Instructions For Forms 1099-R and 5498
Instructions For Forms 1099-R and 5498
Instructions For Forms 1099-R and 5498
the tax-free amount each year. See Annuity starting date in Enter a maximum of two alphanumeric codes in
1998 or later, earlier. ! box 7. See Table 1 for allowable combinations. Only
CAUTION three numeric combinations are permitted on one
Rul. 2002-62. Notice 2004-15, 2004-9 I.R.B. 526, available at Box 10. Amount Allocable to IRR Within 5 Years, allows taxpayers to Enter the amount of the distribution allocable to an IRR made
use one of three methods in Notice 89-25, as modified by within the 5-year period beginning with the first day of the
Rev. Rul. 2002-62, to determine whether a distribution from a year in which the rollover was made. Do not complete this
nonqualified annuity is part of a series of substantially equal box if an exception under section 72(t) applies.
periodic payments under section 72(q)(2)(D).
For further guidance on determining amounts allocable to
If part of a distribution is paid in a direct rollover and part is an IRR, see Notice 2010-84, Q/A-13.
not, you must file a separate Form 1099-R for each part
showing the appropriate code on each form. Box 11. 1st Year of Desig. Roth Contrib.
Governmental section 457(b) plan distributions. Enter the first year of the 5-tax-year period. This is the year in
Generally, a distribution from a governmental section 457(b) which the designated Roth account was first established by
plan is not subject to the 10% additional tax under section the recipient.
72(t). However, an early distribution from a governmental
section 457(b) plan of an amount that is attributable to a Box 12. FATCA Filing Requirement Checkbox
rollover from another type of eligible retirement plan or IRA is Check the box if you are an FFI reporting a cash value
subject to the additional tax as if the distribution were from a insurance contract or annuity contract that is a U.S. account
plan described in section 401(a). See section 72(t)(9). If the in a manner similar to that required under section 6047(d).
distribution consists solely of amounts that are not See Regulations section 1.1471-4(d)(5)(i)(B) for this election.
attributable to such a rollover, enter Code 2 in box 7. If the In addition, check the box if you are a U.S. payer that is
distribution consists solely of amounts attributable to such a reporting on Form 1099-R as part of satisfying your
rollover, then enter the appropriate code in box 7 as if the requirement to report with respect to a U.S. account for
distribution were from a plan described in section 401(a). If chapter 4 purposes, as described in Regulations section
the distribution is made up of amounts from both sources, 1.1471-4(d)(2)(iii)(A).
you must file separate Forms 1099-R for each part of the
distribution unless Code 2 would be entered on Box 13. Date of Payment
each form. Enter here the date payment was made for reportable death
benefits under section 6050Y.
Box 8. Other
Enter the current actuarial value of an annuity contract that is Boxes 14–19. State and Local Information
part of a lump-sum distribution. Do not include this item in These boxes and Copies 1 and 2 are provided for your
boxes 1 and 2a. convenience only and need not be completed for the IRS.
To determine the value of an annuity contract, show the Use the state and local information boxes to report
value as an amount equal to the current actuarial value of the distributions and taxes for up to two states or localities. Keep
annuity contract, reduced by an amount equal to the excess the information for each state or locality separated by the
broken line. If state or local income tax has been withheld on
1—Early distribution, no known exception. Use Code 1 only if the participant has not reached age 591/2, and you do not 8, B, D, K, L, M, or P
know if any of the exceptions under Code 2, 3, or 4 apply. However, use Code 1
even if the distribution is made for medical expenses, health insurance premiums,
qualified higher education expenses, a first-time home purchase, a qualified
reservist distribution, or a qualified birth or adoption distribution under section
72(t)(2)(B), (D), (E), (F), (G), or (H). Code 1 must also be used even if a taxpayer
is 591/2 or older and he or she modifies a series of substantially equal periodic
payments under section 72(q), (t), or (v) prior to the end of the 5-year period
which began with the first payment.
2—Early distribution, exception applies. Use Code 2 only if the participant has not reached age 591/2 and you know the 8, B, D, K, L, M, or P
distribution is the any of the following.
• A Roth IRA conversion (an IRA converted to a Roth IRA).
• A distribution made from a qualified retirement plan or IRA because of an IRS
levy under section 6331.
• A governmental section 457(b) plan distribution that is not subject to the
additional 10% tax. But see Governmental section 457(b) plans, earlier, for
information on distributions that may be subject to the 10% additional tax.
