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B.E.C.E. Ict Pasco B.E.C.E. Ict Pasco

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Get Grade1 ®


A Topical Digest of Past Questions & Answers
For Junior high Schools


2011 - 2021

ANSWERS Based on WAEC Marking Scheme

INCLUDES Several Likely Examinable Questions



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Pasco Series. The complete softcopy of Grade1
Past Questions and Answers are not available
for sale due to copyright reasons.

However the raw past questions and answers

(yearly basis) is available for sale in both PDF
and MS Word versions.
All past questions up-to-date for all subjects
(except the languages) are available.

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Get Grade1 ®


Arranged Topic-by-Topic for Junior High Schools

2011 - 2021 (SCHOOL & PRIVATE)

B.E.C.E. PAPERS 2 & 1

Compiled by:
Raphael Ahenkorah
Emmanuel Dzotepeh
Copyright © 2018 by Grade1 Publishers
2nd Edition – 2019 ; 3rd Edition – 2021
4th Edition - 2022

Edited by: Raphael Ahenkorah

Emmanuel Dzotepeh

Cover design and illustrations by Auxano Multimedia (+233244992386)

Typing and page setup by Raphael Ahenkorah & Daniel Dzotepeh

No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means whatsoever without appropriate
permission from the publishers.


We duly acknowledge the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) for the use of the Basic
Education Certificate Examination (B.E.C.E.) Past Questions and the accompanying marking
schemes, which served as the standard for the compilation of this timely book.

Also the Ministry of Education – Ghana, deserves honorable mention for the Teaching Syllabus
upon which the topical arrangement of this book was based.

We also acknowledge KingLion Books for the use of the KingLion ICT Simplified Notes for
JHS, which served as a reference book for the addenda contained in this book.

All partners, volunteers and dedicated Team Members of Grade 1 Publishers are very much
appreciated. God bless you for your dedicated service to ensuring excellent standards in the
educational system of the nation of Ghana.


is special book is dedicated to all hardworking teachers in Ghana and their disciplined learners
who are committed to nothing but excellence!

For Any Enquiry, Please Contact Grade 1 Publishers:

Call/WhatsApp: (+233) 055 673 2921 / (+233) 020 177 8060
E – mail: [email protected]

Introduction ……………………………. Page IV

Information Processing …………………………….. Page 2
Parts of a Personal Computer …………………………….. Page 3
Turning On and Off the Computer …………………………….. Page 5
Keyboard and Mouse Skills ........................................... Page 7
Introduction to Manipulative Keys ........................................... Page 10
Health and Safety in Using ICT Tools ............................................ Page 11
Graphical User Interface …………………………….. Page 13
Windows Management …………………………….. Page 16
Integration of ICT into Education …………………………….. Page 17
Computer Viruses …………………………….. Page 19
Copyright Ethics …………………………….. Page 19
Basic Storage Devices …………………………….. Page 20
Basic Input and Output Devices …………………………….. Page 24
File and Folder Management …………………………….. Page 27
Internet and World Wide Web …………………………….. Page 28
Email and Sharing of Information …………………………….. Page 32
Creating a Word Document …………………………….. Page 33
Editing a Word Document …………………………….. Page 35
Formatting a Word Document …………………………….. Page 37
Use of the Drawing Toolbar …………………………….. Page 39
Printing a Word Document …………………………….. Page 39
Toolbars …………………………….. Page 40
Introduction to Spreadsheet …………………………….. Page 41

Answers to Objectives …………………………….. Page 44

Introduction to Computing …………………………….. Page 47
Keyboarding and Mouse Skills …………………………….. Page 60
Computer Ethics …………………………….. Page 64
Internet and World Wide Web …………………………….. Page 66
Computer Peripherals …………………………….. Page 73
File and Folder Management …………………………….. Page 79
E-mail and Sharing of Information …………………………….. Page 81
Word Processing …………………………….. Page 83
Spreadsheet …………………………….. Page 98

Likely Examinable Questions …………………………….. Page 101

Common Keyboard Shortcuts …………………………….. Page 114

Common Acronyms & Abbreviations …………………………….. Page 114
How to Answer Exam Questions …………………………….. Page 116

This timely book is one of a series of topic – based past questions and answers put together
by volunteer team members of Grade 1 Publishers to assist both students and teachers in
their preparation and revision processes towards examinations. The compilation is based
solely on the Basic Education Certi icate Examinations (BECE) and the marking schemes
provided by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC).

It is a proven fact that solving past questions is a way of practicing thereby mastering the art
of answering questions perfectly. It is one thing to answer questions but another thing to
answer them appropriately; therefore, students and teachers who use this book will have the
competitive advantage of being abreast with what is required by examiners in answering
examination questions.

The compilation is topic based, to ensure that revision and studies in general are done in an
organized manner, and thus suitable for use right from Form 1. This particular layout also
makes it easier for teachers to set questions for assignments and end of term examinations.
Teachers will also ind this as a resourceful guide to writing out evaluation exercises during
their lesson notes preparations.

There is an addenda of Likely Examinable Questions; Tips on Answering Examination

Questions Like A Pro; as well as Common Keyboard Shortcuts and Computing Acronyms &
Abbreviations. All these rich features will go a long way to equip the candidate to write the
inal examinations and pass out with lying colours.

Thank you for making the Grade 1® Pasco Series your most preferred choice.
Cheers to an excellent grade 1 in all your examinations!
- The Publishers


Make sure to use this book from the day you get it.
Do not wait until it is time for examinations before you start using it.

After treating every topic, make sure to solve the past questions under the topic over
and over again until you can answer all the questions perfectly on one attempt.

Avoid marking the answers with a pen in the book, so that you can use it to access
yourself many times. Marking answers with a pen defeats this purpose.

Get a separate book or jotter for working the answers and ensure that you do not cheat
by scoring yourself wrongly after every work done.

It is better to answer the questions in groups. Therefore, partner with one or two friends
to solve the questions in this book. Your study group members will serve as
accountability partners in keeping track of your performance.

By the end of this section, you should be able to:
Choose the correct option for all the objective BECE Past Questions on irst attempt.

Spot the style and trends used in setting of BECE Paper 1 (Objectives) type questions,
including patterns in repetition of questions.

Access properly what you have learned under the various topics treated in ICT.

Get adequately prepared to attempt all examinations with con idence.

This section comprises the PAPER 1 (Objectives) type questions and answers which have
been put under speci ic topics.

The speci ic year for each of the questions have been indicated in bold-italicized text at
the end of the question. E.g. 2019 Q.18 meaning the question was set as Question
number 18 in the 2019 Main BECE. 'Private' is also indicated beside it for the private
candidates' BECE questions.

Repeated questions appear only once but the years in which they are repeated have all
been indicated beside the question.

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 1

Use the following information to answer A. data
question '6'. B. ile
I. Processing II. Data III. Information C. information
D. record 2016 Q.7
1. The sequence of the stages in the
information processing cycle are 7. The steps data go through to become
A. I, II and III information are
B. II, III and I A. information steps
C. II, I and III B. information technology
D. III, I and II 2011 Q.13 C. information processing cycle
D. information distribution 2017 Q.7
2. Processed or transformed facts which are
meaningful to the user is called 8. The information processing cycle is
A. data divided into
B. information A. two stages
C. input B. three stages
D. output 2012 Q.6 C. ive stages
D. six stages 2018 Private Q.7
3. The operation whereby the computer
manipulates data to produce information is 9. Under the information processing cycle,
known as output of information takes place in the
A. capturing A. ALU
B. processing B. CPU
C. recording 2013 Q.14
D. retrieving 2015 Q.14 D. VDU 2019 Private Q.6

4. The stages of information processing cycle 10. The end result of the information
under ICT are processing cycle that cannot be touched is
A. input, output, process and distribution referred to as
B. input, process, output and distribution A. hard copy
C. input, process, distribution and output B. hardware
D. input, distribution, output and process. C. soft copy
2015 Q.15 D. software 2019 Q.6
5. A computer accepts data input, processes
the data and produces 11. In computing, the exchange of information
A. byte is referred to as
B. data A. communication
C. output B. conversation
D. storage 2015 Q.3 C. education
D. entertainment 2019 Q.37

6. Processed material which is meaningful to

the user in computing is called 12. An electronic and programmable device
that processes data into useful
information is called
2 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco
A. computer 14. The stages of the information processing
B. peripheral cycle include
C. processor A. receiving data and processing data
D. Technology 2019 Q.1 B. receiving data and displaying results
C. processing data and displaying results
13. The following techniques are primary D. receiving data, processing data and
sources of data except displaying results 2021 Private Q.16
A. surveys
B. interviews 15. The two main terms involved in the
C. information Information Processing cycle are
D. questionnaire 2020 Q.7 A. raw facts and igures
B. data and information
C. raw data and Random Access Memory
D. Random Access Memory and Read Only
Memory 2021 Q.16


1. The component of the computer that 5. The following are hardware components
houses the motherboard and the power except
supply unit is called A. keyboard
A. central processing unit B. monitor
B. monitor C. mouse
C. printer D. windows 2016 Q.11
D. system unit 2015 Q.4
6. Devices that extend their services to
2. The part of the central processing unit enhance the function of the computer are
responsible for performing all logical called
operations is A. hardware
A. ALU B. software
B. CU C. peripherals
C. RAM D. irmware 2017 Q.2
D. ROM 2015 Q.9
7. The interaction between the input and
3. The brain of the computer is the output devices is controlled by
A. monitor A. BIOS
B. system software B. LINUX
C. read only memory C. CPU
D. central processing unit 2016 Q.1 D. RAM 2017 Q.12

4. The following devices can be found in the 8. Desktop computers are examples of
system unit except A. upper computers
A. ports B. mainframe computers
B. memory C. minicomputers
C. motherboard D. Microcomputers 2018 Private Q.1
D. scroll wheel 2016 Q.12
Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 3
9. The following are components in the D. system software
system unit except
A. CPU 16. System software is a platform which runs
B. RAM A. source codes
C. ROM B. application software
D. VDU 2018 Q.12 C. operating system 2017 Q.10
D. utilities 2019 Private Q.1
10. Which of the following devices is used to
process information? 17. A group of instructions that directs a
A. Computer computer is called
B. Speedometer A. logic
C. Thermometer B. memory
D. Weighing scale 2018 Q.8 C. program
D. storage 2017 Q.1
11. T
he tangible part of the computer is
known as 18. Working with more than one application
A. hardware at the same time is known as
B. liveware A. double tasking
C. malware B. multitasking
D. software 2019 Q.10 C. running
D. launching 2017 Q.5
12. The software that manages the
communication between the hardware 19. M
icrosoft Word, Encarta kids, Mavis
and the application software of a Beacon Teaches Typing are examples of
computer system is called A. application software
A. Open Of ice B. operating system
B. Microsoft Of ice C. open source package
C. Operating System 2011 Q.10 D. system software 2018 Q.13
D. Internet 2020 Q.11
20. The software that enables a computer user
13. The software responsible for management to access a storage medium connected to a
of the operation of the computer is the computer is known as
A. application program A. irmware
B. device drivers B. utility program
C. operating system 2012 Q.17 C. operating system
D. utility program 2013 Q.38 D. application software 2019 Private Q.11

14. An example of an operating system is 21. The only software that runs without a
A. CALC user's instruction on the computer is the
B. DISK A. application software
C. DOS B. operating system
D. WORD 2013 Q.10 C. scanner program
D. storage program 2019 Q.11
15. Programs that perform speci ic task for
users are referred to as 22. To execute more than one program at the
A. application software same time, the system software being used
B. computer software should be capable of
C. operating software 2013 Q.12

4 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

A. compatibility 27. An Operating System is a type of
B. multitasking A. utility software
C. multiprocessing B. system software
D. portability 2019 Q.26 C. integrated software
D. application software 2021 Private Q.1
23. Which of the following devices is not a
computer accessory? 28. Computers are classi ied according to the
A. cable following features except
B. stylus A. colour
C. CMOS B. purpose
D. cabinet 2020 Private Q.11 C. size and capacity
D. data transmission 2021 Q.1
24. The following options are examples of
peripheral devices except 29. The utility software is one of the basic
A. printer types of
B. scanner A. system software
C. speaker B. application software
D. system unit 2020 Private Q.36 C. communication software
D. word processing software 2021 Q.2
25. A computer model that looks like a brief
case is called 30. The information permanently stored in
A. tower the Read Only Memory chip is called
B. laptop A. liveware
C. desktop B. malware
D. palmtop 2020 Q.1 C. hardware
D. irmware 2021 Q.3
26. T
he operating system is a type of
A. system software
B. program software
C. application software
D. communication software 2020 Q.5


1. The process that starts an operating system B. Shut down a computer system before
when a computer system is turned on is removing the electric power supply
referred to as C. Random access memory is part of main
A. loading memory
B. start-up D. The application software must be loaded
C. booting before the operating system 2011 Q.8
D. shut down 2011 Q.7
3. To boot a computer is the same as to
2. W hich of the following statements is not A. shut down the computer
true? B. restart the computer
A. Remove all removable storage media or C. start the computer
device from the system unit when D. stop the computer 2013 Q.7
switching on the computer.
Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 5
4. Which of the following devices must be 11. How many types of booting exist in
turned on irst when booting a computer? computing?
A. Monitor A. 2
B. Printer B. 3
C. Scanner C. 4
D. System unit 2014 Q.7 D. 5 2019 Private Q.3

5. The program that is loaded into the main 12. The process of terminating of a running
memory when a computer is booted is computer is called
A. utility program A. booting
B. operating system B. restart
C. communication software C. turn off
D. Word processing software 2014 Q.8 D. turn on 2019 Private Q.15

6. Which of the following devices must be 13. In computing environment, launching an

turned on irst when booting the computer? application means
A. Central Processing Unit A. downloading the application
B. Monitor B. processing the application
C. Printer C. running the application
D. System Unit 2015 Q.8 D. uploading the application
2019 Private Q.26
7. To boot a computer means to
A. put it off 14. Turning off the computer is also known as:
B. put it on A. booting
C. restart it B. installation
D. take it away 2016 Q.4 C. programming
D. shut down 2019 Q.3
8. To boot a computer system the user needs
A. Word processing software 15. Which of the following devices will turn
B. printer attached off irst when shutting down the computer?
C. virus checking program A. Monitor
D. operating system 2016 Q.15 B. Stabilizer
2019 Q.15
C. System Unit
9. When a computer is on, it is normally D. Uninterruptible power supply
termed as
A. information 16. The process of restarting the computer is
B. programming known as
C. running A. cool booting
D. working 2017 Q.4 B. cold booting
C. warm booting
10. The process of restarting the computer D. worm booting 2020 Private Q.15
which is already running is referred to as
A. cold booting 17. The process of putting the computer into
B. ire booting a state of readiness for operation is known
C. restarting booting as:
D. warm booting 2018 Private Q.4 A. booting
B. loading
C. locating
D. starting 2020 Q.4
6 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco
18. Which of the following options will lead to 10. Which of the following buttons on the
warm booting? Turn Off computer dialog box will lead a
A. Log off user to a warm booting activity?
B. Turn off A. Restart
C. Restart B. Log off
D. Hibernate 2020 Q.15 C. Turn off
D. Hibernate 2021 Q.10
19. To boot a computer system, the user needs
A. a printer attached
B. an operating system
C. a virus checking program
D. a word processing application 2021 Q.9


1. During typing lesson computer users are A. 96

supposed to use? B. 104
A. 5 ingers C. 108
B. 6 ingers D. 116 2012 Q.22
C. 8 ingers 2011 Q.20
D. 10 ingers 2014 Q.19 6. Keys on a computer keyboard which are
used to move the cursor in a speci ied
2. The most appropriate inger required to direction are called
type the letter “F” on a standard QWERTY A. arrow keys
computer keyboard is the B. shift keys
A. left middle inger C. function keys
B. right middle inger D. special purpose key 2012 Q.33
C. left index inger
D. right index inger 2011 Q.21 7. Which of the following keys is not a
function key on the computer keyboard?
3. In the absence of mouse, which of the A. F1
following device could be used to perform B. F2
its function? C. F9
A. Scanner D. F13 2014 Q.20
B. Webcam
C. Keyboard 8. Which component of the computer
D. Microphone 2011 Q.22 resembles a typewriter?
A. Keyboard
4. To press the letter J, which inger is B. Monitor
appropriate to use on a QWERTY keyboard? C. Mouse
A. Left index inger D. Webcam 2015 Q.5
B. Left middle inger
C. Right index inger 9. A
n example of a function key on the
D. Right middle inger 2012 Q.13 computer keyboard is
A. F1
5. The total number of keys on a standard B. Q
QWERTY keyboard is
Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 7
C. @ A. cut operation
D. NmLk 2016 Q.9 B. copy operation
C. delete operation
10. W
hich of the following is a keyboard D. move operation 2014 Q.13
layout format?
A. QWERTY 17. Right – clicking a mouse on an open
B. QWRETY window will
C. QWRTEY A. create a new document
D. QWREYT 2017 Q.8 B. open a File menu
C. open a new window 2013 Q.19
11. Which of the following computer keyboard D. open a context menu if available
keys are used for issuing command?
A. Alphanumeric 18. The act of clicking on an object and
B. Numeric dragging it to a different location is
C. Standard referred as
D. Function 2017 Q.28 A. drop–and- drag
B. drag-and-drop
12. A
n example of a function key on the C. drop-and-move
computer keyboard is D. drag-and-paste 2014 Q.18
A. @
B. F1 19. Which of the following mouse buttons
C. Qu when clicked, provides menu which a user
D. 10 2018 Private Q.9 can choose from?
A. Left button
13. Which of the following are not keys on the B. Right button
computer keyboard? C. Scroll ball
A. Computerized keys D. Scroll button 2017 Q.29
B. Cursor keys
C. Function keys 20. Clicking is usually associated with
D. Special Purpose keys 2019 Private Q.8 A. left button
B. right button
14. The arrow keys on the computer keyboard C. scroll button 2018 Private Q.17
are also referred to as D. scroll ball 2019 Private Q.28
A. cursor keys
B. function keys 21. Which part of the computer mouse is
C. shift keys used to select an object on-screen?
D. special purpose keys 2019 Q.8 A. Left button
B. Right button
15. The act of pressing mouse button twice C. Scroll ball
quickly without moving the mouse is D. Scroll button 2018 Q.29
termed as
A. Double click 22. How many arrow keys are found on the
B. Right click computer keyboard?
C. Single click A. 2
D. Normal click 2012 Q.19 B. 3
C. 4
16. Dragging a folder from one drive to a D. 5 2018 Q.10
window on another drive is equivalent to a
23. To create a space between characters,
8 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco words and sentences, use the
A. backspace key 30. The standard computer keyboard layout is
B. enter key technically referred to as
C. shift key A. BIOS
D. space bar key 2018 Q.28 B. ASCII
24. I n the selection of an object on the screen D. QWERTY 2021 Private Q.22
of a computer, using a touchpad is similar to
using a 31. Which of the following characters
A. mouse represent the left ingers home row keys
B. Scanner on a standard keyboard?
C. keyboard A. JKL
D. microphone 2019 Private Q.12 B. ASDF
25. Which of the following mouse buttons can D. LMNO 2021 Private Q.23
be used to open an icon?
A. Dragging 32. The part of the computer mouse which
B. Double clicking normally displays a shortcut menu
C. Right clicking instruction when clicked is the
D. Single clicking 2017 Private Q.29 A. left-button
B. side-button
26. P
ressing and releasing the left mouse C. right-button
button twice in quick succession is termed D. middle-button 2021 Private Q.24
A. dragging
B. double-clicking 33. The navigation keys on the computer
C. left-clicking keyboard are also called
D. right-clicking 2019 Q.29 A. cursor keys
B. numeric keys
27. The number of keys on a standard C. function keys
computer keyboard is D. typewriter keys 2021 Q.22
A. 100
B. 104 34. During typing lessons, which inger is used
C. 108 to type the letter D?
D. 128 2020 Private Q.2 A. Left index inger
B. Left middle inger
28. To click the computer mouse is to: press C. Right index inger
and release the D. Right middle inger 2021 Q24
A. left mouse button
B. right mouse button
C. left mouse button twice
D. right mouse button twice
2020 Private Q.29

