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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Using Figure 5.1, identify the following:

1) The diaphysis is indicated by ________. 1)

A) Label A B) Label H C) Label C D) Label D E) Label G

2) Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system? 2)

A) storage of fat and minerals B) protection of soft body organs
C) regulation of blood pressure D) support the body

3) From superior to inferior, what is the correct order of the vertebrae? 3)

A) lumbar, thoracic, cervical B) cervical, thoracic, lumbar
C) sacral, cervical, lumbar D) cervical, lumbar, thoracic

4) The femur, tibia, humerus, and radius are all classified as ________. 4)
A) flat bones
B) compact bones
C) sesamoid bones
D) irregular bones
E) long bones

5) What type of bone cell is primarily active when bone growth occurs? 5)
A) chondrocyte
B) osteocyte
C) osteoblast
D) osteoclast
E) erythrocyte

6) The axial skeleton contains ________. 6)

1. skull
2. scapula
3. true and false ribs
4. vertebrae
5. phalanges
A) 1, 3, 4 B) 1, 2, 3, 5 C) 1, 3, 4, 5 D) 2, 3, 4, 5 E) 2, 5

7) Which spinal curvature is associated with the lower back and appears when a baby begins to walk? 7)
A) lumbar B) thoracic C) sacral D) cervical E) primary

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

8) Two basic types of bone tissue are compact bone and smooth bone. 8)

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Using Figure 5.1, identify the following:

9) The periosteum, a connective tissue covering on the diaphysis, is represented by ________. 9)

A) Label G B) Label F C) Label C D) Label B E) Label A

10) What bones protect the spinal cord? 10)

A) sternum B) vertebrae C) ribs D) coxal bones

11) Cube-shaped bones that contain mostly spongy bone are called ________ bones. 11)
A) flat B) long C) irregular D) short

Using Figure 6.2, match the following:

12) The epimysium is represented by ________. 12)

A) Label A B) Label B C) Label C D) Label D

13) Striated involuntary muscle tissue is classified as ________ muscle. 13)

A) cardiac B) either smooth or skeletal
C) smooth D) skeletal

14) Which term does NOT describe smooth muscle cells? 14)
A) nonstriated B) involuntary C) visceral D) skeletal

15) Muscle tissue has the ability to shorten when adequately stimulated, a characteristic known as 15)
A) irritability B) elasticity C) extensibility D) contractility

16) One neuron and all the skeletal muscles it stimulates is known as a ________. 16)
A) sarcoplasmic reticulum B) neuromuscular junction
C) synaptic cleft D) motor unit

17) What is the unstoppable electrical current that travels down the length of the entire surface of a 17)
A) neuromuscular junction B) neurotransmitter
C) acetylcholine D) action potential

18) Contractions in which muscles shorten and produce movement are known as ________. 18)
A) isometric contractions B) isotonic contractions
C) resistance exercises D) twitches

19) Which of the following is NOT a function of the muscular system? 19)
A) production of movement
B) blood cell formation
C) maintenance of posture
D) stabilization of joints
E) generation of heat

20) What is released by axon terminals into the synaptic cleft to stimulate a muscle to contract? 20)
A) actin
B) acetylcholine
C) potassium ions
D) sodium ions
E) myosin heads

21) Neurotransmitters are released upon stimulation from a nerve impulse from the ________. 21)
A) axon terminals of the motor neuron
B) thick filaments
C) sarcolemma of the muscle cell
D) myofibrils
E) sarcoplasmic reticulum

22) What must rush into a muscle cell to promote its depolarization? 22)
A) acetylcholine
B) calcium ions
C) acetylcholinesterase
D) potassium ions
E) sodium ions

23) Which of the following is an example of an isometric contraction? 23)

A) bending the elbow
B) nodding the head as to say "yes"
C) pushing against an immovable wall
D) shaking the head as to say "no"
E) rotating the arm

Using Figure 7.1, identify the following:

24) The neural processes that convey incoming messages toward the cell body are indicated by 24)
A) Label B B) Label H C) Label G D) Label A E) Label F

25) The metabolic center of the neuron is indicated by ________. 25)

A) Label H B) Label I C) Label D D) Label A E) Label F

26) The axon terminals are indicated by ________. 26)

A) Label A B) Label G C) Label B D) Label I E) Label C

27) The axon is indicated by ________. 27)

