Herpesvirus: Classification

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Microbiology/Lecture. 2 Dr.

Ali Sabri

· All of the Herpesviruses have

* Herpes viruses are large viruses.

structure -
a core of double stranded DNAin the form of a teroid.
exhibit icosahedral symmetry.
and - Surrounded by a protein coat

composition -and has 162 capsomers.

The nucleocapsise is surrounded by an envelope derived from
The nucular membrane the infected
of cell.

The envelope contain viral glycoprotein spikes.

5 An Amorphous/asymmetrical structure between the capsid
and envelope is the

Classification ~ Alpha-herpesviruses: are fastgrowing Cytolytic tend

viruses that
To establish alater infection in neurons.

el HSV and VIV.

> Beta-herpesviruses:are slow growing be

may cytomeglic
(massive enlargements of the infected cells) and
become later in
Secretory glands and
ex- CMU (glands/ kisneys).
- HH1-6, HAV. F(lympocytes).

3) Gamma-herpesviruses: infectand become in

latent lympoid cells.

eN- EBU.

Diseases of 1-3- and HSV-2 (simplex virus):

Herpes Viruses
Typed infects The Oropharyngeal lesions and Causes
HSV1 reacuring attacks of"fever blisters"
infects the genital mucosa
Typee) primarly and is mainly
responsible for genital herpes.
* viruses can also cause neurologic disease.
* HSV-1 is the
leading cause of sporadic encephalitis -110 t

* Both Types can cause neonatal infections thatare often sever.

IV:Causes chickenpox (varicella) on the primary infection,
- VIV and establishes laten infection in neurons.

A reactivation the Virus causes herpes zoster (Shingles).

Adults who areinfected for the firsttime with Varicella- zoster
virus can develope Serious (Viral Pneumonial.
. CMV CMr:replicates in the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract,
Salivary glands and Kidneys and Presists in lymphocytes.
·CMU causes infections mononucleosis.

· nnewborns disseminated cytomegalic inclusion disease.

CMV Also cause:
Congental defects, neonatal hearing loss and
mental retardation.

I in epithelial cells of the oropharynxand
·EBV Parotid gland and establish laten infection in lympocytes.

Itcauses Infections mononucleosis and it can induce human
serisy, Lymphoproliferative disorders, especiallyin immunocomporomised

1 9 11?

· HAV. 6: Infects Tympocytes.

- HHV- 6
- HHV-7 * Typically
acquires in early infancy and causes exanthem subitum

/Vogeda infantum) as well as infections in immuno-

-compromise paiteints.

· HHV-7:also infects T-lympotropic virus.

any specific
· has been
not linked with disease.

·HHV-D:is associated with KapogiSarcoma a vascular

Tummer That
is common in AIDS patients.

other Herpesvirus
· with malignantdisease
· EBU with Burkitt lymphoma ofAfrican Children,
with nasopharyngeal carcinoma ·b- j'ya

, with other lymphoproliferative disorders,

· With Kaposi Sarcom.

· are the largest
and of
mostcomplex Viruses

Dox Virus infecting humans.

· with poxvirus are Charchtrized By rash althouth
are markedly proliferative.
leshions induced by some members of the family

& The grout includes (variola Virus - The exiologic agentof smallpox.

lightmicroscope to be
a / the Virus are large enough seen

Structure as featureless particles.

and Electrone microscope. They appear Brick-shaped or ellipsoid particles.
composition · size measuring/ (300 400) x290


· Complex structure and enveloped.

· Linear double stranded DNA.
"I g

Virus - Dox viruses among DNAviruses

are unige thatthe entire
multiplication cycle takes place in the cytoplasm of infected cell.
further distinguished from
· all other animal viruses By thatthe uncoating
step requires a
newly synthesized Virus, encoded protein.

clinical · The Incubation period is 10-14 days.

findings ·

. one
of fever
5 days and
malaise preceded the
appearance of
the exanthers which began as macules then a Papules then

& vesicles and

finally -> pustules.

