Britannica (2020) (Comes From Greek, by Way of Latin
Britannica (2020) (Comes From Greek, by Way of Latin
Britannica (2020) (Comes From Greek, by Way of Latin
He went on to
become the very well- paid tutor of Alexander the Great
Philosophy as defined by The Editors of Encyclopaedia
Britannica (2020) (comes from Greek, by way of Latin, He was called a peripatetic philosopher (peripateo = “to
philosophia, “love of wisdom”) the rational, abstract, walk around”) because he liked to lecture to his
and methodical consideration of reality as a whole or of students while taking a walk.
fundamental dimensions of human existence and
Aristotle’s thought is that happiness is the goal of life.
The founder of logical theory, Aristotle believed that the
Origin of Philosophy greatest human endeavor is the use of reason in
theoretical activity. One of his best known ideas was his
Greece is the birthplace of philosophy in the West. To
conception of “The Golden Mean” – “Avoid extremes”
be more precise it is the ancient Greek city of Miletus in
the counsel of moderation in all things.
the Western coast of what is now Turkey that gave
birth to philosophy. It is in this city that the first Major branches of Philosophy
philosopher in the West, Thales, lived. Thales is the
Ethics – Greek term “Ethos” which means moral
Father of Philosophy in the Western civilization.
philosophy (human conduct). Deals with norms or
Thales approach highlights the difference between standard of right and wrong. Considered “prescriptive”
religion and philosophy. Religion rests on faith while prescribe what people ought to do rather than describes
philosophy rests on reason. what people do
SOCRATES, PLATO, AND ARISTOTLE: THE BIG THREE IN Aesthetics – Greek word “Aisthetikos” which means
GREEK PHILOSOPHY Sensitive or Perspective. Concerned with analysis of
aesthetic experience and the idea of what is beautiful.
Socrates Athens’ Street – Corner Philosopher
Epistemology – Greek word “Episteme” which means
Socrates was the big-city philosopher in ancient Athens.
knowledge major concern empiricism (given by
Accused and convicted of corrupting the youth,
Socrates didn't write books; he just liked to ask probing
Logic – Rules or principles that govern reasoning
and sometimes humiliating questions, which gave rise to
(deduction and induction)
the famous Socratic Method of Teaching. This
Metaphysics – After Physics (Nature of Reality).
Socrates did not write philosophical texts, the
Metaphysicians reflect on the subject of appearance
knowledge of the mass, his life, and his philosophy is
(how something looks by how it appears) and reality
entirely based on writings by his students and
(that which actually is)
Holistic Perspective According to Mirza Iqbal Ashraf
Plato The philosopher who would be king
(2012), the concept of “whole as greater than the sum
Plato original is Aristocles; Plato was just a nickname of its parts” has ancient roots. But the term “holism”
given to him by his friends made to his broad shoulders. (more reasonably but less often spelled „wholism‟) as
fully developed rarely appears in anyone‟s conversation
Plato became an enthusiastic and talented student of except somewhat narrowly in that of the philosophers
Socrates and wrote famous dialogues featuring his or sociologists.
teacher verbally grappling with opponents. Our wrestler
believed in the pre - existence and immortality of the Looks at all aspects of the given problem or situation
soul, holding that life is nothing more than the
Smuts, arguing in the Holism and Evolution (1926) says:
imprisonment of the soul in a body.
“This factor, called Holism in the sequel, underlies the
Plato founded a school name Academia and Aristotle synthetic tendency in the universe, and is the principle
founded a school name Lyceum which makes for the origin and progress of ‘wholes’ in
the universe. . . this whole- making or holistic tendency
Aristotle A long walk to the Golden Mean is fundamental in nature, that it has a well-marked
ascertainable character, and that Evolution is nothing 2. Self-image- A human person finds his own level.
but the gradual development of progressive series of A human person with a negative self-image will
wholes, stretching from inorganic beginnings to the expect the worst, damage relationship and find
highest levels of spiritual creation.” others similarly negative. On the other hand,
those with positive self-image will expect the
Partial Point of View As cited by Rogationist College,
best for themselves. And those who have both
Cavite (2020), It is a perspective that is based on one of
positive and negative self-image are likely to be
the component parts of a whole. A partial point of view
highly successful see others, the society and the
is a perspective that looks at reality based on a single or
world is potentially successful.
partial component of a system whereas the holistic
3. Life-experiences - Life experiences affect his
perspective tries to broaden the understanding of
relationships with the world. The human person
reality by taking considerations of other possible causal
responds to what he is prepared to believe. The
agents or factors
human person may choose the experience he
Looks at only a limited number of aspects of the given has now. He chooses his careers. He chooses
problem or situation when to take a vacation or work' abroad. He
chooses when to marry. The human person
Wisdom, sapience, or sagacity is the ability to cannot undo his past experience, but he can
contemplate and act productively using knowledge, reprogram
experience, understanding, common sense, and insight. himself using new ones.
Reason, in philosophy, the faculty or process of drawing 4. Attitudes and Choices - The human person has
logical inferences. The term “reason” is also used in a limited control over his experiences but he has
several other, narrower senses. complete control over his attitudes. His
attitudes will make or unmake a human person.