29. The combination of numbers and

characters as used in computing
environment is termed
A. letters
B. characters
C. alphanumbers
D. alphanumeric 2020 Q.9
Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 9

1. Which of the following keys are frequently 6. Which of the following computer
used in our daily typing work on a keyboard keys allows the user to type
computer system? upper case letters?
I. Enter key II. Space bar A. Alternate key
III. Print screen IV. Delete key B. Control key
C. Caps Lock key
A. I, II, III and IV D. Num Lock key 2013 Q.21
B. I, II, and III only
C. I, II and IV only 7. Which of the following keys is used for
D. II, III, and IV only 2011 Q.19 multiple selection of texts that are not
2. A
key on a keyboard of a computer has two A. Alt
symbols on it, top and down. Which of the B. Ctrl
following will be appropriate to use to get C. Del
the top key? D. Shift 2013 Q.22
A. Hold down the shift key and Press the
identi ied key 8. W
hich of the computer keyboard keys is
B. Hold down the Alt key and Press the used to delete from left to right on – screen?
identi ied key A. Alternate
C. Hold down the Ctrl key and Press B. Backspace
identi ied key C. Delete
D. Hold down the Del key and Press the D. Shift 2013 Q.33
identi ied key
2011 Q.24
9. Which of the following computer keyboard
keys is used to type upper case letters when
3. Which key on the keyboard is used to erase the caps lock light is off?
characters from right to left in word A. Control key
processing application? B. Enter key
A. Backspace C. Insert key
B. Delete D. Shift key 2015 Q.1
C. Insert
D. Pause 2012 Q.8 10. The shift key on a computer keyboard is
used to
4. The key on the QWERTY keyboard used to A. erase characters
produce alphabetic upper-case letters is B. toggle cases of letters
A. caps lock C. insert a space into a word document
B. home D. type a word rather than a character
C. num lock 2015 Q.27
D. tab 2012 Q.9
11. To create a space between characters,
5. The irst key on the computer keyboard is words and sentences, use the
A. caps lock A. backspace Key
B. delete B. enter Key
C. enter C. shift Key
D. esc 2013 Q.3 D. spacebar 2016 Q.28

10 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

12. Which computer keyboard key allows 15. Which of the following keys is used to
users to erase characters to the left of the create a new line in Word processing?
cursor? A. Ctrl key
A. Backspace key B. Enter key
B. Delete key C. Esc key
C. Insert Key D. Shift key 2019 Q.30
D. Tab key 2016 Q.29
16. Which of the following computer keyboard
13. The computer keyboard key which is used keys can be used to delete a character?
to change alphabets to capital letters is the A. Alt key
A. caps lock key B. Shift key
B. enter key C. Enter key
C. num lock D. Backspace key 2021 Q.23
D. space bar 2018 Private Q.29

14. A document which shows its entire text in

upper case means that the user has
activated the
A. alt key
B. caps lock key
C. num lock key
D. shift key + F3 2019 Q.28


1. Which of the following is not a safety measure 4. The following are possible health hazards of
to consider in the ICT environment? prolonged use of the computer system except
A. Not over loading a socket A. back and neck pain
B. Sitting in a correct posture behind the B. Tuberculosis
computer C. eye strain
C. Allowing the battery of a laptop to run D. wrist pain 2012 Q.7
down before charging
D. Avoid plugging computer in damaged 5. W
hich of the following component emits
sockets radiation?
2011 Q.14
A. Hard disk
B. Keyboard
2. Which of the following is an effect of a loud C. Mobile phone
ringing tone of a mobile phone? D. Speaker 2013 Q.15
A. Wrist pain
B. Neck pain 6. W
hich of the following is a problem to
C. Headache computer users as a result of radiation from
D. Hearing impairment 2011 Q.17 the monitor?
A. Cardiovascular
3. The device used to ensure a constant low of B. Dizziness
power supply to a computer system is the C. Eye irritation
A. stabilizer D. Loss of grip strength 2014 Q.12
B. set – up transformer
C. step – up transformer
D. uninterruptible power supply 2012 Q.4 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 11
7. Which of the following safety precaution(s) 13. The health hazard associated with prolonged
is / are advisable to practice? use of a mobile phone is
I. Do not answer or receive calls when A. lower back and backbone pains
charging mobile phone B. numbness of the ingers
II. Do not over load sockets. C. radiations which can cause cancer
III. Plugging ICT tools in a damage sockets D. wrist and arm pains 2019 Private Q.18
can be allowed sometimes.
A. I and II only 14. While using a computer, a dialogue box
B. I and III only popped-up on the monitor screen guiding you
C. II and IIII only through series of physical exercises. This pop-
D. I, II and III 2014 Q.14 up menu is known as
A. dialogue box
8. W
hich of the following is a bad practice in the B. ergonomics break
usage of ICT tools? C. ergonomics exercise
A. Making or receiving phone calls whilst D. shortcut menu 2019 Private Q.19
B. Not receiving phone calls when charging it 15. The safety measure to prevent back ache
C. Use of air conditioning to improve dry when using the computer for a very long time
atmosphere is to
D. Use of footstools to adjust leg positioning A. answer or receive calls when charging
when working on computers mobile phone
2015 Q.18
B. avoid plugging ICT tools on damaged
9. Viewing television for long periods can sockets
damage an individuals C. position the body correctly
A. eye D. use plastic chair always 2019 Q.18
B. head
C. mouth 2016 Q.18 16. The best measure that computer users
D. Nose 2017 Q.17 should practice to reduce the chances of
wrist and inger pains due to long term usage
10. Which of the following is an effect of loud of the computer is to
ringing tone of mobile phone? A. adjust the lightening of the computer screen
A. Headache B. close the eyes and rest them for one minute
B. Wrist pain C. spread ingers apart
C. Bleeding nose D. use adjustable chair always 2019 Q.19
D. Damage to hearing 2016 Q.19
17. The problem associated with a computer user
11. The following are good posture positions as a result of radiation from the monitor is
when using a computer except A. dizziness
A. back straight B. numbness
B. eyes on monitor C. eye irritation
C. elbows on the table D. cardiovascular 2020 Private Q.18
2017 Q.18
D. feet on the loor 2018 Private Q.18
18. Which of the following options is not a safety
12. Which of the following is an effect of loud measure?
ringing tone? A. Danger
A. Headache B. Security
B. Hearing impairment C. Antivirus
C. Neck pain D. Protection 2020 Q.18
D. Wrist pain 2018 Q.19

12 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

19. The following options are possible health 24. A simple public address system consists of
hazards of prolonged use of the computer the following except
systems except A. Ampli ier
A. numbness B. Micro sim
B. eye strain C. Microphone
C. good vision D. Power mixer 2021 Private Q.21
D. back pains 2020 Q.19
25. Which of the following effects is associated with
20. The effect of loud noise is a computer user as a result of radiation from the
A. Sound impairment monitor?
A. Dizziness
B. Noise impairment
B. Body pains
C. Music impairment
C. Neck pains
D. Hearing impairment 2021 Private Q.17
D. Eye irritation 2021 Q.17

21. The effect of vision associated with prolonged 26. The following are health problems associated
viewing of television and computer screens is with long term exposure to ICT tools except
best controlled by A. Backache
A. Sitting upright B. Toothache
B. Using mouse pad C. Wrist pain
C. Blinking the eyes regularly D. Blur vision 2021 Q.18
D. Exercising the ingers regularly
2021 Private Q.18 27. Which of the following activities is a bad practice
in the usage of ICT tools?
22. Which of the following statements is true? A. Covering the monitor with dust covers after
A. Always use the system unit without ups usage
B. Cover the computer system with moist B. Not making or receiving phone calls when
material charging the phone
C. Run anti-virus software on the system C. Unplugging the computer power cable from
regularly the socket after switched off
D. Leave all devices connected to the system D. Not applying the correct procedure to eject
USB lash drive from the computer system
unit when switching off
2021 Private Q.19 unit 2021 Q.19
23. The best way of handling ict tools is to
A. Update them regularly
B. Clean them once a while
C. Visit any website of your choice
D. Always allowing a colleague to use the
system 2021 Private Q.20



1. GUI stands for A. scroll bar

A. Grand User Interface B. taskbar
B. General User Interface C. title bar
C. Graphical User Interface D. toolbar 2012 Q.18
D. Graphic User Interrupt 2011 Q.9
3. Which program icon on the desktop leads to
2. The bar on the desktop which displays the disk drives?
opened applications and other icons are
referred to as Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 13
A. Internet Explorer A. installing
B. My Computer B. launching
C. My Document C. operating
D. My Network Places 2012 Q.38 D. running 2018 Q.4

4. On which bar is the system clock located? 11. The system tray is also called?
A. Menu bar A. clock
B. Scroll bar B. noti ication area
C. Task bar C. quick launch
D. Toolbar 2013 Q.8 D. taskbar 2018 Q.5

5. The area of the taskbar that displays small 12. The name given to the background area of
icon of some programs such as the system a computer when turned on is
clock is A. desktop
A. program area B. folder
B. Scroll bar C. icon
C. start menu D. window 2018 Q.16
D. system tray 2014 Q.11
13. The background image that appears on a
6. Which of the following gives the user a log computer desktop is known as
of all opened programs? A. background theme
A. Start button B. background panel
B. Start menu C. screen saver
C. Taskbar D. wallpaper 2018 Q.26
D. Title bar 2015 Q.11
14. When iles are cleared from the computer,
7. The horizontal bar that normally lies at it is known as
buttons of a computer desktop screen is A. restoring
called B. editing
A. taskbar C. deleting
B. start button D. removing 2017 Q.16
C. horizontal ruler
D. quick launch toolbox 2016 Q.5 15. The rectangular working area of an
application is called a
8. Changing the desktop wallpaper of a A. desktop
computer is termed B. notepad
A. background change C. screen
D. window 2018 Private Q.5
B. ending the desktop
C. customizing the desktop
D. formatting the desktop 2016 Q.26 16. Items deleted on the computer are moved to
A. clipboard
9. The following are features of GUI except B. computer box
A. command line C. dust bin
B. icon D. recycle bin 2018 Private Q.6
C. menu drive
D. window 2017 Q.15 17. Opening an application can also be termed
A. deleting
10. Using a computer application is known as B. dragging
C. installing
14 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco D. launching 2018 Private Q.16
18. Which of the following is used as a shortcut 24. The start menu of the computer desktop
means to open iles, folders and programs? A. stores programs
A. Desktop B. saves applications
B. Icon C. launches programs
C. Screen D. displays the desktop icons
D. Start menu 2018 Q.17 2020 Private Q.16

19. The long bar located at the bottom of the 25. Which of the following items does a
computer desktop is called computer desktop contain?
A. menu bar I. Icons
B. status bar II. Task bar
C. taskbar III. Start button
D. toolbar 2019 Private Q.4
A. I and II only
20. The following are items located on the B. I and III only
default taskbar except C. II and III only
A. date D. I, II and III 2020 Private Q.26
B. clock
C. recycle bin 26. An operating system has all the following
D. start menu button 2019 Q.4 features except
A. icons
21. To remove unwanted shortcuts from the B. scroll bar
computer, which of the following options C. system tray
will be most appropriate? D. wallpaper 2020 Q.16
I. Click on the shortcut icon once and press
the delete key on the keyboard 27. Which of the following tools gives the user
II. Drag the shortcut icon into the recycle bin a log of all opened applications?
III.Right-click on the shortcut icon and select A. Task bar
delete from the pop-up menu B. Title bar
C. Start menu
A. I and II only D. Start button 2020 Q.17
B. I and III only
C. II and III only 28. A user can arrange icons by
D. I, II and III 2019 Q.17 I.Date II. Type
III. Name IV. Colour
22. A graphical representation of a program The correct option by which the user can
stored on the computer is known as arrange the icons are?
A. an icon
B. a desktop A. I and II only
C. an image B. I, II and III only
D. a picture 2020 Private Q.5 C. I, II and IV only
D. II, III and IV only 2020 Q.26
23. A small symbol displayed on the screen of
a computer that moves as a user interacts 29. The start button is found on the
with the mouse or other pointing devices is A. Title bar
called B. Task bar
A. icon C. Status bar
B. pointer D. System tray 2021 Private Q.11
C. scroll arrow
D. insertion point 2020 Private Q.9 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 15
30. Which of the following options is not a 34. The desktop feature which contains the
default icon normally found on the desktop? quick launch button is the
A. Recycle bin A. Icon
B. My pictures B. Task bar
C. My computer C. Start button
D. My documents D. Control box 2021 Q.13
2021 Private Q.12

31. Which of the following options provides 35. Files that are no more needed by the user
quick access to iles and programs on the are sent to:
desktop? A. Recycle bin
A. Icon B. My briefcase
B. Start menu C. My documents
C. Noti ication area D. Recent documents 2021 Q.14
D. Quick launch button 2021 Private Q.13
36. When a user unintentionally deletes iles
32. The start button is found on the and folders from the computer hard disk,
A. Task bar the user can restore the deleted iles and
B. Scroll bar folders from
C. Status bar A. Recycle bin
D. System tray 2021 Q.11 B. My pictures
C. My documents
33. Which of the following items is not a D. Recent documents 2021 Q.15
feature on the computer desktop?
A. Icon
B. Cursor
C. Wallpaper
D. Screen saver 2021 Q.12

1. A group of iles are stored in a A. copy operation
A. folder B. cut operation
B. graphic C. delete operation
C. text D. move operation 2015 Q.13
D. Word 2013 Q.13
4. The number of command buttons on the
2. Which of the following would happen when control menu are
a user double clicks on a folder? A. 2
A. A sub-folder would be created B. 3
B. The folder would be closed C. 4
D. 5 2016 Q.16
C. The folder would be deleted
D. The folder would be opened
2015 Q.12 5. Double-clicking on a program icon on a
computer desktop
3. Dragging a folder from one drive to a A. cuts the program's window
window on the same drive is equivalent to a B. copies the program's window
C. closes the program's window
D. opens the program's window 2016 Q.31
16 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco
6. Using a computer application is known as 10. The command button used to exit
A. installing application in windows environment is the
B. launching A. Close button
C. operating B. Restore button
D. running 2018 Q.4 C. Minimize button
D. Maximize button 2021 Private Q.10
7. Which of the following bars displays the
heading of an open window?
A. Menu bar 11. To end an application in computing is the
B. Status bar same as to
C. Standard toolbar A. Run the application
D. Title bar 2018 Q.33 B. Start the application
C. Close the application
8. Which of the following buttons is used to D. Launch the application
exit an application window? 2021 Private Q.14
A. Close button
B. Maximize button 12. Which button on the title bar of an opened
C. Minimize button application is used to drop the application
D. Restore button 2019 Private Q.16 window onto the taskbar?
A. Close
9. The title bar of an opened application B. Restore
always displays the name of the application C. Minimize
and the name of the D. Maximize 2021 Private Q.29
A. computer
B. document
C. software
D. system 2019 Q.16


