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A Simple Vibrating Sample Magnetometer For Macroscopic Samples

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A simple Vibrating Sample Magnetometer for

macroscopic samples

V. López-Dominguez1,2,3, A. Quesada1, J.C. Guzmán-Mínguez1, L.

Moreno1, M. Lere4, J. Spottorno2, F. Giacomone2, J. F.
Fernández1, A. Hernando2, M.A. García1,2*

Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain
Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado – UCM- ADIF, Unidad Asociada CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, 2145
Sheridan Rd, Evanston, Illinois, United States of America
Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales, CONICET, Mar del Plata,
Buenos Aires, Argentina

*Corresponding author: magarcia@icv.csic.es


We here present a simple model of vibrating sample magnetometer. The system

allows recording magnetization curves at room temperature with a resolution of the
order of 0.01 emu and is appropriated for macroscopic samples. The set-up can be
mounted with different configurations depending on the requirements of the sample
to be measured (mass, saturation magnetization, saturation field, etc.). We also
include here examples of curves obtained with our setup and comparison curves
measured with a standard commercial VSM that confirms the reliability of our device.

Keywords: Vibrating sample magnetometer, magnetization curves.

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Magnetic materials are ubiquitous nowadays due to its massive use in energy
management, data storage, technological devices, transportation, biomedicine or
environmental protection [1,2,3]. Therefore, the measurement of magnetic properties,
and in particular magnetization curves, is essential for both, fundamental and applied
research. Among the different types of magnetometers, the Vibrating Sample
Magnetometer (VSM) developed by Simon Foner [4,5,6,7] results particularly
appealing due to its simplicity and versatility, and consequently, it is one of the most
common systems for the characterization of magnetic materials. The VSM does not
require superconductors, cryogenic elements as SQUIDS, nor the application of AC
magnetic fields (as it is the case of standard induction systems) that limits the
maximum achievable field. Following pioneering Foner’s work, a large number of
configuration and improvements for VSM have been proposed [8,9,10,11,12,13,14].

Nowadays there is a large number of commercial VSMs that allow both, reaching
sensitivity of 10-6 emu and variable temperature. This resolution is certainly required
for the study of nanometric systems as thin films. However, such resolution may be
not required for the study of a large number of materials. For instance, a steel sample
with 1 mm3 volume exhibits a magnetic moment of the order of 1 emu. Similarly,
ferrites exhibit saturation magnetization of the order of 10-80 emu/g, so a sample with
50 mg presents a saturation magnetization of ~ 1 emu.

We present here a particular model of VSM which results easy to fabricate and
versatile. Our set-up is simple, providing a full automatic control of the measurement
process and data acquisition with a single computer connection. The pick-up coils are
designed to enhance sensitivity irrespective of the sample geometry and they are
planar, thus allowing to reduce the gap between the electromagnet poles and
consequently, achieving larger magnetic fields at the sample space.

The scheme of the system is depicted in figure 1 and follows the configuration of the
classical VSM. A vertical vibration head is placed on top of the system and connected
to a rod that holds the sample at its bottom end. An electromagnet is placed to create
a horizontal magnetic field at the sample space. Pick-up coils are placed between the

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electromagnet poles and the sample. The signal detected at the coils is transmitted
through a coaxial cable to a lock-in amplifier tuned at the frequency of the sample
vibration. The system is controlled by a computer that allows varying the magnetic
field created by the electromagnet and measuring the signal induced at the pick-up
coils. In this way, magnetization curves can be recorded at room temperature. We
describe here each of these elements.

Vibration head

Electromagnet Sample

Pick-up coils
Signal Reference

Power supply Lock-in Amplifier


Figure 1. Scheme and photo of the designed VSM

Lock-in amplifier.

