F-FDG-PET - CT Imaging of Thoracic and Extrathoracic Tuberculosis in Children
F-FDG-PET - CT Imaging of Thoracic and Extrathoracic Tuberculosis in Children
F-FDG-PET - CT Imaging of Thoracic and Extrathoracic Tuberculosis in Children
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major health problem, affecting approximately one-third of the
world's population. The tubercle bacillus can affect virtually any organ of the human body and if
left untreated can lead to severe morbidity and death. Diagnosis of active TB is challenging,
especially in children. As a “great imitator,” the disease can mimic numerous other
pathologies, both clinically and at imaging. Although recognition of active TB is crucial to
initiate adequate treatment in a timely fashion, thereby preventing transmission of disease,
differentiation of active and quiescent disease is not always straightforward. Since the first
reports more than 20 years ago, FDG-PET/CT imaging has been shown to detect active
disease with accuracy equal or superior to other conventional imaging modalities. The role of
FDG-PET in evaluating patients with TB is rapidly expanding. FDG-PET/CT can effectively
identify foci of intrathoracic and extrathoracic TB, assess disease activity, differentiate between
active and latent disease, monitor response to therapy, identify potential biopsy targets, and
serve as a surrogate end point for new drug trials. Efficacy of FDG-PET/CT in the especially
challenging pediatric population will be the focus of this review.
Semin Nucl Med ]:]]]-]]] C 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1053/j.semnuclmed.2016.12.003 1
0001-2998/& 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 M. Pelletier-Galarneau et al.
slowly than the incidence of local-born cases, this disparity is Table 1 Four Main Presentations of Primary Thoracic Tubercu-
expected to grow.10 The situation is similar in children residing losis in the Pediatric Population, With Relative Frequencies for
in high-income countries; TB rates per 100,000 population are Different Age Groups
estimated to be 24 for foreign-born children, 5 for local-born Infant Children Adolescent
children of foreign-born parents, and only 0.75 for local-born (0-3 y) (3-10 y) (10-18 y)
children of local-born parents.11,12 Parenchymal þþ þþþ þþþ
Classically, TB is classified as primary or postprimary disease
(reactivation) disease where primary TB refers to disease Consolidation þþþ þþþ þþ
following recent infection, and postprimary TB refers to Disseminated þ þ
endogenous reactivation of a latent infection.1 This concept nodules
has been criticized as confusing and misleading.13 First of all, Cavitation þþ
the terminology implies a clear pathologic, clinical, and radio- Fibrosis þ þþ
logical distinction between primary and postprimary TB while
Lymphadenopathy þþþ þþþ þþ
in fact distinction between the two modes is not always Miliary disease þ
possible. It has been shown that many cases of “postprimary Pleural effusion þ þþ þþ
disease” actually represent a new infection rather than reac-
, Rare; þ, infrequent;þþ, somewhat frequent;þþþ, very frequent.
tivation of a latent prior infection,14,15 and it may be clinically
impossible to differentiate between reactivation and reinfec-
tion. Secondly, primary and postprimary disease can have On chest X-ray, air-space consolidation is identified in up to
overlapping presentations, and features strongly associated 80% of children.2 On CT, parenchymal disease can take many
with postprimary infection, such as cavitation, may also be forms, including consolidation (40%-100%), disseminated
seen in primary disease. In this article, we use the term nodules (17%-54%), cavitation (27%-29%), and fibrosis
“primary TB” to denote an initial TB infection, whereas (17%).2,24,26,27 Parenchymal lesions, often referred to as
“postprimary TB” refers to either reactivation or reinfection. tuberculomas, are more frequently seen in the mid or lower
FDG-PET/CT plays several useful roles in patients with right lung,24-26 and bilateral lung involvement is present in
confirmed or suspected TB.16-19 In addition, owing to its high 10%-50% of cases.2,28 Healing of primary TB lesions can lead
prevalence, findings of TB may be encountered when performing to fibrosis and is more frequent in postprimary TB infection.
