How Agile Practices Impact Customer Responsiveness and Development Success - A Field Study
How Agile Practices Impact Customer Responsiveness and Development Success - A Field Study
How Agile Practices Impact Customer Responsiveness and Development Success - A Field Study
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gile methods for information systems development, such as
Agile information systems development Extreme Programming (Beck, 1999) or Scrum (Schwaber & Beedle,
methods have become popular; how- 2002), have become popular in today’s software industry because
ever, which specific agile practice to use they reportedly provide ways to improve an information systems
remains unclear. We argue that three types development team’s flexibility in terms of the ability to embrace and respond
of agile practices exist—for management, efficiently and effectively to changing requirements (Conboy, 2009; Lee & Xia,
development, and standards—which affect 2010; MacCormack, Verganti, & Iansiti, 2001).
the customer responsiveness of software In the literature, two streams of research inform the current understand-
teams differently. We examine this theory ing of agile information systems development. One stream has focused
in a field study of a large organization. We largely on the management of agile teams (Lee & Xia, 2010; McHugh, Conboy,
find that agile practices improve software & Lang, 2014; Whitworth & Biddle, 2007). This research suggests that agile
team response effectiveness or efficiency, information systems development can lead to successful development if
but not both. Agile standards do not improve and when teams are autonomous and diverse (Lee & Xia, 2010) or cohesive
response mechanisms but are still important and motivated (Whitworth & Biddle, 2007). A second stream of research has
to successful information systems devel- examined agile methodologies and their use (Erickson, Lyytinen, & Siau, 2005;
opment. Our findings help discriminating Maruping, Venkatesh, & Agarwal, 2009; Maruping, Zhang, & Venkatesh, 2009;
agile practices and yield insights into how Pikkarainen, Haikara, Salo, Abrahamsson, & Still, 2008). This work shows,
information development projects should for instance, that different cultures favor different agile methods (Iivari &
be managed. Iivari, 2011), and that agile methods have a positive impact on project success
(Serrador & Pinto, 2015).
KEYWORDS: information systems Our ambition is to integrate the two streams of research. We believe this
development; agility; agile practices; move is important because it allows for understanding of the interdependen-
customer responsiveness; field study; cies between the social (teams—the structure) and the technical (agile tools
panel survey and methodological procedures—the technology and tasks) in the sociotech-
nical work that is information systems development information systems
development (Bostrom, Gupta, & Thomas, 2009; Winter, Berente, Howison,
& Butler, 2014). We also believe this move is timely, because an understand-
ing of the interdependencies between the social and technical components
of information systems development requires a thorough understanding of
each component, which is provided in isolation by the two existing streams
in the literature. In making this move we can examine the contributions of
each component relative to each other (i.e., the social versus the technical)
Project Management Journal, Vol. 48, No. 2, 99–121
and also evaluate the contribution offered by the joining of the components
© 2017 by the Project Management Institute
(i.e., the socio-technical).
Published online at
Specifically, we focus on how differ- extended model informs the agility of during an information systems develop-
ent agile practices (the technical compo- information systems development teams ment project life cycle. Response extensive-
nent) affect customer responsiveness of and information systems development ness describes the extent, range, scope,
agile teams (the social component). This success. We examine our research model or variety of software team responses
has not yet been addressed in the existing using panel data gathered in a field study to customer inquiries, and response effi-
literature. By making this move, we can from a sizable agile development initia- ciency relates to the time, cost, resources,
also address an ecologically fundamen- tive within a large retail organization. or effort associated with software team
tal problem of agile development, that Our research contributes to the lit- responses (Lee & Xia, 2010, p. 90).
