Pit and Fissure Sealants: Preventive Dentistry
Pit and Fissure Sealants: Preventive Dentistry
Pit and Fissure Sealants: Preventive Dentistry
Pit-and-fissure sealants is a material flowed over the occlusal surface of the tooth
where it penetrates the deep fissures to fill areas that cannot be cleaned with the
toothbrush, the hardened sealant presents a barrier between the tooth and the
hostile oral environment.
Several agents have been tried to protect deep fissures on occlusal surfaces:
In 1895, Wilson reported the placement of dental cement in pits and fissures to
prevent caries. In 1929, Bodecker suggested that deep fissures could be broadened
with a large round bur to make the occlusal areas more self-cleansing, a procedure
that is called enameloplasty. Two major disadvantages, accompany enameloplasty.
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5th Grade Preventive dentistry Lec. 15
A final course of action to deal with pit-and-fissure caries is one that is often used:
do nothing; wait and watch. This option avoids the need to cut good tooth structure
until a definite carious lesion is identified. It also results in many teeth being lost
when individuals do not return for periodic exams
The major event that made resin pit and fissure sealants possible came from the
early work of Buonocore (1955) who earned the title of being the “Father of
Adhesive Dentistry” by introducing the acid etch and bonding technique for resin-
based materials. The purpose of his original research was the development of a
sealant to prevent occlusal caries on posterior teeth. In the 1960s, Bowen converted
them to an entirely acceptable restorative group by introducing bis- GMA and
including a variety of fillers for physical reinforcement and control of setting
shrinkage. Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methylacrylate (Bis-GMA) Sealants is now the
sealant of choice.
In the same time period, Smith recognized the biological benefits of the
polyalkenoic acid group and combined these with zinc oxide to develop the
polycarboxylate cements, which was the first group of materials to have both self-
adhesion and fluoride-releasing capabilities. Wilson and others (1985) modified
this through the use of a powdered glass instead of zinc oxide and thus introduced
glass-ionomer cements, which exists today as both restorative and preventive
Caries affecting pit and fissures are the first types of lesions encountered in
children. In addition to general risk factors, the following three site-specific risk
factors are associated with the development and progression of occlusal caries
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5th Grade Preventive dentistry Lec. 15
2. Eruption stage
3. Functional use
Previously routine application of sealant was recommended for all posterior deep
occlusal fissure, fossa or lingual pit present in teeth because it was believed to be
the only realistic way to prevent occlusal decay, but now sealants should only be
applied to patients and placed in teeth after careful clinical judgment of the
individual, it needs to be considered in the context of risk factor both for individual
patients and for individual teeth
Because the time from tooth emergence to full occlusion is the most critical period
for caries initiation (Eruption stage, Functional use) adequate timing of sealant
application is important.
The duration of the eruption period is a further risk factor. So teeth with longer
eruption time tend to have more occlusal caries. For example, occlusal caries is
much more prevalent in molars, which have a relatively long eruption time of 12 to
18 months, compared to premolars, with an eruption time of only a few months
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5th Grade Preventive dentistry Lec. 15
If the risk factors outlined above are identified in-patient then it is prudent to seal
all susceptible sites on permanent teeth as soon after eruption as is practicable.
Because no harm can occur from sealing, when in doubt seal and monitor
In all cases it’s the disease susceptibility of the tooth should be considered
when selecting teeth for sealants, not the age of the individual
A sealant is contraindicated under these circumstances:
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The desired clinical outcomes from the use of sealants are to prevent the
establishment and stop the progression of carious lesions. the technique must
provide good retention, a long-term seal and be non-technique sensitive. The
requirements of an ideal material include biocompatibility low viscosity low
solubility esthetically acceptable and visible to facilitate reassessment.
There are two main types of materials that can be used as sealants:
Neither of these can be regarded as ideal so the selection of which material to use
will be driven by the requirements of each case
Placement of pit and fissure sealants is technique sensitive. For sealant retention
the surface of the tooth must:
1) have a maximum surface area sealants do not bond directly to the teeth. Instead,
they are retained mainly by adhesive forces. The surface area is greatly increased
by the acid etch, which in turn increases the adhesive potential
2) have deep, irregular pits and fissures (Deep, irregular pits and fissures offer a
much more favorable surface contour for sealant retention compared with broad,
shallow fossae. The deeper fissures protect the resin sealant from the shear forces
occurring as a result of masticatory movements. Of parallel importance is the
possibility of caries development increasing as the fissure depth and slope of the
inclined planes increases. Thus, as the potential for caries increases, so does the
potential for sealant retention).
3) be clean
4) be absolutely dry at the time of sealant placement and uncontaminated with
saliva residue.
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Step 1: Prepare the Teeth (Surface Cleanliness): The need and method for cleaning
the tooth surface prior to sealant placement are controversial. Usually the acid
etching alone is sufficient for surface cleaning, however, it was shown that
cleaning teeth with the prophylaxis pastes with or without fluoride did not affect
the bond strength of sealants. However all heavy stains, deposits, debris, and
plaque should be removed from the occlusal surface before applying the sealant.