FDG-PET/CT for other indications, such as fever of unknown Fibrosis is relatively rare in children, present in 15%-20% of
origin. As such, physicians must be able to recognize the various cases, and usually detected 46 months after primary infec-
presentations of TB to limit contagion and to ensure that the tion.2,24 There are multiple classic eponymous sequelae of
patient receives appropriate therapy. In this article, we review the primary pulmonary TB: Ghon lesion granulomas, which
FDG-PET/CT and correlative-imaging findings of thoracic and typically occur at the site of the primary infection; Ranke
extrathoracic TB in the pediatric population, address the roles of complexes, which are the combination of a Ghon lesion with
FDG-PET/CT, and provide insights regarding the strengths and calcified hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy; and Simon
limitations of FDG-PET/CT for the assessment of this disease. foci, which represent granulomas present at the lung apices.29
Identification of active TB lung lesions is crucial to provide
appropriate treatment, and FDG-PET/CT has been used to
differentiate between active and inactive pulmonary tuber-
Thoracic TB culomas. Active tuberculomas are FDG avid, with SUVmax
In children, most cases of TB represent primary infection. typically 42.5, whereas inactive disease is associated with low
Infants younger than 5 years are especially at risk of contracting uptake, usually SUVmax o1.5 (Fig. 1).30-33 Postprimary TB is
the disease.20 Most children infected with TB present with almost exclusively seen in adolescents and adults, and is
thoracic manifestations. Investigating a child with suspected characterized by upper lobe predominance, cavitation, and
TB is very similar to investigating an adult, relying on clinical absence of lymphadenopathy (Fig. 2).23,34,35
history, with emphasis on TB contact and HIV status, clinical
examination, tuberculin skin testing, and chest X-ray.9 In
children, bacteriologic confirmation is particularly difficult to Lymphadenopathy
obtain,21 making imaging crucial in the work-up. Chest Lymphatic involvement is the hallmark of primary TB in
radiography remains the recommended first-line imaging children; 83%-97% of children with thoracic TB present with
modality, although it can be normal in 15% of patients with mediastinal adenopathy, typically affecting the paratracheal
confirmed TB.22 There are four main presentations of primary and subcarinal lymph nodes (Fig. 1).25,27,36 Nodal involve-
thoracic TB in children: parenchymal disease, lymphadenop- ment is normally more extensive in infants and younger
athy, miliary disease, and pleural effusion (Table 1).23 children compared with adolescents and adults.24 On FDG-
PET/CT, the increased FDG uptake associated with active TB
can be indistinguishable from other causes of FDG-avid
Parenchymal Disease lymphadenopathy, such as lymphoma (Fig. 3) or sarcoido-
Parenchymal disease is seen in 60%-80% of pediatric cases, sis.37,38 On CT, centrally hypodense lymphadenopathy larger
with prevalence of lung involvement increasing with age.24-26 than 2 cm is indicative of active disease.2,23,27
FDG-PET/CT in pediatric TB 3
Figure 1 Whole-body maximum intensity projection (MIP) FDG-PET (A) of a 3-year-old boy investigated for a persistent
left upper lobe mass shows abnormal parenchymal lung uptake (arrows) and increased uptake in mediastinal lymph nodes
(arrowhead), with faint hypermetabolic left inguinal and intra-abdominal lymph nodes. Axial fused PET/CT images (B and
C) demonstrate increased uptake corresponding to parenchymal consolidation on CT with SUVmax reaching 2.0 as well as
(D) FDG-avid subcarinal lymphadenopathy with SUVmax of 2.3 (arrowhead). Subsequent cultures confirmed
mycobacterium infection.
Miliary Disease
Miliary TB is defined as lymphohematogenous dissemination of
M. tuberculosis bacillus. The diagnosis is established in the
presence of diffuse miliary lung infiltrates on imaging, typically
smaller than 2 mm, and it may be associated with miliary lesions
in other organs.39 Miliary TB is estimated to represent 1%-2% of
all TB cases, though higher in younger and immunosuppressed
children.2,40,41 On FDG-PET/CT, miliary disease appears as
diffuse increased uptake in both lungs (Fig. 4).42
Pleural Effusion
Pleural effusion secondary to TB infection represents an early
complication of primary TB in 8%-22% of cases and is
considered extrapulmonary disease.43,44 Pleural involvement
most frequently represents a hypersensitivity response after
spread from adjacent subpleural infection or hematogenous
spread.26,45 Pleural effusions related to TB are typically
Figure 2 Axial CT (A) and PET/CT image (B) of a 44-year-old man with unilateral, with accompanying ipsilateral parenchymal lesions,
bilateral postprimary pulmonary TB with right upper lobe cavitation and most frequently affect older children and adolescents.26,43
(arrowhead). Pulmonary lesions are associated with moderately In cases of pleural involvement, moderate-to-high FDG uptake
increased FDG uptake with SUVmax between 3.0 and 4.0. is often seen in the pleura, whereas the effusion itself exhibits
