism Comes Figure 9-8: The Eyesight

and Goes as the Subject Looks at Con-neck-tion 135
Distant Objects with or without
Figure 9-9: Head Tilt 135
Strain 82
Figure 9-10: Use a Headset 136
Figure 7-13: Subject Who Had the Lens
of the Right Eye Removed for Figure 9-11: Don't Lock Your Neck. .
Cataract Produces Changes in the
Figure 10-1: The Fovea Centralis 147
Refraction of this Eye by Strain 83
Figure 10-2: The Pointer 156
Figure 7-14: A Family Group Strikingly
Illustrating the Effect of the Mind Figure 10-3: Strategic Centralization 158
Upon the Vision 84
Figure 10-4: The Pebble Game 161

Figure 7-15: Myopes Who Never Went

Figure 10-5: Centralization Patterns 165
to School, or Read in the Subway 85
Figure 10-6: Concentric Circles 168
Figure 7-16: One of Many Thousands
of People Who Eliminated Errors Figure 10-7: Get the "Point" of
Centralizing? 169
* Graphic not shown.

Relearning to See • XXI

Figure 11-1: "Relaxation" 171 Figure 19-1: Left and Right Brains 304

Figure 11-2: Stress 177 Figure 19-2: Corpus Callosum 304

Figure 11-3: "A Buoy" 178 Figure 19-3: Brain Characteristics 306-307

Figure 11-4: E=mc 2

179 Figure 19-4: Left Sides to the Right
Brain/Right Sides to the Left Brain 308
Figure 12-1: Sketching vs. Staring 183
Figure 19-5: "Vision" 308
Figure 13-1: The Respiratory System 192
Figure 19-6: The Cross-Crawl 3i9
Figure 13-2: Experience Abdominal
Breathing (1) 194 Figure 20-1: "Scientific Assumptions of
the Rational and Empirical Schools
Figure 13-3: Experience Abdominal
of Health and Healing" 328
Breathing (2) 195
Figure 20-2: "Chart to Iridology" 337
Figure 13-4: Yawning 199
Figure 20-3: "Georgia's View of
Figure 13-5: The Yawning Vase 200
Holistic Health" 340
Figure 14-1: No Squinting 211
Figure 20-4: "Homeopathic
Figure 14-2: No "Trick" Vision 213 Aggravation and Healing" 341

Figure 14-3: . . . and Blink, By George! 214 Figure 20-5: "Health Returns
in Cycles" 344
Figure 15-1: "The Three B's" (or "the
B-Attitudes") 217 Figure 21-1: Palming 350

Figure 15-2: "The Three Seeing Mice" 220 Figure 21-2: Acupressure Points 355
Figure 16-1: Sunning is Natural 229 Figure 22-1: Book Support 360

Figure 16-2: Sunning 230 Figure 22-2: Reading Naturally 361

Figure 16-3: Lighting 234 Figure 22-3: The Menace of Large

Print: 7 and 6 Point 370
Figure 18-1: Voluntary Production of
Strabismus 275 Figure 22-4: The Menace of Large
Print: 5 to 1.5 Point 371
Figure 18-2: Prism Correction 278
Figure 22-5: The White Glow! 372
Figure 18-3: Case of Divergent
Vertical Strabismus Eliminated by Figure 23-1: Face-Rest Designed by
Eye Education 279 Kallman, a German Optician 381

Figure 18-4: Near Finger Supplement 284 Figure 24-1: Computer Posture 402

Figure 18-5: Head Balancing 285 Figure 26-1: "See" Food 419

Figure 18-6: The Vision Halo 287 Figure 26-2: Typical American Diet 420
Figure 18-7: Cyclops 300 Figure 29-1: "Out of the Night" 458

Figure 31-1: Born to See 464

XXll • Relearning to See

List of Plates

Following page 132: Plate 18: Blinking

Plate i:The Eye Plate The Levator Palpebrae Superioris


Muscle (Top View)

Plate 2: The Three Layers of the Eye
Plate 20: The Lacrimal (Tear) System
Plate 3: Suzie Q's Red Eyes
Plate 21: The Conjunctiva
Plate 4: Aqueous Humor
Plate 5: The Six External Eye Muscles
Following page 228:
Plate 6: Long Swing Lake
Plate 22: The Electromagnetic
Plate 7: "Dancer" and Visible Spectrums

Plate 8: Centralizing —The Two Pencils Plate 23: Sunlight, the Atmosphere,
and the Earth
Plate 9: Centralization vs. Diffusion
Plate 24: Go Outside and Play in the Sun
Plate 10: Cosmosis
Plate 25: Light for Sight and Health
Plate 11: The Nose-Helpers
Plate 26: Spectral Power Distribution
Plate 12: The Edge
Plate 13: Abdominal Breathing
Plate 27: Living in Natural Light
Plate 14: Eyelids, Eyelashes, and Eyebrows
Plate 28: Retina Cross-Sections
Plate 15: The Orbicularis Eyelid Muscle
Plate 29: Blood Vessel Sandwich
(Side View)
for the Cones and Rods
Plate 16: The Orbicularis Eyelid Muscle
Plate 30: Retina (1)
(Front View)
Plate 31: Retina (2)
Plate 17: The Levator Palpebrae Superioris
Muscle (Side View)

Relearning to See • xxiii

Following page 260: Plate 45: A Difference Between Day

and Night
Plate 32: Darkness-Adapted Rods
Sensitivity Chart Plate 46: Cones 3-D Density Model
(Top View)
Plate 33: Daytime Cones Sensitivity Chart
Plate 47: Rods 3-D Density Model
Plate 34: Eye— Our Natural RGB
(Top View)
Plate 48: Cones and Rods Horizontal
Daytime Cones/Darkness-
Plate 35:
Density Graph (H1-H2)
Adapted Rods Sensitivity Chart
Plate 49: The Blind Spots
Plate 36: Cones and Rods Sensitivity
Day and Night Cycle Plate 50: Animal Vision

Plate 37: Measuring Density Distributions

of Cones and Rods Following page 292:

Cones Vertical Density Graph

Plate 38: Plate 51: Binocular Vision
Plate 52: Judging Relative Distances
Plate 39:Cones 3-D Density Model
Plate 53: Fusion 1
(Side View)
Plate 54: Amblyopia
Plate 40: Rods Vertical Density Graph
(V1-V2) Plate 55: Fusion 2 —The Bead Game
Plate 41: Rods 3-D Density Model Plate 56: Esophoria —The Bead Game
(Side View)
Plate 57: Exophoria —The Bead Game
Cones and Rods
Plate 42: Vertical Density
Plate 58: Infinitely Right and Left
Graph (V1-V2)
Plate 59: "Evolution"
Cones and Rods 3-D Density
Plate 43:
Model (Side View) Plate 60: The Land of Sketch, Breathe, and
Plate 44: How We See

XXIV • Relearning to See


Most people in this society obtain glasses or Medical School and Hospital and was ostra-
contact lenses when their eyesight becomes cized from the conventional medical com-
blurred. These crutches, or "machines of see- munity because of his revolutionary
ing," are not necessary. Nor are they natural. discoveries.
"Corrective" lenses do not correct the real Someone once asked Bates what technique
problem. A person wearing glasses or con- he was using. Bates' reply was that he did not
tact lenses still has blurred vision. use any technique, but if it was a technique,
Ophthalmologist Dr. William H. Bates, it would be nature's technique. Bates wrote
M.D. (1860-1931), discovered the principles in his June 1923 Better Eyesight magazine,
and habits underlying natural eyesight. Con- ". my methods are the methods employed
. .

currently, Bates discovered the interferences by the normal eye."

to normal sight. Bates then taught students Blurred vision is a message from the mind
to stop interfering with their clear vision; they and body that a person visual system is out

were literally relearning to see. of balance with nature.

Bates rejected contemporary theories Clarity is a connection; blur is a discon-
about blurred vision because he found too nection. Blur is created primarily in the mind;
much evidence in his practice as an ophthal- it is much more a disconnection from our-
mologist that contradicted them. Bates' selves than from the world. The processes
decades of research on natural vision and the involved in improving eyesight naturally are
real causes of nearsightedness, farsightedness, an opportunity to reconnect with ourselves.
astigmatism, crossed eyes, and many other The Bates educational method is an oppor-
vision problems went far beyond the ideas of tunity for internal change.
his contemporaries. Today, most orthodox The great majority of attendees at my
vision specialists still do not support his dis- introductory lectures say they have seen their
coveries. Unfortunately, Bates was forced to vision improve spontaneously. Vision fluctu-

leave his teaching post as instructor of oph- ates for all people. For many people in indus-

thalmology at the New York Post-Graduate trialized societies, sight generally becomes

Relearning 10 Sec xxv

worse over time. Yet sometimes people see improvement be the only natural healing
better. Most people know, either intuitively process I investigated that did not work? 3)
or experientially, that there is a way to I experienced a dramatic improvement in my
improve their sight. eyesight for approximately one hour while
How is it people accept a theory that says participating in a stress reduction program;

blurry sight is due to old age when many peo- this occurred before I knew about the Bates
ple —especially non-industrialized cul-
in method. So, I knew there was a way vision
tures —have excellent eyesight 40, at 50, 60, could improve naturally.
70, 80, and even 90 years of age? The idea that In the beginning, I read several eyesight
age and genetics determine blurry vision is improvement books. I did all of the "exer-
also contradicted by the fact that many stu- cises" and "drills," but did not notice any
dents have improved their sight by relearn- improvement. Looking back, I realize I had
ing correct vision habits. And, I have watched almost no real understanding of the Bates
many children improve their vision along with —
method. The processes especially the more
their parents in my classes. subtle aspects — are difficult to understand
Many people experience a lowering of from books. I had continuing improvement
their sight during a period of high stress. Bates of my eyesight only after receiving instruc-
showed that when vision (excluding patholo- tions from a Bates teacher.
gies) lowers, it is due to acquiring incorrect Contrary to popular belief, the Bates
vision habits. When vision improves, it is due method is not about "eye exercises." Many
to the person relearning relaxed vision habits. natural eyesight improvement books present
Relaxation is the key to normal, clear sight. this topic in a relatively ineffective, left-hemi-

Broken bones heal. Burns and cuts heal. sphere eye exercise manner. This issue is dis-

Stomach aches get better. Are we to believe cussed further in Chapter 19, "Brains and
that eyesight, the most important sense per- Vision." Since vision is primarily a right-hemi-
ception we have and one that has evolved sphere activity, lessons are best presented
over millions of years, is the only part of the inan integrative, holistic manner, with the
human body that cannot heal itself? Are arti- emphasis on the correct vision habits (or
ficial glasses, contact lenses, drugs, and surg- skills) to be used automatically and subcon-
eries the only solutions to the functional sciously our entire lifetime.
vision problems, including nearsightedness, Along with improvement of clarity, many
farsightedness, astigmatism and strabismus? qualities of the vision system improve, e.g.,

Bates concluded the answer was "no." color brightness and variations, contrast, spa-
Personally, I had several good reasons to tial/depth perception, and texture awareness.
pursue the possibility of improving my sight: There is a high correlation between memory
1) I suffered physically from wearing heavy and concentration improvement and natural
glasses and painful contact lenses every day; eyesight improvement.
2) I began to experience improvement in all Since poor vision habits strain the neck and
parts of my began receiving
health once I shoulders, no one is truly healthy who has
natural healing and education from many blurred sight.
holistic health practitioners. Could vision Many of the important writings by Bates

XXVI • Relearning to See


are in his original 1920 book Perfect Sight been changed or modified to reflect the edu-
Without Glasses and his monthly Better Eye- cational nature of the modern Bates method.
sight magazine. A good deal of this material As an example, the term "patient" has often
is reproduced and discussed in the present been changed to "person" or "student." Such
book. All indented quotations from Perfect changes are not necessarily indicated in this
Sight Without Glasses and the Better Eyesight book.
magazines are indicated by vertical lines The term "blur" as used in this book refers
along the left and right sides. All material to nearsightedness, farsightedness, presby-
quoted from the Better Eyesight magazines opia, or astigmatism as determined by an eye
are from Bates, unless otherwise noted. doctor. Some individuals have eye damage
I have watched eyesight improve naturally due to accidents or diseases, and the term
with hundreds of students from 1983 to 1997. "blur" as used in this book does not refer to
Many of my students have freed themselves such conditions. Such individuals should seek
from glasses or have prevented moving into the care of an eye doctor. All vision problems
wearing glasses in the first place. If you are referred to in this book do not refer to any
interested in vision re-education, study this type of pathology or disease unless specifi-
book and other books on natural eyesight cally stated.

improvement to learn and apply as much as The case histories of my students in this
you are able; better yet, find a Bates teacher book are true, but most of their names have
who understands and can teach you the key been changed and/or abbreviated.
habits and principles of natural vision. Then,
discover the joys and rewards of relearning
to see — naturally. As the original jacket of
Aldous Huxley's book The Art of Seeing says,
this process of improving vision is 'An
Adventure in Re-education."

A few more notes are necessary before

beginning this book.
Because Dr. Bates was a medical doctor
and eye surgeon (ophthalmologist), and
becausemuch of his work is discussed in this
book, some terms used herein are medical.
After Bates died in 1931, his wife Emily and
other Natural Vision teachers have taught the
"Bates method" in an educational manner.
The Bates method, as presented in this book,
is solely educational in nature — it is not med-
ical or optometric.
Since most Bates method teachers are not
eye doctors, some words in Bates' original
text, and in some other quoted materials, have

Relearning to See • XXV11


Chapter One

Relearning to See

This book presents a formal, educational the incorrect habits which created the blurred
approach to improving vision naturally. This vision. Bates referred to the incorrect habits
approach was discovered by ophthalmologist as "interferences" to normal, clear vision.
William H. Bates, M.D. Strained vision habits create nearsightedness,
First, we study basic anatomy of the eye. farsightedness, astigmatism, and many other
Next, we gain an understanding of prescrip- vision problems. What the natural vision stu-
tion glasses. Then, we explore the research of dent is ^learning is more the issue than what
Bates. the student is relearning.
Understanding the cause of. and the solu- As the student relearns natural vision
tion to, blurred vision has been helpful to habits, a "spotlight" begins to shine on the
many students. With sufficient knowledge, areas of his life that are out of balance — at

students can not only take measures to least those associated with incorrect vision
improve their vision, but often become highly habits. Correct vision habits are often asso-
motivated and enthusiastic about the process ciated with correct living habits. For some,
of relearning to see naturally. the interferences may be poor posture or an
Then we study the three key principles unhealthy diet. For others the interferences
underlying natural, clear sight —movement, may be overwork, fatigue, accidents, traumas,
centralization, and relaxation. The student unhealthy attitudes, boredom, and so on.
who desires to return to natural, clear vision If during a period of stress, a person inter-
will need to re-establish the same correct feres with the normal, relaxed habits of vision

principles of seeing he learned automatically given to him by nature, the vision will lower.
and subconsciously early in life. The principles and habits of natural vision
Next we explore the three habits of nat- were clearly identified by Bates.
ural seeing —sketching (shifting), breathing, Today we have an even better appreciation

and blinking. These habits are based on the of his discoveries, because of advancements
three principles of vision. in our knowledge of the function of the mind
Practicing correct vision habits removes and the body — especially right-brain/

Relearning to See • 3
left-brain concepts. The idea that blurred
vision is only one of the many harmful con-
sequences of living in an imbalanced, highly
left-brain oriented society is explored in Chap-
ter 19, "Brains and Vision," and Chapter 20,

"The Two Sides of Health and Healing."

Natural vision education is part of a larger
holistic movement in which many people in

this society are —and finding—

seeking solu-
tions to many health problems — problems
they have been told by the orthodox cannot
improve. More and more people are moving
away from artificial solutions to health prob-
lems, and seeking out a balance with nature.
Normal sight is a reflection of a person's bal-
ance with nature.

4 • Relearning to See
Chapter Two


Studying the structure and functions of the

various parts of the visual system is helpful
in understanding how to use our vision in the
naturally correct way.


The bony structure of the eye orbit, along with
the fatty tissue surrounding the eye, protect
the back and sides of the eye.

See Plate i: The Eye. "'991 Pt> I Li!-. :

As the human embryo develops, two pro- Figure 2—1: The Skull.
trusions extend forward from the brain. The
long, thin portions become the optic nerves,
and the bulbs at the ends become the two
eyeballs. Nerves from the brain travel through
the optic nerve and "fan out" throughout the
retina. The eyeball is literally an extension of
the brain —a "mini-brain."
The eyeball is a soft round sphere filled

with liquid. It grows from approximately 1.6

cm (about 2A inch) in diameter at birth to 2.3

cm at age three. Its diameter is about 2.4 cm
at age thirteen and older —about the size of

a ping-pong ball (1 inch = 2.54 cm). Figure 2-2: The Eye Orbit.

Relearning to See •
THE THREE LAYERS OF THE EYE several dozen layers of epithelial cells, which

See Plate The Three Layers of the Eye.

are like the sheets of glass used to make
The eye can be classified into three basic safety glass in automobiles.

groups: Because blood vessels are excluded from

1. The three layers of the eye: The outer the cornea, light can pass through it more per-

layer consists of the sclera and cornea; The cornea receives nutri-
fectly to the retina.

the middle layer consists of the choroid, ents on its inner surface from the aqueous

ciliary body, lens, and iris; and the inner humor, on its outer surface from tears and
layer consists of the visual and non- visual oxygen from the air, and along its circum-
portions of the retina. ference from blood vessels in the sclera.

2. The fluids and chambers of the eye: The The cornea is a convex lens and accounts
anterior and posterior chambers are filled for 80% of the curvature needed to focus

with aqueous humor; and the vitreous light rays onto the retina. By bending light

chamber is filled with vitreous humor. rays inward, the cornea and lens shrink the

3. The external parts of the eye: the optic large image of the world down to the size of

nerve, eyelids and tear glands, and the six a nickel onto the retina.

external muscles.

The Middle Layer: Choroid, Ciliary

The Outer Layer: Sclera and Cornea Body, Lens, and Iris

The Sclera The Choroid

The sclera (pronounced skleh'-rah; from the The choroid lies between the sclera and the
Greek skleros, meaning "hard") is the eye's retina. The choroid consists of many blood
protective, leather-like outer layer. It is strong, vessels and provides nutrients to the entire
thick, and opaque. This "white of the eyes" eye, but especially to the retina.
covers about A of the
outer surface of the The choroid is discussed further in Chap-
eyeball. "The Retina."
ter 17,

The or a serrata is the notched junction

between the choroid and the ciliary body.
The Cornea

The clear, crystalline front of the eye is called

the cornea (from the Latin corneus, meaning The Ciliary Body
"horn-like"). The hard, tough cornea is the The ciliary body is a highly vascularized,
part of the sclera that has become transpar- enlarged continuation of the choroid that
ent, and it allows light to enter the eye. The encircles the lens.
cornea bulges forward in a dome-like shape. Within the ciliary body is the ciliary
In adults the cornea is about one-half inch in process, which produces aqueous humor. Sus-
diameter —a little smaller than the size of a pensory ligaments extend between the ciliary
dime — and covers the remaining 14 of the process and the lens capsule, 360 around the
eye's outer surface. The cornea consists of lens.

Releaming to See
Chapter Two: Anatomy

The ciliary body contains a circular is the reason many people lose their ability
(parasympathetic) ciliary muscle, and a merid- to see clearly up close around age 40; this is
ional-radial (sympathetic) ciliary muscle. The called presbyopia, or "old-age sight.

contraction of the circular muscle decreases Theories of the role of the lens are dis-
the circumference of the ciliary body, like the cussed more in later chapters.
narrowing of the iris in bright light. The con-

traction of the radial muscle expands the cil-

dim The Iris

iary body, like the enlarging of the iris in

light. In front of the lens lies the iris. The iris is a

Most orthodox books on eyesight state that colored (pigmented), circular, and variable
the contraction and expansion of the inter- diaphragm. A pupillary sphincter muscle along
nal ciliary muscle changes the shape of the the inner circumference of the iris surrounds
front side of the lens to give more and less
it the pupil. When the pupillary sphincter mus-
curvature, respectively. More on this theory cle contracts, the pupil becomes smaller. When

in later chapters. the dilator muscle contracts, the pupil becomes

larger. The pupil is not a physical structure; it
is an opening in the center of the iris, through
The Lens
which light enters the eye.

Behind the iris and in front of the vitreous The iris regulates the amount and distrib-

body lies the double convex, transparent lens. ution of light entering the eyeball. In the
The front side of this "living crystal" touches brightest light, the diameter of the pupil is

the back side of the iris and is nourished by about 1.5 mm (with an area of only 2 mm 2

the aqueous humor. The back side of the lens in very low levels of light, the diameter
contacts the vitreous body. expands to about 9 mm
(with an area of 64
The lens is enclosed in a transparent mem- mm ); the
average diameter is about 4 mm
brane called the elastic capsule. The suspen- (with an area of 13 mm 2

sory ligaments between the lens capsule and Changes in the pupil size can easily be
the ciliary body "suspend" the lens vertically, observed in a mirror while turning a light on
behind the iris. and off; the iris constricts and dilates, respec-

The lens is composed of many microscopic, tively. The pupil normally appears black
onion-skin-like layers, and accounts for the because most of the light entering the eye-

remaining 20% of the curvature needed to ball is absorbed by the retina and choroid.
focus light rays onto the retina. Very little light is reflected out through the
The lens grows slowly each year due to a pupil.

constant addition of external layers. The older, See Plate 3: Suzie Q's Red Eyes. Red pupils
inner layers, which cannot be absorbed or dis- appear in some photographs. In dim light, the

carded, are compressed in the middle of the pupil is large. When the high-intensity bulb
lens. The lens doubles in size between the ages on the camera flashes, a lot of light enters the

of 20 and 80. eye. The retina glows red because lights

Orthodox textbooks state that the hard- reflects from the blood vessels in the retina

ening of the lens into a relatively flat shape and choroid.

Relearning to See • 7
Modern cameras have been able to reduce side of the iris. The much smaller posterior
"red eyes" by turning on a special "red-eye chamber lies between the back side of the iris

reduction lamp" before the picture is taken. and the lens, lens capsule, suspensory liga-

The pupil has a chance to contract small and ments, and ciliary body.
thus much less light enters the eye. The result These two chambers contain aqueous
is a picture with a normal, black pupil. humor, which means "watery fluid." Aqueous
humor supplies the cornea and the lens with
nutrients. Aqueous humor is referred to by an
The Inner Layer: The Retina ophthalmologist consultant as "clear blood."
The retina is the inner third layer, covering Aqueous humor is produced by the ciliary

about 95% (back, sides, and part of the front) process and secreted into the posterior cham-
of the interior surface of the eye. The entire ber. From there, it travels slowly around the
eyeball is designed for the retina. iris through the pupil into the larger anterior
There are two parts of the retina: the visual chamber. The entire volume of the aqueous
and non-visual portions. humor is replenished every hour. The aque-
ous humor's pressure helps maintain the
cornea's convex shape.
The Visual Portion of the Retina Aqueous humor also "percolates" from the
The rear 70% of the retina contains light posterior chamber into the vitreous chamber.
receptors, called cones and rods. Excess aqueous humor, along with dead
The design of the visual portion of the cornea cells, drains away through the Canal
retina is discussed in great detail in Chapter of Schlemm, which encircles the cornea. The
17, "The Retina." Canal of Schlemm discharges these fluids and
cells into veins.

The Non-Visual Portion of the Retina

The other 30% of the retina, the non- visual Vitreous Humor and Chamber
portion, extends forward from the visual por- The vitreous chamber lies behind the lens and
tion at the ora serrata, along the back part of comprises the majority of the volume of the
the ciliary process and the back side of the eye. It is almost completely surrounded by
iris up to the pupil. There are no light recep- the visual portion of the retina. Filling the vit-

tors in the non-visual portion of the retina. reous chamber is a "jelly-like" clear liquid
called the vitreous humor.
Positive intraocular pressure created by
the vitreous humor helps hold the rear four-
fifths of the eye in its round shape.
Aqueous Humor, and the Anterior
and Posterior Chambers THE EXTERNAL PARTS OF THE EYE
See Plate 4: Aqueous Humor. The external parts of the eye consist of the
The anterior chamber lies between the optic nerve, eyelids and tear glands, and the
back (inner) side of the cornea and the front six external (extrinsic) muscles.

8 • Relearning to See
Chapter Two: Anatomy

The eye socket is lined with fatty tissue rior), outer (lateral), and inner (medial) parts
which: 1) cushions the eye from blows to the of the eye. When contracting, a rectus mus-
head; 2) lubricates the continually moving cle shortens and pulls backward on the part
eyeball; and 3) provides warmth. of the eye where it is attached. For example,
when the superior rectus muscle contracts,
the eye rotates upward. When the medial rec-
The Optic Nerve tus muscle contracts, the eye rotates inward,
The optic nerve is the second cranial nerve and so on.
and the second-largest nerve in the human Much of Bates' research was directed
body. This nerve transmits the signals from toward the role of these muscles in errors

the 137 million light receptors in the retina to of refraction and accommodation.
the brain. The central nervous system is

directly exposed to light stimulation via the

retina and optic nerve —the only part of the

human body where this occurs.

The Eyelids and Tear Glands

The eyelids and tear glands are discussed in
Chapter 14, "The Third Habit Blinking." —

The Six External Muscles

See Plate 5: The Six External Eye Muscles.
There are six external (extrinsic) muscles
around each eye. One end of each muscle
attaches to the sclera, while the other end
attaches to the eye orbit.
The eye muscles are very powerful. Com-
paring on a weight basis, the eye muscles are
some of the strongest in the human body.
The top (superior) and bottom (inferior)
oblique muscles wrap over the top and bot-
tom of the eye, respectively. They form almost
a complete belt wrapping around the eyeball.
The superior oblique muscle passes through
a small loop called the trochlea. The trochlea
is located at the inner, upper, forward part of
the eye orbit.
The four external recti muscles are
attached to the top (superior), bottom (infe-

Relearning to See • 9
Chapter Three

Understanding Lenses
and Prescriptions

In this chapter we discuss various types of to protect the eyes from injury. They are also
refractive, or "corrective," lenses that are com- used for cosmetic reasons. For example, if one
monly used in prescription glasses and con- eye has no sight, but the other eye uses a cor-
tact lenses. In this book, the term "lense" rective lense, a piano lense can be placed in
refers to an artificial lense, while "lens" refers glasses in front of the sightless eye.
to the natural lens inside the eye. Figure b-i shows a double concave lense,
which can compensate for the refractive error
FOUR TYPES OF REFRACTIVE LENSES in nearsightedness. A double concave lense
Figure 3-1 shows a piano lense and four is a diverging lense because the light rays
types of refractive, or "corrective," lenses com- "spread out" after passing through the lense.
monly used in glasses or contact lenses —con- A diverging lense has a "virtual" focal point
cave, convex, cylindrical, and prismatic. in front of the lense.

Of course, the term "corrective" does not A meniscus lense is concave on one side
mean that the lense corrects the cause of the and convex on the other. Notice how the front
vision problem; only the angle of light rays side of the meniscus lense in Figure b-2 is

entering the eyes changes. As Bates stated, convex, while the back side has a higher
"corrective" lenses are more correctly degree of concavity. This type of meniscus
referred to as "compensating" lenses. lense is a diverging lense. Contact lenses are
Figure a shows a piano lense. Since a piano often meniscus lenses.
lense has no curvature, parallel light rays con- In glasses for nearsightedness, a meniscus
tinue in straight paths through the lense; it is lense is usually used in place of a single or
not really a "corrective" lense. A piano lense double concave lense, mainly for cosmetic
has no focal point. Notice the image seen reasons.
through the lense on the right is the same Figure c shows a double convex lense,
as the original image on the left. which can compensate for the refractive error

Piano lenses are often used in safety glasses in farsightedness. A convex lense is a

Relearning to See • II



Since the direction of the

Sl^ light rays emerging from a
piano lense does not
change, the image does not

_ b-1



P Light rays diverge

emerging from a concave

*" lense: the image appears



S M Light rays converge when

emerging from a
lense: the image appears


Vertical light rays diverge

when emerging from this
cylindrical lense. Horizontal

<g> { light rays are unchanged: the

image appears oval.


^^A Light rays emerging from a

/bJC '\ s P r sm chan 9 e ,ne r direction.

' '

but d0 not conver e °'
diverge: the image shifts its

Figure 3-1: Four Types of Refractive Lenses.

12 • Relearning to See

Chapter Three: Understanding Lenses and Prescriptions

converging lense because light rays converge mathematical definition of a diopter is the
to a point after passing through the lense. A reciprocal (or inverse) of the focal length in
converging lense has a focal point beyond the meters.
lense. When parallel light rays from a distant
Figure d shows a cylindrical lense, which object travel through a typical (piano) win-
can compensate for the refractive error in dow in a home, the light rays simply continue
astigmatism. straight through —without changing direc-
Figure e shows a prismatic lense, which can tion. Diopters do not apply to piano lenses
compensate for an eye with strabismus. because there is no focal point.
Glasses can have more than one "correc- Most corrective lenses are made in multi-
tion" combined into one lense. For example, ples of 0.25D—for example, 0.50 D, 1.25 D,
a lense can be both diverging and cylindrical, and 3.75 D. Some lenses are made in 0.125 D
compensating for nearsightedness and astig- increments. A total correction of less than
matism. 0.25 D in one eye is seldom prescribed.

UNDERSTANDING LENSES: DIOPTER, Diopters and Diverging Lenses

A diverging lense with a small amount of cur-
Diopters vature and a long focal length of -2 meters is

A diopter, abbreviated "D," is a unit of mea- a -0.50 D lense; 1 4- -2 meters = -0.50 D.

surement of the refractive power of a con- The minus sign in front of the 0.50 D indi-
cave, convex, or cylindrical lense. Trie number cates there is a virtual focal point located in
of diopters indicates the light-bending abil- front of the diverging lense. Since parallel light
ity of a lense.The more diopters, the more rays emerging from a concave lense diverge,
refractive power of a lense, and, generally, the there is no focal point beyond the lense. How-
more curvature in a lense. ever, there is a virtual focal point located in
When parallel light rays pass from air front of the lense. This focal point is deter-
through a curved piece of glass or other trans- mined by drawing rays in the opposite direc-

parent material, they change direction. When tion of the diverging rays, so that they
parallel light rays pass through a convex lense, converge at a point in front of the lense. Since

the rays converge to a focal point at some dis- the focal length is in the opposite direction of

tance beyond the lense. This distance, mea- the direction of original light rays, the num-
sured in meters, is called the focal length. The ber of meters has a minus sign in front of it.

greater the curvature of the lense, the greater A diverging lense that has a little more cur-

the change in direction of the emerging light vature with a shorter focal length of -1 meter
rays, and the shorter the focal length. is a -1.00 D lense; 1 -r -1 meter = -1.00 D. A
Since it is convenient to have a system of diverging lense that has much greater curva-
measurement in which a lense with a higher ture with a much shorter focal length of
refractive power corresponds to a higher -Vb meter is a -6.00 D lense; 1 -r -A meter =
value, the dioptric system was created. The -6.00 D.

Relearning to See • 1
The nearsighted eye is too long from front A cylindrical lense bends light rays in only
to back. A "-" diverging lense is used to focus one plane. Think of a lense in the shape of a
light rays farther back into the eyeball, onto can of soup that has been cut in half verti-

the retina. cally. When a horizontal plane of parallel light

Some materials have a higher index of rays passes through this cylindrical lense, the

refraction than others. Therefore, a lense with light rays come to a vertical "focal line" at

a high index of refraction and low curvature some distance beyond the cylinder.
may have the same refractive power as a However, when a vertical plane of light

lense with a low index of refraction and a high rays passes through the same cylindrical lense,

curvature. Lenses with a high index of refrac- the light rays continue straight through the
tion are sometimes used in glasses for peo- lense without converging. The direction of
ple with high errors of refraction, i.e., very the original vertical plane of light rays is not
blurred vision. The thinner lenses are lighter affected by the lense.
and cosmetically pleasing. However, some Since a cylindrical lense brings a plane of
people have difficulty adjusting to them. parallel light rays to a "focal line," there is a
dioptric measurement associated with the
cylindrical lense. A cylindrical lense can have
Diopters and Converging Lenses "+" or "-" diopters. The sign in front of cylin-

A converging lense with a small amount of drical diopters is not a measure of nearsight-
curvature and a long focal length of 2 meters edness or farsightedness, and it is not
is a +0.50 D lense; 1 -f 2 meters = +0.50 D. important for the discussion in this book. We
The plus sign indicates the focal point is will consider only the magnitude, or absolute
beyond the converging lense. value, of the number of diopters for astigma-
A converging lense that has a little more tism correction; the plus or minus sign in front
curvature with a focal length of 1 meter is a of a cylinder diopter number is ignored here.
+1.00 D lense; 1 -r 1 meter = +1.00 D. A much In nearsightedness and farsightedness, the
stronger convex lense with a focal length of eyeball is too long and too short, respectively,
only Vs meter is a +5.00 D lense; 1 -r Vs meter but it is still round from the front point of
= +5.00 D. view. In astigmatism, the eyeball is oval, or
The farsighted eyeball is too short from lopsided, from the front point of view, like a
front to back. A converging lense is used to teaspoon or football. The amount, or magni-
focus light rays closer to the front of the eye, tude, of this "ovalness" is measured in the
onto the retina. Glasses made with converg- diopters.
ing lenses are often called "magnifiers" or The oval shape in astigmatism can be ori-
"readers." ented at any angle. It can be horizontal (like

a lemon lying on its side), vertical, or any

other angle. The angle of astigmatism is called
Diopters and Cylindrical Lenses
axis. The axis determines the angle, or orien-
Diverging and converging lenses have equal tation, of the cylindrical lense put into glasses
curvatures in all planes. These lenses bend thatcompensate for astigmatism. Axis is not
light equally in all planes and bring the rays a measure of the amount of the astigma-
to a focal point. tism —only its angle.

14 • Relearning to See

Chapter Three: Understanding Lenses and Prescriptions

the British physician Thomas Young,

who did research with his own eyes
between 1799 and 1801. Using a square
piece of paper, Young found that hori-
zontal lines were clear, while the verti-
cal ones were blurry. Cylindrical lenses
used to compensate for astigmatism
were first used by the astronomer Airy
in 1827.

Bases and Prism Lenses

A prism uniformly changes the angle of
all incoming parallel light rays. The path
of the light rays simply changes to a new
direction. Since there is no focal point,
the power of the prism is not measured
Figure 3-2: Images Distorted by Astigmatism.
in diopters.
Prism correction for strabismus is

In astigmatism, one plane of light can focus measured in units of base, and is indicated by
in back of the retina, as in farsightedness, the prism symbol, A. For example, i ABO, called
while another plane of light can focus in front "one prism base out," is a relatively small cor-
of the retina, as in nearsightedness. This is rection for an eye that turns slightly inward.
because one plane of the cornea can have too 4 BI, "four prism base in," is a larger correc-

much curvature, while

another plane has too lit-

tle curvature.

In astigmatism, the
shapes of objects at all

distances or only at spe-

cific distances can be dis-
torted. Astigmatism can
also create multiple
images of, or shadows
around, an object.
With astigmatism, ver-
tical lines on a piece of
paper may appear to be While looking at the stripes of the Astigmatism Wheel, move this page closer and farther from you; then
move the page a circular motion; then rotate the page clockwise and counterclockwise. Do the same while
darker or lighter than in

looking at the figures on the right.

horizontal Do some stripes appear gray while others appear black? Do some of the stripes appear less clear than
others? If so, you may have astigmatism.
The discovery of astig-
matism is attributed to Figure 3-3: Astigmatism Chart.

Relearning to See • 1
tion for an eye that turns outward. 2 BU, "two
prism base up," is for an eye that turns down.
A for an eye
2 BD, "two prism base down," is

that turns up.

Strabismus and prisms are discussed fur-
ther in Chapter 18, "Stereoscopic Vision." P E C F D
e d r c z p

r E L O P Z D


Distance "20/20" Vision
In 1864, a test for visual acuity was devised
Figures -4: Snellen Eye Chart.
by the Dutch ophthalmologist Herman
Snellen. Using the sight of an anonymous
young Dutch man (actually, Snellen's assis-
assistant could read this line, so Snellen called
tant) as his standard for normal vision,
Snellen created a chart with letters on it. The
it the "20/20" line. When all of the letters on
the 20/20 line can be read with one eye, with-
"Snellen" chart was used to test the sight of
out correction, you are said to have "normal,"
children reading the chalkboard from the
"perfect," or "20/20" sight for distance vision
back of a classroom.
in that eye.
The Snellen chart has different-size letters
on it. Larger letters on the eye chart correspond
to vision less than 20/20 sight. For example,
A black letter E, which 3
is /s" in height and
width, placed twenty feet away, occupies a 5
if you can read all of the Vi" letters, you have
at least 20/30 sight; reading the line with u/i6"
area in the macula. The macula is the area in
letters is 20/40 sight. The line with a 3'/2" let-
the center of the retina with a high concen-
ter is 20/200. This is usually the largest (top)
tration of cones. Cones pick up sharp detail

(acuity). If the three black horizontal lines and letter, the letter E on the Snellen chart.

the two horizontal white spaces in the letter If you can read all of the letters on the

E are of equal width, a horizontal stroke or 20/30 line, but only most of the letters on the

white space occupies a i° area in the center of

20/20 you may have slightly less than

the macula, called the fovea. The fovea con- 20/20, or 20/20', vision. Ifyou read all of the
letters on the 20/100 line and some of the let-
tains the highest concentration of cones within
ters on the 20/80 line, you may have slightly
the macula (and the retina). The letter E's
three horizontal black strokes plus the two better than 20/100 vision, or 2o/ioo sight.

horizontal white spaces, at i° each, equal 5 .

The distance of twenty feet is important,

because, for all practical purposes, the eye
accommodates only within the
feet. If an object
ally) objects farther

Snellen placed several

at twenty feet

will also
first twenty
clear, (usu-

be clear. ACTUAL
E SIZE OF 20/20 'E'
3/8', 5'

/s" letters, like the

letter E described above, in a row. Snellen's Figure 3-5: The 20/20 "E" for Distance.

16 • Releaming to See
Chapter Three: Understanding Lenses and Prescriptions

What do the xx/yy Top and Bottom ciple called centralization. This will be
Numbers Refer To? explained further in Chapter 17," The Retina."

One way to think about the xx/yy numbers People are typically given corrective lenses

on an eyeglass prescription or an eye chart is

that bring the eyes back to "normal" 20/20
to consider xx to be the number of feet a per- sight, or better. The more the refractive error,

son with xx/yy vision is standing from the eye the more diopters of correction are needed

chart, while yy is the number of feet a person to let that person see 20/20 again. For exam-
with 20/20 vision is standing from the same
ple, a person with 20/40 uncorrected vision

chart. Both people are looking at the same might need only -1 D to read the 20/20 line,
xx/yy line.
but a person with 20/200 might need -4.00 D

For example, a person with 20/200 sight to read the same 20/20 line.

would need to stand at twenty feet to see the Height Vision Acuity
same 3
/2" letters a person with 20/20 sight of Letter (at 20 feet)
could see at 200 feet. A person with 20/40 3*4" 20/200
sight would need to stand at twenty feet to i
see the same n/i6" letters a person with 20/20 i
/." 20/70
sight could see at 40 feet. 7
/8 20/50
Letters smaller than Vs" on the eye chart %" 20/40
correspond to better than 20/20 sight. For w 20/30
example, a person with 20/15 sight can read 3
A" 20/20
at twenty feet the same W letters a person Va" 20/15
with 20/20 sight would need to stand at 15 feet 3
/l6" 20/10
to see. Reading the /i6" letters at twenty feet /3 2"
is 20/10 vision; 3Ai" letters is 20/5 vision, which
Figure 3-6: Table for Distance Eye Chart.
is four times better than "normal" 20/20 sight.
A person with 20/5 vision can see at twenty Bates offers the following suggestion to those
feet what a person with 20/20 sight would
with nearsightedness in Perfect Sight Without
need to stand at 5 feet to see!
Another way to think of the xx/yy num-
bers is to consider the ratio: 20/20 is 1/1, or It will be well ... to have two . . . cards, one
"normal" sight. 20/200 sight is Moth of 20/20 to be used at the near point, where it can
sight. 20/10 is two times better than normal be seen best, and the other at ten or twenty
sight. feet. The student will find it a great help to
How can a person see better than 20/20 if shift from the near card to the distant one,

the cones in the fovea pick up the Vs" letters? as the unconscious memory of the letters

The cones in the fovea are not distributed seen at the near point helps to bring out
those seen at the distance.
evenly. As the center of the fovea is
approached, the density (cones/mm )

increases to it maximum density. People with The opposite approach can be used by those
with farsightedness. Both approaches can be
superior vision have their attention in a very
tiny central area —a key natural vision prin-
used by those with astigmatism.

Relearning to See • 1 7


There are identical Distance and Near Eye The Snellen card and trial lenses can be
Charts in Appendix F. used only under certain favorable condi-
tions, but the retinoscope can be used any-

where. It is a little easier to use it in a dim

Driving Requirements light than in a bright one, but it may be used
20/40 sight is the driving requirement for eye- in any light It may also be used under

sight in most states. Although 20/40 is "half many other unfavorable conditions.
It takes a considerable time, varying from
of normal sight, this is still quite functional
minutes to hours, to measure the refraction
sight. Your eye doctor can tell you the vision
with the Snellen card and trial lenses. With
requirement for your state.
the retinoscope, however, it can be deter-
mined in a fraction of a second. By the for-
mer method it would be impossible, for
Bates and the Snellen Eye Chart
instance, to get any information about the
Here Bates discusses the limitations of test- refraction of a baseball player at the moment
ing vision with the subjective Snellen eye he swings for the ball, at the moment he
chart, and the advantages of objective simul- strikes it, and at the moment after he strikes

taneous retinoscopy. it. But with the retinoscope it is quite easy

Quoting from Perfect Sight Without to determine whether his vision is normal,
or whether he is myopic, hypermetropic, or
astigmatic, when he does these things; and if

Much of my information about the eyes has any errors of refraction are noted, one can
guess their degree pretty accurately by the
been obtained by means of simultaneous
retinoscopy. The retinoscope is an instrument rapidity of the movement of the shadow.

used to measure the refraction of the eye. . .

With the Snellen card and trial lenses con-

This exceedingly useful instrument has clusions must be drawn from the person's
possibilities which have not been generally statements as to what he sees; but the person

realized by the medical profession. Most often becomes so worried and confused dur-
ophthalmologists depend upon the Snel- ing the examination that he does not know
len card, supplemented by trial lenses, to
what he sees, or whether different glasses
determine whether the vision is normal or make his sight better or worse; and, more-

not, and to determine the degree of any over, visual acuity is not reliable evidence of

abnormality that may exist. This is a slow, the state of the refraction. One person with
awkward, and unreliable method of test- 2 D of myopia may see twice as much as

ing the vision, and absolutely unavailable another with the same error of refraction.

for the study of the refraction of the lower The evidence of the Snellen card is, in fact,

animals, of infants, and of adult human entirely subjective; that of the retinoscope is

beings under the conditions of life.

entirely objective, depending in no way upon
the statements of the person.
Herman Snellen (1835-1908). Celebrated Dutch In short, while the testing of the refrac-
ophthalmologist, professor of ophthalmology in tion by means of the Snellen card and trial
the University of Utrecht, and director of the lenses requires considerable time, and can
Netherlandic Eye Hospital. The present standards
be done only under certain artificial con-
of visual acuity were proposed by him. and his
became the model ditions, with results that are not always reli-
test types for those now in use.

18 • Releaming to See

Chapter Three: Understanding Lenses and Prescriptions

able, the retinoscope can be used under all There is a Near Eye Chart in Appendix F,

sorts of normal and abnormal conditions "Eye Charts." There are also samples of small
on the eyes both of human beings and the print in Chapter 22, "Reading —For All
lower animals; and the results, when it is Ages."
used properly, can always be depended
upon. This means that it must not be
brought nearer to the eye than six feet; oth- Over- Correction: A Strain;
erwise the subject will be made nervous, Under-Correction: A Relief
the refraction, for reasons which will be
Prescription glasses are sometimes "over-cor-
explained later, will be changed, and no
rected" to give sharper acuity than 20/20
reliable observations will be possible. In
for example, 20/10 correction. Unfortunately,
the case of animals it is often necessary to
use it at a much greater distance.
20/10 lenses create a greater strain on the eyes
than 20/20 lenses.
Glasses can be "under-corrected" to give

Near "2o/2o"Vision functional but not 20/20 sight — for example,

20/30 or 20/40 correction. Some eye doctors
A different chart is used by eye doctors to
intuitively under-correct prescriptions to pre-
test the near vision of farsights. The Near Eye
vent 20/20 glasses from straining a person's
Chart has different sizes of type and is held
14 inches away.
Students improving vision often choose to
When a person can read the line consisting
get glasses that are weaker than 20/20. Over-
of 3-point type letters, she has normal 20/20
and under-corrections are discussed further
near vision. Reading 7-point type is 20/40 near
in the next two chapters.
vision, half of normal near vision. If the small

letters cannot be read, the eye doctor may pre-

scribe converging lenses, "magnifiers," to focus
note: Prescriptions are always obtained from
near objects onto the retina.
an eye doctor. Bates teachers do not prescribe,
Type Size Visual Acuity (at 14")
diagnose, treat, or determine function.
23 point 20/200 Many people who wear glasses have seen
14 point 20/100 numbers associated with their glasses. The
13 point 20/90 numerical description of the lenses made for
12 point 20/80 glasses or contact lenses by an eye doctor is

11 point 20/75 called a prescription.

10 point 20/70 Figure 3-8 is a theoretical sample single
9 point 20/65 lense (non-bifocal) prescription for near-
8 point 20/50 sightedness and astigmatism in both eyes, and
7 point 20/40 strabismus (crossed eye) in the right eye.
6 point 20/35 In nearsightedness the eye is too long; in
5 point 20/30 farsightedness the eye is too short. In both
4 point 20/25 cases, the eye is when viewed
not spherical
3 point 20/20 from the side. Diverging and converging

Figure 3-7: Table for Near Eye Chart.

Relearning to See • 1

Spherical Cylindrical Axis Prism Base

0. D.
-7.25 -1.25 x170 1
(Right Eye)
(Left Eye)
-6.75 -1.75 x 145 — —
0. D.
(Right Eye)
(Left Eye)

Figure 3-8: Theoretical Sample Single Lense Prescription for Nearsightedness, Astigmatism,
and Crossed Eye.

lenses compensate for the nearsighted and The bottom two rows are for "Near" vision
farsighted eye's "non-spherical" shape, respec- correction, commonly given to farsights.
tively. This correction is indicated in the In bifocals, the bottom two rows indicate
"Spherical" column of a prescription. Spher- a correction that has been "Added" to the
ical corrections for nearsightedness and far- Distance/Spherical diopters (in the top two
sightedness are measured in diopters. rows) to create the prescription in the bot-
Unlike the nearsighted and farsighted eye, tom part of bifocals. For nearsights, the cor-
the astigmatic eye is oval (not spherical) from rection on the bottom part of the bifocal is

the front point of view. The amount of cor- less than the distance correction. For farsights,
rection for astigmatism is indicated in the the correction on the bottom part is greater
"Cylindrical" column, in diopters. The angle than the distance correction.
of the astigmatism correction is indicated in Sometimes the correction given by the pre-
the "Axis" column, in degrees. The axis is scription, e.g. 20/20 or 20/40, is written on the
sometimes preceded by an "X"; a degree sym- prescription. The uncorrected visual acuity
bol is usually not written. may also be indicated, e.g. "WOG 20/400";
away from the
In strabismus, an eye turns "WOG" means without glasses.
point of interest. The amount of correction
for strabismus is indicated in the "Prism" col-
umn. The direction of the correction is indi- Prescriptions for Nearsightedness
cated in the "Base" column. Refer to Figure 3-8: Theoretical Sample Sin-
"O. D." stands for oculus dexter, which gleLense Prescription for Nearsightedness,
means "right eye." "O. S." stands for oculus Astigmatism, and Crossed Eye.
sinister, which means "left eye." A prescription for nearsightedness has a
The top two rows indicate corrections for negative (-) number in the Spherical column.
"Distance" vision. Distance vision correction Usually this is the number of diopters needed

iscommonly given to nearsights. Distance to correct the nearsighted eye back to 20/20
vision correction may also be given to far- normal sight. If less diopters are given, the sight
sights if their distance vision becomes suffi- can be corrected to less than 20/20, e.g. 20/40.
ciently blurred. In our example, the Distance vision has a

20 • Relearning to See
Chapter Three: Understanding Lenses and Prescriptions

correction of -7.25 D for the right eye, and Diopters and 20/xx Distance
-6.75 D for the left eye. This is not a bifocal Numbers: A Loose Correlation
prescription because there is no Near/Add Many students ask about the relationship
diopter measurement in the bottom two rows. between the number of diopters in their pre-
Sometimes the prescription is written with
scriptions and their acuity, e.g. 20/20, 20/40,
"DS" after the number of diopters, e.g. -7.25 20/200, etc.
DS, or -7.25 D. S. DS means diopters of spher- There is no absolute correlation. The num-
ical correction. The plus or minus sign in front
ber of diopters in a prescription relates to the
of the number of diopters indicates whether refractive error of the eyeball. As Bates stated
the correction is for nearsightedness or far-
above, the Snellen eye chart test is a subjec-
tive test and can vary from individual to indi-
Nearsights can also be given bifocals. In a vidual. Squinting can change acuity quickly
bifocal prescription, there might be two +1.25 and dramatically. One person with -3.00 D
D Near/Add numbers in the bottom two of nearsightedness may read the 20/100 line,
rows. The bottom part of this bifocal would while another person with -3.00 D may only
then be -6.00 D (-7.25 D "Add" +1.25 D) for be able to read the 20/200 line.
the right eye, and -5.50 D (-6.75 D "Add" That being said, there is a loose correlation
+1.25 D) for the left eye. Notice that the plus between diopters and 20/xx numbers. At
and minus signs of the diopters are taken into
approximately -1.00 D of nearsightedness, a
account when adding diopters in the Spher- person might have difficulty passing a "20/40"
ical column. The amount of nearsighted cor-
driver's test. -2.00 D might be 20/80; -3.00 D
rection is less on the bottom part of the may be between 20/100 to 20/200. -5.00 D
bifocal because the nearsighted eye does not may be around 20/500 sight.
need the full distance correction to see clearly Beyond -3.00 D distant objects usually
up close. (In fact, there is usually a point up appear very blurry. When improving vision,
close where no correction is needed to see the most pronounced experiences of sharper
clearly up close.) Though the bottom part of vision occur from -3.00 D to zero D.
a nearsighted bifocal prescription is reduced
in power, a person could still have 20/20 or
sharper near vision with this lower correction. Prescriptions for Astigmatism
As your vision changes, a prescription Figure 3-8: Theoretical Sample Single Lense
adjusted originally for 20/20 correction would Prescription for Nearsightedness, Astigma-
no longer correct a person to 20/20. When the tism, and Crossed Eye shows a prescription
vision improves, the prescription would be with -1.25 D of astigmatism correction for the
sharper than 20/20, i.e., too strong. When the right eye. The angle of the astigmatism (axis)
vision lowers, the prescription would be less
is 170 degrees. The left eye has a correction
sharp than 20/20. of -1.75 D at an axis of 145 degrees.
Trying to correct for astigmatism can be
a problem because not only can the magni-
tude (diopters) change (as with nearsighted-

Relearning to See • 21
ness and farsightedness), but the angle (axis) The top part of this bifocal has a +1.50 D
can change as well. If either one changes, the correction for the right eye and a +1.75 D cor-
original correction will be incorrect and can rection for the left eye. Both of these correc-
create a strain. tions are for distance vision.
The bottom part of a bifocal is for near

vision. In this prescription there is an "Add"

Prescriptions for Strabismus of +1.25 D for each eye. The "Add" diopters
(Crossed Eye, Wall Eye, etc.) are "added" to the diopters in the top (Dis-

Figure 3-8 also shows a correction for a tance) part of the bifocal. In this example, the

crossed (inward turning) right eye. right eye near prescription is +2.75 D (+1.50
i-\ called "one prism." in the Prism column D "Add" +1.25 D).The bottom part of a far-
is the amount of the prism correction. "OUT" sighted bifocal is stronger than the top part,

in the Base column indicates this prism is cor- because a farsight's near vision is more blurred
recting for a right eye that turns inward. (The than the far vision. A farsight with this pre-
direction of the correction is the opposite of scription might have difficult)' passing the dri-

the direction the eye is turning.) ver's vision test without corrective lenses.

In terms of eyestrain, one might equate There is also -1.25 D of astigmatism cor-
A A rection in each eye. Sometimes astigmatism
i with 1 D. 2 with 2 D. and so on.
correction is indicated by DC. or D. C. e.g.,
-1.25 DC. DC means diopters of cylindrical
Prescriptions for Farsightedness correction. The axis in the right eye is 40 : the

In Figure j-g, we see that a theoretical sam- axis in the left eye is 95 . Remember, since

ple prescription for farsightedness has a pos- the axis is not a measure of the magnitude of
itive number in the Spherical column. This is the astigmatism. 95 ° is not more blurred than
the number of diopters needed to correct the 40°.

farsighted eye. usually back to 20/20 near At about +1.00 D of farsightedness, a per-
vision in a single lense prescription. son often begins to need glasses for reading
Since this is a bifocal prescription, there small print, especially in dim light. However,
are two parts: the "Distance" and the such a person might be able to pass the dri-

"Near/Add." ver's vision test without glasses.

Spherical Cylindrical Axis Prism Base

0. D.
(Right Eye) + 1.50 -1.25 x40
(Left Eye) + 1.75 -1.25 x90
0. D.
(Right Eye) + 1.25
(Left Eye) + 1.25

Figure 3-9: Theoretical Sample Bifocal Prescription for Farsightedness and Astigmatism.

22 • Releaming to See
Chapter Three: Understanding Lenses and Prescriptions

Many people obtain "magnifiers" at the sightedness and +2.00 D of astigmatism for
"5&10" store when their near vision first distance correction in the left eye, the total
becomes blurry. Often the number of diopters distance correction in the left eye is 5.00 D
of farsighted correction is written on the (3.00 D plus 2.00 D).
inside of one of the frame's temples. 5&10 Interestingly, the sum of the spherical and
glasses do not have astigmatism correction. cylindrical diopters for the right eye is often
Also, a prescription from an eye doctor is not the same as, or close sum in the left
to, the
needed to buy 5&10 "readers." eye. For example, a person may have -3.00 D
spherical/+i.oo D cylindrical correction in the
right eye, and -2.25 spherical/+i.75 cylindri-
Mixed Prescriptions cal in the left eye. In this case, the total cor-

The total correction for one eye is the sum of rection in each eye is 4.00 D.
the absolute values (magnitudes) of the near-
sighted (or farsighted) diopters, the astigma-
tism diopters, and the prism base. The plus or Inadequate Prescriptions
minus signs in front of the cylindrical diopters If there is too much blur, or if there are
are ignored when adding diopters to deter- pathologies involved, like cataracts, lenses
mine the total correction in one eye. For may not be able to correct a person to 20/20
example, if a person has -3.00 D of near- or even usable vision.

Relearning to See • 23
Chapter Four

The Problem with Glasses

and Contact Lenses

I am weary of glasses — BATES: "WHAT GLASSES DO TO US"

/ have worn them so long, Contact lenses were not generally available
I wonder as time passes
when Bates taught his students how
my eyes—ever be strong?
improve their vision. Even though he limited
Time was when I
his discussion to the problems with eyeglasses,
Could read in dim light;

Now even with glasses

many of these problems apply to strong con-

That light must be bright — tact lenses.

The opinions of Bates regarding the strain

Too many are wearing glasses,
They put them on too soon; caused by wearing strong glasses are now
For looks, for sight, for pain and strain, being echoed by more and more eye doctors,
They wear them night and noon. including ophthalmologists.
I've done my best to tell the rest From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
That of glasses I would beware;
You'll find it's true, I'm telling you On a tomb in the Church of Santa Maria
Glasses will not get you there.' Maggiore in Florence was found an inscrip-
which read: "Here Salvino degli
—Joseph J. Kennebeck, optometrist
tion lies

Armati, Inventor of Spectacles. May God

pardon him his sins. " Nuova Enciclopedia


Rather than identifying the cause of their ini-
The Florentines were doubtless mistaken
tial blur and reversing it, most people obtain was
in supposing that their fellow citizen . . .

glasses or contact lenses. Even stronger the inventor of the lenses now so com-
"crutches" are used when vision becomes monly worn to correct errors of refraction.
worse. "Strong" glasses are those that correct There has been much discussion as to the
one's eyes to 20/20 vision or stronger, for near origin of these devices, but they are gen-
or far vision. erally believed to have been known at a

Relearning to See • 25
period much earlier than that of Salvino ing chapter. One cannot see through them
degli Armati.The Romans at least must unless one produces the degree of refrac-
have known something of the art of sup- tive error that they are designed to correct.
plementing the powers of the eye, for Pliny But refractive errors, in the eye which is

tells Nero used to watch the games

us that left to itself, are never constant. If one
in the Colosseum through a concave gem secures good vision by the aid of concave,
set in a ring for that purpose. If, however, or convex, or astigmatic lenses, therefore,
his contemporaries believed that Salvino it means that one is maintaining constantly
of the Armati was the first to produce these a degree of refractive error which other-
aids to vision, they might well pray for the wise would not be maintained constantly.
pardon of his sins; for while it is true that It is only to be expected that this should
eyeglasses have brought to some people make the condition worse, and it is a mat-
improved vision and relief from pain and ter of common experience that it does.
discomfort, they have been to others sim- After people once begin to wear glasses
ply an added torture, they always do more their strength, in most cases, has to be
or less harm, and at their best they never steadily increased in order to maintain the
improve the vision to normal. degree of visual acuity secured by the aid
of the first pair. Persons with presbyopia
The "relief from pain and discomfort" pro- who put on glasses because they cannot
vided by glasses is not necessarily beneficial read fine print too often find that after they

in the long term. A drug used to relieve stom- have worn them for a time they cannot,
without their aid, read the larger print that
ach pain may cause serious problems if used
was perfectly plain to them before. A per-
continuously. A drug does not necessarily
son with myopia of 20/70 who puts on
remove the cause of the stomach ache. A drug
glasses giving him a vision of 20/20 may find
or mechanical crutch may even lead a person
that in a week's time his unaided vision has
to ignore the real cause of a problem.
declined to 20/200, and we have the testi-
Continuing with Bates' words: mony of Dr. Sidler-Huguenin, of Zurich, 3
that of the thousands of myopes [under his
That glasses cannot improve the sight to care] the majority grew steadily worse, in
normal can be very simply demonstrated spite of all the skill he could apply to the
by looking any color through a strong
fitting of glasses for them. When people
convex or concave glass. It will be noted break their glasses and go without them for
that the color is always less intense than a week or two, they frequently observe that
when seen with naked eye; and since
the their sight has improved. As a matter of
the perception of form depends upon the
fact the sight always improves, to a greater
perception of color, it follows that both or lesser degree, when glasses are dis-
color and form must be less distinctly seen
carded, although the fact may not always
with glasses than without them.Even plane be noted.
glass lowers the vision both for color and
form, as everyone knows who has ever
looked out of a window.
. .That glasses must injure the eye is evi- " Archiv f. Augenh., vol. lxxix, 1915, translated in
dent from the facts given in the preced- Arch. Ophth., vol. xlv, No. 6, 1916.

26 • Relearning to See
Chapter Four: The Problem with Glasses and Contact Lenses

A person's sight would not necessarily weak glasses people are unable to see dis-

improve if a person practiced worse vision tinctly unless they look through the center

habits — especially straining to see —than the of the lenses, with the frames at right angles

ones he had before discarding glasses. This is

and not only is their
to the line of vision;
vision lowered fail to do this, but
if they
why relearning relaxed vision habits is essen-
annoying nervous symptoms, such as dizzi-
tial for improving eyesight. Still, many peo-
ness and headache, are sometimes pro-
ple have found that their vision improves by
duced. Therefore they are unable to turn
wearing glasses less.
their eyes freely in different directions. It
Continuing from Perfect Sight Without is true that glasses are now ground in such
Glasses: a way that it is theoretically possible to look
through them at any angle, but practically
That the human eye resents glasses is a fact they seldom accomplish the desired result.
which no one would attempt to deny. Every The difficulty of keeping the glass clear
oculist knows that people have to "get is one of the minor discomforts of glasses,
used" to them, and that sometimes they but nevertheless a most annoying one. On
never succeed in doing so. People with high damp and rainy days the atmosphere
degrees of myopia and hypermetropia have clouds them. On hot days the perspiration
great difficulty in accustoming themselves from the body may have a similar effect.
to the full correction, and often are never On cold days they are often clouded by the
able to do so. The strong concave glasses moisture of the breath. Every day they are
required by myopes of high degree make so subject to contamination by dust and
all objects seem much smaller than they moisture and the touch of the fingers inci-
really are, while convex glasses enlarge dent to unavoidable handling that it is

them. These are unpleasantnesses that can- seldom they afford an absolutely unob-
not be overcome. People with high degrees structed view of the objects regarded.
of astigmatism suffer some very disagree- Reflections of strong light from eye-
able sensations when they first put on glasses are often very annoying, and in the
glasses, for which reason they are warned street may be very dangerous.
by one of the "Conservation of Vision" Soldiers, sailors, athletes, workmen, and
leaflets published by the Council on Health children have great difficulty with glasses
and Public Instruction of the American because of the activity of their lives, which
Medical Association to "get used to them not only leads to the breaking of the lenses,
at home before venturing where a misstep but often throws them out of focus, partic-
might cause a serious accident." 3 Usually ularly in the case of eyeglasses worn for
these difficulties are overcome, but often astigmatism.
they are not, and it sometimes happens that The fact that glasses are very disfiguring
those who get on fairly well with their may seem a matter unworthy of consid-
glasses in the daytime never succeed in get- eration in a medical publication; but men-
ting used to them at night. tal discomfort does not improve either the
All glasses contract the field of vision to general health or the vision, and while we
a greater or lesser degree. Even with very have gone so far toward making a virtue
of what we conceive to be necessity that
Lancaster: Wearing Glasses, p. 15. some of us have actually come to consider

Relearning to See • T~]

glasses becoming, huge round lenses in ugly It has been demonstrated [by Bates],
tortoise-shell frames being positively fash- however, that the lens is not a factor, either
ionable at the present time, there are still in the production of accommodation, or in
some unperverted minds to which the the correction of errors of refraction. There-

wearing of glasses is mental torture and the fore under no circumstances can there be
sight of them upon others far from agree- a strain of the ciliary muscle to be relieved.
able It has also been demonstrated that when
Up to a generation ago glasses were used the vision is normal no error of refraction
only as an aid to defective sight, but they is present, and the extrinsic muscles of the
are now prescribed for large numbers of eyeball are at rest. Therefore there can be
persons who can see as well or better with- no strain of the extrinsic muscles to be
out them The hypermetropic eye is relieved in these cases. When a strain of
believed to be capable of correcting its own these muscles does exist, glasses may cor-
difficulties to some extent by altering the rect its effects upon the refraction, but the
curvature of the lens, through the activity strain itself they cannot relieve. On the con-

of the ciliary muscle. [This topic is covered trary, as has been shown, they must make it

in Part Two. "Accommodation and Errors worse. [TQ emphasis] . . . When glasses do
of Refraction."] not relieve headaches and other nervous
The eye with simple myopia is not cred- symptoms it is assumed to be because they
ited with this capacity, because an increase were not properly fitted, and some practi-
in the convexity of the lens, which is sup- tioners and their clients exhibit an astound-
posed to be all that is accomplished by ing degree of patience and perseverance in

accommodative effort, would only increase their joint attempts to arrive at the proper
the difficulty; but myopia is usuahy accom- prescription. A person who suffered from
panied by astigmatism, and this, it is severe pains at the base of his brain was fit-

believed, can be overcome, in part, by alter- ted sixty times by one specialist alone, and
ations in the curvature of the lens. Thus we had besides visited many other eye and
are led by the theory to the conclusion that nerve specialists in this country and in
an eye in which any error of refraction Europe. He was relieved of the pain in five
exists is practically never free, while open, minutes by the methods presented in this
from abnormal accommodative efforts. In book, while his vision, at the same time,
other words, it is assumed that the supposed became temporarily normal.
muscle of accommodation has to bear not It is fortunate that many people for
only the normal burden of changing the whom glasses have been prescribed refuse
focus of the eye for vision at different dis- to wear them, thus escaping not only much
tances, but the additional burden of cor- discomfort but much injury to their eyes.
recting for refractive errors. Such Others, having less independence of mind,
adjustments, if they actually took place, or a larger share of the martyr's spirit, or
would naturally impose a severe strain having been more badly frightened by the
upon the nervous system, and it is to relieve oculists, submit to an amount of unneces-
this strain —
which is believed to be the sary torture which is scarcely conceivable.
cause of a host of functional nervous trou- One such person wore glasses for twenty-
bles —quite as much as to improve the sight five years, although they did not prevent
that glasses are prescribed. her from suffering continual misery and

28 • Relearning to See
Chapter Four: The Problem with Glasses and Contact Lenses

lowered her vision to such an extent that which he could read without difficulty
she had to look over the tops when she before he got his glasses can no longer be
wanted to see anything at a distance. Her read without their aid. In from five to ten
oculist assured her that she might expect years the accommodative power of the eye
the most serious consequences if she did is usually gone; and if from this point the

not wear the glasses, and was very severe person does not go on to cataract, glau-
about her practice of looking over instead coma, or inflammation of the retina, he may
of through them. consider himself fortunate. Only occasion-
As refractive abnormalities are contin- ally do the eyes refuse to submit to the arti-
ually changing, not only from day to day ficial conditions imposed upon them; but
and from hour to hour, but from minute to in such cases they may keep up an aston-
minute, even under the influence of [the ishing struggle against them for long peri-
paralyzing drug] atropine, the accurate fit- ods. A woman of seventy, who had worn
ting of glasses is, of course, impossible. In glasses for twenty years, was still able to
some cases these fluctuations are so read diamond type and had good vision for
extreme, or the person so unresponsive to the distance without them. She said the
mental suggestion, that no relief whatever glasses tired her eyes and blurred her
is obtained from correcting lenses, which vision, but that she had persisted in wear-
necessarily become under such circum- ing them, in spite of a continual temptation
stances an added discomfort. At their best to throw them off, because she had been
it cannot be maintained that glasses are told that it was necessary for her to do so.

anything more than a very unsatisfactory If persons who find themselves getting
substitute for normal vision presbyopic, or who have arrived at the
The idea that presbyopia is "a normal presbyopic age, would, instead of resorting
result of growing old" is responsible for to glasses, follow the example of the gen-
much defective eyesight. When people who tleman mentioned by Dr. Holmes [see
have reached the presbyopic age [forty] Chapter 6, 'Accommodation and Errors of
experience difficulty in reading, they are Refraction —The Orthodox View"] and
very likely to resort at once to glasses, either make a practice of reading the finest print
with or without professional advice. In they can find, the idea that the decline of
some cases such persons may be actually accommodative power is "a normal result
presbyopic; in others the difficulty may be of growing old" would soon die a natural
something temporary, which they would death.
have thought little about if they had been
younger, and which would have passed Tom's Personal Log: At age 10, 1 was given
away if Nature had been left to herself But a prescription of -2.50 D for myopia. My
once the glasses are adopted, in the great glasses and contact lenses increased in power
majority of cases, they produce the condi-
until at age 30 1 D and
had approximately -8
tion they were designed to relieve, or, if it
-1 D of astigmatism. At that time I could not
already existed, they make it worse, some-
see anything clearly more than a few inches
times very rapidly, as every ophthalmolo-
gist knows. In a couple of weeks sometimes,
from my nose. For over twenty years, I suf-

the person finds, as noted in the chapter

fered with glasses and contact lenses, which

What Glasses Do to Us, that the large print made both my vision and my health worse.

Relearning to See • 20,



Potential serious problems due to blurred glasses causes the increased progressive
vision are discussed in Chapter 27, "Serious nearsightedness

Vision Problems." . . . Nearsighted and farsighted glasses

will create more of the same problem for

"WHY GLASSES ARE HARMFUL FOR which the lenses were prescribed and worn.
If left alone, without glasses, and the [incor-
rect] eye habits in all close work were
stopped, the eyes would return toward nor-
In 1969, Joseph J. Kennebeck, O.D., a prac- mal. 5
ticing optometrist for more than 50 years, . . . Where glasses begin, good eyes end. 6
wrote Why Glasses Are Harmful for Children
and Young People. In this book, Kennebeck Regarding nearsightedness, optometrist

says that if a nearsight uses glasses that were

Bruce May states:
given to him for distance (20+ feet) vision to Sadly, the most common approach to
see up close, he puts a strain on his eyes. myopia is the least likely to prevent its fur-

For nearsights, Kennebeck writes: ther increase. Usually, corrective concave

lenses are supplied for clearing distance
Glasses fitted at twenty feet are harmful
seeing, along with advice that the lenses are
and habit-forming at twenty feet and
to be worn all the time. This procedure can
beyond Inside of twenty feet the glasses
. . .

only increase the near point stress. It is

are many times worse. Glasses are wrong
almost certain that more myopia will
at every foot inside of twenty feet. At ten 7
feet the glasses are twice wrong; at five feet

they are four times wrong; at one foot, they Similarly, a farsight who looks into the dis-
are twenty times wrong . . . This is the rea- tance with his reading glasses on will also
son glasses are not scientifically correct . .
strain his sight.
eyes cannot compensate through glasses
Dr. Thomas H. David, in his booklet
made for twenty feet for all other distances,
Improve Your Vision with Television, writes:

what brings on progressive myopia, which To put on glasses when one has devel-
could have been prevented if the glasses oped a strain may give temporary relief,
had never been prescribed or worn 3
however, if incorrect habits of using the
Nearsighted eyes have to over-accom- eyes are not overcome, the wearer returns
modate through nearsighted glasses to read to the eye specialist for an increase in his
compared to normal
at thirteen inches, as lense.
eyes. Their over-accommodation adds up
to the nearsighted lens power they wear
The scope of these problems increases
for distance, say for example minus three when lighting factors are taken into consid-
diopters, plus the same three diopters that eration. Most people who have blurred vision

normal eyes use to see at thirteen inches, have more blur in darkness than in bright
which makes six diopters of accommoda- light. Better vision in bright light is due to
tion usedby such nearsighted eyes through the pinhole effect, discussed in Chapter 14,
nearsighted glasses such terrific over- . . .
"The Third Habit — Blinking." One reason
accommodation through nearsighted eyesight is tested in darkness is to ensure you

30 • Releaming to See

Chapter Four: The Problem with Glasses and Contact Lenses

are given the maximum correction needed a chameleon. This can result in the loss of nor-
for all situations. mal depth perception experience with binoc-
A nearsight's vision is checked at twenty ular (two-eye) vision, as the brain tries to
feet in darkness —the "worst case scenario." emphasize the picture from only one eye, and
When a 20/20 prescription is given for this de-emphasize the picture from the other.
situation, it will automatically be too strong,
not only for close vision, but for distance
vision in bright light. Nearsighted Glasses Can Double
Peripheral Objects
As mentioned by Bates, when a person wears
Farsighted Glasses for Nearsights? strong "-" diverging lenses, objects appear
After wearing prescription glasses for many smaller through the lenses. As a result, near-
years,some nearsights lose the ability to see sights who wear strong glasses can experi-
clearly up close while wearing their strong, ence a doubling of objects, or parts of objects,
distance glasses. (Since without corrective around the frames. The stronger the pre-
lenses a nearsight can still see clearly up close, more the doubling.
scription, the
the person is not truly "farsighted," as is often
mistakenly stated.)
Many nearsights are given converging, "+" Farsighted Glasses
reading glasses to wear on top of their con- Can Lose Some Objects
cave, "-" contact lenses for reading up close. When "+" converging lenses are used, objects
For example, if the contact lense is -5 D, and appear larger through the lenses. "Magnifiers"
the glasses are +2 D, the resultant combina- literally magnify. As a result, farsights who
tion contact lense/reading glasses correction wear strong glasses can experience loss of

is -3 D. objects, or parts of objects, at the borders of

A person in this predicament could simply the frames. The stronger the prescription, the
wear a -3 D pair of glasses for near vision, more the loss.

but without using the contact lenses. But a

common motivation for using contact lenses
is to not have to wear glasses in the first place. Bifocals and "Bifocal Neck"
This scenario has led some people to enroll A common solution to the problem of strong,
for natural vision classes. single prescriptions is the use of bifocals, or
"progressive" lenses.
Bifocals are often provided as a conve-
The Monovision Solution nience so that people will not need to switch
Another solution to the nearsight's loss of between two different powers of glasses to

near vision while wearing strong "-" contact see at different distances.
lenses is monovision. One eye is fitted with a One problem with bifocals is that the neck
lense to see in the distance, while the other becomes even more tense than when "sin-

is fitted with a reduced lense to see up close. gles" were used. Many people I have talked
The idea is to use only one eye at a time, like with acknowledge this fact. One eye doctor,

Relearning to See • 3
who prescribes reduced-power glasses for their chronic tension completely unless vision

natural vision students, refers to people wear- is normalized.

ing bifocals as having "bifocal necks."
Before wearing bifocals, a person would Trifocals, Quadrafocals,
be more likely to move the head up and down even dozenfocals!
naturally to see objects far and near, respec-
Modern technology can create almost any
tively. With bifocals, the tendency is to tilt the
type of lenses for glasses. The student of one
head back, lock the head and neck tight, and
vision teacher had been given dozenfocals!
move the eyes down to see through the bot-
The more complex the lenses, the more
tom portion of the bifocal lens. This can cre-
unnatural the vision experience, and the
ate a high strain on a person's neck.
greater the strain.
Ophthalmologist R. S. Agarwal, in his book
Mind and Vision, writes regarding bifocals:
Problems with Contact Lenses
The upper glass is meant to see distant
The painful "adaptation" period experienced
objects, while the lower glass is meant for
reading. One is not able to see through the by wearers of hard contact lenses is a message

junction between the two glasses. Hence to stop putting foreign objects into the eyes!

one has to raise the eyeball to see distant Some problems experienced by some con-
objects and lower the eyeball to see the near tact lense wearers include:
objects. The eye is forced to move up and
• Lenses not fitting the cornea properly
down in an unnatural way. This unnatural
movement causes great strain on the eyes. 9
• Lenses are not durable
• Inconvenience of handling
June Biermann and Barbara Toohey write • Non-compliance with hygienic
in theirbook The Woman s Holistic Headache measures in cleaning, disinfection, and
Relief Book: storage

Do you regularly hold your chin for- Sudden pain and dizziness

ward? In this category we can put "bifocal Distortion of the cornea

headaches," headaches caused by sticking eye and eyelids
Irritation of the
your chin forward to peer better through Cornea abrasion and infections
the reading [lower] portion of your glasses. Allergic reactions to cleaning solutions
June suspects this was a contributing fac- Protein buildup on lenses
tor in her headaches. 10
Restrictions from some occupations
People with blurred vision have a tight Continuous expense
neck because the same strained vision habits Allergic reactions

that tighten the eye muscles also tighten the Red eyes
neck muscles. Bifocals only increase that neck Scar tissue on the cornea

tension. Possible melting of the lense onto the

Clients with blurred vision can be a source cornea with certain types of accidents
of frustration for holistic health practition- involving electrical sparks

ers. The neck and shoulders cannot release Risks of oxygen deprivation to the
cornea, which can cause abrasions,

32 • Releaming to See
Chapter Four: The Problem with Glasses and Contact Lenses

especially with hard and extended-wear everything is now "fine" —but it's not!
contact lenses The mental and physical strain remains.
• Extended-wear contact lenses causing 3. This increased strain tightens the eye
corneal ulcers, abrasions, and inflamma- muscles even more, creating additional
tion; possible partial or complete vision blur. It's as mind and body want
if the
loss to give you blurred vision, no matter
• Corneal transplant what artificial approaches you take.
• Serious infections Blur is a correct message telling you to
• Vision loss, including blindness eliminate excessive strain.
• Mucus trapped under the lense Unfortunately, most people in indus-
• Interference with normal blinking and trialized cultures do not listen to this

tearing message.
• Inflammation of the upper eyelid
In the next chapter, we discuss how a per-
• Drying out of the eyes
son can minimize the strain caused by cor-
• Serious safety hazard if dust lodges
rective lenses, thus giving room for vision to
between contact lense and cornea
improve when relearning correct vision habits.
• In 1986, contact lenses had the highest
number of product-related injuries
reported to the US Consumer Product Notes
Safety Commission for all medical 1
Joseph J. Kennebeck, Why Eyeglasses are Harm-
devices; 33,458 injuries were linked to and Young People (New York:
ful for Children
contact lenses. 11 Vantage Press, 1969), pp. 119-21.
All quotes in this book which contain empha-
A VISUAL BIOFEEDBACK— IN THE sis with italics are by the quoted author, unless
WRONG DIRECTION otherwise noted.
For most people, strong corrective lenses cre- Kennebeck, pp. 26-27.
ate a negative biofeedback loop: Ibid., pp. 28-29.
Ibid., p. 29.
1. The initial mental and physical strain of 6
Ibid., p. 62.

incorrect vision habits abnormally 7

Bruce May, Rx for Nearsightedness: Stress-
tightens the eye muscles, creating blur. Relieving Lenses, Optometric Extension Pro-

2. Corrective lenses lock the eye muscles gram Foundation pamphlet (1981).

tight. The mind and body are now con-

Thomas H. David, Improve Your Vision with
Television! (Los Angeles, California: DeVorss
fused. Clarity is supposed to be experi-
enced only when a person has relaxed,
& Co., 1951), p. 7.
R. S. Agarwal, Mind and Vision (Pondicherry,
natural vision habits. Blur is a message
Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1983), p. 33.
India: Sri
of imbalance from the mind and body 10
June Biermann and Barbara Toohey, The
telling you to return to the normal,
Woman's Holistic Headache Relief Book (Los
relaxed way of seeing. Strong corrective Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, Inc., 1979), p. 47-
lenses tell the mind and body that 11
MDDI Report (September 4, 1987).

Relearning to See • 33
Chapter Five

Reduced Prescriptions

People who wear strong "corrective" lenses for many students with strong prescriptions
for blurred vision have two interferences to to take off glasses altogether. Since relaxation
normal vision: incorrect vision habits and the is the key to normal sight, it is best to
strong glasses. approach the vision improvement process in

The first interference is the original incor- as reasonable and relaxed a way as possible.
rect vision habits acquired when the vision
initially blurred. The correct vision habits are WORKING WITH A
discussed in Part Four, "'The Three Habits of SUPPORTIVE EYE DOCTOR
Natural Vision." If a student is unable to eliminate glasses
The other interference to normal sight is immediately, he can consult with a support-
strong glasses. Unfortunately, some people ive or "neutral" eye doctor to obtain reduced
are given glasses when they are not needed. prescriptions.
This can strain the visual system. If your eye doctor is not supportive initially,

Some people are confused about what you may be able to educate him or her that
Bates said regarding glasses. Bates stated that there are now ophthalmologists and op-
the best approach while improving vision is tometrists who give natural vision students
to discard glasses permanently. He also stated reduced prescriptions and some who even
that in cases where this would be "too great teach their students how to improve their
a hardship," glasses of reduced strength can vision naturally. There are even eye doctors,
be used while improving, but it may take several of whom this author has met person-
longer to succeed. Therefore, it is not neces- ally, who have improved their own eyesight
sary to completely eliminate glasses imme- with the Bates method. Most likely there is at

diately to succeed. Many natural vision least one eye doctor in your community who
students have succeeded by using reduced will support your vision improvement pro-
glasses during the transition period. gram. They are your eyes, and you want to
It would be too stressful and impractical take care of them the best way you know how.

Relearning to See •
OF REDUCED PRESCRIPTIONS Many nearsights have obtained a reduced,
Bates wrote in May 8, 1915, issue of the New legal, and safe prescription for driving. How-
York Medical Journal: ever, as Kennebeck emphasized in the last

chapter, this prescription is too strong to wear

As a general rule it is best for the stu- up Wearing a distance prescription
dent to discard glasses. In some cases of while seeing up close is a strain.
extreme myopia, where going without Nearsights have two options for their close
glasses entails too great a hardship, good
vision: 1) If possible, do not use glasses; you
results have been obtained by gradually
may already be doing this, knowing intuitively
reducing the strength of the glasses worn
that the glasses for distance sight are too
as the vision improves, but the process is
1 strong for your eyes, and that you can func-
then prolonged.
tion adequately up close without them. 2) If
glasses for close vision are necessary, obtain
Most people were given glasses due to the
a second, even weaker, pair of reduced
mastery of staring and other poor vision
habits. Therefore glasses, to some degree,
"remind" the student to continue poor vision Bifocals create an even greater strain on
the neck and visual system than single-pre-
habits. Students can succeed with vision
scription lenses. In the long term, increased
improvement by using reduced prescriptions
they continue to blur and strain on the visual system is less
or "transition" glasses, if

practice correct vision habits while wearing

convenient, especially if they lead to more

them, and if they remove the glasses when serious vision problems. (See Chapter 27,

they are not essential. In the long term, cor- "Serious Vision Problems.") If different cor-

rect vision habits are more powerful than the

rective lenses are needed for more than one
negative effects of the reduced glasses. distance, it is better to have two pairs of
reduced glasses. Besides, the more you
DRIVING AND WORK GLASSES improve your vision, the less you need them.

If you need glasses for driving, you must If you have some older, weaker pair of
glasses, you can ask your eye doctor to check
obtain and use safe and legal driving glasses
their power. They may be fine for your first
from your eye doctor. 20/40 is the driving
pair of reduced glasses. If not, you may be
requirement for eyesight in many states, while
no state requires better than 20/25 sight f° r
able to put reduced lenses into the old frames.

driving. Check with your eye doctor regard- Although there is usually an additional

ing the vision requirements for driving in your expense in obtaining two pairs of reduced
glasses, it is not more expensive in the long

If you have an occupation that requires term. This is because the weaker of the two
safe work up close, wear glasses that are ade- pairs of reduced glasses can often be used for

quate for your task. the other distance as the vision improves.
How much money have you spent already
on corrective lenses? How much more would
you spend for the rest of your life?

36 • Relearning to See
Chapter Five: Reduced Prescriptions

When vision with a pair of reduced glasses • For nearsights, strong, single-prescrip-
becomes crystal clear, they are no longer tion contact lenses are designed for dis-
"reduced" prescriptions, because vision tance vision. This means that reduced
improved! It is then time to switch to an even single-prescription 20/40 contacts
weaker prescription. Many students are would be too strong for close vision.
happy to pay their eye doctor for weaker • It is important not to use any corrective
glasses! And eye doctors who support nat- lenses when they are not absolutely
ural vision students get more business! needed. Since it is impractical to con-
stantly take contact lenses out and put
"5&10" or EYE DOCTOR them back in, using glasses is an obvi-
PRESCRIPTIONS? ous advantage.
Farsights who buy "reading" glasses at the
Many students do not like the idea of
"5&10" store need to decide whether inex-
returning to glasses after wearing contact
pensive glasses are the correct choice when
lenses. Temporary sacrifices are sometimes
obtaining reduced glasses. Some authorities
necessary to reach wonderful goals.
warn people to not "compromise" eyesight
Some people have told me they will never
with "imperfect lenses." The implication given
take my natural vision class because they are
in some literature is that some glasses might
not willing to go back to wearing glasses. (Stu-
not contain lenses of as high a quality as oth-
dents can attend natural vision classes and
ers, and that the difference could be based on
continue to wear contact lenses.) If these peo-
ple could remember the joys of beautiful,
Regardless of the cost, improperly made
naturally clear vision, they might think dif-
glasses can strain your eyes. There are many
ferently. Students who have completely elim-
factors that go into making the correct pre-
inated their need for both contact lenses and
scription. You will need to decide whether
glasses are happy they were willing to use
inexpensive 5&10 glasses are the correct
glasses temporarily.
One of my students held onto her contact
lenses until she saw improvement of her sight,
which occurred by the second class. She
brought her contact lenses to that class and
Wearing contact lenses while improving
had a little ceremony in disposing of them
vision is not the best approach for several
into the trash can. After the course she
became a Natural Vision teacher.
• Contact lenses are a foreign object in I have met some extraordinarily motivated
the eye. While improving vision, the eyes individuals in the last seventeen years of
increase circulation in many ways. The teaching Natural Vision classes. The follow-
more life force energy that returns to ing is a most remarkable case.

your eyes, especially due to the release A woman, T B., called me and talked with
of neck tension, the more likely your me about my classes. She said she was a scuba
eyes will "reject" these foreign objects. diver, welding oil pipelines underwater off

Relearning to See •


the shores of Alaska! Since she wore contact ciple —Centralization," only a small
lenses while scuba diving, returning to glasses part of the visual picture we see is

was not very practical for her — at least, not clearest, while most of the visual pic-

initially. She was extremely motivated to get ture is "unclear" —even for those with
rid of any corrective lenses, especially because perfect sight! People with blur tend to
none of her colleagues needed them. (Peo- put their visual attention into the areas
ple who are in occupations closely connected of the picture that are unclear. A per-
to nature appear less likely to have blurred son sees better —instantaneously
vision.) when he shifts attention from the
T. B., whom I later learned had healed her unclear areas back to the clearer area.
cancer by eliminating excessive stress from
Students are often surprised at how many
her life, requested temporary surface duty on
activities they can do comfortably fairly
a boat. She was then able to stop wearing con-
tact lenses and obtained reduced glasses. She
soon —with and without glasses. Many activ-
ities they did not think they would be able to
enrolled for my class in June 1988, when she
do without strong glasses.
had 20/200 uncorrected vision. In July 1988,

her optometrist measured her uncorrected

''Where there is a will. ..."
vision at 20/70. At this time she received -1.75
diopter glasses to correct her to 20/40. In
October 1988, she was seeing 20/20 with the Notes
same reduced glasses. Eventually, she elimi- 1
William H. Bates, "'The Reversal of Errors of
nated her need for corrective lenses and Refraction by Education Without Glasses" in
returned to her regular underwater scuba- the New York Medical Journal, May 8, 1915.
diving, pipe-welding work.


Some students, especially at the start of their
natural vision re-education, are a bit nervous
at the prospect of using reduced glasses.
If you are one of these students or poten-
tial students, consider the following:

1. Many, if not most, people already know

what reduced glasses are like, because
they have usually experienced
"reduced" vision through their glasses
after a period of time.
2. When a student relearns to see
correctly, confidence in your natural
vision can grow quickly. As we shall
learn in Chapter 10, "The Second Prin-

38 • Relearning to See


Accommodation and
Errors of Refraction

In the next three chapters, we explore

theories and facts relating to how the eyes
adjust to see clearly from far to near

called accommodation —and the errors of

refraction: nearsightedness, farsightedness,
so-called presbyopia, and astigmatism.

Chapter Six

Accommodation and Errors of

Refraction — The Orthodox View

The universe is not to be narrowed down to It is a well-known fact that the human
the limits of understanding, which has been body is not a perfect mechanism. Nature,
man 's practice up to now, but the understand- in the evolution of the human tenement,
ing must be stretched to take in the image of has been guilty of some maladjustments.. .

the universe as it is discovered. But nowhere is she supposed to have blun-

dered so badly as
— Sir Francis Bacon
eye. With
in the construction of the

one accord ophthalmologists tell

us that the visual organ of man was never

intended for the uses to which it is now put.
Eons before there were any schools or
Bates' "Introductory" is the first chapter in moving
printing presses, electric lights or
his seminal work on natural vision improve- pictures, its evolution was complete. In those
ment, Perfect Sight Without Glasses. days it served the needs of the human ani-
mal perfectly. Man was a hunter, a herds-
INTRODUCTORY man, a farmer, a fighter. He needed, we are
Most on ophthalmology appear to
writers told, mainly distant vision; and since the eye
believe that the last word about problems at rest is adjusted for distant vision, sight is

of refraction has been spoken, and from supposed to have been ordinarily as pas-
their viewpoint the last word is a very sive as the perception of sound, requiring
depressing one. Practically everyone in no muscular action whatever. Near vision,
these days suffers from some form of it is assumed, was the exception, neces- . . .

refractive error. Yet we are told that for sitating a muscular adjustment of such short
these ills, which are not only so inconve- duration that was accomplished without

nient, but often so distressing and danger- placing any appreciable burdenupon the
ous, thereis not only no way to reverse mechanism of accommodation. The fact that
them, and no palliative save those optic primitive woman was a seamstress, an
crutches known as eyeglasses, but, under embroiderer, a weaver, an artist in all sorts

modern conditions of life, practically no of fine and beautiful work, appears to have
prevention. been generally forgotten. Yet women living

Relearning to See • 41


under primitive conditions have just as good For the prevailing method of vision care,

eyesight as the men. by means of compensating lenses, very lit-

When man learned how to communicate tle was ever claimed except that these con-

his thoughts to others by means of written trivances neutralized the effects of the
and printed forms, there came some unde- various conditions for which they were pre-
niably new demands upon the eye, . . scribed, as a crutch enables a lame man to
affecting at first only a few people, but grad- walk. It has also been believed that they
ually including more and more, until now, sometimes checked the progress of these
in the more advanced countries, the great conditions; but every ophthalmologist now
mass of the population is subjected to their knows that their usefulness for this pur-
influence. A few hundred years ago even pose, if any, is very limited. In the case of
princes were not taught to read and write. myopia b (shortsight), Dr. Sidler-Huguenin
Now we compel everyone to go to school, of Zurich, in a striking paper recently pub-
whether he wishes to or not, even the lished, expresses the opinion that glasses
babies being sent to kindergarten. A gen- and all methods now at our command are
eration or so ago books were scarce and "of but little avail" in preventing either the
expensive. Today, by means of libraries of progress of the error of refraction, or the
all sorts, stationary and traveling, they have development of the very serious compli-
been brought within the reach of practi- cations with which it is often associated.
cally everyone. The modern newspaper, These conclusions are based on the study
with its endless columns of badly printed
reading matter, was made possible only by a
The unnatural strain of accommodating the eyes
the discovery of the art of manufacturing to close work (for which they were not intended)

paper from wood, which is a thing of yes- leads to myopia in a large proportion of growing

terday. The tallow candle has been but children. —

Rosenau: Preventive Medicine and
Hygiene, third edition.
lately displaced by the various forms of arti-
The compulsion of fate as well as an error of
ficial lighting, which tempt most of us to evolution has brought it about that the unaided
prolong our vocations and avocations into eye must persistently struggle against the aston-
hours when primitive man was forced to ishing difficulties and errors inevitable in its struc-

rest, and within the last couple of decades ture, functionand circumstance. Gould: The —
Cause, Nature and Consequences of Eyestrain,
has come the moving picture to complete
Pop Sci Monthly, Dec, 1905.
the supposedly destructive process.
With the invention of writing and then with the
Was it reasonable to expect that Nature invention of the printing press a new element was
should have provided for all these devel- introduced, and one evidently not provided for
opments, and produced an organ that could by the process of evolution. The human eye which
had been evolved for distant vision is being forced
respond to the new demands? It is the
to perform a new
one for which it had not
accepted belief of ophthalmology today
been evolved, and for which it is poorly adapted.
that she could not and did not, a and that, The difficulty is being daily augmented. — Scott:
while the processes of civilization depend The Sacrifice of the Eyes of School Children, Pop
upon the sense of sight more than upon Sci Monthly, Oct., 1907.
any other, the visual organ is but imper- From the Greek myein, to close, and ops, the eye;
literally a condition in which the subject closes
fectly fitted for its tasks.
the eye, or blinks.
There are a great number of facts which
Archiv f. Augenh, vol. lxxix, 1915, translated in
seem to justify this conclusion
Arch. Ophth., vol. xlv, No. 6, Nov., 1916.

42 • Relearning to See
Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View
of thousands of cases in Dr. Huguenin's vision, both at the near point and at the dis-

private practice and in the clinic of the Uni- tance, increases the curvature of the lens
versity of Zurich, and regarding one group sufficiently to compensate, whole or in
of individuals, persons connected with the part, for the flatness [short from front to
local educational institutions, he states that back] of the eyeball. In myopia, on the con-
the failure took place in spite of the fact trary, we are told that the eye actually goes
that they followed his instructions for years out of itsway to produce the condition, or
"with the greatest energy and pertinacity," to make an existing condition worse.
sometimes even changing their professions.

I have been studying the refraction of

the human eye for more than thirty years,
and my observations fully confirm the fore-
going conclusions as to the uselessness of
all methods heretofore employed for
the prevention and improvement of errors
of refraction. I was very early led to sus-
pect, however, that the problem was by no
means an unsolvable one.
Every ophthalmologist of any experience
knows that the theory of the irreversibility
of errors of refraction does not fit the
observed Not infrequently such cases

recover spontaneously, or change from one

form to another. It has long been the cus- Figure 6-1: Diagram of the Hypermetropic,
tom either to ignore these troublesome Emmetropic, and Myopic Eyeballs. 1 H, hyperme-
facts, or to explain them away, and fortu- tropia; E, emmetropia; M, myopia; Ax, optic axis.

nately for those who consider it necessary Note that in hypermetropia and myopia the rays,
to bolster up the old theories at all costs, instead of coming to a focus, form a round spot
the role attributed to the lens in accom- upon the retina.

modation offers, in the majority of cases, a

plausible method of explanation. Accord- A normal, emmetropic eye is said to be
ing to this theory, which most of us learned
"at rest"; it has a spherical shape and sees
at school, the eye changes its focus for
clearly in the distance. Light rays from a far
vision at different distances by altering the
object focus properly on the retina. In order
curvature of the lens: and in seeking an
explanation for the inconstancy of the the-
for an emmetropic eye to see near objects
clearly, there must be some mechanism by
oretically constant error of refraction the
theorists hit upon the very ingenious idea which the diverging light rays from a near
of attributing to the lens a capacity for object can be focused onto the retina. The
changing its curvature, not only for the pur- changing of the eye to see clearly up close
pose of normal accommodation, but to is called accommodation.
cover up or to produce accommodative Conventionally, accommodation is attributed
errors.. the case of the disappearance only to the lens, which supposedly acquires
or lessening of hypermetropia, we are
more curvature on its front side by the
asked to believe that the eye, in the act of

Relearning to See • 43
contraction of the ciliary muscle. Bates (and Normally, the lens is said to be in the flat-

others) attributed accommodation to the ter (less convex) shape when "at rest." As just
action of the two oblique muscles producing discussed, the emmetropic (spherical) eye-

an elongated eyeball. ball at rest sees clearly in the distance. When

A hypermetropic ("farsighted") eye is too the ciliary muscle contracts, the front side
short from front to back; it does not see of the lens is said to gain more curvature,
clearly near. (Or far, but near objects are usu- which would allow the spherical eyeball to
ally less clear than far objects. Many farsights see clearly up close. This is the orthodox
are surprised to see their distance vision explanation of normal accommodation.
improve while improving their near vision.) The hypermetropic (foreshortened) eye-
A myopic (nearsighted) eye is too long balldoes not see clearly near. With a fore-
from front to back; it cannot see clearly in the shortened eyeball, and an "at rest" lens in its

distance. Light rays from near objects focus normal flatter shape, light rays are focused
correctly on the retina of a myopic eye. "in back of the retina; light rays on the retina
In a multitude of debates about eyesight, are "out of focus." Theoretically, if the ciliary
virtually all authorities agree on these three muscle contracts, the front side of the lens
facts: could gain greater curvature and would be
able to focus light rays from far objects clearly
1. The normal, "at rest" eyeball is in a
onto the retina.
round shape; in this state, far objects
Bates again from Perfect Sight Without
are clear and close objects are not

2. The myopic (nearsighted) eyeball is

These curious performances may seem
elongated; near objects are clear, and
unnatural to the lay mind; but ophthal-
far objects are not clear. mologists believe the tendency to indulge
3. The hypermetropic ("farsighted") eye- in them to be so ingrained in the consti-
ball is foreshortened; near objects are tution of the organ of vision that, in the fit-

not clear. ting of glasses, customary to instill

it is

Continuing with Bates' words from Perfect

atropine — the "drops" with which every-
one who has ever visited an oculist is famil-
Sight Without Glasses:
iar — into the eye, for the purpose of
paralyzing the ciliary muscle and thus, by
In other words, the so-called "ciliary mus-
preventing any change of curvature in the
cle," believed to control the shape of the
lens, bringing out "latent hypermetropia"
lens, is credited with a capacity for getting
and getting rid of "apparent myopia."
into a more or less continuous state of con-
traction, thus keeping the lens continuously
In other words, when atropine is used, the
in a state of [greater] convexity which,
ciliary muscle loses any possible contraction
according to the theory, it ought to assume
only for vision at the near point.
power to change the curvature of the lens,

and, theoretically, the lens relaxes into its

To clarify what Bates said about the con- normal, "at rest," flatter shape for distance
ventional position on accommodation:
vision. The "true" condition of a person's

44 * Relearning to See
Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View
sight, i.e., the amount of myopia or hyper- many Natural Vision teachers, and many nat-
metropia due to the eyeball being non-spher- would say, "Yes."
ural vision students
ical, can then be determined. Another consultant, an ophthalmologist,
From Perfect Sight Without Glasses: agrees that the multitude of people who have
clear vision near and far long after the so-
called presbyopic age is confusing to the
The interference of the lens [without the
instillation of atropine], however, is
orthodox. As Bates pointed out, nearly all

believed to account for only moderate experienced eye specialists have seen such
degrees of variation in errors of refraction, cases.

and that only during the earlier years of If the lens is the only mechanism of accom-
life. For the higher ones, or those that occur modation, as stated conventionally, it should
after forty-five years of age, when the lens be easy to demonstrate that these older peo-
is supposed to have lost its elasticity to a ple are accommodating with the lens. In this
greater or lesser degree, no plausible expla-
case, the lens has obviously not become rigid
nation has ever been devised.
enough to prevent normal accommodation.
If the lens has become so rigid the ciliary

Above, Bates presents one of his primary muscle can no longer produce accommoda-
arguments against the lens being the mech- tion, the two oblique eye muscles must be
anism of accommodation. To recap: producing accommodation, in which case the
The conventional explanation for hyper- lens is obviously not essential for accommo-
metropic (farsighted) young people improv- dation.

ing their sight is not that the eyeball returns Note that the refractive power of the lens

to its normal round shape, but that the lens of a camera remains fixed.

gains greater (than normal) curvature to see Continuing from Perfect Sight Without
clearly near and far again. Hypermetropia is Glasses:

considered to be congenital and irreversible.

Examining 30,000 pairs of eyes a year at
A problem with this conventional position
the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary and
is it cannot explain how hypermetropia
other institutions, I observed . . . many cases
improves or is eliminated in elderly people,
in which errors of refraction either recov-
in whom the lens is said to become rigid and ered spontaneously, or changed their form,
inflexible. A Natural Vision Center consul- and I was unable either to ignore them, or
tant, who has seen numerous elderly people to satisfy myself with the orthodox expla-
who have natural clear vision near and far, nations, even where such explanations were
refers to such people by quoting an ancient seemed to me that if a state-
available. It
Chinese phrase
—"Returning of Youth." This ment it must always be a truth.
is a truth
consultant states that conventional eye spe- There can be no exceptions. If errors of
cialists have "no set answer" to explain how refraction are irreversible, they should not

people can maintain clear vision well into recover, or change their form, sponta-
their seventies. Are the elderly people who
In the course of time I discovered that
keep clear vision all of their lives keeping
myopia and hypermetropia, like astigma-
their "youth" somehow? I believe Bates,

Relearning to See • 45

Figure 6-2: The Eye as a Camera, 2 The photographic apparatus: D, diaphragm made of circular over-
lapping plates of metal by means of which the opening through which the rays of light enter the cham-
ber can be enlarged or contracted; L, lens; R, sensitive plate (the retina of the eye); AB, object to be
photographed; ab, image on the sensitive plate. The eye: C, cornea where the rays of light undergo a
first refraction; D, irisdiaphragm of the camera); L,
(the lens, where the light rays are again refracted; R,
retina of the normal eye;AB, object of vision; ab, image in the normal or emmetropic eye;a b\ image in x

the hypermetropic eye; a "b ", image in the myopic eye. Note that ina'b' and a "b "
the rays are spread out
upon the retina instead of being brought to a focus as in ab, the result being the formation of a blurred

tism, could be produced at will; that myopia the lower animals, the results of which con-
was not, as we have so long believed, asso- vinced both myself and others that the lens
ciated with the use of the eyes at the near is not a factor in accommodation, and that
point, but with a strain to see distant the adjustment necessary for vision at dif-
objects, strain at the near point being asso- ferent distances is effected in the eye, pre-
ciated with hypermetropia; that no error cisely as it is in the camera, by a change
of refraction was ever a constant condi- in the length of the organ, this alteration
tion being brought about by the action of the
In seeking for light upon these problems muscles on the outside of the globe. [The
I examined tens of thousands of eyes, and focal length —the distance between the
the more facts I accumulated the more dif- lense and the —of a camera increased
film is

ficult it became to reconcile them with the to focus near objects clearly. The focal
accepted views. Finally, about half a dozen length is decreased to focus far objects
years ago, I undertook a series of observa- clearly. As noted above, the curvature of a
tions upon the eyes of human beings and camera's lens never changes.] Equally con-

46 • Relearning to See
. —

Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View

vincing was the demonstration that errors
of refraction [nearsightedness, astigmatism, RETINOSCOPY
and farsightedness], including presbyopia, One of the key principles of natural vision is

are due not to an organic change in the motion, or movement. Most people's sight is
shape of the eyeball or in the constitution
tested when they are not moving. Bates
of the lens, but to a functional and there-
showed that vision blurs when a person is still
fore reversible derangement in the action
for too long. His advanced discoveries about
of the extrinsic muscles.
natural vision were largely possible because
In making these statements I am well
he studied the vision of people and animals
aware that I am controverting the practi-
cally undisputed teaching of ophthalmo-
as they were moving.
logical science for the better part of a In Chapter Two of the ground-breaking

century;... buthave been driven to the

I work, Perfect Sight Without Glasses, Bates dis-

conclusions which they embody by the cusses how the retinoscope made such
facts, and that so slowly that I am now sur- research possible.
prised at my own blindness. At the time I

was improving high degrees of myopia; but Much of my information about the eyes
I wanted to be conservative, and I differ- has been obtained by means of simultane-
entiated between functional myopia, which ous retinoscopy. The retinoscope is an
I was able to reverse, or improve, and instrument used to measure the refraction
organic myopia, which, in deference to the of the eye. It throws a beam of light into
orthodox tradition. I accepted as irre- the pupil by reflection from a mirror, the
versible. light being either outside the instrument
above and behind the subject —or arranged
Note that the problem of the lens not being within it by means of an electric battery.

able to accommodate, from the conventional On looking through the sight-hole one sees
a larger or smaller part of the pupil filled
viewpoint, is only an issue after the age of
with light, which in normal human eyes is
forty, when supposedly the lens has become
a reddish yellow, because this is the color
rigid. This is commonly referred to as pres-
of the retina, but which is green in a cat's
byopia. This means that the mechanism of
eye, and might be white if the retina were
accommodation does not need to be known, diseased. Unless the eye is exactly focussed
and is irrelevant, if the elongated myopic eye at the point from which it is being observed,
is brought back to its normal shape. The same one sees also a dark shadow at the edge of
is true if the hypermetropic and astigmatic the pupil, and it is the behavior of this
eyes are brought back to their normal shapes. shadow when the mirror is moved in var-

Stated another way: nearsightedness, far- ious directions which reveals the refractive

sightedness (at least before the age of forty), condition of the eye.... This exceedingly
useful instrument has possibilities which
and astigmatism do not have anything to do
have not been generally realized by the
with the front side of the lens not being able
medical profession.. .

to acquire more curvature.

For thirty years I have been using the
retinoscope to study the refraction of the
eye. With it I have examined the eyes of

Releaming to See • 47
tens of thousands of school children, hun- we adopted in 1909, when we abandoned
dreds of infants and thousands of animals, the attempt to raise an army and navy with
including cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, cows, normal vision, defective eyesight has been
birds, turtles, reptiles and fish. I have used one of the leading causes of rejection for
it when the subjects were at rest and when service in both the Army and Navy, if it has
they were in motion —also when I myself not actually headed the list. In 1915 it was

was in motion;. . .1 have used it in the day- by far the most common of the defects
when the subjects were
time and at night, found among applicants for enlistment in
when they were excited:
comfortable and the Navy and Marine Corps. The total num-
when they were trying to see and when ber refused for this cause among 106,392
they were not; when they were lying and was 12,374, while flat feet came next with
when they were telling the truth; when the only 8,188 cases. This too was under a stan-
eyelids were partly closed, shutting off part dard which, while higher than that of the
when the pupil was
of the area of the pupil, Army and Navy is only three-quarters nor-
dilated, when it was contracted to
and also mal.
a pin-point; when the eye was oscillating The fact is that defective sight is a world-
from side to side, from above downward wide plague, making its appearance along
and in other directions. In this way I dis- with civilization, and increasing just in pro-
covered many facts which had not previ- portion as modern modes of living are
ously been known, and which was quite I adopted
unable to reconcile with the orthodox At the present time the general attitude
teachings on the subject. This led me to of the medical profession toward this evil,

undertake the series of experiments already which we have learned to take lightly only
alluded to. The results were in entire har- because it is so common,
is one of hope-

mony with my previous observations, and books on the subject,

lessness. Writers of
me no choice but to reject the entire
left practicing ophthalmologists and others,
body of orthodox teaching about accom- while admitting the inadequacy of the eye-
modation and errors of refraction. glass, all assure us that it is the only [solu-
tion] for errors of refraction; while the only

means of prevention they can suggest is

A SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN REPORT that of sparing the eye as much as possible

ON THE BATES METHOD from the close application necessitated not

only by the modern educational system,
Mary Dudderidge writes in the January 12,
where most of the trouble begins, but by
1918, issue of Scientific American:
many of the employments upon which
The revelations regarding the physical human life now depends. Some have even
condition of the American people which concluded that nature, who could not have
have resulted from the examination of men been expected to provide for such a
for military service under the Draft Law tremendous change as has taken place in

have come as a shock to the nation, but are the environment of the human animal, was
no more than was expected by those who not in a position to make the eye properly,
had previously been giving attention to while several scientists of repute have held
such matters. Even under a liberal inter- that a moderate degree of myopia is a kind
pretation of the lowered standard which of a natural adaptation, and should not be

48 • Relearning to See
Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View
looked upon as abnormal defects of he said, are caused by chronically tense extrin-
vision are accepted as irreversible, and no sic eye muscles. Since these are not "organic"
means of alleviating them are suggested problems, he, and others, have said they are
except the one, fraught with peril to the sol-
dier, of placing convex or concave glasses
Strain in one's eye muscles is similar to
before the eyes. 3
holding your fist tightly for a long time. The
. . . We were all taught at school that the
muscles are tense, there is less mobility, and
accommodation of the eye depends upon
an alteration in the curvature of the crys-
the hand does not function properly. Hold-

talline lens. Now defects of vision have ing the fist tight for many years, and putting
been found to be associated with devia- a brace on it, would more prob-
likely lead to

tions from the normal in the shape of the lems. The arm and shoulder become tight, and
eyeball, which ought to be a perfect sphere; for some, the breathing becomes shallow or
and such deformations are always supposed irregular. The tight fist becomes a holistic
to be permanent. In nearsightedness the problem.
sphere is elongated, so that it can be What is the solution? Letting go. Every-
focused accurately only on near objects.
thing returns to its normal, relaxed, flexible
Rays of light coming from a distance are
state. Everything functions correctly again.
focused in front of the retina instead of
upon it. In farsightedness the eyeball is too
short, and the light rays are focused behind
Errors of Refraction
the retina. In astigmatism the eyeball
becomes lopsided, the deviation from the When light rays do not focus on the retina
normal curvature not having been uniform. correctly, the eye cannot see objects clearly
In an effort to overcome these conditions at all distances. In this state the eye is said to
the crystalline lens is supposed to alter its have a refractive error. The three errors of
curvature, through the agency of what is refraction are nearsightedness, farsightedness
known as the ciliary muscle; on which (including presbyopia), and astigmatism.
theory the unfortunate muscle would have Like the farsighted eye, the presbyopic eye
imposed upon it not only the ordinary has refractive error, but unlike the farsighted
labors of accommodation, but the duty of
eye, presbyopic refractive error is said, con-
compensating for refractive errors; and
ventionally, to be caused not by a foreshort-
from these labors it would practically never
ened eyeball, but by the hardening of the lens.
be free so long as the eye was open. The
Bates said the cause of presbyopia is the same
thought is really an appalling one, and is
enough to drive the victim to eyeglasses, as the cause of farsightedness — tense recti

even if the physical discomfort of the situ- muscles.

ation did not do so.

FUNCTIONAL PROBLEMS— ERRORS Strabismus, an Error of Convergence

OF REFRACTION AND STRABISMUS Strabismus, e.g. crossed eye, is the abnormal

Bates referred to nearsightedness, farsight- turning of an eye away from the point of inter-

edness, presbyopia, astigmatism, and strabis- est. Bates said that the abnormal tensing of one

mus as functional problems. These problems, or more recti muscles can produce strabismus.

Relearning to See • 49
Strabismus, by itself, is not an error of refrac- The Helmholtz Lens Theory
tion because light rays still focus on the retina of Accommodation
to see clearly near and far. Of course if the Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) was a
strabismic eye is also nearsighted or farsighted, great German scientist and ophthalmologist.
the eye cannot see clearly at all distances. He developed the idea of the conservation
Strabismus and related issues are covered of energy and made important contributions
in Chapter 18, "Stereoscopic Vision." to the fields of optics and acoustics. The action

of the ciliary muscle on the lens being the

ACCOMMODATION EXPLAINED mechanism of accommodation is generally
FURTHER attributed to Helmholtz.
Optical devices, e.g. cameras, binoculars, micro- In 1943, ophthalmologist May stated the
scopes, and telescopes, require some way of orthodox position on accommodation in his

changing in order to focus images at different book Diseases of the Eye:

distances clearly. In binoculars, microscopes,
During accommodation, the ciliary mus-
and telescopes the distance between the lenses
cle (especially the circular fibers) contracts,
is increased and decreased. In cameras the drawing forward the choroid and relax-
distance between the lens and the film is ing the suspensory ligament; this diminishes
increased to focus a near object, and decreased the tension of the lens capsule and allows
to focus afar object. the inherent elasticity of the lens to increase
As stated above, the eye, in its normal, its convexity. The change in curvature
round, "resting" state, sees clearly in the dis- affects chiefly the anterior surface of the

tance. If the eye did not change in some way, lens. This is Helmholtz's theory and the one

a near object could not be seen clearly. This usually accepted. [TQ emphasis.] Tschern-

is because light rays from the near object ing has advanced a different theory: He
maintains that the ciliary muscle increases
would come to a focus in back of the retina.
the tension of the suspensory ligament dur-
Accommodation is the ability of the eye
ing contraction, and that this causes periph-
to change from the state of seeing clearly in
eral flattening of the lens with bulging
the distance to seeing clearly up close. When anteriorly at its center. 5
the eye is in the process of changing to see
clearly up close, or when it is in the state of Bates writes in Perfect Sight Without Glasses,
seeing clearly up close, it is said to be "accom- "Marius Hans Erik Tscherning (1854-) is a
modating." The reverse action of accommo- Danish ophthalmologist who for twenty-five
dation returns the eye to seeing clearly in the years was co-director and director of the oph-

distance, when, once again, it is said to be "at thalmological laboratory of the Sorbonne.
rest," and no longer accommodating. Stated Later he became professor of ophthalmology
more simply, the eye accommodates to see Copenhagen."
in the University of

clearly up close, and then "unaccommodates" Although both of the theories of accom-
to see clearly in the distance. modation mentioned by May involve the
How the eye accommodates has been changing of the front side of the lens, he pre-
debated for many decades — long before sents two opposite mechanisms. It is interest-

Bates did his research on eyesight. ing that as late as 1943, there were still questions

50 • Relearning to See
Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View
as to the actual mechanism of accommodation. Bates Questions the Accepted Theory
So, Helmholtz's explanation was still being of Accommodation
referred to as a "theory" and this theory appar- In Perfect Sight Without Glasses, in Chapter
ently was not accepted by everyone. III, entitled "Evidence for the Accepted
The 1980 edition of Webster's New Colle- Theory of Accommodation," Bates discusses
giate Dictionary defines visual accommoda- research by many scientists on the role, if any,
tion as: "the automatic adjustment of the eye of the lens in accommodation.
for seeing at different distances effected Much of the research on the lens was con-
chiefly [TQ emphasis] by changes in the con- ducted by observing possible changes in the
vexity of the crystalline lens." 6 The word size of reflections of images on the front and
"chiefly" seems to imply there is at least one back surfaces of the lens, using reflections of
other mechanism of automatically seeing at images from the cornea as a reference point.
different distances. Theoretically, the corneal reflections should
In 1976 University Physics states: remain constant in size because the eyeball
and cornea are said (conventionally) not to
To see an object distinctly, a sharp image
of it must be formed on the retina. If all the
change their shapes during accommodation.
elements of the eye were rigidly fixed in Bates discusses research by Donders, and
position, therewould be but one object dis- other scientists, on the lens. In regards to Don-
tance for which a sharp retinal image would ders, Bates writes in Perfect Sight Without
be formed, while in fact the normal eye can Glasses, "Frans Cornells Donders (1818- 1889)
focus sharply on an object at any distance was professor of physiology and ophthal-
from infinity up to about 25 cm in front of mology at the University of Utrecht, and is
the eye. This is made possible by the action ranked as one of the greatest ophthalmolo-
of the crystalline lens and the ciliary mus-
gists of all time." After discussing Donders'
cle to which it is attached. When relaxed,
work, he discusses the work of the great oph-
the normal eye is focused on objects at
thalmologist Helmholtz.
infinity, i.e., the second focal point is at
From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
the retina. When it is desired to view
an object nearer than infinity, the ciliary
Like Donders, Helmholtz found the image
muscle tenses and the crystalline lens
obtained by the ordinary methods on the
assumes a more nearly spherical [i.e., more
front of the lens very unsatisfactory, and in
convex] shape. This process is called
his "Handbook of Physiological Optics" he
accommodation. 7
describes it as being "usually so blurred
However, there seems to be some question that the form of the flame cannot be defi-
nitely distinguished." So he placed two
as to whether the lens becomes rigid in pres-
lights, or one doubled by reflection from a
byopia in the next paragraph in University
mirror, behind a screen in which were two
Physics which is quoted later in this chapter.
small rectangular openings, the whole being

Handbuch der physiologischen Optik, edited by

Nagel, 1909-11, vol. i, p. 121.

Relearning to See • 5J
— .


mmmmmm r

Figure 6-3: Diagram of the Images of Purkinje. No. 1 —
Images of a candle: a, on the cornea; b, on the
front of the lens; c, on the back of the lens. No. 2 Images of [two] lights shining through rectangu-
lar openings in a screen while the eye is at rest (R) and during accommodation (A): a, on the cornea;
b, on the front of the lens; c, on the back of the lens (after Helmholtz). Note that in No. 2, A, the cen-
tral images are smaller and have approached each other, a change which, if it actually took place, would
indicate an increase of curvature in the front of the lens during accommodation.

so arranged that the lights shining through from the front side of the lens decreased in
the openings of the screen formed two size when the eye accommodated to see
images on each of the reflecting surfaces. up close. An increase in the size of an
During accommodations, it seemed to him image would indicate that the surface had
that the two images on the front of the lens
become flatter, and vice versa.
became smaller and approached each
However, the size of the images reflecting
other, while on the return of the eye to a
from the back side of the lens remained con-
state of rest [for distance clarity] they grew
stant, indicating that the back side of the lens
larger again and separated. This change, he
said, could be seen "easily and distinctly." b
did not change in curvature during accom-

The observations of Helmholtz regarding modation. How can a ciliary muscle change

the behavior of the lens in accommodation,

published about the middle of the last cen-
tury, were soon accepted as facts, and have
ever since been stated as such in every text-
book dealing with the subject.

If an image reflecting from the front side

of a convex lens becomes Figure 6-4: Diagram By Which Helmholtz Illus-
smaller, it could
tratedHis Theory ofAccommodation. 9 R is sup-
indicate the front side of that convex lens has
posed to be the resting state of the lens, in which
increased its curvature. Helmholtz's research
it is adjusted for distant vision. In A the suspen-
seemed to indicate that the images reflecting
sory ligament is supposed to have been relaxed
through the contraction of the ciliary muscle, per-
mitting the [front side of the] lens to bulge for-
Ibid., vol. i, p. 122. ward by virtue of its own elasticity. . .

52 • Releaming to See
Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Ortnodox View
did not indicate that both sides of the lens
change their curvature, which is what a per-
— —
The lens is said to be relatively flat 'at rest* tor distance vision
son might expect when the ciliary muscle con-
tracts and expands around the lens.

I i Lensless Accommodation—
Helmltoltz believed that
the lens increases its
when the ciliary muscle contracts,
curvature so that the eye can see clearty up close:
The "Grand Objection"
To continue from Bates' exposition from Per-
fect Sight Without Glasses:
Expected conclusion Irom Conclusion from
Helmhore s research Helmhottz s research

Yet in examining the evidence for the

•BoOl .v BufliaM Urn
[Helmholtz's lens] theory we can only won-
Figure 6-5: Expected Conclusion and der at the scientific credulity which could
Conclusion from Helmholtz's Research. base such an important department of
medical practice as the [care] of the eye
upon such a mass of contradictions.
Helmholtz, while apparently convinced of
only the front side of a lens, without chang- the correctness of his observations indi-
ing the back side? cating a change of form in the [front side
According to the Helmholtz lens theory of
accommodation, when the circular ciliary
muscle contracts, it moves inward toward the
lens. The suspensory ligaments, which span

between the ciliary body and the lens cap-

sule, relax their tension on the lens capsule.
As a consequence, the front side of the lens
is said to acquire more curvature. If this actu-
ally occurred, a person would then see clearly,
or at least more clearly, up close; in other
words, the person would be accommodating.
When the ciliary muscle expands (relaxes)
back to its normal state, the suspensory liga-

ments pull on the lens capsule, and the front

side of the lens is said to return to its normal
flatter shape for clear distant vision again.
Some contemporary books on eyesight
Figure 6-6: Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von
have illustrations showing only the front side Helmholtz 10
whose observations
of the lens changing its curvature during regarding the behavior of images reflected from
accommodation, as attributed to Helmholtz. the front of the lens are supposed to have demon-
Others show both sides of the lens changing strated that the curvature of this body changes
during accommodation. Helmholtz's research during accommodation —
Relearning to See • 53
of the] lens during accommodation, felt Bates then presents evidence of accom-
himself unable to speak with certainty of modation in people who are lensless:
themeans by which the supposed change
was effected, 3 and strangely enough the When the lens has been removed for
question is still being debated. Finding, as cataract the person usually appears to lose
he states, "absolutely nothing but the cil- his power of accommodation, and not only
iary muscle to which accommodation could has to wear a glass to replace the lost part

be attributed," b Helmholtz concluded that [i.e., convex glasses for distance, compen-
the changes which he thought he had sating for the loss of the lens], but has to
observed in the curvature of the [front side put on a stronger [convex] glass for read-
of the] lens must be effected by the action ing. A minority of these cases, however,
of this muscle; but he was unable to offer after they become accustomed to the new
any satisfactory theory of the way it oper- condition, become able to see at the near
ated to produce these results, and he explic- point without any change in their [distance]
itly stated that the one he suggested glasses. The existence of these two classes
possessed only the character of probabil- of cases has been a great stumbling block
ity. Some of his disciples, "more loyal than to ophthalmology. The first and more
the king." as Tscherning has pointed out, numerous appeared to support the theory
"have proclaimed as certain what he of the agency of the lens in accommoda-
[Helmholtz] himself with much reserve tion; but the second was hard to explain
explained as probable." but there has been away, and constituted at one time, as Dr.
no such unanimity of acceptance in this Thomas Young observed, the "grand objec-
case as in that of the observations regard- tion" to this idea. A number of these cases
ing the behavior of the images reflected of apparent change of focus in the lensless
from the lens. No one except the present eye having been reported to the Royal
writer, so far as I am aware, has ventured Society by competent observers. Dr. Young,
to question that the ciliary muscle is the before bringing forward his theory of
agent of accommodation; but as to the accommodation, took the trouble to exam-
mode of its operation there is generally felt ine some of them, and considered himself
to be much need for more light. Since the justified in concluding that an error of
lens is not a factor in accommodation, it is observation had been made. While con-
not strange that no one was able to find out vinced, however, that in such eyes the
how it changed its curvature. It is strange, "actual focal distance is totally unchange-
however, that these difficulties have not in able," he characterized his own evidence
any way disturbed the universal belief that in support of this view as only "tolerably
the lens does change. satisfactory." At a later period Donders
made some investigations from which he
concluded that "in aphakia 3 not the slight-

est trace accommodative power

remains." b Helmholtz expressed similar

Handbuch der physiologischen Optik, vol. i. pp.

124 and 145. a
Absence of the lens.
Ibid., vol. i. p. 144. b
On the Anomalies of Accommodation and
Physiologic Optics, p. 166. Refraction of the Eye. p. 320.

54 * Releaming to See
Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View
views, and von Graefe, although he thalmological Society the case of a young
observed a "slight residuum" of accom- woman of eighteen who, without any
modative power in lensless eyes, did not change in her glasses, read the twenty line
consider it sufficient to discredit the theory on the Snellen test card at twenty feet and
of Cramer and Helmholtz. It might be due, also read diamond type at from five inches
he said, to the accommodative action of the to twenty. On October 8, 1894, a client of
iris, and possibly also to a lengthening of Dr. A. E. Davis who appeared to accom-
the visual axis through the action of the modate perfectly without a lens consented
external muscles. 3 to go before the New York Ophthalmo-
For nearly three-quarters of a century logical Society. "The members," Dr. Davis
the opinions of these masters have echoed reports, 6 "were divided in their opinion as
through ophthalmological literature. Yet it to how the person was able to accommo-
is today a perfectly well-known and undis- date for the near point with his distance
puted fact that many persons, after the glasses on"; but the fact that he could see
removal of the lens for cataract, are able at this point without any change in his
to see perfectly at different distances with- glasses was not to be disputed.
out any change in their glasses. Every oph- [This person] was a chef, forty-two years
thalmologist of any experience has seen old, and on January 27, 1894, Dr. Davis had
cases of this kind, and many of them have removed a black cataract from his right eye,

been reported in the literature. supplying him at the same time with the
In 1872, Professor Forster of Breslau usual outfit of glasses, one to replace the
reported 5 a series of twenty-two cases of and a stronger one
lens, for distant vision,

apparent accommodation in eyes from for reading. In October he returned, not

which the lens had been removed for because his eye was not doing well, but
cataract. The subjects ranged in age from because he was afraid he might be "strain-
eleven to seventy-four years, and the ing" it. He had discarded his reading glasses
younger ones had more accommodative after a few weeks, and had since been using
power than the elder. A year later Woinow only his distance glasses. Dr. Davis doubted
of Moscow reported eleven cases, the sub- the truth of his statements, never having
jects being from twelve to sixty years of seen such a case before, but found them,
age. In 1869 and 1870, respectively, Loring upon investigation, to be quite correct. With
reported d to the New York Ophthalmo- his lensless eye and a convex glass of eleven
logical Society and the American Oph- and a half diopters, the chef read the ten
line on the test card at twenty feet, and with

the same glass, and without any change in

its position, he read fine print at from four-
Archive. £ Ophth.. 1855. vol. ii, part 1. p. 187 et seq.
Albrecht von Graefe (1828-1870) was professor teen to eighteen inches. Dr. Davis then pre-
of ophthalmology in the University of Berlin, and sented the case to the Ophthalmological
is ranked with Donders and Arlt as one of the Society but, as has been stated, he obtained
greatest ophthalmologists of the nineteenth cen-

Klin. Montasbl. f. Augenh.. Erlangen. 1872. vol. x.

Accommodation in the Lensless Eye,
p. 39 et seq. Reports of the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospi-
Archiv. £ Ophth., 1873, v °l- xi*. P art 3' P- 107- tal. Jan.. 1895. The article gives a review of the

Flint: Physiology of Man, 1875. vol. v, pp. 110-111. whole subject.

Re learning to See • 55
no light from that source. Four months the ophthalmologicalmind so strongly that
later, February 4, 1895, the chef still read even the evidence of objective tests was
20/10 at the distance and his range at the not believed. The apparent act of accom-
near point had increased so that he read modation was said not to be real, and many
diamond type at from eight to twenty-two theories, very curious and unscientific, have
and a half inches. Dr. Davis subjected him been advanced to account for it.

to numerous tests, and though unable to

find any explanation for his strange per-
formances, he made some interesting obser- How is the Helmholtz Lens Theory
vations. The results of the tests by which Regarded Today?
Donders satisfied himself that the lensless
The orthodox opinion remains the same
eye possessed no accommodative power
today: the lens is the only mechanism of
were quite different from those reported
by the Dutch authority [Cramer?], and Dr. accommodation, and it becomes irreversibly
Davis therefore concluded that these tests rigid in middle age. After that time accom-
were "wholly inadequate to decide the modation is not supposed to be possible.
question at issue." During accommodation Ironically, this position presents excellent
the ophthalmometer 3 showed that the support for the muscles being — at the very
corneal curvature was changed and that least — another mechanism of accommoda-
the cornea moved forward a little. Under tion, due to the following four facts (some
scopolamine, a drug sometimes used
from above):
instead of atropine to paralyze the ciliary
muscle (1/10 percent solution every five min- 1. Many lensless people accommodate.
utes for thirty-five minutes, followed by a 2. Many older people keep excellent
wait of half an hour), these changes took vision both near and far.
place as before [paralysis of the ciliary mus- Many
3. so-called presbyopes have
cle rules out the possibility of the ciliary
improved their vision with the Bates
muscle being the cause of the change of the
method of re-education.
corneal curvature]; they also took place
4. An eye with a paralyzed ciliary muscle,
when the lids were held up. With the pos-
which rules out accommodation by the
sible influence of lid pressure and of the
ciliary muscle eliminated, therefore. Dr. lens, can still accommodate.
Davis felt himself bound to conclude that
The only rational explanation for these
the changes "must have been produced by
four facts is that the two oblique muscles
the action of the external muscles."
accommodate the eyeball. Other physical fac-
. . . These and similar cases have been the
tors have been ruled out.
cause of great embarrassment to those who
upon These four facts indicate that whether or
feel called to reconcile them with the
accepted theories. With the retinoscope the not the lens and/or ciliary muscle play any
lensless eye can be seen to accommodate; role in accommodation, they are not neces-
but the theory of Helmholtz has dominated sary for accommodation.

An instrument for measuring the curvature of
the cornea.

56 • Releaming to See

Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View

Could Presbyopia Be Caused by a Presbyopia, an Age-Old "Old-Age"
Strained or Atrophied Ciliary Myth
Muscle? When the eye cannot see clearly up close
Could a strained or atrophied ciliary muscle, after the age offorty —a person is said to have
unable to contract, be the reason a lens no presbyopia (from Greek: presby, meaning
longer accommodates? Could the normal- "older," and opia, meaning "eye"). Presby-
ization of the ciliary muscle be the reason opes often hear or read that their near blur
presbyopes improve vision? is due to the inflexibility of the lens, due to
Some have taken the position that the cil- the "natural aging process."
iary muscle can lose its ability to change the Presbyopia is said to be the result of the
shape of the lens as the person becomes lens becoming rigid, in its "non-accommo-
older. The "sluggish" ciliary muscle is not dating" flatter shape. According to the
functioning correctly, but after being "toned Helmholtz lens theory of accommodation,
up" again, the ciliary muscle is said to regain the presbyope can see clearly only in the dis-
its ability to accommodate the lens. tance, not up close. Supposedly the lens loses
This position appears to require that: its flexibility and therefore the front side of
the lens loses have more curva-
its ability to
1. the lens has not become rigid; or
on near objects. Con-
ture to focus clearly
2. the lens became semi-rigid, but kept
ventional textbooks do not state that
sufficient flexibility to still accommo-
presbyopia is caused by foreshortening of the
date; or
eyeball, which was Bates' position.
3. the lens became completely rigid, but
Quoting again from University Physics: 11
regained its flexibility when the ciliary
muscle was "toned up" again. The extremes of the range over which
distinct visionis possible are known as the
These theories are not supported by the far point and the near point of the eye. The
orthodox. far point of a normal eye is at infinity. The
The ciliary muscle "revitalization" theory position of the near point evidently [TQ
still does not explain how a lensless eye, and emphasis] depends on the extent to which
an eye with a paralyzed ciliary muscle, can the curvature of the crystalline lens may be
still accommodate. increased in accommodation. The range of

In fact, Bates agreed with orthodox science accommodation gradually diminishes with
age as the crystalline lens loses its flexi-
that the lens becomes less flexible as a per-
bility. For this reason the near point grad-
son ages. But for Bates the lens was "imma-
ually recedes as one grows older. This
terial," because his research indicated that
recession of the near point with age is
only the two oblique muscles are involved in
called presbyopia, and should not be con-
accommodation. sidered a defect of vision, since it proceeds
at about the same rate in all normal eyes.

The following is a table of the approximate

position of the near point at various ages:

Relearning to See • 57
ple or people living under primitive con-
Age, years Near point, cm
cm = inch] ditions, very little information is available.
[2.54 1

Donders a says that the power of accom-

10 7
modation diminishes little, if at all, more
20 10
rapidly among people who use their eyes
30 14
much at the near point than among agri-
40 22 culturists, sailors and others who use them
50 40 mainly for distant vision; and Roosa and
60 200 others b say the contrary. This is a fact, how-
ever, that people who cannot read, no mat-
In using the word "evidently," the authors ter what their age, will manifest a failure of

seem to suggest some doubt as to the rela- near vision if asked to look at printed char-

tionship between the inflexibility of the lens' acters, although their sight for familiar
curvature and a person's near point with objects at the near point may be perfect.
The fact that such persons, at the age of
forty-five or fifty, cannot differentiate
Bates believed presbyopia is hypermetropia
between printed characters is no warrant,
occurring at middle age, and is caused by
therefore, for the conclusion that their
strained recti muscles foreshortening the eye-
accommodative powers are declining. A
young illiterate would do no better, and a
Bates proved the two oblique muscles can young student who can read Roman char-
elongate the eyeball, in which state a person acters at the near point without difficulty
sees clearly up close. When the oblique mus- always develops symptoms of imperfect
cles release, the eye returns to the normal sight when he attempts to read, for the first

shape for distance vision. For Bates, accom- time, old English, Greek, or Chinese char-

modation occurs only by the action of the acters.

two, oblique, external eye muscles. When the accommodative power has
declined to the point at which reading and
Bates felt there was ample evidence to sup-
port the position that the oblique muscles
writing become difficult, the person is said
to have "presbyopia" or, more popularly,
produce accommodation. Following is his
"old sight"; and the condition is generally
view on presbyopia, from Chapter XX of Per-
accepted, both by the popular and the sci-
fect Sight Without Glasses. According to Bates,
entificmind, as one of the unavoidable
this condition is not inevitable, and it can be inconveniences of old age. "Presbyopia,"
reversed when it occurs. says Donders, "is the normal quality of the
normal, emmetropic eye in advanced age," c
Among people living under civilized con-
ditions, the accommodative power of the
eye gradually declines, in most cases, until On the Anomalies of Accommodation and
at the age of sixty or seventy it appears to Refraction of the Eye, p. 223.
have been entirely lost, the subject being Roosa: A Clinical Manual of Diseases of the Eye,
absolutely dependent upon his glasses for 1894, p. 537; Oliver: System of Diseases of the Eye,
vol. iv, p. 431.
vision at the near point.As to whether the
same thing happens among primitive peo- On the Anomalies of Accommodation and
Refraction of the Eye, p. 210.

58 • Relearning to See
Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View
and similar statements might be multiplied Age Diopters Inches
endlessly. De Schweinitz calls the condition
10 14.00 2.81
"a normal result of growing old"; d accord-
15 12.00 3.28
ing to Fuchs it is "a physiological process
which every eye undergoes"; 6 while Roosa 20 10.00 3-94

speaks of the change as one which "ulti- 25 8.50 4-63

mately affects every eye." 30 7.00 5-63
The decline of accommodative power 35 5-50 7.16
with advancing years is commonly attrib- 40 4-50 8-75
uted to the hardening of the lens, an influ-
45 3-50 11.25
ence which is believed to be augmented, in
50 2.50 15-75
later years, by a flattening of this body and
55 1.50 26.25
a lowering of its refractive index, together
60 0-75 5249
with weakness or atrophy of the ciliary
65 0.25 15748
muscle; and so regular is the decline, in
70 0.00
most cases, that tables have been compiled
showing the near point to be expected at
According to these depressing figures
various ages. From these it is said one might
one must expect at thirty to have lost no
almost fit glasses without testing the vision
less than half of one's original accom-
of the subject; or, conversely, one might,
modative power, while at forty two-thirds
from a man's glasses, judge his age within
of it would be gone, and at sixty it would
a year or two. The following table is quoted
be practically nonexistent.
from Jackson's chapter on "The Dioptrics
There are many people, however, who
of the Eye," in Norris and Oliver's "System
do not fit this schedule. Many persons at
of Diseases of the Eye," g and does not dif-
forty can read fine print at four inches,
fer materially from the tables given by
although they ought, according to the table,
Fuchs, Donders and Duane. The first col-
to have lost that power shortly after twenty.
umn indicates the age, the second diopters
Worse still, there are people who refuse to
of accommodative power, the third the near
become presbyopic at all. Oliver Wendell
point for an emmetropic eye, in inches. 11

Holmes mentions one of these cases in The

Autocrat of the Breakfast Table.
"There is now living in New York State,"
he says, "an old gentleman who, perceiving
Diseases of the Eye, p. 148. his sight to fail, immediately took to exer-
Text-book of Ophthalmology, authorized trans- cising it on the finest print, and in this way
lation from the twelfth German edition by Duane, fairly bullied Nature out of her foolish habit
1919, p. 862. Ernst Fuchs (1851-). Professor of Oph-
of taking liberties at five-and-forty, or there-
thalmology at Vienna from 1885 to 1915. His Text-
about. [Some Natural Vision teachers
book of Ophthalmology has been translated into
many languages. would have preferred the word "coaxed"
A Clinical Manual of Diseases of the Eye, p. 535. instead of "bullied," as effort is never asso-
g Vol. i, p. 504.
ciated with normal vision.] And now this
An eye which, when it is at rest, focuses parallel old gentleman performs the most extraor-
rays upon the retina is said to be emmetropic or dinary feats with his pen, showing that his
normal. eyes must be a pair of microscopes. I should

Relearning to See •


be afraid to say how much he writes in the age, therefore, can be easily disposed of by
compass of a half-dime —whether the assuming that the subjects must be myopic,
Psalms or the Gospels, or the Psalms and or that their pupils are unusually small. If

the Gospels, I won't be positive."

the case comes under actual observation,

There are also people who regain their the matter may not be so simple, because
near vision after having lost it for ten, fif- it may be found that the subject, so far from
teen, or more years; and there are people being myopic, is hypermetropic, or
who, while presbyopic for some objects, emmetropic, and that the pupil is of nor-
have perfect sight for others. Many dress- mal size. There is nothing [for the ortho-
makers, for instance, can thread a needle dox] to do with these cases but to ignore
with the naked eye, and with the them. Abnormal changes in the form of the
retinoscope it can be demonstrated that lens have also been held responsible for
they accurately focus their eyes upon such the retention of near vision beyond the pre-
objects; and yet they cannot read or write scribed age, or for its restoration after it has
without glasses. been lost, the swelling of the lens in incip-
So far as I am aware no one but myself ient cataract affording a very convenient
has ever observed the last -mentioned class and plausible explanation for the latter

of cases, but the others are known to every class of cases. In cases of premature pres-
ophthalmologist of any experience. One byopia, "accelerated sclerosis"' of the lens
hears of them at the meetings of ophthal- and weakness of the ciliary muscle have
mological societies; they are even reported been assumed; and if such cases as the
in the medical journals; but such is the force dressmakers who can thread their needles
of authority that when it comes to writing when they can no longer read the news-
books they are either ignored or explained papers had been observed, no doubt some
away, and every new treatise that comes explanation consistent with the German
from the press repeats the old superstition viewpoint would have been found for them.
that presbyopia is "a normal result of grow- The truth about presbyopia is that it is

ing old." . . . German science still oppresses not "a normal result of growing old," being
our intellects and prevents us from credit- both preventable and reversible. It is not
ing the plainest evidence of our senses . . caused by hardening of the lens, but by a
German ophthalmology is still sacred, and strain to see at the near point. It has no nec-
no facts are allowed to cast discredit upon essary connection with age, since it occurs,
it. in some cases, as early as ten years, while
Fortunately for those who feel called in others it never occurs at all, although the
upon to defend the old theories, myopia subject may live far into the so-called pres-
postpones the advent of presbyopia, and a byopic age.It is true that the lens does

decrease in the size of the pupil, which harden with advancing years, just as the
often takes place in old age, has some effect bones harden and the structure of the skin
in facilitating vision at the near point. changes; but since the lens is not a factor
Reported cases of persons reading without in accommodation, this fact is immater-
glasses when over fifty or fifty-five years of ial, and while in some cases the lens may

Everyman's Library. 1908, pp. 166-167. Fuchs: Text-book of Ophthalmology, p. 905.