1. Which of the following can bring enhanced C. programming Software
learning experience to the classroom through D. Utility Software 2012 Q.21
the use of pictures, videos and sound?
A. Software application 4. All the following are reasons for using ICT in
B. Learning Software education except
C. Multimedia Software A. forcing student to learn at other's pace
D. Teaching and learning Software B. increasing learner motivation and
2011 Q.16 engagement
2. To which of the following activities is ICT C. facilitating the acquisition of basic skills
useful? in subject areas
I. Education II. Farming III. Medicine D. enhancing teaching through the use of
A. I and II only presentation software 2012 Q.36
B. I and III only
C. II and III 5. Software that presents lesson in a movie-like
D. I, II, and III 2011 Q.18 manner is referred to as
A. multiplicity
3. Which of the following software can be used B. multimedia
to enhance teaching and learning through C. multipurpose
the use of Pictures, videos and sound? D. multitasking 2013 Q.17
A. Multimedia Software
B. Network Software Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 17
6. The software that assists the student in D. MS – Word 2018 Q.27
learning and can also be used to take online
examination is 13. The role of Information and Communication
A. classroom software Technology in the process of empowering
B. educational software education is enhanced through the use of the
C. entertainment software A. classroom
D. graphic software 2014 Q.16 B. internet
C. telephone
7. ICT tools can be used in all the following D. website 2019 Private Q.22
areas except
A. sharing ideas 14. Which of the following applications can be
B. starting cabinetry used in the teaching of Mathematics in
C. accessing information schools?
D. retrieving information 2014 Q.17 A. Database
B. Paint
8. To search for information on various topics, C. Spreadsheet
which of the following packages is used? D. Word Processor 2019 Private Q.27
A. Database
B. Presentation 15. Which of the following statements best
C. Encarta describes a computer operator?
D. Spreadsheet 2015 Q.19 A. Carries a computer from one location to
the other or work
9. The use of ICT in learning and teaching is to B. Obtains a degree in computer science
make it C. Operates the device which inputs and
A. interesting and boring outputs data from the computer
B. uninteresting but not boring D. Writes computer programs for a speci ic
C. interesting but students do not learn at purpose. 2019 Q.27
their own pace
D. easy and interesting, student learn at 16. The use of ICT tools to support teaching and
their own pace 2016 Q.27 learning has the bene it of
A. accessing good information
10. Which of the following is not a reason for B. making students alert in class
using ICT in education? C. making friends in the school
A. ICT tools increase learner motivation D. students using ICT laboratory always
and engagement 2020 Private Q.27
B. ICT tools facilitate the acquisition of
basic skills in Maths, English, etc 17. A teacher who uses a video to teach students
C. ICT tools enhance teaching through the is making use of ICT in
use of presentation software A. education
D. ICT tools force students to learn at B. communication
other's pace 2017 Q.27 C. entertainment
D. advertisement 2020 Q.27
11. Which of the following is used to search for
information on various topics? 18. ICT tools can be used to promote positive
A. CorelDraw attitude in all the following ways except
B. Encarta A. Transacting business activities
C. MS Excel B. Teaching and learning in schools
D. Adobe PageMaker 2018 Private Q.27 C. Sharing of pornographic information
D. Accessing and retrieving information
12. Which of the following programs would 2021 Q.20
support the study of Mathematics? 19. The application of science and scienti ic
A. CorelDraw knowledge in our daily life is termed:
B. Encarta A. Scienti ic
C. MS – Excel B. Technology
C. Information
18 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco
D. communication 2021 Q.21
1. Computer virus is capable of 5. Which of the following items is not a source
A. enhancing the content of a ile of computer virus?
B. maintaining the computer system A. CD – R
C. making the work of the computer easy B. CD – ROM
D. slowing down the computer system C. Internet
performance D. Pen drive 2018 Q.9
2012 Q.40 ; 2015 Q.35

6. The computer program designed to prevent

2. A computer program that can copy itself and viruses from damaging the computer and its
infect the computer without the permission iles is called
or knowledge of the user is A. anti-virus
A. virus B. virus2018 Q.20
B. anti – virus C. virus infestation
C. windows D. virus protector
D. word processing 2014 Q.15
7. A computer program that can duplicate itself
3. Which of the following cannot cause and affect the performance of the computer
computer virus infection? is called
A. Internet A. bacteria
B. Input devices B. infection
C. Computer C. program
D. Removable storage devices 2016 Q.20 D. virus 2019 Private Q.7

4. The computer program written to cause 8. A malicious software specially designed to

harm or damage to the computer and its cause the computer system to be slow and
iles is known as malfunction is
A. anti-virus A. an application
B. ile B. a bacteria
C. virus C. a germ
D. window 2018 Private Q.20 D. virus 2019 Q.7

1. The legal right to control the production C. piracy
and selling of a book, play ilm and software D. privacy 2013 Q.16
is known as
A. production right 4. Which of the following is a reason for
B. copyright copyrighting ICT tools or technologies?
C. trade mark A. To avoid distribution of viruses
D. patent 2011 Q.15 B. To encourage people to make illegal copies
C. To protect the intellectual works of the
2. The following are good practices in the inventors
computing environment except D. To ensure poorer people do not have
A. copyrighting of software access to ICT tools 2015 Q.17
B. designing of cards
C. networking computers 5. The copyright laws protect the works of an
D. pirating of software 2012 Q.20 author for a period of his time and
A. 40years after his death
3. The legal right that does not allow people B. 50 years after his death
to copy intellectual property without the C. 60 years after his death
2016 Q.8
permission of the original owner is called D. 70 years after his death
A. copyright Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 19
B. freeware
6. The ethical issue that relates to the 10. Illegal copying of operating system,
responsibility of those who collect data to application software, music and videos is
ensure that the data is correct is referred to as copyright
A. accuracy A. law
B. privacy B. issues
C. access C. protection
D. ethics 2017 Q.19 D. infringement 2019 Q.20

7. The legal right to control the production 11. The legal right that prohibits the copying
and selling of a book, play, ilm or software of another person's intellectual property
is called without permission is
A. production right A. piracy
B. copyright B. patent
C. trader right C. security
D. patent 2017 Q.20 D. copyright 2020 Private Q.8

8. Which of the following symbols shows that 12. The reason for copyright is to
information is copyright? A. avoid the distribution of virus
A. @ B. ensure everyone has equal access
B. © C. protect the work of the inventor
C. ® D. encourage the people to make illegal
D. TM 2018 Private Q.24 copies 2020 Private Q.20

9. The reason why we need computer ethics in 13. Which of the following reasons best
our working environment are that describes copyright protection?
I. The growth of www has created A. to copy intellectual properties
several novel legal issues B. to hide intellectual properties
II. The new questions, old laws cannot C. to keep intellectual properties
answer D. to protect intellectual properties
2020 Q.8
III. Traditional laws are outdated in today's
technological world 14. The practice of copying and distributing
information without the permission of the
Which of the following options are correct? owner is known as
A. I and II only A. spam
B. I and III only B. piracy
C. II and III only C. privacy
D. I, II and III 2019 Private Q.20 D. copyright 2020 Q.20


1. The two components of a personal computer 3. Which of the following is storage medium?
main memory are A. Mouse
A. RAM and CU B. Printer
B. RAM and ROM C. Keyboard
C. ROM and CU D. Flash memory 2011 Q.4
D. ALU and CU 2011 Q.5
4. Which of the following devices has the largest
2. The temporary working of a computer storage capacity?
system is the A. Digital Versatile Disc
A. Arithmetic Logic B. Computer disc 2011 Q.6
B. Flash Memory C. Floppy disc 2012 Q.3
C. Random Access Memory D. Hard disc 2014 Q.5
D. Read Only Memory 2012 Q.16
5. The creation of a copy of data on a computer
20 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco
system for safe keeping externally is referred 13. The optical storage media among the
to as following is
A. data backup A. compact disc
B. data iltering B. loppy disk
C. data entry C. hard disk
D. data restoration 2012 Q.30 D. magnetic disk 2015 Q.6

6. The letter that normally represents the 14. W

hich of the following media stores data
loppy disk in an operating system is temporarily?
A. A A. Floppy disk
B. C B. Hard disk
C. D C. Random Access Memory
D. E 2012 Q.31
D. Read Only Memory 2015 Q.7

7. The devices that the computer uses to keep 15. One byte is equal to
data are A. two bits
A. Input devices B. eight bits
B. Output devices C. sixteen bit
C. Processing devices D. one thousand bit 2016 Q.3
D. Storage devices 2013 Q.2
16. One billion bytes is approximately one
8. In which of the following are the storage A. gigabyte
devices arranged on the basis of the lowest B. kilobyte
to the highest capacity? C. megabyte
A. CD, DVD, Floppy Disk and Hard Disk D. terabyte 2016 Q.25
B. Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, DVD, and CD
C. Floppy Disk, CD, DVD, Hard Disk 17. Storage media that are similar to compact
D. Floppy Disk, DVD, CD and Hard Disk discs but store more data are known as
2013 Q.4 A. pen drives
B. hard disks
9. A pen drive C. loppy disk
A. Inputs Information D. digital versatile discs 2016 Q.14
B. Puts out Information
C. Retrieves Information 18. The physical material on which the
D. Stores Information 2013 Q.5 computer keeps data, instructions and
information is called
10. The main storage medium within the A. primary Storage
system unit of the computer is the B. secondary storage
A. CD – ROM C. tertiary storage
B. FDD D. cache storage 2017 Q.3
D. USB 2013 Q.6
19. The duplication of an original document is
referred as
11. The device that uses the magnetic method A. backup
to store data is B. back down
A. Compact disc C. production 2017 Q.6
B. Digital versatile disc D. copying 2020 Q.6
C. Hard disk
D. Optical disc 2014 Q.4 20. After work, your mother decided to bring a
copy of the data home to work on. Which of
12. By default, the drive letter assigned to the the following storage devices would you
hard disk drive is advise her to use?
A. A: I. RAM II. Floppy disk
B. B: III. Pen drive IV. Hard disk
C. C:
2014 Q.5 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 21
D. D:
A. I and II only 28. The capacity of 3½ inches loppy disk is
B. II, III and IV only A. 80 KB
C. II and III only B. 1.2 MB
D. I, II, III and IV 2017 Q.25 C. 1.44 MB
D. 2.88 MB 2018 Q.25
21. Which of the following is not a storage
device? 29. The smallest element of the computer
A. pen drive memory is the
B. touch pad A. bit
C. hard disk B. byte
D. loppy disk 2017 Q.13 C. nibble
D. Word 2019 Private Q.2
22. The memory that stores permanent
instructions is referred to as 30. Which of the following components stores
A. random access memory data temporarily?
B. read only Memory A. CD – R
C. write once read many memory B. DVD2019
D. virtual memory 2017 Q.11 C. RAM
D. ROM Private Q.14
23. The smallest unit of data stored on the
computer is the 31. The word byte in computing means
A. bit A. binary character of eight bits
B. byte B. binary digit of eight bits
C. kilobit C. binary text of eight bits
D. kilobyte 2018 Private Q.3 D. binary word of eight bits
2019 Private Q.25
24. In which of the following categories does 32. Which of the following media uses laser
the magnetic tape fall? technology to write and read data?
A. Input A. Floppy disk
B. Output B. Hard disk
C. Processing C. Optical disc
D. Storage 2018 Private Q.24 D. Pen drive
2019 Q.2
25. How many characters make a byte? 33. One gigabyte of data approximates to
A. 1 A. 10 megabytes of data
B. 2 B. 100 megabytes of data
C. 3 C. 1,000 megabytes of data
D. 4 2018 Q.1 D. 10, 000 megabytes of data
2019 Q.14
26. Which of the following storage media 34. Mrs. Famiyeh wants to copy information
normally stores the operating system? onto a compact disc, clean the content and
A. Flash disk later copy the information again. Which of
B. Hard disk the following media would you advise her
C. Magnetic tape to use?
D. Zip disk 2018 Q.3 A. CD
B. CD – R
27. From which of the following storage media C. CD – R/W
will deleted items be sent to the recycle bin? D. CD – ROM
2019 Q.25
A. Flash disk
B. Floppy disk 35. The information stored in the Read Only
C. Hard disk Memory chip is
D. Zip disk 2018 Q.15 A. temporary
B. permanent
C. easily altered
D. readily accessible
22 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 2020 Private Q.1
36. In computing, diskette can also be C. Sound card
referred to as D. Memory stick 2020 Q.3
A. zip disk
B. hard disk 44. Which of the following data measuring
C. loppy disk units is not in the computer ield?
D. compact disc 2020 Private Q.3 A. Gigabyte
B. Kilobyte
37. Processed data in the computer are C. Megabyte
temporarily held in the D. Zingabyte 2020 Q.12
A. cache memory
B. lash memory 45. One megabyte of information is
C. read only memory approximately equal to
D. random access memory 2020 Private Q.4 A. 1,000 bytes of data
B. 10,000 bytes of data
38. The smallest unit of data management is C. 100,000 bytes of data
A. bit D. 1,000,000 bytes of data 2020 Q.14
B. byte
C. word 46. It is appropriate to use a backup when the
D. Megabyte 2020 Private Q.7 original ile is
A. new
39. A group of eight bits is called B. lost
A. byte C. fresh
B. Word D. intact 2020 Q.25
C. digit
D. value 2020 Private Q.12 47. The following are features of the Random
Access Memory except
40. The following components are storage A. It is volatile
devices except B. It is non-volatile
A. diskette drive C. It stores data temporarily
B. hard disk drive D. It is accessible to the user
2021 Private Q.3
C. lash memory drive
D. random access memory 2020 Private Q.14 48. The internal permanent store of memory
which can normally be read but cannot be
41. A good precaution for using CDs and normally changed is the
DVDs is to A. CPU
A. place them near magnetic ields B. DVD
B. touch the silvered surface always C. RAM
C. leave them inside the disk drive always D. ROM 2021 Private Q.6
D. place them inside a safety jacket at all
times 2020 Private Q.19 49. An example of a storage device is a
A. Monitor
42. Mrs. Famiyeh wants to copy information B. Keyboard
onto a compact disc, and use the C. Compact disc
information several times without erasing D. Compact disc drive 2021 Private Q.7
it. Which of the following media would you
advise her to use? 50. Which of the following options is not a
A. VCD secondary storage device?
B. CD – R A. Floppy disk
C. CD Plus B. Compact disk
D. CD – ROM 2020 Private Q.25 C. Flash memory
D. Read only memory 2021 Private Q.8
43. Which of the following devices provides
permanent storage of information for future 51. Which of the following items is not a
retrieval and use? storage medium?
A. Modem
B. Light pen
Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 23
A. Plotters 53. The 3.5 inches loppy disk has a storage
B. Zip disk capacity of
C. Hard disk A. 1.22 MB
D. Memory stick 2021 Q.6 B. 1.44 MB
C. 1.88 MB
52. One byte of data is equal to D. 2.44 MB 2021 Q.8
A. 4 bits
B. 8 bits
C. 16 bits
D. 24 bits 2021 Q.7


1. The most common means by which data are 6. Keys on a computer keyboard which are
input into the computer is through used to move the cursor in a speci ic
A. mouse direction are called
B. keyboard A. arrow keys
C. microphone B. function keys
D. joystick 2011 Q.1 C. shift keys
D. special purpose keys 2012 Q.33
2. Computer device such as mouse, touchpad
and joystick are referred to as 7. Entry of data into the computer is termed
A. output device A. input
B. pointing device B. output
C. standard device C. process
D. internet device 2011 Q.2 D. distribution 2016 Q.10

3. In the absence of a mouse, which of the 8. Which of the following devices are used to
following devices could be used to perform feed a computer system with data?
its functions? A. Keyboard and monitor
A. Scanner B. Keyboard and mouse
B. Webcam C. Mouse and monitor
C. Keyboard D. Mouse and printer 2015 Q.2
D. Microphone 2011 Q.22
9. Which of the following can be used as an
4. The least number of input devices that a input device and the same time output
computer system can have is device?
A. 1 A. Microphone
B. 2 B. Modem
C. 3 C. Printer
D. 4 2012 Q.1 D. Speaker 2014 Q.3

5. The total number of keys on a standard 10. An example of a function key on the
QWERTY keyboard is computer keyboard is
A. 96 A. F1
B. 104 B. Q
C. 108 C. @
D. 116 2012 Q.22 D. NmLk 2016 Q.9

24 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

11. Devices that extend their services to A. hard disk
enhance the function of the computer are B. monitor
called C. printer
A. hardware D. processor 2012 Q.1
B. software
C. peripherals 19. The device which is used to produce hard
D. irmware 2017 Q.2 copies from personal computers in school is
A. photocopier
12. Which of the following is a keyboard layout B. monitor
format? C. printer
A. QWERTY D. scanner 2013 Q.31
C. QWRTEY 20. The part of the computer which displays
D. QWREYT 2017 Q.8 information to the user in soft copy format
is the
13. Which of the following computer keys are A. monitor
used for issuing commands? B. printer
A. Alphanumeric C. processor
B. Numeric D. scanner 2014 Q.1
C. Standard
D. Function 2017 Q.28 21. The sharpness of an image on a monitor
screen is determined by the number of
14. Which of the following devices sends A. inches
commands into the computer? B. pits
A. Keyboard C. pixels
B. Pen drive D. unit 2014 Q.2
C. Printer
D. System Unit 2018 Q.2 22. A computer accepts data input, processes
the data and produces
15. The following are input devices except A. byte
A. keyboard B. data
B. monitor C. output
C. mouse D. storage 2015 Q.3
D. scanner 2018 Q.14
23. Information printed on paper is referred
16. A pen-like device that is used to enter data to as
by applying pressure on a screen is the A. carbon copy
A. joystick B. hard copy
B. mouse C. print copy
C. pointer D. soft copy 2015 Q.33
D. stylus 2019 Q.14
24. An example of output device is
17. Flat panel screen is also known as A. keyboard
A. LCD B. mouse
B. VCD C. printer
C. CRT 2013 Q.1 D. scanner 2016 Q.2
D. OCR 2011 Q.3

18. The device that converts computer output

into displayed images is the Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 25
25. The monitor that displays output only in 31. The following options are computer output
one colour is devices except
A. cathode ray tube A. monitor
B. dichrome B. printer
C. liquid crystal display C. scanner
D. monochrome 2018 Private Q.2 D. projector 2020 Q.13

26. Which of the following computer devices 32. Which of the following computer
make information accessible to the end components is used to display the desktop
user? icons?
A. Input devices A. Mouse
B. Output devices B. Monitor
C. Process devices C. Joystick
D. Storage devices 2019 Private Q.13 D. System unit 2020 Q.36

27. The Liquid Crystal Display monitor of a 33. Computer devices such as mouse and
computer is also known as joystick are referred to as
A. cathode ray tube A. output devices
B. display screen B. network devices
C. lat panel display C. pointing devices
D. television display 2019 Q.12 D. standard devices 2020 Q.37

28. The device used to send pictures, diagrams 34. Devices that translates data into a form
and photographs into the computer system that users can read are called
in a digital format is the A. Input devices
A. stylus B. Output devices
B. mouse C. Storage devices
C. scanner D. Process devices 2021 Private Q.4
D. joystick 2020 Private Q.13
35. Which of the following devices controls the
29. Which of the following components is not pointer on-screen?
an input device? A. Mouse
A. Mouse B. Monitor
B. Light pen C. Scanner
C. Keyboard D. Keyboard 2021 Private Q.5
D. Processor 2019 Private Q.37
36. The computer device that is used to
30. The following components are forms of display information in the softcopy form
pointing devices except is the
A. mouse A. Mouse
B. cursor B. Printer
C. trackball C. Monitor
D. touch pad 2020 Q.2 D. Scanner 2021 Q.4

