Professional Body and Their Duties: 1) Computer Society of Sri Lanka (CSSL)
Professional Body and Their Duties: 1) Computer Society of Sri Lanka (CSSL)
Professional Body and Their Duties: 1) Computer Society of Sri Lanka (CSSL)
Their Duties
1) Computer Society Of Sri Lanka (CSSL)
1. Professionalism
a) To protect all confidential information belonging to CSSL and any personal information of
CSSL employees, members, clients and other stakeholders.
b) Not conforming with competing individuals to fix rates or reduce price competition
through the allocation of markets or customers and not manipulating bids in any process of
bidding or partaking in activities that will lead to restricting trade.
c) To not infringe or misuse any intellectual property.
d) Unfailing promise to treat all people with fairness.
e) Not engaging in harassment of any nature, be it sexual harassment, bullying or
cyberbullying, in person, via technology or otherwise.
f) Not being discriminatory in any aspect irrespective of age, colour, disability, ancestry,
origin, race, religion, gender, appearance, political affiliation, marital status, etc).
g) Being respectful to everyone, inclusive of CSSL members and behaving in a professional
h) Respectful to the privacy of all individuals and protecting their personal data and
2. Professional Development
Being well informed about new technological trends, standards and practices
that are of relevance to your work. You will be expected to offer your skills and
advice and therefore, knowledge in this field should be up to standard and you
should encourage the same for your colleagues and staff. Ensure that the
knowledge and experience that you have acquired are shared in such as way
that the recipient can enhance his/her skills and effectiveness in work and
show more keenness to shoulder additional responsibilities. As per the above
values, you are expected to:
a) Work towards upgrading your knowledge and skills.
b) Being aware if any issue has a subsequent effect on the profession and on public
c) Support training, professional and educational development in the ICT sector of Sri Lanka
to accommodate the varied requirements of employees, students and colleagues to pursue
their profession.
d) You should pay diligent attention enhance the image, reputation and status of the ICT
field and that of the profession.
4. Honesty
At all times, do not breach the trust the public has in the profession and neither the
specific trust of your stakeholders. Utmost honesty and integrity should be the
underlying factor in all your professional actions and decisions.
Undoubtedly, many circumstances will arise during the course of your professional
career where it can be advantageous for you to be deceptive in some way or the
other. In any event, this type of behaviour and professional conduct will not be
In accordance with this value you will:
Further, according to the Engineering Council Act, members of all
categories are responsible to update their knowledge on evolving
technologies, theories, real world applications.
a. CPD is de-ned as the undertaking of development activities that lead
to the systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of
knowledge and skills, and the development of personal qualities
necessary for the execution of professional and technical duties
throughout a person`s engineering career.
b. Each member subject to this policy who has been admitted as a
corporate member /fellow of IESL must be undertaking continuing
professional development (CPD) such that at any time the member
has undertaken at least 50 hours of professional development
activities over the previous year unless:
i. The member has worked predominantly on a part time capacity (less
than 24 hours a week) over the previous year OR
ii. The member has had a career break within the previous year or is
on a career break (Refer item 6.0)
iii. The member is retired, desirably over 65 years, they could
undertake at least 20hrs/year.
1. A study program acceptable to There is no limit to the maximum Studies may be either on campus or by on
CPDC taken either as an individual number of hours that you can line mode. Durations claimed should be
course with the objective of attaining claim from these activities. the actual hours of lectures/ tutorials/
formal Post-Graduate awards. laboratory works. All these will involve
some form of assessment.
2. Short courses, workshops, There is no limit to the maximum Annual paper presentations of IESL, IESL
seminars, attending conferences, number of hours that you can organized seminars, workshops, CPD
representing IESL in Technical/ claim from these courses, forums, of major engineering
advisory committees of nation activities concerns. All information should be
al/provincial level.
3. Attending learning programs A maximum of 10 hrs of your total From programs undertaken at workplaces,
within the organization/ workplace CPD in one year period may be you must be able to demonstrate how it
that extend competence in the area claimed for these has extended your knowledge.
of practice activities. Information should be recorded of all such
studies for audit purposes.
4. Preparation and presentation of Up to 20 hrs per of your total CPD This work is outside of your normal
material for courses, seminars, in one year period may be claimed employment and can be claimed if
symposia for IESL & external for these activities. material is prepared and presented
instructions of engineering by you. Records are needed for CPD audit
5. Development, presentation & Up to 25 hrs per paper may be This work is outside of your normal
publishing in conference proceedings claimed for papers subject to employment and can be claimed if
and in journals critical peer review prior to material is prepared and presented
publication. by you and the work contribute towards
the advancement of the profession.