4 M. Pelletier-Galarneau et al.
Figure 3 Whole-body maximum intensity projection (MIP) FDG-PET (A) of a 12-year-old boy with positive interferon
gamma release assays (QuantiFERON) investigated for enlarged cervical and axillary lymph nodes. Axial CT (B) and
corresponding PET/CT (C) images of the neck and axial CT (D) and corresponding PET/CT (E) images of the thorax
demonstrate FDG-avid lymphadenopathy (arrowheads) with SUVmax ranging between 5.0 and 10.0. Additionally, inguinal
lymphadenopathy (SUVmax ¼ 3.5) was also identified (white arrow, A). The diffuse marrow and splenic uptake is
consistent with marrow activation, likely related to the patient's pancytopenia. Paravertebral (black arrows (A) and white
arrows (D) and supraclavicular uptake was attributed to brown fat uptake. Biopsy of cervical lymphadenopathy revealed
necrotizing granulomatous lymphadenitis and it was negative for neoplasia.
variable levels of uptake.46-49 In a study comparing the skeletal TB manifestations are spondylitis, arthritis, and
intensity of pleural effusions from various malignant and osteomyelitis.51
benign causes, 17 of 30 patients with TB-related pleural
effusion demonstrated elevated FDG uptake, with SUVmax TB Spondylitis
ranging from 2.2-11.8.46 Pleural involvement in TB is some- Approximately one-half of cases of skeletal TB involve the
times associated with pleural nodularity, making the distinc- spine.52 In infants from the developing world, the thoracic
tion between malignancy and TB challenging.46-49 spine is most commonly affected; whereas in North America
and Europe, spinal disease is more commonly seen affecting
the lumbar spine.53,54 TB spondylitis, also referred to as Pott
disease, is often secondary to hematogenous spread of the
Extrathoracic TB bacillus via the perivertebral arterial plexus or venous plexus.
The infections typically starts in the anterior vertebral body
TB is primarily a disease of the lungs, transmitted by inhalation near the end plates and spread through the subchondral plate
of droplets containing M. tuberculosis; however, TB can affect or behind the anterior ligaments.55 The infection tracks along
virtually any organ of the body, particularly in immunocom- the anterior longitudinal ligament leading to the involvement
promised patients. Extrathoracic TB occurs in approximately of multiple contiguous vertebral levels with early sparing of the
one-fifth of all immunocompetent patients and in more than intervertebral disks.56 Osseous erosion can then result in an
half of all immunocompromised patients with TB.50 The most anterior compression deformity of the vertebral bodies—the
frequently affected sites include the bones, the central nervous so-called gibbous deformity—occurring as a late complica-
system (CNS), and the abdomen. tion.57 Although not typical, imaging findings of spondylitis
with involvement of the posterior elements should raise the
suspicion of TB infection as it is not a characteristic finding of
Skeletal TB pyogenic infections.58
The musculoskeletal system is one of the most frequently On FDG-PET/CT imaging, sclerosis and bony destruction
affected extrapulmonary sites.50 In children, the most common can be demonstrated with associated increased FDG uptake,
FDG-PET/CT in pediatric TB 5
Figure 4 Whole-body maximum intensity projection (MIP) FDG-PET (A) with selected CT (B) and corresponding FDG-
PET (C) images of a 15 year old girl with known miliary TB of the lungs undergoing FDG PET/CT to assess disease extent.
