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Power and Duties of Umpires & Softball Terminologies

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Softball officials are known as umpires,
and each has a different responsibility
depending on where he covers the field.

The umpires must ensure the rules of the

game are followed, and there is a decisive
winner and loser based on fair play and
accurate calls based upon what happens in
the game.
Umpires working home plate in a softball game have the most
responsibility of any umpire on the field. They must call every
pitch a ball, strike or foul within a strike zone which varies from
batter to batter. This requires the umpire to pay close attention to
each pitch and the number of balls and strikes with each batter,
as well as how the pitcher pitches the ball and whether he is
doing it legally or not. They must also pay attention to other rules
pertaining to batters and catchers,The home plate umpire must
also call base runners out or safe at home plate, which are also
often game-deciding calls.
First base umpires usually have the most
challenging job of the three, as many close plays are
made at first base. They must watch the base to see
if the runner beat an attempted out and is safe, or if
the throw beat them and they are out. These
umpires must also watch baserunners who are
stealing bases and determine if they were tagged
out, picked off, or if they made it to the bag before
the tag was made. These umpires must also watch
the pitcher, to see if they are pitching illegally.
While these umpires are not always needed in
smaller league games, they are often hired to
simply watch balls hit down the lines of the
outfield and decide whether the ball is fair or
foul. If the ball lands on or inside the white line,
it is fair. If it lands outside the white line, it is
foul. These umpires also have the final call on
whether home runs bounced off the top of the
wall are fair or not. text
1. Appeal Play
A play upon which an umpire cannot make a decision until requested by a
player. The appeal must be made before the next ball is delivered to the batter

2. Ball
A legally pitched ball that does not enter the strike zone (four balls equals a walk)

3. Base Path
An imaginary line three feet to either side or direct line between the bases.

4. Bases
Home plate is one corner of a diamond with bases at each corner.
5. Batter's Box
Box marked with chalk near home plate that a batter
must stay within while batting.

6. Batter/Baserunner
A player who has finished his her turn at bat, but
has not yet been put out or touched first base.

7. Bunt
An illegally tapped ball not swung at, but intentionally
met with the bat and tapped slowly within the infield.

8. Catcher's Box
An area which the catcher must stand while and until
the pitcher delivers a pitched ball.
9. Dead Ball
Ball is not in play and is not considered in play again until
the pitcher is within 8 feet of the pitcher's mound and the
umpires has called "Play Ball".

10. Double play

A play in which the defense records two outs.

11. Fair Ball

Any batted ball which settles on fair territory between
home and first base or home and third base;

12. Fair Territory

Fair territory is that part of the playing field within and
including the first and third base foul line
13. Fly ball
ball hit up in the air to the outfield

14. Foul Lines

Two lines (first and third base line) that distinguish fair territory from foul

15.Foul Tip
A foul ball which goes directly from the bat, not higher than the batter's
head, to the catcher's hand and is legally caught.

16. Force Out

when the runner has to advance to the next base to make room for the
following base runner.
17. Grounder
A ball that is hit on the ground.

18. Hit
A batted ball that allows a batter to safely reach base.

19. Home Run

Fair ball hit over the outfield fence between the two foul poles.

20. Illegally Caught Ball

Occurs when a fielder catches a batted or thrown ball with
his/her cap, glove, or any part of his/her uniform while it is
detached from his/her proper place.
21. Infield
The infield is that portion of the field in fair territory which includes areas
normally covered by infielders

22. In Jeopardy
A term indicating that a ball is in play and an offensive player may be put out.

23. Interference
The act of a defensive player which hinders or prevents a batter from
striking or hitting a pitched ball, or the act of an offensive player,
which impedes, hinders, or confuses a defensive player while
attempting to execute a play.

24. Line Drive

Ball hit with a trajectory almost parallel to the ground.
25. Obstruction
The act of a fielder, while not in possession of the ball or in the act of fielding a
batted ball, which impedes the progress of a base runner who is legally running

26. On deck
the next batter

27. Out of Play

A ball that has gone past the out of play boundary lines.

28. Outfield
The part of the field beyond the diamond, or infield. It is
occupied by the fielders and it is farthest from the batsman.
29. Pitcher's Mound
Located near the center of the diamond it is the spot from where the
pitcher throws the ball.

30. Pivot Foot

The foot which the pitcher must keep in contact with the
pitcher's plateuntil the ball is delivered.

31. Play Ball

indicate that play shall begin or resume.

32. Pop Up
ball hit up in the air to the infield
33. Run
An offensive player safely tags home plate.

34. Sacrifice Fly

A fair fly ball which enables any runner to advance or enables a runner to score,
but which results in the batter/runner to be out.

35. Sacrifice
A batter strategically hits the ball into an out situation to
advance or score a runner. Usually a “sacrifice bunt” or
“sacrifice fly.”

36. Safe
Called when a base runner reaches a base without getting
tagged out or avoids a force out.
37. Strike
Term used when a ball is swung at and missed or is called when the ball enters
the strike zone and is not swung at all.

38. Strike Out

Occurs during an at-bat when a batter accumulates three strikes, at which
point the at bat ends and the player is called out.

39. Strike Zone

The ball passes the batter over the plate between their
chest and knees.

40. Tag out

A base runner that is not on a base when she or he is tagged by a player
with the ball. The defense must create three "outs" before it can switch to
defense. Outs can be by strike out, force out, fly out or tag out.
41. Time
Term used by the umpire to order the suspension of play.

42. Triple Play

A play during which the defense records three outs.

43. Turn at Bat

Begins when a player first enters the batter's box and
continues until he is out or becomes a baserunner.

44. Walk
Player advances to 1st base when 4 consecutive pitches
were called as balls.

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