The core of the system is a dual phase lock-in amplifier SRS830 from Stanford Research
System. Besides allowing to measure AC signals of the order of 10nV, it has additional
useful advantages for the control of the auxiliary systems. AC reference signals (from
0.1 Hz to 100 KHz) can be internally generated and provided an output with variable
amplitude between 0 and 5 V to feed the vibrating head. Auxiliary input and output
ports are used for generating and measuring DC signals in the range -10 to 10 V for the
control and measurement of the applied magnetic field. Dual lock-in amplifiers can
measure the module of the induced signal (i.e., the R value), thus cancelling the effect
of dephasing between the reference signal provided by the lock-in for the vibration
and the induced signal.

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Vibrating head and Mechanical structure.

The vibrating head is a vibrating Generator 2185.00 from Frederiksen Ltd. This head is
basically a loudspeaker that can generate a mechanical vibration with frequencies in
the range 0.1 Hz to 5 kHz. The maximum amplitude vibration is 7 mm at 1 Hz,
decreasing with increasing frequency. The input impedance of the head is 8 Ohms and
the input signal is limited to 6V/1A. As the internal frequency generator of the SRS830
lock-in amplifier provides an output signal up to 5 V in the range 0.1 Hz to 100 KHz, it
can be used to directly feed the vibrating head. A rod is fixed to the vibrating element
and the sample is placed at the end of the rod. The rod must be fabricated on a rigid,
diamagnetic and insulating material. Glass fiber is a good choice. We also tested PVC
and other plastics easier to mechanize and the results were satisfactory for vibration
frequencies below 350 Hz.

The mechanical structure is that shown in figure 2. The vibrating head is fixed to a
translation stage to allow displacements in the three spatial dimensions (formed by
two PT1 for X and Y directions (horizontal plane) and one L200 for Z direction (vertical),
all from Thorlabs). The translation stage is fixed to a platform suspended on four pillars
and attached to the base. All the elements are metallic to have a large weight and
reduce the vibration of the structure, increasing the mechanical stability of the system.
Note that the ratio of vibration amplitudes of the vibrating element of the head and
the rest of the system will be inversely proportional to the ratio of its masses. In our
case the weight of the upper platform, translation stage, pillars and the base was 11.4
kg. As the weight of the vibrating element with the rod and the sample is of the order
of ~10 g, for a vibrating amplitude of the sample of 5 mm the rest of the system
vibrates with an amplitude of ~5 m. If possible, this structure must be mechanically
isolated from the electromagnet and pick-up coils to further increase the mechanical

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Figure 2. Photo of the mechanical structure

Magnetic field source

The magnetic field source of the VSM must fulfill two requirements:

a) The magnetic field must be enough to saturate the studied samples. Otherwise,
we will obtain minor loops that are not representative of the material and can lead
to erroneous results about the magnetic properties of the material.
b) The magnetic field must be uniform at the sample space, (including the vibration
space). Otherwise, field gradients will induce forces that may alter the vibration
leading to erroneous results. In addition, inhomogeneous fields may lead to false
values of the applied field and consequently, distorted magnetization curves.

Two types of magnetic sources can be used to this purpose, electromagnets or coils,
both connected to a current source. We will analyze both cases separately.


Electromagnets allow reaching larger magnetic fields than coils but the spatial
uniformity is limited to a small region. Actually, this region will not depend only on the
electromagnet, but on the poles distance and faces.

Any standard electromagnet can be used to fabricate the VSM provided that it
produces a uniform field in the sample space (including the vibration region). The
power supply for the electromagnet must be bipolar to obtain magnetization curves in

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a fully automatized mode. It also must allow external control of the current with an
input voltage (preferably in the range -10 to 10 V).

In our systems, we use an electromagnet model 3470 from GMW Associates with
cylindrical poles. It allows reaching 1 T field with 1 cm gap between poles (using 20 mm
face poles) for a current of 5 A. The power supply was a BOP 50-8ML from KEPCO (50V,
8A, bipolar) that includes the abovementioned external control. Hence, the control of
the current is performed by using the auxiliary output ports of the lock-in amplifier to
place a 10 V signal on the current control of the source.