· Theseformes crusts that fell off after weeks, leaving pink

scars thatfate slowly.
in each
A effected area the all atthe same stage of developements

Treatment of
a treatment smallpoxis primally supportive.
Live Vaccinia Virus)
* vaccinia immune globulin has shown
not a Survival benefit
for established disease, is prepaired from Vescular lesion (Lymph)

produced in the skin of calves, or it can grow in chicken embryos.

- contains, 40%
It glycerole to stabilize the Virus.
-0.4% phenol to destroy Bacteria.
Methisazone is chemotheraputic
* a
agenthistorically evaluated

againstDox viruses.

Adenoviruses · Ade uses can replicates and produce diseases in the respiratory
, gastrointestinal and urinary tracts and in the eye.

many infections
· are subclinical (j'si, s.).
third of 57 serotypes cause disease.

Structure · 70.90 nm and

disply icohetral symmetry with a capsise
and compose of 852 capsomeres.
composition · There is no envelope.
"liber" projecting
Unique among icosantral viruses they have
from the 12 vertices or penton base.
genome is
DNA Linear and double stranded (26-45K6P).

Classification human Adenoviruses divided groups (A-G)


-Bases of their genetic, physical, chemical, Biological properties.


replicates only in cells of epithelial orgin.

Pathogenesis · Infects and replicates in the epithelial cells ofthe respiratory tract,
eye, gastrointestinal tract, and urinary tract.

* usually don'tseparate beyond the regional lymph node.

Group C viruses presistas laten Infection for years in Adenoids and

tonsils. Shed in feces for many months after the infection.
* The exceptions are serotypes 40 and 41.

Clinical Respiratory
1) diseases.

findings -
symptoms:Cough, nasal congation, fever, love throat.
· mostcommonly in infants and Children.

A group C, Types 1/215- infants.

A Type 3/4/t -> in adults.

B) Eye infections:
Mild Ocular
may be
involvement a of
part the respiratory
phageal Syndrome caused by Adenoviruses.

Pharyngo-conjunctival fever occur in outbreaks.

-epidemic kerato-conjunctivitis caused by type 5/19194.

9) Gastrointestinal Diseases:-
caused By Type 40/41 a causes gastroenteritis.

Treatment · There is no specific Treatment.

highly tropic for epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membrane.

Pathogenisis · Transmission By Close contact.

surface of papillomatous
· viral released from the lesions.
· micro abrasions allow infection of proliferating basal layer.

· causes infections cutaneous

at and mucosal sites,
↳Leading to differentkinds of wrats, cause cancer.

· HBV genital infections are sexually transmitted, represent

the most

common sexually transmitted diseases in The U.S.

Cervical Cancer is the second most frequentcancer in women world Wide.

Types APV16 and II have high Cancer risk.
Hepatitis · HBV is classified as hepadnavirus (infects infants)

It a major factor in the eventual developementof Liver diseases
and hepatocellular Carcinoma.

structure. HBV is a small, partially double stranded DNAVirus, Pherical Shape.

composition A ABU viron compose of:

2) The outer envelope:HBIAg known as HBV surface antigen

2 The core: protein shell enclose genome made of Hepatitis is
core antigen

· Hepatitis e autigen
⑤The genome

· Incubation period of 50-180) days.

Clinical · Route of infection predominantly parenteral.

findings · hepatis, oused of jundice is often preceded

In Viral by GIT
Symptoms Such as nausea, vomiting, anarexia and mild
· jaundice may appear, Butanicteric hebatitis is more common.

· Extrahepatic manifestations of Viral hepatitis (HBV)

include a transient serum Sickness, like prodrome
consisting of fever, skin rash and polyarthritis.
* HBV has significantrole in hepatocellular
Carcinoma may appear (15-60) years after chronic infections

- for patents
Treatment whith chronic active hepatitis.

firstLine Treatment:Pegylated interferon alpha-zaa

· Second Line therapy:Telbivudine.

Smallest DNAanimal virus.In
parvovirus respiratory specimene
· are the

from children With acute respiratory diseases and in

9trol samples.

· Parvovirus B19:Causes erythema infectiosum fifth disease

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