A) Label A B) Label B C) Label F D) Label I E) Label H

28) What are the two main functional subdivisions of the nervous system? 28)
A) somatic and autonomic B) central and peripheral
C) sensory and motor D) autonomic and sympathetic

29) What cells form the myelin sheaths around nerve fibers in the PNS? 29)
A) microglial cells B) satellite cells
C) ependymal cells D) Schwann cells

30) Support cells in the central nervous system are collectively called ________. 30)
A) oligodendrocytes B) neuroglia
C) microglia D) myelin sheaths

31) What are the major positive ions situated outside the neuron when it is polarized? 31)
A) sodium ions B) potassium ions
C) calcium ions D) magnesium ions

32) Myelinated fibers (tracts) form ________ matter while unmyelinated fibers form ________ matter. 32)
A) white; gray B) sensory; motor C) motor; sensory D) gray; white

33) During repolarization, what ions are pumped out of the cell? 33)
A) potassium B) both sodium and potassium
C) calcium D) sodium

34) The brain and spinal cord are protected and cushioned by three connective tissue membranes that 34)
are collectively called ________.
A) meninges B) sinuses C) ventricles D) arachnoid villi

35) Which of the following is one of the major functions of the pons? 35)
A) consciousness B) thirst C) breathing D) hunger

36) The delicate innermost membrane, or meningeal layer, that clings to the surface of the brain and 36)
spinal cord is known as the ________ mater.
A) dura B) periosteal C) pia D) arachnoid

37) Which branch of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) mobilizes the body during extreme 37)
situations, such as rage or fear?
A) somatic division B) sensory division
C) sympathetic division D) parasympathetic division

38) The term central nervous system refers to the ________. 38)
A) brain and spinal cord
B) brain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves
C) autonomic and peripheral nervous systems
D) brain and cranial nerves
E) spinal cord and spinal nerves

39) Which of these neuroglial cells forms the myelin sheath in the central nervous system? 39)
A) oligodendrocytes
B) astrocytes
C) Schwann cells
D) ependymal cells
E) satellite cells

40) Which ciliated neuroglial cell circulates cerebrospinal fluid? 40)

A) oligodendrocytes
B) ependymal cells
C) microglia
D) Schwann cells
E) astrocytes

41) Immediately after an action potential is propagated, which one of the following ions rapidly 41)
diffuses out of the cell into the tissue fluid?
A) potassium ions
B) chloride ions
C) calcium ions
D) sodium ions
E) magnesium ions

42) Which layer of the eye contains photoreceptors known as rods and cones? 42)
A) choroid B) retina C) cornea D) sclera

43) What region of the retina lacks photoreceptor cells? 43)

A) optic disc (blind spot) B) sclera
C) choroid D) iris

44) What type of chemoreceptor is responsible for our sense of smell? 44)
A) olfactory receptor B) photoreceptor
C) static equilibrium receptor D) dynamic equilibrium receptor

45) What specific receptor cells respond to chemicals dissolved in saliva? 45)
A) gustatory cells B) taste bud cells C) olfactory cells D) hair cells

46) The five taste sensations are ________. 46)

A) sweet, sour, chewy, gritty, greasy B) sweet, sour, bitter, pasty, gritty
C) sweet, salty, spicy, bitter, gritty D) sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami

47) The pupil is an opening within the ________. 47)

A) retina B) lens C) iris D) sclera E) choroid

48) Which layer of the eye contains rods and cones? 48)
A) choroid
B) retina
C) iris
D) sclera
E) optic nerve

49) What type of photoreceptor cell allows us to see gray tones in dim light, and provides our 49)
peripheral vision?
A) bipolar cells
B) ganglion cells
C) rods
D) optic disc
E) cones

50) The only special sense that is NOT fully functional at birth is ________. 50)
A) vision B) touch C) smell D) taste E) hearing

Answer Key
Testname: EXAM 2 F2022

1) C
2) C
3) B
4) E
5) C
6) A
7) A
9) B
10) B
11) D
12) A
13) A
14) D
15) D
16) D
17) D
18) B
19) B
20) B
21) A
22) E
23) C
24) D
25) C
26) E
27) B
28) B
29) D
30) B
31) A
32) A
33) A
34) A
35) C
36) C
37) C
38) A
39) A
40) B
41) A
42) B
43) A
44) A
45) A
46) D
47) C
48) B
49) C
50) A

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