Idealism is the metaphysical view that associate’s reality It's all his choice. There is a saying "I may not be
to ideas in the mind rather than to material objects. It able to change the world I see around me, but I
lays emphasis on the mental or spiritual components of can change what I see within me".
experience, and renounces the notion of material 5. Friends and Associates - The human person's
existence. friends and associates affect his relationships
There are three (3) reasons why the human person with the world. Friends shape the human
relates himself to society. person. The people he chooses to spend time
with will change the human person. The way he
Survival-the state of continuing to live or to exist views the world is determined by who the
person is, no one can get away from this truth.
Gregariousness- the quality of enjoying the company of
If the human person change himself and
other people
become the kind of person he desires to be, he
The third reason of relating oneself with society is for will begin to view others in totality and that will
specialization. It is not unusual to find among Ilocanos, change the way the person interact in all his
Bicolanos, Cebuanos, Tagalogs, Pangasinenses, Muslim relationships to the world.
students and other cultural group the desire to form
Methods of Philosophizing
themselves into one association, organization, club,
varsitarian or society. Truth- The quality of words, statements, beliefs, ideas,
or propositions that are stated, in everyday
There are five (5) determinants on how the human
conversation, to concur with the facts or to state the
person relates himself to the world.
case is known as truth in metaphysics and in the
1. Genetics play only a small role in the human philosophy of language. Most frequently, it refers to
person's relationship with the world. There are faithfulness to an original or standard as well as being in
good qualities and characteristics as well as line with fact or reality. In contemporary situations, the
things he doesn't like that were inherited. concept of "truth to self" or authenticity is often used to
describe truth.
Propositions is a statement about the world or reality.
Propositions may or may not carry truth.
Begging the question - assuming the thing or idea to be Transcendence often refers to an experience with the
proven is true; also known as circular argument. divine or God, which is conceived as absolute, eternal,
and infinite.
Cause-and- effect - assuming “cause-and- effect”
relationship between unrelated events The Eightfold Path” of buddhism shown below:
Fallacy of composition - assuming that what is true of a 1. Right view- a correct understanding of the nature of
part is true for the whole things, specifically the Four Noble Truths;
Fallacy of division - assuming that what is true for the 2. Right intention, eliminating thoughts of attachment,
whole is true for its parts. detestation, and harmful intent,
Lesson 3: Human Person as Embodies Spirit 3. Right speech, abstaining from verbal offenses such as
lying, divisive speech, unforgiving speech, and irrational
7. Right concentration, single-mindedness. Herbert Marcuse- said about the power of humans
over nature, while George Herbert Mead tackled
8. Right mindfulness, consciousness of body, feelings,
about our duties and responsibilities.
thought, and phenomena.
Deep Ecology
Lesson 4: The Human Person in Their Environment
Is an ecological philosophy developed by Norwegian
1. Anthropocentric Model. Based on the
philosopher Arne Naess in the early 1970’s asserting
anthropocentric model, humans are superior
that all life forms have equal right to exist, and
and central to the universe, thus, it is human
human needs and desires have no priority over
those other organisms. Believes that the living
2. Ecocentric Model. It is the ecological or
environment should be respected and regarded as
relational integrity of the humans that provides
having rights to flourish, independents of its utility
meaning of our morals and values and it is
to humans.
nature centered. Devoted to preserving the
totality of Earth’s biodiversity and the Social Ecology
functioning of its life –supporting system
It is critical theory founded by American Anarchist
3. Biocentrism refers to all environmental ethics
and libertarian socialist author Murray Bookchin.
that extend the status of moral object from
Conceptualized as a critique of current social,
human beings to all other living things in nature.
political, and anti-ecological trends, it espouses a
In a narrow sense, it emphasizes the value and
reconstructive, ecological, communitarian, and
rights of organic individuals, believing that
ethical approach to society.
moral priority should be given to the survival of
individual living beings. Ecofeminism
Environmental Disorder- occurs when the order of It is also called ecological feminism, branch of
things is disrupted. In order to for us to help maintain its feminism that examines the connections between
order of things we have to apply environmental women and nature. Its name was coined by French
aesthetics (the field of Philosophy that studies ways in feminist Francoise d’Eaubonne in 1974. A
which humans experience the world through their philosophical idea that combines feminism and
senses) ecology concerns,
A. Ancient Thinker emphasizing that both suffer from their treatment
by male dominant society. Comes from the idea that
Anaximander- a pre-Socratic philosopher and
women and nature have significant connections,
scientist said about the creation-Destruction. According
since women most often have a close association
to him, the sketch of the genesis of the world
with nature in many societies due to the nature of
(cosmology), the evolution of the world begins with the
their traditional roles.
generation of opposites in certain region Nature. Nature
is indeterminate-boundless in the sense that no Prudence is defined as the ability to have good
boundaries between the warm and or the moist and dry judgment that allows avoidance of dangers and
regions are originally present within. risks. Meanwhile, frugality is the act of using money
or other resources wisely and practically.
Pythagoras- “universe is a living embodiment of
nature’s order, harmony and beauty. Prudence covers good judgment, considering the
consequences of an action, using common sense
A. Modern Thinker
and discretion, exercising caution, and conforming
Immanuel Kant- ‘beauty is ultimately a symbol of to reason and decency
morality (goodness). He believes that the
orderliness of nature and the harmony of nature
Frugality The quality of being thrifty, sparing or
economical in the consumption of resources and
avoiding waste, lavishness, or extravagance