of method comparison (Conboy, 2009): erature in several ways: Theoretically, we The key elements of agile approaches
What are the effects of different agile prac- provide an extended model of informa- to information systems development usu-
tices? And, which agile practices from tion systems development agility that ally include close collaboration among
which available methodologies should be draws attention to different types of agile stakeholders, intensive iteration and
employed in information systems devel- practices and their relative influence on rapid prototyping, openness to changing
opment projects? While statements such software team response effectiveness and requirements, and the eschewal of heavy-
as those in the Agile Manifesto (Fowler & efficiency. This is an important extension weight processes and formal documenta-
Highsmith, 2001) portray agile informa- to the literature, which thus far has exam- tion (Conboy, 2009). Thus, the label of
tion systems development as a coherent, ined team characteristics as antecedents agile information systems development is
simple, and clear concept, the reality of to agility (Lee & Xia, 2010). Empirically, an umbrella term for a number of distinct
agile is much different, much messier we compare different agile practices with methodologies organized around some
(Conboy, 2009), and requires interpreta- different agile methodologies in terms common principles. In a literature review
tion of what is essential and what is less of how they contribute to information (Hummel, Rosenkranz, & Holten, 2013),
essential (Iivari & Iivari, 2011). systems development success, in turn we found that some of these principles
We will show that the problem of providing empirical evidence about the and practices (such as pair programming
selecting agile practices is far from sim- efficacy of different agile practices, which or onsite customers) have received signif-
ple, yet of significant value to the litera- helps to discriminate the “methodology icant attention in the literature, whereas
ture and practice: For the literature on jungle” (Conboy, 2009). other practices (such as collective code
agility, differentiating between varying We proceed as follows. First we ownership or continuous integration)
types and components is helpful, as it review the prior research on agile infor- have not. Moreover, the impact on agility
helps to identify subsets of practices mation systems development and the and the relative value of those practices
(Ågerfalk, Fitzgerald, & Slaughter, 2009) different constituent practices that char- that have been examined in the literature
with different effects on different com- acterize agility. Next we describe our (e.g., pair programming) remains incon-
ponent parts of agility (Conboy, 2009). research model and develop our propo- clusive (Balijepally, Mahapatra, Nerur,
For the practice on agility, this move sitions. We then provide a description of & Price, 2009), signifying a lack of clar-
yields ecological and pragmatic value to the research methods used and exam- ity in our theoretical understanding of
organizations. Companies typically have ine our data. We discuss findings and agility. This has been also alluded to as
more design freedom in selecting a set implications and then provide a review the missing “theoretical glue” (Conboy,
of practices—the technical component of limitations and contributions. 2009, p. 330) of agile information systems
of agile—which they can employ, train, development. Yet, independent of the
or in case discard, than they have in Prior Research inconclusive and imbalanced academic
selecting the structure and composition Agile Information Systems Development debate over the value of different agile
of information systems development Agile information systems development practices, the industry practice of infor-
teams—the social component of agile. approaches such as Scrum (Schwaber mation systems development has seen
To meet our objective, we start with & Beedle, 2002), Extreme Programming the widespread adoption of the different
the model of information systems devel- (Beck, 1999), and Crystal (Cockburn, available methodologies in recent years
opment agility proposed by Lee and 2001) purportedly provide ways to (Dingsøyr, Nerur, Balijepally, & Moe,
Xia (2010), which focuses on the effec- improve a team’s agility in terms of the 2012; VersionOne, 2015).
tiveness and efficiency of agile teams’ ability to embrace and respond to chang- Two lines of argument inform the cur-
responses to changes demanded by cus- ing requirements (Conboy, 2009; Lee & rent understanding of a nascent ‘theory
tomers. We then extend this model by Xia, 2010). Following Lee and Xia (2010), of agile.’ The first, proposed by Lee and
identifying different types of agile prac- we define information systems develop- Xia (2010), argues that agile information
tices, viz., development practices, man- ment agility as a development team’s abil- systems development is fundamentally
agement practices, and agile standards ity to efficiently and effectively respond people-centric and recognizes the value
and norms. We then examine how this to user or customer requirement changes of team members’ competencies in
development. Our basic assumption is Through examining how guide- 2. A second set of practices focuses
that, even though agile information sys- lines and rules are embodied in agile on the development element and
tems development promotes flexibility practices, and falling back on other ensures developers’ autonomy,
and autonomy, the practices by which approaches that try to categorize specifying rules of self-regulation
agility is enacted still provide some practices (Bourque & Fairley, 2014; and self-monitoring. In the context
degree of structure or constraints to proj- Jacobson, Ng, McMahon, Spence, & of information systems development,
ect teams, which is important in the man- Lidman, 2012), we suggest that at least “development work” is everything
agement of team work (Barki & Hartwick, three sets of agile practices be distin- that the team does to meet the goals of
2001) to avoid detrimental outcomes due guished. Table 1 summarizes our defi- producing an IS matching the require-
to individual volition (Cohen & Bailey, nitions of the types of agile practices, ments and addressing the opportu-
1997) or “free-wheeling” (Boehm, 2002). which we discuss in turn: nity presented by the stakeholders.