26 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

1. Windows organizes information on the C. remove the ile
computer using a D. make a duplicate of the ile 2014 Q.10
A. directory
B. folder 9. Dragging a folder from one drive to a
C. subdirectory window on another drive is equivalent to a
D. disk 2011 Q.11 A. cut operation
B. copy operation
2. Which of the following are valid folder C. delete operation
names? D. move operation 2014 Q.13
I. Black/Stars II. Black:Stars
III. Black_Stars IV. Black Stars 10. When iles and folders are deleted from the
computer, they go into the
A. I and II only A. briefcase
B. II and III only B. desktop
C. III and IV only C. delete bin
D. II and IV only 2011 Q.12 D. recycle bin 2015 Q.10

3. Which of the following is a valid folder name? 11. Which of the following would happen when
A. Black/Stars a user double clicks on a folder?
B. Black_Stars A. A sub-folder would be created
C. Black:Stars B. The folder would be closed
D. Black* 2012 Q.23 C. The folder would be deleted
D. The folder would be opened 2015 Q.12
4. An entity in a ile system which contains a
group of iles is called a 12. A folder within another folder is called
A. cabinet A. ile
B. container B. sub folder
C. document C. inside folder 2016 Q.6
D. folder 2012 Q.29 D. innermost folder 2018 Q.18

5. Recycle bin or trash bin contains deleted 13. The location where a ile is stored is called
iles and folders from the A. folder
A. loppy disk B. icon
B. lash disk C. page
C. hard disk D. website 2016 Q.17
D. zip disk 2012 Q.32
14. Double-clicking on a program icon on a
6. To copy a ile means to computer desktop
A. cut the ile from the desktop A. cut the program's window
B. delete the ile into recycle bin B. copies the program's window
C. make a duplicate of the ile C. closes the program's window
D. remove the ile from a folder 2013 Q.11 D. open the program's window
2016 Q.31
7. A group of iles are stored in a
A. folder 15. When iles are cleared from the computer,
B. graphic it is known as
C. text A. restoring
D. word 2013 Q.13 B. editing
C. deleting
8. To copy a ile means to D. removing 2017 Q.16
A. cut the ile
B. delete the ile Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 27
16. The default storage location for iles and 20. Which of the following represents text,
folders is image, audio and video?
A. My briefcase A. File
B. My computer B. Folder
C. My documents C. Notepad
D. My network places 2018 Q.6 D. WordPad 2019 Private Q.17

17. Which of the following statements are true 21. Files are best kept in
about iles? A. icons
I. A ile can be renamed whilst it is open B. Folders
II.A ile cannot be deleted whilst it is open C. programs
III.A ile deleted from a computer maybe D. application 2019 Q.5
found in the recycle bin or trash bin.
22. A named collection of stored data or
A. I & II only information is called
B. I & III only A. File
C. II & III only B. Text
D. I, II & III 2018 Q.7 C. Folder
D. Notepad 2020 Private Q.6
18. Which of the following is used as a shortcut
means to open iles, folders and programs? 23. Which of the following options is used
A. Desktop during ile and folder management?
B. Icon A. File menu
C. Screen B. Tools menu
D. Start menu 2018 Q.17 C. Internet explorer
D. Windows explorer 2020 Q.17
19. A ile is a collection of
A. books 24. Deleing a ile on the computer means
B. sheets A. Bolding the ile
C. different records B. Resizing the ile
D. related records 2019 Private Q.5 C. Removing the ile
D. Modifying the ile 2021 Private Q.15


1. A computer program that enables user to A. global network of computers
surf the internet is known as B. government agency that links computers
A. internet surfer C. software for designing programs
B. web browser 2011 Q.33 D. special network of computers in an of ice
C. web surfer 2013 Q.32 2012 Q.14
D. web navigator 2015 Q.37
4. Which of the following devices will enable
2. The worldwide network that makes users to get access to the Internet
electronic information available to users connection?
is also known as A. Keyboard
A. site B. Modem
B. web C. Projector
C. browser D. Scanner 2013 Q.34
D. map 2011 Q.36
5. Which of the following is a web browser?
3. The internet is a A. Firewall
B. Opera
28 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco C. Windows
D. Yahoo 2014 Q.32
6. The speed of modem is measured in A. downloading
A. baud B. down linking 2011 Q.37
B. bit C. uploading 2013 Q.35
C. byte D. up linking 2014 Q.34
D. hertz 2016 Q.23
14. A tool for locating information on the
7. The set of rules that enables different types internet is called
of computers and networks on the internet A. universal engine
to communicate with one another is the B. database engine 2011 Q.38
A. internet rules C. search engine 2012 Q.28
B. protocols D. deep web 2020 Q.23
C. network rules
D. communication rules 2017 Q.23 15. Which of the following features in a
browser enables users to fetch the latest
8. To connect a computer to the internet copy of a web page?
through the telephone line, one needs A. Refresh
A. a Bluetooth B. Forward
B. a modem C. Backward 2011 Q.40
C. a mobile phone D. Stop 2014 Q.33
D. an infrared 2018 Private Q.25
16. Which of the following domain name
9. Radio satellite setup has two parts namely extension is used by educational institution?
receiver and A. .com
A. broadcaster B. .edu
B. recorder C. .net
C. transformer D. .org 2014 Q.31
D. transmitter 2018 Q.23
17. The http:// in a website address refers to
10. A system of interconnected computers, A. domain name
telephones or other communication devices B. directory name
that can communicate with one another and C. ile name
share applications and data is referred to as D. protocol 2014 Q.35
A. extranet
B. internet 18. In computing, an element which links from
C. intranet one document to another or within the same
D. network 2018 Q.24 document is called
A. hyperlink
11. A program that enables users to view web B. pointer
pages and jump from one web page to C. web browser 2015 Q.32
another is known as D. web page 2020 Q.24
A. hyperlink
B. internet 19. Which of the following is not a component
C. web browser of the uniform resource locator (URL)?
D. world wide web 2019 Private Q.23 A. Web protocol
B. Name of browser
12. The device used to transform digital C. Name of web server 2016 Q.22
signals to analogue signals and vice versa D. Name of the ile with the directory
on a network is a
A. hub 20. A special software that is used to access
B. modem the internet is called
C. telephone A. Address bar
D. digital box 2019 Q.23 B. Search engine
C. Web browser 2016 Q.24
13. Transferring data from a remote computer D. Windows XP
to a local computer is referred to as Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 29
21. A collection of linked documents or pages C. hyperlink
stored on millions of computers and D. search 2018 Private Q.36
distributed across the world is called
A. internet 27. Specialized program that assists a user to
B. hyperlink locate information on the web and on the
C. world wide web internet is called
D. browser 2017 Q.22 A. agents
B. search engine
22. The basic information on the internet can C. web
be in the form of the following except D. web portal 2018 Q.36
A. text
B. sound 2017 Q.35 28. In a web browser, where is the website
C. graphic 2020 Private Q.24 address typed?
D. game A. Address bar
B. Home page
23. If you want any information on the C. Menu bar
internet that contains the keywords “Ko i”, D. Status bar 2018 Q.22
“Annan” and “Ghana”, which of the following
would be the most appropriate search text 29. Which of the following is a complete
to provide to the search engine? website address?
I. Search for Ko i Annan and Ghana on any A. hhpp://www.waecghana.org
website B. hhtp://www.waecghana.org
II. I want any information on Ko i Annan C. http://www.waecghana.org
and Ghana D. htpp://www.waecghana.org 2018 Q. 37
III. Ko i Annan Ghana
30. Downloading of software and video from
A. I only the internet is a major source of computer
B. II only A. information
C. I and II only B. protection
D. III only 2017 Q.36 C. safety
D. virus 2019 Private Q.36
24. A student wants to search for information
on the internet to have solution on the ICT 31. A collection of linked documents and pages
assignment from school. Which of the stored on millions of computers distributed
following do you recommend for him/ her across the world is called
to use? A. browser
A. E-mail address B. hyperlink
B. Search engine C. internet
C. Compose D. world wide web 2019 Q.22
D. Inbox 2017 Q.38
32. Google is an example of a
25. Which of the following buttons is used to A. browser
reload a page? B. search engine
A. Back C. span mail
B. Forward D. website 2019 Q.24
C. Go
D. Refresh 2018 Private Q.22 33. The buttons for reload/refresh, back, stop
and forward can be found on the following
26. An element in electronic document that applications except
links one place to another place in the same A. Search engine
document or another document is called B. Web browser
A. connect C. Website
B. link D. WhatsApp 2019 Q.35

34. Personal log or journal entries posted on the

30 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco
web are known as
A. blogs 41. Copying information from the internet onto
B. e-mails a computer is the same as
C. web casts A. Saving
D. list servers 2020 Private Q.22 B. Pasting
C. Uploading
35. The largest computer network ever to have D. Downloading 2021 Private Q. 36
emerged is the
A. extranet 42. Which of the following is a valid website
B. intranet address?
C. internet A. htpp://waecgh.org
D. satellite 2020 Private Q.23 B. hppt://waecgh.org
C. hhtp://waecgh.org
36. The acronym ISP stands for D. http://waecgh.org 2021 Q. 31
A. Internet System Provider
B. Internet Service Provider 43. A special software that is used to access the
C. Information System Provider internet is called
D. Information Service Provider 2020 Q.22 A. Web page
B. Address bar
37. The set of rules that enables different C. Web browser
types of computers and networks on the D. Search engine 2021 Q. 32
internet to communicate with one another
is the 44. In computing, an element or icon that links
A. internet one document to another in a different
B. network document or within the same document is a
C. protocol A. Pointer
D. Communication 2020 Q.35 B. Web page
C. Hyperlink
38. Which of the following options is not a D. Web browser 2021 Q. 33
feature of the internet?
A. SMS 45. Which of the following options is a web
B. E-mail browser?
C. Formatting A. DOS
D. File transfer 2021 Private Q. 31 B. Windows
C. Internet Explorer
39. The worldwide network of computers that D. Operating system 2021 Q. 34
makes information available to users is the
A. Web 46. Which feature of a web browser enables a
B. Link user to access the latest information from
C. url the browser?
D. browser 2021 Private Q. 32 A. Home
B. Refresh
40. The computer program that helps users to C. Forward
access the internet is the D. Backward 2021 Q. 36
A. Website
B. Web page
C. Web browser
D. Web address 2021 Private Q. 33

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 31

1. Which of the following terms refers to 8. The term e-mail stands for
unsolicited e-mails in the form of advertising A. Easy mail
or letters? B. Electrical mail
A. Compose C. Electronic mail
B. Inbox D. English mail 2019 Private Q.24
C. Spam 2012 Q.39
D. Trash 2013 Q.37 9. The best way to exit from an email account
is to
2. The command button that opens a dialog A. log in irst
box for users to create an e-mail message is …. B. log out irst
A. back button C. switch user irst
B. compose button D. change account irst 2019 Private Q.35
C. create button
D. refresh button 2014 Q.36 10. Which of the following is true about e-mail
3. The button that opens a dialogue box for A. Every user of an e-mail account needs a
users to create an email message is valid address and password
A. Back B. Every user of an e-mail account needs a
B. Compose valid username and password
C. Create C. Every user of an e-mail account needs
D. Refresh 2015 Q.34 only a valid password
D. Every user of an e-mail account needs
4. Which of the following does a user need to only a valid username
bypass before accessing an email? 2019 Private Q.37
A. Gmail and password
B. Yahoo and username 11. A teacher using the Internet decided to
C. Password and username send an electronic mail to Junior High School
D. Computer name and password Students in Ghana. Which of the following
2016 Q.36 will the Teacher use to accomplish his / her
5. All the following are unethical use of E-mail A. Website address
except B. Data ile address
A. Deleting any message, you do not need C. E – mail address
B. Sending damaging information about D. Modern address 2011 Q.34
C. Sending of malicious software 12. In e-mail context, what does BCC stands for?
D. Sending spam 2018 Private Q.23 A. Blank Carbon Copy
B. Blind Carbon Copy
6. Which of the following options is used to C. Bulk Carbon Copy 2011 Q.35
create an e-mail message? D. Backup Carbon Copy 2015 Q.36
A. Attachment
B. Compose 13. On an email interface, which of the
C. Inbox following area is mandatory to complete
D. Send 2018 Private Q.35 and send message?
A. Sender body
7. Unsolicited bulk electronic messages are B. Sender name
generally referred to as C. Message header / Subject
A. communication D. Message recipient e-mail address
B. e-mail 2014 Q.30
C. spam
D. virus 2018 Private Q.37 14. Which of the following options is used to
access message from an Inbox in an
32 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco electronic mail?
A. Mail 18. Which of the following addresses will help
B. Send/ Receive a teacher send a message to his/her class?
C. Import/ Export A. E-mail address
D. Create new account 2016 Q.35 B. Source address
C. Website address
15. The fastest form of sending information is D. Destination address 2021 Private Q.34
through the
A. Ghana post 19. In an e-mail concept, bcc means
B. EMS A. Blank carbon copy
C. E-mail B. Black carbon copy
D. DHL 2017 Q.24 C. Blind carbon copy
D. Bulk carbon copy 2021 Private Q.35
16. Which of the following is compulsory
when composing and sending an email? 20. The command button that opens up a
A. Message Body dialogue box for users to compose an email
B. Message Header/Subject message is the
C. Recipient's Email Address A. Sent button
D. Sender's Name 2018 Q.35 B. Junk button
C. Inbox button
17. Which of the following email features can D. Create button 2021 Q.35
be used to communicate a new message to
a friend?
A. Send/Compose
B. Compose/Send
C. Import/Export
D. Create a new account/Existing user
account 2020 Private Q.35


1. The total number of command buttons on A. desktop
the title bar of an opened word processing B. font
window is C. print
A. 2 D. zoom 2016 Q.21
B. 3
C. 5 5. The process of moving different portions of
D. 6 2012 Q.5 a document on the screen into view is called
A. downward
2. A program on the computer which enables B. upward
users to type letters to friends is the C. moving
A. Browser D. scrolling 2017 Q.6
B. Spreadsheet
C. Utility 6. A word document created with a word
D. Word processing 2012 Q.24 processing program will have the extension
A. .doc
3. The method of reproducing copies of a B. .txt
document is termed C. .ppt
A. copying D. .xls 2017 Q.21
B. pasting
C. photocopying 7. A symbol on the screen that indicates where
D. printing 2016 Q.13 the next character typed will appear is
A. text mark
4. The following are features of a word B. indicator
processing window except Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 33
C. pointing stick previously saved document under a new
D. insertion point 2017 Q.31 name is
A. New
8. Which of the following is not a language tool B. Rename
in a word processing application C. Save
A. ind and replace D. Save As 2012 Q.25
B. grammar checker
C. spell checker 16. The save command is found under which of
D. thesaurus 2018 Private Q.32 the following menu option?
A. Edit
9. Computerized text editing can appropriately B. File
be applied to C. Insert
A. Database application D. Tools 2013 Q.26
B. Desktop application
C. Spreadsheet application 17. When a text automatically moves to the
D. Word processing 2018 Private Q.21 nest line at the end of a margin in a word
processing program, it is referred to as
10. A word processor is used to A. text wrap
A. browse the internet B. word wrap 2013 Q.28
B. change wallpaper C. text movement 2014 Q.27
C. search for audio iles D. word movement 2015 Q.25
D. type letters 2018 Private Q.31
18. Which of the following commands is used
11. Which of the following bar is not a feature to resave an edited ile with the same ile
of a Word processing program? name?
A. Formula bar A. Copy
B. Menu bar B. Save
C. Status bar C. Save As
D. Standard toolbar 2019 Private Q.21 D. Send 2014 Q.22

12. Which of the following is an example of a 19. To create a space between characters,
Word processor? words and sentences, use the
A. Excel A. backspace key
B. Lotus 1,2,3 B. enter key
C. Notepad C. shift key
D. Print artist 2019 Q.10 D. spacebar key 2016 Q.28

13. The shortcut to some commands on the 20. The process that is used to recall a
menu bar of a Word processing application document previously saved is termed
program can be found on the A. copy
A. scroll bar B. enter
B. status bar C. open
C. standard toolbar D. save as 2016 Q.30
D. title bar 2019 Q.33
21. The command button used to recall
14. To save a previously saved document existing document in a Word processing
under a new name, use the application is
A. Save command A. Copy
B. Rename command B. Open
C. Re-save command C. Save
D. Save As command 2011 Q.25 D. Save As 2018 Private Q.30

15. The command that enables the user to save 22. The default orientation for a Word
document is
A. A4
34 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco B. landscape 2018 Q.21
C. letter A. open existing document
D. portrait B. open formatted document
C. create a recent document
23. In Word processing environment, the D. create a blank document
blinking bar that shows the user where the 2020 Private Q.21
next characters typed will appear is called
A. character point 28. Which of the following menu options
B. lashing bar contains the new blank document command?
C. insertion point A. Edit
D. typing bar 2019 Private Q.30 B. File
C. Format
24. Which of the following options cannot be D. Insert 2020 Private Q.30
used to open a new blank document in a
Word processing program? 29. Which of the following menu commands is
A. File menu used to give a ile a name and a place to be
B. Formatting toolbar stored?
C. Standard toolbar A. New
D. Start menu 2019 Private Q.33 B. Open
C. Print
25. In typing a class assignment given by a D. Save As 2020 Private Q.32
Ghanaian language teacher using the
computer, which of the following 30. The feature that allows a text to
application programs will be appropriate to automatically move to the next line when
use by the student? typing in word processing environment is
A. Spreadsheet program the
B. Database program A. Text wrap
C. Word processing program B. Line wrap
D. Graphical program 2011 Q.23 C. Word wrap
D. Document wrap 2021 Private Q.26
26. Word processing is used mainly by
A. Accountants 31. Which of the following options shows the
B. Artists contents of both the standard toolbar and
C. Engineers the formatting toolbar?
D. Secretaries 2013 Q.33 A. Design
B. Home tab
27. Launching a Word processing application C. Page Layout
will D. Clipboard group 2021 Q.29


1. The standard toolbar contains buttons that 3. Which of the following keys is used for
A. close and resize windows multiple selection of text that are not
B. control page margins and tabs continuous?
C. performs the most common tasks A. Alt
D. help users to navigate through the B. Ctrl
document C. Del 2013 Q.22
2012 Q.26 2020 Private Q.31
D. Shift

