The infrastructure needs of our country is increasing day by day and with concrete is a
main constituent of construction material in a significant portion of this infra-
structural system. It is necessary to enhance its characteristics by means of strength
and durability. It is also reasonable to compensate concrete in the form of using waste
materials and saves in cost by the use of admixtures such as fly ash, silica fume, etc.
as partial replacement of cement.
The composite matrix that is obtained by combining cement, Fly ash, aggregates and
more than one type of fibres is known as “Hybrid Fibre reinforced concrete”. The
fibre in the cement fly ash based matrix act s as crack- arresters, which restrict the
growth of micro cracks and prevent these from enlarging under load.
The experimental work has carried out to study the comparison between hybrid fibre
reinforced concrete with class ‘c’ fly ash(20% replacement of cement) and hybrid
fibre reinforced concrete with class `F’ fly ash(20% of replacement of cement).A M30
Grade of concrete mixture were designed.
This study reports the feasibility of use of steel fibres and palm fibres with class C and
class F fly ash content on structural properties such as cube compressive strength,
cylinder split tensile strength, and beam flexural strength test.
Apart from the efforts of me, the success of any task depends largely on the
encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my
gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of
this seminar. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Farhan Vahora
(Asst. prof, L.J.I.E.T. Ahmedabad) without his encouragement and guidance this
literature review would not have materialized. I would like to thanks Mr. Vaibhav
Doshi (Asst. prof, L.J.I.E.T. Ahmedabad) for his support whenever I face any
Certificate ii
Abstract iv
Acknowledgement v
Table Of Contents vi
List Of Figures viii
List Of Tables
1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND.............................................................................................1
2.1 Effect Of Hybrid Fibres On The Properties Of Class C Fly Ash Based
Concrete (Rama Mohan Rao. P, Ravi Chandra .A)...................................................5
3 METHODOLOGY...............................................................................................11
3.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................11
3.2 MATERIALS................................................................................................11
3.2.1 CEMENT...............................................................................................11
3.2.4 WATER..................................................................................................12
5 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................34
6 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................35
Concrete is mostly wide construction material in the world due to its ability it can be
mould and shape. However concrete has some deficiencies as listed below, Low
tensile strength, Low post cracking capacity, Brittleness and low ductility, Limited
fatigue life, not capable of accommodating large deformations, Low impact strength.
These properties can be improved by the use of fiber reinforced concrete. The fibers
are dispersed and distributed randomly in the concrete during mixing, and thus
improve concrete properties in all directions. The fiber helps to arresting the internal
widening cracks and fly ash helps as an admixture for improving the properties of
Fly ash is the fine powder major waste material produced from many thermal power
plants. The disposal of fly ash is the one of the major issue for environmentalists as
dumping of fly ash as a waste material may cause severe environmental problem.
Therefore, the utilization of fly ash as a low cost mineral admixture in concrete
instead of dumping it as a waste material can have great beneficial effects. It can be
used particularly in mass concrete applications where main emphasis is to control the
thermal expansion due to heat of hydration of cement paste and it also helps in
reducing thermal and shrinkage cracking of concrete at early ages. The replacement of
cement with fly ash in concrete also helps to conserve energy.
The use of fly ash in concrete is found to affect strength characteristics adversely at
early age. One of the ways to compensate for the early-age strength loss associated
with the usage of fly ash is by incorporating fibers, which have been proved very
efficient in enhancing the strength characteristics of concrete.
The addition of fibers to concrete considerably improves its structural characteristics
such as static flexural strength, impact strength, tensile strength, ductility and flexural
toughness. For long term, strength and toughness and high stress resistance, steel fiber
reinforced concrete (SFRC) is increasingly being used in structures such as flooring,
housing, precast, tunnelling, heavy duty pavement and mining.
In general, the character and performance of fiber reinforced concrete changes with
varying concrete formulation as well as the fiber material type, fiber geometry, fiber
distribution, fibre orientation and fiber concentration.