In other words, agile information sys- These practices provide autonomy
tems development does not equate with 1. One set of agile practices primarily sets to single developers and rules about
methodological or managerial anarchy. out to support the management of how to monitor and regulate their
Instead, much like the traditional information systems development proj- actions. Although these practices
approaches to software development ects. Information systems development require intense interaction with one
or project management, agile practices, is a significant endeavor that typically or more peer developers, their focus
while promoting certain team work takes many weeks to complete, affects is nonetheless on constraining the
properties such as flexibility, autonomy, many different people (the stakehold- actions of the individual developer,
and self-regulation, still encompass ers), and involves a development team and therefore on the self-regulation of
means that ensure that “individuals (rather than a single developer). Any goals and self-monitoring of progress.
working on projects act according to an practical method must describe a set So the focus of development prac-
agreed-upon strategy to achieve desired of practices to effectively plan, lead, tices is on self-control and the tasks
objectives” (Kirsch, 1996, p. 1). Pair pro- and monitor the efforts of the team. for software development rather than
gramming, for example, provides fairly Practices in this set seek to describe procedures that affect the progres-
strict and precise guidelines about how and enforce behaviors, processes, and sion of a project itself. For example,
individuals should collaborate in code procedures that must be followed dur- practices from Extreme Programming
development (Beck, 1999, p. 58): “There ing information systems development in this group are pair programming
are two roles in each pair. One part- projects, and that concerns how the (PP), prescribing the interaction
ner, the one with the keyboard and the projects as such unfold. Typical exam- of coder and reviewer in a team of
mouse, is thinking about the best way to ples are the practice of daily stand-up peers at one workstation (Vidgen &
implement this method right here. The meetings (STM) from Scrum, enforc- Wang, 2009), and continuous code
other partner is thinking more strategi- ing high communication frequency integration (CCI), enforcing regular
cally: Is this whole approach going to between team members in short and rigorous feedback on new code
work?” Other practices such as stand-up meetings (Pikkarainen et al., 2008), integrated into the whole system’s
meetings, sprint planning, or backlog and the practice of small releases (SR) code (Xiaohu et al., 2004).
grooming also follow clear behavioral from Extreme Programming, which 3. A third set of practices prescribes
and procedural norms and rules for how enables rapid feedback from customers standards and norms that the whole
these engagements should proceed. (Xiaohu, Xu, He, & Maddineni, 2004). team must follow. The development
customer change requests. We therefore We therefore propose a direct impact methodologically, theoretically, and
propose: on information systems development empirically. Methodologically, mea-
success: suring and testing hypotheses on all
P2: Development practices supporting the available agile practices would be
self-control and autonomy positively P4: Agile standards and norms enforcing a cumbersome effort, one that is bet-
affect software team response shared rituals and artifacts positively ter achieved programmatically through
extensiveness. affect information systems development replication (Berthon, Pitt, Ewing, &
success, but not software team response Carr, 2002) rather than in one study.
Agile management practices, such extensiveness or efficiency. Theoretically, describing the under-
as daily stand-up meetings (Schwaber lying rationale and justificatory logic
& Beedle, 2002) and small releases Together, these four propositions of orchestration for multiple practices
(Beck, 1999) specify rules and proce- allow for a meaningful evaluation of would be hard to achieve, whereas on a
dures, which prescribe behaviors and agile practices in terms of types and more abstract level (such as the one we
processes that must be followed. They effects. This is the core thesis of our propose), we can develop conceptual
therefore control how a software team model as shown in Figure 1: The agility logic that links differents practices to
reacts to changed requirements and of software teams in terms of response different mechanisms and in turn differ-
which procedures it follows in mak- extensiveness and response efficiency ent outcomes. Empirically, given that we
ing changes during development. will impact information systems devel- studied agile development in one orga-
For example, they stipulate how to opment success (P1). This has been nization as discussed following, we had
decide on how many of the features demonstrated before (e.g., Lee & Xia, to make compromises between exten-
in the product backlog to include in 2010; Sabherwal & Chan, 2001); how- siveness and measurement of study and
the next release. Feature-related deci- ever, now our model additionally pro- the constraints imposed on us by both
sions are commitments toward the poses that agility of the team can be the partner organization regarding sur-
responses to customer requirements influenced by the appropriate deploy- vey length and procedures as well as
changes. By forcing the team to criti- ment of specific kinds of agile practices. the particular practices employed in the
cally match available resources (time Management practices such as stand-up field situation.