60 • Relearning to See

Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View

become flatter, or lose some of its refrac- reversed, and this has happened, not in a
power with advancing years, it has been
tive few cases, but in many, and at all ages, up
observed to remain perfectly clear and to sixty, seventy and eighty.
unchanged in shape up to the age of ninety.
Since the ciliary muscle is also not a factor
in accommodation, its weakness or atro- Physician, Heal Thyself
phy can contribute nothing to the decline
Continuing from Perfect Sight Without
of accommodative power. [In this last para-
graph, Bates completely discounts the role
Glasses, Bates explains how he reversed his

of the lens and ciliary muscle as having

own presbyopia:

anything to do with accommodation.] Pres-

byopia is, in fact, simply a form of hyper- The first person that I reversed of presby-

metropia in which the vision for the near opia was myself. Having demonstrated by

point is chiefly affected, although the vision

means of experiments on the eyes of ani-

for the distance, contrary to what mals that the lens is not a factor in accom-
is gener-
ally believed, is always lowered also modation, I knew that presbyopia must be
... In
both conditions the sight at both points is
reversible, and I realized that I could not
look for any very general acceptance of the
lowered, although the person may not be
revolutionary conclusionsI had reached so
aware of it.

It has been shown that when the eyes

long as wore glasses myself for a condi-

tion supposed to be due to the loss of the

strain to see at the near point the focus is

always pushed farther away than was it

accommodative power of the lens. I was
before, in one or
then suffering from the maximum degree
all meridians; and by
of presbyopia. I had no accommodative
means of simultaneous retinoscopy it can
always be demonstrated that when a per-
power whatever, and had to have quite an
son with presbyopia tries to read fine print
outfit of glasses, because with a glass, for

and fails, the focus is always pushed farther

instance, which enabled me to read fine

away than print at thirteen inches, I could not read it

it was before the attempt was

made, indicating that the failure was caused either at twelve inches or at fourteen. The
by strain. Even the thought of making such retinoscope showed that when I tried to
see anything at the near point without
an effort will produce strain, so that the
refraction may be changed, and pain, dis-
glasses my eyes were focused for the dis-

comfort and fatigue produced, before the

tance, and when I tried to see anything at
the distance they were focused for the near
fine print is regarded. [Relaxation of the
mind is the most important principle Bates
point. My problem, then, was to find some
discovered about natural, clear vision.] Fur-
way of reversing this condition and induc-

thermore, when a person with presbyopia

ing my eyes to focus for the point I wished
rests the eyes by closing them, or palming,
to see at the moment that I wished to see
it. I consulted various eye specialists, but
he always becomes able, for a few moments
at least, to read fine print at six inches, again
my language was to them like that of St.

Paul to the Greeks, namely, foolishness.

indicating that his previous failure was due,
not to any fault of the eyes, but to a strain
"Your lens is as hard as a stone," they said.
to see. When the strain is permanently
"No one can do anything for you." Then I
went to a nerve specialist. He used the
relieved the presbyopia is permanently
retinoscope on me, and confirmed my own

Relearning to See • 6
observations as to the peculiar contrariness was able to distinguish their form. My
of my accommodation: but he had no idea progress after this was not what could be
what I could do about He would consult
it. called rapid. It was six months before I

some of his colleagues, he said, and asked could read the newspapers w ith any kind
me come back in a month, which I did.
to of comfort, and a year before I obtained
Then he told me he had come to the con- my present accommodative range of four-
clusion that there was only one man who teen inches, from four inches to eighteen:
could [reverse my presbyopia] — and that but the experience was extremely valuable,
was Dr. William H. Bates of New York. for I had in pronounced form every symp-
"Why do you say that?" I asked. tom subsequently observed in other pres-

"Because you are the only man who byopic people.

seems to know anything about it." he [Even if Bates had erred in his research,

answered. it still allowed him to find a way to reverse

Thus thrown upon my own resources. I his own presbyopia.]
was fortunate enough to find a non-med- Fortunately for others, it has seldom
ical gentleman who was willing to do what taken me as long to reverse other people
he could to assist me. the Rev. R. B. B. as it did to reverse myself. In some cases
Foote. of Brooklyn. He kindly used the a complete and permanent reversal was
retinoscope through many long and tedious effected in a few minutes. Why. I do not
hours while I studied my own
and case, know. I will never be satisfied till I find out.

tried to find some way of accommodating A person who had worn glasses for pres-
when I wanted to read, instead of when I byopia for about twenty years reversed in

wanted to see something at the distance. less than fifteen minutes —

One day. while looking at a picture of the ... In nine cases out of ten progress has
Rock hung on the wall.
of Gibraltar which been much slower, and it has been neces-

I noted some black spots on its face. I imag- sary to resort to all methods of obtain-
ined that these spots were the openings of ing relaxation. [Relaxation is the third and
caves, and that there were people in these most important principle of normal vision.]

caves moving about. [As with many great . . . Their [the presbyopes"] sight for the
scientific discoveries. Bates accidentally distance is often very imperfect and always
stumbles upon two of the three key prin- below normal, although they may have
ciples of normal sight: movement and cen- thought it perfect: and just as in the case of
tralization (attention to detail).] When I other errors of refraction, improvement of
did this my eyes were focused for the read- the distant vision improves the vision at the
ing distance. Then I looked at the same pic- near point
ture at the reading distance, still imagining [Repeating from Chapter 4. "The Prob-
that the spotswere caves with people in lem With Glasses and Contact Lenses":] If

them. The retinoscope showed that I had persons who find themselves getting pres-
accommodated, and I was able to read the byopic, or who have arrived at the presby-
lettering beside the picture. I had. in fact, opic age. would, instead of resorting to
been temporarily reversed by the use of glasses, follow the example of the gentle-
my imagination. Later I found that when I man mentioned by Dr. Holmes and make
imagined the letters black I was able to see a practice of reading the finest print they
them black, and when I saw them black I can find, the idea that the decline of accom-

62 • Relearning to See
Chapter Six: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — The Orthodox View
modative power is "a normal result of out her glasses. She did not know anything
growing old" would soon die a natural about the Bates method, or natural vision
death. improvement. Her presbyopic vision im-
proved automatically by relaxation. Her so-
called "presbyopia" returned when she
More Problems with the returned to her stressful job.
Conventional Presbyopia Theory The father of one of my students is eighty-
Another problem with the presbyopic/lens- two years old. He has never needed glasses.
hardening theory is that some people who He still reads books and drives a car without
have had clarity for the first forty years of glasses.

their life become nearsighted! I have met sev- A fifty-seven-year-old woman in one of my
eral such individuals. In nearsightedness the recent classes began to experience "presby-
eyeball is too long. Since the eyeball can opia" at age forty-one. At age forty-seven she
become too long at age forty, is it unreason- was given bifocals. She stated she has a tight

able to believe the eyeball can become too neck and headaches. During vision classes
short, creating hypermetropia (farsighted- she said she was once again beginning to be
ness)? Bates said, "No." able to read books without her glasses.
In addition, some people who have had One of the motivations for enrolling in nat-
nearsightedness for many years return to nor- ural vision classes is that some parents of stu-
mal, clear vision, near and far, after the age dents have had normal vision at ages seventy
of forty. These people are told this occurs and eighty. These students know there is a
because their nearsightedness is being way vision can be clear — at any age — and
"balanced" by presbyopia. This is not a sat- that blurred vision is not hereditary.
isfactory explanation, because these people Regardless of the physical mechanisms
accommodate clearly both near and far. If involved, there is a way to see clearly up close,
nearsightedness could be "balanced" by pres- including reading books, at any age.
byopia, a person would be unable to accom- Acquiring farsightedness in mid-life is not
modate. Only one distance would be seen due to "old age" any more than children
clearly. acquiring nearsightedness is due to "young
For seventy-five years, Bates teachers have age." Bates showed that the habits of vision

watched people with so-called presbyopia determine how well a person sees near and
improve their vision. Many so-called pres- far.

byopic students have been able to improve

their near vision and read, once again, with-
out any corrective lenses. "Why Do So Many People Lose
Some people improve so-called presbyopia Near Vision around Age Forty?"
spontaneously. One of my students, who had It is a fact that many people in stressful indus-

presbyopic glasses for many years, told me trialized societies lose the ability to see clearly

she went on a three-month vacation on a up close around the age of forty.

cruise ship many years ago. At the end of this Presbyopia is so prevalent in older people
relaxing vacation, she could read books with- in our society that we are told to expect it, as

Relearning to See • 63
if it were a certainty. Referring to presbyopia, then become nearsighted. This is discussed
one ad states definitively that if you are over more in Chapter 19, "Brains and Vision."
forty, "you've got it." At a local 5&10 store, In the next chapter, we explore Bates' orig-

the rack with "magnifiers" for presbyopes inal and extensive research on the mecha-

provides a reading card with different-size nism of accommodation and errors of

letters to help you determine which power of refraction.

glasses to buy. As the print gets smaller, this

card educates you on how nature does not
provide enough secretions to keep the lenses
soft and flexible, and therefore the power of
These graphics, caption, and text are from Per-
accommodation is lost. (Is this a new theory fect Sight Without Glasses.
of lack of accommodation?) Further, it
Mary Dudderidge, "New Light Upon Our Eyes:
informs you that failure of sight is very com-
An Investigation Which May Result in Normal
mon between the ages of thirty and forty. In
Vision for All, Without Glasses" [or surgery], in
our society, this last statement is true. Failure
Scientific American (January 12, 1918), p. 53.
of sight is also common at many other ages! 4
Vision is very suggestible. If a person with 5
Charles H. May, Diseases of the Eye (Baltimore,
normal sight for forty years is told she is going MD: William Wood and Company, 1943), p. 364.
to lose her near vision, what do you think her 6
H. B. Woolf, Webster's New Collegiate Dictio-
response might be? Would she begin to not nary (Springfield, MA: G & C Merriam Com-
trust her eyesight anymore? (Trust is a key pany, 1980).
right-hemisphere characteristic of normal 7 F. W. Sears, M. W. Zemansky, and H. D. Young,
vision.) Would she consciously strain to see University Physics (Springfield, MA: Addison-
near objects? If she does, she will become far-
Wesley Publishing Company, May 1976),

sighted according to Bates. pp. 694-95.

These graphics, caption, and text are from Per-
In industrialized societies, there appears to
fect Sight Without Glasses.
be a correlation between right-brain-domi-
' Ibid.
nant individuals who strain their near vision 10
This graphic, caption, and text are from Perfect
around age forty and then become farsighted.
Sight Without Glasses.
There also appears to be a correlation 11
Sears, Zemansky, and Young, University Physics,
between left-brain-dominant individuals who p. 695.
strain their near vision at a young age and

64 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seven

Accommodation and Errors of

Refraction —Bates ' View

This book aims to be a collection offacts and Many parts of the body heal and normal-
not of theories ...In the science of ophthalmol- ize when the true cause of a problem is
ogy, theories, often stated as facts, have served removed. Cuts and burns heal, broken bones
to obscure the truth and throttle investigation
heal, and so on.
for more than a hundred years. The explana-
Blurred vision is not a disease; it is a func-
tions of the phenomena of sight put forward by
tional problem. Are the eyes the only parts
Young, von Graefe, Helmholtz and Donders
have caused us to ignore or explain away a
of the human body that cannot heal or
reverse a functional problem?
multitude offacts which otherwise would have
led to the discovery
of the truth about errors of
refractionand the consequent prevention of an
incalculable amount of human misery...
Bates: "The Truth About
Accommodation as Demonstrated
—William H. Bates, 1920 by Experiments on Animals"
Perfect Sight Without Glasses contains much
BATES' RESEARCH ON THE ROLE OF of Bates' research, including many pho-
THE SIX EXTRINSIC EYE MUSCLES tographs showing the production of errors of
The theory that the eyeball elongates along refraction and accommodation by the action
the visual axis to accommodate did not orig- of the extrinsic muscles. The following excerpt
inate with Bates. This idea had many sup- is from Chapter IV, "The Truth about Accom-
porters as early as the 1600s. modation as Demonstrated by Experiments
Due to many of the facts presented in the on Animals."
last chapter, Bates concluded that no one yet
knew how the eyes accommodate. He The function of the muscles on the outside

believed that of the eyeball, apart from that of turning the

if he could discover the true
globe in its socket, has been a matter of much
mechanism of accommodation, and what
dispute; but after the supposed demonstra-
interfered with it, he could then show people
tion by Helmholtz that accommodation
how to improve their sight.

Relearning to See • 65
depends upon a change in the curvature of absent or rudimentary, but when two of

the lens, the possibility of their being con- these muscles were present and active,
cerned in the adjustment of the eye for vision accommodation, as measured by the objec-
at different distances, or in the production tive test of retinoscopy, was always produced

of errors of refraction, was dismissed as no by electrical stimulation either of the eye-

longer worthy of serious consideration. ball, or of the nerves of accommodation near

... In my own experiments upon the their origin in the brain. It was also produced
extrinsic eye muscles of fish, rabbits, cats, by any manipulation of the obliques
dogs and other animals, the demonstration whereby their pull was increased. This was
seemed to be complete that in the eyes of done by a tucking operation of one or both
these animals accommodation depends muscles, or by an advancement of the point
wholly upon the action of the extrinsic mus- at which they are attached to the sclerotic.

cles and not at all upon the agency of the When one or more of the recti had been cut.
lens. By the manipulation of these muscles the effect of operations increasing the pull
I was able to produce or prevent accom- of the obliques was intensified.
modation at will, to produce myopia, hyper- After one or both of the obliques had
metropia and astigmatism, or to prevent been cut across, or after they had been par-
these conditions. Full details of these exper- alyzed by the injection of atropine deep into
iments will be found in the "Bulletin of the the orbit, accommodation could never be
New York Zoological Society" for Novem- produced by electrical stimulation; but after

ber, 1914, and in the "New York Medical the effects of the atropine had passed away,
Journal" for May 8, 1915; and May 18, 1918; or a divided muscle had been sewed
but for the benefit of those who have not together, accommodation followed electri-
the time or inclination to read these papers, cal stimulation just as usual. Again when
their contents are summarized below. one oblique muscle was absent, as was found
There are six muscles on the outside of to be the case in a dogfish, a shark and a few
the eyeball, four known as the "recti" and perch, or rudimentary, as in all cats observed,
two as the "obliques." The obliques form an a few fish and an occasional
accom- rabbit,
almost complete belt around the middle of modation could not be produced by elec-
the eyeball, and are known, according to trical stimulation. But when the rudimentary
their position, as "superior" and "inferior." muscle was strengthened by advancement,
The recti are attached to the sclerotic, or or the absent one was replaced by a suture
outer coat of the eyeball, near the front, and which supplied the necessary countertrac-
pass directly over the top, bottom and sides tion, accommodation could always be pro-
of the globe to the back of the orbit, where duced by electrical stimulation.
they are attached to the bone [ajround the After one or both of the oblique mus-
edges of the hole through which the optic cles had been cut, and while two or more
nerve passes. According to their position, of the recti were present and active, 3 elec-
they are known as the "superior," "inferior,"
"internal" and "external" recti. The obliques a
In many animals, notably in rabbits, the internal
are the muscles of accommodation; the recti and external recti are either absent or rudimen-
are concerned in the production of hyper- tary, so that practically, in such cases, there are

metropia and astigmatism. only two recti, just as there are only two obliques.
In others, as in many fish, the internal rectus is
In some cases one of the obliques is

66 • Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View
trical stimulation of the eyeball, or of the experiment with the same result was per-
nerves of accommodation, always produced formed on a number of other rabbits, on
hypermetropia, while by the manipulation dogs and on fish. The obvious conclusion
of one of the recti, usually the inferior or is that the lens is not a factor in accommo-

the superior, so as to strengthen its pull, the dation. [Rather, the obvious conclusion is

same result could be produced. The para- that the lens is not a necessary factor in
lyzing of the recti by atropine, or the cut- accommodation.]
ting of one or more of them, prevented the In most text-books on physiology it is
production of hypermetropic refraction by stated that accommodation is controlled
electrical stimulation; but after the effects by the third cranial nerve, which supplies
of the atropine had passed away, or after a all the muscles of the eyeball except the
divided muscle had been sewed together, superior oblique and the external rectus;
hypermetropia was produced as usual by but the fourth cranial nerve, which supplies
electrical stimulation. only the superior oblique, was found in
It should be emphasized that in order to these experiments to be just as much a
paralyze either the recti muscles, or the nerve of accommodation as the third. When
obliques, it was found necessary to inject either the third or the fourth nerve was
the atropine far back behind the eyeball stimulated with electricity near its point of
with a hypodermic needle. This drug is sup- origin in the brain, accommodation always
posed to paralyze the accommodation resulted in the normal eye. When the ori-
when dropped into the eyes of human gin of either nerve was covered with a small
beings or animals, but in all of my experi- wad of cotton soaked in a two percent solu-

ments it was found that when used in this tion of atropine sulphate in a normal salt

way it had very little effect upon the power solution, stimulation of that nerve produced
of the eye to change its focus. no accommodation, while stimulation of
. Eyes from which the lens had been
. . the unparalyzed nerve did produce it.
removed, or in which it had been pushed When the origin of both nerves was cov-
out of the axis of vision, responded to elec- ered with cotton soaked in atropine, accom-
trical stimulation precisely as did the nor- modation could not be produced by
mal eye, so long as the muscles were active; electrical stimulation of either or both.
but when they had been paralyzed by the When the cotton was removed and the
injection of atropine deep into the orbit, nerves washed with normal salt solution,

electrical stimulation had no effect on the electrical stimulation of either or both pro-
refraction. duced accommodation just as before the
In one experiment the lens was removed atropine had been applied. This experi-
from the right eye of a rabbit, the refrac- ment, which was performed repeatedly for
tion of each eye having first been tested by more than an hour by alternately applying
retinoscopy and found to be normal. The and removing the atropine, not only
wound was then allowed to heal. There- demonstrated clearly what had not been
after, for a period extending from one known before, namely that the fourth nerve
month two years, electrical stimulation
to is a nerve of accommodation, but also

always produced accommodation in the demonstrated that the superior oblique

lensless eye precisely to the same extent as muscle which is supplied by it is an impor-
in the eye which had a lens. The same tant factor in accommodation. It was fur-

Relearning to See • 67
— —


ther found that when the action of the
oblique muscles was prevented by divid-
ing them, the stimulation of the third nerve
produced not accommodation, but hyper-
In all the experiments all sources of error
are believed to have been eliminated. They
were all repeated many times and always
with the same result. They seemed, there-
fore, to leaveno room for doubt that nei-
ther the lens nor any muscle inside the
eyeball has anything to do with accommo-
dation, but that the process whereby the
eye adjusts itself for vision at different dis-
tances is entirely controlled by the action
of the muscles on the outside of the globe.

[Fig. 7-1 graphics not shown]1

Figure 7-2: Demonstration Upon the Eye of a

Figure 7-1: Demonstration Upon the Eye of a Rab-
Carp that the Superior Oblique Muscle is Essen-
bit that the Inferior Oblique Muscle is an Essen-

tial Factor in Accommodation. No. 1

The — tial toAccommodation. No. 1 3 —The superior
oblique is lifted from the eyeball by two sutures,
inferior oblique muscle has been exposed and two
and the retinoscope shows no error of refraction.
sutures are attached to Electrical stimulation

of the eyeball produces accommodation as

No. 2 —Electrical stimulation produces accom-
modation, as determined by the retinoscope.
demonstrated by simultaneous retinoscopy. No.
2 The muscle has been cut. Electrical stimula-
No. 3 —The muscle has been cut. Stimulation of
the eyeball with electricity fails to produce accom-
tion produces no accommodation. No. 3 The
muscle has been sewed together. Electrical stim-

modation. No. 4 The divided muscle has been
reunited by tying the sutures. Accommodation
ulation produces normal accommodation.
follows electrical stimulation as before.

[Fig. 7-3 graphics not shown]

Figure 7-3: Demonstration Upon the Eye of a

Rabbit that the Production of Refractive Errors
Is Dependent Upon the Action of the External
Muscles. 4 The string is fastened to the insertion
of the superior oblique and rectus muscles. No.
1— Backward pull. Myopia is produced. No. 2 —
Forward pull. Hypermetropia is produced. No.
3 — Upward pull in the plane of the iris. Mixed
astigmatism is produced.

68 • Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View
The production of errors of refraction by Bates demonstrated the oblique muscles
the action of the extrinsic muscles in a rabbit can produce accommodation. But he was not
does not prove, by itself, that errors of refrac- satisfied in just demonstrating the role of the
produced by other means in
tion cannot be extrinsic muscles in accommodation and the
the human eye. Bates proved here that errors of refraction. He spent considerable
the extrinsic muscles can produce errors of time, energy,and ingenuity re-examining
refraction. Helmholtz's research on the lens. If Bates
could prove the lens did not play a role in
[Fig. 7-4 graphic not shown] accommodation, then action of the oblique
muscles must be the only mechanism of
Figure 7-4: Demonstration Upon the Eye of a Fish
that the Production of Myopic and Hypermetropic
Refraction Is Dependent Upon the Action of the
Extrinsic Muscles. 5 A suture is tied to the inser- Bates: "The Truth About
tion of the superior rectus muscle. By means of
Accommodation as Demonstrated by
strong traction upon the suture the eyeball is
a Study of Images Reflected from
turned in its socket, and by tying the thread to a
pair offixation forceps which grasp the lower jaw,
the Lens, Cornea, Iris, and Sclera"
it is maintained in this position. A high degree of The above heading, "The Truth About
mixed astigmatism is produced, as demonstrated Accommodation ." is how Bates titled
. .

by simultaneous retinoscopy. When the superior Chapter V of Perfect Sight Without Glasses.
oblique is divided the myopic part of the astig- Following are excerpts from that chapter.
matism disappears, and when the inferior rectus
is cut the hypermetropic part disappears, and the As the conclusions to which the experi-
eye becomes —
normal adjusted for distant ments described in the preceding chapter
vision — although the same amount of traction is pointed were diametrically opposed to
maintained. It is evident that these muscles are those reached by Helmholtz in his study of
essential factors in the production of myopia and the images reflected from the front of the
hypermetropia. lens, Idetermined to repeat the experi-
ments of the German investigator and find
Bates proved that the extrinsic muscles can out, if possible, why his results were so dif-
produce myopia and hypermetropia. ferent from my own. I devoted four years
to this work, and was able to demonstrate

[Fig. 7-5 graphic not shown]

that Helmholtz had erred through a defec-
tive technique, the image obtained by his
Figure 7-5: Rabbit With Lense Removed. 6 The method being so variable and uncertain
animal was exhibited at a meeting of the Oph- that it lends itself to the support of almost
thalmological Section of the American Medical any theory.
Association, held in Atlantic City, and was exam- I worked for a year or more with the tech-
ined by a number of ophthalmologists present, all nique of Helmholtz, but was unable to
of whom testified that electrical stimulation of obtain an image from the front of the lens
the eyeball produced accommodation, or myopic which was sufficiently clear or distinct to be
refraction, precisely as in the normal eye. measured or photographed. With a naked
candle as the source of light, a clear and dis-

Relearning to See • 69
tinct image could be obtained on the cornea; obtained from it by the means described.
on the back of the lens it was quite clear; After a year or more of failure I began to
but on the front of the lens it was very work at an aquarium on the eyes of fish. It
imperfect. Not only was it blurred Just as was a long story of failure. Finally I became
Helmholtz stated, but without any ascer- — 1000
able, with the aid of a strong light

tainable cause it varied greatly in size and watts —a diaphragm with a small opening
intensity. At times no reflection could be and a condenser, to obtain, after some dif-
obtained at all. regardless of the angle of the a clear and distinct image from the

light to the eye of the subject, or of the eye cornea of fish. This image was sufficiently
of the observer to that of the subject. With distinct to be measured, and after many
a diaphragm I got a clearer and more con- months photograph was
a satisfactory
stant image, but it still was not sufficiently obtained. Then the work was resumed on
reliable to be measured. To Helmholtz the the eyes of human beings. The strong fight,
indistinct image of a naked flame seemed combined with the diaphragm and con-
to show an appreciable change, while the denser, the use of which was suggested by
images obtained by the aid of the diaphragm their use to improve the illumination of a
showed it more clearly; but I was unable, glass slide under the microscope, proved to
either with a diaphragm or without it, to be a decided improvement over the method
obtain images which I considered sufficiently of Helmholtz. and by means of this tech-
distinct to be reliable. nique an image was at last obtained on the
Men who had been teaching and demon- front of the lens which was sufficiently clear

strating Helmholtz's theory repeated his and distinct to be photographed. This was
experiments for my benefit; but the images the first time, so far as published records
which they obtained on the front of the lens show, that an image of any kind was ever
did not seem to me any better than my photographed from the front of the lens.
own. After studying these images almost Professional photographers whom I con-
daily for more than a year I was unable to sulted with a view to securing their assis-
make any reliable observation regarding tance assured me that the thing could not
the effect of accommodation upon them. be done, and declined to attempt it. I was
In fact, it seemed that an infinite number therefore obliged to learn photography, of
of appearances might be obtained on the which I had previously known nothing,
front of the lens when a candle was used myself, and I then found that so far as the

as the source of illumination. At times the image obtained by the method of Helmholtz
image became smaller during accommo- is concerned the professionals were right.
dation and seemed to sustain the theory of The experiments were continued until,
Helmholtz: but just as frequently it became after almost four years of constant labor, I

larger. At other times it was impossible to obtained satisfactory pictures before and
tell what it did. after accommodation and during the pro-
With a thirty-watt lamp, a fifty-watt lamp, duction of myopia and hypermetropia. not
a 250-watt lamp and a looo-watt lamp, there only of images on the front of the lens, but
was no improvement. ... To sum it all up, I of reflections from the iris, cornea, the front
was convinced that the anterior [front] sur- of the sclera (white of the eye) and the side
face of the lens was a very poor reflector of of the sclera. I also became able to obtain
fight, and that no reliable images could be images on any surface at will without reflec-

70 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View

Figure j-6: Image of Electric Filament on the Front of the Lens. 7

R, rest; A, accommodation. Under the magnifying glass no change can be observed in the size of the two
images. The image at the right looks larger only because it is more distinct. To support the theory of
Helmholtz it ought to be smaller. The comet's tail at the left of the two images is an accidental reflection
from the cornea. The spot of light beneath is a reflection from the light used to illuminate the eye while
the photographs were being taken. It took two years to get these pictures.

tions from the other parts. Before these of the lens did not show any change in size
results were obtained, however, many dif- or form during accommodation. The image
ficulties had still to be overcome on the back of the lens also remained
The results of these experiments con- unchanged, as observed through the tele-

firmed the conclusions drawn from the pre- scope of the ophthalmometer; but as there
vious ones, namely, that accommodation is isno dispute about its behavior during
due to a lengthening of the eyeball, and not accommodation [Helmholtz never claimed
to a change in the curvature of the lens. the back side of the lens changed its cur-
They also confirmed, in a striking manner, vature during accommodation], was not it

my earlier conclusions as to the conditions photographed. Images photographed from

under which myopia and hypermetropia the iris before and during accommodation
are produced. 3 were also the same in size and form, as was
The images photographed from the front from the character of the
to be expected
lens images. If the lens changed during
Bates: The Cause of Myopia. N. Y. Med. Jour., accommodation, the iris, which rests upon
March 16, 1912. it, would change also.

Figure j-j: Image of Electric Filament on the Front of the Sclera.
R, rest; A, accommodation. During accommodation the front of the sclera becomes more convex, because
the eyeball has elongated, just as a camera is elongated when it is focused upon a near object. The spot
of light on the cornea is an accidental reflection.

Relearning to See • 7
Does Not Change Its
Bates: The Lens obtained during normal accommodation
Curvature During Accommodation was also larger than when the eye was at
rest, indicating again a flattening of the side
Bates then states that his experiments have
of the sclera. The image obtained, however,
proven that the lens does not change its cur-
when an effort was made to see near was
vature during accommodation.
much smaller than any of the other images,
indicating that the sclera had become more
The images photographed from the cornea
convex which one
at the side, a condition
and from the front and side of the sclera
would expect when the eyeball was short-
showed, however, a series of four well-
ened, as in hypermetropia.
marked changes, according to whether the
The most pronounced of the changes
vision was normal or accompanied by a
were noted in the images reflected from the
strain. During accommodation the images
front of the sclera. Those on the side of the
from the cornea were smaller than when
sclera were less marked, and, owing to the
the eye was at rest, indicating elongation
difficulty of photographing a white image
of the eyeball and a consequent increase
on a white background, could not always
in the convexity of the cornea. But when
be readily seen on the photographs. They
an unsuccessful effort was made to see at
were always plainly apparent, however, to
the near point, the image became larger,
the observer, and still more so to the sub-
indicating that the cornea had become less
ject, who regarded them in a concave mir-
convex, a condition which one would
ror. The alterations in the size of the corneal
expect when the optic axis was shortened,
image were so slight that they did not show
as in hypermetropia. When a strain was
at all in the photographs, except when the
made to see at a distance the image was
image was large, a fact which explains why
smaller than when the eye was at rest, again
the ophthalmometer, with its small image,
indicating elongation of the eyeball and
has been thought toshow that the cornea
increased convexity of the cornea.
did not change during accommodation.
The images photographed from the front
They were always apparent, however, to the
of the sclera showed the same series of
subject and observer.
changes as the corneal images, but those
The corneal image was one of the easi-
obtained from the side of the sclera were
est of the series to produce and the exper-
found to have changed in exactly the oppo-
iment is one which almost anyone can
site manner, being larger where the former
repeat, the only apparatus required being
were smaller and vice versa, a difference
which one would naturally expect from the
a fiftycandlepower lamp—an ordinary elec-

fact that when the front of the sclera

tric globe —and a concave mirror fastened
to a rod which moves back and forth in a
becomes more convex the sides must
become flatter. groove so that the distance of the mirror

When an effort was made to see at a dis- from the eye can be altered at will. A plane
mirror might also be used; but the concave
tance the image reflected from the side of
the sclera was larger than the image
glass is better, because it magnifies the

obtained when the eye was

image. The mirror should be so arranged
at rest, indi-
cating that this part of the sclera had
that it reflects the image of the electric fil-

become convex or ament on the cornea, and so that the eye

less flatter, because of
of the subject can see this reflection by
elongation of the eyeball. The image

72 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View

looking straight ahead. The image in the modation is confirmed by numerous obser-

mirror is used as the point of fixation, and vationson the eyes of adults and children,
the distance at which the eye focuses is with normal vision, errors of refraction, or
altered by altering the distance of the mir- amblyopia, and on the eyes of adults after
ror from the eye. The light can be placed the removal of the lens for cataract.
within an inch or two of the eye, as the heat It has already been pointed out that the
is not great enough to interfere with the instillation of atropine into the eye is sup-
experiment. The closer it is the larger the posed to prevent accommodation by par-
image, and according to whether it is alyzing the muscle credited with controlling
adjusted vertically, horizontally, or at an the shape of the lens. That it has this effect
angle, the clearness of the reflection may is stated in every text -book on the subject,

vary. A blue glass screen can be used, if and the drug is daily used in the fitting of
desired, to lessen the discomfort of the glasses for the purpose of eliminating the
light. If the left eye is used by the subject supposed influence of the lens upon refrac-
and in all the experiments it was found to tive states.

be the more convenient for the purpose In about nine cases out of ten the con-
the source of light should be placed to the ditions resulting from the instillation of
left of that eye and as much as possible to atropine into the eye fit the theory upon
the front of it, at an angle of about forty- which its use is based: but in the tenth case
five degrees. For absolute accuracy the light they do not, and every ophthalmologist of
and the head of the subject should be held any experience has noted some of these
immovable, but for demonstration this is tenth cases. Many of them are reported in
not essential. Simply holding the bulb in the literature, and many of them have come
his hand the subject can demonstrate that under my own observation. According to
the image changes according to whether the theory, atropine ought to bring out
the eye is at rest, accommodating normally latent hypermetropia in eyes either appar-

for near vision, or straining to see at a near ently normal, or manifestly hypermetropic,
or a distant point. provided, of course, the person is of the age
In the original report were described pos- during which the lens is supposed to retain
sible sources of error and the means taken its elasticity. The fact is that it sometimes
to eliminate them. produces myopia, or changes hyperme-
tropia into myopia, and that it will produce
both myopia and hypermetropia in persons
Truth About
Bates: "The over seventy years of age, when the lens is

Accommodation as Demonstrated
Certain substances have the power of producing
by Clinical Observations"
a dilation of the pupil (mydriasis) and hence are
This is how Bates titled Chapter VI of Per- termed mydriatics. At the same time they act
upon the ciliary body, diminishing and, when
fect Sight Without Glasses, excerpts of which
applied in sufficient strength, completely para-
are reprinted below: lyzing the power of accommodation, thus ren-
dering the eye for some time unalterably focused
The testimony of the experiments for the farthest point. —Herman Snellen. Jr.:

Mydriatics and Myotics, System of Diseases of the

described in the preceding chapters to the
Eye, edited by Norris and Oliver, 1897-1900, vol.
effect that the lens is not a factor in accom-
ii, p. 30.

Relearning to See • 73

Figure 7-8: Image on the Side of the Sclera.
R, rest; A, accommodation. The image in A is the larger, indicating a flattening of the side of the sclera as
the eyeball elongates. My, Myopia. The eye is straining to see at the distance and the image is larger,

indicating that the eyeball has elongated, resulting in a flattening of the side of the sclera. Hy, Hyperme-
tropia. The eye is straining to see at two inches. The image is the smallest of the series, indicating that the

eyeball has become shorter than in any of the other pictures, more convex.
and the side of the sclera
The two lower pictures confirm the authors previous observations that farsight is produced when the eye
strains to see near objects and nearsight when it strains to see distant objects.

supposed to be as hard as a stone, as well have often become able, simply by rest-

as in cases in which the lens is hard with ing their eyes, to read diamond type at six

incipient cataract. People with eyes appar- inches. Yet atropine is supposed to rest the

ently normal will, after the use of atropine, eyes [for distance vision] by affording relief
develop hypermetropic astigmatism, or to an overworked muscle.
myopic astigmatism, or compound myopic In the treatment of squint and ambly-
astigmatism, or mixed astigmatism. 3 In opia I have often used atropine in the bet-

other cases the drug will not interfere with ter eye for more than a year, in order to
the accommodation, or alter the refraction encourage the use of the amblyopic eye;
in any way. Furthermore, when the vision and at the end of this time, while still under
has been lowered by atropine the subjects the influence of atropine, such eyes have

In simple hypermetropic astigmatism one prin- pal meridian is too flat, the other too convex. In
cipal meridian is normal and the other, at right compound hypermetropic astigmatism both prin-
angles to it, is flatter. In simple myopic astigma- cipal meridians are flatter than normal, one more
is the case; one principal merid-
tism the contrary so than the other. In compound myopic astigma-
ian normal and the other, at right angles to it,
is tism both are more convex than normal, one more
more convex. In mixed astigmatism one princi- so than the other.

74 * Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View
become able in a few hours, or less, to read a half. It remains for those who adhere to
diamond type at six inches (see Chapter the accepted theories to say how such facts
XXII). The following are examples of many can be reconciled with them.
similar cases that might be cited: Equally if not more remarkable was the
A boy of ten had hypermetropia in both case of a girl of six who had two and a half
eyes, that of the left or better eye amount- diopters of hypermetropia in her right or
ing to three diopters. When atropine was better eye, and six in the other, with one
instilled into this eye the hypermetropia diopter of astigmatism. With the better eye
was increased to four and a half diopters, under the influence of atropine and the
and the vision lowered to 20/200. With a pupil dilated to the maximum, both eyes
convex glass of four and a half diopters the were addressed together for more than a
boy obtained normal vision for the dis- year, and at the end of that time, the right
tance, and with the addition of another con- being still under the influence of the
vex glass of four diopters he was able to atropine, both became able to read dia-
read diamond type at ten inches (best). The mond type at six inches, the right doing it

atropine was used for a year, the pupil better, if anything, than the left. Thus, in
being dilated continually to the maximum. spite of the atropine, the right eye not only
Meantime the right eye was being overcame two and a half diopters of hyper-
addressed by methods to be described later. metropia, but added six diopters of accom-
Usually in such cases the eye which is not modation, making a total of eight and a
being specifically addressed improves to half. In order to eliminate all possibility of
some extent with the other, but in this case latent hypermetropia in the left eye —which
it did not. At the end of the year the vision in the beginning had six diopters — the
of the right eye had become normal; but atropine was now used in this eye and dis-

that of the left eye remained precisely what continued in the other, the eye education
it was at the beginning, being still 20/200 being continued as before. Under the influ-

without glasses for the distance, while read- ence of the drug there was a slight return

ing without glasses was impossible and the of the hypermetropia; but the vision quickly
degree of the hypermetropia had not became normal again, and although the
changed. Still under the influence of the atropine was used daily for more than a
atropine and still with the pupil dilated to year, the pupil being continually dilated to
the maximum, this eye was now addressed the maximum, it remained so, diamond
separately;and in half an hour its vision type being read at six inches without glasses
had become normal both for the distance during the whole period. It is difficult for
and the near point, diamond type being me to conceive how the ciliary muscle
read at six inches, all without glasses. could have had anything to do with the
According to the accepted theories, the cil- ability of this person to accommodate after

iary muscle of this eye must not only have atropine had been used in each eye sepa-
been completely paralyzed at the time, but rately for a year or more at a time.

must have been in a state of complete According to the current theory, atropine

paralysis for a year. Yet the eye not only paralyzes the ciliary muscle and thus, by pre-
overcame four and a half diopters of venting a change of curvature in the lens,

hypermetropia, but added six diopters of prevents accommodation. When accom-

accommodation, making a total of ten and modation occurs, therefore, after the pro-

Releaming to See •
longed use of atropine, it is evident that it timony against the accepted theory of
must be due to some factor or factors other accommodation. On the theory that the
than the lens and the ciliary muscle. The evi- lens is a factor in accommodation such
dence of such cases against the accepted the- reversals would be manifestly impossible.
ories is, in fact, overwhelming; and according The fact that rest of the eyes improves the
to these theories the other factors cited in sight in presbyopia has been noted by oth-
this chapter are equally inexplicable. All of ers, and has been attributed to the supposed

these facts, however, are in entire accord with fact that the rested ciliary muscle is able
the results of my experiments on the eye for a brief period to influence the hardened
muscles of animals and my observations lens; but while it is conceivable that this
regarding the behavior of images reflected might happen in the early stages of the con-

from various parts of the eyeball. They strik- dition and for a few moments, it is not con-
ingly confirm, too, the testimony of the ceivable that permanent relief should be
experiments with atropine, which showed obtained by this means, or that lenses which
that theaccommodation could not be par- are, as the saying goes, as "hard as a stone"
alyzed completely and permanently unless should be influenced, even momentarily.
the atropine was injected deep into the orbit, A truth is strengthened by an accumu-
so as to reach the oblique muscles, the real lation of facts. A working hypothesis is

muscles of accommodation, while hyper- proved not to be a truth if a single fact is

metropia could not be prevented when the not in harmony with it. The accepted the-
eyeball was stimulated with electricity ories of accommodation and of the cause
without a similar use of atropine, resulting of errors of refraction require that a mul-
in the paralysis of the recti muscles. [TQ titude of facts shall be explained away. Dur-
emphasis.] ing more than thirty years of clinical
As has already been noted, the fact that experience, I have not observed a single
after the removal of the lens for cataract fact that was not in harmony with the belief
the eye often appears to accommodate just that the lens and the ciliary muscle have
as well as it did before is well known. Many nothing to do with accommodation and
of these cases have come under my own that the changes in the shape of the eye-
observation. Such people have not only ball upon which errors of refraction depend
read diamond type with only their distance are not permanent. My clinical observa-
glasses on, at thirteen and ten inches and tions have of themselves been sufficient to
at less distance, but one man was able to demonstrate this fact. They have also been
read without any glass at all. In all these sufficient to show how errors of refraction
cases the retinoscope demonstrated that can be produced at will, and how they may
the apparent act of accommodation was be reversed, temporarily in a few minutes,
real, being accomplished not by the "inter- and permanently by continued practice.
pretation of circles of diffusion," or by any
of the other methods by which this incon-
venient phenomenon is commonly Bates: "The Variability of the
explained, but by an accurate adjustment
Refraction of the Eye"
of the focus to the distances concerned.
The reversal of presbyopia (see Chapter From Perfect Sight Without Glasses, Chapter
XX) must also be added to the clinical tes- VII:

76 • Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Betes ' View

The theory that errors of refraction are due having, at frequent intervals during the day
to permanent deformations of the eyeball and night, moments of normal vision, when
leads naturally to the conclusion not only their myopia, hypermetropia, or astigma-
that errors of refraction are permanent tism wholly disappears. The form of the
states, but that normal refraction is also a error also changes, myopia even changing
continuous condition. As this theory is into hypermetropia, and one form of astig-
almost universally accepted as a fact, there- matism into another. [See Chapter 23,
fore, it is not surprising to find that the nor- "Children and Schools," for Bates' discus-
mal eye is generally regarded as a perfect sion of school children.]
machine which is always in good working Among babies a similar condition was
order. No matter whether the object noted. Most investigators have found
regarded is strange or familiar, whether the babies hypermetropic. A few have found
light is good or imperfect, whether the sur- them myopic. My own observations indi-
roundings are pleasant or disagreeable, cate that the refraction of infants is con-
even under conditions of nerve strain or tinually changing. One child was examined
bodily disease, the normal eye is expected under atropine on four successive days,
to have normal refraction and normal sight beginning two hours after birth. A three
all the time. It is true that the facts do not percent solution of atropine was instilled
harmonize with this view, but they are con- into both eyes, the pupil was dilated to the
veniently attributed to the perversity of the maximum, and other physiological symp-
ciliary muscle, or if that explanation will toms of the use of atropine were noted. The
not work, ignored altogether. firstexamination showed a condition of
When we understand, however, how the mixed astigmatism. On the second day
shape of the eyeball is controlled by the there was compound hypermetropic astig-
external muscles, and how it responds matism, and on the third compound myopic
instantaneously to their action, it is easy to astigmatism. On the fourth one eye was
see that no refractive state, whether it is normal and the other showed simple
normal or abnormal, can be permanent. myopia. Similar variations were noted in

This conclusion is confirmed by the many other cases.

retinoscope, and I had observed the facts What is true of children and infants is

long before the experiments described in equally true of adults of all ages. Persons

the preceding chapters had offered a sat- over seventy years of age have suffered
isfactory explanation for it. During thirty losses of vision of variable degree and
years devoted to the study of refraction, I intensity, and in such cases the retinoscope
have found few people who could main- always indicated an error of refraction. A
tain perfect sight for more than a few min- man eighty years old, with normal eyes and
utes at a time, even under the most ordinarily normal sight, had periods of
favorable conditions; and often I have seen imperfect sight which would last from a few
the refraction change half a dozen times or minutes to half an hour or longer.
more in a second, the variations ranging all Retinoscopy at such times always indicated
the way from twenty diopters of myopia to myopia of four diopters or more.
normal. Similarly I have found no eyes with A sudden exposure to strong light, or
continuous or unchanging errors of refrac- rapid or sudden changes of light, are likely
tion, all persons with errors of refraction to produce imperfect sight in the normal

Relearning to See • 77
eye, continuing in some cases for weeks and to take the best eyes in the world and test

months (see Chapter XVII) [of Perfect them so that the subject will not be able to
Sight Without Glasses]. Army. Again, the test may be
get into the

Noise is also a frequent cause of defec- somade that eyes which are apparently
tive vision in the normal eye. All persons much below normal at the beginning may
see imperfectly when they hear an unex- in the few minutes required for the test

pected loud noise. Familiar sounds do not acquire normal vision and become able to

lower the vision, but unfamiliar ones always read the test card perfectly.
do. Country children from quiet schools
may suffer from defective vision for a long
time after moving to a noisy city. In school Bates: "The Cause and Reversibility
they cannot do well with their work, of Errors of Refraction"
because their sight is impaired. It is, of
This topic Bates engaged in Chapter IX of
course, a gross injustice for teachers and
Perfect Sight Without Glasses, excerpted
others to scold, punish, or humiliate such
Under conditions of mental or physical
discomfort, such as pain, cough, fever, dis-
It has been demonstrated in thousands of

comfort from heat or cold, depression, cases that all abnormal action of the exter-

anger, or anxiety, errors of refraction are

nal muscles of the eyeball is accompanied
always produced in the normal eye, or by a strain or effort to see, and that with

increased in the eye in which they already the relief of this strain the action of the

muscles becomes normal and all errors of

The variability of the refraction of the refraction disappear. The eye may be blind,

eye is responsible for many otherwise unac- it may be suffering from atrophy of the
countable accidents. When people are optic nerve, from cataract, or disease of the

struck down in the street by automobiles, retina; but so long as it does not try to see,

or trolley cars, it is often due to the fact that the external muscles act normally and there

they were suffering from temporary loss of is no error of refraction. This fact furnishes
sight. Collisions on railroads or at sea, dis- us with the means by which all these con-
asters in military operations, aviation acci- ditions, so long held to be irreversible, may
dents, etc., often occur because some be reversed.
responsible person suffered temporary loss It has also been demonstrated that for
of sight. every error of refraction there is a differ-

To this cause must also be ascribed, in ent kind of strain. The study of images
a large degree, the confusion which every from various parts of the eyeball

student of the subject has noted in the sta- confirmed what had previously been
tistics which have been collected regarding observed, namely, that myopia (or a less-

the occurrence of errors of refraction. So ening of hypermetropia) is always associ-

far as I am aware it has never been taken ated with a strain to see at the distance,
into account by any investigator of the sub- while hypermetropia (or a lessening of
ject; yetthe result in any such investigation myopia) is always associated with a strain
must be largely determined by the condi- to see at the near point; and the fact can be
tions under which it is made. It is possible verified in a few minutes by anyone who

78 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View

knows how to use a retinoscope, provided and the vision improves. This interesting
only that the instrument is not brought result, it will be noted, is the exact contrary
nearer to the subject than six feet. of what we get when the myope strains to
In an eye with previously normal vision, see at the near point. In some cases the
a strain to see near objects always results hypermetropia is completely relieved, and
in the temporary production of hyperme- emmetropia is produced, with a complete
tropia in one or all meridians. That is, the disappearance of all evidences of strain.
eye either becomes entirely hypermetropic, This condition may then pass over into
or some form of astigmatism is produced myopia, with an increase of strain as the
of which hypermetropia forms a part. In myopia increases.
the hypermetropic eye the hypermetropia In other words, the eye which strains to
is increased in one or all meridians. When see at the near point becomes flatter than
the myopic eye strains to see a near object, itwas before, in one or all meridians. If it
the myopia is lessened and emmetropia a was elongated to start with, it may pass
may be produced, the eye being focused from this condition through emmetropia,
for parallel rays while still trying to see at in which it is spherical, to hypermetropia.
the near point. In some cases the in which it is flattened; and if these changes
emmetropia may even pass over into take place unsymmetrically, astigmatism
hypermetropia in one or all meridians. All will be produced in connection with the
these changes are accompanied by evi- other conditions. The eye which strains to
dences of increasing strain, in the form of see at the distance, on the contrary,
eccentric fixation (see Chapter XI) and becomes longer than it was before in one
lowered vision; but, strange to say, pain and or all meridians, and may pass from the flat-

fatigue are usually relieved to a marked tened condition of hypermetropia, through

degree. ["Eccentric fixation" is "diffusion." emmetropia, to the elongated condition of
Diffusion is a harmful, "spread out" men- myopia. If these changes take place unsym-
tal way of seeing; it is the opposite of "cen- metrically, astigmatism will again be pro-
tralization," discussed later in Chapter 10, duced in connection with the other
"The Second Principle Centralization."] — conditions.
on the contrary, the eye with previously
If, What has been said of the normal eye
normal vision strains to see at the distance, applies equally to eyes from which the lens

temporary myopia is always produced in has been removed. This operation produces
one or all meridians, and if the eye is usually a condition of hypermetropia; but
already myopic, the myopia is increased. If when there has previously been a condi-
the hypermetropic eye strains to see a dis- tion of high myopia the removal of the lens

tant object, pain and fatigue may be pro- may not be sufficient to correct it, and the
duced or increased; but the hypermetropia eye may still remain myopic. In the first
and the eccentric fixation are lessened case a strain to see at the distance lessens
the hypermetropia, and a strain to see at

Emmetropia (from the Greek emmetros, in mea- the near point increases it; in the second
sure, and ops, the eye) is that condition of the eye a strain to see at the distance increases the
in which it is focused for parallel rays. This con- myopia, and a strain to see at the near point
stitutes normal vision at the distance but is an
lessens For a longer or shorter period
error of refraction when it occurs at the near
after the removal of the lens many apha-

Relearning to See • 79
kic eyes strain to see at the near point, pro- near point without strain; but in one case
ducing so much hypermetropia that the the eye does what the mind desires, and in

subject cannot read ordinary print, and the the other it does not.
power of accommodation appears to have These facts appear sufficiently to explain

been completely lost. Later, when the sub- why visual acuity declines as civilization

ject becomes accustomed to the situation, advances. Under the conditions of civilized
this strain is often relieved, and the eye life men's minds are under a continual
becomes able to focus accurately upon near strain. They have more things to worry

objects. Some rare cases have also been them than uncivilized man had, and they
observed in which a measure of good vision are not obliged to keep cool and collected
both for distance and the near point was in order that they may see and do other

obtained without glasses, the eyeball elon- things upon which existence depends. If he
gating sufficiently to compensate, to some allowed himself to get nervous, primitive
degree, for the loss of the lens. man was promptly eliminated; but civilized
The phenomena associated with strain man survives and transmits his mental char-
in the human eye have also been observed acteristics to posterity. The lower animals
in the eyes of the lower animals. I have when subjected to civilized conditions
made many dogs myopic by inducing them respond to them in precisely the same way
to strain to see a distant object. One very as do human creatures. I have examined
nervous dog, with normal refraction, as many domestic and menagerie animals, and
demonstrated by the retinoscope, was have found them, in many cases, myopic,

allowed to smell a piece of meat. He although they neither read, nor write, nor
became very much up his
excited, pricked sew, nor set type.
ears, arched his eyebrows and wagged his A decline in visual acuity at the distance,
tail. The meat was then removed to a dis- however, is no more a peculiarity of civi-

tance of twenty feet. The dog looked dis- lization than is a similar decline at the near
appointed, but didn't lose interest. While point. Myopes, although they see better at
he was watching the meat it was dropped the near point than they do at the distance,
into a box. A worried look came into his never see as well as does the eye with nor-
eyes. He strained to see what had become mal sight; and in hypermetropia. which is

of it, and the retinoscope showed that he more common than myopia, the sight is

had become myopic. This experiment, it worse at the near point than at the distance.
should be added, would succeed only with The solution is not to avoid either near
an animal possessing two active oblique work or distant vision, but to get rid of the
muscles. Animals in which one of these mental strain which underlies the imper-
muscles is absent or rudimentary are fect functioning of the eye at both points;
unable to elongate the eyeball under any and it has been demonstrated in thousands
circumstances. of cases that this can always be done.
Primarily the strain to see is a strain of
the mind, and, as in cases in which there
Bates' research begins to answer many
is a strain of the mind, there is a loss of
questions about eyesight, especially the mul-
mental control. Anatomically the results of
titude of eyesight problems experienced in
straining to see at a distance may be the
industrialized societies.
same as those of regarding an object at the

oO • Relearning to See
— 1

Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Botes' View

Figure j-g: Straining to See at the Near Point Produces Hypermetropia. 10

No. i — Subject reading fine print in a good light at thirteen inches, the object of vision being placed
above the eye so as to be out of the line of the camera. Simultaneous retinoscopy indicated that the eye
was focused at thirteen inches. The glass was used with the retinoscope to determine the amount of
the refraction. No. 2 —When the room was darkened the subject failed to read the fine print at thir-

teen inches, and the retinoscope indicated that the eye was focused at a greater distance. When a
conscious strain of considerable degree was made to see, the eye became hypermetropic, the object

of vision being placed above the eye so as to be out of the line of the camera. Simultaneous retinoscopy
indicated that the eye was focused at thirteen inches. The glass was used with the retinoscope to deter-
mine the amount of the refraction.

Figure j-io: Myopia Produced by Unconscious Strain to See
at the Distance is Increased by Conscious Strain.
No. i —Normal vision. No. 2 —Same subject four years later with myopia. Note the strained expres-
sion. No. 3 Myopia increased by conscious effort to see a distant object.

Relearning to See • 8

Figure 7-11: Immediate Production of Myopia and Myopic Astigmatism

Normal by Strain to See at the Distance. 12
in Eyes Previously

Left—Boy reading the Snellen test card with normal vision. Note the absence of facial strain. Mid-

dle The same boy trying to see a picture at twenty feet. The effort, manifested by staring, produces

compound myopic astigmatism, as revealed by the retinoscope. Right The same boy making him-
self myopic voluntarily by partly closing the eyelids and making a conscious effort to read the test card

at ten feet.

Figure 7-12: Myopic Astigmatism Comes and Goes as the Subject Looks
at Distant Objects With or Without Strain. 13
No. 1 — Subject regarding the Snellen card at ten feet without effort and reading the bottom line with
normal vision. No. 2 —The same subject making an effort to see a picture at twenty feet. The retinoscope
indicated compound myopic astigmatism.
02 • Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View

Figure 7-13: Subject Who Had the Lens of the Right Eye Removed for Cataract
Produces Changes in the Refraction of this Eye by Strain.
This subject had had the lens of the right eye removed for cataract and was wearing an artificial eye
The removal of the lens created a condition of hypermetropia which was corrected
in the left socket.

by a convex glass often diopters. No. 1 The subject is reading the Snellen card at twenty feet with nor-

mal vision. No. 2 She is straining to see the card at the same distance, and her hypermetropia is less-
ened by two diopters so that her glass now overcorrects it and she cannot see the card perfectly. No.

3 With a convex reading glass of thirteen diopters the right eye is focused accurately at thirteen inches.

No. 4 The subject is straining to see at the same distance and her hypermetropia is so increased that
in order to read she would require a glass offifteen diopters. On the basis of the accepted theory that
the power of accommodation is wholly destroyed by the removal of the lens, these changes in the refrac-
tion would have been impossible. The experiment was repeated several times and it was found that the
error of refraction produced by straining to see varied, being sometimesmore and sometimes less than
two diopters.

Releaming to See • 83

Figure 7-14: A Family Group Strikingly Illustrating the Effect of the Mind Upon the Vision. 15

No. 1 — Girl offour with normal eyes. No. 2 —The child's mother with myopia. No. 3 —The same girl

at nine with myopia. Note that her expression has completely changed, and is now exactly like her
mother's. Nos. 4, 5, and 6 —The girl's brother at two, six, and eight. His eyes are normal in all three pic-

tures. The girl has either inherited her mothers disposition to take things hard, or has been injuriously
affected by her personality of strain. The boy has escaped both influences. In view of the prevailing
theories about the relation of heredity to myopia, this picture is particularly interesting.

How Long Does It Take? cases that are improved quickly. In most
must be continued
cases, too, the practice
Continuing in Chapter IX of Perfect Sight
for a few minutes every day to prevent
Without Glasses, Bates addresses the ques-
relapse. Because a familiar object tends to
tion of how much time is required to improve
relax the strain to see, the daily reading
sight naturally:
of the Snellen test card is usually sufficient
for this purpose. It is also useful, particu-
The time required to effect a permanent
larly when the vision at the near point is
reversal varies greatly with different indi-
imperfect, to read fine print every day as
viduals. In some cases five, ten, or fifteen
close to the eyes as it can be done. When
minutes is sufficient, and I believe the time
an improvement is complete it is always
is coming when it will be possible to
permanent; but complete improvement,
improve everyone quickly. It is only a ques-
which means the attainment not of what is
tion of accumulating more facts, and pre-
ordinarily called normal sight, but of a
senting these facts in such a way that the
measure of telescopic and microscopic
student can grasp them quickly. At present,
vision, is very rare. Even in these cases, too,
however, it is often necessary to continue
the education can be continued with ben-
the practice for weeks and months,
efit; for it is impossible to place limits to the
although the error of refraction may be no
visual powers of man, and no matter how
greater nor of longer duration than in those
good the sight, it is always possible to

84 • Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View

Figure 7-15: Myopes Who Never Went to School, or Read in the Subway. 16
No. 1
—Myopic elephant in the Central Park Zoo, New York, thirty-nine years old. Young elephants and
other young animals were found to have normal vision. — Cape buffalo with myopia, Central
No. 2
Park Zoo. No. 3—Myopic monkey, also in the Central Park Zoo. No. 4 —Pet dog with myopia which
progressed from year to year.

improve it. Daily practice of the art of carded at the beginning of the practice.
vision is also necessary to prevent those When this cannot be done without too
visual lapses to which every eye is liable, great discomfort, or when the person has
no matter how good its sight may ordinar- to continue his work during the practice
ily be. It is true that no system of training and cannot do so without glasses, their use
will provide an absolute safeguard against must be permitted for a time; but this
such lapses in all circumstances; but the always delays the improvement. Persons
daily reading of small, distant, familiar let- of all ages have been benefited by this prac-
ters will do much to lessen the tendency to tice ... by relaxation; but children usually,
strain when disturbing circumstances arise, though not invariably, respond much more
and persons upon whose eyesight the
all quickly than adults. If they are under twelve
safety of others depends should be required years of age, or even under sixteen, and
to do this. have never worn glasses, they are usually

Generally persons who have never worn reversed in a few days, weeks, or months,
glasses are more easily improved than and always within a year, simply by read-
those who have, and glasses should be dis- ing the Snellen card every day.

Relearning to See • 85

Figure j-16: One of Many Thousands of People Who Eliminated Errors of Refraction
by the Methods Presented in this Book. 17
No. 1 —Man of thirty-six, 1902, wearing glasses for myopia. Note the appearance of effort in his eyes.

He was relieved in 1904 . . . and obtained normal sight without glasses. No. 2 —The same man five years
later. No relapse.

WHAT ARE THE FUNCTIONS OF THE Could the erratic fluctuations in the sizes
LENS AND CILIARY MUSCLE? of reflected images from the front side of the

Bates stated unequivocally the lens is not a lens in Helmholtz's research, confirmed by
factor in accommodation. Yet, this author is Bates' research, be caused by changes in
not aware of any role attributed to the lens intensity of the original light source or other

by Bates. If the lens does not accommodate, changes in lighting during Helmholtz's exper-
what is its role? iments?
Is there a reason that the iris and the cil-

iary muscles are both circular muscles that

The Ciliary Muscle Pumps are nearly parallel to each other?
Aqueous Humor When the iris dilates in darkness, we see a
The contraction and relaxation of the ciliary larger picture, by about 10%. Could it be the
muscle pumps aqueous humor into the pos- ciliary muscle dilates simultaneously with the
terior chamber of theDoes the ciliary eye. iris? This could pull on the edges of the lens,
muscle have other functions? Does it change giving the lens its flatter shape as stated in

the shape of the lens for a reason other than the Helmholtz lens theory.
accommodation? In true 19 nighttime vision, the cones do not
function, and there is no central vision. Since
only the rods function in true nighttime
A Brightness/Darkness vision, the best vision possible is 20/400, and
Lens Theory only in the peripheral vision. Peripheral vision
A book 18
1 read many years ago suggested constitutes about 99% of the visual field.

that one function of the ciliary muscle might The maximum concentration of rods is
be to alternately flatten and give more cur- located in a circle, 18 around the fovea. Does
vature to the lens to aid in night and day a flatter lens "spread out" the light rays onto
vision, respectively.

86 • Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Buies' View
the peripheral rods for better nighttime means "to close;" opia means "eye."
vision? Since it is not possible to see better Nearsightedness means the person can see
than 20/400 with the peripheral rods, perhaps near objects clearly but not far objects. In
a spreading of light by a flatter lens is more nearsightedness, when the person is view-
—to pick up as much peripheral
important ing a far object, light rays come to a focus in
movement as possible nighttime — than at front of the retina. As a result, the far object
focusing the light onto the retina for best acu- appears blurry. Since light rays are not cor-
ity (20/400). rectly "refracting" onto the retina, near-
In the daytime the pupil is smaller because sightedness is an "error" of refraction.
the iris contracts. If, simultaneously, the cil- In more than 99% of all cases of near-
iary muscle contracts smaller around the lens, sightedness, the eyeball is abnormally elon-
the lens could have more curvature, focusing gated along the visual axis. In rare cases, the
the light more centrally into the fovea for cornea may have too much curvature, caus-
sharp, 20/20+, cone vision. ing the light rays from far objects to fall in

Of course, a flexible lens is necessary for front of the retina.

this theory. According to Bates: "In myopia it [the eye]

Both the iris and the ciliary muscles are is too long, and while the divergent rays from
controlled by the same nerve from the brain. near objects come to a point upon the retina,
Richard G. Kessel and Randy H. Kardon the parallel ones from distant objects do not
state, "Both the [iris] sphincter muscle and reach it."

the ciliary muscles are innervated [controlled] The following fact is universally agreed
by the ciliary nerves and work in synchrony." 20 upon: The eyeball can elongate, and, when
The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Human Func- in this shape, a person cannot see clearly in the
tional Anatomy states that, in addition to the distance; only near vision is clear.

third cranial nerve supplying the levator (eye- The orthodox explanation of what causes
lid) and four extraocular muscles, "The third elongation of the eye in myopia is often omit-
nerve also sends off a motor root to the ciliary ted or ignored. When an explanation is

ganglion, which furnishes the autonomic inner- offered it is usually stated that myopia is

vation to the [ciliary] muscles within the globe, hereditary —the eyeball simply deforms. But
including the constrictor muscle of the iris."
there is now sufficient evidence showing near-
May in Diseases of the Eye states, "The act sightedness is not hereditary.
of accommodation is accompanied by con-
traction of the pupil." 22
Do the iris and ciliary muscles contract and Nearsightedness is Not Hereditary
dilate in unison based on brightness and dark- The theory that nearsightedness is deter-

ness? mined by heredity has been one of the great-

est obstacles to discovering the truth about

MORE ON NEARSIGHTEDNESS nearsightedness, and therefore discovering a
(MYOPIA) way to improve vision. Once nearsights are

Nearsightedness is also called shortsighted- toldmyopia is genetic, many stop looking for
ness or myopia — from Greek myops: my a way to improve their sight.

Relearning to See • 87
— — .


One of the most dramatic studies present- Department of Brain and Cognitive Science's
ing evidence against the heredity theory of researcher Jane Gwiazda, writes:

nearsightedness was conducted in Alaska in

Until scientists discover ways to prevent
1970. Wendy Murphy writes: myopia, Gwiazda says, parents might want

... for years ophthalmologists have

to advise kids not to sit too close to the TV
or read for hours without taking a break
insisted that nearsightedness stems from
activities that scientists speculate could con-
an innate anatomical problem. The experts
tribute to nearsightedness, which is
may have been wrong. In 1970, for exam-
practically nonexistent in preliterate soci-
ple, Francis A.Young of Washington State

University checked the eyesight of the eties . . . She theorizes that the children's
Nuvuk eyes might react to prolonged close-up
inhabitants of the village of
Barrow, Alaska, an isolated community of
in Point
work by elongating — 26

people of Eskimo ancestry. He found that

The "TV and reading for hours without
parents and grand parents, who were gen-
taking a break" is not the cause of near-
erally illiterate, had almost no nearsight-
sightedness. According to Bates, the cause of
edness, while among the villagers less than
nearsightedness is the formation of strained,
25 years old, who all had been taught to
read, about 60 percent suffered from this
incorrect vision habits. It is more likely —but
impairment. 24 not essential — a person will form incorrect
vision habits during these activities compared
Many of my students have been told that
to some other, more mobile, activities. By
the reason they cannot improve their near- more
"taking a break," the person simply has
sightedness or farsightedness is because these
mobility. Movement is the first principle of
problems are "structural." The physical causes
natural vision.
of nearsightedness are anatomical and struc-
An article entitled "In Debate on Myopia's
tural. But they are not "innate."
Origins, The Winner Is: Both Sides?" in The
Natural vision students change the struc-
New York Times states:
ture of their eyes when they improve their
vision. Bates' research showed that the eye Yet in primitive cultures, where hunting

muscles let go of their chronic strain — strain

and gathering commonplace and illiter-

acy prevails, myopia is practically nonexis-

which is squeezing the eyeball out of shape
tent . Upwards of 70 percent of Taiwanese
. .

when correct vision habits are relearned.

schoolchildren are now reported to be
Murphy also discusses how it has been
Myopia skyrocketed among
shown that the more education, from ele- Eskimos when their children first started
mentary through graduate school, a person going to school 27

receives in the US or Canada, the greater per-

centage of those students become near- Kennebeck states:

sighted. Fifty percent of graduate students There are those . . . who insist that one is

are nearsighted, "a proportion far greater born nearsighted, that it is hereditary . .

than among people of the same age who do But it is not so It is not hereditary. It

not attend graduate school." 25 would make no difference if the parents,

Rita Rubin, discussing the work of MIT grandparents, uncles or aunts were or were
not nearsighted. Each and every one who

Releaming to See

Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View

is nearsighted had to acquire it himself. improve their vision along with their parents
There are parents having normal eyes in my classes.
whose children might be nearsighted, and A holistic practitioner told me that when
there are nearsighted parents whose chil-
she was a child, during a period of high stress,
dren's eyes are normal or farsighted. 28
she became nearsighted and was given
The blurred vision of a parent can, and glasses. She refused to wear them. Several
often does, make a difference, because a child months later, after the stress had passed, her
can emulate the parent's strained vision vision returned to clarity, and she has never
habits. Still, the point is blurred vision is not needed glasses since. I have heard similar sto-

genetic. It is caused by the formation of ries from other people.

abnormal, strained vision habits. The fact that people improve their eye-
Due to the above studies and other re- sight — without even knowing why im- it

search, some orthodox are now saying that proves — important. Other than diseases

nearsightedness is only "probably hereditary." and accidents, Bates showed that a person's
The fact that thousands of students have depends upon correct vision habits

improved their nearsightedness naturally is whether the person is aware of them con-
additional indication nearsightedness is not sciously or not.

hereditary. I have watched several children


HSU '.'. :



When the superior and interior oblique muscles contract,

the net effect is a push downward on the top of the eye
and a push upward on the bottom of the eye See inset

Light rays from far objects now

come to a focus in front of the retina.

The diameter of the eye is now

smaller from the front point of view

Figure 7-17: The Production of Nearsightedness.

Relearning to See • 89
Bates Explains Nearsightedness shape. When the two oblique muscles relax,

In normal vision, it is conventionally stated the eyeball returns to its normal round shape.
that the front side of the lens changes from This is Bates' explanation of accommodation
a flatter shape for distant clarity to a more of the normal eye. This explanation for
curved shape for near clarity. accommodation originated many years before
As stated above, it is universally agreed Bates' research was performed.
that, in nearsightedness, the eyeball is too In nearsightedness the two oblique mus-
long —and that nearsightedness is not deter- cles contract and the person sees clearly up
mined by age. In the US, nearsightedness close —but the oblique muscles stay con-
occurs very often at a young age. An expla- tracted chronically. They do not release, and
nation for this is offered in Chapter 19, the eyeball remains elongated.
"Brains and Vision." When the two oblique muscles release the
Since the elongated myopic eyeball sees chronic tension they hold in nearsightedness,
clearly up close, and since the lens is in the myopia is reversed. The reversal of myopia
flatter shape, a lens that accommodates into and the subsequent return to normal vision
a more curved shape would only create a is clearly — —
and only an issue of the release
greater amount of nearsightedness. This is of chronically tight oblique muscles.
why the nearsights are told they cannot see Since age, heredity, and the lens are not the
clearly in the distance. issues involved in nearsightedness, the ques-
Through the use of a diverging (-) lense, tion for Bates now became, "Why do the
the image of a distant object is thrown far- oblique muscles become chronically tense,
ther back into the elongated eyeball. The dis- and how do I remove the cause of this chronic
tant object is now seen clearly through the tension?" Finding the answers to these ques-
corrective lense. Theoretically, the eye's lens tions was the real brilliance of Bates. Chronic
can now continue to accommodate "nor- tension is caused by strain, and removal of
mally," i.e., when the lens is flatter, the eye that strain is achieved by relaxation.
sees distant objects clearly, and when the lens
accommodates, its front side gains more cur-
vature and sees close objects clearly ArtificialCorneal Refraction
Bates said that when the superior oblique Procedures: Radial Keratotomy (RK)
muscle contracts, it on the
applies pressure Surgery, Ortho-Keratology, etc.
top of the eyeball, pushing downward. When A nearsighted eyeball, because it is elongated,
the inferior oblique muscle contracts, it has a cornea with too much curvature.
applies pressure on the bottom of the eye- There are various artificial methods of
ball, pushing upward. Acting independently, making the cornea flatter to focus the light
each oblique muscle would rotate the eye rays from distant objects more clearly onto
clockwise or counterclockwise. (You can the retina. Some of these include:
watch this rotation by tilting your head in
1. Ortho-keratology, in which a series of
front of a mirror.) When both oblique mus-
contact lenses is used to flatten the
cles contract, the eye is squeezed into a long

90 • Releaming to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View
2. Radial keratotomy (RK) surgery, in Improvement of Nearsightedness
which deep incisions are made in the
Clara Hackett, in her book Relax and See,
peripheral parts of the cornea to flatten writes about her nearsighted students. Many
students were referred to her by eye doctors
3. Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) to receive natural vision education.
laser, in which the top central layers of The following numbers include students
the cornea are vaporized to flatten it;
who only had a few lessons and stopped, and
4. Plastic ring, which is surgically
students who were not diligent in relearning
implanted into the cornea; the proper vision habits.
5. Enzymes (under research), in which the Clara Hackett writes:
top layers of the cornea are digested to
There were 1,584 nearsighted people, or
flatten it.
myopes, with vision ranging from 20/30 to
Of course, all of these procedures have 20/1000. The majority had 20/400, or one-
risks, some of which can be, and have been, twentieth of normal sight. Five hundred
very serious. and sixty-nine regained at least 20/40, or
In all of these artificial, cornea-flattening half normal sight; 210 achieved 20/70; 163
attained 20/100 or one-fifth normal sight;
procedures the original cause of nearsighted-
211 improved to 20/200 or one-tenth nor-
ness is not addressed. The refractive error
mal sight. In other cases there was lesser
changes, but the eyeball remains chronically
or only temporary improvement. All of
elongated. The oblique muscles remain chron-
those who achieved 20/20 vision could dis-
ically contracted, and they are chronically tight
pense with glasses as could most of those
due to mental strain. The real cause of the near- who gained 20/40, the sight required for
sightedness remains. passing drivers' tests in the states of New
Bruce May, O.D., writes: York, California and Washington. 30

When processes like keratotomy or Many of my students have passed their dri-
orthokeratology produce improved dis- ver's test without glasses after having near-
tance acuity without the use of glasses, they
sightedness (or farsightedness) for many
do not change the basic problem of
Of course, not all students improve;
myopia, only the refractive status. The
some students do not practice the correct
change involves only the cornea, while the
vision habits, and continue their strained
depth of the vitreous chamber remains
vision habits.
increased, and so does the eyeball length.
Thus, the [person] still has myopia and
remains subject to all the risks of myopia.
One reason corneal surgery has become
Farsightedness is also called hyperopia and
popular is because it is a "quick fix." Improv-
hypermetropia (Greek: hyper means "far,"
ing vision naturally takes a longer time
or "over"; metron means "measure"; opia
because the real cause of the problem is being
means "eye").
Farsightedness means a person sees far
objects more clearly than near objects. In far-

Relearning to See • 91



When all four recti muscles contract,

they pull backward on the front of the eye

Light rays from near objects now

come to a focus °in back' of the retina.

The diameter of the eye is now

larger from the front point of view

Figure 7-18: The Production of Farsightedness.

sightedness, when viewing a near object, light referred to as presbyopia.

rays come to a focus "in back" of the retina. From "Introductory" of Perfect Sight With-
As a result, the near object appears blurry. out Glasses:
Of course, the light rays do not actually pen-
etrate the back of the eyeball and come to ... In hypermetropia 3 — commonly but
a focal point in back of it; but the light rays improperly called farsightedness], although

would come the person with such a defect can see

to a focus in back of the eyeball
clearly neither at the distance nor the near
if the back of the eyeball were transparent.
Since light rays are not correctly "refracting,"
point — the eyeball is too short from the
front backward, and all rays of light, both
in focus, onto the retina, farsightedness, like
the convergent ones coming from near
nearsightedness and astigmatism, is classified
objects, and the parallel ones coming from
as an "error" of refraction.
distant objects, are focused behind the
Conventional books describe two types of retina instead of Both these con- upon it.

farsightedness: 1) the eyeball is too short along ditions [hypermetropia and presbyopia]
the visual axis (hypermetropia); and 2) the are supposed to be permanent, the one
lens is inflexible and locked in the flatter a
From the Greek hyper, over, metron, measure,
shape because of older age, an eye condition and ops, the eye.

92 • Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View
congenital, the other acquired. When, there- an elongated shape, a person will be able to
fore, persons who at one time appear to see clearly in the distance but not up close.
have hypermetropia, or myopia, appear at (This assumes, of course, that a person agrees
other times not to have them, or to have with Bates that the lens is not a factor in
them in lesser degrees, it is not permissible
to suppose that there has been a change in
In any case, everyone agrees there is a way
the shape of the eyeball. Therefore, in the
for the eyeball to become chronically short
case of the disappearance or lessening of
along the visual axis, causing farsightedness.
hypermetropia. we are asked to believe that
It is also universally agreed that non-pres-
the eye, in the act of vision, both at the near
point and at the distance, increases the cur- byopic farsightedness is not determined by
vature of the lens sufficiently to compen- age.

sate, in whole or in part, for the flatness The conventional explanation of why the
of the eyeball. eyeball becomes foreshortened is that it is
hereditary, and the eyeball deforms "some-

The reason Bates took exception to the

how" the same as for nearsightedness.
When one rectus muscle contracts, the eye
term "farsightedness" is because a fore-
turns. (If one rectus muscle contracts chroni-
shortened eyeball cannot see clearly near or
cally, crossed eye can be produced.) Bates con-
far. The eyeball needs to be in the "relaxed"
clusively proved that when all four recti
round shape in order to see clearly in the dis-
muscles contract, they pull the front of the eye-
tance. Bates felt the term "hypermetropia"
ball backward, against the fatty tissue in the
was more accurate than "farsight."
eye orbit, and thereby shorten it from front to
This distinction is important, because Bates
back. Chronic tension of the recti muscles is a
believed the eyeball elongates when it accom-
simple, logical, and straightforward explana-
modates to see clearly up close. For Bates, an
tion of the foreshortened eyeball in farsight-
eyeball that remains in the round shape can
edness. When these muscles let go of their
only see clearly in the distance; it cannot see
chronic strain, the eyeball returns to its nor-
clearly up close.
mal, round state, and with it, normal vision.
In medium and high degrees of farsight-
When the four recti muscles release the
edness where the eyeball is foreshortened
chronic tension they hold in farsightedness,
and both the near and distance vision are
hypermetropia is reversed —regardless of the
blurred, the conventional point of view is that
mechanism of accommodation.
the front side of the lens cannot accommo-
Since age, heredity, and the lens are not the
date (curve) enough to focus the fight rays of
issues involved in farsightedness, the question
near objects onto the retina, but the lens can
now is "Why do the recti muscles become
accommodate to see clearly in the distance.
chronically tense, and how do I remove the
Bates states above that in hypermetropia
cause of this chronic tension?" The answers
both distance and the near objects are not
to these questions are the same as the answers
clear. This
ened. However,
is true
if the eyeball
at first the eyeball
is foreshort-
to nearsightedness — strain is the cause of the
tension, and relaxation is the solution.
is unable to change from the round shape into

Relearning to See • 93
Farsightedness is Not Hereditary ASTIGMATISM
As with nearsightedness, Natural Vision From Better Eyesight magazine, October 1920:
teachers have observed farsights improving
Question: Is astigmatism reversible with
their sight for more than seventy-five years.
this method?
Bates provided many examples of farsight-
Answer: Yes.
edness improving. Farsightedness, like near-
sightedness and astigmatism, is a functional
In most cases of astigmatism (Greek: a
problem and is due to stress. It is not genetic.
means "without"; stigma means "a point";
light rays do not come to a single point of

Improvement of Farsightedness focus) the eye is twisted in an oval, lopsided,

or teaspoon shape from the front point of
Clara Hackett, in her book Relax and See,
view. Since light rays do not focus on the
writes about her farsighted students, "Three
retina clearly, astigmatism, like nearsighted-
hundred and forty-eight of my students were
ness and farsightedness, is an "error" of
farsighted; 116 discarded glasses entirely; 194
could wear weaker glasses for reading; 38
The conventional opinion about astigma-
made no enduring improvement." 31
tismis the same as for nearsightedness and


In this example of astigmatism, the superior
oblique and the superior rectus muscles
contract, distorting the eye Into an oval shape.

Light rays trom far objects now come to a locus

in front of the retina, and rays from near obiecls
come to a focus 'in back" of the retina

The diameter of the eye is smaller along one aws.

but larger along the perpendicular axis

Figure 7-19: The Production ofAstigmatism.

94 * Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View
farsightedness — it cannot improve. This opin- been observed and still fewer have been

ion does not agree with many case histories allowed to get into the literature. Some
of improvement of astigmatism. interesting facts regarding one have fortu-

From Chapter I, "Introductory," of Perfect nately been given by Davis, who investi-
gated it in connection with the corneal
Sight Without Glasses:
changes noted in the lensless eye. The case
was that of a house surgeon at the Man-
The disappearance of astigmatism, 3 or
hattan Eye and Ear Hospital, Dr. C. H.
changes in its character, present an even
Johnson. Ordinarily this gentleman had half
more baffling problem. Due in most cases
a diopter of astigmatism in each eye; but
to an unsymmetrical change in the curva-
he could, at will, increase this to two
ture of the cornea, and resulting in failure
diopters in the right eye and one and a half
to bring the light rays to a focus at any
point, the eye supposed to possess only
in the left. He did this many times, in the
presence of a number of members of the
a limited power of overcoming this con-
dition; and yet astigmatism comes and goes
hospital staff, and also did it when the
upper were held up, showing that the
with as much facility as do other errors of
pressure of the lids had nothing to do with
refraction. It is well known, too, that it can
the phenomenon. Later he went to
be produced voluntarily. Some persons can
Louisville, and here Dr. J. M. Ray, at the
produce as much as three diopters. I myself
suggestion of Dr. Davis, tested his ability
can produce one and a half.
to produce astigmatism under the influence
From the Greek a, without, and stigma, a point. of scopolamine (four instillations, Vs per-
cent solution). While the eyes were under
the influence of the drug the astigmatism
From Chapter III, "Evidence for the still seemed to increase, according to the

Accepted Theory of Accommodation," of evidence of the ophthalmometer, to one

and a half diopters in the right eye and one
Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
in the left. From these facts, the influence
of the lids and of the ciliary muscle having
The voluntary production of astigmatism
is another stumbling block to the support- been eliminated, Dr. Davis concluded that
the change in the cornea was "brought
ers of the accepted theories, as it

a change in the shape of the cornea, and about mainly by the external muscles."
such a change is not compatible with the
What explanation others offer for such phe-
idea of an "inextensible" 3 eyeball. ... It
nomena I do not know.
seems to have given them less trouble, how-
ever, than the accommodation of the lens- Quoting Bates again:
less eye, because fewer of these cases have
Astigmatism was usually produced in com-
bination with myopic or hypermetropic
Inasmuch as the eye is inextensible, it cannot refraction. It was also produced by various
adapt itself for the perception of objects situated manipulations of both the oblique and recti
at different distances by increasing the length
muscles. Mixed astigmatism, which is a
of its axis, but only by increasing the refractive
combination of myopic with hypermetropic
power of its lens. — De Schweinitz: Diseases of
the Eye, eighth edition, 1916, pp. 35-36. refraction, was always produced by trac-

Relearning to See • 95

Figure 7 -20: Production of Mixed Astigmatism in the Eye of a Carp. 32

No. 1
—Production of mixed astigmatism in the eye of a carp by pulling strings attached to the con-

junctiva in opposite directions. Note the oval shape of the front of the eyeball. No. 2 —With the cutting
of the strings the eyeball returns to its normal shape, and the refraction becomes normal.

tion on the insertion of the superior or infe- From Bates' Better Eyesight magazine,
rior rectus in a direction parallel to the November 1927:
plane of the iris, so long as both obliques
were present and active: but if either or
both of the obliques had been cut. the All persons who have astigmatism have
myopic part of the astigmatism disap- eyestrain. When the eyestrain is relieved,
the astigmatism disappears.
peared. Similarly after the superior or the
inferior rectus had been cut the hyperme-
tropic part of the astigmatism disappeared. Bates' viewpoint on errors of refraction is
Advancement of the two obliques, with convincing and his viewpoint on accommo-
advancement of the superior and inferior dation is reasonable.
recti, always produced mixed astigmatism.

96 • Relearning to See
Chapter Seven: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Bates' View
Notes tron microscopy(New York: W. H. Freeman and
The author [TQ] wishes to minimize showing Company, 1979), p. 101.
images of animals used in research.
Leon Schlossberg and George D. Zuidema, The
This caption and text are from Perfect Sight
Johns Hopkins Atlas of Human Functional

Without Glasses.
Anatomy (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Uni-
3 versity Press, 1972), p. 55.
These graphics, caption, and text are from Per-
Charles H. May, Diseases of the Eye (Baltimore:
fect Sight Without Glasses.
This caption and text are from Perfect Sight
William Wood and Company, 1943), p. 364.
Without Glasses.
From Perfect Sight Without Glasses, Chapter I,

5 "Introductory."
Wendy Murphy and the Editors of Time-Life
These graphics, caption, and text are from Per-
Books, Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Hearing
(Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books Inc., 1982),
fect Sight Without Glasses.
Ibid. P77-
9 Ibid., p. 78.
These graphics, caption, and text are from Per-
Rita Rubin, "Still in Diapers, and Off to the Eye

fect Sight Without Glasses; numbers have been

Doctor," U.S. News & World Report (June 21,

added for clarification. 1993), PP- 69-70.

11 Jane E. Brody, "In Debate on Myopia's Origins
These graphics, caption, and text are from Per-
The Winner Is: Both Sides?" The New York
Times, June 1, 1994.
fect Sight Without Glasses.
Joseph J. Kennebeck, Why Eyeglasses are Harm-
14 ful for Children and Young People (New York:
15 Vantage Press, 1969), p. 34.
Bruce May, Rx for Nearsightedness: Stress-
17 Relieving Lenses, Optometric Extension Pro-
18 gram Foundation pamphlet (1981).
Unfortunately, I have been unable to locate this
Clara A. Hackett and Lawrence Galton, Relax
reference to give the author proper credit.
19 and See (London: Faber and Faber, Limited,
True nighttime vision is defined as any situation
1957), P- 25-
in which only the rods are functioning, but not
the cones. This is discussed further in Chapter
These graphics, caption, and text are from Per-
17, "The Retina."
20 fect Sight Without Glasses.
Richard G. Kessel and Randy H. Kardon, Tis-

sues and Organs: a text-atlas of scanning elec-

Relearning to See • 97
Chapter Eight

Accommodation and Errors

of Refraction —Summary

[Bates'J basic view of the underlying causes of some modern eye doctors. One of my stu-
nearsightedness and other eye problems, and dents stated that her ophthamologist said that
his approach to their remediation, have stood this is the case. Recently another oph-
the test of time and new knowledge. He is, in a
thamologist stated publicly that nearsight-
real sense, the spiritual grandfather of all who edness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are
are involved in restoring functional vision. 1

caused by chronically tense external eye mus-

—Optometrist Ernest V. Loewenstein, cles, and that this tension can be reversed.
Ph.D., O.D., 1982 Bates' ideas regarding errors of refraction
are simple, reasonable, and explain a multi-

BATES: NEARSIGHTEDNESS = tude of facts that have not been adequately

FARSIGHTEDNESS = ASTIGMATISM = explained in any other way.

NO ACCOMMODATION From the holistic perspective, there is no

difference between nearsightedness, far-
For Bates the issues of accommodation and
sightedness (including presbyopia), astigma-
errors of refraction are connected. To sum-
tism, and strabismus, because strain is the
underlying cause of all of these problems.
If extrinsic eye muscles are chronically
The harmful vision habits a person acquires
tight, producing nearsightedness, farsighted-
when creating functional problems are the
ness, and/or astigmatism, the eye cannot
same. As we shall discuss later, the type of
accommodate to see clearly both near and
blurred vision an individual acquires appears
far. When the external muscles are relaxed,
to be correlated to a person's hemisphere
the eye accommodates normally again by the
dominance (see Chapter 19, "Brains and
action of the two oblique muscles.
Vision"). No matter what the hemisphere
Agreement with Bates' position that errors
dominance, all students in natural vision edu-
of refraction are caused by chronically tense
cation classes relearn the same correct vision
external eye muscles has been echoed by

Relearning to See • 99
Bates was too far ahead of his contempo- stated that his attitude of mind, ever since

raries for his advanced ideas to be accepted he was a little boy, was to find out all the

by the orthodox. facts possible about a subject and then

work on these as a basis, rather than on a

"MAN IS NOT A REASONING BEING" guess or theory. When he commenced prac-

ticing medicine in 1885, one of the first
Many people have asked Natural Vision
patients who came to him had a slight
teachers, "With such compelling research and
degree of myopia or nearsightedness. Upon
evidence presented by Bates and others, why examining his eyes with the ophthalmo-
is work not embraced by the ortho-
Bates' scope, he found that the patient was not
dox?" Perhaps the best answer comes from nearsighted all of the time. When the
Bates in the last paragraph of Perfect Sight patient was looking at a blank wall and not
Without Glasses: trying to see anything, his eyes were for
short periods, normal. He persuaded this

The fact is that, except in rare cases, man patient to go without his glasses and his
is not a reasoning being. He is dominated eyes finally reached a point where they
by authority, and when the facts are not in stayed normal all the time.
accord with the view imposed by author- Doctor Bates said that he then started
ity, so much the worse for the facts. They boasting around the hospital about this
may, and indeed must, win in the long run; improvement. However, it got so on the
but in the meantime the world gropes house-surgeon's nerves that he brought up
needlessly in darkness and endures much a ward patient who was nearsighted, and
suffering that might have been avoided. with him Doctor Bates managed to have
equal success. Much to his surprise, instead

Bates' biggest discovery may have been of the rest of the doctors praising him, and

how the conventional system reacted to his trying to find out how he accomplished
these heretofore impossible improvements,
research and discoveries.
Dr. Bates suddenly became very unpopu-
From Better Eyesight magazine, April 1923:
lar with the rest of the staff. These successes
nevertheless spurred him on in his exper-
By L. L. Biddle, 2nd
iments at the New York Aquarium and at

the laboratory of the Columbia College for

For the benefit of those who were unable
Physicians and Surgeons, and as a result he
to attend Dr. Bates' lecture, before the New
discovered that the accommodation of the
York Association of Osteopaths, at the Wal-
eye is not brought about by a change in the
dorf Astoria on Saturday Evening, Feb-
shape of the lens, but by the lengthening
ruary 17th, I decided to take down a few
and shortening [back to spherical] of the
notes which I will now try to compile.
eyeball itself, as the bellows of a camera.
The chairman introduced Doctor Bates
by stating that the Osteopaths take away
When he explained and illustrated this

to his doctor friends, it disturbed them

the crutches and Doctor Bates takes away
the glasses
greatly. The surgeon who had charge of the
He then commenced by telling how he laboratory came to him and said: "Do you
made his first discoveries and cited the know that you have proven that Helmholtz
is wrong and furthermore if you wish to be
opposition he had to buck against. He

100 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eight: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction — Summary
accepted byscientific men you will have to out glasses for 30 years, and who as the
show how or why he blundered?" This was result of a remarkable series of experiments

quite a proposition, but Dr. Bates contin- has been able to present evidence which
ued his experiments and for two years tried appears to invalidate most of the theories
to prove that Helmholtz was right, but on which the present practice of ophthal-
failed, and finally discovered how mology is based. Dr. William H. Bates of
Helmholtz blundered; which Doctor Bates New York is already well known as the dis-
has illustrated in his book. As a reward for coverer of the properties of adrenaline, an
this, he was expelled from the University. extract from the suprarenal gland of the
This was quite a handicap, but he sheep which is now used all over the world
obtained a small laboratory for himself and as an astringent and haemostatic; but his
continued in his work. remarkable experiments on the eyes of ani-
[Biddle then states that Bates gave a case mals and the startling conclusions that he
history.] has drawn from them have, as yet, attracted
He then returned to his seat, but was so comparatively little attention. Reported
applauded and urged to continue that he only in a few isolated articles, they have not
finally stated that if anyone wished to yet found their way into the general liter-
remain and ask further questions, he would ature of the subject and have scarcely been
be glad to answer them. heard of by the lay public. Yet they promise
to revolutionize the practice of ophthal-

While connected with the New York Post mology and are at the present moment of
Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Dr. tremendous import to the country. 3

Bates improved myopia with many people in

Another reason Bates' research has been
the clinic. Those who improved their sight
ignored and rejected is because few people
included student doctors. have studied his work deeply enough to
The May 1921 Journal of the Allied Medical understand it. Some of the principles involved
Associations states: are very subtle, and, on first encounter, even

These facts came to the knowledge of appear incorrect.

the head of the institution (Dr. St. John D. Optometrist Harris Gruman wrote in his

B. Roosa), one of the most prominent oph- book New Ways to Better Sight:

thalmologists of the day, and were regarded

Whether it was the result of such inves-
Donders and
as highly discreditable, since
tigations that Dr. Bates hit upon his system
the other masters of ophthalmology had
of [improvement] or whether it was the
declared that myopia was [irreversible]. Dr.
other way around seems immaterial. In
Bates was accordingly expelled from the
spite of his hypotheses and theories he did
faculty, even the privilege of resignation
hit upon some worthwhile methods of aid-
being denied to him. 2
ing human sight. Time has proved their

Mary Dudderidge writes in the January 12, worth, and for this the world should be
American: grateful.
1918, issue of Scientific

It is therefore not a little surprising to Aldous Huxley, after discussing the pos-

find one eye specialist who has actually sible role of the external and internal mus-
been [reversing] errors of refraction with- cles in accommodation, writes:

Relearning to See • IOI

My own guess, after reading the evi- shape, producing nearsightedness, farsight-
dence, would be that both the extrinsic edness, astigmatism, and strabismus — and
muscles and the lens play their part in that these functional problems are reversible.
accommodation. I am also convinced that normally func-
This guess may be correct; or it may be tioning external muscles can produce accom-
incorrect. I do not greatly care. For my con- modation. If the lens and ciliary muscle have
cern is not with the anatomical mechanism
any role in accommodation, and if that mech-
of accommodation, but with the art of see-
anism interfered with, believe normally
ing —and the art of seeing does not stand

functioning external muscles can continue to


or fall with any particularly physiological

hypothesis. Believing that Bates' theory of accommodate the eye.

accommodation was untrue, the orthodox Bates' physical research makes sense to

have concluded that his technique of visual me. It answers a "multitude of facts," that

education must be unsound. Once again have otherwise been ignored or explained
this is an unwarranted conclusion, due to away. Still, the physical mechanisms of accom-
a failure to understand the nature of an art, modation and errors of refraction are sec-
or psycho-physical skill
ondary issues. If a person does not have any
The proof of the pudding is in the eat-
pathologies or diseases of the eyes, the phys-
ing, and the first and most convincing test
ical mechanisms of vision do not matter. The
of the system works. 6
is that it
primary issue is how to improve sight —nat-
I am open to accepting any other model of
With the limited information I had before
vision, as long as it explains all of the facts I
investigating the Bates method, my vision
currently know about vision, and more.
became worse year after year. Glasses and
contacts were not acceptable solutions to my THE PHYSICAL FOLLOWS
vision problems. And the long-term conse-
quences of continuing along the conventional
The physical factors of accommodation and
path were grim.
errors of refraction are only a part of the
When presented with a new philosophy or
issues involved in seeing clearly and in
I need to be shown how the new idea
relearning to see. Students do not need to
explains everything I have experienced so far,
know the physical mechanisms of eyesight to
and how my previous experiences are only a
improve their vision. There are people (I have
limited subset of the new, more encompass-
met several) who knew nothing about the
ing idea. I accept a new idea when these two
Bates or any other method of natural eye-
conditions have been met.
sight improvement, and who returned to nor-
The main ideas presented by Bates have
mal vision. In each case, these people
met these two conditions, and the benefits to
removed the strain in their lives that created
my vision — and health —have been immea- their blur.
Bates makes frequent references to strain,
I am thoroughly convinced that strained
especially mental strain. The brilliance of
external muscles squeeze the eyeball out of
Bates' work was not so much his studies with

102 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eight: Accommodation and Errors of Refraction —Summary

and eye muscles. This research
the eyeballs Notes
simply allowed him to advance to more E. V. Loewenstein,"Yes! You Can Have Better
important questions. Vision," Whole Life Times, March 1982, p. 16.
How does the visual system become Journal of the Allied Medical Associations, Vol. 9,

strained? What causes the eye muscles to No. 2 (May 1921), p. 21.

tighten around the eyeball, creating errors of Mary Dudderidge. "New Light Upon Our Eyes:
refraction? Bates unraveled the puzzle of the An Investigation Which May Result in Normal
Vision for All, Without Glasses," Scientific Amer-
mind-body- vision connection. He discovered
ican (January 12, 1918), p. 53.
that functional vision problems are caused
Harris Gruman, New Ways to Better Sight (New
primarily by mental strain, and that they are
York: Hermitage House, 1950), pp. 176-77.
relieved by relaxation.
Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing (New York:
In the next part, we discuss the three prin-
Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1942), pp. 33-34.
ciples of natural vision discovered by Bates Ibid., p. 36.
Movement, Centralization, and Relaxation.
In the subsequent part, we discuss the three
habits of natural seeing — Sketching (Shift-
ing), Breathing, and Blinking.

Relearning to See • IO3


The Three Principles

of Natural Vision

No one has as good sight as he might have.

Therefore everyone can be benefited by
practicing the principles presented in this

—William H. Bates, M.D.,

Better Eyesight, July 1920

The three principles of natural vision are

Movement, Centralization, and Relaxation.
Chapter Nine

The First Principle —Movement

1995 Annie Buttons, Eagle»Eye/NEl

Figure g-i: "Movement."

Reprinted with permission from Annie Buttons.

. . . there is no perception without movement. '

cules flowing through the nose allow us to
moving over
— T. Ribot
smell. Taste involves molecules
the taste buds on the tongue.
In using only the sense of touch, if you rest
MOVEMENT your hand on a piece of cloth or metal for a
Movement is the first of the three principles long time, it will be difficult to tell which of
of natural vision. All living creatures move. the two objects yourhand is on until you —
We have a visual system to see the world, move either your hand or the object.
both physically and mentally, and that process Hot and cold temperatures on the skin are
includes movement. The principle of move- perceived not by the absolute temperature,
ment is one of the key concepts Bates dis- but by changes in temperature. An interest-
covered about vision, and is a subset of the ing experiment is to put the right hand in a

universal principle of continual change: "The bucket of cold water, and the left in a bucket

only constant is change." of hot water. Then put both hands in the same
on move-
All sense perceptions are based bucket of room-temperature water. To the
ment. Hearing involves sound waves, which right hand the water feels hot, but to the left

vibrate the eardrum. The semi-circular canals hand the water feels cold!

in the ear require head and body movement We sense changes—and changes are based
to maintain equilibrium and balance. Mole- on movements.

Relearning to See • 107


Even supposed stationary objects are when they cannot see with their physical
always changing. Researchers have found that eyes? The answer is: movement is natural,
very old windows in the churches in Europe relaxing, and healthy.

are thicker at the bottom than at the top. This One student, a massage therapist, told me
isdue to gravity pulling downward, albeit she almost did not enroll for my course
very slowly, on the molecules in the glass. because I was always moving during the
Technically, glass is a liquid! Glass is con- Introductory Lecture. She now moves.
stantly changing its shape. People who have clear vision move. At
The best teachers of natural vision are chil- times, this movement may be subtle and

dren. Children move, exploring and learning move much

imperceptible to others, but they
more than people who have blurred vision.
To those who have blur, movement by peo-
ple who have clarity is annoying and irritat-

ing, consciously and/or subconsciously.

Natural vision movement is not a hyper
movement; it is a relaxed, casual movement.
An acquaintance of mine told me he was
about the world with infinite interest and considered to be the only "hyper" member
curiosity. We are meant to grow and learn of his family.He could not "sit still, like every-
physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiri- one He is the only member of his fam-
tually our entire lives. Movement is necessary ily who has normal sight. People who have
for this natural process. learned to not move often conclude that peo-
If you would like to watch what natural ple who move are hyper.
vision students relearn, go to a playground Another student who has normal vision
and watch the children. They are continually —
and plans to keep it that way said in class,
moving. Notice that no one tells the children "I'm squirmy."
to move. It is simply natural. You may also Aldous Huxley uses the phrase "dynamic
notice their parents sitting on the bench star- relaxation" 2 to describe natural vision
ing rigidly. movement without effort. The opposite of
A mother rocks her dynamic relaxation is "static stress." Bates
baby to sleep. Bates said discovered static stress creates blurred vision.
it is a mistake to dispose
of cradles and rocking BATES ON MOVEMENT
chairs and other meth- Quoting from Perfect Sight Without
ods of promoting the "swing." Glasses:
Have you ever watched the continuous and
even large movements of the blind musicians It is impossible to see, remember, or imag-
Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, and George ine anything, even for as much as a second,
Shearing? Do we think to ourselves, "It is OK without shifting from one part to another,
for them to move because they don't know or to some other object and back again; and
any better?" Why do they move so much, the attempt to do so always produces strain.

I Oo • Relearning to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement

...When shifting is not done uncon- ing illustration of the [automatic] mental
sciously, students must be encouraged to control necessary for normal vision. It

do it consciously. requires perfect mental control to think of

...A line of small letters on the Snellen thousands of things in a fraction of a sec-
test card may be less than a foot long by ond; and each point of fixation has to be
a quarter of an inch in height; and if it thought of separately, because it is impos-
requires seventy shifts to a fraction of a sec- sible to think of two things, or of twc parts
ond to see it apparently all at once, it must of one thing, perfectly at the same time. The
require many thousands to see an area of eye with imperfect sight tries to accomplish
the size of the screen of a moving picture, the impossible by looking fixedly at one
with all its detail of people, animals, houses, point for an appreciable length of time; that
or trees, while to see sixteen such areas to is, by staring. When it looks at a strange let-
a second, as is done in viewing moving pic- ter and does not see it, it keeps on looking
tures must require a rapidity of shifting that at it in an effort to see it better. Such efforts

can scarcely be realized. Yet it is admitted always fail, and are an important factor in
that the present rate of taking and pro- the production of imperfect sight.
jecting moving pictures is too slow. The One of the best methods of improving
results would be more satisfactory, author- the sight, therefore, is to imitate consciously
ities say, if the rate were raised to twenty, the unconscious shifting of normal vision,
twenty-two, or twenty-four a second. The and to realize the apparent motion pro-
human eye and mind are not only capable duced by such shifting. Whether one has
of this rapidity of action, and that without imperfect or normal sight, conscious shift-
effort or strain, but it is only when the eye ing and swinging are a great help and
is able to shift thus rapidly that eye and advantage to the eye; for not only may
mind are at rest, and the efficiency of both imperfect sight be improved in this way,
at their maximum. It is true that every but normal sight may be improved also...
motion of the eye produces an error of
refraction; but when the movement is short, The last few paragraphs come close to sum-
this is very slight, and usually the shifts are marizing Bates' life work on natural vision
so rapid that the error does not last long improvement. People with normal sight
enough to be detected by the retinoscope,
unconsciously "shift" constantly with move-
its existence being demonstrable only by
ment and centralization (attention to detail).
reducing the rapidity of the movements to
This is nature's design for the visual system.
less than four or five a second. The period
Interference with these principles lowers
during which the eye is at rest is much
longer than that during which an error of
sight. Other than vision problems caused by
refraction is produced. Hence, when the diseases and accidents, Bates found that vision
eye shifts normally no error of refraction habits determine a person's sight.

is manifest. The more rapid the unconscious From Better Eyesight magazine, January
"The normal eye only at rest when
shifting of the eye, the better the vision; but

if one tries to be conscious of a too rapid

it is moving
— is

shift, a strain will be produced. Better Eyesight magazine, February 1924:

Perfect sight is impossible without con- "Question: What one method of improving
tinual shifting, and such shifting is a strik-
best? Answer: Swinging and blinking."
sight is

Releaming to See • IO9

Swinging is the same as shifting. with normal eyes and normal sight do not

Better Eyesight magazine, March 1925: concentrate or try to see by any effort.
Their eyes are at rest, and when the eyes
"Never look at an object for more than a few
are at rest, they are constantly moving.
seconds at a time. Shift your gaze."
When the eyes move, one is able to imag-
Better Eyesight magazine, June 1925:
ine stationary objects, in turn, to be mov-
"Question: When I look at an object and
ing in the direction opposite of the head
blink, it appears to jump with each blink.
and eyes. It is impossible to imagine, with
Would be considered the short swing?
equal clearness, a number of objects to be
Answer: Yes. You unconsciously look from moving at the same time, and an effort to
one side to the other of the object when do so is a strain which impairs the vision,
blinking." the memory, or the imagination. To try to
Better Eyesight magazine, November 1925: do the impossible is a strain which always
lowers the mental efficiency. This fact
MOVING should be emphasized. Many students have
The world moves. Let it move. People difficulty in imagining stationary objects to
are moving all day long. It is normal, right, be moving opposite to the movements of
proper that they should move. Just try to the eyes or head. . .When pain, fatigue or
keep your head or one finger or one toe other symptoms are present, it always
stationary, or keep your eyes open contin- means that the individual is consciously or
uously. If you try to stare at a small letter unconsciously trying to imagine stationary
or part of it without blinking, note what objects are not moving. The effect is a
happens. Most people who have tried it dis- strain. . .Very few people with normal
cover that the mind wanders, the vision sight. . .ever notice that they are constantly
becomes less, pain and fatigue are pro- shifting correctly. . .One may shift in the
duced. wrong way and fail to improve the vision.
What is the right way? The right way to

People with blurred vision subconsciously shift is to move the eyes [and head] from

imagine stationary objects to be stationary. one point to another slowly, regularly, con-
tinuously, restfully or easily without effort
Better Eyesight magazine, December 1925:
or without trying to see. The normal eye
SHIFTING with normal sight has the habit of always

The point regarded changes rapidly and moving or shifting, usually an unconscious
continuously. .All persons with imperfect
habit. When, by practice, the eye with

sightmake an effort to stare with their eyes imperfect sight acquires the conscious habit

immovable. The eyes have not the ability of shifting [again], the habit may become
to keep stationary. To look intently at a unconscious. When the shifting is done
point continuously is impossible. The eyes properly, thememory, imagination, mental
will move, the eyelids will blink, and the efficiency and vision are improved until

effort [to lock on a point] is accompanied they become normal. It often happens that

by an imperfect vision of the point when one consciously, or intentionally [sees

regarded. In many cases the effort to con- objects] in the wrong way, a better knowl-

centrate on a point often causes headache, edge of the right way to shift may be
pain in the eyes, and fatigue. All persons obtained. When the eyes are moved to the

IIO • Relearning to See


Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement

right, stationary objects should appear to father asked her. She replied, "Because it

move to the left. And when the vision is gave me a pain in my eyes and the letters
good, all objects not regarded are seen less became blurred. Don't ask me to do it

distinctly than those regarded [centraliza- again!"

tion]. When the vision is imperfect, objects The experience of this child is the same
not observed may be seen better, or an everyone young or old with per-
as that of
effort is made to see them better than those fect or imperfect sight. When the sight is

directly observed. In fact, it is always true, normal and continuously good, to stop the
that in all cases of imperfect sight, the eyes swing of a letter or other object necessi-
do not see best where they are looking and tates a strain, an effort which always low-
centralization is lost. To shift properly ers the vision and produces discomfort or
requires relaxation or rest. To shift improp- pain in one or both eyes. It has been repeat-
erly and lower the vision requires an effort. edly demonstrated that a letter or other
When one stares at a point without blink- object cannot be remembered or even
ing or shifting, fatigue, distress or pain is imagined perfectly and continuously unless
felt. To continue to stare without shifting is one can imagine it to be moving or swing-
hard work. To see imperfectly is diffi- ing. Not only does the sight become imper-
cult. . .Imperfect sight or a failure to see fect, but also the memory, imagination,
requires much trouble and hard work. This judgment, and other mental faculties are
fact should be demonstrated repeat- temporarily lost
edly. . .until thoroughly convinced that rest
of the eyes, mind or body can only be Better Eyesight magazine, September 1927:
obtained by shifting easily, continuously, "Your head and eyes are moving all day
and without effort. . .

[One student did not] look at any object
From Better Eyesight magazine, Septem-
for more than a fraction of a second. His
ber 1923:
vision after that improved from 20/50 to
20/10. He became able to imagine the
movement of objects and demonstrated
. . .Usually unconsciously the normal eye
that all his pain and mental depression was
closes and opens quite frequently and at
caused by a stare or an effort to see all
irregular intervals and for very short spaces
things stationary. .He was comfortable .

of time. Most people can demonstrate that

when he imagined objects moving or swing-
when they regard a letter that they are able
ing, but very uncomfortable when he made
to see quite clearly, it is possible for them
an effort or imagined them to be station-
to consciously close their eyes and open
them quick enough and see the letter con-
Recently. I tested the sight of a girl about
tinuously. This is called Blinking and it is
10 years old. She read the Snellen card at
name for dodging. Dodging
only another
10 feet with normal vision. She was asked,
what? Dodging the tendency to look
"Do you see any of the small letters mov-
steadily at things all the time. All the meth-
ing from side to side?" "Yes," she answered,
ods which have been recommended for the
"they are

one of the small

moving." "Now can you imag-
letters is stationary?"
improvement of the vision — [centraliz-
can be
ing]..., swinging, blinking, all
At once she quickly looked away and
grouped under the one word — dodging.
frowned. "Why did you look away?" her

Relearning to See • III

While teaching students to improve their tence has been changed in another version
vision, Bates emphasized head movement. to "Now Ahijah could not see, his eyes were
People who have blurred vision have a tight dimmed with age." It appears that the pres-
neck, eye muscles, head, and shoulders. These byopia old-age theory has found its way into

tensions are caused by rigid staring and shal- scriptures.

low, or even stopped, breathing. In our society, physical movement is gen-

erally not acceptable when two people are
Tom's Personal Log: During my first vision talking — it is considered rude. Supposedly,
lessons, I resisted the movement concepts and the moving person is not interested in what
habits I was being taught. I kept objecting, is being said. Ironically, since movement and
"If I keep moving, how am I ever going to see circulation are essential for normal health,
anything?!" I thought, like many people with two individuals may be able communicate to
blurred vision, that it was necessary to lock less well by being rigid. They can become
fixedly on an object to see it; in other words, fatigued, and even irritable, from their rigid-
I felt it was necessary that stationary objects ity. Movement while conversing can lead to
must appear to be stationary to see them. I more interest, e.g., by noticing the kind of
discovered this idea is not only incorrect, it clothes a person is wearing.
lowered my vision. More than a few students have told me
they could never catch a baseball. This can
THE PROBLEM OF RIGIDITY be due to "freezing" when the ball is hit

In a left-hemisphere-oriented society, body toward them. They tighten up their body and
movement is often taboo. Children are fre- mind at the time flexibility and movement
quently told, "Sit still." Even worse — "Be are most needed.
still," command the adults who have mastered I have observed many students who, when
rigidity and blurred vision themselves. "Pay sitting in class, lean forward with their arms
attention when I speak to you," the child is and legs crossed. Not only are the legs
told sternly — and the child freezes. "Don't crossed, they are wrapped all the way around

fidget!" Children chide other children, "Ants each other very tightly.

in your pants?" One of my students was told One video that demonstrates "eye exer-
by his teacher in grade school, "Head straight. cises" teaches the student to try to stop an
Eyes down!" object on the TV screen, which is continually
Maurice Sendak's charming children's moving, from moving. This video continually
book, Where the Wild Things Are, tells of a reminds the subject to "keep the head still"

boy named Max taming monsters. Maurice and only move the eyes. This is incorrect,
writes, ". . . till Max said 'BE STILL!' and unnatural, and harmful.
tamed them with the magic trick of staring If you want to watch what natural vision
into all their yellow eyes without blinking students are unlearning, take a ride on a big-
once and they were all frightened city bus Friday at 5 p.m. and observe how rigid

One version of the Bible, ist Kings, Chap- the passengers are.
ter 14, Verse 4, states, "But Ahijah could not One of my students was telling me about
see, for his eyes were set." Curiously, this sen- her travels to Nigeria. On one trip, one of the

112 • Relearning to See


Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement

natives said to her, "You white people don't OPPOSITIONAL MOVEMENT—
move your heads!" A VISUAL MASSAGE
At one of my review/support group classes, One of the consequences of natural vision
a student who had taken my course about movements is that objects appear to move.
two years earlier was in attendance. During This idea is alluded to above and is discussed
the entire class, he was as rigid as anyone still in depth in this section.

living could be, and it was obvious he was not From Better Eyesight magazine, July 1920:
practicing correct vision habits. Toward the
end of the class, he volunteered that he had SEE THINGS MOVING

not experienced any vision improvement. At When the sight is perfect the subject is

able to observe that all objects regarded

the end of the review class, four students sit-

ting near him immediately and simultane-

appear to be moving. A letter seen at the
near point or at the distance appears to
ously informed him that he never moves. This
move slightly in various directions. The
was a quite dramatic event to behold. Stu-
pavement comes toward one in walking,
dents who do not improve their vision are move
and the houses appear to in a direc-
not relearning natural movement. They are tion opposite to one's own. In reading, the
holding on to the tight, tense way of using page appears to move in a direction oppo-
their body and mind —the way that created site to that of the eye. If one tries to imag-
their blurred vision in the first place. ine things stationary, the vision is at once
lowered and discomfort and pain may be
Tom's Personal Log: After two years of produced, not only in the eyes and head,
teaching, while still improving my own vision, but in other parts of the body.
This movement is so slight that it is sel-
the simple realization came to me, "If /
dom noticed till the attention is called to
remain rigid, the eye muscles will also remain
it, but it may be so conspicuous as to be
rigid; if / become flexible again, so will the
plainly observable even to persons with
eye muscles."
markedly imperfect sight. If such persons,
for instance, hold the hand within six inches
As someone once stated, "You are not in of the face and turn the head and eyes
the problem. The problem is in you!" rapidly from side to side, that hand will be
One of my students says she can model for seen to move in a direction opposite to that

a much longer time by incorporating small of the eyes. If it does not move, it will be
movements into her poses. She says she is found that the person is straining to see it

more relaxed and has more energy with less in the eccentric [peripheral] field. By
fatigue. Previously she would try to remain
observing this movement it becomes pos-
sible to see or imagine a less conspicuous
as motionless as possible.
movement, and thus the person may grad-
"Don't lock life!" says P. B., natural vision
ually become able to observe a slight move-
student and yoga teacher.
ment every object regarded. Some
"There is only one disease, called stagna-
persons with imperfect sight have reversed
tion." simply by imagining that they see things

moving all day long.

The world moves. Let it move. All objects

Relearning to See • 1 1
move if you let them. Do not interfere with Better Eyesight magazine, July 1927:
this movement, or try to stop it. This can-

not be done without an effort which Acquire a continuous habit of imagining

impairs the efficiency of the eye and mind. stationary objects to be moving easily, until
it becomes an unconscious habit.

Better Eyesight magazine, November 1921:

Better Eyesight magazine, September 1927:
[Students should practice] seeing things
moving all day long from the time the eyes Imagine that stationary objects are mov-
are opened in the morning until they are ing in the direction opposite to the move-
closed at night, and going to sleep finally ment of your head and eyes. When you
with the imagination of the swing.... walk about the room or on the street,
The best thing for a busy person is to notice that the floor or pavement seems to
form a habit of constant shifting and to come toward you, while objects on either
imagine that everything seen is moving. side appear to move in the direction oppo-
It is the habit of staring that spoils your site to the movement of your body.
sight. If you can correct this by constant
shifting and the realization of the move- Better Eyesight magazine, December 1927:
ment produced by the shift, you can get
well without so much palming and you will The importance of practicing certain parts
also be able to do your school work better. of the routine habits at all times, such
as... imagining stationary objects to be
Better Eyesight magazine, September 1922: moving opposite to the movement of his
head and eyes, is stressed.
[While improving your vision, the] most
important of all is to see things moving, or A key concept intimately connected to the
rather to be conscious that stationary
principle of movement is oppositional move-
objects are moving, in the opposite direc-
ment. The theme of oppositional movement
tion to the movement of the eyes. Unless
is one example of Bates' teachings at first
this is done continuously one is apt to imag-
seeming contradictory, or even incompre-
ine stationary objects are stationary which
hensible. Bates discovered vision cannot be
is very injurious to the eyes [Some peo-
ple]complain that moving objects make normal without the experience of opposi-
them uncomfortable. It can always be tional movement.

demonstrated that it is not seeing things Whichever direction we move with our
move which is uncomfortable but rather it sight, stationary objects appear to move in
is trying to stop the movement which the opposite direction.
causes the discomfort. .One of the . first When a person is driving a car, the road,
things I have my students demonstrate is trees, hills, and houses all seem to be moving
that it is impossible to keep the attention
in the opposite direction of the car's move-
fixed on a point and imagine it stationary
ment. Specifically, if the car (and you!) are
for any length of time, and that the effort
moving north, all stationary objects outside
to do so is disagreeable and lowers the
of the car appear to be moving south. Con-
memory and imagination and sight.

II4 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
versely, when a person is backing his car out covered that this illusion —stationary objects
of the garage, the garage seems to be moving appearing to move in the opposition direc-
forward. These are examples of forward and tion of the head movement —
is essential for

backward oppositional movement. clear, normal sight. Movement and the illu-

As moves upward on a trampo-

the child sion of oppositional movement are meant to
line oron a teeter-totter, the world seems be occurring all day long.
to move downward; as the child comes back The experience of oppositional movement
down, the world seems to move upward in — is a natural, automatic consequence of head
the opposite direction. and body movement. Usually, oppositional
movement is a secondary, subconscious expe-
rience. Still, it is an essential part of normal
While improving sight, people with high
blur or serious vision problems may take a
When we spin round and round on a longer time before experiencing oppositional
merry-go-round or carousel, the world seems movement. This is because of the high degree
to spin in the opposite direction. of staring they have learned.
When our attention is on a moving object, Better Eyesight magazine, January 1924:
oppositional movement is an even more sub- "The failure to imagine that stationary objects
tle concept because our primary attention are moving is always due to a stare or strain."
is on the moving object, and not on the Later Bates wrote, "Staring is a strain. .
.," so
objects that appear to be moving in the oppo- the problem is strain.

site direction. For example, when watching a After several years of teaching natural
bird fly across a field, the illusion of the trees vision, I began referring to the effect of the
moving in the opposite direction is experi- illusion of oppositional movement as a visual

enced primarily subconsciously. massage. When a person has normal vision,

If our attention is on a house across a light rays move across the retina in the back
street, and a car drives by, the house seems of the eyeball and create a continuous, sub-
relatively stationary, and the car "moves" by. tle, energetic massage for the eyes and the
But if our attention on the car when it dri-
is mind.
ves by, the house does not appear station-
ary — rather, it seems to move in the opposite

direction of the car's movement. Movement and Oppositional

We call evening "sunset," but shouldn't it
Movement are Fun!
really be called "earthrise," and "sunrise" I once observed a father swinging his daugh-
called "earthset"?! The sun is not "setting"; ter around him many times. When he finished
the Earth is rotating. The stationary sun swinging her, she was dizzy and would even
appears to move in the opposite direction of fall down on the grass. Then she ran back to

the Earth's rotation. him for more fun swinging!

Of course, stationary objects do not actu- Amusement parks have many "rides" we
ally move —
but they seem to move. Bates dis- enjoy: roller coasters, bumper cars, carousels,

Relearning to See • 115


Unless you have normal vision, you prob-
ably will not experience the following activ-
ities to the fullest extent the first time you do
them. That is fine for now. I often remind my
students that no one experiences everything
I teach the first time they are taught. You are
etc. Disneyland has spinning teacups. All of in the process of relearning to see. All of the

movement. Move-
these experiences involve following activities are experienced perfectly
ment and oppositional movement are fun! only when the vision is clear and normal. If

you experience all of these activities perfectly

thefirst time, you probably do not need this
Experiencing Oppositional Movement book or classes!
of Stationary Objects What we see in the world is mostly a con-
The following activities are demonstrations scious process, but how we see the world is a
of the importance ofmovement and opposi- subconscious process. Therefore, there is some
tional movement. They are not eye exercises. tendency for the mind to avoid correct vision
They are examples or demonstrations of nat- habits when practiced consciously. Vision, and
ural movements students need all day long vision habits, cannot be perfectly normal until

in order to have normal, clear vision. Ulti- they are subconscious. Of course, the idea is

movements can be large, medium,

mately, the to practice them consciously until they
movement is the key.
small, fast, or slow but become automatic, subconscious habits
The better the vision, the more subtle the exactly like they used to be when you used
movements become, and vice versa. Larger to have clarity.
movements are usually emphasized in the How to see clearly is fairly simple to under-
beginning to be certain the students do not stand, but it is not obvious. If it were obvious,
slip back into the staring habit. many people would improve their vision
you do not experience the effects
If without a book or teacher.
described below, you may not be doing the If you have health problems, all vision
activities correctly. Find a vision teacher to activities in the beginning should be done
show you how to do them correctly. very slowly and for brief periods. As men-
Often, the mind resists the correct, natural tioned in the beginning of this book, the stu-
vision experiences because of many years of dent— and not the teacher, author, or
ingrained, incorrect habits. If you do not expe- publisher — assumes responsibility for any
rience oppositional movement in the activi- responses generated by doing these activities.

ties described below, continue practicing them You may want to read the section on rever-
until you do. The experience will occur with sal processes in Chapter 20, "The Two Sides
sufficient practice. of Health and Healing," before doing any
Also, there are levels or "degrees" of expe- activities in this book.
riences. Oppositional movement becomes Most students will find it valuable to
more "fluid" with the practice of better vision receive instruction from an experienced Nat-
habits each day. ural Vision teacher.

IID • Relearning to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
The Variable Swing —Simple Oppositional Object R. Object C appears to have moved
Movement from the right, through the center of your
visual field, to the left. Of course, Object C
*TO EXPERIENCE: did not move; only the light rays from Object

Hold your right forefinger vertical, six C moved across the retina, placing object C
inches in front of your head, and six inches in its new location on the left.

to the right. While moving your eyes and head When you shift your attention from Object
to the right, notice how the finger appears to R to Object L, Object C again appears to

move to the left in the opposite direction. move from left to right.

While moving your eyes and head to the left,

Repeat this activity several times until you

notice how the finger appears to move to the

experience the oppositional movement of

right in the opposite direction. Repeat sev- Object C.

eral times.

Do not look at the finger while moving Do this all day long with all objects! The idea
your head left and right. Let your attention is simple —continue to move, and never stare.

sweep along objects in the distance.

In this way, stationary objects will always

This effect and illusion of the stationary appear to be moving.

finger appearing to move in the opposite Some students say, "Of course Object C
direction of your head movement is called moved in the opposite direction of my move-
oppositional movement.
ment; it is obvious." It may be obvious when
the student thinks about it, but it is usually
not obvious when the student is not thinking
about it. The problem is that a person who
Object Shifting has blurred vision returns to rigid staring dur-
ingmuch of the day. Stationary objects do not
*TO EXPERIENCE: appear to move when a person is staring, and
this strains the visual system.
Notice three objects in front of you, one on
the right, one in the center, and one on the left.
The principle of oppositional movement
Let's call the object on the left Object L, is, in truth, very subtle. It is one of the great-

the object in the center Object C. and the est keys to natural vision, and is one of the
subconscious consequences of moving the
object on the right Object R.
your eyes and the head all day long.
Notice Object C. It is in the center of

visual field. Now, shift your attention to Object

Better Eyesight magazine, November 1925:
L. Notice that Object C is no longer in the
center of your visual field. It appears as if
...Stand facing a window and note the
Object C moved from the center to the right. relative position of a curtain cord to the
Now, shift your attention from Object L to



Relearning to See • 117



background. Take a long step to the right. might notice there are two of each object in
Observe that the background has become the background! This is due to stereoscopic
different. Now take a long step to the left. vision, discussed in Chapter 18, "Stereoscopic
The background has changed again. Avoid Vision."
regarding the curtain cord. While moving
from side to side it is possible to imagine
The enjoyment of the following Sway, Long
the cord moving in the opposite direction. .

Swing, and Infinity Swing can be enhanced

Never imagine stationary objects to be sta-
by listening to relaxing music while doing
tionary. To do this is a strain, which lowers
these activities.
the vision.

The Sway

Oppositional Movement—The Pencil

stTO EXPERIENCE: Part A: Swaying with Open Eyelids
Hold a pencil in front of you vertically, with
the eraser at the top. Hold the bottom of the See Figure g-2: The Sway, a-i, a-2, and a -3.
pencil near your mouth; the top of the pen-
Stand with your arms relaxed by your sides

cil should now be near the forehead. Move and your feet separated about shoulder-width

the pencil out 8-10 inches from your head. apart. Relax your kneecaps. Breathe abdom-

Now, as if your pencil (and hand) were inally. Blink frequently. The neck is buttery

attached to your head, move the pencil and

soft, and the head is balanced normally. Pre-

the head together slowly to the left. Keep tend you have a feather attached to your

your attention on the pencil. Do not tilt the

nose. The nose-feather extends out to what-

pencil or your head. Do not look into the dis- ever objects are in front of you.

tance. While you are moving to the left, dis-

Now, sway your body slowly and smoothly
tant objects appear to move to the right.
approximately 3-4 inches to the left while

Now move the pencil and the head slowly sweeping the nose-feather to the left a small

to the right. Remember to keep your atten-

distance. Keep your attention on whatever

tion on the pencil as you move! Distant objects the nose-feather sweeps along in the

objects now appear to move to the left. distance. Do not tilt your body or head as in

As you move your pencil and head slowly Figure g-2, b.The weight of your body sim-

upward together, distant objects appear to ply shifts over to one leg and then to the

move downward. As you move your pencil other. While swaying to the left, pretend that

and head slowly downward, distant objects objects in front of you are moving to the right.

appear to move upward. Now, sway your body slowly and gently to
Stated again, the illusion of stationary the right, moving the head and nose-feather

objects appearing to move in the opposite to the right. While swaying to the right, pre-

direction of the head and pencil's movement tend that objects are moving to the left.

is called oppositional movement. Alternate swaying from left to right and

While your attention is on the pencil, you back, allowing the distant objects, which your

Il8 • Re learning to See


Chapter Nine: The —Movement

First Principle




Donot swayinone
Do not tilt! direct ion wtile looking in

the opposite direct ion

Donot swayinone
direct ion while tuning
in the opposite direct ion

Figure g-2: The Sway.

Relearning to See • 1 1


nose-feather is sweeping along, to move in zontal, vertical or at any angle. The sway is

the opposite direction of that of your body a very valuable thing to use, because it pro-

and head. motes relaxation, or rest, much better than

other methods. In fact, so general is this

sfe Part B: Swaying with Closed Eyelids: conclusion that I always try to have every
student practice the sway immediately
The above sway can be repeated with the eye-
upon starting lessons.
lids closed.
The sway may be practiced rapidly or
Pretend you are standing in a nice sunny
slowly, and with a wide or a narrow motion.
meadow with many redwood trees in the dis-
When the sway is practiced, distant objects
tance, about 100 feet in front of you. The trees
are covered more or less completely, which
are aligned in a row from left to right. When explains why rest is obtained. When the
you are swaying to the left, the nose-feather sway is used properly, all stationary objects
taps the trunks of the trees as they appear to regarded appear to be moving. Whether
move to the right. When swaying to the right, the sway is short or long, if practiced prop-
the tree trunks appear to move to the left. erly, the vision is usually improved. .

Most people with imperfect sight have a

Some students incorrectly move their head constant strain and tension of nearly all the

and nose-feather to the left while swaying to muscles of the body. The nerves are also
under a strain and their efficiency is fre-
their right (see Figure 9-2, c and d), and move
quently lost. By practicing the sway prop-
their head and nose-feather to the left while
erly, fatigue is relieved as well as pain,
swaying to the right.
dizziness and other symptoms.
When a person walks down a hallway and The sway always brings about a relief
turns to walk through a door on the left, both from the effort of trying to see, staring, or
thebody and the head turn and move natu- concentration. The normal eye needs relax-
The body should move in the
rally to the left. ation or rest. It does not always have nor-
same direction as the head and nose-feather. mal sight. When it is at rest it always has
Also, do not tighten your shoulders as normal sight.
shown in Figure g-2, e. The shoulders and Things which are done by the student to
arms should be relaxed. improve the sight do not always succeed.
From Better Eyesight magazine, February There are many ways of improving the
sight by the sway, provided it is practiced
correctly.... [One student] practiced the
THE SWAY sway with her eyes moving in one direction
When one imagines stationary objects to
and her head in the opposite direc-
be moving same or opposite direc-
in the
tion Thismethod of practicing the sway
tion to the movement of the head or eyes is to be condemned.
when both heels are resting on the floor, it
is called "the sway." When both heels are Better Eyesight magazine, June 1925: Emily
lifted from the floor, it is not called the C. Lierman, "The head should turn in the
sway, but "the swing." The apparent move- same direction with the eyes."
ment of stationary objects may be hori-

120 • Releaming to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
The Long (or Elephant) Swing & Part A:
"It Don Mean a
't Thing, IfltAin 't Got That The Long Swing With Open Eyelids
Swing." (title of a song) Instead of swaying the body left and right,
turn your whole body gently to the left, b, and
The image of an elephant's trunk swinging
then to the right, c. When you are turning to
left and right is helpful to many students.
the left, the right back of the heel raises
The Long, or Elephant, Swing is simply an
slightly; similarly, when turning to the right,
"extended" Sway. See Figure 9-3: The Long
the left heel raises slightly. The head and nose-
(Elephant) Swing.
feather "swing" softly around the room (or
scenery, if you are outdoors). The arms

remain relaxed by your sides; any movement

of the arms is due to the turning of the entire

Figure 9-3: The Long (Elephant) Swing.

Relearning to See • 121


"Brush*' the objects with your nose-feather » Part B:

like a searchlight sweeping across clouds in The Long Swing With Closed Eyelids
the sky at night. Same as above, except now pretend you are
a hundred feet tall, standing in a beautiful,
This is not a physical workout. It is an easy, sunny meadow. Many redwood trees approx-
floating visual experience. imately fifty feet away extend around you in
Many students try to lock onto objects a circle. While swinging casually to the left let

while doing the Long Swing. This is due to your nose-feather tap the trunks of the trees.

the staring habit. Do not lock onto objects as Imagine a tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap sensa-
they move past you. Allow all objects to tion as the feather touches the trunks. Pre-
"float" past you. Do not "space out" or dif- tend the trees are moving toward the right.

fuse. While swinging to the right, pretend the trees

122 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
are moving to the left. Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap- Some students feel small vibrations in their
tap-tap! The sun warms your body as you eyes, eyelids, and/or nose when swinging the
swing. Breathe in the fresh, clean air. feather along the pickets. This is a positive
After swinging for a few minutes, sweep sign, because normal eyes have many differ-
your nose-feather along the many beautiful ent types of movements, oscillations, and
and vibrant flowers in the field in front of you. vibrations. The rigid habit of staring causes
Continue to swing left and right with your the eyes to slow down their movements and
nose-feather. become locked tight. Staring causes the eye
About twenty feet away, there is a tall, muscles to lock the eyeball into a rigid, dis-

white picket fence that extends all the way torted shape.
around you. Sweep the nose-feather along
the pickets from left to right and back, tap- Tom's Personal Log: When I first did the
ping the pickets with the tip of the nose- Long Swing, I did not want objects in the
feather. Tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap. When room to move at all. As I turned my head to
you are swinging to the right, all of the pick- the would lock my eyes on an object
left, I

ets sprout little feet and run to the left. When (in a diffusedway) on the right side of the
you are swinging to the left, all the pickets room, trying to keep everything from mov-
run back to the right. ing. Eventually, the eyes have to turn with the
Do the Long Swing for several minutes. head! Finally, my eyes would jump to the
Remember to blink frequently and breathe front part of the room and lock there, while
abdominally. The more a person practices the my head continued turning to the left. When
Long Swing, the more fluidly the distant my head had turned all the way to the left,
objects will flow in the opposite direction. The my eyes would once again jump to the left
student can use the degree of fluidity as a and lock on that part of the room.
gauge of progress. I discoveredhad a very high resistance

to movement and oppositional movement.

The Long Swing can also be done with closed The thick, coke-bottle glasses I wore were
eyelids while remembering the image in Plate proportional to my rigidity.
6: Long Swing Lake, or any other beautiful,
expansive scenery. Swing your nose-feather
moun- Become a Sharpshooter with Oppositional
from one side of the lake, along the
tains,and to the other of the lake. Pretend
you are enjoying the fresh mountain air and
the warmth of the sun. Tom's Personal Log: When in basic training

The purpose of the Sway and the Long in the service, I was taught by experts how to

Swing is to encourage, not force, stationary shoot a rifle.

objects to appear to be moving in the oppo- I was instructed to align the front sight and
site direction of your head and body move- the rear sight of the rifle with the stationary
ment. target, the "bull's eye" in the distance. One's
Brush with the nose-feather as a habit all initial inclination might be to try to lock the

day long! front sight onto the target with no movement.

Relearning to See • 1 23


to move opposite to the movement of the
head and eyes. People with normal vision
are not always conscious of the swing.
When called to their attention, however,
they can always demonstrate it, and are
always able to imagine all stationary objects
to be moving. In imperfect sight, the swing
is modified or absent. This is a truth that
has been demonstrated over a long period
of years by a great many people and no
exceptions have been found. The normal
or perfect swing is slow, short, easy and con-
tinuous. When the swing is normal, it is

Figure Q-4: Movement During Target Practice. always true that not only is the vision nor-
mal or perfect, but also the memory, the
imagination or the mental efficiency cor-
Keeping my attention on the front sight,
responds. When the memory is imperfect,
I was told to move the front sight smoothly
the imagination and mental efficiency and
through the target — first slightly to the left
the sight are also imperfect. .Severe pain, .

of the target. While moving to the left, the fatigue, or worry often prevent the demon-
target appeared to move to the right. Then stration of the swing. . .[and the illusion of
I was told to move the front sight smoothly oppositional movement.]. .Make . no effort
back through the center of the target, and to imagine stationary objects to be mov-
continue to move slightly to the right. The ing....

target then appeared to move to the left. LONG SWING

"Breathe normally," they said. . . .The long swing when done before
retiring lessens eyestrain during sleep.
Continuing this left-and-right movement
of the front sight through the target, they then
instructed me to slowly squeeze the trigger
Simply allow stationary objects to move

as I moved the front sight through the center

naturally. Do not try to force the illusion of

of the target. There was a continual move- oppositional movement. This will slow down,

ment of the sight through the target at or defeat, progress.


times. The rifle never stops moving! Better Eyesight magazine, October 1923:

Not knowing any better, I followed their

Question: When does the long swing fail to
instructions exactly. I scored 58 out of a pos-
produce relaxation?
sible 60 points.
Answer: When one stares at objects [that
appear to be] moving.
To quote again from Bates and his Better Eye-
sight magazine, January 1926:
In other words, when a person locks onto
an object, trying to stop the illusion of oppo-
sitional movement.
When the eyes move slowly or rapidly
from side to side, stationary objects
Swinging, when done correctly, is relaxing.

1 24 • Relearning to See
Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
One Bates teacher had a history of clockwise direction, turning the body to the
migraine headaches until one day, while doing right and then back to the middle as you com-
the Long Swing, her headaches stopped and plete the circle, where the fingers touch again.
never returned again.
Notice that when you move your hands in the
correct direction, you will always be mov-
The Infinity °° (or Figure-8) Swing
ing the hands upward in the middle of the
The Infinity, or Figure-8, Swing is an excel- infinity sign, and downward on the outsides

lent variation of the Long Swing. of the loops. If you are moving in the incor-
rect direction, you will be moving downward
s> See Figure g-$: The Infinity Swing. in the middle, and upward on the outsides.

In the Infinity Swing, the nose-feather Do not go clockwise on the left loop and
brushes the tip of the middle finger of each do not go counter-clockwise on the right loop.

hand as they alternately move in the shape This is unbalancing. The proper directions are
of an infinity sign, «\ or the shape of a hori- important.
zontal "figure-8." Not a few students forget, and later, when
Continue the basic Long Swing movement, doing the Infinity Swing, go in the incorrect

with the following changes: directions. Going in the incorrect directions

Begin with the two middle fingers touch- is an indication you are not balanced. It is

ing each other in front of your body, approx- important to remember to move in the cor-

imately sixteen inches from your nose. With rect directions —even if you feel like the incor-

the nose-feather brushing the tip of the mid- rect direction feels more "natural" to you.
dle finger of the left hand, begin moving the
left hand upward and to the left in a counter- Tom's Personal Log: When I first did the
clockwise direction. The movement is very Infinity Swing, it was very difficult for me to
graceful and easy, like the graceful move- go the proper directions. In fact, it would
ments of a ballerina or Tai-Chi master. The make me nauseated. Moving in the incorrect
head and the nose-feather follow the middle direction —down the middle of the
in infin-

finger's movement around this circle. The ity sign —was more "comfortable" and felt

body turns to the left during the upper half more "natural."
of this circle, just as in the regular Long Swing, The reason for this is I was very unhealthy
and returns to the middle at the completion at that time. When a person is out of balance,
of the circle. Remember to lift the opposite the incorrect directions seem correct. The
heel when beginning the turn of your body. "comfort" of moving in the incorrect direc-
Breathe abdominally and blink softly and fre- tions only matched my imbalance.
quently. In time, especially with benefit of years of
When the circle is completed, the two mid- natural healing, the correct directions began
dle fingers touch once again in front of the to feel comfortable and the incorrect direc-

body as you return to the starting position. tions began to make me nauseated. Today, I

Now follow the tip of the middle finger of begin to feel nauseated just to think about
the right hand upward and to the right in a going in the incorrect direction. This, of

Relearning to See • 1 25


Figure 9-5: The Infinity S*ing.