A composite can be termed as hybrid, if two or more types of fibers are rationally
combined to produce a composite that derives benefits from each of the individual
fibers and exhibits a synergetic response. Concrete is a complex material with several
phases all in different orders of magnitude like C-S-H gels in micron scale, sand in
Reinforcement of concrete with asingle type of fiber may improve the properties to a
limited level. However by usingthe concept of hybridization with two or more
different types of fibers incorporatedin a common cement matrix, the hybrid
composite can offer more attractiveengineering properties because the presence of one
fiber enables the more efficient utilization of the potential properties of the other
fiber .
The potentialities of fly ash concrete can be more exploited by imparting tensile
resistance property to it. Investigations carried out by various researchers go to prove
that the introduction of discrete uniformly dispersed randomly oriented steel fibers to
plain concrete not only improves its resistance against tensile forces, but also imparts
greater ductility and delays the onset of first flexural crack.
In fly ash concrete composites also, the addition of such ash can improve its
resistance against tensile stresses, delay the onset of flexural crack and improve
The addition of two materials; namely fibres and fly ash results in a new composite
called Fibre Reinforced Fly Ash Concrete, which not only shows better resistance to
compressive forces but also exhibits substantial resistance to tensile forces.
Aspect ratio (l/d) is calculated by dividing fiber length (l) by its diameter (d). 3
Improving workability.
To compare the characteristic strength of Hybrid fibre reinforced concrete with class
C fly ash and Hybrid fibre reinforced concrete with class F fly ash.
6. Casting& Testing of Concrete prepared with
(a) 20% Cement Replacement with class C fly ash & addition of 1% steel fiber
0% palm fibre.
(b) 20% Cement Replacement with class C fly ash & addition of 0.25% steel
fiber 0.75% palm fibres.
(c) 20% Cement Replacement with class C fly ash & addition of 0.5% steel
fiber 0.5% palm fibres.
(d) 20% Cement Replacement with class C fly ash & addition of 0.75% steel
fiber 0.25% palm fibres.
(e) 20% Cement Replacement with class C fly ash & addition of 0% steel fiber
1% palm fibres.
(a) 20% Cement Replacement with class F fly ash & addition of 1% steel fiber
0% palm fibre.
(b) 20% Cement Replacement with class F fly ash & addition of 0.25% steel
fiber 0.75% palm fibers.
(c) 20% Cement Replacement with class F fly ash & addition of 0.5% steel
fiber 0.5% palm fibers.
(d) 20% Cement Replacement with class F fly ash & addition of 0.75% steel
fiber 0.25% palm fibers.
(e) 20% Cement Replacement with class F fly ash & addition of 0% steel fibre
1% palm fibres.
▪ The percentage of class C fly ash was fixed at 40% replacement level of
cement .
▪ Materials used
• Cement
• Fine Aggregate
• Coarse Aggregate
• Steel fibres
• Palm fibres
• Super plasticizer
• Fly ash
▪ Control and three hybrid fiber composites were cast using different fiber
proportions of steel and polypropylene.
▪ Compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength test were
performed and results were analyzed.
• The split tensile strength of fibre percentage with S0.75P0.25 shows slight
increase in strength.
• The increased fibre availability of PP fibres, combined with the high stiffness
of steel fibres, resulted in a significant enhancement of the split tensile
strength for this combination.
• The flexural strength of HFRC containing the volume fraction of 75% steel
fibres and 25% polypropylene fibres is higher than the other HFRC.
▪ In this experimentation, Hook end Steel fibers (L=30 mm, dia=0.5 mm) were
▪ Material Used
• Cement
• Fine Aggregate
• Coarse Aggregate
• Water
• Steel Fibre
• Polypropylene Fibre
• Super Plasticizer
1. Compressive strength
3. Slump value
▪ The combining of fibres was investigated in this paper for a M25 grade
▪ One fibre is stronger and stiffer and provides strength, while the other is more
ductile and provides toughness at high strains
▪ Materials used
• Cement
• Fine Aggregate
• Coarse Aggregate
• Steel fibres
• Polypropylene Fibers
• Slump, compaction factor and density of concrete was better for (0.35/0.15) in
TF0.5 category and F3 (0.8/0.2) in TF1 category.
