Team Building - Edited
Team Building - Edited
Team Building - Edited
Team building is a continuous process that helps a group progress into a cohesive unit.
Team members are therefore expected to not only share expectations for realizing group targets
but also support and respect each other's differences. A team builder leads his team to achieve
coherence and productivity. He nurtures and maintains the team's life just as he would with an
individual. Team building is the manner of causing a faction of people to work together
Good team-building skills come in handy in uniting employees around a common goal,
thus leading to greater productivity. Therefore, a lack of excellent team-building skills limits one
and the staff to the effort that only one individual can make alone. Therefore, all staff must work
cohesively as a team to achieve common goals faster. Also, the outcome of projects done
together with respect towards each other as a group is usually better than when done without
Team building is also crucial in nurturing good communication with participants as team
members and individuals. With good communication, set goals may be understood more quickly,
thus increasing the probability of success during projects. Good communication is also necessary
to enhance respect amongst individuals in the team. Addressing people as they should be
addressed subliminally communicates that you respect them. It is an essential aspect of team
With increased levels of satisfaction comes an increase in levels of commitment. As people work
together, common challenges are quickly addressed through the team leaders and later to other
managers. That helps in addressing any problems encountered, and therefore it raises job
satisfaction. Therefore, the staff is committed to working better and harder as they know most, if
not all, of their challenges, which will be addressed as soon as they encounter them. It is evident
Team building is also necessary for specifying clear work objectives. Only one task is left
when the work objectives have been known: to achieve them. That, therefore, helps the whole
team work together to achieve the set objectives. The team leader may be left with little
monitoring to do as the team members already know what is expected of them. That helps in
building trust between the team members and the team leaders. With this trust comes a better
work environment for both the team leader and the team.
Finally, team building is necessary to ensure diverse co-workers work well together. With
team building comes good communication and respect toward every team member. That is very
important when dealing with co-workers from different religions, races, ethnicities, or
nationalities. Team building helps staff to understand each other and look past their origin to
achieve common goals. All this is necessary for a peaceful and cohesive work environment.