2. Double clicking on a word in a word 4. When a user clicks within a selected text by
processing program selects the holding down the left mouse button, and
A. document then transfers the cursor to a different
B. paragraph location within the same document, the
C. sentence text will be
D. word 2012 Q.35
Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 35
A. cut 11. Which computer keyboard key should be
B. moved pressed to start a new paragraph in a Word
C. copied processing program?
D. deleted 2013 Q.23 A. Control + Enter key
B. Down cursor key
5. Which of the following command button is C. Enter key
found on the standard toolbar? D. Shift + Enter key 2018 Q.32
A. Bold
B. Bullets 12. The computer keyboard combination that
C. Redo would move the cursor insertion points to
D. Undo 2013 Q.27 the beginning of the current document is
A. Ctrl + B
6. Which of the following steps will open a B. Ctrl + H
check and correct errors and submit the ile C. Ctrl + Home
for safe keeping under a word processing D. Ctrl + pgUp 2014 Q.21
A. File, Open, Edit and save 13. If a user places the mouse cursor at one
B. Open, File, Edit and Save end of a text, holds down the left button
C. Open, File, Close and Save and drags to the other end of the text, the
D. Start, Open, Edit and Save 2016 Q.32 effect will be
A. copying the text
7. The process of a user placing the cursor at B. cutting the text
the end of a text, holds down the left mouse C. moving the text
button and drag to the other end of the text D. selecting the text 2015 Q.20
is referred to as
A. copying 14. Spelling errors in Microsoft Word are
B. cutting displayed with a
C. moving A. green straight line under the word
D. selecting 2016 Q.33 B. green wavy line under the word
C. red straight line under the word
8. Making changes to an existing document is D. red wavy line under the word
known as 2019 Privat e Q.32
A. creating
B. modifying 15. To resave an edited document, use
C. adjusting A. ctrl + C
D. editing 2017 Q.30 B. ctrl + S
C. ctrl + V
9. Making changes and corrections of D. ctrl + X 2019 Q.21
grammatical errors to an existing document
is referred to as 16. The feature in a Word processor that
A. correction automatically moves the cursor to the
B. deleting beginning of the next line when the current
C. editing typing line ends is called
D. formatting 2018 Q.30 A. auto text
B. auto correct
10. Which of the following keyboard keys can C. line low
be used to delete characters in a Word D. word wrap 2019 Q.31
processing program?
A. Backspace 17. A red wavy line under a word in a Word
B. Shift processing document refers to a word
C. Space bar A. not in the computer dictionary
D. Tab 2018 Q.31 B. not recognized by the computer
C. too long for the computer
D. too short for the computer
2019 Q.32
36 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco
18. To edit a Word document, the user must 21. Double-clicking on a word in a word
irst processing environment
A. bold the word A. Prints the word
B. format the word B. Pastes the word
C. select the word C. Copies the word
D. underline the word 2020 Q.21 D. Selects the word

19. The keyboard keys' combination that will 22. The commands used to move selected text
allow a user to move from the current from one location to another in the same
cursor position in a Word document to the document is
beginning of the irst line of the irst page A. Cut and copy commands
A. ctrl + end B. Copy and edit commands
B. ctrl + tab C. Cut and paste commands
C. ctrl + home D. Copy and paste commands
D. ctrl + page up 2020 Q.29
23. Which of the following keys is used for
20. Highlighting a text is similar to multiple selection of texts that are not
A. editing the text continuous?
B. selecting the text2020 Q.32 A. Alt
C. formatting the text B. Tab
D. paragraphing the text C. Ctrl
D. Shift


1. To bold a text in word processing C. alt + U
environment, irst select the text, then use D. del + U 2012 Q.34
the shortcut keys
A. ctrl + B 5. Which of the following menu titles contain
B. shift + B the bullets and numbering command?
C. alt + B A. Edit menu
D. insert + B 2011 Q.26 B. File menu
C. Format menu
2. The symbols B, I, U are commonly used D. Insert menu 2013 Q.24
buttons found on the
A. standard toolbar 6. In order to apply bold formatting to a section
B. formatting toolbar 2011 Q.27 of existing text, the user must irst
C. menu bar 2013 Q.18 A. click on the formatting button
D. drawing toolbar 2018 Private Q.33 B. click the shortcut mouse button
C. save the document
3. Given sizes and designs of the letters, D. select the section to be formatted
numbers and symbols that are displayed in 2013 Q.25 ; 2014 Q.24
word processing document are referred to as
A. align 7. Text that is justi ied is
B. bullet A. adjusted to meet one margin
C. font B. adjusted to meet both margin
D. indent 2012 Q.10 C. grammatically correct
D. only visible in print preview
4. To underline a selected text in a word 2014 Q.25
processing program, the keys used are
A. ctrl + U Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 37
B. shift + U
8. Which of the following keys are used to A. Ctrl + E
underline a text in word processing? B. Ctrl + I
A. Ctrl + B C. Ctrl + R
B. Ctrl + H 2020 Private Q.28
D. Ctrl + U
C. Ctrl + I
D. Ctrl + U 2014 Q.26 15. To centre text in a Word processing
application, use the keyboard keys
9. To underline selected text(s) under a word combination
processing environment, use the shortcut A. Ctrl + U
keys B. Ctrl + L
A. ctrl + U C. Ctrl + E
B. shift + U D. Ctrl + B 2020 Q.28
C. alt + U
D. insert + U 2015 Q.21 16. The justi ied command will align the
selected text to
10. Which of the following options is required A. the left of the margin
to save a document with a different name? B. the right of the margin
A. File, New C. the centre of the margin
B. File, Close D. both left and right of the margin
C. File, Save 2020 Q.30
D. File, Save As 2015 Q.24
17. The align centre command will place the
11. In the symbol H2O, the 2 appears as a selected text at the centre of the
A. number A. page
B. positive integer B. print
C. subscript C. window
D. superscript 2015 Q.26 D. screen 2020 Q.31

12. Which of the following steps can be used to 18. To underline a word in a word processing
change the font type of a document? environment, use the keyboard shortcut
A. Format/Select/ Font/ Font type keys
B. Font/ Select/ Format/ Font type/ Ok A. Ctrl + P
C. Select/Format/ Font type/ Ok B. Ctrl + V
D. Format/ Font/ Highlight/ Ok/ Font type C. Ctrl + U
2017 Q.32 D. Ctrl + X 2021 Private Q.28

13. Data that is copied from an application are 19. To underline a selected text in a word
temporarily stored in the document, the computer keyboard shortcut
A. clip art keys used are
B. clipboard A. Alt + U
C. document B. Tab + U
D. recycle bin 2018 Private Q.18 C. Ctrl + U
D. Shift + U 2021 Q.28
14. Which of the following computer keyboard
keys combination is used to right align a
text in a Word processing application?

38 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

1. Which of the following is not a tool on the 4. Which of the following is a tool on a drawing
drawing toolbar? toolbar?
A. Arc A. Arrows
B. Oval B. Change case
C. Drop cap C. Drop Cap
D. Line 2011 Q.28 D. Text Direction 2013 Q.29

2. Lines, block arrow, and lowcharts are 5. A rectangle can be drawn in word processing
located on the application using the
A. drawing toolbar A. arrow
B. standard toolbar B. circle
C. formatting toolbar C. oval
D. menu bar 2011 Q.30 D. square 2013 Q.30

3. Which of the following is a tool on the 6. Adding 3-D effect to an object is done
drawing toolbar of a word processing through the
program? A. Auto Formatting dialogue box
A. Align B. Drawing Toolbar
B. Bold C. Formatting Toolbar
C. View 2012 Q.11 D. Graphic Styles menu 2015 Q.23
D. Oval 2020 Private Q.33


1. To preview a document before printing is C. Print command button
necessary because D. Save command button 2014 Q.29
A. it displays the name of the document
B. it displays how the document will look 5. Which of the following document views
like after printing will enable a user to view a document as it
C. it displays copy and paste of the will appear on a printed page?
document A. Normal view
D. it formats the document 2011 Q.32 B. Outline view
C. Print layout view 2015 Q.28
2. To see exactly how a pages of current D. Web layout view 2019 Q.34
document will appear when printed, the
command given is the 6. In using Ms Word, one can decide to see
A. Page Setup command exactly how the pages of the current
B. Print preview command document will appear when printed.
C. Print command Which of the following best describes this?
D. View command 2012 Q.27 A. Printer print
B. Print preview
3. On which of the following toolbars is the C. Printer view
print preview button located? D. Print view 2017 Q.34
A. Drawing
B. Formatting 2013 Q.39 7. Which of the following menus contains the
C. Header and Footer 2015 Q.29 print command?
D. Standard 2018 Q.34 A. Edit
B. File
4. To print a document after previewing, use C. Format 2020 Private Q.34
the D. Insert 2020 Q.33
A. Edit command button
B. Open command button Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 39
8. The keyboard shortcut keys for printing a 11. To preview a document, the user needs to
document is click on the
A. Alt + P A. View button
B. Ctrl + P B. Print button
C. Alt + print C. Page layout button
D. Ctrl + print 2020 Q.34 D. Print preview and print button
2021 Private Q. 30
9. An electronic version of a document is
called a 12. To print a document after previewing, use
A. Software the
B. Softcopy A. Edit command
C. Hardcopy B. Print command
D. Computer copy 2021 Private Q. 2 C. Open command
D. Save command 2021 Q. 30
10. The default orientation for a word
processing document is
A. Oval
B. Portrait
C. Rectangle
D. Landscape 2021 Private Q. 25

1. The scroll bar enables users to 4. The print preview button is located on
A. close application which of the following toolbars?
B. maximize a window A. drawing toolbar
C. restore a window B. formatting toolbar
D. view hidden information C. head/Footer toolbar
2018 Private Q.26 D. standard toolbar 2015 Q.29

2. Which of the following are types of 5. Which of the following is not a toolbar?
scrollbars? A. Drawing toolbar
A. left and right bars B. Picture toolbar
B. top and bottom bars C. WordArt toolbar
C. up and down bars D. Word wrap toolbar 2011 Q.29
D. vertical and horizontal bars
2018 Private Q.34

3. The standard toolbar contains buttons that

A. closes and resizes windows
B. control page margins and tabs
C. perform most common tasks
D. help users to navigate through the
2012 Q.26

40 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

1. The computer equivalence of a sheet of C. labels
paper divided into rows and columns in the D. worksheets 2018 Private Q.10
of ice suite is called
A. Database 9. In a Spreadsheet application, which of the
B. Electronic sheet following displays the content of the active
C. Spreadsheet cell?
D. Word processor 2012 Q.15 A. Formula bar
B. Menu bar
2. Which of the following terms in a C. Name box
spreadsheet is identi ied by a letter and a D. Standard toolbar 2018 Q.12
A. Column 10. The horizontal and vertical lines on a
B. Cell worksheet are called
C. Range A. cells
D. Row 2015 Q.40 B. gridlines
C. scroll bars
3. In a spreadsheet application, which of the D. sheets 2019 Private Q.9
following can be identi ied by a letter?
A. Cell 11. The name given to each cell according to its
B. Column column label and row number is called
C. Range A. active cell
D. Row 2016 Q.40 B. cell formula
C. cell reference
4. Mathematical calculations in a spreadsheet D. highlighted cell 2019 Q.9
application are called
A. Labels 12. An application that helps the user to
B. Formulas 2011 Q.39 change any number in a cell and
C. Numbers 2014 Q.38 immediately see the result of that change in
D. Values 2016 Q.39 another cell is a
A. Database
5. A spreadsheet cell name is referenced by a B. Presentation
A. letter C. Spreadsheet
B. number D. Word processor 2019 Q.40
C. letter and number
D. number and Letter 2016 Q.38 13. The intersection of the 8th row and the 7th
column in a spreadsheet application will
6. A set of cells in the horizontal direction in a have the cell reference
spreadsheet application is called A. 8G
A. active cell B. G8
B. column C. 7H
C. row D. H7 2013 Q.40
D. sheet 2017 Q.38
14. A rectangular grid of rows and columns of
7. In spreadsheet, you can create a relationship an application where data is entered is
between two cells using called
A. numbers A. Notepad
B. text B. Paint
C. formulae C. Word processor
D. rows 2017 Q.39 D. Worksheet 2019 Private Q.39

8. The power of spreadsheet lies in its 15. The content of a selected cell is shown in
A. cells
B. formulae Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 41
the C. ÷
A. formula bar D. / 2018 Q.38
B. name box
C. status bar 23. Which of the following is used for
D. title bar 2019 Q.39 multiplication operation in spreadsheet
16. To apply a formula or function in a A. ADD
spreadsheet program, the symbol used is B. AVERAGE
B. = or + D. PRODUCT 2018 Q.39
C. = or /
D. = or – 2014 Q.40 24. Which of the following is used to ind the
minimum number among a set of number in
17. The sign which represents an insertion of spreadsheet functions?
a formula in a spreadsheet program is A. MAX
A. = or + B. MIN
B. = or – C. MAXIMUM
C. = or * D. MINIMUM 2018 Q.40
D. = or / 2015 Q.39
25. In spreadsheet application, which of the
18. Which of the following programs has following symbols represents addition?
features like a grid book? A. /
A. Microsoft paint B. *
B. Spreadsheet C. ÷
C. Open source writer D. + 2019 Private Q.38
D. Microsoft word 2017 Q.9
26. The following are valid cell addresses of a
19. In spreadsheet application, which of the worksheet except
following symbols represents division? A. A1
A. + B. AA1
B. * C. A1A
C. # D. Z1 2019 Private Q.39
D. / 2018 Private Q.38
27. Which of the following functions is used to
20. Which of the following is used for addition ind the mean number in a set of numbers in
in spreadsheet function? spreadsheet?
A. ADD A. Average
B. AVERAGE B. Maximum
D. SUM 2018 Private Q.39 D. Summation 2019 Q.38

21. Which of the following is used to ind the 28. Which of the following is true about
maximum number among a set of numbers spreadsheet software? It is a type of
in Spreadsheet functions? A. utility software
A. MAX B. system software
B. MIN C. operating system
C. MAXIMUM D. application software 2020 Private Q.10
D. MINIMUM 2018 Private Q.40
29. A spreadsheet cell is identi ied by
22. In spreadsheet application, which of the A. cell and row letter
following symbols represents multiplication? B. cell and row number
A. × C. column letter and row number
B. * D. row letter and column letter
2020 Private Q.38

42 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

30. A simple worksheet consisting of rows and 38. The intersection of the 8th and 7th column
columns in which data can be entered in a spreadsheet application will have the
electronically is known as cell referenced
A. Blank sheet A. 8G
B. Excel sheet B. G8
C. Lotus sheet C. 7H
D. Spreadsheet 2020 Private Q.39 2021 Private Q.39
D. H7

31. By default, how many worksheets does a 39. Mathematical spreadsheets are made
new workbook in a spreadsheet contain? possible by the use of
A. 2 A. Values
B. 3 B. Letters
C. 4 C. Numbers
D. 5 2020 Private Q.40 D. Formulas 2021 Private Q.40

32. A set of cells in the vertical direction in a 40. Mathematical calculations in a spreadsheet
spreadsheet application is called application are called
A. row A. Labels
B. sheet B. Values
C. column C. Numbers
D. active cell 2020 Q.10 D. Formulae 2021 Q.37

33. The intersection of a row and a column is 41. Which of the following terms in a
called spreadsheet application is identi ied by a
A. cell letter and a number?
B. data A. Row
C. formula B. Cell
D. worksheet 2020 Q.38 C. Range
D. Column 2021 Q.38
34. The spreadsheet cell that a user works in
at any given time is called 42. A selected cell in a spreadsheet application
A. active cell is the
B. inactive cell A. Name box
C. adjacent cell B. Active cell
D. working cell 2020 Q.39 C. Cell address
D. Formula bar 2021 Q.39
35. Cell address is normally displayed in the
A. title bar 43. The sign used to prompt a spreadsheet
B. status bar application that a user is about to apply a
C. name box formula to a cell is
D. formula bar 2020 Q.40 A. -
B. \
36. Which of the following applications uses C. /
spreadsheet software? D. = 2021 Q.40
A. Excel
B. Writer
C. Norton
D. PageMaker 2021 Private Q.37 END OF
37. Which of the following software packages
consists of cells arranged in rows and
A. Graphics
B. Spreadsheets
C. Presentations
D. Word processors 2021 Private Q.38
Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 43

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By the end of this section, you should be able to:
Provide standard answers for all the BECE Past Questions on irst attempt.

Spot the style and trends used in setting of BECE Paper 2 (Essay) type questions,
including patterns in repetition of questions.

Assess properly what you have learned under the various topics treated in ICT.
Get adequately prepared to attempt all examinations with con idence.

This section comprises the PAPER 2 (Essay) type questions and answers which
have been put into 'topic groups' or sub-strands.

Both Practical and Theory type questions have been mixed together in this section.

The speci ic year for each of the questions have been indicated in bold-italicized
text at the end of the question. E.g. 2021 Q2 (a) meaning the question was set as
Question number 2 (a) in the 2021 Main BECE. 'Private' is also indicated for the
private BECE questions.

Answers to repeated questions are quoted with reference to the answers of the
original/initial question.

46 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco


1. List the steps (in the right order) involved in switching on a personal computer system.
[2011 Q1(b)]
2. Identify the following ICT tools:
(A) (B) (C)

[2011 Q1(c)]

3. Classify the following into either input or output device in the table below:
(i) Microphone (ii) Joystick (iii) Webcam
(iv) Plotter (v) Scanner (v) Mouse
[2011 Q2(b)]

4. (a) Explain the term Desktop as used in the personal computer environment.
(b) List three areas of learning where information and communication
technology tools can be integrated.
(c) State two bene its associated with the use of information and communication tools in
teaching and learning. [2011 Q3(a)( b)( d)]

5. Use the diagram below to answer question (a) and (b)

(a) Identify the diagram above.

(b) Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E and F
of the diagram.
(c) List the ive main component of the
computer keyboard.
(d) Give the stages involved in the
Information Processing Cycle.
(e) List, in the right order, the steps involved
in Turning Off a personal computer.
[2012 Q1]

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 47

6. Write the following acronyms in full:
(i) ALU (ii) CPU [2012 Q2(b)]

7. (a) Explain the following types of software:

(i) System software (ii) Application software
(b) State the function of the following buttons as used in application software:
(i) Minimize (ii) Maximize (iii) Close [2012 Q3(a)(b)]

8. State three ways ICT can be used in basic education in Ghana. [2012 Q4(b)]

9. (a) Explain communication as used in computer industry

(b) Video conferencing refers to …………………..
(c) List two devices associated with video conferencing.
(d) State four media for sending and receiving Information. [2013 Q3]

10. What is:

(i) Motherboard (ii) Ergonomics (iii) Menu bar [2015 Q5(a)]

11. Complete the table below
Windows Buttons Name of Window button Function of window button

[2014 Q1(b)]

12. (a) List two components of the central processing unit.