• 20% and 30% replacement of steel fibre by polypropylene fibre was proved
reasonable for TF(total fibre volume fraction)0.5 and TF1 from workability
point of view.
• F1(0.4/0.1) and F3(0.8/0.2) were preferable from strength point of view which
indicates 20% and 30% of replacement of steel fibre by polypropylene fibre
which gives good compressive strength ,higher flexural strength and split
tensile strength.
2.5 Mechanical Properties Of Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete
For Pavements (Rajarajeshwari Vibhuti, Radhakrishna,
• In this paper, the effect of addition of mono fibers and hybrid fibers on the
mechanical properties of concrete mixture was studied.
• Steel fibers of 1% and polypropylene fibers 0.036% were added
individually to the concrete mixture as mono fibre and then they were
added together to form a hybrid fibre reinforced concrete .
• Two types of fibers were used for present investigation (i) Hooked steel
fibers-60mm long and (ii) Polypropylene fibers.
• Four types of concrete mixes were prepared using watercementratio of 0.4.
(i)Plain concrete (PC) (ii) Concretereinforced with 0.036% (900g per cum
of concrete) ofPolypropylene (PFRC) (iii) Concrete reinforced with 1%
ofSteel fibres (SFRC) and (iv) Concrete reinforced withcombination of
0.036% Polypropylene + 1% of Steel fibres(HFRC).
1) It is evident from the present investigation that the hybridization of fibres proves to
be better as compared to mono fibers.
3) Hybridization boosted the split tensile strength and flexural strength by 52.87% and
The methodology of the entire work is represented to illustrate the necessary test on
the material before casting of the concrete. Various test methodology on concrete like
test on fresh concrete as well as test on harden concrete explained as per relevant IS
In any concreting work some initial properties of its ingredient should be required to
measure. Before carrying out concrete mix design, setting time of cement, sieve
analysis of aggregates, specific gravity of the aggregate, water absorption and
fineness modulus are calculated. After carrying out the preliminary tests, mix design
should be carried out as per IS-10262-2009 given in Appendix A.
3.2.1 CEMENT
Cement acts as a binding agent for materials. Cement as applied in Civil Engineering
Industry is produced by calcining at high temperature. It is admixture of calcareous,
siliceous, aluminous substances and crushing the clinkers to a fine powder. Cement is
the most expensive materials in concrete and it is available in different forms. When
cement is mixed with water, a chemical reaction takes place as a result of which the
cement paste sets and hardens to atone mass. Depending upon the chemical
compositions, setting and hardening properties, cement can be broadly divided into
following categories.
● Portland Cement
● Special Cement
The cement used in this experimental work is 53 grades Ordinary Portland Cement.
The specific gravity of the cement is 3.15. The initial and final setting times were
found as 72 minutes and 180 minutes respectively. Standard consistency of cement
was 31.25%.
3.2.4 WATER
Water to be used in the concrete work should have following properties.
● It acts as lubricant.
● It acts as a chemically with cement to form the binding paste for coarse
aggregate and reinforcement. DEFINITION
According to ACI 116 R, definition of fly ash is,
“The finely divided residue that results from the combustion of ground or powdered
coal and that is transported by fuel gases from the combustion zone to the particle
removal system”
Fly ash is a by-product of the combustion of pulverized coal in thermal power plants.
The Romans widely exploited this Pozzolanic property of volcanic ashes and many
structures form the roman period are still intact.
The term fly ash was first used in the electrical industry C.A. 1930
The first comprehensive data n its use in concrete in North America was reported in
1937 by Davis eats.