The distance between poles and their face diameter must be chosen with a
compromise between the field uniformity and intensity. For instance, with 20 mm
diameter poles, the stability of the field in the horizontal direction is better than 0.5%
in a 5 mm region, while using 40 mm poles, this stability reaches 15 mm. On the
contrary, the maximum achievable field is about 20% larger with the 20 mm poles than
with the 40 mm ones [15].


Coils produce smaller fields than electromagnets but, with an appropriated

configuration, they provide better field uniformity than electromagnets. The best
configuration corresponds to Helmholtz coils [16]. For this geometry, in which the
distance between coils is equal to its radius, the first and second derivative of the field
with the displacement in the coils axis is zero at the sample position, leading to a
better field uniformity.

Hence, for soft magnetic materials that require low magnetic field to saturate, the
electromagnet can be replaced by Helmholtz coils to improve field uniformity.

Pick-up coils

The design of the pick-up coils is the most critical step of the fabrication of VSMs. This
design must combine several goals:

-Maximize the induced signal, in order to improve the sensibility of the VSM.

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-Reduce the noise, especially that associated with fluctuations of the applied magnetic
field, to increase the signal-to-noise ratio.

- Provide a wide saddle point at the sample space, to make the measurements weakly
sensitive to sample positioning error.

-Minimize the volume, to allow closing the gap, when an electromagnet is used, to
achieve larger and more uniform magnetic fields at sample space.

Consequently, a large number of works have addressed the problem of pick-up coils
design [5 17,18,19,20] and several configurations of coils can be used depending on
the type of materials to be studied.

In our case, we prioritize the reduction of the noise and to increase the magnetic field
achievable at the sample space. To this purpose, we designed a set of four planar coils.
Using just two coils in the XZ plane and aligned with the center of the electromagnet
poles (fig. 3a), the vibration of the sample in Z-direction will produce the same
variation of flux in both coils. Thus, the signals from both coils must be added. In this
configuration, any fluctuation of the applied magnetic field in Y-direction created by
the electromagnet will also induce identical signals in both coils. Hence, the
instabilities of the applied magnetic field will increase the noise in the measured signal.
An alternative approach should be shifting vertically the coils, to have a configuration
as that shown in fig 3b. In this case, if the sample vibration amplitude is smaller than
the vertical shift of the coils, the induced signal upon sample displacement in Z-
direction will be opposite for both coils and the signals should be subtracted. On the
contrary, the signals induced by the applied magnetic field instability in Y-direction will
be the same for both coils and when the signals from both coils are subtracted, it is
cancelled. The main disadvantage of this system is that, from a geometrical point of
view, it is highly asymmetric, so any non-symmetric instability of the field or vertical
vibrations transmitted from the vibration head to the rest of the system will generate
additional noise. In addition, non-symmetric samples (or not properly aligned) will
induce signals hard to calibrate. The problem can be solved using a four coils system as
that presented in fig 3c. The signal of opposite coils is subtracted (A-B) and (D-C) and
the result is added. In this way, we have a symmetric pick-up coil system, where the
contribution of the magnetic field instabilities is cancelled.

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a b c

X Y Signal: A+B Signal: A-B Signal: A+D-B-C

Figure 3. Scheme of the different configurations of coils and the magnetic flux.

In the VSM configuration shown in figure 1, the pick-up coils are placed between
electromagnet poles and the sample. Therefore, using coils with a large number of
turns requires a large space in Y-direction, so the poles of the electromagnet must be
separated, hence reducing the achieved magnetic field at the sample space. To
minimize this space, we designed planar pick-up coils with spiral structure as shown in
figure 4. The coils were printed by chemical etching on a single side prototyping board
(AAC20 from CIF) composed by the following stacks: a FR4 substrate, a thin copper film
(33 m of thickness), and a photosensitive resin. The coil pattern was fabricated using
a standard lithography process for electronics: first printed on a photographic slide and
transferred to the board by illuminating with ultraviolet light (UV) during two minutes.
After this process the board is immersed in a solution of sodium metasilicate to
remove the resin exposed to the UV light. Finally, the copper without the resin layer is
attacked with a solution of chloride acid for ten minutes. Once the coils are printed on
the board, the excess of resin is cleaned form the broad by acetone. The coils have a
wire from the center to the edge of the board, to allow their connection. The signal
from each coil is connected to wires that are braided until connected between them to
produce the addition and subtraction of signals above described and then they are
transmitted via a coaxial cable to the input of the lock-in amplifier. Coating the coils
with kapton or any other transparent adhesive avoids oxidation and protects the coils
from mechanical damage. Figure 4 shows a scheme and a photograph of the coils.