and money) with customer requests, meetings or retrospectives and develop-
commitments become realistic and can ment practices such as pair program- Research Method
therefore be met more readily. A posi- ming or continuous code integration Field Study Design
tive effect will be more restrictive and impact the two orthogonal dimensions To evaluate our research model, we were
faster responses to change requests. of agility—response extensiveness (P2) faced with the choice of multiple case
We therefore propose: and response efficiency (P3)—but not studies, a cross-sectional survey across
both. On the other hand, agile standards information systems development proj-
P3: Management practices specifying rules and norms will not impact customer ects in multiple organizations, and an
and behavioral procedures positively responsiveness but will have a direct in-depth field study of agile develop-
affect software team response efficiency. impact on successful information sys- ment in one organization. We decided
tems development (P4). on the latter. Our motivation was three-
As a third kind of agile practice, we We make one note about our re fold: First, the literature reports mul-
examine agile standards and norms. search model. We deliberately con- tiple case studies and cross-sectional
During agile development, the responsi- structed it on an abstract, conceptual surveys on agile information systems
bility for delivered software code can be level, using propositions rather than development (Hummel et al., 2013) but
enforced using norms such as collective hypotheses. In turn, our definitions few field studies, which allowed us to
code ownership or coding standards. come with an inevitable “openness generate contrast in empirical insights.
Since these standards and norms relate of meaning” (Kaplan, 1998/1964, pp. Second, rather than collect data on the
to existing code—that is features of the 62–79). This means that we developed entire population under study as in a
product to be built—they do not directly propositions for evaluation about kinds cross-sectional design (that is, all teams,
relate to the team’s ability to respond to of development practices, management whether they use agile approaches or
customer requests extensively or effi- practices, and standards and norms in not), we wished to examine only indi-
ciently. Nonetheless, we expect posi- general, rather than precise hypoth- viduals with the specific characteris-
tive impacts on customer satisfaction eses about certain types of practices tic of using agile information systems
and technical software functional- (such as collective code ownership, development. This also offers the poten-
ity, for example, because of enforced pair programming, or refactoring) in tial of identifying potential confounding
responsibility for the delivered code. particular. Our rationale was motivated factors via the control variables. Finally,
each team, we ensured that we exam- both of which reflective scales existed and team diversity (DIV) from Lee and
ined data only from those respondents (Maruping, Venkatesh, & Agarwal 2009; Xia (2010), as control variables. We
that were team members across all Maruping, Zhang, & Venkatesh 2009). decided to include these measures to
points of measurement. Agility was measured with the two allow us to compare our model with
scales for software team response exten- their model and a fully integrated
Measurement siveness (EXT) and efficiency (EFF) pro- model, as part of a post-hoc analysis of
In developing measurements to cap- vided by Lee and Xia (2010). our results.
ture data about our propositions, one Information systems development Appendix A lists all measures.
key decision for us was which type of success was operationalized as a Items were measured using 7-point
practice to capture to reflect on the second-order reflective construct with Likert scales, ranging from “Strongly
kind of practice our research model and three dimensions. First, we measured Disagree” to “Strongly Agree,” with three
propositions related to. The reason for the dimension “software functional- exceptions: software team response
thus is because, as indicated in Table 1, ity” (SF) reflectively as proposed by extensiveness (EXT) was measured
multiple types of practices could relate Lee and Xia (2010). Second, since we as ordinal percentage (from 0% to
to the three kinds of practices we dis- were not able to collect objective suc- 100%), which was transformed into a
tinguish, viz., management or develop- cess measures for the on-time and 6-point scale. Software team response
ment practices or agile standards and on-budget completion of the proj- efficiency (EFF) was measured on a
norms. In working with our partner ects, we decided to combine those two 7-point Likert scale, ranging from “Very
organization, however, it became clear dimensions in one perceptive measure little” to “Very much.” Like Lee and Xia
(1) that not all practices available in called “process performance” (PPF), (2010), we reversed the software team
textbooks were in use, and (2) that we as proposed by Wallace et al. (2004). response efficiency item scores for data
could not administer an extensive sur- Third, we included “customer satisfac- analysis such that higher scores indi-
vey that would allow us to measure all tion” (CSF) as a dimension of infor- cate higher response efficiency. Cus-
potential practices. mation systems development success tomer satisfaction (CSF) was measured
In deciding on our measurement because satisfying the customer is one on a 7-point semantic differential scale.