The first major practical application was reported in 1948 with the publication by the
united state bureau of reclamation of data on the use of fly ash in the construction of
Fly ash is needed in many civil engineering applicant because it provides better
strength at later stages than the ordinary Portland CEMENT CONCRETE OF PLAIN
● Fly Ash ties up with free limes and help to reduce the sculpture attack
● Fly ash does not provide high early strength.
● If fly ash is not utilized in proper proportion that it create adverse effect to the
Fly ash normally produced from burning class of fly ash exhibits Pozzolanic property
but rarely if any, self-hardening property.
Fly ash normally produced from lignite or sub bituminous coal is the only material
included in this category. This class of fly ash has both Pozzolanic and varying degree
of self-cementations properties.
The majority being less than 45 micron as seen under energy dispersive X-ray
1. Fineness
Fineness one of the primary physical characteristics of fly ash that relates to its
Pozzolanic activity. A large fraction of ash particle is smaller than 3 micron in size. In
bituminous ashes, the particle sizes range from less than 1 to over 100 micron.
2. Specific Gravity
The S.G. of fly ash is related to shape as well s chemical composition of particles.
Specific gravity of fly ash usually varies from 1.3 to 1.6. Opaque spherical magnetite
and hematite particles. Light brown to black in colour, when present in sufficient
quantity in fly ash increases the specific gravity to about 3.6 to 4.8.
The specific surface area of fly ash means area of unit mass. It is measured by Blaine
specific surface area technique, which measures the resistance of compacted particles
to airflow.
Characteristics Requirement
Sio2+AL2O3+Fe2O3 Min. 70% by mass.
SiO2 Min. 35% by mass.
MgO Max. 5%by mass.
Sulphur as SO3 Max. 3%by mass.
Loss on ignition. Max. 12%by mass.
Fibre is discrete material having some characteristic properties. The fibre material can
be anything. But not all will be effective and economical. Some fibres that are most
commonly used are:
● Steel
● Glass
● Carbon
● Natural
Steel fibre is one of the most commonly used fibre. Generally round fibres are used.
The diameter may vary from 0.25 to 0.75mm. The steel fibre sometime gets rusted
and lose its strength. But investigations have proved that fibres get rusted only at
surfaces. It has high modulus of elasticity. Use of steel fibres makes significant
improvements in flexure, impact and fatigue strength of concrete. It has been used in
various types of structures.
Glass fibre is a recently introduced fibre in making fibre concrete. It has very high
tensile strength of 1020 to 4080Mpa. Glass fibre concretes are mainly used in exterior
building façade panels and as architectural precast concrete. This material is very
good in making shapes on the front of any building and it is less dense than steel.
Use of carbon fibre is not a developed process. But it has considerable strength and
young’s modulus. Also investigations have shown that use of carbon makes the
concrete very durable. The study on the carbon fibres is limited. Mainly used for
cladding purpose.
Natural fibres are low cost and abundant. They are non-hazardous and renewable.
Some of the natural fibres are bamboo, jute, coconut husk, elephant grass. They can
be used in place of asbestos. It increases toughness and flexural strength. It also
induces good durability in concrete.
The use of fibres to increase the structural properties of construction material is not a
new process. From ancient times fibres were being used in construction. In BC, horse
hair was used to reinforce mortar. Egyptians used straw in mud bricks to provide
additional strength. Asbestos was used in the concrete in the early 19th century, to
protect it from formation of cracks. But in the late 19 thcentury, due to increased
structural importance, introduction of steel reinforcement in concrete was made, by
which the concept of fibre reinforced concrete was over looked for 5-6 decades. Later
in 1939 the introduction steel replacing asbestos was made for the first time. But at
that period it was not successful. From 1960, there was a tremendous development in
the FRC, mainly by the introduction of steel fibres. Since then use of different types
of fibres in concrete was made. In 1970’s principles were developed on the working
of the fibre reinforced concrete. Later in 1980’s certified process was developed for
the use of FRC. In the last decades, codes regarding the FRC are being developed.