126 • ReJeaming to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
course, is a very good sign of progress, not objects seem to move upward, and so on. No
just for my vision, but for all of my health. matter which direction the finger is moving,
I like (or should I say dislike) to think of background objects will seem to be moving
going downward in the middle of the infinity in exactly the opposite direction.

sign as "depressing." I like to think of going One advantage of the Infinity Swing is the
upward in the middle of the infinity sign as neck releases in more directions than the
"uplifting." Here is yet is another way to basic Long Swing.
gauge your progress. The more comfortable One of my students, who was a cello musi-
the correct direction feels, the more progress cian with the San Francisco Symphony,
you are making. demonstrated in one class how, when he
moves the bow forward and backward, he
It is also important to keep your attention includes a small looping pattern with his hand
brushing the middle finger. If the attention at the end of each stroke. There is no stop-
goes into the distance, distant objects will ping at the end of each stroke. There is a con-
most likely not appear to move in the oppo- tinual flow of movement in the shape of an
site direction. infinity sign.

The Infinity Swing is an especially power- The above Sway and Swings are used to
ful variation of the Long Swing and most stu- teach students the important principle of
dents find it very enjoyable, relaxing, and even movement. The Sway is a "subtle" Long
energizing. Some students have uncomfort- Swing.
able sensations when doing the swings in the From Bates. Better Eyesight magazine,
beginning. This is because they are not used March 1928:

to natural movements, and allowing station-

ary objects to move in the opposite direction. Since a short swing improves the vision

The Infinity pattern (in the correct direc-

more than a long swing, the benefit of the
short swing of the period [or any other
tions) helps to activate and balance the right
small object] at the distance is manifest.
and left hemispheres. Another advantage is

the continual flow of movement, even at the

Sway is more powerful than
Ultimately, the
right and left extremes.
the Long Swing, because the feeling of oppo-
Some students feel more comfortable on
sitional movement is more subtle. In the
one side of the swing than the other. This is
beginning, however, the Long Swing may be
verycommon, and the movement becomes
more beneficial, because the feeling of oppo-
more balanced with practice.
sitionalmovement is more obvious as when
In time, the student can comfortably expe-
doing the Sway (short swing).
rience objects moving in exactly the opposite
The nose-feather, described in more detail
direction of the finger's movement all the way
along the infinity shape. When the finger is
in Chapter 12, "The First Habit —Sketching
(Shifting)," is the Long Swing "all day long."
moving upward, background objects seems
Re-integration of the movement principle is
to move downward: when the finger moves
the key. The purpose of all of the above, again,
left, background objects seem to move right;
is to eliminate the staring habit.
when the finger moves down, background

Relearning to See • 1 27
Double Oppositional Movement OPPOSITIONAL MOVEMENT AND
OPPOSITIONAL MOVEMENT A cue the brain uses to gauge relative dis-

Perform the regular Long Swing, with tances is the observation of how fast station-
objects far in the distance. The distant objects ary objects move past us as we move past
seem move in the opposite
to direction of them.

your head movement as usual. As the car moves from right to left, the tree

Now place a tall thin vertical object, like a seems to move from left to right. The house
pole or stick, in front of you about eight feet also "moves" from left to right, but more
away. While you are doing the Long Swing slowly than the tree's movement. Both the

the pole will appear to move in the opposite tree and the house seem to move faster than

direction. However, the objects in the dis- the hills behind them.
tance now seem
to move in the same direc- Because the tree is "moving" faster than

tion as your head movement, relative to the the house, the brain assumes the tree is closer

pole's movement. to us. The house must be between the tree

and the hills because it seems to move more
The movement
distant object's oppositional slowly than the tree, but faster than the hills.

relative to the pole's oppositional movement In reality, all stationary objects — near, mid-

creates a "double oppositional movement" dle distance, or far — move past you at the

or "same-direction" movement! In reality, same speed.

even the distant objects are moving in the John P. Frisby writes in his book Seeing —
opposite direction of your movement, but Illusion, Brain and Mind:
that illusion is diminished because of the pole
Objects at different depths produce reti-
or stick eight feet away. nal images which move at different rates

Figure o~6: Oppositional Movement and Depth Perception.

1 28 • Releaming to See
Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
across the retina when the head is moved, head movement when looking far and near,
a clue (or "cue") to depth called head- respectively.
movement parallax. The brain is quite up It is mainly our interest that moves from far
to the task of using this cue to generate
to near and back. There is no "picture" out in
vivid depth perceptions
equally as good as stereopsis. This
which can appear
is why
the world —only light rays enter our eyes. The
picture we see occurs primarily in the mind.
in the opening paragraph you were invited
The eye sees, and the mind perceives.
to walk around the room with one eye cov-
ered, rather than looking at it from a sin-

gle stationary position. Walking ensures ^EXPERIENCE THE NEAR-TO-FAR/

that the depth cue of head-movement par- FAR-TO-NEAR SWING
allax is available to the visual system.... 6 Sit in a comfortable chair with your arms
propped on a table or cushion.
While waiting to receive the ball from the
Close your eyelids and pretend you are sit-
server, professional tennis players move con-
ting in a cozy chair on a nice, sunny, island
stantly to the left, to the right, forward, back-
beach. You are holding a rope in your hands,
ward, up and down. Movement is essential
which extends out over the sea to another
for normal depth perception.

Brush the rope at your hands in a figure-8

pattern. Feel the texture of the rope with your
nose-feather. Breathe abdominally. The neck
Another important application of the move-
is very soft and mobile.
ment principle is in near and far vision. Not
Take a breath in. While exhaling, begin to
only do we look right and left and up and sweep out along the rope: five feet, ten feet,
down, we also notice objects up close and in
twenty feet, feeling the rope with your nose-
the distance. Since the head is not normally
feather as you slide out over the sea. Continue
moving forward or backward when we to sweep out along the rope over the sea: 100
change our attention from far to near, respec-
feet, 500 feet, 1000 feet, a mile, until finally you
tively, the movement of vision from near to
reach the end of the rope, where it is tied to
far and back occurs primarily in the mind.
palm on a neighboring island.
a tree
Usually there is a small, natural, up and down You have just completed the Near-to-Far
Now, slide back along the rope over the
sea: back to 1000 feet, 500 feet, 100 feet, and
slowly back to twenty feet, ten feet, five feet,
finally reaching the rope in your hands once
again. Brushing the rope at your hands, you
have just completed the Far-to-Near Swing!
Continue this swing along the rope from
near to far, far to near, at your own pace for

a few minutes. The neck is released and you

are breathing abdominally.

Releaming to See • 1 29
This swing can also be practiced with the Conversely, farsights have better vision
eyelids open and blinking frequently. Simply when regarding objects in the distance.

pretend you are holding a colorful yarn in They tend to stare and strain when their
your hands, and the other end is attached to attention is up close. Farsights are learning to

the other side of the room you are in. Swing have better vision habits more with close
from near-to-far and back in the same objects
manner. As we shall discuss later in Chapter 19.

"Brains and Vision." seeing clearly up close

One of my students had about 20/40 sight is one of the functions of the left hemisphere.
when he started the vision classes In the third Seeing clearly in the distance is one of the
week he had a dream in which he was sitting functions of the right hemisphere. So. in one
on the side of a hill observing a waterfall on respect, seeing clearly near and far re-estab-

the other side of the valley. He could see the lishes a balance between the two hemi-
waterfall with 20/40 sight. As he was listen- spheres
ing to the sound of water, he thought to him-
self that if he could hear the sound of the motion sickness and dizziness?
water clearly, he should obviously be able to move:
see the water clearly. At that moment in the Bates discovered that one cause of "motion
dream, his vision became clear, and he could sickness" and dizziness is the unnatural strain
see the waterfall with perfect clarity! and effort to try to stop objects from moving.
In the above Near-to-Far Far-to-Near A person in a rocking boat who gets "sea-
Swing, be sure to stop you feel any dis-
if sick" oftentimes is trying to stop the horizon
comfort or fatigue. Always associate better from tilting. Trying to do the impossible is

vision with pleasure, and not discomfort and stressful(l). and when applied to the visual
pain. system, interferes with normal eyesight.
Integration of movements from near-to- Similarly, some people get uncomfortable
far and far-to-near throughout the day is the when attempting to read while in a moving
purpose of the near-to-far. far-to-near story- car or train: they are straining to keep the
above. words in the book stationary. People who are
For example, when walking down the uncomfortable with movement need move-
street, you can brush or sketch flowers along ment. The attitude that movement is not only
the path. Then. you can sweep out to the dis- OK. but essential and healthy, needs to
tant trees. When driving, you can shift from replace the mainly subconscious desire to
near cars or road signs to distant cars or road freeze moving The person with
signs. blurred vision wants to become comfortable
Nearsights have better vision habits when with natural movements
doing activities up close. They tend to stare Several of my students have commented
and strain when their attention is in the dis- on how uncomfortable the Long Swing is
tance. Nearsights are learning to have better when we first do it in the class. This is due
vision habits when seeing objects in the to many years of staring. The mind and body
distance. have become accustomed to non-movement.

130 • Releaming to See

— 1

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement

In vision classes, these students sometimes DIZZINESS
react, temporarily, to what would normally Dizziness is caused by eyestrain. .Usu- .

be experienced as enjoyable movements. This ally the dizziness is produced unconsciously.

It can be produced consciously, however,
discomfort diminishes as the student relearns
by staring or straining to see some distant
natural, healthy movements all day long.
or near object. Some persons while riding
Better Eyesight magazine, December 1922:
in an elevator are always dizzy, and suffer
from attacks of imperfect sight, nausea and
One student came to me complaining that
other nervous discomforts. An old lady, age
never in her life had she been able to ride
60, told me that riding in an elevator always
in an elevator without becoming very ill.
made her dizzy, and produced headaches,
Her vision for the distance was normal and
with pain in her eyes. I tested her vision and
she was able to read fine print without trou-
found it to be normal both for distance and
ble. I at once took a ride with her in the
for reading without glasses. To obtain some
house elevator and told her to look at a bell
facts, I rode in an elevator with her from
which was stationaryin the elevator and to
the top to the bottom of the building and
pay no attention to the floors which
back again. I watched her eyes closely and
appeared to be moving opposite to the
found that she was staring at the floors
movement of the elevator. We rode up and
[seen through the iron gate] which
down and had a good time because when
appeared to moving opposite to the move-
she did not strain to see the moving floors
ment of the elevator. I asked her the ques-
she was just as comfortable and happy as
tion, "Why do you stare at the floors which
she was when she did not ride in the
appear to be moving by?" She answered,
"I do not them move, and I am
like to see

trying to correct the illusion by making an

(In the 1920s, many elevators had iron effort to keep them stationary. The harder
gates, which you could "see through.") I try, the worse I feel." I suggested to her
Bates rode with the student up the eleva- that she look at one part of the elevator
tor, and she acquired a headache during the and avoid looking at the floors. Her dis-

ride. Bates then told her to notice the buttons comfort was at once relieved
inside the elevator on the ride down. The
headache vanished on the way down. Bates MOVEMENT— THE PHYSICAL
explained to her that the reason for her CONNECTIONS
headache was that she was mentally trying to When a person becomes rigid by staring, not
keep the floors of the building from moving only do the eye muscles contract tight, but
downward (the illusion of oppositional move- many head, neck, and shoulder muscles
ment) when she was going up in the eleva- become chronically tight. Many people have
tor. When she had her attention on the enrolled for my classes as soon as I mention
buttons inside the elevator on the way down, the neck is tight for all people who have
she was not trying to keep the floors from blurred vision. They know, experientially, the
moving, and therefore the strain was relieved. truth of this statement.
Better Eyesight magazine, December 1925:
Bates relates the elevator story again:

Relearning to See • 1 3

Figure g-y: The Vestibulo-Ocular Connection.

The Vestibulo-Ocular Connection Light Receptors Need Change

The three semi-circular canals in the ear reg- The light receptors in the retina are not
ister movement along ciliary hairs to orient designed to be stimulated continuously by
us in 3-D space. The lack of head movement, the same color and intensity of light.
i.e., staring, slows down the normal func- Several books on vision describe how an
tioning of the vestibulo-ocular system. "after-image" can be created by staring at an
The Human Body states: image for a long period of time and then
looking away toward a blank white wall or
Most complex of all eye movements is
the vestibulo-ocular system; it works to
keep the image of an object on the high- An American flag, with its colors reversed,
definition fovea while the head and body is often used as an example. After a person
are moving. This action is assisted by the locks the eyes on the flag for a long enough
vestibular apparatus in the inner ear, which period, the true colors — red, white, and blue-
provides the brain with a continuous flow of the flag are seen by moving to a white
of information about the way in which the background. (Illustration of flag to practice
head is moving. 7 staring not provided!)
Another type of after-image is experienced
when a bright light is observed, like the flash
Non-Movement Creates Tension
of a camera. If the eyelids are closed imme-
Tom's Personal Log: In 1996 I ruptured my diately after the flash, a small glowing after-
Achilles tendon playing racquetball. My leg image of the light can be observed.
was in many casts for several months. When In her fascinating and beautiful book. How
the last cast was removed, was surprised to
Animals See, Sandra Sinclair discusses how
discover how tight and tense many of the mus- important movement is to vision:
cles were in my foot and leg. Many months of

physical therapy were

The first eyes could detect only light and
needed to bring back
dark. The next step in evolution was an eye
normal flexibility to these muscles.
that could also detect movement. In fact,
Non-movement made my eye and neck
movement is of major importance to all
muscles chronically tight.
eyes. The human eye cannot focus on any

132 • Relearning to See


Plate 1. The Eye.



Plate 2. The Three Layers of the Eye.



Plate 3. Suzie Q's Red Eyes. Plate 4. Aqueous Humor.




Plate 5. The Six External Eye Muscles.

Plate 6. Long Swing Lake.

Plate j. "Dancer."
Plate g. Centralization vs. Diffusion.
Plate io. Cosmosis.

Plate n. The Nose-Helpers.

Plate 12. The Edge.


As the diaphragm contracts and descends, the lungs fill with air.

The abdomen expands first, and then the chest a small amount.


t t

As the diaphragm relaxes and rises, the lungs empty.

The chest contracts first, and then the abdomen.

Plate 13. Abdominal Breathing.

ww wwwww *

Plate 14. Eyelids, Plate 75. F/2? Orbicu- Plate 16. The Orbic-
Eyelashes, and laris Eyelid Muscle ularis Eyelid Muscle
Eyebrows. (Side View). (Front View).



^ View IV &

P&tfe 77. 77^ Levator Plate 18. Blinking. Plate iq. The Levator
Palpebrae Superioris Palpebrae Superioris
Muscle I Side View). Muscle (Top View).






Plate 20. Plate 21.

The Lacrimal (Tear) System. The Conjunctiva.

^ft #& ^a ^n j& £& m j*t w


Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement

image for longer than two to three seconds best by variation in light rays, e.g. different
without the image fading. The image must intensities: bright, medium, and dark; and dif-
move on the retina or it will disappear. The ferent frequencies (colors). If the image we
human eye jumps every three-tenths to are viewing is not changing, e.g., a stationary
five-tenths of a second in an involuntary
chair, the only way the rods and cones can
tremor that nature seems to have designed
have the variations they need to function nor-
to keep our eyes in motion. Although birds
mally is if the person (or eye) moves.
cannot move their eyes, they are constantly
The visual system cannot tolerate the expe-
moving their heads. . .Moreover, if an object
even more rience of stationary objects appearing to be
moves, the insect is able to see it

8 stationary for more than a second or two.
Continual movement is necessary for normal,
R. L. Gregory writes:
clear vision.

A simple way of optically stabilizing the T. Ribot, considered the "Father" of

retinal image. [Referring to an illustration the new psychological era of experimental
of device not shown here.] The object (a research, wrote in The Psychology of
small photographic transparency) is car- Attention:
ried on the eye on a contact lens, and
If we keep one of our eyes fixed upon
moved exactly with it. After a few seconds
any single point, after a while our vision
the eye becomes blind to the stabilised
becomes confused; a cloud is formed
image, some parts fading before others. 9
between the object and ourselves, and
Mike Samuels, M.D., and Nancy Samuels finally we see nothing at all. If we lay our
write: hand fiat upon a table, motionless, and with-
out pressure (for pressure itself is a move-
Psychologists have found that if a per-
ment), by slow degrees the sensation wears
son's gaze becomes absolutely fixed while
off and finally disappears. The reason is,
looking at an object, the image of the object
that there is no perception without move-
will extinguish within seconds. Most peo-
ment, be it ever so weak. Every sensorial
ple are unfamiliar with this phenomenon
organ is at the same time both sensitive and
because in the course of normal seeing they
motor. As soon as absolute immobility
unconsciously move their eyes continu-
eliminates one of the two elements (motil-
ously. Studies have shown that people move
ity), the functions of the other after a while
their eyes in small, jerky scanning move- word, movement
is rendered null. In a is
ments even when they are looking at an
the condition of the change which is
object that is not moving. If a person fixes
of the conditions of consciousness. These
his gaze on a mental image, it likewise tends
well-known facts, of common experience,
to disappear. Whereas if a person scans a
make us understand the necessity of these
mental image as if it were a perception, he
intermissions in attention, often imper-
will find the image tends to be clearer and
ceptible to consciousness, because they are
more stable....
very brief, and of a very delicate order. . .

Researchers have independently amfirmed As regards perceptions, there are no dif-

ficulties. All our organs of perception are at

Bates' discoveries about vision.
the same time sensorial and motor. To per-
The light receptors in our eyes function

Relearning to See • 133



ceive with our eyes, ears, hands, feet, tongue, Many Types of Natural Eye
movements are needed. The more
nostrils, Movements
mobile the parts of our body, the more
The six external muscles keep the eyeball
exquisite is their sensibility; the less perfect
in constant movemenL Various types of eye
their motile power, the more obtuse their
movements include high-frequency tremors,
sensibility. Nor is this all; without motor
optical drift, microscopic twitches, saccadic
movements, perception is impossible. We
will call to mind a previous statement that vibrations and, of course, larger eye move-
if the eye be kept fixed upon a given object ments for seeing different objects. Even dur-
without moving, perception after a while ing sleep the eyes have REMs, or "Rapid Eye
grows dim. and then disappears. Rest the Movements"
tips of the fingers upon a table without The Human Body states:
pressing,and the contact at the end of a few
. . .These involuntary movements. .make .
minutes will no longer be felt But a motion
of the eye, or of the finger, be it ever so ligh t
sure that the image constantly moves over
will re-arouse perception. Consciousness is
fresh parts of the retina. As a result, the

only possible through change: change is not

do not get overloaded
receptors at any spot
with input and effective vision is main-
possible save through movemenL It would
tained. 13
be easy to expatiate at great length upon
this subject for although the facts are very
Eye movements also aid in circulation of
manifest and of common experience, psy-
fluids in and around the eyes.
chology has nevertheless so neglected the
role sustained by movements that it actu-
ally forgot at least that they are the fun-
Posture: The Eyesight Con-neck-tion
damental condition of cognition in that they

are the instrument of the fundamental law The neck is a key part of the body for vision.
of consciousness, which is, relatively, change. The neck is the pathway of nerve message
Enough has now been said to warrant the between the head and the rest of the body.
unconditional statement that where there The second cervical vertebra (2C) is espe-
is no movement, there is no perception. 12 cially related to the visual system.
Cerebral spinal fluid travels from the head,
The irony of trying to lock-on and freeze
through the neck, and up and down the spinal
objects is that you lose them. The fact is: only
when we are moving do we see best
column. A tight neck interferes with this

important flow.
An interesting consequence of normal sight
The same incorrect vision habits that tense
being dependent on constant movement is

the validity of conventional approaches to

the eye muscles tense the neck muscles Many
studying and measuring eyesight. Many con-
students tell me they see better after chiro-
practic or osteopathic adjustments, massage
clusions drawn by researchers on, and mea-
surements of, eyesight are based on the
therapy, or various forms of bodywork that

subject's head being held still sometimes — release the neck muscles
The neck cannot completely release its ten-
for long periods of time. When eyesight is
sion until the staring habit is eliminated.
checked or measured, the subjects head is
Recently, after only one lesson, a student
often locked rigidly in a machine.

134 " Releanung to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
told me her neck had released so much, she
could turn it fully to the right and left. She was

told by one authority that she would never

have a full range of movement in her neck.
Tip: Use a shower head which "pulses" and
gives your neck and shoulders a mini-mas-

The middle of the back of the neck is tight

formany nearsights. The two back sides of
the neck are tight for many farsights. A bifo-

cal wearer has an especially tense "bifocal

Figure 9-9: Head Tilt.
neck" and shoulders.
Do not tilt your head as a habit. This imbal- body. It also makes the practice of normal
ance creates strain on the neck and whole head movements difficult.

Telephones and Posture

If you use a telephone a large part of the day,
a headset can relieve a lot of tension in the
neck caused by tilting the head against the
People with perfect sight who talk on a
telephone constantly shift their visual atten-

tion, subconsciously, from one object to

another, while their conscious attention is

involved in the conversation.

People with blur stare "unseeingly," with-
out moving. Subconsciously, their attention
is not interested in their surroundings.
June Biermann and Barbara Toohey write
in their book The Woman's Holistic Headache
Relief Book:

Are you a frequent telephone user and,

if so, how do you hold the phone? One
executive talked on the telephone most of
his working day and had the habit of hold-
ing the telephone receiver between his left

ear and his left shoulder. He developed a

chronic headache on the left side of his
head. His problem was solved by purchas-
Figure g-8: The Eyesight Con-neck-tion. ing a telephone microphone....

Releaming to See • 1 35
Many Americans have desk jobs. Most chairs
are not designed to support correct posture.
Use a chair that is comfortable but also sup-
ports correct posture.

Posture During Sleep

Better Eyesight magazine, February 1923:

Posture during sleep has been studied.

Lying on the face has generally been
accompanied by an increase of eye strain.
Sleeping on the back with the arms and
limbs extended with slight flexion is
undoubtedly better than sleeping on the
right or left side. A cramped [fetal] posture
is always wrong. The person is not always
conscious of his posture when asleep. In a
number of cases observed by friends. .one .

or both arms were held behind the head

while asleep and strenuously denied by the
person when awake.
The correction of this and other strained
positions of the arms and limbs has been
followed by decided benefit to vision.

Biermann and Toohey write further.

Do you always sleep on your stomach?

If so, your head is turned to one side and
one [neck] muscle is shortened. This stiff-

ens the muscle to an extreme, especially

if you sleep a regular eight hours nightly.

The solution is to train yourself to sleep on

your side or on your back. 15

Don't lock your neck hard as stone! Move

your head all day long —even while thinking!
Aldous Huxley writes:

CORRECT In myopes especially, posture tends to be

Figure 9- to: Use a Headset extremely bad. This may be directly due in
some cases to short sight, which encour-
ages stooping and a hanging of the head.

136 • Relearning to See


Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement

ing straight ahead, but my head was pulled
upward and my eyes were looking downward
relative to my head.
During my second visit to my chiroprac-
tor, I was shown an x-ray of how my neck and

spinal column were severely out of alignment.

The upper part of my body was curved, falling
forward. My head was pulled upward and
backward, creating a very large, unnatural
angle in the vertebrae of my neck. I had
Figure g-n: Don't Lock Your Neck. .
severe, chronic headaches and neck tension
for many years.
Conversely, the myopia may be due in part I asked her how long it would take to bring
at least to thebad posture. F. M. Alexan- these distortions back to their normal posi-
der records cases in which myopic children tions. She said it would take about ten years.
regained normal vision after being taught
I think she was trying to be nice by not telling
the proper way of carrying the head and
me it might take twenty or thirty years.
neck in relation to the trunk.
In adults, the correction of improper pos-
My high-frequency hearing is gradually
returning to normal.
ture does not seem to be sufficient of itself
to restore normal Improvement in
The tremendous strain in my neck is one
vision will be accelerated by those who of the factors in my vision improvement
learn to correct faulty habits....
16 process taking much longer than for most
Note again that vision improvement is not
about "eye exercises." Natural vision improve-
ment involves the relearning of correct vision MOVEMENT— THE MENTAL/
habits all day long. EMOTIONAL CONNECTIONS
St. Jerome wrote, "Eyes without speaking
Tom's Personal Log: When I began riding
confess the secrets of the heart."
a motorcycle, I found the engine noise very
While physical movement is important for
annoying. I discovered I could lower this noise
normal vision, "mental movement" is even more
by swallowing hard and frequently. This tight-
important. The natural interest and curiosity of
ened my neck and eardrums, and lowered the children teaches us about seeing naturally.
engine noise. I lost much of my high-frequency
A child first thinks about, or imagines, what
hearing ability by learning to do this.
he wants to do — in his mind — and then his
It was my head against
also difficult to hold
body follows through with physical action. A
the wind. So, I learned that by bending my
girl who wants to play on the swings at the
body forward and angling my head upward desires to swing, and then she
playground first
I could take a lot of the pressure of the wind A boy first
moves physically to the swing.
off ofmy head. wants to ride the bicycle, and then proceeds
When I began improving my vision I
to ride down the street.
became aware that while walking, I was see-
On one of the local cable channels.

Relearning to See • 137

there is a station called The Discovery Chan- Initially, this was puzzling to me. For some-
nel. Interest, curiosity, discovery, and explo- one who has blur in the distance, usually
ration are key concepts for clear vision. They everything from twenty feet out to infinity is
are natural and normal. These attitudes of not clear. This must have meant she was
natural seeing occur mostly subconsciously. straining her sight with poor vision habits only
Ellen Raskin wrote a charming little book- at 100 feet She told me that long ago, she had
let entitled Nothing Ever Happens On My a very stressful experience with the events
Block ; it is all about interest and discovery. occurring at 100 feet
(This book is listed in the Bibliography.)
The average person who has lost a great Tom's Personal Log: In the first grade I had
deal of sight no longer looks around. He has excellent eyesight while attending playful
a fixed stare. Walt Disney Elementary School in Anaheim,
So, instead of "checking out," "check it California.

out!" Look around, with a head motion, in In the third grade, I switched to a very strict
order to see. Point your nose at what you parochial school, where was informed that

want to see. Relearn interest and curiosity! if I moved in the when I was not
Paul E. Dennison states, "The eyes must supposed to, I could die and go to hell and
move in order to really see. Whole body burn forever. Not preferring that outcome,
movement aids the ability to internalize I quickly mastered staring.
awareness and memory of objects in space 18 One of the few entertainments my fellow
The issues involved in oppositional move- classmates and I had found involving no

ment occur mainly in the mind. Some stu- movement in the classroom was to choke our-
dents find it difficult in the beginning stages selves and see how close we could come to
of their vision improvement to allow sta- passing out without passing out
tionary objects to move. The habit of rigid In the third grade, my first pair of
I got
staring has become ingrained. glasses Comparing pictures of me from Walt
Oftentimes students remember a particu- Disney Elementary School and the new
larly stressful period of their life when they ("Martyr") school showed a dramatic change
decided to "try" to stop objects from moving. in expression from one of happiness and play-

This can occur for a child during a period of fulness to one of seriousness and fear.
emotional stress moving to
(e.g. divorce, A holistic practitioner told me that in Chi-
another city, childhood abuse). The person nese health philosophy, the emotion most
who learned to stare often has issues of "try- associated with kidney stones is fear. In 1982,
on tight" "If I try hard enough to
ing to hold I was hospitalized with an excruciatingly
keep everything from moving, then maybe painful attack of kidney stones.
the situation will not get worse." Fear is often (I would like to add at this point that I have
a factor, especially for nearsights. the most loving and caring parents anyone
One of my students told me she could see could hope for.)
clearly at all distances —except at 100 feet.
Closer than 100 feet her sight was clear, and Tom's Personal Log: For a long time I felt

beyond 100 feet her sight was clear. my nearsightedness was related, in some

138 • Releaming to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
was voted
respects, to fear of other people. (I eyes perfectly still. Trying to do the impos-
"the most shy" in grade school.) I did not sible always requires a strain. This strain
want other people to come too close to me. can be demonstrated to be a mental strain

One of my farsighted students shared with which body as

affects all the nerves of the

me that she felt her (close) blur was related With a mental strain, the
well as the eye.
memory and imagination become imper-
to not wanting other people to come too close
fect and imperfect sight results. Pain, fatigue
to her.
or dizziness are acquired or made worse.
This is very interesting. Both of us had
With relaxation of all the nerves, the sense
come to the same conclusion, even though of touch is improved, but with the stare or
the vision problems were opposite of each other efforts to see the sense of touch is

other! lost while the sense of pain is in-

creased. .There are
. some people who have
THE PROBLEM IS STARING been using the stare to improve their vision

Out of sight, out of mind. for a sufficient length of time to acquire the

—Proverb habit without being conscious that an effort

is being made.
Seldom seen, soon forgotten.
—Proverb Staring is defined as not moving the eyes,
A fixed position implies we are standing still, head, and interest (with centralizing) for more
that even the eye we all know that
is still. Yet than a second or two. A person must also be
our eyes move constantly and the only time blinking and breathing normally.
they stop moving is when we're dead or —
when we are staring. And if we are staring,
we're not really looking. Why Do People Stare?
—David Hockney Since staring is one of the main causes of poor
From Better Eyesight magazine, June 1923: eyesight, it is valuable to explore some of the
causes of staring. Staring can easily occur dur-
When a person has normal sight the eye is ing periods of fatigue, boredom, worry, fear,
at rest, and when the eye is at rest, strange injury, and pain.
to say, it is always moving to avoid the stare.
Our society has become so fast-paced and
complex that many people have forgotten
Better Eyesight magazine, September 1927:
how "Time
about relaxation, and to relax. is

Staring is a strain and always lowers the
Mark Clements writes in his article "Sex
in America Today" in Parade Magazine:

Better Eyesight magazine, May 1928: "The population has gotten older, and
people have gotten busier," notes Shirley
THE STARE Zussman. "Men and women today work
...When a person stares, an effort is harder than any other generation I've
always made to hold the eyes still without known. They're tired all the time...." 19
moving them. It is impossible to hold the

Relearning to See • 1 39
The point is—many people, especially in harm of staring and straining to see. With
industrialized countries, bum themselves out, practice, the correct vision habits become sub-
and then due to fatigue, they stare. conscious and continuous once again.
Worrying is another common cause of star-
ing. The person is not interested in the sur-
rounding environment He locks the neck and You Get What You Think
diffuses. I have mentioned issues of fear On a deeper level, visually, a person is getting
above. what they are thinking of, or should we say,
Accidents and illnesses can cause a person not thinking of. A person is not interested
to stare. As long as the person stops the star- in the visual world, so it becomes blurred. It
ing after the excess stress, the vision can doesn't really matter what the vision is dur-
return to normal. But, if the staring becomes ing staring, does it?! —because the person is

a habit, vision will lower. Also, if glasses are not really seeing during staring. There is no
put on a person during the stress period and reason for the vision to be clear during star-
staring, the glasses will likely lower the vision ing, because the person is not interested in
and reinforce the strained vision habits. seeing. Since the person is not visually inter-
How much of "Attention Deficit Disorder" ested in the environment, the person is not
(ADD) is caused by staring? really "seeing" in a normal, visually connected
How many children are forced to do activ- way. The fact that the vision is blurred, or even
ities that bore them, especially in school? clear, becomes irrelevant during staring. As
How many become "bored stiff?" stated before, people with blurry vision often
look "unseeingly."
Staring "sneaks in" when a person is least
The Staring Trap looking. It is not usually the case that some
One of the problems with staring is that most consciously decide to stare, except for the
individuals do not know they are staring while infamous children's "staring contest," where
staring. They are "gone" or "spaced out" The the goal is to not blink! Those with the
mind is usually out of present time. strongest glasses usually win!
While staring, a person will not usually be If you want to see, see! In other words,
aware that the vision is lowering during that never stare. See actively all day long, but never
time because he is "spaced out." He is not with an effort This is normal and natural.
usually aware of the state of his vision, and
therefore does not realize that staring is

harmful to sight Students become well aware Staring While Moving

of this relationship very early in vision classes. Better Eyesight magazine, January 1924:
One of the most important objectives in ". . .one can stare by trying to see with the
vision re-education is to bring the issue of sides of the retina, [called] eccentric fixation."
correct and incorrect vision habits to the con- It is possible to be moving yet still staring.
scious leveL In this way, the student is given This is the case if a person is diffusing while
the opportunity to relearn the correct way of moving. This is still a form of staring, because
using the mind and body, and to escape the the student is not centralizing. Centralization

140 • Releaming to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement

is discussed in Chapter 10; centralization is the habit of imagining the faces of the peo-
attention to detail. ple are moving from side to side.

A person can move the head but still be

"spaced out." In order for someone to not be Movement does not need to be large when
staring, both movement and centralization conversing with another person. One of the
are needed. best ways to practice small movements is to
nose-feather your face in a mirror. Practice
shifting your nose-feather with small, slow
NON-MOVEMENT movements.
One of my students said that her friends did
not like her to move when they were talking
with her. She decided that she was not going Sandra Sinclair writes, "We aren't really aware
to relearn the vision principle of of what happens on the periphery of our
and her vision stopped improving. Her sister vision until a movement there causes us to
decided to relearn natural movement and had focus on that spot."
excellent improvement of her sight. As will be discussed in subsequent chap-
One of my students told me that her hus- ters, the rod light receptors in the peripheral
band's movement used to bother her when part of our retina are designed to pick up
she was speaking with him. She thought he —
movement and they do so much better than
was rude because he was not giving her as the cones. The physical, and even more so the
much attention as he could if he would mental, attempt to make objects still called —
remain still. She stood as still as possible when staring — interferes with the ability of the rods

talking with him. She wore strong prescrip- to perceive movement in the peripheral vision.
tion glasses. He has normal sight.

Another of my students, who had very

strong prescription glasses, told me that some
clients would tell him at work that when he
talked with them, he never moved anything Staring— and Blurred Vision-
except his mouth. His rigidity was so pro- is Epidemic
nounced, complete strangers would mention In 1976, 51% of the US population (111 mil-
it to him. lion people) needed corrective lenses. By
Better Eyesight magazine, September 1922: 1986, the percentage had risen to 56%. These
numbers will be more and more underesti-
Many persons, when they are talking to mated as more people say they do not need
you, feel it the proper thing to keep their corrective lenses after doing corneal surgeries
eyes fixed continuously on your face, that or other corneal procedures.
is to say, to stare at you. Instead of moving This is a 0.5% increase per year over a ten-
their eyes from one eye to the other or
year period. These numbers do not include
from one side of the nose to the other, they
people who have blurred vision but refuse to,
stare at one eye continuously, which low-
or cannot, wear corrective lenses. There are
ers the vision and may cause headaches or
some other discomfort. It is well to get into
many such people.

Relearning to See • 141



If this rate of 1% increase every two years more accustomed to movement than they
continues, theoretically nearly every US cit- now are with staring and rigidity. They also
izen will need corrective lenses by the year want to become more accustomed to the illu-

2100! sion of oppositional movement than the expe-

Blur is epidemic in this society Anyone rience of objects being fixed.
who has blurred vision stares. Staring is based We had movement when we used to see
on strain. Blurred vision is a reflection of the clearly. Movement is not an exercise; it is the
high strain most people experience in this correct way of living naturally with the visual
society. system, until 84 years old — at least!

So, relax and dance! If you relearn natural movements, you will
never want to go back to staring. Staring is a
manifestation of lowered health. No one is

completely healthy — physically, emotionally,

or mentally —who has blurred vision. If the

reader is not interested relearning natural

movements to improve her sight, I recom-
mend relearning movement to improve her
overall health.
An 84-Year-Old Child
At my booth in a health fair in 1983, an THE SOLUTION IS MOVEMENT
elderly woman with a lot of spirit, interest, See Plate 7: "Dancer.
and came up to me and said,
positive energy The three key habits, discussed more in
"What do you do here, sonny?" I said, "I Part Four, "The Three Habits of Natural
teach students how to improve their vision Vision," are all based on movements:
by relearning relaxed vision habits." She said,
1. Sketching (shifting) includes both a
"Very interesting. Do you know I have had
physical movement of the head and
perfect vision all of my life?" I answered, "No,
eyes, but more importantly, a
but would not surprise me." Then she said,
movement of the mind;
"But you don't understand, sonny. I am 84
2. Breathing abdominally is a form of nat-
years old."
ural movement; and
I think I do understand.
3. Blinking is a natural movement of the
Then she left happily and energetically,
moving her head and body with lots of curios-
ity down the aisle, exploring the other In the next chapter we explore the one of
exhibits — like a six-year-old child. the more subtle, mental principles of natural
This woman made a big impression on me. vision — centralization.
Bates taught all his students to see like chil-
dren see, for their entire lifetime. "Unless ye
become like children

Natural vision students want to become

142 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nine: The First Principle —Movement
Notes Mike and Nancy Samuels, Seeing with the Mind's

T. Ribot, The Psychology ofAttention (Chicago: Eye (New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc.,

The Open Court Publishing Company, 1978), p. 59-

Ribot, The Psychology of Attention, p. 11.
p. 11.
Ibid., p. 46.
Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing (New York:
Harper & Brothers. 1942), p. 37.
Clark, The Human Body, p. 258.
Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are June Biermann and Barbara Toohey, The

(New York: Harper & Row, Woman's Holistic Headache Relief Book (Los
Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, Inc., 1979), p. 47.
Alexander Jones, The Jerusalem Bible (New
York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1966),
Huxley, The Art of Seeing, p. 273.
1 Kings, Chapter 14, Verse 5, p. 439.
The front sight is the one at the end of the
Ellen Raskin, Nothing Ever Happens On My
Block (New York: Macmillan Publishing Com-
pany, 1966).
John P. Frisby, Seeing: Illusion, Brain and Mind
Paul E. Dennison, "Reading and Vision," Brain
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979), p. 141.
John O E. Clark, consultant editor, The Human Gym Magazine, Vol. II, No. 3 (Fall, 1988), p. 1.

Body (New York: Arch Cape Press, 1989), p. 258.
Mark Clements, "Sex in America Today," Parade

How Animals See (New York: Magazine (August 7, 1994), pp. 5-6.
Sandra Sinclair,

Facts on File Publications, 1985), p. xv.

Sinclair, How Animals See, p. 81.

R. L. Gregory, Eye and Brain: The Psychology
of Seeing (New York: McGraw-Hill Co., 1966),
p. 46.

Relearning to See • 1 43
Chapter Ten

The Second Principle — Centralization

From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:

It is impossible to see, remember, or imag-

ine anything [clearly], even for as much as
a second, without shifting from one part to
another, or to some other object and back
again; and the attempt to do so always pro-
duces strain.

Centralization is the second key principle

of natural vision. The human eye can see only
one point clearly at any moment. This is an
anatomical fact. Since the point of clarity is

only available in the center of the visual pic-

ture, it is impossible to see clearly without
Shift your glance constantly from one point to
centralizing. The peripheral vision is never
another, seeing the part regarded best and
seen clearly. Several demonstrations of this
other parts not so clearly. That is, when you
fact are given below.
look at a chair, do not try to see the whole
Centralization is the normal, natural, sub-
object at once; look first at the back of it, see-
conscious mental habit, or skill, of having
ing that part best and other parts worse
shift your glance from the back to the seat and one's primary visual attention, or interest, at

legs, seeing each part best, in turn. This is cen- one small, central point at any particular
tralization]. 1 moment, and this central point of interest is
the only place within the visual field that
—William H. Bates, M.D., Better Eyesight, clear and most colorful.

September 1927

Relearning to See • 1 45
Better Eyesight magazine, December 1925 vision is never clear. It is impossible for

(Repeated from the previous chapter on humans to see clearly unless they are cen-

Movement): tralizing.

Peripheral vision is not ignored while cen-

SHIFTING tralizing; it is simply less clear and less color-
. . . When the vision is good, all objects ful than the central vision. Since the peripheral
not regarded are seen less distinctly than vision is less clear and less colorful, makes it

those seen with centralization. When the

sense to have our visual attention where per-
imperfect, objects not observed
may be

seen better, or an effort is made to

ception is best —and that place is only in the
center. Peripheral vision is very important
see them better than those directly
vision, but it is secondary to the central vision.
observed. In fact, it is always true, that in

all cases of imperfect sight, the eyes do not Generally, people who have blurred vision

see best where they are looking and cen- do not centralize —they diffuse. In fact, the

tralization is lost. instant a person diffuses away from the cen-

tral point of the visual field, clarity lowers
When a person has normal centralization immediately — by definition. This is equally
and normal sight, only the central object is true for a person who has normal sight. The
seen clearly, and all peripheral objects are person with blur takes his attention away
much less clear and less colorful. When a per- from the only place in the picture that is

son has diffusion and imperfect sight, neither clear—the center. The peripheral vision is

the central object nor the peripheral objects 20/400 unclear— become appar-
at best! It will

are seen clearly. ent very soon that in order for a person to
relearn to see, naturally and clearly, the indi-
vidual must return the visual attention back
Centralization—The Searchlight to the center. There is no other possibility.

Have you ever seen a searchlight sweeping

along clouds in the sky at night? Or have you
ever shined a flashlight along objects in a dark The Peripheral is "Not Clear"
room? If you have, you have an idea of cen- Often, people who have perfect eyesight will
tralization. Although there are lots of clouds not say that their peripheral vision is "blurry."

in the sky, you can only see one small area of Rather, some like to say it is "not clear." In
a cloud best with the searchlight; all the other normal vision, the light rays focus correctly

clouds are seen less clearly. Similarly, one on the retina. The rods, which pick up our
object is seen best at any moment when shin- peripheral vision, are incapable of picking up
ing the flashlight along objects in the dark peripheral objects clearly. Only the cones in
room. Adding the movement principle from the fovea centralis pick up clarity.

the last chapter, the searchlight and flashlight Mary Dudderidge writes in Scientific
are continually scanning or shifting to see dif- American:
ferent objects best —one at a time.
The fundamental principle of this new
The human eye is capable of seeing only
system of eye training is what Dr. Bates
one point clearly at a time. The peripheral calls centralization.] The trouble with the

146 • Relearning to See

Chapter Ten: The Second Principle — Centralization
civilized eye, he says, is that we use it as of light receptors in the retina —cones and
though it were a photographic camera. The rods.
camera can see everything which falls upon The cones are designed for clarity and color
its sensitive plate equally well, but the
perception in medium or bright light. The
human eye is not built that way. The retina
great majority of the cones are located in the
has more nerve cells in the center than any-
center of the macula lutea at the fovea cen-
where else, and therefore is designed to see
tralis. There are only cones exactly in the cen-
one point better than others in its field of

vision. In other words, we see best in the

ter of the fovea —no rods. There is a small

direction in which we are looking. When number of cones extending out from the
we submit to this, the eye is at rest Cen- fovea. Unlike the cones in the fovea, these

tralization] is attained by two methods, "peripheral" cones, like the rods, are buried
practice and rest, the latter coming first.
under eight layers of retinal cells and blood
vessels. Peripheral cones do not pick up the
See Plate 44: How We See.
degree of clarity and colors that the high den-
sity of cones in the fovea do.
CONNECTION The rods pick up "unclear" movements,
grays, and black/white shapes in our periph-
eral vision. Unlike the cones, they can func-
tion in very low levels of light. The rods are
located outside of the center of the fovea cen-

The cones and rods are discussed at length

in Chapter 17, "The Retina."


Generally, when people stare, they diffuse.
Diffusion is one of the worst habits of vision.
Diffusion is confusion. During staring and
©1994PhotoLab s

Figure 10-1: The Fovea Centralis.

diffusion, there is no point of interest — in fact,

there is usually no visual interest at all —and

See Figure 10-1: The Fovea Centralis, Plate 30: therefore it is impossible to be seeing clearly
The Retina (1), and Plate 31: The Retina (2). during this time. This is true whether a per-
The explanation of why it is anatomically son has normal sight, or the vision is artifi-

impossible to see clearly without centralizing cially corrected to 20/20.

is quite helpful to vision students. The prin-
ciple of centralization is primarily mental, and THE LARGER PROBLEM
ismore subtle than the principle of move- When a person is given corrective lenses, or
ment. The intellectual agreement with the chooses any other artificial form of vision "cor-
principle of centralization motivates students rection," the strain of diffusion and rigidity

to relearn centralization faster. has not necessarily been addressed, much less

As discussed earlier, there are two types removed. Worse, strained vision habits are

Relearning to See • 1 47


often reinforced. As stated in the Introduc- and even more so those with imperfect sight,

tion, blurred vision is a message from the mind think the peripheral vision is clear is because
and body that a person 's visual system is out they want it to be clear: "If everything is per-

of balance with nature. Bates proved this fact. fectly clear simultaneously, then I am better

Until natural clarity returns, the imbalance protected." It is an illusion of security.

continues. By approaching blurred vision with

artificial methods, the unbalanced system is ^EXPERIENCE CENTRALIZATION
given the message that the imbalance is some- AND MEMORY
how "correct," because sharp acuity is avail-

able. This artificial sight can create more

confusion and strain, and may well be one of If we notice the heart on the left, we see it

the major reasons most people continue to clearly. Then, if we notice the infinity sign on
need stronger glasses after they begin wear- the right we see it clearly. While interested in

ing them. the infinity sign, we still have the memory of

the clear heart on the left. Even though it is

INITIALLY, CENTRALIZATION impossible to see the heart clearly while see-

IS NOT OBVIOUS ing the infinity sign clearly, the mind believes

People usually think about what they see, not and wants to believe, the heart, out in the

how they see. peripheral vision, is still clear.

When asked, many people with normal

vision will tell you they see everything
clearly simultaneously.Of course, this state- CENTRALIZATION— ELUSIVE
ment is incorrect. The principles of normal IN THE BEGINNING
sight may not be obvious even to those who After learning about the cones in the fovea
have normal sight! People with normal sight and the rods in the peripheral vision, one of
see objects clearly, of course, but only one at my students still thought that an object
a time. They "shift constantly," as Bates stated, straight in front of him (Object C) was sup-
from one clear point to another clear point. posed to remain clear, even after he shifted
One reason people with normal sight think his eyes (but not his head; the head is sup-
they see everything simultaneously clearly is posed to move, of course) to another object
because they have the memory of the objects that was off to his right (Object R). He
they saw clearly before. For example, a per- thought that even though his eyes moved to
son with normal sight could be noticing many the right to see Object R, somehow the fight
objects in a room. Each individual object is rays from Object C were still able to enter
one by one. While seeing a chair, she
clear, the fovea for sharp clarity. No!
knows that when she saw the door a few The point of clarity is always straight ahead
moments ago, it was clear. She can conclude of the direction of the eyes —along the visual
subconsciously that the door in her periph- axis from the fovea centralis, out through the
eral vision is still just as clear as the chair she center of the lens, iris and cornea, and straight
is currently noticing. out to the object of interest.
Another reason people with normal sight, When a student shifts his attention to

148 • Relearning to See

Chapter Ten: The Second Principle —Centralization
Object R on the right, Object R is now the work, a great deal of trouble, and much
central object, and the light rays from Object effort, is a great benefit.

R now enter the fovea for sharp clarity.

Object C is now off to his left—in his periph- Centralizing is based on relaxation; diffu-

eral vision. Object C is now much less clear. sion is based on effort and strain.

Peripheral vision is whatever is outside the May 8, 1915, issue of the

Bates wrote in the
exact center of the visual field at any partic- New York Medical Journal:
ular instant.
I have wondered for many years why many By eccentric fixation is meant the ability of

the eye partially or completely to suppress

Bates teachers have not educated their stu-
the vision of the center of the fovea and to
dents about the distribution of cones and rods
see best [but not clearly] with other parts
in the retina.
of the retina. 3


CENTRALIZATION Mary Dudderidge writes in Scientific
Better Eyesight magazine, October 1923:
But when the eye attempts to see every

When you have imperfect sight and look point in its field of vision about as well as
on the
at the first letter of a line of letters the central point, not only is its visual power
Snellen Card which you cannot read, you lowered, but it is subjected to a severe
can always note that you do not see the first strain, as anyone can observe for himself
letter or any other letter better than the by trying to see every part of any surface
rest. Usually the whole line looks pretty of four or five inches in extent, or even
much the same shade of gray. Why is it? much less, equally well at one time. This
Because you are trying to see the whole strain Dr. Bates believes to be at the bot-
line at once ... If you hold the card up close tom of most eye troubles.

where you can readily read the same fine One of my students had normal sight in his
you will notice, or you can get somebody first year at college. While playing basketball
with good eyesight to show you, that when he recognized consciously that he saw only
you distinguish a letter you do not see any one point clearly at any moment. This, of
of the other letters so well. To see one let- how a person with normal sight sees.
course, is
ter at a time is much easier than to see a
Unfortunately, he began thinking about
whole num-
line of letters, in fact to see a
changing his natural way of seeing.
ber of letters all perfectly at the same time
In discovering consciously that his periph-
is impossible and trying to do it is a
eral vision was not clear, he decided to try to
strain if you do the impossible, try
try to
learn to see everything clearly simultaneously.
to see the whole line of letters at once
[clearly] you will always fail, because you He thought the entire picture could become
will have to make an effort. It is not an easy clear if he practiced diffusing his visual

thing at all to fail, it is difficult, you have to attention throughout the picture. If he suc-
try, or youmake an effort to do the impos- ceeded, he thought he would be able to see all

sible in order to fail. To prove that imper- of the other basketball players clearly at the
fect sight is more difficult and requires hard same time, and then he would be able to play

Relearning to See • 1 49
how she saw the world while walking home
from school one day. She realized the periph-
eral vision was not clear; only the center was
clear. She became very concerned about her
lack of peripheral clarity, and concluded there
was something wrong with her vision!

The memory of the specific interference to

centralization often surfaces during natural

vision classes. The interference to centraliz-
ing must be removed to improve sight.

One of my best students said, "I Choose to

Refuse to Diffuse!"
The Vision Halo, also known as the "anti-
diffusion halo," is described in Chapter 18,

"Stereoscopic Vision."
better basketball. He practiced diffusion and
strained his vision. The result of his experi- RESISTANCE TO RELEARNING
ment was his vision blurred and he got glasses. CENTRALIZATION
Notice this basketball player's motivation One of my students agreed that when her
for trying to diffuse —to play better basket- glasses were off, the peripheral vision was less

ball. Some students assume that the circum- clear than the central vision. However, when
stances present when their vision first blurred her glasses were on, for example, when dri-

must have been unpleasant, maybe even trau- ving her car, she said the peripheral vision
matic.The basketball story shows this is not was just as clear as the central vision.
necessarily so. He formed strained vision I pointed out to her that, due to the distri-

habits, but his motivation and circumstances bution of cones and rods in the eye, it is

were positive. impossible to see all objects clearly simulta-

Another student me he was driving
told neously —and there are no exceptions under
a big "semi" truck for many years while any circumstances, with or without glasses.
enjoying normal sight. One day he realized The following week she stated that when she
he was always moving his head to see the traf- drove home, she realized the peripheral vision
fic and the road and scenery, one point at a was not as clear as the central vision.
time. He thought that if he diffused and saw Many students resist the truth of central-
everything at once, he would not need to izing in the beginning. The vision could not
move his head anymore! Not long after his have become blurred without acquiring dif-
mastery of diffusion and rigidity, his sight low- fusion. Diffusion becomes part of the per-
ered, and he got his first pair of glasses. Notice sonality.
how was learned simul-
in this case diffusion There are various levels of acceptance stu-
taneously with non-movement. dents move through as they improve their
Another student said she remembered vision. The process of improving vision takes
that, when in grade school, she thought about time and patience.

150 • Relearning to See


Chapter Ten: The Second Principle —Centralization

CENTRALIZATION GOES WITH one point to another with a head movement.
MOVEMENT; DIFFUSION GOES Head movement releases the neck.
In the last chapter, we discussed the impor- Tom's Personal Log: When I was in Army
tance of movement in regard to normal, clear basic training, we were taken to the base of
vision. Centralization goes with movement. a medium-size hill. This hill had many bushes,
The person with clear vision is constantly trees, and large rocks on it. There were about
moving from one point of interest to another. a dozen soldiers hiding on this hill. Some were
Both the head and eyes are moving. more hidden than others, and some moving
Actually, it is the person's interest that shifts more than others, but all of them were at least
from one point to another, and the eyes and partially visible. We were instructed to find
head simply follow the "mental movement." as many of the men as we could while stand-
Diffusion often goes with rigidity. Logically, ing at the base of this hill.

when a person is trying to see everything at Immediately, several of my fellow trainees

once, there is no reason to move. The prob- began pointing to one soldier after another.

lem with rigidity is the head, neck, and eye I became frustrated, as I did not see any men
muscles become abnormally and chronically at all. I tried as hard as I could to see the
tight. The visual system cannot tolerate this entire hill simultaneously in a very diffused,
strain —and blur results. "spread out" manner.
Fritz Kahn, in his outstanding two-volume It was only near the end of this training,

set Man in Structure and Function, states: when one soldier finally jumped up and
started waving his hands back and forth high
During the day one sees chiefly with the
in the air, that I finally saw a soldier. I began
central part of the retina. Spatially, the cen-
tral visual field is restricted, but everything
to wonder about my fate if I should end up

contained in it is seen clearly and in all its

in combat.
colour. The spatial limitation [of central
clarity] is compensated for by constant
movement of the eyes. 5
Conversely, locking the eyes and head still CENTRALIZATION
often goes with diffusion. A person with blur Centralization Without Movement
thinks, "If I lock my head still, I can just see is Incorrect
everything at once. In fact, I don't need to
Better Eyesight magazine, January 1924: "One
move my head or my eyes when I diffuse."
can stare in looking straight ahead with the
This attitude and practice is harmful to sight.
center of sight

The above assumes the person is interested
It is possible to centralize, i.e., to notice one
in seeing at all when the head is locked. A
point, without moving the head or eyes. It is
locked head and neck often go with "spaced
not possible to lock onto one point for a long
out" staring.
period of time without creating tension and
Ultimately the natural vision student real-
possibly even pain. One problem is that peo-
izes head movement "goes with" centraliz-
ple who have blurred vision often try to lock
ing. It is necessary to shift our attention from

Relearning to See • 151


on one point for a long period of time. pie with blur often move without centraliz-

One of my students had great difficulty ing. For example, a person can be walking
with the centralizing principle of vision. In along without noticing where they are going.
the last class of the eight-week course, he After seventeen years of teaching natural
demonstrated how he had finally succeeded vision, I am convinced that staring and "spac-
with great effort and rigidity —to lock onto ing out" are the cause of many, if not most,
one point. Proud of his accomplishment, he accidents.

asked, "Now what should I do?"' I suggested

he now shift to another point of interest, and CENTRALIZATION VS. DIFFUSION—
then another, and another. He did not like THE EMOTIONAL CONNECTION
my answer, since it had taken him eight weeks Diffusion can be a response to feelings of fear
to finally lock onto one point. and being overwhelmed.
Notice how this student wanted to continue More than one of my students has told me
his rigid way of seeing. This student did well they learned to diffuse in the subways and
to centralize, but now the movement princi- streets of New York City "to protect myself."
ple needed to be added to the centralizing. Some people had significant stress when
Natural vision is a process of "dynamic their blur started. Several of my students have
Normal vision includes both
relaxation." stated their vision blurred when they were
movement and centralizing. In normal vision, children and moved to another city, state, or
the attention shifts (moves) to a new point country.
(centralization) of interest about every one One student said she began diffusing when,
or two seconds. as a child, there was a swarm of bees around
One vision program that teaches its stu- her.
dents eye exercises says to make a "conscious The irony of trying to "grab" everything at
effort" to look at "the entire screen" of a TV, once — clearly — is that clarity is lost. As stated
while holding the head still. Students in this before, the instant a person takes her atten-
program are also told to not blink. Unfortu- tion away from where it is clear in the cen-
nately, this type of incorrect teaching is not ter, clear perception is lowered. The
uncommon; it is completely the opposite of peripheral vision is far less clear than the cen-
Bates' teaching on natural vision. tral vision.

Tom's Personal Log: I found it extremely

Movement Without Centralization frustrating to centralize in my beginning
is Incorrect vision lessons. It was scary. I thought it was
Better Eyesight magazine, January 1924: "... essential to try to see everything at once
and one can stare by trying to see with the clearly to be protected.
sides of the retina, [called] eccentric fixation." It seemed as if no one could possibly dif-
Eccentric fixation is diffusion. fuse more than I did. This realization was the
As mentioned in the previous chapter, it is cause of extreme frustration.
possible to move without centralizing. Peo- Yet, my vision was improving, and I wanted

152 • Releaming to See

Chapter Ten: The Second Principle — Centralization

to continue my improvement, so I continued countless activities to participate in. Are we

practicing centralizing better each day. sacrificing some of the quality of our lives for
Centralizing becomes easier and better An Eastern yogi was visiting a big super-
with practice. Remember, children centralize market in the US for the first time. A sales
intuitively and naturally. They point. clerk asked the yogi if he needed help in find-
Anyone can relearn to do something he ing anything. The yogi answered, "No, I am

used to do automatically and naturally and — just thanking God I don't need any of these
this includes centralization. things."

One man I met kept getting more and

CENTRALIZATION— THE MENTAL more degrees in school just to prove to him-
CONNECTION self he was smart. Quantity was more impor-

Bates concluded that the process of seeing is tant than quality.

primarily mental. Whether a person is cen- A great Eastern mystic once wrote, "Live
tralizing or diffusing is a mental choice Usu- a simple, happy, and relaxed life." In many
ally centralizing occurs subconsciously, but years of teaching and healing my health, I
sometimes it is conscious. The same is true of have slowly realized these three adjectives
the harmful practice of diffusion. are the same.
To a great extent, the principle of central- A person can have a lot of projects and
ization has to do with how we live our lives. goals in life, but he cannot do them all —with
Do we try to do a dozen projects equally well equally high quality — at one time.
at one time, or do we put our attention pri- The primary issue within the principle of
mary on one project at a time? centralization is the attitude in the mind. Try-
One of my students, while programming his ing to do many projects one time is dif-
computer at work, was being asked a ques- fusing and creates tension. Doing one project
tion by a co-worker. Not wanting to be dis- best at a time is healthier and more relaxing.
turbed (diffused), this student stopped for a A person may not accomplish as many tasks,
moment, looked at his co-worker and said, but the quality of each task will be higher. On
"Not right now. But, when I finish with my the other hand, a person might accomplish
work, you will get my complete foveal atten- more tasks, because the relaxation associated
tion!" with centralizing gives her more energy.
Notice that when children are deeply With centralization, there is movement and
involved in a game, they do not like to be dis- flexibility. A person's energy is properly chan-
tracted. They are completely "absorbed" in neled and conserved.
the game. Children centralize — naturally. Diffusion results in fatigue and a drain of
Our society often emphasizes quantity (left energy. Fatigue is a major cause of staring.
brain) over quality (right brain). We produce Have you ever watched two people talk-

many material goods, and people are encour- ing to each other simultaneously? Neither
aged to accumulate as many of these goods person is listening. This is an example of dif-
as they can. Our society also provides almost fusion, and it is very common in this society.

Releaming to See • 153

CENTRALIZATION = RELAXED Concentration, however, cannot psy-
CONCENTRATION chologically be ignored, and recent psy-

Better Eyesight magazine, December 1922:

chology, I believe, has given us a new
interpretation which is worthy of our con-
Question: Has Dr. Bates' method anything
Attention underlies concentration, as that
to do with concentration?
Answer: No, to concentrate is to make an
word is commonly used, and Ribot's [See
Psychology ofAttention in Bibliography and
effort. Dr. Bates' method is rest and relax-
additional excerpts in Chapter 23, "Chil-
ation, which cannot be obtained by con-
dren and Schools"] statement of attention
is very enlightening. Ribot says "that the
state of attention which seems continuous
Centralization is relaxed, involuntary visual
is in reality intermittent; the object of atten-
concentration. Like most other Natural Vision
tion is merely a center, the point to which
teachers, I rarely use the word "concentra- attention returns again and again, to wan-
tion" in my classes because most people in der from it as often on ever-widening cir-
this society associate concentration with cles. All parts of the object, and then the
effort. Effort to see lowers natural vision. reflections inspired by these various parts,
(Squinting is artificial vision.) hold our interest by turns. Even when the
Better Eyesight magazine, April 1925: attention is fixed on the most trifling mate-
rial object, it works in just the same fash-
CONCENTRATION AND RELAXATION ion." This is entirely in accord with Dr.
By Lawrence M. Stanton, M.D. Bates' statement; it is centralization.
I know of no writer who has clarified the There are, however, two aspects of con-
murky philosophy of concentration and centration to be considered —voluntary and
relaxation as has Dr. Bates, and yet the final involuntary. Voluntary concentration is an
word has not been said, as he himself would effort and, as Dr. Bates has so clearly
undoubtedly avow. shown, cannot be maintained without
Therefore, but with humblest intention, fatigue.

I offer a few thoughts upon the subject The highest grades of attention, to which
which is of the utmost importance to those this brief consideration is confined, are
who are striving for better eyesight. involuntary, and involuntary concentration
To my students I have forbidden the can be defined as "a psychological equiva-
practice of concentration, saying that the lent of attention minus effort." In ordinary
very word suggests them
strain, or else I bid attention — that is. in voluntary concentra-
modify the dictionary's definition. I have tion —our thought holds the object in focus,

reasoned that if by concentration you whereas in involuntary attention (which

mean, as Dr. Bates says, doing or seeing we shall consider synonymous with invol-
one thing better than anything else, you untary concentration) the object holds our
may speak of concentration; but if by con- thought without our volition, perhaps even
centration you mean, as the dictionary says, against our will. "Spontaneous attention is

doing one thing continuously to the exclu- rooted at the very center of our being," and
sion of all other things, then you must aban- things that hold the attention captive, as in
don the practice as an impossibility. fascination, fixed contemplation, the

154 • Relearning to See


Chapter Tew The Second Principle —Centralization

Hindu's meditation and revery are ation of the passive kind usually ends in
instances of involuntary concentration, and sleep or sleepiness, as experienced by many
involuntary concentration is as effortless people after palming. Relaxation combined
as the rising sun — it just happens. Then, with action, on the other hand, may also be
there are those cases of [extraordinary absolutely free from effort and strain.
quick reversals] of imperfect sight by one In any case it is the matter of effort and
or another of Dr. Bates' methods, where it strain that concerns us most, rather than a
was enough for the person to see the bet- question of concentration or relaxation . .

ter course in order to be able to follow it, surely nowhere is intensity so impressive
the idea and its realization occurring simul- as in calmness. To be calm is not to be obliv-
taneously, without effort, without volition ious, and to be intense need not be to strain.
even. Contrast this with the attitude "No, Another thought about relaxation is this:
I see the better course and approve it, but Obstacles to relaxation may prove sources
I follow the worse." Involuntary concen- of relaxation. An instance of which is found
tration is displayed in the case of the insect, in the noise that is keeping us awake when
related by Fabreand quoted by Dr. Bates, wishing to go to sleep. If we sufficiently
which hung downward for ten
in captivity relax, if we accept the disturbance and sleep
months, its whole life's span, and in this in spite of it, not only is the obstacle over-
position performed all its functions, even come, but because overcome it in turn
to mating and laying of eggs, apparently becomes rather pleasantly associated with
without the least fatigue. Still another going to sleep. When again we desire to
instance is that of Napoleon, who could sleep, we find the noise soothing rather than
work for eighteen hours at a stretch on one annoying, and really a source of relaxation
work without the least fatigue.
piece of instead of an obstacle to it

Napoleon speaks of his various affairs Involuntary concentration without effort

arranged in his head "as in a wardrobe." is equivalent to relaxation in action. If you
He says: "When I wish to put any matter can achieve such equilibrium; if you can
out of my mind, I close its drawer and open perform your mental functions without
the drawer belonging to another. The con- strain as little insect performed its
Fabre 's
tents of the drawers never get mixed and physical; you can, whatever your partic-

they never worry me or weary me. Do I ular captivity, hang by your feet head
want to sleep? I close all the drawers, and downward without effort, then "be my
then I am asleep." friend and teach me to be thine."

The question, then, may be asked [Stanton's] Note: Some of the quotations
wherein does involuntary concentration in this article and some of its material are
differ from relaxation. If involuntary con- from "The Power Within Us," Charles Bau-
centration and relaxation are not always douin.
one and the same thing, they often are psy-
chological alternatives and not the oppo- From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
nents we think them.
To regard all phases of relaxation as As popularly understood, concentration
purely passive is as erroneous as it is to say means to do or think one thing only; but
that concentration of the kind under con- this is impossible, and an attempt to do the
sideration is associated with effort. Relax- impossible is a strain which defeats its own

Releaming to See • 155

end. The human mind is not capable of is a society that teaches children not to move
thinking of one thing only. It can think of and not to centralize.
one thing best, and is only at rest when it Regardless of Bates' opinions on accom-
does so; but it cannot think of one thing modation, he proved that mental and physi-
cal principles of movement and centralization

are essential for clear vision, and that if they

Trying to think of, or see, only one thing
are interfered with, vision will lower.
continuously staring. To think of one thing
We unwittingly teach our children how to
best is centralization.
lose their sight by discouraging—even pun-


ishing them for —movement and centraliza-
tion. After studying the principles of natural
seeing, it is no wonder so many people have
blurred vision in this society.
Oftentimes it is the rebellious children in
this society who keep their normal sight. They
keep moving and pointing, regardless of the
consequences. This is a subconscious, primitive
drive to maintaining normal vision and health.


Figure 10-2: The Pointer.
See Figure g-y: The Vestibulo-Ocular Con-

Babies point. Pointing is natural. No one When hearing is normal, we hear one
teaches a child to point, or to move. Central- sound best at a time.

ization and movement are learned naturally If you are attending a concert, you can
and automatically. selectively "tune in" to one instrument at a

In our society children are often told, time to hear it the best. You listen most atten-
"Don't point." Pointing is considered rude. A tively to the violin, then the piano, then the
man from Africa once attended my intro- drums, then the trumpet, etc. You continue
ductory lecture. After the lecture he com- to hear the entire orchestra, but one instru-

mented on how strange our culture is, not ment is heard best.
allowing children to point or yawn. You can be listening to the radio while dri-

When we watch the documentaries on tele- ving a car, and hardly notice the noise from
vision about the natives who live in the forests the engine. When a strange noise is heard
of Brazil, we see that adults and children fre- from the engine, the auditory attention shifts

quently point. Pointing is centralizing. from hearing the radio best to hearing the
In the previous chapter, I stated that chil- engine best. During this time, you may not
dren are often told to "sit still." Add to this even be aware of the words spoken or what
the warning to never point, and what we have tune is being played on the radio. After

I56 • Relearning to See

Chapter Ten: The Second Principle —Centralization

returning the attention to the radio, you are tralization and diffusion are primarily men-
hardly aware of sound from the engine. This tal. Diffusion is confusion is stressful.

is called centralization. Now pretend you are listening to only one

Notice in both the above examples, the of the conversations best. Let it be a pleas-
sound waves reaching the eardrum are the ant conversation! Do this now for about thirty
same. The mind has the ability to centralize seconds, and for the rest of your life!

on one particular sound and it is designed Notice how much more "centered" you
to do so. now feel compared to the diffused experi-
Margaret Corbett, in her book Help Your- ence a few moments ago. Students often
self to Better Sight, writes: describe this experience as peaceful, relax-
ing, possible, easy, and so on.
Sounds that do not bother normal ears
The parallels are identical to vision.
do bother the defective ear because it hears
so many sounds, all distorted, confusing and
The auditory system is designed to be used CONNECTION
like the visual system.
From Chapter XI, "Centralization," in Per-
fect Sight Without Glasses:
AND DIFFUSION . . . Since centralization is impossible with-
Close your eyelids, and pretend you are in out mental control, centralization of the
a large auditorium. Imagine there are a hun- eye means centralization of the mind. It

dred people around you in a large circle means, therefore, health in all parts of the

about fifty feet from you. body, for all the operations of the physical

Now, imagine there are fifty conversations mechanism depend upon the mind. Not
only the sight, but all the other senses
(two people per conversation) going on
touch, taste, hearing and smell —are bene-
fited by centralization. All the vital
Try to comprehend of the conversations
simultaneously. Do this

now for about thirty

processes —digestion, assimilation, elimi-
nation, etc —are improved by The it effi-
seconds, you can!
ciency of the mind is enormously increased.
To comprehend fifty conversations simul- The benefits of centralization already
taneously is, of course, impossible to do, and observed are, in short, so great that the sub-
the attempt to do the impossible is stressful! ject merits further investigation.
Reactions described by students include:
strain, diffusion, confusion, scattering, effort, Centralization is a universal principle. Liv-
chaos, impossibility, freezing, locking, tension, ing beings tend to organize and unify. For
breathing stops, the body freezes, and even example, we have organs in the body that
blurred vision. "specialize" in certain functions. The heart
These reactions can occur just by thinking pumps blood, the digestive tract assimilates
about diffusing hearing, showing how cen- food, the lungs breathe, and so forth.

Relearning to See • 157

When any living being dies, entropy (dif- In the game of chess, one of the key objec-
fusion) begins. The body dissolves into its ele- tives is to gain control of the center of the
ments and becomes diffused ashes. board. Much of the strategy in chess is based
Above, we discussed how centralization on control of the four center squares. From
relates to sight and hearing. Centralization the center, pieces have the greatest mobility
also applies to touch, smell, and taste. Move- and are more powerful because they are free

ment and centralization apply to all sense per- to move to any other parts of the board
ceptions. When either movement or quickly to attack or to defend.
centralization is interfered with, sense per- Pieces placed on the peripheral parts of the
ception diminishes. board have much less mobility and are gen-
In nutrition there is a concept called "food erally less powerful.

combining." Certain types of foods do not For example, a knight placed in the center

digest well together with other types of foods. of the board can move to eight different
For example, starchy foods do not digest well squares; when located in the corner, it can
with proteins. Different chemical environ- only move to two squares. The knight has four
ments are created in the stomach for starches times as much mobility and power when
and proteins. If starches are eaten with pro- placed in the center of the board. Control of
teins, neither are digested well —the stomach the central squares often determines who
is confused. Similarly, fruits are generally best wins the game.
eaten without starches or proteins. The con- Centralization allows greater movement.
cept is centralization. They go together.

^M 151


Figure 10-3: Strategic Centralization.

158 • Relearning to See

Chapter Ten: The Second Principle —Centralization

Centralization is powerful. Diffusion is truth of centralization, which is the normal,
weak. Centralization conserves energy. Dif- correct way of seeing all day long.
fusion wastes it A martial arts master is pow- Pretending you have an imaginary pencil
erful because he is centered. He does not attached to, and extending out from your nose,
waste energy. Many people who meditate say "sketch" the yellow penciL "Sketching" is sim-
they feel more relaxed and centered. ply amovement of your visual interest from
The sun, which provides essential energy one point to another. See Chapter 12 for more
for life on Earth, is at the center of the solar on sketching. The cones in the fovea pick up
system. the sharp detail and color of this penciL With-
"The eye of the hurricane is calm." out shifting your attention to it, wiggle the
peripheral green penciL The rods pick up the
CENTRALIZING— THE TWO PENCILS unclear movement and shades of gray from
Many students, before enrolling in the vision the green penciL If you did not already know
classes, would probably answer the question, that the peripheral pencil is green, you might
"If youhad perfect clarity right now, would not be able to say what its color is now.
everything be clear simultaneously?" with Now shift your attention to the green pen-
"Yes." The enrolling student may be think- cil. Sketching the green pencil, notice its

ing, "Wouldn't it be nice to see everything and colors which you could not see

clearly again?" He thinks that when he had when you were sketching the yellow penciL
normal vision in the past, everything was clear Now wiggle the peripheral yellow penciL The
simultaneously. This idea is incorrect, and peripheral yellow pencil is now almost, or
needs to change to improve vision. maybe even completely, gray and it has much
less detail compared to when you were

^EXPERIENCE CENTRALIZING— sketching it in the beginning. No peeking!

THE TWO PENCILS Of course, in reality, the yellow pencil has
See Plate 8: Centralizing — The Two Pen- detail and color, but you cannot see them
cils. while sketching the green penciL Centraliza-
Hold two different colored pencils verti- tion is the acknowledgment and the mental
cally, about 12 inches out in front of you. Place cooperation with the fact that only the cen-
the erasers at the top. If there is lettering or tral object is clear and most colorfuL Periph-
designs on the pencil, face them toward you. eral vision has littleto no color, and is much
Separate the pencils horizontally by about 16 less clear than the central vision.
inches. If you are a high myope, you can bring There is some diminished color in the periph-
the pencils closer to you and closer together. eral areas of the visual field because there are

In this example, a yellow pencil is held on some cones in the peripheral part of the retina.
the left, and a green pencil is held on the right Stul, color perception is always best in the cen-
Remember to breathe abdominally, blink fre- ter.More on this in Chapter 17, "The Retina."
quently, and have a mobile neck as you do As stated above, people who have blurred
this activity. vision diffuse; they try to see everything
Note- This is not an eye exercise. The pur- equally clearly simultaneously. As Bates
pose of this activity is to demonstrate the pointed out many times, this is impossible to

Re learning to See • 159


do. The attempt to do this strains the visual If you are a high farsight, you may want to

system, and always lowers sight. use your reduced glasses for this game. The
Alternate sketching each pencil, proving pebble you are sketching needs to be more
to yourself that you see best —by —only
far clear than the peripheral pebble.

where you centralize. Remember to have a head movement.

Now try to see both pencils equally clear Breathe abdominally and blink frequently!
and sharp simultaneously. The best you can While noticing the left pebble's detail, tex-
do is to place the attention in the center, ture, colors, three-dimensionality, and so on,
between the two pencils, and then spread out say out loud. "The other pebble is less clear!"

your attention, trying visually to grab both Is it? The right pebble should be significantly
images at one time. Notice that neither pen- less clear than the left pebble you are
cil is clear now. It should now be obvious that sketching.
sight lowers instantaneously when you are No peeking over to the right pebble! Some
diffusing. students peek, and then reply, "No, they both
Now bring the pencils a little closer to each look the same to me!" This is not how the
other and sketch one at a time as before. You game is played!
may now notice more of the peripheral pen- Once you notice that the left pebble is
cil, but it is still less clear and colorful than more clear than the right pebble, shift over
the pencil you are sketching. to the right pebble and sketch it. While notic-
Continue this activity, slowly bringing the ing right pebble's detail, texture, colors, etc.,

pencils closer to each other and alternating say out loud. "The other pebble is less clear."

sketching one pencil at a time. A person with Is it? The left pebble should now be signifi-

excellent centralization skills will be able to cantly less clear than the right pebble you are
notice the other pencil is less clear — even sketching.
when they are touching! If the peripheral pebble seems equally or
Practice centralizing more and better each more clear than the central pebble, you are dif-

day until it becomes a habit. fusing and need to practice this game frequently,

until you experience the peripheral pebble as

less clear than the one you are sketching.

CENTRALIZING— THE PEBBLE GAME If your vision is such that the pebble you
are sketching is not clear at this time, do not
^EXPERIENCE CENTRALIZING — be overly concerned. It is more important, at

THE TWO-PEBBLE GAME this point, that you notice the other pebble
Place two pebbles about 14 inches apart, is less clear than the one you are sketching.
one to the left and the other to the right. This If this is still not true because of serious vision
is like the two pencils activity, except the area problems, then pretend it is true. Remember,
of centralization is smaller. vision is primarily mental. Natural vision
Sketch the left pebble with your nose-pencil. teachers have seen many types of vision prob-
If you are a high myope, bring the pebbles closer lems improve.
to you so that the one you are sketching is seen Alternate back and forth three or four times,
more clearly than the peripheral pebble. spending about 15-20 seconds on each pebble.

I DO • Relearning to See
Figure 10-4: The Pebble Game.

Relearning to See • l6l

Be sure to say out loud "The other pebble is consistently less clear than the one you are
less clear" each time you sketch a pebble. sketching, move the pebbles another inch
closer to each other. Sketch each pebble alter-

The main principle in this game is central- nately, continuing the same theme.
ization. Centralization is the attitude of mind At some point you will notice the periph-
that you see one central point best, and every- eral pebble to be more clear than it was when
thing else out in the peripheral vision is sig- you began this game. However, it will still be
nificantly less clear. [I realize I am being much less clear than the pebble you are
repetitive, but this principle is extremely sketching.
Notice we do not say "The other pebble is Do not continue this game if you become
gone." Peripheral vision is essential vision, fatigued or feel any discomfort. Take a rest
and we want to have excellent peripheral and come back to it later if necessary. It is

awareness with the rods. Rods pick up move- important to associate natural vision habits
ment. However, since peripheral vision is and principles with pleasure and fun.
much less clear than the central vision, periph-

eral vision is secondary to central vision. sfe Continue playing this game, gradually mov-
You may agree that it only makes sense to ing the two pebbles closer to each other.
have the primary visual attention where At some point you may feel your mind dif-

vision is best —and that place is exactly in the fuse over the two pebbles equally. If you feel

center of the visual field. this tendency to diffuse, do one of the fol-

Continuing the pebble game: lowing:

1. Simply move the pebbles farther away

* Now move the pebbles about one inch
from each other, and slowly move them
closer to each other. Just like before, sketch
closer together again playing the same
the pebble on the left, saying out loud, "The
game. The second time, you may be
other pebble is less clear! Wow!" (Enthusi-
able to bring them a little closer
asm is important!)
together before the mind tries to grab
Is the other pebble less clear, even though
both of them equally, i.e., before diffus-
the two pebbles are closer to each other? Do
ing; or
you notice more of the peripheral pebble than
2. Close your eyelids and play the same
when the pebbles were farther apart?
game in your mind. Move your head
"Hmmm," thinks the natural vision stu-
left and right alternately, exactly as if
dent, "I wonder what the ultimate outcome
your eyelids were open. Say out loud,
game is going to be, as those
of this pebble
two pebbles come closer and closer to each
"The other pebble is less clear." Do this
for at least one minute. Then, take a
breath in, and open your eyelids,
Alternate sketching each pebble, spending
"zooming" to one pebble and sketching
10-15 seconds with each pebble and saying,
it. Some students feel a powerful
"The other pebble is less clear."
"siphoning" or "funneling" effect con-
Once you notice the peripheral pebble is

162 • Relearning to See

Chapter Ten: The Second Principle —Centralization
necting them to the pebble. If you feel OK for only one point to be the clearest, it is

this effect it is a step forward in desired We want to retrain the mind to have
relearning centralization. If you do not its primary visual attention where nature
feel this effect, you will with continued intended it to be —
in the center. While
practice. relearning centralization, it is important to
remember that you do not lose your periph-
In time, you will be able to bring the peb-
eral vision (in this case, the other pebbles).
bles close enough that they touch each other.
Sketching one pebble, you will be able to
The study of the and
distribution of the cones
notice that the peripheral pebble, even though
rods, in Chapter
"The Retina," will help
it is much clearer, is still less clear than the
you further understand and appreciate the
pebble you are sketching! When you reach
many differences between your central and
this point you have progressed a very long
peripheral vision.
way in relearning centralization.
If you need assistance with the principle of
centralization, seek out instructions from a
In the above Pebble Game, if the student
Natural Vision teacher.
does not continue to move, first the periph-
One of my students missed the class with
eral pebble will fade away, and then even the
the pebble game, so he played the "raisin
central pebble will begin to fade away. In the
game" at breakfast, receiving a delicious
last chapter, we discussed how important
reward for each centralizing skill!
movement to natural vision.
Another of my students, W B., said he did
not really "get" centralization until we played
the pebble game. In the class following the peb-
ble game, he said, "I have had pebble vision all
Spread lots of pebbles out in front of you.
week!" He had worn glasses and contact lenses
While sketching one pebble, say out loud, "All
since the seventh grade, increasing in strength
the other pebbles are less clear." Are they?
to O.D. -2.50. with 0.50 D of astigmatism, and
The peripheral pebbles should be less clear
O.S. -3.00 by age 38. He had 20/70 sight in the
than the one you are sketching. However, the
right eye and 20/200 sight in the left eye. Within
pebbles closest to the one you are sketch-
three months after completing the eight-week
ing will be more clear than the pebbles far-
vision course, his optometrist told him his sight
ther away.
was 20/25 m his right eye. He has since passed
Only the single pebble you are sketching
the California driver's vision test without
can be absolutely clear. The light rays from
glasses, and is no longer required to wear cor-
that single pebble enter the very high density
rective lenses when driving.
of cones exactly in the center of your fovea
C. Y. reports that fish are much more
centralis. That is where you see with the
vibrant, colorful, and three-dimensional while
sharpest acuity.
scuba diving in Hawaii.
Now shift from one pebble to another, like
stars in the night sky. saying out loud, "All the
Tom's Personal Log: After about two years
other pebbles are less clear." Not only is it
of improving my vision, while exercising in a

Relearning to See • 163

place that had lots of pebbles, I noticed I could In the bottom rectangle, centralize on a
centralize on a pebble about ten feet away, small group of dots approximately the size of

and the pebble touching it was less clear! the circle shown in the bottom left corner.
(Those with farsightedness and astigmatism
may need to use corrective lenses to see this
The Color Centralizing Game round area.) You may be able to see a small
An excellent form of centralization is pick- round area of sharp dots, while all of the

ing out any color you like, e.g., green, and then peripheral dots are less clear.
finding that particular color throughout your Some students notice that the small round
environment and painting it with your nose- area of sharp dots appears to be three-dimen-
paintbrush. After painting the first color, select sional, like a small mound. When you see this

a second color, e.g., blue, and then find and small round area of sharp dots you are expe-
paint that color everywhere you find it. Then riencing the area of the fovea centralis and
paint a third color, and so on. Have a "visual the macula lutea on your retina!

feast." Vision loves variety, but, of course, one See Plate 9: Centralization vs. Diffusion.
at a time.

But It Is Not Clear Everywhere I

The Counting Centralizing Game Centralize -^et!

Another simple centralization game is to But that is why (most likely) you are reading
count similar objects. For example, you can this book!
count the number of light posts along a street, Most likely, while improving your vision,
the number of windows of a house or build- the point of centralization will not be clear
ing, the number of trees in a field, and so on. at all distances. For nearsights the distance is

This is excellent centralizing practice. not clear; for farsights the near is not clear. It

The idea is to form the habit of shifting is the concept of centralization that is impor-
from one point to another throughout the tant at this time.
day. Never stare or diffuse. Centralize within When centralizing at a point that is not clear,
a smaller area each day. think to yourself, "I see most clearly and col-
Have laser beam vision. Illuminate each orfully where I am centralizing. All peripheral
place you are centralizing on with your nose- objects are less clear and colorful." And, "If
laser beam! Always have a head movement. my vision were normal right now, where I am
Even a small movement is correct, as long as centralizing I would see perfectly clear only
the neck is released and mobile. at this point. My peripheral vision would be
20/400, at best, if I had clear vision right now."
This attitude is essential for improving eye-
Centralization Patterns sight. Ultimately, becomes true when the

In Figure 10-5: Centralization Patterns, prac- student has normal sight again. You are
tice centralizing with the objects in the top retraining your mind to centralize. It is the
rectangles. Then centralize on the smaller only way to return to clear sight; and it is
objects in the middle rectangles. exactly what you used to do when you used

164 • Relearning to See

Chapter Ten: The Second Principle — Centralization

• • •



<?& <**- <**»

-»«* **«* <*«>
***> **«* **«*
2j tMl tHJ tfefl tMl nir ^^ **«* **«*
til c e e c 000000000000 4 * «f rf rf rf # tf4 444
tttt **•*** 000000000000 * * * «f -r„ * * * 4 4 4
*** * 000000000000 W - .r * W * 4 4 4 4 4 4
** * *** * * 00O000000000 1* * 1* 4 4 4 « « * 44 4
** * 000000000000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
**** ** * 000000000000 - - - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
******* 000000000000 1* «fflf 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
* *•*•**
* ** * *
000000000000 " - -• 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
*** * ttttt
0000000O000O * * *r 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
** *****
000000000000 ^ * rf 4 4 4 - - - 444
** * * * * * *****
000000000000 4 4 rf 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
000OOO000000 «r -r «f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Figure 10-5: Centralization Patterns.

Relearning to See • 1 65
to have clear sight. Centralizing is clarity. Dif- ier. When vision is perfectly clear, it is obvi-

fusion is blur. "Refuse to diffuse." Centralize ous that only the center is clear, and the stu-

more perfectly each day. dent wants her visual attention to be at the

The practice of centralization relaxes the point of best sight. Then, even the thought of

mind and body. This mental relaxation, along diffusion becomes abhorrent.
with the relaxation provided by relearning See Plate 10: Cosmosis for more central-

movement, allows the extrinsic eye muscles ization practice with unique, natural art

to release their chronic tension. stones.

When the eyeball is squeezed out of shape,

peripheral light rays fall into the fovea cen-
tralis. Peripheral light rays are not supposed
to fall into the fovea centralis, and doing so
creates blurred sight in the center of your
visual field. As the eye muscles release their
tension, all light rays are focused correctly
again onto the retina. Peripheral light rays no
longer fall incorrectly into the fovea; they land

outside of the fovea. In normal vision, only

light rays from the object you are centraliz-

ing on fall into the fovea. The central vision is

then clear.
The mental process of relearning to cen-
tralize and its effect on the eye muscles is one LIMITS TO VISION?
of the most remarkable consequences of As students begin to understand that their best
Bates' thirty-five years of research on natural vision is in the center of the visual field, some
vision. Bates created a holistic model of vision ask, "Exactly how small is the area of cen-
which says: if we have a stressful, mentally tralization?" I do not believe anyone knows
diffused lifestyle, our vision will be diffused the answer to that question. Theoretical cal-
and blurry. If we have a relaxed, centered culations of the limit of sight have been made
lifestyle, our vision is centered and clear. The based on the area of the cones in the fovea,

design of the retina, with its central cones and but this does not take into consideration any
peripheral rods, teaches us how to live in other mental and physical aspects of sight.

cooperation with principles of nature. The Earlier we learned that 20/20 sight is vision
benefits to the student are immeasurable. which sees Vs" letters twenty feet away. Much
Our vision is, in many ways, a barometer better vision than 20/20 is possible.
of the way we live. Quoting again from Perfect Sight Without

It is Easier with Practice . . . Complete reversals, which mean the

As vision improves, the experience of better attainment, not of what is ordinarily called

clarity in the center makes normal sight, but of a measure of telescopic

centralizing eas-
and microscopic vision, are very rare. Even

166 • Relearning to See

Chapter Ten: The Second Principle — Centralization
in these cases, too, the practice can be con- ment copy of Homer's Iliad was enclosed
tinued with benefit; for it is impossible to in a nutshell. He also records the case of a
place limits to the visual powers of man, man who could see 123 miles. Marcus Varro
and no matter how good the sight, it is also gives this man's name, which was
always possible to improve it. Strabo, and Punic Wars he
states that in the
"... There is now living in New York was in the habit of telling from the promon-
State," [Oliver Wendell Holmes] says, "an tory of Lilybaeum in Sicily the actual num-
old gentleman who, perceiving his sight to ber of ships in a fleet that was passing out
fail, immediately took to exercising it on from the harbour at Carthage." 3 7 -

the finest print, and in this way fairly bul-

lied Nature out of her foolish habit of tak-

Several people have told me they can read
ing liberties at five-and-forty, or thereabout. the copyright on the eye chart twenty feet

And now this old gentleman performs the away.

most extraordinary feats with his pen, As mentioned earlier, the husband of one
showing that his eyes must be a pair of of my students has 20/5 vision. This is four
microscopes. I should be afraid to say how times better than 20/20 sight.
much he writes in the compass of a half- Better than 20/20 vision is possible by refin-
dime —whether the Psalms or the Gospels, ing the principles and habits of natural see-
or the Psalms and the Gospels.
positive." 3
I won't be ing —
smaller centralizing, more subtle
movements and oppositional movements, a
. . .The primitive memory as well as prim-
more relaxed, receptive attitude of seeing,
itive keenness of vision has been found
better abdominal breathing, and softer (and
among and if the neces-
civilized people;
frequent) blinking.
sary tests had been made it would doubt-
less have been found that they always occur

together, as they did in a case which

recently came under my observation. The
subject was a child of ten with such mar-
velous eyesight that she could see the • 1. DEMONSTRATE:
moons of Jupiter with the naked eye, a fact Hold this book in your hands and, while
which was demonstrated by her drawing a sketching the middle of Figure 10-6: Con-
diagram of these satellites which exactly centric Circles (next page), shake and tilt this
corresponded to the diagrams made by per- motion. Notice Concen-
page in a circular if
sons who had used a telescope. Her mem-
tric Circles seems to spin!
ory was equally remarkable.
Now, while sketching the word "TRUST,"
Everyman's Library. 1908. pp. 166-167.
continue to move this book in a tilting and
circular motion. Since the rods pick up move-

ment better than the cones, you may notice

much more spinning within the circles while
Steve Richards writes: they are in the peripheral vision.

"Keenness of sight has achieved instances

transcending belief in the highest degree," Pliny, Natural History. London: The Loeb Classical
wrote Pliny. "Cicero records that a parch- Library, 1958-1963, Book 7, Chapter 21.

Relearning to See • 1 67
Note: If you do not see two near pencils,
you are either not doing this activity correctly,

or the brain is switching off one of the pen-

cils. For the former, ask a Natural Vision
teacher to show you how to do this activity

correctly. For the latter, see Chapter 18,

"Stereoscopic Vision."
If the pencil is aligned exactly in front of
your nose. Object F will be exactly in the mid-
dle of the two pencils. The two pencils form
a "window" or "gate."
Move the pencil a little closer to your head,

and then a little farther out. Notice that the

closer the pencil, the wider the window; the
farther the pencil, the narrower the window.
Return the pencil to the original six inches
distance from the nose.
Figure 10-6: Concentric Circles.
Trust your peripheral vision! The more you SWING FOR CENTRALIZING
centralize and move, the better the rods pick Now, as if your pencil and hand were
up peripheral movements. Staring and strain- attached to your head, move the pencil, hand,
ing to see lower the ability of the rods to pick arm, and head together slowly to the left, all

up peripheral movements. in unison. Do not tilt the pencil or head—just

turn them all together. As you move, keep
*2A. GETTING THE CENTRALIZING your attention on the objects in the distance
WINDOW (OR GATE) which are within the window. This may take
Notice a far object, Object F, straight out some practice.
in front of you at least ten feet away. Hold a Notice that the objects in the center of the
pencil in front of you vertically; the eraser window are more clear than the objects out-
should be at the top. Hold the bottom of the side of the window. The window reminds us
pencil near your mouth; the top of the pen- to notice one point best at a time, and there-
cil should be near the forehead. Move the fore is an excellent centralizing game. Peo-
pencil out about six inches from your head. ple who have blur try, mostly subconsciously,
For this activity do not bring your attention to see the objects outside of the window as
to the pencil! clearly or equally as the objects that are in
Ideally, you should notice two partially the center of the window. This strains vision.
transparent pencils, not one! One of the pen- To make a Vision Halo (a centralization
cils is to the right of Object F; it is seen by the halo) thatmoves a vertical bar automatically
left eye. The other pencil is to the left of with your head, refer to Chapter 18, "Stereo-
Object F; it is seen by the right eye. scopic Vision."

168 • Relearning to See

Chapter Ten: The Second Principle — Centralization
In extremely low levels of light the cones do
not register light. Only the rods function.
Since there are no rods in the center of the
fovea, there is no sight available exactly in
the center of the visual field in "true night-
time" vision. This special situation is covered
more in Chapter 17, "The Retina."


In this chapter, you have proven that it is

impossible to see clearly without centraliza-

tion. A person who wants to see clearly needs
to relearn to have his visual attention where
clarity is — in the center — all day long.
If you reflect on the ideas in this chapter
Figure 10-j: Get the "Point" of Centralizing?
for a few days, and if you do not have natural,

you will most likely discover that

clear vision,
you diffuse your vision frequently and for changed accordingly in this book. The publisher
long periods of time. You can now begin to of Bates' 1920 book Perfect Sight Without Glasses

change this strained, diffused way of seeing was Central Fixation Publishing Co.
back to centralization. Remember, "Think Mary Dudderidge, "New Light Upon Our Eyes:
small!" An Investigation Which May Result in Normal
Vision for All, Without Glasses," in Scientific
Ultimately, only movement and central-
American. (January 12, 1918), p. 61.
ization are relaxing; rigidity and diffusion are
a strain. In the next chapter we study the most
W H. Bates, "The Reversal of Errors of Refrac-
tion in the New
by Education Without Glasses"
important principle of all — relaxation.
May 8, 1915.
York Medical Journal,
Mary Dudderidge, "New Light Upon Our
Eyes," p. 61.
Notes Fritz Kahn, "The Eye," Man in Structure and
Bates used the phrase "central fixation" in many Function (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943),
of his writings. This phrase has been changed to p. 665.
"centralization" or "centralizing" by many Nat- Margaret D. Corbett, Help Yourself to Better
ural Vision teachers, including myself, because Sight (North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Book
the word "fixation" could be misunderstood by Co.. 1949), p. 203.
students to mean "staring" or "locking." "Cen- Steve Richards, "How to Extend Your Sight,"
tralizing" better describes the mental process Invisibility (Wellingborough. Northamptonshire,
of seeing one point at a time clearly and best. England: The Aquarian Press, 1982), p. 52.

All references to "central fixation" have been

Relearning to See • 1 69

Chapter Eleven

The Third Principle —Relaxation


11 \r~(t^ H M^€^g£ 11 K '1 \>~\ J 1 r%f) J

Figure u-i: "Relaxation" Reprinted with permission from Annie Buttons.

Vision can be improved by natural methods. RELAXATION

Tension causes eye strain. Relaxation relieves Relaxation is the third, and most important,
this tension. Normal eyes are always relaxed. principle of natural vision. The two principles
Vision should come to the eye effortlessly as
discussed in the two previous chapters
scent to the nostrils, music to the ears, touch of
velvet to the finger tips.
movement and centralization —and the three
habits of natural seeing are based on relax-
—Margaret Y. Ferguson, D.C., 1945 ation, especially of the mind.

The moon in the lake is

The initial tendency is for many natural
reflection of the
clear only when the water is calm. vision students to strain to see better. Bates

—Chinese proverb stated that most vision problems are due to

strain. Poor vision habits create excessive
strain, and lower sight.

Everything Bates discovered and taught

regarding natural vision is based on relax-

Relearning to See • IJl

. —


ation. Children and animals never strain to always the same, namely relaxation.
see. Natural, clear vision occurs automatically By constant repetition and frequent

and subconsciously. demonstration and by all means possible,

the fact must be impressed upon the stu-
BATES ON RELAXATION dent that perfect sight can be obtained only
by relaxation. Nothing else matters. [TQ
In the beginning of Perfect Sight Without
Glasses, Bates emphasizes the importance of
Most people, when told that rest, or
the principle of relaxation to normal vision. relaxation, will reverse their eye troubles,
ask why sleep does not do so. The answer
THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE to this question was given in Chapter VII
... Do you observe also that the harder you [of Perfect Sight Without Glasses].The eyes
try to see the worse you see? Now close are rarely, if ever, completely relaxed in
your eyes and rest them ... If you have sleep, and if they are under a strain when
been able to relax . you will have
. . . .

the subject is awake, that strain will cer-

improved or clear vision . .

tainly be continued during sleep, to a

greater or less degree, just as a strain of
Bates not only taught relaxation as the key other parts of the body is continued.
to natural, clear vision, he discovered that The idea that it rests the eyes not to use
many situations people avoid —because of them is also erroneous. The eyes were made
popular misconceptions about what is harm- to see with, and if when they are open they

ful or beneficial to sight — are, in fact, oppor- do not see, it is because they are under such

tunities to master greater levels of relaxation. a strain and have such a great error of

Examples include reading fine print, reading

refraction that they cannot see. Near vision,
although accomplished by a muscular act,
in dim light, and reading while commuting.
is no more a strain on them than is distant
How these situations, commonly thought to
vision, although accomplished without the
be a strain to sight, can be used to improve
intervention of the muscles. The use of the
sight, is discussed in Chapter 22, "Reading
muscles does not necessarily produce
For All Ages." fatigue. [The eye muscles are much more
From Perfect Sight Without Glasses: powerful than they need to be to perform
their normal functions.] Some men can run
Fortunately, all persons are able to relax for hours without becoming tired. Many
under certain conditions at will. In all birds support themselves upon one foot
uncomplicated errors of refraction the during sleep, the toes tightly clasping the
strain to see can be relieved, temporarily,
swaying bough and the muscles remaining
by having the student look at a blank wall unfatigued by the apparent strain. Fabre
without trying to see. To secure permanent tells of an insect which hung back down-
relaxation sometimes requires consider- ward for ten months from the roof of its
able time . . . The ways
which people in wire cage, and in that position performed
strain to see are infinite, and the methods
all the functions of life, even to mating and
used to relieve the strain must be almost laying its eggs. Those who fear the effect of
equally varied. Whatever the method that
civilization, with its numerous demands for
brings most relief, however, the end is near vision, upon the eye may take courage

I72 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eleven: The Third Principle —Relaxation

from the example of this marvelous little an effort. It is interesting to demonstrate
animal which, in a state of nature, hangs by that these two beliefs are very far from the
its feet only at intervals, but in captivity can truth. As a matter of fact it requires an
do it for ten months on end. the whole of effort to fail to see and it requires no effort
its life's span, apparently without inconve- to have normal sight.

nience or fatigue. 3 In every case of imperfect sight whether

The fact is that when mind
the is at rest due to nearsightedness or to any injury it

nothing can tire the eyes, and when the mind can always be demonstrated that the nerves
is under a strain nothing can rest them. Any- of the whole body are under a strain and
thing that rests the mind will benefit the in every case of perfect vision it can be

eyes. Almost everyone has observed that demonstrated that no effort whatever is
the eyes tire less quickly when reading an made When you have imperfect sight
. . .

interestingbook than when perusing some- and look at the first letter of a line of let-
thing tiresome or difficult to comprehend. ters on the Snellen Card which you cannot

A schoolboy can sit up all night reading a read you can always note that you do not
novel without even thinking of his eyes, but see the first letter or any other letter bet-
if he tried to sit up all night studying his ter than the rest. Usually the whole line
lessons he would soon find his eyes getting looks pretty much the same shade of gray.
very tired. A child whose vision was ordi- Why is Because you are trying to see

narily so acute that she could see the the whole line at once ... if you try to do
of Jupiter with the naked eye became the impossible, try to see the whole line of
myopic when asked to do a sum in mental letters at once [clearly] you will always fail,

arithmetic, mathematics being a subject because you will have to make an effort. It

which was extremely distasteful to her is not an easy thing at all to fail, it is diffi-

cult, you have to try, or you make an effort
The Wonders of Instinct, English translation by
de Mattos and Miall. 1918, pp. 36-38. to do the impossible in order to fail. To
prove that imperfect sight is more difficult

and requires hard work, a great deal of

trouble, and much effort, is a great benefit.
Better Eyesight magazine, June 1923:

When a person has normal sight the eye is Better Eyesight magazine, January 1924:

at rest, and when the eye is at rest, strange "The normal eye is only at rest when it is

to say, it is always moving to avoid the stare. moving


Better Eyesight magazine, March 1924:

Better Eyesight magazine, October 1923

Imperfect sight is the result of hard work;
(some of this material is repeated from the 1.

effort produces strain; perfect sight is

previous chapter):
attained with ease; lack of effort produces
Most people with imperfect sight when
2. Tension indicates imperfect relaxation;
they look at the Snellen Card at twenty feet
believe that they see imperfectly without
stare, effort, trying to see —these interfere
with perfect vision.
any effort or staring. Some people feel that
3. Under strain one cannot imagine, re-
to have perfect sight requires something of
member, nor see perfectly.

Relearning to See • 1 73


Better Eyesight magazine. December 1925 without shifting is hard work. To see imper-

(notice how Bates combines the three prin- fectly is difficult . . . Imperfect sight or a fail-

ciples of normal vision —movement, central- ure to see requires much trouble and hard
work. This fact should be demonstrated
ization, and relaxation):
repeatedly by the student until thoroughly

SHIFTING convinced that rest of the eyes, mind or

... All persons with normal eyes and nor-
body can only be obtained by shifting eas-
ily, continuously, and without effort.
mal sight do not concentrate or try to see

by any effort. Their eyes are at rest, and

when the eyes are at rest, they are con- Better Eyesight magazine. January 1926
stantly moving. When the eyes move, one (repeated from the Movement chapter):
is able to imagine stationary objects, in turn, "SWINGING make no effort to imagine
to be moving in the direction opposite of stationary objects to be moving."
the head and eyes. It is impossible to imag- Better Eyesight magazine, October 1927:
ine, with equal clearness, a number of "... relaxation is always a benefit, not only to
objects to be moving at the same time, and
the eyes, but to all the nerves of the body."
an effort to do so is a strain which impairs
Better Eyesight magazine. December 1927:
the vision, the memory, or the imagination.
To try to do the impossible is a strain which
Question: Trying to make things move gives
always lowers the mental efficiency. This
me a headache . . . Why?
fact should be emphasized. Many students
Answer: Making an effort to do a thing will
have difficulty in imagining stationary
not help you. When you are walking along
objects to be moving opposite to the move-
the street, the street should appear to go in
ments of the eyes or head . . . When pain,
the opposite direction without effort on
fatigue or other symptoms are present, it
your part . .

always means that the individual is con-

Question: Why do "movies" hurt my eyes
sciously or unconsciously trying to imag-
when they should benefit them?
ine stationary objects are not moving. The
Answer: Unconscious strain. Do not stare
effect is a strain . . .The right way to shift is
at the pictures, but allow the eyes [and
to move the eyes [and head] from one
head] to roam over the whole picture, see-
point to another slowly, regularly, continu-
ing one part best. Also keep things swing-
ously, restfully or easily without effort or
without trying to see . . . When the vision is

imperfect, objects not observed may be

seen better, or an effort is made to see them
Better Eyesight magazine. March 1928:

better than those directly observed. In fact,

it is always true, that in all cases of imper-
When the period [or any other small object
of interest] has a slow, short, easy swing, the
fect sight, the eyes do not see best where
they are looking and centralization is lost.
eye is at rest and when it is at rest it is

To shift properly requires relaxation or always moving to prevent concentration,


To improperly and lower the vision

trying to see and other efforts to improve
requires an effort. When one stares at a the vision.

point without blinking or shifting, fatigue, It has been demonstrated that when the
distress or pain is felt. To continue to stare
vision is good, any effort, no matter how

174 • Releaming to See

Chapter Eleven: The Third Principle —Relaxation
slight, always impairs or lowers it. When to do anything well requires effort. This
this truth is demonstrated, it follows that idea is drilled into us from our cradles. The
normal vision cannot be obtained when an whole educational systemis based upon it;

effort is employed. and wonderful results

in spite of the
. . .With perfect sight, no blur is seen, and attained by Montessori through the total
the eves are at rest. elimination of every species of compulsion
in the educational process, educators who
call themselves modern still cling to the
MORE ON RELAXATION club, under various disguises, as a neces-
sary auxiliary to the process of imparting
Ophthalmologist R. S. Agarwal writes:
Preservation of good eyesight is almost It is as natural for the eye to see as it is

impossible without proper eye education for the mind to acquire knowledge, and any
and mental relaxation. The quieter the effort in either case is not only useless, but
mind, the better is the eyesight pre- defeats the end in view. You may force a
served 2 found this view card of Taj
I few facts into a child's mind by various
Mahal more charming and beautiful, very kinds of compulsion, but you cannot make
relaxing to the mind. Anything which it learn anything. The facts remain, if they
relaxes the mind is a benefit to the eye- remain at all, as dead lumber in the brain.
sight. They contribute nothing to the vital
processes of thought; and because they
Jacob Liberman, Ph.D., O.D., writes in
were not acquired naturally and not assim-
Light: Medicine of the Future, "... our eyes
ilated, they destroy the natural impulse of
are meant to see for us, if we let them. In the mind toward the acquisition of knowl-
other words, vision is meant to be effortless^ 4 edge, and by the time the child leaves
Aldous Huxley writes, "Learn to combine school or college, as the case may be, it not
relaxation with activity; learn to do what you only knows nothing but is, in the majority

have to do without strain; work hard, but of cases,no longer capable of learning.
never under tension." 5 In the same way you may temporarily

A mother rocks her baby to sleep. Move- improve the sight by effort, but you cannot

ment is relaxing.
improve it to normal, and if the effort is
allowed to become continuous, the sight
Vision is primarily a receptive activity.
will steadily deteriorate and may eventu-
ally be destroyed. Very seldom is the
impairment or destruction of vision due to
From Chapter X, "Strain," in Perfect Sight
any fault in the construction of the eye. Of
Without Glasses: two equally good pairs of eyes one will

retain perfect sight to the end of life, and

Temporary conditions may contribute to the other will lose it in the kindergarten,
the strain to see which results in the pro- simply because one looks at things without
duction of errors of refraction; but its foun- effort and the other does not.
dation lies in wrong habits of thought. In The eye with normal sight never tries to
attempting to relieve it the physician has see. If for any reason, such as the dimness
continually to struggle against the idea that of the light, or the distance of the object, it

Releaming to See • 1 75


cannot see a particular point, it shifts to of hearing, sight, taste, smell and touch — is

another. It never tries to bring out the point one of They can be acted upon; they

by staring at it, as the eye with imperfect cannot act. The optic nerve, the retina and
sight is constantly doing. the visual centers of the brain are as pas-
Whenever the eye tries to see, it at once sive as the finger-nail. They have nothing
ceases to have normal vision. A person may whatever in their structure that makes it
look at the stars with normal vision; but if possible for them to do anything, and when
he tries to count the stars in any particular they are the subject of effort from outside
constellation, he will probably become sources their efficiency is always impaired.
myopic, because the attempt to do these The mind is the source of all such efforts
things usually results in an effort to see. from outside sources brought to bear upon
One person was able to look at the letter the eye. Every thought of effort in the
K on the Snellen card with normal vision, mind, of whatever sort, transmits a motor
but when asked to count its twenty-seven impulse to the eye; and every such impulse
corners he lost it completely. causes a deviation from the normal in the
It obviously requires a strain to fail to shape of the eyeball and lessens the sen-
see at the distance, because the eye at rest sitiveness of the center of sight. If one wants

is adjusted for distant vision. If one does to have perfect sight, therefore, one must
anything when one wants to see at the dis- have no thought of effort in the mind. [TQ
tance, one must do the wrong thing. The emphasis.] Mental strain of any kind always
shape of the eyeball cannot be altered dur- produces a conscious or unconscious eye-
ing distant vision without strain. It is equally strain and if the strain takes the form of an
a strain to fail to see at the near point, effort to see, an error of refraction is always
because when the muscles respond to the produced Unfamiliar objects produce
mind's desire they do it without strain. Only eyestrain and a consequent error of refrac-
by an effort can one prevent the eye from tion, because they first produce mental
elongating at the near point. strain. A person may have good vision
The eye possesses perfect vision only when he is telling the truth: but if he states
when it is absolutely at rest what is not true, even with no intent to
Things are seen, just as they are felt, or deceive, or if he imagines what is not true,
heard, or tasted, without effort or volition an error of refraction will be produced
on the part of the subject. When sight is Mental strain may produce many dif-
perfect the letters on the Snellen card are ferent kinds of eyestrain. According to the
waiting, perfectly black and perfectly dis- statement of most authorities there is only
tinct, to be recognized. They do not have one kind of eyestrain, an indefinite thing
to be sought; they are there. In imperfect resulting from so-called overuse of the eyes,
sight they are sought and chased. The eye or an effort to overcome a wrong shape of
goes after them. An effort is made to see the eyeball. It can be demonstrated, how-
them. ever, that there is not only a different strain
The muscles of the body are supposed for each different error of refraction, but a
never to be at rest. The blood-vessels, with different strain for most abnormal condi-
their muscular coats, are never at rest. Even tions of the eye
in sleep thought does not cease. But the The health of the eye depends upon the
normal condition of the nerves of sense blood, and circulation is very largely influ-

176 • Releaming to See

Chapter Eleven: The Third Principle —Relaxation

enced by thought. When thought is nor- rection is momentary. When it becomes

mal that is. not attended by any excite- permanent, the correction is permanent.

ment or strain the circulation in the brain This relaxation cannot, however, be
is normal, the supply of blood to the optic obtained by any sort of effort. It is funda-
nerve and the visual centers is normal, and mental that students should understand
the vision is perfect. When thought is this; for so long as they think, consciously
abnormal the circulation is disturbed, the or unconsciously, that relief from strain may
supply of blood to the optic nerve and be obtained by another strain their rever-
visual centers is altered, and the vision low- sal will be delayed.
ered. We can consciously think thoughts
which disturb the circulation and lower the From Bates' writing above, it is clear that
visual power; we can also consciously think strain is the cause of most vision problems.
thoughts that will restore normal circula- The individual with blurred vision is inter-
tion, and thereby reverse, not only all errors
fering with the normal, relaxed way of using
of refraction, but many other abnormal
the mind and body.
conditions of the eyes. We cannot by any
Better Eyesight magazine, September 1920:
amount of effort make ourselves see, but
by learning to control our thoughts we can
accomplish that end indirectly.
. . . eyestrain has always been demon-
You can teach people how to produce
strated when fatigue was present, and that
any error of refraction, how to produce a
fatigue has always been relieved when eye-
squint [strabismus], how to see two images
strain was relieved. Perfect sight is perfect
of an object, one above another, or side by
rest, and cannot coexist with fatigue
side, or at any desired angle from one
Sleepiness is a common symptom of habit-
another, simply by teaching them how to
ual eyestrain, and when the sight improves
think in a particular way. When the dis-
the need for sleep is often markedly
turbing thought is replaced by one that
relaxes, the squint disappears, the double
vision and the errors of refraction are cor-
rected; and this is as true of abnormalities
of long standing as of those produced vol-
untarily. No matter what their degree or
their duration their reversal is accom-
plished just as soon as the person is able to
secure mental control. The cause of any
error of refraction, of a squint, or of any
other functional disturbance of the eye, is

simply a thought —a wrong thought—and

the reversal is as quick as the thought that
relaxes. In a fraction of a second the high-
est degrees of refractive error may be cor-
rected, a squint may disappear, or the
Figure 11-2: Stress.
blindness of amblyopia may be relieved. If
the relaxation is only momentary, the cor-

Relearning to See • 1 77


Optometrist Bruce May states: "Essentially, porary, is now becoming constant. She also

myopia appears to be the response of the says that she hears conversation better than
6 she used to.
total person to some form of stress."

An optician told one of my students, "The

only time I need my bifocals is when I have
a lot of stress."
Relaxation is the basis of natural, clear vision.
RELAXATION— THE HEARING Whatever a student does to secure a greater

CONNECTION relaxation automatically supports better vision.

See Figure 9-7: The Vestibulo- Ocular Con- Many students have changed their ways of
living to improve their vision. Several of my
her book Help students have quit stressful jobs they felt were
Margaret Corbett writes in

Yourself to Better Sight: not only interfering with relaxed vision habits,
but were interfering with their overall health
All the special senses work together
and happiness.
seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touch-
Some students have started massage ther-
ing. If the nerves governing one of these
apy or other forms of natural healing to
special senses are tense, all are tense — if

erate the release of tension created by
relaxed, all are relaxed. We who teach eye
relaxation always notice that, as we build years of strained vision habits.

vision, the hearing becomes more acute.

7 Most people would agree that stress is a
major problem in our society today. Some
From Better Eyesight magazine, March researchers have shown that stress levels have
risen exponentially in the last several decades.

Vision improves automatically by elimi-

Along with the improvement in her eyes
nating the incorrect, strained vision habits we
has been a considerable improvement in
acquired which lowered the vision in the first
her hearing. Noises in her ears which she
describes as a "ringing and a singing" are
place. Clarity is automatic.

promptly relieved by palming, and she says A balloon floats on the top of the water
that the relief, which at first was only tem- automatically. But, if enough weights are

Graphics© 1 995 Annie Buttons. Eagle*Eye/NEI

Figure 11-3: "A Buoy." Reprinted with permission from Annie Buttons.

I78 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eleven: The Third Principle —Relaxation
attached to the balloon, it will sink to the bot- If the student of natural vision accepts the
tom of the sea. Straining to push the balloon idea that the re-establishment of visual relax-
to the surface again will only fail. It will keep ation is the key to normal vision, the ques-
falling to the bottom of the sea over and over tion then becomes, "What is visual
again. The solution is to simply remove the relaxation?" The answer is found in the three

weights from the balloon. It then automati- habits of natural seeing — Sketch (Shift),
cally floats to the surface again. No effort is Breathe, and Blink, discussed next.



Margaret Y. Ferguson, "The Dr. Bates Method
of Eye Training" in the Journal of the Califor-
nia Chiropractic Association, December 1945,
Figure 11-4: E=mc 2 .

R. S. Agarwal, Mind and Vision (Pondicherry,
Bates wrote in the May 8, 1915, issue of the India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1983), p. 1.

New York Medical Journal: 3

Ibid., p. 146.
Jacob Liberman, Light: Medicine of the Future
The sole cause of all uncomplicated or (Santa Fe: Bear & Co., 1991), p. xx.
functional errors of refraction is a conscious 5
Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing (New York:
or an unconscious effort or strain to see. Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1942), p. 37.
The only solution to this strain is relaxation. 6
Bruce May, Rx for Nearsightedness: Stress-
Relaxation or rest of the eyes is accom- Relieving Lenses, Optometric Extension Pro-
plished only by centralization. 8 gram Foundation pamphlet (1981).
Margaret D. Corbett, Help Yourself to Better
In the beginning, students often think that Sight (North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Book

the three principles of natural vision are sep- Co., 1949), p. 201.

arate from each other. But as they re-inte-

William H. Bates, "The Reversal of Errors of
Refraction by Education Without Glasses" in
grate these three principles more each day,
the New York Medical Journal, May 8, 1915.
they realize that movement goes with cen-
tralization which goes with relaxation.

Releaming to See • 1 79

The Three Habits

of Natural Vision

The three habits of natural seeing are

Sketching (Shifting). Breathing, and
Chapter Twelve

The First Habit —Sketching (Shifting)

Better Eyesight magazine, September 1927:

Shift your glance constantly from one point

to another, seeing the part regarded best
and other parts not so clearly. That is, when
Sketching, or "shifting" as Bates called it, is you look at a chair, do not try to see the

the first habit of natural vision. Sketching whole object at once; look first at the back

teaches the student two of the three princi- of it, seeing that part best and other parts

ples of normal sight —movement and

worse — This is centralizing Your head
and eyes are moving all day long.
centralization. Movement and centralization
were discussed extensively in previous
One might think that in order to see an
object clearly, one must lock the sight rigidly
onto the object of interest. The opposite is

Figure 12-1: Sketching vs. Staring.

Releaming to See • 1 83
the case. Never lock your vision; sketch or Many modern Bates teachers have utilized
shift to different objects all day long. the idea of a nose-helper to teach shifting.
Better Eyesight magazine, December 1927: The nose-helpers include the nose-pencil for
"sketching" objects, the nose-feather for
The importance of practicing certain parts "brushing," the nose-paintbrush for "paint-
of the routine habits at all times, such as ing," the nose-crayon for "drawing," and/or
blinking, centralizing .... and imagining sta-
the nose-laser beam for "beaming."
tionary objects to be moving opposite to the
Natural vision students can use one, some,
movement of the head and eyes, is stressed.
all. or none of the nose-helpers.
Sketching, shifting, swinging, swaying, dodg-
In the last two quotes from Bates, in using
ing, brushing, painting, drawing, and beam-
the phrases "all day long" and "at all times,"
ing all refer to the same habit. These words
it is clear that the Bates method is not about
can be used interchangeably. They all teach
"eye exercises." Natural vision habits are the
the student to move and centralize.
keys to normal sight. As I like to remind my
students frequently, the three habits of nat- SKETCHING WITH THE NOSE-PENCIL
ural vision are not necessary more than
Sketching involves an imaginary nose-pen-
twenty-four hours per day!
cil. The student pretends the erasure end of
From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
the pencil is attached to the tip of the nose
using imaginary super-glue. The student can
Shifting may be done slowly or rapidly,
according to the state of the vision. At the
then "sketch" the world all day long.
beginning the person will be likely to strain Characteristics of the imaginary nose-
if he too rapidly; and then the point
shifts pencil are:
shifted from will not be seen worse, and
1. It is thin and weightless; sketching is
there will be no swing. As improvement
easy and effortless;
is made, the speed can be increased. It is

usually impossible, however, to realize the

2. It becomes longer and shorter as you
swing if the shifting is more rapid than two sketch far objects, then midrange
or three times a second. objects, then near objects and back
again; it changes its length
"To realize the swing" means to notice instantaneously and automatically; and
the illusion of oppositional movement, dis- 3. The point of the pencil touches the
cussed in the Chapter 9, "The First Princi- object you are sketching at all times.
ple— Movement," and Chapter 10, "The The nose-pencil is a way of visually
Second Principle — Centralization." "reconnecting" to the world. (Blurry,
diffused vision is a "disconnection"
THE NOSE-HELPERS from objects in the world.)

See Plate 11: The Nose-Helpers.

In the beginning, the simplest and easiest
Bates referred to first habit of natural
form of sketching is "edging" or "outlining."
vision in various ways — shifting, swinging,
Simply trace the shape of a tree, house, flower,
swaying, and dodging (the stare).
door, and so on. In art. students are taught to

184 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twelve: The First Habit —Sketching (Shifting)

first draw the outline of an object, and then tance. Bates and many other researchers have
to fill in the details. So it is with the sketch- proven it is impossible to see clearly while
ing habit. For example, after sketching the staring. Ultimately, staring must be eliminated
outline of a house, sketch the windows, doors, to have normal vision.
curtains, chimney, shutters, walkway, and so If it seems to the reader Iam belaboring
on. Interest, curiosity, and discovery are key the issue of not staring — I am doing so on
characteristics of normal sight. Similarly, after purpose. The staring habit is deeply ingrained
sketching the outline of a tree, sketch the in many and the importance of
branches and leaves. relearning natural movement and central-
ization cannot be overemphasized. Repeti-
tion is an important part of teaching students
Vision Functions by Edges how to improve their sight.
Cover the middle vertical edge of Plate 12:
The Edge with your finger, a ruler, or pencil.
Does the right half now look the same as the The Picture is Inside, not Outside
left half?! What is happening? The picture we see is not out in the world.
Sight functions primarily by detecting Objects are out in the world, and light rays

edges. The Edge is composed of two identi- from those objects enter our eyes. Light rays
cal gradients. Both gradients are lighter on land on the retina, and then, stimulated light

the right, and gradually become darker receptors send messages along the optic nerve
toward the left. The edge in the middle to the brain. The picture we see is formed in

appears where the darker edge of the right the brain.

gradient meets with the lighter edge of the So, in reality, we are sketching the picture
left gradient! However, when this edge is cov- created in and by the brain. You might think
ered, the eyes no longer have a "clue" as to about sketching as if you were a one-inch-tall

the change between the two gradients. person sitting inside of your brain and sketch-
Show this page to a friend with the middle ing the picture formed inside your brain.
edge covered with a ruler. Ask your friend if This is one reason straining to see does not

there is any difference between the left side make any sense. If the picture were out in the
of the right half and the right side of the left world, it might make sense to strain to see
half. Then take away the ruler. Surprise! it out there. But the picture is not out there;
it is in the brain. A person who is straining to

see is straining to see the picture inside the

Move the Head, Not Just the Eyes brain. I call this "brain strain." This makes no
The nose-pencil is attached to the nose to sense, because there are no muscles in the
remind us to move the head not just the — brain! Perfect, normal sight requires no effort,

eyes. By moving the head while keeping our and Bates frequently stated that any effort

primary interest where the nose-pencil is to see lowers vision.

touching, it is impossible to stare. The nose-pencil reconnects the student to

The purpose of sketching is to eliminate herself inside the brain. Blur is not caused by
the habit of staring. This is of greatest impor- external stimuli so much as how a person

Relearning to See • 1 85


responds internally to the external stimuli. VARIATIONS ON NOSE-PENCIL
The return to clarity is a reflection of an indi- SKETCHING
vidual's return to a normal, healthy state of Four variations on the nose-pencil are the
internal relaxation —a return to a balance with Nose-Feather, the Nose-Paintbrush, the Nose-
nature. Crayon, and the Nose-Laser Beam.

Artificial Improvement Is Not The Nose-Feather

Sufficient The nose-feather image is especially valuable
Any form of artificial eyesight "correction" in learning the ease of natural seeing. It is also
will never address the real cause of blurred helpful in improving texture awareness. The
vision. The original strain remains until it is nose-feather is not wide, like a fluffy plume
released by the individual. Natural clarity and (sorry), because a wide feather could encour-
blur are in the hands of the individual —and age diffusion. A thin feather reminds the stu-
no one else. The purpose of natural vision dent to centralize.
classes is to educate an individual how he can One elderly woman I taught kept com-
re-establish his own normal vision. plaining every week that she just could not
Some people subconsciously and "sponta- "get" the nose-feather image on her nose. In
neously" re-establish their own natural, clear the last class, she said she had good news and
sight. Since returning to clarity can be accom- bad news. "I finally 'got' the nose-feather
plished without even knowing what to do, a but now I can't get rid of it! It is there on my
student can return to clarity by knowing what nose everywhere I go!"
to do.


Sometimes Bates' term "shifting" will feel
more natural than "sketching" or "brushing."
For example, if you are interested in pebbles
on a beach The Pebble Game), you might

"shift" from one to another. But, if you are

watching a bird flying over a field, following
it with a smooth nose-feather motion might
feelmore natural. As long as the principles
of movement and centralization are incor-
porated, and you are not straining to see, you
are practicing the first habit of natural vision The nose-paintbrush is excellent for that artist
correctly. inside all of us. Aldous Huxley's natural vision
Movement + Centralization = Sketching improvement book is appropriately entitled
or Shifting. The Art of Seeing. Fortunately, there is an infi-
nite supply of imaginary paint to paint the
world for your entire lifetime!

1 86 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twelve: The First Habit —Sketching (Shifting)

The Nose-Crayon Visualizing means you can actually "see" the

Children enjoy "nose-doodling" with the objectyou are creating in your mind as if it —
nose-crayon. Teach your children to nose- were actually in front of you. Visualizing is
doodle, breathe, and blink all day long! not necessary for improving vision.


the "High-Tech" Nose-Helper ARE
The nose-laser beam is the "high-tech" vision Some students say they do not like any of the
improvement helper. Pretend the nose-laser nose-helpers. This is fine as long as the stu-
beam illuminates the small point where you dent relearns movement and centralization.
are centralizing. Everything around that point Bates did not use any nose-helpers while
is less clear. This is a powerful image for many teaching his students to improve their vision.
students. The nose-helpers are simply a playful way to
began using the nose-laser beam after
I help re-integrate two of the three key prin-
observing a student tilting his head down ciples —movement and centralization.

much of the time in the first few classes. When Bates taught his students to "shift." Shift-

I asked him if he was using his nose-feather, ing includes both movement and centraliza-
which he obviously wasn't, he answered, "No. tion. Specific activities Bates created —for
It is too heavy!" He had excellent progress example, the Long Swing and the Sway
after switching to the nose-laser beam. were designed to teach students to move and
centralize all day long. If the student relearns

the principles and habits of natural vision

without a nose-helper, there will be no dis-

advantage in the long run.

Remember, people with normal sight usu-

ally are not aware of the correct habits they

are using all day long.
Some students tell me they cannot "imagine." EXERCISE; IT IS A HABIT!
This is not true. Everyone can imagine. I have Sketching, or shifting, is the correct way of
not had one student in thirteen years of teach- seeing the world — all day long. It is not an
ing who told me they could not imagine paint- eye exercise. It is the first of the three key
ing a large pink elephant when their eyelids vision habits.
were closed! The key to Bates' work was not "eye exer-

Some students prefer the word "pretend" cises" —as many people mistakenly believe.

instead of imagine. Everyone can pretend. People who talk about "Bates eye exercises"

Children frequently pretend while playing often do not understand Bates' work. Many
games. people fail with the eye-exercise approach
I do not teach "visualizing" to my students. because the habits of natural seeing are not

Relearning to See • 1 87
relearned. Exercises are practiced for a short
time each day; vision habits are for twenty- What we see is conscious; but how we see is

four hours per day. meant to be subconscious. I believe this is one

It is not due to not doing "eye exercises " the of the reasons people have so many problems
vision became blurred — it is due to the for- with their vision. Too much conscious atten-
mation of strained vision habits. Therefore, tion is directed to the eyes. People use eye-
eye exercises are not the solution to blur. glasses, contact lenses, unnecessary eye drugs,
Bates discovered how we are meant to see and eye surgeries — it is all about the eyes.
all day long. He taught his students to relearn This was not nature's plan for the visual
the correct habits of natural vision —perma- system.
nently. It is interesting when potential students
talk to me about their sight, how many peo-
BUT IT DOESN'T FEEL NATURAL ple say to me, "I use my eyes a lot!" —as if

(AT FIRST) they are consciously trying to see all day.

For many students, sketching feels unnatural Babies and animals do not know they have
in the beginning. This reaction occurs for eyes. They have pictures which are created in

three main reasons: their minds, and they move their body and
interest through these pictures all day long.
1. Sketching is somewhat exaggerated in
The eyes are not consciously involved. This
the beginning. Larger sketching is best
is important. Students are interested in
in the beginning to be sure the head is
improving their sight. Awareness of eyes is
released and mobile. Ultimately the
not necessary. The sooner a student forgets
head movement can be very small,
the eyes exist, the faster will be the improve-
barely perceptible by other people, but
ment of sight.
the head and neck are still relaxed and
As students practice sketching, many find
they are doing well at moving the head, but
Blurred vision slow, or "frozen,"


normal vision is "swift" vision. It

they are not centralizing — their attention is

not at the tip of the nose-pencil. Centraliza-

takes time to relearn swift, constantly
tion is a more subtle concept than movement,
shifting sight;
and generally takes longer to relearn. After
3. Sketching and shifting consciously is
a while, the student realizes it does not make
any sense to move the head unless he is shift-

The three habits of natural vision are ing his attention from one point to another.
meant to be subconscious. As long as the The mind is primary; the eyes are secondary.
habits students are practicing are conscious,
they are not normal or natural. Of course, MORE WHAT WE ARE UNLEARNING
they become subconscious, normal, and nat- THAN LEARNING
ural by practicing them more and better each From Better Eyesight magazine, December
day. 1925:

188 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twelve: The First Habit —Sketching (Shifting)

The [key to the] reversal of imperfect sight It may be helpful to remember most peo-
then, is to stop all effort. It is not accom- ple have clarity early in life. Correct vision
plished by doing things. It can only come habits are present whenever a person has
by the things that one stops doing. normal, clear vision; and when vision is nor-

mal, it is completely natural, automatic, sub-

The purpose of sketching is to eliminate conscious, and effortless.
the staring habit. It isn't so much what a stu- Basically, a Natural Vision teacher reminds
dent is doing that improves vision as much students of exactly the same vision habits they
as what the student is not doing. Staring and used to have when their vision was clear.
straining to see lower vision; not staring and
not straining improves vision —automatically.

Releaming to See • 1 89
Chapter Thirteen

The Second Habit —Breathing

The second habit of natural vision is breath- below the diaphragm — the liver below the
ing. Natural, abdominal breathing is basic, right side of the diaphragm, and the stomach,
fundamental, and essential for normal health spleen, and left kidney below the left side.

and normal sight.


See Figure 13-1: The Respiratory System. Abdominal Breathing
The respiratory system is composed pri- See Plate13: Abdominal Breathing.

marily of the nasal passages, trachea (wind- The lungs do not expand and contract by
pipe),two lungs, and the diaphragm. themselves. The diaphragm and intercostal
The lungs are large, pink-gray, highly elas- muscles expand and contract the ribcage. and
tic, cone-shaped organs. The lung on the right their combined motions create an expansion
side of the body has three lobes, while the and contraction of the lungs.
lung on the left side has two lobes.The When we inhale, thediaphragm tenses
absence of a third left lobe allows room for (contracts) and moves downward into a flat-
the heart. ter, shorter shape. The lungs then expand and

The inside surface area of the lungs, where fill with oxygen.
oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged, is When we exhale, the diaphragm relaxes
about thirty times the surface area of the skin (expands) and moves upward into a more
— nearly 600 square feet! The lungs them- curved, longer shape. The lungs then contract
selves do not actually "breathe." Breathing is and expel carbon dioxide and other gases. The
performed primarily by the diaphragm. majority of air inhaled and exhaled is effected

The diaphragm is a large, powerful, tough, by the action of the diaphragm. The movement
dome-shaped muscle which lies below the of the diaphragm up and down is about two
two lungs and the heart. The diaphragm is not or three inches. The diaphragm is the largest
attached to the lungs. The digestive organs lie internal moving part of the human body.

Relearning to See • 191




Figure 13—1: The Respiratory System.

In addition to the diaphragm, the inter- matic, abdominal, or "tummy" breathing.

costal muscles expand and contract the Although breathing can be controlled con-
ribcage (chest), aiding inhalation and exha- sciously to some extent, breathing is usually
lation. The diaphragm and ribcage move- an automatic, subconscious activity. The nor-
ments aid the circulation of blood and other mal breathing rate is approximately sixteen
fluids in the body. breaths per minute.
Natural breathing is primarily diaphrag- During inhalation the downward move-

192 • Releaming to See

Chapter Thirteen: The Second Habit —Breathing
ment of the diaphragm pushes down on the of oxygen to the heart, which creates more
digestive organs in the abdomen, which then tension in the muscles and nerves of the body,
expands outward. (Air does not fill the which constricts the breathing
further. The
abdomen!) During the second half of inhala- abdominal muscles are contracted chroni-
tion the chest expands slightly outward and cally tight when the tummy is pulled contin-
upward. There is also a small expansion on ually inward. This allows the lungs to expand
the right and left sides of the abdomen and only in the chest area, and therefore, breath-
ribcage and the back. ing is very limited.
It is important not to pull the abdomen One of my students said, "I'm surprised
inward while inhaling; similarly, do not use I'm alive because I found out this week that

the neck and shoulder muscles to lift the I never breathe!'

shoulders. Many people have formed these Emotional, mental, or spiritual distress,

two incorrect patterns of breathing. repressed feelings, birth trauma, accidents, ill-

During exhalation the diaphragm returns ness, incorrect diet, and polluted and/or stag-

upward, releasing pressure on the digestive nant air can lead to shallow chest breathing.
organs, which then move back to their orig- June Biermann and Barbara Toohey write
inal positions. During the first half of exha- in their book The Woman's Holistic Headache
lation the chest, abdominal sides, and back Relief Book:
return to their original contracted positions.
Besides monitoring your life changes for
stress, you can also watch your body pat-
Breathing through the Nose
terns. Our bodies give off signals when
Breathe through the nose, not the mouth. they're tense. Learn these signals and you'll

Nasal passages, mucus, and cilia in the nose know when you'd better start doing some-
help filter out dust and bacteria from the air. thing about the tightness, tension, and anx-

Cilia are little hairs that beat in the opposite iety you're exhibiting.

direction of the incoming air. The nasal pas- Breathing. The best indicator of what's
going on inside you. Often the very first
sages also help warm the air to body tem-
sign. Short and shallow means tension;
perature before the incoming air reaches the
holding your breath means extreme ten-
capillaries in the lungs.

SHALLOW/CHEST BREATHING Tip: If a truck or car passes by you with a

Many natural vision students have discov- lot of toxic fumes, take a deep breath of air
ered that they do not breathe naturally. They before the fumes reach you, and then slowly
have shallow, "chest" or thoracic breathing. exhale until the fumes are gone.
Oftentimes the breathing pattern consists of Some students feel discouraged when they

short gasps of air. Shallow breathing is not discover they have incorrect breathing habits.

only an incorrect vision habit, it is an incor- Iwas at first, but I was also happy to discover
rect living habit. Restrictive breathing is a them because I could start relearning natural
result of stress. And it can become a vicious breathing again.
cycle —shallow breathing reduces the amount Tip: If you find a moment when you are

Relearning to See • 1 93
not breathing, exhale whatever air is in your reaction to the incorrect habit of shallow
lungs, then inhale. It is easier to exhale first breathing.

than inhale from a non-breathing state.

1. One of the best ways to study abdomi-
Some singing teachers teach their students
nal breathing is to lie comfortably on your
abdominal breathing by having them lie on
back on a firm surface. Take off your shoes,
on their back and placing a book on
the floor
watch, glasses/contact lenses. Wear loose
abdomen. The teacher says, "Now, let's
clothing and place a small pillow or cushion
move the book upward and downward by
under your knees. The mouth is closed and
abdominal breathing." A person who
the jaw relaxed.
attempts to sing using shallow chest breath-
Close your eyelids. Place one hand on your
ing will soon become exhausted.
abdomen and the other on your chest. The
placement of your hands on the abdomen
and chest helps you feel which area is rising
and falling and when.
If you become light-headed or dizzy while
Exhale all of the air from your lungs. As
experiencing abdominal breathing activi-
you begin to slowly inhale, the abdomen and
ties, stop and come back to the activities
the hand on it should begin to The chest
later. These symptoms may be a temporary

Figure 13-2: Experience Abdominal Breathing (1).

194 * Releaming to See

Chapter Thirteen: The Second Habit —Breathing
should rise slightly near the end of the inhale. abdomen. Optionally, the other hand can be
If the chest rises first, you probably do not placed on the chest.
have normal, abdominal breathing. Some stu- Many students have found an eyedropper
dents discover that the abdomen does not image helpful to breathing properly. The idea
rise at all —only the chest. is to study your breathing patterns so you can
As you begin to slowly exhale, the chest become aware of them. You can then prac-
should lower slightly, followed by the lower- tice better breathing habits a little more each
ing of the abdomen. day. Like sketching, abdominal breathing is

2. The above study of abdominal breath- not an exercise. The idea is to relearn abdom-
ing can also be done sitting in a chair or even inal breathing as a normal, natural habit.
standing. One hand can be placed on the



Figure 13-3: Experience Abdominal Breathing (2).