• A distribution from a qualified retirement plan after separation from service in
or after the year the participant has reached age 55.
• A distribution from a governmental defined benefit plan to a public safety
employee (as defined in section 72(t)(10)(B)) after separation from service, in or
after the year the employee has reached age 50.
• A distribution that is part of a series of substantially equal periodic payments,
as described in section 72(q), (t), (u), or (v).
• A distribution that is a permissible withdrawal under an eligible automatic
contribution arrangement (EACA).
• Any other distribution subject to an exception under section 72(q), (t), (u), or
(v) that is not required to be reported using Code 1, 3, or 4.
3—Disability. For these purposes, see section 72(m)(7). D
4—Death. Use Code 4 regardless of the age of the participant to indicate payment to a 8, A, B, D, G, H, K, L, M, or P
decedent's beneficiary, including an estate or trust. Also, use it for death benefit
payments made by an employer but not made as part of a pension, profit-sharing,
or retirement plan. Also, use it for payments of reportable death benefits.
5—Prohibited transaction. Use Code 5 if there was a prohibited transaction involving the IRA account. Code None
5 means the account is no longer an IRA.
6—Section 1035 exchange. Use Code 6 to indicate the tax-free exchange of life insurance, annuity, long-term W
care insurance, or endowment contracts under section 1035.
Inherited IRAs. In the year an IRA participant dies, you, as inherited IRAs, see Rev. Proc. 89-52, 1989-2 C.B. 632.
an IRA trustee or issuer, must generally file a Form 5498 and
Disaster relief reporting. Special tax law provisions and
furnish an annual statement for the decedent and a Form
reporting instructions may apply when the President declares
5498 and an annual statement for each nonspouse
a location to be a major disaster area. To determine the
beneficiary. An IRA holder must be able to identify the source
location of and special rules applicable to individual federally
of each IRA he or she holds for purposes of figuring the
declared disaster areas, go to, click on “News,” and
taxation of a distribution from an IRA. Thus, the decedent's
then click on “Tax Relief in Disaster Situations.” The
name must be shown on the beneficiary's Form 5498 and
information provided includes:
annual statement. For example, you may enter “Brian Willow
as beneficiary of Joan Maple” or something similar that
• A list of the areas for which relief has recently been
signifies that the IRA was once owned by Joan Maple. You
may abbreviate the word “beneficiary” as, for example,
• News releases detailing the scope of the relief and any
special reporting instructions, and
• A link to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's
For a spouse beneficiary, unless the spouse makes the list of federal disaster declarations. Also, go to
IRA his or her own, treat the spouse as a nonspouse DisasterRelief for more information.
beneficiary for reporting purposes. If the spouse makes the
See the instructions for boxes 13a through 13c for
IRA his or her own, do not report the beneficiary designation
reporting postponed contributions, later.
on Form 5498 and the annual statement.
An IRA set up to receive a direct rollover for a nonspouse Special reporting for U.S. Armed Forces in designated
designated beneficiary is treated as an inherited IRA. combat zones. A participant who is serving in or in support
FMV. On the decedent's Form 5498 and annual of the Armed Forces in a designated combat zone or
statement, you must enter the FMV of the IRA on the date of qualified hazardous duty area has an additional period after
death in box 5. Or you may choose the alternate reporting the normal contribution due date of April 15 to make IRA
method and report the FMV as of the end of the year in which contributions for a prior year. The period is the time the
the decedent died. This alternate value will usually be zero participant was in the designated zone or area plus at least
because you will be reporting the end-of-year valuation on 180 days. The participant must designate the IRA
the beneficiary's Form 5498 and annual statement. The same contribution for a prior year to claim it as a deduction on the
figure should not be shown on both the beneficiary's and income tax return.
decedent's forms. If you choose to report using the alternate Under section 219(f), combat zone compensation that is
method, you must inform the executor or administrator of the excluded from gross income under section 112 is treated as
decedent's estate of his or her right to request a includible compensation for purposes of determining IRA
date-of-death valuation. contributions.