strategy, we therefore followed the fol- of the fundamental principles of agile We varied some scale labels in order to
lowing criteria in selecting specific agile information systems development, reduce the influence of the measure-
practices: as advocated in the Agile Manifesto ment instrument on the answers of the
(Fowler & Highsmith, 2001). Customer participants (Fowler, 2001). We worded
1. Coverage: We sought to examine prac- satisfaction was measured by adapting items in the first two questionnaires
tices across a range of popular meth- the reflective semantic differential scale such that they referred to the current
odologies, such as Scrum and Extreme by Bhattacherjee (2001). development project of the participants
Programming. We make two notes about this oper- (as proposed by Hsu, Lin, Cheng, &
2. Measurement: We sought to focus on ationalization of information systems Linden, 2012). The items of the last
practices with existing scales in the development success. First, it differs questionnaire referred to the comple-
academic literature rather than hav- on two counts according to Lee and tion of said development project so
ing to invent new measures. Xia (2010): (1) we operationalized two that we were able to capture the project
3. Relevance: The practices we focus of the success dimensions differently; outcome.
on are popular in use (VersionOne, and (2), because we had no access to
2015). objective data, we used only reflective Data Analysis
4. Access: We selected practices in use perceptual measures for each first-order Descriptive Statistics
at the partner organization. For exam- construct. Second, we did not measure Of the 102 participants who provided
ple, practices associated with Crystal information systems development suc- complete responses to the survey at
(Cockburn, 2001) were not in use. cess across a sum of projects; rather, measurement point 1, 79 participants
each individual rated the most recent responded to the second survey and
As a result, we selected the man- project he or she was involved in. This 71 responded to all three surveys,
agement practice “stand-up meeting” is an accepted and often used way of equaling an effective response rate of
(STM) and used an existing reflective measuring (Keil, Mann, & Rai, 2000; 19.7% and an overall attrition rate of
scale originally proposed by So and Nidumolu, 1995; Wallace, Keil, & Rai, 30.4%. Both the overall attrition rate and
Scholl (2009) for measurement. We 2004) and one we could agree on with pattern of attrition of 22.6% (between
selected the development practice “pair our partner organization. points 1 and 2) and 10.1% (between
programming” (PP) and the standard Finally, we decided to also include points 2 and 3) characterize our sam-
“collective code wwnership” (CCO), for the scales for team autonomy (AUTO) ple as consisting of “high lurkers”
0.14ns –0.44***
0.38*** Customer
Agile standards (CSF)
and norms 0.03ns 0.90***
R2 = 0.30
Collective code Information systems Process
0.30*** 0.33** 0.69***
ownership development success performance
proposed by Lee and Xia (2010), software associated with either software team multicollinearity issues for our struc-
team response extensiveness and effi- response extensiveness or efficiency. tural model results. Concerning effect
ciency are both significantly associated Table 6 reports effect sizes (f2) and sizes: the effects from software team
with ISD success (b 5 0.38, p , 0.01 variance inflation factors (VIF) for all response extensiveness on software
for software team response extensive- exogenous constructs. All variance team response efficiency and software
ness and b 5 0.34, p , 0.01 for software inflation factors values are well below team response extensiveness on infor-
team response efficiency). The manage- the threshold of 5.0, indicating no mation systems development success are
ment practice stand-up meetings was
negatively associated with software team
response extensiveness (b 5 20.29,
Variable EXT EFF Information Systems Development Success
p , 0.05) and not significantly related to
CCO 0.016 0.041 0.111
either software team response efficiency
or information systems development (1.303) (1.323) (1.377)
success. Conversely, the development PP 0.094 0.009 0.001
practice pair programming was positively (1.095) (1.197) (1.209)
associated with software team response
STM 0.066 0.029 0.001
extensiveness (b 5 0.30, p , 0.01) and
not significantly related to either software (1.407) (1.499) (1.543)
team response efficiency or information EXT 0.211 0.150
systems development success. Finally, (1.124) (1.361)
the standards and norms collective code EFF 0.133
ownership was positively related to infor-
mation systems development success
Table 6: Effect sizes (variance inflation factors) for exogenous constructs.