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a b 22 mm

20 mm 1.5 mm

Figure 4. (a) Photo and (b) scheme of the pick-up coils with dimensions.

This planar structure limits the number of coil turns to a maximum of ~10 to 30
depending on the patterning process, a number is significantly smaller than those
typically in non-planar coils (100 to 1000). However, the optimum diameter of the
turns to maximize the induction upon sample vibration depends on the sample
geometry and distance to the coil, which is an advantage for spiral structures.

To analyze this point, we calculated the induced voltage upon 1 mm amplitude

vibration of the sample depending on the sample size, turns, radius and sample-coil
distance. Figure 5 illustrates the results.

1.0 1.0
4 mm sample
2 mm sample
a b
Induced signal (arb. units)

Induced signal (arb. units)

0.8 0.8

Distance sample-coil 0.6 Distance sample-coil

0.6 5 mm 5 mm
10 mm 10 mm
15 mm 0.4 15 mm
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
Coil Radius (mm) Coil Radius (mm)
Figure 5. Induced signal for individual turns in the pick-up coils upon 1 mm amplitude vibration
depending on the turn radius and sample to coil distance.

The calculations show that, depending on the coils-sample distance, the maximum
sensitivity corresponds to a turn with different radius. At short distance (5 mm) the
smaller turns provide the maximum induced signals, while for distances above 10 mm,

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larger coils register the maximum induction. Hence, the spiral coils will always have
some turns which register a measureable signal irrespective of the sample-coil
distances. The total induced signal will be larger for small distances (~ 5 mm), although
in this case, the system must be calibrated with the same exact distance to avoid
errors. On the contrary, for larger distances, the induced signal is reduced but it does
not depend so strongly on the distance and calibration is not so critical. Hence, the
optimum measurement conditions should be to measure with sample-coil distances of
the order of 10 to 15 mm and, if the signal is too weak, to reduce this distance.


The calibration of the magnetic moment is performed by using a sample with known
saturation magnetization. The sample is placed in the VSM and a magnetic field strong
enough to saturate the sample is applied. Then, the signal induced in the Lock-in
amplifier is measured and the calibration factor obtained. It results appropriated to
saturate the samples with magnetic fields in both directions and obtain the average
value of the induced signal to avoid errors due to any offset signal. It is also essential to
check the dependence of the calibration factor with the sample geometry. Note that,
as above indicated, when reducing the gap between the poles of the electromagnet,
the proximity between the sample and the pick-up coils will make the calibration
factor very sensitive to sample geometry.

As concerns calibration of the magnetic field, it is performed by applying a certain

current and measuring the magnetic field at the sample space with a Hall probe. If
possible, it is recommended to measure the magnetic field for different currents (in
both directions) and check there is a linear relationship, obtaining the calibration
factor from the slope of the curve.


The software for the control of the system was developed in VISUAL BASIC. It uses a
single connection via RS232 to the SRS830 lock-in amplifier. This connection allows
measuring the signal, controlling the current of the power supply via auxiliary output

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ports and modifying the vibration frequency or amplitude. The system allows selecting
the parameters of the magnetization curves as maximum current and step of the
measurements. The delay before measuring when the magnetic field is modified can
be also set (note that this value must be at least five times the time constant of the
lock-in amplifier). The interface also has a control panel of the lock-in amplifier to
modify remotely the measurement conditions as shown in figure 6. It also allows
putting a magnetic field and measuring the signal at the lock-in amplifier which results
useful for tests and selecting measurement conditions.

