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Life Processes - Nutrition and Respiration

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Lite Pro cesges

tohat are te ditterencos between
autotrophic rutiton and heteotophic
nutition ?

Autoophi. Neteotophie
a Autotophiz etitionHetebrophic. nubaition
implies that tha implies that tha
qanism prepaes b orq anism iss not abe
Qwn food and s not to
prepare its oon
dependent food and is dependant:
othar orgqanism tr othey org anism

7er is tood.
În autotbphic utiton In heteotophic
Organie mateial is utition rganic
pre paed tom inorqani matexial \ cannat
matexias ike Casbon be pepaued from
di oide and oatey inorgonia meterialy
by utilizing the
Bon light enegy
Green plants and Apimals and
certain bacteria Don een plan
pe tom autotapit per7om.
mode O6 nutition utition
mode o
a. List the ttree steps in photasyoted
Absorption Suns eoegt
chlaephyll. ight enegy into
(D Conversion o
chemical energt and splitting ot
oater into aydrqgen and oygen
Wsing the ight energy
Qib) Redu ctron o Cabon dioxida into
Car bohycratez" ika gucese wing th
chemical energY
3. when_ do the dosert pants teake
p Carkon dioide. and petom
photosyotfe sis?
Desert plans open up their tomate
duiog night and ták in Co2. Thiu
Convtd nto
intermediat which is acted
upon by the
ereg abserbed by the chloro phyll duing
ye day and pertorn
staa the Tole 6 follnoing enymeg and
aso add a nota On ohere tre4 aue
salvay amylase (b Pepsjn ecread.
Trypsh ipase
AiDigeston in

Rngymoi Salva amylae hosp insalia

c secoe HDni Salvy glana
Acton; Convexs starcb into Simple garz
Diaeston /n stonachi

DEnymei- Pepsin
Locatbn a saczet Dn hastiglands o stonach
Actoni- Converk bobeina to Small peptores
Diqesionio Small intestne:

Location q euchn; 1ypsih seccfed fom

Sorall Mestme.
Pancrecs . mto
Actioo;- Typsin convert emainirg
peptors Into pepices and amina acd,
)kozyme i- Hpase.
Locatn q selrehibr- Paneas decrele
ipase Jnto Sall Jotesbhe.
Actiboi- Upase Convers emlsiied tat
into fatty aid and qycee.
£- Hoo is the Small inteshre do8grd
absorb digested fooel
2n the Srall iptestine, the ooymost
layer is in the shape a trger e
pojections knoon a vìli Sereral
folds eg vlli inoeaes the. absbing
surtace area ag omall intesthe.Ta
blood capillartal iH nll; halae to ahue
smpler mole cules from foad.
Aite Procesres
Res piration
. What are tho ditteront says in cohich
qucose is oiised to pDride energy
Vaxiou aoganismi 2

Lacdotien o4 glucose
Acyobic Aespiatibsi
To this process, Complete. oxidattn
o gucose is involued hence optineum
output energy is achieved. Thi
proces takg place in presena o OYA
Anacxobic 8paton
his prces takQs place in the
absence o cxygen hance compete
oxicaion G gicose does not takes placa
Usually yeast and bactia shoss anaete
espirdtÓo . Even Boate in ous Musclg
analobia Yespiration OCCUi durhg intense
hy is the hate G brcathing io acquati
organism 8 much fester than in
berrestial ganism9)
Ansi he Yate o breathin9 in qcqak
aganismg ir much faster than in
Eerestal aqani~ms becouse. the amot
4 dissolved oyger in cates
as compared to tfe ameurt of
Ogen n the air. tcauatihais aninal
taka n water thoughi
and pass t to tha ls chore ta
dsoecd oygen is taken p by blaa
3. Ge roason8

the trachea
(9 Lungs aleay Contah hesiclual
Veluma ar
Asi (9he csalls o bracheo hawe. ings
Cartlaga ttarm ohich prerenb it
trom collapsing
The volume o ar lott behind in ka
even oter titoyul brcathing
out oy a is called as Aesicdual velune
Thi| heps to poride Butfiient trhne ter
ONYgen to be absntet and tor the
Carbon di oicde to be Jolesed.
AQwhat ae the enc poDducks fornl cuirg
dexmentation in yeast ?
Undar what (ondtbn a biailar
pro ces ta kes place n our body that lead
to muscle Cramps)
The end procuck fomac durig tementa
tion în yeast ae othanol and casbon
i oxide
Duaing intense exercse mus cles undeego
anaehobic respiYatibn de to lack o
Dygen and soslts n lactie acid.
muscle cell leads to muselar cromp.
S. Wito e mechanism Aegpiretien
in human being
During inspiratibn , exteznal interce
tal muscles Conbact which ie
the chest cavity or the ibaThis
is accompanied by loweing
diapbragm Togemer these moie
-ments Aerve to inease ths
Velune tha thade cautby
aich cuceg tha preyue he
-ar Brom outsa nshes ihto the Lun

Duzing Pxpiratin, intenal ikeYTota

muscles contractringg the ib back
to the onginal pasibion and the caskag
is alo haaecl back. This Aeducag
the space in the chost cavty(e
volume the chast cauty clacea
and increases ha presue.fhu
etpels tha ar Qut ch tha Aungs

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