(b 5 0.33, p , 0.05) but not significantly
project management. Moreover, agile contributing to software teams. The upside robust against variations in measure-
information systems development meth- of this approach is that we can collect ment of the dependent variable. Our
ods such as Scrum have their roots in data on experiences accrued from more approach to data collection is also sus-
new product (non-software) develop- than one project, as done, for example, by ceptible to common method bias; yet
ment (Takeuch & Nonaka, 1986), and are Lee and Xia (2010). Still, more research we conducted several tests and found no
not necessarily specific for the software is encouraged to increase the validity of indication that systematic bias is pres-
industry. Our findings should therefore our results by replicating our study on the ent. Fourth, we collected data from the
be transferable, at least to some degree, to team level rather than the individual level. agile development efforts from one large
other (non-software) projects in general. Second, due to the restrictions of organization. Our findings and their
For example, the use of standards our field study regarding survey length, interpretations are thus bounded to the
and norms is advisable in every kind we operationalized agile management single industry (retail) and organization
of project. Management practices, such practices, development practices, and (large) that we studied. However, we
as stand-up meetings, can be employed standards and norms only with one note that our dataset is also original in
independently of whether or not the construct each. In turn, the interpreta- that most other studies consider cross-
product is software. Development prac- tions of our findings in relation to the sectional data from efforts across many
tices, such as pair programming, can be propositions about the kinds of prac- organizations and heterogeneous teams.
translated to a general project practice to tices (development versus management
work in pairs on complex tasks and prob- practices versus standards) are empiri- Conclusion
lems (e.g., creative tasks such as ideation). cally bounded by the types of practices Selecting the right practices from a portfo-
However, not every kind of project in any we collected data on (pair program- lio of methodologies remains a challenge
situation or domain aims at team respon- ming, stand-up meetings, and collec- for most organizations trying to become
siveness (e.g., initiatives in the military tive code ownership). Interpretations of more agile. With this study we sought to
sector in other kinds of mission-critical our results thus need to consider these extend our understanding of agile prac-
projects). Therefore, the effects of adopt- boundary conditions. Ideally, future tices use and their effects on successful
ing practices from information systems studies will replicate our work and con- software development. We showed that
development, such as stand-up meetings, sider and measure other types of prac- different practices impact agile teams in
to other kinds of projects with other goals tices indicative of the kinds of practices terms of extensive or efficient customer
need to be evaluated carefully. This chal- we theorized about. For instance, other responses in different ways and, ultimately
lenge, in turn, may open up directions popular management practices include contribute to successful software develop-
for future research on the use of agile retrospectives or small releases. Popular ment in different ways. While this finding is
practices in the management of projects development practices include refac- interesting in its own right, it also generates
in general (e.g., studies investigating the toring or continuous code integration. a new question about the relation between
diffusion and adoption of agile practices Finally, there are other agile norms such the technical and the social in agile devel-
in more general project settings). as coding standards. Williams (2012) opment: Is the team (the structure) more
provides an overview of different prac- important or the methodological choice of
Limitations tices and their discussion in the lit- practices (the tasks and technology)? The
Our research has several limitations. First, erature. We tried to alleviate a potential question is not conclusively answered by
we were not able to conduct our study lack of external validity by examining our research but it serves well as impetus
on the team level; instead, we collected popular practices across a wide range to stimulate further inquiry.
