İng Öabt Konu Dağilimi

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KPSS ÖABT İNGİLİZCE 04 – Approaches and Methods in Language

04/1 – Periods of Testing
1. Konu   What is language?
04/2 – Characteristics Of A Good Test
2. Konu   Origins of language
3. Konu   Properties of language 04/3 – Types of Tests”

4. Konu   Phonetics & Phonology 05 – Approaches and Methods in Language

5. Konu   Morphology Teaching

6. Konu   Word formation 05/1 – Teaching Grammar

7. Konu   Grammar 05/2 – Teaching Vocabulary

8. Konu   Syntax 05/3 – Teaching Speaking”
9. Konu   Semantics 06 – Teaching Skills
10. Konu  Pragmatics 06/1 – Teaching Reading
11. Konu  Discourse analysis 06/2 – Teaching Writing
12. Konu  Language and society 06/3 – Teaching English to Young Learners, Who
13. Konu  Language and the brain Are Young Learners”
14. Konu  Gestures, sign languages and 07 – Teaching Young Learners
writing systems 07/1 – Characteristics Of Young Learners
15. Konu  Language, history and change 07/2 – Teaching 4 Skills
16. Konu  Branches of linguistics 07/3 – Multiple Intelligence”
METODOLOJİ (30 SORU) 08 – Teaching English To Young Learners
01 – Language Learning Theories 08/1 – Who Are Young Learners
01/1 – Linguistic View 08/2 – Who Are Young Learners” 
01/2 – Psychological View” EDEBİYAT (9-10 SORU)
02 – Approaches and Methods in Language 01. Introduction – Literary Genres
Teaching 1. Literature- Language-Literary Genres
02/1 – Grammar Translation Method 2. Literary Genres

02/2 – Direct Method, Oral Situational Approach, 3. Literary Genres-Drama

Audio-Lingual Method 02 – Elements of Fiction – Literary Devices

02/3 – Audio-Lingual Method, Community- 1. Elements of Fiction

Language Learning” 2. Elements of Fiction- Literary Devices

3. Literary Devices- Figures of Speech
03 – Approaches and Methods in Language
03 – Literary Periods – Old English- The Early
17th Century
03/1 – Suggestopedia, Desuggestopedia, Silent
1. Old English-Middle English
2. Renaissance/ Elizabethian Period
03/2 – Silent Way, Total Physical Response,
3. The Early 17th Century
Natural Approach
04 -The Restoration – Victorian
03/3 – Communicative Language Teaching,
1. The Restoration Period
Content Based Instruction, Task Based Learning” 2. Romantic Period
3. Victorian
05 – 20th Century Literature – Literary 19. Dialogue Completion- Diyalog
movements tamamlama
1. 20th Century- Modernist Period 20. restatement- İngilizce Yakın Anlam
2. 20th Century 21. restatement- İngilizce Yakın Anlam
3. Literary Movements 22. Paragraph completion- Paragraf
06 – Tables – American Literature Tamamlama
1. Tables 23. Paragraph completion- Paragraf
2. Tables- American Literature
24. Irrelevant Sentence- Akış Bozan
3. Tables- Revision
25. Irrelevant Sentence- Akış Bozan
1. tense- zaman
2. kelime- Vocabulary
3. conjunctions- Bağlaçlar
4. phrasal verb
5. pedagogical Grammar- Pedagojik-
meta gramer- Word of class, Sözcük
6. pedagogical Grammar- Pedagojik-
meta gramer- sentence Types- Cümle
7. pedagogical Grammar- Pedagojik-
meta gramer
8. pedagogical Grammar- Pedagojik-
meta gramer- sentence Pattern- cümle
9. pedagogical Grammar- Pedagojik-
meta gramer- Missplet Word- Yanlış
yazılmış kelimeler
10. pedagogical Grammar- Pedagojik-
meta gramer
11. pedagogical Grammar- Pedagojik-
meta gramer
12. pedagogical Grammar- Pedagojik-
meta gramer
13. pedagogical Grammar- Pedagojik-
meta gramer- punctuation, noktalama
14. paragraph Comprehension- okuma
parçaları ve anlama
15. paragraph Comprehension
16. paragraph Comprehension
17. Dialogue Completion- Diyalog
18. Dialogue Completion- Diyalog

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