Properties of concrete are affected by many factors like properties of cement, fine
aggregate, coarse aggregate. Other than this, the fibre reinforced concrete is affected
by following factors:
● Type of fibre
● Aspect ratio
● Quantity of fibre
● Orientation of fibre
From investigations it can be found out that good results are obtained at an aspect
ratio around 50 to 80 for steel fibres. Keeping that in view we have considered steel
hooked end fibres with aspect ratio of 50 (Length 50 mm and Diameter 1 mm).
Generally quantity of fibres is measured as percentage of cement content. As the
volume of fibres increase, there should be increase in strength and toughness of
concrete. Regarding our fibre, we hope that there will be an increase in strength, with
increase in fibre content. We are going to test for percentages of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 by
weight of cement.
● (h*w*l) to nominate the straight rectangular section steel fibers. The letters h,
w and l stand for section depth, width and fibers length respectively.
● Hooked ended steel fiber i.e (80/60 means aspect ratio/length of steel fiber).
● Shrinkage Reduction.
● Toughness- by preventing/delaying crack propagation.
Used in slab and pavement that have large exposed surface leading to high shrinkage
Used in Construction method such as Short Crete & in Structures which requires
improved capacity against delimitation, spelling& fatigue?
Hooked end fiber has been in the market for over 25 years. This shape is probably the
most popular and successful in the history of steel fiber reinforced concrete.
Flat end Fiber is a straight fiber with flattened ends. It is sometimes referred to as
fishtail. Through the flattening process, the ends become larger which significantly
increases the anchorage of the fiber in the concrete matrix rather than relying solely
on the friction between concrete and steel. 31
3 Undulated fiber
Undulated fiber has been designed such from the point of view of amplitude and wave
length that the workability is good for aspect ratios up to 45 and remains satisfactory
for aspect ratios up to 60.
4 Crimped fiber
One of the many outstanding characteristics of Target Crimped Steel Fibers is the
high strength of steel and ease of handling. No sophisticated or expensive equipment
is required to achieve uniform, ball free distribution of Target Crimped Fibers in the
concrete matrix. The undulations along the fiber length provide mechanical anchorage
of the fibers into the concrete, enhancing post first crack strength.
Mix design is known as the selection of mix ingredients and their proportions required in
a concrete mix. In the present study method for mix design is the Indian Standard
The mix design involves the calculation of the amount of cement, fine aggregate and
coarse aggregate in addition to other related parameters dependent on the properties of
constituent material. The modifications are made and quantities of constituent materials
used to cast Fly Ash Fiber Reinforced concrete.
Types of cement-OPC 53
Exposure condition-Mild
1.Coarse aggregate-2.67
2.fine aggregate-2.60
Water absorption (IS 2386:1963)
1.Coarse aggregate
2.fine aggregate
Step-1 Target mean compressive strength for mix proportioning (IS 10262: 2009,
Clause3.2. Page -1)
= 30+ (1.65*4)
Step - 2: Water – Cement Ratio (IS 10262: 2009, Clause 4.1., Page -2)
Maximum water-cement ratio: 0.5
Step - 3: Selection of Water – Content (IS 10262: 2009, Clause 4.2., Page -2)
(From Table 2 of IS 10262 - 2009, page – 3)
= 191.6 kg
∴ 191.6 / cement = 0.5
Corrected proportion of volume of coarse aggregate for the water-cement ratio of 0.5
= 0.59
Cement = 383.2 kg/m3
Water = 191.6 kg/m3
Fine aggregate = 544.00 kg/m3
Coarse aggregate = 1184.00 kg/m3
Water – cement ratio = 0.5
The proportions for normal mix of M30 Normal Mix are as follows:
Cement: Sand: Coarse Aggregate: Water
The details about the tests are mention in subsequent topics.
Workability is one of the physical parameters of concrete which affects the strength
and durability as well as the cost of labour and appearance of the finished product.