CT image demonstrate numerous small (o2 mm) pulmonary nodules in both lungs. On PET images, there is diffuse
increased FDG uptake in both lungs, with SUVmax ranging between 2.7 and 3.5, and small hypermetabolic mediastinal
lymph nodes (black arrow). Also noted on this study is splenomegaly with diffusely increased splenic uptake (SUVmax 3.7)
with one area of more intense uptake (arrowhead), compatible with splenic TB. Furthermore, there is a focus of increased
uptake in the liver (white arrow) with SUVmax of 3.3, suspicious for an active liver lesion.
sometimes involving the posterior elements with soft tissue infection55; however, in cases of single site of osteomyelitis,
extension (Fig. 5).51,59 FDG-PET/CT is superior to other nu- most children will demonstrate no lung involvement.51 TB
clear medicine modalities such as bone and gallium scintig- osteomyelitis usually involves the metaphysis of long bones,
raphy and is particularly useful in excluding spondylitis, as a more frequently of the lower limbs.64 Diagnosis of TB
negative study essentially precludes active disease (Fig. 6).60 osteomyelitis can be challenging. Indeed, patients often present
with nonspecific symptoms and can have normal erythrocyte
TB Arthritis sedimentation rate and negative result for tuberculin skin
Arthritis is the second most common presentation of skeletal testing. In addition, imaging findings overlaps with those of
disease in TB and is one of the most frequent forms of fungal and pyogenic infections. Finally, the lesions can have
infectious arthritis in countries where TB is endemic.61 TB different radiological presentations: cystic, infiltrative, focal
arthritis is typically monoarticular and usually involves the hips erosions, and dactylitis (spina ventosa), with the cystic pattern
or knees, although it can affect any joint.51 In children, TB occurring more frequently in children than in adults.23,64 For
arthritis is secondary to hematogenous dissemination through these reasons, a biopsy is required to establish the diagnosis of
the synovial vessels or through direct extension of a meta- TB osteomyelitis. FDG-PET/CT cannot confidently distinguish
physeal lesion.61 Imaging findings are completely indistin- between TB osteomyelitis and other lesions such as bone
guishable from other forms of synovitis.23,51 On ultrasound, metastases or pyogenic osteomyelitis. Because of the relatively
the synovium appears thickened and a joint effusion can be frequent involvement of the hands and feet in the pediatric
present (Fig. 7).58 The presence of bone destruction, tract population, whole-body imaging including the extremities
formation, and a sequestrum can be established by CT. should be performed in cases of suspected TB osteomyelitis.
On MRI, TB arthritis can manifest as synovitis with joint
effusion, associated with marrow changes as well as
rim-enhancing cartilaginous or osseous erosions (Fig. 7).51,62 TB of the CNS
On FDG-PET/CT, areas of inflammation demonstrate intense The CNS is affected in 5% of patients with TB and the pre-
increased uptake (Fig. 8).63 valence is even greater in immunocompromised patients.65 TB
can affect the CNS in three different ways—tuberculous menin-
TB Osteomyelitis gitis, intracranial tuberculoma, and spinal tuberculous arach-
TB osteomyelitis occurs less frequently than TB spondylitis or noiditis. Most pediatric cases involving the CNS are meningitis,
arthritis. In children, TB osteomyelitis typically involves multi- whereas intracranial tuberculomas and tuberculous arachnoidi-
ple bones at presentation, due to hematogenous dissemination tis are only very rarely seen in children.66 Avid meningeal FDG
of the bacillus from pulmonary, meningeal, or lymphatic uptake has been described in children with tubercular
6 M. Pelletier-Galarneau et al.
Figure 5 Axial FDG-PET/CT images of a 10-year-old girl with confirmed disseminated TB with decrease in size of numerous
intra-abdominal lesions following initiation of treatment. She was referred to confirm eradication of the disease. Fused PET/
CT (A) image demonstrates increased uptake in the vertebral body of L3 (arrowhead) with SUVmax of 3.6. Fused PET/CT
(B) image at the level of the thorax demonstrates focal increased uptake in the right posterior element of T6 (white arrow) as
well as extensive pulmonary TB with numerous hypermetabolic lymphadenopathy (white asterisks). These findings are
compatible with TB spondylitis. Axial fused PET/CT (C) image at the level of the pelvis shows two foci (black arrows) of
increased uptake (SUVmax ¼ 6.4), compatible with additional osseous TB lesions. On CT (D), there were no corresponding
identifiable lesions.