Relearning to See • 1 95
THE EMOTIONAL CONNECTION I knew I was good at not breathing for long

It is not a coincidence that the diaphragm lies periods. I was even proud of how long I could

just below the heart. Abdominal breathing is go without breathing.

literally an "opening" of the heart. Alexan- The Monday morning following this work-
der Lowen discusses the relationship between shop, my shoulders, chest, and abdomen

the diaphragm and feelings connected with dropped down into their normal positions.
the heart in his book Bioenergetics. 2 But it had been so long since they were in the

Breathing can dramatically affect our normal positions, it hurt! I had to tighten my
moods. If we have a lot of stress, breathing abdominal muscles to stop the pain. I began
can help calm and center us. Slower breath- to realize how much tension I had been hold-
ing can slow down the rate of heartbeats. ing for many years.
Wilhelm Reich's work with character After nine years of healing, my breathing
analysis led him to the therapeutic discovery had finally started to become normal.
of "muscular armoring" and his famous I reached a breakthrough in 1990. During
"Reichian body work." Repressed emotions a particularly high period of stress, I checked
can be frozen, or locked, in chronic muscle my breathing pattern when preparing to go
spasms. According to Reich, each emotion to sleep. I was sure my breathing would not
has an impulse to action. If the individual be normal —but it was! I have come a long
under stress does not release the emotional way in relearning normal, natural breathing.
tension physically, by crying for example, mus-
cles associated with the stress can become One of my students said that she realized she
contracted. If this suppressive behavior had stopped her normal breathing long ago
becomes habitual, the person can acquire when, as a child, a big gust of wind blowing
chronic spastic contractions. "Fight or flight," through a tunnel frightened her.
adrenaline-pumping stress can become the Many people hold their breath when they
status quo. Normal breathing is interfered are "concentrating hard." The real problem
with, and the person forms a habit of shallow starts when non-breathing and shallow
"chest" breathing. breathing become habits. Then a person may
Reich developed breathing techniques to not breathe correctly during activities in
reestablish a connection to the original cri- which he is not "concentrating hard."
and provided an opportunity for healing.
sis, Someone who sighs a lot is likely not

The question is if breathing shuts down due breathing normally. The body is gasping for
to a crisis, will the crisis be resolved when the oxygen.
breathing returns to normal? Many healers
have concluded the answer is "Yes" in many BREATHING AND STARING
cases. Staring almost always accompanies shallow
breathing or holding the breath. Many parts
Tom's Personal Log: During a stress-reduc- of the body can become tense and locked,
tion workshop I took in 1980, many of the especially the neck and shoulders. If incor-
facilitators kept telling me that I was not rect breathing habits make a person stare,
breathing, and suggested I breathe more. vision will lower.

196 • Relearning to See

— —

Chapter Thirteen: The Second Habit —Breathing

Yoga is another excellent method of
Correct posture is important to allow space improving breathing and posture. Many yoga
for abdominal breathing. Incorrect posture, teachers emphasize maintaining regular, con-
discussed in Chapter 9, "The First Principle tinuous breathing while performing various
Movement," often accompanies staring. postures.
I do not teach students "deep" breathing,
Tom's Personal Log: A short time after I
or controlled breathing. For vision, it is impor-
began chiropractic healing, I discovered I tant to study the correct, natural pattern of
slept in the fetal position: on my side, with my abdominal breathing, and to integrate this
head, shoulders, and chest curled forward habit back into our lives.
toward my bent knees. This incorrect posture
constricts the lungs and prevents normal THE MOVEMENT CONNECTION
abdominal breathing. It took me more than Breathing is a natural form of movement
a year to unlearn this fetal sleeping position. an "internal massage" — essential for stimu-
lation of and circulation in all of the organs
and tissues of the body. Normal, diaphrag-
Toxins inhaled while smoking congest the matic breathing directly and rhythmically
capillaries in the lungs. These toxins reduce stimulates the liver, stomach, colon, kidneys,
as much as 60% of oxygen that can be assim- pancreas, spleen, and other abdominal organs.
ilated into the bloodstream, and reduce the Important nerves and muscles pass through
elimination of carbon dioxide and other gases the diaphragm. A chronically tight diaphragm
from the body. can interfere with digestion, elimination, the
Additionally, many people who smoke lower limbs, and sexual functions.
have poor night vision. Healthy rods in the Acupuncture is concerned with the bal-
retina can pick up extremely low levels of anced movement of energy through the body.
light at night. The ability is interfered with by Shallow, constricted breathing blocks and
toxins inhaled while smoking. imbalances the flow of energy. Proper breath-
It is interesting to note that certain groups ing is a natural "energy pump," stimulating
of human beings are the only creatures on and balancing energy flow throughout the
this planet that do not run from smoke. Ani- body.
malsknow better. Fortunately, it seems that
many people are quitting this harmful habit. Tom's Personal Log: After years of massage
therapy, chiropractic, and osteopathic work,
EXERCISE, YOGA, AND BREATHING I realized that in order for me to be healthy,
Exercise is important for maintaining normal, my breathing needs to return to normal. I can
abdominal breathing — especially in this mod- have all the external bodywork done I want,
ern age of sedentary occupations and lifestyles. but if I hold my diaphragm tight, I will never
Striding (brisk, energetic walking) and swim- be completely relaxed and healthy.
ming are excellent for breathing and overall
health. Walking, running (on appropriate sur-
faces), and bicycling are also very good.

Relearning to See • 1 97
THE CENTRALIZATION-RELAXATION ner described, he became able at once to
CONNECTION read diamond type quite perfectly, as close
as six inches from the eyes. The improve-
Many students discover a sense of "cen-
ment was temporary but by repetition the
teredness" as they relearn abdominal breath-
improvement became more permanent.
ing. Natural breathing throughout the day
At one time I experimented with a num-
helps one be calmer and more peaceful. Many
ber of students, first having them hold their
yoga and meditation techniques use breath- breath and test their vision, which was usu-
ing as a method of concentration. Some ally lower when they did not breathe. They
breathing teachers emphasize the close rela- became able to demonstrate that holding
tionship between breathing, relaxation, and their breath was a strain and caused imper-
concentration to release chronic tension. fect sight, double vision, dizziness and
fatigue, while the deep breathing at once
BATES ON BREATHING gave them relief.

Bates makes only one reference to breathing There is a wrong way of breathing in
which when the air is drawn into the lungs
in Perfect Sight Without Glasses: "Palming
the nostrils contract. This is quite conspic-
was successful in half an hour . . . the nose
uous among many cases of tuberculosis.
opened, and the breathing [of a girl with a
Some teachers of physical culture in their
cold] became normal."
. . .

classes while encouraging deep breathing

Although there is little reference to breath-
close their nostrilswhen drawing in a long
ing in Bates' Better Eyesight magazines, many breath. This is wrong because it produces
modern Bates teachers have taught abdom- a strain and imperfect sight. By consciously
inal breathing as a key natural vision habit. doing the wrong thing, breathing with a
Normal breathing is connected to correct strain, one becomes better able to practice
vision habits. the right way and obtain relaxation and
Better Eyesight magazine, January 1923: better sight.
By the habit of practicing frequently
BREATHING deep breathing, one obtains a more per-
Many people with imperfect sight are manent relaxation of the eyes with more
benefited by breathing. One of the best constant good vision.
methods is to separate the teeth while
keeping the lips closed, breathe deeply as Once again, I do not teach "deep" breath-
ifone were yawning. When done properly Normal abdominal breathing is sufficient
one can feel the air cold as it passes through for normal sight.
the nose and down the throat. This method
Many holistic practitioners find it neces-
of breathing secures a great amount of
sary to teach students and clients to breathe
relaxation of the nose, throat, the body gen-
normally again. This is a reflection of how
erally, including the eyes and ears.
much stress and tension many people live
A man aged sixty-five had imperfect
under today.
sight for distance and was unable to read
fine print without the aid of strong glasses.
After practicing deep breathing in the man-

198 • Relearning to See

Chapter Thirteen: The Second Habit —Breathing
YAWNING children in the United States are told to not
Yawning is natural, normal, and essential for yawn in public.
normal health. Yawning helps maintain a Yawning in this society is considered to be
proper pH level in the bloodstream. It also a sign of boredom. This is incorrect. Yawning
pumps cerebral spinal fluid. is a sign of being tired or relaxed. It does not
Many people in this country have been indicate the level of interest.
trained to not yawn: "Don't yawn in public. I like to remind my students, "Babies
It is rude." (Hmmm. Sounds like not point- yawn, cats and dogs yawn, and people in Italy
ing and not moving.) I once had a guest from yawn!" It is time for adults in the United
Africa attend one of my introductory lectures, States to relearn natural yawning.
in which I included yawning. After the lec- Yawning is contagious! If you practice a
ture he shared with me how strange it is that few, the "real" ones will start!

Figure 13-4: Yawning.

Relearning to See • 1 99
Even by thinking of the word "yawn" you students to further appreciate the interrela-
may start yawning! tionship among the three principles of nat-
Ever notice how thinking stops during a ural vision — Movement, Centralization, and
yawn?! Relaxation. Each principle supports the other

Yawning is been sup-

a habit that has two. It is all one way of living in balance with
pressed in this society. Yawn when you are nature.
not with other people. You can be more sub- The most important point of this chapter
tle when other people are present. I fre- is for the student to relearn natural abdom-
quently compliment my students for yawning! inal breathing as a continuous, automatic, and
subconscious habit. We are meant to breathe
as easily and automatically as a newborn baby
for our entire lifetime. It is not supposed to
be interfered with for long periods of time.


Frederick Leboyer writes in his excellent
book about breathing and childbirth. The Art
of Breathing:

—We are told to relax.

—To relax? Excellent. How?
— don't know. They don't us any-
I tell


—Your probably, do not know.

As for the secret, as I'm sure you suspect,
it's breathing. 3

Natural abdominal breathing is relaxing,

and relaxation is the most important princi-
ple of normal sight.

Figure 13-5: The Yawning Vase.


June Biermann and Barbara Toohey, The

Woman's Holistic Headache Relief Book (Los
Oxygen supplied to the eye by breathing is
Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, Inc., 1979), p. 74.
especially important because the retina con- 2
Alexander Lowen, Bioenergetics (New York:
sumes more oxygen by weight than any other Penguin Books, Inc., 1976).
part of the human body. The extraordinary 3
Frederick Leboyer, The Art of Breathing (Long-
lengths to which nature goes to supply oxy- mead, England: Element Books Ltd., 1985), p. 32.

gen to the retina is described in Chapter 17,

"The Retina."
The study of breathing helps natural vision

200 • Relearning to See

Chapter Fourteen

The Third Habit —Blinking

ticles from the forehead out toward the tem-

ples away from the eyes.

The Eyelid Muscles and Blinking

See Plate 15: The Orbicularis Eyelid Muscle
(Side View), and Plate 16: The Orbicularis Eye-
lid Muscle (Front View). The upper eyelid
closesby the contraction of the orbicularis
palpebrae muscle, which encircles the front
of the eye, and by the relaxation and length-
ening of the levator palpebrae superioris mus-
When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see. cle. The upper eyelid opens by the opposite

—William Shakespeare, Sonnet No. 43 actions.

The lower eyelid, which has a smaller range

The third habit of natural vision is blinking. of movement than the upper eyelid, closes by
the contraction of the orbicularis palpebrae
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY muscle; it opens by the opposite action.
See Plate 14: Eyelids, Eyelashes, and Eye- The orbicularis palpebrae muscle is shown
brows. in dark red; the eyelids are closed in these
The eyelids, our "natural windshield two illustrations.
wipers," sweep away particles that enter the See Plate The Levator Palpebrae Supe-

eye and protect the eye from external injury rioris Muscle (Side View) and Plate 19: The
and excessive light. Each eyelid has two or Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle (Top
three rows of eyelashes, which help prevent View). The upper eyelid is opened by the con-
dust particles from entering the eye. The eye- traction of the levator palpebrae superioris
brows divert perspiration, rain, and other par- muscle (from the Latin levator, meaning "to

Releaming to See • 201

raise," and palpebra, meaning "eyelid"). The In addition to cleansing the eye, tears con-
levator palpebrae superioris muscle is located tain antibacterial protein called lysozyme. This

above the superior oblique and superior rec- powerful enzyme protects the eye from infec-
tus muscles. The front part inserts into the tions by dissolving the protective outer coats
upper eyelid, and the rear part attaches to the of harmful bacteria. Without lysozyme in the
back of the eye orbit. tears, micro-organisms would grow on the
Blinking is and eas-
the action of quickly cornea and infections could occur on the eye.
ily lowering and raising the eyelids. Like Located inside the eyelids are about thirty

sketching and breathing, blinking is normally sebaceous glands (Meibomian and Zeis
done unconsciously but can also be done con- glands), which secrete an oily lubrication,
sciously. called sebum. Sebum coats the eye and the
eyelids, providing lubrication between them,
and prevents the watery lacrimal tears from
Ptosis, A Drooping of the Eyelid running over the edges of the eyelids onto
Ptosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid. Pto- the cheeks.
sis can be caused by deficient development, Together, the lacrimal and sebaceous
or paralysis, of the levator palpebrae supe- glands create three different layers of tears
rioris muscle. In both cases, this muscle is over the eye:
unable to contract sufficiently to raise the
1. The layer of tears closest to the cornea,
upper eyelid to its normal position.
sclera, and eyelid is composed of
mucous proteins. It coats the eye evenly

Secretion Portion of the and allows the second, watery layer of

Lacrimal (Tear) System tears to easily adhere to the eye.
2. The middle watery layer, provided by
See Plate 20: The Lacrimal (Tear) System. The
the lacrimal glands, is the cleansing and
lacrimal gland (from the Latin lachrima,
nutrient layer. It washes away foreign
meaning "tear") is located above the eye,
particles and supplies the cornea with
toward the temple, underneath the eyebrow
proteins, salt, and moisture.
ridge, and between the eyeball and the eye
3. The third outer layer is oily. It helps
socket. This almond-size, sponge-like gland
prevent the middle watery layer from
is controlled by the parasympathetic part of
evaporating too rapidly and provides
the autonomic nervous system and continu-
lubrication between the eye and the
ally produces aqueous (watery) lacrimal tears.
Tears are delivered to the front of the eye by
the six to twelve lacrimal ducts. These three layers of tears also help keep
Lacrimal tears are slightly alkaline, con- the front of the eye warm in cold weather.
taining sodium chloride (salt) and proteins.
Tears provide moisture to the eyes and
remove dust and particles of dirt. They also The Conjunctiva
contain oxygen and other nutrients for the See Plate 21: The Conjunctiva. A thin trans-
cornea. parent membrane called the conjunctiva

202 • Relearning to See

Chapter Fourteen: The Third Habit —Blinking
(shown in green) extends along the inner sur- drain from the lacrimal sac down through the
faces of both eyelids, over the front portion nasolacrimal duct into the nasal cavity, where
of the sclera, and over the cornea. The con- they evaporate due to respiration.
junctiva forms a barrier, called the fornix con-
junctiva, which prevents tears and particles
from traveling into the back of the eye orbit. A Third Eyelid?!
Without the conjunctiva, water could flow The small, round, pinkish fold of tissue at the
into the back of the eye socket when you are inner corner of the human eye is called the
swimming! lacrimal caruncle. Some consider this to be
The conjunctiva is extremely sensitive to the remainder of an old nictitans, a third eye-
pain, and one learns quickly never to allow lid. Many nocturnal birds and some reptiles
an object to touch the eye —our most impor- have a nictitans, which is discussed further in
tant sensory organ. A grain of sand in the eye Chapter 17, "The Retina."
is immediately flooded with copious tears and
expelled out and over the lower eyelid onto
the cheek. Dry Eye Syndrome
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the Insufficient tearing from the lacrimal glands,
conjunctiva. overly rapid evaporation due to wind, or
excessive heat can create dryness in eyes. This
can result in a burning sensation, oversensi-
The Irrigation System tivity to light (photophobia), mucous dis-

During blinking, the eyelids pump tears out charge, corneal changes, and impairment of
of the lacrimal glands via the lacrimal ducts vision.

into the upper outer corner (fornix) of the Many people have dry eyes due to not
conjunctiva. The tears cleanse, moisten, and blinking frequently enough. Some estimate
disinfect the cornea, sclera, and conjunctiva over six million Americans have chronically
as they travel toward the lower, inner corner dry eyes. Many natural vision students have
of the eye. Some tears evaporate during this eliminated dry eyes by simply relearning cor-
process. rect blinking. Many have also lowered their
sensitivity to bright light, and have been able
to discard their sunglasses completely. They
The Drainage Portion now feel relaxed in sunlight by simply blink-
of the Lacrimal System ing softly and frequently.
Excess tears drain from the eye through two In strong wind or dry weather situations,
small orifices at the inner corners of both eye- it is important to blink more frequently to
lids These two minute openings, called lacrimal prevent the eyes from drying out due to rapid
puncta, can often be seen by close inspection evaporation of tears.

in a mirror. The lacrimal puncta glide along Dry eyes can also be caused by undesir-
the sclera collecting tears into the lacrimal sac. able effects from medication or diseases.

By means of pumping action during blinking Consult with your eye doctor if you have
and a suction action by the nose, excess tears serious eye problems.

Relearning to See • 203

Artificial Tears—Helpful or Harmful? Fritz Kahn, in Man in Structure and Func-
tion, writes about crying:
Moist, protective tear layers are essential for
the health of the eyes. However, one might All higher animals produce tear fluid to
question whether artificial tears are a help or irrigate the cornea, but only man cries as

detriment if used on a long-term basis. Does an expression of emotional disturbance.

the continuous use of artificial tears suppress Only a thinking and emotionally sensitive

the normal production of natural tears, thus person cries. An infant yells, but it does not
creating more of a dependence on the arti- cry. Children cry when they learn to think
and to feel. Crying is a process connected
ficial tears? Are the artificial tears truly an
with speech; it is a substitute for speech, a
adequate replacement for natural tears?
protective mechanism whereby a speaking
Artificial tears may be needed for a short
individual can still express his feelings even
time in acute problems. Again, consult with
though he may be prevented from speak-
your eye doctor for any serious eye problems. People ... cry when they are unable to

make themselves heard or to obtain justice

with the weapons of speech and thought.
Irritant vs. Emotional Tears When it has achieved nothing by means of
The tears live in an onion that should water logic, a speaking creature appeals to sym-
this sorrow. pathy by crying. Crying is a reflex which
—William Shakespeare has extended its field of action from the

Lael Wertenbaker, in The Eye: Window to the

physiological to the moral realm — it is a
new phenomenon in the developmental
World, writes: 3
history of life.

While all animals that live in air produce

tears to keep the eyes moist, man is the BATES ON BLINKING
only animal that weeps. In 1957, intrigued From Bates' "Fundamentals" card:
by the dual purpose of crying, chemist
Robert Brunish analyzed the ingredients The normal eye blinks, or closes and opens
of emotional and irritant tears. Tears very frequently.
induced by onion fumes and strong wind, ... By moving the head and eyes a short
he discovered, contained a lower concen- distance from side to side, being sure to
tration of the protein albumin. In the 1970s, blink, one can imagine stationary objects
biochemist William Frey began investiga- to be moving.

tions whether this protein was related to

the chemical changes in our blood stream
Better Eyesight magazine, April 1922: "Rest
caused by stress. Tears might well play a
your eyes continually by blinking, which
role in filtering out the body's stressful
means to open and close them so rapidly that
chemicals. The machismo ethic of sup-
one appears to see things continuously."
pressing tears, Frey thinks, might irritate
peptic ulcers and other stress-related dis- Blinking is a rest for the eyes. Normal sight

eases. By not allowing himself to weep, the is based on relaxation.

strong, silent male might not take advan- Better Eyesight magazine, September 1923:
tage of natural relief.

204 • Relearning to See

Chapter Fourteen: The Third Habit —Blinking

BLINKING has been so universally ignored by the writ-
. . . Usually unconsciously the normal eye ers of books on diseases of the eyes. Blink-
closes and opens quite frequently and at ing is a rest, it prevents fatigue, and very
irregular intervals and for very short spaces important, it improves the sight in myopia,
of time. Most people can demonstrate that and helps to maintain good vision more
when they regard a letter that they are able continuously.
to see quite clearly it is possible for them
to consciously close their eyes and open
them quick enough and see the letter con- Blinking, when done properly, is so quick
tinuously. This and it is
is called Blinking and easy, people with normal sight do not usu-
only another name for dodging. Dodging ally notice they are blinking.
what? Dodging the [harmful] tendency to Better Eyesight magazine, January 1924: In
look steadily at things all the time. All the a remarkable article entitled "My Young
methods which have been recommended Assistant," Emily C. Lierman (who later mar-
for the improvement of the vision, cen- . . .

ried Dr. Bates) writes about a three-year-old

tralizing, palming, swinging, blinking, can
girl named Ethel, who was giving a man
all be grouped under the one word
vision lessons.

Ethel complained, "You are staring. You

As with many other aspects of natural
shouldn't stare; that bad You must
is . . .

health, natural vision is based on continuous, blink your eyes. Just let me show you how."
easy movements. Here Bates refers to this Ethel has perfect sight. Her eyes are never
constant movement as dodging. still and she blinks unconsciously all day

When relearning normal blinking, some long.

students think that during the blink, they will

not be able to see an object of interest con- Better Eyesight magazine, February 1924:

tinuously. This is not true. The period of time

for a normal blink is very short. Question: What one method of improving
sight is best?
Better Eyesight magazine, November 1923:
Answer: Swinging and blinking.

BLINKING Better Eyesight magazine, March 1924:

The normal eye when it has normal sight

blinks quite frequently. By blinking is

By blinking is meant frequent closing of
meant closing the eyelids and opening them the eyes. It is usually done so rapidly that
so quickly that neither the student nor his Many persons with
it is not conspicuous.
observers notice the fact Blinking is nec- have the illusion that they do
. . .

normal sight
essary in order to maintain normal vision
not blink. They believe their eyes are
continuously, because if one consciously always at rest and that their eyes are con-
prevents blinking, the vision for the dis- tinually open all the time. . . . One person
tance or the ability to read fine print are was able to distinguish a small letter on the
modified. It is interesting to me how blink- bottom line at twenty feet, 20/10. He was
ing, which is so necessary for good vision,
positive that he saw the letter continuously.

Relearning to See • 205


It was found . . . [that] he closed and opened Tom's Personal Log: I had so much tightness

his eyes frequently, without being conscious in my eyelids that it was impossible for me to
of the fact blink easily and naturally in the beginning.
[While studying people as they looked I was only able to blink hard. It has taken me
at moving pictures:] In all cases where the many years to re-establish soft eyelids and
sight was normal, blinking occurred almost
every second
When light is good . . . blinking occurs at
Better Eyesight magazine, August 1924. Emily
less frequent intervals.
Lierman writes about one of her students:

Better Eyesight magazine, June 1924. Arti- As Frederick answered my questions he

cle by Emily C. Lierman: looked directly at me and ... I noticed he
listened without blinking, for more than
Although weary and tired, after I had
two minutes or longer. As the normal eye
worked with Lewis over two hours, I was
blinks unconsciously every few seconds, I
repaid a thousandfold when he read every
soon realized what his trouble was
letter of the 70 line and 50 line as he moved

the . . . [reading] card slowly from side to The habits of poor vision are usually never
side . . . blinking all the time. He was thought about by persons with poor sight.
instructed to stand and swing his body from Both the correct and incorrect habits of vision
side to side to lessen the tension of his body;
are primarily subconscious. It takes time to
also to blink his eyes all the time to stop
form poor blinking habits. It also takes time
staring . . . On his second visit he read the
to re-establish proper blinking habits.
smallest letters on the card, the 10 line
Better Eyesight magazine, August 1924:
Better Eyesight magazine, July 1924. Arti- "BLINKING. Normal eyes blink constantly."
cle submitted by Natural Vision teacher Dr. Better Eyesight magazine, January 1925.
Edith T. Fisher, M.D., referring to one of her Article by Emily Lierman:
At one time a young man came to us . . .

I explained to him that by making an suffering from severe mental strain. His
effort to relax he was increasing the strain. large staring eyes would make anyone
While he was talking I noticed that he had uncomfortable . . . His eyes protruded and
not blinked. His forehead was deeply wrin- he stared without blinking
kled and there was a constant twitching of
Better Eyesight magazine, March 1925:
the facial muscles . . . First I explained about
blinking, but when he tried this he con-
Blinking is done quickly, and not slowly
tracted all the facial muscles . . . [After
like a wink . . . Blink consciously, whenever
palming] I reminded him to blink, and

though he did not contract all his facial

possible, especially when reading.

muscles it was still a great effort for him.

He said, "I don't think I ever blinked In spite of Shakespeare's words quoted at

before" Three days later ... his vision

. . .
the beginning of this chapter, winking is not
had improved ... He blinked easily now, the same as blinking. Winking is usually done
but still stared at times. consciously with one eyelid. It is not a nat-

206 • Relearning to See

Chapter Fourteen: The Third Habit —Blinking
ural vision habit and should not be confused Better Eyesight magazine, August 1927:
with normal blinking, which is (usually) sub-
conscious and relaxed. The normal eye with normal sight blinks

Better Eyesight magazine, December 1925: frequently, easily and rapidly, without effort
or strain. If children do not blink frequently,

Blinking is necessary to maintain normal but stare and try to see things with the eyes

vision in the normal eye. When blinking open continuously, the vision is always
is prevented the eyes become tired, and the
impaired. At first the child should be

vision very soon becomes worse. Some per- reminded to blink consciously but it soon
sons, without knowing it, will blink five becomes an unconscious habit and the
times in one second, as demonstrated by vision is improved.

the [motion] camera When blinking they

. . .

may fail to obtain relaxation, because they Here Bates links blinking to the principle
too often blink with an effort . . . blinking of relaxation. The three vision habits are to
is done easily without effort. Blinking is be practiced easily —without any effort.
very important. It is not the brief periods Better Eyesight magazine, August 1927:
of rest from closing the eyes which helps
the sight so much, as the shifting or move- Question: I have found blinking and shift-
ments of the eyes. It should be repeatedly ing to be of great benefit to me but,
demonstrated that the eyes are only at rest although I have been practicing both for
when they are shifting. six months, it has not become a habit. I still

have to practice both consciously. What

Here Bates emphasizes the connection means can I use to blink and shift nor-
principle of movement
between the important mally?
and the habit of blinking. A student might at Answer: Continue to consciously practice
first guess that the less movement one has, the blinking and shifting until you acquire the
unconscious habit. It is merely a substitu-
less tired he will become. In regards to vision,
tion of a good habit for a bad one.
the opposite is true. The eyes are designed for
movements. Rigid staring lowers sight. Star-
Better Eyesight magazine, September 1927:
ing is almost always associated with infrequent
"To use your eyes correctly all day long, it
blinking and shallow breathing. ."
is necessary that you: 1. Blink frequently. . .

When a student begins to understand how

It is interesting that in his later years. Bates'
the principles and habits of normal sight all
summaries of proper vision habits place the
support each other, he is well on the path of
blinking habit first. Perhaps this is because
blinking is the simplest habit.
In beginning lessons, blinking is often done
Better Eyesight magazine, October 1927:
with an effort by many students. The eyelid
"The normal eye blinks quickly, easily and
muscles are relatively tense due to locking
the eyelids open for long periods of time and
In Better Eyesight magazine, December
due to the harmful habit of squinting. With
1927, Bates connects the habit of blinking to
practice, proper blinking becomes easy and
the health of the whole person:
automatic once again.

Relearning to See • 207



It can always be demonstrated that when at an object for more than a few seconds
a student with imperfect sight looks intently at a time. Shift . .

at one point, keeping the eyes open con- Question: By blinking do you mean shut-
stantly or trying to do so, that a strain of tingand opening the eyes quickly, or is it

the eyes and body is

all the nerves of the done slowly like a wink?
usually felt, and the vision becomes imper- Answer: Blinking is done quickly, and not
fect. It is impossible to keep the eyes open slowly like a wink. Watch someone with
continuously without blinking. Each time perfect sight do this unconsciously, and fol-

the eyes blink, a certain amount of rest is low his example.

obtained and the vision is benefited. For
this reason, the student is instructed to blink Practicing frequent blinking helps to break
frequently while swaying . . . and at all other the staring habit.
times . . .The importance of practicing cer-
tain parts of the routine habits at all times, THE FREQUENCY AND DURATION
such as blinking ... is stressed.
Normal, natural blinking occurs approxi-
Better Eyesight magazine, February 1928.
mately every two to four seconds (fifteen to
Article by Emily Lierman:
thirty blinks per minute) on the average.
To begin with, he blinked too fast, which is The duration of a blink, i.e., the time
as [incorrect] as not blinking at all. When between closing and opening the eyelids, is
. . . students acquire the habit of blinking very short —about Vab of a second.
too fast, they are very apt to stare while
And, of course, blinking should be done
they blink ... I had emphasized that he
very softly.
must not snap his eyes shut nor open them
too quickly This new way of teaching
. . .

him to blink without blinking too fast
helped him ... to blink one blink at a time,
• Natural blinking is automatic, rhythmi-
instead of blinking rapidly with a nervous cal, soft, casual, easy and light — like the

twitch wings of a butterfly, i.e., without effort.

See Plate 18: Blinking. The upper eyelid

Better Eyesight magazine, April 1928:
should come down completely and
touch the lower eyelid during blinking.
Question: I notice that my [strabismic] eye
does straighten after palming, but reverts
Watch the blinking habits of people

when I stop. How can I tell when and how who have normal sight.

I strain? • Blink as you shift your attention from

Answer: Avoid staring after palming, and one object to another, and from one
blink all the time. You can demonstrate that part of an object to another part. Blink
staring is a strain by consciously doing it when you shift your attention from
for a few seconds near to far, and again from far to near.
Question: How can one overcome the • Frequent, soft blinking is meant to be a
stare if it is unconscious?
subconscious habit. Therefore it must
Answer: Blink consciously, whenever pos-
be practiced consciously until it is a
sible, especially when reading. Never look

208 • Releaming to See

Chapter Fourteen: The Third Habit —Blinking
subconscious habit again. People with • When you are thinking about a prob-
normal vision do not know they blink lem, and seeing objects around you is

frequently — it is automatic. As one of not essential, close your eyelids. Do not

my students said, "Practice makes per- lock your eyelids open for long periods
manent." of time as this creates a strain.
Remember the staring contest in grade • Ever see a fish blink? No, because fish
school, where we challenged our class- have no eyelids! The water automati-
mate to "Make me blink!"? Those with The eyes of
cally cleanses their eyes.

the strongest corrective lenses usually open when they sleep.

fish are

win the contest. Besides, "Tough guys • Some programs incorrectly teach stu-
don't blink." dents exercises in which they are
As mentioned above, blinking encour- instructed to hold their eyelids open for
ages shifting of our attention from one long periods of time. This is harmful.
point to another. The theme of one of Blinking frequently is normal and
the earlier Bates teachers was "shift essential for natural clear vision. In one
and blink." Blinking aids in the mobil- program, the student is repeatedly told
ity of the eyes, and helps prevent star- to keep his head still. While performing
ing. five different eye exercises he did not
Gesell, in his book Vision: Its Develop- blink for 39, 82, 41, 40, and 41 seconds.
ment in Infant and Child, referring to a • A student of mine, a yoga teacher, read
twenty-week-old infant, states, "Intent in a book to first practice not blinking
fixation dissolves with a flash release, for thirty seconds, and then to "build
often accompanied by blinking up" to thirty minutes! She had serious
Blinking is a free "massage" for the vision problems.
eyes all day long. Blinking also encour- • Nearsights tend not to blink for long
ages important micro-movements of periods of time when their attention is

the extrinsic eye muscles. in the far distance.

Lymphatic fluid around the eyes • Farsights tend not to blink for long
increases its circulation by blinking. periods of time while reading or doing
Proper blinking helps prevent strain other activities up close.
and fatigue. • A person who does not blink looks
It is important to have correct blinking blank!
habits during computer work. Blinking • Sometimes students see more clearly
is far less frequent for those who expe- during or just after yawning. Yawning
rience eyestrain during computer work. can create excess tears on the cornea
Many people do not blink enough and create a pseudo-contact lens effect.
while reading books. The same effect is often experienced
Humans are the only creatures on this when taking a shower. Usually this
planet who squint and strain with effort clearer vision will disappear within one
to see. Animals do not squint, even in or two more blinks because the excess

the brightest sunlight. tears or water are swept away.

Relearning to See • 2<X)


Improved sight can also be due to the pleasant feelings, feels "in control" or "extra-
relaxation provided by yawning. ordinarily confident," and has a higher com-
• Oftentimes, a person will have fort level. This is contrary to Bates' findings
infrequent or no blinking when staring, on blinking also.

fatigued, or breathing shallowly. The Many actors and actresses on TV have very
eyelidsbecome tense and locked. low rates of blinking. Many actors and
Everything becomes immobile. Immo- actresses in the US are trained not to blink
bility is the problem; circulation is the while performing on television. A normal (not
solution. average!) rate is associated with higher anx-
• Contact lenses can interfere with nor- iety. Even some TV news broadcasters are
mal blinking due to irritation of the told not to blink too frequently when report-
eyelids while passing over the edges of ing the news.
the contact lense. Some contact lense There is a popular space travel series on
wearers blink much less than normal. TV in which many of the actors do not blink
• Some meditation techniques confuse for extremely long periods of time. With the
the stilling of the mind with rigidly still- high number of hours Americans watch TV,
ing the body —including the eyes and one may be concerned about the harmful
eyelids. Some yoga books suggest star- influence of infrequent blinking habits on the
ing fixedly at the flame of a candle viewers, especially children.
without moving the eyes and without
blinking. This is very harmful to eye- A BUTTERFLY BLINKING STORY
sight. One of my students who followed An excellent way to enjoy this story is to have
such instructions could not understand someone read it to you while palming with
why his vision was not improving. closed eyelids.

One yoga book states "Vision has to be

* Pretend you are sitting in a comfortable
fixed at the tip of the nose without winking
chair in a beautiful meadow, while the sun-
the eyelids." This is a strain, as is turning the
eyes upward and/or inward in a fixed posi-
shine gently warms your skin. A beautiful iri-

descent-winged butterfly floats softly over

tion. These are all contrary to Bates' princi-
your shoulder and out in front of you. This
ples and habits of normal vision.

In regards to someone who is giving a speech
on TV, one study suggests that a relatively
high blinking rate (48-67 blinks per minute)
indicates the speaker is more nervous, edgy,
anxious, or stressed. This study also suggests
that a relatively low blinking rate (7-11 blinks
per minute) indicates the speaker is enjoying

210 • Releaming to See

Chapter Fourteen: The Third Habit —Blinking
magnificent butterfly is so light, it seems as if Although a person can often see bet-

it is part of the air itself. The butterfly wings is a harmful habit.

ter artificially, squinting
sparkle from the sunshine as it floats to the One Bates teacher refused to continue
right, and then to the left. Returning to the lessons with a student who kept using this
center, our butterfly puts down one toe and type of "trick vision." A Natural Vision
spins around in the air like a ballerina. teacher never teaches squinting.
The butterfly then floats slowly out into the By the way, the word "squint" used here
distance, over an ocean of flowers. Five feet does not refer to the "squint" used by Bates
out it floats; ten feet; and fifteen feet. Notice and others in reference to strabismus. There
how the wind creates waves over all of the is no connection between these two different

colorful flowers. At about twenty feet, the but- usages of this word.
terfly notices a single, large, snow-white rose Better Eyesight magazine, July 1927:
in the center of the field of flowers.

As the butterfly floats around the rose, it Partly closing your eyes brings on a strain

becomes intoxicated by its wonderful fra- which increases your imperfect sight ... it

injures your eyes.

grance. Finally, the butterfly lands softly in
the center of the white rose. As we brush the
remind us of how
Better Eyesight magazine, December 1927:
butterfly's soft wings, they

soft the eyelids are as we blink frequently all

Question: Why do some people see better
day long.
by partly closing their eyes?
The wings open and close every two or
Answer: People with poor sight can see
three seconds. This reminds us of the fre- better [artificially] by partly closing their
quency of natural blinking. eyes, but when they have perfect sight,
squinting makes it worse.
After this story, stop palming and open your
eyelids. Practice "butterfly blinking" while Squinting, in all its variations, always
using your nose-feather to brush objects involves an effort, and therefore has nothing
around you. Remember abdominal breath- to do with seeing clearly naturally. Since effort
ing. Brush, Breathe, and Butterfly Blink! to see always lowers natural sight, vision is

worse after squinting.


Why Squinting Creates an Artificial,

Sharper Image—The Pinhole Effect
Many people have discovered it is possible
Figure 14-1: No Squinting.
to see more clearly without their corrective

lenses by squinting or by looking through a

Squinting is a conscious narrowing of the eye- tiny hole. How is this possible?
lids, forming a small horizontal slit. This nar- The eyeball allows light rays to pass
rowing of the eyelids blocks part of the through the pupil at many different angles.
peripheral light rays entering through the When the eye is in the normal shape (for

Relearning to See • 211

clear vision), the light rays entering the eye 20/400, peripheral interference is somewhat
refract, i.e., they curve or bend as they pass irrelevant. This is because the "out of focus"
through the cornea and the lens and finally peripheral light rays only result in nearsights
land on the retina. None of these light rays and farsights seeing less clearly than 20/400

interfere with each other. They all land at the vision in the peripheral vision. For nearsights

proper locations. Each light ray is properly and farsights, the peripheral vision is simply
"focused" on the retina. less clear than the unclear peripheral vision
However, not all the light rays are of the person who has perfect eyesight.
refracted. The single light ray coming from With the creation of a pinhole "tunnel,"
directly in front of the eye (along the visual the majority of the peripheral light rays are
axis) does not refract or bend. This single, cen- eliminated. You are now letting only the "cen-
tral light ray passes perpendicularly through tral," non-refracted light rays through. When
the cornea and lens and does not curve or a nearsight forms a small "pinhole" with the
bend. It continues in its original direction, in forefinger (very close to the head, but not
a straight line back to the fovea centralis, touching the eye), a distant object is usually
located in the center of the back of the eye. seen more clearly, without any corrective
This fact might now make a nearsight, whose lenses. Similarly, when a farsight looks at
eyeball is too long, and a farsight, whose eye- something close, the close object is usually
ball is too short, wonder why they do not see seen more clearly. The smaller the pinhole,
clearly in the center of the field of vision at the sharper the object (but it is also dimmer).
all distances without corrective lenses. The peripheral light rays no longer interfere
Now we must examine the role of the with the cones in the fovea.
peripheral light rays. Peripheral light rays that Theoretically, if the fovea and the pinhole
pass non-perpendicularly through the cornea were sufficiently small, we would be able to
and lens refract. When the eyeball is in the see perfectly clearly, but only light rays from
normal shape, none of the peripheral light one atom from the object straight ahead!
rays fall in the fovea centralis. The pinhole effect shows your minimum
When the eyeball is chronically squeezed potential eyesight without glasses.
out of shape, as in nearsightedness and far- Those people with astigmatism usually see
sightedness, the peripheral light rays do not more clearly with the pinhole experience. But,
fall in focus on the retina. They spread out because the astigmatic cornea has angular
and interfere with each other, landing incor- distortions (a wavy surface), the clearer vision
rectly on top of each other. Some of these might not be as clear as someone who has
peripheral light rays fall into the fovea, where only nearsightedness or farsightedness. In
they are not supposed to go, creating blurred astigmatism, the single light ray from straight
central vision. ahead might not continue in a straight line
For nearsights and farsights, peripheral light back to the fovea.
rays also interfere with each other in the Using the forefinger to see better is not rec-
peripheral parts of the field of vision. But ommended, as it is still artificial vision.
because the rods, which pick up our periph- Besides, vision functions best when both eyes
eral vision, are incapable of seeing better than are used together.

212 • Relearning to See


Chapter Fourteen: The Third Habit—Blinking

The Pinhole Camera and shoulders become tight,

face, head, neck,

A pinhole camera works by focusing light and the breathing usually stops or becomes
rays without a lens. An advantage of the pin- shallow. Usually a person is very rigid when
hole is that objects are clear at all distances. squinting. Squinting is a very "unsightly" habit.

The biggest disadvantage of the pinhole is

Even if the eyelids are lowered relatively

the image is usually very dim. softly to create better vision with the pinhole

A larger aperture on a pinhole camera effect, it is still harmful. The author of one

would allow more light through to create a Bates method book teaches his students this

brighter image, but without a lens or cornea, harmful "trick" of slightly lowering the upper

the image would become blurred. And, of eyelids, stating, "Keep the upper lids down . .

course, with a larger aperture, it would no as if they were half-open eyes." Students of

longer be a "pinhole" camera. natural vision are cautioned never to do this.

The nautilus, a mollusk, sees using a pin-

hole eye. Its eye has no lens or cornea to focus

"But I Do Not See Clearly,

or More Clearly"
The image seen through the pinhole may not Figure 14-2: No "Trick" Vision.
be perfectly clear for all nearsights and far-
sights, because it is not possible to eliminate It is also possible to see more clearly, again
all the peripheral light rays passing through artificially, by bending the head forward and
the pinhole. downward, while raising the eyes. The nar-
Additionally, diffraction may occur on the row angle of light along the eyebrows, or eye-
edges of the finger, distorting to some degree brow ridge, creates a partial pinhole effect.
the light rays entering the eyes. As Bates This is not only a harmful vision habit but
pointed out above, a person with normal sight creates a strain on the neck. Additionally, the
who squints will not see better. This is due to eyes would be looking in the opposite direc-
the diffraction of light rays passing through tion (up) of the head direction (down). Do
the pinhole. not do this.

The pinhole experience may be diminished According to Fritz Kahn, "... myopia is

if a person has certain pathologies, including derived from the Greek words uuco, 'to close,'

problems with the cornea, aqueous humor, and co\|/, 'the eye,' and refers to the habit near-

lens, vitreous humor, retina, and other parts sighted people develop of half-closing the lids
of the eye and visual system. in order to see more clearly." (In Perfect Sight

Without Glasses, Bates translated the same

Greek words to mean "closes the eye, or
More on the Harm of Squinting blinks.")

Squinting is harmful to vision because it Worse than the tension created in the eye-
always involves an effort. The eyes, eyelids, lids, face, and neck by any type of squinting

Relearning to See • 213

is the mental harm. Vision is primarily a right- practice these flashes will come more fre-

hemisphere activity and is based on trust. quently and eventually will be permanent.

People who squint do not trust their sight

to be clear automatically and easily. Strain- Many students have flashes while improv-
ing to see is a distrust of natural vision. ing their vision. In the beginning, flashes are
usually brief moments of dramatically
BLINKING—THE SOCIAL improved or even perfect sight. This can be
CONNECTION quite startling — so startling that many stu-

Many people with poor vision think it is dents return immediately to incorrect vision

impolite to blink when they talk with some- habits —staring with non-movement and dif-

one. Notice the similarity to believing it is fusion, stopping breathing, and stopping
impolite to move when talking with some- blinking. The student thinks that if he remains

one, discussed in Chapter 9, "The First Prin- still enough, she can keep, or "lock onto," this

ciple —Movement." The student should continue

clearer vision.

One of my recent students stated that, in normal blinking when she has a flash.
the past, when she had normal sight, she felt Students are very happy when they have
self-conscious blinking frequently (normally) a long flash, and it remains clearer even while
when talking with people who did not blink blinking.

frequently. As a result, she practiced blinking Squeezing the eyelids very tight can also
less, and her vision became blurred. create a flash for some students, but it is an
incorrect habit. A student should never asso-
BLINKING— THE EMOTIONAL ciate any type of effort with his vision.
CONNECTION Not all students have flashes; for some, the

Similar to the poor vision habit of staring, external eye muscles let go slowly while
many people with poor vision think that if
improving vision.

they close their eyelids —even for a fraction

of a second —they will not be protected from
potential danger. Ironically, a person is less Blinking is one of the keys to normal, clear

protected by not blinking frequently, since vision. It should be apparent from this chap-
vision lowers with infrequently blinking. ter that the simple habit of blinking is of great
importance. Blink frequently and softly all

BLINKING AND FLASHES day long. Practice correct blinking until it

Better Eyesight magazine, May 1923: becomes a subconscious habit —again.

Question: I am practicing the methods in
your book to reverse myopia and astig- Notes
matism. Sometimes, for short periods, I see 1
This author does not prefer the term "side
perfectly, then things fade away. Can you effects," commonly used in conjunction with
explain this? unwanted reactions caused by many drugs. I

Answer: This what we call getting

is believe that in many cases the so-called "side
flashes of perfect sight. With continued effects" are actually the "primary effects," and

214 • Relearning to See

Chapter Fourteen: The Third Habit —Blinking
that the supposed primary benefits of the drugs 3
Fritz Kahn, "The Eye," Man in Structure and
are actually the "side effects." The reader is Function (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943),
George Vithoulkas' The Science of
referred to P- 645-
Homeopathy, the most important book I have 4
A small card made by Bates with a summary of
read on health and disease, and A New Model his teachings; date unknown.
for Health and Disease, both listed in the bib- Arnold Gesell. Francis L. Ilg, and Glenna E.
liography. Bullis, Vision: Its Development in Infant and
Lael Wertenbaker and the Editors of U.S. News Child (New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1949),

Books, The Eye: Window to the World (Wash- p. 90.

ington, D.C.: U.S. News Books, 1981), p. 28. 6

Fritz Kahn, "The Eye," Man in Structure and
Function, p. 656.

Relearning to See • 215

Chapter Fifteen

Sketch, Breathe, and Blink Summary

same is true of the principles of Relaxation,

Movement, and Centralization.
Not only do the habits and principles of
natural vision blend together in time, the stu-
dent begins to create a "rhythm of sight."


Some students, especially during the first few

O 1995 Anme Bunons Eagle-Eye/NEI
classes, have told me the habits I am teach-
ing them are incorrect. Yet with practice these
Figure 15-1: "The Three B's" (or "The
students begin to realize that they are cor-
B-Attitudes"). Reprinted with permission
rect, and how harmful are the ingrained,
from Annie Buttons.
incorrect vision habits they have practiced
formany years. A Natural Vision teacher only
reminds students of exactly how they used to
BRINGING THE THREE VISION see the world when they saw clearly and nat-
HABITS TOGETHER urally. The natural vision habits are not new.
Initially the vision habits may feel separate From one perspective, natural vision classes
from one another. This is because the student are only history lessons.
usually emphasizes one habit at a time in the Some students think these vision habits are
beginning. This feeling of separation lessens incorrect because so few people in our soci-
as the habits are re-integrated more each day. ety have correct vision habits. If a person
With practice, the student will discover that copies the habits of the majority in our soci-
the Sketching habit goes with the Breathing ety, he will not see clearly. Bates talked about
habit, which goes with the Blinking habit. poor vision habits being "contagious." Stu-
When a person has normal vision, each habit dents must not copy the "average" habits.
supports and cooperates with the other. The Initial objections, if not resistance, to the

Relearning to See • 217

correct habits of natural vision are not only many people in this society live with exces-

common, they are expected. After all, how sive stress.

many years has the student had incorrect

vision habits? One of my students who was
69 years old wore glasses for 64 years. In any learning process there are plateaus.
One of my students was describing the cor- Plateaus are periods of time when, no mat-
rect vision habits to her mother, who had per- ter how much the student practices correct
fect eyesight. Her mother's response was, vision habits, the vision improvement seems
"You mean you haven't been doing those to level off.
things?!" It takes time for the mind and body to
adjust to the vision habits you have practiced.
THE EYES ARE LISTENING Once the level of vision skills you have prac-
I frequently hear new students say, "I have ticed is solid, a foundation is created for fur-
bad eyes." Since vision is primarily a mental ther progress. Simply continue to practice
function, many Bates teachers consider it better vision habits each day, and when your
harmful to refer to the eyes as "bad." Since vision is ready to progress further, it will.

natural vision habits are not a moral issue, I

teach students to substitute the word "incor- KEEPING THE PERSPECTIVE

rect" for the word "bad." It is important to keep a reasonable per-
As one Bates teacher said, "The eyes hear spective while improving vision, otherwise
what you say and think about them." Notice some students might become too frustrated
that you never hear people say they have with their rate of progress.
"bad" ears. If the student has had incorrect vision habits
for many years, these habits probably will not
change completely in only a few weeks. Bates
One of the peculiar aspects of relearning to told one of his student simply to continue
see correctly is that the principles and habits doing exactly what she had been doing which
are so simple. has given her such "great benefit."
I once took a college graduate course in Two or three years to rid oneself of the
Quantum Chemistry. The subject was so com- need for corrective lenses —which many nat-
plex and difficult that the average grade on ural vision students have done —may seem
the final exam was 21 out of 100 points! The like a long time. But compared to twenty or
subject matter was nearly incomprehensible thirty years of incorrect, strained vision habits

to me, and, apparently, many other students. and wearing strong corrective lenses, this is

Unlike this chemistry course, the habits a relatively short time.

and principles of natural vision are simple. One student, who wore glasses for twenty-
But if they are so simple, why do they seem five years, asked me after two classes if a 5%
so difficult to relearn? Because the incorrect improvement, as measured by her eye doc-
have become ingrained in our
vision habits tor, was a good improvement. I asked her,
body and mind. The state of our sight is "How many years did it take for you to lose
largely a reflection of how we are living. And 5% of your vision?!"

2l8 • Relearning to See


Chapter Fifteen: Sketch, Breathe, and Blink Summary

Once explained and demonstrated thor- Students must keep at least a 51% positive
oughly, the principles and habits of natural attitude to succeed!
vision are easy to understand. This does not Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the
mean, however, that it is always easy to re- famous WWi "Red Baron" flying ace, stated,
establish them quickly. "Success flourishes only in perseverance."
The visual system evolved over millions of

years, and clarity is not lost for trivial reasons. FAILURES

Bates stated that it took time and hard work Better Eyesight magazine, December 1922, in
to establish blurred vision. Fortunately, the a article entitled "Failures":
body and mind know how to heal and are
generous in accelerating healing when given People who found no help were always
the opportunity. It takes time, patience, com- people who fought me for all they were
worth. I remember a physician who came
mitment, and dedication to relearn any cor-
rect habit. Happily, the rewards of improving
to me for nine months, every day, and
devoted from one to two hours trying to
vision naturally are incalculable.
prove that I was wrong I advised him to

try and prove that I was right. In a very

short time he was reversed [of his vision
One way to deal with frustration is to keep The people who find no help are the peo-
your attention on the progress and benefits ple who do the wrong thing against my
you have received by practicing the correct advice.
vision habits thus far. There are many forms
of progress, including: Blurred vision is due to excessive strain
learned by an individual. Failures are due to
1. Endurance, which is the ability to prac-
individuals not releasing this excessive strain
tice the correct vision habits for a
from their eyes and lives. There are many rea-
longer period each day;
sons why this occurs. We live in a society that
2. Faster speed of sight; blurred vision is
carries much tension. It may require a signif-
relatively slow;
icant amount of time and energy to re-estab-
3. Brighter colors and contrast;
lish a healthy balance in our visual system.
4. A looser neck;
The more tension there is in a society, the
5. Better centralization skill;
more important the relaxed vision habits
6. Improved movement awareness in the
become. Perhaps the many forms of natural
peripheral vision;
healing are no longer optional, but manda-
7. Greater depth perception, which indi-
tory if we are to remain healthy under soci-
cates the right hemisphere is reactivat-
ety's present conditions.
ing for normal vision;
One of my students arrived at the third
8. Better clarity; even brief moments of
class of the course and shared with us her
improved vision are a very positive
realization that this process required com-
sign. How many years ago did you have
mitment. She said she was not committed to
the sight you experienced in that flash?!
her work, relationship, or anything else for

Relearning to See • 21
\ — —


[ n\^—~~/~
S? *") (v^'tBpp) C ~ -~ -- *0
\® %'f
\°i< \TUQ^> <

^vV aj^^m* \tf^'i v)

/ a\

f-.i :/ ' St. U i

( ^ifi>. \-\y \~jj£

Three blind mice, See how they stare;

three blind mice, see how they strain.

[/: ">
u r<^Sj UgffigA


^. ':**
They all chose And now they see
improve their sight,
to with "Sketch, Breathe and Blink.'
with "Sketch, Breathe and Blink," See how they see,
all day and all night. with "Sketch, Breathe and Blink.'

Figure 15-2: "The Three Seeing Mice." Reprinted with permission from Annie Buttons.

that matter, and she certainly was not going overall health by improving their sight. Some
to be committed to improving her vision. I are motivated to improve their vision to avoid
never saw her again. more serious vision problems later on. (See
Chapter 27, "Serious Vision Problems.")
MOTIVATION Some want to avoid risky surgeries, which still
At a health convention, I once remarked to may not remove the true, underlying cause
a woman, "If I can improve my sight, so can of their blurred vision. Others want to avoid
you." She thought about my statement for a moving into glasses in the first place.
few moments and replied, "Even if you Closely connected to motivation is inge-
couldn't doit, lean!" nuity. One of my students placed a small, plas-
Motivation to change incorrect vision tic flower on her fingernail to remind her of
habits is essential for success. Students of nat- the three vision habits to practice through-
ural vision improvement are motivated for out the day. She had one of the fastest
many different reasons. improvements of all my students. Another
Some find glasses and contact lenses incon- student, in realizing relaxation is the key and
venient. Some like the idea of improving their that self-healing requires extra energy,

220 • Relearning to See

Chapter Fifteen: Sketch, Breathe, and Blink Summary

decided to go to sleep one-half hour earlier . . . All defective vision is due to strain in

at night. some form.

One Bates teacher talked about two boys You can demonstrate to your own satis-
faction that strain lowers vision. When you
who had read a book on eyesight improve-
ment and knew that the less they wore their stare you strain. Look fixedly at one object

would be their improve-

for five seconds or longer. What happens?
glasses, the faster
The object blurs and finally disappears.
ment. So. on the way to their first lesson, they
Also, your eyes are made uncomfortable
walked along the streets of New York to the by experiment. When you
this rest your
teacher's classroom without their glasses on.
eyes for a few moments the vision is
Since both boys were very nearsighted, one improved and the discomfort relieved.
would need to lift the other up onto his shoul- . . . Strain is relieved by relaxation.
ders to read the street signs! To use your eyes correctly all day long,
Some students have even chosen to stop it is necessary that you:
driving a car until they improved their vision 1. Blink frequently. Staring is a strain and

sufficiently to pass their driver's exam with- always lowers the vision.

out glasses. 2. Shift your glance constantly from one

point to another, seeing the part

BATES SUMMARIZES THE KEY HABITS regarded best and other parts not so

AND PRINCIPLES OF NORMAL SIGHT clearly. That is. when you look at a chair,

do not whole object at

try to see the
Only a few years before his death, Bates sum-
once; look first at the back of it, seeing
marized the keys habits of normal sight in his
that part best and other parts worse.
Better Eyesight magazines. It seems as if, even Remember to blink as you quickly shift
for Bates himself, the habits and principles your glance from the back to the seat and
of natural vision had finally become perfectly legs, seeing each part best, in turn. This
clear and concise. Perhaps these two summaries is centralization.

are Bates' greatest, final gift to humanity. 3. Your head and eyes are moving all day
Regardless of the facts and theories of the long. Imagine that stationary objects are

eyes discussed in the early chapters of this

moving in the direction opposite to the
movement of your head and eyes. When
book, it is possible to see clearly and natu-
you walk about the room or on the
rally only by utilizing the correct vision habits
street, notice that the floor or pavement
and principles created by nature.
seems to come toward you. while objects
From Better Eyesight magazine, Septem-
on either side appear to move in the
ber 1927: direction opposite to the movement of
your body.
If you learn the fundamental principles
December 1927:
Better Eyesight magazine,
of perfect sight and will consciously keep
them in mind your defective vision will dis-
The importance of practicing certain parts
of the routine habits and principles at all
... All errors of refraction are functional,
times, such as blinking, centralizing, and
therefore are reversible.
imagining stationary objects to be moving

Releaming to See • 221

opposite to the movement of one's head In the first sentence Bates identifies the key
and eyes, is stressed. The normal eye does vision habits and principles to practice. In the
these things unconsciously and the imper- second, he tells students they must practice
fect eye must at first practicethem con- them consciously until they are unconscious
sciously until
it becomes an unconscious habits —
exactly like they used to be when they
used to have normal eyesight.
In essence, vision students are simply
These are quite possibly the two most
important sentences ever written about nat-
relearning to see — naturally.

See Plate 60: The Land of Sketch, Breathe,

ural, clear vision.
and Blink.

222 • Relearning to See


Light, the Retina,

and Stereoscopic Vision

Chapter Sixtee N


And God said, "Let there be light, " and there gamma, x-ray, and far-ultraviolet
of cosmic,
was light. And God saw the light, that it was (UV) waves. Medium-energy waves consist
good . .
of the mid- and near-UV, "visible," and short

—Scriptures infrared waves. The lower-energy waves con-

sist of long infrared, micro, TV, radio, and elec-
This chapter covers many aspects of light,
tric waves.
including sunlight, closed-eyelids sunning,
All electromagnetic waves travel at 186,000
artificial light and lighting hardware, ultravi-
miles per second. Since light travels at one
olet light, and sunglasses. billion feet per second, I remind students
there is no need to strain to see!
Each type of electromagnetic wave has a
The eyes are organs of light. Our eyes have frequency associated with it.

evolved over millions of years under the influ-

Thanks to Einstein, we know that higher-
ence of sunlight. To remain healthy, the visual energy waves, like x-rays, have higher fre-
system needs to receive the full spectrum of quencies or oscillations, i.e., they vibrate up
sunlight. The sun's light impacts the retina, and down more times per second than
where it is converted to electro-chemical medium- or lower-energy waves. Frequency
energy and transmitted to the brain and body. is measured in cycles per second, or Hertz


SUNLIGHT For example, high-energy x-rays have a fre-

quency of approximately one quintillion (10 )
Sunlight, a Primary Source of Energy
cycles per second; visible light has a medium
See Plate 22: The Electromagnetic and Visi-
frequency of approximately one quadrillion
ble Spectrums. 15
cycles per second; low-energy radio
(10 )

The sun radiates energy toward the Earth waves have a frequency of only 1000 (10
in the form of electromagnetic waves. The
cycles per second.
higher-energy electromagnetic waves consist Each type of wave also has a wavelength

Relearning to See • 225

associated with Wavelengths of electro-
it. spectrum. Visible light comprises four-fifths
magnetic radiation are commonly measured of the sun's energy penetrating the atmos-
in nanometers (nm) — 9
billionths (io~ ) of a phere.
meter —from crest to crest. Invisible ultraviolet light has higher energy

X-rays have a wavelength of approximately than violet light.

one nanometer. Visible lightwaves have wave- The colors of the visible spectrum with
lengths in the range of 400 to 700 nm. Long their associated range of wavelengths are:

radio waves have a wavelength of approxi-

• Violet 400-450 nm
mately one billion nanometers, or one meter.
• Blue 450-500 nm
As you can see, the higher the frequency
• Green 500-550 nm
or energy, the shorter the wavelength of a
• Yellow 550-600 nm
particular wave; the lower the frequency, the
• Orange 600-650 nm
longer the wavelength.
• Red 650-700 nm

Invisible infrared light has lower energy

Sunlight, the Atmosphere, and the Earth than red light. Infrared light is heat, like the
See Plate 23: Sunlight, the Atmosphere, and warmth we feel from a room heater. The
the Earth. warmth we feel on our skin from the sun is
The Earth's surface does not receive all of also infrared light.
the rays from the sun. In bright light, the human retina is most
Higher-energy cosmic, gamma, x-ray, most sensitive to yellow-green light, at -555 nm.
of the far-UV waves, and the lower-energy and least sensitive to violet and red light. In
medium- and far-infrared, micro, radio and darkness, humans are most sensitive to
electric waves are absorbed or reflected by "green" light at -496 nm. ("Green" light is

the atmosphere. actually seen as "white" or "gray" in "true"

The medium-energy mid- and near-UV, the nighttime vision. This is explained further
"visible" spectrum, and the near-infrared in the next chapter.)

(heat) waves are the main rays that penetrate

the Earth's atmosphere and reach the planet's
surface. These light rays are essential to the Sunlight, an Essential Nutrient
health of all living creatures. It has recently been determined that sunlight
has many surprising health benefits to
The Visible Spectrum = Colors! —Research scientist

Everything in life strives for color. Go outside and play in the sun, it's good for
—Goethe you.

Light is the first

of painters.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature
See Plate 24: Go Outside and Play in the Sun.
The cones and rods "see" less than 1% of the Douglas Kiang, reviewer for Inside Mac
sun's electromagnetic spectrum, the "visible" Games, writes:

226 • Releaming to See

Chapter Sixteen: Light

As a reviewer for Inside Mac Games, I Light for Sight and Health
am lucky enough to see many, many games
See Plate 25: Light for Sight and Health.
come across my desktop on a regular basis.
Every so often, perhaps once a year, a new Light entering the eyes is utilized by the body
title comes along that impels me to throw in two ways:
off my staid reviewer's necktie and dance
a little dance around my office, at which 1. Light energy travels to the visual cor-

point my wife usually comes along, unplugs tex, where a picture of the world is cre-

my Macintosh, and shoves me outside, [say- ated; and

ing], "See that? That's called the sun." 1
2. Light energy travels to the hypothala-
mus, which sends messages to the
Living beings have evolved over many tens
pineal and pituitary glands. Together,
of thousands, if not millions, of years under
these organs and glands regulate many
the influence of light from the sun. Life on
functions of our mind and body.
Earth depends on sunlight. Sunlight warms
the oceans. By the process of evaporation, The hypothalamus appears to be the mas-
clouds are created, which then move over the terorgan of the body, and its functions are
land and bring rain. Photosynthesis is respon- highly dependent upon quantity and qual-
sible for creating the food we eat. ity of light received from the eyes.
The discoverer of Vitamin C, Nobel Prize The hypothalamus regulates the pineal
winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, states that the gland, which secretes melatonin —a sedative-
energy which we take into our bodies ulti- like hormone — at night to prepare our body
mately comes from the sun. 2 for sleep. Bright light inhibits the pineal
Research by John Ott, author of Health gland's secretion of melatonin. Some reports
and Light and Light, Radiation of You, and indicate that standard indoor lighting is not
other scientists have shown that for plants, sufficient to suppress the secretion of mela-
animals, and humans to be healthy, they must tonin during the daytime.
have not only the proper quantity of light, The diurnal (day/night) and seasonal
but the proper quality. The best quality of changes we experience bodily are largely due
light comes from the sun, which provides a to the changes in light via the pineal gland.
natural "full spectrum" of both visible and The pineal gland regulates our internal "body
invisible light. clock" and sends messages back to the hypo-
Richard J. Wurtman, a researcher at the thalamus to regulate body functions.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has The hypothalamus also sends messages to
shown a connection between light and the the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus, in con-
rhythmical secretion of hormones in the junction with the pituitary and pineal glands,
body. 3
influences our sleeping and eating patterns,
Inadequate quantity and quality of light activity levels, the thyroid gland, the adrenal

can lead to hypertension, headaches, insom- glands, reproductive organs, growth, body
nia, arthritis, and other physical, emotional, temperature, and blood pressure. Metabolic
and mental interferences to our health. processes are also synchronized by the pineal

Relearning to See • 227

The "spark" that initiates these internal sons change, the hours of daylight change.

processes is light. The eyes of these animals receive the day-

species dating back 300 light and this light stimulates the optic
The sea lamprey, a
nerve to transmit nerve impulses to the
million years, has a "third eye" on top of its
brain. At the base of the brain is a gland
head. Not used for seeing, this eye sends light
called the pituitary, no bigger than
which is
directly to the brain to regulate the fish's
a peanut. The brain sends on the nerve
metabolism. The skull of some animals is so
impulses to this gland. Receiving these sig-
thin that light from the sun directly influences
nals, the gland releases its own messengers
their pineal gland. into the blood. These messengers are chem-
In her book How Animals See, Sandra Sin- ical substances called hormones.
clair describes the tuatara lizard and other The pituitary hormones are carried by
animals which have a third eye: the blood to different parts of the animal's
body. The length of time the eyes receive
Presumably the third eye has no great
light determines the extent of hormone
importance in image formation but rather
messengers sent into the blood. The hor-
functions more as light-gatherer that acti-
mones, in turn, regulate seasonal changes
vates the body's hormonal clock . . . Most
in the deer or snowshoe hare. For instance,
of [a tuatara lizard's] lifetime is spent hiber-
in the snowshoe hare, the more light the
nating, but the third eye never shuts, per-
more hormone, and so its coat is brown;
haps monitoring changes in light that tell
the less light there is, the less hormone, and
this lizard when it's time to wake up. 4
so its coat is white. 5

Edith Raskin writes in her book Watchers,

—Animals and Many relationships have been established
Pursuers and Masqueraders
between the light that enters our eyes and
Their Vision:
the brain stem, the cerebral cortex, and the
How does that seasonal masquerader, the limbic system.
snowshoe hare, know when to change its Disturbances in the quality (full spectrum),
coat from brown to white and back again? quantity (photocurrent), intensity (bright-
In an attempt to solve this mystery, scien-
ness), and timing of light (diurnal cycles from
tists placed masks over the eyes of snow-
bright daylight to dark night) can lead to
shoe hares. A curious thing happened—the health problems. Research has shown that
blindfolded hares did not change. Those
blindfolded in the winter remained white
many people who suffer from "Seasonally
in summertime, while those blindfolded in
Affected Disorders" (SAD) have remarkable
the summer stayed brown in winter.
improvements in the areas of depression,

Evidently if the hares' eyes were covered moodiness, and fatigue by simply rebalanc-
they did not respond to the seasons. ing and resynchronizing their body and mind
Although they were able to feel daily tem- with full-spectrum light.
perature changes, the summer warmth and
the winter cold were no guide for them.
How, precisely, do scientists explain
. .
. The Melatonin Controversy
seasonal changes in animals such as the
Melatonin is now being produced syntheti-
deer and the snowshoe hare? As the sea-
cally and sold as a drug to regulate the body's

228 • Releaming to See

V*fc< Bk>- Gccrr. : Reo
42S 475 525

Wavelength 0001 01 10 1000 100.000 10,000.000 10 10 10 10


Frequency 10 10 10
10" 10'
1.000.000 10,000 100
(cycles per second)

Radio Electric
Gamma " '"'" Far/mid/near Lig it Heat TWFM/AM VLF ~ELF

High energy < Medium energy Low energy

Plate 22. The Electromagnetic and Visible Spectrums.

Plate 2 j. Sunlight, the Atmosphere, and the Earth.

Plate 24. Go Outside and Play in the Sun.

Light entering the eyes is utilized by the body in

two ways:

1. Light energy travels to the visual cortex, where

a picture of the world is created; and

2. Light energy travels to the hypothalamus,

which sends messages to the pineal and pituitary
glands. Together, these organs and glands regulate
many functions of our mind and body.

Plate 25. Light for Sight and Health.

Outdoor Daylight

Incandescent Cool White

Plate 26. Spectral Power Distribution Curves.

Reprinted with permission from GE Lighting, a division of General Electric Company.
Plate 2j. Living in Natural Light.
a-1 b-1

detailed areas below




Blood Vessels (from Optic Nerve)




Amacrine Cells


Horizontal Cells




The fovea centralis is a "pit" in the cen-

ter of the retina While there are few
cones in the peripheral parts of the reti-

na, as shown above, there is a very

high concentration of cones in the fo-
vea There are no rods in the center of
the fovea.
At the fovea, the upper layers of the
retina are compressed and moved off

to the side. This allows the central light

rays to reach the cones with less inter-
The absence of blood vessels above
the foveal cones is partially compensat-
ed by the increased vascularization of
the choriocapillaries underneath the fo-
This structure results in our finest acu-
ity and color perception being in the
center of our visual field, and is the
physical basis for the principle of cen-

Plate 28. Retina Cross-Sections.

The central (optic nerve) blood vessels supply nutrients to the cones and rods
(the green layer) from above (A), while choroidal blood vessels supply nutrients
from below (B).
(The thicknesses of the retina and choroid are exaggerated.)

Plate 2g. Blood Vessel Sandwich for the Cones and Rods.
Plate 30. Retina (1).

Plate 31. Retina (2).

Chapter Sixteen: Light

metabolism. As with many types of drug use, SUNNING WITH CLOSED EYELIDS
this could be dangerous, especially if used on
a long-term basis.
Could long-term use of artificial melatonin
lead to the suppression of natural melatonin
from the pineal gland? Has the real cause of

the pineal gland imbalance been corrected

by using an artificial melatonin? Are pineal
functions interfered with by wearing sun-
glasses and by being indoors too much?

Syntonics— Healing with Light

Syntonics (from Greek syn-, meaning
"together," and tonos, meaning "tone" —thus
"harmony") is a field of natural health that Figure 16-1: Sunning is Natural.
uses color lights to open up constricted path-
ways of light energy traveling from the eyes
Even when two individuals have
to the brain. Closed-eyelids sunning is one of the best ways
the same amount of light entering their eyes, to regain light tolerance. The eyes are organs
the amount of light energy reaching their of light; they are designed for, and need, nat-
brains can be vastly different. Many people ural light. People who are over-sensitive to
in this society have restricted energy flow light need light, not sunglasses and darkness.
(photocurrent) from the eyes to the brain. Bates researched various forms of self-

Many individuals have reactions or aver- healing, including sunning. After Bates wrote
sions to specific colors, especially when view- Perfect Sight Without Glasses, he concluded
ing them in a dark room. It appears that closed-eyelids sunning was the only form of
certain life stresses can shut down the flow of sunning a student should practice.
specific colors from the eyes to the brain. From Better Eyesight magazine, December
When individuals view certain colors, espe- 1927:
cially colors associated with their sub-domi-
nant hemisphere, many types of healing can An important part of the routine activities
occur. Reversal processes, discussed later in is the use of the direct sunlight. The student
is told to sit in the sun with his eyes closed,
Chapter 20, "The Two Sides of Health and
moving his head a short distance from side
Healing," are typically experienced during
to side, and allowing the sun to shine
syntonic light sessions.
directly on his closed eyelids. He is
Syntonic sessions tend to improve metab-
instructed to forget about his eyes, to think
olism, increase life force energy, and put a let his mind drift
of something pleasant and
person back into "sync" with nature. Jacob from one pleasant thought to another.
Liberman's book Light: Medicine of the Before opening his eyes, he palms for a few
Future contains a list of syntonic practitioners. minutes. When the sun is not shining, a

Relearning to See • 229



strong electric light ... is substituted . . nose-feather gently to the right, then to the
allowing it to shine on his closed eyelids as left, then to the right, and continue alternat-
in the sun ing back and forth slowly across the sun.
Even though the eyelids are closed, notice
In Better Eyesight magazine, July 1927, Mr. how the sun appears to move in the opposite
Ian Jardine, a Natural Vision teacher, tells of direction of your head movement.
his own introduction to closed-eyelid sun- The infinity sign/figure-8 shape is an excel-
ning: lent pattern while sunning. Remember to

. . . Then I was shown how to sun my eyes move the nose-feather up through the cen-
by letting the rays of the on the sun fall ter and down on the outsides of the loops, i.e.,

closed eyelids, while moving the head gen- counterclockwise on the left and clockwise
tly from side to side. This seemed a strange on the right.

thing to do, as previously I had worn blue gate

glasses to shield the eyes from strong light. Even a few minutes of sunning can be very
beneficial. Do not sun for so long a period
that you get a sunburn. Five to ten minutes
Closed-Eyelid Sunning
at a time is fine for most people. If at first the
Closed-eyelid sunning is a natural, healthy light is too bright, you can sun while sitting
activity. Animals "sun" naturally. Sunning is under a shady tree.
not an "exercise"; it is a self-healing activity. If the sun is not available, you can "sun"
Remember to keep the eyelids closed while indoors by using a regular 100-watt light bulb.
sunning. Of course, the sun is always the best.
Another wonderful way to sun is to do the
»TO SUN: Long Swing at sunrise or sunset. Remember
Sit in a comfortable chair facing the sun. A to keep the eyelids closed while sunning.
reclining chair is especially relaxing. Close
your Depending upon the relation-
eyelids. Tom's Personal Log: I was sitting on a bench
ship of your head to the sun, tilt your head with a friend at a park one day. I noticed she
slightly toward the sun. Then, swing your had closed her eyelids and was moving her

Figure 16-2: Sunning.

230 • Relearning to See


Chapter Sixteen : Light

slightly uplifted head gently to the right and The universal fear of reading or doing
left, across the sun. fine work in a dim light is, however,
She did not know about "sunning" by read- unfounded. So long as the light is sufficient

This was simply nat- so that one can see without discomfort, this
ing or hearing about it.

ural for her to do. She has normal sight.

practice is not only harmless, but may be
Suddencontrasts of light are supposed
tobe particularly harmful to the eye
The Sunning Sandwich
There is no evidence whatever to support
One way to develop better brightness-to-
these statements. . . . Such practices as read-
darkness and darkness-to-brightness adap- ing alternately in a bright and a dim light,
tation is to alternate sunning with palming. or going from a dark room to a well-lighted
You can enjoy closed-eyelid sunning for three one, and vice versa, are to be recom-
minutes, followed by three minutes of palm- mended. Even such rapid . . . fluctuations
ing. Then do three minutes of sunning again, of light as those involved in the production

three minutes of palming, and so forth. Palm- of the moving picture are, in the long run,

ing is described in Chapter 21, "Palming and beneficial to all eyes. I always advise stu-
dents to go to the movies frequently and
practice centralizing. They soon become
accustomed to the flickering light, and after-

ward other light and reflections cause less

Strobing (or Flashing) While
Do not do this activity if you are prone to
photo-convulsive seizures. ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING
Another variation on sunning is to flicker
Until man duplicates a blade of grass,
your fingers in front of your closed eyelids. Nature can laugh at his so-called scientific
This creates a stroboscopic or flashing effect, achievements.
which stimulates micro-movements in the —Thomas A. Edison
Ever since Thomas Edison invented the elec-

BATES ON LIGHT tric light bulb in 1879, we have been partici-

pating in an experiment with artificial light.

From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
Due to modern technology the amount and
It is not light but darkness that is danger-
quality of light many people are exposed to

ous to the eye. Prolonged exclusion from has been radically altered.

the light always lowers the vision, and may Quantitatively,many people in our society
produce serious inflammatory conditions. are outdoors only 10% of the time, compared
Among young children living in tenements to 80% before the invention of the electric
this is a somewhat frequent cause of ulcers fight bulb. When outdoors, many people wear
upon the cornea, which ultimately destroy dark sunglasses, which reduces even further
the sight. The children, finding their eyes their reception of natural sunlight —an essen-
sensitive to light, bury them in the pillows
tial nutrient.
and thus shut out the light entirely.

Relearning to See • 23
Qualitatively, the spectrum of light we are Note that the vertical and horizontal axes
under when indoors differs significantly from are different between "Outdoor Daylight"
the natural light our visual system has evolved and the other three graphs. Spikes in fluo-

under.Many studies have shown that com- rescent spectrums are characteristics of the
mon types of artificial light can be harmful to phosphor coating used inside the tubes.

our health.
For example, studies have shown that bio-
logical stress and learning difficulties increase
The CCTs and CRIs of Light
when individuals are under standard "cool- Changes in a light's spectrum are, in part, due
white" fluorescent tubes. Based partly on to the source's temperature, known as chro-
research by Dr. Fritz Hollwich 6 in 1980, Ger- maticity, or Correlated Color Temperature
many placed a ban on cool-white fluorescent (CCT). CCT is a measure of a light source's
lights in medical facilities. apparent "whiteness," yellowness (warmth),
Conventional lighting, including standard or blueness (coolness), and is measured in

incandescent light bulbs and cool-white flu- units of degrees Kelvin (K). CCT is a mea-
orescent tubes, are very poor substitutes for sure of the light source's direct appearance
natural sunlight. If a person is going to spend to our eyes. CCT measurements do not
a great portion of the day indoors, it is impor- include the mid- and near-UV spectrum.
tant to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of A candle flame has a very warm, orange/yel-
various types of artificial lighting. low CCT of approximately 1600K; the sun and
Since there are disadvantages with each sky at sunrise are 1800K (yellow/warm); one
type of artificial light, no artificial light is an hour after sunrise, the sun has a CCT of
adequate substitute for natural sunlight. What approximately 3600K (warm); at noon 4870K
type of lighting is best for homes and work- (slightly warm; almost white); an overcast sky
places? The answer is complicated. is approximately 7100K (bluer/cooler); the
See the Light Comparison Table in Appen- Northwest sky is 25,oooK (very blue/cool).
dix D. Near 5500K, the sunlight is "white."
Notice the inverse relationship with
CCTs —
a "warmer" light source has a lower
Natural, "Full-Spectrum" Sunlight CCT, and a "cooler" light has a higher CCT.
See Plate 26: Spectral Power Distribution The terms "warmer" (yellow/orange/red) and
Curves. "cooler" (blue/indigo/violet) refer to the psy-
"Outdoor Daylight" shows the sun pro- chological effects of the light source, not its

viding a fairly even distribution of the visible temperature.

spectrum. Notice how
"Outdoor Day-
the Another indicator of a light's "naturalness"
light" spectrum changes depending upon the is the Color Rendering Index (CRI), which
location and time of day. ranges from 1 to 100. CRI indicates how well
Outdoor sunlight also provides a small the colors of objects are rendered (reflected),
amount of mid- and near-UV light in about using a light source at a specific CCT. Out-
a 1:10 ratio. door sunlight has a "perfect, natural" CRI

232 • Releaming to See

Chapter Sixteen: Light

rating of 100. Unlike CCT, CRI measurements light. At least one company says that the
include visible spectrum and mid- and near- proper ratio of mid- and near-UV light must
UV factors. be included in the light to be considered
The CRIs of lights that have different "truly" full spectrum.
CCTs cannot be compared. This is because Some modern fluorescent tubes or fixtures
even though two light sources may have the have these characteristics. Most standard
same CRIs, they may render colors very dif- incandescent and halogen bulbs have very
ferently if they have different CCTs. high CRIs, but low CCTs. So, they do not
An incandescent bulb with a high CRI of "qualify" as full-spectrum lights.

95, but a low CCT of 2700K, is yellow/red An additional consideration is how effi-

intense and blue-deficient. See Plate 26, ciently the light is produced. Efficiency, also
"Incandescent. " It would not be valid to com- known as efficacy, is measured in lumens per
pare this incandescent bulb's light quality watt. Lumens refers to the amount of light pro-

to another light with a CRI of 95, but a higher duced; wattage is the power consumed. A very
CCT of 5000K. It is valid to compare the high-wattage light bulb or tube may produce
CRIs only of lights that have the same CCTs. a small amount of light, and therefore, would
Generally, a light source with a CCT of be relatively inefficient. A more efficient light
5000K and a CRI of 80-89 w iU gi ye a good bulb or tube may produce a large amount of
color rendering. A CCT of 5000 and a CRI light with the same or even fewer watts.

of 90-100 will give excellent color rendering. Let's review the pros and cons of various
types of artificial lights.

The Quest for Artificial,

Full-Spectrum Lighting "Regular," Incandescent,
In recent years light manufacturers have Tungsten Lightbulbs
become aware of the many benefits of full- Regular incandescent lightbulbs were
spectrum They have attempted to
lighting. invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. Incan-

improve on the poor (and many say descent bulbs use a tungsten filament (wire)
unhealthy) light spectrums provided by stan- that glows when electricity passes through it.
dard incandescent and cool-white fluorescent Advantages of regular, incandescent bulbs:
lights. Much research and development has
1. Initial cost is low.
gone into creating an artificial light (or com-
2. Easy to replace.
bination of lights) that attempts to emulate,
3. Provide good contrast and shadow
as closely as possible, the natural full-spec-
contrast is important to sight.
trum light provided by the sun.
4. Variable brightness, by changing
In evaluating artificial light sources, both
CCT and CRI need to be taken into consid-
5. Very high CRI of 95-98.
eration. Generally, light that has a CCT
6. Can be used with dimmer (variable)
between 5000K and 7500K and a CRI of 90
switches, although dimming produces
or more is considered to be "full-spectrum"
an even more distorted spectrum. If a

Relearning to See • 233



ii .

Integral Modular





Figure 16-3: Lighting.

234 • Relearning to See

Chapter Sixteen. Light

low level of light is desired, it is better system has a greater sensitivity to yellow than
to use a lower-wattage bulb than a blue. In other words, an incandescent bulb
"dimmer" switch. The lower-wattage emits a high amount of energy in the yellow
bulb produces a better spectrum than a region, and we see yellow better than the
higher-wattage bulb lowered in wattage other colors. Even though it has a high CRI
by a dimmer. °f 95-98, the total spectrum is very imbal-
anced, and objects illuminated by this light
Disadvantages of regular, incandescent
render colors very "warm."
There are some incandescent bulbs that
1. Expensive in the long term due to fre- claim to be "full-spectrum." One such popu-
quent replacements —much shorter lar bulb has no CCT or CRI ratings on its

lifetime than fluorescent tubes. package. The intensity of light from a 150-watt
2. Inconvenience of frequent bulb seems like the light from a standard 75-
replacement. watt incandescent bulb. The color of light
3. Minimal mid- and near-UV light is appeared unnatural (dull purple) to some
emitted. people. Some students say the spectrum looks
4. A very low CCT of 3000K. As can be more natural, and therefore feels better, than
seen in the Plate 26, "Incandescent" a regular incandescent bulb. One product
graph, incandescent bulbs provide a claims an average life of 3500 hours, com-
very poor balance of colors, being very pared to a typical 750-hour, standard incan-
yellow-red intense, and violet-blue defi- descent bulb.
cient. Note that natural sunlight peaks
in the blue region.

5. As can also be seen from Plate 26,

"Quartz" Halogen Lightbulbs
incandescent bulbs are very energy- Halogen lightbulbs contain a tungsten fila-
inefficient in regards to the production ment and halogen gas (typically iodine),
of light. Ninety percent of the energy which results in a "whiter" spectrum than
from an incandescent bulb is given off most incandescent bulbs and higher lumens
not in the form of light, but as infrared per watt (greater efficacy). Halogen lightbulbs

heat; essentially, an incandescent bulb is are often used in automobile headlights.

an expensive space heater. Because halogen bulbs operate at a higher
6. Approximately 22% of light output is temperature, they require the use of quartz
lost during lifetime. glass instead of regular glass. Halogen bulbs
7. Many bulbs fail when switched-on or are usually more expensive than regular
jarred. incandescent bulbs.
8. Much less efficient than advanced fluo- Advantages of halogen bulbs:
rescent tubes.
1. Very bright and can be precisely
9. Sixty-cycle flicker.
The incandescent bulb has a relatively high 2. High CRI, 95 typical.

"visual efficiency" because the human visual 3. Last longer than incandescent bulbs.

Releaming to See • 235


4. Approximately 12% more energy-effi- Sodium HIDs have higher CRIs, but lower
cient than incandescent bulbs. CCTs.
5. Can be used with dimmer (variable) Metal halide HIDs have CCTs ranging up
switches. to 3800K, and CRIs up to 75.

6. Lose less light over its lifetime than Because of their very high efficiencies, mod-
incandescent bulbs; 10% light loss ver- ern HIDs are used primarily outdoors to light
sus the incandescent's 22%. large areas at night, like streets and parking
lots. HIDs cannot be used with a dimmer.
Disadvantages of halogen bulbs:

1. Low CCT.
2. Initial cost higher than incandescent
"Compact" Fluorescent (CF) Lights
bulbs. "Compact fluorescent" (CF) lights fit in stan-

3. High heat output, sometimes requiring dard "screw-in" light fixtures and can, there-
a special fixture. fore, replace many standard incandescent
4. Much less efficient than advanced fluo- bulbs. Because some CFs are taller and wider
rescent tubes. than regular incandescent bulbs, they may
5. Much shorter lifetime than fluorescent not fit into some lamps or lighting fixtures
tubes. unless a taller lampshade harp or a socket
6. Sixty-cycle flicker. extender is used.
The lower-wattage CFs are rated to be
One report recently warned of supposed
equivalent to much higher-wattage incan-
harm of UV from halogen light. Unlike reg-
descent bulbs. For example, an 18-watt CF
ular glass used for regular incandescent and
is often stated to be the equivalent of a 75-
most fluorescent lights, UV light created in
watt incandescent bulb.
the halogen bulb is transmitted through the
However, CFs seem to put out less light
quartz glass. One government agency is rec-
than the "equivalent" incandescent bulb. This
ommending people not use halogen lights
is partly due to the high visual sensitivity to
unless manufacturers add "regular glass" to
yellow and the yellow-intense incandescent
prevent the UV from escaping.
bulb factors discussed above. There can be a
The reader will need to decide whether dif-
period of adjustment when switching to CFs.
ferent sources of UV light are harmful or
CFs are more economical in the long run
because they last much longer than incan-
descent bulbs.

High-Intensity Discharge (HID) Lights Many of the newer CFs use the much
improved electronic ballast discussed below.
High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lights are
am not aware of any CFs that provide mid-
made in three types: mercury, sodium, and
and near-UV spectrum. Also, many CFs do
metal halide.
not produce as much contrast as incandescent
Mercury HIDs are the older They type.
bulbs. Contrast is important to eyesight.
have a high CCT but a very low CRI. Mer-
Current CFs cannot be used with dimmer
cury HIDs are not as efficient as the newer
HIDs, and are becoming obsolete.

236 • Releaming to See

Chapter Sixteen. Light

One-piece (integral) CFs use a built-in bal- As seen in Plate 26: Spectral Power Distri-
last, which can be either electronic or magnetic. bution Curves, the typical "Cool White" flu-
Integral CFs have the disadvantage of having orescent tube provides an imbalanced
to throw away the entire unit when it burns out. spectrum compared to "Outdoor Daylight."
Two-piece (modular) CFs incorporate a The phosphor composition in the "Cool
reusable magnetic ballast contained in the White" maximizes the yellow-green region,
screw-in base, and a replaceable fluorescent where our eyes are most sensitive to colors.
tube that attaches to the base. The tube is typ- The "Cool White," which has a low CRI of 68
ically rated at 10,000 hours, while the base/bal- and a CCT of only 4200K, is deficient in the
last is rated at approximately 50,000 hours. green, blue, violet, and UV parts of the spec-
Modular CFs currently use only magnetic trum. Like incandescent bulbs, cool-white flu-

ballasts —
a disadvantage. The magnetic bal- orescents are deficient in the blue region,
last in a CF base can be much heavier than where sunlight has its maximum intensity.
the light incandescent bulb it is replacing. As There are many types of fluorescent tubes,
a consequence, replacement in some fixtures ranging from cool-white to the advanced full-

may not be practical. The wattages of both spectrum tubes.

the tube and the ballast need to be added
to get the total wattage of a modular CF.
Never use any type offluorescent light with Fluorescent Tube Types
a dimmer switch, even if it is set atfull power. For many years, most four- and eight-foot flu-

Doing so could cause premature burn-out, orescent tubes had a diameter of one and a
and could create afire hazard half inch, known as "T-12" tubes.
Some manufacturers now produce more
efficient, one-inch-diameter "T-8" fluorescent
Fluorescent Lights tubes. T-8s are rated at 32 watts, while the
Standard fluorescent tubes, invented in 1938, larger T-12S typically operate at 40 watts. The
are much more energy-efficient than incan- smaller surface area inside the T-8s allows the
descent bulbs. In contrast to the 10% effi- use of more expensive and efficient phosphor
ciency of incandescent bulbs, approximately combinations. T-8s can produce more lumens
30% of the energy used to power fluorescent (light) per watt and can result in higher CRI
tubes is converted to light. ratings (at CCTs of 5000-5500K). However,
Many "full-spectrum" fluorescent tubes are the total lumen output is usually less than that

not only energy-efficient, but have a much from T-ios and T-12S.
longer lifetime than typical cool-white fluo- Even though T-8s have a smaller diameter,
rescent tubes. So, even though the full-spec- the bipin width is the same as the standard
trum tubes have a higher initial cost, their T-12S. This means T-8s can be used in stan-

long-term cost can be much less than the dard fluorescent fixtures. T-ios have an inter-

equivalent light from standard fluorescent mediate diameter of a A" and have the same

tubes. The longer lifetime also eliminates bipin width as the T-12S and T-8s. T-5S are
inconvenient, frequent replacements of tubes. miniature, low-wattage (typically 6W) tubes,

I have found this to be major advantage. with a small bipin width.

Relearning to See • 237

Advanced Full-Spectrum Many fluorescent fixtures have plastic cov-
Fluorescent Tubes erings, called diffusers. Since UV light is
absorbed by conventional diffusers, it is impor-
As can be seen in Plate 26, "C50" (Chroma
more balanced spectrum than
50) produces a
tant that the UV light produced by special flu-
orescent tubes not be absorbed by the diffuser.
the "Incandescent" bulb and the "Cool
There are three solutions to this problem:
White" fluorescent tube. The Chroma 5o's
spectrum is closer to the spectrum of "Out- 1. Use a special UV-transmitting diffuser.
door Daylight." The Chroma 50 has a CCT 2. Use an "egg-crate" diffuser, which has
of 5000K, and a CRI of 90. large, square holes through which the
light passes —a practical solution; egg-
crate diffusers are available at many
"Diffusion is Still Confusion"
hardware and lighting stores.
"Full-spectrum" fluorescent tubes do not, by Do not use a diffuser; however, aesthetics
themselves, provide adequate lighting. may not make this a practical solution.
Due to the design of fluorescent tubes, and
the way fluorescent tubes use phosphors to
produce light, fluorescent light is more dif- Ballasts for Fluorescent Lights
fused than incandescent (point) light sources Unlike regular incandescent bulbs, fluores-
Diffused light gives a relative dullness to cent tubes require a transformer, or ballast,
objects, i.e., less contrast.
to regulate the electricity delivered to the
A CF is slightly less diffused than a stan- tubes. Ballasts come in two types: the older
dard four-foot fluorescent tube because of magnetic type, also known as "core-coil," and
the CF's smaller size.
the newer electronic type. Usually, either type
Contrast is very important to sight. Sight will power two four-foot, 40-watt (or less) flu-
functions largely by the detection of edges
orescent tubes.
and shadows. Contrast indoors can be Advantages of magnetic ballasts:
obtained by using incandescent or halogen
bulbs, or by allowing natural sunlight to enter 1. Initially less expensive than the newer

through windows or skylights. electronic ballasts.

2. Already installed in many fluorescent

Fluorescent Hardware
Disadvantages of magnetic ballasts:
The fluorescent tubes mentioned above will 1. Many have an annoying hum or buzz.

fit in most fluorescent fixtures. However, flu- Magnetic ballasts have sound ratings,

orescent lights cannot be used with dimmer which are usually indicated on the label
switches — at least not yet. on the ballast. A ballast with sound rat-
Some fluorescent tubes emit the mid- and ing "C" can be annoying — especially if

near-UV spectrum. The glass or plastic used listened to for a long time. If you are
with some fluorescent tubes is specially going to use a fluorescent fixture con-
designed to let the UV light out of the tube. taining a magnetic ballast, be sure to

238 • Relearning to See

Chapter Sixteen: Light

get the quieter type with sound rating Ballast issues canbecome very complex.
"A." Unfortunately, the sound level can come in different grades, or qualities.
increase over time with either type. Also, some manufacturers recommend
2. Physical vibration, which can cause the "matching" a specific ballast with a specific
entire fixture, especially the metal parts, fluorescent tube. These issues are beyond the
to vibrate, producing additional irritat- scope of this book.
ing noise. Considering the advantages of electronic
3. Less energy-efficient than electronic ballasts, they are highly recommended.
ballasts, which makes them more
expensive to operate in the long run.
4. Subtle but "unnerving" flicker, or strobe- "Investigate Before You Invest"
like, effect. Magnetic ballasts alternate Since new technology in lighting is often
off and on at 60 cycles per second. This expensive, it is worthwhile comparing prices
flicker can be eliminated by converting of lights and hardware. Consult with lighting
the source of power from alternating cur- manufacturers, and lighting and hardware
rent(AC) to direct current (DC), but this stores in your area.
would be impractical for many people. Since advanced types of fluorescent lights
5. Generation of more heat than have a very long lifetime, and since you prob-
electronic ballasts. ably will not replace these lights until they
6. Delay, accompanied by flickering, when bum out, it may be worthwhile spending some
starting. time to research which ones are best for you.
7. Heavier than electronic ballasts. As advanced lighting products are pro-
duced in greater quantities, and asmore com-
Advantages of electronic ballasts:
panies enter this market, prices should come
1. Silent; no noise; no vibration. down. For example, the cost of some elec-
2. Thirteen to twenty-five percent more dropped from $59 to $39
tronic ballasts has
energy-efficient than magnetic ballasts, in the last four years.

which makes them less expensive to There is a myriad of features in the new
operate in the long run. lights and fixtures. So, as a financial advisor

3. Operate at 20,000-25,000 cycles once cautioned his students, "Investigate

(on/off) per second; no noticeable before you invest."

flicker or stroboscopic effect. Helping the environment is another rea-
4. Start more quickly (nearly son for using energy-efficient full-spectrum
instantaneously) than magnetic ballasts. fluorescent tubes, CFs and electronic ballasts.

5. Operate cooler than magnetic ballasts.

6. Weigh less than magnetic ballasts.

X-rays, and Other Radiation
Disadvantages of electronic ballasts:
At least one light researcher has expressed
1. Higher initial cost. concern about, and has gone to lengths to
2. May need to replace magnetic ballasts eliminate, low-level x-rays coming from cath-

in current fixtures. odes of fluorescent tubes.

Relearning to See • 239

When concerned about any form of radi- natural sunlight changes throughout the day.
ation, it is helpful to consider that radiation We have all observed the changing colors
diminishes in intensity exponentially with the of sunrise, noon-time, and sunset. Perhaps the
distance from the source. For example, if a next development in full-spectrum lighting
point light source puts out x units of radia- will be a light that adjusts its spectrum based
tion at one foot, only 25% of that radiation on the time of day.
will be received at two feet; only 11% of the Of course, at nighttime sunlight is absent.
radiation at three feet, and only 1% of the Does the use of advanced full-spectrum day-
radiation at ten feet. So, what may be a con- light lights at night throw us even more out
cern at one foot may be of negligible or no of balance with nature?
concern at ten feet. When researching artificial light sources,

If you are concerned about x-ray, or any the quality of light is an important issue, but
other kind of radiation from any device, so is the change in the characteristics of light
increase the distance between yourself and throughout the 24-hour day — an issue that
the device. As just discussed, a small increase has been largely ignored.
in distance results in a large reduction in radi-
ation exposure.
Alternatively, lead-impregnated tape can
be wrapped around the ends of the fluores- Three Types of UV Light
cent tubes where the cathodes are located, to In discussing UV light, it is important to dis-

reduce or eliminate x-ray emissions. tinguish between the lower-energy mid- and
near-UV light discussed above, and the
LIGHT "JET-LAG" higher-energy far-UV. Many articles have
The technological advances in lighting have been written about the supposed "harm" of
made artificial light available at all hours of UV light, especially in respect to sunglasses,
the day and night. As a result, many people cataracts, and skin cancer. Unfortunately,
are now suffering from over a century of full- oftentimes no distinction is made between

spectrum light "jet lag." Many people have higher- and lower-energy UV light.
become desynchronized with the daily and The sun radiates three types of UV light:
seasonal influences of light. The darkness of
1. High-energy, far-UV (100-290 nm), also
night is just as important as the bright full-
called UV-C. Far-UV is naturally
spectrum light of day. This timing distortion
absorbed by the ozone layer in the
is a direct consequence of modern technology.
atmosphere. Any far-UV that reaches

DAYTIME FULL-SPECTRUM LIGHT- the Earth's surface and enters the eye

ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT? is absorbed by the cornea.

2. Medium-energy, mid-UV (290-320
Many of the advanced full-spectrum lights
nm), also called UV-B. Mid-UV natu-
attempt to simulate natural, noon-time sun-
rally penetrates the atmosphere and
light. This means that a person is under a sta-
reaches the Earth's surface. Of the mid-
tic, "noon-time" light during the entire time
spent under these
UV light that reaches the eye, the
lights. But the spectrum of

240 • Relearning to See


Chapter Sixteen: Light

cornea absorbs some of the mid-UV, actually do transmit the UV light.

while the lens absorbs any mid-UV Standard non-UV transmitting contact
light not absorbed by the cornea. lenses cause a pupil to be larger than its nor-
3. Low-energy, near-UV (320-380 nm), mal size. John Ott, in his book Health and
also called UV-A. Near-UV also natu- Light, writes of an experiment conducted in
rally reaches the Earth's surface. The 1969 by Philip Salvatori, chairman of the
lens absorbs all near-UV light that Board of Directors of Obrig Laboratories:
enters the eyes.
The experiment consisted of fitting a

Apparently, no type of UV light reaches [person] with an ultraviolet transmitting

the retina. contact lens for one eye and a non-ultra-

violet transmitting lens over the other eye.
Most UV light is absorbed by whatever it
Indoors, under artificial light containing
strikes on the Earth's surface. It is not
no ultraviolet, the size of both pupils
reflected. Therefore, the great majority of UV appeared the same, but outdoors, under
light that passes through the atmosphere does
natural sunlight, there was a marked dif-
not enter our eyes.
ference. The pupil covered with the ultra-
violet transmitting lens was considerably
smaller. This would seem to indicate that
Natural and Essential the photoreceptor mechanism that controls
Mid- and Near-UV Light the opening and closing of the iris responds
The Earth's surface receives a small but sig- to ultraviolet wavelengths as well as visi-
nificant amount of mid- and near-UV light. ble light.

These two types of UV light are essential to

human, animal, and plant life, and for this rea-

Sunlight and Nutrition
son are included in some advanced fluores-

cent lights. Research has shown that there can be harm

Bees and some other insects and animals from sunlight if a person has poor nutrition.

can "see" ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet pat- See Dr. Zane R. Kime's book, Sunlight Could
ternson a flower guide the bee to its nectar. Save Your Life, listed in the Bibliography.

Vitamin D, necessary for calcium assimila-

tion, is produced in the skin by UV light.
Mid-UV Causes Cataracts?
Some have considered the health benefits
of mid- and near-UV light important enough Some have "suggested" that mid-UV light

to install special UV-transmitting plastic in "may" be a cause of cataracts. One study was
thewindows of homes and buildings. based on a sample of 838 fishermen who did
The lenses used in conventional glasses and not wear eye protection. The fishermen who

contact lenses absorb about 90% of the UV had greater exposure to mid-UV had a higher
light. One optometrist provides his clients rate of cataracts. Admittedly, there could have
been a completely different reason these fish-
with special, UV'-transmitting lenses. Accord-
ing to this optometrist, it is important to ver- ermen had more cataracts. Although no claim
ify that lenses claiming to be UV-transmitting is made that this study "proved" mid-UV

Relearning to See • 24
causes cataracts, much attention has been The Harmful Consequences
directed to recommending UV-absorbing of Wearing Sunglasses
sunglasses be worn as a precaution. One consequence of wearing dark sunglasses
One national agency has stated that the is that the pupil dilates unnaturally. The pupil
research connecting long-term exposure to is not supposed to dilate unless there is low
sunlight to cataracts is inconclusive, and even light in the environment. Doesn't the use of
flawed. sunglasses confuse the visual system?
Bates said cataracts can be caused by men- The person who goes out into the bright
tal strain. See Chapter 27, "Serious Vision sunlight after buying their first pair of con-
Problems." tact lenses often experiences discomfort in

the bright fight. In addition to the abnormally

enlarged pupil (due to the non-UV trans-
Bates on UV mitting lense), the contact lense scatters light
Quoting from Perfect Sight Without Glasses: abnormally into the extreme peripheral parts
of the retina. Is this one reason many people
As for the ultra violet part of the spectrum,
become over-sensitive to normal light (pho-
to which exaggerated importance has been
tophobia) and then buy dark sunglasses,
attached by many recent writers, the situ-
which then cause the pupil to dilate even
ation was found to be much the same as
larger while in natural daylight?
with respect to the rest of the spectrum;
that is, "while under conceivable 01 realiz- Are not these artificial devices confusing

able conditions of overexposure injury may and harmful to the visual system?

be done to the external eye, yet under all

practicable conditions found in actual use Tom's Personal Log: When I was given my
of artificial sources of light for illumination first pair of contact lenses, bright sunlight was
the ultra violet part of the spectrum may very painful when leaving the store. I imme-
be left out as a possible source of injury." 8
diately returned to the store and bought the
darkest sunglasses I could find. Now I had
two unnatural devices in front of my eyes,
and when driving a car, there was a third, the
UV-absorbing, tinted windshield.
See Plate 2j: Living in Natural Light. Over the next few years, I became more
From Better Eyesight magazine, December and more sensitive to and uncomfortable in
the sunlight. I began to dread the coming of
Question: Does Dr. Bates approve of dark
glasses to protect the eyes from the glare
of the sun at the seashore?
Many sunglasses advertisements warn us
never to be in the sunlight without "protec-
Answer: No. Dark glasses are injurious
to the eyes. The strong light is beneficial to
tion" from the UV. As mentioned above,
the eye there is rarely a distinction between the essen-
tial mid- and near-UV light, and the far-UV
light, which is absorbed by the ozone layer.

242 • Relearning to See

Chapter Sixteen: Light

Diversity of opinion could hardly be become addicted to darkness. By not allow-

greater on this topic, as light pioneers like ing the eyes to experience normal sunlight, a
John Ott, Jacob Liberman, some holistic-ori- person can become more sensitive to the
ented eye doctors, and many others are warn- bright outdoor light. One then becomes
ing us of the harmful effects of the full dependent upon the dark sunglasses as a nec-
spectrum of light not entering the eyes! essary crutch.
Dark sunglasses are artificial. They did not This scenario is quite similar to becoming
exist for the masses 100 years ago. People used more dependent upon prescription glasses
to wear hats. Modern sunglasses were devel- the more you use them, the more you will
oped primarily for pilots flying at very high need to use them.
altitudes, where protection is needed from With "shades" and sunscreen lotions being
solar glare. They became popular to the a billion-dollar-a-year industry, it appears that
masses soon after. many Americans are becoming both UV- and
Military studies have shown that anything visible-light-deficient.

that lowers the levels of light entering the Are some modern health problems related
eyes decreases visual performance. to "malillumination," as John Ott describes
it? Just how have animals and people gotten
Tom's Personal Log: As a result of studying by, for millennia, without sunglasses? I have
the relationship between light and health, I concluded that not receiving the full spec-
have not worn sunglasses since 1982. If I have trum of natural sunlight is harmful to health,
not adapted to bright light, I use a hat. and using the best possible lighting indoors
is important.
In a newspaper article regarding sunglasses I regularly watch vision students become
for babies and children, a famous toy store less sensitive to sunlight. Most vision students
manager suggests babies should be given sun- eliminate their contact lenses and wear
glasses right after birth — as soon as they come glasses less and less while improving their
out of a hospital. An optometrist states that sight. Many of my students have completely
sunglasses should be put on children "as young discarded sunglasses within eight weeks
as is practical." For those interested in natural and they now feel relaxed in bright sunlight.

vision and health, this is not a good idea. All people who have blurry vision have
Glamour is a motivation for some people strain on their visual system. How much of
to wear glasses. Sometimes parents tell me this chronic strain causes over-sensitivity to
their children, who do not need prescription normal sunlight? How much of the applica-

glasses, want to wear glasses to look fash- tion of the relaxation principle during vision
ionable. This fashion will be at the cost of improvement allows the student to become
interfering with the visual system and health. less sensitive to normal sunlight? As men-

tioned in Chapter 14, "The Third Habit

Blinking," the re-establishment of normal
Addicted to Darkness tearing by returning to normal blinking can
One of the greatest dangers in wearing sun- also lower abnormal over-sensitivity to light.

glasses as a habit is that the individual can

Relearning to See • 243


FINAL NOTES ON LIGHT other athletes do not wear sunglasses,

Books, Articles, and Resources even when looking into the bright sky.
• If you feel you must use sunglasses,
I recommend students read the following out-
wear ones that are "neutral-gray" and
standing books and articles discussing the
with the least tint you can comfortably
relationship between light and health:
get by with. If possible, use maximum
• Jacob Liberman's Light: Medicine of UV-transmitting sunglasses. (See
the Future. Appendix B, Resources —Lighting.)
• John N. Ott's Light and Health, and Wear sunglasses only if you consider
Light, Radiationand You. them necessary for certain situations.
• Richard J. Wurtman's "The Effects of Worn for short periods of time,
Light on the Human Body," in Scientific sunglasses are not harmful. Do not
American, July 1975. become addicted to sunglasses!
• Dr. Zane R. Kime's Sunlight Could • People who live in a location where
Save Your Life. there is bright light have naturally
adapted to that light. For example, peo-
These books and articles are listed in the

Bibliography. There is a list of lighting

ple who live in areas where there is a
lot of snow do not need sunglasses on a
resources in Appendix B, "Resources
regular basis —they have adapted to the
brightness of the snow. Due to the
speed of modern transportation, people
Practical Suggestions can travel quickly to a new location
with very different light. For example, if
• Natural, full-spectrum light from the
sun is essential to our health. Be out-
you live in San Francisco and drive to
the mountains to go skiing, suddenly
doors in natural lighting at least one
hour per day. Even indirect sunlight on there is bright glare from the snow, to

cloudy days
which you are not accustomed. You
is beneficial.
• If you are over-sensitive to bright light,
may want to wear sunglasses for a short

do closed-eyelid sunning to rebuild

time. When returning to San Francisco,

your light tolerance.

do not continue to wear the sunglasses
as a habit.
• Ifyou have been indoors for a long
time, and then go outside into the
• When indoors, use the best full-spec-
trum lighting possible. Lights that pro-
bright light, wait a few moments to
adapt to the bright light. Sunning with
vide continuous mid- and near-UV
closed eyelids, even for a few seconds, light are preferred. Natural vision stu-

can help you adapt quickly to bright dents who have installed full-spectrum

lights have been very happy with them.
• If the sunlight is still too bright, wear a
They really do make a difference to

hat, not sunglasses. Notice that your health.

• In addition to full-spectrum fluorescent
professional tennis players, and many
lights, use incandescent or halogen

244 • Relearning to See

Chapter Sixteen: Light

bulbs to provide the important contrast InsideMac Games (Glenview, Illinois: Inside

and shadows. Mac Games, July/ August 1995), p. 102.

• Replace magnetic ballasts with A. Szent-Gyorgyi, Introduction to a Submole-

electronic ballasts.
cular Biology(New York: Academic Press, i960).
Richard J. Wurtman, "The Effects of Light on
• If possible, arrange your lifestyle to
the Human Body," Scientific American, Vol. 233,
awaken at sunrise, and retire soon after
No. 1(July 1975), pp. 68-77. An excellent report.
Sandra Sinclair, How Animals See (New York:
• Since the eyes are organs of light, the
Facts on File Publications, 1985), p. 87.
more natural, full-spectrum light you Edith Raskin, Watchers, Pursuers and Mas-
give your eyes, the more healthy your queraders: Animals and Their Vision (New York:
eyes and you will be. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964), pp. 23-25.
Fritz Hollwich, The Influence of Ocular Light
Perception on Metabolism in Man and in Ani-
Notes mals (New York: Springe r-Verlag, 1980).
Douglas Kiang, reviewer, Tuncer Deniz, editor. John N Ott, Health and Light (New York: Simon
Reprinted with permission. "Buried in Time," & Schuster, 1973), p. 109.
No reference given by Bates for this quote.

Relearning to See • 245

Chapter Seventee N

The Retina

Studying the structure and functions of the travel through eight retinal layers before
retina can help the student to better under- reaching the light receptors (see Plate 28, a-3),
stand the principles and habits of natural which lie in the ninth layer. There is one excep-
vision. tion to this — at the fovea centralis (see b-3).
See Plate 28: Retina Cross-Sections. When light rays strike cones and rods,
Light passes through the cornea, aqueous chemicals in these light receptors transform
humor, pupil, lens, and the vitreous humor light energy into electrical impulses. These
before finally reaching the retina. The retina signals travel through the various "brain" cells

(from the Latin rete, meaning "net") "nets" in the middle and upper layers of the retina,

the light entering the eye. The retina attaches along nerve fibers to the optic disc. Light sig-

to the choroid with a single row of pigment nals then travel faster than 400 feet per sec-
epithelium cells. ond through the optic nerve to the brain
The human retina is paper-thin, ~i/ioo", or where, finally, a "picture" is created.
0.25 mm, in thickness. This semi-transpar- In humans, light rays that miss the cones
ent membrane consists of nerve cells, fibers, and rods strike the light-absorbing pigment
supporting structures, blood vessels, and most epithelium and choroid. The internal pres-
importantly, the specialized photoreceptor sure of vitreous humor helps keep the retina
cells called cones and rods. The entire eye is attached to the choroid.
designed for the cones and rods. The 137 mil-
lion light receptors (7 million cones and 130 TEN RETINAL LAYERS
million rods) in each eye are among the The ten layers of the retina from the top, inter-

smallest cells in the human body. A TV pales nal layer to the bottom, external layer are:
in comparison, with only 400,000 points of
1. Internal limiting membrane, which is
light creating its picture.
adjacent to the vitreous humor.
Light entering the retina does not immedi-
ately strike the cones and rods on the top layer
2. Optic nerve fibers layer — axons of gan-
glion cells travel to the optic disc, and
of the retina, as one might guess. Light must

Relearning to See • 247


then along the optic nerve to the brain; The Central, Retinal Blood Vessels
this layer also contains the main Approximately one-half inch from the back
branches of the central arteries and of the eye, two blood vessels —one from the
veins from the optic nerve. ophthalmic artery and the other from the
3. Ganglion nerve cells layer. ophthalmic vein —enter the optic nerve. These
4. Inner plexiform (molecular) layer two blood vessels, called the central retinal
includes amacrine cells.
artery and vein, travel forward through the
5. Inner nuclear layer —containing bipolar center of the optic nerve toward the eye. They
neuron cells; amacrine cells lie near the enter the eye at the optic disc.
inner plexiform layer, and horizontal Plate 30: Retina (1) and Plate 31: Retina (2)
cells lie near the outer plexiform layer. show a portion of the back of the retina of
6. Outer plexiform (molecular) layer.
the right eye. The central blood vessels can
7. Outer nuclear layer —contains the be seen fanning out from the optic disc (OD)
nuclei of the cones and rods. into the retina. The optic disc is located -15°
8. Outer limiting membrane. to the right of, and slightly above, the center
9. Cones and rods layer. of the back of the eye. The central arteries
10. Pigment epithelium —a single-cell layer
and veins travel through the top layers of the
that attaches to the choroid. retina, above the cones and rods layer.

There are also long columnar cells, called Plate 30: Retina (1) shows an angular dis-

Muller cells (not shown in Plate 28), which tance of -70° from one edge to the other. The

extend from the internal limiting membrane entire visual portion of the retina encom-
to the cones and rods layer. These cells pro- passes -200°.

vide support for the entire retina. Plate 31: Retina (2) is a photograph of a
smaller portion of the retina. As the retina at

TWO BLOOD SUPPLIES the fovea is extremely thin, the dark choroid

See Plate 2g: Blood Vessel Sandwich for the can be seen underneath it. Part of the

Cones and Rods. choroidal ring (CR) can be seen as a bright

Blood is transported to the eye via the oph- yellow arc at the outer border of the optic

thalmic artery, and returns via the ophthalmic disc. This is where the choroid meets the optic

vein. nerve. This image shows -35° from one edge

The retina and nerve to the other.
fiber portion of the
optic nerve are shown in yellow. The cones See Plate 2g: Blood Vessel Sandwich for the

and rods layer is shown in green. Notice how Cones and Rods, Plate 30: Retina (1) and Plate
the blood vessels supply both sides of the 31: Retina (2).

retina, while passing through the retina only The macula lutea (ML) is located in the cen-

at the optic disc. ter of the retina, and the fovea centralis (FC)

The thickness of the choroid layer and its

is located in the center of the macula. Notice

blood vessels are exaggerated in Plate 2g. In

how none of the central blood vessels pass

reality, the choroid is thinner than the sclera. through the fovea. To do so would interfere
with the ability of the cones to pick up sharp
detail and colors in our central vision. Since

248 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seventeen: The Retina

the rods are incapable of picking up sharp Since the fovea has few blood vessels sup-
detail and color, blood vessels in peripheral plying it from above, the choriocapillaris is

parts of the retina are of lesser importance. thickened below the fovea to supply it addi-
tional nutrients.

^WATCHING RETINAL CORPUSCLES Choroidal blood vessels also supply nutri-

When viewing a field of deep bluish-purple ents to the front of the eye.
light, like the sky at certain times of the day See Plate 2g: Blood Vessel Sandwich for the
(never looking directly into the sun, of Cones and Rods.
course), one might notice tiny particles trav- The two sources of blood vessels (central
eling along specific paths. These are images and choroidal) create a "blood vessel sand-
of corpuscles traveling through tiny retinal wich" above and below the layer of cones and
capillaries located in front of the cones and rods in the retina. The cones and rods are
rods layer. Light entering the eye casts a maximum supply of nutrients with
given a
shadow of these corpuscles mainly onto the —
minimum interference an extraordinary
rod light receptors, and you can watch them design of nature.
move! In fact, if you check your pulse, you
can watch the corpuscles surge rhythmically INTHE BEGINNING, THERE WERE
with your heartbeat! Corpuscles are not seen RODS ...
exactly in the center because no capillaries

pass over the cones in the fovea.

Seeing the corpuscles can be a little tricky,

because the lighting needs to be just right.

Note: These corpuscles are not "floating

specks," which are discussed in Chapter 30,
The first eyes could detect only light and
"Questions and Answers."
—Sandra Sinclair

The Choroidal Blood Vessels

In addition to the central artery and vein, One Type of Rod
other blood vessels from the ophthalmic Millions of years ago, creatures in the deep,
artery and vein enter the back of the eye. dark oceans evolved a primitive visual sys-

These blood vessels pass through the sclera tem composed of rods. Rods allowed these
into the choroid, the eye's "vascular layer." creatures to pick up indistinct and colorless
Choroidal blood vessels supply nutrients to objects moving in very low levels of light.
the bottom (outer) side of the retina by Rods also helped determine relative levels
means of capillaries. This "choriocapillaris" of heat and cold based on brighter and darker
layer lies parallel to, and comes in contact environments. There is only one type of rod.
with, the pigment epithelium. The cones and The 130 million rods in the human retina

rods layer lies just on the other side of the are not designed for sharp detail. In fact, rods

single-cell-layer pigment epithelium. are incapable of "seeing" objects better than

Relearning to See • 249

20/400. This is only !
/2oth of normal, "20/20," Ever notice how dark a red fire truck seems

sight. means you

This cannot see the 20/200, to be at night? It appears nearly black. Some
"big E" line on the eye chart with your firetrucks are painted yellow because they

peripheral vision. Rods register all of the are easier to see at night.

lightwaves in the visible spectrum only as Plate 35: Daytime Cones/Darkness-Adapted

shades of grays or white. They are incapable Rods Sensitivity Chart, compares the sensi-

of sending messages of color to the brain. tivity of darkness-adapted rods to bright light-

adapted cones. In nighttime, we can take

advantage of the fact that cones are red-sen-
Rods are Very Sensitive—In Darkness sitive, while the rods are not, by using a red
See Plate 32: Darkness-Adapted Rods Sensi- flashlight. The cones are activated to provide

tivity Chart. sharp detail (and the color red), while the
While the quality of light is measured in rods are unaffected by the red light. When
terms of CRI and CCT (as discussed in the you turn off the red flashlight, the rods are

previous chapter), the quantity of light is mea- still adapted to the darkness. Some stores
sured in foot-candles. One foot-candle (called even sell "night vision lights." When I was
a candela) is the amount of light illuminating in the service, we used red flashlights at night.

an area of one square foot at a distance of

one foot from a candle.
Note in Plate 32 that the Radiance verti-

cal axis logarithmic (not linear).

The sensitivity of rods depends on the
intensity of light in the environment. In very In photography, there are different types
low levels of light — for example, at night- of film. There is "black and white" film and
time — the rods have their highest sensitivity. there is color film.
The rods function in the bright light (like There are also different "speeds" of film.

in the daytime) but they are not as sensitive The speed of the film is determined by the
to light at that time. The curve in Plate 32 film's "graininess," or clumping, of silver in

would be much lower (less sensitive) in the the negative. High-speed film, like ISO/ASA
daytime. 1000, has a coarser grain than low-speed film.
Rods are most sensitive to the wavelengths High-speed film is more sensitive to low lev-

in the blue-green region, from 450 to 550 nm. els of light but has less definition (sharpness)
This means that a dim green object might be than low-speed film.

seen as bright as a bright violet object. In Rods function similar to high-speed black
other words, both objects would be seen with and white film (or should we say this film
the same intensity of grayness. At night, functions like the rods!).
"green" leaves on a tree lit by moonlight
appear to be a brighter gray than "orange"
leaves. Rod Night Adaptation
As can be seen from Plate 32, rods are inca- When night or darkness arrives, the rods go
pable of picking up wavelengths of red light. through a remarkable change.

250 • Relearning to See


Chapter Seventeen: The Retina

Excellent Night Vision

When the retina is examined immediately
after being in darkness, it has a reddish-pur- Due to the high concentration of rhodopsin
ple color. This "visual purple" is due to a pig- at night, rods can pick up extremely low lev-
ment produced inside the rods called els of light. When fully adapted to darkness,
rhodopsin (from the Greek rhodon, mean- the rods are up to 30,000 times more sensi-
ing "rose," and opsis, meaning "sight"). tive to light than the cones are in daytime.
Rhodopsin is produced continually by the (Cones have no sensitivity to extremely low
reaction of the yellow-orange aldehyde reti- levels of light.) A highly-sensitized rod can
nal with one type of a colorless protein called be "triggered" by a single photon —the small-
opsin. Retinal is a modified form of Vita- est unit of light energy.

min A, found in carrots and many other

When bright light is absent, rhodopsin Steve Richards writes, "The normal human
increases its concentration in the rods, giving eye in good health is capable of detecting the
the rods the ability to pick up extremely low light of a match on a clear, dark night at a dis-
levels of light. The higher the concentration tance of thirty miles!" 2
of rhodopsin, the greater a rod's sensitivity
to light.
When light hits a highly "rhodopsin-
From Brightness to Darkness, and Back
energized" rod, an electrical signal is sent When a person goes from bright light into

through the retinal cells to the brain. But now sudden darkness, the rods reach ~8o% of
the rhodopsin pigment is disassociated; the their low-level light sensitivity in fifteen min-
visual purple is "bleached out." This rod can utes. Rods reach complete night adaptation
no longer pick up low levels of light — at least in one hour.
temporarily. As long as the level of light When you wake up in the middle of the
remains low, rhodopsin is reformed at a greater night, the rods have adapted to very low lev-

rate than it is depleted, and the rod quickly els of light. You can see the objects in your
regains its sensitivity to low levels of light. room. But when you turn on a bright light

Bright light, like daytime light, causes the (Ouch! The visual purple does not like bright

rate of depletion of rhodopsin to be greater light!), the visual purple is quickly lost, and
than the rate of formation. As a result, the along with it, low-light sensitivity. When the
rods lose their sensitivity to low levels of light. light is turned off, almost no objects can be
So, the rods are like rechargeable batter- seen in the room, and the process of night
ies. In darkness, they become fully "charged"; adaptation starts again.
but in bright light they become relatively "dis- Going to the movie theater in the daytime,
charged." when the movie has already begun, is an edu-
Smoking often reduces nighttime vision. cation in darkness adaptation. When the door
The rods need to be healthy to pick up low to the theater closes behind you, you can see
much of nighttime
levels of light. Fortunately, the movie screen and the aisle lights, but lit-

vision can be restored when smoking is tle else. The pupil enlarges and the rods begin
stopped. adapting to the darkness. Gradually, you see

Releaming to See • 25


better and better, and soon enough, you can tralizing seems steady. Monitor flicker is dis-

walk down the aisle. "No one is sitting in this cussed more in the Chapter 24, "Computers,
chair. Oops! I guess I haven't adapted to TVs, and Movies."
darkness as much as I thought!" Some people have retinas in which there
By the end of the movie, before the lights are rods but no cones —a condition known
are turned on, the theater seems brighter than as rod monochromacy? For this 0.003% °f
when you first entered. You adapted to the the population, the picture of the world has
darkness during the movie. If it is still day- no detail and is completely colorless.
time when you leave, bright light hits the
rhodopsin-sensitized rods and the visual pur- . . . AND THEN THERE WERE CONES
ple is bleached away once again.
Nighttime Tip #1. If you have adapted to
very low levels of light, look away from any
sudden bright light. If you look toward the
light, you will not be able to see as well, if at

all, for a short period of time. As animals evolved from the deep dark
Nighttime Tip #2. If you are leaving a room oceans to bright land, some of the rods
in which you have adapted to the darkness, evolved into cones. The high intensity of sur-
but plan to return very soon, before entering face light is utilized by the cones to pick up
the bright room, cover one eye. In this way, sharp detail and colors. Cones are found pri-

the eye you cover will still be darkness- marily in diurnal (daytime) animals and
adapted when you return to the dark room. humans. The majority of the seven million
cones in the human retina are located in the
fovea centralis.
Rods— Our "Movement Detectors"
The rods are excellent "movement detectors."
Rods allow animals to detect and catch mov- Three Types of Cones
ing prey, and to escape moving predators. As See Plate 33: Daytime Cones Sensitivity Chart.

discussed in Chapter 9, "The First Principle There are three types of cones in the retina:

Movement," the rods (and cones) are not

1. "Blue" cones are most sensitive to vio-
designed to be stimulated with a constant,
let and blue light.
steady source of light. Light rays need to
2. "Green" cones are most sensitive to
change their positions on the retina. As long
green and yellow light.
as we are moving, light rays from stationary
3. "Red" cones are most sensitive to
objects change their positions on the retina.
green, yellow, and red light.
While working with some older computer
monitors, a "flicker" can be seen in the periph- These three types of cones result from reti-

eral vision. This is due to the rods picking up nal combining with three different types of
the slower "refresh" rate of the screen. Since opsins inside the cones. "Blue" cones have
the cones do not pick up movement as well a higher concentration of "blue-opsins";
as the rods, the point at which you are cen- "green" cones have higher concentration of

252 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seventeen: The Retina

"green-opsins"; and "red" cones have a higher cones have no sensitivity. The cones need
concentration of "red-opsins." at least a medium intensity of light to be
By combining the sensitivities of the three activated.
cones in Plate 33, we can see that the great- Artificial lights — for example, a flashlight
est sensitivity is in the yellow-green region. used at nighttime are designed with enough
Note the logarithmic vertical scale. intensity to activate the cones. We can then
see detail and colors.

Tri-Chromatic Vision—
Our Natural RGB Monitor
See Plate 34: The Eye — Our Natural RGB
Most computer displays (CRTs, VDTs) and Returning to the film analogy, the cones
TVs are "RGB" monitors. By combining red, function somewhat like low-speed color film,

green, and blue lights on a screen in differ- like ISO/ASA 100. Low-speed film has a finer
ent amounts, all colors can be created. grain than high-speed film. It produces good
The full range of colors perceived by the definition (sharpness), higher contrast, and
brain is a result of different amounts of the strong color saturation. However, low-speed
blue, green, and red cones being stimulated film is less sensitive to light than high-speed
by a particular object. film.

For example, light waves from an "orange"

ball would stimulate more "red" cones than
"green" cones, and none of the "blue" cones. Most Colorblind People See Colors
The brain interprets this mixture of red and Many people think that people who are "col-
green signals as orange. Similarly, a blue orblind" cannot see colors. However, most
object would stimulate more "blue" cones colorblind people have lost only part of their
than "green" cones, and none of the "red" color vision. Usually, only one or two types
cones. of cones are either absent or not functioning
The three different types of cones —red, normally. If the green cones are not func-
green, and blue — allow us to see all the col- tioning normally, a person will be deficient
ors of a rainbow. This is known as tri-chro- picking up green. However, red and blue and
matic vision. Cones can also pick up white, combinations of red and blue can still be seen.
which is the combination of all colors. Five to eight percent of men and 0.3-0.5%
of women are colorblind. Although color
blindness is considered to be hereditary, some
Cones Need Medium-Bright Intensity natural vision students have improved their
Plate 33 shows the sensitivity of the three color blindness using the Bates method.
types of cones in bright light. When darkness Clara Hackett, in her natural vision book
approaches, the cones begin losing their sen- Relax and See, presents some excellent activ-

sitivity to light. In "true" nighttime vision, ities for people who have color blindness. She
where the intensity of light is very low, the writes:

Relearning to See • 253

The absence of all appreciation of See Plate 36: Cones and Rods Sensitivity —
colours is very rare. In most cases, there is Day and Night Cycle.
a lack of perception of red, green, and/or In the daytime, cones have good sensitiv-
blue. Many colour-blind people can ity to colors and detail. Rods are not as sen-
develop their colour sense. sitive to light in the daytime because visual
. . . The techniques [described] are prac-
purple is absent. In true nighttime vision, the
tical for self-instruction. If you are colour-
rods become extremely sensitive to low lev-
blind, there good chance that you can
is a
els of light, and the cones drop to zero sensi-
benefit from them. Essentially, they add up
to a double learning process. You will learn
tivity — in other words, the cones do not

basic facts about colours and practice iden- function.

tifying, matching, making and sorting Of course, if a light source has enough
colours. You will also practice some of the intensity in the night, it can activate the cones,
basic elements of good vision and these will and therefore, color and detail are seen.
help to simplify and speed the colour learn- Notice that detail can be seen on the moon
ing process. at night. There is sufficient intensity of light
A first essential is to achieve relaxation.
from the moon to activate the cones. Still, true
Tension affects your mind and memory and nighttime vision is primarily rod vision.
may interfere, too, with "sighting" of colour.
If previous attempts to learn colour were
futile, tension may have been a factor.
Understanding of density (concentration) dis-

Syntonics, mentioned in the previous chap- tribution of cones and rods in the retina helps
ter, has also benefited some people who have us use our central and peripheral vision cor-
color blindness. rectly.

See Plate 37: Measuring Density Distribu-

A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DAY tions of Cones and Rods.
AND NIGHT The Vertical Density Graphs (discussed
According to historians, early Muslims deter- below) are based on measurements taken
mined the beginning of day when natural sun- along, and above and below, the vertical line
light allowed them to see the colors of threads V1-V2. These graphs show the typical density
in a pile of mixed fibers. When the colors were distribution of the cones and rods along lines
not distinguishable anymore, it was the begin- passing through the fovea, without the "dis-
ning of night. traction" of the optic disc.

m* fi ^allr ^fc*&-fld-^ ^


254 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seventeen: The Retina

The Horizontal Density Graphs (discussed retina into the macula, the density of cones
below "The Blind Spot No
in the section — increases exponentially. Cone density
Cones or Rods") are based on measurements increases to a maximum of ~i50,ooo/mm 2
taken along, and to the left and right of, the exactly in the center of the fovea.
line H1-H2. Notice how this line passes The fovea is literally a pit in the retina. As
through the optic disc (OD), where there are mentioned at the beginning of this chapter,

no cones or rods. there is an exception to the light rays need-

ing to penetrate eight retinal layers to reach
the cones and rods. At the fovea, some of the
Cone Density Distribution top retinal layers, particularly the ganglion and
bipolar cells, are compressed and moved off to
Maximum Cone Density at the Fovea Centralis
the side. Additionally, the cones "reach" slightly
See Plate 28: Retina Cross-Sections, b-3, Plate upward toward the top of the retina. With less

jo: Retina (1), and Plate 37: Measuring Den- distance to travel, light rays can hit the foveal
sity Distributions of Cones and Rods. See also cones without scattering the light as much.
Plate 38: Cones Vertical Density Graph (Vi- These facts result in our sharpest vision
V2) and Plate 39: Cones 3-D Density Model by far —being at a pinpoint in the center of
(Side View). the visual field. The area of peak concentra-
The macula lutea (from the Latin macula, tion of cones in the center of the fovea is so
meaning "spot," and lutea, meaning "yel- small, the eyes need to shift from one dot of
low" — literally, "yellow spot") is -1.25 mm a colon (:) to the other in order to see each

(5 ) in diameter and contains a very high con- dot distinctly!

centration of cones. Charles H. May, in Diseases of the Eyes,
The fovea centralis (from the Latin fovea, writes:

meaning "pit," and centralis, meaning "cen-

Cones are concerned with visual acuity
tral" — literally, "the central pit") is a very
and color discrimination at high intensities
small depression located in the center of the of illumination (photoptic vision); rods are
macula. The fovea is about Vs the size of the responsible for vision at low degrees of illu-

macula, or -0.25 mm (i°) in diameter. The mination (scotoptic vision) when sight is

fovea consists almost exclusively of cones. more effective in the periphery of the retina
There are only cones exactly in the center of and is colorless. When the image of an
the fovea —no rods. object falls upon the macula, there is dis-

Plate 38 shows the density of cones as mea- tinct vision; when it falls upon any other

part of the retina, there is indistinct vision.

sured vertically along the retina.
Two points give rise to separate visual
Density, in this case, refers to the
impressions when their images are at least
of light receptors per square millimeter
0.002 mm. apart, since this represents the
(mm 2
). 1 mm ~ Vis "
. Density can also be con-
diameter of the cones at the fovea. In other
sidered the concentration of light receptors.
words, to be seen distinctly, two objects
Generally, the higher the density, the better must subtend a visual angle of one minute
we can see. or more. 5
Moving from the peripheral part of the

Relearning to See • 255

One minute of an arc is one-sixtieth of i°, The cones are concentrated in the fovea,

or 0.016° (A circle is 360°; 90° forms a right and the rest of the retina has a higher pro-

angle.) As you can see, so-to-speak, the area

portion of rods which only provide mono-
extremely small.
chrome [black and white] vision. The
of sharpest vision is
illusion of full colour outside the central
One way to remember the relationship of
image is provided by the brain. This can be
cones to other aspects of our central vision is
demonstrated by moving a previously
to think of all the "C" words: "Cones see
unseen object into a person's field of view.
Clearly and Colorfully only in the Center at The person is unable to identify the colour
the fovea Centralis; Chickens have all
until the object is close to their main image
Cones!" area. 6

Minimal Cone Density in the Periphery

Experience Cone Density
The density of cones, along with clarity and Distribution
color perception, decreases dramatically mov- As discussed in Chapter 10, "The Second Prin-
ing away from the fovea. The density of cones ciple —Centralization," it is impossible to see
drops to only 3% of their maximum, at a dis- clearly except in the center. People who have
tance of only 7 from the center of the fovea. blurry vision attempt, usually subconsciously,
The density of cones is even lower outside to see everything clearly at the same moment.
the macula, and drops to zero in the far This is called diffusion. The attempt to do the
peripheral parts of the retina. impossible, Bates said, is a strain, and lowers
Not only does the cone density drop dra- sight.
matically in the peripheral parts of the retina, In order to see clearly, a person needs to
the eight upper layers of the retina lie above have his visual attention at the place within the
those few peripheral cones. As a consequence, picture where it is clear, and the only place the
peripheral cone perception ranges from very picture is clear is exactly in the center.
poor to none. At a distance of 70° into the
peripheral retina, acuity is only 1% of the cen- ^EXPERIENCE CONE DENSITY
tral vision; this is -20/2000 vision. Color is
imperceptible in the far parts of the periph- See Plate 8: Centralizing The Two Pencils. —
eral vision. Take two different colored pencils, for
In Plate jg, the (rninimal) peripheral cones example, yellow and green. Hold the bottoms
are darkened to indicate they are "buried," of the pencils, with the eraser ends positioned
like the rods, under eight retinal layers. on top. Hold the pencils vertically out in front
The cones do pick up some color in the of you about one foot away. Separate them
peripheral vision, especially close to the cen- horizontally about 16" away from each other.
tral vision, but it is "diluted" compared to Sketch the yellow pencil while wiggling the
color in the central vision. The cones in fovea
peripheral green pencil.
Zoologist John Downer, in his book Super- pick up sharp detail and bright color on the
sense: Perception in the Animal World, writes:
yellow pencil. The green pencil, if held far
enough out in the periphery, will appear gray

256 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seventeen: The Retina

and "unclear." No peeking at the green pencil! design of nature —giving us our best night
There are so few, "buried" cones in the vision close to where we have no (central)
peripheral part of the retina, they are of no vision.
value in picking up the detail and color of the Note: The loss of central vision described
"green" pencil. In fact, if you had not known here is not the same as the "blind spot"
beforehand the second pencil was green, you caused by the optic nerve. This is discussed
most likely would not be able to identify its further below.
color. On the other hand, the movement of Moving toward the far periphery (from the
the peripheral "gray" pencil is picked up well circle of maximum density), the density of rods
by the rods. slowly diminishes to about one-quarter of its

Now sketch the green pencil. A very dif- maximum. The furthest parts of the visual por-
ferent experience! Now the cones in the fovea tion of the retina contain only rods, no cones.
pick up the sharp detail and bright green color
of the green pencil — right where you cen-
tralize. The "yellow" pencil is now "colorless" Zero Central Rods

and indistinct. Wiggle the yellow pencil. Once Moving toward the fovea (from the circle of
again, the rods pick up the peripheral "gray" maximum density), the density of rods quickly
pencil's movement very well. drops to zero. There are no rods located
exactly in the center of the fovea, only cones.
In fact, by the rods dropping to zero density,
the cones can rise to their maximum "pure"
Rod Density Distribution density in the center of the fovea.
Since there are no rods in the center of the
Maximum Rod Density in the Periphery fovea centralis, and since the cones do not
See Plate 28: Retina Cross-Sections, a-j, Plate function in very low levels of light, all humans
30: Retina (1), and Plate 37: Measuring Den- are correctly "blind" in the center of the visual
sity Distributions of Cones and Rods. See also field in true nighttime vision. True nighttime
Plate 40: Rods Graph (Vi-
Vertical Density vision is any situation in which the intensity
V2), and Plate 41: Rods 3-D Density Model of light is sufficient to activate the rods, but

(Side View). not the cones.

The rods are not distributed evenly on the Fortunately for our nighttime vision, the
retina. The maximum density of rods is area of zero rods in the fovea is very small.
~i6o,ooo/mm and they are located
, in a 360 This means the point of interest must be very
circle around, and -18° away from the fovea. small (and dim) for it to disappear. The corol-
The density of rods being "maximized" lary to this is— if the tiny central point is seen
around the fovea allows us to have our best at any time, that point must be cone vision,

nighttime vision (only 20/400 at best) close and detail and color can be seen at that point.

to the center of our visual field. This is impor- If an object is very dim, but also large, the
tant, because in very low levels of light, we center of that object will disappear, but the
have no vision exactly in the center of our peripheral parts of that object will be picked
visual field. This is yet another remarkable up by the rods.

Relearning to See • 257


^EXPERIENCE ROD DENSITY Many telescopes used for night viewing are
DISTRIBUTION a combination of two telescopes. The smaller,

Part A: At nighttime, sketch a star in the sky. low-power telescope, called the finder,

Notice there seems to be a "ring" of bright attaches to the side of the large telescope. The

stars ~i8° away from that star, all the way finder, analogous to our peripheral rods, picks
around it in a circle. This effect is due to the up a larger but less detailed area in the night

"ring" of high-density rods located ~i8° sky to "find" planets and stars.

around the fovea. R.L. Gregory writes in Eye and Brain —

If the star you are interested in is dim The Psychology of Seeing:
enough, and if you are centralizing on it, it
Astronomers "look off" the fovea when
will disappear! This is because the cones can- they wish to detect very faint stars so that
not pick up very low levels of light and there the image falls on a region of the retina rich
are no rods in the center of the fovea. in rods.

Part B: In the dark, find a watch or other

object which has small, dim, fluorescent dots.
Do not diffuse, even in true nighttime
vision. Centralizing is an important mental
If you sketch one dot directly, it will "disap-
function and should be practiced at all times.
pear." When you shift away from the dot, it
In true nighttime vision, with only 20/400
"lights up" in your peripheral vision.