(b) List two operating system software.
(c) List three health hazards associated with prolong use of computer and ICT tools.
[2014 Q3(c)(d)(e)]

13. In the space provided below, draw a well labell ed computer mouse.

[2015 Q1(a)]

14. Outline the steps involved in performing the following task:

(i) Changing the desktop of a personal computer [2015 Q1(b)]

48 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

15. Identify the following ICT tools
(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

[2015 Q2]

16. In a typical application window, list two command buttons that are found on the control
menu [2015 Q4(b)]

17. (a) Identify the diagram below:

(b) Identify the part labeled A, B, and C in 1(a) [2016 Q1(a)(b)]

18. Match the items in Group 1 to those in Group 2 with lines [2017 Q2(b)]
Group 1 Group 2
Speedometer Bank
Electric stove Car
Money Counting Machine Hospital
X-ray Machine Home

19. (a) State three ways through which computers may be damaged.
(b) List three speci ic areas of learning where ICT tools can be integrated.
[2017 Q4(a)(b)]

20. (a) What is: (i) Application software (ii) System software
(b) Give three examples of operating system
[2018 Q4(a)(b)]

21. (a) What are the four basic operations performed by any computer system?
(b) List four hardware components of a computer system
[2018 Private Q2(a)(b)]

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 49

22. List two components of the central processing unit. [2019 Private Q2(c)]

23. Using the table below, indicate where the following components can be seen on the
computer system unit: CD/DVD Slot, CPU, Floppy disk slot, Memory, Motherboard, Power
button, Power Supply port, PS/2 port, VGA port
[2019 Q2(a)]

24. Explain computer term Hardware. [2019 Q3a]

25. (a) State the function of an uninterruptible power supply. [2019 Q4a(iii)]

26. State three uses of computers in each of the following areas:

(a) Education (b) Everyday life [2019 Q5(a)(b)]

27. List two operating system software [2019 Private Q2(b)]

28. Explain the term computer software [2019 Q3(c)]

29. What is:

(a) Desktop (b) Title bar (c) Toolbar (d) Menu bar
[2019 Private Q3]

30. Identify and write the name of each of the following devices:
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)

[2020 Private Q1(c)]

31. Explain the four basic operations by every computer. [2020 Private Q2]

32. Write the acronym DOS in full [2020 Private Q4(c)]

33. (a) State three positive uses of computers in the government sector.
(b) What is: (i) a software (ii) an operating system
[2020 Private Q5]

34. Explain the following terminologies as used in computing:

(i) Data (ii) Computer [2020 Q3(b)]

50 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

35. Tick ( √ ) in the appropriate column of table 1 below to indicate whether the item is an
Application software or a System software [2021 Private Q5(b)]
Table 1
Item Application Software System Software
Utility Programs
Word Processor
Windows 10


1. The steps (in the right order) involved in switching on a personal computer
(i) Check the power cables connected to the system unit and monitor
(ii) Check the main socket connection
(iii) Make sure there is no loppy disk in the loppy drive
(iv) Press the power button on the system unit.
(v) Press the power button on the monitor

2. Identi ication of the following ICT tools:

A) Headphone or Earphone B) Digital watch C) Pen drive or Flash memory/drive

3. Classi ication of Input and Output Devices

Microphone Plotter

4. (a) Explanation of Desktop as used in the personal computer environment

§ Desktop is the background image of a display screen, on which windows,
icons, and other graphical items appear.
§ It is a display on a computer screen comprising background and icons representing
equipment, programs and iles.

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 51

(b) Areas of learning where information and communication technology tools
can be integrated
(i) Agriculture (ii) Medicine (iii) Geology
(iv) Communications (v) Education (vi) Business accounting
(vii) Music

(c) Bene its associated with the use of information and communication tools in
teaching and learning
(i) They enable us to perform complex calculations.
(ii) Lectures can be conducted using LCD projectors to beam lecture notes onto large
(iii) They enable us to share knowledge, thus using mobile phones, radio and
the internet.
(iv) They enable us to access information using the internet or educational CDs
like Microsoft Encarta.
(v) They enable us to store large amounts of information on a portable medium, such
lash memory, compact disk, digital versatile disc (DVD), etc.

5. (a) Identi ication of the diagram

Personal Computer

(b) Names of the parts labelled in the diagram

A - System Unit B – Monitor C - Speaker
D – Microphone E – Mouse F – Keyboard

( c ) Main components of the computer keyboard

1. Function keys 2. Alphabetic keys 3. Numeric keys
4. Special keys 5. Arrow/ Cursor/ Directional keys

(d) Stages involved in the Information Processing Cycle.

1. Data/ Input Stage 2. Processing Stage 3. Storage stage
4. Output stage 5. Distribution Stage

(e) Steps involved in Turning Off a personal computer.

1. Close all running applications and windows.
2. Click on the start button to display the start menu.
3. Click turn off computer/ shut down on the start menu.
4. Click on Turn Off in case another dialogue box appears.
5. Wait for the system to shut down.
6. Press the power button of the monitor to turn it off.
7. Unplug from the main power supply and disconnect all cables.

6. (i) ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit (ii) CPU- Central Processing Unit

52 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

7. (a) (i) System Software is the software that manages the computer resources and
provides a platform for other programs to run.

(ii) Application Software is the software that is used to perform a speci ic task
on the computer.
(i) Minimize is used to drop the window into the taskbar
(ii) Maximize is used to enlarge the window
(iii) Close is used to close the open window and exit the application.

8. Ways ICT can be used in basic education in Ghana

1. It makes teaching and learning more interesting and easier.
2. It also helps students to learn at the own pace without pressure.
3. It helps students to ind out more information on speci ic topics.
4. It also makes teaching and learning more interactive.
5. It helps in distance learning without the need for formal classrooms.

9. (a) Communication as used in the computer industry

§ Communication is the transfer or exchange of information between or
among two or more persons via a media, such as the mobile phone or a
communication network. OR
§ Communication is the process of sending and/ or receiving information
through a given media, such telephone or the internet.

(b) Video conferencing is:

§ Holding a meeting through video and audio signals. OR
§ A meeting in which the participants are in different places but are connected
by video and audio links. OR
§ Using video and audio signals to link participants at different and remote
locations. OR
§ Live video and audio communication between three or more locations.

(c) Devices associated with video conferencing

INPUT DEVICES: 1. Video camera 2. Webcam
3. Microphones 4. CD/DVD Player 5. Cassette Player

OUTPUT DEVICES: 1. Computer monitor 2. Television

3. Projector 4. Loud speakers 5. Headphones


DATA TRANSFER: 1. A network, such as the internet.

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 53

(d) Media for sending and receiving information
1. Mobile phones 2. Landline telephones 3. Radio
4. Television 5. Internet 6. Newspapers
7. Magazines 8. Local Area Network

10. (i) Motherboard

§ The motherboard is the main circuit board of a computer. OR
§ It is the circuit board in a minicomputer or microcomputer through which all
signals are directed. OR
§ Motherboard is a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a
microcomputer or other device, with connectors into which other circuit boards
can be slotted.

(ii) Ergonomics
§ Ergonomics is the design of workplace or equipment for comfort, ef iciency, safety
and productivity. OR
§ Ergonomics refers to factors or qualities in the design of workplace or equipment
that contribute to comfort, ef iciency, safety and productivity.

(iii) Menu bar

§ The menu bar is a horizontal bar usually displayed at the top of a computer screen
or window, listing available menus for an application. OR
§ It is a horizontal strip at the top of a window that shows the menus available in a
Windows Name of Function of windows button
button windows button
Minimize § Drops window onto the taskbar. OR
§ Reduces the size of the window to the taskbar.
Maximize § Enlarges a window to occupy the entire screen.
§ Increases size of a window to occupy the entire
Close § Ends an application. OR
§ Shuts down an open/active ile or program. OR
§ Deactivates and stores an open ile or program
Restore down § Returns the size of a window to a previous
custom size.

12. (a) Components of the central processing unit
1. The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), which performs all calculations.
2. The Control Unit (CU), which controls the low of data around the computer.
3. *Modern central processing units may also have a Memory component, which is
used to store data

54 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

(b) Examples of Operating system software
1.Linux, 2. Windows (95/ 98/ ME/ 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8)
3. Macintosh System (Mac OS) 4. Micro-soft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS)
5. OS/2 Warp 6. Unix

(b) Health hazards associated with prolonged use of ICT tools

1. Eye problems [radiation from computer monitor, television, etc.]
2. Back ache, [Sitting behind a computer or other ICT tool for long periods]
3. Neck ache [Sitting behind a computer or other ICT tool for long periods]
4. Wrist pain [Using a keyboard or a mouse for long periods]
5. Ear problems / Hearing impairment [Loud volume from speakers/

13. Diagram of a well labelled computer mouse

14. Steps involved in changing the desktop background (wallpaper) of

a personal computer
Approach 1 (Through Control Panel)
I. Click on the Start button
II. Click on Control Panel
III. Click on Appearance and Personalization
IV. Click on Change Desktop Background
V. Click on the background you want to use
VI. Click on your preferred background display option (picture position)
VII. Click on the Save Changes button

Approach 2 (Through the Desktop)

I. Right-click on the desktop
II. Click Personalize
III. Click Desktop Background
IV. Click on the background you wish to use
V. Click on your preferred background display option (picture position)
VI. Click on the Save Changes button

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 55

Approach 3 (Directly from an image)
I. Navigate to the image you wish to use as Desktop background
II. Right-click on the desired image
III. Click on Set as Desktop background

15. Identi ication of the following ICT tools

(a) Keyboard (b) Monitor (c) Joystick
(d) Printer (e) Hard disk (f) Power Supply

16. Command buttons that are found on the control menu in a typical
application window
1. Close button 2. Minimize button
3. Restore down button 4. Maximize button

17. (a) Turn off computer dialogue box

Shut down computer dialogue box

(b) A- Standby/ Hibernate button

B- Shut down/ Turn off button
C- Restart button

18. Group 1 Group 2

Speedometer Bank

Electric stove Car

Money Counting Machine Hospital

X-ray Machine Home

19. a) Ways by which computers may be damaged

1. Virus action leading to system crashes
2. Power luctuation
3. Rodents action

b) Speci ic Areas of Learning Where ICT Can be integrated

(Please Find Answers in 4b above)

20. (a) (Please Find Answers in 7a above)

(b) Examples of operating system: (Please Find Answers in 12b above)

56 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

21. (a) Basic operations performed by the computer system:
1. Input 2. Processing 3. Output 4. Storage

(b) Hardware components:

1. Mouse 2. System Unit 3. Monitor 4. Keyboard

22. Components of the Central Processing Unit:

1. Arithmetic Logic Unit 2. Control Unit

23. Complete table for Components of the System Unit

Power supply port Floppy disk slot Memory
PS/2 Port Power button Motherboard

24. Hardware
§ Hardware is the physical components that make up the computer system.
Examples of main hardware are keyboard, mouse, moni tor and system unit.

25. Function of the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

§ It provides power to the computer system when the input power source or main
power fails.

26. (a) Uses of computers in education:

1. They are used to enhance teaching and learning.
2. They are used to search for information online.
3. They are used to help accomplish assignments.
4. They are used to bring lessons to reality.
5. They are used to keep students’ records.
6. They are used for virtual learning.

(b) Uses of computers in everyday life:

1. They are used for playing games.
2. They are used for entertainment.
3. They are used for buying and selling online.
4. They are used for banking.
5. They are used for mobile communications.
6. They are used for controlling car alarms.

27. List of Operating System Software

1. Windows Operating System 2. Linux Operating System
3. Macintosh Operating System 4. UNIX Operating System
5. Disk Operating System (DOS)

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 57

28. Software:
§ It is a program / set of instructions that tells the computer what to do/ how to
perform a task. OR
§ Software is a set of instructions that tells the computer what task to perform and
how to perform them.

29. (a) Desktop: Please refer to Answer 4(a) above.

(b) Title bar:

§ It is a horizontal bar at the top of a window, bearing the name of the program
and the name of the current active document. It also contains the window
control buttons (close, maximize and minimize buttons)
(c) Toolbar:
§ This is a collection of buttons that enables you to bypass the menu system.

(d) Menu bar: Please refer to answer 10(iii) above.

30. (i) Light pen (ii) Calculator

(iii) Remote control (iv) Pen drive / lash drive/ USB drive
(v) Microphone

31. Explanation of the four basic operations of the computer
1. Input:
This is the process whereby the computer accepts raw unprocessed data through
input devices.
Examples of devices used for input are keyboard, mouse, microphone, etc.
2. Processing:
This is the means by which the computer manipulates and performs operations on
data in the central processing unit.
This is the most important of all operations by the computer.
3. Output:
This is where the computer gives out meaningful information to the user through
output devices.
Some examples of output devices are: monitor, speaker, printer, etc.
4. Storage:
It is the process by which the computer saves processed data in the main memory
(RAM) and other secondary storage devices for future use.
Examples of storage devices are: hard disk drive, pen drive, compact disk, etc.

32. DOS – Disk Operating System

58 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

33. (a) Positive Uses of Computer in the Government Sector:
1. They are used for setting up meetings and sending various reports.
2. They are used for managing payroll of employees.
3. They are used for typing and printing letters for direct mail to government
4. They are used for keeping database and statistical records.
5. They are used for creating and sending email messages.

(b) (i) Software: Please refer to Answer 28 above

(ii) Operating system

§ It is a set of instructions that coordinate all the activities among the hardware,
applications and all devices connected to the computer.

34. Explanation of the following terminologies:

(i) Data:
§ Data refers to raw unprocessed or unorganized facts.
Examples of data are texts, numbers, symbols, sound, etc.
(ii) Computer:
§ A computer is any electronic device that accepts data as input; processes the
data; stores and gives out meaningful information as output to the user.

35. Items in table 1 ticked ( √ ) as an Application software or a System software

Item Application Software System Software
Encarta √
Linux √
Spreadsheet √
Utility Programs √
Word Processor √
Windows 10 √

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1. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow [2013 Q1(b)(c)]

a) (i) Identify the above diagram
(ii) Name the part labelled A, B, C, D and E
(iii) State the function each of the parts labelled B and C in the diagram in above.

b) State one function of the diagram identi ied in (a) (i)

2. List two toggle keys on the keys on the keyboard. [2014 Q3(a)]

3. Give two examples of typing software. [2014 Q4(a)]

4. Explain the term clicking as used in the computing environment . [2015 Q4(a)]

5. What is a screen tip? [2015 Q4(c)]

6. Describe a computer mouse pad. [2015 Q4(d)]

7. Provide the name and function of each of the following mouse pointer shapes:

[2016 Q1(c)]

8. State three uses of the shift key on the computer keyboard. [2017 Q2(a)]

9. Write the name of the following computer key characters:
(i) & (ii) ^ (iii) { } (iv) / [2018Q1(d)]

10. Give the functions of the following keyboard keys:
(i) Backspace (ii) Spacebar [2018Q2(a)]

11. Write the name of the following computer keyboard key characters:
@ ………. # ………. ( ) ………. \ ………. [2018 Private Q1(b)]

60 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

12. List two toggle keys on a standard computer keyboard. [2019 Private Q2(a)]

13. List four actions that can be performed with the computer mouse.
[2019 Private Q4(b)]
14. (a) State the function of a keyboard.
(b) Explain each of the following terms:
(i) Clicking (ii) Dragging [2019 Q4(a)(b)]

15. Give the function of the following keyboard keys

(i) Esc (ii) Caps Lock [2020 Private Q4(a)]


1. (a) (i) The diagram is: A computer keyboard

a. Names of the labelled parts
A - Shift Key B - Space bar
C. - Arrow keys or movement keys D - Enter key or Return key
E - Function keys

b. Functions of the parts labelled

B – The space bar is used to create a horizontal space in a text

C– 1. The arrow keys are used to control the cursor

2. They are used to move the cursor in a different direction
3. They are used to scroll through documents

(b) Function of the Computer Keyboard

1. It is used to input data and/or commands into a computer
2. To enter data characters (numbers, letters and/or symbols) and commands
into a computer

2. Toggle keys on a standard computer keyboard

1. Caps Lock 2. Num Lock 3. Scroll Lock

3. Examples of typing software

1. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 2. Life typing tutor
3. Touch typist typing tutor 4. Mac typing software
5. TypingMaster pro 6. Rapid Typing
7. Letter Chase Typing Tutor 8. TypeSmart typing tutor

4. Explanation of the term clicking as used in the computing environment

§ Clicking is the act of rapidly pressing and releasing a button on a computer mouse to
issue a given command or input data into a computer.
There are three types of clicking, namely,

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 61

1. Single clicking (clicking/ left clicking): This is the act of rapidly pressing
and releasing the left mouse button once.
2. Double-clicking: It is the act of pressing and releasing the left mouse button twice
in rapid succession
3. Right-clicking: This is the act of rapidly pressing and releasing the right mouse
button once.

5. Meaning of Screen tip

§ A screen tip is a small informational text box / pop-up that appears when a mouse
pointer is moved over an icon / button / link. It provides further information on the
item or control being pointed to.

6. Description of computer Mouse Pad.

§ A special surface, usually made of rubber, plastic or fabric for placing and
moving a computer mouse.
The mouse pad enhances speed, precision and comfort for the user. It also
reduces collection of dust or dirt under the mouse.

7. i) Name: Normal select / Default Left arrow / Left pointing arrow / Left pointer
Function: It is used for objectives selection or activation/deactivation

ii) Name: Right arrow / Right pointing arrow / Right pointer

Function: It enables users to selects a row or text, a cell or a row of cells in a

iii) Name: Hour Glass / Wait Cursor

Function: It informs users that the operating system is occupied/ busy loading
another disk.

iv) Name: Text select / I-Beam/ Insertion Pointer/ I- Cursor

Function: It enables users to select or indicate a point of editing text in
an open document.

v) Name: Harrow Cursor/ Link Select/ Hand pointer/ Link selector

Function: It enables users to select shortcuts or links

8. Uses of the Shift key on the keyboard

1. It is used in combination with alphabet keys for typing capital letters.
2. For typing of upper/top row characters on keys with two characters.
3. It is used to modify the function keys.
4. It is used with the arrow keys to select text in word.