Step 2: Isolate the Teeth: Adequate isolation is the most critical aspect of the
sealant application process. Salivary contamination of a tooth surface during or
after acid etching will have a deleterious effect on the ultimate bond between
enamel and resin. A dry field can be maintained in several ways, including use of a
rubber dam, employment of cotton rolls, and the placement of bibulous pads over
the opening of the parotid duct.
The rubber dam provides an ideal way to maintain dryness for an extended time
Some of the disadvantages of Rubber dam include: discomfort during clamp
placement, need for local anesthetic in some instances, difficulty in securely
placing a clamp onto a partially erupted tooth, also it is not feasible to apply the
dam to the different quadrants of the mouth; instead it is necessary to employ
cotton rolls, combined with the use of an effective high-volume, low-vacuum
aspirator. Cotton roll holders may be used. If a cotton roll does become slightly
moist, another short cotton roll can be placed on top of the moist segment and held
in place for the duration of the procedure.
In the event that it becomes necessary to replace a wet cotton roll, it is essential
that no saliva contacts the etched tooth surface; if there is any doubt, it is necessary
to repeat all procedures. This includes a 15-second etch to remove any residual
Step 3: Dry the Surfaces: Dry teeth with air for 20–30 seconds, Check to make
sure there is no moisture coming out of air syringe tip.
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5th Grade Preventive dentistry Lec. 15
Step 4: Etch the Surfaces (Increasing the Surface Area): An etchant of 37%
phosphoric acid is applied for 20 seconds on the occlusal surface prior to the
placement of the sealant, another 15 seconds of etching is indicated for fluorosed
teeth to compensate for the greater acid resistance of the enamel.
One should always apply the etchant onto all the susceptible pits and fissures of the
tooth and extend it up the cuspal inclines well beyond (at least 2 millimeters) the
anticipated margin of the sealant. If any etched areas on the tooth surface are not
covered by the sealant or if the sealant is not retained, the normal appearance of the
enamel returns to the tooth within 1 hour to a few weeks due to a remineralization
from constituents in the saliva.
The etchant may be either in liquid or gel form. The former is easier to apply and
easier to remove.
• If using a gel: applied with a supplied syringe and left undisturbed for all of time
• If using a liquid: is placed on the tooth with a small resin sponge or cotton
pledged held with cotton pliers. Continue to apply etchant throughout the etchant
time. Both are equal in abetting retention
Step 5: Rinsing and Drying the Teeth: For 10 seconds the water from the triple
syringe is flowed over the occlusal surface and hence into the aspirator tip. Then
the surface is dried for 10 seconds. The air supply needs to be absolutely dry.
The dried tooth surface should have a white, dull, frosty appearance. If there are
areas at or near the opening of the pits and fissures that do not have the frosty look,
then etch again
The teeth must be dry at the time of sealant placement because sealants are
hydrophobic. The presence of saliva on the tooth is even more detrimental than
water because its organic components interpose a barrier between the tooth and the
Whenever the teeth are dried with an air syringe, the air stream should be checked
to ensure that it is not moisture-laden. A check for moisture can be accomplished
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by directing the air stream onto a cool mouth mirror; any fogging indicates the
presence of moisture. Possibly the omission of this simple step accounts for the
inter-operator variability in the retention of fissure sealants.
Step 7: Evaluate the Sealant: The finished sealant should be checked for retention
without using undue force. In the event that the sealant does not adhere, the
placement procedures should be repeated, with only about 15 seconds of etching
needed to remove the residual saliva before again flushing, drying, and applying
the sealant.
If two attempts are unsuccessful, the sealant application should be postponed until
remineralization occurs. The occlusion should be checked visually or, if indicated,
with articulating paper. Usually any minor discrepancies in occlusion are rapidly
removed by normal chewing action. If the premature contact of the occlusal
contact is unacceptable, a large round cutting bur may be used to rapidly create a
broad resin fossa.
Resin sealants are retained better on recently erupted teeth than in teeth with a
more mature surface
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5th Grade Preventive dentistry Lec. 15
possibly due to the presence of tags that are retained in the enamel after the bulk of
the sealant has been sheared from the tooth surface.
Step 8: Re-evaluation: Because the most rapid fall off of sealants occurs in the
early stages(probably caused by faulty technique in placement), an initial 3-month
recall following placement should be routine for determining if sealants have been
lost then evaluated on a six months basis as sealant losses probably being due to
abnormal masticatory stresses. After a year or so, the sealants become very
difficult to see or to discern tactilely, especially if they are abraded to the point that
they fill only the fissures.
Fluoride‐Releasing Sealants
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5th Grade Preventive dentistry Lec. 15
Glass ionomer is best suited for protecting erupting teeth when it is inserted under
the operculum.
Both clear and colored sealants are available. They vary from translucent to white,
yellow, and pink. The selection of a colored versus a clear sealant is a matter of
individual preference. The colored products permit a more precise placement of the
sealant, with the visual assurance that the periphery extends halfway up the
inclined planes. Retention can be more accurately monitored by both the patient
and the operator placing the sealant.
On the other hand, a clear sealant may be considered more esthetically acceptable.
On the other hand, some clinicians seem to prefer the clear sealants because it is
possible to see under the sealant if a carious lesion is active or advancing.
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