Lesson 2

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- The variety of life in simplest form.

- It can be measured on an extremely small scale or on large scale.

Types Of Diversity
Genetic Diversity - Differences in DNA among individuals. Diversity of genes within a species.
Species Diversity - Variety of species in a given area. Diversity among species in an
Ecosystem Diversity - Variety of habitats, ecosystems, communities. Diversity of a habitat in a
given area unit.

- A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

How does the loss of biodiversity alter the stability of ecosystem?

- The loss of biodiversity limits ecosystems' evolutionary potential to continue to produce new,
therapeutic plant varieties, as well as missing out on potentially useful compounds that are lost
before the species that bear them have been recorded.

Threats to Biodivesity
1. Habitat destruction
2. Pollution
3. Introduction to non-native species and new varieties
4. Global Climate change
5. Exploitation
6. Overpopulation

Several technologies which are available to maintain biodiversity

1. Cell and tissue culture
2. Advances in molecular biology
3. Cryopreservation technology

- Underlying mechanism of biodiversity, a change in the genetic composition of a population

Types of Evolution
1. Macro evolution - Evolution on a grand scale. Gives rise to new species or new genera,
family, class or phyla. Progression of biodiversity through geological time. (Speciation,
2. Micro evolution - Evolution below the species level. Changes in the gene pool of a
population overtime. Survival through the inheritance of favorable characteristics. (Mutations,
Climate Change
- Is the change in global or regional climate patterns.

Global Warming
- A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth’s atmosphere generally attributed to
the greenhouse effect caused by increased level of gases.

What is the difference between the weather and climate:

Weather is;
- Short-term
- Limited area
- Can change rapidly
- Difficult to predict

Climate - is the average of many years of weather observation.

Climate is;
- Long term
- Wide Area
- Seasonal changes
- Measured over long spans of time

Greenhouse Gases are essential to our Climate

The Green House Effect - is the problem caused by increased quantities of gases.
- Planets with abundant greenhouse gases are very hot. The average temperature on Venus is
about 855° F! And then there’s the Earth which is just right, for the moment.

A number of greenhouse gases occur naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere;

- Water vapor
- Carbon dioxide
- Methane
- Nitrous oxide
- Chlorofluorocarbon

More Greenhouse Gases Mean a Warmer Earth

- The greenhouse gas content of the atmosphere is being altered by human activity. The result
of this change is global warming.
- Evidence of Climate Change comes from many different sources.
- Glaciers are melting away worldwide. Agassiz Glacier, Montana, in 1913… …and in 2005
- Pasterze Glacier, Austria, in 1875……and in 2004

Climate change seems to accelerating

- Each of the 48 continental states experienced above-normal annual temperatures in 2006. For
the majority of states, 2006 ranked among the 10 hottest years since 1895.
Carbon Dioxide
- In the distant past, the Earth was much warmer. High levels of Carbon Dioxide in the
atmosphere fueled lush growth, some of which was stored in the form of fossil fuels.
- Carbon Dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has risen by about 30% since the beginning of the
industrial revolution. Most of the increase is due to the combustion of fossil fuels, which releases
the long-stored CO2 back into the atmosphere.

- Methane is released by coal mining, landfills, and by agriculture, particularly through the
digestive processes of beef and milk cows.

Nitrous Oxide
- Nitrous Oxide is produced by cars, by fossil fuels used for heat and electricity, and by

What can be done?

- First we must admit that climate change is everyone’s problem. No agency, government, or
scientist can “fix it” for us. We are all in this together.
- We got here because of our lifestyle. So our lifestyle has to change.

Here’s what you can do…

Heating and Cooling
- Install programmable thermostats.
- Check and repair weather stripping on doors and windows.
- Adjust your clothing instead of the thermostat.
- Keep furnace and AC filters clean.
- Consider closing off unused rooms.
- Install insulated drapes.
- Plant deciduous trees on the sunny side of yourhome.

What other ways can you conserve heat and AC?

Conserve Hot Water - In the average home, 17% of energy is used to heat water.
- Take shorter showers.
- Install low flow shower heads.
- Install a blanket on your hot water heater.
- Insulate hot water pipes.
- Wash laundry in cold water.
- Only run the dishwasher if it’s full.
- Fix leaky faucets
What other ways can you cut down on hot water use?
Conserve in the Car
- Plan ahead – do several errands in a single trip.
- Walk or bike. It’s healthier anyway.
- Clean out the junk in the trunk. Lighter cars get better mileage.
- Make sure your engine is properly tuned.
- Keep your tires properly inflated.
- Carpool or ride the school bus.
- Support public transportation.
- Consider a smaller car or a hybrid for your next vehicle.

What other ways can you use less gas?

Conserve Electricity
- Unplug chargers for cell phones and other appliances when not in use.
- Get in the habit of turning lights and appliances off.
- Vacuum the coils on the back of the fridge monthly.
- Change to compact fluorescent bulbs.
- Make your next computer a laptop.
- Install timers or motion sensors on outdoor lights.

What other ways can you conserve electricity?

Reduce waste
- Recycle and buy recycled products.
- Choose products that have less packaging.
- Reuse, repair, or donate.
- Don’t buy it unless you really need it.
- Carry cloth bags when shopping.
- Use a refillable travel mug or water bottle.
- Give your time instead of material gifts, or donate to a charity in the recipient’s name.

What other ways can you cut down on waste?

There’s no place like home…
…and there may never be again. Do your part.

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