On the beneficiary's Form 5498 and annual statement, the A qualifying participant is:
FMV of that beneficiary's share of the IRA as of the end of the • Serving or has served in a combat zone;
year must be shown in box 5. Every year thereafter that the • Serving or has served in a qualifying hazardous duty area;
IRA exists, you must file Form 5498 and furnish an annual or
statement for each beneficiary who has not received a total • Serving or has served in an active direct support area.
distribution of his or her share of the IRA showing the FMV at If a qualifying participant designates an IRA contribution
the end of the year and identifying the IRA, as described for a prior year, other than an IRA contribution made by April
above. 15 for the preceding year, you must report the type of IRA
However, if a beneficiary takes a total distribution of his or (box 7) and the amount on Form 5498. Report the amount
her share of the IRA in the year of death, you need not file a either for (1) the year for which the contribution was made, or
Form 5498 or furnish an annual statement for that (2) a subsequent year. See the instructions for boxes 13a,
beneficiary, but you must still file Form 5498 for the 13b, and 13c, later.
decedent. 1. If you report a contribution for 2023 made before April
If you have no knowledge of the death of an IRA 15, 2024, no special reporting is required. Include the
participant until after you are required to file Form 5498 (May contribution in box 1 or box 10 of an original Form 5498 or of
31, 2024), you are not required to file a corrected Form 5498 a corrected Form 5498 if an original was previously filed.
or furnish a corrected annual statement. However, you must 2. If you report the contribution on Form 5498 in a
still provide the date-of-death valuation in a timely manner to subsequent year, you must include the year for which the
the executor or administrator upon request. contribution was made, the amount of the contribution, and
In the case of successor beneficiaries, apply the one of the following indicators.
preceding rules by treating the prior beneficiary as the
year it was actually contributed. determinable market value) are valued annually at their FMV.
Also include employee contributions to an IRA under a
SEP plan. These are contributions made by the employee, Box 6. Life Insurance Cost Included in Box 1
not by the employer, that are treated as regular IRA For endowment contracts only, enter the amount included in
contributions subject to the 100% of compensation and box 1 allocable to the cost of life insurance.
$6,500 ($7,500 for participants age 50 or older) limits of
section 219. Do not include employer SEP IRA contributions Box 7. Checkboxes
or SARSEP contributions under section 408(k)(6). Instead, Check the appropriate box.
include them in box 8.
IRA. Check “IRA” if you are filing Form 5498 to report
Also, do not include in box 1 employer contributions, information about a traditional IRA account.
including salary deferrals, to a SIMPLE IRA (report them in
box 9) and a Roth IRA (report them in box 10). In addition, do SEP. Check “SEP” if you are filing Form 5498 to report
not include in box 1 rollovers and recharacterizations (report information about a SEP IRA. If you do not know whether the
rollovers in box 2 and recharacterizations in box 4), or a Roth account is a SEP IRA, check the “IRA” box.
IRA conversion amount (report in box 3). SIMPLE. Check “SIMPLE” if you are filing Form 5498 to
report information about a SIMPLE IRA account. Do not file
Box 2. Rollover Contributions Form 5498 for a SIMPLE 401(k) plan.
Enter any rollover contributions (or contributions treated as
Roth IRA. Check “Roth IRA” if you are filing Form 5498 to
rollovers) to any IRA received by you during 2023. These
report information about a Roth IRA account.
contributions may be any of the following.
• A 60-day rollover between Roth IRAs or between other Box 8. SEP Contributions
types of IRAs.
• A direct or indirect (within 60 days) rollover from a qualified Enter employer contributions made to a SEP IRA (including
plan, section 403(b) plan, or governmental section 457(b) salary deferrals under a SARSEP) during 2023, including
plan. contributions made in 2023 for 2022, but not including
• Any qualified rollover contribution, as defined in section contributions made in 2024 for 2023. Trustees and issuers
408A(e) from an eligible retirement plan (other than an IRA) are not responsible for reporting the year for which SEP
to a Roth IRA. contributions are made. Do not enter employee contributions
• A military death gratuity. to an IRA under a SEP plan. Report any employee
• An SGLI payment. contributions to an IRA under a SEP plan in box 1. Also,
include in box 8 SEP contributions made by a self-employed
For the rollover of property, enter the FMV of the property person to his or her own account.
on the date you receive it. This value may be different from
the value of the property on the date it was distributed to the Box 9. SIMPLE Contributions
participant. Enter employer contributions, including salary deferrals,
For more details, see Pub. 590-A. made to a SIMPLE IRA during 2023, including contributions
made in 2023 for 2022, but not including contributions made
Note. Do not use box 2 for late rollover contributions, in 2024 for 2023. Trustees and issuers are not responsible
including rollovers of qualified plan loan offset amounts after for reporting the year for which SIMPLE contributions are
60 days or any of the following repayments made after 60 made. Do not include contributions to a SIMPLE 401(k) plan.