These are excellent ways to study rod

vision, continue to centralize and shift your
attention. Pick up your peripheral vision sim-
vision. The student can determine how well
she is centralizing by watching the tiny dim
ilar to the way you do in the daytime
spot disappear.
Being diurnal creatures, the human visual

The "disappearing system is not designed primarily for night

act" of the tiny, dim star
is experienced in darkness in one of the nat-
vision. If you are in very low-level light situ-

ations and need to see clearly, use a flashlight

ural vision classes. This is one of the students'
to activate the cones.
favorite classes.
If you were an astronomer, how would you
ever see a tiny dim star? One possibility
would be to use a powerful telescope, so that
A close look at the middle layers in Plate 28:
a dim star appears brighter. The star might Retina Cross-Sections, reveals a difference in

then have enough intensity of light to acti-

how the cone and rod signals are processed.

vate the cones, and could then be picked up Each cone is connected to its own bipolar
cell in the inner nuclear layer. This one-to-one
with the central vision. What if the star was
connection between the cones and the bipo-
still too dim, even in the telescope? You could
locate the star in the peripheral vision, and lar cells is one reason we pick up a sharper

then take a picture of the star. The film will

image with the cones. This one-to-one cone
register the star's light, but only if the film's
connection is not maintained all the way to

"light receptors" are sensitive enough. After the brain, however. There is some mixing of

the picture developed, you cone signals in the inner plexiform layer, where
is still need to put
enough light on it to finally see the star clearly. several cones can connect to one ganglion cell.

258 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seventeen: The Retina

Unlike the cones, several rods are con- sensitivity from -496 nm in darkness with the
nected to one bipolar cell, Additionally, the rods to -555 nm in bright light with the cones
rods are connected by horizontal cells, located is known as the Purkinje shift. (Do you
just above the outer plexiform layer. This remember the images of Purkinje?)
grouped arrangement is called association See Plate 44: How We See.
cells and allows for better sensitivity to light
a. In the daytime, we think we see like a
at night and better movement perception by
camera. We think every part of the pic-
the rods; a disadvantage of association cells
ture is equally sharp and colorful.
is a less distinct image.
b. In daytime, humans only see clearly and
This "tree branch" arrangement of rods
most colorfully in the center due to the
and bipolar cells is one reason objects appear
high density of cones in the fovea. The
larger at nighttime compared to daytime. If
peripheral parts of the picture are much
only one rod is struck by a light ray, the brain
less clear and colorful. Also, the area of
interprets it as if an entire group of rods has
human vision is not a rectangle shape,
been struck.
but more an irregular, oval shape.
There are 137 million cones and rods, but
c. In true nighttime vision, humans are in-
only one million nerve fibers travel from the
capable of seeing a very small and dimly
retina to the brain.
lit central area. This is because there are

PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER no rods in the center of the fovea, and

the cones are incapable of picking up
In medium to high levels of light, the cones
very low levels of light. We are "blind" in
pick up sharp detail and colors, but only in
the center. Notice how the rods have
the central vision. The rods are capable of
their greatest sensitivity in a circle -18°
picking up very low levels of grays in dark-
from the central point of interest.
ness, and are excellent at movement percep-
tion in the peripheral vision. The iris constricts in bright light, forming
Plate 42: Cones and Rods Vertical Density a small pupil, and expands in dim light, form-
Graph (V1-V2) is simply a combination of ing a large pupil. Not only does a large pupil
Plate 38 and Plate 40. Plate 43: Cones and size let in more light, but the size of the pic-
Rods 3-D Density Model (Side View) is sim- ture we see is larger by about 10%. For the
ply a combination of Plate 39 and Plate 41. right eye, most of this increase is toward the
Plate 35: Daytime Cones/Darkness-Adapted temple and slightly below eye level. For the
Rods Chart is a combination of
Sensitivity left eye, the visual field increases to the left
Plate 32and Plate 33. Plate 35: Daytime and slightly below eye level. Notice in Plate
Cones/Darkness-Adapted Rods Sensitivity 44: How We See, c, the size of the picture on
Chart shows how darkness-adapted rods pick the lower left, left, and upper left side does
up light much better than the bright light- not increase in nighttime. Why? Just cover

adapted cones. (Of course both of these sen- your left eye to find out!
sitivity charts cannot occur simultaneously, Notice the blind spot due to the optic nerve.
since both darkness and brightness cannot See also Plate 45: A Difference Between
occur simultaneously.) The shift in maximum Day and Night.

Relearning to See • 259

THE BLIND SPOT— NO CONES ing with only the right eye, there is an area
OR RODS located -15° to the right of and slightly below

See Plate 30: Retina (1), Plate 31: Retina (2),

the point of centralization where there is no
and Plate 37: Measuring Density Distributions vision. The left eye's blind spot is located -15°
to the left of and slightly below the point of
of Cones and Rods.
The optic disc is a depressed, light-pink centralization.

area located inside the eye where the optic The area not seen with the blind spot

nerve joins the eyeball. The optic disc is ~2 increases the greater the distance an object

mm in diameter and located -15° from the is located from you. At a distance of ten

fovea, toward the middle of the head and inches from the eye, the area of the blind spot

slightly above the horizon. It has a slightly is about the size of a quarter; at one meter
vertical oval shape. it is the size of an apple; at three meters, it

See Plate 46: Cones 3-D Density Model is about the size of a basketball; and at twenty

(Top View) and Plate 47: Rods 3-D Density meters, the size of a horse!

Model (Top View). These illustrations show Usually, a person is not aware of the blind

the blind spot at the optic disc, indicated by spots because the area not seen by the right

the small white oval located -15° to the right eye is picked up by the left eye, and vice versa.

of the fovea centralis. These models are of the See Plate 4g and Plate 51. Another excellent
right eye as if you were looking into the eye- design by nature, for if the optic disc were in

ball at the retina. The right side of the mod- the middle of the back of both eyes, we would
els are toward the nose and the left side of have no central vision —night or day.

the models are toward the temple. The brain tends to fill in the blind spot area
The white point in the center of Plate to some extent. This can create a false sense
indicates there are no rods in the center of of security for a person with sight in only one

the fovea. Notice the "ring" of high-density eye. It is especially important for people with

rods ~i8° away from and around the fovea. diminished or lost sight in one eye to continue

In Plate 46 the high density of cones in the moving so that the area of the blind spot does

macula is indicated by the many brightly col- not remain constant. Some people with sight
ored, concentric circles in the center. in only one eye have been struck by an object
Plate 48: Cones and Rods Horizontal Den- coming toward them along the angle of the
sity Graph (H1-H2) shows the cones (colored) blind spot because they were not moving.
and rods (black and white) densities along
and beyond the (nearly) horizontal line Hi- ^EXPERIENCE THE BLIND SPOT
H2 in Plate 37. Notice in Plate 48 how both Part A:
the cone and rod density curves drop to zero Cover your right eye. Hold this page with
density at the optic disc. the words "Fovea Centralis" out in front of
See Plate 49: The Blind Spots and Plate 51: the left eye approximately eight inches away.
Binocular Vision. There are no cones or rods While sketching the letter "v" in the word
in the optic disc —only nerve fibers and the "Fovea" with your nose-pencil, slowly move
central retinal blood vessels. This area cre- this page closer to and farther away from

ates one "blind spot" for each eye. When see- your head. At a certain distance, the words

260 • Relearning to See

LU 1
U 10 LAJ A?''




< ^^
< 10,000

100 000
300 350 4C10 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

Plate 32. Darkness-Adapted Rods Sensitivity Chart.

Plate 33. Daytime Cones Sensitivity Chart.


Plate 34. The Eye— Our Natural RGB Monitor.



1000 "BLUF

000 / I

400 450 550 600


Plate 35. Daytime Cones/Darkness- Adapted Rods Sensitivity Chart.

Plate 36. Cones and Rods Sensitivity— Day and Night Cycle.
Plate 45. A Difference Between Day and Night.

Plate 46. Cones 3-D Density

Model (Top View).
While centralizing While centralizing
on the trumpet, the on the trumpet, the
peripheral object peripheral object
LBS cannot be seen RBS cannot be seen
by the left eye due by the right eye due
to the left eye's to the right eye's
optic disc. This is optic disc. This is

indicated by the indicated by the

left black ray. right black ray.
LBS can be seen RBS can be seen
by the right eye. by the left eye.
This is indicated by This is indicated by
the blue ray. the red ray.

Plate 47. Rods 3-D Density

Model (Top View).


Cons Rods

\ 1

/ \
/ \
H2 1I H1

80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20= 40° 60° 80°

Vertical Angular Distance from Fovea Centralis

Plate 48. Cones and Rods Horizontal Plate 4g.

Density Graph (H1-H2). The Blind Spots.

Plate jo. Animal Vision.

Chapter Seventeen: The Retina

"Blind Spot" will disappear. No peeking! The the spaces of the cones and rods in the retina?
light rays from the words "Blind Spot" land
in the optic disc, where there are no light THE BIRDS' AND THE BEES' VISION
receptors. When the page is moved closer to See Plate 50: Animal Vision.
or farther away from your eye, the light rays Most animals are either diurnal (daytime)
from the words "Blind Spot" fall onto the or nocturnal (nighttime) creatures. As such,
rods (and cones) outside the optic disc. each has developed a visual system that best
suits its purposes.
Part B:
The eyes of land and air predators are
Sketch the letter "v" in the word "Fovea"
placed forward in the head for excellent
in Part A. When you have found the distance
depth perception. (Predator fish must move
at which the words "Blind Spot" disappear
their heads left and right to spot prey that is
the best, then sketch the letter "r " in the sen-
straight ahead.)
tence "Fill it in, Brain!" Magic! The brain fills
Along with humans, some primates, rep-
in the empty space in the line to the left with
(including alligators, crocodiles, lizards),
what logically should be there — a "continu- tiles

and almost all diurnal birds have at least one

ous" Moving this page closer and farther
fovea in each eye.
away reveals the empty space once again.
Among animals that have cones, not all have
If you would like to experience the blind
all three types of cones. Many have only one
spot with your right eye, turn this page upside-
or two types, which means their color vision is
down, and repeat the same instructions.
limited. Among mammals, only apes and most
If you have difficulty with these experi-
monkeys have color vision close to humans.
ences, rotate this page a couple of degrees
counterclockwise (clockwise when using the
right eye.) Since the optic disc is a couple of
degrees above the horizon relative to the
Most nocturnal birds and some reptiles, like
fovea, this may help "Blind Spot" disappear.
lizards, crocodiles and alligators, and camels,
(Most students do not need to do this.)
have a functioning third membrane called a

nictitans (from the Latin nictatus, meaning

The brain filling in the empty space, when it is
"to wink"). This special thin, transparent
at the blind spot, is an indication of how men-
membrane is located near the inner angle of
tal the process of seeing is. How much of the
the eye or beneath the lower eyelid.
picture we see all day long is "filled in" between

Fill it in,


Relearning to See • 26


Even when closed, the transparent nicti- hawks, and falcons have the best distance
tans allows the animal to continue seeing vision of all creatures on Earth. The buteo
a decided advantage. The nictitans helps hawk has the highest density of cones at
protect animals from dirt and debris. By clos- 1,000,000 mm 2
. This is more than five times

ing the nictitans, birds can protect their eyes that of humans. An eagle can spot a mouse
while in flight. Nocturnal birds, like the owl, on the ground from high in the sky, while a

can use the nictitans to protect their eyes from vulture can spot a carcass from nearly two
bright sunlight during the day. and a half miles away.
All raptors have two deeply pitted foveas
in each eye. These specialized foveas produce
Birds magnified "telescopic" sight both straight
Birds have very large eyes relative to the size ahead and to the sides. One fovea picks up a
of their head and body. Some eyes are so point of clarity straight ahead, and the other
large, they touch each other inside the bird's picks up a point of clarity in the peripheral
head! (Thus, the phrase "bird brain.") A vision.

larger eye has more cones, which provides Due to its very high concentration of cones
sharper vision. Birds have the highest quan- and specialized foveas, the red-tailed hawk
tity and density of light receptors of all ani- can see the raccoon across the river with
mals. A sparrow has a cone density of 400,000 greater clarity than humans. (See Plate 50.)
mm which is more than twice that in the
, A chicken has all cones. The entire visual
human eye. field is equally sharp and colorful in the day-
As mentioned above, nearly all birds have time. However, because it lacks rods, the
a fovea. About half of all birds have two chicken is essentially "blind" at night and
foveas in each eye. needs to hide from the rod-equipped fox. The
For all birds, the lower eyelid moves eyes of chickens and ducks are placed on the
upward for protection from dirt and other sides of their heads, typical of prey animals.
particles and to close the eyes during sleep;
the owl is the only bird that can lower its
Nighttime Birds
upper eyelid.

Pronounced nighttime birds, like night owls

and some bats, have only rods and no cones.
Daytime Birds
Owls see only indistinct, gray shapes. (Some
Some daytime birds, including eagles, hawks, diurnal owls have some cones, and therefore
chickens and canaries, have all cones, but no some color vision.) Nocturnal owls have more
rods. Unlike humans, these animals see every- rods than humans. For example, the barn owl
thing sharp and colorful simultaneously, sim- has four times as many rods as humans.
ilar to the picture from the camera in Plate Additionally, the rods in owls are in larger
44: How We See, a. Unfortunately, "pure" cone groups (association cells), resulting in even
vision makes a daytime bird unable to see in greater sensitivity to light at night —up to 100
true nighttime. times more sensitive than the darkness-
Raptor (predatory) birds such as eagles, adapted vision of humans.

262 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seventeen: The Retina

One advantage of not having a fovea cen- copied the cheetah's ways! Some lizards have
tralis is that a tiny, dim object does not dis- a black circle around their eyes which serves
appear from the central vision at night. The the same purpose.
central object will be "grainy" and colorless, Although their retinas contain mostly rods,

but at least it can be seen. cheetahs, leopards, and seabirds have a thin,
Most nocturnal birds are not able to horizontal band of concentrated cones in the
accommodate. Even if they could, the best middle of their retinas — a semi-fovea. This
vision would still be much less than 20/20, gives cheetahs sharper vision to spot gazelles
since the rods do not pick up sharp detail. and antelope along the flat plains of Africa.
Movement and very low-level light percep- But gazelles and antelopes also have hori-
tion are more important for nocturnal birds. zontal foveas to spot their predators.
The owl compensates somewhat for its Notice the forward position of the chee-
immobile eyes by having twice as many ver- tah's eyes, typical of land predators. This pro-

tebrae in its neck. With the extra vertebrae, vides excellent depth perception. The cheetah
an owl can turn its head almost 180 in each is the world's fastest land mammal, acceler-
direction. This gives some children the impres- ating from a stand-still to over 70 miles per
sion the owl can rotate its head all the way hour within a few seconds. Only the three
around, 360 ! The owl can also bend its head birds, the golden eagle, peregrine falcon, and
all the way back. Indian swift, can travel faster. Cheetahs are
Contrary to their reputation, bats do use currently an endangered species.
their eyes to see at night. In fact, the fruit bat The native black tail prairie dog (actually
has excellent night vision. Many bats (but not a squirrel that sounds like a small dog!), squir-
fruit bats) also use a form of sonar, sending rels, and turtles have nearly all cones. They
out chirps that echo off of insects and other have no night vision. Note the location of the
prey. The time it takes for the echo to return eye on the side of its head, allowing excellent
helps the bat gauge the prey's distance. peripheral vision, like chickens and rabbits.
This is typical of prey animals.

The monkey is very

vision of the mandrill
Other Animals similar to human trichromatic (RGB) vision,
The color vision of many mammals is limited whereas some other monkeys have more lim-
to faded yellows and blues. Red colors appear ited color vision.
dark brown, while greens appear white or The South American squirrel monkey has
gray. very good cone vision, but is slightly deficient

in the red region.

The chameleon, a type of lizard, has an

Other Daytime Animals fovea
extremely high density of cones in its

Within the large, wild cat families, only the nearly 800,000 mm 2
, almost matching that of
cheetah is a diurnal predator. Notice in Plate the buteo hawk. Turtles have almost com-
50 the black stripe extending from the eye to pletely cone vision.
the mouth. This helps prevent reflection from
the bright sunlight. Football players have

Relearning to See • 263

Other Nighttime Animals Rabbits have "wide-angle" eyes at the sides

of their head, typical of land prey animals.

Nocturnal animals have virtually all rods, with
Rabbits have almost 360 wrap-around vision.
few or no cones. Since the rods are very poor
a red flashlight can be
With almost no defense from predators
at picking up red light,
except freezing and running, their panoramic
used at night to find night animals without
vision is important for survival. Since rods are
frightening them away. At night, human eyes
can detect red better than most night animals.
movement detectors, "freezing" can be an
effective method of avoiding detection. Rab-
Cats have both rods and cones; however,
The den- bits have no cones.
the rods far outnumber the cones.
sity of cones in cats is only 24,000 mm 2
, about
!/6 that of humans. Cats do not have a fovea.
The Tapetum— Doubling Sensitivity
The night vision of a cat is about eight times
better than human night vision. Part of this
Many animals including owls, cats, lions, cows,
due to the tapetum sheep, oxen, rabbits, raccoons, some dogs, ele-
better night vision is
phants, bears, wolves, dolphins, whales, and
which is described below.
Cats, including lions, are primarily night-
some deep-water fish have eyes that glow at

A cat's pupil round when night. This is due to an extra highly reflective
time animals. is

large but becomes a narrow vertical slit when layer called the tapetum lucidum. The tape-

closed. This helps protect their night-adapted

tum (from the Latin tapete, meaning "carpet,"
rods from sudden bright light.
and lucere, meaning "to shine"; literally "the
shining carpet"), which is not present in
Research on the vision of dogs is conflict-

ing. About half of the studies suggest dogs do humans, lies in the choroid, just beyond the

not see color, and the other half suggest they

pigment epithelium in the retina.

In animals with tapetums, light that misses

do. Some think dogs have very limited color
the light receptors passes through a relatively
vision in the blue region. In any case, the
majority of seeing by dogs is with the rods, transparent epithelium layer and reflects from

and therefore the picture the mirror-like tapetum back into the rods
is gray. The fovea
is absent in dogs. (and cones, if any) layer. The tapetum gives

Other nocturnal animals include rats, mice,

the light ray a second chance of hitting a rod

lemurs, flying squirrels, raccoons, rabbits, croc- or cone, giving these animals better nighttime

odiles, dolphins, alligators, raccoons, skunks,

vision. Some of the light reflected from the

and badgers. These animals have essentially

tapetum exits the eyes again, creating a cat's

all rods. "glowing" eyes at night.

Dolphins, being nighttime hunters, have Some animals even have a "super tape-

7,000 times more rod association cells than tum" made of guanine crystals. These crystals
humans; cats have 2,000 times more. reflect light even better than the common

Deep-sea fish have the most light-sensitive


retinas of all creatures. Their retinas are par- Notice in Plate 50 how the eyes of the rab-

ticularly designed to pick up blue wavelengths bit "glow" from the camera flash. This is due
of light, as most red light is absorbed near the to the rabbit's tapetum. The pupils are large

surface of the water. because the rabbit is in the shade at sunset.

264 • Relearning to See

Chapter Seventeen: The Retina

Ultraviolet and Infrared Vision excellent acuity and color. Rods pick up indis-
Bees, butterflies, deer, and many lizards can tinct gray images, motion, and very low lev-

see UV light. UV light patterns on flowers els of light in the periphery.

and insects are important for feeding on nec- In the movie Tombstone an observer of the

tar and for mating. famous Wild West lawman Wyatt Earp states,

Some snakes, e.g. the green tree python, pit "He's got the eyes of both predator and prey."

vipers, and rattlesnakes, some owls, and some Basically, nature has given us "eagle-eyes" in

bats can see in the infrared region. At night, the center of the visual field, and "night-owl"
mouse not as protected as thinks, as the vision in the periphery.
a is it

viper snake can see the mouse's "heat" image.

Special "thermographic" camera technol-
ogy now allows us to take infrared "heat" pic-
tures. For example, a heat picture can be
Sandra Sinclair, How Animals See (New York:
Facts on File Publications, 1985), p. xv.
taken of a hand-print on a wall just after the 2
Steve Richards, "How to Extend Your Sight,"
hand has moved away.
Invisibility (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire,
Goldfish can see both infrared and UV England: The Aquarian Press, 1982), p. 52.
light. 3
Natalie Angier, "New Clues to Vision: People
There are several books listed in the Bib- Whose Glasses Must Be Rose-Colored; When
liography that describe the vision of animals. the retina has no cones, scientists can see the
How Animals See, by Sandra Sinclair, is a rods at work," The New York Times (Novem-
standout. ber 17, 1992), p. B6.
Clara A. Hackett and Lawrence Galton, Relax
CHAPTER SUMMARY and See (London: Faber and Faber, Limited,
I once asked a group of students how they 1957), PP- 196-97-
Charles H. May, Diseases of the Eye (Baltimore,
would design the light receptors in the retina.
Maryland: William Wood and Company, 1943),
One student said, "The retina should have all
p. 294.
cones during the day, and then transform into 6
John Downer, Supersense: Perception in the Ani-
all rods at night."
mal World (New York: Henry Holt and Com-
There are many types of visual systems, pany, 1988), p. 52.
only a few of which have been discussed in 7
R. L. Gregory, Eye and Brain: The Psychology
this chapter. For humans the cones are max- of Seeing (New York: McGraw-Hill Co., 1966),

imized in the center of the visual field, for p. 48.

Relearning to See • 265

Chapter Eighteen

Stereoscopic Vision

Binocular vision is especially important for
Horizontal Fields humans and animals that have a fovea cen-
See Plate 51: Binocular Vision. tralis. Light from the object of interest, a,

In Horizontal Visual Fields, object a is the enters the fovea of each eye. Information
point of centralization. Notice in Left Eye reaching the brain is doubled at this point of

Horizontal Visual Field, b, and Right Eye Hor- centralization — the only part of the visual
izontal Visual Field, c, both visual fields are field where we see clearly.

equal in size, but opposite to each other. Each For most of the peripheral vision (green
eye sees a horizontal angle of field of 145 area d, minus the foveal vision), the rods are

(85 from the point of centralization, a, also activated twice. This gives us better
toward the temples, plus 55 from a to the movement perception and depth perception.
nose). A disadvantage of maximum, forward binoc-
See Combined Horizontal Visual Fields, e. ular vision is the loss of some side and all rear
The two visual fields overlap almost com- vision. Since forward vision is primarily found
pletely in the middle area with an angle of in predators, this is rarely a problem.
120° d. This large area of overlapping, binoc-

ular vision is possible because both eyes are

located in front of the head and are facing Full Visual Fields
forward. In Plate 57: Binocular Vision, Full Visual Fields,
The total horizontal visual field is 170° e "Dixie Man" is the man located exactly in the
(85 for the right eye + 85 for the left). How- center of the picture (between two columns
ever, there are two small areas, one to the far on the second deck) and is the object of cen-
left (b ', 25 ), and the other to the far right {c\ tralization.

25 ), which are still monocular. This is due to Combined Visual Fields shows the total
the nose blocking the far right side of the left visual fields, b + c. d is the area of overlap-
eye's field of vision and the far left side of the ping, binocular vision, while b' and c' are

right eye's field of vision. monocular.

Relearning to See • 267

The angle upward from the center of the Now hold a finger or hand out at arm's
visual field to the eyebrow is 45 downward ; length. Examine the finger or hand carefully

from the center to the cheek is 65° The total again. Close each eye alternately to discover

central vertical angle is 110 . there is less difference between the two sides.

Blind spots are eliminated in the Combined The closer an object is to a person, the

Visual Fields. However, the two optic disc greater the difference between the two pic-
areas are monocular, because each area is The brain uses the
tures of that object.
only seen with one eye. amount of difference between the two
images, along with the size of the object, to
determine its distance. The difference
The Fused Finger between the images in each eye changes the
See Plate 5;: Binocular Vision, The Fused most from directly in front of the head out to
Finger. a distance of about twenty feet.
Examine your right forefinger carefully Theoretically, a finger or hand positioned
while holding it about eight inches in front of at infinity would be seen the same with each
your head. When asked how many fingers eye. With our visual system, however, objects
there are, we say there is only one finger, and at twenty feet and beyond are essentially at

we think we see this finger like a camera sees infinity as far as fusion and depth perception
it, as in Camera Finger. are concerned.
A closer examination reveals there are
actually two fingers that are "fused" into one.

Up close, the right eye sees a significantly dif- Binocular Vision for Depth
ferent view of the finger than the left eye Perception
does. Close or cover each eye alternately to The main advantage of having two eyes in
discover this fact. Note the fingernail images the front of the head with overlapping visual
seen with each eye separately. fields is better depth perception. Binocular
The brain merges the two different images, vision helps us determine an object's distance.
the best it can, into "one" finger. The finger As discussed above, the difference between
we see is actually a composite of the two sep- the two images is one way the brain gauges
arate images from each eye, as in Fused Fin- depth.
gers. This is not the same as a camera's view. Another way the brain judges an object's
This demonstration is more dramatic if you distance is by its size. A rabbit one foot away
hold your hand vertically about four inches appears much larger than the same rabbit
in front of your head. Position the thumb so twenty feet away. But what if the rabbit
it is close to the head and the small finger is twenty feet away was so large it appeared to
farther away. Alternate closing each eyelid. be the same size as the rabbit only one foot
The two views of the hand are very different. away? How can the brain tell the difference?
The right eye can see the right sides of all the This where the difference in the images

fingers, but not the left sides, and vice versa. in the two eyes comes into play. The two
With both eyes open, you see both sides images on the right and left retinas of a
simultaneously. smaller rabbit one foot away would have a

268 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

greater difference between them than the two processes different retinal images and then
images on the retina of a far-away, larger rab- draws conclusions regarding the relative dis-
bit. Also, by experience, we know that rab- tances of those objects.
bits are not huge! First, notice how all letters on the retina are
Two other ways the brain can judge the dis- flipped upside-down and leftside-right. Next,
tance of an objectby convergence and
is notice that L is to the left of C, but on the
accommodation. Convergence, discussed retina the image of L is to the right of C. R
more below, is alignment of the two eyes so is to the right of C, but on the retina the image
that the object of interest (centralization) of R is to the left of C The image of the world
lands in the foveas for sharp acuity. The more is completely reversed on the retina.
the eyes turn inward, the greater the con- In a-i/a-2, L, C, and R are thesame dis-
vergence, and the closer that image must be. tance from the eyes. Also, L is the same dis-
The accommodation of the eye to see a near tance to line AB as R is to line CD. AB and
object is another clue the brain has to gauge CD represent the lines of sight from the fovea
the distance of an object. As mentioned in to letter C. In a-2, the images of L, C, and R
Chapter 3, "Understanding Lenses and Pre- on the retina are the same size, and the
scriptions," accommodation occurs basically images of L and R are the same distance to
within the first twenty feet. the image of C.
In b-ilb-2, L has been moved closer to the
eyes, while R has been moved farther away.
Judging Relative Distances In b-i, notice how the letters L and R are now
Refer to Plate 52: Judging Relative Distances. closer to line AB, while they are farther away
The model in a-i is the same model as in from line CD. This may be easier to see if you
a-2; b-i is the same as b-2; and c-i is the same rotate the illustration counterclockwise so
as c-2. that AB is vertical; then, rotate the page
a-i, b-i, and c-i are views of the models clockwise to make CD vertical.
from the top. In b-2, in the left eye, the images of L and
a-2, b-2, and c-2 are views from behind the R are now closer to C, while in the right eye
eyeballs, looking toward the letters L, C, and they are farther away. The positions of the
R. These models show the different images letters on the two retinas are now quite dif-
created on the retinas when two objects (L ferent from each other, and from the images
and R) are at different distances from the on the retina in a-2. In b-2, how does the brain
eyes. fuse these two different pictures from the
The eyes in these models are directed retinas?
toward the center of the letter C, as indicated The image of C does not change its loca-
by the gray lines extending from the fovea tion or size on the retina because C has not
centralis of each eye out to and through the been moved from its original location and the
center of the letter C. eyes are still centralizing on C.
In examining these models, there are sev- In c-ilc-2, L has been moved farther away
eral discoveries we can make about how the from the eyes, and R closer. Compare all of
retina "sees" multiple objects. The brain the images on the six retinas. There are only

Relearning to See • 269

two that are identical. Which ones are they? A Topsy-Turvy World
Along with the other methods described Some studies have been conducted in which
above, the brain uses the difference in dis- a person wears special goggles which make
tances between images of L and R on the two objects appear upside down, and the right
retinas to make judgments about the relative side on the left. After a certain period of time,
and absolute distances of these letters. The while still wearing these goggles with prisms,
main differences occur when the two objects some objects are seen right-side up in their
are within the first twenty feet. correct orientations!
If the distances between the images of L
and R on the retinas are the same, as in a-2,
the brain may assume L and R are at the 3-D Vision, More Than Just
same distance from us. If the distance Stereoscopic Vision
between the images of L and R is smaller on The sense of depth created by binocular
the retina of the left eye than on the right eye, vision is called stereoscopic vision. The brain
as in b-2, the brain may conclude L is closer merges both the two-dimensional images, one
than R. Finally, if the distance between images from the right eye and one from the left eye,
of L and R is greater on the retina of the left into one three-dimensional image. Stereop-
eye than on the right eye, as in c-2, the brain sis (from Greek, meaning "solid sight") means
may conclude L is farther away than R. the appearance of depth when both eyes are
Notice in b-2 that the images of L are used.
larger on the retinas because L is closer to In addition to stereoscopic vision, the right
the eyes; the image of R is smaller because it hemisphere of the brain creates an even more
is farther away. In these models, the brain may 3-D image.
assume a larger letter is closer, and a smaller In natural vision classes, students sketch
letter is farther away. scenic pictures with their imaginary nose-pen-
These letters are the same size. If they were cils. At the end of the second class, most vision
different sizes, the brain might need more students experience a marked feeling of
information to judge their distances. Learn- depth in these scenic pictures — as if the stu-
ing the size of objects by experience, like the dent could actually walk into the scene, sens-
rabbit example above, is an important part ing the edges around objects.
of learning to gauge distances of objects. This sense of 3-D depth perception is not
The images in the above models are rela- the same depth perception experienced by
tively large, and close to the eyes. If these stereoscopic vision, as this "extra sense" of
same three letters were placed 100 feet away, 3-D can be experienced with only one eye.
and the letters L and R were moved the same This 3-D experience is one of the qualities
distances closer and farther away, the differ- of vision that resurfaces when the visual sys-
ences between their images on the two reti- tem begins to relax and returns to a natural
nas would be much less. This is one reason it balance.
is easier to gauge the relative distances of During telephone call, one of my
his initial
objects within the first twenty feet. students told me he had perfect sight for 26^
years, and that he had been wearing glasses

270 • Releaming to See


Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Virion

for only six months. He told me that as much Mahal. Taj Mahal appeared as if a real
as he wanted to improve his acuity, he also monument before her. Instantly the girl

wanted 3-D vision back. He said that the

his observed that the sun had also come there,

more he wore his glasses, the "flatter" the as if from nowhere, and was shining bril-

world seemed to get, especially while wear-

liantly on the golden dresses of the girls in
the photograph. Suddenly she cried out.
ing the glasses. Unfortunately, most people
"Ah, it is really beautiful." She saw the
who have worn glasses for many years do not
depth in the windows of the Taj Mahal. The
remember natural 3-D vision. It can be star-
shadows of the front walls of the Taj falling
tling to many students when it begins to on the walls behind added to its three-
return. dimensional appearance. The four minars,
So, a person may have stereoscopic vision, the conical trees, the water canal and the
due to the proper convergence of the two carpet of green grass, all appeared quite
eyes, but he may not have right hemisphere, real to her. The mind [began] to see every-

3-D vision. Left-brain, mechanical glasses, the thing in its true perspective, as if Taj was

"machines of seeing," switch off many visible with its length, breadth and height.

right-hemisphere qualities of vision. Sight The people in front seemed to be walking

through glasses is not similar to the experi-

The coloured saree of the lady
in reality. . .

became hundred-fold beautiful and mag-

ences of true natural vision.
nificent with all its sober designs. When the
The ophthalmologist Dr. R. Agarwal, in his
mind got completely relaxed, the visual
book, Mind and Vision, 2 describes this extra
cells of the retina began to function with
sense of 3-D and some other aspects of nat-
their full capacity. 3
ural vision:
Since the retina is part of the brain, the
brain began to function with its full capacity.

Later he writes of another student:

. . . she was taught centralization and was

given a picture of the Taj Mahal. At first

glance the view-card appeared to be a flat

coloured picture but by looking at it in a

particular way without effort or strain she

was able to enjoy it. The Taj appeared in all

its glory in a bright light. The effect of the

sun could be seen on the building, the shad-

ows could be seen behind the persons walk-
ing in front of Taj. The three-dimensional
So I gave a picture of the Taj Mahal to
effect could be produced easily with each
this girl student. She was asked to look at
eye separately. 4
the people right in front and at those who
were on the floor of the Taj Mahal as if they This story shows that this extra sense of
were a mile away, very far. By alternate three-dimensional vision is not dependent
shifting of sight she could feel the distance upon stereoscopic vision. There is a definite,
between the people in front and the Taj extra quality of 3-D vision, difficult to describe

Relearning to See • 27
or quantify, produced in the mind when a per- CHAPTER XXI
son has relaxed, natural vision habits.
Since we have two eyes, it is obvious that
in the act of sight two pictures must be
The Stereoscopic Pictures Fad
formed; and in order that these two pic-
Recently, images have been produced which,
tures shall be fused into one by the mind,
at first glance, seem like a group of mean- it is necessary that there shall be perfect
ingless, random dots. However, when a per- harmony of action between the two organs
son centralizes at a certain distance in front of vision. In looking at a distant object the
of, or in back of, the image, a 3-D picture is two visual axes must be parallel, and in

formed in the brain. Though the 3-D effect is looking at an object at a less distance than
entertaining, the diffusion necessary to cre- infinity, which for practical purposes is less

ate the effect may be harmful. One computer than twenty feet, they must converge to

software company even warns of getting a exactly the same degree. The absence of
this harmony of action is known as squint,
headache by viewing such images created by
or strabismus, and is one of the most dis-
their software.
tressing of eye defects, not only because of
Natural, clear vision is based on relaxation
the lowering of vision involved, but because
of the mind. Creating more strain with these
the want of symmetry in the most expres-
images is not recommended. sive feature of the face which results from
I believe that the 3-D effect experienced
it has a most unpleasant effect upon the
with these images may be more entertaining personal appearance. The condition is one
to people who wear glasses, because they which has long baffled ophthalmological
have lost much of their natural, right-hemi- science. While the theories as to its cause
sphere 3-D vision. advanced in the text-books seem to fit some

cases, they leave others unexplained, and

BATES ON STRABISMUS (SQUINT) all methods of [improvement] are admit-
AND AMBLYOPIA ted to be very uncertain in their results.
The idea that a lack of harmony in the
Before discussing the somewhat complex top-
movements of the eye is due to a corre-
ics of fusion, amblyopia, convergence, and
sponding lack of harmony in the strength
strabismus (the latter is also known as squint),
of the muscles that turn them in their sock-
let's read what Bates had to say on these top-
ets seems such a natural one that this
ics. "Squint" was a term used (more in the theory was almost universally accepted at
past) to refer to strabismus; "squint" as used one time. Operations based upon it once
here does not refer to the harmful vision habit had a great vogue; but today they are
of narrowing the eyelids.The term "strabis- advised, by most authorities, only as a last
mus" has been substituted for the term resort. It is true that many persons have
"squint" in many of Bates' extracts. benefited by them; but at best the correc-

Almost the entire chapter on strabismus tion of the strabismus is only approximate,

and amblyopia from Perfect Sight Without and in many cases the condition has been

made worse, while a restoration of binoc-
is reprinted here:
ular vision —the power of fusing the two

272 • Releaming to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

visual images into one — is scarcely even of marked paralysis of one or more mus-
hoped for. cles have been observed in which there was
The result of even the most successful no strabismus. Relief of paralysis, more-
strabismus operation, in long-standing stra- over, may not relieve the strabismus, nor
bismus, is merely cosmetic in the vast the relief of the strabismus the paralysis.
majority of cases. —Eversbusch: The Dis- Worth found so many cases which were not
eases of Children, edited by Pfaunder and benefited by training designed to improve
Schlossman. English translation by Shaw the fusion faculty that he recommended
and La Fetra, second edition, 1912-1914, vol. operations on the muscles in such cases;
vii, p. 316. while Donders, noting that the majority of
The muscle theory fitted the facts so hypermetropes did not [have] strabismus,
badly that when Donders advanced the was obliged to assume that hypermetropia
idea that strabismus was a condition grow- did not cause this condition without the aid
ing out of refractive errors—hypermetropia of co-operating circumstances.
being held responsible for the production That the state of the vision is not an
of convergent and myopia for divergent important factor in the production of stra-
strabismus — it was universally accepted. bismus is attested by a multitude of facts.
This theory, too, proved unsatisfactory, and It is true, as Donders observed, that stra-
now medical opinion is divided between bismus is usually associated with errors of
various theories. Hansen-Grut attributed refraction; but some people have strabis-

the condition, in the great majority of cases, mus with a very slight error of refraction.
to a defect, not of the muscles, but of the It is also true that many persons with con-
nerve supply; and this idea has had many vergent [inward] strabismus have hyper-
supporters. Worth and his disciples lay metropia; but many others have not. Some
stress on the lack of a so-called fusion fac- persons with convergent strabismus have
ulty, and have recommended the use of myopia. A person may also have conver-
prisms, or other measures, to develop it. gent strabismus with one eye normal and
Stevens believes that the anomaly results one hypermetropic or myopic, or with one
from a wrong shape of the orbit, and as it eye blind. Usually the vision of the eye that
is impossible to alter this condition, advo- turns in is less than that of the eye which is

cates operations for the purpose of neu- straight; yet there are cases in which the
tralizing its influence. eye with the poorer vision is straight and

In order to make any of these theories the eye with the better vision turned in.

appear consistent it is necessary to explain With two blind eyes, both eyes may be
away a great many troublesome facts. The one may turn in. With one good
straight, or

uncertain result of operationsupon the eye eye and one blind eye, both eyes may be
muscles is on the
sufficient to cast suspicion The blinder the eye, as a rule, the

theory that the condition is due to any more marked the strabismus; but excep-
abnormality of the muscles, and many cases tions are frequent, and in rare cases an eye
with nearly normal vision may turn in per-
The result obtained by the operation is. as a rule, sistently. A strabismus may disappear and
simply cosmetic. The sight of the strabismic eye return again, while convergent strabismus
is not influenced by the operation, and in only a
will change into divergent [outward] stra-
few instances is even binocular vision restored.
bismus and back again. With the same error
Fuchs: Text-Book of Ophthalmology, p. 795.

Relearning to See • 273

of refraction, one person will have strabis- with." 3 Yet it is well known, as the trans-

mus and the other not. A third will have lator of Fuchs points out in an editorial
strabismus with a different eye. A fourth comment upon the above statement, that 15

will have strabismus first with one eye and if the sight of the good eye is lost at any
then with the other. In a fifth the amount period of life, the vision of the amblyopic
of the strabismus will vary. One will get well eye will often become normal. Further-
without glasses, or other [solutions], and more, an eye may be amblyopic at one time
another with these things. These improve- and not at another. When the good eye is

ments may be temporary, or permanent, covered, a strabismic eye may be so ambly-

and the relapses may occur either with or opic that it can scarcely distinguish daylight
without glasses. from darkness; but when both eyes are
However slight the error of refraction, open, the vision of the strabismic eye may
the vision of many strabismic eyes is infe- be found to be as good as that of the
rior to that of the straight eye, and for this straight eye, if not better. In many cases,

condition [amblyopia], usually no appar- too, the amblyopia will change from one
ent or sufficient cause can be found in the eye to the other.
constitution of the eye. There is a differ- Double vision occurs very seldom in stra-
ence of opinion as to whether this curious bismus, and when it does it often assumes
defect of vision is the result of the strabis- very curious forms. When the eyes turn in
mus, or the strabismus the result of the the image seen by the right eye should,
defect of vision; but the predominating according to all the laws of optics, be to the
opinion that it is, at least, aggravated by the right, and the image seen by the left eye to
strabismus has been crystallized in the the left. When the eyes turn out the oppo-
name given to the condition, namely, site should be the case. But often the posi-
amblyopia ex anopsia, literally dimsight- tion of the images is reversed, the image of
ednessfrom non-use —for in order to avoid the right eye in convergent strabismus
the annoyance of double vision the mind being seen to the left and that of the left

is believed to suppress the image of the eye to the right, while in divergent strabis-
deviating eye. There are, however, many mus the opposite is the case. This condition
strabismic eyes without amblyopia, while is known as paradoxical diplopia. Further-

such a condition has been found in eyes more, persons with almost normal vision
that have never been strabismic. and both eyes perfectly straight may have
The literature of the subject is full of the both kinds of double vision.
impossibility of reversing amblyopia, and All the theories heretofore suggested fail

in popular writings persons having the care to explain the foregoing facts; but it is a fact
of children are urged to have cases of stra-
Text-Book of Ophthalmology, p. 633. [Although
bismus [addressed] early, so that the vision
in the main body of Bates' text the reference
of the strabismic eye may not be lost. number (') for the first footnote is missing, this
According to Worth, not much improve- footnote clearly refers to Fuchs' quote.]
ment can ordinarily be obtained in ambly- b
Cases have been reported, some surely authen-
opic eyes after the age of six, while Fuchs tic, in which an amblyopic strabismic eye has
says, '"The function of the retina never again acquired good vision, either through correction
of the refraction, or because loss of sight in the
becomes perfectly normal, even if the cause
good eye has compelled the use of the amblyopic
of the visual disturbance is done away eye. — Ibid.

274 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

that in all cases of strabismus a strain can

be demonstrated, and that the relief of the
strain is in all cases followed by the rever-
sal of the strabismus, as well as of the
amblyopia and the error of refraction. It is

also a fact that all persons with normal eyes

can produce strabismus by a strain to see.
It is not a difficult thing to do, andmany
children derive much amusement from the
practice, while it gives their elders unnec-
essary concern, for fear the temporary stra-
bismus may become permanent. To
produce convergent strabismus is com- Figure i8-i:Voluntary Production of Strabismus. 5
paratively easy. Children usually do it by No. i —Reading the Snellen card with normal
straining to see the end of the nose. The vision; visual axes parallel. No. 2 —The same per-
production of divergent strabismus is more son making an effort to see the card; myopia and
difficult, but with practice persons with nor- convergent strabismus of the left eye have been
mal eyes become able to turn out either produced.
eye, or both, at will. They also become able
to turn either eye upward and inward, or
usually think this is being done on purpose,
upward and outward, at any desired angle.
but it is not. Rather, people with strabismus
Any kind of strabismus can, in fact, be pro-
duced are usually self-conscious and embarrassed
at will by the appropriate kind of
strain. Some persons retain the power to by their turning eye. People with strabismus

produce voluntary strabismus more or less are usually highly motivated vision students.
permanently. Others quickly lose it if they These students want to have normal-looking
do not keep in practice. There is usually a eyes.
lowering of the vision when voluntary stra- According to Bates, the "strength" of the
bismus is produced, and accepted methods muscles is not a factor in strabismus. Here he
of measuring the strength of the muscles
is actually referring to the common miscon-
seem to show deficiencies corresponding
ception that there is a "weakness" in one or
to the nature of the strabismus.
more muscles. This is explained further below.
Most people who have strabismus have
Since, as Bates points out, strabismus can
amblyopia. This is discussed more in section
result in
an unpleasant effect on a person's
many people with strabismus

"Amblyopia A 'Switched Off Image,"
tend to be less social than people without stra-
Bates stated that strabismus was caused by
bismus. Children can make particularly cruel
was no different
strain, and in that respect,
and painful comments to a child who has stra-
than nearsightedness, farsightedness, and
astigmatism. They are all caused by strain.
Oftentimes, people wonder why the per-
usually grouped with near-
Strabismus is
son with strabismus is pointing one eye in var-
sightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism
ious directions while talking with them. They
as a functional problem. This grouping helps

Relearning to See • 275

separate these four vision problems from while she covered her left eye. She said
pathologies of the eyes. everything was all dark, and she could see
It did not take me long to find out that
The Story of Esther Esther was a bright child, and that she
would willingly do anything for the bene-
From Better Eyesight magazine, August 1927:
fitof her poor eye. She said to me, "It is too
SCHOOL CHILDREN bad that my sister should have two good
by Emily C. Lierman eyes and that I should have only one good
one." I encouraged her to follow my direc-
tions closely and I told her if she continued
Esther, aged seven, first came to me in
to do so and practiced as often as she
January 1927, to be relieved of strabismus.
should at home, that we would then try to
She had worn glasses since she was three
correct the vision of the poor eye.
years of age for the relief of strabismus in
I found her to be quite an artist. When
the right eye. Her parents noticed, after she
her eyes were covered, I asked her if she
had worn glasses a short time, that she was
could remember a drawing of some kind.
more nervous than before. Later, they were
"Oh, yes," she answered, "while my eyes
much concerned because she acquired bad
are closed and covered I can imagine that
habits, such as holding her head to one side
I am drawing your picture."
instead of straight, especially while study-
I said, "All right,you keep on imagining
ing and reading her school lessons. Her
that you are drawing my picture and later
glasses were then changed. It was thought
on I will let you sit at my desk and draw a
that wrong glasses had been prescribed
picture of me." We talked about pleasant
because she still kept her head to one side
things for five or ten minutes while she had
and her nervousness became
as before,
her eyes covered.
more pronounced. The parents were told
I then taught her to swing her body from
that in time the strabismus would be cor-
left to right, glancing for only a second at
rected if Esther wore her glasses all the
the reading card, and then looking away to
her left. I purposely avoided having her
The strabismus continued to get worse
swing to the right, because she had the
instead of better, so the parents brought
desire while reading or trying to see more
her to me. The vision of her right eye was
clearly to always rest her head on the right
10/15, but in order to read the letters of the
shoulder. I drew her mother's attention to
. . . had to turn her head so that it
card, she
the fact that, as she swung, both eyes moved
almost rested on her right shoulder. Her
in the same body was mov-
direction as her
left vision was 15/15 and she read the letters
ing. When she stopped blinking, which I
of the card in a normal position. I [checked]
had encouraged her to do rhythmically with
her right eye again, placing the card up
the swing, her right eye turned in and her
close. She turned her head just as much
head also turned to one side.
to one side as she did when the card was
After she had practiced swinging for a
placed ten feet away. I asked her mother
little while, I noticed that she gaped a few
to hold the child's head straight, and again
times, which meant that she was straining.
told Esther to tell me what the letters were.
It is good for parents to notice this, in help-
I held the [reading] card two feet away

276 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

ing the child practice for the relief of stra- The vision of her right eye became bet-
bismus, and to stop all practice with the ter than normal, as far as reading the [let-
exception of closing the eyes to rest them. ter] card was concerned. She read the
Esther palmed again for a little while and bottom line at twelve feet and seven inches.
then showed her some celluloid toy ani-
I This line is read by the normal eye at nine
mals and asked her to name each one of feet. She did equally as well with the left
them. She named each one correctly with eye, which, of course, had normal vision in
the exception of the buffalo, so I did not the beginning.
use that one for her case. [who If a child To be sure that the child was entirely
is given lessons] for strabismus is asked relieved of strabismus. I told her to look at
to tell things in detail, the child must be my right eye, then at my left eye, then to
familiar with the objects. While she again my chin and other parts of my face as I
covered her eyes to rest them, I placed the pointed with my finger to each part. She
animals on the floor five feet away from followed me with both eyes moving and
where she was sitting. I told her mother to her head perfectly straight and as yet she
touch each animal and have Esther name has had no relapse.
them. Out of eight animals, she named
three incorrectly. They were among the last
ones she tried to see. We then noticed that "Then, One Day I Broke My Glasses"
her head turned to one side in order to see
John Ott writes in his book Health and Light:
them. All this time her left eye was cov-
ered. . . . then, one day I broke my glasses.

Then I had Esther sit at my desk and new pair to be made, I

While waiting for a
asked her to draw my picture. The drawing wore my spares. The nose piece was a fit-
was quite well done for a little girl of her tie tightand it bothered me, so I took them
age. She kept her head straight while draw- off most of the time It might be well-

ing. When strain is relieved, the symptoms noted here that after six months of not
of imperfect sight are relieved also. She wearing glasses, except for what little dri-
enjoyed drawing, therefore it did not pro- ving of the car was absolutely essential, and

duce a strain. When she was asked to read for focusing my projector when showing

the . . . card letters, she strained in order to pictures, I began to notice that wearing my
see them and the condition of her eyes glasses even for these short periods seemed
became worse. to strain my eyes more and more. Accord-
Esther was encouraged to do something ingly, an appointment with my oculist for

that she liked at every lesson, such as writ- a regular check-up seemed advisable. This

ing figures from one to ten, or drawing a time it was necessary to go back for a sec-
line without using a ruler. At the first ond examination which my doctor
attempt, the lines were very crooked and explained was customary in order to dou-
the figures not straight. ble check any such drastic change as was

Swinging and palming, practiced several the case with the condition of my eyes. The

times daily, soon improved the right eye to principal difference in my new prescription
normal. At the last visit, her head remained was that the rather strong prisms previously

straight and the strabismus had entirely dis- needed to correct a muscular weakness
appeared. were no longer needed. 6

Relearning to See •
Prisms are used to compensate for stra- into the right eye. Now, theoretically, the

bismus. In strabismus, a muscle is not "weak," green bead should be in the center of the
as is commonly believed and stated. It is visual field of the esophoric right eye. A stra-
chronically tight, pulling the eye out of its nor- bismic eye is often amblyopic, so the use of
mal position. a prism may be of no visual benefit to the
strabismic person. (The strabismic eye might
appear straight to other people.)
The Mechanical Solution to One might guess that the alignment of the
Strabismus— Prisms green beads in the center of both visual fields

Figure 18-2: Prism Correction, a, shows an would encourage an amblyopic eye to "switch

esophoric right eye. The left eye is central- on," but this does not always occur.
izing correctly on the green bead. Accord- As with nearsighted, farsighted, and astig-

ingly, the green bead appears to be in the matic lenses, the prism lense solution sup-
center of the left eye's visual field. ports the tension of the eye muscle(s), and,
Since the right eye is turned inward too far, perhaps worse, the underlying mental strain.

the green bead appears too far to the right The underlying cause of the problem has not
side of the right eye's visual field (see a, dot- been addressed or removed.
ted line). I have had at least two people describe to
b shows how a prism can be used to change me multiple, unsuccessful strabismus oper-
the angle of light rays from the green bead ations. After early failures, the eye muscles


The right eye is turning

inward too far So. to the
The prism changes the angle
right eye, the green bead
of light from the green bead,
(the round object in the
entering the right eye.
middle of the string)
Though tne right eye is still
appears too far to the right.
esophoric, the green bead
The left eye is correctly
now appears to be in the
aligned with the green bead.
center of the right eyes
So, the green bead appears
visual field.
in the center of the left eye's
visual field.

Figure 18-2: Prism Correction.

278 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

were intentionally cut much shorter, leav- In the following chapter in Perfect Sight
ing the strabismic eye turning in the direc- Without Glasses, Bates discusses the reversal
tion opposite to the original deviation. The of strabismus and amblyopia:
theory is that, perhaps someday, the strabis-

mic eye would look straight. This has not The evidence is conclusive that strabismus
occurred yet for these two individuals. and amblyopia, like errors of refraction,
are purely functional troubles; and since
they are always relieved by the relief of the

Bates on Strabismus, Continued strain with which they are associated, it fol-

lows that any of the methods which pro-

mote relaxation and centralization may be
employed for their reversal
In the case illustrated the student had
divergent vertical strabismus in both eyes.
When the left eye was straight the right eye
turned out and up, and when the right eye
was straight the left eye turned down and
out. Both eyes were amblyopic and there was
double vision, with the images sometimes on
the same side and sometimes on opposite
sides. She suffered from headaches, and hav-
ing obtained no relief from glasses, or other

methods . made up her mind to an

, she
operation and consulted Dr. Gudmund J. Gis-
lason, of Grand Forks, N. D., with a view to
having one performed. Dr. Gislason, puzzled
to find so many muscles apparently at fault,

asked my opinion as to which of them should

Figure 18-3: Case of Divergent Vertical Strabis- be operated upon. I showed her how to make
mus Eliminated by Eye Education. 7 No. 1 —The her strabismus worse, and recommended that
right eye turns out and up, the left being straight. Dr. Gislason teach her by eye education with-
No. 2 —Student learns to look down and out with out an operation. He did so, and in less than
the left eye while the right looks straight. No. 3 — a month . . . effected a complete and perma-
Student learns to turn both eyes in by looking at nent reversal both of the strabismus and of
a pencil held over the bridge of the nose. No. 4 — the amblyopia. The same method has proved
Student has permanently improved. All four pic- successful with other students.
tures were taken within fifteen minutes of each Some students do not know whether
other, the student having learned to reproduce the they are looking straight at an object or
conditions represented at will. not. These may be helped by watching the
deviating eye and directing them to look
A man at a health fair once demonstrated more nearly in the proper direction. When
to me his ability to move his eyes, indepen- the deviating eye looks directly at an object
dently and simultaneously, in any directions the strain to see is less, and the vision is con-

he wanted. sequently improved.

Releaming to See • 279

. . . The improvement resulting from eye to see by looking straight at the Snellen
education in cases of strabismus and ambly- an hour the vision of
card. In less than half

opia is sometimes so rapid as to be almost the left eye became normal, while the right
incredible. The following are a few of many improved from 10/40 to 10/10. The improve-
other examples that might be quoted: ment was complete in two weeks.
A girl of eleven had convergent vertical
strabismus of the left eye. The vision of this
eye at the distance was 3/200, while at the FUSION 1

near point it was so imperfect that she was

unable to read. The vision of the right eye
was normal both for the near point and the
You may want to have someone read these
distance. She was wearing glasses when she
came to the office —convex 4.00 D. S. com-
directions to you, and to check your align-

bined with convex 0.50 D. C, axis 90, for

ments (which are very important) as you do
the right eye; and convex 5.50 D. S. for the these activities. Be sure there is plenty of fight,

left eye —but had obtained no benefit from and that the lighting is as equal as possible
them. [Bates then teaches her movement on the left and right sides.
and centralization, and] in less than ten These activities can be a bit complicated
days her vision was normal in both eyes, at first. Once they are understood, they are
and in less than two weeks it had improved fairly simple to do. You may want to consult
to 20/10, while diamond type was read with
with a vision teacher.
each eye at from three inches to twenty
If you become tired doing these activities,
inches. In less than three weeks her vision
take a break. Come back to them later when
for the distance was 20/5, by artificial light,
you are rested.
and she read photographic type reductions
at two inches and at the end of three
. . .
You can substitute two different colored pen-
years [no relapse] had occurred cils for your fingers in the following activity. Two
A very remarkable case was that of a girl different colored pencils, like yellow and green,
of fourteen who had strabismus from child- are a bit easier to use than the fingers, because
hood — [She followed] my instructions, it is easier to distinguish between them when
and in less than a week the strabismus was shifting your attention near and far.

corrected and she had perfect vision in both If you use pencils, use a yellow pencil in
eyes. At the beginning . . . she could not place of the near finger, and a green pencil in
count her fingers at three feet with the place of the far finger. Place the eraser end
poorer eye, and in three weeks . . . she had
up, holding the other end at the bottom with
perfect sight
your fingers. Position any lettering or details
A girl of eight had had amblyopia and
on the pencil so they are facing toward you.
strabismus since childhood. The vision of
the right eye was 10/40, while that of the left
was improve either
20/30. Glasses did not Part A — Experiencing Fusion 1, The Far Fin-
eye She was told that the cause of her
. . .
ger (or Green Pencil):
defective sight was her habit of looking at Refer to Plate 53: Fusion 1, Far Finger, a-i,

objects with a part of the retina to one side and Fusion/Far Finger, a-2.
of the true center of sight. She was advised Locate an object far into the distance: in

2o0 • Relearning to See


Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

the Fusion 1 images, the distant object is Dixie

Man. Dixie Man is located exactly in the cen-
ter of the boat; see c-2. Hold your left fore-

finger (or green pencil) at arm's length

straight out in front of you, in line with the
distant object. Hold your forefinger vertical, When the right eyelid is closed or cov-
pointing upward, and at eye level. ered —being sure to keep your attention on
Sketching (SB&B!) the left forefinger, the far finger —the left eye sees the solid near
touch your nose with the base of your right finger to the right of the far finger. This is what
forefinger, holding it vertical and at eye level we would expect, and is shown in Plate 54:
also. The top of your right forefinger should Amblyopia, d-i. Conversely, when the left

now be near the forehead. Move your right eyelid is closed, the right eye sees a solid near
forefinger straight out 5-6 inches from your finger to the left, as shown in d-2. This is why
head exactly in line with the left forefinger there could be, or already are, two near fin-

and the distant object. Do not put your atten- gers when both eyes are open and the atten-
tion on the near forefinger. tion is on the far finger.

Continuing to sketch the center of the far See a-2. In summary, if the pictures from
finger (indicated by the black circle in a-i and both eyes are "switched on" in the brain, and
a-2)you may notice one, solid far finger, as if normal convergence and fusion are occur-
expected, but two semi-transparent near fin- ring, you should see two near fingers when
gers. (It is OK if the two near fingers seem to sketching the far finger —one to the right seen
be solid instead of semi-transparent.) One of by the left eye, and one to the left seen by the
the near fingers should appear to be to the right eye.

right of the far finger; it is seen by the left eye. If you only have one finger up close (to the

The second near finger should appear to be right or to the left) when sketching the far
to the left of far finger; it is seen by the right finger, at least you now know how there could

eye.Of course there is only one near finger, be two near fingers. Continue to study the fol-

but we should notice two near fingers. lowing, since the idea of what you should be
Remember to take a break if you get tired experiencing can be beneficial later.

from these activities. If you are seeing two near fingers, and if

"What if I have only one near finger, not both the near and the far fingers are perfectly

two?" If you do not experience two near fin- aligned straight out in front of your nose and
gers yet, let's at least prove to ourselves that head, the far finger will be seen exactly in the
there could be two near fingers when our middle of the two near fingers. If it is not,

attention is on the far finger, and both pic- move either the near finger or far finger to the
tures are "switched on" in the brain. right or left, so the far finger is seen exactly in
Continuing to sketch the far finger, simply the center of the two near fingers. Again, both
alternate closing one eyelid at a time. Alter- the near and far fingers must aligned exactly
natively, you can cover one eye at a time using straight in front of the nose and head.
an eye patch. Eye patches are available at This can be a little tricky for some students

many drug stores. in the beginning. Many students mistakenly

Relearning to See • 28
align one eye with the near finger and the far

finger. Also, some students mistakenly bring The conscious experience of two fingers and
their attention to the near finger, instead of two distant objects can be tiring. The mind
keeping the attention on the far finger. In fact, knows there is only one near finger and one
oftentimes the surprise of the two near fin- distant object in reality, yet sees two of each.

gers causes some students to "jump" with then- Is seeing believing? The process of how we

attention to the near finger. Of course, then see the world is meant to be a subconscious
there will only be one near finger, not two. activity. Usually, the brain ignores the fact
Although many students do not see the that there are two images of an object at a
two near fingers initially, many see two near distance other than where you are centraliz-
fingers in a very short time. Once the brain ing. You may want to rest before continuing.

knows logically there can, and should, be two

near fingers, both pictures are encouraged to Part B — Experiencing Fusion 1, The Near
"switch on." Note, however, the two near fin- Finger (or Yellow Pencil):
gers will most likely not be seen unless the Refer to Plate 53: Fusion 1, Near Finger, b-i,

directions, especially the alignments of the and Fusion/Near Finger, b-2.

head, near finger, and far finger, are followed Aligning the head, fingers, and distant object
precisely. Ask someone to assist you with this as in Part A, now sketch the near finger. The
if you are having difficulty. area of centralizing is indicated by the small
The two near fingers form a "window" or circle. There should be one solid near finger

"gate." Continuing to sketch the far finger, and two semi-transparent far fingers, and two
move the near finger straight out a few inches, distant objects. The two images of the near
and then back in to the original position. finger are now fused into one near finger.
when the near finger moves out,
Notice that If the head, near finger and far finger are
the window becomes narrower; when the correctly aligned, the near finger will be
near finger moves closer, the window exactly in the middle of the two far fingers.
becomes wider. Return the near finger to the (The two far fingers should also be in the mid-
original 5-6 inches distance from the nose. dle of the two distant Dixie Men.) Notice
Continuing to sketch the far finger, notice again how fusion only occurs at one distance,
there are two distant objects. In a-2, when in this case, at the near finger.
sketching the far finger, one Dixie Man is seen Unlike the experience in Part A, the left

slightly to right of the far finger (seen by the far finger is now seen by the left eye, and the
right eye), while a second Dixie Man is seen right far finger is seen by the right eye. You
slightly to the left (seen by the left eye). can check this fact by alternately closing or
With two near fingers and two Dixie Men, covering one eye at a time. Remember to
we experience the fact that fusion only occurs continue sketching the near finger.
at one distance, in this case, at the far finger.
Two images of the far finger are being Part C— Experiencing Fusion 1, The Distant
processed by the brain into one, fused far fin- Dixie Man:
ger, as in "The Fused Finger," discussed at the Refer to Plate 53: Fusion 1, Dixie Man, c-i,

beginning of this chapter. and Fusion/Dixie Man, c-2.

2o2 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

Aligning the head, fingers, and distant object Fusion and Double Images
as in Parts A and B, sketch an object straight Explained Further
ahead, far into the distance (Dixie Man). Fusion is the merging, or combining, of the
There should now be four The near
fingers. two pictures seen by the two eyes into one
finger creates a wide window (or gate), and image. Fusion occurs in the brain, and at only
the far finger creates a narrow window (in one distance. There is one "fused" object at
the center of the wide window). One Dixie our point of interest, i.e., where we central-
Man should appear exactly in the center of ize. Fusion is possible only when there is

both the wide and narrow "finger" windows. binocular vision.

The two images of Dixie Man received by the Convergence is the alignment of both eyes
eyes are now being fused into one image by to a single point of interest (centralization).
the brain. Unlike a-2 and b-2, notice how This alignment extends from the point of
there is now only one boat. interest, through the eyeball, and into the
fovea of each eye. The eyes are said to be con-
Parts A, B, —
and C Experiencing Fusion 1: verging, or intersecting, at that particular point
Now, shiftbetween the distant object, the of interest.
far finger, and the near finger, spending a few In most cases, fusion occurs automatically
moments sketching each one. Notice again as a result of normal convergence.
how fusion only occurs at one distance at a In Plate 53: Fusion 1, Far Finger, a-i, and

time at the point of centralizing. The other Fusion/Far Finger, a-2, the eyes are correctly
two objects not being sketched are double. intersecting on the far finger, creating one
Notice also how there is a "time delay" "fused" far finger. From the right eye's point
between shifting your attention from one fin- of view, the near finger appears to be located
ger to the other finger to the distant object. to the left of the far finger; from the left eye's

First, mind chooses to shift to a different

the viewpoint, the near finger appears to be
object. Then the messages are sent from the located to the right of the far finger. If both
brain to the eyes Finally the eye muscles con- pictures remain "on," the brain has no option
verge and accommodate to the new object of but to produce two images of the near finger
interest. The mind is primary and the physi- while sketching the far finger.
cal is secondary. For the right eye, Dixie Man appears to the
You may be able to feel the convergence right of the far finger; for the left eye, Dixie
of the eye muscles by repeating this experi- Man appears to the left of the far finger.
ence, imagining shifting back and forth Again, the brain has no option but to pro-
between the distant object and your finger duce two images of Dixie Man while sketch-
with your eyelids closed. ing the far finger.
The correct experience of double images
Vision is primarily a mental function. Bates observed in these experiences is not "double
discovered that mental strain sends messages vision." Double vision refers to the experi-
of imperfect sight to the eyes, while mental ence of seeing two objects where you are cen-
relaxation sends messages of normal sight to tralizing. There is supposed to be only one

the eyes. fused object at the point of centralization. At

Relearning to See • 283

least initially, double vision is frequently a finger is located to the right of the near fin-

consequence of strabismus, discussed more ger. The far finger is to the right of the cen-

below. ter of the picture, while the far finger's image

To better understand fusion, and why there falls to the left of the fovea; see dashed line

is a doubling of objects at other distances, CD.

refer to Figure 18-4: Near Finger Supplement. Since the brain is seeing far fingers to both
the right and left of the near finger (both to
the left and to the right of the foveas), two
far fingers are seen, not one. In the final analy-

sis, the brain has no other option regarding

the quantity and locations of the far finger.

Centralization and Fusion

When you notice a tree through your kitchen
window, there are two ladybugs walking on
the window, not one. If your attention goes
to the ladybug, there are now two trees in the
distance, not one.
Usually, the mind disregards the illusion of
The image of the far finger falls to the right of the fovea in
the left eye (dashed line AB). while the image falls to the left
two images where we are not centralizing.
of the fovea in the right eye (dashed line CD).
Since the images of the far finger fall on opposite sides of
The rods pick up the movements of objects
the foveas, there appear to be two far fingers —one to the not falling in the foveas. If a peripheral object
right, and one to the left of the near finger

is of interest or concern to us, the mind and

Figure 18-4: Near Finger Supplement. eyes shift to centralize on the new object.
Also, the objects at other distances will be
The attention is on, and both eyes are cor- less clear than the object the eyes are cen-
rectly converging to, the near finger. The cen- tralizing and accommodating on.
ter of the image of the near finger falls in the When the pictures from both eyes are
fovea of each eye. The finger is in the center switched on in the brain, there are usually
of the picture for each eye. The brain merges two images of objects in front of, and in back
the two fingers into one "fused" near finger. of, the object we are centralizing on. How-
By following the line of sight from the left ever, if the object we are interested in is more
eye out to the near finger and beyond, we can than twenty feet away, objects farther away
see how the far finger is located to the left of usually do not appear to be double images.
the near finger. The far finger is to the left of The concepts of binocular vision and fusion
the center of the picture for the left eye, while help reinforce the importance of centraliz-
the far finger's image falls to the right of the ing. The object of interest is meant to enter
fovea; see dashed line AB. the fovea of each eye. In combination with
By following the line of sight from the right the mechanism of accommodation, one can
eye out to the near finger and beyond, the far now appreciate that there is only one point

284 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

in all the universe where we have sharp, col- fingers at the same height, as in a? When the
orful, and fused vision — at the point of cen- tops of the two near fingers are level, the head
tralization. is balanced, at least from the right and left
^EXPERIENCING HEAD BALANCE Now, keeping the attention on the far fin-
ger, tilt your head very slightly to the left and
Right Eye Left Eye
then to the right. Be sure to only tilt your
1 1

head, like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Do not
turn or rotate your head, or else the two near
fingers may be lost. When you tilt your head
to the left, the left near finger should move
downward, and the right near finger should
iiiiiii ii move upward, as in b. Conversely, when you
tilt your head to the right, the right near fin-

ger should move downward, and the left near

b HEAD TILTED LEFT finger should move upward, as in c. (The dou-

bled distant objects also move upward and

Optionally, an object far in the distance can
. Vi£n >i » i mub •
be used instead of the far finger. With a very
small head movement, sketch a far object
while tilting your head. Again, notice the
heights of the two near fingers.
If the two near fingers are not at the same
height, tilt your head in the appropriate direc-

tion until they are at the same height.

This is a simple way of checking left/right
i head posture. Some people tilt the head to
f one side as a chronic habit —many without
even knowing they do so. This is a strain on
Figure 18-5: Head Balancing. the neck, spinal column, and the visual sys-
tem. Tilting the head to one side can lead to
Repeat the initial alignments in Part A, The lack of normal fusion.
Far Finger (or Green Pencil), above. It is possible to experience the tops of the
Refer to Figure 18-5: Head Balancing, a, b, fingers being uneven, even though the head
and c. is level. This could be the case if a person has
Keeping your attention on the far finger, vertical strabismus. One eye may be looking
move the (two) near fingers and the far fin- up too high, while the other eye is looking
ger downward until the tops of all fingers are straight ahead, normally, at the far finger. This

at eye level. Notice the height of the two near is discussed more below.
fingers. Are the tops of the left and right near Just for fun: Notice in a mirror that when

Relearning to See • 285


you tilt your head a small amount from left Cut the excess wire so the vertical part

to right, the eyes rotate to retain their hori- is about eleven inches long. File the end
zontal alignment! This action is created by smooth.
the oblique muscles. 5. Side view of the Vision Halo.
6. Side view of Vision Halo on the head.
7. Front view of Vision Halo on the head.
For many students, the Vision Halo is an out-
standing teacher of centralization, movement,
Aligning the Vision Halo
and head balance. It is important to place the vertical bar exactly
in front of the nose, and vertical. The window
formed by the two vertical bars may seem to
Creating a Vision Halo have a slight "V" shape. This is normal.
Refer to Figure 18-6: The Vision Halo. Do not look at the vertical bar for more

1. Obtain a piece of strong but flexible

than a moment —only long enough to align
it properly.
wire. Plastic-coated, solid aluminum
Just as there were two near fingers when
fencing wire, available at or through
sketching Dixie ManThe Distant
in Part C,
many hardware stores, works great.
Dixie Man, above, you should now have
One and three-quarters loops from a
"two" vertical bars, forming a "window" or
9 "-diameter spool yields about 2 /: feet 1

"gate," when sketching distant objects.

of wire. This is longer than the final
length needed to form the halo, but the
extra length at the end makes it easier Learning about Vision Habits
to shape the last portion of the halo.
with the Vision Halo
2. Unwind the first A
part of the wire into
• Since the halo moves when the stu-
a straight line as shown. Bend the last
dent's head moves, there is a continuous
inch of the end of the wire (small
arrow) outward a small amount so that
biofeedback occurring. A locked head
and neck makes the window freeze.
the tip of the wire will not touch the
• If a student only moves the eyes to the
head; file the end smooth.
left or right, the window will be lost
3. Shape the circular part into an oval to
another reminder that the head is not
fit around the head. Form a long,
straight portion that points forward,
• If the window is angled to the right or
away from the head. Make this part as
left, the student's head is tilting to the
straight as possible.
right or left, respectively.
4. Bend the long forward part upward
• The tendency to want to see objects
about 45 at the point shown. At ap-
outside the window as clearly as objects
proximately five inches out along this
inside the window is called diffusion.
angled part, bend the remaining part
Vision is best within the window; this is
straight downward at the point shown.
called centralizing. This is especially

286 • Releaming to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision


Bend out 90°

_ straight
Bend up 45"-

»] Cut

The Vision Halo


! 7-b.

T*\ Alternate
halo for
Iflh a person
with sight
in only the
lett eye.

Figure 18-6: The Vision Halo.

Relearning to See • 287

valuable to students, as centralization is window kept freezing, which meant I was not
a somewhat subtle concept. moving my head.
• Some students, who do not see two fin- I also discovered how much I diffused into

gers in the Fusion 1 activities above, see the areas outside the window. I found I sel-

two vertical bars while wearing the dom centralized.

halo. After a few months of using the halo, I was
able to practice better vision habits more each
Important: Never wear the Vision Halo
day when I was not wearing it. The benefits
while driving a car, or any other activity in
I received from the halo were very high. It
which it could be a distraction or unsafe.
helped me more quickly identify and begin
to eliminate the incorrect vision habits I had

Vision Halo for People with Sight for many years.

in Only One Eye

Refer to Figure 18-6: The Vision Halo, Step
For those with sight in only one eye, a vari- IMAGE
ation on the Vision Halo can be made. Fusion vs. Amblyopia
Instead of using 1% loops of wire, use 2 A loops

A common interference to fusion is ambly-

of wire. The long straight part in Step 2 and Step
opia. It is estimated that 2% of Americans
3 will then be much longer than shown.
are amblyopic. As mentioned by Bates above,
Do not cut the wire in Step 4. Instead, bend
the more technical term for amblyopia is
the wire horizontally (at the point where it
amblyopia ex anopsia, which means "dim-
would normally be cut) one inch toward
sightedness from non-use."
either the left or right. If the right eye has
Amblyopia is the condition in which the
sight, bend the wire to the right; if the left eye
image from one eye is not being processed
has sight, bend the wire to the left. Bend the
correctly in the brain, even though both eye-
next part of the wire upward; then bend the
lids are open. The light rays are triggering the
last part horizontally toward the topmost part
light receptors in the amblyopic eye, but the
of the vertical bar, and attach it to (i.e., wrap
brain is not processing that image. In effect,
it around) the top part. The "window" in this
the person is using only one image from one
modified halo will not be exactly in the cen-
"switched on" eye to see. Amblyopia can
ter of the head but is positioned slightly
occur even though each eye has perfect sight
toward the side of the eye that has sight.
when used alone, i.e., when one eye is closed,
With this modification, a person with sight
or covered. Essentially, the sight from one eye
in onlyone eye can practice centralizing,
is being suppressed, or partially suppressed.
movement, and head balance.
Many conventional books refer to the
amblyopic condition as, "The eye doctor looks
Tom's Personal Log: When I first took vision
into the amblyopic eye and sees nothing
lessons, the Vision Halo helped me discover
wrong, while the amblyopic eye looks out and
how much I was holding my head rigid. The
sees nothing right."

288 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

In the Fusion 1 activities presented above, Variations on Amblyopia

some students do not see two fingers; they Some students have one and a half fingers
only see one. We want to have two fingers; (or pencils). A "half finger means that one
this tells us both pictures are switched on in of the two semi-transparent fingers (or Dixie
the brain. Men) is more faint, or "ghostly," than the
If you correctly experience all of the Fusion other semi-transparent finger. For example,
1 activities shown in Plate 53, you can skip when sketching the far finger, the right near
ahead to Fusion 2 — The Bead Game, below. finger may be seen relatively strongly, but the
Refer to Plate 54: Amblyopia and Plate 53: left near finger is very faint.

Fusion 1. The point of centralization is indicated Or, there could be two strong near fingers
by a small circle in all diagrams and images. at some times, and only one near finger at
Compare Right Eye Amblyopia/Far Fin- other times. These tell us one eye is switched
ger, d-i, to Fusion/Far Finger, a-2. In both of on and the other is switching on and off.

these images the attention is on the far fin- Other variations include alternating ambly-
ger. However, in d-i, the image for the right opia, where the picture from one eye turns
eye has "switched Only the image from
off." off, and then the picture from the other eye
the left eye is being processed by the brain, turns off.

resulting in monocular vision. All objects Amblyopia can be present only during cer-
the near finger, the far finger, and Dixie tain activities.
Man — are one and solid. There are no dou- Amblyopia can also be a function of the
bled or semi-transparent images. The far fin- distance at which a person is centralizing. A
ger is not a "fused" image since the right eye's student may have two near fingers while
image is not being combined in the brain with sketching the far finger, but only one far fin-

the left eye's image. The left eye sees the near ger when sketching the near finger. Or, a stu-
finger to the right of the far finger, and Dixie dent may have two fingers in the distance
Man is seen to the left of the far finger —the while sketching the near finger, but only one
same positions as in a-2. near finger while sketching the far finger.

Left Eye Amblyopia/Far Finger, d-2, shows As Bates mentioned above, there are many
the picture seen when the left eye is ambly- variations possible with amblyopia.
opic. Compare to d-i and a-2.

The other figures, e-i through f-2, show the

pictures seen when viewing the near finger "Lazy Eye" or "Tense Eye"?
and Dixie Man, and when the right and left It is unfortunate the term "lazy eye" has been
eyes are amblyopic. used to refer to amblyopia, for the amblyopic
It is fairly easy to understand all of the eye is not "lazy"; it is tense. (Another exam-
images in Plate 54: Amblyopia by repeating ple of left-brain, "Puritan work ethic" lan-

the activities in Fusion 1 and simply closing, guage inappropriately applied to the
or covering, one eye at a time. When you close primarily right-hemisphere, relaxed functions
one eye, you are simulating amblyopia. Then of the visual system.)
compare d-i and d-2 to a-2, e-i and e-2 to b-2, When people are told they have a "bad,"
and f-i and f-2 to c-2. "poor," or "lazy eye," the assumption is made

Releaming to See • 289

that the problem is occurring because the Other Types ofAmblyopia

eyes are not working hard enough. In truth, Amblyopia can also be caused by trauma,
the opposite is the case —there is too much toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, ptosis (droop-
strain on the visual system. ing of an eyelid), cataracts, corneal problems,
Bates said that many types of amblyopia macular degeneration, and other problems.
are caused by strain. Your eye doctor may be able to provide more
information on these conditions.

Strabismic Amblyopia
Since a person with strabismus would likely There are several activities a student can use
experience double vision if both pictures to encourage the amblyopic eye to switch
stayed on, the brain most often turns one of back on. Before doing these activities, the stu-
them off. It is stressful to see two images dent may want to read the following section
everywhere, so the mind simply switches off
on convergence and strabismus. As men-
one of the pictures. The mind usually turns tioned above, amblyopia is often connected
off the eye that has strabismus. Again, there
to problems of strabismus.
are many variations possible.


Part A: This activity is for amblyopes and stu-
Refractive Amblyopia
dents with a large difference in acuity
Amblyopia is often found in people who have between the two eyes.
a large difference in acuity between the two
eyes. This is called refractive amblyopia. 1. Do the cross-crawl and/or the figure-8

For example, if the brain is receiving a 20/40 pattern (up in the center) with the

image from one eye and a 20/400 image from nose-pencil (or feather) for one or two

the other, it would be difficult to merge these minutes. This helps balance the right

two images into one. In fact, to do so would and left sides of the body and connects
poorer image than the 20/40
likely result in a the right and left brains.

image alone. By switching off the 20/400 2. Check for two fingers, both near and
image, the person can have "full" 20/40 with far, as described in "Fusion vs. Ambly-
the other eye. is only one finger
opia," above. If there

By using corrective lenses that bring the where there should be two, or if you
eye with 20/400 back up to 20/40, the ambly- have a large difference in acuity

opic eye may be encouraged to switch back between your two eyes, continue.

on. 3. Cover (patch) the "switched-on" eye,

Some students have nearsightedness in one or the eye that has better acuity.
eye, and farsightedness in the other. Often- 4. Sketch a picture, nose-feather an
times, the nearsighted eye is amblyopic when object, toss a ball, do the Long Swing,
the attention is in the distance, and the far- or sun (with closed eyelids), etc.. for

sighted eye is amblyopic when the attention three minutes. This activates the ambly-
is up close. opic or less clear eye and encourages it

290 • Releaming to See


Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

to switch on and see simultaneously, or tion one pencil in front of your nose,
to see better, with the other eye. and the other slightly to the side of the

5. Cover the "switched-off" eye, and do uncovered eye. You should now have a
the same activity as in #4 above, for one two-pencil "window" through which the
minute. It is important to activate both amblyopic eye is looking. Sketch a dis-
eyes, not just one. tant object through this window.
6. Remove the patch, and do the same
The purpose of this activity is to experi-
activity as in #4 with both eyes for three
ence the two-pencil window and to place the
minutes. This teaches the two eyes to
picture of the distant object, located between
see together equally.
the two pencils, into your mind. This gives the
7. If amblyopic, check for two fingers
brain an idea of what you want to see when
again. We want to have two, steady fin-
holding only one pencil —without covering
one eye.
8. Palm for a few minutes.
4. Close both eyes, and remove the patch.
If a student is nearsighted in one eye and
5. Keeping your eyes closed, remove the
farsighted in the other, do near-to-far swings
pencil in front of the amblyopic eye.
with the nearsighted eye. spending more time
6. Pretend both eyes are open and you
sketching in the distance. Then do far-to-near
are seeing the distant object within the
swings with the farsighted eye, spending more
two-pencil window.
time in the near area. Then do both eyes
7. Being sure keep your attention on the
together near-to-far-to-near-to-far, etc.
object in the distance at all times, open
The purpose of these activities is to "acti-
both eyes and sketch the object in the
vate" and relax (not work) the eye with the
distance.You may notice "two" pencils.
greater strain. Effort should never be applied
The two pencils may appear only for a
to any activities for improving vision. The
brief moment in the beginning. Also,
three habits of natural vision, and the self-
they may not be equally strong. One
healing activities such as palming and sun-
may appear dim or "ghostly."
ning, bring relaxation to the visual system.
Relaxation is the key to normal sight. If you get the two-pencil window —even
for a moment —congratulations! Both eyes
Part B: For amblyopes. (You may want to were switched on at that moment! The eyes
have someone assist you with this activity.) know how to see normally, and you have just
given them the opportunity to improve!
1. Do the cross-crawl and/or the figure-8
If you did not get the window, continue to
pattern with the nose-pencil for one or
practice the above activities for amblyopia,
two minutes.
and practice better vision habits each day.
2. Cover the "switched-on" eye.
Palm and sun frequently.
3. Hold, or place, two pencils in front of
This activity should be repeated until "two"
you, vertically about four inches from
pencils are seen consistently, while holding
your nose and about two inches away
one pencil.
from each other horizontally. Now, posi-

Relearning to See • 29
As in Part A, the purpose of this activity is as being an "infinite" fingers activity. If you
to activate and relax (not work) the eye that were able to hold up many fingers out in front

is under more strain. Effort should never be of you in a row, you would have a continuous
applied to the visual system. "string of fingers. The Fusion 1 activities with
Important: If the student feels discomfort the near finger, far finger, and Dixie Man are
or gets tired, he should stop and rest. Palm- a prelude to the Bead Game.
ing is one of the best ways to rest the eyes The Bead Game should never be
after using the patch. approached as a near-to-far exercise or drill,

as presented in several books, tapes, and

Some children who have amblyopia are given "kits" on eyesight. The Bead Game is only
a patch to wear for long periods of time, even used to observe convergence, or lack of con-
all day long. This can create more stress than vergence, of the two eyes.
the stress producing the amblyopia. Often-
times, the child refuses to wear the patch.
If a patch is used, the approach should be Aligning the String for the Bead Game
one of teaching the amblyopic eye to relax. Refer to Plate 55: Fusion 2 — The Bead Game.
Therefore, any time a patch is used, games As with the finger alignments in Fusion 1,

and activities that are enjoyable to the child the alignment of the string is very important.
should be employed. Implementing the prin- You may want do
to have a second person
ciples and habits of natural vision are impor- theBead Game with you, holding the other
tant when using a patch. end of the string. In this way you can check
each other's alignment.
Obtain a string about three feet long. Place
three different colored beads, or buttons, Va-Vi
The Bead Game: Convergence inch in diameter, along the string. In the fol-
The Bead Game is one way of determining lowing examples, red, green, and blue beads
how well the eyes are converging and fusing. are used. The red bead is the close bead, green
In order to experience the Bead Game, two is the middle bead, and blue is the far bead.
stringsneed to be seen, which means both If another person is not holding the other end
eyes need to be switched on. Though a per- of the string, you can tie it to a doorknob or
son with amblyopia may not experience two other steady fixture.
near fingers, two far fingers, or two Dixie Men While sitting in a chair, rest your elbows
in the Fusion 1 may expe-
activities above, she comfortably on a cushion or Hold one
rience two strings in the Bead Game. end of the string between the thumb and fore-
As Bates pointed out, a person may have finger of one hand, such that the string goes
proper convergence, yet still have amblyopia. over the forefinger out into the distance. The
In this case only one string would be seen. forefinger and string should be held one inch
This, however, is not very common. Most stu- from, and at the same height as, the nose. The
dents who have normal convergence have string held in your hand must be positioned
proper fusion. exactly in front of the nose, and the head must
A student will recognize the Bead Game be exactly straight. The correct alignment is

292 • Relearning to See


Left Eye Horizontal Visual Field, b Combined Horizontal Visual Fields, e Right Eye Horizontal Visual Field, c
Monocular Vision Binocular Vision, d Monocular Vision

a. Centralization object.

b. Horizontal visual field of left eye; monocular vision; blue area.

c. Horizontal visual field of right eye; monocular vision; red area.

d. Binocular vision, d, is the intersection of b and c; green area, b' is left monocular vision, c' is right monocular vision.

e. Combined horizontal visual fields, e. is the union of b and c.

f. The blind spots, f, are eliminated with binocular vision However, the two optic disc areas, f, remain monocular.


— .""
1 | lUUUuumr- \

Left Eye Visual Field Combined Visual Fields Right Eye Visual Field
Monocular Vision, b Binocular Vision, d Monocular Vision, c

"Dixie Man,' the man located in the center of the boat, is the object of centralization. Binocular vision is area d, inside the black dashed-

line area. The two blind spots are eliminated (gray dashed-line ovals) with binocular vision; these two optic disc areas remain monocular.


Finger As Seen Finger As Seen Camera Finger

Fused Fingers
By Right Eye By Left Eye

in front of you approximately eight inches from your nose. The forefinger you see
Hold your right forefinger straight out
a fusion oftwo images; it is not identical to a cameras picture. For example, notice the difference between the fingernails of

the fused and camera fingers. Fusion is possible because of binocular vision.

Plate 57. Binocular Vision.

Plate 52. Judging Relative Distances.
a-1 b-1 To the right eye, To the left eye. B-1

To the right eye, To the left eye, Dixie Man Dixie Man
Dixie Man appears Dixie Man appears appears appears For both eyes, Dixie Man appears
to the right of
to the left of
to the left
correctly in © the center
as one fused Dixie Man.
the far finger. the far finger. of the near


To the right eye. To the left eye,

To the left eye. To the right eye,
For both eyes, the far finger the far finger the far finger
the far finger
appears correctly O in the center appears to the • - appears to the
appears to the ["
_ the far finger
appears to the
as one fused finger. right of the left of the
right of Dixie Man. left of Dixie Man.
near finger. near finger.

To the left eye, To the right eye, To the left eye, To the right eye.
For both eyes, the near finger
the near finger the near finger the near finger
_ __
appears correctly the center ^_ the near finger
Q) in *"
appears to the right appears to the left appears to the appears to the
as one fused finger.
of the far finger. of the far finger. right of Dixie Man. left of Dixie Man.

Plate 53. Fusion l.


Plate 54. Amblyopia.

Why there are
two near red beads,
one middle green bead,
and two far blue beads: Tod View

To the right eye, To the left eye,

the far blue bead the far blue bead
appears to the right. appears to the left.

For both eyes,

the middle green bead
appears correctly
in the center as
one fused bead. String RNor String. LNor,
as seen by as seen by How the string and the beads look
the right eye. the lett eye. when the attention is on the middle
To the left eye, To the right eye, green bead. The strings cross
the near red bead the near red bead correctly at the green bead.
appears to the right. appears to the left.

Compare with

Esophona The Bead Game,
and Exophona— The Bead Game

Why there are

one near red bead,
two middle green beads
and two far blue beads: Top View
To the right eye, \ /To the left eye
the far blue \ / the far blue
bead appears \ / bead appears
to the right. \ / to the left.

To the right eye, / To the left eye,

the middle green the middle green
bead appears bead appears
to the right to the left.

String. String.
as seen by as seen by How the string and the beads look
For both eyes, the lett eye the right eye when the attention is on the near
the near red bead red bead. The strings cross
appears correctly correctly at the red bead.
in the center as
one fused bead

Why there are

two near red beads,
two middle green beads,
and one far blue bead: Top View
For both eyes,
the far blue bead
appears correctly
in the center as
one fused bead.

To the left eye, To the right eye,

the middle green bead the middle green bead
appears to the right. appears to the left.

String. String,
as seen by as seen by How the string and the beads look
the right eye the lett eye. when the attention is on the far
To the left eye, To the right eye, blue bead. The strings cross
the near red bead the near red bead correctly on the blue bead.
appears to the right. appears to the left.

Plate 55. Fusion 2 — The Bead Game.
Why there are
two near red beads.
two middle green beads.
and two far blue beads: Top View
To the right eye. To the left eye,
the far blue bead the far blue bead • •
appears to the right. appears to the left.

String. LEso. Siring. REso,

as seen by as seen by
the left eye the right eye.
To the right eye, To the left eye,
the middle green bead the middle green bead
appears too far appears too far
to the right. to the left.

How the string and the beads look

when the attention is on the middle
To the left eye. To the right eye. green bead. The strings cross too
the near red bead the near red bead far in front of the green bead.
appears to the right. appears to the left.

Compare with Fusion 2—The Bead Game,

Normal Convergence — Middle Green Bead.

Why there are

two near red beads,
two middle green beads,
and two far blue beads: Top View
b-1 i

To the right eye. To the left eye.
the far blue bead the far blue bead
appears to the right. appears to the left.

String. LNor. String. REso,

as seen by as seen by
the left eye the right eye.*
To the right eye.
The left eye is
the middle green bead
correctly aligned with »«
appears too far
the middle green bead.
to the right.

How the string and the beads look

when the attention is on the middle
To the left eye. To the right eye. green bead. The strings cross too
the near red bead the near red bead far in front of the green bead.
appears to the right appears to the left.

The right eye here is slightly more esophoric
than in Esophoria —Both Eyes, above.

Why there are

two near red beads.
two middle green beads.
and two far blue beads: Top View
To the right eye. To the left eye,
the far blue bead the far, blue bead • •

appears to the right. appears to the left.

String. LEso String. RNor,

as seen by as seen by
the left eye.' the right eye.
To the left eye,
The right eye is
the middle green bead
correctly aligned with ••
appears too far
the middle green bead.
to the left.

How the string and the beads look

when the attention is on the middle
To the left eye, To the right eye. green bead. The strings cross too
the near red bead the near red bead far in front of the green bead.

appears to the right. appears to the left.

The left eye here is slightly more esophoric
than in Esophoria — Both Eyes. top.

Plate 56. Esophoria— The Bead Game.

Why there are
two near red beads.
two middle green beads,
and two far blue beads: Top View

To the right eye, To the left eye. Front View

the far blue bead • the far blue bead
appears to the right. appears to the left.

To the left eye, To the right eye,

the middle green bead the middle green bead

appears too far appears too far

to the right to the left.

String RExo. String. LExo,
as seen by as seen by How the string and the beads look
the rig-- eye --. i'eye. when the attention is on the middle
To the left eye. To the right eye. green bead. The strings cross too
the near red bead the near red bead far in back of the green bead.
appears to the right. appears to the left.

Compare with Fusion 2—The Bead Game,

Normal Convergence — Middle Green Bead

Why there are

two near red beads,
two middle green beads,
and two far blue beads: Top View

To the right eye. To the left eye. Front View

the far blue bead the far blue bead
appears to the right appears to the left

To the right eye.

The left eye is
the middle green bead
correctly aligned with
appears too far
the middle green bead.
to the left.

String RExo. String LNor,

as seen by as seen by How the string and the beads look
then t
the left eye. when the attention is on the middle
To the left eye. To the right eye. green bead. The strings cross too
the near red bead the near red bead far in back of the green bead.
appears to the right appears to the left.

Why there are

two near red beads.
two middle green beads,
and two far blue beads: Top View

To the right eye, To the left eye, Front View

the far blue bead • the far blue bead
appears to the right. appears to the left.

To the left eye.

The right eye is
the middle green bead
correctly aligned with
appears too far
the middle green bead.
to the right.
String R'for String. LExo,
as seen by as seen by How the string and the beads look
the right eye the left eye. when the attention is on the middle
To the left eye, To the right eye, green bead. The strings cross too
the near red bead the near red bead far in back of the green bead.
appears to the right appears to the left.

Plate 57. Exophoria— The Bead Game.


fmh ism Ftawjn

1 2 3 4

G ( ) :


1 v % B^ 10
J +

K %

L > <

M > <

N + #
if > *
P oo /

Plate 5& Infinitely Right and Left.

Contact Eh at iMoontOaoi com

The Stone Age The Iron Age The Age of Enlightenment The Information Age

Plate ^g. "Evolution."

Plate 60. The Land of Sketch, Breathe, and Blink.

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

shown Normal Convergence

in Plate 55: — A person who has both eyes switched on
Middle Green Bead, a-i. To help align the experiences two strings as if they were aligned
string, touch your nose with the thumb hold- in a-2. What is actually seen is shown in a-3.
ing the string, and then move the thumb and The right eye sees string RNor, extending
string straight out one inch. Have someone from the near left out to the far right. The left

check your alignment if needed. eye sees string LNor, extending from the near
Do not turn your head to the left or right. right out to the far left.

Do not align the string with one eye. Students, If two strings do not appear, return to the
especially those with strabismus and ambly- Amblyopia activities, above, to switch on the
opia, often align the head and/or string incor- amblyopic eye. Also, read the following to
rectly. If this is done, it will be difficult or even gain a better idea of the experiences you want
impossible to experience the Bead Game cor- to have during the Bead Game.
rectly. The alignment of the head and string you have two strings, where do they

is very important. cross? The two strings should cross through

The red bead should be positioned about a single middle green bead the bead you —
six inches out from the forefinger holding the are sketching. The two strings, RNor and
string. The green bead should be positioned LNor, should form an "X" with the center of
about ten inches beyond the red bead. The the X crossing through the middle green
blue bead should be about ten inches beyond bead.
the green bead. Where the X crosses is where the two eyes
If a second person is holding the other end are intersecting their lines of sight (from the
of the string, the blue bead should be about fovea out to the bead). Where the X crosses
six inches from her nose. is the only place the string fuses into one
Be sure there is adequate lighting, and that string. Experiencing the X crossing at the mid-
the lighting is fairly equal on both sides of the dle green bead is equivalent to sketching the
string. single fused far finger in Fusion 1, Far Finger,
a-i and a-2.

By experiencing the X crossing through

Normal Convergence the middle green bead, we know both eyes
with the Bead Game are switched on (because there are two
strings). Additionally, we know both eyes are
properly converging on the middle green

Refer to Plate 55: Fusion 2 — The Bead Game, bead (because the X crosses through the sin-
Normal Convergence —Middle Green Bead, gle fused green bead).

a-i, a-2, and a-3.

Continue sketching the middle green bead.

Sketch the middle green bead. Remember There should be two near red beads, and two
far blue beads. This is equivalent to seeing
to breathe abdominally and blink frequently
during the Bead Game. two near fingers and two Dixie Men in

How many strings are there? Fusion 1, Far Finger, a-i and a-2.

Remember to take a break and rest if you

If there is only one string, study a-i, a-2,

and a-3.
become tired doing this Bead Game.

Releaming to See • 293

Tom's Personal Log: In the beginning, I sees a book across the room, but the left eye
could only do the Bead Game for a very short turns out to the side, seeing a door on the left

time. I found it very uncomfortable and side of the room.

annoying. Two strings flashed off and on alter- In cases of strabismus, the initial tendency
nately. I had very high tension in my visual isto experience double vision. The visual sys-

system. Now it is easy to do. tem wants to maintain binocular vision, but
because prolonged double vision is very
If you see two strings, but they do not cross stressful, the brain usually turns off one of

through the middle green bead, note where the pictures, creating amblyopia. This is why
the strings cross. They may cross in front of most people who have strabismus become
or in back of the green bead. amblyopic.
Refer to Plate 55: Normal Convergence —
Near Red Bead, b-i, b-2, and b-3.

Sketch the near red bead. Strabismus and the Bead Game
The two strings should now cross through If one or both eyes are not converging cor-
a single red bead. There should now be two rectly on a bead in the Bead Game above, a
middle green beads and two far blue beads. student will not experience the X crossing at
This experience is equivalent to Fusion 1, a bead being sketched.
Near Finger, b-i and b-2. There are many non-convergence experi-
Refer to Plate 55: Normal Convergence — ences possible during the Bead Game. The
Far Blue Bead, c-i, c-2, and c-j. more common types are discussed below.
Sketch the far blue bead. Conventionally, the strabismic eye has been
The two strings should now cross through called the "deviating" eye, and the normal
a single far blue bead. There should be two eye the "fixating" eye. Since the words used
near red beads, and two middle green beads. in vision training can affect the student's sight,

This experience is equivalent to Fusion 1, it is better to refer to the strabismic eye as

Dixie Man, c-i and c-2. simply the "strabismic" eye, or the "turning"
When sketching the far blue bead, the eye. The "fixating" eye is better called the
strings may look more like an inverted "V" "centralizing" eye for reasons discussed in
than an "X."The two strings seem to join at Chapter 9, "The First Principle —Movement."
the far blue bead. In esophoria theX crosses in front of the
If the X crosses through each bead, you do bead of interest. In exophoria, the X crosses
not need to do any more activities in this in back of the bead of interest. Fusion occurs
chapter. where the X crosses. But, since at least one
If the X does not cross on one or more eye is not converging properly to the bead of
beads, continue with the next section. interest, fusion is not occurring at the correct
location. The mind's interest is on a bead, but
STRABISMUS only one eye is seeing the bead with correct
Strabismus is the condition in which the eyes convergence and centralizing. A student is

are not aligned to see the same point simul- usually aware if he has strabismus.
taneously. For example, the right eye correctly

294 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

Common Types of Strabismus inward too far to the left. As a consequence,

The four most common types of strabismus the string seen by the right eye, REso, appears

are esophoria, exophoria, hyperphoria, and to angle too far to the right compared to the
hypophoria. string seen by the right eye in Normal Con-
vergence — Middle Green Bead, RNor. The
string seen by the normal left eye, ENor, is

Esophoria the same Esophoria—Right Eye and Nor-


mal Convergence— Middle Green Bead.

In Esophoria—Left Eye, the eye turns left

Esophoria (from the Greek eso, meaning inward, too far to the right. The right eye con-
"inward." and phoria, meaning "direction") verges and centralizes normally on the mid-
is also called crossed eye, esotropia, and con- dle green bead. (In these diagrams, the left
vergent. (The term convergent here means eye is slightly more esophoric than in Esopho-
the eye is turning inward abnormally; it does ria —Both Eyes.)
not mean the eye has normal "convergence") Compare the positions of the strings in
Typically, one eye turns inward, and the other Esophoria — Left Eye, and with the c-2 c-3,

eye is straight. If one or both eyes turn inward Esophoria—Both

strings in and Eyes, a-2 a-3,

toward the nose, the X will cross in front of and Normal Convergence—Middle Green

the bead you are sketching. Bead, a-2 and a-3.

Compare Plate 56: Esophoria — The Bead In Esophoria —Left Eye, the left eye turns
Game, Esophoria—Both Eyes, with Plate 55: inward too far to the right. As a consequence,
Fusion 2, Normal Convergence — Middle the string seen by the left eye, LEso, appears
Green Bead. to angle too far to the left compared to the
In Esophoria—Both Eyes, both eyes turn string seen by the left eye in Normal Con-
inward too far. The right eye turns too far vergence —Middle Green Bead, LNor. The
to the left, and the left eye turns too far to the string seen by the normal right eye. RNor, is

right. As a result, the two strings appear to thesame in both Esophoria Left Eye and —
cross in front of two green beads. —
Normal Convergence Middle Green Bead.
In Esophoria — Right Eye, the right eye
turns inward, too far to the left. The left eye
converges and centralizes normally on the
middle green bead. (In these diagrams, the
right eye is slightly more esophoric than in

Esophoria —Both Eyes.) Exophoria (from the Greek exo, meaning

Compare the positions of the strings in "outward") is also called "wall eye,"
Esophoria—Right Eye, and with the b-2 b-3, exotropia, or divergent. Typically, one eye
strings in and Eyes, a-2 a-3, turns out too far toward the temple, while the
and Normal Convergence—Middle Green
in other is straight. If one or both eyes turn out-
Bead, a-2 and a-3. ward, the X will cross in back of the bead you
In Esophoria —Right Eye and Esophoria— are sketching. If one or both eyes turn too far
Both Eyes, the esophoric right eye turns outward, there may be two strings, but they

Relearning to See • 295

— —


may not cross anywhere. At least one eye strings in Exophoria —Both Eyes, a-2 and a-3,
must have some convergence in order to have and in Normal Convergence— Middle Green
the strings cross each other. If both eyes are Bead, a-2 and a-3.

parallel or divergent, the strings will not cross. In Exophoria — Left Eye, the exophoric left

Compare Plate 57: Exophoria— The Bead eye rums outward too far to the left. As a con-
Game, Exophoria—Both Eyes with Plate 55: sequence, the string seen by the left eye,

Fusion Normal Convergence— Middle

2, LExo, appears to angle too far to the right

Green Bead. compared to the string seen by the left eye

In Exophoria —Both Eyes, both eyes turn in Normal Convergence — Middle Green
outward too far. The right eye turns too far Bead, LNor. The string seen by the normal
to the right, and the left eye turns too far to right eye. RNor, is the same in both Exopho-
the left. As a result, the two strings appear to ria — Left Eye and Normal Convergence—
cross in back of two green beads. Middle Green Bead.
In Exophoria—Right Eye, the right eye turns
outward too far. The left eye converges and
centralizes normally on the middle green bead.
(In these diagrams, the right eye is slightly more
exophoric than in Exophoria — Both Eyes.)
Compare the positions of the strings in Hyperphoria (from the Greek hyper, mean-
Exophoria—Right Eye, b-2 and with the b-3, ing "above" or "over") is also called hyper-
Exophoria— Both
strings in and Eyes, a-2 a-3, tropia. Convergence may not be possible
and Normal Convergence— Middle Green
in during the Bead Game, as the string seen by
Bead, a-2 and a-3. the hyperphoric eye may appear lower than
In Exophoria — Right Eye and Exopho- the string seen by the normal eye. As a con-
ria — Both Eyes, the exophoric right eye turns sequence, the two strings seem to "miss"
outward too far to the right. As a conse- crossing each other because they appear to
quence, the string seen by the right eye, RExo, be at different heights.

appears to angle too far to the left compared Refer to Figure 18-5: Head Balancing, b
to the string seen by the right eye in Normal and c. Noticing the heights of the two near
Convergence —Middle Green Bead, RNor. fingers (or pencils) while sketching the far
The string seen by the normal left eye, LNor, finger can give some clues as to hyperphoria.
isthe same Exophoria — Right Eye and
in If the right eye is hyperphoric without
Normal Convergence—Middle Green Bead. tilting the head — the near left finger may
In Exophoria— Left Eye, the eye turns left appear too low. If the left eye is hyper-
outward, too far to the left. The right eye con- phoric without tilting the head — the near
verges and centralizes normally on the mid- right finger may appear too low.
dle green bead. (In these diagrams, the left
eye is slightly more exophoric than in
Exophoria— Both Eyes.)
Compare the positions of the strings in
Exophoria — Left Eye, c-2 and c-3, with the

296 • Relearning to See

— —

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision

Hypophoria 1. at each bead you are sketching, in

which case the student already has the
experiences he wants to have and there
Hypophoria (from the Greek hypo, meaning
is no need to continue; or,
"under" or "down") is also called hypotropia.
2. the X crosses in front of the bead
Like hyperphoria, convergence may not be
(esophoria): or.
possible during the Bead Game, as the string
3. the X crosses in back of the bead
seen by the hypophoric eye may appear (exophoria).
higher than the string seen by the normal eye.
Refer to Figure 18-5: Head Balancing, b For hyperphoria and hypophoria, sketch a
and c. Noticing the heights of the two near distant object while holding a finger or pen-

fingers (or pencils) while sketching the far cil in front of you as described above. Notice

finger can give some clues as to hypophoria. whether one finger or pencil is too high or
If the right eye is hypophoric without tilt- too low.
ing the head —the near left finger may appear
too high. If the left eye is hyperphoric with-
Phoria Swing for Esophoria
out tilting the head —the near right finger may
appear too high. Do the Bead Game. If the X crosses in front
of the middle green bead, and if only the left

eye is esophoric:
Infinite Possibilities
1. Cover or patch the right eye. Then
There is an infinite number of possibilities
move an object (e.g. your finger, a ball,
involving strabismus and amblyopia. One eye
a small light) in a circular pattern
can be esophoric while the other eye is both
toward the left. The head remains fac-
exophoric and hyperphoric. And, as pointed
ing straight ahead, while the left eye
out by Bates, the degree and type of strabis-
follows the moving object. The idea is
mus can be a function of time, particularly in
to coax the left eye outward so that it

relation to stress.
will converge correctly on the middle
green bead. Do this for three minutes.

ACTIVITIES FOR STRABISMUS 2. Then cover only the left eye. Sketch
objects normally with only the right
Phoria (Directional) Swings
eye. (If the right eye is also esophoric.
In strabismus, the muscle(s) is too tight in the ahead
keep the head facing straight
direction the eye is turning. The idea behind and move an object in a circular pat-
phoria swings is to teach the strabismic eye
tern over to the right, following the
to relax by coaxing it to move in the direc-
object's movement with the right eye.)
tion opposite to the direction it is turning. one eye;
Important: Never activate only
For esophoria and exophoria, do the Bead
both eyes must be activated, even if

Game, described above, to determine where one eye has normal convergence. Do
the X is crossing when sketching the near red
this for one minute. (Do this for three
bead, the middle green bead, and the far blue
minutes if both eyes are esophoric.)
bead. To review, the X usually crosses:

Relearning to See • 297


3. Remove the patch and sketch objects both eyes must be activated, even if

normally, using both eyes, for three one eye has normal convergence. Do
minutes. this for one minute. (Do this for three

minutes if both eyes are exophoric.)

(If only the right eye is esophoric, simply
3. Remove the patch and sketch objects
reverse the above directions.)
normally, using both eyes, for three

4. Return to the Bead Game to see if the minutes.

X is crossing closer, or even on, the only the right eye
(If is exophoric, simply
middle green bead. When first doing
reverse the above directions.)
the phoria swing, the X may appear
either closer to, or exactly on, the mid- 4. Return to the Bead Game to see if the
dle green bead for a moment or two. X is crossing closer, or even on, the
Then the X may move back to the posi- middle green bead. When first doing
tion it was in before doing the phoria the phoria swing, the X may appear
swing. In time, the X can move closer to either closer to or exactly on the mid-
and on the middle green bead for dle green bead for a moment or two.
longer periods of time. Then the X may move back to the posi-
tion it was in before doing the phoria
swing. In time, the X can move closer to
Phoria Swing for Exophoria
and on the middle green bead for
Do the Bead Game. If the X crosses in back longer periods of time.
of the middle green bead, and if only the left

eye is exophoric:
Phoria Swing for Hyperphoria
1. Cover or patch the right eye. Then
If the right finger (or pencil) is too low and
move an object (e.g. your finger, a ball,
the left eye is hyperphoria
a small light) in a circular pattern over
Follow the same directions as for the other
toward the right. The head remains fac-
phoria swings above, except in Step 1, move
ing straight ahead, while the left eye
the object downward a few inches and follow
follows the moving object. The idea is
it with the hyperphoric eye. Remember to
to coax the left eye inward so that it
keep the head facing forward. The idea here
will converge correctly on the middle
is to coax the eye downward, so that it is hor-
green bead. Do this for three minutes.
izontal and level with the right eye. When it
2. Then cover only the left eye. Sketch
is horizontal, the two fingers will be at the
objects normally with only the right
same height.
eye. (If the right eye is also exophoric,
If the left finger is too low, and the right
keep the head facing straight ahead
eye is hyperphoric, coax the right eye down-
and move an object in a circular pat-
ward, and continue with the same themes
tern over to the left, following the
described above.
object's movement with the right eye.)
Important: Never activate only one eye;

298 • Relearning to See

Chapter Eighteen: Stereoscopic Vision
Phoria Swing for Hypophoria
forced her crossed eye to align straight with
If the right finger (or pencil) is too high and the other eye for a few seconds. When she
the left eye is hypophoria ceased straining, her eye crossed again.
Follow the same directions as for the other This is not the answer to strabismus.
phoria swings above, except in Step 1, move an
object upward a few inches and follow it with IMPROVEMENTS WITH STRABISMUS
the hypophoric eye. Remember to keep the The Better Eyesight magazine for November
head facing forward. The idea here is to coax 1920 is dedicated to the topic of strabismus.
the eye upward, so that it is horizontal and level Several case histories of improvements are
with the right eye. When it is horizontal, the described.
two fingers will be at the same height. Clara Hackett, in her book Relax and See,
If the left finger is too high, and the right writes of her strabismus students:
eye is hypophoric, coax the right eye upward,
There were 179 crossed eye students. Sev-
and continue with the same themes described
enty-one have achieved straight eyes and
also have good fusion; 96 have straight eyes
and good fusion except that there is a slight
deviation from the norm when they are ill,
Phoria Swings for Other Types
emotionally upset or fatigued. Twelve had
of Strabismus no enduring improvement. 8
If an eye is turning at any angle, cover the eye
that does not have strabismus, and move an FINAL CHAPTER NOTES
object opposite to the direction the strabis- One of my students said she had "Stress-
mic eye is turning. Follow the same themes bismus."
described above. The idea is to relax the eye Strabismus can be created by an uncon-
back to the straight, normal position. scious strain — especially by staring. An indi-
cation that relaxation is the solution to
strabismus problems is that many children
Straining is Not the Solution are able to "cross" their eyes at will by strain-
Students with strabismus can be (and some ing hard enough. As soon as they stop strain-
have been) taught to "straighten" their eyes ing, the eyes return to normal.
with a conscious effort. With this approach, This chapter introduced some of the issues
the student then has a double strain —the ini- involved with binocular vision, stereopsis, and
tial tight muscle which pulled the eye out of fusion. Only some of the causes of and solu-
alignment, and another tight muscle on the tions to strabismus and amblyopia have been
other side of the eye pulling the eye straight. presented here.
There was a girl who had strabismus The activities presented in this chapter are
(crossed eye) who was very proud of the a support for these specific vision problems.
"progress" she had made with her straining The relearning of correct vision principles
approach she was taught. While sitting in a and habits is the key to removing the under-
chair, she gripped the side of the chair, and lying strain causing nearsightedness, far-
with the greatest of effort and straining, she sightedness, astigmatism, and strabismus.

Relearning to See • 299

Those who have strabismus and/or ambly- Notes
opia need to do these specific activities along 1
Lael Wertenbaker and the Editors of U.S. News
with practicing correct vision habits better Books, The Eye: Window to the World (Wash-
each day. The Long (Elephant) Swing is espe- ington, D.C.: U.S. News Books, 1981), pp. 73-74.
cially beneficial in strabismus cases. The oppo- Dr. Agarwal was an enthusiastic teacher of the

sitional movement releases tension from the Bates method in India. The title of his book,

visual system. Mind and Vision, is the title of Chapter XXIX

in Perfect Sight Without Glasses.
If you need help in understanding or doing
R. S. Agarwal, Mind and Vision (Pondicherry,
the activities presented in this chapter, con-
India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1983), p. 146.
sult with a Natural Vision teacher. A student 4
Ibid., p. 208.
should consult with an eye doctor for any seri- 5
These graphics, caption, and text are from Per-
ous vision problems.
fect Sight Without Glasses.
John N. Ott. Health and Light (New York: Simon
& Schuster, 1976), pp. 58, 68-69.
These graphics, caption, and text are from Per-
fect Sight Without Glasses.
Clara A. Hackett and Lawrence Galton, Relax
and See (London: Faber and Faber, Limited,
1957). P- 25-

Figure 18-7: Cyclops.

"Well, Mr. Cyclops, before todays class, I could
claim I had taught twice as many pupils' as

300 • Relearning to See


Brains, Health,
and Healing
Chapter Nineteen

Brains and Vision

From Better Eyesight magazine, July 1920: defective vision, these mental elements in
the total process are not neglected. On the
Not only is keen sight a great convenience, contrary, many of his most valuable tech-
but it reflects a condition of mind which niques are directed specifically to the
reacts favorably upon all the other senses, improvement of perception
upon the general health and upon the men-
George Vithoulkas, in The Science of
tal faculties.
Homeopathy, discusses the mental, emotional,

Better Eyesight magazine, December 1925:

and physical levels of our being. He writes:

These levels are not in reality separate

Not only does the sight become imperfect and distinct, but rather there is a complete
[due to strain], but also the memory, imag- interaction between them. 3
ination, judgment, and other mental facul- . . .The highest and most important level
ties are temporarily lost through which the human being functions
is the mental and spiritual level.
Better Eyesight magazine, December 1925,
Bates proved that mental strain can create
from a testimonial submitted by ophthal-
blur. Modern right-brain/left-brain concepts
mologist Dr. E. F. Darling:
provide an interesting and valuable perspec-

I feel more and more strongly that a per-

tive on Bates' discoveries regarding normal
son will not have full control of his mental sight, errors of refraction, and natural vision

faculties until he gets rid of his glasses.

1 re-education.
The reader will find exceptions to some of
Aldous Huxley's The Art of Seeing: the general discussion presented below

The eye and nervous system do the sens- because the model of brain characteristics
ing, the mind does the perceiving ... It is presented here is simplified. Right-brain/

a highly significant fact that, in Dr. Bates' left-brain concepts are very complex. For

method for re-educating sufferers from example, some people do not have right-brain

Relearning to See • 303


characteristics located in their right brain re-establish a balance in the health of their
they are located in the left brain. clients.

See Plate 58: Infinitely Right and Left and

RIGHT TO THE BASICS Figure 19-3: Brain Characteristics.
See Figure 19-1: Left and Right Brains. We
have two brains — a right brain and a left

brain.Each specializes in particular functions. How the Brains Process

See Figure 19-2: Corpus Callosum. The two
the Pictures We See
brains are connected in the middle by a bun- See Figure 19-4: Left Sides to the Right
dle of nerves called the corpus callosum (from Brain/Right Sides to the Left Brain.
Latin, meaning "callous body"). The entire picture from each eye (LVF' +
RVF' + LVF" + RVF") travels along the optic
nerves to the optic chiasm. At this junction,
Brain Characteristics the messages from the left visual fields (light

In the 1950s and 1960s, research was carried areas; LVF' + LVF") of each eye are sent to
out by Roger W. Sperry and his associates at the right brain, while the messages from the
the California Institute of Technology. They right visual fields (dark areas; RVF' + RVF")
determined that the right and left brains of each eye are sent to the left brain.

engage in different modes of processing See Figure 19-5: "Vision."

information. When the eyes look to the left, we tend
The modern right-brain/left-brain model to emphasize the characteristics of the right
is only our young society's re-discovery of the brain. When the eyes look to the right, we
ancient principles of the duality of nature, tend to emphasize the characteristics of the
called yin/yang. These principles have been left brain.
used by Western holistic practitioners to help One practical consequence of these facts


Figure 19-1: Left and Right Brains. Figure 19-2: Corpus Callosum.

304 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains und Vision

is the importance of "shifting" our attention Introduction, blurred vision is a message from
to the right and to the left with a head move- the mind and body that a person's visual sys-
ment. Crossing the midline of the body helps tem is out of balance with nature. Bates dis-
integrate the two brains, and is one reason covered how to bring the visual system back
theLong Swing and Infinity Swing (described into balance, with relaxation of the mind
in 9, "The First Principle
Chapter Move- — being the most important key.
ment") and the "Cross-Crawl" (described
below) are so beneficial.
Eighty Percent Right-Handed —
A VERY LEFT-BRAIN ORIENTED A Clue to an Imbalanced Society
SOCIETY Research shows that 50% of animals are
The characteristics listed in Figure 19-3: Brain right-pawed (left-brain) dominant, and 50%
Characteristics indicate we live in a highly are left-pawed (right-brain) dominant. These
left-brain oriented society. Most people in our animals include chimpanzees and gorillas,

society are paid for, supported by, and praised whose anatomy is closely related to that of
for excelling in left-brain activities, especially humans.
reading, writing, and math. (Of course, the Paul Dennison and Gail Hargrove, in their
characteristics of the two brains overlap in book Personalized Whole Brain Integration,
many areas. Writing can be used to create state their research proves that there are 50%
poetry, while most music contains structure.) right-brain-dominant individuals and 50%
Cherie Carter-Scott, in Negaholics: How to left-brain-dominant individuals in our society. 6
Overcome Negativity and Turn Your Life It seems as if nature intends each species
Around, writes: to have a perfect balance of right-brain (left-

pawed) dominant individuals and left-brain

Transportation, communication, and
(right-pawed) dominant individuals.
technology have turned the modern world
upside down. Rapid pace, pressure, and
If 50% of our population is supposed to be
ambiguity have changed our lives from right-handed and50% left-handed, why are
being steady, consistent, and stationary to approximately 80% of the people in the US
being fraught with confusion, disillusion- right-handed? Some experts say that many
ment, and disconnection We are living naturally left-handed/right-brain-dominant
in a turbulent, chaotic, and perplexing era. individuals have switched to using their right
Never before in the history of mankind hand as their dominant hand —unnaturally.
have there been so many options, with so Why?
few tools with which to cope. 5 Many left-handed children in this society

Natural vision is primarily a right-brain are forced to favor their right hand. Some
function and is based on relaxation. The epi- have had their left hand tied behind their
demic of blurred vision in this society is only back until they learn to use their right hand.

one of the many serious consequences of Some are punished for not using their right

switching off, or "dimming," our right-brain hand. Many tools are designed to be used

Our vision problems reflect

characteristics. with the right hand only. Left-handed indi-

an imbalanced way of living. As stated in the viduals using tools designed for right-handers

Releaming to See • 3°5



Balance, nature, middle, centered, corpus

peace, fulcrum, assertive, yoga, crossing










Figure 19 -5: Brain Characteristics.

306 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

ctBoium. self-actualiiation, equilibrium,
the midline, movemc-v. the third-eye, Cove

:.\: \'JC riOLTT^

1. Visual
2.Seeing clearly in the distance
3. Far, outward, distant, extrovert, exhibit, open, divergent
whole picture, scan large areas, peripheral vision
4. 'The

5. Seeing the trees and the forest, the Qestalt: the whole is more than the sum of the parts
6. 'Might owl
7. Large movements
8. Scattered, diffused, the whole jig-saw puzzle
9. Random, aim/ess, disorder, entropy, "Brownian motion, secondary
10. Intuitive, insight, instinct, "gut feeling'
11. "Emotional, intuitive, psychic
12. 'Dionysian, Wine, romantic, asymmetry
13. Choice
14. Left side of body; left-handed
15. Subjective, indirect, subtle, nuance, finesse, echo
16. Cold, wet, dark, yin, alkaline, kapha
1 7. Letting go, effortless, "going -with the flow, " "easygoing, ' refleTC, casual
15. Activities, games, habits
19. "Poetry; non-verbal communications
20. Art, music, opera, piano, sculpture, painting, singing, humming
21. Artistic, images, pictures, color
22. 'Process-oriented
23. Quality 1: feelings, teictures, tone, patterns
24. Quality 2: 3-D, spatial relationships
25. Passive, yielding, cooperation
26. Parasympathetic (autonomic nervous system)
27. Suspendedjudgement, irrational, dreams, floating
28. Analog, continuous
29. 'More/less, "more or less", if Tc/maybe y and/or z
30. Shades ofgray, sliding -scale, fuzzy-logic, spectrum of the rainbow
31 Timeless,
. ageless, when time stands still
32. Spiritual, esoteric, mystical
33. Simultaneous, harmony, chords, multiple, parallel
34. Integration, holistic, "see the 6ig picture," global, associations, synthesis, union, together
35. Curves, rhythmical, complex diagonal
36. Slow, contemplative, chronic, long-term, "slow and steady wins the race"
37 Feelings, pretending, ideals, platonic
38. Present time, "in the here and now'
39. Play, fun, magic
40. 'Up pain/no pain
41. 1>ance
42. Free, spirit of the law, creativity, imagination, inspiration
43. Infinite
44. Fluid, fleTcible, positive
45. Spontaneous, involuntary, unconscious, automatic, refle^
46. Variable, change, the 9leisenberg Uncertainty Principle
47. Feminine, moon
48. Type "B
49. Trust
50. Fall, Winter
51. Counter-clockwise
52. Calligraphy
53. Reincarnation
54. (Radical, liberal, political Left
55. "Slow traffic keep right"
56. Innovation, strange, peculiar
57. The sound of one hand clapping
58. Forgiveness, detachment

Figure 19-3: Brain Characteristics.

Relearning to See • 307


il the left side of the view in front of us was light (gray) and the right side of the view was dark (black),

this is how the view would look to each eye

LVF = Left Visual Field RVF = Right Visual Field

The right side ot each The left side of each

visual field lands on the visual field lands on the

left side of each retina right side ot each retina

The signals from the The signals from the

left side of each retina right side of each retina
travel to ihe left bram travel to the right bram

Figure 19-4: Left Sides to the Right Brain/ Figure 19-5: "Vision!'
Right Sides to the Left Brain. Reprinted from Personalized Whole Brain
Integration, by Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D., and
Gail E. Hargrove, 1985, Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc.,

Ventura, CA. Used with permission of the artist,

Gail E. Hargrove.

may partially explain why almost twice as cause the majority of Americans are right-
many left-handers as right-handers need med- handed.
ical attention for accidents. Are conclusions based on an imbalanced
If a right-brain-dominant individual is sup- sample population valid? Erroneous conclu-
posed to be left-hand-dominant, what adverse sionsdrawn from studying unhealthy people
effects does the unnatural switching to favor- seem to create, support, and even promote a
ing the right hand have on the mental func- more imbalanced population. This is espe-
tions of this individual? cially the case in regards to eyesight in exces-
Many conclusions about behavior drawn sively left-brain oriented societies. One of the
from research data are presented as normal major reasons people believe they need to
because a specific behavior is found in the wear corrective lenses is because so many
majority of a population. Case in point: some people wear them.
researchers have erroneously concluded that
left-handedness is an aberration of nature be-

308 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

Bias Favoring Right-Handed • Italian is mancion, meaning dishon-

(Left-Brain Dominant) Individuals est;

• Dictionaries define "right" as just, good, • Spanish is zurdas, meaning wrong

and proper (conduct), genuine, real; way.
conforming to facts or standards. 3. Tomorrow night we will have leftovers.
• The Latin word for right is rectus, 4. Hurry up, or you will be left out, south-
meaning straight. paw.
• Dexterity comes from the Greek word 5. Your views are way out in left field.
dexios, meaning toward the right, or a 6. In the early 1980s, US Postal Service
good omen. employees were forbidden to sort mail
• You are right! with their left hand.
• I have my rights. 7. Placing the wedding ring on the left

• You will see it right before your very hand comes from the morganic tradi-
eyes. tion in which European royalty gives
• You are an upright and righteous per- the left hand in marriage to a person of
son. inferior rank. Neither the lesser ranked
• Be sure your socks are right side out. spouse, nor their children, obtain estate
• Would you like to meet right now, or or title rights after marriage.

right after lunch? 8. In a left-brain society, it is said to be

• We need to right the injustices done. "efficient" for products to be made the
• Mr. Dexter is my right-hand man. same. Scissors, children's school desks,
• The car on the right has the right-of- etc., are manufactured mainly for the
way. right-handed people. Efficiency is a
• According to the Bible, Christ is seated left-brain characteristic. Left-handed
at the right hand of God. people are expected to "adapt" to a
right-handed society.

Bias Against (Right-Brain Famous lefties include the creative geniuses

Dominant) "Lefties" Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Michae-
langelo, and the world figures Alexander the
i. Dictionaries define "left-handed" as
Great, Charlemagne, and Napoleon. Cre-
clumsy, awkward, insincere,
ativity is a right-brain characteristic.
backhanded, dubious, and ironical.
2. The word "left" in:
• Old English means weak or worth-
Too Much Left-Brain
less; Emphasis = Distress
• Latin is sinister, meaning covert;
Are the above biases against "lefties" and for
• French is gauche, meaning crude,
"righties" just a coincidence, or do they reflect
awkward, clumsy, or lacking in social
a society that is extremely left-brain oriented?
One might conclude that left-brain domi-
• German is linkisch, meaning
nant people who live in a very left-brain dom-

Relearning to See • 309

inant society would be happy and healthy. and faster computers, which are then used to
This is not necessarily the case. The pitfall for design even faster computers. Analysts now
left-brainers is to become so saturated with say a current "state of the art" computer is

left-brain activities that the right-brain char- obsolete in only six months. And the period
acteristics are switched off or dimmed. Over- of time to obsolescence keeps getting shorter.
working to the point of ruining health is a George Vithoulkas, M.D., writes in A New
common occurrence in fast-paced left-brain Model for Health and Disease, "The pressures
societies. of modern life place a premium on rapid
Healthy options for right-brain dominant [healing] and the speedy elimination of symp-
individuals seem limited. Unless they are bril- toms." 7 The pervasive use of unnecessary
liant and successful artists (painters, musi- "quick fix" surgeries and drugs is discussed
cians, etc.), right-brainers often must find a in the next chapter.
way to cope with primarily left-brain activi- A man visiting my booth at a health fair
ties taught in primarily left-brain school, and once asked me how long it takes to improve
end up working in primarily left-brain occu- vision naturally. I told him some people have
pations. Many my right-brain dominant
of taken several years to free themselves com-
students have told me they are in left-brain pletely from glasses. In that case, he said, he
occupations only because they have not was not interested in my classes, and he was
found occupations which support and reward going to have his corneas cut because the
right-brain activities as well. refractive surgical procedure only takes a few
Perhaps impatience, and moving too fast,
"Slow Down, You Move Too Fast ..."
is to be expected in a very young society like
the US.
I used to be semi-apologetic regarding how
long it takes students to improve vision. Now,
I am proud to tell people it can take a long
time. In regards to natural vision, "slow and
One indication of an excessively left-brain steady wins the race." When the momentum
oriented society is the emphasis on speed. We of natural vision habits is re-established over
live in a fast-paced, impatient culture. "Hurry a long period of time, it is not lost quickly.

to meet the deadline." "Time is money." Is The long-term approach is a right-brain char-
profit the bottom line in our society even — acteristic.

at the cost of our health? It is true some natural vision students have
have countless fast-food restaurants, succeeded fairly quickly, especially those who
speedy microwave ovens for TV dinners, fast have had low blur for only a short time. But
music, speed reading of instant books, and I prefer to give conservative examples.
fast cars. And your "machines of seeing" (cor- Bates reported some fast improvement of
rective lenses) will be ready "in about an sight in the 1920s. I believe it takes students
hour." a longer time to improve sight today because
Computer companies keep designing faster we live in a much more stressful and imbal-

310 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

anced society. It takes more energy and time pression and invalidation of feelings. The feel-
to re-establish the balance required for nor- do not need to be understood
ings of others
mal vision. (assuming they could be), but they need to
be validated as real and meaningful to the
person experiencing them if that person is to
Re-Activating the Right Brain grow.
Our young, technological society has led T. Ribot. in The Psychology of Attention,
many people so far into left-brain activities wrote:
that they have switched off many right-brain
. . .just as everything that comes from the
characteristics. As a result, many people are
external senses constitutes the primal sub-
now discovering they need to switch back on ject-matter of intelligence: and just as.
the right brain. physiologically, vegetative life precedes ani-
Many holistic self-improvement programs mal life, which rests upon it. so also, psy-
emphasize right-brain characteristics, e.g., chologically, emotional life precedes
feelings, intuition, trust, "letting go," "seeing intellectual life, which rests upon it. The
the large picture," etc., as vehicles for healing states designated as needs, appetites, incli-

and achieving goals. nations, tendencies, and desires are the

Regarding feelings, Cherie Carter-Scott, direct and immediate results of every ani-
mal organization. They constitute the true
founder of Motivation-Management-Service,
basis of emotional life.
Inc., writes in her book The New Species:

Kenneth R. Pelletier. in this book Mind as

The basic point of view about feelings in
our society is that they get in the way. They
Healer, Mind as Slayer, writes:

are a problem for thosewho feel them and . . . stress itself is difficult to identify and
for the people around them. They are individuals are conditioned to ignore its
unnecessary and bothersome. They are sources and effects. Many people tend to
embarrassing and do not promote progress suppress their feelings of stress because the
or profit. 8 current norm of social behavior is to tol-
. . .The first step in discovering your being erate extraordinarily high levels of stress.
[true self] is to allow yourself to have and There is a martyrlike quality in this atti-
to experience the multitude of deep emo- tude which is not constructive.

tions that run through you. One reason so

few people are in touch with their beings
is that feelings and deep emotions are not Dyslexia—Too Much Left-Brain
encouraged in our society, and the inroad Stress for the Right Brain
to the being is blocked. 9
. . . Allowing yourself to have all of the
One choice the right-brain dominant person

feelings you experience requires tremen- has in a left-brain oriented society is to

dous trust in yourself.

10 "adapt" to living in a left-brain mode, in which
case, things "just don't feel right."
Many of the imbalances in our "Just give The unnatural option of switching to pri-
me the facts. Ma'am" society are due to our marily left-brain activities is so stressful for
mechanical way of living, including the sup-
some right-brain dominant individuals, they

Relearning to See • 3 * *


switch off the left brain. This occurs with left-brain characteristics, I began to re-estab-
many children in our society. lish a balance between the two brains —and
One of the consequences of switching off eliminated the dyslexia.
the left brain can be the loss of verbal and Within the last few years I again experi-
math skills. Many people in our society lose enced short periods of dyslexia when begin-
the ability to speak, write, or do math cor- ning work on the creative parts (graphics, etc.)
rectly —and become dyslexic. of this book.

Tom's Personal Log: Being a left-brain dom- Tom's Personal Log: In my first several years
inant, chess playing, analytical chemist, one of holistic healing I had many reactions on
might guess I would be the last person to the left side of my body.
become dyslexic. The first stress reduction workshop I took
When I started natural healing in 1980, resulted in a large red rash forming on my
participated in many right-brain oriented pro- left leg. Left side reactions were related to
grams. One program, which I participated in healing (re-activating) my right brain. In the
for about two years, was based a great deal last ten years of healing, my remaining symp-
on feelings, intuition, and trust. toms have become fairly even on both sides
After this program. I quit my chemistry job of my body.
and attended school to become a Natural It is interesting that in homeopathy, which
Vision teacher. The training I received was side of the body a symptom appears on can
very right-brain oriented. be an important factor in determining the
Upon graduation and moving to San Fran- correct remedy.
cisco to begin teaching vision classes, I found
I had become dyslexic. When speaking, I left THE BATES METHOD EXPLAINED
words out of sentences, and I switched the BY THE RIGHT-BRAIN/LEFT-BRAIN
order of words within a sentence —somewhat MODEL
embarrassing for someone who teaches Decades before the characteristics of the two
Even simple math, like adding two
clarity. brains were formally presented by Sperry and
numbers, had become difficult very embar- — others, Bates discovered that vision is pri-
rassing and perplexing for a former chemist! marily a right-brain function. This was the
What happened? I emphasized right-brain true brilliance of Bates' work. The majority
characteristics to the point where I had of people in this society do not have normal
switched off many of my left-brain verbal and sight because they use their vision in primarily
math skills. During this dyslexic period, I was a strained, left-brain manner.
told by a right-brain/left-brain expert that I If a person uses his visual system primarily
was right-brain dominant. This was interest- in the way he is taught to live in this excessively
ing, because my true dominance is left brain. left-brain oriented society, he will not keep nor-
By studying books on right-brain/left-brain mal, clear vision. The majority of people liv-

characteristics, I recognized how I had then ing in this society strain their vision and create
become imbalanced in an excessive right- their blur.
brain manner. By giving more attention to Bates' advanced model of vision —linking

312 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

the functions of the visual system to the many other problems of sight. However, it is
mind —was too far ahead of his contempo- not necessary to understand the physical
raries' theories on eyesight. mechanisms involved with eyesight to
improve eyesight. The student only needs to
understand the key habits of normal vision,
The Machines of Seeing and to re-integrate them more each day until
Vithoulkas, in A New Model for Health and they are subconscious habits —once again.
Disease, writes: Still, it is interesting to delve deeper into
the possible relationships between Bates'
Since the eighteenth century a mecha-
nisticway of thinking has prevailed in the research and modern right-brain/left-brain

scientific method which has led to a

concepts, discussed next.

mechanical approach to the whole prob-

lem of health and disease. The body, sep-
arated from the rest of the organism, was Normal Vision
considered a machine See Figure 19-3: Brain Characteristics.

And, unfortunately, still is.

As a result, we are given machines to wear Normal Distance Vision

when our machinery of sight malfunctions.
"Corrective" lenses are the left-brain mechan-
ical solutions to excessive left-brain stress

the visual system.And, as Bates pointed out,

"corrective" lenses do not correct vision at
all; they only "compensate" for the blurred
Bates stated that when the normal eye is "at
rest," the oblique muscles are relaxed and
And now we have sophisticated machines
expanded, the eyeball is in a spherical shape,
to cutand shape the corneas. Perhaps this
and the eye is adjusted to see clearly in the
development was only to be expected in this
distance. The relaxed, expansive right brain
mechanically oriented society.
is responsible for seeing clearly in the dis-

What's It All About, William?

Bates discovered how nature intends us to Normal Near Vision
use our body (blinking, breathing, head move-
ment, etc.), and more importantly, our mind
(centralization, interest, the illusion of oppo-
sitional movement, a relaxed and receptive
attitude toward vision, etc.) to see the world.

Bates' research and experiments explain

Bates stated that when the two oblique mus-
the causes of errors of nearsightedness, far-
cles contract, the eyeball elongates and
sightedness, astigmatism, strabismus, and
accommodates to see clearly up close. The

Relearning to See • 313

contractive, effort-oriented left brain is Myopes are /learsighted. It appears that
responsible for seeing clearly up close. when left-brain dominant people form incor-

As stated before, the "effort" of the oblique rect, strained vision habits, they keep the clar-

muscles minimal and automatic. There is

is ity of their dominant personality —near
no excessive strain involved during normal orientation. Stated the opposite way, when
accommodation, just as there is no abnormal nearsights strain their vision, they lose the
strain involved when the recti muscles move clarity associated with their subdominant per-
the eyes to see objects to the left, right, up, sonality —right-brain far vision.

down, and to converge on near objects. Left-brain dominant individuals are rela-
tively introverted and interested more in

objects close to them. Myopes are usually

Abnormal Vision content being alone, reading a book in their
lap, working with machinery, and are more
Left-Brain Nearsights myopes have
interested in details. Generally,
less interest in what is going on "out there,"
especially when "out there" involves other
Nearsights are "seemingly" placid and tend
to do activities slowly compared to farsights.
Bates demonstrated that when a person Nearsights tend to be very sensitive and sit

strains to see objects in the distance, the extremely still. They are good at hiding any
oblique muscles contract tight and elongate nervousness or fear they feel. They do not
the eyeball, producing nearsightedness. An become bored with near objects anywhere as
elongated eyeball sees clearly up close. The quickly as farsights.
problem in nearsightedness is that the Bates teacher Janet Goodrich presents a
obliques muscle remain chronically tight. very interesting discussion of the personali-
The model allows us
right-brain/left-brain ties of nearsights. farsights, and astigmatics in
to explore more possibilities between the her book Natural Vision Improvement.
mind and Bates' discoveries. When vision is strained, blur must result.

Because a left-brain dominant individual In myopia, the fact that the clarity remains
is more "inner" oriented, she is more likely up close is more interesting than the fact that
to strain while seeing distant objects than near the distance vision becomes blurred.
objects. Nearsights have better vision habits Earlier, the concern was raised about pos-
when doing activities involving near objects. sible adverse effects of left-handed, right-
The nearsight tends to diffuse, strain, and brain dominant individuals unnaturally
become rigid when the attention is in the dis- favoring their right hand. Now the question
tance. arises: What are the adverse effects on the
Our society places a great deal of attention personalities of many formerly nearsighted
on where the blur occurs for nearsights, while individuals who have become artificially far-

almost no attention is given to the fact that sighted as a result of corneal refractive surg-
the near vision remains clear. eries, like RK and PRK? According to the

314 * Re/earning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

model presented here, left-brain dominant ity of their dominant personality —far orien-
individuals who strain their vision should be tation (at least in beginning farsightedness).

myopic, not farsighted. This may be the first Stated the opposite way, when farsights strain

time in history left-brain dominant individu- their vision, they lose the clarity associated
als who have incorrect, strained vision habits with their subdominant personality
have become farsighted instead of "correctly" left-brain near vision.

nearsighted. (Of course, physically the eye- Right-brain dominant individuals are rel-

ball is still elongated.) atively extroverted and more interested in

Even seeing clearly through compensating objects and especially people "out there" in
lenses is an aberration. The blur is nature's the distance. Generally, farsights are less inter-
way of telling (warning?) us to return to ested in what is going on "up close." Right-
relaxed, normal vision habits. Could so-called brain farsights are more interested in the
"progressive myopia" be at least partially "large picture" than in details. Farsights like
caused by the mind's rejection of the clarity large movements and tend to do most activ-

provided by compensating lenses? ities quickly.