9. Names of the following computer key characters:

(i) & - Ampersand/ And (ii) ^ - Caret
(iii) { } - Parenthesis (iv) / - Forward slash

62 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

10. Functions of the following keyboard keys:
(i) Backspace
It is used to erase characters to the left of the insertion point.

(ii) Spacebar
It is used to create a gap between words or characters.

11. @ - At sign
# - Hash
( ) – Open and close bracket / bracket/ Parenthesis
\ - Backward slash

12. Please refer to Answer 2 above

13. Actions that can be performed by the computer mouse

1. Clicking 2. Double-click ing 3. Right-clicking
4. Scrolling 5. Drag-and-drop 6. Dragging

14. (a) Function of a keyboard

§ It is used to enter/ input/ send data/ information into a computer / computer

(b) Explanation of the following terms:

(i) Clicking: It is the act of pressing and releasing the left mouse button with the index
inger once without moving the mouse.

(ii) Dragging: It is the act of pressing and holding down the left mouse button usually
with the index inger while moving the mouse.

15. Function of the following keyboard keys:

(i) Esc: It is used to cancel/ stop a program application action

(ii) Caps Lock: It is used to toggle between upper and lower case letters when

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1. (a) State two sources of computer viruses
(b) Identify three measures to prevent virus from a school’s computer laboratory.
[2018 Private Q4(a)(b)]

2. Explain the computer term ‘virus’. [2019 Q3(d)]

3. What is copyright used for? [2013 Q5(b)]

4. (a) What is copyright?

(b) State two reasons for copyright protection. [2016 Q5(a)(b)]

5. What is copyright? [2019 Q2(b)]

6. (a) State two reasons for copyright protection

(b) List four products that normally require copyright protection.
[2020 Q2(a)(b)]


1. (a) Sources of computer viruses

1. Removable storage devices 2. Internet downloads
3. Unexpected emails 4. Browsing unsafe websites

(b) Measures to prevent computer viruses

1. Update installed software regularly
2. Install an antivirus program on all the computers
3. Regularly scan the computer for infected iles
4. Update your antivirus programs regularly
5. Never open an unexpected email attachment unless it is from a trusted source.
6. Never start a computer with removable media inserted in the drives or plugged in
the ports, unless the media are infected.

2. Explanation of the computer term ‘Virus’:

§ It is software capable of replicating itself and usually causes harm to iles or
programs on the same computer or another computer over a network.
§ It is malicious software speci ically designed to cause a computer system to be slow
and malfunction. OR
§ A computer virus is a potentially damaging computer program that affects or infects
a computer negatively by altering the way the computer works without the user’s
knowledge or permission.

64 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

3. What copyright is used for:
1. It is used to promote the progress of science, technology and the arts
2. It is used to encourage the creation of new and improved intellectual works
3.It helps to prevent the unlawful / unauthorized use and/or duplication of
creative works
4. It is used to protect the interests of the authors/creators of intellectual

4. a) Meaning of Copyright
§ Copyright is a legal property right that protects the original works of authors
from being reproduced without permission

b) Reasons for Copyright Protection

1. To protect the original works of authors from being reproduced illegally
2. To encourage people to feel secure in creating new things
3. To ensure that original creators enjoy full bene its of the work
4. To motivate people to produce their own works

5. Please refer to Answer 4(a) above.

6. (a) Reasons for copyright protection: Please refer to answer 4(b) above.

(b) Products that require copyright protection:

1. Literary work 2. Artistic work
3. Musical Works 4. Audio-visuals
5. Sound recordings 6. Choreography
7. Computer software

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1. (i) What is Internet?

(ii) List four uses of the Internet. [2011 Q4(a)]

2. (i) What is web browser?
(ii) Give two examples of a web browser. [2011 Q4(b)]

3. Explain Internet fraud [2012 Q4(a)]

4. List three devices that may be used when connecting to the Internet. [2012 Q4(c)]

5. State two:
(i) Positive uses of the Internet (ii) Negative uses of the Internet [2013 Q2a]

6. List three features of a web browser [2014 Q3(b)]

7. Explain the following terms:
i) Internet ii)Search engine [2016 Q4a]

8. What does the following Top Level Domain (TLD) represent in website address?
i) .com ii) .edu iii) .gov
iv) .mil v) .org vi) .net [2016 Q4b]

9. Identify the following web browsers
i) ii) iii)

[2017 Q1(c)]

10. List three devices that may be used for transmission of messages on the internet.
[2017 Q4(c)]

11. Study the image carefully and use it to answer questions (a)(i-ii) and (b)

(a) i) What is the name of the image shown?

ii) Name the parts of the image represented by A, B, C, D, E and F

66 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

(b) State the function of the parts labelled A and D in (a) above

(c) List four uses of the internet. [2018 Q1(a)(b)(c)]

12. List four devices associated with video conferencing. [2018 Private Q4(c)]

13. List three features of a web browser. [2019 Private Q2(d)]

14. Explain the computer term: Network [2019 Q3(b)]

15. State the function of each of the following features on a web browser window:
(a) Back button (b) Forward button (c) Home button
(d) Refresh button (e) History (g) Bookmark
[2020 Private Q3]
16. Write down the following acronyms in full;
(i) HTML (ii) WYSIWYG [2021 Private Q2b]

17. (a) Identify and write down the name of the following features of a website address
(i) : (ii) // (iii) .

(b) (i) What is an address bar of a web browser?

(ii) Outline the steps to follow in order to make an entry into an address bar of
a web browser [2021 Private Q4]

18. Study Figure1 carefully and use it to answer questions 1(a) to (e).

(a) Write the name of the image displayed in Figure 1

(b) List three types of applications similar to igure 1 which can be used to perform
the same function as igure 1 does.
(c) Write the name of the parts labelled A, B and C as shown in Figure 1.
(d) State two skills to be used to access information from the internet in order to
avoid unwanted materials.
(e) State three advantages of using the internet in education.
[2021 Q1]
19. (a) Explain download as used in computing environment.

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 67

(b) List three types of information that may be downloaded from a website
(c) State one advantage of copying a ile from a website into an open Word
Processing application [2021 Q2]


1. (i) Internet
§ The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks.
§ The internet is an international computer network made up of
thousands of networks linked together.
§ It is a global (or giant) computer network linking smaller computer networks.

(ii) Uses of the Internet

1. To search for information on various topics, such as new, weather, sports, etc.
2. To communicate with others through email, chatting services, phone calls, etc.
3. For business / commercial activities, such as online banking, job search,
buying and selling, advertising etc.
4. For research / studies or surveys
5. For educational purposes, such as long-distance education (online programmes),
project writing, etc.
6. For entertainment, such as watching movies, sports, etc.
7. For social networking through websites such as facebook, twitter, hi5, etc.

2. (i) A web browser

§ A web browser is an application program used to browse the Internet or view
web pages.

(ii) Examples of web browser

1. Netscape Navigator 2. Opera 3. Safari
4. Internet Explorer 5. Mozilla Firefox 6. Google Chrome

3. Internet fraud
§ It is the act of using the internet to steal and defraud people and organizations.

4. Devices that may be used when connecting to the Internet

1. Computer 2. Modem 3. Router

5. (i) Positive uses of the internet

1. Education – through distance learning, e-books, e-learning centres, etc.
2. Entertainment – through music, sports, movies, and games
3. Information - Easy dissemination of and access to information – through
search engines, blogs, news websites, etc.

68 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

4. Communication – through emails, chats, social networks, etc.
5. Trading (buying and selling) - through credit or debit cards, money transfer
services, etc.
6. Payment of bills - through credit or debit cards, money transfer services,
7. Advertising of products and services.

(ii) Negative uses of the internet

1. Stealing / Theft – through hacking, impersonation, deception or other
2. Creation of malicious software (malware), such as viruses, worms or
Trojan horses, to damage or disrupt a computer system.
3. Copyright infringement - Violating the rights of others by unauthorized
use or copying of their creative works.
4. Hacking / Cracking - Tapping into con idential data in the computer
systems of others without permission for various reasons.
5. Pornography – Publishing or viewing pornographic pictures or movies.
6. Infringement of privacy – Accessing other people’s private information
without their permission.

6. Features of a web browser

1. Address bar 2. Search bar
3. Stop button 4. Refresh/ Reload button
5. Print button 6. Navigation buttons (forward and back buttons)

7. i) Internet: Please refer to Answer 1(i) above

ii) Search Engine
§ Search engine is a program that is used to locate information on the world
wide web through the internet by typing key words, e.g. www. google.com

8. i) .com - Commercial ii) .edu - Educational

iii) .gov - Government iv) .mil -Military
v) .org -Organization/ Nonpro it organization vi) .net - Network

9. i) Internet Explorer ii) Opera iii) Mozilla Firefox

10. Devices used for the transmission of messages on the internet

1. Computer 2. Modem 3. Router 4. Telephone
5. Telephone lines 6. Mobile phone 7. PDA

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 69

11. a) (i) Internet explorer window / Internet browser window / Web browser window

(ii) Identi ication of the labelled parts

A – Back button OR previous button B – Forward button
C – Title bar D – Address bar OR URL bar
E – Refresh button OR Reload button F – Stop button

b) Functions of the parts labelled A (back button) and D (Address bar)

Function of the Back button:
1. It allows a user to visit or navigate to a previously viewed webpage.

Function of the Address bar:

1. It allows a user to input the address of a website.
2. It displays the web address of the current webpage.

c) Uses of the internet: Please refer to Answer 1 (ii) above.

12. Devices associated with video conferencing:

1. Web camera 2. Computer 3. Mobile phone 4. Modem
5. Headset 6. Speakers 7. Microphone 8. Television

13. Features of a web browser: please refer to Answer 6 above.

14. Explanation of the term network:

§ This is the interconnection of computers and other devices for the purpose of
handling and sharing information/ resources.

15. Function of the following features of a web browser.

(a)Back button: It is used to return to a previously opened page.
(b) Forward button: It is used to move forward again to a previously opened page
after the back button has been used.
(c) Home button: It takes you to the irst web page that is seen when the web
browser is launched.
(d) Refresh button: It reloads and updates the current web page.
(e) History: It allows you to keep record of all the web pages already visited.
(f) Bookmark: This is used to save links to the speci ic web pages for future

70 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

16. Full meaning of the following words:
(i) HTML – Hypertext Markup Language
(ii) WYSIWYG – What You See is What You Get

17. a) Names of the following features of a Website Address:

(i) : - semi-colon
(ii) // - two forward slashes
(iii) . - dot

b) (i) An address bar is a unique reference by which a particular web page is

identi ied on the internet

(ii) Steps to follow in order to make an entry into an address bar of a web
1. Launch the web browser (e.g. Google Chrome) by double clicking on the icon
2. Click inside the address bar
3. Type the website address into the address bar
4. Press Enter to launch the web page.

18. (a)Name of the image displayed in Figure 1:

Web Browser OR Browser window OR Search Engine OR Yahoo page

(b) Types of application similar to igure 1

(i) Google Chrome (ii) Netscape Navigator (iii) Opera
(iv) Internet Explorer (v) Microsoft Edge (vi) UC Browser
(vii) Mozilla Firefox (vii) Apple Safari (viii) Bing

(c) Names of the labelled parts:

A - Address bar OR URL bar
B - Search box OR Web Search
C - Search OR Search using Google

(d) Skills used to access information from the internet

(i) Topics should not be too broad
(ii) Topics must be short and not too lengthy
(iii) Relevant information always appears at the top of the search results, etc.
(iv) Type the exact and precise keywords

(e) Advantages of using the internet in education

(i) Helps in communication
(ii) Creates easy access to educational materials and resources
(iii) Can be used to play educational games
(iv) For educational friendships
(v) For sharing/exchange of educational information

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 71

19. (a) Explanation of download
Download means to copy a document or iles from the internet onto a medium or
other devices.
Download is the transfer of information from a remote source to a local

(b) Types of information that can be downloaded from a website:

(i) Texts / Documents (ii) Videos/ movies (iii) Images/ Pictures
(iv) Audio/ Music (v) Animation (vi) Software

(c) Advantages of copying a ile from a website to a Word processing document.

(i) The user will get the entire content of the ile into the word document
(ii) The ile can be used of line since it is stored locally
(iii) It reduces the time of typing all over again
(iv) The user gets the op on to edit the informa on.

72 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco


1. What is (i) Input device? (ii) Output device? [2011 Q2(a)]

2. Classify the following into either input or output device in the table below:
i. Microphone ii. Joystick iii. Webcam
iv. Plotter v. Scanner vi. Mouse [2011 Q2(b)]

3. State the function of each of the following devices:
(i) Floppy disk (ii) Printer
(iii) Scanner (iv) Uninterruptible power supply [2012 Q2(a)]

4. List four storage media [2013 Q2(b)]

5. What does formatting a disk refers to? [2014 Q2]

6. Certain books are published both in hard copies and soft copies (e - books). Give
two reasons for using:
(i) Hard copies format. (ii) Soft copies format. [2014 Q4(b)]

7. Arrange the storage devices, Compact disk, Hard disk, and Pen drive in
descending order of:
(i) Access speed (ii) Storage capacity [2014 Q4(c)]

8. State two differences between
(a) random access memory and read only memory
(b) hard disk and pen drive; [2015 Q3(a)(b)]

9. List two examples of [2016 Q3(a)]
i) Input devices ii) Output devices
iii) Storage media iv) Devices which serve both input and output purposes.

10. Outline the differences between storage media and storage devices. [2016 Q3(b)]

11. Give three ICT devices that can produce output on paper. [2016 Q5(c)]

12. State one difference between softcopy output and hardcopy output. [2016 Q5(d)]

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 73

13. State two functions
i) Of an input device ii) Performed by an output device [2017 Q3]

14. State the two types of storage media [2018 Q3(a)]

15. (i) Give three important features of storage media
(ii) State two ways to protect storage media [2018 Q3(b)]

16. (a) Arrange the storage media: compact disc, hard disk and pen drive in descending
order of;
(i) access speed (ii) storage capacity [2019 Private Q4(a)]

17. Give one example of an input device [2019 Private Q1(e)(ii)]

18. State the function of Floppy disk [2019 Q4(a)]

19. List three examples each of an:

(i) Input device (ii) Output device [2020 Private Q4(b)]

20. Write the following acronyms in full:

(i) CD (ii) CPU (iii) DVD [2020 Q3(a)]

21. List two examples of:

(i) input devices (ii) output devices
(iii) storage media (iv) devices which serve both input and output
[2021 Private Q2(a)]


1. (i) Input device

§ An input device is a device that allows the user to feed /put data into
a computer
§ It is a peripheral device used to enter information into a computer
§ A hardware component that enables users to interact with a computer
Examples are keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner, microphone, etc

(ii) Output device

§ An output device is any device that is capable of producing information from
binary data that it receives from the CPU.
It is any device capable of displaying information from a computer
Examples are printers, plotters, projectors, video displays, computer speakers,
and synthesizers.

74 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

Microphone Plotter

3. (i) Floppy disk is a magnetic storage device found in rectangular plastic case
that stores small amount of digital information

(ii) Printer is an output device used to make permanent hard copies of digital
information from the computer onto a paper.

(iii) Scanner is an input device used to create digital images of pictures,

texts or objects into the computer.

(iv) Uninterruptible power supply is a device used to ensure constant power

supply of power to the computer system

4. Storage media (Examples)

1. Hard disk drive 2. External hard drive 3. Digital Versatile Disk
4. Compact Disk 5. Flash drive (pen drive) 6. Memory card
7. Magnetic tape 8. Zip drive 9. Floppy disk

5. Formatting a disk
§ This refers to organizing a disk / storage device in such a way that data can
be stored on it. Formatting a disk would delete all data which was previously
stored on it.

6. (i) Reasons for books in hard copies formats

1. They can be used without an electronic device
2. Actual notes can be written and highlights made on its pages for easy
3. Hard copies can be accessed and used without electricity
4. They can be used in areas where there is no electricity
5. Information can be shared without using an electronic device
6. They could be more portable than some computers

(ii) Reasons for books in soft copies formats

1. Searching for a particular information is easier and faster – using the search
2. Sharing information across long distances is faster and easier - using the
internet or intranet or removable storage media such as pen drives.

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3. Saves space - Several e-books can be loaded onto a computer or other
portable device
4. Cheaper - due to its electronic format it costs less than equivalent books in
hard copy formats
5. Versatile – It is possible to change the font size, convert to audio, etc. to suit
the preference of the user.
6. Maintains its state, no matter how old – does not get old or dirty or torn.

7. Arranging Compact disc, hard disk and pen drive in descending order of
(i) Access speed
Hard disk, Pen drive, compact disc
(ii) Storage capacity
Hard disk, pen drive, compact disc

8. (a) Differences between Random Access Memory and Read Only Memory
Random Access Memory (RAM) Read Only Memory (ROM)
Used by programs to hold temporary Primarily used to store programs and
data Files
Requires power to retain data (volatile) Does not require power to retain data
Has a higher speed (faster) Has a much lower speed (slower)
Data is not permanently written Data is permanently written

(b) Differences between Hard Disk and Pen Drive;
Has a larger storage capacity Has a smaller storage capacity
It is larger and heavier (less portable) It is much smaller and lighter (more
Requires a power source for memory Does not require a power source for
storage memory storage
Has parts that move (spins / rotates) Does not have parts that move
Stores memory with a spinning platter Stores memory by lashing into the
and a rotating head “cells” of the memory chip

9. (i) Input Devices:
1. Keyboard 2. Mouse 3. Scanner 4. Joystick

(ii) Output Devices:

1. Monitor 2. Printer 3. Plotter 4. Projector 5. Speaker

(iii) Storage Media

1. Hard disk 2. Compact disk 3. Floppy disk 4. Flash memory

76 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

(iv) Devices which serve both Input and Output purposes
1. Modem 2. Touch screen 3. Digital camera 4. Fax machine

10. Differences between storage media and storage device

Storage Media Storage Device
1. Used to store data 1. Records data on the medium
2. Often external to the computer 2. Usually integrated part of the computer

3. They are reckoned in terms of 3. They are reckoned in terms of speed.


11. ICT devices that can produce output on paper

1. Printer 2. Plotter
3. Photocopy machine 4. Fax machine

12. Differences between softcopy and hardcopy

1. Output can be enlarged 1. Output is ixed
2. Output is on computer screen 2. Output is on paper

13. (i) Functions of an Input Device
1. For feeding the computer with data
2. They are used for issuing commands
3. They can be used for playing games e.g. mouse, keyboard, joystick, game pad
4. They are used to enter sound into the computer e.g Microphone.
5. Input devices are used to feed the computer with image iles etc. E.g. Scanner
6. They are also used to enter text into the computer. Eg Keyboard. etc.