data by individuals about the teams and of methodologies rather than just
projects they are involved in. While this focusing on one specific methodology Acknowledgments
approach is common (Keil et al., 2000; (e.g., Maruping, Venkatesh, & Agarwal, We would like to thank the case orga-
Nidumolu, 1995; Wallace et al., 2004), we 2009; Moe, Dingsøyr, & Dybå, 2010) or nization for providing access to their
cannot use it to evaluate the relation- just one practice (e.g., Balijepally et al., development teams. Dr. Recker’s con-
ships between respondents and projects, 2009; Cockburn & Williams, 2001). tributions were partially supported by
or respondents and teams. Therefore, our Third, we were only able to collect a grant from the Australian Research
findings about information systems devel- perceptual measures, Which notably Council (DP160103407). Dr. Rosen-
opment success should not be interpreted impacted our conceptualization of infor- kranz’s contributions were supported
as the emergent properties of information mation systems development success, by a grant from the German Research
systems development projects or software and as discussed, deviated somewhat Foundation (DFG) under record no. RO
teams, rather as the reported experiences from that of Lee and Xia (2010). This also 3650/8-1. Aside from the first author,
of agile practitioners involved in informa- allowed us, however, to corroborate the author names are ordered alphabeti-
tion systems development projects and existing theory by showing it remains cally irrespective of contribution.
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PP3 To what extent is programming carried out by pairs of developers on the team?
Software To what extent did the software team actually incorporate requirement changes in Lee and Xia (2010)
team response each of the following categories? (For example, if the project actually incorporated
extensiveness four out of ten different changes in a specific category, your answer would be 40%.)
EXT1 System scope
EXT2 System input data
EXT3 System output data
EXT4 Business rules/processes
EXT5 Data structure
EXT6 User interface
Software team How much additional effort was required by the software team to incorporate the Lee and Xia (2010)
response efficiency following changes? (Effort includes time, cost, personnel, and resources.)
EFF1 System scope
EFF2 System input data
EFF3 System output data
EFF4 Business rules/processes
EFF5 Data structure
EFF6 User interface
Customer satisfaction How do the customers feel about the software that the team has developed? Bhattacherjee (2001)
(information systems CSF1 Very dissatisfied . . . Very satisfied.
development success)
CSF2 Very displeased . . . Very pleased.
CSF3 Very frustrated . . . Very contented.
CSF4 Absolutely terrible . . . Absolutely delighted.
Process performance PPF1 The project was or will be completed within budget. Lee and Xia (2010);
(information systems PPF2 The project was or will be completed within schedule. Wallace et al. (2004)
development success)
We evaluated a first-order model with the three dimensions of information systems development success, customer satisfac-
tion, process performance, and software functionality, as distinct constructs. The resulting structural model is presented in
Appendix B, Figure 1. For the sake of clarity, we only include significant paths in Appendix B, Figure 1. Effect sizes are reported
in Appendix B, Table 1. The results show that there is no direct significant effect of stand-up meetings and pair programming
on any of the success dimensions. Collective code ownership is positively correlated with customer satisfaction and software
functionality. Both the agility constructs, namely software team response extensiveness and efficiency, are significantly cor-
related with each of the success dimensions, but extensiveness does not significantly impact process performance. The effect
sizes from collective code ownership to customer satisfaction and from software team responsive extensiveness to customer
satisfaction and software team responsive efficiency are medium, and all other effects are small (see Appendix B, Table 1).
R2 = 0.30
Agile standards and R2 = 0.14
norms 0.24**
Collective code performance (PPF)
ownership 0.27***
(CCO) 0.30**
0.30*** 0.29**
R2 = 0.20
Agile development
Software team
practices Software
response efficiency
0.30*** functionality (SF)
Pair programming
(PP) R2 = 0.19
Appendix C, Table 1 compares our model with Lee and Xia's (2010) model as well as with a third model that combines our
model with the model of Lee and Xia (2010) (integrated model). For this analysis, we included the control measures software
team autonomy and software team diversity (see Appendix A). Both measures proved to be reliable and valid.
The results shows that our model explains substantially more variance (R2 change 5 0.109) in information systems devel-
opment success compared with Lee and Xia’s (2010) model given the data collected. Also, our model explains more of the
variance of software team response efficiency and a little less of the variance of the software team response extensiveness
compared to Lee and Xia (2010). By adding the two constructs of software team autonomy and diversity to our model (the
integrated model), the explained variance of information systems development success increases only marginally (from 0.305
to 0.308), and only the explained variance in software team response extensiveness is doubled. We interpret these results as
suggesting our model is more parsimonious than the integrated model. In sum, the model comparison in Appendix C, Table 1
provides support for our theoretical argument that agility and information systems development success is more dependent
on the used agile practices than on team characteristics such as autonomy or diversity.