Generally, farsights are highly emotional,

want to talk, and ask for advice. Farsights
Right-Brain Farsights
become bored relatively quickly with close

Again, when vision is strained, blur results.

In beginning farsightedness, it is more inter-

esting that clarity remains in the distance than

the fact that vision becomes blurred up close.

(As farsightedness increases, the close vision

Bates demonstrated that when a person is more blurred than the distance vision.)
strains to see objects up close, the recti mus-
cles contract tight and foreshorten the eye-
ball, producing farsightedness. The problem Hemispheric, Not Genetic,
in farsightedness is the recti muscles remain Predisposition

chronically tight. When a person is healthy and balanced, the

Because a right-brain dominant individual left brain functions correctly to see clearly up
is more "outer" oriented, he is more likely to close, and the right brain functions correctly

strain while seeing close objects than distant to see clearly in the distance. Both brains are
objects. Farsights have better vision habits being used correctly, and the person has nor-
while doing activities involving far objects mal sight.

than near objects. They tend to diffuse, strain, When a person becomes imbalanced and
and become rigid when the attention is with strains his visual system, neither brain is used
near objects. correctly.Both brains are strained and the
Hyperopes are /arsighted. It appears that person acquires blur. (More on this below.)
when right-brain dominant people form incor- Rather than nearsightedness and farsight-

rect, strained vision habits, they keep the clar- edness being "genetically predisposed," as is

Re learning to See • 315


often erroneously stated, it appears that func- to fall into incorrect vision habits, especially

tional vision problems are "hemisphere-pre- the staring habit, under these conditions.
disposed." It should be noted here that blur first

When we encounter a problem, we tend to formed by a person around age forty is not
rely on our strengths. When an individual always farsightedness. A small number of
strains her visual system, she maintains clar- left-brain dominant individuals strain their

ity at the distance associated with her dom- vision for the first time around age forty and
inant brain, and acquires blur at the distance become "appropriately" nearsighted, not far-

associated with her subdominant brain. sighted.

Bates discovered that the key to normal

sight is not to strain the visual system. It
Many Older Farsights
appears that hemisphere dominance is irrel-

evant as long as an individual does not inter- Many people in this society become far-

fere with the natural, normal, relaxed vision sighted later in life. Of the left-brain domi-
habits learned automatically and subcon- nant people and the right-brain dominant
sciously early in life. people, which of the two groups would be
more likely to strain their sight later in life?

Before answering this question, let's ask it

Younger Left-Brain Nearsights, in a better way: Of the left-brain dominant

Older Right-Brain Farsights people and the right-brain dominant people,
Why, in literate societies, does nearsighted- which of the two groups would be less likely

ness often occur at a young age, and far- to strain their sight earlier in life? Right-brain
sightedness often occur around "mid-life"? dominant individuals. Why? It appears that
Some possible answers to this question are they are more likely to remain right-brain
presented here. relaxed earlier in life and not strain their
visual system as children and young adults.

A relatively small number of right-brain

Many Younger Nearsights
dominant individuals do strain their vision
Of the dominant people and the
left-brain early in life and become "appropriately" far-
right-brain dominant people, which of the sighted as children.
two groups would be more likely to strain If vision is primarily a right-brain activity,
their sight earlier in life? Left-brain dominant why does a right-brain dominant person
people — especially in an excessively left-brain acquire any blur at all? Right-brain dominant
oriented society. people can, and often do, strain their visual
Why? The tendency of left-brain dominant system by forming incorrect vision habits
individuals is to try too hard. If abnormal especially in a very left-brain oriented society.
effort is applied to the vision system, e.g. Why do so many right-brain dominant peo-
straining to see the blackboard at school, ple in our society form incorrect vision habits
vision will become blurred. Some left-brain around age forty? There are many physical,
dominant children try so hard to "succeed" emotional, and some say spiritual changes
in school, they become fatigued. It is very easy that occur around age forty. It appears that

316 • Relearning to See


Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

if a right-brain dominant person — in this soci- attempting to switch to tight oblique muscles.
ety— is going to strain his vision, it will most Practicing circular motions with the nose-
likely occur around age forty. feather is important for those with astigmatism.

Tom's Personal Log: My astigmatism started

Astigmatism—An Ambiguity (on top of my long-standing and increasing
of Brain Dominance? nearsightedness) at about the same time I

began to play the bass instrument while

attending college for my chemistry degree.

A Funny Thing Happened On My

Astigmatism seems to occur when a left-brain Way to My Other Personality
dominant myope engages in primarily Some researchers have studied the vision of
and when a right-brain
right-brain activities, individuals with multiple personalities.
dominant farsight engages in primarily Esophoria has been observed when an adult
left-brain activities. switches back to his five-year-old personal-
In astigmatism, usually an oblique and a ity. When he returns to his adult personal-
rectus muscle are chronically tight. (In near- ity, the esophoria disappears.
sightedness, both oblique muscles are chron- Some people with multiple personalities
ically tight; in farsightedness the four recti keep a drawer full of different prescription
muscles are chronically tight.) In astigmatism glasses —using the power of glasses associ-
both near and far vision are blurred or dis- ated with their current personality!
torted. The light rays entering the eye in one Note that the changes in sight are solely
plane fall in front of the retina —as in near- a consequence of a shift in the mind.
sightedness —while the light rays entering the Could it be that nearsightedness, farsight-

eye in another plane fall in back of the edness, astigmatism, and strabismus are only
retina —as in farsightedness. From one point physical manifestations or "reflections" of
of view, astigmatism is a combination of near- various forms of imbalance in the mind? Are
sightedness and farsightedness. all functional vision problems determined by
If a left-brain dominant person who has the individuals current personality, brain dom-
incorrect vision habits engages in primarily inance, and incorrect vision habits?
right-brain activities, according to the ideas The personality of the person with blurred
just presented, she should be farsighted! vision needs to return to a certain degree of
Astigmatism may be the visual system's balance to return to normal sight. This is one
attempt to transition from tight oblique mus- of the main reasons improving eyesight nat-
cles (left-brain dominant myopia) to tight urally is not an overnight process.
recti muscles (right-brain dominant farsight-
edness). The opposite could be the case for
right-brain dominant farsights who acquire
astigmatism — tight recti muscles may be

Releaming to See • 31
— —


The Principles of Natural Vision Because vision is suggestible, the beliefs
Explained by Right-Brain/Left-Brain we carry can have a major impact on our
Concepts sight. Many people in this society are told to

Though vision is primarily a right-brain func- expect the blur experienced by the majority.
tion, when a person has normal sight, both This simply reinforces, perpetuates, and
brains are being used correctly to see. increases the imbalances already present.
The three principles of natural vision When a person with normal sight is told by
relaxation, centralization, and movement an authority he will lose his clarity (for exam-
are the correct, natural ways of using the mind ple, "due to the aging process"), this person
and body to see clearly. may stop trusting his normal, clear vision. If

worry about and distrust of his sight result in

straining to see, blur will result. The predic-

Right-Brain Relaxation
tion becomes true —a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Right-brain concepts teach us the principle of If strong corrective lenses are worn, the vision
relaxation. Natural vision is a receptive, auto- is strained even further. It is also predicted
matic, subconscious, and most importantly, that vision will get worse, and it usually does.
relaxed activity. Bates proved relaxation is the The right-brain principle of relaxation is

key to normal sight. When effort or strain is especially important for the left-brain near-
applied to the visual system, sight lowers. sights, because their tendency is to try too
Straining to see is an interference with the hard.
right brain's natural, relaxed way of seeing.
In our "no pain, no gain, you didn't try hard
Left-Brain Centralization
enough" society, the majority of people have
applied effort to the non-effort activity of nat- Left-brain concepts teach us the natural
ural vision. As a consequence, the majority vision principle of centralization. The left

of people in this society have blur. brain "zeros in" to the center of the large pic-
The right brain teaches us to trust our ture to pick up sharp details and the best
vision, especially the unclear peripheral color. As we have learned, only the center of
vision. People with blur do not trust their the visual field is clear and most colorful.
peripheral vision to pick up moving objects Parents often tell their children, "Do one
automatically and quickly. People with blur thing at a time." This is excellent advice.
diffuse, "trying" to see everything clearly at Diffusion is an interference with the left

once. As explained earlier, it is impossible to brains natural, centralized way of seeing.

see the peripheral vision clearly. Diffusion is The left-brain principle of centralization is

a strain. The eye muscles contract tight, and especially important for right-brain farsights,
blurred vision or strabismus is created. because their tendency is to avoid details.
In terms of the field of vision, the right
brain is responsible for seeing "the whole pic-
ture" —both the peripheral and the central Both Brains Connected by Movement

vision. Of course it is correct to see the entire The natural vision principle of movement con-
picture at one time but not clearly. nects the right-brain principle of relaxation

3I0 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

to the left-brain principle of centralization. Relaxation = Centralization = Movement

See Figure 19-5: "Vision." The universal principles of relaxation, cen-
Rigidity interferes with the dynamic tralization, and movement are intimately
exchange of energy between the two brains. related to, and support, each other. Relax-
Rigidity is an interference with both brains' ation, movement, and centralization create
continual movement through 3-D space: near and maintain clarity. Strain, rigidity, and dif-
and far, left and right, and up and down. fusion create and maintain blur.
I find the right- and left-brain perspectives
on the principles of natural vision to be one
Two Perspectives on Oppositional Movement
of the most exciting parts of teaching students
While we are moving, the left brain regards how to improve their vision.
stationary objects as stationary. But the right
brain regards stationary objects as moving in

the opposite direction of our movement. The Cross-Crawl

Which brain is correct? Both. See Figure 19-6: The Cross-Crawl.
The left brain is the absolute, stable, When a baby first learns to crawl, she
grounding brain. "Stationary objects do not moves the right arm forward with the right
move —by definition! "The right brain is the leg, and then the left arm forward with the
relative, flexible, floating brain. "Stationary left leg. This homolateral form of crawling
objects seem to move in the opposite direc- requires the use of only one brain at a time.
tion of my movement." Later, the baby learns to move the right arm
Both mental attitudes are correct and nec- forward with the left leg, and then the left
essary for normal sight. A well-constructed arm forward with the right leg. This advanced,
bridge is both stable and flexible. We want balanced form of crawling requires the inte-
both stability and flexibility. We are meant to grated use of both brains.
have a balance. Generally, the right brain controls the left

side of the body, and the left brain controls

the right side of the body. The cross-crawl

Figure ig-6: The Cross-Crawl.

Relearning to See • 319

emphasizes movement with the right side of 1. The underlying philosophy of eye exer-
the body together with movement of the left cises is to strengthen supposedly weak

side of the body. Both brains are used in an eye muscles. The eye muscles are not
integrative way. The cross-crawl is an excel- weak; they are chronically tense,
lent, simple activity for balancing (to a cer- squeezing the eyeball out of shape
tain degree) the right and left brains. and/or out of alignment. Relaxation,
not work, is needed to improve sight.

*HOW TO CROSS-CRAWL: 2. The eyes and eye muscles are not the
While lifting the left knee, simply reach over main issue. Babies and animals do not
and touch it with the right hand. Then, while even know they have eyes, yet they see
lifting the right knee, reach over and touch it clearly. It is how we use our entire mind
with the left hand. While cross-crawling, and body that determines how well we
remember to sketch, breathe, and blink. see. At least 95% of the processes
involved in seeing occur in the mind. The
The principles within the cross-crawl can be eyes and eye muscles respond to mes-
integrated into many daily activities. For sages from the brain. Mental strain is the
example, when walking you can touch the cause of blurred vision. Bates discovered
right forefinger and thumb together as the relaxation of the mind is the single most
left moves forward. Then touch the left
foot important factor in natural sight.

forefinger and thumb together as the right 3. The process of improving sight natu-
foot moves forward. One jogger stated he rally is not limited to twenty minutes
could jog much farther, and with less dis- per day of exercises. Shortly before he
comfort, by including this variation of the died in 1931, Bates concisely stated that
cross-crawl. the natural, correct vision "habits" are
The cross-crawl can also be performed dur- to be used "all day long." If students do
ing closed-eyelids sunning. eye exercises for twenty minutes a day,
For a super balancing activity, move your and then revert to incorrect habits the
nose-feather in the shape of the infinity sign remainder of the day, they will not suc-
(up through the middle, down on the out- ceed. Integration of the habits and prin-
sides) while doing the cross-crawl. This pow- ciples of seeing as a "renewed visual
erful activity may require some practice lifestyle" is the key.
before the student can do it comfortably.
Many people, including many eye doctors,
correctly state, "Eye exercises don't work" or

Habits, Not Exercises "They only provide temporary benefit." I

agree. The "eye exercise" presentation of the

The emphasis of this book is on natural vision
Bates method is an inappropriate left-brain
habits. Unfortunately, many people erro-
presentation of Bates' work.
neously perceive the Bates method to be a
The Bates method is not about "eye exer-
series of "eye exercises."
about relearning normal vision
cises." It is
There are three main reasons why the
habits permanently. It is important that
Bates method is not about eye exercises:

320 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

natural vision students understand this optional self-healing activities which can
distinction. accelerate the release of strain put on the
It should be acknowledged here that some visual system by incorrect vision habits
eye exercise approaches to eyesight improve- habits which many people have had for many
ment do contain some correct principles years.
and/or habits of natural vision. To the degree
these correct habits and principles of natural Tom's Personal Log: When I first became
vision are relearned while doing eye exer- interested in improving my vision, I read
cises, there can be some benefit. But the ben- many books on the Bates method. I thought
efit is usually temporary because most program was a series of eye exercises.

students do not integrate all of the habits and (Some books even refer to them as drills!) I
principles permanently. did not perceive any improvement of my sight
It is helpful to note that blurred vision is by doing eye exercises.
not caused by a person failing to do eye exer- I did not understand that relearning vision
cises. Therefore, eye exercises are not the solu- habits — all day long —was the key to improv-
tion to blurred vision. People and animals ing my vision. I was fortunate enough to find
with normal sight do not do eye exercises. an excellent vision teacher who taught me
They have normal, relaxed vision habits. correct vision habits. Only then did my vision
Oftentimes I like to use the heart as an begin to improve.
analogy to the eyes. The heart is a large mus-
cle, but a person does not "try" to pump their One reason Bates' work is perceived as eye
blood with conscious effort. In fact, if you exercises is because Bates' most concise sum-
attempted to do so, you could interfere with maries of natural vision habits were not pre-
the normal functioning of your heart. If a per- sented in his 1920 book Perfect Sight Without
son has a healthy diet, exercises, reduces Glasses. They appeared later — in his monthly
stress, and has a balanced lifestyle, the heart Better Eyesight magazines. The key vision
takes care of itself —automatically. The same habits were concisely summarized in the Sep-
is true with sight. The correct approach to tember 1927 issue of Better Eyesight maga-
improving sight is indirect — another right- zine. (This summary was presented earlier, at

brain characteristic. the end of Chapter 15, "The Three Habits

Bates taught swings and shifting activities Sketch, Breathe, and Blink.") My discovery
to demonstrate to students correct vision of this summary in 1986 created an important
habits. They are not exercises. shift in my understanding and teaching of nat-
Sketching, breathing, and blinking are the ural vision.
normal, natural vision habits we are meant to Additionally, Bates' 1920 book was revised
have our entire lifetime. Once the vision stu- after his death in 1931. Most of the original
dent understands this and begins to integrate illustrations, along with a significant amount
correct vision habits, he is well on the way to of his writings, were removed.
success. Will the reader of this book succeed in

Bates also taught palming and sunning. improving his sight? This partly depends on

These activities are not exercises. They are how well he understands the habits and prin-

Relearning to See • 3 21


ciples described herein, and how well he prac- vision habits we have formed need to be
tices and re-integrates them. unlearned. Remove the interferences, and
A teacher of natural vision is especially improvement is automatic. This idea is diffi-

valuable in helping the student relearn the many people in this society to grasp,
cult for

spirit of natural seeing. When it comes to because we often think that effort is required
relearning the subtle mental aspects of nat- to obtain a goal.

ural vision, books can be limiting. If a person If we eat harmful food, we become ill. Sim-
chooses to learn to play the piano, he may ply return to normal (not average!) food, and
obtain many books on the topic. Most likely again we become healthy. There is nothing to
he will also seek instructions from an expe- do. There is only the harmful food to eliminate.
rienced piano teacher. It can be valuable to reflect on the fact that

The best approach I have found is to the picture we are moving through is not "out
receive instructions from an experienced and there." Only atoms and light rays emanating
knowledgeable Natural Vision teacher and from those atoms are "out there." The pic-

to read several books on this topic. (There is ture we see is created in the mind from the
a large Bibliography of vision books in light rays striking the light receptors in the

Appendix A.) retina. It is primarily our relationship to this

internal picture that determines how, and how
we see. One of my students told me that
some photographers who specialize in black
and white or gray photographs begin to see
Forgetting About Your Eyes— the world in shades of gray instead of color.
Naturally He has experienced this in his work with
Not only are straining with effort and eye photography.
exercises not needed to improve sight, but If we are living under mental strain, the
students should forget their eyes exist. (Of mental picture will likely be blurred. If we
course if there is a serious problem with the live in a balanced, relaxed manner, the men-
eyes, the student should consult with an eye tal picture will likely be clear. Vision is pri-

doctor.) People with normal vision almost marily an internal process.

never think about their eyes.
What we see is conscious, but how we see
is meant to be subconscious. This is why the The Qualities of Natural Vision
imaginary nose-helper is attached to the nose As discussed earlier, there are many
and not the eyes —to encourage the student right-brain qualities of vision that are re-acti-
not to strain with their eyes. vated when a student relearns natural vision
As Bates pointed out, there is nothing to habits. Some of these qualities include full
do to see clearly. Clarity is automatic, natural, 3-D vision, color variations, texture aware-
subconscious, casual, and effortless. ness, and contrast. The popular solution to
The real issue in improving vision is what vision problems —compensating lenses
not to do. Blur is caused by interfering with brings back artificial acuity. Natural vision
normal, natural vision habits. The incorrect involves much more than just acuity.

322 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

Vision Dreams Vision and Memory

Many students have vision dreams. Vision There is a high correlation between vision

dreams are dreams which are related to the improvement and memory improvement.
process of improving sight. Dreaming is pri- How many details do you remember of a
marily a right-brain activity. room in which you were spaced-out and star-
One of my students said she was in a ing most of the time? Probably not many.
dream without her glasses on. The dream was How many details do you remember of a
blurred. When she practiced correct vision room where you were very interested in see-
habits in the dream, the dream cleared up! ing the objects there? Probably many more.
Some vision students begin remembering Bates taught memory activities to his stu-
their dreams for the first time. Others begin dents. He understood the connections among
dreaming in color for the first time, where movement, interest, memory, imagination,
before their dreams were seen in black and and normal vision. A simple way to improve
white or gray. memory skills is to sketch an object with your
Vision dreams are an indication the right nose-pencil, and then continue to sketch the
brain is being reactivated. This is a positive same object in your mind with the eyelids
sign. closed. Alternate back and forth a few times.
This is very beneficial to sight.

By the way, most students with blurred

Right-Brain/Emotional Connection vision are more relaxed when their eyelids
Emotional connections to vision were dis- are closed.
cussed in previous chapters. Emotional issues
surfacing while improving vision can be Tom's Personal Log: A college class I

another positive sign. Emotions are primar- attended was taught by a man and a woman.
ily right-brain characteristics. The woman had a wonderful, lively energy,
There some form of stress present when
is standing and moving most of the time while
vision becomes blurred. Most often, there is she was teaching. After all thirty students in
some emotion connected with that stress. the room said their names one after another,
Some students have memories of tragic this teacher correctly named every person in

experiences resurface while improving their the room! Her less lively partner (her former
sight. Some vision students have sought pro- husband) sat behind the desk, staring with his

fessional counseling to help resolve issues head down much of the time. He did not
related to the blurring of their sight. repeat the woman's amazing feat of memory.
Improving sight can be used as a tool for She did not wear glasses; he wore thick, coke-
self-healing on many levels, including the bottle glasses.
emotional The alternative is to allow

the strain associated with blurred vision to

continue.Sometimes it takes courage and Right-Brain Subjectivity and Beliefs
determination to improve our vision and Vision, being primarily a right-brain function,
health. is primarily a subjective and subconscious
process. Therefore, the student's attitudes and

Relearning to See • 3 23


beliefs about his vision improvement process Similar issues apply to farsightedness, astig-

are very important. matism, and crossed eye.

It is so ingrained in our society that vision
cannot improve, when most people start to

experience blurred vision, they do not even "It Makes Sense"

ask the question, "Is there a way I can The key to normal sight is correct vision
improve my eyesight?" It is simply assumed habits. The ideas and facts presented in this

that vision cannot get better —otherwise, why chapter simply help us to better understand
would so many people (in our society) be why the correct vision habits and principles
wearing corrective lenses? Many people con- Bates discovered are correct.
clude glasses must be worn for the rest of Nature teaches us how to see clearly in the

their lives. first few years of our life. Bates taught his stu-
Students need to be very strong and deter- dents not to interfere with this natural
mined to follow their own choices about their process. The Bates method is only a formal
vision. This is an essential ingredient for suc- educational program that provides the stu-
cess, especially for people living in left-brain dent with the opportunity to return to nat-
oriented societies. How well you see is highly ural vision habits —and clear sight.

dependent upon your beliefs about your vision. Those who take the time to explore what
the Bates method of natural vision truly
involves often remark how much sense it

Attitudes and Language makes. Bates' own students stated this fre-
One of the problems of nearsightedness is quently, and my students have stated this for
that myopes often begin to think of them- over seventeen years: "It makes sense."
selves as a nearsighted person. Students with
nearsightedness often say, "I am nearsighted."
I reply, "The prescription given to you by your Notes
eye doctor indicates you have a correction 1
Dr. Darling's entire testimonial can be found in

for nearsightedness." Chapter 29, " 'This Method Has Been Proved.'

What a student says is. generally, what she It is one of the finest testimonials of natural

thinks —and vision is primary a mental activ-

vision improvement I have encountered.
Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing (New York:
ity. When the student thinks and says, "I cur-
Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1942), pp. 49, 51.
rently have nearsightedness," she opens up 3
George Vithoulkas, The Science of Homeopa-
the possibility of not having nearsightedness.
thy(New York: Grove Press, 1980), p. 23.
Another problem with nearsightedness is 4
Ibid., p. 25.
the myope now seldom bothers to have inter- 5
Cherie Carter-Scott, Negaholics: How to Over-
est in objects in the distance when not wear- come Negativity and Turn Your Life Around
ing corrective lenses. "Why should I bother (New York: Ballantine Books, 1989), p. 67.
noticing distant objects without my glasses 6
Paul E. Dennison and Gail E. Hargrove, Per-
on? They are not clear." This "mental set" sonalized Whole Brain Integration (Ventura.
needs to change to improve sight. The stu- California: Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., 1985), p. 13.

dent is re-learning visual interest!

324 • Relearning to See

Chapter Nineteen: Brains and Vision

George Vithoulkas. A New Model for Health The Open Court Publishing Company, 1890),
and Disease (Berkeley. California: Health and pp. 106-7.
u Kenneth R. Mind
Habitat, and North Atlantic Books. 1991). p. 27. Pelletier. as Healer, Mind as
Cherie Carter-Scott. The New Species (New Slayer: A Holistic Approach to Preventing Stress

York: Coleman Graphic, Inc.. 1980). p. 62. Disorders (New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc.,
Ibid., p. 9. 1977), P- 35-
Ibid., pp. 9-10.
Vithoulkas, A New Model for Health and Dis-
T. Ribot, The Psychology ofAttention (Chicago: ease, p. 24.

Relearning to See • 3 25
Chapter Twenty

The Two Sides of Health and Healing

Since natural vision is based largely on a are very complex. They are also closely related
healthy balance of the mind and body, it is to each other. I view the serious health prob-
worthwhile discussing some of the larger lems in our society as a subset of our extremely
issues and problems of health and healing in left-brain, imbalanced way of living. The stu-

our society. dent of natural health is encouraged to read

As with the preceding chapter on the books referred to in this chapter for a more
right-brain/left-brain concepts, health issues thorough explanation of these issues.

Scientific Assumptions of the Empirical and Rational Schools of Health and Healing

Empirical School Rational School

Observation and experience are source of Premise Logical analysis is the source of knowledge
Studies growth or balance of "life force" or Object Studies disease entities
vital energy
Workings of life force unknowable Hypothesis Established hypothesis of causation

Studies peculiar symptoms to determine Subject Classifies common symptoms into disease
uniqueness of individual entities

Subjective sources of data Source Objective sources of data

Individual is energetic and has a spiritual Nature Individual is material or mechanistic,

dimension chemical

Treatment by similars sometimes creating Treatment (or Treatment by contraries sought removal of
healing crisis treatment symptoms

Health is internal and environmental Context Health is absence of disease


Holistic methodology Methodology Atomistic or reductionistic methodology

Client Authority Doctor

Figure 20-1: "Scientific Assumptions of the Rational and Empirical Schools of Health and
Healing." The above table is reprinted with permission from an article by Jerry Green entitled
"The Health Care Contract: A Model For Sharing Responsibility"

Relearning to See • 327

THE EMPIRICAL AND RATIONAL Chiropractic has been attacked by the ortho-
SCHOOLS OF HEALTH AND HEALING dox for decades, 3 as have osteopathy, natur-
Jerry Green's article summarizes the scien- opathy, the Bates method, and many other

tific assumptions of medicine and holistic natural approaches to health and healing.

practice. The table in this article provides a


succinct summary of the two complementary

approaches to health and healing.
"Why Haven't I Heard of the
Bates Method Before?"
may have an allopathic
Breaking an arm, you
doctor take x-rays and set the broken bone. You The Bates method and Natural Vision teach-
may also have a homeopathic practitioner ers have been attacked, threatened, and

administer the energetic remedy Symphytum ridiculed by the orthodox for over seventy-

to accelerate the natural internal mechanisms five years.

already at work healing the fracture. In the Preface to Eye Education by Bates
Few would argue the great advances West- Method, Natural Vision teacher Margaret
ern civilization has made in some fields of Corbett, who studied with Bates, wrote:

medicine. Our ability to save the lives of acci-

The development of civilization is a
dent victims and repair injured limbs and some consisting of wars
series of conflicts,
organs with great medical skills and drugs but most of them arising from a clash of
is marvelous. ideas. Each step forward has been opposed
But. these are acute care issues. by those who cling to the outworn thoughts
Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D., states in Con- and antiquated methods, and progress has
fessions of a Medical Heretic: been slowed. Fortunately, the retarding of
the tempo of progress has not been wholly
I believe that Modern Medicine has gone detrimental. For a new idea to be accepted,
too far, by using in everyday situations it must first be tested in the searing fires of
extreme treatments designed for critical
invective. To survive
criticism, ridicule and
these ordeals thenew idea must be correct,
as the fallacious and unsound ones are
destroyed by the attacks made upon them.
The Shift to Rational Medicine
So it has been with the Bates system of
With the invention of the printing press, and eye education. Though was developed it

the education of the masses in the skills of through long and sound research, it was

reading, writing, and math, industrialized soci- nevertheless novel and when it was pre-
. . .

eties evolved. Scientists began emphasizing sented to the public, it immediately met
the 3-Rs, logic, and cause and effect. Objec- with the opposition of those who believed
tive, rational data was decreed as the only that if glasses were good enough for their

valid source of knowledge. forefathers they are good enough for us.
Bates performed his research and presented Some of this antagonism was sincere and
concepts on natural vision at a time
came from those who were still uncon-
his when
vinced that Dr. Bates' discoveries would
this society was spiraling (and continues to spi-
benefit mankind. Some of the attacks
ral) deeper into an overly left-brain, rational-
undoubtedly were inspired by less
ist, myopic tunnel vision of health and healing.
admirable reasons.

328 • Relearning to See

. . — —

Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health and Healing

Regardless of the motives activating was reading without glasses.]

those opposing us, they were energetic in Not one iota of adverse testimony was
their assaults and soon we were being set uncovered or proven. Although the doc-
upon from The hostilities grew in
all sides. tors had used every endeavor, even to the
intensity and finally culminated in criminal sending of two female spies to take Mrs.
prosecution. To the casual observer it Corbett's purported "treatments" for the
appeared to be charged against me, but sake of gathering evidence, they weren't
actually not only was I on trial, but also the able to procure a single instance whereby
entire system of eye education developed "medical practice" could be proven. Nor
by Dr. Bates. Facing the criminal charge was could anyone be found who considered
a bitter ordeal, but since our cause was just himself injured or defrauded. In fact, the
and our system of eye education meritori- female spies were found in the side-room
ous, we prevailed. The jury found me not during the trial, practicing some of Mrs.
guilty of practicing medicine or optometry. 4 Corbett's eye techniques!
The court had no alternative but to dis-
In 1943, George A. Posner wrote about miss the case against Mrs. Margaret Darst
Corbett's trial in SIR! magazine: Corbett. And the publicity of it served her

. . . They took her to court, all right, but well. A number of the jurors and many of
try as they might, they could not obtain a the spectators signed up for Mrs. Corbett's
conviction. And why? Because the charge
was merely a sham. A cover-up of the good The Los Angeles trial revealed that there
doctors' attempt to restrain Mrs. Corbett
had been similar prosecutions of adherents
from . . . teaching a certain method of eye of this new teaching throughout the coun-

education of proven success, because they try over a period of years

had decreed it was verboten!! For over 30 years organized medicine

Why were the doctors up in arms about has fought with every possible means to

this so-called "pernicious activity"? keep the news of this revolutionary dis-

covery from the world! 5

Because of complaints of persons injured
or defrauded by the defendant? Not at all!
Natural vision teacher Janet Goodrich,
Three hundred witness clamored for the why
Ph.D., in discussing possible reasons
privilege of testifying. They thronged into
many people have not heard of the Bates
the courtroom, told of the healing of prac-
method, writes in her book Natural Vision
tically every eye disorder known to oph-
without the use
thalmological practice . . .

of medicine or the wearing of glasses!'They . . the professional, technically trained

ranged in age from four to 84; they sat for eye practitioners . . . were taught that the
days in the anteroom of the court waiting Bates method was ineffective, to be derided
for a chance to "have their say." . .
and distained
[Aldous Huxley's testimony received Margaret Corbett admonished the hun-
special attention, as hedemonstrated he dreds of teachers she trained in the 1940s
could read without glasses though he had and 1950s never to advertise, lecture or pub-
been totally blind in one eye and only had fish articles . . . More understanding is gen-
20% sight in the other eye before taking erated by the knowledge that she was
lessons from Corbett. In two months he

Relearning to See • 329

— — —


arrested (and acquitted) twice for practic- porting, teaching, and praising the Bates
ing optometry without a license method!
In 1974, my colleague in San Francisco, Margaret Y. Ferguson, D.C., wrote in the
Mrs. Anna Kaye, who'd been quietly trans- December 1945 Journal of the California
mitting Bates method principles for sev-
Chiropractic Association:
eral decades, was visited by two undercover
agents. She was told she was breaking the [Bates'] revolutionary principles have
law on sixteen counts never been found to be in error, but for

You may now realize why substantiated purely commercial reasons they are not
object proof is scarce.
6 generally accepted. In the last few years, all

of Dr. Bates' experiments were twice

Many people are not aware of the facts, or, repeated and confirmed. 8
if they are, they choose not to support them.
Some orthodox are afraid of being ostracized
As Bates stated accurately in Perfect Sight

(like Bates was ostracized) by their colleagues Without Glasses (repeated):

if they were to support Bates' work. I have

The fact is that, except in rare cases, man
talked with several such individuals, and many
is not a reasoning being. He is dominated
such references are made in the literature.
by authority, and when the facts are not in
From Better Eyesight magazine, July 1920:
accord with the view imposed by author-
ity, so much the worse for the facts. They
A small number of physicians, including a may, and indeed must, win in the long run;

few eye specialists who have improved, or but in the meantime the world gropes
seen members of their families improve, needlessly in darkness and endures much
eye troubles, without glasses, operations, or suffering that might have been avoided.
medication, have been convinced that the
old theories about the eye . . . are wrong; This is not just true of Bates' discoveries.
but very few have had courage to endorse It has been true of many, if not most, pro-
the new education method publicly. gressive discoveries since the beginning of
While completing the final parts of this The recent emergence of more and more
book, I received a series of letters from an eye doctors supporting —and even teaching
optometry student after he called me request- the Bates method lends powerful validation
ingmy brochure. In his first letter, he invited to the truth of this educational method.
me to "defend" my business practices and the Due to suppression and ignorance 9 of the
Bates method of eyesight improvement or Bates method, it is likely its benefits, includ-
else he would assume his "allegations" that ing "the prevention of an incalculable amount
the Bates method is invalid, etc., are correct. ofhuman misery" (Bates), may not be known
In his second letter he suggested that my by the majority of people for many years to
work and the Bates method were "medical come.
schemes." In his attempts to support his posi-
tion, he quoted from optometrist Gruman's
book, New Ways to Better Sight —a book sup-

330 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health and Healing

What's Going On? I came to the conclusion that I, person-

Mendelsohn, using a religion analog to ortho- ally,must give up the use of drugs and
dox medicine, warns in Confessions of a Med- henceforth rely solely on food as my med-
icine. It wasn't long until (after repeated
ical Heretic:
verified results) I discarded drugs in treat-
... Modern Medicine has started to ing my patients
become more than defensive. It must rely Today we are not only in the Atomic
on force to maintain itself and grow . . . and Age, but also the Antibiotic Age. Un-
has grownmore oppressive and violent happily, too, this is the Dark Age of
What was once the option of a free people Medicine
is becoming an enforced obligation. 10 Far too many of these new "miracle"
drugs are introduced with fanfare and then
Kenneth R. Pelletier, in his book Holistic
revealed as lethal in character, to be silently
Medicine: From Stress to Optimum Health,
discarded for newer and more powerful
drugs. 12

Rather than emphasizing prevention and

One of the consequences of the rational-
self-care, the United States has placed its
ist approach to health problems has been the
faith in hospitals, biomedical technology,
mass production, marketing, and use of pow-
and medical expertise while ignoring
destructive life-style habits until too late
erful and oftentimes dangerous drugs. Some
Overall, the data illustrate quite clearly of the so-called "side effects" of drugs are

that most health hazards for most age worse than the symptoms the drug is sup-
groups are both predictable and related to posed to eliminate. Could it be that the "side
life-style." effects" are actually the primary effects, low-
ering the overall health of the individual in
SYMPTOMS— MESSAGES the long term?
OF IMBALANCE The norm in this society is to demand

When a personbecomes imbalanced, there "quick fixes" when health symptoms appear.
are usually uncomfortable symptoms associ- "Fix me quick, Doc, I am a busy person with
ated with that imbalance. a tight schedule." Americans often choose to

If a person overworks, fatigue may set in. eliminate uncomfortable symptoms as fast as

The body requires rest to re-establish a bal- possible —regardless, and often ignorant, of
ance. If a person digests harmful food, the both short- and long-term consequences.
stomach may ache. Physical symptoms can A recent survey showed that more than
also be caused by emotional, mental, and/or 70% of the parents in one large California
spiritual stress. city demand antibiotics from doctors to elim-
The question is, "What do I do with my inate their child's illness symptoms quickly.

symptoms?" If a doctor refuses to give the child an antibi-

otic, the parent simply finds another doctor
OUR LEGALLY DRUGGED SOCIETY who will. The parent wants to return the child

In 1965, Henry G. Bieler, M.D., wrote in Food to school quickly so the parent can return to

is Your Best Medicine: work as soon as possible. As of 1994, over

Relearning to See • 33 1


25% of American children live in single-par- For example, none of the ads I have seen
ent families. It appears there is little time for mention the following facts: In the 1950s, over

natural healing. 100 people in Japan underwent an early form

June Biermann and Barbara Toohey write of RK surgery. All of these people needed to
in their book The Woman s Holistic Headache have corneal transplants within ten years of
Relief Book: the operation. The long-term development
of degenerative corneal diseases was
Drugs may work for acute, short-lived
described by one ophthalmologist as "cata-
pain, but for the chronic pain we're
strophic complications." For the most part,
involved with here, they have the dual
problem of quickly losing their effective- even the corneal transplants were unsuc-
ness and of causing addiction. On top of cessful in restoring their sight. According to
these negatives, they can have harmful to a local ophthalmologist, "essentially all" of
disastrous side effects, especially when they these people became blind. As late as 1992, a
interact with other drugs. In short, your California man was described as being "func-
headaches can't kill you. but the drugs you tionally blind" due to RK surgery. He won
take to relieve them can.
a $5.4 million lawsuit.
Our main objection to using painkillers,
Military academies and some flight train-
tranquilizers, mood elevators, antidepres-
ing programs have disqualified pilots who
sants, antihistamines, and all the rest of the
have had RK.The FBI refuses application to
chemical crutches many sufferers lean on
is that drugs do not heal.
13 become an agent for anyone who has had
RK. A person considering RK may want to
SURGERIES R US investigate why these policies have been
established if he, or someone he knows, is
In 1992, more than 22,000,000 surgical pro-
cedures were performed on Americans —an thinking of letting someone cut or laser beam
his corneas.
average of 60,000 surgeries per day. Many of
these surgeries are unnecessary.
Perhaps RK and PRK surgeries are
Surgeries are a relatively easy, "quick fix"
appealing to some because they represent the
option for many Americans because many epitome of the "quick fix," reductionistic,

insurance companies pay most or all of the

left-brain approach to eyesight — a super hi-

medical costs. How quickly would Western- tech, million-dollar machine approach to
improving acuity artificially. The technology
ers change their approach to health and heal-
ing if insurance companies stopped paying
may be exceptional, but the healing of the
scars is unpredictable from one patient to the
for drugs and surgeries?
Refractive corneal surgeries like radial ker-
next. There are many potentially serious risks
atotomy (RK) and photorefractive keratec- involved with these surgeries. One fact has

tomy (PRK) now been established: any individual undergo-

are being mass-marketed
ing corneal surgery risks losing his eyesight
and performed on hundreds of thousands of
None permanently.
eyes. of the commercials and ads I have
seen give all the facts a person should know
A primary tenet of orthodox medicine has
regarding the possible risks involved in these been never to perform surgery on healthy tis-

sue. It appears this tenet has now changed.

332 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health and Healing

Obviously, many people have better acu- drugs, the liver symptoms may diminish or
ity soon after these surgeries —but what about disappear, after which irrational mood swings
the long-term consequences? (emotional level) may develop.
Most importantly from the holistic per- If powerful drugs are used to "fight" emo-
spective: even if temporarily freed from "cor- tional disturbances, the "disease" can then
rective" lenses, the underlying cause of shift into the mental realm. One drug used to
blurred vision —mental strain —remains. And control panic disorder causes some people to
what happens to the acuity if the patient develop both short-term and long-term mem-
relaxes and the chronically tight eye muscles ory loss.

release their tension around the eyeballs? Some psychotics have had a prior history
(This is discussed more later.) of physical and emotional disturbances before
I do not accept registrations from individ- becoming psychotic. During psychosis, many
uals who have had RK, PRK, or similar types of their physical and emotional symptoms
of refractive corneal surgeries. can disappear.
The shifting from one state of illness to
THE CONSEQUENCES— another makes it any one
difficult to identify
FROM THE PHYSICAL TO drug or surgery as the cause of the worsen-
THE EMOTIONAL PLANE ing state of health. The energetic state of the
Vithoulkas in The Science of Homeopathy illness keeps shifting. A new, different "total-
and A New Model for Health and Disease ity of symptoms" often emerges.
presents a remarkable perspective on the As a result, different disease states seem
mental-emotional-physical interrelationships to be unrelated. A drug used to "control" high
of progressive illnesses, and healing. blood pressure is not connected to the later
Generally, physical symptoms (the outer appearance of Crohn's disease. The drugs and
plane) are relatively less important than emo- surgeries used to combat Crohn's disease are
tional or mental symptoms. A person can live not connected to the appearance of cancer.
a happy, productive life without a leg. Emo- In the attempt to "defeat" the cancer,
tional symptoms (the middle plane) are more chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and pow-
important than physical symptoms. Anxiety erful drugs are used to "fight the enemy." Even
can be handled. Mental symptoms (the inner when these solutions eradicate the cancerous
plane) are the most important in regards to cells, how do they affect the person? Is the
overall health. Destructive delirium is a very underlying cause of the cancer eliminated?
serious mental problem. Many patients are blindly shuffled from
An individual's history of chronic health one specialist to another, until, finally, they

problems often shows a trend from the phys- are told, "There is nothing more Western
ical, through the emotional, toward the men- medicine can do for you." This is true.

tal symptoms. It appears that the overall disease state

A person may have skin eruptions (phys- of our nation is shifting from the physical
ical) when young. Many teenagers use drugs level into the emotional level.

and/or surgeries to "correct" acne. Later, a Mortimer Zuckerman, editor-in-chief of

liver dysfunction may develop. With enough U.S. News & World Report, writes:

Relearning to See • 333


The youthful world has become dra- the disease will return or manifest in a dif-
matically more violent. Consider this piece ferent form. The only lesson the person
of anecdotal evidence turned up by CBS learns is: When another problem arises, it

News: The seven top problems in public is time to return to the doctor for more
schools in 1940 were identified by teachers drugs and surgeries. This is simply another
as talking out of turn, chewing gum, mak- version of the Pavlovian dog response.
ing noise, running in the halls, cutting in Unfortunately, many people have gone
line, dress-code infractions and Uttering. By from human beings to human doings. We

1980, the seven top problems had been allow the medical profession to do all sorts
identified as suicide, assault, robbery, rape, of unnatural and harmful procedures to
drug abuse, alcohol abuse and pregnancy. 14 us — from vaccinations to chemotherapy.
This is not to say that orthodox medicine
What is the explanation for the grave
does not have its place; it does. But with
health problems confronting industrialized proper attention and care to one's own
nations today? Could the increasingly seri- body, many
health problems may be
ous health problems in our society be due to avoided. good health is a concern, begin

the relentless chemical and mechanical by becoming aware of what enters your
assaults on the human organism in the last body as well as your mind. From there, your
forty years? mind and body will only want what is most
The wanton use of powerful drugs and beneficial and nurturing.

surgeries constitutes the two major causes, if

Twentieth-century medicine has been

not the two greatest causes, of the health cri-

for the most part —
about cutting out, irra-
diating, and suppressing unwanted diseases
sis we are now in.

from the body a violent form of health
care. But twentieth-century health care will
revert back to the wisdom of the past when
people took responsibility for their own
I'm alive, I'm awake, I'm aware. well-being and lived in peace and harmony
—Lyrics from the song with nature. 15
"I'm Beginning to See the Light"

Natural vision student Dr. Shoichi Aoyagi,

D.C., a San Francisco chiropractor and THE MESSAGES
Ayurvedic practitioner of eleven years, writes: Mendelsohn writes:

I have seen far too many people relin- I believe that more than ninety percent
quish their responsibility for good health of Modern Medicine could disappear from
and hand it over to the health care practi- the face of the Earth —doctors, hospitals,

tioner. Optimum health begins and ends drugs, and equipment — and the effect on
with responsibility. There are no magic our health would be immediate and
drugs or cures that will totally resolve a beneficial.

health issue.
One of the advantages of improving vision
If a person does not take the responsi-
naturally is that the individual often becomes
bility to eat right, breathe properly, exer-
cise regularly, and actively reduce distress,
aware of other parts of his life that are out of

334 * Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health ana Healing

balance. With awareness, changes can begin. or an answer which will at first sight be
Symptoms are usually messages of im- reminiscent more of a strange catechism
balance. than of the straightforward affirmations of

How a person deals with current symptoms physical science. If we ask, for instance,
whether the position of the electron
can have major consequences on his long-
remains the same, we must say "no"; if we
term health. If the person supports the body
ask whether the electron's position changes
in healing naturally, the symptoms can pass,
with time, we must say "no"; if we ask
and the person can return to his former state
whether the electron is at rest,we must say
of health. Oftentimes the individual becomes "no"; if we ask whether it is in motion, we
even stronger after healing naturally. must say "no." The Buddha has given such
If the person suppresses the symptoms with answers when interrogated as to the con-
drugs or removes a part of the body by ditions of a man's self after his death; but
surgery, his health will likely lower. The prob- they are not the familiar answers for the
lem is: even though a specific symptom may tradition of seventeenth- and eigh-

no longer be present, its cause can remain. teenth-century science. 18

And if the cause remains, the person is still ill.

More and more Westerners are availing
This is where the Western, reductionistic
themselves of empirical approaches to health
(left-brain) approach to health and healing
and healing —because, in the proper hands,
has failed. Our health system is not balanced
they can be more effective. A few insurance
with the empirical (right-brain) approach to
companies now cover some "alternative"
health and healing — especially in respect to
health care modalities. They are discovering
long-term health problems.
these modalities can be cost-effective.
Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., writes
in his bestseller The Road Less Traveled: TWO PARTS TO NATURAL HEALING
The other development that is assisting The doctor of the future will give no medi-
us to escape from scientific tunnel vision is cine but will interest his patients in the care

the relatively recent discovery by science of the human frame, in diet and in the cause

of the reality of paradox. A hundred years and prevention of disease.

ago paradox meant error to the [rational] —Thomas Edison
scientific mind. But exploring such phe-
The art of medicine consists of amusing the
nomena as the nature of light, electro-
patient while nature heals the disease.
magnetism, quantum mechanics and —Voltaire
relativity theory, physical science has
matured over the past century to the point Two major parts of natural healing are:
where it is increasingly recognized that at 1) removing the causes of the imbalances, and
a certain level reality is paradoxical. 2) accelerating healing.

Peck then quotes the nuclear physicist

J. Robert Oppenheimer:
Removing the Causes
To what appears to be the simplest ques- In order to truly heal, the original cause or
tions, we will tend to give either no answer causes of the imbalance need to be removed.

Relearning to See • 335

. .


It is often helpful if the cause can be identi- Homeopathy
fied. If poor diet, including overeating, is the Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, 1755-1843, was the
cause of an illness, the diet must change. Many first physician to fully recognize the princi-
types of cancer have now been correlated to ples of homeopathy. G. Kent Smith, M.D.,
poor diet. If over-working is the cause of an in Homeopathy: Medicine for Todays Living,
illness, rest is needed. If excessive emotional, writes:
mental, or spiritual strain or trauma is the
cause, it must be resolved. If harmful drugs
Hahnemann soon decided that he was
doing his patients and family more harm
are the cause, they must (eventually) be
than good by treating them according to
the accepted medical practice of the day.
The cumulative effect of different stresses
For this reason he gave up the practice of
can create a critical health problem. This can
medicine . .

explain why one modality of natural healing Homeopathy has no medicine for the
might be just as effective as another —when name of a disease. Each patient, regardless
the total strain on the system is lowered, the of the name of his complaint, must be
illness may heal. treated according to his individual symp-
Of course, removing the real cause is usu- toms . .

ally easier said than done. True healing of Homeopathy treats the patient and not
chronic health problems often requires the disease. 19

changes in the person's lifestyle.

Vithoulkas, in Homeopathy, Medicine of
Sometimes, the underlying cause is never the New Man, writes:
identified but can still be removed by natural
healing. In fact, one of the assumptions of the Finally, after centuries of stumbling and
experimenting, we have a system of medi-
empirical school of health and healing is:
,, cine that not only recognizes the presence
"Workings of life force unknowable. See Fig-
of the healing powers of the body and of
ure 20-1: "Scientific Assumptions of the Ratio-
Nature, the vital force, but actually bases
nal and Empirical Schools of Health and its entire system upon the stimulation of
Healing." 20
that force.

Basically, homeopathy works by stimulat-

Accelerating Healing ing the specific life-force energy currently at

The period of time required to heal severe

work within an individual which is attempt-

imbalances may be unacceptably long ing to heal that individual.

if only
the original causes are removed. A person The set of physical-emotional-mental

may want to access holistic healing modali- symptoms created in a healthy person by tak-
ties to accelerate the rate of healing. ing a large dosage of Substance A is the same

Some modalities of natural healing set of symptoms an energized dilution of Sub-

are described briefly here. For a larger pre- stance A will heal in an ill person. This law of

sentation, refer to Richard Grossinger's similars is based on philosophies of healing

Planet Medicine: Modalities, listed in the dating back more than 2000 years to Hip-

Bibliography. pocrates.

336 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health and Healing

Maesimund Panos. M.D.. and Jane Heim- visual system to the liver and kidneys. Chi-
lich, in Homeopathic Medicine at Home, nese doctors say if a person has liver or kid-
write: ney problems, that person can have vision

Hahnemann did not claim to discover

problems. One Eastern healer I talked with
the concept. In the tenth century BC. Hindu
said that many of her clients who wear cor-
sages described the law. as had Hippocrates, rective lenses have "classic liver-yin defi-

who wrote in 400 BC: "Through the like, ciency." Yin is a right-brain characteristic.
disease is produced and through the appli- Couldn't the opposite also be true? If a

cation of the like, it is cured." Paracelsus, a person chronically strains his visual system,
sixteenth-century German physician, reit- could he have liver or kidney problems?
erated the law. Hahnemann, as an erudite I met one acupuncturist who, by reading
thinker, was undoubtedly familiar with natural vision books and receiving acupunc-
these writings, but he was the first to test
ture, eliminated his need for corrective lenses.
the principle and establish it as the cor-
nerstone of a system of medicine. 21

Western critics have long ridiculed diluted
homeopathy remedies as worthless. Yet. Herbs can help detoxify and restore balance
sophisticated scientific instruments have now to the body.

shown that the energetic property of a sol- The acupuncturist just mentioned said the

vent changes after diluting and succussing a herb Ming Mu Ti Huang Wan has been used
solute beyond the point that any solute atoms by many Eastern healers to nourish "yin-defi-

remain in the solute.

cient *
liver and kidneys and to improve eye-
G.P. Barnard and James H. Stephenson state, sight. Benefits reported by others include
". . . in homeopathy one may be giving to a increased lacrimation (tearing) for dry eyes
patient the informational content of a chemi- and reduction of sensitivity to bright light.

cal without any actual chemical mass ,m

Critics also state the diluted homeopathic

remedies are of value only because of the
placebo effect. Yet remedies are effective Classical iridology focuses much of its atten-

when used with animals and babies. Addi- tion on imbalances caused by poor diet. These

tionally, rigorous double-blind tests have imbalances can be "read' in the iris. See Fig-
proven homeopathy is effective. ure 20-2: "Chart to Iridology" by Bernard
Jensen, D.C. Ph.D.
On the physical level, the colon is consid-
Acupuncture ered to be the "hub" of the nutritional sys-

Like homeopathy (I like to refer to home- tem. The area of the iris that corresponds to

opath}' as "needleless acupuncture"), acupunc- the colon encircles the pupil like the hub of
ture is based on the flow of energy through a wheel. The areas related to the organs of

the body. Many imbalances can be corrected the body extend out from the central colon

with an experienced acupuncturist. area, like the spokes of a wheel, to the outer

Chinese healing philosophy connects the edges of the iris.

Relearning to See • 337

.«&?«= S~S5Sa rfSMSSs**

IRIDOLOGY CHART developed by Bernard Jensen, D.C., Ph.D.

Figure 20-2: "Chart to Iridology."

Permission granted to reprint the "Chart to Iridology" by Bernard Jensen, D.C., Ph.D., that appears in
his book The Science and Practice of Iridology.

Normal bowel movements and proper lifestyle. Since the neck and shoulders are
elimination are very important in iridology. tight for people who have blurred vision, have
The classical iridologist often recommends the masseuse give special attention to these
changes in diet, detoxification, herbs, supple- areas.
ments, fasts, enemas, and colonics, if needed. r

Tom's Personal Log: Iridology has been one

of my most important healing modalities. My
iridologist/nutritionist, who was trained by
Dr. Bernard Jensen, helped me discover I had
an impacted colon, among several other seri-

ous problems. Tip: Schedule a one-and-a-half-hour mas-

sage, not just one hour. The extra half-hour
makes a big difference.
Massage Therapy/Bodywork

Professional massage therapy and bodywork

are often helpful in releasing chronic tension Color Healing

in the body. They can also educate the client See Figure 19-3: Brain Characteristics.
about how she is living, providing her with The colors red, orange, and yellow are asso-
the opportunity to make adjustments in her ciated with the left hemisphere. Blue, indigo,

338 * Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health and Healing

and violet are associated with the right hemi- Craniosacral therapy
sphere. Green is the "balancing" color. Chiropractic
Psychologists have known formany years Acupressure
the impact of colors on the mind. Have you Ortho-bionomy
ever seen a fast-food restaurant which does not Retreats
use the colors red, orange, and yellow? These Applied Kinesiology
colors activate the hunger centers in the body. Breathing education
In respect to healing, left-brain dominant Yoga
individuals can use right-brain colors, for Rolfing (Structural Integration)
example, blue, to help re-establish a balance. Exercise
Right-brain dominant individuals can use Meditation
left-brain colors, for example, red and orange, Natural vision training
to help re-establish a balance.
All of the above have contributed signifi-
Stanley Burroughs, in his book Healing for
cantly to the improvement of my health.
the Age of Enlightenment, states:
The Feldenkrais Method and Alexander
All hot (acute/left-brain) disorders are Technique, and many other holistic modali-
corrected or balanced by use of the cold ties, can also be beneficial. All types of holis-
colors. All cold (chronic/right-brain) dis- tic health support each other. Holistic
orders are corrected or balanced by the use
modalities are opportunities to return to, and
of the warm colors.
maintain, a balance.

The color red is a hot, or warm, color; blue

is a cold, or cool, color.
The color red is associated with near vision;
the color blue is associated with far vision.
Healing Aggravations
Many nearsights have derived benefits from
right-brain colors, and many farsights have It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between
derived benefits from left-brain colors. Light: symptoms caused by doing something
Medicine of the Future, by Jacob Liberman, unhealthy, and symptoms caused by natural

contains a list of color work (syntonic) prac- healing. If a person begins natural healing,

titioners. and then feels uncomfortable, he might con-

clude he is doing something incorrect —when,
in fact, he may finally be giving his body an
Other Healing Modalities opportunity to truly heal.

In addition to the above holistic modalities, A healing aggravation is a period in which

many people have received benefit from the the mind, emotions, and/or body experience

following incomplete list:

symptoms because of natural healing.
In his Doctor-Patient Handbook: Dealing
• Stress reduction programs with The Reversal Process and The Healing
• Osteopathy
Crisis through Elimination Diets and Detox-
• Naturopathy Dr. Bernard Jensen emphasizes
• Cranial-mandibular orthopedics (TMJ)

Relearning to See • 339


Figure 20-3: "Georgia's View of Holistic Health." Reprinted with permission from Georgia Dow.

proper nutrition and detoxification. In regards for many years. When correct vision habits
to nutritional healing, he states there are two are practiced, the chronic tension begins to
ways a person can know if they are experi- release. One student experienced soreness in
encing a "healing crisis": her neck after a few weeks of practicing cor-
rect vision habits. In the sixth week of the
1. Usually the person feels stronger just
course, she said that she had previously gone
before a healing crisis; and
to many different holistic healers for her
2. Elimination is perfect.
health problems. She stopped visiting every
Figure 20-4: "Homeopathic Aggravation holistic practitioner after the first visit because
and Healing" is a graph from Vithoulkas' The she felt uncomfortable symptoms after their
Science of Homeopathy. ("Homeopathic work. She had concluded that their work was
Aggravation and Healing" is my [TQ] cap- making her worse. She now believes her reac-
tion.) This ideal case shows the intensity of tions were healing aggravations.
symptoms increasing slightly after the home-
opathic remedy is administered, followed by Tom's Personal Log: The first treatment I

a dramatic decrease in symptoms. received from a holistic doctor (an M.D.)

Many vision students have had a tight neck resulted in excruciating back pain. By the

340 • Relearning to See


Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health and Healing




figure lb:


Patient: "I feel much better— in every Strong defense mechanism. Good
way/' prognosis.
Case: Definite aggravation, then defi- Wait a long time— likely

nite improvement of symptoms.

all six months or more.
Interpretation: Remedy was precise.

Figure 20-4: "Homeopathic Aggravation and Healing."

Graph reprinted with permission from Grove Press, Inc.

time I returned to work, I felt nauseated and one identifies and uses true, natural modal-
dizzy. I called the doctor and he explained ities of healing, the healing aggravations from
that such reactions can occur for some peo- those modalities can be regarded as correct.
ple. I felt so "ill" I had to go home. If healing aggravations are suppressed, the
The healing aggravations I experienced illness can continue and become worse.
were proportional to my critical health prob- Of course, a person must not allow a seri-

lems.Not everyone experiences such painful ous symptom to go unattended when it is not
aggravations. Over the next several months, part of a healing aggravation. This is where
I had significant improvement in my health. the study of holistic books can be helpful,
The experience of uncomfortable healing along with consulting experienced natural
aggravations may cause a person to approach health practitioners.
holistic healing patiently. It takes time and In regard to long-term health issues, I have
energy to heal. A very ill person does not come to the conclusion that:
have a lot of energy.
• With conventional approaches to
health problems, a person often feels
Education and understanding may be the
better right away (due to the suppres-
most important part of natural healing. When

Releaming to See • 34
sion of symptoms), but becomes less Jensen, in his Doctor-Patient Handbook,
healthy in the long term. describes the progression of illnesses, and the
• With natural approaches to health reversal experiences his patients go through

problems, a person often feels when they improve their diet and/or fast. This

worse right away (due to a healing book is one of the most important I have read
aggravation), but becomes more on health and healing.

healthy in the long term.

Tom's Personal Log:
Not only can a person feel worse tem-
A. When I was born, casts and braces were
porarily, some holistic practitioners anticipate
immediately put on my deformed legs, so that
healing aggravations. They can be a sign of
I would be able to walk in the future.
true healing.
After the first eight months of natural heal-
Another clue to natural healing is re-expe-
ing (about age 30), my legs started to bow
riencing the same (or similar) symptoms we had
back in again. I walked around awkwardly
in the past. These are known as reversals. Rever-
for about three days, after which my legs felt
sals often occur during a healing aggravation.
fine again. My holistic doctor told me he had
found the cause of my leg problem in my
spinal column, and he was correcting the
Reversals—A Clue to True Healing imbalance with cranial-sacral manipulations.
Healing occurs from within out (the most B. Because of my illnesses as a child, I liked
important inner organs heal first), from the rain because I did not have to go out-
above down (head down to the feet), and in doors. Every winter, when others complained,
the reverse order in which they were
I would say how much I liked the rain.
In the winter of 1993, after many years of
—Hering's Law of Healing holistic healing, I began to tell my osteo-
When an imbalance from the past is path/chiropractor/acupuncturist how much I

addressed by natural methods, some of the liked the rain. But something strange
mental, emotional, spiritual, and/or physical occurred this time. I said, "I like the ra — Wait.

manifestations of that strain can return tem- a minute. No, I don't. I was going to say, 'I like

porarily. This is known as a reversal. A rever- the rain.' But I don't anymore. I am health-
sal is a full or partial return of symptoms of ier now, and I want to be outside in the
a former imbalance that did not fully heal in sunshine."
the past. Reversals are very common when a Reversals can occur on all levels.

person begins natural healing.

For example, a person may take correct I discovered that to move forward with my
action to heal his cancer by eliminating harm- health problems, I needed to go backward
ful foods from his diet. If this person elimi- temporarily. The old tension and strain were
nates his cancer, he does not necessarily still in my body/mind, and needed to be
become 100% healthy immediately. Rather, released in order to truly heal. The alterna-
a previous —but less serious —illness from the tive was to remain ill.

past may take the cancer's place. Reversals do not always appear in exactly

342 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health and Healing

the reverse order in which they developed. Tom's Personal Log: After about two years
Which symptoms return at a specific time of improving my vision, a memory returned
depends to some degree on the timing and to me of being in the yard of my home as a
type of the natural healing the individual is child. I was watching a bee fly from one flower
receiving. For example, if a person had flues to another flower. I was moving my head nat-
in early childhood, and neck problems later urally, and centralizing perfectly. I had normal
due to a car accident, the symptoms may
flu vision and excellent vision habits at that time.
return before the neck symptoms if the per-
son begins changing her diet. The neck symp- This return of the memory of normal vision
toms may resurface later during chiropractic and correct vision habits was an important
adjustments. part of my vision improvement process. I now
Reactions may be exaggerated during a practiced better vision habits more each
healing aggravation or reversal. Natural heal- day —not because my
just was improv-
ing can be powerful, and the mind-body ing —but because these vision habits are
wants to eliminate any imbalances as quickly exactly the same ones I used to have when I

as possible. had normal, clear sight long ago. The vision

In the case of chronic neck tension, a per- habits Iam relearning are natural and nor-
son's neck may have become tighter more mal. I am now relearning to see.
each year for many years. While improving
vision, a healing aggravation in the neck may

be exaggerated because the healing process "Health Returns in Cycles"

occurs in a relatively short period of time (a Figure 20-5: "Health Returns in Cycles" shows
few months for some people). Compare this various factors involved as health becomes
to the time it took for the neck to become worse, and when it gets better.
chronically tight. As health becomes worse, as shown on the
The student of natural health may appre- left side of the graph, there are times when a
ciate the importance of healing health prob- person feels better —the body wants to heal.

lems in the correct manner when they first Notice on the right side of the graph that
occur. If problems are suppressed, the life- there are temporary setbacks when improv-
force energy of that individual can lower, and ing health. Some of these setbacks can be
the symptoms may need to be experienced caused by healing aggravations.
when true healing is used.
again in the future Some students take a rigid approach to their
During a natural vision course, one of my vision improvement process. They expect the

students remembered how she diffused when vision to improve constantly every day — lin-

a swarm of bees surrounded her. She tried to early, without any setbacks. This will not hap-
see all of the bees at the same time. This is an pen. Vision improvement is no different from
example of a vision reversal. Reversals related other forms of relearning or learning processes.
to vision are common experiences during nat- There will be fluctuations and temporary set-

ural vision improvement. They are a sign of backs. Unpredictable fluctuation is primarily

true healing. a right-brain characteristic and is part of the

natural vision improvement process.

Relearning to See • 343




Figure 20-5: "Health Returns in Cycles."

Reprinted with permission from Share International, Inc.

When learning to play tennis, your skills son in the spring or fall. High humidity and
improve over time. But on some days, it heat can also slow down vision improvement.
seems you never played tennis at all,
like In fact, anything that interferes with relaxed
missing almost every shot. The same is true vision habits can slow progress.

while learning to play a musical instrument.

Yet, with continued practice, your skills HOLISTIC EDUCATION
improve. The key to success is to continue AND PRACTITIONERS
practicing. Do not quit because of temporary A person who wants to improve his health
setbacks. Temporary setbacks are a natural through natural methods may need to read
part of any improvement process. many books, attend classes, and consult with
An important difference with the vision holistic practitioners before the main cause
improvement process is that we were not or causes of his problems can be addressed.
born playing tennis or the piano. Virtually all Studying a specific holistic modality can help
of us had clear vision and proper vision habits you choose a practitioner that approaches
at a we are
very young age. In this process, that modality in the way you feel is correct.
literally Anyone can relearn
/^learning to see. I have seen and experienced several vari-

to do something they used to do perfectly. do not rec-

ations of holistic practices that I

Another difference is that one does not play ommend. For example, some homeopathic
tennis or the piano all day long. Correct vision remedies are now being combined, or mixed.
habits are meant to be used our entire life- In classical homeopathy, only single remedies
time. have been "proven." I am not aware of any
Changes in weather and the seasons can research in which mixtures have been proven.
create fluctuations in vision and affect the Homeopathic mixtures are a diffused, "shot-
rate of improvement. One vision teacher gun" approach to homeopathy.
noted that in winter (in New York) it took Maesimund Panos and Jane Heimlich write
three lessons for her students to have the in Homeopathic Medicine at Home:
same benefit they received with only one les-

344 * Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health and Healing

This is a controversial issue . . . But many ical, left-brain, "quick-fix" approach to long-
of us believe that far better results are term health simply does not work. Worse,
obtained in the long run by adhering strictly
people become more ill. More and more peo-
to fundamental laws of homeopathy which ple are realizing this fact and are seeking nat-
include the single remedy. 25
ural, holistic methods —methods that work.
The classical, single-remedy approach is We need a balanced approach to our health.
especially important in constitutional home- As natural vision is a holistic process, many
opathic healing. Using a single remedy at a natural vision students have used holistic
time is a form of centralization. modalities to support their vision improve-

Accessing an experienced health practi- ment process. Natural healing can require

tioner who understands his profession can time, energy, trust, and patience. The reward
sometimes be more important than the spe- is better health — especially in the long term.

cific modality chosen. All forms of holistic Hippocrates, from Regimen in Health,

health, when understood and applied cor- Book IX:

rectly, move the individual toward a higher A wise man should consider that health
level of health. If possible, obtain a referral is the greatest of human blessings, and learn
from someone you trust. how by his own thought to derive benefit
Even if the first holistic modality chosen is from his illnesses.

not the one most needed, oftentimes the ben-

efits and awareness from that modality can
lead the individual to the one most needed. Notes
It is possible to "overdose" on holistic 1
Jerry Green is an attorney in Marin County, Cal-
health. If a person engages in too many ifornia, specializing in laws pertaining to holis-

modalities at one time, the system can tic health and holistic practitioners, and is a
natural vision improvement student. For a com-
become confused. ''Diffusion is confusion"
plimentary copy of the introduction to the con-
even in holistic healing. Those individuals
sulting format "Holistic Practice Forum," send
engaging in natural healing may choose to
a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Jerry
limit the number of modalities during a par-
CA 94942.
Green, P. O. Box 5094, Mill Valley.
ticular period of time. 2
Mendelsohn, Confessions of a Med-
Robert S.

ical Heretic (Chicago: Contemporary Books,

CHAPTER COMMENTS Inc., 1979), p. xi.

Many of the issues briefly touched on in this 3

At the 1966 clinical convention, the American
chapter are complex and serious. I realize Medical Association House of Delegates stated
they may be new to the reader. "chiropractic is an unscientific cult" and "chi-

I am not against Western medicine. The ropractic constitutes a hazard to rational health

Western approach to accidents and injuries

care " One AMA official described chiro-
practors as "rabid dogs" and "killers." This same
is often outstanding. But I am forced to agree
with many of the world's leading natural
AMA official lectured to young physicians
across the country, telling them chiropractic was
health practitioners that people living in
stealing their money. Yet, in court, the defen-
industrialized societies are — as a whole dants told the judge that chiropractic is efficient,

extremely unhealthy. The Western, mechan-

Relearning to See • 345



effective, therapeutic, and there is even scien- Health Appen-
listed in the Resources/Holistic

tific evidence for some portions of chiropractic. dix underSan Leandro Chiropractic Center.
The judge stated, "the AMA knew of scientific 4
Margaret D. Corbett, Eye Education by Bates
studies implying that chiropractic care was twice Method (Los Angeles: DeVorss & Co., 1943), p. 7.
as effective as medical care in relieving many 5
George A. Posner, "Are Eye Glasses a

painful conditions of the neck and back as well Racket . . .

?" in SIR.' (August 1943).
as related musculo-skeletal problems." Janet Goodrich, Natural Vision Improvement
In 1987, Federal District Judge Susan Get- (Berkeley, California: Celestial Arts, 1985).
zendanner found the defendants, the American pp. 184-85.
Medical Association and two other medical For example, see Bates' introduction to oph-
groups, guilty of "overtly and covertly" trying thalmologist E. F. Darling's testimonial in Chap-
to eliminate the profession of chiropractic in ter 29, " "This Method Has Been Proved.'
the United States. Judge Getzendanner ruled. Margaret Y. Ferguson, "The Dr. Bates Method
"As early as September 1963, the AMA's objec- of Eye Training." in Journal of the California
tive was the complete elimination of the chiro- Chiropractic Association (December 1945), p. 13.

practic profession ... In 1966 the AMA adopted 9

See "Ophthalmologist Darling's Testimonial"
an anti-chiropractic resolution ... In 1967, the in Chapter 29, " 'This Method Has Been
AMA Judicial Council issued an opinion under Proved," " for one example.
Principle 3 specifically holding that it was uneth- Mendelsohn. Confessions of a Medical Heretic,

ical for a physician to associate professionally p. 149.

with chiropractors . . . Keeping chiropractors out 11

Pelletier. Kenneth R.. Holistic Medicine: From
of hospitals was one of the goals of the boycott." Stress to Optimum Health (New York: Dell Pub-
Judge Getzendanner also stated that the AMA lishing Co.. Inc., 1979). pp. 57-58.

conducted "systematic, long-term wrongdoing 12

Henry G. Bieler, Food is Your Best Medicine
and the long-term intent to destroy a licensed (New York: Random House, 1965). p. xiii.
profession." The AMA engaged in numerous 13
June Biermann and Barbara Toohey, The
activities to maintain a medical physician Woman Holistic Headache Relief Book (Los

monopoly over health care in this country. Judge Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, Inc., 1979), p. 113.
Getzendanner issued a permanent injunction Mortimer Zuckerman, editor-in-chief. "Editor-
against the AMA. and two other medical groups, The Victims of TV Violence," U.S. News
ial: &
ruling they had violated Sherman Antitrust laws. World Report (August 2, 1993), p. 64.
Source: The Summary of Opinion and Order 15
Personal communication to the author on July
and Permanent Injunction in Wilk, et ai, v. 26, 1996. Sho Aoyagi is planning to write a book
AMA, et ai, and Complete Copy of Opinion on the topic of self-responsibility for health and
and Order and Permanent Injunction Order in healing.
Wilk, et ai, v. AMA, et ai, written by Federal 16
Mendelsohn, Confessions of a Medical Heretic,
District Judge Susan Getzendanner. An p. xi.

overview of this case can be found in "Wilk et

M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled (New
al vs. AMA et al: DCs Win: Judge Finds AMA York: Simon and Schuster, 1978), p. 227.
Guilty of Conspiracy, Issues Permanent 18
J. Robert Oppenheimer, Science and the Com-
Injunction," in ICA International Review of Chi- mon Understanding (New York: Simon and
ropractic (October 1987). Schuster, 1953), p. 40.

Thanks to Dr. Michael D. Pedigo. DC, one 19

G. Kent Smith, Homeopathy: Medicine for
of the plaintiffs in this case, and his staff for pro- Today's Living (Glendale, California: private
viding me with this information. Dr. Pedigo is printing, 1978), pp. 5-7.

346 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty: The Two Sides of Health ana Healing

George Vithoulkas, Homeopathy, Medicine of 23
G P. Barnard and James H. Stephenson, "Fresh
the New Man (New York: Arco Publishing, Inc., Evidence for a Biophysical Field," Journal of
1979), p. 27. the American Institute of Homeopathy
Maesimund B. Panos and Jane Heimlich, Home- (April/May/June, 1969): Vol. 62.
opathic Medicine at Home (New York: G. P. Put- 24
Stanley Burroughs, Healing for the Age of
nam's Sons, 1980), p. 11. Enlightenment (Kailua, Hawaii: self-published,
James Stephenson, "On the Possible Field 1976), p. 114.
Effects of the Solvent Phase of Succussed High Panos and Heimlich, Homeopathic Medicine at
Dilutions," Journal of the American Institute of Home, p. 47.

Homeopathy (September/October, 1966),

pp. 9-10.

Relearning to See • 347

Chapter Twenty-One

Palming and Acupressure

PALMING efits of "palming." Bates taught palming as a

A reminderfrom the beginning of this book: self-healing technique to bring relaxation to

The reader assumes responsibility for choos- the eyes and mind.

ing to do any of the activities mentioned in Palming, performed in the correct manner,
this book, and the responsibility for any can bring a great amount of rest, relaxation,

responses from doing them. Any person with and circulation to the visual system —often
a disease, pathologies, or accidents with the in a surprisingly short time. Palming can aid
eyes should consult with an eye doctor before in removing the excessive, chronic tension
doing any activity in this book. put on the visual system by the many years
of incorrect vision habits. Although palm-
Have you ever watched a mother put her
ing is not essential, it is valuable for the great
hand on a child's bruised knee? Have you
majority (~95%) of vision students.
ever seen a person under emotional distress
put his palms over his eyes? Have you ever
seen a person put his hand on an upset stom- How to Palm
ach? This is called palming.
See Figure 21-1: Palming.
There are subtle energy fields that flow
To palm correctly, sit in a comfortable chair,
through the body. These energy fields are the
with proper posture, giving special attention
basis of many holistic practices including
to correct alignment of the head, neck, and
acupuncture, foot reflexology, homeopathy,
shoulders. Rest your elbows on a cushion, pil-
and Reiki healing. Some of these energy fields low, or some other support. If a cushion or
flow out from the palms and can be used for
pillow are not available, you can use a table
healing yourself or others.
or desk, but do not lean over forward. Rest
The purpose of palming is to bring relax-
your feet flat on the floor. Do not cross your
ation to the visual system, especially the mind.
feet or legs.
Although Bates was probably not aware of Self-healing energy emanates from the cen-
these energy fields, he was aware of the ben-
ter of the palms. You can increase this energy

Relearning to See • 349



Figure 21-1: Palming.

flow before palming by "rubbing your hands Continue to centralize while palming; do
an inch apart"; in other words, without actu- not diffuse.
ally touching your hands together. While Figure 21-1 also shows the incorrect way of
doing this, some students feel a tingling on palming. The palms are not over the eyes, and
their hands, or a warming of the hands. When they do not cross over the forehead. Also, the
the hands are moved away from and
slowly chin is jutting forward, with the top of the
toward each other, some students feel a mag- head pulled back too far. The fingers and
net effect. Not all students feel these effects hands should not be parallel to each other,
in the beginning. i.e., they should not be vertical.
Also, do not place the heel of the hand too
Do not touch your eyes.
"Cup" your hands The fingers are
slightly. From Better Eyesight magazine, April 1928:
relaxed, not stiff. Theleft hand is placed first,

with the center of the "cupped" palm over Question: Is it all right to palm while lying

the left eye. The base of the hand rests softly down? Is it better to sit or stand while

on the cheek, without putting pressure on the doing so? If the arms get tired is it all right

to rest the elbows on a desk or something

nose. The hand is angled slightly, so that the
like that while palming? Or is it best to hold
fingers extend toward the center of the fore-
the elbows up free from all support?
head. Next, the right hand is placed with the
Answer: palm while lying
It is all right to
fingers extending over the fingers of the left
down. Palming should not be done while
one is standing. The elbows should rest on
Breathe abdominally. It is important that a desk or table or on a cushion placed in
the neck is loose. The neck has a small move- the lap. One should be in as comfortable a
ment during palming. The eyelids are closed position as possible while palming, in order
during palming. to obtain the most benefit

350 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-One: Palming and Acupressure

What To Do While Palming along a forest path.

While palming, pretend you are sketching any I can see a mosquito floating on a pond.
object that is relaxing to you. Do not "space I can watch ducks migrating to the
out" or stare while palming. Nose-pencil or south.
-feather objects that are interesting, colorful, I can read the small print in a phone
and textured. Add details and movement. book.
Have fun being creative! I can read the words on the school
Palming is an excellent time for nearsights blackboard easily and clearly.

to pretend they are sketching clear objects in I can read microprint ten inches away.
the distance. Farsights can sketch clear objects I can see anything clearly in the
up close. People with astigmatism can sketch distance.
clear objects both near and far. I can see anything clearly up close.

When one Bates teacher told a student to And everything in-between is a piece
think of something relaxing while palming, of cake.
the student said, "Nothing is relaxing for me!" All without glasses, drugs, or surgery.
The teacher asked, "Nothing?" Then the stu- I want to see clearly with my own eyes.
dent replied, "Well, there is this butter-dish I used to.

my grandfather gave to me, and I like So, it. I can relearn to do something I used to
I will think about my butter-dish." Think of do perfectly — called sketching, breath-
pleasant things while palming —otherwise it ing, and blinking.

is of little value. • My vision is improving more each day.

Create your own positive affirmations, too!

Positive Affirmations They will be the best ones!

Palming provides an excellent opportunity

3>A palming story
to practice positive vision affirmations. One
Pretend you are sitting in a beautiful, sunny
of the most important parts of natural vision
meadow in a comfortable chair. You can hear
improvement is to begin thinking like a per-
the rustling of the leaves of the tall cotton-
son who has clear vision. Vision is primarily
wood trees at the edge of the meadow. You
mental. Affirmations are usually more pow-
can also hear the bluejays singing and wood-
erful when spoken out loud.
peckers tapping on trees.
Here are some sample positive affirma-
In your hand you hold a large, yellow
lemon, with lots of little dimples sparkling in
• I have the potential to see clearly with the sunshine. While feeling the lemon with
my own eyes. yourfingers, brush the smooth skin of the

• I can see the feathers of an eagle on a lemon with your nose-feather. Smell the
hilltop. lemon. Taste the lemon!
• I can read Shakespeare written on a Now, in slow motion, toss the lemon out in
sunflower seed. front of you into the air. Continue to brush
• I can watch a beautiful horse trotting the lemon with your nose-feather as it floats

Releaming to See • 35 J
. —


out — five feet, ten feet, fifteen feet. At about iest to relax with their eyes shut. This usu-

twenty feet, the lemon lands softly on top ally lessens the strain to see, and in such

of a tall, white, picket fence. cases is followed by a temporary or more

lasting improvement in vision.
Continuing to brush the lemon with your
Most students are benefited merely by
nose-feather, you now notice it has fluores-
closing the eyes; and by alternately resting
cent purple letters on it, which say "Grown
them for a few minutes or longer in this
Organically." Brush the shapes of the letters
way and then opening them But since . . .

on the lemon. some light comes through the closed eye-

Now, sweep your nose-feather along the lids, a still greater degree of relaxation can
picket fence. Sweep casually to the left, then be obtained, in all but a few exceptional
back to the middle, and then to the right, back cases, by excluding it. This is done by cov-
to the middle, over to the left again, and so ering the closed eyes with the palms of the
on. Tap all of the pickets with your nose- hands (the fingers being crossed upon the
feather as you sweep left and right. forehead) in such a way as to avoid pres-

Now, take a deep breath in. While exhal- sure on the eyeballs. So efficacious is this

ing, remove your hands from your head and

practice, which I have called "palming," as

open your eyelids. With frequent, soft but-

a means of relieving strain, that we all

instinctively resort to it at times, and from

terfly blinks, brush the objects in your room
it most students are able to get a consid-
or environment in a very relaxed, casual man-
erable degree of relaxation . .

ner. Yawn.
Palming is one of the most effective
methods of obtaining relaxation of all the
With any palming story, you can add the sense sensory nerves.
perceptions of smell, taste, hearing, and touch.
Add a variety of details and colors; near, mid-
dle, and far objects; objects high and low, left Do Not Try to See Black
and right; textures, dimension, and motion.
This section is added to help clarify the con-
Natural vision thrives on interest, curiosity,
fusion regarding seeing "black" while palm-
and variety.
ing. I add this information primarily for the
It is best to keep the palming stories sim-
sake of completeness, as many students have
ple in the beginning. You can add variations
asked me about Bates' references to seeing
to the same palming story each time you
palm, or you can create new stories.
In Perfect Sight Without Glasses, Bates dis-
cussed the advantages of remembering pure
black during palming. Later, in his Better Eye-
Bates on Palming
sight magazines, he basically told his students
From Chapter XII of Perfect Sight Without
not to try to remember or see black.
Better Eyesight magazine, July 1923:

All the methods used ... are simply differ-

Question: I still cannot visualize "black"
ent ways of obtaining relaxation, and most
what else can I use as a substitute?
students, though by no means all, find it eas-
Answer: ... If it is an effort to visualize

352 • Relearning to See


Chapter Twenty-One: Palming and Acupressure

black, think of something that is pleasant, More on Palming by Bates

for instance, a field of daisies, a sun-set, etc.
From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
The result will be just as beneficial.

When palming is successful it is one of the

Better Eyesight magazine, February 1924: best methods I know of for securing relax-
ation of all the sensory nerves, including
Question: To palm successfully is it neces- those of sight ... the greater the degree of
sary toremember black or try to see black? the relaxation produced by palming, the
Answer: No. When one palms success- more of it is retained when the eyes are
fully the eyes and mind are relaxed and opened and the longer it lasts. If you palm
black is usually seen, but any effort to see perfectly, you retain, when you open your
black is a strain which will always fail.
eyes, all of the relaxation that you gain, and
you do not lose it again. If you palm imper-
Better Eyesight magazine, December 1927: you retain only part of what you gain

and retain it only temporarily it may be —

REST only for a few moments. Even the smallest
The student is then directed to either degree of relaxation is useful, however, for
close his eyes or palm for half an hour, by means of it a still greater degree may be
whichever is more comfortable for him. In obtained . .

palming, the student closes both eyes and A very remarkable case . . . was that of a
covers them with the palms of both hands, man nearly seventy years of age with com-
in such a way as to exclude all light. To palm pound hypermetropic astigmatism and
successfully, he should make no effort to presbyopia, complicated by incipient
remember, imagine or see black. If black cataract. For more than forty years he had
cannot be seen perfectly, the student is told worn glasses to improve his distant vision,
to let the mind drift from one pleasant and for twenty years he had worn them for
thought to another. reading and desk work. Because of the
cloudiness of the lens, he had now become
A "half an hour" is not essential. Gener- unable to see well enough to do his work,
ally the more time given to palming, the more even with glasses; and the other physicians

benefit is received. whom he had consulted had given him no

hope of relief except by operation when
Do not be concerned if some light enters
the cataract was ripe. When he found palm-
through your hands.
ing helped him, he asked:
It is clear that remembering black is not
"Can do that too much?"
essential for improving sight. Most students
"No," he was told. "Palming is simply a
will do better by ignoring the entire issue of means of resting your eyes, and you can-
seeing black, white, or any other color.The not rest them too much."
principles ofmovement, centralization, and A few days later he returned and said:
relaxation, and the habits of natural seeing "Doctor, it was tedious, very tedious; but

are far more important than any issue of I did it."

blackness. "What was tedious?" I asked.

"Palming," he replied. "I did it continu-
ously for twenty hours."

Relearning to See • 353



"But you couldn't have kept it up for a half hour . . . With improvement of the
twenty hours continuously," I said incred- vision it usually follows that a shorter
ulously. "You must have stopped to eat." period of palming may obtain maximum
And then he related that from four results.

o'clock in the morning until twelve at night

he had eaten nothing, only drinking large Better Eyesight magazine, January 1925:
quantities of water, and had devoted prac-
tically all of the time to palming. It must Question: While palming is it necessary to
have been tedious, as he said, but it was also close the eyes?
worthwhile. When he looked at the read- Answer: Yes.
ing card, without glasses, he read the bot-
tom line at twenty feet. He also read fine
Although it is possible, of course, to palm
print at six inches and at twenty. The cloudi-
with the eyelids opened and blinking, this is
ness of the lens had become much less, and
not as beneficial as closed-eyelids palming.
in the center had entirely disappeared. Two
Open-eyelid palming is not recommended.
years later there had been no relapse . .

After resting the eyes by closing [the eye-

Optometrist Harris Gruman wrote in his

lids] or palming, shifting and swinging are book New Ways to Better Sight: "... palming.
often more successful. Dr. Bates was the first to suggest it, and for
this he deserves the fullest credit."

Note: Some students will find frequent,

short periods of palming to be more benefi-
The Palming/Sunning Sandwich
cial than one long period.
Better Eyesight magazine, November 1921: Alternating palming with sunning is very
relaxing and beneficial to the visual system
It is a good thing to go to sleep swinging or and aids in the student's ability to adjust from
palming bright to dark, and dark to bright light situa-
Question: How long should one palm at tions.The student can sun for two minutes,
a time . . . ?
palm for two minutes, sun for two minutes,
Answer: The length of time you should
and so forth. Of course, the eyelids are always
palm depends entirely on the results you
closed during sunning.
obtain from the practice. Some students can
You can also alternate palming and sun-
palm for hours with benefit; others cannot
ning with the acupressure points described
keep it up for more than a few minutes.
below. These are three excellent optional
activities for removing strain from the visual
Better Eyesight magazine, November 1923:

The student is directed to rest his eye&and

to forget them as much as possible by
thinking of other things . . . The length of Variations on Palming
time necessary to palm to obtain maximum You can palm the back of your neck. In fact,
results varies with individuals. Most per- palming can be used with any part of the
sons can obtain improvement in fifteen body.
minutes while others require a longer time,

354 * Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-One: Palming and Acupressure


In acupressure activities 1-3, gently and

slowly massage each area indicated for a
tew minutes. In acupressure activity 4,
gently slides your curled fingers over the
acupressure points as shown.
The purpose of these self-healing activ- 1. Jing-ming points. These two acu-
ities is to increase the flow of energy as- pressure points are located on both
sociated with the visual system. sides of the bridge of the nose. You
Rest your elbows on a table for sup- can use your forefingers as an alter-
port. Do not touch your eyes. native to the thumbs if desired.
Remember to keep your neck released
and to breathe abdominally. Though the
eyelids can remain open or closed,
closed eyelids is best. If they are open,
remember to blink.

2. Zheng-guang points. These two

acupressure points are located in the
indentations underneath the eyebrow
bones approximately one-half inch
away from the bridge of the nose.
These points are associated with su-
perior oblique muscles.

5. Feng-chi points. These two points

are located in the two hollow areas
just below the occipital bone. Place
your fingers on the back of the head
and use your thumbs to massage
3. Si-bai points. These two acupres-
these points.
sure points are located on the cheek-
bones as shown.

4. These twelve acupressure points

are located as shown — six above the
two eyebrows, four below the eyes
and two on the temples. The two
points on the temples (T) are associ-
ated with recti muscles. Place your
thumbs on the two temple points.
(The thumbs remain on the two tem-
ple points at all times.) Then slide
your curled forefingers from the mid-
dle of your forehead out to the tem-
ples —paths 1-2-3-T Next, slide your
curled forefingers from your nose out
to the temples— paths 4-5-T. Then
repeat several times.

Figure 2 1-2: Acupressure Points.

Relearning to See • 355

Margaret Corbett, in her book Help Your- meridians related to eyesight, and releases
self to Better Sight, writes: tension from the visual system.
See Figure 21-2: Acupressure Points.
Ear training consists of . . . stimulation of
the aural nerves by relaxation, that is by
the total exclusion of all sound, ear-
palming. 2
Harris Gruman, New Ways to Better Sight (New
ACUPRESSURE York: Hermitage House, 1950), p. 183.
Margaret D. Corbett, Help Yourself to Better
Applying a gentle, slow, massaging pressure
Sight (North Hollywood, California: Wilshire
to the acupressure points associated with the
Book Co., 1949), p. 205.
visual system increases the circulation of

356 • Relearning to See


Reading, Children,
Schools, and More

Chapter Twenty-Two

Reading —For A 11 Ages

Better Eyesight magazine, October 1920: INTERFERENCES TO CLEAR READING

Many people read frequently and for long
Question: How young a person can you periods of time. If a person becomes fatigued
teach with this method, and up to what age
or bored during these times, he may interfere
can you expect results?
with normal vision habits. When fatigued,
Answer: The age is immaterial. It is a
many people do not rest, but continue read-
matter of intelligence. People as old as
ing. It is easy to fall into a "spaced out" star-
eighty-two have improved. Children can
be taught as soon as they are able to talk.
ing habit in this situation.
Have you ever had the experience of still
Better Eyesight magazine, November 1920: moving the eyes along the sentences, while
your attention is on something else? Then,
Question: Is it possible to regain the abil- when the staring has stopped, did you need
ity to read without glasses when it fails after to go back and find out where your compre-
the age of forty, the sight at the distance hension left off?

being perfect? As mentioned earlier, research studies have

Answer: The failure of the sight at the linked myopia to literate cultures. It is not the
near point after forty due to the same
activity of reading itself that strains vision
cause as its failure at any other point and
it is the formation of incorrect vision habits
at any other age, namely strain. The sight
during reading that strains vision.
can be restored by practicing at the near
point the same methods used to improve
the vision at the distance —palming, shift-
A Locked Neck
ing, swinging, etc. The sight is never perfect
at the distance when imperfect at the near Many people lock their head and neck when
point, but will become so when the sight at they read —only the eyes are moving. Lock-
the near point has become normal. ing the neck will create fatigue. This can cre-
ate a vicious cycle: fatigue creates staring,
which creates more fatigue, and so on.

Relearning to See • 359

After the head stops moving, the eyes can ment, centralization, and relaxation allow a
also stop moving, as the person drifts into the person to read comfortably and clearly for
staring habit. This is the worst form of star- long periods of time.
ing because the person is both rigid and dif-

How to Read Naturally
When reading, simply move your nose-
Diffused Speed Reading pencil —with a head movement—from left to
There are several "speed reading" programs right though the middle of each sentence. At
that teach their students to look at large areas the end of a sentence, move your nose-pen-
at a time. This is diffusion training. cil (and head) down and to the left, between
If you diffuse your vision, you will strain the two sentences, to the next sentence. This
it. In previous chapters, we proved that a per- releases the neck. Blink frequently, softly, and
son can only see clearly in a small area in the quickly. Breathe abdominally.
center of the visual field. A person attempt- The eyes move also, but it is best to forget
ing to see a large area of print clearly simul- about your eyes. Your interest is what really
taneously will strain their vision. Diffusion is moves through each line you are reading. So,
confusion and a strain —and it lowers vision. you do not need to think about your eyes. If
One instructor of a speed reading program you practice the correct habits and principles
told me that many of her students get of natural vision, the eyes will take care of
headaches when they are taught speed read- themselves —automatically.
ing techniques. One way to practice reading with head
It is possible to read very rapidly once cor- movement and centralization is by using a
rect vision habits are re-established. straightened paper clip. Simply move the tip
of the paper clip exactly through the center
of the words as shown in Figure 22-2.
Posture and Reading A "high-tech" alternative to the paper clip
Use correct posture while reading. is a laser beam, like the ones used for lectures
and presentations. Simply move the (usually)

red beam through the middle of each line.

Vision students like the laser beam a lot!

Since there are some cones that pick up
the letters close to the letter your nose-pen-
cil is touching at any particular moment, the
Figure 22-1: Book Support.
visual system is able to determine what an
Tip: A book support for your desk can sup- entire word is —without diffusing.
port better posture while reading. For example, if the nose-pencil is on the let-

ter "o" in the word "dog," the letters "d" and

READING NATURALLY "g" are so close to the letter "o" the visual sys-
To read clearly, a person needs to have cor- tem can tell this word is "dog." But do not try
rect vision habits. The principles of move- or expect to see all of the letters of a word, or

360 • Relearning to See


Chapter Twenty-Two: Reading— For Ml Ages


When reading, fflove-youf^se-peneil through each Ime as if you are actually

drawing a pencil line from left to-right directly through the words. At the end of

each line, the nose-pencil moves Quickly down and to the left to the beginning of
the next line. This is called shifting or sketching^

Remember to blink frequently and to breathe abdominally. Never stare. Never


VVStrain or squint. Move both the eyes and the head from left to right as you read.

^Fhe head movement

ect posture when reac head over looking down-

-< <
the book up at an angle so that the head and neck can turn
—^ ~~^

Centralize. Do not try to see ao entire paragraph simultaneously clear. This is

^impossible to do and strains vision^

to sketch objects in the distance occasionally.
< < — If you become tired,

ts and principles to computer wort

Figure 22-2: Reading Naturally.

Relearning to See • 36
all the words of a paragraph equally clearly at Additionally, many children are put under

one moment. This would be a form of diffusion. a lot of pressure to perform well at school. If
Never strain to see the letters on a page. this pressure translates into straining to see,
You do not need to "sketch" every letter vision will lower.

as you read. When a person has normal vision, there is

no difference between the vision habits used
during reading and during other activities.
Oppositional Words The habits and principles of normal vision are
From Better Eyesight magazine, July 1920: "In the same at all times and during all activities.

reading, the page appears to move in a direc-

tion opposite to that of the eye [and head]."
Imagine the words and the entire page are
moving in the opposite direction of your head Bates: "The Menace of Large Print"
and eye movements. This illusion is essential Bates believed that the large print put in chil-

for normal sight. dren's schoolbooks could —and did— strain

vision. Why? Large print can teach children
to diffuse. If a child attempts to see a very
Children Read Naturally— Until ...
large word clearly simultaneously, the vision
Learning to read is a complex activity. Have will be strained.
you ever watched a child when she first learns Bates emphasized the importance of cen-
to read? The child moves her finger along the tralizing when regarding any type of print,
line she is reading. She uses her finger nat- — and, for that matter, all objects!

urally —
to help keep her attention on one Better Eyesight magazine, December 1919:
word at a time. "It helps me keep my place."
The main principles involved here are cen- THE MENACE OF LARGE PRINT
tralization and movement. If you look at the big "C" on the Snellen
card (or any other large letter of the same
Unfortunately, many children are scolded
size) at ten, fifteen, or twenty feet, and try
for pointing, especially at other people. "Don't
to see it all alike, you may note a feeling of
point; it is rude!" A child who is told not to
strain, and the letter may not appear per-
point might assume that diffusion is correct.
fectly black and distinct. If you now look
A child also naturally moves her head at only one part of the letter, and see the
when Movement is natural.
rest of it worse, you will note that the part
many children are told to "sit still" or
Yet seen best appears blacker than the whole
"be still." Some are even told not to move letter when seen all alike, and you may also
their head when reading. This is incorrect and note a relief of strain. If you look at the
very harmful. small "c" on the bottom line of the card,
If the messages from adults that movement you may be able to note that it seems
and centralizing are not correct translate into blacker than the big "C." If not, imagine
incorrect vision habits, the child's sight will it as forming part of the area of the big "C."

lower. Many children If you are able to see this part blacker than
are unwittingly taught
the rest of the letter, the imagined letter
how to lose their sight.

362 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty -Two: Reading—For All Ages

will of course, appear blacker also. If your From the earlier explanations of the dis-
sight is normal, you may now go a step fur- tribution of cones in the fovea centralis, we
ther and note that when you look at one know that a person sees more distinctly the
part of the small "c," this part looks blacker
smaller the area of centralizing. The corollary
than the whole letter, and that it is easier
to this is: the farther away another object, or
to see the letter in this way than to see it
part of an object, is from the central vision,
all alike.
the less distinct it is.
If you look at a line of the smaller letters
The same holds true for contrast. Above,
that you can read readily, and try to see

them all alike all equally black and Bates highlights the difference between
equally distinct in outline you will prob- — blacker, sharper images in the central vision

ably find it to be impossible, and the effort and less black, less clear images in the periph-

will produce discomfort and. perhaps, pain. eral vision. People with blurred vision try to
You may, however, succeed in seeing two see everything sharp and with the same high
or more of them alike. This, too, may cause contrast simultaneously. This is impossible to
much discomfort, and if continued long do and strains the visual system, whether
enough, will produce pain. If you now look attempted while reading or any other time.
at only the first letter of the line, seeing the
Again, the principles of natural vision are the
adjoining ones worse, the strain will at once
same for all activities.
be relieved, and the letter appear
Bates gave a lot of attention to reading
blacker and more distinct than when it was
seen equally well with the others. If your
because we live in a literate society — and
sight is normal at the near point, you can many people form incorrect habits when
repeat these experiments with a letter seen reading.

at this point, with the same results. A num- Better Eyesight magazine, December 1919,
ber of letters seen equally well at one time continued:
will appear less black and less distinct than
a single letter seen best, and a large letter Probably every man who has written a
will seem less black and distinct than a book upon the eye for the last hundred
small one; while in the case of both the years has issued a warning against fine print
large letter and the several letters seen all in school books, and recommended par-

alike, a feeling of strain may be produced ticularly large print for small children. This

in the eye. You may also be able to note advice has been followed so assiduously
that the reading of very fine print, when it thatone could probably not find a lesson
can be done perfectly, is markedly restful book for small children anywhere printed
to the eye. in ordinary reading type, while alphabets

The smaller the point of maximum are often printed in characters one and two
vision, in short, the better the sight, and the inches high.
less the strain upon the eye. This fact can The British Association for the Advance-
usually be demonstrated in a few minutes ment of Science does not wish to see chil-
by anyone whose sight is not markedly dren read books [with small type] at all
imperfect; and in view of some of our edu- before they are seven years old, and would
cational methods, is very interesting and conduct their education previous to that
instructive. age by means of large printed wall-sheets,

Relearning to See • 363



blackboards, pictures, and oral teaching. If below the line of vision, and therefore
they must read, however, it wants them to appears to move downward. If one looks

have 24- and 30-point type, with capitals at the bottom, the letter is above the line

about a quarter of an inch in height. This of vision and appears to move upward. If

is carefully graded down, a size smaller one looks to the left of the letter, it is to the
each year, until at the age of twelve the chil- right of the line of vision and appears to
dren are permitted to have the same kind move to the right. If one looks to the right,

of type as their elders. Bijou editions of it is to the left of the line of vision and
Bible, prayer-book and hymnals are for- appears to move to the left.

bidden, however, to children of all ages. a Persons with normal vision are rarely
London myope classes, which have
In the conscious of this illusion, and may have dif-

become the model for many others of the ficulty in demonstrating it; but in every case
same kind, books are eliminated entirely, that has come under my observation they
and only the older children are allowed to have always become able, in a longer or
print their lessons in one- and two-inch shorter time, to do so. When the sight is
types. . . imperfect the letters may remain station-
. . . [Yet] the reading of fine print, when ary, or even move in the same direction
it can be done with comfort, has been as the eye.
found to be a benefit to the eyes. It is impossible for the eye to fix [on] a
point longer than a fraction of a second. If

Report on the Influence of School-Books upon
it tries to do so, it begins to strain and the
Eyesight, second revised edition. 1913. vision is lowered. This can readily be
Pollock:The Education of the Semi-Blind, Glas- demonstrated by trying to hold one part of
gow Med. Jour., Dec. 1915. a letter for an appreciable length of time.
No matter how good the sight, it will begin
to blur, or even disappear, very quickly, and
From Chapter XV in Perfect Sight Without sometimes the effort to hold it will produce
Glasses: pain. In the case of a few exceptional peo-
ple a point may appear to be held for a con-
SHIFTING AND SWINGING siderable length of time; the subjects
When the eye with normal vision regards themselves may think that they are hold-
a letter either at the near point or at the ing it; but this is only because the eye shifts

distance, the letter may appear to pulsate, unconsciously, the movements being so
or move from side to
in various directions, rapid that objects seem to be seen all alike
side,up and down, or obliquely. When it simultaneously.
looks from one letter to another on the [Even some people with normal vision
Snellen card, or from one side of a letter to think that what Bates is teaching is incor-
another, not only the letters, but the whole rect. Many people with normal sight think
and the whole card may
line of letters that stationary objects appear to be sta-
appear to move from side to side. This tionary. But we know stationary objects
apparent movement is due to the shifting appear to move in the opposite direction
of the eye [and the head], and is always in of our movement.]
a direction contrary to its movement. If one The shifting of the eye with normal vision
looks at the top of a letter, the letter is is usually not conspicuous, but by direct

364 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Two: Reading —For Ail Ages

examination with the ophthalmoscope 3 it mal vision. Such objects I have called opti-
can always be demonstrated. If one eye is mums. On the other hand, there are some
examined with this instrument while the objects which persons with normal eyes
other is regarding a small area straight and ordinarily normal sight always see
ahead, the eye being examined, which fol- imperfectly; an error of refraction being
lows the movements of the other, is seen produced when they are regarded, as
to move in various directions, from side to demonstrated by the retinoscope. Such
side, up and down, in an orbit which is usu- objects I have called pessimums. An object
ally variable. If the vision is normal, these becomes an optimum, or a pessimum,
movements are extremely rapid and unac- according to the effect it produces upon
companied by any appearance of effort. the mind, and in some cases this effect is

The shifting of the eye with imperfect sight, easily accounted for.

on the contrary, is slower, its excursions are For many children their mother's face is

wider, and the movements are jerky and an optimum, and the face of a stranger a
made with apparent effort. pessimum. A dressmaker was always able
It can also be demonstrated that the eye to thread a No. 10 needle with a fine thread
is capable of shifting with a rapidity which of silk without glasses, although she had to
the ophthalmoscope cannot measure. The put on glasses to sew on buttons, because
normal eye can read fourteen letters on the she could not see the holes. She was a
bottom line of a Snellen card at a distance teacher of dressmaking, and thought the
of ten or fifteen feet, in a dim light, so children stupid because they could not tell

rapidly that they seem to be seen all at the difference between two different shades
once. Yet it can be demonstrated that in of black. She could match colors without
order to recognize the letters under these comparing the samples. Yet she could not
conditions it is necessary to make about see a black line in a photographic copy of
four shifts to each letter. At the near point, the Bible which was no finer than a thread
even though one part of the letter is seen of silk. An employee in a cooperage fac-
. . .

best, the rest may be seen well enough to tory, who had been engaged for years in

be recognized: but at the distance it is picking out defective barrels as they went
impossible to recognize the letters unless rapidly past him on an inclined plane, was
one shifts from the top to the bottom and able to continue his work after his sight for

from side to side. One must also shift from most other objects had become very defec-
one letter to another, making about sev- tive, while persons with much better sight

enty shifts in a fraction of a second for the Snellen card were unable to detect
the defective barrels. The familiarity of
OPTIMUMS AND PESSIMUMS these various objects made it possible for
In nearly all cases of imperfect sight due the subjects to look at them without
to errors of refraction there is some object, strain — that is, without trying to see them.
or objects, which can be regarded with nor- Therefore the barrels were to the cooper
optimums: while the needle's eye and the
An instrument for viewing the interior of the eye. colors of silk and fabrics were optimums
When the optic nerve is observed with the oph- to the dressmaker. Unfamiliar objects, on
thalmoscope, movements can be noted that are
the contrary, are always pessimums.
not apparent when only the exterior of the eye is
In other cases there is no accounting for

Relearning to See • 3°5


the idiosyncrasy of the mind which makes twenty feet may not be one at two feet, or
one object a pessimum and another an thirty feet, and an object which is a pessi-
optimum. It is also impossible [for me] to mum when directly regarded may be seen
account for the fact that an object may be with normal vision in the eccentric field
an optimum for one eye and not for the that is, when not directly regarded.

optimum at one time and at

other, or an For most people the Snellen card is a
one distance and not at others. Among pessimum. you can see the Snellen card

these unaccountable optimums one often with normal vision, you can see almost any-
finds a particular letter on the Snellen card. thing else in the world. People who cannot
One person, for instance, was able to see on the Snellen card can often
see the letters
the letter K on the forty, fifteen and ten see other objects of the same size and at the
lines, but could see none of the other let- same distance with normal sight. [TQ
on these lines, although most people
ters emphasis.] When letters which are seen
would see some of them, on account of the imperfectly, or even letters which cannot
simplicity of their outlines, better than they be seen at all, or which the person is not
would such a letter as K. conscious of seeing, are regarded, the error
Pessimums may be as curious and unac- of refraction is increased. The person may
countable as optimums. The letter V is so regard a blank white card without any error
simple in its outlines that many people can of refraction; but if he regards the lower
see it when they cannot see others on the part of a Snellen card, which appears to
same line. Yet some people are unable to him to be just as blank as the blank card,
distinguish it at any distance, although able an error of refraction can always be demon-
to read other letters in the same word, or strated, and if the visible letters of the card
on the same line of the Snellen card. Some are covered the result is the same. The pes-
people again will not only be unable to rec- simum may, in short, be letters or objects
ognize the letter V in a word, but also to which the person is not conscious of see-
read any word that contains it, the pessi- ing. This phenomenon is very common.
mum lowering their sight not only for itself When the card is seen in the eccentric field

but for other objects. Some letters, or it may have the effect of lowering the vision
objects, become pessimums only in partic- for the point directly regarded. For instance,
ular situations. A letter, for instance, may a person may regard an area of green wall-
be a pessimum when located at the end, or paper at the distance, and see the color as
at the beginning of a line, or sentence, and well as at the near point; but if a Snellen
not in other places. When the attention of card on which the letters are either seen
the person is called to the fact that a letter imperfectly, or not seen at all, is placed in
seen in one location ought logically to be the neighborhood of the area being
seen equally well in others, the letter often regarded, the retinoscope may indicate an
ceases to be a pessimum in any situation. error of refraction. When the vision
A pessimum, like an optimum, may be improves, the number of letters on the card
lost and later become manifest. It may vary which are pessimums diminishes and the
according to the light and distance. An number of optimums increases, until the
object which is a pessimum in a moderate whole card becomes an optimum.
light may not be so when the light is A pessimum, like an optimum, is a man-
increased or diminished. A pessimum at ifestation of the mind. It is something asso-

366 • Relearning to See

. —

Chapter Twenty-Two: Reading —For All Ages

dated with a strain to see, just as an opti- a flash of improved or clear vision, and the
mum is something which has no such asso- area seen best will be smaller
ciation. It is not caused by the error of If your trouble is with distant instead of
refraction, but always produces an error of near vision, use the same method with dis-
refraction: and when the strain has been tant letters.
relieved it ceases to be a pessimum and
becomes an optimum. From Chapter XVII of Perfect Sight With-
out Glasses, Bates writes the following:
Right-brain/left-brain experts may now be
some of the "unaccountable"
able to explain According to accepted ideas of ocular
observations mentioned by Bates. Looking hygiene, it is important to protect the eyes
to the left activates right-brain characteris- from a great variety of influences which are
tics, and looking to the right activates left- often very difficult to avoid, and to which

brain characteristics. See Figure 19-5: "Vision."

most people resign themselves with the
uneasy sense that they are thereby "ruin-
An optimum is anything that promotes cor-
ing their eyesight." Bright lights, artificial
rect vision habits. A pessimum is anything
lights, dim sudden fluctuations of
that promotes incorrect vision habits. The
light, fine print, reading in moving vehicles,
process of improving vision involves the
reading lying down, etc., have long been
transformation of objects or thoughts we now considered "bad for the eyes," and libraries
regard to be pessimums into optimums. Opti- of literature have been produced about
mums are relaxing. their supposedly direful effects. These ideas
Again quoting from Perfect Sight Without are diametrically opposed to the truth.
Glasses: When the eyes are properly used, vision
under adverse conditions not only does not
THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE injure them, but is an actual benefit,
Do you read imperfectly? Can you because a greater degree of relaxation is

observe then that when you look at the first required to see under such conditions than
word, or the first letter, of a sentence you under more favorable ones . .

do not see best where you are looking; that ... [If] persons with imperfect sight prac-
you see other words, or other letters, just tice centralization, they become accus-
as well as or better than the one you are tomed to them [i.e., the adverse conditions]
looking at? Do
you observe also that the and derive great benefit from them
harder you try to see the worse you see? The universal fear of reading or doing
Now close your eyes and rest them, finework in a dim light is, however,
remembering some color, like black or unfounded. So long as the fight is sufficient

white [or anything else that is relaxing] that so that one can see without discomfort, this

you can remember perfectly. Keep them practice is not only harmless, but may be
closed until they feel rested, or until the beneficial.

feeling of strain has been completely . . . fine print cannot be read in a dim
relieved. Now open them and look at the light and close to the eyes unless the eyes

first word or letter of a sentence for a frac- are relaxed, whereas large print can be read

tion of a second. If you have been able to in a good light and at ordinary reading dis-

relax, partially or completely, you will have tance although the eyes may be under a

Releaming to See • 367


strain. When fine print can be read under were very much tired by a trip downtown
adverse conditions, the reading of ordinary during which they were not called upon to
print under ordinary conditions is vastly centralize upon small objects.

Better Eyesight magazine. May 1923:
Reading fine print is commonly sup- Question: Why are books for small children
posed to be an extremely dangerous prac- printed in large type?
tice, and reading print of any kind upon a Answer: Because Boards of Education
moving vehicle is thought to be even worse. have not yet learned that it is a strain for
Looking away to the distance, however, and anyone to look at big print and a relaxation
not seeing anything in particular is believed to read fine print.
to be very beneficial to the eyes. In the light

of these superstitions the facts contained

Better Eyesight magazine, June 1923:
in the following letter are particularly
Question: . . . Does age make any differ-
"On reaching home Monday morning I
was surprised and pleased at the comments Answer: . . . No, age does not make any
ofmy family regarding the appearance of difference.
my eyes. They all thought they looked so
much brighter and rested, and that after
Better Eyesight magazine, September 1923:
two days of railroading. I didn't spare my
eyes in the least on the way home. I read
Question: If fine type is beneficial, why do
magazines and newspapers, looked at the
they print children's school books in large
scenery: in fact, I used my eyes all the time.
My sight for the near point is splendid. I
Answer: For the same reason that peo-
can read for hours without my eyes.
I went downtown today and

my eyes were
ple wear glasses — Ignorance of the proper
very tired when I got home. The fine print
on the card [diamond type] helps me so
Better Eyesight magazine. April 1928:
much I would like to have your little Bible.
[Bates gave many students a card with dia-
mond type print, and a photographic reduc- Question: I have attained normal vision,
tion of the Bible printed in type smaller but after reading for a while, my eyes feel
than diamond.] I'm sure the very fine print strained. Would you still consider I had nor-
has a soothing effect on one's eyes, regard- mal sight?
less of what my previous ideas on the sub- Answer: If your eyes feel strained you
ject were."
are not reading with normal vision.

It will be observed that the eyes of this

student were not tired by her two-day rail-

road journey, during which she read con-

stantly; they were not tired by hours of
reading after her return: they were rested
by reading extremely fine print; but they

368 • Releaming to See

Chapter Twenty-Two: Reading— For All Ages

The Fine Print ing the correct vision habits during reading.

Type Size Vision Acuity (at 14")

This is common. Usually, a person does not
think about how they are supposed to read.
7 point 20/40 (14/28)
While improving sight, how to read with cor-
6 point 20/35 (14/24)
rect vision habits requires some conscious
5 point 20/30 (14/21)
attention. This can temporarily diminish, to
4 point 20/25 O4/18)
some degree, comprehension while reading.
3 point 20/20 (14/14)
As the habits of natural vision become
1.5 point 20/10 (14/7)
more automatic, the comprehension increases
The reduced-size paragraphs on the next again. Also, you can read for longer periods
two pages are provided so you can practice of time when you have relaxed vision habits.
reading small print. Tip: To practice natural vision habits with-
out comprehension, turn your book upside

"But I Feel Like I Am Straining down, and move your nose-pencil through
When I Read Small Print" the lines for half a minute or so. Remember
abdominal breathing and frequent, soft
When the sight is imperfect, there is always
a strain involved —by definition. The practice
Palm and rest if you become tired while
of reading small print may feel like a strain
when relearning centralization. This is

because the person with imperfect sight has LIGHTING AND READING
learned to diffuse.
Many people believe reading small print and
A person who argues that reading small
reading in dim light is a strain to their eyes.
letters is harmful logically needs to agree that
Parents often tell their children they will ruin
the eyes are being harmed every time a per-
their eyes if they read in bed at night using a
son has their sight tested by an eye doctor,
because the person is often asked to read the
If a person strains to see in dim light, his
smallest line. Similarly, people who have their
sight will lower. Similarly, if a person strains
vision tested at the California Department
to read small print, sight will lower. Bates dis-
of Motor Vehicles are asked to read small let-
covered that the only way a person can read
ters in the distance. Certainly these activities
small print in dim light is by relaxing and
would not be allowed if reading small size let-
using correct vision habits.
ters was believed to be harmful.
When first improving vision, a student can
It takes time to unlearn incorrect, strained
use bright light while reading. Bright light
ways of seeing. Ultimately, only centraliza-
usually gives the student better acuity because
tion and movement are relaxing.
of the pinhole effect. The better sight will
allow the student to be more relaxed as she
A Temporary Lowering of improves her sight. This relaxation supports
Comprehension faster improvement.
Some students comment that they experience As vision improves, the intensity of light

a lowering in comprehension while practic- can be lowered. The vision will be less clear

Relearning to See • 369

If you look at the big "C" on the Snellen test card (or any other large letter of

the same size) at ten, fifteen, or twenty feet, and try to see it all alike, you may
note a feeling of strain, and the letter may not appear perfectly black and
distinct. If you now look at only one part of the letter, and see the rest of it

worse, you will note that the part seen best appears blacker than the whole
letter when seen all alike, and you may also note a relief of strain. If you look
at the small "c" on the bottom line of the test card, you may be able to note
that it seems blacker than the big "C." If not, imagine it as forming part of the

area of the big "C." If you are able to see this part blacker than the rest of the
letter, the imagined letter will, of course, appear blacker also. If your sight is

normal, you may now go a step further and note that when you look at one
part of the small "c" this part looks blacker than the whole letter, and that it is

easier to see the letter in this way than to see it all alike.

Ifyou look at a line of the smaller letters that you can read readily, and try to
see —
them all alike all equally black and equally distinct in outline you will —
probably find it to be impossible, and the effort will produce discomfort and,
perhaps, pain. You may. however, succeed in seeing two or more of them alike.
This, too. may cause much discomfort, and if continued long enough, will
produce pain. If you now look at only the first letter of the line, seeing the
adjoining ones worse, the strain will at once be relieved, and the letter will

appear blacker and more distinct than when it was seen equally well with the

others. If your sight is normal at the near-point, you can repeat these
experiments with a letter seen at this point, with the same results. A number of
letters seen equally well at one time will appear less black and less distinct
than a single letter seen best, and a large letter will seem less black and
distinct than a small one; while in the case of both the large letter and the
several letters seen all alike, a feeling of strain may be produced in the eye.

You may also be able to note that the reading of very fine print, when it can be
done perfectly, is markedly restful to the eye.

The smaller the point of maximum vision, in short, the better the sight, and
the less the strain upon the eye. This fact can usually be demonstrated in a few
minutes by any one whose sight is not markedly imperfect; and in view of
some of our educational methods, is very interesting and instructive.


If you look at the big "C" on the Snellen test card (or any other large letter of
the same size) at ten. fifteen, or twenty feet, and try to see ii all alike, you may
note a feeling of strain, and the letter may not appear perfectly black and
distinct. If you now look at only one part of the letter, and see the rest of it

worse, you will note that the part seen best appears blacker than the whole
lener when seen
all alike, and you may also note a relief of strain. If you look

at the small "c" on the bottom line of the test card, you may be able to note
that seems blacker than the big "C." If not. imagine it as forming part of the

area of the big "C " If you are able to see this part blacker than the rest of the
letter, the imagined letter will, of course, appear blacker also. If your sight is

normal, you may now go a step further and note that when you look at one
part of the small "c" this part looks blacker than the whole letter, and that it is
easier to see the letter in this way than to see it all alike.

you look at a line of the smaller letters that you can read readily, and try to

see them all alike —

all equally black and equally distinct in outline you will —
probably find it to be impossible, and the effort will produce discomfort and,
perhaps, pain. You may. however, succeed in seeing two or more of them alike
This. too. may cause much discomfort, and if continued long enough, will
produce pain. If you now look at only the first letter of the line, seeing the

adjoining ones worse, the strain will at once be relieved, and the letter will
appear blacker and more distinct than when was seen equally well with the

others. If your sight is normal at the near-point, you can repeat these
experiments with a letter seen at this point, with the same results. A number of
letters seen equally well at one time will appear less black and less distinct
than a single letter seen best, and a large letter will seem less black and
distinct than a small one; while in the case of both the large letter and the
several letters seen all alike, a feeling of strain may be produced in the eye.
You may also be able to note that the reading of very fine pnnt. when it can be
done perfectly, is markedly restful to the eye
The smaller the point of maximum and
vision, in short, the better the sight,
upon the eye. This fact can usually be demonstrated in a few
the less the strain
minutes by any one whose sight is not markedly imperfect; and in view of
some of our educational methods, is \ery interesting and instructive.

Figure 22-3: The Menace of Large Print: 7 and 6 point.

370 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Two: Reading—For All Ages

5 Point 4 Point, Diamond Type

If you look at the big "C" on the Snellen test card (or any other large letter of If you look ai the big "C~ on the Snellen lesl card ior any other large lener of

the same size) at ten, fifteen, or twenty feet, and try to see it all alike, you may the same size) ai ten. fifteen, or twenty feet, and try to see tt all alike, you may
note a feeling of strain, and the letter may not appear perfectly black and
note a feeling of strain, and the letter may not appear perfectly black and
distinct If you now look at only one pan of the of it letter, and see the rest
you now look at only one part of the letter, and see the rest of it
distinct. If worse, you will note that the part seen best appears blacker than the whole
worse, you will note that the pan seen best appears blacker than the whole letteT when seen all alike, and you may also note a relief of strain
If you look

letter when seen all alike, and you may also note a relief of strain. If you look at the small V on the bottom line of the test card, you may be able to note
that seems blacker than the big "C " If not.
at the small c" on the bottom line of the test card, you may be able to note
' it imagine it as forming pan of the
area of the big "C " 1/ you are able to see this pan blacker than the res! of the
that it seems blacker than the big "C." If not imagine it as forming pan of the
letter, the imagined letter w ill. of course, appear blacker also. If your sighl is
area of the big "C." If you are able to see this part blacker than the rest of the normal, you may now go a step further and note that when you look ai one
letter, the imagined letter will, of course, appear blacker also. If your sight is part of the small "c" this part looks blacker than the whole letter, and that it is

normal, you may now go a step further and note that when you look at one easier to see the letter tn this way than to see it all alike

part of the small "c" this part looks blacker than the
If you look at a line of the smaller letters that you can read readily, and
whole letter, and that try to

easier to see the letter in this way than to see it all alike.
it is
see them all alike — all equally black and equally distinct in outline
—you will
probably find it to be impossible, and the effort will produce discomfort and.
you look at a line of the smaller letters that you can read readily, and try to
If perhaps, pain You may. however, succeed in seeing two or more of them alike.
see them all alike —
all equally black and equally distinct in outline you will — This. too. may cause much discomfort, and if continued long enough, will

probably find it to be impossible, and the effort will produce discomfort and. produce pain It you now look at only the first letter of the line, seeing the
adjoining ones worse, the strain will at once be relieved, and the letter will
perhaps, pain. You may. however, succeed in seeing two or more of them alike.
appear blacker and more distinct than when it was seen equally well with the
This. loo. may cause much discomfort, and if continued long enough, will others your sight
If is normal at the near-point, you can repeal these
produce pain. If you now look at only the first letter of the line, seeing the etpenments with a letter seen at this point, with the same results A number of
adjoining ones worse, the strain will at once be relieved, and the letter will letters seen equally well at one lime will appear less black and less distinct
appear blacker and more distinct than when
was seen equally well with the
than j single letter seen best, and a large letter will seem less black and
distinct than a small one. while in the case of both the large letter and the
others. If your sight is normal at the near-point, you can repeat these
several letters seen all alike, a feeling of strain may be produced in the eye
experiments with a letter seen at this point, with the same results. A number of
You may also be able to note thai the reading of very fine print, when it can be
letters seen equally well at one time will appear less black and less distinct done perfectly, is markedly restful to the eye
than a single letter seen best, and a large letter will seem less black and The smaller the point of maximum vision, in short, the better the sight and
distinct than a small one: while in the case of both the large letter and the the less the strain upon the eye This fact can usually be demonstrated in a few
minutes by any one whose sight is not markedly imperfect, and in view of
several letters seen all alike, a feeling of strain may be produced in the eye.
some of our educational methods, is very interesting and instructive
You may also be able to note that the reading of very fine print, when it can be
done perfectly, is markedly restful to the eye.
The smaller the point of maximum vision, in short, the better the sight, and
the less the strain upon the eye This fact can usually be demonstrated in a few
minutes by any one whose sight is not markedly imperfect; and in view of
some of our educational methods, is very interesting and instructive.

3 Point 2 Point 1.5 Point

Figure 22-4: The Menace of Large Prints to L 5 point.

for a period of time because of the larger NEAR PRINT FOR FARSIGHTS;
pupil size. As the vision continues to improve, FAR PRINT FOR NEARSIGHTS
the light can be lowered further. In general, farsights strain their vision more
When vision is normal, the pupil size has when seeing close objects, like reading a book.
much less of an effect on acuity (assuming, Bates said that straining to see close objects
of course, lights at night are sufficiently bright produces farsightedness. So, farsights are
to activate the cones in the fovea). learning to relax their vision when regarding
close objects.

Relearning to See • y]l

Nearsights strain their vision more when less clearly. The more clearly it is seen, the

seeing distant objects, like reading a street better the vision; and if it can be imagined

sign. Bates said that straining to see far consciously — it is imagined unconsciously

objects produces nearsightedness. So, near-

when the sight is normal — the vision
improves. If the lines of fine type are cov-
sights are learning to relax their vision when
ered, the streaks between them disappear.
regarding far objects.
When the letters are regarded through a
Reminder: Wear reduced glasses only if
magnifying glass by the eye with normal
they are essential. Remember to practice cor- sight, the illusion is not destroyed, but the
rect vision habits when wearing reduced intensity of the white and black is lessened.
glasses. With imperfect sight it may be increased
to some extent by this means, but will
THE WHITE GLOW! remain less intense than the white and
See Figure 22-5: The White Glow! black seen by the normal eye.

From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:

With normal sight, there is a white glow
The normal eye usually sees the back- around black letters on white
that appears
ground of a letter whiter than it really is.
paper. There is also a thin white stripe along
In looking at the letters on the Snellen card the inside borders of a white page. The insides
it sees white streaks at the margins of the
of the letter "O" appear to be whiter than the
letters, and in reading fine print it sees
rest of the paper because of the glow in the
between the lines and the letters, and in the
inside edges of the letter "O" directed inward
openings of the letters, a white more
toward the center of the letter.
intense than the reality. People who can-
This white glow creates a higher contrast
not read fine print may see this illusion, but




Figure 22-5: The White Glow!

372 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Two: Reading —For All Ages
between the black letter and the white paper. stripe that appears just below the baseline of
Much of the visual system functions by con- a sentence. (This "white stripe" is created by
trast and edges. (Imagine everything in the the merging of the bottoms of the white glows
world was the same shade of gray. This would of all of the letters along the baseline of the
be very boring!) sentence.) Do not move your nose -paintbrush
Like the three-dimensional quality of nor- along this white stripe while reading. To do
mal vision, and the sense of the oppositional so would be a form of diffusion. Painting this
movement, the perception of this "glow" white stripe with your nose -paintbrush when
along edges diminishes with incorrect vision you are not reading is OK.
habits and wearing corrective lenses. The
white glow returns when the student releams MORE BY BATES ON READING
natural vision habits. Almost all of my stu- From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
dents have seen this white glow during vision
classes. The fact is that when the mind is at rest

Upon seeing the white glow around letters nothing can tire the eyes, and when the

during a vision class, one of my students told mind under a strain nothing can rest

them. Anything that rests the mind will

the class how he had lost his normal eyesight:
benefit the eyes. Almost everyone has
During the first two years of high school, he
observed that the eyes tire less quickly
had normal vision. One day. he stopped read-
when reading an interesting book than
ing a book and began to think about the let- when perusing something tiresome or dif-
ters on the page. He noticed the letters had ficult to comprehend. A schoolboy can sit
white glows around them! Assuming that let- up all night reading a novel without even
ters should not have white glows around thinking of his eyes, but if he tried to sit up
them, he began to strain his eyes to get rid of all night studying his lessons he would soon
this effect. Soon after, his vision became find them getting very tired.

blurred and he was given prescription glasses

for the first time. There is no strain present when correct

The memory of how a person interfered vision habits are used.

with normal vision habits often returns when Better Eyesight magazine, March 1925:

improving eyesight naturally. "Blink consciously, whenever possible, espe-

Note: Do not move your attention below cially when reading."

a sentence you are reading. Some teachers And, remember to take frequent breaks.

and books advocate moving along the white

Relearning to See • 373

Chapter Twenty-Three

Children and Schools

As for putting glasses upon a child, it is From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
enough to make the angels weep.
Persons of all ages have been benefited by
—William H. Bates
this educational process of relaxation; but
children usually, though not invariably,
A CHILD'S NATURAL EYESIGHT— respond much more quickly than adults. If

A PRECIOUS GIFT they are under twelve years of age, or even

under sixteen, and have never worn glasses,
Bates was especially interested in teaching
they normal vision]
[usually return to
children to improve their sight. A child can be . . .

... in a few days, weeks, or months, and

shown how to improve her sight before the
always within a year, simply by reading the
incorrect habitsbecome deeply ingrained Snellen card every day.
as they have become for many adults. The pro-

gression of blurred vision can be reversed

Children are often more receptive to the
relatively quickly with most children.
habits and principles of natural seeing
From Better Eyesight magazine, July 1920:
because they have not been incorrectly influ-

enced by the prejudices of our society regard-

All parents should be told that they have
ing eyesight.To escape the torment and
it in their power to prevent and reverse
long-term harm caused by wearing correc-
defects of vision in their children and at the
tive lenses is a precious gift for a child.
same time to improve and
their health
increase their mental efficiency. The same Natural vision education can also serve as
message should be carried to teachers and a preventative measure.
school boards. A 65-year-old San Francisco woman
related the following story to one of my col-

Better Eyesight magazine, August 1920: leagues:

A man was taking lessons from Bates to

The atmosphere of the average classroom
improve his sight. During one of the
is extremely irritating. It makes the chil-

dren nearsighted, farsighted and astigmatic.

Relearning to See • 375

lessons, he complained to Bates. "This is study period while sitting in their seats.
childish what you are teaching me." Bates After testing the sight of all the children

replied. "Precisely!" In spite of his objec- in one classroom, the teacher asked me the
tions, this man continued to apply the cor- character of the vision of one of the boys.
and improved his sight.
rect vision habits, I said his sight was normal —that he was
This man's daughter had normal sight. slow in reading the letters of the test card:

When she was a child, he taught her the but, aftersome encouragement he read the
correct and incorrect habits of vision so smallest letters the normal eye should see

that she would never strain her eyes. at his distance from the card. The teacher

was incredulous and told me very emphat-

This man was the father of the 65 -year-old
ically that she was positive the boy was
woman. She still has normal sight. "near sighted." She declared his vision for
W.B. MacCracken. M.D., writes in his book all distant objects was poor: he was unable
Use Your Own Eyes: to read the writing or figures on the black-
board, he did not recognize people at a dis-
If this book succeeds only in arousing
tance, or see the maps, charts, or diagrams
the attention of those who are interested
on the walls. The teacher told me that my
in the welfare of children. I will feel that it
conclusion was erroneous. She suggested
has fulfilled a purpose sufficient for the
that the boy might have learned the letters
effort. They are being wronged when their
or had been prompted by another student.
eyes are made the slaves of glass lenses for
She asked me to test him again. The sec-
ond examination was made carefully under
her supervision, the sources of error she
suggested were met, and I found the boy's
sight was normal. Immediately afterward
As mentioned earlier, myopia has been cor- the teacher tested his sight with the writ-
related to literate societies. The prevention ing on the blackboard and the boy read
of myopia in school children was the subject what she had written. Then she wrote addi-
of a paper Bates published in the New York tional words and figures which the boy read
Medical Journal, July 29. 1911: equally well. She asked him to tell the hour
by a clock twenty-five feet distant which he
In 1903 I examined the eyes of 1,500
did correctly. It was a dramatic situation.
school children at Grand Forks. N. D., a city
The children were intensely interested. I
of 12,000 inhabitants, and found six percent
was impressed by her surprise when she
myopic. The superintendent, Mr. J. Nelson
was convinced that the boy's vision was
Kelly, was interested in the facts and desired
prevention. At my suggestion Snellen cards Three other cases in this class were sim-
were placed in all the class rooms with
ilar and on examination yielded identical
directions for their use. The results were so
results. The teacher asked for an explana-
encouraging that the method was employed
tion. I told her that when the children
continuously for eight years and is still in
looked at the blackboard or other distant
use. In 1910, among 2.000 children, less than
objects and strained or made an effort to
one percent were myopic.
see better, they focused their eyes for a near
The children were examined during a

376 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

point and consequently could not see dis- THE PRINCIPAL FACTOR IN THE CAUSE
tant objects clearly; and, while testing the OF MYOPIA IN SCHOOL CHILDREN
vision with Snellen's card, I educated them The normal eye could focus for near and
to use their eyes properly for distant vision. distant objects.

It was interesting also to me to find that the The myopic eye could focus only for near
few moments devoted to testing them were objects.

sufficient to relieve these children so that Obviously, the principal difference

their vision for distant objects became nor- between the two was in the ability of the
mal. This teacher at once realized that the normal eye to see at a distance.
Snellen card was valuable in relieving and When the normal eye acquired myopia
preventing defective vision. At her request it lost the ability to adjust its accommo-
a Snellen card was given her which was dation for distant vision, therefore: All indi-

placed permanently on the wall of the class viduals with normal eyes who do not adjust
room where all the children could see it their accommodation accurately for distant
from their seats. vision become myopic.
Nothing else was possible. It was self-evi-
NORMAL EYES WITH DEFECTIVE dent. The demonstration of temporary
VISION FOR DISTANCE functional myopia is simple: Look at the
. . . Why was the Snellen card better than
letters of a distant sign and note their clear-
other distant objects to improve the sight?
ness. If one has normal eyes any effort or
It enabled the student to know when an strain made by staring, partly closing the
improper strain or effort to see was made.
eyelids, or focussing a nearer point, is fol-
It was only when the eyes were properly lowed by a blurring of the distant letters.
adjusted for distant vision that the small
In 1910, 1 demonstrated this fact with the
letters were read. With other distant objects,
aid of the Snellen card to 2,000 school chil-
children had greater difficulty in knowing dren whose ages ranged from six to twenty
when the focus was adjusted accurately. years
Many persons with normal eyes believed
erroneously that they saw better at the dis-
tance by partly closing the eyelids or by
otherwise straining the eyes; but, when they
looked at the Snellen card, they at once dis-
Bates addressed the same topic in Perfect

covered that the effort made the letters Sight Without Glasses:


Why did children strain their eyes when Of twenty thousand school children exam-
looking at distant objects? They strained more than half had nor-
ined in one year,

because their experience had taught them mal eyes, with sight which was perfect at

times; but not one of them had perfect sight

that to accomplish most things an effort was
in each eye at all times of the day. Their
required. [TQ They had learned
that they saw near objects more distinctly
sight might be good in the morning and
[artificially] by making a voluntary effort
imperfect in the afternoon, or imperfect in
the morning and perfect in the afternoon.
[of squinting]. Naturally, most of them
strained, when looking at distant objects,
Many children could read one Snellen card
with perfect sight, while unable to see a dif-
to improve their sight artificially
ferent one perfectly. Many could also read

Relearning to See • 377

. .


some letters of the alphabet perfectly, while familiar to him than any others he found
unable to distinguish other letters of the them restful to his eyes. "Use," as he truly
same size under similar conditions. The observed, "has much to do with the mat-
degree of this imperfect sight varied within ter." Children learning to read, write, draw,
wide limits, from one-third to one-tenth, or or sew always suffer from defective vision,
less. Its duration was also variable. Under because of the unfamiliarity of the lines or
some conditions it might continue for only objects with which they are working
a few minutes, or less; under others it might ... A schoolboy was able to read the bot-
prevent the subject from seeing the black- tom line of the Snellen card at ten feet, but
board for days, weeks, or even longer. Fre- when the teacher told him to mind what he
quently all the students in a classroom were was about, he could not see the big C. Many
affected to this extent. children can see perfectly so long as their
. . . When the eye regards an unfamiliar mothers are around; but if the mother goes
object, an error of refraction is always pro- out of the room, they may at once become
duced. Hence the proverbial fatigue caused myopic, because of the strain produced by
by viewing pictures, or other objects, in a fear.

museum. Children with normal eyes who .Parents who wish to preserve and
. .

can read perfectly small letters a quarter improve the eyesight of their children
of an inch high at ten feet always have trou- should encourage them to read the Snellen
ble in reading strange writing on the black- card every day. There should, in fact, be a
board, although the letters may be two Snellen card in every family; for when prop-
inches high. A strange map, or any map. has erly used it always prevents myopia and
the same effect. I have never seen a child. other errors of refraction, always improves
or a teacher, who could look at a map at the vision, even when this is already nor-
the distance without becoming nearsighted. mal, and always benefits functional nervous
German type has been accused of being troubles.
responsible for much of the poor sight once Parents should improve their own eye-
supposed to be peculiarly a German mal- sight to normal, so that their children may
ady; but if a German child attempts to read not imitate wrong methods of using the
Roman print, he will at once become tem- eyes and will not be subject to the influence
porarily hypermetropic. German print, or of an atmosphere of strain. They should
Greek or Chinese characters, will have the also learn the principle of centralization
same effect on a child, or other person, sufficiently well to relieve and prevent pain,
accustomed to Roman letters. Cohn repu- in order that they may teach their children
diated the idea that German lettering was todo the same. This practice not only
trying to the eyes. 3 On the contrary, he makes it possible to avoid suffering, but
always found it "pleasant, after a long read- is a great benefit to the general health . .

ing of the monotonous Roman print, to . . . Attempts were made to minimize the
return 'to our beloved German.'" . . supposed evil effects of the reading, writ-
Because the German characters were more ing and other near work which it
demanded. Careful and detailed rules were
laid down by various authorities as to the

Eyes and School-Books. Pop. Sci. Monthly, May. sizes of type to be used in schoolbooks, the
1881, translated from Deutsche Rundschau. length of the lines, their distance apart, the

378 • Releaming to See


Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

distance at which the book should be held, greater. It is only a minority of children,
the amount and arrangement of the light, moreover, that become myopic; yet all are
the construction of the desks, the length of same influences,
subject to practically the
time the eyes might be used without a and even in the same child one eye may
change of focus, etc. Face-rests were even become myopic while the other remains
devised to hold the eyes at the prescribed normal. On the theory that shortsight
distance from the desk and to prevent results from any external influence to which
stooping, which was supposed to cause con- the eye is exposed
is impossible to it

gestion of the eyeball and thus to encour- account for the fact that under the same
age elongation. The Germans, with conditions of life the eyes of different indi-
characteristic thoroughness, actually used viduals and the two eyes of the same indi-
these instruments of torture, Cohn never vidual behave differently.
allowing his own children to write without Owing to the difficulty of reconciling
one, "even when sitting at the best possi- these facts on the basis of the earlier the-
ble desk." . . ories, there is now a growing disposition to
. . . Further study of the subject has only attributemyopia to hereditary tendencies; 11

added to its difficulty, while at the same but no satisfactory evidence on this point
time it has tended to relieve the schools of has been brought forward, and the fact that
much of the responsibility formerly attrib- primitive peoples who have always had
uted to them for the production of myopia. good eyesight become myopic just as
As the American Encyclopedia of Oph- quickly as any others when subjected to the
thalmology points out, "the theory that conditions of civilized life, like the Indian
myopia is due to close work aggravated by students at Carlisle, 6 seems to be conclu-
town life and badly lighted rooms is grad- sive evidence against it.

ually giving ground before statistics." b In spite of the repeated failure of pre-
In an investigation in London, for ventive measures based upon the limita-
instance, in which the schools were care- tion of near work and the regulation of
fully selected to reveal any differences that lighting, desks, types, etc., the use of the eyes
might arise from the various influences, at the near point under unfavorable con-
hygienic, social and racial, to which the chil- ditions is still admitted by most exponents
dren were subjected, the proportion of of the heredity theory as probably, if not
myopia in the best lighted building of the certainly, asecondary cause of myopia.
group was actually found to be higher than Sidler-Huguenin, however, whose startling
in the one where the lighting conditions
were worst, although the higher degrees of
Lawson: Brit. Med. Jour., June 18, 1898.
myopia were more numerous in the lat- d
It seems have been amply demonstrated, by
ter than in the former. It has also been
the studies of Motais Steiger, Miss Barrington,
found that there is just as much myopia in and Karl Pearson, that errors of refraction are
schools where little near work is done as inherited. And while the use of the eyes for near

in those in which the demand upon the work is probably a secondary cause, determining
largely the development of the defects, it is not
accommodative power of the eye is
the primary cause. —
Cyclopedia of Education,
b edited by Monroe, 1911-1913, vol. iv, p. 361.
American Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Oph-
thalmology, edited by Wood, 1913-1919, vol. xi, p. Fox (quoted by Risley): System of Diseases of the
8271. Eye, vol. ii. p. 357.