• Qualified reservist distributions.
• Qualified disaster distributions.
Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498 (2023) -21-
Box 10. Roth IRA Contributions • For participants' service in a combat zone, hazardous duty
Enter any contributions made to a Roth IRA in 2023 and area, or direct support area, enter the appropriate executive
through April 15, 2024, designated for 2023. However, report order or public law, as defined under Special reporting for
Roth IRA conversion amounts in box 3. Report a qualified U.S. Armed Forces in designated combat zones, earlier.
rollover contribution made under section 408A(e) from an • For participants who are “affected taxpayers,” as
eligible retirement plan (other than an IRA) to a Roth IRA in described in an IRS News Release relating to a federally
box 2. designated disaster area, enter “FD.” (For a repayment of a
qualified disaster distribution, use boxes 14a and 14b.)
Box 11. Check if RMD for 2024 • For participants who are making a rollover of a qualified
plan loan offset amount, enter “PO.” See the discussion of
Check the box if the participant must take an RMD for 2024.
qualified plan loan offsets in the second paragraph under
You are required to check the box for the year in which the
Plan Loan Offsets in the Form 1099-R instructions, earlier.
IRA participant reaches age 72 even though the RMD for that
year need not be made until April 1 of the following year.
• For participants who have certified that the rollover
contribution is late because of one or more of the
Then, check the box for each subsequent year an RMD is
circumstances listed in section 3.02(2) of Rev. Proc.
required to be made.
2020-46, enter “SC.”
Boxes 12a and 12b are provided for your use to
! report RMD dates and amounts to participants. You Box 14a. Repayments
CAUTION may choose to complete these boxes, or continue to Enter the amount of any repayment of a qualified reservist
provide a separate Form 5498, or a separate statement, to distribution, a qualified disaster distribution, or a qualified
report the information required by Alternative one or birth or adoption distribution.
Alternative two, earlier. To determine the RMD, see the
regulations under sections 401(a)(9) and 408(a)(6) and (b) Box 14b. Code
(3). The regulations under the referenced Code sections do Enter “QR” for the repayment of a qualified reservist
not reflect the RMD change from age 70½ to age 72 although distribution, “DD” for repayment of a qualified disaster
guidance reflecting this change is being developed. distribution, or “BA” for repayment of a qualified birth or
adoption distribution.
Box 12a. RMD Date
Enter the RMD date if you are using Form 5498 to report the Box 15a. FMV of Certain Specified Assets
additional information. See RMDs, earlier. Enter the FMV of the investments in the IRA that are
specified in the categories identified below.
Box 12b. RMD Amount
Enter the RMD amount if you are using Form 5498 to report Box 15b. Code(s)
the additional information under Alternative One. See Enter the code for the type(s) of investments held in the IRA
Alternative one, earlier. for which the FMV is reported in box 15a. A maximum of two
codes can be entered in box 15b. If more than two codes
Box 13a. Postponed/late Contrib. apply, enter Code H.
Report the amount of any postponed contribution made in • A—Stock or other ownership interest in a corporation that
2023 for a prior year. If contributions were made for more is not readily tradable on an established securities market.
than 1 prior year, each prior year's postponed contribution • B—Short- or long-term debt obligation that is not traded on
must be reported on a separate form. Report the amount of a an established securities market.
late rollover contribution made during 2023, including • C—Ownership interest in a limited liability company or
rollovers that are (1) certified by participants, (2) qualified similar entity (unless the interest is traded on an established
plan loan offsets, and (3) related to taxpayers for federally securities market).
declared disasters. See Rev. Proc. 2020-46, 2020-45 I.R.B. • D—Real estate.
995, available at • E—Ownership interest in a partnership, trust, or similar
PROC-2020-46. If the participant also has a postponed entity (unless the interest is traded on an established
contribution, use a separate Form 5498 to report a late securities market).
rollover. • F—Option contract or similar product that is not offered for
trade on an established option exchange.
Box 13b. Year • G—Other asset that does not have a readily available
Enter the year for which the postponed contribution in
box 13a was made. Leave this box blank for late rollover • H—More than two types of assets (listed in A through G)
are held in this IRA.
contributions and rollovers of qualified plan loan offset