Concrete is said to be workable when it is easily placed and compacted
homogeneously i.e. without bleeding or Segregation. Unworkable concrete needs
more work or effort to be compacted in place, also honeycombs &/or pockets may
also be visible in finished concrete.
The property of fresh concrete which is indicated by the amount of useful internal
work required to fully compact the concrete without bleeding or segregation in the
finished product.
1. Mix the dry constituents thoroughly to get a uniform color and then add water
2. Place the mixed concrete in the cleaned slump cone mould in 4 layers, each
approximately ¼ of the height of the mould. Tamp each layer 25 times with tamping
rod distributing the strokes in a uniform manner over the cross-section of the mould.
For the second and subsequent layers the tamping rod should penetrate in to the
underlying layer.
3. Strike off the top with a trowel or tamping rod so that the mould is exactly filled.
4. Remove the cone immediately, raising it slowly and carefully in the vertical
Note: Slump test is adopted in the laboratory or during the progress of work in the
field for determining consistency of concrete where nominal maximum size of
aggregate does not exceed40mm
Figure 1 SLUMP
Cubes of size 150mm are more common in Asia, Russia & European countries while
Cylinders of 150mm in diameter & 300mm high are common in U.S and Australia.
Cubes for compression test are casted in steel or cast-iron moulds of prescribed
dimensions. BS 1881: Part 108: 1983 requires filling the mould in layers of
approximately 50 mm. Compaction of each layer is achieved by not less than 35 strokes
for 150mm cubes or 25 strokes for 100 mm cubes. A standard tamping bar of a 25mm
square of steel section is used for this purpose. Compaction by vibration may also be
After finishing the cube, it should be stored at a temperature of 15 0C to 250C, when the
cubes are to be tested at or more than 7 days. When the test day is less than 7 days 39 the
temperature to be maintained is 180C to 220C. Also, relative humidity of 90 per cent is
to be maintained always.
The cube is demoulded just before testing at 24 hours. For greater ages at test,
demoulding takes place between 16 to 28 hours after adding water in a concrete mix
and the specimens are stored in a curing tank at 180C to 220C until the required age.
The most common age at testing is 28 days, but tests can be made at 1, 3, 7 & 14 days
also. At the time of testing the specimen is placed in a "Compression Testing
Machine" with the position of cubes at right angles to the position of cast. The load is
applied at a constant rate of stress within the range of 0.2 to 0.4 MPa/sec.
Under pure uniaxial compression loading, the failure cracks generated are
approximately parallel to the direction of applied load with some cracks formed at an
angle to the applied load. Practically, the compression testing system rather develops
a complex system of stresses due to end restraints by steel plates.
In each category two cubes were tested and their average value is reported. The
compressive strength was calculated as follows,
It is the standard test, to determine the tensile strength of concrete in an indirect way.
This test could be performed in accordance with IS : 5816-1970. A standard test
cylinder of concrete specimen (300 mm X 150mm diameter) is placed horizontally
between the loading surfaces of Compression Testing Machine (Fig-4.3). The
compression load is applied diametrically and uniformly along the length of cylinder
until the failure of the cylinder along the vertical diameter. To allow the uniform
distribution of this applied load and to reduce the magnitude of the high compressive
stresses near the points of application of this load, strips of plywood are placed
between the specimen and loading platens of the testing machine. Concrete cylinders
split into two halves along this vertical plane due to indirect tensile stress generated
by Poisson’s effect.
The above test result represents the "Splitting Tensile Strength" of concrete that varies
between 1/8 to 1/12 of the cube compressive strength.
The typical arrangement for the test is shown in Fig-5 above. Equal Loads are applied
at the distance of one-third from both of the beam supports. It induces equal reaction
same as the loading at both of the supports. Loading on beam is increased in such a
manner that rate of increase in stress in the bottom fiber lies within the range of 0.02
MPa & 0.10 MPa. The lower rate being for low strength concrete and the higher rate
for high strength concrete.
