Design and Implementation of Smart Home

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Design and Implementation of Smart Home Security System

Article · December 2014


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Mohammed Mynuddin
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University


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International Journal of Modern Embedded System (IJMES) ISSN: 2320-9003(Online)
Volume No.-2, Issue No.-6, December, 2014

Design and Implementation of Smart Home Security System

Md. Kamal Hossain 1st Prodip Biswas 2nd
Lecturer of EEE Dept. Sr. Software Engineer, ML-2
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology Samsung R & D Institute Bangladesh (SRBD)
Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail:[email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Mohammed Mynuddin 3rd Sayidul Morsalin 4th

Lecturer, of EEE Dept. Lecturer, of EEE Dept.
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology Bangladesh University of Business & Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected]

Abstract: All over the world, security has been a major concern in every home. Automated security systems are a useful addition to todays
home where safety is an important issue. Vision-based security systems have the advantage of being easy to set up, inexpensive and non-
obtrusive. Here, a security system has been developed that uses sensors to detect any security violation and sends out the alert signal by high
intensity Buzzer. In this paper it has been ensured three level security systems. NFC tag use, providing Password and PIR motion sensor. To
open the door a person should provide NFC tag and password. If one of them absence the door will not open. The door will opened by
servomotor with a lock coupled in its shaft. When wrong password is pressed, error text is displayed in the LCD. When an authorized person
leaves the door, he has to show his tag in the reader. Otherwise the door will not close. Now if an unwanted man enters the room by password
breaking or without NFC the PIR sensor works .It sounds the buzzer. NFC card reader, PIC 16F877A, Arduino Uno, PIR sensor is used for this
project .So, maximum security will be maintained in home. This security can be applied not only home but also the place where important
document, file are preserved also the bank vault.

Keywords: Security system, NFC shield and NFC tag, Arduino Uno, EEPROM, Proteus, PIR sensor
the human presence of security guard may not be completely
trustworthy. Every system from the past has been found to be
A security system is defined as to detect intrusion, very much vulnerable. Home is a place where security is must,
unauthorized entry into a building or a protected area and deny to keep all the valuables and appliances safe. The owner
such unauthorized access to protect personnel and property should have the confidence to step out of the house with the
from damage or harm. Security systems are mainly used in feel that nothing can happen to the Home. This feel will only
residential, commercial, industrial, and military properties for arise when the home is equipped with a reliable security
protection against burglary (theft) or property damage, as well system. For this reason, in this paper it has focused about the
as personal protection against intruders. Car alarms likewise maintenance of home security.
protect vehicles and their contents. Prisons also use security
systems for control of inmates. Among home security in II. METHODOLOGY
residential is most prominent. Now days, home security and
surveillance system is an essential part of any modern
automated home. The basic design of a security system begins
with analyzing the needs of the inhabitants, surveying existing
technology and hardware, reviewing system costs, considering
monitoring choices and finally planning the installation.
According to the European Institute for Crime Prevention and
Control International statistics on crime and control 2011, to
analyze the no. of burglaries in a year we experienced that
Bangladesh got 2.2 points and ranked 53rd position as well as
0.7 points and ranked 71st position for autotheft in the world.
Now if we look the worlds one of rich country USA we see Figure 1.1: Block Diagram of Operational Method.
that they positioned 6th in autotheft and 9th in burglary [8].
Above block diagram shown in figure 1.1 represents the
Their surveying also shows that most of the burglary occurred
in residential area, office as well as bank. Non-Automated working method of our project work. Here we have taken NFC
security systems were found non-reliable. Doors were fitted (Near field Communication) tag card, password from keypad
and infrared ray i.e motion by PIR sensor as input. The output
with lock and key system which can be opened easily. Even
RES Publication © 2012 Page | 7
International Journal of Modern Embedded System (IJMES) ISSN: 2320-9003(Online)
Volume No.-2, Issue No.-6, December, 2014

of this project is LCD display, Buzzer alarm and servo motor. coil inside the tag is energized, get power from shield and
For hardware implementation we have used interfacing a PIC match. Then a signal comes from arduino uno to the base of
(Peripheral Interface Controller) microcontroller 16F877A NPN transistor. Transistor acts as a switch when it gets signal
16_2 LCD display, a matrix (4_4) keypad, a 21 servo motor its base and turned on. Then it connects servo to power supply
used for door locking and PIR sensor also incorporates a on the other side when the correct password is pressed then a
power supply unit. Arduino Uno provides power supply and signal goes to servo which in turn operates the shaft. and the
microcontroller provide PWM signal to operate the servo lock is operated. Password changing option is another
motor. If keypad only pressed or wrong password provided important part of the mentioned electronic lock system. It is
servo only get PWM. So it will not operate to open the door restricted to unauthorized person because there is a fixed
owing to absence of required power. Besides, if only NFC tag security code which is only known to the authority of the lock.
card is provided in front of shield the servo only gets power LCD shows the output result, the password is being inserted
but owing to PWM it will not operate. Here microcontroller whether correct or wrong. Keypad is used as input unit of the
also takes PIR sensor signal as input. When it gets this signal it lock system.
send signal to Buzzer and sounds alarm.