The raw data obtained when measuring magnetization curves correspond to values of
induced voltages at the pick-up coils as a function of the current trough the
electromagnet. To translate those values into magnetic moment vs applied magnetic
field values, calibration factors must be applied as above described. The software
includes two calibration windows to state these values. Then, the saved data contain
the measured raw values (current, voltage) and the magnetic parameters (applied
magnetic field, magnetic moment).

Figure 6. Photo of the interface of VSM control program

In our system, the applied magnetic field is nominal, i.e., it is calculated from the
applied current. Alternatively, the magnetic field can be monitored in-situ during
measurements. To this purpose, a Hall probe must be placed permanently close to the
sample position. When recording the magnetization curve, for each point, the

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magnetic field is measured. If the Hall system provides an analogue output

proportional to the magnetic field within the range 10 to -10 V, it can be connected to
the auxiliary input ports of the lock-in amplifier, so no additional connection to the
computer is needed to record it. In our case, we developed a system with this option
using a Hall probe, model FH 55 from Magnet Physik. This system provides an output
analog signal of 3V for full scale that can be read through the auxiliary ports of the
lock-in amplifier. A window at the software interface is added to indicate the scale of
the Hall probe, thus providing the calibration factor for the real applied magnetic field.

Three VSMs following this configuration have been fabricated and they are working
nowadays at the filiations of the authors of this paper. We present here a
magnetization curve measured at room temperature with the magnetometer installed
in filiation 1 of this paper (Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio-CSIC) and with a standard
Physical Property Measurement System (Model 6000, from Quantum Design)
equipped with a vibrating Sample magnetometer head. The measured sample was a
commercial Sr-ferrite (SrFe12O19) powder with a mass of 75 mg. Sr-ferrite is a hard
magnetic material, i.e., high anisotropy material, with an anisotropy field close to 1.8 T
and a coercivity typically of the order of 2000-4000 Oe, depending on its
microstructure. Figure 7a shows the result where both curves match in the whole
range of measured fields demonstrating the reliability of our device. In addition, we
measured 3 consecutive magnetization curves of an Fe powder sample (20 mg) in
order to demonstrate both reproducibility and versatility, as Fe is a soft magnetic
material. As figure 7b illustrates, the curves are perfectly reproducible, demonstrating
that the system is free of drifts or any other time dependent spurious effects and that
it can reliably measure both hard and soft magnetic materials.

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Commercial VSM (Quantum Design) 200


Home-made VSM

M (emu/g)
M (emu/g)


0 0

-40 -10

-200 -100 0 100 200

-60 -200
-10000 -5000 0 5000 10000 -10000 0 10000 20000

H (Oe) H (Oe)

Figure 7. (a) Magnetization curves at 300 K for a SrFe12O19 isotropic powder sample obtained
with our home-made set-up and a commercial VSM from Quamtum Design. (b) Consecutive
magnetization curves for a 20 mg commercial Fe powder sample. Inset shows perfect overlap
of the 3 consecutive curves at low fields.

In summary, the model of VSM we present here is simple, and can be adapted to the
specific type of materials to be studied depending on their magnetization, dimensions
and saturation field. When properly calibrated, the VSM provides accurate
magnetization curves at room temperature. This model can be useful for both
educational and research purposes.


This work has been supported by the Ministerio Español de Economia y Competitividad
(MINECO), MAT2015-67557-C2-1-P, S2013/MIT-2850 NANOFRONTMAG, and by the
European Commission through the project AMPHIBIAN (H2020-NMBP-2016-720853).
V.L.D and M.A.G. acknowledges financial support from BBVA foundation. Brian Richter
(GMW Associates) in acknowledged for providing data on field uniformity.

Accepted at Review of Scientific Instruments


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