Figure 6 Posterior MIP images of FDG-PET/CT (A), posterior planar image of a 99mTc-methylene diphosphonate (MDP)
bone scintigraphy (B) and gallium scintigraphy (C) of the 10-year-old patient presented in Figure 5. The increased activity
in the sacrum and spine (arrowheads) on PET/CT is not visible on bone or gallium scintigraphy. Incidentally noted is
diffuse increased FDG and gallium uptake in the lungs, compatible with diffuse pulmonary TB. MIP, maximum intensity
FDG-PET/CT in pediatric TB 7
Figure 7 A 17-year-old boy who presented with long-standing left hip pain. He was initially investigated by MRI to rule out
inflammatory arthritis. Representative T1 (A), T2 fat-saturation (B), and T1 postgadolinium (C) coronal MRI images of the
pelvis demonstrate decreased T1 signal, increased T2 signal, and enhancement postgadolinium injection. Axial CT image
(D) demonstrates diffuse left hip osteopenia and a focal area of preserved density (arrow). Ultrasound of the left hip joint (E)
confirmed a joint effusion and synovial thickening (arrowhead).
Figure 8 Whole-body maximum intensity projection (MIP) FDG-PET/CT image (A) of the 17-year-old patient presented in
Figure 7 demonstrating abnormal uptake in the left hip area (arrowhead), with small hypermetabolic left inguinal and intra-
abdominal lymph nodes (arrows). Axial PET images (B) with corresponding CT (C) and fused images (D) as well as coronal
fused image (E) demonstrate intense uptake in the left hip joint space with SUVmax reaching 16.8. Joint aspiration
subsequently confirmed TB arthritis.
8 M. Pelletier-Galarneau et al.
meningitis.67 Intracranial tuberculomas, on the other hand, peripancreatic region.23 On FDG-PET/CT, affected lymph
demonstrate focal increased parenchymal FDG uptake (Fig. 9). nodes will demonstrate intense uptake (Fig. 10). Intensity of
On nonenhanced CT, the presence of central calcification with uptake cannot be used to differentiate between TB infection
surrounding hypoattenuation is suggestive, but not specific, of and other causes of hypermetabolic lymph nodes in children
TB.23 On MRI, the lesions may vary in appearance depending such as lymphoma or histiocytosis19; however, tuberculous
on whether the tuberculoma is liquid or solid, caseating or lymph nodes classically exhibit hypoattenuating centers and
noncaseating, and if there is adjacent edema or not.23 enhancing rims on CT.23
Figure 9 FDG-PET/CT of an 11-month-old girl with pulmonary and abdominal lesions, suspicious for TB. Whole-body
MIP image (A) shows extensive lymph node involvement (arrows) as well as a large hypermetabolic right pulmonary lesion
(asterisk). Noncontrast CT (B), FDG-PET (C) and fused (D) transaxial brain images reveals the presence of multiple foci of
mildly increased uptake in the brain parenchyma (arrowheads), compatible with tuberculomas in the context of
disseminated disease. On brain MRI (E), the lesions also demonstrate significant enhancement after administration of
gadolinium. MIP, maximum intensity projection.
FDG-PET/CT in pediatric TB 9
Figure 10 Abdominal ultrasound of a 14-year-old female (A) shows multiple hypoechoic retroperitoneal lymph nodes. On
contrast-enhanced CT (B), these lymph nodes appear necrotic (arrow). On FDG-PET (C) and fused PET/CT (D) axial
images, these lymph nodes demonstrate intense increased FDG uptake (arrow), compatible with active TB. Additionally, a
small liver hypodensity was noted on CT (arrowhead), without corresponding increased FDG uptake, compatible with a
benign liver cyst.
