Power and Duties of Umpires & Softball Terminologies
Power and Duties of Umpires & Softball Terminologies
Power and Duties of Umpires & Softball Terminologies
2. Ball
A legally pitched ball that does not enter the strike zone (four balls equals a walk)
3. Base Path
An imaginary line three feet to either side or direct line between the bases.
4. Bases
Home plate is one corner of a diamond with bases at each corner.
5. Batter's Box
Box marked with chalk near home plate that a batter
must stay within while batting.
6. Batter/Baserunner
A player who has finished his her turn at bat, but
has not yet been put out or touched first base.
7. Bunt
An illegally tapped ball not swung at, but intentionally
met with the bat and tapped slowly within the infield.
8. Catcher's Box
An area which the catcher must stand while and until
the pitcher delivers a pitched ball.
9. Dead Ball
Ball is not in play and is not considered in play again until
the pitcher is within 8 feet of the pitcher's mound and the
umpires has called "Play Ball".
15.Foul Tip
A foul ball which goes directly from the bat, not higher than the batter's
head, to the catcher's hand and is legally caught.
18. Hit
A batted ball that allows a batter to safely reach base.
22. In Jeopardy
A term indicating that a ball is in play and an offensive player may be put out.
23. Interference
The act of a defensive player which hinders or prevents a batter from
striking or hitting a pitched ball, or the act of an offensive player,
which impedes, hinders, or confuses a defensive player while
attempting to execute a play.
26. On deck
the next batter
28. Outfield
The part of the field beyond the diamond, or infield. It is
occupied by the fielders and it is farthest from the batsman.
29. Pitcher's Mound
Located near the center of the diamond it is the spot from where the
pitcher throws the ball.
32. Pop Up
ball hit up in the air to the infield
33. Run
An offensive player safely tags home plate.
35. Sacrifice
A batter strategically hits the ball into an out situation to
advance or score a runner. Usually a “sacrifice bunt” or
“sacrifice fly.”
36. Safe
Called when a base runner reaches a base without getting
tagged out or avoids a force out.
37. Strike
Term used when a ball is swung at and missed or is called when the ball enters
the strike zone and is not swung at all.
44. Walk
Player advances to 1st base when 4 consecutive pitches
were called as balls.