Relearning to See • 379

conclusions as to the hopelessness of con- tradiction have the misdirected labors of a

were quoted earlier, has

trolling shortsight hundred years led us! But in the light of
observed so little benefit from such pre- truth the problem turns out to be a very
cautions that he believes a myope may simple one. In view of the facts given in
become an engineer just as well as a Chapters V and IX [of Perfect Sight With-
farmer, or a forester; and as a result of his out Glasses], it is easy to understand why
experiences with anisometropes, persons all previous attempts to prevent myopia
with an inequality of refraction between have failed. All these attempts have aimed
the two organs of vision, he even suggests at lessening the strain of near work upon
that the use of myopic eyes may possibly the eye, leaving the strain to see distant
be more favorable to their well-being than objects unaffected, and totally ignoring the
their non-use. In 150 cases in which, owing mental strain which underlies the optical
to this inequality and other conditions, the one. [TQ emphasis.]
subjects practically used but one eye, the There are many differences between the
weaker organ, he reports, became gradu- conditions to which the children of primi-
ally more and more myopic, sometimes tive man were subjected, and those under
excessively so, in open defiance of all the which the offspring of civilized races spend
accepted theories relating to the matter. their developing years, besides the mere
The prevalence of myopia, the unsatis- fact that the latter learn things out of books
factoriness of all explanations of its origin, and write things on paper, and the former
and the futility of all methods of preven- did not. In the process of education civi-
tion, have led some writers of repute to the lized children are shut up for hours every
conclusion that the elongated eyeball is a day within four walls, in the charge of
natural physiological adaptation to the teachers who are too often nervous and
needs of civilization. Against this view two irritable. They are even compelled to
unanswerable arguments can be brought. remain for long periods in the same posi-
One is that the myopic eye does not see so tion. The things they are required to learn
well even at the near point as the normal may be presented in such a way as to be
eye, and the other that the defect tends to excessively uninteresting; and they are
progression with very serious results, often under a continual compulsion to think of
ending in blindness. If Nature has the gaining of marks and prizes rather than
attempted to adapt the eye to civilized con- the acquisition of knowledge for its own
ditions by an elongation of the globe, she sake. Some children endure these unnat-
has done it in a very clumsy manner. It is ural conditions better than others. Many
true that many authorities assume the exis- cannot stand the strain, and thus the
tence of two kinds of myopia, one physi- schools become the hotbed, not only of
ological, or at least harmless, and the other myopia, but of all other errors of refraction.
pathological; but since it is impossible to
say with certainty whether a given case is Better Eyesight magazine, October 1920:
going to progress or not, this distinction,
even if it were correct, would be more That imperfect sight is a fruitful cause of
important theoretically than practically. retardation in school is well known.
Into such a slough of despond and con- New York Board of
According to the City

380 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

mate that fully 70 percent of school failures

are the result of reading difficulties, which,
very often, trace back to poor sight.
The problem of inadequate vision in our
children is enormous. 4

Continuing with Bates' discussion in Per-

fect Sight Without Glasses:

A Snellen card was hung in the classroom

where all the children could see it, and the
teacher carried out my instructions liter-
ally. At the end of six months all but two

had normalized, and these had improved

very much, while the worst incorrigible and
Figure 23-1: Face-Rest Designed by Kallman, a the worst truant had become good students.

German Optician 2
The incorrigible, who had previously
refused to study, because he said it gave
him a headache to look at a book or at the
Health, it is responsible for a quarter of the
blackboard, found out that the test card, in
habitually left backs. 3 But that this condi-
some way, did him a lot of good; and
tion cannot be solved by glasses has not although the teacher had asked him to read
been generally observed. By making the it but once a day, he read it whenever he
person more comfortable glasses do often felt uncomfortable. The result was that in
improve his mental condition, but since a few weeks his vision had become normal
they cannot relieve the mental strain that and his objection to study had disappeared.
underlies the visual one, they cannot The truant had been in the habit of remain-
improve it to normal and by confirming it
ing away from school two or three days
in a bad habit they may make it worse. every week, and neither his parents nor the
truant officer had been able to do anything
Archiv. f. Augenh. IXXIX, 1915,
vol. translated
To the great surprise of his teacher
about it.
in Arch. Ophth., vol. XLV, Nov. 1916.
he never missed a day after having begun
to read the Snellen card. When she asked
for an explanation, he told her that what
Paul E. Dennison states, "the juvenile delin- had driven him away from school was the
quent population is 80% farsighted pain that came in his eyes whenever he
Clara Hackett, in Relax and See, writes: tried to study, or to read the writing on the
blackboard. After reading the Snellen card,
Vision difficulties can affect a child in
he said, his eyes and head were rested and
many ways. Poor posture, inferior manual
he was able to read without any discomfort.
skills and personality disturbances are often
To remove any doubts that might arise
linked with it. Specialists of the Dyslexia
as to the cause of theimprovement noted
Institute at Northwestern University esti-
in the eyesight of the children, compara-

Relearning to See • 3$ I
tive tests were made with and without vented myopia. This cannot be said of any
cards. In one case six students with defec- method of preventing myopia in schools

tive sight were examined daily for one which had previously been tried. All other
week without the use of the test card. No methods are based on the idea that it is the

improvement took place. The card was then excessive use of the eyes for near work that

restored to and the group was

its place, causes myopia, and all of them have admit-
instructed to read it every day. At the end tedly failed.

of a week all had improved and five nor- It is also obvious that the method must
malized. In the case of another group of have prevented other errors of refraction,
defectives the results were similar. During a problem which previously had not even
the week that the card was not used no been seriously considered, because hyper-
improvement was noted; but after a week metropia is supposed to be congenital, and
of practice in distant vision with the card astigmatism was until recently supposed
allshowed marked improvement, and at also to be congenital in the great major-
the end of a month all were normal. In ity of cases. Anyone who knows how to use
order that there might be no question as a retinoscope may, however, demonstrate
to the reliability of the records of the teach- in a few minutes that both of these condi-
ers, some of the principals asked the Board tions are acquired; for no matter how astig-

of Health to send an inspector to test the matic or hypermetropic an eye may be, its
and whenever this
vision of the students, vision always becomes normal when it
was done the records were found to be looks at a blank surface without trying to
correct. see. It may also be demonstrated that when
One day I visited the city of Rochester, children are learning to read, write, draw,
and while there on the Superin-
I called sew, or to do anything else that necessitates
tendent of Public Schools and told him their looking at unfamiliar objects at the
about my method of preventing myopia. near point, hypermetropia, or hyperme-
He was very much interested and invited tropic astigmatism, is always produced. The
me to introduce it in one of his schools. I same is true of adults. These facts have not
did so, and at the end of three months a been reported before, so far as I am aware,
report was sent to me showing that the and they strongly suggest that children
vision of all the children had improved, need, first of all, eye education. They must
while quite a number of them had obtained be able to look at strange letters or objects
normal vision in both eyes. at the near point without strain before they
The method has been used in a number can make much progress in their studies,
of other cities and always with the same and in every case in which the method has
result. The vision of all the children been tried it has been proven that this end
improved, and many of them obtained is attained by daily practice in distant vision
normal vision in the course of a few min- with the Snellen card. When their distant
utes, days, weeks, or months. vision has been improved by this means,
It is difficult to prove a negative propo- children invariably become able to use their
sition, but since this system improved the eyes without strain at the near point.
vision of all the children who used it, it fol- The method succeeded best when the
lows that none could have grown worse. It teacher did not wear glasses. In fact, the
is therefore obvious that it must have pre- effect upon the children of a teacher who

382 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty -Three: Children and Schools

wears glasses is so detrimental that no such vides. It undermines their health and wastes
person should be allowed to be a teacher, the taxpayers' money. If allowed to con-
and since errors of refraction can be elim- tinue, it will be an expense and a handicap
inated, such a ruling would work no hard- to them throughout their lives. In many
ship on anyone. Not only do children cases it will be a source of continual mis-
imitate the visual habits of a teacher who ery and suffering. And yet practically all of
wears glasses, but the nervous strain of these cases could be reversed and the
which the defective sight is an expression development of new ones prevented by the
produces inthem a similar condition. In daily reading of the Snellen card.
classes of the same grade, with the same Why should our children be compelled
lighting, the sight of children whose teach- to suffer and wear glasses for want of this
ers did not wear glasses has always been simple measure of relief? It costs practi-
found to be better than the sight of chil- cally nothing. In fact, it would not be nec-
dren whose teachers did wear them. essary, in some cases, as in the schools of
In one case I tested the sight of children New York City, even to purchase the
whose teacher wore glasses, and found it Snellen cards, as they are already being
very imperfect. The teacher went out of the used to test the eyes of the children. Not
room on an errand, and after she had gone only does it place practically no additional
I tested them again. The results were very burden upon the teachers, but. by improv-
much better. When the teacher returned ing the eyesight, health, disposition and
she asked about the sight of a particular mentality of their students, it greatly light-
boy. a very nervous child, and as I was pro- ens their labors. No one would venture to
ceeding to testhim she stood before him suggest, further, that it could possibly do
and said. "Now. when the doctor tells you any harm. Why. then, should there be any
to read the card, do it." The boy couldn't delay about introducing it into the schools?
see anything. Then she went behind him. If there is still thought to be a need for fur-
and the effect was the same as if she had ther investigation and discussion, we can
left the room. The boy read the whole card. investigate and discuss just as well after the
Still better results would be obtained if children get the cards as before, and by
we could reorganize the educational sys- adopting that course we shall not run the
tem on a rational basis. Then we might risk of needlessly condemning another gen-
expect a general return of that primitive eration to that curse which heretofore has
acuity of vision which we marvel at so always dogged the footsteps of civilization,

greatly when we read about it in the mem- namely, defective eyesight

oirs of travellers. But even under existing
conditions it has been proven beyond the CHAPTER XXIX
shadow of a doubt that errors of refraction MIND AND VISION
are no necessary part of the price we must Poor sight is admitted to be one of the
pay for education. most fruitful causes of retardation in the
There are at least ten million children in schools. It is estimated 3 that it may rea-
the schools of the United States who have sonably be held responsible for a quarter
defective sight. This condition prevents
them from taking full advantage of the edu-
School Health News, published by the Depart-
cational opportunities which the State pro- ment of Health of New YorkCity. February 1919.

Relearning to See • 3&3

of the habitually "left-backs," and it is com- sary tests had been made it would doubt-
monly assumed that all this might be pre- less have been found that they always occur
vented by suitable glasses. together, as they did in a case which
There is much more involved in defec- recently came under my observation. The
tive vision, however, than mere inability to subject was a child of ten with such mar-
see the blackboard, or to use the eyes with- velous eyesight that she could see the
out pain or discomfort. Defective vision moons of Jupiter with the naked eye, a fact
is the result of an abnormal condition of which was demonstrated by her drawing a
the mind; and when the mind is in an diagram of these satellites which exactly
abnormal condition it is obvious that none corresponded to the diagrams made by per-
of the processes of education can be con- sons who had used a telescope. Her mem-
ducted with advantage. By putting glasses ory was equally remarkable. She could
upon a child we may, in some cases, neu- recite thewhole content of a book after
tralize the effect of this condition upon the reading Lord Macaulay is said to have
it, as

eyes, and by making the student more com- done, and she learned more Latin in a few
fortable may improve his mental faculties days without a teacher than her sister, who
to some extent; but we do not alter funda- had six diopters of myopia, had been able
mentally the condition of the mind, and by to do in several years. She remembered five

confirming it in a bad habit we may make years afterward what she ate at a restau-
it worse. [TQ emphasis.] rant, she recalled the name of the waiter,
It can easily be demonstrated that among the number of the building and the street
the faculties of the mind which are in which it stood. She also remembered
impaired when the vision is impaired is the what she wore on this occasion and what
memory; and as a large part of the educa- every one else in the party wore. The same
tional process consists of storing the was true of every other event which had
with facts, and all the other mental awakened her interest in any way, and it
processes depend upon one's knowledge was a favorite amusement in her family to
of facts, it is easy to see how little is accom- ask her what the menu had been and what
plished by merely putting glasses on a child people had worn on particular occasions.
that has "trouble with its eyes." The extra- When the sight of two persons is differ-
ordinary memory of primitive people has ent it has been found that their memories
been attributed to the fact that owing to differ in exactly the same degree. Two sis-
the absence of any convenient means of ters, one of whom had only ordinary good

making written records they had to depend vision, indicated by the formula 20/20, while
upon their memories, which were strength- the other had 20/10, found that the time it

ened accordingly; but in view of the known took them to learn eight verses of a poem
facts about the relation of memory to eye- varied in almost exactly the same ratio as
sight it is more reasonable to suppose that their sight. The one whose vision was 20/10
the retentive memory of primitive man was learned eight verses of the poem in fifteen
due to the same cause as his keen vision, minutes, while the one whose vision was
namely, a mind at rest. only 20/20 required thirty-one minutes to
The primitive memory, as well as prim- do the same thing. After palming, the one
itivekeenness of vision, has been found with ordinary vision learned eight more
among civilized people; and if the neces- verses in twenty-one minutes, while the one

384 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

with 20/10 was able to reduce her time by of the various fear incentives still so largely
only two minutes, a variation clearly within employed by teachers. These, on the con-
the limits of error. In other words, the mind trary, have the effect, usually, of completely
of the latter being already in a normal or paralyzing minds already benumbed by
nearly normal condition, she could not lack of interest, and the effect upon the
improve it appreciably by palming, while vision is equally disastrous.
whose mind was under a strain,
the former, The fundamental reason, both for poor
was able and hence
to gain relaxation, memory and poor eyesight in school chil-
improve her memory, by this means. dren, in short, is our irrational and unnat-
Even when the difference in sight is ural educational system. Montessori has
between the two eyes of the same person taught us that it is only when children are
it can be demonstrated, as was pointed out interested that they can learn. It is equally
in the chapter on "Memory as an Aid to true that it is only when they are interested
Vision," that there is a corresponding dif- that they can see. This fact was strikingly
ference in the memory, according to illustrated in the case of one of the two
whether both eyes are open, or the better pairs of sisters mentioned above. Phebe. of
eye closed. the keen eyes, who could recite whole
Under the present educational system books if she happened to be interested in
there is a constant effort to compel the chil- them, disliked mathematics and anatomy
dren to remember. These efforts always fail. extremely, and not only could not learn
They spoil both the memory and the sight. them but became myopic when they were
The memory cannot be forced any more presented to her mind. She could read let-

than the vision can be forced. We remem- ters a quarter of an inch high at twenty feet
ber without effort, just as we see without in a poor light, but when asked to read fig-
effort, and the harder we try to remember ures one to two inches high in a good light
or see the less we are able to do so. at ten feet she miscalled half of them. When
The sort of things we remember are the asked to tell how much 3 made, she
2 and
things that interest us. and the reason chil- said "4" before finally deciding on "5"; and
dren have difficulty in learning their lessons all the time she was occupied with this dis-
is because they are bored by them. For the agreeable subject, the retinoscope showed
same reason, among others, their eyesight that she was myopic. When I asked her to
becomes impaired, boredom being a con- look into my eye with the ophthalmoscope,
dition of mental strain in which it is impos- she could see nothing, although a much
sible for the eye to function normally. lower degree of visual acuity is required to
Some of the various kinds of compulsion note the details of the interior of the eye
now employed in the educational process than to see the moons of Jupiter.
may have the effect of awakening interest. Shortsighted Isabel, on the contrary, had
Betty Smith's interest in winning a prize, a passion for mathematics and anatomy,
for instance, or in merely getting ahead of and excelled in those subjects. She learned
Johnny Jones, may have the effect of rous- to use the ophthalmoscope as easily as
ing her interest in lessons that have hith- Phebe had learned Latin. Almost immedi-
erto bored her, and this interest may ately she saw the optic nerve, and noted
develop into a genuine interest in the acqui- that the center was whiter than the periph-
sition of knowledge: but this cannot be said ery. She saw the light-colored lines, the

Relearning to See • 3^5


and the darker ones, the veins: and
arteries; fect eyesight she "knew better how to get

she saw the light streaks on the blood-ves- at the minds of the students." was "more
sels. Some specialists never become able to direct, more definite, less diffused, less

do this, and no one could do it without nor- vague," possessed, in fact, "centralization

mal vision. Isabel's vision, therefore, must of the mind." In another letter she said:
have been temporarily normal when she "The better my eyesight becomes the
did it. Her vision for figures, although not greater is my ambition. On when
the days
normal, was better than for letters. my sight is best I have the greatest anxiety
In both these cases the ability to learn to do things."
and the ability to see went hand in hand Another teacher reported that one of
with interest. Phebe could read a photo- her students used to sit doing nothing all

graphic reduction of the Bible and recite day long, and apparently was not interested
what she had read verbatim, she could see in anything. After the test card was intro-

the moons of Jupiter and draw a diagram duced into the classroom and his sight
of them afterwards, because she was inter- improved, he became anxious to learn, and
ested in these things: but she could not see speedily developed into one of the best stu-
the interior of the eye, nor see figures even dents in the class. In other words his eyes

half as well as she saw letters, because these and his mind became normal together
things bored her. When, however,
it was From all these facts it will be seen that
suggested to her that would be a good
it the problems of vision are far more inti-

joke to surprise her teachers, who were mately associated with the problems of
always reproaching her for her backward- education than we had supposed, and that
ness in mathematics, by taking a high mark they can by no means be solved by putting
in a coming examination, her interest in the concave, or convex, or astigmatic lenses
subject awakened and she contrived to before the eyes of the children.
learn enough to get seventy-eight percent.
In Isabel's case letters were antagonistic.
She was not interested in most of the sub- SPONTANEOUS VS. VOLUNTARY
jects with which they dealt, and, therefore, ATTENTION
she was backward in those subjects, and
T. Ribot wrote in The Psychology of
had become habitually myopic. But when
asked to look at objects which aroused an
intense interest her vision became normal. There are two well-defined forms of
When one is not interested, in short, attention: the one spontaneous, natural; the
one's mind is not under control, and with- other voluntary, artificial. The former
out mental control one can neither learn neglected by most psychologists is the —
nor Not only the memory but all other
see. true, primitive, and fundamental form of
mental faculties are improved when the attention. The second —
the only one stud-
eyesight becomes normal. It is a common ied by most psychologists —
is but an imi-

experience with [students who normalize] tation, a result of education, of training, and
defective sight to find that their ability to of impulsion. 5
do their work has improved.
The teacher whose letter is quoted in a
later chapter testified that after gaining per- Spontaneous attention is the only exist-
ing form of attention until education and

386 • Relearning to See


Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

means have been employed. There

artificial spontaneous attention and the maximum
no other kind in most animals and in
exists of voluntary attention are totally anti-
young children. It is a gift of nature thetic . .

whether strong or weak, everywhere

. . . The process through which voluntary
and always, it is caused by emotional states. attention is formed may be reduced to the
This rule is absolute, without exceptions following single formula: To render attrac-
. . . spontaneous attention is natural and tive, by artifice, what is not so by nature; to
devoid of effort give an artificial interest to things that have
Every intellectual state is accompanied not a natural interest During the earli-
by definite physical manifestations est periods of its life the child is only capa-
The movements of the body, which are ble of spontaneous attention
said to express attention, are ... of para- The birth of voluntary attention, the
mount importance power of fastening the mind upon
Are the movements of the face, the body, non-attractive objects, can only be accom-
and the limbs, and the respiratory modifi- plished by force, under the influence of edu-
cations that accompany attention, simply cation, whether derived from men or things
effects, outward marks, as is usually sup- external
posed? Or, are they, on the contrary, the Acquired attention has thus become a
necessary conditions, the constituent ele- second nature, and the artificial process is

ments, the indispensable factors of attention? complete. 13

Without hesitation we accept the second . . . Voluntary attention, in its durable
thesis. Totally suppress movements, and you form, is really a difficult state to sustain
totally suppress attention The funda- But we have attempted to show, the
if, as
mental role of movements in attention is higher form of attentionis the work of the

to maintain the appropriate state of con- education that we have received from our
sciousness and to reinforce it parents, teachers, and surroundings, as well
The motor manifestations are neither as the education which later we have our-
effects nor causes, but elements; together selves acquired in imitating that which we
with the state of consciousness, which con- earlier experienced, this explanation, nev-
stitutes their subjective side, they are atten- ertheless, only forces the difficulty further
tion. ... u back; for our teachers have only acted upon
... a close observer of children, Sikorski us, as others had previously acted upon
has shown that their activity and attention them, and so on back through the genera-
are mainly developed through play. a tions. This, accordingly, does not explain the
primordial genesis of voluntary attention.
How then does voluntary attention orig-
Voluntary or artificial attention is a prod-
inate? It originates of necessity, under the
uct of art, of education, of direction, and of
pressure of need, and with the progress of
training. It is grafted, as it were, upon spon-
intelligence. It is an instrument that has been
perfected—a product of
taneous or natural attention . . . voluntary
attention is always accompanied by a cer-
. . . Onward movement, in the intellectual
tain feeling of effort. The maximum of from
world, has also effected the transition
spontaneous attention to the dominance
a of voluntarv attention. The latter is both
Revue Philosophique, April 1885.

Relearning to See • 3^7



the cause and effect of civilization. untary attention is always accompanied by
In the preceding chapter was pointed
it a feeling of effort, which bears a direct pro-

out that in the state of nature the power of portion to the duration of the state and the
spontaneous attention, both for animals difficulty of maintaining it.

and men, is a factor of the foremost order This means that [voluntary] attention
in the struggle for life. In the course of is an abnormal, a transient state, produc-
man's development from the savage state, ing a rapid exhaustion of the organism: for
so soon as (through whatever actual causes, after effort there is fatigue, and after fatigue
such as lack of game, density of population, there is functional inactivity
sterility of soil, or more warlike neighbor-
ing tribes) there was only left the alterna-
We have endeavored to establish, in the
tives of perishing or of accommodating
present work, the thesis that the immedi-
oneself to more complex conditions of
and necessary condition of attention
life —
in other words, to go to work vol- — ate
all its forms is interest — that is, natural or

untary attention also became a foremost

factor in this new form of the struggle for
artificial emotional states — and that, fur-
ther, its mechanism is motor. Attention is
existence. So soon as man had become
not a faculty, a special power, but a pre-
capable of devoting himself to any task that
dominantly intellectual state, resulting from
possessed no immediate attraction, but was
complex causes that induce a shorter or
accepted as the only means of livelihood, 17
longer adaptation
voluntary attention put in an appearance
in the world. It originated, accordingly,
under the pressure of necessity, and of the
education imparted by things external. From Better Eyesight magazine, September
It is easily shown that before civilization 1922:
voluntary attention did not exist, or ap-
peared only by flashes and then of short AN EDUCATOR OFFERS PROOF
duration. The laziness of savages is well Received too late for publication in the

known; and ethnologists are all

travelers special August School number of Better
agreed on this point, and the proofs and Eyesight is the following report by Profes-
instances are so numerous that it would be sor Husted, Superintendent of Schools of
idle to quote authorities. The savage has North Bergen, N. J., of the astounding results

a passion for hunting, war, and gambling; in the improvement of children 's vision
for the unforeseen, the unknown, and the achieved through the use of Dr. Bates' meth-
hazardous in all its forms; but sustained ods. This report, made independently by
effort he ignores or contemns. Love of Professor Husted to the school commis-
work is a sentiment of purely secondary sioners of his locality, is definite, irrefutable
formation, that goes hand in hand with civ- proof, from an unquestionably neutral
ilization. And we may note, now, that work observer of the efficacy of those methods.
is the concrete, the most manifest form of
In the schools of North Bergen, New Jer-
[voluntary] attention.
sey, are some six thousand children. They
Continuous work is repugnant even to
are, besides being children of a typical near
half-civilized tribes . .

metropolitan community and a part of the

Everyone knows by experience that vol-
coming generation of our citizens, men and

388 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

women, a representative living laboratory tion of our school nurse. Miss Marion
of childhood. And in that laboratory has McNamara, a Snellen test of the eyes of all

been performed a practical test by Profes- our students was made. A novel health
sor Husted, Superintendent of Schools, the experiment was begun, a campaign for
results of which are stated by him in the "Better Eyesight." In June a second test was
subjoined extract from a regular report to made in order to verify the value and
his school commissioners. progress in this phase of health work. The
They are of vital significance. June test shows marvelous, practical, suc-
Professor Husted's report says: cessful results
The following summary shows the
High Spot Normal Eye Health remarkable results of the North Bergen
Crusade a Successful experiment in the use of the Bates System.
Three Years' Experiment The first grades are omitted because of the
Early in October, 1919, under the direc- difficulty in making accurate tests.

Grades D to Mil
Schools No. Tested No. Absent 2nd Test

1920 1921 1922 1920 1921 1922

Grant 72 100 133 4 19

Robert Fulton 359 498 672 11 4 122

Franklin 34i 339 418 17 3 54

Lincoln 388 585 873 21 21 135

Hamilton 211 225 204 12 1 8

Jefferson 526 542 609 33 16 41

Washington 353 543 538 11 15 67

Horace Mann 335 319 446 5 19 45
McKinley 144 157 312 17 5 36
Totals 2729 3308 4205 127 88 527

Schools No. Below 20/20 No. Absent 2nd Test % Improved

1920 1921 1922 1920 1921 1922 1920 1921 1922

Grant 36 31 3i 30 16 19 83.3 51.6 61.3

Robert Fulton 112 127 11 76 84 56 75.2 66.1 36.8

Franklin 103 102 152 53 53 53 61.6 51.8 53.0

Lincoln 169 131 100 103 90 71 69.4 68.6 43.8

Hamilton 78 60 162 48 40 22 72.7 66.6 52.4

Jefferson 216 181 42 109 117 86 59.5 64.6 58.5

Washington 184 134 147 107 84 80 63.4 62.6 58.8

Horace Mann 96 70 136 66 42 61 72.5 60.0 61.0

McKinley 100 21 52 94-8 55-2 57-i

75 38 55
Totals 1049 874 961 647 547 500 70.1 62.5 52.0

Releaming to See • 3^9

This is a remarkable demonstration of fort after wearing them for twenty-two
the priceless values of this method of edu- years with discomfort the greater part of
cation. That 647 or 70.1% of the 922 students the time! I could scarcely wait to get back
below normal (20/20) should have been home to talk to the other teachers about it

improved in eyesight in 1920, that 547 or and try to help a few of the children.
62.5% should have been improved in 1921, I began with Gertrude, who was so near-
and that 500 or 52% should have been sighted that from a front seat she was
improved in 1922, is surely a marvelous unable to see very black figures one and
showing. The record of improvement is sug- one-half inches high printed on a white
gestive of what a very faithful and system- chart and hanging on the front board. Her
atic application of these health principles vision January was 20/70 in both
11. 1921,

may accomplish. In 1920 there were 1,049 or eyes, but by March 10th she had improved

38% students out of 2,729 tested that were to 20/70 with the right eye and 20/30 with
below 20/20 or normal standard, while in the left and could read the chart from the
1921 but 874 students or 26% out of 3,308 last seat in the row.
were found below normal, and in 1922 only Matilda had complained of headaches
961 students or 23% were below standard. since last September. Glasses were
This cumulative improvement is credited obtained last December, and after a two
to our health work of 1920 and 1921. This months' struggle to get used to them, she
reduction from 38% to 26% and then 23% refused to wear them, saying that they
must be due to those students who are ben- made her head and eyes feel worse. I then
efited and remain in the North Bergen sys- told her how to palm and practice with the
tem. We have enrolled 389 new students chart. She had no more headaches in
from other systems this year. As the per- school, said she didn't com-
and her mother
centage of students below standard plain at home. Her vision also improved
becomes less (38%, 26%, 23%), the per- from 20/30 to 20/15.
centages of improvement has become less I next took Walter in hand. His mother
(70.1, 62.5, 52). This suggests that many cases would not get glasses for him, although
remaining in our schools are less amenable advised to do so by the school nurse and
to improvement and should, therefore, doctor. His vision February 18th was 20/200.
receive persistent and systematic attention. Three weeks later his mother decided to
Not only does this work place no addi- get glasses for him, but his vision had
tional burden upon the teachers, but, by improved to 20/20 in the right eye and 20/30
improving the eyesight, health, disposition in the left.
and mentality of their students, it surely A teacher brought Helen to me, saying
lightens their labors. she was so nervous and read in such a halt-
ing manner that she felt sure that her
BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINES- glasses did not fit her. Her mother said that
SCHOOL CHILDREN she might lay aside her glasses and Helen
From Better Eyesight magazine, August 1921: could hardly wait to begin. Shortly after
she was taken ill with scarlet fever and did
not return, but her vision improved from
By Edith F. Gavin
20/40 to 20/15, and her teacher said that her
It seemed so wonderful to me to be able
reading had improved noticeably.
to lay aside my glasses and have eye com-

39° * Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

Mollie. age six, was sent in to me Febru- old, comes to my mind, not because she was
ary 18th. She tested 20/70 in the right eye more remarkable than a good many oth-
and 20/50 in the left. Her vision in May was ers, but because she came recently. Her

20/30. right, and 20/20, left. mother came with her, and told me that
When Rae came to my room. May 15th, Agnes suffered from frequent headaches
her vision was 20/70. Her father was very and that for the past year her teachers had
much opposed to her wearing glasses and been saying that she needed glasses, as she
readily gave permission for me to help her. had great difficulty in seeing the black-
She remained in the district only two board. The mother had hesitated to take
weeks, but she had improved to 20/20 in her to an oculist, however, as two of her
the right eye and 20/30 in the left. children were already wearing glasses and
Bennie, mentally defective, required a she did not want to see them on a third.
great deal of patience, but he improved I could easily see that Agnes was suffer-
from 20/50 February 9th to 20/15 March 4th. ing, and when I tested her eyes with the
Leo, a fifth grade student, was sent to me Snellen card I found that her vision was
February 20th by his teacher. She said he very poor. At fifteen feet she could not read
wouldn't wear his glasses and was a poor more than the seventy line. This was so sur-
student. He tested 20/50 in the right eye prising in so young a child that I thought
and 20/30 in the left. By March 15th his at first she did not know her letters; but
vision was 20/30, right eye, and 20/15, left, when I tested her with pothooks she did

and his teacher said that he showed a no better. I now showed her how to palm,
marked improvement in his scholarship. and in a few moments she read the bottom
The children needing help came to me line. The mother was thrilled and said:

fifteen minutes before the afternoon ses- "My goodness! When I first entered this

was busy with one, the oth-

sion began. If I room my hope was gone. I could think of
ers would work quietly by themselves, nothing but glasses for my child. When she
seeming to take great pride in their first read the card and I saw how bad her eyes
improvement. The chart hangs on the front were, I was convinced that there was no
wall at all times. I taught the class how to escape for her. But now that I see her vision
palm and often different ones would come improved so quickly I have hope indeed."
up early to practice. Several children with I mother that I was thrilled
told the
apparently normal vision told me that they myself, and added that she could help me
were able to read two or three lines more to improve the sight of the child if she
at the end of the term. To my mind there would.
is no limit to the good that might be accom- "What I do for her here you can do for

plished if this method were in general use her at home." I said. "Encourage her to rest

in the schools. her eyes. Nature requires rest for the eyes,
but your little girl, instead of closing her
THE SCHOOL CHILDREN AGAIN when they are tired, strains to keep
By Emily C. Lierman them open."
We have so many interesting cases The mother promised to do all she could,
among the children sent to us from the
and as she was leaving she said:
schools to be fitted with glasses that one
"... I will send my two boys to be rid
hardly knows where to begin when trying
of their glasses also."
to tell about them. Little Agnes, eight years

Relearning to See • 39 1


The next day Agnes brought with
clinic ters as named them, but only in a few cases

her brother Peter, who was wearing glasses did she do this correctly. Completely baf-
for astigmatism and headaches. He was very fled I appealed to Dr. Bates. He asked the
attentive while I taught Agnes, who told me child to come to him and touch a button on
that she had not been having her usual his coat, and she did so. He asked her to

headaches. Peter's vision I found to be 15/40. touch another button, but she answered:
right eye, and 15/15, left eye. After palming "I don't see them."
only a few minutes, his right eye improved "Look down at your shoes," he said. "Do
and his left to
to 15/15 15/10. He was very you see them?"
happy when told that he did not need glasses "No," she answered.
any more, and that I could teach him dur- "Go over and put your finger on the
As children are reversed very
ing vacation. door-knob." he said, and she immediately
quickly when one helps the other at home, did so.
I expect that Agnes and Peter will soon be "It is a case of hysterical blindness." the
reading 20/10, which is twice what the nor- doctor said.
mal eye is expected to do The child came for some time very reg-
A very remarkable case still under edu- ularly, and now reads 15/10 with both eyes.

cation is that of a girl with nystagmus, a She has stopped stuttering, and has lost her
condition in which the eyes vibrate from reputation for stupidity. She has become a
side to side. The child is now so much sort of Good Samaritan in her neighbor-
improved that ordinarily her eyes are nor- hood, for every once in a while she brings
mal, but when anything disturbs her the with her some little companion to reverse
vibration returns. This always happens, she imperfect sight. She never has any doubts
tells me, when the teacher asks her a ques- as to our capacity to do this, and so far we
tion, and at the same time she loses her have never disappointed her. hope she

memory. But the teacher allows her to never brings anyone who is beyond our
cover her eyes to rest them, and in a few power to help, for I would be sorry to see
minutes the vibration ceases and her mem- that sublime faith which we have inspired
ory improves. Before she came to the clinic in her shattered.
she often became hysterical and was Two of our students graduated in June,
obliged to leave the classroom. Now she is and after the final examinations they told
never troubled in this way. me that they had been greatly helped in
One of the most puzzling cases I ever had these tests by the memory of a swinging
was sent by the school nurse for glasses. A black period. One of them was told by the
student who came from the same school principal that if she failed to pass it would
told me that she was stupid, and she cer- not be because of her stupidity, but because
tainly appeared to be so. I asked her if she she refused to wear glasses. She gave him
knew her letters, and in trying to reply she Dr. Bates' book, and after that, though he
stuttered painfully. I tried to reassure her watched her closely, he did not say anything
by speaking as gently as I could, but with- more about her eyes.
out avail. I could not get her to answer intel- "I made up my mind to pass without the
ligently. I tried having her palm, but it did aid of glasses," she said, "and put one over
not help. I held the test card close to her on the principal, and you bet I never lost
eyes, and asked her to point out certain let- sight of my precious swinging period. The

392 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

book has become a family treasure," she DR. BATES' LECTURE

continued. "When one of us has a pain in By L. L. Biddle, 2nd
the head or eyes, out it comes. It is a nat- . . . [Bates] told us of a specific case: A
ural thing to seemother palming after her woman wearing very strong glasses brought
work is done. She enjoys her evenings with her daughter to him, because the little girl's

us now, because palming rests her and she eyes were getting so bad that she could not
does not get so sleepy." continue at school. When the woman, in
The other graduate said: "I did not have her usual cross manner, told her daughter
to think of a black period when the subject to take off her glasses and read the test
was easy, but when I had to answer ques- card, she was only able to read the top let-
tions in the more difficult branches I cer- ter. Doctor Bates then very kindly asked
tainly did find the period a lifesaver. I know the child to close her eyes and rest them.
I would have failed without it." After a little while he asked her to open
her eyes, and tell what she could see. Much
Bates taught students to imagine a black to their surprise the little girl read the
period. While shifting to the right side of the whole card. Her mother was very happy
period, the student imagines the period moves and said that she would see that her daugh-
to the left, and vice versa. The principles ter would practice every day with the test

involved, once again, are centralization and card as Doctor Bates instructed. In a few
movement. days, however, they returned very dis-

From Better Eyesight magazine, Novem- couraged and the mother said that her child
was only able to read the top letter on the
ber 1921:
test card. Doctor Bates said that he asked

her who had tested the girl's sight, and the

AN AID TO VISION woman admitted that it was she. He remon-
strated with her. and reminded her that he
Just as Montessori has found that impres-
especially asked her to stay out of the room
sions gained through the sense of touch are
when her daughter was practicing, and to
very useful in teaching children to read and
have someone with normal sight test her.
write, persons with defective sight have
found them useful in educating their mem- He then took his little student as before
and speaking to her kindly, had her rest her
ory and imagination.
eyes,and she again read the whole card.
. . . [One student] found that when he lost
Doctor Bates stated that he cited this
the swing [the illusion of oppositional
example to show how the strain which this
movement], he could get it again by slid-
ing his forefinger back and forth over the
woman was under from wearing very
strong glasses was contagious, and harmed
ball of his thumb. When he moved his fin-
her daughter's sight. Moreover, he said that
gers it seemed as if his whole body was
it showed how the child's state of mind
directly affected her ability to see. For when
she was spoken to kindly and her mind was
Better Eyesight magazine, April 1923:
relaxed, her eyes were rested and she read
the whole card. He explained that when
one's mind was under a strain one uncon-
sciously tightened the muscles which encir-

Relearning to See •
cle the eyeball, and consequently squeeze those classes where teachers did not wear
it out of shape and out of focus. But when glasses imperfect sight was less frequent.

the mind is at rest these muscles are relaxed

and the eyeball is allowed to assume its Better Eyesight magazine, July 1923:
proper shape and focus He said that all

children under 12 years of age not wearing I feel the principal duty of every man, of
glasses can obtain perfect sight by reading every woman, is the business of looking
the Snellen Card once a day. first with one after the children. Of what use is it to accu-
eye and then with the other. mulate many dollars when your child goes
around half blind wearing glasses?

"Great Imitators" Better Eyesight magazine, March 1924:

Many parents have contacted Bates teachers
for classes for their children. Oftentimes, the Since perfect sight is contagious, and imper-

parent(s) has been wearing glasses for many fect sight is contagious, consider it your duty

years. Many parents choose to improve their as a teacher to acquire normal eyesight
without the use of glasses.
vision to set a correct example for their chil-
dren. If the parents are staring rigidly, "spaced
So many parents and teachers wear glasses
out," blinking infrequently, squinting, breath-
ing shallowly, this can obviously impact the
today, it is not a trivial task for children to

child's sight in a negative manner. Children escape the influence of their poor vision

are "great imitators" of other people's habits,

habits. The importance of —who are adults
with children many hours per day — improv-
especially their parents.
Better Eyesight magazine, July 1923:
ing their own vision becomes clear.

Better Eyesight magazine, August 1927:

The father of the son disturbed the mind

of the son, and I have found during all these SCHOOL CHILDREN
years that one of the greatest difficulties by Emily C. Lierman
with teaching children is to counteract the Davey, eight years old, was very near-
harmful influence of the parents wearing sighted, and the glasses he was wearing
glasses. Nearsightedness is contagious. Chil- made him nervous and irritable. His father
dren are great imitators, and they con- had been told about the Bates method and
sciously or unconsciously imitate the habits what could be done to restore perfect sight
of their parents, even to the smallest detail. without wearing glasses. Davey's father
I have talked until I was all talked out try- brought the boy to me, although he was
ing to explain this fact to the parents of chil- skeptical and his mother was even more
dren who were wearing glasses. I have so. I could tell by the little boy's attitude
tested the sight of many thousands of chil- toward me that the Bates method had been
dren in public schools, and was very much much discussed in the home circle, and that
impressed to find that in those classes Iwas considered a sort of mystic worker.
presided over by teachers wearing glasses The first question Davey asked me was,
the percentage of imperfect sight in the stu- "What are you going to do to me?"
dents was very much increased, while in I answered, "I am not going to do any-

394 * Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

thing to you, but I will try to do a whole lot Davey felt very uncomfortable because
for you. I will help you to get rid of your of his poor sight and became rather rest-
thick glasses that I am sure you don't like." gave him some more instructions
less. [I

His answer was, "Oh, yes, I would like and told him] to blink often. He shifted
my glasses if I could see out of them. Father from the . . . fine print to the sign in the dis-
said that if you don't help me, he will try to tance, watching my finger as I pointed, first
find other glasses that will help." to the near point and then to the distance.
I let the little fellow talk for a while, Suddenly, he got a flash of the first letter of
because would help me to
I thought it the first word on the sign. This practice was
understand him better. I told him I was continued for twenty minutes, and then we
especially interested in children and that it had a rest period. Davey sat comfortably
was always my delight to give school chil- in a chair and palmed his eyes. Children are
dren better would not inter-
sight. I said I very apt to become bored with anything
fere with him, if glasses were what he that takes time and patience, and I know
wanted most. He said that he was afraid to that Davey had little patience with any-
play baseball or other games which might thing regarding his eyes.
not only break his glasses, but perhaps hurt I asked him questions about his school
his eyes. work, and what subjects he liked best. He
. . . With his glasses on ... at ten feet from said he just loved arithmetic. I asked his
the test card, he could see only black father to givehim an example to do while
smudges on the white, but no letters All he palmed. The little fellow thought this
he could see at [six feet] was the letter on was great fun, and without hesitation he
the top of the card, seen normally at two gave his father the correct answer for each
hundred feet Without his glasses ... he example. This gave Davey a rest period of
could not see anything at all on the card. fifteen minutes. His mother remarked that
I asked him to follow me to the window this was the time she had ever noticed

and to look in the distance and tell me what him sit quietly for so long a time.
he could see. To the right of me. about one Davey was then shown how to swing, by
hundred was a sign. The
feet away, there moving his body slowly from left to right,
letters of this sign appeared to be about and getting only a glimpse of the letters on
three feet square. One word of the sign had the card, at six feet. When he looked longer
four letters. The first letter was straight and than an instant at the card, he leaned for-
the last was curved, and had an opening to ward and strained to see better, but failed

the right. I explained this to Davey, as I told each time. When he learned not to stare,

him to look in the direction in which I was but to shift and blink while he swayed, his

pointing, and then to a small card with fine vision improved to 6/50. We returned to the
print that I had given him to hold. I told window. I told him to shift from ... the fine
him to read what he could of the fine print. print, which I held close to his eyes, then to
He read it at two inches from his eyes. the distant sign, and he became able to read

Under my direction, he alternately fol- all of the sign without any difficulty.
lowed my finger as I pointed to the fine Much had been accomplished in one les-

print and then to the building sign. He told son and both parents were grateful. Davey
me he could not see anything in the was given a card with instructions for home
distance. practice. He returned three days each week

Relearning to See • 395



for further lessons. Every time he visited together, and it is a happy circumstance
me, I placed the . . . card one foot farther that Dr. Bates has devised activities that

away. Eight weeks after his first lesson, he will help both defects at the same time. An
read all of the . . . card letters at ten feet. This outstanding case of a child suffering both
was accomplished by reading fine print close from defective speech and very poor eye-
to his eyes, then swinging and shifting, as he sight was a little Italian boy who was in one

read one letter of the card at a time. of my stammering classes. I asked him to
This boy has sent other school children to read a sentence from the blackboard and
me as well as a school teacher with progres- he immediately bent his body away over

sivemyopia, who practiced faithfully until to one side and stretched his neck as far
she was seeing clearly. Every week, she sent forward as he could, straining to see the let-

me a report about her eye lessons and the ters. I him to cover his eyes for a
progress she made. Her students noticed that few minutes and then to sway for a while.
she had discarded her glasses, and after He soon found that he could see much bet-
school hours she invited some of them, who ter and that he could read without stam-
had trouble with their eyes, to practice the mering. He was very backward in reading
Bates method with her. In eight weeks' time, and spelling. Although in the second year
her vision became normal, and all her stu- of school, he did not even know the names
dents, with the exception of three, are improv- of all the letters of the alphabet. I believe
ing their vision without the use of glasses. . . that this was largely due to his poor vision
and that the stammering came as he
became aware of his inability to keep up
Natural Speech Improvement with the rest of his class. During the short
time that he was with me, his speech and
Better Eyesight magazine, August 1927:
sight greatly improved.

A SCHOOL TEACHERS REPORT Posture is another thing that may be

June 12,
improved by the swaying activity. Ordi-
narily, when you ask a child to stand in
As a teacher of Speech Improvement I

have found that some of the teachings that good posture he will place his feet close
are used by Dr. Bates in the improvement together like an Egyptian statue. In the

of poor vision are very helpful in the sway, he is shown that by putting his feet

improvement of stammering. Those who apart he has a broader base for standing

stammer are invariably nervous, and the and more ease and comfort for moving. I

palming and swaying activities calm the hope that some day we may be able to

nerves and help the children to speak bring all these beneficial activities to all the
quietlyand slowly and therefore without children in the schools who need them.
stammering. In all cases where I have intro-
duced the swaying in my stammering CHILDREN'S VISION STORIES
has been a greater calm-
classes, the result From Better Eyesight magazine, June 1924:
ness both in reading and speaking and I
believe that in this age of nerve tension,
relaxation activities are a
By George Guild
boon even for
children of school age.
Why Sinbad? Of what benefit to the

Poor speech and poor readers of this magazine or to people who

sight often go

396 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

his glasses, and tease the blind man with-

out risk to themselves. With his glasses he
suffered great pain and fatigue.
While visiting a city in a foreign land and
walking the streets without seeing much, a
stranger handed him a parchment on which
was written:

"Go where all things are moving,

Watch and think the livelong day;
The truth is always proving
Your sight will return, I say."
desire to see clearly without glasses can a The words gave him some hope and he
reference to Sinbad be? In Arabian Nights believed that in one of his voyages he
tales, he occupies a prominent place. In his would find some land or country where all
many voyages he described many extraor- things would be moving and nothing
dinary things which happened and which immovable or stationary. In a voyage to
were very wonderful, although not always India he felt that in this country he would
probable or true. Being a sailor, he used his
find a land where all things were moving.
eyes principally for distant vision. He had After a long day of traveling he entered a
good eyesight, but after one of his numer- temple where many worshippers on their
ous voyages he returned to his home in knees were alternately raising their arms
Baghdad and complained to his friends that and faces on high and then bowing to the
his sight for distance had become poor, so
ground, saying:
poor that he was unable to recognize peo-
ple ten feet away. An Egyptian astrologer 'Allah is Allah,

sold him a pair of glasses for a price which God is Allah."

made a big hole in his savings. For a time To avoid attracting attention he imitated
he was happy because his vision was decid- the others while remembering that the
edly improved by the glasses, but it was not paper of instructions told him to watch and
long before his imperfect sight required think. He noted that when he raised his
stronger glasses, and the strength of his head up that things in front of him and to
glasses was frequently increased. In a ship- one side seemed to move down or in the
wreck he had difficulty in reaching the opposite direction, and that when he bowed
shore because the water clouded his glasses his head down to the ground, things
so that they became useless. Whenever it appeared to move up.
rained the glasses became too clouded to At last he believed that he had found a
help him to see. In many emergencies, when place were all things were moving. By going
he most needed his glasses, they failed him. through the motions without prayer he
When swimming he could not see any bet- found that it worked just the same. After
ter than without his glasses. It embarrassed he left the temple he was able to notice that
him very much when trying to reach land, when he walked straight ahead things to
because he was unable to locate it. Other each side of him, and the ground in front
sailors would throw water in his face, fog of him appeared to move in the opposite

Relearning to See • 397

direction. He was able to demonstrate then, For many years later Sinbad held his
without any effort, that the place where all peace but did not neglect to help those with
things are moving was wherever he hap- poor sight until their number became suf-
pened to be, and since he was always mov- ficiently great to overwhelm the ignorant
ing his eyes during the day it was possible astrologer and others like him.
for him to see things moving opposite all
More stories from the Better Eyesight mag-
day long.
"Watch and think" was ever in his mind. azines are located in Appendix G, "Additional
He became able to demonstrate that when Vision Stories."

he imagined the movement easily that all

pain, discomfort or fatigue in his eyes and
in other parts of his body were prevented Clara Hackett, in Relax and See, writes:
or relieved. It was not long before he found
Overcoming the handicap of defective
that the light became brighter; and, with
vision, important at any age, is especially
this increased illumination, his vision
rewarding for a child. For better vision can
play an important role throughout his life-
When the swing was practiced with an
effort, very little or no benefit followed. He time — in personality and social develop-

discovered that the swing was of great help

ment, in school work and, later in his whole
to his vision when practiced at night, and
. . Helping him to firmly establish sound
brought him more comfort than the same .

habits of using his sight which will stand

time devoted to sleep. All this time he
believed that he had discovered a truth; that
him in good stead all his life, are worth-
while goals
the cause of his imperfect sight was a strain
or an effort to see, and that he improved
One of the most important assets you

by rest and not by can endow your child with is an under-


He returned to Baghdad overflowing standing of how to develop and maintain

the good visual habits that will help to keep
with the wonderful news. He called on the
Egyptian astrologer who had sold him his his sight perfect throughout his life.

glasses, and with a happy smile on his face

I am especially interested in training Nat-
reported the facts.
ural Vision teachers who can teach children.
The astrologer was furious and screamed
(See Appendix E — Becoming a Natural
in a loud voice:
Vision teacher.)
"Out upon you, you lying knave. I
Ellen Raskin wrote a wonderful little chil-
believed your story of the mammoth bird,
the rock, your experiences with mermaids dren's book, called Nothing Ever Happens
and many other of your strange tales, but on My Block, which is all about interest. (See
this is too much. To eliminate poor sight by Bibliography.)
rest is too absurd. You must be crazy." Then

he drove Sinbad from his house, announc-

ing to the mob of people outside to shun
him for a liar, a cheat, and a fool.

398 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Three: Children and Schools

Notes Ibid, p. 8.
Ibld P- 12
W. B. MacCracken, Use Your Own Eyes (Berke- '

ley, California: Published by the author, 1937),

Ibid ' P l5-
Ibid., p. 19.
p. 232.
Ibid. .p. 23.
Graphic and caption reprinted from Perfect
' 2
Ibid - PP- 2 9~32-
Sight Without Glasses.
Ibid-. P- 34-
Paul E. Dennison, "Reading and Vision." Brain
Gym Magazine, Vol. No. 3 (Fall 1988), p. 1.
" Ibid PP 36-37-

Ibld - PP- 59-6°-

Clara A. Hackett and Lawrence Galton, Relax
' 6
and See (London: Faber and Faber, Limited, Ibld ' P 66 -

Ibid., p. 105.
1957), p. 262.
T. Ribot, The Psychology ofAttention (Chicago:
' 8
Clara A - Hacke " and Lawrence Galton. Relax
The Open Court Publishing Company. and See P 2 54-
1890), >

Ibid., p. 261.

Ibid., p. 6.

Relearning to See • 399


Chapter Twenty-Four

Computers, TVs, and Movie Theaters

COMPUTERS Computer screens, like books and TV

See Plate 59: "Evolution. screens, are relatively "flat" or two-dimen-
sional. Vision needs to move from near to far

and back. Shift your attention into the dis-

Computers and Natural Vision tance (at least twenty feet) periodically. If you
Habits are in a small room, close your eyelids and

The same principles movement, central- pretend you are shifting your attention to a
ization, and relaxation —
and the same far-away object. Never "stare into the dis-
habits —sketch, breathe, and blink —are nec- tance" as one computer magazine incorrectly
essary during computer work and play. suggests.

Shift from one point to another with a head Take breaks. This is important. It is better

movement. Even a small head movement to take a break before you feel uncomfort-
makes a big difference in releasing the neck. able. Stretch and yawn!
Do not lock your neck. This is probably the Note that computers and TVs did not exist

greatest problem. Move your body as you when Bates taught his students in the 1920s.
work. The human body is not designed to be It is easy to acquire incorrect vision habits
stationary. Again, even a small movement is while using a computer —especially if used
valuable.Do not lock your body. for long periods of time, and if you are not
Centralize. Do not try to see the whole aware of correct vision habits. Keep the neck

screen at once, i.e., do not diffuse. and shoulders loose and flexible. Computers
Do not stare and "space out" when you are —
do not lower vision incorrect vision habits
thinking of something else. Either continue do.

to sketch and blink, or close your eyelids. If your computer work is somewhat bor-
Blink frequently and softly. Many people ing, the correct vision habits will create more

have dry eyes when using a computer because interest automatically. Boredom often leads

of infrequent blinking. to the harmful staring habit.

Breathe abdominally. Yawn! Tip: If you have a programmable screen

saver, type in "Sketch, Breathe, and Blink!"

Relearning to See • 4O 1


Computer Posture itor to a comfortable level. A good rule of
See Figure 24-1: Computer Posture. The thumb is to position the top of the active part

woman on the right has excellent posture. of the screen (not the top of the monitor)
The wrist/forearm angle is straight, and the slightly above eye level.

computer monitor is positioned at an excel- Correct posture supports a released, mobile

lent height. neck and abdominal breathing. Incorrect pos-
All of the monitors on the left are too low ture creates tension, shallow breathing,
a very common mistake. A low monitor fatigue, and strain.

encourages poor posture. The body tends to It is easy to understand how computer
bend over forward or even sideways. This puts work can be a strain on the visual system.
a high strain on the neck and spinal column. With a few ergonomic adjustments and the
One of the simplest adjustments that can practice of correct vision habits, one can sup-
be made with a computer is to raise the mon- port normal sight.

Figure 24-1: Computer Posture.

402 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Four: Computers, TVs, and Movie Theaters

Annoying Monitor Flicker radiation emitted from monitors. Many arti-

Almost all monitors have a vertical scan fre- cleshave been written in computer maga-
quency of 60-75 Hz- Vertical scan frequency zines and newspapers about the possible
is also known as vertical refresh rate (VRR). harmful biological effects of electromagnetic

It is mainly the VRR which determines frequency (EMF) radiation from computer
whether a monitor has annoying flicker. This monitors, power lines, and other electrical
flicker is similar to the annoying 60-Hz flicker devices. A computer monitor operates simi-
in fluorescent light fixtures with magnetic bal- lar to a television. However, most people do
lasts. Since the horizontal scan frequency, or not sit as close to a television as a 1
horizontal refresh rate (HRR). is usually Since this "invisible" energy could be a
many thousands of Hz, there is no noticeable potential source of strain, it could be prudent
flicker created by the HRR. to minimize possible risks.

Monitors with VRRs of 65 Hz or less can

have noticeable flicker. The lower the rate,
Radiation 101
the more noticeable the flicker.
This "flicker" is perceived mainly by the There are two main types of electric and mag-
rods from the peripheral parts of the monitor netic radiation emitted by CRTs: Very Low
(relative to where you are centralizing). The Frequency (VLF), 10,000-300 Hz; and
cones in the fovea do not pick up movement Extremely Low Frequency (ELF), 300 Hz
as well as the rods. So. the point at which you and lower. See Plate 22: Electromagnetic and
are centralizing often appears to be stable, Visible Spectrums. Since VLF is not consid-
while the periphery may flicker annoyingly. ered to be as potentially harmful as ELF, most
VRRs of 70 Hz or higher produce an research has been directed toward the ELF
essentially "flicker-free" monitor. Many mod- radiation.

ern monitors have a VRR of 70 Hz or higher. Children who have prolonged exposure to

Some VRRs go as high as 79 Hz. On multi- low-level (2-3 milligauss), 60-Hz magnetic
resolution monitors, the VRR is often depen- fields may have an increased risk of cancer.
dent upon the resolution selected. The A gauss is a unit of measure of magnetic
manual or manufacturer should be able to energy; a milligauss is l/ioooth of a gauss.

provide this information. Brain chemistry of living cats has been

changed by exposure to low-level EMF.
Tom's Personal Log: My monitor has a VRR Low-level EMF radiation, similar to the type
of 75 Hz with a HRR of 60,000 Hz at found in CRTs, has produced malformations
1024x768 resolution. This provides flicker- in developing chick embryos and mice. The
free viewing on a large screen. development of cancer has been associated
with workers, like some utility employees, in
occupations in which they are frequently
CRT Computer Monitor exposed to power lines. ELF has been iden-
Radiation Concerns tified as a possible cause of miscarriages, birth

One of the biggest concerns regarding com- defects, and cancer.

puters is the potentially harmful effects of the The Environmental Protection Agency

Releaming to See • 4°3


issued a draft report in 1990 entitled "An ation from monitors, known as MPR-II, was
Evaluation of the Potential Carcinogenicity set in 1990 by the Swedish Board for Mea-
of Electromagnetic Fields." In the summary surements and Testing (MPR).The MPR-II
of this report, the EPA states: guideline, which has gained international
acceptance, limits ELF electromagnetic fields
The human evidence, as described in the
to 2.5 milligauss at 50 centimeters (approxi-
next section, suggests that magnetic fields
mately 20 inches) in all directions from the
rather than electric fields are associated
with cancer incidence, and mechanisms monitor. Many modern monitors meet the
have been sought to explain how weak cur- MPR-II standard, and they usually advertise

rents induced by ELF magnetic fields could this fact.

interact with cells and body tissue in such The Swedish Confederation of Professional
a way as to induce a carcinogenic response Employees (TCO) determined that there was
. With our current understanding we can
. .
inadequate protection using the older
identify 60 Hz magnetic fields from power MPR-II standard. So, in 1992, a stricter stan-
lines and perhaps other sources in the
dard was set by the Swedes, called TCO. TCO
home as a possible, but not proven, cause
limits ELF radiation to 2.5 milligauss at 30
of cancer in people.
centimeters from the front of the monitor,
Robert O. Becker, M.D., in his book Cross and (the same) 50 centimeters from other
Currents: The Perils of Electromagnetic Pol- sides. Some monitors now meet the stricter

lution, The Promise of Electronic dicine, rec- TCO guidelines.

ommends "a maximum field strength of 1 MPR-II and TCO guidelines set limits on
milligauss for continuous exposure to 60- Hz VLF and electrical fields as well.

Most monitors appear to have maximum

Radiation Solutions
emissions at the top and sides. Some moni-
tors have as high as 73 milligauss at a distance Most ELF radiation does not come directly
of four inches from the top. The front and from the front of the monitor to the user, as
back usually have less emissions. one might guess. ELF radiation travels from
the sides, top and bottom, around the front
of the screen to the user sitting in front of the
Swedish MPR-II and TCO monitor. So, although radiation screens can
Low-Emission Standards
dramatically reduce electric field emissions,
Not surprisingly, many government agencies they usually do little, or nothing, to block the
and computer companies claim there is no magnetic VLF/ELF emissions in front of the
proof radiation from monitors has had any monitor.
detrimental effects on our health. Yet many One way to lower ELF radiation is to add
computer companies have gone to great a special metal shield inside the monitor.
lengths to comply with MPR-II and TCO A large coil inside the monitor produces
radiation standards even though there is no EMF radiation. Some computer companies
legal requirement for them to do so. Hmmm. and monitor manufacturers have taken steps
A standard for low electromagnetic radi- to reduce this radiation by adding a second

404 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Four: Computers, TVs, and Movie Theaters

"reversed" coil. The second coil creates

Radiation, Poor Vision Habits, or Both?

another electromagnetic field which, theo- Many problems attributed to radiation from
retically, cancels out the electromagnetic field monitors have also been attributed by Bates
created by the CRT's primary coil. This is the to incorrect vision habits. These problems
method used in many monitors to meet the include headaches, eyestrain, blurred vision,
Swedish MPR-II and TCO standards for low red eyes, irritated eyes, dry eyes, nausea, sleep-
emissions. lessness, fatigue, neck and shoulder pain, etc.
Tip: Sit back at least an arm's length from While CRT radiation may be, and proba-
your CRT. As discussed in Chapter 16, bly is, harmful, incorrect vision habits are
"Light," radiation (from an ideal point harmful. Minimize the former and eliminate
source) diminishes exponentially with dis- the latter.
tance. A monitor that has 30 milligauss at 4
inches may have only 7 milligauss at 12 inches,
1 milligauss at 28 inches, and 0.5 milligauss at Glare
36 inches. As you can see. a small increase in The easiest way to reduce glare on a com-
distance from the CRT reduces radiation puter monitor is to orient it so that bright
exposure by a large amount. One computer lights are not in front of the screen. Placing
magazine reports that all ten monitors they a monitor perpendicular to a window reduces
tested had less than 1 milligauss from the front glare, and lets you enjoy the light and scenery
at a distance of 28 inches. outside!
Note: Contrary to common belief, dimming Another way to reduce glare is to place an

the monitor's screen or using "screen saver" opaque visor on top and/or on the sides of
software does not reduce radiation from a the monitor.
monitor. Glare screens can be used as an option, but
they tend to distort the image and usually
reduce the amount of light from the screen.
On the Horizon Glare screens that use optical glass tend to
Perhaps the best solution to avoiding radia- have less distortion than other types. If you
tion from monitors will be the new "flat" use a glare screen, avoid the mesh type.

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitors Many monitors have an "etched" glass sur-
which have negligible radiation. These mon- face, or sprayed-on coating, which helps
itors do not use a magnetic coil to create the reduce glare. Etched screens can produce
images on the screen. some loss of detail, but they are usually bet-
Unlike their predecessors, the very latest ter, overall, than glare screens.
LCD monitors have excellent performance Never strain to see the images on the
and quality. Unfortunately, they are too screen. Vision is always best when relaxed.

expensive for most computer users. But prices

should drop as they are produced in larger
quantities. (TV screens will be flat LCD mon-
itors in the future also.)

Relearning to See • 4°5


Smaller, Not Larger, Print Place paper holders on both sides of the
is the Solution monitor. Then, alternate your papers from
left to right periodically. This helps keep the
Many computer users and software design-
neck balanced.
ers have read or assumed that larger letters
Bifocals can create higher neck tension
on the computer screen result in less eye-
while using a computer. Often the head is
strain. This is incorrect.
forced unnaturally upward in order to look
Magnifiers that fit over the front of the
through the bottom part of the bifocal. Sin-
monitor have been used to enlarge the entire
gle-lense glasses (reduced) are the solution.
screen. "Computer glasses" enlarge the print
and even claim to "protect" you from UV Palm occasionally to rest your eyes. Again,

light. (Oh, no. Here we go again.) No UV

take breaks!

light emanates from CRTs.

Some computer users have enlarged the
size of print on the screen with software.
These solutions could encourage diffusion.

As mentioned in Chapter 22, "Reading —For

All Ages," Bates objected to large type. Cen-
tralizing in a smaller area is what is needed
not greater diffusion. A person who wears As with computers, televisions were not avail-

corrective lenses already diffuses. Increasing able to the masses in Bates' day. We live in

the size of print, by any method, only encour- a very different era than the 1920s.

ages more diffusion and increases the strain.

Many of the issues discussed above regard-
ing computer monitors apply to watching TV.

Tom's Personal Log: I set the type size to a

One major difference is posture. Most peo-
small size (9 point is nice) on my monitor. ple do not sit upright in a chair when watch-
This encourages centralization. (Now, if I can ing TV. Correct posture is important when

just convince my editor and designer to use watching TV.

smaller type )
Do not lock your neck while watching TV.
Do not stare.
Of course, one should never squint or strain Dr. Thomas H. David, D.C.. in his 1951

to see. Remember to practice relaxed vision booklet. Improve Your Vision with Television!,

habits —especially when using a computer. wrote:

To STARE steadily at the television

screen . . . can cause congestion which may
Other Computer Tips result in eye-strain, headaches, a feeling of
If you use a computer for long periods of tiredness, or pressure behind the eyeballs,
time, obtain a comfortable chair
—preferably nerve tension . .

from looking
. and other discomforts
one that allows sufficient mobility. resulting at the television

Adjust your monitor controls to provide incorrectly. If these conditions are allowed

maximum contrast. Vision to go on, they could lead to more serious

functions by con-
complications. 3
trast and edges.

406 • Releaming to See


Chapter Twenty-Four: Computers, TVs, and Movie Theaters

. . . Do not squint; do not open the eyes is because the subject strains to see them.
widely . Glance around the room from
. . If this tendency to strain can be overcome,
time to time for a few seconds the vision is always improved, and, if the
Shift from one part of the picture to
. . . practice of viewing the pictures is contin-
another, and blink frequently. . . ued long enough, nearsight, astigmatism
. . . prevent stiffness and strain of neck and other troubles are reversed.
muscles [by] turning the head If your sight is imperfect, therefore, you
will find it an advantage to go to the movies
Sketch with a head movement; this keeps
frequently and learn to look at the pictures
the neck released and mobile. Breathe
without strain. If they hurt your eyes, look
abdominally. Yawn also. away to the dark for a while, then look at
Remember to blink frequently. Do not a corner of the picture; look away again,
copy the incorrect habit of non-blinking and then look a little nearer to the cen-
taught to many actors and actresses! (See ter; and so on. In this way you may soon

"TV and Movies —No Blinking Allowed," in become able to look directly at the picture
Chapter 14, —Blinking.")
'"The Third Habit without discomfort. If this does not help,
Centralize. Do not diffuse over the whole try palming for five minutes or longer.

TV screen. Shift from one point of the screen Dodge the pain, in short, and prevent the
eyestrain by constant shifting, or by
to another.
Notice that as the TV camera moves in one
direction, all stationary objects move in the
Movie theaters provide an excellent oppor-
opposite direction —oppositional movement. tunity to practice correct vision habits. Notice
The same is true at movie theaters.
how many people do not move their head
There are some excellent programs on TV.
while watching the movie!
Unfortunately, many programs and movies
today do not support relaxation. Do not CHAPTER COMMENTS
watch "negative, pessimum" programs. Per-
There are people who read, use a computer,
haps the poor programs will encourage us to
and watch TV and movies who have normal
find other activities which include more
sight. It is not the activities of reading, doing
movement. We live in a very sedentary (read:
computer work, and watching TV and movies
staring) society.
which lower sight — it is the acquiring of incor-
rect vision habits.
Natural vision students can learn how to
Better Eyesight magazine, 1920:
use their sight correctly — in all situations.

Practice the correct habits and principles of

eyesight more each day during all activities.
Cinematograph pictures are commonly
supposed to be very injurious to the eyes,
and it is a fact that they often cause much
discomfort and lowering of vision. They
can, however, be made a means of improv-
ing the sight. When they hurt the eyes it

Relearning to See • 4°7

See John N. Ott's Light, Radiation and You: How
to Stay Healthy for more information regarding
radiation from television sets.
Robert O. Becker, Cross Currents: The Perils of
Electromagnetic Pollution, The Promise ofElec-
tromedicine (Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher,
Inc., 1990), p. 271.
Thomas H. David. Improve Your Vision with
Television! (Los Angeles: DeVorss & Co., 1951),
p. 6.
Ibid., pp. 11-12.

408 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Five

Commuting and Recreation

DRIVING Enjoyable and Relaxing Commuting

Many of my students say how much more
relaxed and comfortable they now are driving
a car, especially when traveling long distances.
Many vision students have experienced less
eyestrain, fatigue, neckaches, and headaches
Natural Vision Habits = Safer by using correct vision habits while driving.
Driving Head movement is important while dri-
Ninety percent of the information we receive ving. Head movement loosens and relaxes
while driving comes to us through sight. Nat- the neck. Abdominal breathing and butter-
ural vision habits help a person remain more fly blinking are also relaxing and energizing.
alert —and therefore safer —while driving a Normal vision is a form of relaxed alertness.
car or other motor vehicles.
When someone has a car accident, often-
times we hear the driver say, "I just never saw Relearning Centralization and
— "it" referring to another car or object Movement While Driving
the driver hit. Many accidents can be attrib- All people with blurred vision have mastered
uted to "spaced out" staring. The driver was diffusion. Some of my students have told me
simply "not paying attention." How many of they are willing to relearn centralization dur-
us have had "close calls" due to "not paying ing all —except for
of their activities driving.

attention"? The danger of unnatural staring They think —erroneously—that order to in

while driving should be obvious. The fact that be safe, it is essential to diffuse. They say, "I

most Americans have blurred vision means have to see everything on the road equally at

most Americans practice "spaced out" star- one time." Some students have also told me
ing —
a good reason to be especially attentive they think they must keep their head locked
while driving. straight ahead in order to drive safely.

Some students tell me that —while driving

Relearning to See • 4°9


with their glasses on —they can see every- Prior to this experience, she thought she had

thing clearly simultaneously. This is, of course, to centralize on the light signal to see whether
impossible. As discussed in Chapter 10, "The or not it had changed from red to green. Sur-

Second Principle — Centralization," it is prise! Now she was willing to centralize while
impossible to see everything clearly at one driving. She learned to trust the rods' ability

time. Only one central point is clear at any to pick up movement and changes in the

instant. If a person diffuses while driving, he peripheral vision —automatically.

is and dangerously taking his pri-
unnaturally Notice how, throughout this book, the
mary attention away from the only place he beliefs a person holds about how eyesight
sees clearly —the center. should be used and how it functions are very
Attempts to support the erroneous belief often the opposite of the facts —even after
that diffusion is essential for safe driving are the facts are clearly stated and repeated many
only made by those people who have mas- times. One of the benefits of attending vision
tered diffusion, i.e., those who have blurred classes is the support the student receives
vision. in changing their incorrect beliefs into true
The fact is people who have normal sight beliefs.

centralize when they drive — just as they do As discussed in Chapter 10, "The Second
when they are not driving. They shift their Principle — Centralization," centralization
attention from one point to another. This is does not mean the peripheral field is not seen,
safe driving. or is of no interest. To the contrary, periph-
Once again, the rods are designed to pick eral vision is essential vision but it is never
up movements in our peripheral vision. When clear. It is designed primarily for movement
a person locks their head and diffuses, periph- perception. It is our "protection" vision. If an
eral movement perception is lowered not object moves in the peripheral vision, the rods
increased. Paradoxical as it may seem, the pick up its movement; then we shift our nose-
better and more a person centralizes (and pencil to that object to see its detail — to
moves the head), the better objects in the determine exactly what the moving object is.

peripheral vision are picked up by the rods. Another student me she perfected dif-
It takes practice, trust, and time to relearn fusion while living in New York City. She said

natural vision habits while driving. By prac- she was so afraid of being attacked, she felt

ticing correct vision habits more each day she needed to protect herself by trying con-
when you are not driving, the correct habits sciously to see everything around her
and principles will eventually become auto- clearly —simultaneously. Her mastery of dif-

matic while driving. fusion resulted in her not being able to drive
During the first few weeks of vision classes, a car.She was so diffused, she was not able
one of my students said she was unwilling to to keep her attention in the center "on the

centralize while driving her car. One day, road." "Diffusion is confusion," and danger-
while stopped at a stoplight, she was sketch- ous. About halfway through the vision course,
ing a car on the other side of the intersection. she was able to drive a car again — for the first

To her surprise, she picked up the changing time in many years.

of the light signal in her peripheral vision. I have heard hundreds of "diffusion" sto-

410 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Five: Commuting and Recreation

ries like this one from students. The return a large part of their time in moving vehi-
from diffusion to centralization is one of the cles, and many of them have no other time
most important aspects of returning to clear to read,it is useless to expect that they will

vision. Sight, as Bates correctly stated, is pri- ever discontinue the practice. Fortunately

marily a mental process. the theory of its injuriousness is not borne

Patience is needed while relearning to see.

out by the facts. When the object regarded
is moved more or less rapidly ultimately
The strain of incorrect vision habits from the
. . .

the vision is improved by the practice.

past needs time to unwind itself.

Diffusion and rigidity are fatiguing. A per-

son with incorrect habits will become fatigued
Driver's Education = Bates Method!
sooner than someone who has correct vision
In the section entitled "Safe Driving Prac-
tices, Visual Search: Seeing Well," the State
Some of my students who only needed
of California Department of Motor Vehicles'
glasses for driving temporarily postponed dri-

ving while improving their sight. They wanted 1995 California Driver Handbook states:

to stop wearing glasses completely and as Keep your eyes moving. Look near and
soon as possible. far. Turn your head before changing lanes
Unlike some of the students mentioned . . . Don't develop a ""fixed stare." Look
above, some students find driving the easiest around. Keep your eyes moving. Check the
time to practice correct habits. Each student rear view mirrors frequently (every 2 to 5

associates correct or incorrect vision habits

seconds) Keep shifting your eyes from
. . .

one part of the road to another. Look at

with different activities. For some, driving is
objects near and far, left and right.
an optimum; for others it is a pessimum.
Change all visual pessimums into visual opti- Be sure to move your head. Moving only
mums! the eyes is incorrect. Head movement is espe-
cially important to check for cars or objects
in the "blind spots" on either side of the car.
Reading While Commuting Similar to the DMV manual just quoted,
A person riding on a bus or train can read many driver education schools teach their
clearly and comfortably if objects, e.g., the students natural vision habits. They frequently
books, are allowed to move. If an effort is remind their students to shift their attention
made to hold objects rigid, sight will be from one point to another. "Watch the traf-

strained. fic far ahead of you. Check traffic behind you

Of course, a person would never read when in the rear view mirror. Watch carefully for a
she is the driver of a vehicle. child who might dash out into the street, espe-
From Perfect Sight Without Glasses: cially near schools, parks, and playgrounds."
Be attentive while driving —and while not
Persons who wish to preserve their eyesight driving!
are frequently warned not mov-
to read in While driving, notice how stationary
ing vehicles; but since under modern con- you move toward you,
objects in front of
ditions of life many persons have to spend
while in the rear view mirror they move away

Relearning to See • 4 11
from you. Stationary objects on the sides of rective lenses, you can have it removed by
car move in the opposite direction of the car's passing the vision test without corrective
movement. (See also Figure g-6: Oppositional lenses.

Movement and Depth Perception in Chap- Here are some tips regarding the DMV
ter 9, "The First Principle —Movement.") Nat- (Department of Motor Vehicles) vision test:
ural clear eyesight is dependent upon
• Since some testing environments are
movement and the illusion of oppositional
not very relaxing (to say the least), visit
the DMV and walk around to get
Tip i: Be sure to keep the windshields of
accustomed to the workers, desks,
your car clean. Dirt or smudges on the wind-
tables, and so on. Stand or sit for a
shield can distract your sight away from the
while to become familiar with the total
road and traffic.
environment. Generally, we see familiar
Tip 2: For additional safety, drive with your
objects more clearly than unfamiliar
car headlights on during the day. Studies have
objects. Practice correct vision habits.
shown that it is easier for other drivers and
Watch the procedures of clerks and
pedestrians to see you if your lights are on dur-
clients taking the vision test. Note the
ing the day. In fact, some newer cars automat-
lighting level. Vision is highly depen-
ically turn on headlights when the car is started.
dent on the level of light. You can visit
If you do not turn your headlights on dur-
ing the day, at least turn them on at twilight.
the DMV several times before actually
taking the vision test. You can also take
Most accidents occur at this time. Many peo-
the test even if you do not think you
ple are driving home, tired from a long day
might pass it yet.
at work, when their attention might not be
their best. Additionally, the visual system is
• If possible, visit more than one DMV
office. I have found a large difference in
beginning to transition from daytime vision
the levels of relaxation (read: stress)
into nighttime vision.
among DMV offices.
• Check with your eye doctor or DMV
"Motion Sickness" While Driving to find out what the vision require-
ments are in your state for safe, legal
Some people become sick when riding in a
car. This can be caused by straining, usually
subconsciously, to keep stationary objects At home, place your Distance Eye Chart
from moving. Interfering with the illusion of (located in Appendix F) twenty feet away.
stationary objects moving in the opposite Adjust your lights to be approximately the
direction of the car's movement is a strain. same level as at the DMV Practice the cor-
rect habits with the appropriate line of let-
ters, imagining you are at the DMV. Imagine
Tips for Passing the Driver's Vision
being very relaxed while seeing the letters at
Test the DMV. Practice in your mind sketching or
If you currently have a restriction on your shifting from one letter to another.
driver's license requiring you to wear cor- Shift to the top of a letter, then to the bot-

412 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Five: Commuting and Recreation

torn, then to the right, then to the left, then vision classes in September 1989. At the end
through the middle. Imagine the letter is mov- of the vision course he saw 20/10 with the
ing in the opposite direction of your nose- glasses that were 20/20 at the beginning of
pencil movement. Imagine you are seeing one the course. By February 1991, he passed his
part of a letter more clearly than the other driver's vision test, without corrective lenses.
parts of the letter —centralization. Do not
"lock on," or strain to see a particular let-

ter; this is staring. Continue to shift —even a T.L.

tiny amount is correct. Do not diffuse. T L., 33, had a prescription of -3.50 DS for
Cover one eye at a time while reading the nearsightedness and -1.00 DC for astigma-
letters. Then use both eyes. Imagine taking tism. She attended natural vision classes in
the vision test and passing! Many natural August 1984, and passed her driver's vision
vision students have done this, and you can test, without corrective lenses, by December
too! 1987.
T. L. also says she now looks ten years
younger! The difference between her photos
Student Case Histories in the old and new driver's licenses is

The following case histories are about some dramatic.

of my natural vision students who eliminated
the restriction from their driver's license
which required them to wear corrective W.C.

lenses. W. C, 62, experienced nearsightedness begin-

ning at age 32. He received bifocals in 1975.
In January 1992, he attended natural vision
M.R classes. By August of 1992, he passed his dri-
M. P., 60, received glasses for nearsightedness ver's vision test without corrective lenses.

at age 14. She had 20/70 in the right eye and W. C. is also a graduate of the Natural
20/200 in the left eye when she started nat- Vision Center's 1992 Certified Teacher Train-
ural vision classes in January 1991. She passed ing Program.
her driver's vision test without corrective
lenses by July 1992.
Her mother, 83, and sister, 66, who
attended the vision classes with her, have also I am 42 years old and I have had radia-
had excellent improvement of their sight. tion retinopathy in both of my eyes, and I

had been wearing glasses with a correction

of -1.75 in both eyes for the last seven years.

S.C. The retinopathy in my eyes was caused by

high-dose radiation treatments for a malig-
S.C, 31, had nearsightedness since age 17. His
nant tumor four years ago. Since that time
prescription had increased to -2.75 DS for
I have had constant difficulties with my
nearsightedness, and +1.25 DC for astigma- eyes, and reading for more than 15-20 min-
tism by the time he enrolled in the natural utes has become virtually impossible

Releaming to See • 4*3

I attended [natural vision] classes from emerging from a cloud with one wing
September through November of 1995 and down, or even with their machines turned
integrated the habits of natural vision into completely upside down, that equilibrium
my life and daily activities. On January 22, is maintained almost entirely, if not alto-

1996, 1 passed the California driver's license gether, by the sense of sight. If the aviator

test without my glasses. In February of 1996, loses his sight, therefore, he is lost, and we
during an eye examination at an ophthal- have one of those "unaccountable" acci-

mologist, my vision was 20/30 without dents which, during the war, were so unhap-
glasses. I still have many eye problems, but pily common in the air service.

... I can see more clearly than when he and All aviators, therefore, should make a

I first spoke in 1995. daily practice of reading small, familiar let-

[Signed] B. D. ters, or observing other small, familiar

Permission to reprint objects, at a distance of ten feet or more.
In addition, they should have a few small
None of these students have had artificial
letters, or a single letter, on their machines,
refractive corneal surgeries or ortho-kera- at a distance of five, ten, more feet from
tology. Their vision improvement was by their eyes, arrangements being made to illu-
100% natural means. minate them for night flying and fogs, and
More testimonials are given in Chapter 29, should read them frequently while in the
" 'This Method Has Been Proved/ " air. This would greatly lessen the danger of
visual lapses, with their accompanying loss

FLYING of equilibrium and judgment.

When the US entered WW2, hundreds of

natural vision students were able to pass the
air corps vision test by taking vision lessons.
Margaret Corbett alone helped more than
From Perfect Sight Without Glasses:
200 men pass their tests.
Many military and commercial airline
To aviators, whether engaged in military or
pilots are trained to use their sight in many
civilian operations, or whether they are fly-

ing merely for pleasure, eye education is of

of the same ways Bates taught his students

particular importance. Accidents to avia- to relearn to see correctly. Pilots are taught

tors, otherwise unaccountable, are easily to have continual "situational awareness."

explained when one understands how They are trained to constantly scan and shift
dependent the aviator is upon his eyesight, from one point to another left, right, up, —
and how easily perfect vision may be lost down, near and far. Their survival depends
amid the unaccustomed surroundings, the on it.
dangers and hardships of the upper air.
The US Air Force Academy requires pilots
It was formerly supposed that aviators
to have 20/20 sight, both near and far.
maintained their equilibrium in the air by
It is not a coincidence that Air Force pilots
the aid of the internal ear; but it is now
are required to have normal sight. In addi-
becoming evident from the testimony of
tion to excellent acuity, people with clear sight
aviators who have found themselves

414 * Relearning to See

—— . —

Chapter Twenty-Five: Commuting and Recreation

have the important qualities of seeing —3-D learned to pick a piece of the sky and focus
vision, excellent contrast perception, texture out to infinity and back, and then move
awareness, and superior color perception. over and do it again. You don't let your
The best military pilots have 20/10 sight eyes focus on a set place. Normally, if your
eyes relax they focus at about 18 feet
eyes like hawks. They can see a 4X4-foot
you've got to be able to focus them out and
object nearly two miles away, and can spot
another airplane fifteen miles away.
Radar caused the pilots to get lazy. They
Fighter pilots say they see enemy planes
were using radar to look out 20 to 30 miles
long before the enemy sees them. The famous ahead. Before we had radar, you had to
German Ace pilot "Red Baron" Manfred von depend on your eyes to pick up things com-
Richthofen claimed that 80% of the enemy ing. But now with the ability to jam radars,
pilots he shot down never saw him. and also stealth technology coming into the
General Charles "Chuck" Yeager was a picture, we've got to teach the guys to start

WW2 Ace fighter pilot and the top US Air looking again
Force Test Pilot for nearly ten years. Elec- Electronic Arts: Would you describe

tronic Arts' General Chuck Yeager Air Com- most pilots as cool-headed?
Yeager: "Cool-headed?" What you don't
bat manual contains the following quotes
do is worry about the outcome of anything
from General Yeager:
because you don't have any control over
Concentration is total. You remain it. You concentrate on what you're doing.
focused, ignoring fatigue or fear, not allow- If you want to call that "cool-headed," fine.
ing static into your mind '
Electronic Arts: It's a matter of focusing,
In World War I, enemy was
detecting the then?
simply a matter of having good eyesight, Yeager: There you are. You focus on
knowing what to look for, staying alert what you're doing
In a sky filled with airplanes. I needed to One thing we saw in World War II was
keep my head on a swivel to avoid getting that only 11% of the fighter pilots involved

hit, being shot down, or running into some- in combat with the Germans shot down
body. The best survival tactic always was to about 90% of the airplanes destroyed.
check your tail constantly and stay alert That's a small number. If you look at the
My biggest tactical advantage was my commonality of these guys, they were all
eyes. I spotted him from great distances, rural kids —
they understood deflection
knowing he couldn't see me because he was —
shooting they had good eyesight, and
only a dim speck. Sometimes he never did were aggressive and self-sufficient.

see me —or when he did it was too late


One magazine on flying states "make a

THE MAKING OF AN ACE conscious effort to focus." Following this
Electronic Arts: What characteristics
. . .
advice will strain your vision. The correct
make an ace? method of seeing is to "shift constantly from
Chuck Yeager: Experience. You start
one point to another," in a relaxed, attentive
from a baseline of very good eyesight . .

I was always gifted with good eyesight,
Many pilots maintain their normal sight
from a kid on up. Even to this day I have
during their flying careers. Their training and
20/10 eyesight ... In World War II, we

Relearning to See •
practice of correct vision habits keeps their ball is hit to them. In this state, catching the

vision clear. I have met and heard of pilots ball is nearly impossible.
who lost their clear vision after they stopped One of my students, a fifty-year-old woman,
flying. told me she never could catch a ball. When
So, have "Ace" pilot vision all day long! she tossed a ball up into the air, she held her
head very straight and stiff. When the ball
SWIMMING AND BOATING went up, it went out of her visual field, so she
never caught it.

Holding a ball in her hand, she practiced

slowly moving and following a ball up and
down with her nose-feather, with a head
movement. Apparently it had never occurred
to her she should, or could, move her head
up when the ball went up. Finally, she tossed
the ball upward and, by following it with her
nose-feather for the first time, she caught it!

She was extremely pleased!

It is said that one famous baseball player
While swimming in a pool, stationary objects could see the threads on the spinning base-
seem to move in the opposite direction of ball as it was being pitched to him. He must
your movement. have had excellent centralizing and move-

Some people become "seasick' when boat- ment vision skills. "Keep your nose-feather
ing. This can be caused by subconsciously try- on the ball!"

ing to stop the illusion of the horizon "tilting."

Strain is the result. Allow in your mind the
illusion that stationary objects move.


One of the greatest football receivers

described how he not only kept his total
attention on the football as it was soaring
through the air toward him, he kept his atten-

tion on the center of the spiraling football.

As noted in Chapter 9, "The First Princi-

ple —Movement," the best tennis players are

in constant motion. A tournament champion
All sports involve movement. often states how relaxed and concentrated
When playing in the outfield in softball, was during the tournament.
(centralized) she
some children "freeze" and diffuse when the Relaxation = Movement = Centralization =

416 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Five: Commuting and Recreation

Win; Strain = Rigidity = Diffusion = Lose. Tom's Personal Log: Reflecting on many
Notice that most of the greatest tennis play- years of playing chess in school and in tour-
ers do not wear sunglasses —even while play- naments, it seems that, for long periods of
ing in the brightest sunlight. They often wear time, only the eyes moved.
a hat.


Practice the correct vision habits —sketching,
breathing, and blinking —while commuting
and "re-creating." Correct vision habits are
meant for all day long, and all activities ben-
efit from them.

Do not keep a "poker face" while playing Notes

games. Keep the neck mobile. Sketch, breathe,
Brent Iverson, General Chuck YeagerAir Com-

and blink! Move your body. bat manual (San Mateo, California: Electronic

Arts, 1993), p. 46.

Card games can be an excellent activity for
Ibid., pp. 122-24.
practicing correct vision habits. Move your
Ibid., pp. 171-73.
nose-feather with the card movements. The
near and far movements from the cards in
your hands to the table are especially

Relearning to See • 4J7


Chapter Twenty-Six


classes. I knew that it was not possible to

improve sight naturally unless better vision
habits were practiced.
Yet, these people did not know about cor-
rect vision habits. Their improvement was not
related to an increased ability of the cones to
see sharp detail, because these people could
already see sharp detail by using compen-
sating lenses. I also knew other people had
improved their sight by initiating various
types of lifestyle changes. How can these facts
Figure 26-1: "See" Food. be explained?
I finally understood that all of these peo-
THE NUTRITION CONNECTION ple were relearning correct, natural vision
Many students have asked me which foods habits —but they were doing so automatically
they should eat to benefit their eyesight. I do and subconsciously. As well as interfering
not recommend which foods a person should with correct vision habits automatically and
eat for improving sight or any condition. subconsciously during excessive stress, a per-
Students are referred to a nutritionist or son could also cease interfering with correct
doctor for any concerns regarding diet. vision habits automatically and subcon-
sciously when excessive stress is removed.

There are many factors that influence vision Most people have no idea of the incorrect
habits —and, therefore, how well we see. One vision habits they started when their vision
of these factors is nutrition. first became blurred. What matters is which
Some individuals have improved their sight vision habits the person is using.

simply by improving their diet. This fact puz- When a person takes steps to improve their
zled me when I first started teaching vision health, they will be more relaxed, mobile, and

Relearning to See • 41
centered. As a consequence, the tendency is tial to eat food that contains Vitamin A. We
toform better vision habits. These ideas fit only need food that the body can convert to

observed facts and coincide perfectly with Vitamin A. Among other functions, the liver

Bates' discoveries on natural seeing. They can convert carotene to Vitamin A.

also help form a large, complete holistic pic- Ann Wigmore, in The Wheatgrass Book,
ture of natural vision. writes, "Vitamin A is not found in wheatgrass
So, to the degree that proper nutrition sup- juice, or any other plant food, but its precur-
sor, carotene, is."

ports correct vision habits and principles, sight

improves. Carotene, also known as Provitamin A, can
be converted to Vitamin A by the body.
Henry G. Bieler, M.D., writes in his book
Food is Your Best Medicine:

When was a medical school

I student in
the early days of the century, the study of
nutrition was very sketchy; even today most
doctors are painfully ignorant of the real
advances in nutritional science

The average American predilection for

Figure 26-2: Typical American Diet.

doughnuts and coffee, hot dogs with mus-
tard, ice cream, fried meat, French-fried
Conversely, to the degree improper nutri- potatoes, pie a la mode, together with
tion supports incorrect vision habits and prin-
between-meal sweetened cola drinks, candy
bars and coffee breaks, synthetic vitamins
ciples, sight lowers.
and aspirin cannot make for health. 3
It is simple. Most truths are.
For many students the relationship Here are some general tips on nutrition for
between nutrition and vision becomes obvi- better health:
ous while improving their sight.
• Eat the best quality food you can buy
One student had a large milkshake during
or grow. Organically grown food is the
the third week of the vision course. He said
best. Minimize or eliminate left-brain,
his sight became blurred after drinking the
technologically processed "dead" food.
milkshake. Many students discover how
"wired," i.e., hyper, tense, and diffused, they
The life-force energy, not just the chem-
become icals, in food is important.
after drinking coffee or soft drinks.
Many soft • Eat a variety of foods. The body needs
drinks contain caffeine.
many different nutrients.

THE VITAMIN A CONNECTION • Learn "food combining." The digestive

As system is designed to take in similar

discussed in Chapter 17, "The Retina," Vit-
amin A groups of foods at one time. For exam-
is essential for normal functioning of
the cones and rods.
ple, eat starchy food together, eat pro-
However, it is not essen-

420 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Six. Nutrition

tein foods together, and eat fruits • Eliminate unnecessary artificial preser-
together. The stomach creates different vatives and other chemicals from your
chemical environments to digest differ- diet. "If you can't pronounce it, don't
ent groups of food. Incorrect food com- eat it." Read The Chemical Feast by
binations result in food not being James Turner.
digested properly and fully. It is ineffi- • Think twice before putting anything
cient. Diffusion is confusion. Centralize into or on your body that is artificial.

your food! • Do not eat late at night. The body

• Tobacco is out. Period. detoxifies during the night. If a person
• If you consume alcohol, do so eats late at night, the body will need to
minimally. use its energy to digest rather than
• Ifyou like vegetable juice, buy a juicer detoxify.

and juice your own. Many juices lose • Seek out a good iridologist/nutritionist.

their nutritive powers within a day of Many nutritional imbalances can be

being juiced. Freshly juiced "read" in the eyes. Read the Doctor-
carrot /beet/celery juice is outstanding. Patient Handbook by Bernard Jensen.
• Wheatgrass juice must be consumed • Be patient if you choose to change your
within 30 minutes of juicing. (See The diet. Dietary habits, like vision habits,
Wheatgrass Book, by Ann Wigmore.) take time to change. If you have a typi-
• Eliminate refined white sugar, caffeine, cal American diet, there is a lot to learn

and white flour. (Brown sugar is white about correct nutrition.

sugar colored with molasses.) • Continue improving your diet until you
• Minimize salt and spices. have normal bowel movements and
• Minimize or eliminate milk, milk prod- stools.

ucts, dairy products, meat, and wheat. • Avoid tap water.

Only fresh goat milk is compatible with • Eat 80% alkaline, non-acidic food.

the human body. Wheat would (Coffee is acidic.)

normally be fine, but Americans have • Masticate your food.

consumed so many wheat products for • Study natural nutrition!
so many years, our bodies have become • Since individuals have different nutri-
allergic to it. Cow's milk and wheat cre- tional requirements, get individual

ate mucus and congestion. counseling from a nutritionist.

• Have cool drinks in the summer and
Unfortunately, many Americans do not
warm drinks in the winter.
know what, how, or when to eat, and are
• Do not miss breakfast, unless, of course,
unhealthy as a result.
you are fasting.
• Do not eat when you are not hungry. When I was
Tom's Personal Log: a child, I
The body knows when it needs nutri-
assumed my body could easily handle any-
ents and when it doesn't.
thing I put in it. I ate literally tons of candy,
• Never eat during highly emotional or
colas, donuts, cakes, pastries, pizza, "fast
stressful periods.

Releaming to See • 4 21
foods," etc. I literally drank that "pink liquid" eggs, or something like that, and rolls and
for my stomach aches. I had little apprecia- butter and coffee. Then about ten I have a

how important diet was to my health. few slices of bread with more butter and
tion of
more coffee. At noon I have soup, bread
During the period of my most serious health
and butter and more coffee. For supper I
problems, I was 35 pounds overweight.
have bread, butter, meat, vegetables and
During the last fifteen years of healing, I
more coffee. That's all."
have become much more "tuned in" to what
. . . Dieting . . . helped her eyesight and
I eat and its my health. I no
relationship to
nerves very much
longer eat anything that fights me back. I am
happy to be free of my stomach aches and THE FINAL KEY TO NUTRITION
pink liquid. I am no longer overweight.
Changes in my diet have been an essential Tom's Personal Log: After spending count-
part of my health recovery process. And they
less hours studying and changing my diet,
have accelerated my re-integration of correct
someone mentioned that no matter how
vision habits.
healthy my food was, the nutrients may not
be assimilated by my body —due to excessive
As mentioned in Chapter 16, "Light," research stress. So, relaxation became another key to
has shown that there may be harm from sun-
my nutritional changes.
light if a person has poor nutrition.
For example, much attention has been
In silence, O dear one,
given to beta-carotenes, a natural antioxi- eat without haste.
dant found in many foods like carrots, toma- With peace, delight,
toes, wheatgrass, lettuce, spinach, and and onepointedness,
asparagus. Beta-carotene appears to protect thoroughly chew your food.
the skin from harmful "free radicals." Since Don 't eat merely for

beta-carotene can be "used up" while we are the pleasure of taste.

in sunlight, it is important to have a diet that — Swami Muktananda
supplies adequate reserves.
For more information see Dr. Zane R. CHAPTER COMMENTS
Kime's book Sunlight Could Save Your Life.
The body, mind, and spirit rejoice when nur-


tured with natural foods —and many serious
health problems are avoided. A diet that sup-
In Better Eyesight magazine, July 1920, Emily
ports the principles of relaxation, movement
C. Lierman writes about one of her vision
(circulation), and centralization will auto-
matically support natural clear vision. The
As she weighed over two hundred principles of natural health and natural vision
pounds and was sick in both mind and fit together.
body. I asked her how much she ate every
"Oh, I don't eat much —nothing to speak
of at all," she said. "In the morning I eat

422 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Six: Nutrition

Ann Wigmore, The Wheatgrass Book (Wayne,
New Jersey: Avery Publishing Group. Inc., 1985),
Henry G. Bieler, Food is Your Best Medicine
(New York: Random House, 1965), p. xiii.
Ibid., p. xv.

Relearning to See • 423


Chapter Twenty-Seven

Serious Vision Problems

Students with serious vision problems such In the case of myopia (shortsight), Dr.
as diseases, pathologies, growths, injuries, Sidler-Huguenin of Zurich, in a striking
accidents, etc., should seek the aid of an oph- paper recently published, 3 expresses the
thalmologist. opinion that glasses and all methods now
at our command are "of but little avail"
in preventing either the progress of the
The Bates method is educational in nature
error of refraction, or the development of
only. It is non-medical and non-optometric.
the very serious complications with which
it is often associated.
... It is fortunate that many people for
Several references have been made previ- whom glasses have been prescribed refuse
ously to the relationship between blurred to wear them, thus escaping not only much
sight, compensating lenses, and the potential discomfort but much injury to their eyes. . .

for more serious vision problems. Many seri- The idea that presbyopia is "a normal
ous eye problems are preceded by blurred result of growing old," is responsible for

vision. much defective eyesight But once the

glasses are adopted, in the great majority
From Perfect Sight Without Glasses (with
of cases, they produce the condition they
some repetition from earlier chapters):
were designed to relieve, or, if it already
existed, they make it worse, sometimes very
For the prevailing method ... of compen-
rapidly, as every ophthalmologist knows.
sating lenses, very little was ever claimed
In a couple of weeks sometimes, the per-
except that these contrivances neutralized
son finds, as noted in the chapter on What
the effects of the various conditions for
Glasses Do to Us, that the large print which
which they were given, as a crutch enables
he could read without difficulty before he
a lame man to walk. It has also been
got his glasses can no longer be read with-
believed that they sometimes checked the
progress of these conditions; but every oph-
Archiv f. Augenh, vol. lxxix. 1915, translated in
thalmologist now knows that their useful-
Arch. Ophth., vol. xlv, No. 6, Nov., 1916.
ness for this purpose, if any, is very limited.

Relearning to See •
4 25


out their aid. In from five to ten years the changes occurring in all states of refraction

accommodative power of the eye is usually are very common among children and have
gone; and if from this point the person does often progressed to an extent that would
not go on to cataract, glaucoma, or inflam- be expected only after long years of eye-
mation of the retina, he may consider him- strain

self fortunate My own experience is that errors of

The prevalence of myopia, the unsatis- refraction are always accompanied by some
factoriness of all explanations of its origin, organic change. It may be only a slight con-
and the futility of all methods of preven- gestion, but this may be sufficient to lower
tion have led some writers of repute to the the vision
conclusion that the elongated eyeball is a From the foregoing facts it will be seen
natural physiological adaptation to the that in the condition of the eyesight of our
needs of civilization. Against this view two people we have a health problem, an edu-
unanswerable arguments can be brought. cational problem, and a military problem
One is that the myopic eye does not see so of the first magnitude, and one would think
well even at the near point as the normal that if any method of either prevention or
eye, and the other is that the defect tends reversal that was even tolerably successful
to progression with very serious results, had been found, it would immediately be

often ending in blindness. put into general use.

From Better Eyesight magazine, October From Better Eyesight magazine, Novem-
1920: ber 1927:

THE PROBLEM OF IMPERFECT SIGHT It is an interesting fact that all diseases of

Errors of refraction are so common that the eyes and all diseases of the body are
we have learned to take them lightly. They generally associated with eye tension.
are usually reckoned among minor physi-
cal defects, and the average lay person has Bates dedicated over thirty years of
no idea of their real character. It is well research to finding a way to improve sight
known, of course, that they sometimes pro-
naturally. It is clear his motivations were not
duce very serious nervous conditions, but
limited to simply removing the "inconve-
the fact that they also lead to all sorts of
nience" of compensating lenses. Was the
eye diseases is known only to eye special-
and not
"development of the very serious complica-
ists, fully appreciated even by them.
The complications of myopia (nearsight) tions" what Bates was mainly referring to in

constitute a large and melancholy chapter his preface to Perfect Sight Without Glassesl
in the science of the eye, but most eye spe-
cialists say that no organic changes occur The explanations of the phenomena of
in hypermetropia (farsight). That this is sight put forward by Young, von Graefe,
very far from being the case was proven by Helmholtz and Donders have caused us to
Risley in the investigation alluded to above, ignore or explain away a multitude of facts

and it is strange that this report on the sub- which otherwise would have led to . . . the
ject has attracted so little attention. His consequent prevention of an incalculable
studies also showed that these organic amount of human misery.

426 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Serious Vision Problems

Bates is not alone in his concern about the Natural vision teacher Clara Hackett, in
potential long-term risks of blurred sight. Relax and See, writes, "No less important than
Joseph Kennebeck, O.D., a practicing improving vision defects is their prevention
optometrist for over fifty years, warns in Why in the first place." 4
Glasses are Harmful for Children and Young Ophthalmologist Dr. Deborah E. Banker,
People: M.D., stated at the 1995 Whole Life Expo in
San Francisco:
Wearing myopic glasses through life

could lead to blindness from detachment . . . your reading [farsighted] glasses are
of the retina, conical corneas, myopic causing you to lose your ability to see for
cataracts or glaucoma, at middle age or near [sic], accelerating cataracts, glaucoma,
past. Myopic cases are more subject to floaters, vitreous detachment, potentially
these conditions than other cases. 1
retinal detachment, and perhaps macular
Mary Dudderidge reports in Scientific
For 100 years the medical profession has CORNEAL SURGERIES AND
wrestled in vain with the problem [of defec- ORTHO-KERATOLOGY
tive sight], finding no means compatible As mentioned earlier, nearsights who have
with the conditions of modern life for pre-
RK and PRK performed are still myopic
venting errors of refraction, and no means
regardless of the results of the surgeries.
of relieving them except eyeglasses. These,
Refractive corneal surgeries and ortho-ker-
at their best, are poor substitutes for nat-
atology do not decrease the risks mentioned
ural sight and often fail to relieve discom-
fort or to stay the progress of the malady, above.

which is a much more serious one than Optometrist Bruce May writes in his
most people imagine. The oculist knows pamphlet Rx for Nearsightedness — Stress-

that present conditions are ominous of evil Relieving Lenses:

for the future, that the nearsighted, far-
When processes like keratotomy or
sighted, or astigmatic eye is disposed to all
orthokeratology produce improved dis-
sorts of ocular diseases. 2
tance acuity without the use of glasses, they

Most myopes have worn glasses much do not change the basic problem of myo-
longer than most farsights. pia, only the refractive status.

Ophthalmologist R. Agarwal writes in

The change involves only the cornea,
while the depth of the vitreous chamber
his natural vision improvement book Mind
remains increased, and so does the eyeball
and Vision:
length. Thus, the person still has myopia and
Not only do all errors of refraction and remains subject to all the risks of myopia.
all functional disturbances of the eye dis-
After a myope has had refractive corneal
appear when it sees by [centralization], but
surgery in which sharp acuity is obtained,
many organic conditions are relieved or
what would happen if extrinsic eye muscles
reversed. 3
then relax their chronic tension, and the eye
returns to its normal shape? Presumably, "all

Relearning to See • 427


the risks of myopia" would be eliminated lens become cloudy or opaque. It is a very

but wouldn't the vision then become blurred simple experiment to take the eye of some
[dead] animal . . . and to hold it with the tips
(in particular, farsighted)?
of the fingers of one hand. By pressing the
In short, after refractive corneal surgery, if
eyeball, the lens at once becomes cloudy,
the eye remains strained, serious risks remain;
and a white mass, which can be seen twenty
if the eye muscles relax, blur would theoret-
feet or farther, usually appears in the pupil.
ically result.
With the cloudiness of the lens, there may
As mentioned earlier, I do not accept occur at the same time a cloudiness in the
students who have had refractive corneal front part of the eye, the cornea. Just as
surgeries. soon as the pressure removed from the

eyeball, the area of the pupil becomes per-

fectly clear and the lens becomes perfectly
SERIOUS VISION PROBLEMS transparent. It is such an easy thing to try
Cataracts and is so convincing that I wish that more

Better Eyesight magazine, September 1927: ophthalmologists would study it.

Pressure on the eyeball may come from

In cataract, the pupil instead of being black the contraction of the muscles on the out-
becomes light gray or some other color, side of the eye, which are quite capable of
due to the opacity of the focusing lens of keeping up a continuous pressure for many
the eye, which is just behind the colored years, without the person being conscious

part of the eye, the iris. Rays of light which of it.

enter the eye pass through this lens and are Cataract has been produced in normal
focused on the back part of the eye, the eyes by the memory or the imagination of
retina. When the
becomes opaque, the
lens imperfect sight. The memory of imperfect
rays of light from different objects do not sight produces a strain of the outside mus-
pass through the lens and the vision is con- cles of the eyeball, which is accompanied
sequently lowered and the person becomes by a contraction of these muscles, and
more or less blind. cataract is produced.
If one places six sheets of glass, one on Almost any kind of opacity of the lens

top of the other, so that all are parallel, it

has been produced by pressure. The area
is possible to see through them. If, however, of the pupil may become varicolored, due

one or more of the glasses form an angle to the difference in pressure.

or is not parallel with the rest, the layers of

glass become cloudy, just like the layers Better Eyesight magazine, April 1928:
which form the crystalline lens in cataract.
Cause: Cataract has been observed for Some years ago a professor of anatomy was
many thousands of years by the people of exhibiting the effect of pressure on the enu-
India, Egypt, and in various countries of cleated eyeballs of a dead cow and some
Europe. The theories of the cause of other animals. At a distance of about
cataract are very numerous. The lens is twenty feet from the eye, the audience
composed of transparent layers. When observed that the pupil was perfectly clear.
these layers are squeezed or when the eye- Immediately after the eyeball was squeezed
ball is squeezed, the layers which form the by the fingers of the professor, the area of

428 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Serious Vision Problems

the pupil became at once completely ber 1923, January 1924, September 1927, April
opaque, from the production of a cataract. 1928. The entire January 1921 issue is dedi-
Then when on the eyeball was
the pressure cated to the topic of cataract, and includes
lessened, the cataract at once disappeared
several case histories.
and the eyeball became normal. Again
Ophthalmologist R. S. Agarwal writes in
squeezing the eyeball, a cataract was pro-
Mind and Vision, "The opacity of the lens or
duced as before. And again, the cataract
cataract is caused by a strain in most of the
disappeared when the pressure was less-
ened. The experiment was repeated a num-
cases — "He gives case histories of improve-

ber of times with the result that the ment of senile, secondary, and black cataracts.

pressure on the eyeball always produced a W. B. MacCracken, M.D., gives case histo-
cataract, which was relieved by reducing ries of cataract improvements in his natural
the pressure vision book Use Your Own Eyes.
In animals the eyeball has been short- Clara Hackett, a Natural Vision teacher
ened experimentally by operations on each who had many students referred to her from
of the four straight [recti] muscles, which medical doctors, writes in Relax and See:
increased the pressure temporarily. These
operations were performed after death. I have had the privilege of working
Similar operations on the two oblique mus- closely with many physicians more recently,
cles at the same time produced pressure not only in cases of refractive loss, but also

and increased hardness of the eyeball, with of serious eye disorders.

cataract following. It must be emphasized that the vision

Persons suffering from cataract have reeducation techniques presented in this

book do not constitute a panacea. They are

increased the hardness of the eyeball, at
the same time increasing the density of the not intended to replace medical care. It is

essential that people with actual diseases

cataract. While the cataract is being
observed with the aid of the ophthalmo- or growths in the eye seek medical aid

scope, it can be seen to change in size or Only an oculist [eye doctor] is qualified to

when the person consciously or vol- detect and identify disease.

untarily increases or diminishes the hard-
In recent years, doctors who have
ness of the eyeball with the aid of the encouraged individuals with such serious
disorders as glaucoma and cataracts to
memory or the imagination.
undertake vision education have found that
astonishing improvement often occurs.
More than 30% of Americans over age 65
Thus far, I have worked with 312 people
have cataracts. More than $3 billion is paid
with cataracts. Of these, 278 had improve-
for over one million cataract surgeries each ments ranging from 10 percent better sight
year. to complete normality, while only 34 had
One case history of cataract improvement no noticeable lasting improvement. 8
by a student of Bates was given in Chapter
21, "Palming and Acupressure." More cataract
references and/or case histories can be found Glaucoma
in the following Better Eyesight magazines: From Better Eyesight magazine, September
March 1920, July 1920, January 1921, Septem- 1927:

Relearning to See • 429



Glaucoma is a serious disease of the eyes. An 83-year-old student told me one year
In most cases, the eyeball becomes hard. . .
after the vision course that she no longer had
For the relief of this hardness, various oper- glaucoma and her ophthalmologist had taken
ations have been performed to promote her off of the glaucoma medication she pre-
the escape of the fluids of the eyes. These viously needed.
operations have not always been satisfac-
Another student had his glaucoma pres-
tory. Many cases of glaucoma have been
sure checked by his ophthalmologist at the
relieved for a limited period of time, but
end of the eight-week natural vision course.
sooner or later, become totally blind. When
His eye doctor told him glaucoma pressure
blindness occurs, operations have usually
failed to restore the sight.
had lowered.
Cause: The theory that the disease is

caused by a hardening of the eyeball is

incorrect, because we find cases of glau- Detached Retina

coma in which the eyeball is not increased In humans, the ends of the cones and rods are
in hardness, and there are cases of hard- not attached to the pigment epithelium very
ening of the eyeball in which there is no securely. With continuous strain placed on the
glaucoma. The normal eye may be hard-
retina by an "out of shape" eyeball and/or an
ened temporarily by conscious eyestrain.
accident or blow to the head, the upper nine
layers of the retina can tear, or even detach.
There are case histories of "spontaneous
"Detached retina" can cause serious vision loss.
remissions" of people who had glaucoma.
Oftentimes boxers experience detached
One such "spontaneous remission" occurred
retinas due to the many traumatic blows
with the sister of one of my students.
received to the head and eyes.
References and/or case histories of glau-
When the front third of a cow's eye, along
coma improvement can be found in the fol-
with the vitreous humor, is removed, the
lowing Better Eyesight magazines: July 1920,
retina easily "detaches" from the choroid. The
December 1920, January 1924, July 1927, Sep-
retina then remains attached to the back of
tember 1927, January 1928. The entire Decem-
the eye only at the optic nerve.
ber 1920 issue is dedicated to the topic of
Optometrist Bruce May states in his
glaucoma, and includes several case histories.
pamphlet Rx for Nearsightedness — Stress-
Ophthalmologist R. S. Agarwal in Mind
Relieving Lenses:
and Vision gives several case histories of
improvement of glaucoma. 9 A Worthwhile Concern . . . Most of the

Clara Hackett writes in Relax and See: major causes of blindness (except a disease
called diabetic retinopathy) seem to relate
Forty of my recent students have had directly to increased inner eye or vitreous
glaucoma. Of these, 11 gained greater field pressure, which common factor in
is a
of vision and increased sight; 18 had a low-
myopia. Two-thirds of those persons who
ering of tension according to their doctors;
suffer detached retinas are myopic. The
11had no great lasting improvement, average age for retinal detachment for
although 5 do report less pain and dis- problem
those myopes experiencing this is
comfort. 10
29, while the comparable age for farsighted

430 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Serious Vision Problems

[individuals] is 62. There is real reason for The conical cornea protrusion is due to a
concern and need for review of the general "thinning" of the cornea. Conical cornea is
attitude toward myopia n
also known as keratoconus.

Ophthalmologist Charles H. May, M.D., May, in Diseases of the Eye, states in regard

writes in Diseases of the Eye:

to conical cornea, "It may be important to
improve the general health." 13
When [detached retina is] due to disease,
A reference to and/or cases histories of
it is most often found in myopia of high
conical cornea can be found in the July 1920,
degree . . . Unless the retina can be reat-
May 1924, and September 1927 Better Eye-
tached by operation, the detachment gen-
sight magazines.
erally extends, becomes complete and
blindness results, though rare cases of spon-
taneous reattachment as well as stationary Opacity of the Cornea
cases do occur. 12
Better Eyesight magazine, September 1927:
A guest at one of my Introductory Lec-
The cornea when healthy is perfectly trans-
tures had a very high degree of nearsight-
parent and does not interfere with the
edness. His ophthalmologist told him he had
vision of the colored part of the eye, or
no signs of detached retina but that he pupil, but when the cornea becomes
would have it someday because of his very opaque, the opacity may be so dense that
high myopia. the color of the iris cannot be distinguished,
I have met many people who have and there is no perception of light.

detached retina. Most of them had very high Cause: Opacities of the cornea are said

degrees of myopia. to be caused by infections, ulcers or some

A reference to and/or case history of general disease, but there are many cases
which are caused by eyestrain
detached retina can be found in the March
1921 Better Eyesight magazine. A reference to and/or case history of corneal
opacity can be found in the July 1920 and Sep-
tember 1927 Better Eyesight magazines.
Conical Cornea (Keratoconus)
Better Eyesight magazine, September 1927: OTHER NATURAL IMPROVEMENTS
References to and/or case histories of seri-
In conical cornea, the front part of the eye
ous vision problems can be found in the fol-
bulges forward and forms a cone-shaped
lowing Better Eyesight magazines:
body. The apex of the cone usually becomes
the seat of an ulcer and sooner or later, the Iritis: January 1928
vision becomes very much impaired. In Retinitis pigmentosa: April 1920, July 1920,
advanced cases, the person suffers very May 1921. June 1924, January 1928
much from pain. Various operations have Atrophy of the optic nerve: July 1920, Octo-
been performed, but the results have
ber 1920, June 1924
always been unsatisfactory.
Blindness: March 1921, June 1924, July 1924,
Cause: The cause of conical cornea is
September 1927

Releaming to See • 43 *


Clara Hackett writes in Relax and See: Art of Seeing, "My capacity to see was steadily
and quite rapidly failing."
Fifty-seven persons with retinitis pig-
His wife Laura writes in the Foreword of
mentosa have had lessons. Of these, only 2
however, his book:
achieved 20/20 or normal sight;

38 had their field of vision and acuity .The Art of Seeing was Aldous'
. .

helped appreciably even to the extent of response to the fact that his sight was
driving a car again; 17 had no lasting benefit. rapidly failing and that, in a matter of a
Of 31 persons with progressive sight short time, he would be blind. With an open
losses from such diseases as retinitis, con- mind he studied the Bates method which,
ical cornea, chorioretinitis, 10 have stopped still now especially in 1939, was unaccepted

the progression . . . One conical cornea case by the orthodox ophthalmologist. His eye-
obtained 20/20 sight. sight and that of thousands of others was
There have been worthwhile results in improved, even saved. 16
vision losses due to other serious prob-
lems. . .

Betsy's Testimonial


Dear Tom,
Told to Learn Braille A note to thank you for continuing to do
Anna Kaye, a Natural Vision teacher trained the work you're doing, and for making the
by Clara Hackett, was told by four ophthal- monthly review classes available to us. It's

mologists to learn Braille. She had no use- great to hear others' stories.

able vision due to atrophy of the optic nerves. I wanted to record for you what for me
She could not see a door, and no glasses gave is a milestone this year. In 1983, a retinal
hole with lattice degeneration was discov-
her correction. When she moved from
Europe to the US, she took vision lessons
ered in my right eye, and also some periph-
eral retinal degeneration (without hole
from Clara Hackett. In two and one-half
formation) in my left eye. Although at first
years, she was seeing 20/30 without correc-
the ophthalmologist was going to seal the
tive lenses. At age seventy-five she still needed
hole with laser surgery, he decided to wait
no corrective lenses. She had no restriction and monitor the condition instead. The con-
on her driver's license and could read small dition remained the same (but didn't
print without corrective lenses. worsen) for eight years.
In summer 1990, 1 began studying nat-
ural vision improvement. In February 1992,
Aldous Huxley's Improvement I started seeing a new eye doctor, one who
Author Aldous Huxley, due to a disease of isopen to discussing N.V.I, (whereas the
his eyes, had critical eye problems as a other was not, so I stopped seeing him).

teenager. For eighteen The new guy also specializes in retinal pho-
months he needed
and a guide to walk. "There is
Braille to read
His examination of my retinas, and our
no doubt about it," he writes in his book, The
observations of the developed photos,

43 2 * Relearning to See
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Serious Vision Problems

revealed no retinal holes or lattice degen- more serious vision problems result from
eration/They had self-healed. I know that ignoring the initial message of blurred vision?
the healing took place as a result of relearn- Improvement of manyserious eye prob-
ing to relax my eyes. I also firmly believe
lems has been experienced by many people
in self-healing, and that belief had to be a
who have attended natural vision classes.
big contribution.
The joys of using my own eyesight, and There are many causes of serious eye
building on that, are endless. I emphasize problems. A person should seek the care of
what I can see, not what I cannot. The most an ophthalmologist for any serious eye
comfortable pair [of glasses] is the weak- problems.
est: R -4.50, L -3.75, and the astigmatism
correction is gone.
It's a lifetime commitment. And it's fun! Notes
My whole outlook has changed: I have 1
Joseph J. Kennebeck, Why Eyeglasses are Harm-
become a positive person just knowing — ful for Children and Young People (New York:
you have a choice about influencing your
Vantage Press, 1969), pp. 91-92.
own vision makes a big difference in atti- 2
Mary Dudderidge,"New Light Upon Our Eyes:
tude. Measurable improvements are merely
An Investigation Which May Result in Normal
icing on the cake.
Vision for All, Without Glasses," in Scientific
American (January 12, 1918), p. 53.
Betsy 3
R. S. Agarwal, Mind and Vision (Pondicherry,
Betsy attended the eight-week natural India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1983),

vision course from January to March 1991, pp. 56-57.

Clara A. Hackett and Lawrence Galton, Relax
and attended many Review classes after the
and See (London: Faber and Faber, Limited,
1957), PP- 25-27-
This quote from a lecture given by Dr. Deb-

orah Banker, M.D, on October 22, 1995, at the

Tom's Personal Log: I have become highly San Francisco Whole Life Expo.
motivated to improve my eyesight to avoid 6
Bruce May, Rx for Nearsightedness: Stress-
the possibility of serious eye problems in the Relieving Lenses (Optometric Extension Pro-
future. gram Foundation pamphlet, 1981).
R. S. Agarwal, Mind and Vision, pp. 237-43.
Bates associated mental strain with many seri- 8
Clara A. Hackett and Lawrence Galton, Relax

ous vision problems. Many people who have and See, pp. 25-27.
R. S. Agarwal, Mind and Vision, p. 246.
serious vision problems are under very high
Clara A. Hackett and Lawrence Galton, Relax
stress, and have a tremendous staring habit.
and See, pp. 25-27.
Also, many such people have worn compen- 11
Bruce May, Rx for Nearsightedness: Stress-
sating lenses for many years.
Relieving Lenses.
From the larger, holistic perspective, could 12
Charles H. May, Diseases of the Eye (Baltimore,
"simple" errors of refraction be a warning to Maryland: William Wood and Company, 1943),
relax the mind and body? Do some of the pp. 314-15.

Relearning to See • 433

Ibid., p. 165.
Clara A. Hackett and Lawrence Galton, Relax
and See, p. 26.
Aldous Huxley, The Art of Seeing (Berkeley,
California: Creative Arts Book Co., republished
in 1982), p. 9.
Ibid., p. 7.

434 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Just For Fun!

Answers to questions are on the last page of this chapter.

1. Refer to the butterfly border around Plates 14-21. Which two butterflies are identical in
detail, shape and color? ( There are only two!)
2. In Plate 45: A Difference Between Night and Day, find all eight animals. Hint: There are
two of each kind. Also, find the Big Dipper.
3. In Plate 33: Daytime Cones Sensitivity Chart, notice the color of the green border along
the top of the "Green" Cones curve. Which part of the green border is darker — the part ar-
ound 515 nm or the part around 550 nm?
4. Similar to Plate 12: The Edge, notice how the following solid bars appear to have a dif-
ferent shade of gray at the right and left edges of each bar.

5. Which gray square box does not have the same shade of gray as the others?

Relearning to See • 435

6. Which square is larger?

7. Which is longer, the horizontal or vertical line ?

8. Which is longer, the line on the left or the right?

> <->
9. Which horizontal line is longer?

436 • Relearning to See

10. Which object is wider? Which is taller?

1 1 .
Are these vertical lines curved or straight?

1 2a. Are the diagonal lines in the left box curved or straight?
12b. Are the black vertical lines in the right box curved or straight?

1 =1 ; j

* 5 a t

Relearning to See • 437

13. Is the diagonal line aligned?

14. Shift between the boxes to notice flashing gray corners! Notice that when you centralize

at one of the corners, the gray corner is not seen at that corner.

438 • Relearning to See

15. Do you see circles or spirals?

16. More 3-D fun:

& % &. &

& $ & i
* £ 5* £

Releaming to See • 439

3pjp B si i|3E3 woq 33s oi punoje uiaqi A\o|ioj sapjp 3U)U33U03 3JE ssuq uiqi sqj_ 51

|0||bjbc1 puE iq3iEJis are xoq iq8u aqi ui saui) >pE|q |eoiU3A [[V m\
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pUB iq3lEJ)S 3JE S3UI| [E31U3A ||V I I

qipjM puE iq3pq aures aqi 3ABq spafqo qiog 01

qi3ua[ aures 3i(i 3je qiog (,
qi3ua[ 31UES sqi 3JE qiog jj

qi3ua| aures aqi aiE qiog 1

3zis aures aqi 3JE sajsnbs aqj^ 9

[ED11U3PI 3iE S3XOq ajsnbs Xej3 ||V S

'*! Ml 1

-npB ji UEqi J3iq3i| aq 01 a|3uEpaj qasa jo a3pa iq3u aqi siajdiaiui urejq aqi X|jB[iiu(s si X||EnpB 11 ueui J3)|JEp 3q 01 a[3irepaj iqSu aqi
JO 3§p3 )J3| 3qi S)3jdl3IUI pUB S3|3UB133J 3uUOqq3pu OAM JO S33D3 3qi S3JEdlUOD UjEjq 3qx Xej3 JO apEqS p||OS 3UO S| 3|3uEpaJ qaEg p
-qs Xq SS3| pus MaqjouE 01 pafqo auo jo suosuEduioa Xq Xp3re| suoiiaunj uoisij\ ispjoq sqi qiBSuispun E3JE ui sjo|oa aqi 01 japjoq uaaj3
aqi SuuEduioa si uiEjq aqi asnsaaq uaaj3 jo sapsqs iuajajj(p SABq 01 JsaddB japjoq aqi jo sired luajajjiQ JO|oa auiss aqi s| japjoq uaaj3
(jaddn) ajpua aqi \<||Etipv uiu OSS JE3U Japjoq aqi ubui J3iq3q sjsadds uiu
515 jsau japjoq uaaj3 aqi lEqi passanS aABq iq8iui no^ £

(jsj3«sue aqi ||E noX baiS i.ues |) ^jaddiQ 3ig aqj_ uaq 3uidaa|s pire a|3ea '|a\o 3ujX(j
•req 3uiX|j si ajaqi apis iq3u aqi uo ajnpid aqi jo apis ya| aqi uo uiouoq 01 doi ujojj |mo pus req 3uidaais uaq 'a^sa 3u;Xu e si ajaqj. z
|E3|iuapi 3JB isqj saqjjaimq
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440 • Relearning to See

— I

Chapter Twenty-Nine

a yy
This Method Has Been Proved

There are truths which are not for all men, nor malevolent influence on the mentality of
for all times. any weak-eyed nation
In the United States the habit of wear-
—Voltaire, 1761
ing artificial lenses is increasing at such an
astonishing rate, that it is fast becoming a
"IT IS SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL" remarkable national trait. A young woman
W. B. MacCracken, M.D., trained with Bates from Australia, who came to me because
she had heard of the Bates method there,
and taught natural vision improvement in
told me that for the last three or four days
Berkeley, California. In his excellent 1937
on the ship, she was impatient, above every
book, Use Your Own Eyes, MacCracken
other thought, to get on the streets in San
Francisco, to see if it was really true that

This method has been proved. It is sci-

almost everyone wore spectacles. She said

entific and successful. It requires, however, she had tried to imagine how the people

that the student be receptive, earnest, and would look, and that in spite of her prepa-
confident. ration, she never-the-less was astonished

The story in this book is founded on when she saw the procession of glasses. The
these truths. Vision is the most precious of shock made her more than ever deter-
the senses, which feed the life and the hap- mined to have the beginning trouble with

piness of the human her own eyes [reversed], so she would not
How long will it be before the minds of be compelled to wear spectacles for the
the children, who are beginning their lives,
remainder of her life
will be taught to use their own eyes, with The subject of this book is not an abstract
exposition. It is not an academic discussion
the freedom and the power which belongs
of public policies or class interests. It is not
to them, and which will give them a new
offering theory. The issue is simple and
fullness of life? ...'

The needless subjection of the eyes of clear,and of the most vital interest. It has
the coming generation to the domination been established, during a period of over
twenty-five years, that most of those who
of glass lenses must have an absolute and

Releaming to See • 44
— —— — .


are wearing spectacles can use their nat- THREE M.D. TESTIMONIALS
ural eyesight, without any artificial assis- Dr. Woodward's Testimonial
tance,and with perfect satisfaction
From Better Eyesight magazine, November
Simply to deny that an eye which is find-
ing some difficulty in seeing cannot be
given any [restorative] assistance — to reply

merely that "Bates has been discredited"

is not an answer worthy the medical pro-
By H. W. Woodward, M.D.
About two years ago I visited New York
for the purpose of investigating the claims
[Bates] has met with the same old
incredulity, skepticism, controversies, and made by Dr. Bates relative to the rever-
sal of refractive errors . .

. . . the inevitable phases of reaction and
I visited his clinic at Harlem Hospital.

consternation always provoked by new dis- Here I found most unusual methods taught
coveries have not yet been passed
by the doctor and Mrs. Lierman in the
reversal of disorders of the eye. I was sur-
The findings of Dr. Bates are as impor-
prised at the cheerfulness of the students,
tant as any other discovery, but they have
particularly the children.
never been investigated, nor weighed, nor
tested. They are simply ignored. And will
The doctor invited me to call at his office.
this always be so? ... I am not afraid to haz- I did so, and again I found his methods so
ard a challenge that in due time the dis- different from the usual oculist that I was

covery of Dr. Bates will, likewise, come into interested at once in finding out how he did

itsown The decision as to the value of his work. The first thing that impressed me
the method of Dr. Bates will come from was seeing so many students working in his

the men whose life work is the same as that waiting room. They seemed to be engaged
of Dr. Bates in steadfastly regarding the letters of test

Bates gave his life for a cause, battling cards placed upon the wall.
against fate, during many years of magnif- After I had seen the doctor teach sev-

icent struggle, when the unending disap- eral students, he turned to me and inquired
pointment finally broke in hopeless despair.
about the condition of my own eyes. I
replied that I had reached the age where
His torch is still burning. There will come
some other battler, who is fit, and who will
most people require glasses for reading,
hold it high until the people who are sit-
but was just beginning to be annoyed by a
ting in darkness have seen its great light. 3 blurring of vision when I consulted a tele-
phone directory in a dimly lighted room. I

Optometrist Harris Gruman writes in his knew that this symptom means in the
book New Ways to Better Sight: almost universal experience of mankind,
and more glasses, until one becomes
The conservative methods of sight
dependent upon them. While I was con-
improvement outlined above are safe, time
templating this prospect, Dr. Bates
tested, and clinically proven. Everywhere
explained to me that he had been through
people have benefited from them. 4
this experience, having had to wear quite
. . . Certainly it is not to be denied that
strong lenses for reading and that he had
there are many who discard their glasses. 5

healed himself.

442 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Nine: "This Method Has Been Proved"

He handed me one of his professional Ophthalmologist Darling's

cards. On the back of this card was printed Testimonial
in small diamond type seven paragraphs
From Better Eyesight magazine, December
stating seven fundamentals of perfect sight.
He me to hold this card about
six inches from my eyes, then close my eyes [Editor's Note: This contribution from an
and form in my imagination or memory a oculist of twenty years' experience in one
small letter "o" and to see it in my mind, of the largest eye hospitals in the United
very black with a white center. After doing States is of unusual interest. He is to be
this for a was to open my
few seconds, I congratulated on his perseverance in going
eyes and look at the letters on the card. I without glasses so long before his sight for
did this, and to my surprise upon opening reading had sufficiently improved to do his
my eyes, the letters were jet black and work properly. He has not told of the oppo-
remarkably distinct; but, for only a moment sition and loss of many of his old friends,
did this clear vision last. The letters soon because he did not prescribe glasses for his
faded away into a blur. clients. This is the article by Dr. Darling.]
This experience of getting a flash of clear
vision, though evanescent in character, was AN OCULISTS EXPERIENCE
encouraging to me, because
by E. F. Darling, M.D.
it suggested the
I have been practicing medicine as an
possibility of conquering this tendency to
ophthalmologist for the last twenty years.
blurring. In other words, if I could learn to
During the period of eighteen years prior
sustain this primary normal position that my
eyes relaxed into just before opening them,
to 1923, 1 spent a large part of my time
I would certainly achieve perfect vision. Dr.
putting glasses on my helpless clients. How-
ever, for the last two years I have been try-
Bates instructed me to practice what I had
just done twice a day. I did as he advised. At
ing to make amends by removing their
glasses as rapidly as possible.
first I could not hold this flash of clear vision
more than a second or The first time I heard of Dr. Bates' work
two. It was too sub-
was from an article in one of the medical
tle. I could not get a hold on it. I continued,
journals about fifteen years ago. The arti-
however, practicing night and morning for
cle made some impression on me because
several weeks with but slight improvement.
it was entirely at variance with our accepted
At last, however, I became able to sustain
views as to the cause and reversibility of
the clear vision for about thirty seconds; but
defective vision. In the clinic I attend at one
if I my eyes while seeing clearly,
would wink
of the largest eye hospitals, most of the men
my vision would fade into a blur. In time my
seemed to know nothing about Dr. Bates.
patience was rewarded by more improve-
ment, for now I am often able to read the
Some thought he was a quack, while oth-
ers said he was insane.
whole card without a blur.
About three years ago, I received notice
Dr. Bates deserves much credit for the
of the publication of his book Perfect Sight
pioneer work which he is doing and for the
Without Glasses, and at that time I decided
way he keeps on doing it in spite of the hos-
to purchase the book and see what it was
tile criticism continually directed toward
all about. The thing slipped my mind for
him. To know him is a privilege and I am
another year or so, when one of my old
thankful to have had this experience.
clients came into my office without her

Relearning to See • 443


glasses on,and said she had been work- 10/15 line instead of the 20/70 line. I had only
ing with Dr. Bates. Her vision was much an occasional eyeache when I had forgot-
improved, and she wanted to know if I ten to use my eyes properly.
could continue the same kind of education In improving my near vision, I had to

with her. I was obliged to confess that I make several visits to Dr. Bates, and he
knew nothing about his methods overcame most of my difficulties at once. I
The next daywent over to the Central
I used many of the methods he advocates in
Fixation Publishing Company and bought this near work, but it was about three
the book. When I reached home, I started months before I could read fine print. It
reading it and didn't stop until I had fin- seemed an extremely long, long time to
ished the whole thing. Here was a plain give up reading. But knowing now the
statement of facts accomplished, and I at advantages after an experience of two years
once decided to test the matter with my without glasses, I would be willing to go
own eyes. without reading for a much longer period.
I was wearing convex +2.25 DS for dis- Many people the same age get results in
tance and convex +4.25 DS for reading. My amuch shorter time than I did. I feel more
distance vision had deteriorated in the eigh- and more strongly that a person will not
teen years I had worn glasses from better have full control of his mental faculties until
than normal to about one-third of normal. he gets rid of his glasses. Whether it takes
My near vision had gone back so much that two weeks or two years, the results will pay
I was wearing the glasses that theoretically for the deprivation.
should suit a person sixty or seventy years At present, I usually read an hour or so
old. in the daytime, and three or four hours at
With the glasses off I could see only the night with no eyestrain whatever. Previ-
largest headlines on the newspapers. While ously I used to walk along with my eyes

wearing the glasses, had occasional I fixedon the pavement because of the dis-
headaches and eyeaches, and my near comfort in taking note of passing people
vision was at times very defective, so that or objects. Now, it is a great pleasure to
I had difficulty in doing fine work of any examine things minutely.
kind. In my work I can go nine hours with
The first went around without
day I about the same fatigue as I felt before in
glasses, everything seemed blurred. But I three or four hours. In other words, Dr.
felt somehow I had gotten rid of some par- Bates'work has changed me from an old
ticularly galling chains. It was pleasant to man of forty-eight to a young man of fifty.
feel the air blowing against my eyes, and I now enjoy the practice of medicine for
I walked around the whole afternoon try- the first time since finishing my hospital
ing to get used to the new condition. internship. As I am absolutely certain that
In carrying out the suggestions in Dr. if students will carry out my directions, their
Bates' book, I had a great deal of trouble whole condition will be improved.
with the first week or so, especially with the In no case can the time required to
mental images. This was simply due to my obtain normal vision be definitely stated.
extreme eye strain. In spite of this, my People of the same age and wearing the
vision steadily improved by palming, so that same strength of glasses vary in time
at the end of three weeks, I could read the required as much as they differ in color

444 * Relearning to See


Chapter Twenty-Nine: "This Method Has Been Proved"

of their hair or size of their appetites. Some I was so pleased with the results of the
get quick results; others drag along indef- new method in my own case that I have
initely before they get where they should since taught centralization to about forty
be. These slow cases require lots of encour- of my patients, and in only about two did I
agement, and it sometimes takes all of their fail to improve the vision at the first sit-
own and the teacher's perseverance to keep ting. . .

them going. [After describing several case histories

of improvements with students he taught,
Note: It is not necessary to completely elim-
Dr. Stuart concludes with:]
inate glasses immediately to succeed. How- I was particularly pleased to be able to
ever, the less glasses are worn, the faster the relieve these little girls of a disfigurement
progress. which means so much more to them than
it would mean to a boy, and I was much

interested to note how much prettier their

Ophthalmologist M. H. Stuart, M.D. - eyes were, apart from the disappearance
Improvement and Teaching of strabismus, after a few sessions. They

Better Eyesight magazine, September 1920:

were wide open, softer-looking, in short,
. . . my error of refraction was, I
Slight as
was not able to leave off my glasses for more MORE PROOF
than an hour or two without suffering from
Janet Goodrich offers proof of vision
nervousness and the feeling of tenseness in
improvement of her students in three
the spinal cord alluded to above.
different cases in her book Natural Vision
. . . Recently I read, in the May (1920)
number of Better Eyesight, Dr. Arnau's Improvement:
story of how his headaches were relieved,
1. A group of nine students monitored by
and I was so impressed by it that I deter-
optometrist H. H. Friend in Australia;
mined to try the relaxation method upon
myself. I palmed for five minutes and then
2. A group of eighteen students
monitored by ophthalmologist Dr. J.
read the card three times with each eye as
Soorani in Los Angeles; and
far as I could without effort. I did this six
times a day for five days, and at the end of 3. A group of twelve students monitored
this time I had gained a very decided by Coralie La Salle, who was awarded a

degree of relaxation. I had, of course, dis- master's degree from UCLA on her
carded glasses, and, although this caused thesis, titled, "Some Psychophysiologi-
me a little discomfort at first, I was able, cal Influences in Myopia." 6
about a week later, to perform, without
them, three tonsillectomies and one oper-
I have personally talked with one oph-
ation for cataract, and to remove two blind thalmologist and two optometrists who teach

eyes. At the same time I went through my natural vision improvement.

daily routine of treating ten to thirty Mary Dudderidge reports in Scientific
patients, examining eyes, ears, noses and American:
throats, much of which work requires extra
The problem of [reversing] errors of
good vision
refraction, therefore, is to induce the eyes

Releaming to See •
. I


to take it easy, and look at things without went back to my eye doctor and my
effort. . . vision has improved a whole lot. I now
More than one thousand children with have four and a half diopters, and I

defective sight have regained normal vision started with seven diopters.
by [Bates' educational] means. In one class K. R. (Z. R.'s sister): I just wanted to
in which there had been 27 eye defectives,

25 were reported [reversed], while one tru-

tell you that I can see —and I am very
happy! Thank you. Bye.
ant and one incorrigible had become good
5. O. E.: I just called to tell you I am really
students, because they were now able to
study without pain.
7 excited. I went to my eye doctor today.
I see 20/40 [without glasses] and he did
See also Chapter 23, "Children and not see the need for me to get any
Schools," section "Definite, Irrefutable Proof." more glasses because he said there is


no need to reduce them —which makes
me think I have just thrown away my
NATURAL VISION STUDENTS glasses that I have worn for twelve
Following are parts of some messages left years ... I am really ecstatic and also
at or delivered to the Natural Vision Center really grateful. (O. E. is a Natural
of San Francisco by my natural vision stu- Vision teacher.)
dents (a couple of exceptions are noted) 6. O. C: I saw my eye doctor this
between September 1984 and August 1996. afternoon and my 20/80 glasses had
They have been edited for clarity of under- turned into 20/30. So, I got reductions
standing. Irrelevant and redundant parts have and he took out all of the astigmatism
been removed. correction, am very, very happy!
and I

Note that many of the improvements of 7. D.T.: I went to see my eye doctor
sight have been validated by the student s eye today, and he was quite impressed, and
doctor. I got another reduced prescription. So,

1. N.T.: I have very good news after having I am real excited about that. I was see-
gone to my eye doctor to have my eyes ing better today just knowing that.

checked yesterday. He says that out of

8. R. E: I have improved one diopter in

the glasses that were reduced the middle each eye, which was great news to me. I

of last April to 20/40, 1 am now seeing was so excited, I thought someone gave

20/25, so — I am so excited about this — me a brand new gift of some kind. I am

am now getting new glasses that are
one step away from perfect vision, by
dropped one diopter in one eye and one the way. I catch myself staring more
and a quarter diopters than I ever have before, so that must be
in the other eye.
So, I couldn't wait to tell you about that.
a good sign. (Comment: Students
2. E. R.: On the way home I had some become more aware of when they are

really nice clear vision flashes for a little staring as they improve.)

while. (Comment: This student has had 9. R W.: I wanted to tell you that my
serious vision problems since birth.) 20/40S are 20/20", and my 20/80S are

3. Z. R.: I just wanted to let you know I

now 20/50. So, I am so happy!

44° * Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty- Nine: "This Method Has Been Proved"

10. T. L.: I am calling to tell you that I took another reduction. There was only a
my driving test today, and I passed! slight reduction during my trip. But I
11. C. N.: I saw my eye doctor today and I did not wear my glasses at all during
am getting new glasses. I'm real excited. my trip, which lasted about three
The new reduced glasses are both weeks. And, I did a lot of fantastic
below -10 diopters. One is -8.5 and the things —without my glasses!
other is -9.5. My optometrist is pretty 17. N. Z.: I am doing so well. I really don't
excited. So, I'm pretty excited. {Com- need glasses that much in the house.
ment: Before the classes, C. N. wore And only when I go to strange places
OD: -13, and OS: -12.) do I wear glasses, or when I am driving.
12. K. I.: Wanted to let you know my eye Otherwise, I do not need glasses. I am

doctor is again reducing my prescrip- doing so well. I am so thrilled. I just

tion. I started out at -3.50 and -1.50 for wanted you know. Thanks.
to let
astigmatism. The first reduction was 18. W.T.: I saw two poles hanging from
-2.75 and -0.75 for astigmatism. He is the Vision Halo. {Comment: W. T. only
now moving me down to -2.00 and saw one pole when she first used the
leaving the astigmatism correction the Vision Halo, which is discussed in
same. I am very pleased. Chapter 18, "Stereoscopic Vision.")
13. T. W.: My eyesight has really taken off. I 19. M. L.: I called to tell you I just got a re-

just cannot get over it. Everything has duction, and I'm just so excited, I don't
become very three-dimensional and so know what to do. And I just thought you
much better as far as clarity goes. would like to know about it.
Thanks. 20. L. W.: Good news — I went to see my
14. D. B.: I wanted to tell you the good eye doctor, and my vision has improved
news. I just went to see my eye doctor, from 20/300 to 20/200. Not bad, eh?
and my 20/40 lenses are now 20/25. So Sketch, breathe, and blink!
we are reducing down the next step. 21. R. D.: My vision tests at 20/20 now. See
The 20/80S only went to 20/60, so we you tonight at the Review class. Thank
are going to keep those for a while. I'm you.
thrilled! I will be attending the next 22. K. N.: I am definitely having the cen-
Review class. tralizing realization, and understanding
15. R. G.: am calling the "staring hotline,"
I that diffusion is confusion. As far as my
basically just to say that I am very close-up vision, I am seeing that if I

excited with my vision this morning really slooowww doooownnn, I can see

and all the bright colors that I have close-up. So, I can actually read your
been seeing since I first opened my phone number off of your flyer when I
eyes. was calling you. If I don't strain, and if I
16. O. N.: Thank you very much. I haven't just slooowww doooownnn, and take

reduced my glasses [for a second time] the time, then I can see. Thank you.
yet. My optometrist says my eyes have 23. K. N., again: I can see in areas that I

not improved that greatly to do could not see before, not all the time,

Relearning to See • 447


but I do not have to put my glasses on 27. K. N., again: I am doing very well
always for close up. It is not as clear as I some total major breakthroughs, as far

would like it to be. as self-love and self-confidence, and just

24. K. N., again: I am brushing and breath- feeling good about myself. I am, I must
ing and blinking as I drive back to Lake admit, forgetting sometimes to sketch,
Tahoe. I had a good meditation
really breathe, and blink, but like you said,

last night, and part of what I see is the previously I did not even know such
significance of reversals beyond eye- — things (habits) were available.

sight — just the significance of going 28. O. G.: I just wanted to call, and tell you
back and healing, and then coming for- for the first time I can see crystal clear
ward again. out of my glasses that used to be 20/40.
25. K. N., again: I am really going through Now I think I can see 20/20 out of these
some stuff now. I'm seeing some of my glasses. I was so amazed. (Comment:
patterns. Fear of authority. Fear of O. G. is a Natural Vision teacher.)
humiliation. And overwhelm. I have my 29. K. G: Although I stuck my glasses in

little reminders around my house. And I my pocket to go to vision class last

am really seeing a lot better; not all of night, I don't think I got home with my
the time, but sometimes. It is very excit- glasses. I don't remember taking them
ing. When I slooowww doooownnn out of my pocket at all during class.

enough to take the time to do them (the This will now be my seventh pair of
habits), if I really take the time I can mysteriously disappearing glasses.
read even the fine print on the page. Hmmm, it is so strange. I am not quite
26. N.T.: Yesterday I went and had a mas- ready to do without them yet. But it's

sage. And when was done I with the my old childhood story of losing my
massage and came out into the light,
I I glasses.And so, this is it, my seventh
thought, "Wow! Everything just looks pair lost this year. Hmmm. am just I

so bright!" But I thought it was because hoping I left them in your classroom,
I had my eyes closed for an hour. And I but I think you don't have them. I will

just noticed everything was bright on just keep looking, but weird, weird
the way home. And then I went on with things happen to me with this. (Com-
my daily business, and then I noticed ment: Losing the glasses again was a
that objects just seemed to be jumping reversal process.)
out at me. My depth perception is 30. D. E: In spite of stress, which actually is

incredible! And, anyway, I went to bed resolving itself, I am down to some-

last night, and I woke up this morning, where between 20/40 and 20/100
and it is the same! I see colors so depending on what the light is. The
brightly that I can't get over it. Wow! I optometrist pegged me at 20/70 and
can't even tell you how exciting this is. gave me -1.50 diopters. This part of my
Things have texture! (Comment: Many life is probably the best part of my
qualities of the visual system reactivate life —except maybe T'ai Chi. Bye.
with natural vision improvement.) 31. T N.: Some things are changing for me

448 • Relearning to See

— I

Chapter Twenty-Nine: "This Method Has Been Proved'

vocationally. It is difficult to stay in a lot of resistance. I notice my own will-

stressful work environment when your ingness to relax, and vision does get
life is about relaxation. clearer and more mobile every day.
32. N. N.: am so excited with what is hap-
I And, in fact, I have gotten over a hump
pening with my mother. She can now of resistance. And I probably will
see the numbers on the kitchen timer encounter some more humps in the
of course, with her glasses. But before, future. But it is truly very energizing
she used her glasses and her magnify- and clarifying for my mind and emo-
ing glass —and still she wasn't sure of tions and vision to give in to the process
numbers. Now she can also see the little of letting my clarity return.
arrow on her sewing machine. Thank 36. K. went to the eye doctor, and I
I.: I

you. (Comment: N. N. and her mother went through the whole exam, and I
attended vision classes.) knew my eyes had improved. He
33. B.T. (before attending classes): I was toldme that with my (former) 20/40S
thinking about stress and eyesight, and could now see 20/25. And my (former)
I was thinking about the time when I 20/80S are definitely too strong for the
realized I had cataracts, and I had computer, which I knew. So, it was
blamed it on working in an office with really exciting to see how much my
two chain smokers and all the smoke vision had improved!
drying out the lenses of my eyes. But I 37. M. K.: I have exciting news to tell you. I

realized it was most the stressful job I understand centralization! About two
had had in my whole entire life. I was days ago, I started seeing a single point
so tense in that job. And then another clearly. I tip my hat to you! Thank you
time, when I was a student, I was far very much.
away from home, and I was homesick, 38. D. N.: Just to give you an update. I am
and I almost went blind. And that was doing fine. I am reading in the sunshine
another stressful year of mine, and, without glasses a lot of the time. And,
God!, now when I put two plus two really, I am doing well with these +1.50S,
together, I keep thinking about stress, although sometimes I have to get into a
and my eyes always get worse when I good light, because light has a lot to do
am under stress. And all of the people with it, I discovered.
in my retinitis pigmentosa group say 39. K.T.: I went to my optometrist this
their eyes get worse, too, when they are afternoon, and he said that the glasses
under stress. he had prescribed for me to see 20/40,

34. O. H.: I want to share briefly a story now I can see almost 20/20 through
with you. Today I picked up a book, them. So, he is going to prescribe
and started to read the book, and another pair of glasses for me. So I am
realized I was not using my glasses! I really excited now —not that I wasn't
was very excited by that! Things are excited before —but now I am really
moving! excited. I just want to tell you the good
35. B. U: My clarity is coming back, after a news. Thanks a lot.

Relearning to See • 449


40. K. N., again: I am so excited, I am really, improve more and more every day. So,
every day, doing my vision habits keep up the good work. Bye.
brush, breathe, and blink. Things I 44. M. L.: I just wanted to tell you some-
could not read before I can read, and it thing really good is happening, because
is very exciting. my eyes are getting so good, I can
41. T. R.: I am thinking that my life is hardly believe it. My vision is improv-
pretty hectic right now, and I do not ing a lot. I'm seeing a lot of things I

think I will be attending the remaining could not see before. In the night, I can
classes. I think I have the basic gist of it. see my clock; I could not see it before.
I know I will be missing valuable infor- It was always blurry. I can see my tele-
mation, but I feel like right now I have vision without my glasses, and a lot of

to make some major lifestyle changes, really good things. I just wanted to let

such as relaxing and breathing. I do you know about my progress. I must be

have plans to go away for the next cou- doing good vision habits.
ple of weekends to make some money, 45. L. M.:This vision is a lot of fun. It really

which I really need, but I appreciate works, and I am really psyched, and I

everything you have done. And, I do want to thank you.

hope that through this gradual process 46. M. L: Boy, I must have had 20/15 today
things will begin to change for me. But. over in the Marin Headlands. It was
I see that it is really something very incredible. I could count the houses on
major. Like you always say, "It is not a the streets in the Sunset District of San
trivial class." That's true. But I definitely Francisco. Actually. I was seeing from
have those three things down, and now Tennessee Valley, which is farther than
I just need to apply them, and make the Marin Headlands. Thanks for your
changes in my life. So, thank you very good work.
much for your help, and I will be talk- 47. B.T (again, before attending classes): I

ing to you sometime in the future to let have decided I would like to be your
you know how things are going. last, ninth student in your course begin-
42. K. R: I had your course about a month ning April 8. 1 just had a realization
and a half ago. My vision has improved. that I cannot afford not to take your
I went to the DMV and passed. Now I class.

can drive legally without glasses. I 48. M. L.: I just thought I would call you
thoughtI would call you and say and let you know that I have been hav-
"Thank you" for your class. You have ing a lot of flashes. I mean, lots and lots

helped me make great improvements and lots. I have just been noticing that I

with my eyes. haven't been wearing my glasses for

43. B. H.: Just wanted you know my
to let three weeks.
husband and I are moving ... I wanted •
49. B. T again: Reading on the trolley com-
to thank you for everything, and I feel ing home last night, I had an intellec-
very fortunate to meet you and take tual appreciation that I would, could,
your class. My vision continues to will get better; that my progress is less

45° • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Nine: "This Method Has Been Proved"

"iffy" now; it's more, like, definite. In had serious difficulties reading before
my mind, it is definite. And last night I the vision class.)
had a intellectual realization that it is 55. M. U: I had this great insight, or con-
definite. That I can do it. And then my own life. This thought
nection, in
this morning I had the emotional came to me that I have to get focused
realization in life, because I have been rather scat-
50. R. C: I thought I would give you a tered. I have had a hard time looking
progress report. I went to my eye doc- for a job; I haven't really looked for a
tor today, and had a "micro" improve-
I job. Just kind of been running from one
ment, which I was thoroughly excited interest to the next to the next. So, the
about, and certainly congratulated word that came to me about the way —
myself. Thanks a lot. I am very happy. I was leading my life was it is time to —
51 K. W.: I just wanted to let you know I get more focused. Well, this seems to
had my first real flash. I saw clearly for have something to do with vision, does-
a few seconds, and then I was staring at n't it?! What do you know? So, anyway,
the thing I was looking at, and then it that seems like a good thing. Thanks
went away. But, it did happen. It was very much.
really magical! So, even though I have 56. M. C.: I want to thank you for the class.
been really down on myself, and think- It is absolutely wonderful. I spent the
ing that I was not doing well, something entire day yesterday without my glasses
must be happening, right? Bye, and on —even at work —which was a real
thanks. milestone for me. I can't thank you
52 F. G.: I just got a third reduction, which enough for the class. It was really great.
is getting pretty far down there. So, I Thanks a lot.

am glad about that. Thanks, bye. 57. K. N.: I just wanted to say that I love
53- M. L.: I just went to my eye doctor last this class, and I am having such won-
week, and he said that my naked eyes derful experiences. This has been such a
are 20/80, and that I do not need any happy day. Actually, it started yesterday
more reduced glasses for up close. on the way home from class.

54. G. I.: I am really on this thing. I am 58. K. N., again: I wanted to tell you I am
doing so much better, you would have seeing so wonderfully well. A couple of
been proud of me. I even went to a fair, things have happened recently, and that

and I went on one of those incredible is: I have been thinking about the
rides that spins around backward and woman who put reminder stickers all

goes up and down

same time. at the over her house, and how you said she
And I went by myself, and I had the improved fast. I keep thinking every
courage to do that, and did OK. I want day, "I am going to do that. I am going
to keep consistent with this, and want to put up reminder stickers." And I
to be able to make sure I practice cor- have a whole box of stickers, but I can't
rect reading and writing habits. The decide which one to use. But, because I
reading is going OK. (Comment: G. I. have been thinking about it so much, I

Relearning to See • 45 J


think about where I am going to put ful. So, I think that is long enough. I

them, so I am always thinking about hope your tape does not run out. Bye.
centralizing and sketching and stuff. So, 59. T. N., again: I just wanted to give you a

it's working even if I don't have stickers little success story. I came into work
up! The other thing is I was putting today after havingmy work done with
make-up on yesterday, and I looked up, my chiropractor yesterday. He made
and I realized my eyes are together some wonderful adjustments. He really
seeing. Usually when I am up close at helped loosen up my neck a lot. I was
the mirror, one eye is down, and the amazed at how tight some of the mus-
other is up —and I am using only one had been for such a long time. At

eye, while the other is not seeing. So work I realized I could now see twice
now they are coming together. I feel the distance as I could before with clar-

like am holding my head straight. And

I ity, because when I first took my glasses
my eyes are coming together! It is off. I used to be able to see my
really fun! Even my boyfriend noticed computer screen at about 18 inches.
it, when we are looking at each other, And now, I can actually stretch out my
that one eye is not wandering off. I arm to about a three-foot length, and I

realize that a lot of this is staying con- can now see the computer screen very
scious of my blinking, because the more clearly. Obviously. I have more
I blink, the more it brings my eyes improvement to go, but it is very
together somehow. I'm not sure why impressive that after these months, and
that works, but it does. And my yawn- all the different things I have been
ing mechanism is just going "nuts'* it's — doing, and with chiropractic, I have
great! Every time I get into one of made a definite step forward. So, just
these yawning spells, I realize it is when wanted to let you know about that.

my eyes have been under some sort of Take care. Bye. (Comment: T N. is now
stress. my computer
Like right after a Certified Natural Vision teacher.)
class, all the way home I am yawning. It 60. K. L.: Thank you so much for talking
works! Anyway, I am very excited with me for so long after the class. It

about life, and all of the things you was a real beginning of my understand-
helped us relearn. At a conference ing. And now I can read the books and
where I was just helping out, I met a lot have a much better feeling for them. I

of friends I had not seen for a long am really excited about the centralizing
time, and it was really emotional for me principle, which I really got for the first

to get up and introduce myself. I felt time because of what you explained to
real powerful, just within myself; confi- another student. So now, when I look at

dent. I really attribute a big portion of the smallest thing, becomes clear, and it

that, of my excitement about life, and it's very, very nice. So, I just wanted to

moment to the
staying alive in each thank you for everything so much. Bye.
commitment I made when I started 61. T W.: I just wanted to pass on some
with your class. And I am really grate- good news. I just happened to be at the

45 2 • Releaming to See
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "This Method Has Been Proved'

DMV because I lost my driver's license. doctor today, andmy vision has
I requested a duplicate, and at the same improved once He was really
time I asked if they could re-test my amazed at how much my vision has
eyes because I had been taking a nat- improved. I am real excited about it.

ural vision course. I took the test again, And the glaucoma test he said that —
and I passed! So, I don't need correc- my pressure was like a teenager's. And
tive lenses. I wanted to thank you very, I really attribute it to your class and all

very much. Best wishes. the good teaching I got. And my glasses
62. C. B.: I just laughed yesterday, because I keep getting lighter and lighter, and it's

went to have my renewal of my driver's a wonderful feeling, so, I wanted to

license at the DMV, and they gave me thank you very much for your good
an eye test. So, she asked me to read work. (Comment: H.T integrates nat-
the lines; and so, I read the lines. And ural vision principles into the art classes
then she looked up at me and said, she teaches to adults and children.)
"Are you wearing contact lenses?" And 64. S.T.: I have had a lot of vision improve-
I said, "No." She said, "Have you had ment and "Wow's" lately, but
a lot of I

any corrective surgery?" And I said, am calling because I wanted to get a

"No." And she was just in puzzlement. bunch of your brochures, because there
And I my old files,
guess she looked up is a lot of interest in your classes at the
and I guess said I needed glasses. And
it Feldenkrais training I am attending. I

I just sort of smiled. And she said, will see you at the Review class.

"Well, you are supposed to be getting 65. D. B.: I am playing with this nose-
worse!" And I said, "No! I am getting feather, and it is pretty amazing the
better!" And, so it was just sort of a stuff that is coming up. I am seeing so
funny thing. I said, "Yeah, your eyes can much about how my vision is one more
improve. You do not have to go nega- metaphor, one more way of how I live

tive in the other direction." So, that was my life. This is, like, totally wonderful
just sort of an interesting thing. My and I am so excited, and thank you.
eyes are not quite 20/20 yet, but with all 66. S.I.: I was at a training yesterday with

your support in fundamentals of nat- some people I have been working with
ural vision, I have great faith that I will for the last two years, and it was inter-

arrive at that point — 20/20, if not bet- estingwhat happened. I was relaxing
ter. And, like everything else, it's all and yawning, and the leader of the
associated with good mind-health and training apparently got very angry at

mind-spirit and general health. OK. me because I was yawning so much,

Thanks, Tom. (Comment: C. B. is a med- and he accused me of not participating

ical doctor who teaches proper nutri- and being disrespectful, and, uh, I was
tion to his clients. He gave me a gift of not expecting that. So, I might want to
a T-shirt which says, "Sketch, Breathe, have a talk with you about some of the
and Blink— Oh, I See.") social consequences of being relaxed.
63. H. T: I just had a check-up with my eye Maybe I am being an utter fanatic

Releaming to See • 453



about it, but it feels so good, I am hav- not wear my glasses more often. So, just

ing a hard time stopping! I ended up wanted to let you know things are mov-
leaving this training. It just wasn't ing. Take care. Bye.

worth it for me to be there. Also, my 68. D. B., again: I just wanted to tell you I

right jaw has been popping very loudly, just had this —
amazing, wonderful
which is something that happened can't remember what you called —but it

when I was 18 years old. It was pretty it was just like a real, absolute miracle

bad at that time. It was sort of like in my vision. It kind of subsided back
lock-jaw, and I would try to put food in now, but it was just phenomenal. It was
my mouth, and my mouth would not like — just the clarity and the color
open. It is not that bad, but it is sort of and —I'm kind of rocking and reeling
reminiscent of that, and it reminds me from it at this point. And it was just
of what you said about going back incredibly wonderful. I just wanted to

through layers — that if there was an old share that with you, because I knew
injury or illness, a person might you would appreciate it. Bye.
re-experience it in order to release it. (Comment: This was a flash of better
So, I figure that is what is happening, vision.)

but it's a little strange, 'cause I haven't 69. S. H.: I went to the DMV this morning
been in that place for 10 or 15 years and managed to pass the darn vision
now. So, lots of interesting develop- test. And so, I will be in touch with you
ments. And I am having fun! And I just before the next time the DMV test
wanted to call and check in and make comes up again four years from now
use of your "staring hotline." Hope you when I am 88. Whooaahhh! Ah, gosh,
are well. Bye. (Comment: S. I. identifies Tom. I am sure your course helped me.
his own reversal.) 70. L. G.: I just wanted to give you the
67. B.T.: I wanted to leave you this mes- good news. I did the 3 B's all the way to
sage of success. I had another reduction the eye doctor's office yesterday, and
of my lenses. I am now using my origi- with my previously reduced glasses I

nal 20/80 correction lenses as my 20/40 could see better than 20/20. That's
lenses, which feels really good. And the exciting, isn't it!

other thing that is really significant is 71. S. H.: It is the middle of the night, but I

that I my blur with-

have noticed that just had to call and let you know that I

out any glasses is less. And when I really think that my amblyopia and
noticed it, is when I just got my last strabismus are disappearing. And I am
20/80 lenses. I just noticed that the blur just very happy. I was just looking in
without them is not that much worse the mirror atmy eyes and they just
than the blur with them. It was so neat seem so beautiful to me now. And
to see that —that actually, I am really when I turn my head in a direction that
making progress. So, albeit it is slow, before my eyes would always go funny,
but I am really excited about that. This so to speak, now they seem to go "in
has been encouraging, and helps me to synch" in synchronicity with each other,

454 * Relearning to See

— — —

Chapter Twenty-Nine: "This Method Has Been Proved"

and they don't look strange. So, I just ter. I will probably be getting my third
wanted to call and share the good news. pair of reduced lenses within, I would
{Comment: Before vision classes, S. H. say, the next month, which am thrilled

could not drive a car because of very about, because that will probably be my
poor peripheral vision. Now she can.) last pair of glasses! Thanks a lot, Tom.
72. S. C, again: I am still having such won- Take care.
derful improvement, and different 76. N. W.: I did have something of a special
things going on with my vision, and I moment this month, where I had for
am so excited about it! the first time a flash of 3-D vision
73. S. I., again: I had another remarkable without my glasses! I will be happy to
breakthrough today. At the gym, a very share that at the next month's Review
large gym in a large room, and I sketch class.

the signs that are way against the far 77. T. L.: I very much enjoyed your Intro-
wall, and they are really teeny little ductory Lecture last night. And my
signs, and I just sketch them because friend Sue, who thought the whole
they are these brightly colored objects. thing was hogwash before, was very
And I noticed today that —um— I knew pleased and was already, all the way
before that there were words on them, home, talking about referring her
but they were just a total blur, just neighbor's three-year-old boy, who has
teeny little letters, and I had not even coke-bottle glasses, to me. {Comment:
thought about the possibility of reading T L. is a Natural Vision teacher and
the words — it was enough that I could loves teaching children natural vision
even see the signs. But, today I found habits. Also, due to back pain, T. L. was
myself reading the words! It was unable to jog for many years before
remarkable, I mean, there it was, taking the vision classes. She now jogs
"Unload all bars. Replace all weights." again — pain-free.)

And, I never even considered the possi- 78. T. L., again: I have even — if it's possi-

bility of reading the signs, because the ble more enthusiasm. So, good!

print just seemed so tiny; it's so far 79. F. N.: I had the most amazing thing hap-
away! And there it was I was reading — pen this my eyes when I
morning with
it! It was just astounding! So, your pro- was dancing. It kind of blew me away.
gram really does work. I guess you All of a sudden my eyes began to cen-
know that already. But, I just thought I tralize on their own completely. It's like

would let you know of one more suc- the muscles had relaxed totally

cess story. Bye. relaxed. And, then Iwas dancing the

74. M. C: I am about 20/40 now —with just whole time that way. I can't even do
my own eyes— and I have not worn that blurry thing (diffusion) any more,

glasses for a whole year! Cool! {Com- because I feel it. And what was amaz-
ment: M. C. is now a Natural Vision ing, when I had on my glasses to
to put

teacher.) drive home, I felt what the glasses do.

75. N. I.: My eyes are continuing to get bet- They actually make me diffuse, because

Relearning to See • 455

— . —


they make my eyes lock up in a way breathing, and what's the other one?

that my eyes are pointing forward, sketching! And my vision is actually

instead of centralizing. And it creates excellent these days.

this strain, when I want to just relax my 86. N. I., again: I went to the DMV today
eyes and centralize and everything and I missed by one letter! So, I am dis-
instead of the glasses, which tend to appointed, but I can tell I have come a
flattenthem out and outward, if that really long way. And, I will be going
makes any sense. But, it's amazing, and back at some point, and trying again.
I am so excited, and I just wanted to 87. D. S.: I wanted to let you know I had
tell you. my eyes re-tested today, and the eye
80. B. K.: I just have three things to say: doctor said there was a 5% improve-
Brush, Breathe, and Blink! And I will ment. (Comment: This was after only
be at the next Review class. two classes.)

81. L. C: I will be attending your Staring 88. M. H.: Just a note to thank you for your
Anonymous meeting (Review class) course. It has allowed me to get the
tomorrow night. most out of my vision. Vision continues
82. T. L., again: I went to the eye doctor on to improve and has affected my life for
Monday because my eye was hurting the better. I've given up a "Big Bucks"
me; my glasses were too strong. The computer job which I had for 15 years. I

right eye is now reduced to -1.00 DS will be looking for work more suitable
from -1.50 DS the last time; of course, to my body and the Earth. My good
the left lense still has no correction. So vision will see me through and I am
that is very exciting. confident I will find something in which
83. A caller, but not my student: J. N: My I can work happily (Comment: M. H. at.

mother healed herself with the Bates now has a very successful San Francisco
method, and she is now 85, and she did pet-sitting business.)
this Bates program at age 20, and she 89. A. O.: I started wearing glasses for dis-
still does not wear glasses. tance when I was fourteen years old.
84. M. Wanted to say that we both had
S.: My vision was such that I would not
really good success, and really appreci- cross the street if I did not have glasses
ate your work. I have not used the on. By 1983, 1 was wearing bifocals and
reading glasses for any application for was having severe head and neck pains.
the last two weeks, and that includes I took Tom's class in 1984 and threw
the small print on the computer and all away my glasses and the severe head
the fine print work that I have to do. and neck pains were gone. I am sixty-
And it is not perfect, but I certainly four years old now and do not own a
understand how to keep working pair of glasses for either reading or dis-
toward that goal. I thank you very tance. The Bates method really works.
much. Bye. 90. L. N.: Thanks again for a really illumi-
85. S. I., again: I have not seen you in half a nating and life-changing course. It has
year or longer. I am still blinking and affected my life in every direction.

456 • Relearning to See

Chapter Twenty-Nine: "This Method Has Been Proved'


W. B. MacCracken, Use Your Own Eyes (Berke-
There are hundreds of case histories of nat- ley, California: Published by the author, 1937),
ural vision improvement in the references p. ix.
listed in the Bibliography. Several of these Ibid., p. 227.
books are written by ophthalmologists, Ibid., pp. 232-36.
Harris Gruman, New Ways to Better Sight (New
optometrists, and one medical doctor.
York: Hermitage House, 1950), p. 186.
Most people who offer natural vision
Ibid., p. 187.
classes are private teachers. 6
Janet Goodrich, Natural Vision Improvement
(Berkeley, California: Celestial Arts, 1985),
pp. 187-91.
Mary Dudderidge, "New Light Upon Our Eyes:
The poem on the next page was written by An Investigation Which May Result in Normal
Adam Schwartz at the conclusion of the 1993 Vision for All, Without Glasses," in Scientific
Natural Vision Teacher Training Program. American (January 12, 1918), p. 61.

Relearning to See • 457


Qui of ih tyhi
for Tom
In Tny days 6e/arc memory
I Saw clean* and let others see nme
My uorld was a place "to touih and explore
"People were to trust, ho|4, a*4 adore
Then TOy World 0*rew /earyoine and X Jost m* trust"
I chose anp-er, deceit, envy and !*»$+
I C^st T»iy life in shade* o^ AT 1'**
Xf was a trial toaret fhrouer/j away
/IvdiT'naf l#/e io beg-in, it never did
I postponed adulthood! and remained a kid
blurred out ^he Vorld save -for a space

J ,

Just beyond the l-anae of Jny ^ate

ffty wot-14 was 5^t/ Strl n»y heeds went unexpressed

X stayed up TiifVt* as sleep broM^ht Ho reft

Ttiu eyes Were numb and /«lt Me stone
my shrunk* Sphere I way aM a/one

I fuddled 'Hr-oMj'h, existing h»iy-dJive

UntilI wanted mort than just to survive
Slowly I Jeff my darft, airless cell
fad began -to see. taste, and smelt
I Saw a world of joy b*d lament
Of (juier courage and OiUer discontent
Wnen old symptom* .surfAced, I knew achivi* doubt
I weathered tbem> thty passed throve-h wie and out
•W ny Space of clin'ty »$ ever- arrow* Ha
/Is Thy Thihd and my s^nf detpen tneir >r»owH)0
XVe stepped out 0/ a land 0/ endless »igh<
With a second chance to have clear St^nt

/jdhn\ Schtvarti
Inarch, MlJ

Figure 29-1: "Out of the Night." Reprinted with permission from Adam Schwartz.

458 • Relearning to See

Chapter Thirty

Questions and Answers

HOW CAN I FIND A NATURAL A very common phenomenon of imperfect

VISION TEACHER? sight is the one known to medical science
as muscae volitantes or flying flies. These
For referrals to Natural Vision teachers, floating specks are usually dark or black,

please contact us at:

but sometimes appear like white bubbles,
and in rare cases may assume all the col-
Natural Vision Center
ors of the rainbow. They move somewhat
P.O. Box 986 rapidly, usually in curving lines, before the
Ashland, OR 97520 USA eyes, and always appear to be just beyond
(541)512-2525 the point of centralization. If one tries to look at them directly, move a
they seem to
[email protected] little farther away. Hence their name of "fly-
ing flies."
NOTE: Natural Vision Center may be The literature of the subject is full of
relocating to Nijmegen, Holland (The speculations as to the origin of these
Netherlands), in October 2003. appearances. Some have attributed them
to the presence of floating specks — dead


cells, or the debris of cells — in the vitreous

humor, the transparent substance that fills

four-fifths of the eyeball behind the crys-
NATURAL VISION TEACHER? talline lens. [This is correct.] Similar specks
See Appendix E, "Becoming a Natural Vision on the surface of the cornea have also been
Teacher." held responsible for them. It has even been
surmised that they might be caused by the
WHAT ARE THE LITTLE SPECKS I SEE passage of tears over the cornea. They are
FLOATING IN FRONT OF MY EYES so common in myopia that they have been

SOMETIMES? supposed to be one of the symptoms of this

condition, although they occur also with
Bates has this to say in Perfect Sight With-
other errors of refraction, as well as in eyes
out Glasses:

Relearning to See • 459



otherwise normal. They have been attrib- Ophthalmologist Charles May writes in his
uted to disturbances of the circulation, the book Diseases of the Eye:
digestion and the kidneys . .

Muscae Volitantes is a term employed for

A clergyman who was much annoyed by
the appearance of spots (motes) before the
the continual appearance of floating specks
eyes, without appreciable structural change
before his eyes was told by his eye specialist
in the vitreous or other media. They are
that they were a symptom of kidney dis-
caused by the shadows cast upon the retina
ease, and that in many cases of kidney trou-
by the cells normally found in the vitreous,
ble disease of the retina might be an early
and are present in all eyes under certain
symptom. [Chinese healing philosophies
circumstances, such as exposure to a uni-
connect the liver and kidneys to sight.] So
form bright surface, or in looking through
at regular intervals he went to the special-
a microscope. They are found more fre-
ist to have his eyes examined, and when at
quently in errors of refraction (especially
length the latter died, he looked around
immediately for some one else to make the
myopia), and the symptom may be aggra-
vated temporarily during digestive derange-
periodical examination. His family physi-
ments. They are annoying and sometimes
cian directed him to me the clergyman
alarm the person, but are of no importance,
particularly wanted some one capable of
making a thorough examination of the and do not affect the acuteness of vision.

and detecting
The [solution] consists in correcting errors
rior of his eyes at once any
of refraction, or in relieving the disturbance
signs of kidney disease that might make
their appearance. So he came to me, and at
of digestion. They often persist until the
person ceases to look for them and thus
least four times a year for ten years he con-
forgets their existence. 1

tinued to come.
Each time I made a very careful exam- Today, typical floating specks are consid-
ination of his eyes, taking as much time ered to be remnants of the blood vessels
over it as possible, so that he would believe
which course the interior of the eye as the
that it was careful; and each time he went
fetus develops.
away happy because I could find nothing
wrong Important: Some floating particles can be

The specks are associated to a consider- caused by blows to the head or eye diseases.
able extent with markedly imperfect eye- Anyone with this concern should consult
sight, because persons whose eyesight is immediately with an ophthalmologist.
imperfect always strain to see; but persons
whose eyesight is ordinarily normal may ISTHE BATES METHOD A FORM OF
see them at times, because no eye has nor- MIND CONTROL OR HYPNOSIS?
mal sight all the time. Most people can see No. The Bates method is an educational
muscae volitantes when they look at any . . .

process of relearning the same natural, correct

uniformly bright surface
vision habits you had when you used to see
clearly. Students are eliminating the strain they
Bates showed that when mental strain is
put on the visual system when they acquired
present, these particles are seen more readily.
blurred vision. There is no mind control or hyp-
Bates concluded, erroneously, that the float-
nosis involved in this educational program.
ing specks are solely mental, and not physical.

460 • Relearning to See


Chapter Thirty: Questions and Answers

IFIND THERE ARE SOME PARALLELS One excellent New York Bates teacher
BETWEEN THE BATES METHOD AND offered her private students a very short
SPIRITUAL/METAPHYSICAL CON- optional metaphysical teaching at the end of
CEPTS. WHY DO YOU NOT MENTION each lesson during palming. (Natural vision
OR TEACH THESE CONCEPTS IN YOUR students often palm for a few minutes at the
CLASSES? end of each class.) Interestingly, more than
Eyesight improvement is not dependent upon 90% of her students elected to receive this

understanding spiritual/metaphysical con- optional teaching.

cepts. Also, some students in my group are

not interested in my perceptions of spiritu-
ality and metaphysics. If a student is inter-

ested in such concepts, he may seek a teacher

Charles H. May, Diseases of the Eye (Baltimore,

in that field.
Maryland: William Wood and Company, 1943),
pp. 264-65.

Relearning to See • 46
Chapter Thirty-One


An important scientific innovation rarely mus is caused by one or more recti muscles
makes its way by gradually winning over and becoming chronically tight. Since Bates
converting its opponents: it rarely happens that proved natural vision improvement is pos-
Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that
sible, regardless of age or parentage, the
its opponents gradually die out and that the
mechanism of how vision improves is only of
growing generation is familiarized with the
academic interest.
idea from the beginning.
Bates proved the two oblique muscles can
—Max Planck. The Philosophy accommodate the eye to see clearly up close.
of Physics, 1936 When these two muscles release their con-
Because natural vision education is relatively
tractions, the eye sees clearly in the distance
unknown, I have attempted in this book to
Bates went further in his research to prove
present and explain the work of Dr. William
H. Bates as thoroughly, logically, and con-
that functional vision problems are caused
vincingly as I am able. I have presented both by mental strain. The entire basis of Bates'

rational and empirical scientific facts to sup-

work on natural vision improvement is relax-
ation. The principles of movement and cen-
port Bates' discoveries about natural vision.
tralization are essential in order to achieve
To summarize the key points of this book:
It is clear that compensating lenses are,
relaxation. The three principles of natural
vision are not confined to the Bates method,
at best, a crutch. At worst, they create more
but are universal in scope.
vision problems.
The specific habits of normal sight Bates
Bates' research proved that errors of
refraction are functional problems — specifi-
described are the same habits (virtually) all

people learn automatically and subcon-

cally, the extrinsic muscles contract chroni-
sciously in the first few years of life. Natural
cally tight and change the shape of the eyeball
vision students are literally and simply
to be long, short, or oval, creating nearsight-
relearning to see.
edness, farsightedness, and astigmatism,
The sketching (or shifting) habit is simply
respectively. Bates also showed that strabis-

Relearning to See • 4^3


Movement Not Exercises

cNatural, Relaxed, Correct Vision Habits = Clarity

Incorrect, Strained Vision Habits = Blur

Glasses. Contacts, Drugs, Surgeries, etc. to

( Bates Method of Natural Eyesight Reeducation

Figure j 1-1 .Born to See.

the combination of the principles of move- eliminated. We who are protected from all
ment and centralization. Breathing correctly the dangers from which our savage fore-

is, of course, natural and essential for normal bears could protect themselves only by

health. The breathing habit is especially con- their good eyesight, and whose eyes are
limited for a great part of the time to a nar-
nected to the relaxation principle of natural
row range of vision, quite [commonly] lose
vision. Blinking frequently is clearly an essen-
this power. Under similar conditions wild
tial, normal vision habit.
animals lose it also, becoming myopic in
Mary Dudderidge sums up her article on
captivity, although they neither read nor
the Bates method in Scientific American: write nor sew nor set type. The [solution]

By means of this simple system of eye is not to close our schools and stop our
education Dr. Bates maintains that the printing presses and return to a primitive

organs of vision can be kept always in a condition in which there was no astigma-
normal condition. The savage presumably tism or short sight, but to practice the art

got this education from his daily life. He of seeing perfectly. .


was obliged, as a condition of continued

Modern right brain/left brain concepts pro-
existence, to focus his eyes for accurate
vide a particularly valuable perspective on
vision at all distances. If he didn't he was
Bates' discoveries. We live in an extremely

464 • Relearning to See

Chapter Thirty -One. Summary
left-brain oriented, industrialized, literate soci- enjoyed nature, and went to sleep at sunset.

ety. Essentially, Bates discovered that normal Noticing the natives did not use glasses,
vision is primarily a right-brain function. If she began using her glasses less and less.

the visual system is used in primarily a She began seeing more and more natu-
left-brain, strained manner, sight cannot be
rally —
automatically and subconsciously.
At the end of her two-year visit, her vision
had become clear. During her stay in Peru,
The personality of the individual appears
she knew nothing about the Bates method
what type of blurred vision a per-
to dictate
or vision improvement concepts.
son will acquire if he forms strained vision
habits. The re-integration of correct vision A person's vision is determined by that
habits into the relatively "flat," left-brain activ- person's relationship with nature —regard-
ities of reading, computer work, and watch- less of any type of knowledge held by the per-

ing TV is especially important. son. Just as a person can "fall" out of proper

The overall health of an individual can vision habits without knowing consciously
have a large impact on the student's ability what she is doing, she can also "fall" back into

to relearn natural vision habits and princi- the proper vision habits without conscious

ples. The epidemic of blurred vision in this knowledge. This is what happened to this

society can be viewed as a subset of the many woman, and to several other people I have
increasingly serious health problems. These talked with. In each case, excessive stress was

problems appear to stem largely from our removed from their lives.
left-brain, rational approach to living, inap- It was Bates' recognition of similar so-

propriately applied to right-brain, empirical called "spontaneous remissions" of blurred

aspects of life. Massive, indiscriminate use of sight which prompted him to discard ortho-
drugs and surgeries is one glaring example, dox "impossible to improve" theories of
and this has been particularly destructive. The blurred vision, and allowed him to discover

quality of American life has lowered signifi- the truth of errors of refraction. Bates proved

cantly in the last several decades. Improv- that natural vision principles and habits deter-
ing vision naturally is one way of improving mine how well a person sees.
the quality of one's life. See Plate 60: The Land of Sketch, Breathe,
and Blink.

ONE FINAL "NATURAL" VISION One final reminder:

IMPROVEMENT STORY Sketch, Breathe, and Blink!

After the first Introductory Lecture I

gave San Francisco in 1983, I met a

woman who was cooking in the yoga Notes
school's kitchen. She told me she used to 1
Mary Dudderidge, "New Light Upon Our Eyes:
wear glasses. During the stressful 1960s she An Investigation Which May Result in Normal
left the US for Peru, where she lived with Vision for All, Without Glasses," in Scientific
the natives in a peaceful, rural village. She American (January 12, 1918), p. 61.

woke up with the sunrise, planted, har-

vested, and ate natural food, drank crys-
tal-clear, fresh mountain water, relaxed and

Relearning to See • 4°5

Appendix A


VISION this edition revised by Bates' wife Emily

Agarwal, J. Yoga of Perfect Sight. Pondicherry, after his death.

India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1979. — . Better Eyesight. New York: Central Fix-
Agarwal, J., and Mrs. T. Care of the Eyes. ation Co., July 1919- April 1930 (or later). A
Madras, India: Gnanodaya Press, 1978. monthly magazine "Devoted to the Pre-

Agarwal, R. Mind and Vision. Pondicherry,

vention of Imperfect Sight Without
India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, 1935. Glasses." Edited by Bates, these magazines
Based on Bates' 1920 book Perfect Sight contain a multitude of case histories of

Without Glasses. An ophthalmologist teach- improved vision; articles contributed by

ing the Bates method. other Natural Vision teachers, including at
least one other ophthalmologist and sev-
American Optical. The Human Eye. South-
eral medical doctors. Difficult to find.
bridge, Massachusetts: American Optical
Corporation, 1972. Benjamin, Harry. Better Sight Without Glasses.
New York: Thorsons/HarperCollins, 1984.
Banker, Deborah E. Self-Help Vision Care.
Corbett, Margaret D. Help Yourself to Better
Malibu, California: World Care, 1994. A
holistic approach to improving vision nat-
Sight. North Hollywood, California:

Wilshire Book Co., 1949. Corbett trained
with Bates in 1930 to become a Natural
Bates, William H. Perfect Sight Without Glasses
Vision teacher. She trained many teachers
New York: Central Fixation Publishing Co.,
on the West Coast.
1920. Ophthalmologist who created an edu-
cational program for improving eyesight
. How to Improve Your Eyes. Los Ange-
les: Willing Publishing Company, 1938.
naturally. Difficult to find. (See following.)

The Bates Method for Better Eyesight

. How to Improve Your Sight. New York:
Without Glasses. New York: Henry Holt &
Bonanza Books, 1953.

Co., 1940. Parts of Bates' 1920 Perfect Sight David, Thomas H. Improve Your Vision with
Without Glasses have been eliminated in Television! Los Angeles, California:

Relearning to See • 4^7

DeVorss & Co., 1951. This chiropractor stud- . The Intelligent Eye. New York:
ied with Bates in 1925, and then added McGraw-Hill Co., 1970.

vision improvement education to his chi- Grossinger, Richard. "Bates Method" in

ropractic work. The booklet is brief, and is Planet Medicine: Modalities. Berkeley, Cal-
very difficult to find. ifornia: North Atlantic Books, 1995. Nat-
Downer, John. Supersense: Perception in the ural vision student and publisher of North
Animal World. New York: Henry Holt and Atlantic Books.
Company, 1988. Grow, Gerald. "Improving Eyesight: The
Dudderidge, Mary. "New Upon Our
Light Bates Method," in The Holistic Health
Eyes: An Investigation Which May Result Handbook. Edward Bauman. Armand
in Normal Vision for All, Without Glasses," Brint, Lorin Piper, and Pamela Amelia
in Scientific American, January 12, 1918. Wright, eds. Berkeley, California: And/Or
Forrest, Elliot B. Stress and Vision. Santa Ana, Press, 1978.

California: Optometric Extension Program Gruman. Harris. New Ways to Better Sight.

Foundation, 1988. New York: Hermitage House, 1950.

Frisby, John P. Seeing: Illusion, Brain and Hackett, Clara A., and Lawrence Galton.
Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Relax and See. London: Faber and Faber,
1979. Limited, 1957. Difficult to find.

Gesell, Arnold, Francis L. Ilg, and Glenna E. Hahn, Joan Elma. Eyes and Seeing. New
Bullis. Vision: Its Development in Infant and York: Atheneum, 1981.
Child. New York: Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1949. Hughes, Barbara. Twelve Weeks To Better
A classic. Vision. New York: Pinnacle Books, Inc.,

Goodrich, Janet. Natural Vision Improvement. 1981.

Berkeley, California: Celestial Arts, 1985. Huxley, Aldous. The Art of Seeing. New York:
Book contains proof of natural vision Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1942; repub-
improvement, verified by an optometrist, an lished by Berkeley, California: Creative
ophthalmologist and a researcher. A mod- Arts Book Co, 1982. Widely available and
em Bates book with lots of good information. highly recommended. Huxley, author of
Gottlieb, Raymond L. "Neuropsychology of Brave New World, published this book after
Myopia," in Journal of Optometric Vision taking lessons from Margaret Corbett and
Development, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 1982, improving his vision. Huxley attempts to
pp. 3-27. An optometrist who teaches nat- "correlate the methods of visual education
ural vision improvement. with the findings of modern psychology and
Gregg, James R., and Gordon G. Heath. The critical philosophy."
Eye and Sight. Boston: D. C. Heath and Kahn, Fritz. "The Eye," in Man in Structure
Company, 1964. and Function, Vol. II. New York: Alfred A.
Gregory, R. L. Eye and Brain: The Psychol- Knopf. 1943. Exceptional description of the
ogy of Seeing. New York: McGraw-Hill Co., eye and vision for the lay person.
1966. Kavner. Richard S. Your Child's Vision: A Par-

468 • Relearning to See

Appendix A: Bibliography

ent's Guide to Seeing, Growing, and Devel- Correction of Eye Strain and the Science of
oping. New York: Fireside/Simon & Schus- Sight. New York: Grosset & Dunlap Pub-
ter, 1985. lishers, 1948. Difficult to find.

— , and Dusky, Lorraine. Total Vision. New Markert, Christopher. Seeing Well Again With-
York: A & W Publishers, Inc., 1978. out Your Glasses. C. W. Daniel Co., 1981.

Kelley, Charles R. "Psychological Factors In Mueller, Conrad G.. and Mae Rudolph and
Myopia" in Journal ofAmerican Optomet- the Editors of Time-Life Books. Light and
ric Association, 33(6): 833-837, 1967. Vision. New York: Time-Life Books, 1966.
Kennebeck, Joseph J. Why Eyeglasses are Excellent.

Harmful for Children and Young People. Murphy, Pat, ed. The Eye. San Francisco: The
New York: Vantage Press. 1969. An Exploratorium, 1985.
optometrist. Difficult to find. . "In the Darkness," in Exploring. San
Kessel, Richard G.. and Randy H. Kardon. Francisco: The Exploratorium. 1993.
Tissues and Organs: a of scanning
text-atlas Murphy. Wendy, and the Editors of Time-Life
electron microscopy. New York: W. H. Free- Books. Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight and Hear-
man and Company, 1979. Contains excel- ing. Alexandria. Virginia: Time-Life Books.
lent high-magnification images of the eye. Inc., 1982.

Leviton, Richard. Seven Steps to Better Vision: Peppard. Harold M. Sight Without Glasses.
Easy, Practical and Natural Techniques That Garden City, New York: Garden City
Will Improve Your Eyesight. Brookline, Books, 1940.
Massachusetts: EastWest/Natural Health
Peterson, Roger Ton; and the Editors of Life.
Books, 1992. New York: Time. Inc.. 1963.
The Birds.
Liberman. Jacob. Take Off Your Glasses and Price, C. S. The Improvement of Sight by Nat-
See. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc.. 1995. ural Methods. London: Chapman & Hall
An optometrist who improved his eyesight Limited. 1934.
naturally and eliminated his need for com-
Rahn. Joan E. Eyes and Seeing. New York:
pensating lenses.
R. R. Donnelley & Sons, Inc., 1981.
Life, The Editors of. and text by Richard Car-
Raskin. Edith L. Watchers, Pursuers and Mas-
ington. The Mammals. New York: Time
queraders: Animals and Their Vision. New
Incorporated, 1963.
York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1964.
MacCracken, W. B. Normal Sight Without
Raskin. Ellen. Nothing Ever Happens on My
Glasses. Berkeley, California: Published by
Block. New York: Macmillan Publishing
the author, 1945. Difficult to find.
Co., 1966. For children.
. Use Your Own Eyes. Berkeley, Cali-
Rodale. J. I. The Natural Way to Better Eye-
fornia: Published by the author, 1937. A
sight. New York: Pyramid Books, 1968.
medical doctor who trained with Bates, and
Rosanes-Berrett. Marilyn B. Do You Really
taught natural vision improvement in
Need Glasses? Barrytown, New York:
Berkeley. Excellent, but difficult to find.
Pulse/Station Hill Press. 1990.
MacFadyen, Ralph J. See Without Glasses: The

Relearning to See • 469

Rotte, Joanna, and Koji Yamamoto. A Holis- OTHER RECOMMENDED READING
tic Guide to Healing the Eyesight. Japan Bauman, Edward, Armand Brint, Lorin Piper,

Publications, 1986. and Pamela Amelia Wright, eds. The Holis-

Samuels, Mike, and Samuels, Nancy. Seeing tic Health Handbook. Berkeley, California:
With the Mind's Eye. New York: Random And/Or Press, 1978.

House, 1975. . The Holistic Lifebook Handbook.

Schlossberg, Leon, and George D. Zuidema. Berkeley, California: And/Or Press, 1981.

The Johns Hopkins Atlas of Human Func- Becker, Robert O. Cross Currents: The Per-
tional Anatomy. Baltimore: The Johns Hop- ilsof Electromagnetic Pollution, The
kins University Press, 1972. Promise of Electromedicine. Los Angeles:
Scholl, Lisette. Visionetics: The Holistic Way Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1990.
to Better Eyesight. New York: Doubleday Bertherat, Therese, and Carol Bernstein. The
& Company, Inc., 1978. Body Has Its Reasons: Self-Awareness
Seiderman, Arthur S., and Steven E. Marcus. Through Conscious Movement. Rochester,
20/20 Is Not Enough. New York: Alfred A. Vermont: Healing Arts Press, 1989.

Knopf, 1989. Biermann, June, and Barbara Toohey. The

Sinclair, Sandra. How Animals See. New York: Woman's Holistic Headache Relief Book.
Facts on File Publications, 1985. Filled with Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, Inc., 1979.
extraordinary color pictures and excellent Brecher, Edward M., and Editors of Con-
descriptions of many different types of eyes. sumer Reports. Licit and Illicit Drugs.
Difficult to find. Currently out of print. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1972.
Sutton- Vane, S. The Story of the Eyes. New Bricklin, Mark. The Practical Encyclopedia
York: The Viking Press, Inc., 1958. Difficult
of Natural Healing. Emmaus, Pennsylva-
to find. nia: Rodale Press, 1976.

Tobe, John H. Cataract, Glaucoma and Other Carter-Scott, Cherie. Negaholics: How to
Eye Disorders. St. Catharines, Ontario: pub- Overcome Negativity and Turn Your Life
lished by the author(?), 1973. Around. New York: Ballantine Books, 1989.
Wertenbaker, Lael, and the Editors of U.S. Excellent.
News Books. The Eye: Window to the .
The New Species. New York: Coleman
World. Washington, D. C: U.S. News Books, Graphics, Inc., 1980.
1981. Excellent.
Chopra, Deepak. Quantum Healing. New
Windolph, Michael. Do You Really Need Eye- York: Bantam, 1989.
glasses? New York: Cornerstone Library,
Coulter, Harris L. Divided Legacy, A History
1976. Difficult to find.
of the Schism in Medical Thought, Vol. I:
Yarbus, Alfred L. Eye Movements and Vision. The Patterns Emerge: Hippocrates to
New York: Plenum Press, 1967. Paracelsus. Washington, DC: Weehawken
Book Company, 1975.

47° * Relearning to See

Appendix A: Bibliography

— . Divided Legacy, Vol. II: The Origins of Edwards, Betty. Drawing on the Right Side of
Modern Western Medicine: J. B. Van Hel- the Brain. Los Angeles: Tarcher, Inc., 1979.
mont to Claude Bernard. Berkeley, Cali- Elben. Vaccination Condemned. Los Ange-
fornia: North Atlantic Books, 1977. les: Better Life Research,
— . Divided Legacy,
The Conflict
Vol. Ill:

Ferguson, Marilyn, ed. Brain/Mind Bulletin.

Between Homeopathy and the American Los Angeles: Interface Press. Periodical.
Medical Association: Science and Ethics in
Gelb, Harold, and Paula M. Siegel. Killing
American Medicine i8oo-igi4. Berkeley,
Pain Without Prescription. New York:
California: North Atlantic Books, 1982.
— . Divided Legacy, Vol. TV: Twentieth Cen-
Glendinning, Chellis.
Row, 1980.

My Name is Chellis, &

tury Medicine, The Bacteriological Era.
I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization.
Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books,
Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1994.
— . Homeopathic Science and Modern Med-
Grossinger, Richard. Planet Medicine: Modal-
ities. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic
icine: The Physics of Healing with Micro-
Books, 1995.
doses. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic
. Planet Medicine: Origins. Berkeley, Cal-
Books, 1981.
ifornia: North Atlantic Books, 1995.
Crouch, Tammy, and Michael Madden. Carpal
Hall, Dorothy. Iridology. Personality and
Tunnel Syndrome and Overuse Injuries.
Health Analysis Through the Iris. Mel-
Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books,
bourne, Australia: Nelson, 1980.
Harrison, John. Love Your Disease: It's Keep-
Dennison, Paul E. Switching-On. Ventura,
ing You Healthy. Sydney: Angus & Robert-
California: Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., 1981.
son Publishers, 1984.
Hayfield, Robin. Homeopathy for Common
, and Gail E. Dennison. Brain Gym. Ven-
Ailments. Berkeley, California: Frog, Ltd.,
tura, California: Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., 1986.
and Homeopathic Educational Services,
Many practical activities.
and Gail E. Hargrove. Personalized

Huggins, Hal A. It's All In Your Head: The

Whole Brain Integration. Ventura, Califor-
Link Between Mercury Amalgams and Ill-
nia: Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., 1985. Excellent.
Garden City Park, New York: Avery
— , and Gail Hargrove. E-Kfor Kids. Ven-

Publishing Group, Inc., 1993.

tura, California: Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., 1985.
T. Consumer Beware: Your
Hunter, Beatrice
Many practical activities for children.
Food and What's Being Done to It. New
Diamond, John. Your Body Doesn 't Lie. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1971.
York: Warner Books, 1979.
Jensen, Bernard. The Doctor- Patient Hand-
Dufty, William. Sugar Blues. New York: book. Escondido, California: Bernard
Warner Books, 1975. You may give up white Jensen Enterprises, 1976. Excellent dis-
sugar after reading this book. cussion about nutrition, iridology,

Relearning to See • 47 J
detoxification, the healing crisis, and rever- My favorite "practical" homeopathy book.
sal processes. Peck, M. Scott, The Road Less Traveled. New
— The Science and Practice of Iridology.
York: Simon and Schuster, 1978.
Escondido, California: Bernard Jensen, 1981. Pelletier, Kenneth R. Holistic Medicine: From
— .
Bowel Man-
Tissue Cleansing through Stress to Optimum Health. New York: Dell
agement. Escondido, California: Bernard Publishing Co., Inc., 1979.

Jensen, 1981. . Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer: A Holis-

Kime, Zane R. Sunlight Could Save Your Life. tic Approach to Preventing Stress Disorders.

Penryn, California: World Health Publica- New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1977.

tions, 1980. Pitchford, Paul. Healing with Whole Foods.

Leboyer, Frederick. The Art of Breathing. Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books,
Longmead, England: Element Books Ltd., 1993-

1985. Breathing for childbirth. Reubin, David, M.D Everything You Always
Liberman, Jacob. Light: Medicine of the Wanted to Know About Nutrition. Boston:
Future. Santa Fe: Bear & Co., 1991. A must- G. K. Hall & Co., 1979.
read book; covers the impact of natural and Ribot, T. The Psychology of Attention.
artificial light on the mind, body, and emo- Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Com-
tions. pany, 1890. The Marcel Rodd Company, 1946
Lowen, Alexander. Bioenergetics. New York: edition (New York) contains a foreword by
Penguin Books, Inc., 1976. Bates teacher Margaret D. Corbett.
Mendelsohn, Robert S. Med-
Confessions of a Robertson, Laurel, Carol Flinders, and Bron-
ical Heretic (Chicago, Illinois: Contempo- wen Godfrey. Laurel's Kitchen. New York:
rary Books, Inc., 1979). Uses a Church/ Nilgiri Press, 1976.

Faith/Sacraments analogy for discussing Rosen, Marion, and Sue Brenner. The Rosen
the problems of modern medicine. Method of Movement. Berkeley, Califor-
Miller, Neil. Vaccines: Are They Really Safe nia: North Atlantic Books, 1991.
and Effective? —A Parent's Guide to Child- Schmidt, Michael A., and Lendon H. Smith
hood Shots. Santa Fe, New Mexico: New and Keith W. Sehnert. Beyond Antibiotics:
Atlantean Press. 1993. 50 (or so) Ways to Boost Immunity and
Ott,John N. Health & Light. New York: Avoid Antibiotics. Berkeley, California:
Simon & Schuster, 1973. A classic. North Atlantic Books, 1993.
. Light, Radiation, and You: How to Stay Selby, Hans. Stress Without Distress. New
Healthy. New York: Simon & Schuster, York: Signet, 1975.
1982. Smith, G. Kent. Homeopathy: Medicine for
Panos, Maesimund
and Jane Heimlich.
B., Today's Living. Glendale, California: (pri-
Homeopathic Medicine at Home, New York: vate printing?), 1978.
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1980. Natural remedies Turner, James S. The Chemical Feast. New
for everyday ailments and minor injuries. York: The Colonial Press, 1970.

47 2 • Relearning to See
Appendix A: Bibliography

Ullman, Dana. Homeopathy: Medicine for the tant book I have read on health and healing.
21st Century. Berkeley, California: North Wigmore, Ann. The Wheatgrass Book. Wayne,
Atlantic Books, 1988. New Jersey: Avery Publishing Group, Inc.
Vithoulkas, George.A New Model for Health 1985.
and Disease. Berkeley, California: Health Wurtman, Richard J. "The Effects of Light
and Habitat and North Atlantic Books, on the Human Body," in Scientific Ameri-
1991. Read this book! can, July 1975, Vol. 233, No. 1, pp. 68-77.
.Homeopathy, Medicine of the New Man. Excellent.
New York: Arco Publishing, Inc., 1979. Zi, Nancy. The Art of Breathing. Glendale,
.The Science of Homeopathy. New York: California: Vivi Company, 1986.
Grove Press, 1980. The single most impor-

Releaming to See • 473

Appendix B


HOLISTIC HEALTH 8. National Center for Homeopathy, 801

i. American College of Traditional Chi- North Fairfax St., Suite 306, Alexandria,
nese Medicine, 455 Arkansas St., San VA 22314. (703) 548-7790.
Francisco, CA 94107. (415) 282-7600. 9. Natural Health magazine, 17 Station St.,

2. B. K. S. Iyengar Association of North- Box 1200, Brookline Village, MA 02147.

ern California, 2404 27th Ave., San (617) 232-1000.

Francisco, CA 94116. (415) 753-0909. 10. Northern American Society of Teachers

Yoga. of Alexander Technique, P. O. Box 517,

3. Feldenkrais Resources Center, 830 Urbana, IL 61801. (800) 473-0620.

Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94710. 11. San Leandro Chiropractic Center, Dr.
(510) 540-7600. Michael D. Pedigo, D.C., 144 Joaquin
4. Hahnemann Medical Clinic. 828 San Ave., San Leandro, CA 94577. (510)
Pablo Ave., Albany. CA 94706. (510) 357-2343. A victorious plaintiff in the
524-3117. Classical homeopathy. Wilk's chiropractic case against

5. Homeopathic Educational Services, the AMA.

2124 Kittredge St., Berkeley, CA 94704. 12. Severyn, Kristine, R.Ph., Ph.D., is

(510) 649-0294. founder and director of Ohio Parents

6. Mark E. Abramson, D.D.S., Inc., 35 for Vaccine Safety, 251 W Ridgeway
Renato Ct., Redwood City, CA 94061. Dr., Dayton, OH 45459. As a registered
(415) 369-9227. Specializing in
pharmacist. Dr. Severyn has researched

temporomandibular joint (TMJ), head, and published extensively on vaccine

facial, neck, and oral alliance therapy policy and has testified before state leg-

for sleep apnea and snoring. islators in Ohio and Michigan, and in
7. The MMS Institute, P. O. Box 30052, federal vaccine commissions in Wash-

Santa Barbara, CA 93130. (805) ington, DC. For a free general informa-

563-0789. Cherie Carter-Scott. Holistic tion packet, call (513) 435~4750-

Self-Esteem Workshops, plus more.

Relearning to See • 475

LIGHTING Catalog with large section on lighting.

i. GE Lighting, A Division of General 7. 3M Corporation, 3M Center, Saint

Electric Company, 1975 Noble Rd., Paul, MN 54144. (612) 733-1110. Lead-
Nela Park, Cleveland, OH 44112. (800) impregnated tape that can be wrapped

435-4448. The "C50" fluorescent tube around the cathodes of fluorescent

made by General Electric Company is tubes to block x-rays.

called "Chroma 50." Its spectral power

distribution curve is shown in Plate 26:
Spectral Power Distribution Curves. Cosmosis is a geological event that created a

2. OSRAM Sylvania, 18725 N. Union St., unique art form in a large rock over a billion
Westfield, IN 46074. (800) 255-5042. years ago. It was discovered by Jim Quack-
Design 50. Also manufactures black- enbush in 1975. In 1979, a Stanford Univer-
lights. sity geologist stated that he had never seen
3. Environmental Lighting Concepts, Inc., minerals that had developed into "such artis-

3923 Coconut Palm Dr., Tampa, FL tic forms." Indeed, these artistic forms, sam-

33619. (800) 842-8848. Ott-Lite Tubes, ples of which are shown in Plate 10: Cosmosis,

Bulbs and Fixtures, and other products. are unprecedented in art history. These art-
Some ELC products provide mid- and works convey a pictorial story of Earth's his-

near-UV light. The Ott-Lite Bulb, shown tory. The Cosmosis research was completed
in Figure 16-3: Lighting, is an integral in 1994, resulting in an exhibit of 175 mas-
compact fluorescent rated at 5000K/CRI terpieces. This exhibit is on tour in United

84/10,000 hours/17 watts and uses an States schools as a "hands-on" science, art,
electronic ballast. Maximum UV-trans- and history presentation.
mitting, neutral gray sunglasses. (Sun- The Cosmosis artwork project provides
glasses sold in the US are required by children with an opportunity to use their eye-
federal regulations to block a certain sight with many of the principles and artistic
minimum amount of UV light.) qualities of natural vision including: creativ-

4. Philips Lighting Company, 200 Franklin ity, fine detail, colors, texture, and three-dimen-
Square Dr., P. O. Box 6800, Somerset, sionality. Cosmosis artworks have been used
NJ 08875. Model 950.
(73 2 ) 563-3000. in Natural Vision classes for over a decade.
The "C50" fluorescent tube made by For more information, write to: Jim Quack-
Philips Lighting Company is called enbush, Cosmosis, P. O. Box 721, Joshua Tree,
"Colortone 50." Also manufactures CA 92252.

5. Duro-Test Corporation, 185 Scoles Ave. v OTHER

Clifton, NJ 07012. (201) 472-1900. Vita- 1. Marine World Africa USA. Marine
Lite, Vita-Lite Plus, Vita-Lite Supreme. World Parkway, Vallejo, CA 94589.
In addition to the full spectrum of col- (707) 644-4000/(707) 643-6722. Endan-
ors, these fluorescent lights provide gered species education and more.
mid- and near-UV light. 2. Monart School of the Arts, 1581 Roy
6. Real Goods, Ukiah, CA (800) 762-7325. Ave., Room 14, Berkeley, CA 94708.
Environmentally friendly products. (510) 540-4877-

476 • Relearning to See

Appendix C

Biographical Sketch
of William H. Bates, M.D.

•i860 Taught medical students how to improve

Born in Newark, New Jersey, on December their nearsightedness.

23, i860, son of Charles and Amelia Bates. Expelled from the faculty.

•1881 • 1886-1902
Graduated with a B.S. in Agriculture from Research at the Pathology Laboratory of Dr.
Cornell University. Pruden at the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Columbia University.
Graduated from the College of Physicians • May 16, 1886
and Surgeons, Columbia University. Initially Report on his discovery of the astringent and
directed his attention to all organs of the haemostatic properties of the aqueous extract
head. Practiced orthodox medicine for sev- of the suprarenal gland, later commercialized
eral years. as adrenaline, published in the New York
Medical Journal.
Operated in many hospitals, including Man- • 1903-1909
hattan Eye and Ear Hospital, Bellevue Hos- Licensed to practice medicine in Grand Forks.
pital, Northwestern Dispensary, and Harlem North Dakota.
• 1910

• 1886-1896 Elected president of the Grand Forks district

Assistant surgeon at the New York Eye Infir- Medical Society.

mary, Northwestern Dispensary, and Harlem
• 1910
Returned to New York City.

• 1886-1891
• 1912
Instructor of ophthalmology at the New York
Research at Physiological Laboratory of the
Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital.
College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assisted
Successful and well-respected eye surgeon.
by Emily A. Lierman.

Relearning to See • 477

• 1919-1930 New York Times of July 16. What he said
was I myself have had the honor and
Published Better Eyesight monthly magazine.
the privilege of assisting the doctor in his
• 1920 research work during a period of six years
Published his book Perfect Sight Without at the Physiological Laboratory of the Col-
Glasses. lege of Physicians and Surgeons in New
York City, also working by his side for nine
• 1928
consecutive years at the clinic of the
Married Emily Ackerman Lierman, his assis-
Harlem Hospital. I have also had the priv-
tant and partner in experimental research on ilege of instructing students in his method
eyesight from 1911 to 1928. of [reversing] imperfect sight without the

• 1931
use of glasses. I am now going on with the
work, which he me to do, in an edu-
left for
Died at age 70 at his residence in New York
cational way. There is a Bates Academy in
City on July 10, 1931, during a black flu epi-
Johannesburg, South Africa, where students
demic. of Dr. Bates are doing his work, and we
have representatives in Germany. England.
The following letter was written by Emily A. and in various cities throughout the United
Bates "To the Editor of The New York States.
Times'* The article is entitled "Carrying On Emily A. Bates. New York, July 16, 1931.

Dr. Bates' Work," on July 18, 1931, p. 12:

"July 16" in the first sentence is likely a
I wish to express my gratitude to R. R. A. typographical error because the date
for the fine tribute he paid my husband. R. R. A.s letter appeared in The New York
William H. Bates. M.D.. in his letter in The Times was July 15.

47° * Relearning to See

Appendix D

Light Comparison Table

See the following two pages for the Light

Comparison Table.

Relearning to See • 479

Light Comparison Table


Mechanism Nature Glowing tungsten
filament in glass bulb
containing inert gas

Sizes N/A Wide range; Small

typically small

Shapes N/A Many types

CCT Noontime: 2500-2700K 3000K


CRI (1-100)' 100 90-95 95

Mid- and Near- UV Yes Negligible

Initial Cost Zero Low Medium

Initial Convenience N/A High

Long-Term Cost Zero High Medium

Long-Term Convenience N/A Low Low, but better than
regular incandescent

Efficiency (lumens/watt) N/A Very low Medium

Bulb/Tube Lifetime N/A 750-1000 2000-2500
(average hours)

Ballast Required N/A No

Flicker (cycles/second) N/A 60
Heat Output N/A High

Point/Diffused Point/Diffused Point

Contrast (shadows) Excellent High

Glare N/A Possible

Dimming N/A Yes"

Start-up Tim N/A Instantaneous

Design N/A Very Simple Simple

Other Violet-blue deficient Bright, white light;

spectrum is better than

regular incandescent;
some are pressurized.

There a wide range of other fluorescent tubes which fall between the standard cool-white and the newer full-spectrum versions.
CRI comparisons are only valid when companng light sources with the same CCT.
One-piece (integral) CF models use either an electronic or magnetic, built-in ballast.
Two-piece (modular) CF models use a ballast contained in the screw-in base and a replaceable fluorescent tube. Modular CF model currently use
only magnetic ballasts. The wattages of the tube and the ballast need to be added to get the total wattage of a modular CF.
Halogen bulbs need to operate at full wattage periodically to provide maximum performance.
See Chapter 1 6, light; for more information regarding lighting

480 • Relearning to See

Highly pressurized gas Phosphors (some special) Phosphors "glow" Special phosphors "glow"
"glows" due to mercury "glow" due to mercury due to mercury due to mercury
vapor/UV radiation vapor/UV radiation vapor/UV radiation vapor/UV radiation
Wide range Small-medium; typically Short-long: Short-long: common size
larger than incandescent Usually T-1 is4';T-12,T-10;T-8


Mercury: 4000-5900K 2700-5000K 4100-4200K 5000-7500K

Sodium: 2100K 2700-2800K typical 5000-5900K typical
Metal Halides: 3000-3800K

Mercury/Sodium: 22-43 82-85: 52-69; 90-98

Metal Halide: 65-75 82 typical 62 typical

Negligible Variable; some fixtures use a

separate, replaceable UV lamp
High High-Very High Low High-Very High

High Low-Medium
Low-Very Low Low Medium Low
High Low-Medium High

Very high (Metal Halide) High-Very High Medium-High Very High

20.000-24.000 9,000-20.000: 6000-7500 20.000-33.000

10.000 typical

60 Magnetic t jallast: 60/Electronic ballast: 20,0 30-35 303

Very High Low

Point Diffused

High Low-Medium LC w
Possible No
No No (may be available No
in the future)

Very slow Medium-Fast (Ballast dependent)

Complex Medium complexity Less complex Sophisticated, especially

than full-spectrum T-10&T-8S

Fit into most incandescent Standard fluorescent Excellent visible spectrum;

lamp fixtures; may need some have mid- and near-UV.


Relearning to See • 48
Appendix E

Becoming a Natural Vision Teacher

The Natural Vision Center has been training For more information regarding the Nat-
Natural Vision teachers since 1986. ural Vision Center's Certified Teacher Train-
The Teacher Trainee does not need to have ing Program, please write to:
clear vision to become a Natural Vision
Natural Vision Center
teacher. If you already have clarity, you will
P.O. Box 986
simply be teaching others the correct vision
Ashland, OR 97520
habits you already have —and the ones your USA
students want to relearn.
Natural Vision teachers who teach children or call:

to improve their sight are especially needed.




[email protected]


Natural Vision Center may be relocating

to Nijmegen. Holland (The Netherlands).

in October 2003.

Relearning to See • 4°3

Appendix F

Eye Charts


Assemble the Distance Eye Chart as indi-
cated on the next page, and then place twenty
feet away.

The numbers underneath each line refer

to acuity at twenty feet. For example. "200"

underneath the letter "S" indicates this is the
20/200 line; "70" underneath the letters
"T-C-H" indicates this is the 20/70 line.
For more information on acuity and eye
charts, refer to Chapter 3, "Understanding

Lenses and Prescriptions."

Relearning to See • 4^5

To assemble the Distance Eye Chart, cut along Tape them together. Similarly, align the bot-

the six dashed lines on the next three pages. torn edge of the second page, cd, with the top

Then, align the bottom edge of the first page, edge of the third page, c'd' Tape them together,

ab, with the top edge of the second page. a'b'. The chart can then be pasted onto cardboard.

-* Cut along this line. Distance Eye Chart

K E^ Cut along these two
b lines.

Then, align the two edges

b and tape together.

T H E A H J d Cut along these two
Then, align the two edges
**o D B L N K A
d' and tape together. J

D B L i N K A

R F E C T H A B 1 T S

Cut along this line.


O cc


* CD

< o

Q o



Hold the Near Eye Chart (on the next page)
fourteen inches away. The numbers under-
neath each line refer to acuity at a distance

of fourteen inches. For example, "200" under-

neath the letter "S" indicates this is the 20/200
(equivalent) line; "70" underneath the letters
"T-C-H" indicates this is the 20/70 line. The
chart can be cut along the edges and pasted
onto cardboard.
For more information on acuity and eye
charts, refer to Chapter 3, "Understanding
Lenses and Prescriptions. More small print
can be found in Figure 22-3, The Menace of
Large Print: 7 and 6 point, and Figure 22-4,
The Menace of Large Print: 5 to 1.5 point.







Appendix G

Additional Vision Stories

The following are additional fairy stories from seemed, and then he stopped falling. When
the Better Eyesight magazines. The first story he opened his eyes and looked around him.
is located in Chapter 23, "Children and he found himself lying on the grass, and the
Schools." grass was soft and warm, like it is in fain'

From Better Eyesight magazine, February

land. Above him the branches of the trees
were moving from a light summer breeze.
Around him were bright colored flowers,
with the bees buzzing to and Every-
Editor's [Bates'] Note —We should read where was the bright warm sunshine. He

fairy stories for the benefit of our eyesight.

fell asleep for awhile and awoke feeling
It can be demonstrated that the imagina-
rested. On his breast lay a little puppy fox
tion is and if fairy
a benefit to the vision
gazing kindly at his face. He touched it with
storiesimprove the imagination they will
his hand and gently smoothed the top of
also improve the sight.
its head. Then another little fox puppy

came out from the shadow of the grass,

poked its nose close to the little boy's face
Zipp, bang, again and again, the cruel boys
and licked his cheek. Then two more came
pasted the boy with snowballs, call-
romping, toddling into view, all anxious to
ing: "Four eyes, four eyes," at him because
get close to the little boy and to be petted.
he could not see well and wore glasses. The
But suddenly he lost all interest in the pup-
snow got down his neck, inside the collar
pies,when the mother fox appeared with
of his little jacket, it stung the skin of his
a tiny black fairy on her back. The puppies
face, blurred his glasses and hurt him so
and the little boy crowded as close to her
that he cried in pain. He could not fight
as they could. He petted the puppies while
them, so he ran as fast as his little legs could
the mother fox looked on, happy and con-
travel. He stumbled and fell. It seemed to
tented. A contented fox is not always, or
the little boy that he fell down a long, long
often, seen. The mother fox said to the fairy.
way and kept on falling, falling so long that
"Little Black Fairy, we found this boy all
he could not remember how long it was.
bruised and bloody. He is such a good lit-
He closed his eyes, for only a moment it

Relearning to See • 497

tie boy and he is so gentle, kind and good without glasses. Love me enough and I will
that I wish someone would make him return your sight to normal. Never forget
happy. That is why I asked you to come and me. Please remember me so well that you

see him." will always see me, one tiniest part of me

And then the puppies began to all talk blacker than all the rest of me. See me on
at once. They begged the fairy to be good everything you look at, no matter how large
to the little boy whose heart
boy, the little or how small or how far away. Let me be
was so full of love that he even loved baby your sweetheart fairy, the one little fairy
foxes. The father fox called just then and you love best, and the world will be for you
all the foxes ran away quickly, so as not to a heavenly place to live, with your eyes at
keep him waiting. The little boy said to the rest with perfect sight as long as you are
black fairy: true to me, and never forget me."
"How beautiful you are. I like to look at And then she waved her hand to him
you. Your eyes sparkle like thediamond in and moved farther and farther away, until

my mother's ring, when the sun shines on she appeared as small as a tiny black speck,
it, and your teeth are white like the pearl the size of a period in the little boy's book.
necklace my mother wears to parties; your He remembered that he loved her, and did
lips are red like my sister's ruby ring; your and found that no matter
as she advised,
ears are so like the fine sea shells at the how away she was he was able to
seashore; your laugh sounds like the water remember how she looked, one tiniest part
bubbling over the pebbles in the brook, of her blacker than all the rest. He loved
while your smile warms me inside my her so much that he saw her better than
breast and makes me love you. Come everything else. The sight of her rested his
closer to me little black fairy. Stay with me eyes. And after she had disappeared from
always and let me love you more than I view he loved her so much better than the
have ever loved anybody else. When I look trees, the grass, the clouds, the flowers, that

at you, the pain in my head leaves me, my he believed he saw her better than anything
eyes feel rested and cool, the light seems else. And the better he imagined or remem-
brighter. I can see everything clear, and the bered his little black fairy, or saw her in his
fog over the trees and flowers disappears." heart better than all else, the more perfectly
After he spoke so nicely to the little he saw the trees, the grass, the clouds and
black fairy, she giggled and laughed and the flowers. He was true to his love, the lit-

blushed. She jerked her shoulders up and tle black and she was true to her
down, danced around on her toes, waved promise to him that he would see perfectly
her hand to him, threw him many kisses without glasses as long as he remembered
and became so excited by her exertions she her perfectly. When he looked at a large
quite got out of breath. After she quieted tree she was a good-sized fairy. When he
down enough so she could speak she called looked at a small blade of grass or a tiny
to him: flower, she was the tiniest little fairy that
"Oh, you dear little Foureyes, I love you one could imagine.
for what you say. I love you so much that I His sight was good when he remembered
want to help you as much as a fairy can how perfectly black she was; but, when she
help you. Let me improve your poor eyes, looked less black his sight was worse. He
so that you will always have perfect sight found that he had to remember his love

498 • Relearning to See

Appendix G: Additional Vision Stories

perfectly, to be perfectly true to her in order so merrily, they were so full of life and love
to have perfect sight and happiness. They were so cheery, so
The next morning when his mother came encouraging, so comforting, that all were
into his room and wakened him with a kiss, intoxicated with delight. She was only a few
he opened his eyes wide, with no dread of inches tall, but every bit of her from the top
the bright sunlight which shone on his of her head to her tiny feet was formed
mother's face. He was all excited, laughing with a perfection of beauty rarely seen. And
and talking eagerly, rapidly, of the good for- how graceful she was. She found her way
tune that had come to him. Among other somehow to the top of a vacant desk; and.
things he said: after delighting the children for a few
"Oh, mother, I can see you without my moments with the most wonderful, most
glasses. I see the blue color of your eyes delightful of fairy dances, sat herself down
which I never saw before. The fog has gone on the top of an inkstand —but she was not
from the pictures on the wall, I can look quiet a moment. Her feet and hands, her
out the window and see the trees, the grass, whole body seemed to swing from side to
the flowers, the people walking along the side, just like the pendulum of a clock
sidewalk, and there is father talking to a swings; and, when you looked alternately
strange boy —oh no, he is the boy who lives from one eye to the other they seemed to
next door. He is not a strange boy. but I see swing also. This swing was very noticeable,
him so much clearer now without my and the strange thing about the swing was
glasses than I ever did before when I wore that it was so restful, and did the eyes of
them. Aren't you glad? Please, I want to the children so much good. Those wearing
get dressed quickly, run down stairs and tell glasses took them off and found that they
father all about it." could see the swinging eyes of the little

white fairy as well as everything else quite

THE WHITE FAIRY perfectly. And the teacher noted that the
The teacher was tired. It was very warm, fog over everything she formerly saw with-
and through the open windows one heard out glasses was gone, the pain in her eyes
in the distance the birds calling to each and head was gone. She saw everything
other. Her head was aching, her eyes throb- clearly, so easily that she quite forgot that
bing with pain. She took off her glasses to she had eyes
rest her eyes and sat for a while with her Every time she read the Snellen Card
eyes closed, and her head resting on her itseemed to her that she read it more eas-
hands. And the students were tired, rest- ily and better, and she found herself look-

less, anxious to get out in the bright sun- ing at the card every once in a while during
shine and play on the cool green grass in amount of
the day. She acquired a certain
the shade of the trees. Their eyes were con- pleasure in looking at the card,and she
tinually looking out the windows. found the students doing the same thing.

George Smith saw her first, standing on Standing twenty feet from the card, with-
the window sill waving her hands to the out her glasses, at the end of the month, she
children, smiling such a beautiful smile of found that her vision with each eye was
love with her tiny rosebud of a mouth. But normal, and even a little better than the
it was her wonderful black eyes which average normal vision. Furthermore her
smiled most. They sparkled and twinkled eyes, which formerly had bothered her

Relearning to See • 499

more or less, although she wore glasses pre- from side to side while I am moving.
scribed by a very prominent eye doctor, "Now sit down, close your eyes, and cover
never gave her the relief that she now them with the palms of your hands, resting
obtained without glasses, by reading the your elbows on your desk. While you are
Snellen Card daily. doing this remember me standing up. smil-
By teaching her students in the same ing at you and loving you with all my heart."

way, she was very much pleased to note In five minutes she said: "Now open your
also that they were brighter and had bet- eyes and watch me while I dance."
ter memories, and studied for longer peri- Freddie noticed how much more dis-
ods without becoming tired or restless. Her tinctly he could now see the face of the
attendance was better than it had ever been White Fairy.

in any one month before. Then all of a sudden the White Fairy
One boy told her that he no longer
little stopped dancing. At first, the smiling eyes
had headaches from studying his lessons, were very clear, but in a few seconds or so
and that he could read what was written they began to blur and fade away. It was
on the blackboard without half trying. not long before he was unable to see her
Other teachers became interested and face or her tiny feet; they had become just
they obtained the same beneficial results. a blur. He felt uncomfortable, and he must
have looked uncomfortable because the
From Better Eyesight magazine, September White Fairy called out: "Freddie, swing your

head from side to side." Freddie was only
too glad to swing from side to side, and it

THE FAIRY SCHOOL was not long before he became able to see
By George Guild her tiny feet, her eyes and face just as
It was very hot. The school windows were clearly as before.
wide open, but not a breath of air was stir-
Then the White Fairy said: "Now, Fred-
ring and the teacher and students were very die, close your eyes and remember me as
uncomfortable from the heat. Freddie was you can.
well as If you love me you will
only eight years old and he could not be remember me."
blamed when his mind wandered from his And Freddie closed his eyes, and I am
work. In spite of all that he could do, his quite sure that he remembered the face of
head would nod, his eyes would close and the White Fairy, because he loved her so
he would drop off to sleep. Then he heard
much. After he had kept his eyes closed for
the White Fairy talking to the children
a few minutes the White Fairy called out:
while she sat on the teacher's desk, waving
"Open your eyes and tell me what you
her hands and dancing around to the
see." And when Freddie opened his eyes
amusement of the children. Her eyes were the schoolroom was gone. It seemed as
so bright and full of sympathy, kindness and though he was in the woods; it seemed as
love that not one of the boys or girls could
though he was a fairy also and that all the
keep their eyes from her face. She said:
other children were fairies, and he enjoyed
''Now watch me as I swing from side to being a fairy because when he imitated the
side. Please, all of you stand up, with your
look of love on the face of the White Fairy
feet slightly apart, facing me, and move he thought of his mother and his father, his
your whole body, your head and your eyes
brothers and his sisters and other people

500 • Releaming to See

Appendix G: Additional Vision Stories

that he could remember. He seemed to I am all hurt, and I am all tired out."

love all of them a great deal more than he While she rocked him back and forth, a
had ever loved anybody in his life. The little old man came into the room with a
White Fairy invited him to dance with her. bag of sand over his shoulder the Sand —
It was very strange to Freddie that he could Man. Freddie did not see him coming and
dance for a long time without getting tired, Freddie's mother did not see him coming,
and the more he danced the better did he but when he threw a little sand into their
feel. Then the White Fairy told him to stop eyes they both became very sleepy. Fred-
dancing, and while he sat on the grass she die sat up and looked around, stretched his
walked around him, touching his head with arms, and his big tortoise-shell glasses fell

the tips of her fingers until he fell asleep. from his eyes onto the floor. Freddie
When he woke up the teacher was pet- jumped down to get his glasses, and then
ting hishead and loving him. At once he he saw the Sand Man pick them up from
called out:"Oh. teacher, the White Fairy the floor and hold them behind his back
taught me to dance, how to see, and now where Freddie could not get them. Freddie
I feel just like studying." When the teacher was very indignant and scolded the Sand
heard him say this she said: Man for taking his glasses, but the little old
"Freddie, I am Show me what
curious. man smiled and said: "Do they help you to
the White Fairy helped you to do." And so, see?"
before the whole school Freddie showed Freddie answered: "No, my eyes feel all

how him to swing,

the White Fairy taught right until I put them on in the morning,
shift and palm, and how she showed him and then things are blurred, and my eyes
how staring and straining made his sight begin to pain: but the Doctor said that if I

worse and that by moving his head and did not wear them all the time. I would
eyes from side to side his sight got better. most surely go blind."
Right away the children all did it, and after The Sand Man said to him: "Would you
they had practiced with Freddie for a short like to go with me and talk it over with the

time they were all very happy and told the fairies? They don't like to see little boys
teacher that they also felt a great deal bet- wearing glasses."

ter, and, like Freddie, they wanted to get to So the little boy took the hand of the
work because they felt just like studying. Sand Man and they ran, skipping and jump-
ing around, out of the room, into the hall,
down the stairs, out the front door, through
From Better Eyesight magazine, June 1925: the front gate,and then into the woods.
THE SAND MAN There the moon was shining very brightly

By George M. Guild through the trees and lighted up a space

The little on the lap of his mother

boy sat
where thousands of fairies were dancing,
in a name was Freddie.
rocking chair. His laughing, and joking and having a good
time. Freddie was so glad to see the fairies,
He had had a long day and was very, very
because in his heart he knew there were
tired. His mother rocked him back and
fairies, all his uncles and aunts and
forth, petted him with her cool hands and
quieted him with her frequent kisses. He cousins and grown people generally
my eyes hurt,
kept telling her: "Oh, mother,
laughed at him and made fun of him for
believing in fairies. When the fairies saw
my head hurts, my arms hurt, my feet hurt,

Relearning to See • 5 01
him coming, they all ran to him and as though he could see the Chinese fairies

climbed up on his shoulders and the top of almost as well as he could see the fairies
his head, sat on his ears, tickled him under that surrounded him. His eyes never kept

the chin, and made him laugh, and he had still, they were moving in all directions, and
a good time from the very start. the more they moved the better they felt.
The fairies had some difficulty in teach- When his eyes moved in one direction, it
ing him how to dance their way, but they seemed as though his hands and feet moved
finally got him to go through movements in the other direction, but one could not
of various kinds. The one he liked best of catch the other. The movement of his eyes
all was to turn his head, eyes, and his whole was all the time missing the movement of
body as far to the right and to the left as he his toes. They seemed like two railroad
possibly could without trying to see the trains on parallel tracks, which pass each
things in front of him, which move in the other going in the opposite direction at full

opposite direction. He never heard fairies speed. He noticed that the fairies were mov-
sing, but he heard them now and he liked ing in the same direction that his body was
the sound of their voices. He tried to sing moving; the Sand Man, the trees, the grass,

with them, but he did so poorly and his everything was moving with his body, oppo-
voice was so harsh that he could not keep site to the movement of his eyes. It seemed
on singing. But the fairies encouraged him, a very strange thing to him. The strangest
and told him how to hold his lips and his thing about it was that for the first time in
tongue, and how to breathe, and very soon his life he felt his eyes were rested, although
he was singing just as loud and just as musi- they were moving, and that for the first time
cally as the rest of them. This was very in his life also, his body, and his nerves were
strange, indeed, because he sang songs that at rest although they were, as he thought or
he had never heard before, that is, con- imagined, constantly moving.
sciously. Of course, when he was asleep, he The next morning when his mother came
would dream, perhaps, of the fairies singing, to awaken him, she found him looking over
butwhen he woke up in the morning the toward the trees and smiling. Every once
dreams of the fairies, like all other dreams, in a while he would laugh out loud, as loud

were usually soon forgotten. as he could scream. His mother was wor-
What surprised him most of all was the ried and she said to him: "What is the trou-
fact that his eyes did not bother him. He ble; why are you up so early? Why are you
was no longer no longer tired; every
sleepy, laughing, and why do you look over toward
nerve in his body was just as happy as he the trees?"
was. There was no pain, only a feeling of Then he told her what had happened to
delicious joyousness that no words could him on the previous night when the Sand
describe. Not only were his eyes comfort- Man took him over to see the fairies. She
able, free from pain and fatigue, but he was smiled indulgently, as mothers will, but the
able to see the fairies, the trees, the flowers, next question she asked him was the most
the birds, and the toadstools where the important one of all: "Where are your
fairies sat to rest. It seemed to him that he glasses?"
could see through the trees, that he could Freddie looked up into the face of his
see through the ground down into the other mother, who leaned over and kissed him.
side of the Earth where China was. He felt He threw his arms around her and pressed

502 • Relearning to See

Appendix G: Additional Vision Stories

his cheek against hers and said: "Mother, that the pansies still had their eyes open

please forgive me. The Sand Man took and would welcome them. They walked a
them. The fairies told me how to see per- great distance and found that with the
fectly would have
without glasses, so that I exception of narrow paths, everything was
no pain and would never get tired. I want covered with miles and miles of pansies.
to get up early in the morning every morn- There were yellow pansies with eyes as
ing and go over into the woods and play; blue as the skies, brown and tan pansies
play where the fairies played, where the with rose-colored eyes, and others dressed
fairies eliminated my poor sight." in all the colors of the rainbow. All of them

were swaying with the gentle breeze and

they were most beautiful to see.
From Better Eyesight magazine, December Suddenly, a jolly gnome appeared before
1928: them. They noticed that his eyes were shin-
ing brightly and that he had the kindliest
By Emily C. Lierman face of anybody they had ever seen.
Once upon a time in a town near the Pacific
George knew him right away. He said,
"This is Horatio the Great. It is he who first
Coast there lived a boy named George who
suffered intensely from poor eyesight. One discovered how to improve people's sight

day he met a girl named Christine. The lit-

without glasses and help those who had
pain and other troubles with their eyes."
tle boy had heard that Christine knew the
great secret of good eyesight and begged George also remarked that he had the
her to tell him what he could do to improve biggest heart that anybody ever had, and
his eyes. It did not take Christine long to
was the best friend of poor children all over
the world. Horatio the Great stood by lis-
teach George how to use his eyes right and
tening to these kind remarks but was too
keep from straining them. Christine soon
found that George was not lonely like she modest to make any reply. He just listened.
After George got through talking, the
was, for one day he brought Amy with him,
the girl who made many children happy
kindly gnome invited them to sit in his par-
with her stories. She was beautiful to look
lor, which was made of the loveliest pink
at and had many George and Amy
mushrooms imaginable. He told them to
place their palms over their eyes and not
were constant pals, and helped to make
to think of anything bad or wrong and then
Christine happy. Amy's eyes also became
wonderfully bright through Christine's to make a wish. They wished that they
could be two very little girls and a very lit-
guidance and help, and everyone in Pansy
Land wanted to know how this came tle boy again.
All of a sudden, there was a rumbling
sound and George, Amy, and
like thunder,
One day these three friends of Better
became very much frightened.
Eyesight took a trip to the land of pansies.
Before they were allowed to enter the gate,
The good gnome knew what had hap-
they had to seek admission from the door-
pened. He said, "Take down your hands
and let me see how badly you have been
keeper. They waited until he went to see
frightened, when there was nothing at all
whether or not the pansies had gone to
bed, as it was near closing time. He soon
to be frightened about." He looked into
their eyes and said, "Because you were
came back to them and told them to enter,

Relearning to See • 5°3

frightened, you began to strain and your now you have better eyesight and no

eyesight is now poor. You must be calm like longer need glasses. You will go to many
Iam, no matter how much trouble or worry boys and girls and you will take away all
you might have or how frightened you pain and sorrow from those who suffer with

become. Don't you know that fear always eye trouble. Sometimes you will go alone,
affects good eyes and makes them poor?" but most of the time little Georgie will take

He then told them again to cover their you in his chariot so that you will not be
eyes with the palms of their hands and he weary in well-doing." This pleased little

would tell them what caused their fright. Georgie because he did not ever want to
He said, " You know I have many helpers be separated from Amy, who had always
in Pansy Land; some of them are my good made happiness and joy for him. Little
gnomes. It was the good gnomes that you Crystal knew in her heart how much they
heard when they returned to their places loved each other and this made her very
on the roof of my palace. Don't be happy.
alarmed." The kindly gnome, Horatio the Great,
After this remark, there was no more then placed his wand with the shining star
fear and no more eyestrain. He then told on the head of little George and said, "My
them to remove their hands from their book, which tells you how to take care of
eyes. When they opened their eyes again people's eyes, will help you to understand
he held in his hand a shining light, which the work that you have to do. What you
was really a star on the end of a wand. With must enjoy is helping people with eyestrain.
this he touched their eyelids and they were I you my special blessing because of
little children again. the good work you have already done. You
When he touched the lonely little girl he will take Crystal and Amy to your beauti-

said, "Now your name is Crystal, because ful home in Marston Hills."

you will always have crystal clear eyes. You This made Georgie very happy. His beau-
will improve the sight of children and tiful home has a frog pond in a lovely gar-
grown-ups all over the world in time to den. In the pond lives one large frog. He
come. You are ordered to finish your work has many who live near him all the
here on the West Coast of this great big time. Their names are Climbing Rose,
world where many people want you. You American Beauty, Geranium, Calla Lily,
must be strong in your mind and heart and Honey Suckle, and many others that would
know that when your enemies want to hurt take much time to name.
you, the good gnome, Horatio the Great, This kindly frog is never thirsty and is

will always be standing by you and will ever ready to share with you the sparkling
keep you from harm. You must never be water that flows from his mouth. Even the
afraid." frog has his work to do. In the pond directly
Amy and George stood by listening with under the throne on which the frog sits dur-
their eyes wide open, but blinking all the ing the day, there lives a family by the name
time to be sure that they would not strain of Goldfish. Not so long ago the family
and displease Horatio the Great. increased in great numbers. They are lively
The good gnome then touched little Amy and hungry all the time, and Amy and
with the shining star and said, "You will do George always feed them. All of the gold-
greater things than you have ever done, fish have perfect eyesight. The frog will tell

504 • Relearning to See

Appendix G: Additional Vision Stories

you that at no time is eyestrain allowed in When Crystal,Amy and Georgie opened
his kingdom. He has for his kindly assistant their eyes, lo and behold, there was a beau-
Mary, who looks after things not only in tiful fairy on the top of every pansy, right
the garden, but in the house that George before their eyes. What a beautiful sight
built. it was and how happy these children were.

Horatio the Great led the procession to The sun never shone more brightly; never
a little woodland which belonged to the in their lives did they smell more wonder-
pansies. Little Crystal noticed that a beau- ful perfume. Immediately there was a beau-
tifulpalm had been crushed on one side tiful fairy dance and the more the children
and many leaves were scattered on the blinked, the more wonderful the fairies
grassy carpet. The two little girls and the danced.
boy closed their eyes while the gnome
little All good things must come to an end, for
told them the story of the crushed palm, a little time at least, and soon the kindly
and what had happened on that day. He gnome remarked that it was bed time for

told how the Queen of the Fairies had been the fairies and the pansies. Horatio the
honored by all the fairies of Pansy Land. Great, with his kindly manner, led the way
No disorder is ever allowed, because it to the gate and gently bowed before the
causes much work and strain to those who two little girls and the little boy, who hon-
are the care-takers, but on this special occa- ored him with their smiles and good wishes
sion when the Queen of the Fairies that live and said good bye for a while.
all over the world had been given a recep- Georgie remembered what he had
tion, he made excuses for the fairies promised the gnome, and placing little Amy
because of the disorder of the place. and Crystal in his chariot, drove on to his

From them away to the cen-

there he led home in the hills to the frog pond and the
ter of the pansy bed that had the most col- flowers.
ors. He told them to palm again and Because of their happiness, the good
remember the color of any pansy they saw. gnome did not wish to change them into
While their eyes were closed and covered, grown-ups again, so they will always be
the good gnome passed his wand with the children and live happily ever after.
shining star over the heads of the pansies.

Releaming to See • 505


Acupressure, 339, 355

Accommodation Acupuncture, 337
Bates' view of, 44, 65-77, 90, 99 ADD. See Attention Deficit Disorder

defined, 43 After-images, 132

Helmholtz lens theory of, 50-51. 56 Agarwal, R. S., 32, 175, 271, 300, 427, 429, 430
judging distance by, 269 Age. See also Presbyopia
lensless, 53-56, 83 Bates method and, 359, 375
by oblique muscles, 44, 56, 58, 65-76, 90 lens more rigid with, 56, 57
orthodox view of, 41-45, 50-51, 56 Alexander Technique, 339
orthodox view of, problems with, 45, 51-56 Amblyopia, Plate 54
Tscherning's theory of, 50 activities for, 290-92
Activities Bates on, 272-75, 279-80
abdominal breathing, 194-95, Plate 13 cause of, 272-75
for amblyopia, 290-92 eye patches for, 292
centralizing, 157, 159-66, 167-68 fusion vs., 288-89
Cross-Crawl, 319-20 refractive, 290
double oppositional movement, 128 reversal of, 279-80
Infinity (Figure-8) Swing, 125-27, 305 strabismic, 290, 294

Long (Elephant) Swing, 121-23, 12 4> 12 7» 130* 300, termed "lazy eye," 289
305 types of, 290
Near-to-Far/Far-to-Near Swing, 129-30 variations on, 289

object shifting, 117 Animals

oppositional movement with a pencil, 118 glowing eyes of, 264
palming, 349-55 light and, 228
Pebble Game, 160-64 myopia in, 85
for strabismus. 297-99 position of eyes in predator vs. prey, 262-64
swaying, 118-20, 127, 396 sunning by, 230
Variable Swing, 117 third eye in, 228

Window (Gate) Swing, 168 vision of, 261-65

Relearning to See • 5°7

Anterior chamber, 8, Plate 4 Beta-carotene, 422

Aoyagi, Shoichi, 334 Better Eyesight magazine (by topic)

Applied kinesiology, 339 ages for Bates method, 359

Aqueous humor, 6, 8, 86, Plate 4 astigmatism, 94, 96

Association cells, 259 Bates method as habits, 184

Astigmatism, 14-15, 94-96 blinking, 109-10, 111, 204-8

ambiguity of brain dominance and, 317 breathing, 198

axis, 14 centralization, 145-46, 149, 151-52

Bates' view of, 27-28, 95-97 children, 375, 388-96

chart, 15 closed-eyelid sunning, 229-30

compensating lenses for, 12-13, *5 concentration and relaxation, 154-55

conventional theory of, 95 dieting, 422

discovery of, 15 failures, 219

etymology of, 95 flashes of perfect sight, 214

eye shape and, 14 hearing, 178

mixed, 96 imperfect vision's effects, 380-81

myopic, 82 "motion sickness," 131

pinhole effect and, 212 movement, 109-11, 113-15, 117-18, 174

prescriptions for, 21 movies, 407

production of, 94 nonacceptance of Bates method, 100-101, 330

reversal of, 95-97 palming, 350, 352-54

voluntary production of, 95-96 posture during sleep, 136

Atropine, 29, 44~45< 67, 75~76 publication of, 478

Attention, spontaneous vs. voluntary, 154-55, 386-88 leading, 362,368

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), 140 relaxation, 173-75

Attitudes, language and, 324 risks of blurred vision, 426

Axis (astigmatism), 14 serious vision problems, 428-31

shifting, 174, 183

B speech improvement, 396

Ballasts (for fluorescent lights), 238-39 squinting, 211

Barnard. G. P., 337 staring, 139-41

Bases (prisms), 15 strabismus, 276-77, 299

Bates, Emily. See Lierman, Emily C. summary of key habits, 221-22, 321
Bates, William H., For extracts, see Better Eyesight sunglasses, 242

magazine and Perfect Sight Without Glasses swaying, 120

attacks on work of, 100-101, 328-31 swinging, 124, 127, 174
biographical sketch of, 477-78 testimonials, 431, 442-45

research of, 45-48, 69-73 type size, 362-64

Bates method. See Natural vision unlearning poor vision habits, 188-89
Bead Game vision stories for children, 396-98, 497-505

convergence and, 292-94, Plate 55 Better Eyesight magazine (chronological)

strabismus and, 294-95, Plates 56-57 December 1919, 362-64
Becker, Robert O., 404 March 1920, 178, 429
Beliefs, importance of, 323-24 April 1920, 432

508 • Relearning to See


June 1920, 113-14 November 1927, 96, 426

July 1920, 105, 113-114, 303, 362, 375, 422, 430-31 December 1927, 114, 174, 184, 207-8, 211, 221-22,
August 1920, 375 229-30, 353
September 1920, 445 January 1928, 430-31
October 1920, 94, 359, 380-81, 407, 426, 431 February 1928, 208
November 1920, 299, 359 March 1928, 127, 174-75

December 1920, 430 April 1928, 208, 350, 368, 428-29

March 1921, 431 May 1928, 139

May 1921,431 December 1928, 503-5

August 1921, 390-93 February 1930, 120
November 1921, 114, 354, 393 Biddle, L. L., 100
April 1922, 204 Bieler, Henry G., 331, 420
September 1922, 114, 141, 388-90 Biermann, June, 32, 135, 136, 193, 332
December 1922, 131, 154, 219, 242 Bifocals

January 1923, 198 "bifocal neck" and, 31-32

February 1923, 136 computer screens and, 406

April 1923, 100-101, 393-94 headaches caused by, 32
May 1923, 214, 368 prescriptions for, 20, 21-22

June 1923, 139, 173, 368 Binocular vision, 267-72, Plate 5;

July 1923, 352-53, 394 Birds, vision of, 262-63

September 1923, 111, 205, 368, 429 Blindness, 431

October 1923, 124, 149, 173 Blind spot, 260-61, Plate 4g
November 1923, 205, 354, 442-43 Blinking, 201-15
January 1924, 109, 115, 140, 151-52, 173, 205, 429-30 of actors, 210
February 1924, 109, 205, 353, 497-500 anatomy and, 201-4
March 1924, 173, 205-6, 394 Bates on, 111, 204-8
May, 1924, 431 butterfly blinking story, 210-11

June 1924, 206, 396-98, 431 dry eyes from lack of, 203
July 1924, 206, 431 emotions and, 214
August 1924, 206 flashes of perfect sight when, 214
September 1924, 500-1 frequency and duration, 208
January 1925, 206, 354 importance of, 109, 214-15

March 1925, 110, 206, 373 movement and, 207

April 1925, 154-55 relaxation and, 207

June 1925, 110, 120, 501-3 short swing and, 110

November 1925, 110, 117-18 social aspects, 210, 214

December 1925, 110-11, 131, 145-46, 174, 188-89, winking vs., 206-7

207,303,443-45 Blur
January 1926, 124, 174 addressing the real cause of, 186

July 1927, 114, 211, 230, 430 creation of, 33

August 1927, 207, 276-77, 394-96 epidemic nature of, 141-42

September 1927, 111, 114, 139, 145, 183, 207, 221, leading to serious vision problems, 425-28

321, 428-31 as message to eliminate excessive strain, 33,

October 1927, 174, 207 147-48, 305

Relearning to See • 5°9

Boating. 416 "central fixation" vs., 300
Bodywork. 196, 338 defined. 17, 145
Boredom, vision impairment and, 140, 385-86 diffusion vs., 147, 149-50. 152. Plate 9

Brain. 303-24 driving and, 409-11

anatomy of, 304 elusive at first, 148-49

characteristics, 304, 306-7 emotions and, 152-53
hemispheric predisposition to near- and farsight- fusion and, 284-85

edness, 314-16 hearing and, 156-57

imbalance between halves of, 309-12 interference with, 149-50

left-brain oriented society, 305, 308-12 left-brain, 318

processing of images by, 304-5 memory and, 148

reactivating the right-, 311 mental aspects, 153
vision and left-brain/right-brain concepts, 312-19 movement and, 151-52
Breathing, 191-200 not obvious initially, 148
abdominal, 191-93, Plate 13 patterns, 164

activities, 194-95 physical aspects. 147

anatomy of, 191 practicing. 165

Bates on. 198 as relaxed concentration, 154-56

centralization and, 198 resistance to relearning, 150-51

emotions and, 196 social aspects, 156

exercise and yoga, 197 trusting peripheral vision while, 167-68

movement and. 197 as universal principle, 157-59

posture and, 197 with the Vision Halo, 288
relaxation and, 198, 200 window of. 168
shallow chest, 193-94 CF (compact fluorescent) lights, 236-37
smoking and, 197 Chairs, 136
staring and, 196 Children. 375-98
through nose, 193 appropriateness of Bates method for, 359,

Burroughs, Stanley. 339 375-76

Butterfly blinking story. 210-11 effect of parents on, 88-89. 393~94
effect of poor vision on, 380-81
glasses' effects on, 30
Canal of Schlemm. 8, Plate 4 importance of good vision for, 398
Card games, 417 myopia in, 376-83
Carotene, 420 natural vision and, 108
Carter-Scott. Cherie, 305, 311 radiation and, 403
Case histories. See Testimonials and case histories reading naturally, 362
Cataracts, 29. 241-42. 428-29 research and case histories, 388-96
Cats, vision of, 264 sunglasses and, 243
CCT (Correlated Color Temperature), 232-33 taught not to centralize, 156
Central fixation. See Centralization vision stories for, 396-98, 497-508
Centralization, 145-68 Chiropractic, 328, 339, 345-46
activities. 157, 159-64, 167-68 Choroid, 6, 249, Plate 30
breathing and, 198 Ciliary body, 6-7, Plate 4

510 • Relearning to See


Ciliary muscle judging distance by, 269

atropine's effect on, 44 Conversing, movement while, 141

function of, 86-87 Convex lenses, 11, 12, 13

in Helmholtz lens theory, 44, 50-53, 56 Corbett, Margaret, 157, 178, 328-29, 356, 414
strained or atrophied, and presbyopia, 57 Cornea, 6, Plate 1

Colorblindness, 253-54 conical, 431

Color Centralizing Game, 164 opacity of, 431

Color healing, 338-39 Corneal surgery, 90-91, 314-15, 332-33, 427-28
Color Rendering Index. See CRI Corpus callosum, 304
Colors Correlated Color Temperature. See CCT
cones and, 252-53 Cosmosis, 476, Plate 10
reactions and aversions to, 229 Counting Centralizing Game, 164
of the visible spectrum, 226 Cranial-mandibular orthopedics, 339
Commuting, 409-14 Craniosacral therapy, 339
Computers, 401-6 CRI (Color Rendering Index), 232-33
blinking and, 209 Cross-Crawl, 305, 319-20
font size, 406 Crossed eye. See Esophoria; Strabismus
glare, 405 CRTs. See Computers
monitor flicker, 252, 403 Crying, 204
monitor radiation, 403-5 Cylindrical lenses, 12-15

natural vision habits and, 401

other tips. 406 D

posture and, 402 Darkness. See also Night vision
Concave lenses, 11. 12 addiction to, 243
Concentration, relaxation and, 154-56 importance of, 240
Cones, 252-57 rods and, 250-52
in animals, 261-63 Darling, E. E, 443
density distribution of. 255-57, Plates 37-39, David. Thomas H., 30, 406
42-43, 46, 48 Dennison, Paul E., 305, 381

networking, 258-59 Depth perception, 128-29, 268-69

sensitivity of. 253, Plates 33, 35-36 Dietary habits. See Nutrition
types of, 252-53 Diffusion
Conjunctiva, 202-3, Plate 21 centralization vs., 147, 149-50, 152, Plate 9
Conjunctivitis. 203 defined, 256

Contact lenses emotions and, 152

as artificial solutions to blur, 25 experiencing, 157

blinking and, 210 headaches from, 272

improving vision and, 37-38 rigidity and, 151

meniscus lenses for, 11 staring and, 147

problems with, 32-33, 37 with the Vision Halo, 286, 288

sensitivity to bright sunlight from, 242 Diopters. 13-15

UV light and, 241 20/xx distance numbers and, 21

Convergence, 283 Distance determination

Bead Game and, 292-94, Plate §5 by accommodation, 269

Relearning to See • 5J *
by binocular vision, 268-69 astigmatism, 15

by convergence. 269 Bates on. 18-19

relative, 128-29, 269-70, Plate 52 distance (Snellen), 16, 18-19, 366. 376-78,

Dizziness, 130-31 381

Dodging. 205. See also Movement near, 19

Dogs, vision ot 264 Eye doctors, working with supportive, 35

Donders. Frans Cornelis. 51, 54. 101 Eye exercises

Double oppositional movement, 128 Bates method not about, 184, 187-88, 320-21

Double vision. 283-284, 294 not the solution, 209, 320-21

Downer. John, 256 Eyelashes, 201

Dreaming, 323 Eyelids, 9, 201-2

Driving, 409-14 closed while sunning, 229-31

"motion sickness" while. 412 drooping (ptosis), 202

natural vision habits and, 409-11, 409-12 muscles of, 201-2, Plates 15-17, 19

passing vision test. 91-92. 412-13 nictitans, 203, 261-62

safety tips. 411-12 Eye muscles, 9, Plate 5

vision requirements for, 18. 36. 91-92 ciliary, 44, 50-53, 56-57, 86-87
Drugs. 331-32 oblique, 44. 56, 58, 65-76, 90

Dry eye syndrome, 203 recti. 49, 93^4

Dudderidge, Mary. 48-49. 101, 146, 149, 427, 445-46, Eye patches, 281, 292

464 Eyes. See also Eyeball; Retina

Dyslexia, 311-12 anatomy of. 5-9. Plate 1

as cameras, 46
dry, 203

Eccentric fixation. See Diffusion external parts of, 8-9

Edges, detecting. 185 fluids and chambers of, 8

Education forgetting about, 322

holistic health. 344-45 independent movement ot 279

nearsightedness and level of. 87-88 natural movements of, 134
Electromagnetic radiation, 225-26, Plate 22 orbit, 5

Elephant Swing. See Long (Elephant) Swing as organs of light, 225, 245

ELF radiation. See Radiation position of, in predator vs. prey, 262-264
EMF radiation. See Radiation red. in photographs, 7-8, Plate 3

Esophoria, 295-98, 317. Plate 56 third, in animals, 228

Esotropia. See Esophoria three layers of. 6-8, Plate 2
Exercise, 197, 339. See also Eye exercises
Exophoria, 295, 297, 298, Plate 57
Exotropia. See Exophoria Face-rests, 379, 381

Eyeball, 5. See also Eyes Failures, 219-20

elongated (myopic), 43-44, 87, 93 Farsightedness (hypermetropia. hyperopia), 91-94-

foreshortened (hypermetropic), 43-44, 91-93 See also Presbyopia
round (emmetropic), 43-44. 93 Bates explains, 92-94
Eyebrows, 201 compensating lenses for, 11-14

Eye charts fear and, 139

512 • Relearning to See


improvement of, 45, 94 effect on 3-D vision of, 270-71

not hereditary, 94, 315-16 farsighted, for nearsights, 31

in older people, 45, 316-17 farsighted, losing objects, 31

personality and, 315 from the "5 & 10," 37

prescriptions for. 22-23 harm caused to children by, 30
production of. 92 nearsighted, doubling objects, 31
right-brain dominance and, 315 "strong," 25

straining to see and. 81 two pairs of reduced, 36-37

Fear. 138-39 UV light and. 241
Feldenkrais Method, 339 for work, 36

Ferguson, Margaret Y., 330 Glaucoma. 29, 429

Figure-8 Swing. See Infinity (Figure-8) Swing Goodrich. Janet, 314, 329, 445
Fine print. See Type size Green, Jerry, 327-28, 345
Fisher. Edith T., 206 Gregory, R. L., 133, 258
Floating specks, 459-60 Grossinger, Richard, 336
Fluorescent lights, 232, 236-40, Plate 26 Gruman. Harris. 101, 330, 354. 442

Flying, 414-16 Guild. George. 500-1, 396

"Flying flies," 459-60 Gwiazda, Jane, 88
Focal length, 13
Focal point, 13 H
Food combining, 158, 420-21 Hackett, Clara, 91, 94, 253, 299, 381, 398, 427,
Fornix conjunctiva, 203. Plate 21 429-30, 432
Fovea centralis, 16, 147, 248, 255, Plates 28, 30-31 Hahnemann, Samuel, 336-37
Friend, H.H., 445 Halogen lightbulbs. 235-36
Fuchs. Ernst, 59 Hargrove, Gail, 305
Fusion Head
amblyopia vs., 288-89 balance, 285-86

Bead Game. 292-94, Plate 55 moving. 185

centralization and, 284-85 tilting, 135
double images and, 283-84 Headaches. 28
experiencing, 280-83 caused by bifocals. 32
fused finger, 268, Plate ji from diffusion, 272

near finger supplement. 284 from strain. 174

accelerating, 336

Games, 417. See also Activities aggravations and reversals, 339-43

Gate Swing. See Window (Gate) Swing emotional, 323
Gavin, Edith E, 390 with fight, 229
Gesell, Arnold. 209 mental-emotional-physical interrelationships.
Glare, 405 333-34
Glasses natural. 335-39
as artificial solutions to blur, 25 rational school of, 328

Bates on their effects. 25-29 Health

for driving, 36 awareness and self-responsibility, 334

Relearning to See • 5 13
breathing and, 197
light and, 227-28 Jardine, Ian, 230

returning in cycles, 343-44 Jensen, Bernard, 339, 342, 421

Hearing Juices, 421

centralization and, 156-57

relaxation and, 178 K

Heimlich, Jane, 337, 344 Kahn, Fritz, 151, 204, 213

Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von. 50, Kaye, Anna, 432

51-53 Kennebeck, Joseph J., 25, 30, 88, 427
Helmholtz lens theory, 50-53, 56 Keratoconus, 431
Herbs, 337 Keratotomy. See Corneal surgery
HIDs (high-intensity discharge), 236 Kiang, Douglas, 226
Holistic health, 335-45 Kime, Zane R., 241, 244, 422
aggravations and reversals, 339-44
education and practitioners, 344-45
modalities of, 336-39 Lacrimal caruncle, 203
resources for, 475 Lacrimal puncta, 203, Plate 20
two parts of, 335-36 Lacrimal system, 202-3, Plate 20
Hollwich, Fritz, 232 Language, attitudes and, 324
Homeopathy, 336-37, 344-45 La Salle, Coralie, 445
Hormones, 227-28 "Lazy eye." See Amblyopia
Huxley, Aldous, 101, 108, 136, 175, 303, 432 Leboyer, Frederick, 200
Hypermetropia. See Farsightedness Left-handedness, 305, 308-9
Hyperopia. See Farsightedness Lenses (artificial)

Hyperphoria, 296, 298 diopters and, 13-15

Hypertropia. See Hyperphoria index of refraction and, 14
Hypnosis, 460 as left-brain "solutions," 313
Hypophoria, 296-97, 299 negative biofeedback loop created by, 33
Hypothalamus, 227, Plate 25 percentage of population with, 141
Hypotropia. See Hypophoria types of, 11-13

UV-transmitting, 241
Lens (eye), 7
Illusions, optical, 435-39 accommodation without, 53-56, 83
Imagination, 187 Bates' research on, 69-73
Incandescent lightbulbs, 233-34, Plate 26 function of, 86-87
Infinity (Figure-8) Swing, 125-27, 305 Helmholtz lens theory, 50-53, 56
Infrared light, 226, 265 more rigid with age, 56-57
Interest rigidity of, unrelated to errors of refraction, 47
children's book on, 138, 398 Levator palpebrae superioris muscle, 201-2, Plates
learning and, 385-86 17,19
relearning, 138 Liberman, Jacob,175, 229, 244, 339
Iridology, 337-38 Lierman, Emily C, 205-6, 208, 391, 422, 478, 503
Iris, 7, 86-87, Plate 1 Light, 225-45. See also Lighting (artificial)
Iritis, 431 animals and, 228

514 * Relearning to See


Bates on, 231 Meniscus lenses, 11

books and resources on, 244 Metaphysics, 461

CCT, 232-33 Mind
CRI, 232-33 control, 460
eyes as organs of, 225, 245 vision and, 84, 188, 383-86

healing with, 229 Monitors. See Computers

for health, 227-28 Monovision, 31

practical suggestions about, 244-45 Montessori, Maria, 385, 393

pupil's reaction to, 7 "Motion sickness," 130-31, 412

sunlight, 225-27 Motivation, 220-21

Lighting (artificial), 231-40. See also Light Movement, 107-42
fluorescent lights, 236-40, Plate 26 Bates on, 108-12
full-spectrum, 233, 238, 240 blinking and, 207
halogen lightbulbs, 235-36 breathing and, 197
high-intensity discharge (HID) lights, 236 centralization and, 151-52

incandescent lightbulbs, 233-34, Plate 26 connects left and right brain, 318-19

investigating, 239 conversing and, 141

"jet lag" from, 240 detection of, 141, 252
practical suggestions for, 244-45 of eyes, 134
problems with, 231-32 fun with, 115-16
reading and, 369, 371 importance of, 112-13, !3 2_34

resources for, 475 mental/emotional aspects, 137-39

spectral power distribution curves, Plate 26 "motion sickness," 130-31, 412
Long (Elephant) Swing, 121-23, 12 4> 12 7> ^l , 3 00 >
near to far and back, 129-30
305 oppositional, 113-29, 319

Lowen, Alexander, 196 physical aspects, 131-37

Lysozyme, 202 tension created by lack of, 132

in three habits of natural vision, 142

M Movie theaters, 174, 251-52, 407

MacCracken, W. B., 376, 429, 441 MPR-II radiation standard, 404

Macula lutea, 16, 248, 255, Plates 30-31 Miiller cells, 248

"Magnifiers," 14, 23, 31 Multiple personalities, 317

Massage therapy, 196, 338 Murphy, Wendy, 88
May, Bruce, 30, 91, 427, 430 Muscae volitantes, 459-60
May, Charles H., 50, 87, 255, 431, 460 Muscular armoring, 196
Meditation, 210, 339 Myopia. See Nearsightedness
Meibomian glands, 202

Melatonin, 227, 228-29 N

Memory Natural healing, 335-45
centralization and, 148 aggravations and reversals, 339-44
of normal vision, return of, 343 education and practitioners, 344-45
vision and, 148, 323 modalities of, 336-39
vision impairment and, 384-86 resources for, 475
Mendelsohn, Robert S., 328, 331, 334 two parts of, 335~36

Relearning to See • 5X5

Natural vision Near-to-Far/Far-to-Near Swing, 129-30

habits Neck
first: sketching (shifting), 183-89 bifocals effect on, 31-32

second: breathing. 191-200 locked, while reading, 359-60

third: blinking, 201-15 tension in, and eyesight, 134-35

bringing together. 217-22 Nictitans, 203, 261-62

principles Night vision

first: movement, 107-42 in animals, 262-64

second: centralization, 145-68 in humans, 168, 250-52, 257-59, Plate 44
third: relaxation, 171-79 reduced by smoking, 197, 251

interrelationship. 179. 200, 319 Nose-helpers (nose-pencil, nose-feather, etc.)

right-brain/left-brain concepts and, 318-19 Long Swing and, 127

qualities. 322 not essential. 187

time needed to relearn, 84-86, 310-11 sketching with, 184-85

Natural Vision Center. 459. 483 types of, 184, 186-87, P^te 11
Natural vision teachers Nutrition, 419-22

becoming, 483 sunlight and, 226-27, 2 4^ 4 22

for children, 398

finding, 459 O
Naturopathy, 339 Object shifting. 117

Nearsightedness (myopia), 87-92 Oblique muscles

in animals, 85 accommodation by, 44, 56, 58, 65-76, 90
Bates explains, 90 in myopia, 90
compensating lenses for, 11, 12, 14, 90 Oppositional movement, 113-29
corneal surgery for. 90-91, 314-15, 332-33, 427-28 depth perception and, 128-29
detached retina and, 431 double, 128
education level and, 88 experiencing. 116-28
etymology of "myopia." 87, 213 fun with, 115-16
farsighted glasses for those with, 31 left- and right-brain perspectives on, 319
fear and. 138-39 snapshooting and, 123-24
glasses' effects on, 30 Opsin. 251
improvement of, 90-91 Optic nerve
leading to serious vision problems, 425-27 anatomy of, 9
left-brain dominance and, 314-15 atrophy of, 431
not hereditary. 87-90, 315-16 Optimums, 365-67
personality and, 314-15 Ora serrata, 6
posture and, 136-37 Orbicularis palpebrae muscle. 201, Plates 15, 16
prescriptions for, 20-21 Ortho-bionomy, 339
production of, 89 Ortho-keratology, 90-91, 427-28. See also Corneal
progressive myopia, 315 surgery
in school children, 376-83 Osteopathy. 339
straining to see and, 81-82 Ott, John N, 227, 241, 244, 277
stress and, 178 Over-correction. 19
in younger people, 316

516 • Relearning to See


school children, 377-83

Palming, 349-55 shifting and swinging, 108-9, !45, 184, 364-65
Bates on, 352-54 Snellen eye chart, 18-19, 366
correct technique, 349-51 strabismus and amblyopia, 272-75
positive affirmations while, 351 strain, 175-77
seeing black while, 352-53 time needed to improve sight naturally, 84-86
stories, 351-52 unlimited nature of vision, 166
sunning sandwich, 231, 354 UV light, 242
variations, 354-55 Peripheral vision, 86-87, 146, 149-50, 167-68
Panos, Maesimund, 337, 344 Personality
Pebble Game, 160-64 blurred vision and, 314-15, 317
Peck, M. Scott, 335 farsightedness and, 315
Pedigo, Michael D., 346 multiple, 317

Pelletier, Kenneth R., 311, 331 nearsightedness and, 314-15

Perfect Sight Without Glasses (Bates) Perspective, keeping, 218-19

accommodation, 65-77 Pessimums, 365-67

advice for nearsights, 17 Phoria swings, 297-99
astigmatism, 95 Photorefractive keratectomy. See PRK
Bates method for all ages, 375 Pilots. See Flying
breathing, 198 Pineal gland, 227, 229, Plate 25
centralization, 157 Pinhole effect, 30, 211-13
concentration, 155-56 Pituitary gland, 227-28, Plate 25

errors of refraction, 77-80 Piano lenses, 11-12

farsightedness. 91-93 Plateaus, 218

floating specks, 459-60 Pointing, 156

flying, 414-15 Positive affirmations, 351

glasses' effects, 25-29 "Positivity," importance of, 219

"Introductory," 41-47, 92-93, 95 Posner, George A., 329
light, 231 Posterior chamber, 8, Plate 4

mind and vision, 383-86 Posture

movement, 108-9 breathing and, 197
nonacceptance of Bates method, 100, 330 chairs and, 136

optimums and pessimums, 365-67 at the computer, 402

original edition of, 321 head balance, 285-86
palming, 352-54 improved by swaying activity, 396
presbyopia, 58-63 myopia and, 136-37
publication of, 478 neck tension and eyesight, 134-35
reading, 364-68, 372-73 reading and, 360
reading while commuting, 411 during sleep, 136
relaxation, 172-73 telephones and, 135
retinoscope, 47-48 watching television and, 406
reversal of strabismus and amblyopia, 279-80 Presbyopia
revision of, 321 absence in some older people of, 45
risks of blurred vision, 425-27 Bates' view of, 29, 58-61

Relearning to See • 5J7

orthodox explanation of, 7, 57-58 Reading, 359-73. See also Type size
problems with orthodox explanation, 63 while commuting, 130, 411

reversal of, 61-63, 76 diffused speed, 360

strained or atrophied ciliary muscle and, 57 in dim light, 231

why so common, 63-64 interferences to, 359-60

Prescriptions, 19-23 lighting and, 369, 371

for astigmatism, 21 with locked neck, 359-60

for bifocals, 20-22 lowered comprehension while relearning, 369

for farsightedness, 22-23 naturally, 360-62
inadequate, 23 posture and, 360
mixed, 23 white glow and, 372-73
for nearsightedness, 20-22 Recti muscles, 49, 93-94
reduced, 35-38 Refraction, errors of. See also Astigmatism; Far-
sample, 20 sightedness; Nearsightedness; Presbyopia

for strabismus, 22 Bates' view of, 49, 65-80, 99

Prismatic lenses, 12, 13, 15-16, 278 orthodox view of, 41-45
PRK (photorefractive keratectomy), 91, 314-15, reversibility of, 78-80
332-33, 427-28. See also Corneal surgery Refraction, index of, 14

Progress Reich, William, 196

measuring, 219 Relaxation, 171-79
messages of, 339-44 Bates on, 172-75
Provitamin A. See Carotene blinking and, 207
Ptosis, 202 breathing and, 198, 200
Pupil, 7, 87, 259, Plate 1 concentration and, 154-56
red, in photographs, 7-8, Plate 3 dynamic, 108
Purkinje shift, 259 hearing and, 178
importance of, 171-72, 178-79

Q nutrition and, 422

Quackenbush, Jim, 476 palming and, 349~55
Quadfocals, 32 right-brain, 318

swinging and, 124

REMs (rapid eye movements), 134
Rabbits, vision of, 264 Respiratory system, 191-92. See also Breathing
Radial keratotomy See RK Retina, 247-65
Radiation blind spot, 260-61, Plate 49
from computer monitors, 403-5 blood supplies to, 248-49, Plates 29-31
concerns about, 239-40 corpuscles, 249
electromagnetic, 225-26 cross-sections, Plate 28
solutions, 404-5 detached, 430-31
standards, 404 layers of, 247-48, Plate 28
types of, 403 oxygen needed by, 200
Raskin, Edith, 228 rods and cones, 147, 249-59
Raskin, Ellen, 138, 398 structure, 8, 247
"Readers," 14, 23 Retinal, 251

518 • Relearning to See


Retinitis pigmentosa, 431 Sinclair, Sandra, 132. 141. 228, 265

Retinoscope. 18, 19, 47-48 Sketching (shifting), 183-89
Retreats, 339 Bates on, 183-84
Reversal processes, 229 to eliminate staring. 185. 189

Reversals. 342-43 internal nature of, 185-86

Rhodopsin, 251 with the nose-pencil. 184-85

Ribot,T., 133,154,311,387 not an eye exercise. 187-88
Richards. Steve. 167. 251 shifting vs. sketching. 186

Richthofen. Manfred von ("Red Baron"). 219. 415 unnatural at first. 188
Right-handedness. 305. 308-309 Sleep
Rigidity eye movements during. 134
diffusion and, 151 posture during. 136. 197
problem of. 112-13 Sleepiness. 177-78

RK (radial keratotomy). 90-91. 314-15. 332-33. Smith. G. Kent. 336

427-28. See also Corneal surgery Smoking. 197. 251

Rods. 249-52, 257-58 Snellen, Herman. 16

in animals, 262-63. 204 Snellen eye chart, 16. 366

in darkness. 250-52 Bates on, 18-19, 366
density distribution. 257-58, Plates 37, 40-43, 47-48 in classrooms. 376-77, 378, 381
as movement detectors. 141, 252 Soorani. J.,445
networking, 258-59 "Spacing out." See Staring
sensitivity, 250, Plates 32, 35-36 Spectrum
structure and function. 249-52 changing throughout day, 240
Rolfing. 339 electromagnetic, 226, Plate 22
Rubin. Rita. 88 visible, 226, Plate 22
Speech improvement. 396
Speed, emphasis on, 310-11, 331
Saccadic vibrations. 134 Sperry. Roger W., 304
SAD. 228 Sports. 416-17

Safety glasses. 11 Squint. See Strabismus

Salvatori. Philip, 241 Squinting. 209, 211-14

Samuels, Mike and Nancy, 133 Stammering. 396

Schwartz, Adam, 457, 458 Stanton, Lawrence M., 154

Scientific American report. 48-49, 101. 146, 149, 427, Staring, 139-42

445- 464 accidents and. 140, 152

Sclera. 6, Plate 1 Bates on, 139

Seasickness. 416 becoming aware of. 140
Seasonally Affected Disorders (SAD). 228 breathing and, 196
Sebaceous glands, 202 causes of, 139-40
Sebum. 202 defined, 139

Sharpshooting. 123-24 diffusion and, 140-41, 147

Shifting. See Sketching (shifting) while moving. 140-41

"Side effects," 215, 331 sketching to eliminate. 185

Sighing, 196 strabismus and. 299
Simultaneous retinoscopy. 47-48

Relearning to See • 5 *9
Stephenson, James H., 337 indoors, 230

Stereoscopic pictures, 272 sandwich (with palming), 231, 354

Stereoscopic vision, 270-72 strobing (or flashing) while, 231

Strabismus, 294-300 Surgeries

activities for, 297-99 corneal (RK, PRK, etc.), 90-91, 314-15, 332-33,
amblyopia with, 290, 294 427-28

Bates on, 49, 272-75, 279-80 number of, 332

Bead Game and, 294-95, Plates 56-57 for strabismus, 278-79
case histories, 276-77, 299 Suspensory ligaments, 7

cause of, 49, 272-76, 300 Swaying, 118-20, 127, 396

compensating lenses for, 12-13, 1D^ 278 Swimming, 416

improvements with, 299 Swings
prescriptions for, 22 Infinity (Figure-8) Swing, 125-27, 305

reversal of, 279-80 Long (Elephant) Swing, 121-24, 12 7< 13°< 3°°< 3°5

straining and, 299-300 Near-to-Far/Far-to-Near Swing, 129-30

surgery for, 278-79 phoria (directional), 297-99

types of, 295-97 Variable Swing, 117

Strain Window (Gate) Swing, 168

caused by strong glasses, 19, 25, 28, 33 Symptoms
as the cause of vision problems, 99, 175-77 answering the messages, 334-35
reading and, 369, 371-73 messages of imbalance, 331
sleepiness and, 177-78 transitions between, 333-34
strabismus and, 299-300 Syntonics, 229, 254, 339

Stress Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert, 227

breathing and, 196
conditioned to ignore, 311
increased under cool-white fluorescent lights, 232 Tapetum lucidum, 264
myopia and, 178 Target shooting, 123-24
reduction programs, 339 TCO radiation standard, 404
for right-brain dominant people, 311-12 Teachers
rising levels of, 178 effect on children of, 394
serious vision problems and, 433 Natural Vision, 398, 459, 483
Structural Integration, 339 Tear glands, 9
Stuart, M. H., 445 Tears
Sunglasses, 242-44 artificial, 204
Sunlight, 225-27 drainage of, 203
and the atmosphere, 226 irrigation by, 203

nutrition and, 226-27, 2 4^ 4 22 irritant vs. emotional. 204

practical suggestions about, 244-45 lacrimal, 202
primary source of energy, 225-26 lacrimal system, 202-3, Plate 20
sensitivity to. 242-43 layers of, 202
spectrum of, 232, Plate 26 Telephone posture, 135
Sunning Television
closed-eyelid, 229-31 blinking of actors on, 210

520 • Relearning to See


watching, 88, 406-7 Vision problems, serious, 425-33

Testimonials and case histories, 276-77, 299, blurred vision leading to, 425-28
388-96, 413-14, 431-33, 441-57, 465 inadequate prescriptions and, 23
3-D vision, 270-72 natural improvements, 431-33

TMJ,339 types of, 428-31

Toohey, Barbara, 32, 135-36, 193, 332 Vision stories, 396-98, 497-505
Touch, sense of, 393 Vision test (drivers'), 91-92, 412-13
Trifocals, 32. See also Bifocals Visual cortex, Plate 25
Trochlea, 9 Visual fields, 267-68. Plates 44, 57
Tscherning, Marius Hans Erik, 50 Vitamin A, 251,420
Turner, James, 421 Vithoulkas, George, 303, 310, 313, 333, 336
20/20 vision Vitreous chamber, 8
distance, 17 Vitreous humor. 8
near, 19 VLF radiation. See Radiation
Type size

on computer screens, 406 W

smaller is better, 362-64, 367-71 Wall eye. See Exophoria; Strabismus
Wertenbaker, Lael, 204
U WheatgTass juice, 420, 421

Under-correction, 19 White glow, 372-73

UV (ultraviolet) light Wigmore, Ann, 420, 421
Bates on, 242 Wilk et al. v. AMA et al, 346
cataracts and, 241-42 Window (Gate) Swing, 168
from fluorescent lights, 238 Winking, 206-7
from halogen lightbulbs, 236 Woodward, H. W, 442
health benefits of, 241 Worrying, 140
seen by animals, 265 Wurtman. Richard J., 227, 244

types of, 240-41

Variable Swing, 117 from fluorescent lights, 239-40
Vestibulo-ocular system, 132 frequency and wavelength of, 225-26
building confidence, 38
dreams, 323 Yawning, 199-200, 209-10
mental nature of, 283, 322 Yeager, Charles "Chuck," 415
normal distance, 313 Yoga, 197, 209-10, 339
normal near, 313-14 Young, Thomas, 15

as a right-brain function, 312-17

20/xx numbers for, 17

unlimited nature of, 166-67 Zeis glands, 202

Vision Halo, 286-88 Zuckerman, Mortimer, 333

Releaming to See • 5^1

(Continued from front page)

"I own a copy of Relearning to See, but rarely see it —my friends all love it, and don't
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"Every page of this most monumental undertaking, Relearning to See, is packed
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care and positive awareness of one of life's greatest joys —seeing the handiwork of
nature through our miraculous sense of sight; the wonderment of our extraordinary
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—Wayne Pickering, N.D., Sc.M.,

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"I have been practicing the Bates method with Relearning to See and Better Eye-
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previous attempts, including two courses or workshops since 1983, this is the first

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—Margreet,The Netherlands
"Relearning to See is QUALITY plus! My vision improvement using the Bates
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was roughly 20/600. Now on a clear and sunny day outside, my vision settles in to
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ject Relearning to See is the best and most comprehensive."
— Doug, Canada
"Relearning to See" Certified NEI Teacher Train-
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"Relearning to See has given me great hope in the most difficult days of my life.

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— Titia Vietor,The Netherlands

"Almost one year ago completed your Relearning to See Teacher Training Pro-

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solidation of Bates' life work, and your dedication to teaching. It is amazing to have
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lectual capacity have increased as well. Even my tennis game is better! Your class

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this ground-breaking presentation of the Bates method, Thomas R. Quackenbush
describes how eyesight can improve naturally — at any age and regardless of
heredity. With this simplified, practical, self-help approach to improving eyesight

you can relearn to see naturally and clearly, without glasses or surgery.
Lavishly illustrated with more than sixty color plates and one hundred and fifty
images, including Distance and Near Eye Charts, Relearning to See is a virtual ency-
clopedia of natural eyesight improvement. In this indispensable book you will learn:

• How thousands of adults and children have improved or eliminated their nearsighted-
ness, farsightedness, "presbyopia," astigmatism, crossed eye, "lazy eye," and other vision
• Why relaxation of the mind and body and the release of subconscious tension are the
keys to improving and preserving normal eyesight
• Why the Bates method is about relearning correct vision habits— and not about eye exer-
• How the crutches of eyeglasses and contact lenses can strain your eyes, mind, and body,
make your vision worse, and result in continually stronger prescriptions
• How to avoid eyestrain while reading, watching television, at work, using a computer, and
under artificial lighting

• How clarity, blurred vision, and the Bates method can be understood with modern right-
brain/left-brain concepts
• How to avoid moving into eyeglasses and contact lenses
• How headaches and neck pain have been relieved by natural eyesight reeducation
• Why refractive corneal surgeries (RK, laser, etc.), ortho-keratology, and other artificial
forms of eyesight "correction" can be harmful and risky

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