Figure 11 Tuberculous peritonitis in a 17-year-old boy with acute abdominal pain and mycobacterium growth on ascites
culture. MIP images from FDG-PET/CT (A) and representative axial CT (B) and fused PET/CT (C) images show diffuse
increased uptake in the thickened peritoneum, without evidence of extra-abdominal active TB. MIP, maximum intensity
10 M. Pelletier-Galarneau et al.
Figure 12 FDG-PET (A) and fused (B) axial images of a 13-year-old boy with known pulmonary TB. These images
demonstrate intense uptake in the periphery of hepatic lesions with central photopenia. Doppler ultrasound (C) shows
multiple poorly vascularized hepatic lesions, with hypoechoic periphery and hyperechoic center. Contrast-enhanced CT
(D) shows hypodense lesions with central calcifications.
Figure 13 Abdominal FDG-PET image of a 10-year-old girl with confirmed pulmonary TB infection demonstrating (A)
heterogeneous and increased splenic uptake of FDG (arrowheads), without significant abnormality on noncontrast CT (B),
compatible with splenic TB. On a follow-up study performed 1.5 years later, following therapy, the abnormal splenic
uptake has resolved (B) and splenic calcifications (arrow) are seen on noncontrast CT (D). Note that there was also
resolution of the previously noted retroperitoneal lymph node involvement (asterisk).
FDG-PET/CT in pediatric TB 11
Figure 14 Whole-body MIP FDG-PET images of a 14-year-old girl with extensive cervical, thoracic, and abdominal
lymphadenopathy, initially referred for suspected lymphoma. On the initial study (A), several foci of increased uptake were
identified in thoracic and abdominal lymph nodes as well as a FDG-avid mesenteric mass (arrowhead) with SUVmax of 8.5.
These findings were interpreted as being consistent with lymphoma and a biopsy was performed, which revealed
Mycobacterium bovis infection. A follow-up study performed 18 months later (B), after completion of therapy, demonstrated
mild residual activity in the mesenteric mass with SUVmax of 5.3. These findings were felt to represent either residual disease
or persistent inflammation. On a second follow-up study performed 34 months after the initial scan (C), mild residual
uptake in the mesenteric mass is again seen, with SUVmax of 4.6 (arrowhead). In light of the fact that the patient did not
receive additional treatment after the first follow-up study, and the lesions remained unchanged, the diagnosis of aseptic
granulomatous inflammation was favored. MIP, maximum intensity projection.
12 M. Pelletier-Galarneau et al.
Figure 15 Whole-body MIP PET images of the 10-year-old girl presented in Figure 5. She was initially referred to confirm
eradication of TB after several months of treatment. On the initial study (A), several foci of increased uptake were identified
in the lungs, the spleen, the bones, and lymph nodes. A follow-up study performed 18 months later (B), after adjustment of
her therapy, reveals complete resolution of the hypermetabolic lesions. The foci of uptake in the left arm on the follow-up
study represents an injection site and the thoracic uptake, with an “inverted Y” shape, represents physiological uptake in the
thymus (arrow). MIP, maximum intensity projection.
assessment and quantitative analyses on early images alone. number of useful roles for FDG-PET/CT have been defined
Razak et al91 obtained similar results for extrapulmonary TB, (Table 2). FDG-PET/CT can detect TB lesions, assess disease
showing that early imaging was sufficient to differentiate activity, and differentiate active from latent TB.16,31-33,92-94
between active and inactive extrapulmonary TB lesions. The This is of potentially great importance given that children are at
exact role of DTPI in TB remains unclear and there is no high risk of developing active TB after contact with an infected
consensus about its effectiveness in differentiating between person. Early identification of active TB facilitates prompt
malignancy and active TB lesions or between active and initiation of treatment, minimizes transmission risk, and
latent TB. improves patient outcomes.95 The accuracy of FDG-PET/CT
in detecting active TB lesions compares favorably to other
imaging modalities, with ionizing radiation exposure within
Roles of FDG-PET/CT in Pediatric the range of diagnostic exposure encountered in pediatric
CT.96 Whole-body scanning enables detection of active disease
TB in most organs (with the possible exception of the kidneys, as
FDG-PET/CT is typically not the initial imaging modality used discussed earlier), which allows for accurate staging of TB in a
to evaluate suspected TB; however, in children, as in adults, a single imaging session.97,98 Whole-body assessment is
FDG-PET/CT in pediatric TB 13
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