From the above loading configuration it is clear that at the middle one-third portion,
in between two loadings, beam is subjected to pure bending. No shear force is induced
42 within this portion. It is this portion of beam where maximum pure bending
moment of Pd/2 is induced accompanied by zero shear force.
The load is normally increased & failure load is noted at cracking of beam specimen.
In each category two beams was tested and their average value is reported. The
flexural strength was calculated as follows.
P = Failure load,
7/28 7/28 7/28 7/28
days days days days
1 0 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
0.75 0.25 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
0.5 0.5 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
0.25 0.75 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
0 1 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
1 0 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
0.75 0.25 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
0.5 0.5 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
0.25 0.75 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
0 1 3+3 3+3 3+3 3+3
SF NF Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Normal - - 18.00 18.53 20.00 18.84
1 0 17.78 20.89 21.33 20.00
0.75 0.25 18.67 21.33 17.78 19.26
20% 0.5 0.5 17.33 20.44 18.44 18.74
class C 0.25 0.75 18.22 19.11 20.00 19.11
flyash 0 1 18.00 21.33 21.78 20.37
1 0 18.00 21.78 21.11 20.30
0.75 0.25 17.78 20.89 19.11 19.26
20% 0.5 0.5 18.44 19.33 19.11 18.96
class F 0.25 0.75 18.22 21.11 21.78 20.37
flyash 0 1 18.67 20.67 22.22 20.52
SF NF Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Normal - - 18.34 18.89 20.38 19.20
1 0 16.99 19.96 20.38 19.11
0.75 0.25 19.02 21.74 18.12 19.63
20% 0.5 0.5 16.56 19.53 17.62 17.91
class C 0.25 0.75 18.57 19.48 20.38 19.48
flyash 0 1 16.05 19.02 19.42 18.16
1 0 18.34 22.19 21.51 20.68
0.75 0.25 16.99 19.96 18.26 18.40
20% 0.5 0.5 16.45 17.24 17.04 16.91
class F 0.25 0.75 16.25 18.83 19.42 18.16
flyash 0 1 19.02 21.06 22.65 20.91
SF NF Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Normal - - 1.78 1.87 2.13 1.93
1 0 2.49 2.67 2.13 2.43
0.75 0.25 2.31 2.13 2.04 2.16
20% 0.5 0.5 2.40 2.58 2.13 2.37
class C 0.25 0.75 2.13 1.96 2.49 2.19
flyash 0 1 2.31 2.40 1.96 2.22
1 0 2.13 2.31 1.87 2.10
0.75 0.25 1.96 1.78 1.69 1.81
20% 0.5 0.5 2.04 1.87 1.78 1.90
class F 0.25 0.75 1.96 1.78 2.31 2.01
flyash 0 1 2.22 2.31 1.87 2.13
● The compressive strength of hybrid fibre concrete mix (1:0 Steel and Palm) is
comparable with mix with steel fibre alone.
● The split tensile strength of hybrid fibre mixes increases from 25% to 50%
compared with concrete mix without fibres.
● The split tensile strength and flexural strength of hybrid fibre mix (0.75:0.25
Steel and Palm) increases marginally compared with (1:0 Steel and Palm)
concrete mix.
● There is an improvement of modulus of elasticity of hybrid fibre mixes
compared with concrete mix without fibres.
1] Mahyuddin Ramli and Eather Thanoon Dawood, Effects of palm on the mechanical
properties of lightweight concrete crushed brick. American Journal of Engineering
and Applied sciences 3 (2): 489-493, 2010.
2.] S. Mustafa and O.I. Yaman, Hybrid fiber reinforced self compacting concrete with
a high volume coarse fly ash, Construction Building Materials 21 (2007), pp. 150–
7]. Indian standard methods of tests for strength of concrete, IS 516: 1959
(Reaffirmed 1999), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
8]. Indian standard code of practice for Plain and Reinforced concrete, IS 456: 2000,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
9]. Indian standard method of tests for splitting tensile strength of concrete, IS 5816:
1999, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
10]. Indian standard specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement, IS: 12269
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.