13 Colonies GeoInquiry - Complete - AT

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GeoInquiry: 13 Colonies

Map URL: http://esriurl.com/historygeoinquiry1

Directions: Using the link above, follow the prompts for each task (Ask, Acquire, Explore,
Analyze, Act) to complete the questions for each task.

Ask: Where was the best place for England to invest in the American colonies?
 Click any colony in the map.
o What is the colony’s name, the sub-region it is located in, and its economic activity?

 I chose Virginia. Its sub-region is the South Atlantic and its economic activity is Agriculture (tobacco,
wheat, corn).

 Click one more colony in a different color sub-region.

o What is the colony’s name, the sub-region it is located in, and its economic activity?

 I chose New York. Its sub-region is the Middle Atlantic and its economy runs on Agriculture (cattle,
grain, indigo, rice, wheat) and Manufacturing (iron works, shipbuilding).

Acquire: Would the same latitudes of the areas in Europe where products were produced be a
good indicator for where you could find them in America?
 Choose the England and New World Bookmark. Then, click the latitude lines at northern France
and southern Spain.
o What are their approximate latitudes?

 50 degrees N and 5 degrees W

o If latitude alone controlled weather and agricultural production conditions, compare the
colony sub-regions to growing conditions in Europe.

 They wouldn’t be able to produce the same crops, since the meteorological conditions were already
best for growing tobacco.

Explore: What important factor contributed to where resources were located in the 13 colonies?
 Hover over and click the Show Contents Of Map button, located above Contents. Then, turn on
the Avg Sea Surface Temperature 2005 layer, and click its name to expand the legend.
o Which colonies in the New World have comparable sea surface temperatures to the
agricultural growth areas of France and Spain (more rain and warmer temperatures on

 The Middle Atlantic and the New England colonies have comparable sea surface temps.
Analyze: What happened to population in the American colonies in the 1700s?
 Make sure the American Colonies layer is visible. Click the Show Table icon. Then, scroll across
the table and click the Pop_1700 column title. Click Statistics.
o What was the total population in the 13 colonies in 1700s?

 250,888 in the 1700s

 905,563 in the 1740s
 2,090,119 in the 1770s
 3,246,570 total
 Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 to find out the total population in 1740 and 1780.
o What happened to population in the colonies from 1700 to 1780?

 The population increased by 1,839,231.

Act: How did latitude, weather, and climate affect population in the American colonies?
 Close the table, and click the 13 Colonies bookmark. Then, turn on The American Colonies
Population Time Series layer, and click the layer name to see its legend. Lastly, at the bottom of
the map, click the Play button that shows the population by colony.
o What was the trend in population change in the 13 colonies from 1630 to the late

o The population decreased in comparison to the 1700s and beyond. The quality of
living conditions most likely declined in the 1600s, so it resulted in a higher death
rate in the 1700s.

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