Figure 1.3: Different parts of Hardware Setup.

Figure 1.2: Circuit Diagram of required project.

The above figure 1.2 shows the complete circuit diagram of

the project. Here microcontroller PIC 16F877A has four port.
Port A Port B, Port C and Port D. Every port has eight pin
such as A0- A7 similarly B0- B7. Here port A is remained
unused. Port B is connected to 16 2 LCD display in where
8pin of port B is attached with LCDs 8 wire. Beside Port D is
connected with 4$_4 keypad similarly here all pin is connected
with keypad. Now remaining port C one of pin is connected
Figure 1.4: Keypad, LCD Display and NFC shield.
with PIR sensor, other pin is connected with servo motor and
another pin is connected with buzzer. Here 2pin for VDD and III. SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION
2 pin for VSS. We have connected VDD with power supply 5
volt through 1k resistor and VSS with ground. There is also a
pin MCLR for clearing any data saved in memory. It also
connects with 5 volt power supply through 10 kilo ohm
resistor. OSC1 and OSC 2 pin is used for supply clock for PIC
operation. Here crystal oscillator is used to generate clock and
capable of generating 20 MHz clock signal. When instructions
are loaded into the microcontroller, microcontroller verifies
the input from keypad with the stored password, to interface
with peripheral devices and to change the current password.
The EEPROM of PIC stores the passwords set by the user.
when any password is inserted through the keypad,
microcontroller decode the input, verify it with the stored
password..If password matches which was set by authorized
person, microcontroller sends signal to servo motor . On the Figure 2.1: Circuit Diagram after Simulation
other side when NFC tag card is placed near the shield, the
RES Publication © 2012 Page | 8
International Journal of Modern Embedded System (IJMES) ISSN: 2320-9003(Online)
Volume No.-2, Issue No.-6, December, 2014

Proteus is software for microprocessor simulation, schematic

capture, and printed circuit board (PCB) design. Anyone cab
build any project on computer screen using Proteus. It has
been used 7.7SP2 software to simulate the project. For
simulation the proteus window has opened. Then it has placed
the all necessary component from library (E.g. PIC16F77A).
The Port B is connected with LCD display 8 pin. Port D all
Figure 3.3: Wrong Password.
pins are connected with Keypad. Here one pin of port C is
connected with servo motor. Then we loaded the HEX file
generated from microC Pro into microcontroller. After
simulating the circuit it found no error. Then the correct
password has pressed which represents the password is right
beside servo operates.


When it shows NFC tag in front of NFC shield and presses Figure 3.4: Enter Old Code.
password there is a text in a LCD display Enter Code is shown
in figure 3.1 If correct password is pressed then it shows
Correct Password and wrong password pressed it shows
Wrong Password in display shown in figure 3.2 and 3.3

Figure 3.5: Enter New Code.

In this paper it has been seen the prototype model works
Figure 3.1: Enter Code.
without any basic error. So it can be implemented in practical
field. Beside the cost of the project is not too much. Here it has
provided utmost security so it is quite impossible to any
burglar to enter the room without concern of owner. If
available financial and technical support from the concerned
Govt. section and organizations is found, then it will be
possible to commercialize the proposed lock for the benefit of
the people of our country. Some feature has been added to
Figure 3.2: Correct Password. make the project more efficient. It could be implemented it by
When password is correct servo motor gets power and open GSM based home security system. For this when a burglar
the door. After entrance, PIR sensor will not work [16]. When enters the room without the concern of owner a sms will be
the person goes out of the door, he should provide NFC tag in sent to the user. Then he will take precautionary measure. It
the door and then press C for close in keypad. For password may be used another technique called biometrics which is
changing the person should press A in keypad. Then there is a more prominent and a recognized means of positive
text in a display Enter Old Code. After pressing old code, identification. Some new technologies such as fingerprint
display shows it wants Enter New Code. Providing new code, scanning, retinal scanning and iris scanning, and voiceprint
the password will be unchanged until user does not want to identification also can be inserted. Moreover it could be useful
change password is shown in figure 3.4 and 3.5. Now if a for various sensors such as gas sensor, fire sensor for more
person enters the room without providing NFC tag and improvement of the security of home.
password PIR sensor works and sounds alarm.
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[11]. Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh .He is a member of the Institution of
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datasheet/ 28 September,2013 vi, 10 University of Engineering & Technology (CUET),Chittagong-4349,
[16]. 28 September, and 2013. Currently he is Lecturer dept. of EEE at
2013 vi, 37 Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT). His
[17]. current research interest is in the area of Image processing,
28 September, 2013 vi, 5, 7, 9,11, 41 Renewable energy and Power Systems.

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