(ii) Functions of Output devices;

1. Output devices displays data to the user
2. For distribution of information
3. They display information to the user in softcopy format e.g. Monitor.
4. They are used to make hardcopy of a document. Eg Plotter and printer
5. They display sound to the user. Eg Speaker

14. The two (2) types of storage media

1. Magnetic storage media
2. Optical storage media

15. (i) Important features of storage media

1. Some of them have tracks
2. They have sectors

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 77

3. They have data area
4. They have silver coated surfaces
5. They are non-volatile
6. Capacity reckoned in bytes/megabytes
7. They have addressable units
8. They are made of plastic material
9. They are accessed sequentially
10. Each track is subdivided into sectors

(ii) Ways to protect storage media

1. By keeping storage media in a protective case
2. Write – protect the storage media.
3. By keeping storage media away from hot environment
4. By protecting the storage media from moisture
5. By keeping storage media away from magnetic ields.
6. By keeping storage media away from dirt.

16. Please refer to Answer 7 above.

17. Examples of input device: Please refer to Answer 9(i) above.

18. Please refer to Answer 3(i) above.

19. Please refer to Answers 9 (i) and (ii) above.

20. (i) CD: Compact disc

(ii) CPU: Central Processing Unit

(iii) DVD: Digital Versatile Disc OR Digital Video Display

21. Examples of the following:

(i) input devices:
1. Mouse 2. Keyboard 3. Microphone 4. Scanner

(ii) output devices

1. Monitor 2. Speaker 3. Printer 4. Projector

(iii) storage media

1. Compact disc 2. Flash drive 3. Floppy disk 4. Magnetic tape

(iv) devices which serve both input and output purposes

1. Digital camera 2. Modem 3. Touchscreen 4. Soundcard

78 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco


1. State two differences between ile and folder (2015 Q3c)

2. Outline the steps on how to rename a folder on the desktop of a computer
[2016 Q1(d)]

3. Give the ile extension for the following ile format: Notepad [2016 Q2(b)]

4. The Operating System makes it easy to store iles in places that make a lot of sense.
Give the default folder or storage area for the following iles:
i) Text iles; ii) Image iles iii) Music iles [2017 Q5(a)]

5. What is a folder? [2018 Q4(a)]

6. Write down the keyboard keys combination for the following commands as used in
application software:
(i) Cut (ii) Copy [2020 Private Q1(b)]

7. Outline the steps involved in restoring a deleted ile. [2020 Q2(c)]


1. Differences between ile and folder
1. A ile stores data 1. A folder stores iles and other folders
2. Takes up signi icant storage space 2. On its own, takes up virtually
no storage space at all
3. A collection of data or information 3. Also known as directory, is used
that can be organized to organize iles

2. Steps on how to rename a folder on the desktop
1. Click / Select the folder to be renamed
2. Right click on the target folder
3. Select Rename from the menu that appears
4. Type the new name
5. Press Enter on the keyboard to inish

3. File extension for Notepad: .txt

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 79

4. Default folder for storing the following iles:
(i) Text iles: My document

(ii) Image iles: My picture folder

(iii) Music iles: My music folder

5. A folder
§ A folder is a virtual location on the computer where programs, iles and other
folders can be kept.

6. (i) Cut: Ctrl + X

(ii) Copy: Ctrl + C

7. Steps in restoring a deleted ile:
1. Double-click on the Recycle bin icon to open it.
2. Select the ile you want to restore.
3. Right click on the ile.
4. Select ‘Restore’ on the menu to effect the change.

80 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco


1. State the purpose of the following commands on an email application such as yahoo or
(a) My Account (b) Compose (c) Attach (d) Sign Up [2014 Q5]

2. State the use of the following email terminologies [2015 Q5]
(a) Carbon copy (b) Blind Carbon Copy (c) To (d) Subject;

3. State the function of each of the following e-mail terminologies.

(a) To (b) Subject (c) Carbon Copy (CC) (d) Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)
[2020 Q5]

4. Give the purpose of the following commands in an e-mail application:

(i) Attach (ii) Compose [2021 Private Q5a]

5. (a) What is an e-mail account?

Use the image shown in Figure 2 to answer questions (b) to (d)

(b) Write a good e-mail address to be typed at where username is shown

(c) State why the password appeared in dots
(d) Give one reason why the system asked for the password to be typed (again)
when creating an e-mail account
[2021 Q4]


1. Purpose of the following commands on email applications
(a) My account
To keep a private record of all mails/ messages sent, received and drafted
(b) Compose
To create a new message/ document / mail to be sent
(c) Attach
To add/ ix an already existing document on a storage media to a
current message to be sent

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 81

(d) Sign up
To register for the irst time on an email application
To create a new email account

2. The use of the following email terminologies

(a) Carbon copy
To input the email address(es) of secondary recipients of an email message,
such that the copy will also be visible to other recipient(s).

(b) Blind Carbon Copy;

To input the email address(es) of secondary recipients of an email message,
such that the copy will not be visible to the main recipient(s)

(c) To;
To input the email address(es) of the main recipient(s) of an email message

(d) Subject;
To input the main theme / title / heading of an email message

3. Please refer to Answers 2(c), (d), (a) and (b) accordingly.

4. Please refer to Answers 1 (c) and 1 (b) accordingly

5. (a) Meaning of E-mail account

It is a user account used for sending and receiving messages on a network
An e-mail account is the destination to which electronic mail messages are

(b) Examples of a good e-mail address:

[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

(c) Why the typed password appeared in dots

(i) To hide the text from other users
(ii) To protect the password from being stolen
(iii) To prevent easy access to the password by others.

(d) Reason why the password is typed again

(i) To the irst password typed
(ii) To ensure that the password typed is correct
(iii) To avoid password mismatch

82 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco


1. (a) Study the diagram below carefully and answer the question that follows:
[2011 Q1(a)]

(i) What is the name of the application used to create the above ile?
(ii) Give the ile name of the application program above
(iii) Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E, and F in the diagram.
(iv) State the functions of B and C in (a) above

2. List two tools on the formatting toolbar of a word processing application.

[2011 Q3(c)]
3. (a) In word processing application, when is it appropriate to use:
(i) Copy and Paste (ii) Cut and Paste

(b) (i) What is a font?

(ii) List three font styles. [2013 Q4(a) (b)]

4. In word processing application, what is the command button Print preview used for?
[2014 Q1(c)]

5. Certain books are published both in hard copies and soft copies (e -
books) Give two reasons for using:
(i) Hard copies format. (ii) Soft copies format. [2014 Q4(b)]

6. Outline the steps involved in performing the following tasks:

(i) opening a document
(ii) saving a new created document; [2015Q1(b)]

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 83

7. a) Explain the term word processing
b) Give the default extensions for the following ile format: Notepad
c)Write the shortcut keyboard keys combination for the following commands as
used in word processing environment:
i) Cut ii) Copy iii) Paste iv) Print [2016 Q(2)]

8. Write down the shortcut keys combination for the following commands as used in
word processing environment.
i) Undo; ii) Find; iii) Select ALL; [2017 Q5(b)]

9. List three toolbars available in word processing application [2017 Q5(c)]

10. (i) Outline three differences between selecting and highlighting text in a
word processing application
(ii) Name two Word Processors. [2018 Q2(b)]

11. (a) Study the image carefully and use it to answer questions (a)(i – iv)

(i) What is the ile name for the image shown above?
(ii) Name the area represented by A, B, C, D, E, F in (a).
(iii) State the function of B in (a) above.
(iv) Using the area labelled C, state the steps required to exit the application.

(b) Name two differences between the menu bar and Toolbar in an application
software. [2018 Private Q1(a)(b)]

84 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

12. Study the text below carefully and use it to answer question 12.

(a) Write down the application software that was used to create the above text.
(b) List two examples of the application software mentioned above.
(c) Give the name of the text area labelled A
(d) Write down the name of the font styles applied to the following words in the text.
(i) potentially deadly
(ii) harmful organisms
(iii) Medical researches
(e)Write down the type of alignment applied to the paragraphs labelled B, C and D in
the text.
(f) List the steps used in underlining the words in the text area labelled A, which was
typed with the caps lock key on.
(g) Write down the name given to the process of applying the various styles and
paragraphs to the text.
[2019 Q1]

13. State two conditions under which the Save As command can be used in a word
processing application. [2019 Private Q 4(c)]

14. (a) What is a font?

(b) List three font styles.
(c) List the steps required in bulleting a given text.
(d) List three, word processing application software. [2018 Private Q3]

15. Use the image below to answer questions (a) to (c).

(a) Write the name of the image below.

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 85

(b) Name the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E and F in (a) above
(c) State the function of B, C, and D in (a).
(d) Write down the keyboard key combination for the following commands as use d in
application software:
(i) Undo (ii) Redo [2019 Private Q1]

16. (a) Study Figure 1 carefully and use it to answer questions (i) to (iv)

(i) What is the name of the application software represented in Figure 1?

(ii) Give one example of the application software shown in Figure 1
(iii)Identify the parts represented by the letters A, B, C, D and E in Figure 1
(iv) State one function of the part represented by the letter E.
[2020 Private Q1(a)]

17. Study Figure 1 carefully and use it to answer questions (a) to (e)

(a) Write the name of the application displayed in Figure 1

86 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

(b) Mention two things that the application in Figure 1 can be used to create.
(c) Write the name of the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E and F in Figure 1.
(d) List two of the items found in the part labelled A.
(e) What is the part labelled D used for? [2020 Q1]

18. State the steps involved in performing the following operations:
(a) Saving a newly created document in word processing application using the
appropriate menu command.
(b) Cutting and pasting a word document from one folder into another folder all on the
desktop. [2020 Q4]

19. (a) Explain the following terms in computing environment:

(i) Printing (ii) Print preview

(b) State three advantages of previewing a document before printing

[2021 Private Q3]

20. (a) Give two examples of a Word processing application
(b) Complete the table below:

[2021 Q3]


1. (i) Name of the application: WordPad

(ii) File Name of the application: WAEC EXAMINATION
(iii) Names of the labelled parts
A - Document Area or Text Area B – Formatting Toolbar
C - Title bar D - Menu bar
E - Standard toolbar F - Ruler
(iv) Functions of B. (Formatting Toolbar) -
1. To change the font style. 2. To change the font size.
3. To change the font colour. 4. To bold font (or reverse it).
5. To change font to italics (or reverse it) 6. To underline font.
7. To insert bullets. 8. To align text to the right / left / centre.

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 87

Functions of C. (Title Bar)
1. It shows / displays the title of the document.
2. It shows / displays the icon of the application program.
3. It shows / displays the name of the application program.
4. It shows / displays the minimize, maximize and close command buttons.
5. It can be used to resize the window.
6. It can be used to move / drag the window around.

2. Tools on the formatting toolbar of a word processing application

1. Bold 2. Italic 3. Underline
4. Font size list 5. Font type list 6. Alignment (Right, Centre, Left, Justify)

3. (a) When it is appropriate to use in word processing,

(i) copy-and-paste:
§ When data that has already been inputted has to be duplicated (copied) in
another part of the same document or in another document.

(ii) cut-and-paste
§ When data that has already been inputted has to be moved/ transferred
to another part of the same document or to another document.

(b) (i) A font

§ A font is a set of letters, numbers and symbols that share a uni ied design
§ It is a complete set of type or printed or screen characters of the same design.

(ii) Font styles (Examples)

1. Regular
2. Bold
3. Italics
4. Underline
5. Bold Italics etc

4. What print preview is used for

§ It shows exactly what a printed copy of the document will look like.
§ It shows exactly what will be printed if the print command is given.

5. Reasons for books in (i) hard copies formats; (ii)soft copies formats
Please refer to Answer 6 under the topic group ‘COMPUTER PERIPHERALS’

88 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

6. Outline of the steps involved in performing the following tasks:
(i) Opening a document
Approach 1 (Opening from desktop / explorer)
I. Click on start
II. Click on documents
III. Navigate to the folder which contains the document you want to open
IV. Double click on the icon of the document you want to open
V. Right-click on the icon of the document
VI. Click open

Approach 2 (Opening from an application program)

I. Click on ile menu
II. Click on open.
III. Navigate to the folder which contains the document you want to open
IV. Double-Click on the icon of the document you want to open
V. OR Click on the icon of the document and click the open button.
OR right-click on the icon of the document and click open

(ii) Saving a newly created document

I. Click on ile menu.
II. Click on save as
III. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save your document
IV. Type a name for your document in the ile name box
V. Click save or press the enter key

7. a) Word processing is an application that is used to create, edit, format and to

print a text base document.

b) Notepad - .txt

c) (i) Cut - Ctrl + X (ii) Copy - Ctrl + C

(iii) Paste - Ctrl + V (iv) Print - Ctrl + P

8. Shortcut keyboard keys combination for the following commands:

(i) Undo: Ctrl +Z (ii) Find: Ctrl+ F (iii) Select All: Ctrl+ A

9. Three toolbars available in a word processing application.

1. Standard toolbar for editing
2. Formatting toolbar for formatting
3. Drawings toolbar for inserting image into a document

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 89

10. (i) Differences between selecting and highlighting text in a Word processing
1. For formatting purpose 1. For laying emphasis on a point
2. Background vanishes after 2. Background remains after
formatting highlighting
3. It is a temporal action 3. It is a permanent action
4. Dependent on colour 4. Not dependent on colour
5. Involves one step to accomplish 5. Involves multiple steps to

(ii) Examples of Word Processors
1. Microsoft Word 2. WordPad 3. Notepad
4. WordPerfect 5. Word Star 6. Pages
7. Writer 8. Ted 9. Word Graph
10. Able Word 11. Bean 12. Calligra Words
13. Write Monkey 14. Kingsoft Writer 15. K Word

11. (a) (i) File name for the image shown

Microsoft Word – Document 1

(ii) Name for the following areas shown:

A – Minimize button
B – Close button
C – Menu bar
D – Formatting toolbar
E – Horizontal ruler
F – Scroll bars

(iii) Function of B (Close button):

It is used to exit or close down the application.

(iv) Steps required to exit the application using the area labelled C (menu
1. Click on the File menu to display the ile menu list.
2. Select and click on the Exit command in the list, to exit the application.

(b) Differences between Menu bar and Toolbar

Menu bar Toolbar
1.It contains commands displayed 1. The commands are displayed in
in words images and icons.

2. Clicking on an item opens up other 2. Clicking on an icon or item

options under it executes the command immediately.

90 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

12. (a) Word processing application / Word processor

(b) Please refer to Answer 10(ii) above

(c) Name of the text area labelled A

§ Heading / Caption / Title / Topic

(d) Font applied:

(i) Bold (ii) Italic (iii) Bold Italic

(e) Alignment applied:

B – Justify C – Left align / Align left D – Right align / Align right

(f) Steps to underline the text area labelled A:

1. Select the text
2. Press the keyboard combination Ctrl + U
1. Select the text
2. Click on the underline button/icon on the formatting toolbar
1. Select the text
2. Click on the underline icon/button on the home tab

(g) Process of applying various styles and paragraphs to text:

§ Formatting / Text formatting / formatting a text.

13. Conditions under which Save As command can be used:

1. Saving a document for the irst time.
2. Saving an existing document with a new ile name/new extension/ new location.

14. (a) Meaning of font: Please refer to Answer 3(b)(i) above.

(b) List of font styles: Please refer to Answer 3(b)(ii) above.

(c) Steps required in bulleting a list:

1. Select the list you want to bullet.
2. Select Bullets and Numbering from the Format menu to open the Bullets and
numbering dialog box.
3. Choose the appropriate bullet tab in the dialog box.
4. Select the desired bullet style you want to apply.
5. Click OK
1. Select the list you want to apply bulleting to.
2. Click on the Bulleting button on the formatting toolbar.
3. Click to select the bulleting style you want to apply in the dialog box.

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 91

(d) List of word processing application: Please refer to Answer 10(ii) above.

15. (a) Formatting toolbar

(b) Name of the tools:

A – Font style B – Font type C – Font size
D – Bold E – Italic F – Underline

(c) Function of B (font type), C (Font size) and D (Bold)

B – The font type consists of preformatted design for letters in the font.
C – The font size is used to specify the size of the text, which is measured in points
D – The bold button is used to make the text heavy and thick.

(d) Keyboard combination for the following commands:

(i) Undo – Ctrl + Z (ii) Redo – Ctrl + Y

16. (i) Word processing application / Word processor

(ii) Please refer to Answer 10(ii) above.

(iii) Identi ication of parts:

A – Title bar B – Control box / buttons C – Formatting toolbar
D – Horizontal ruler E – Drawing toolbar

(iv) Function of part labelled E (Drawing toolbar)

§ It consists of tools used for drawing basic shapes in a word document.

17. (a) Name of application: Microsoft Paint

(b) Things the Paint application is used to create

1. It is used to create new drawings of objects
2. It is used to edit pictures.

(c) Names of the parts labelled:

A – Tools panel/box B – Brushes C – Shapes box
D – Canvas or drawing area E – Colour palette/box F – Status bar

(d) Items found in the part labeled A (Tools panel)

1. Eraser 2. Colour picker 3. Magni ier
4. Pencil 5. Fill with colour 4. Text tool

(e) Use of the part labelled D (Canvas or Drawing Area)

§ It is a resizable area that holds the work of drawing to be saved into a picture.

92 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

18. (a) Steps involved in saving a newly created document in word processing:
Please refer to Answer 6 (ii) above.

(b) Steps involved in cutting and pasting a document from one folder to another
on the desktop.
1. Double click on the original folder to open it.
2. Locate and Right click on the document in the opened folder
3. Click on Cut in the menu that appears.
4. Double click on the new folder to open it.
5. Right click inside the new folder.
6. Click Paste in the menu, to paste the cut document.

19. (a) Explanation of the following terms in computing environment

(i) Printing: Printing is the process of using a printer to produce permanent hard
copies of a document onto a paper

(ii) Print Preview: Print preview is a feature in word processing application that
shows how a document will look like when printed on paper

(b) Advantages of previewing a document before printing

1. It helps you to be sure that what you want to print is correct
2. It prevents waste of paper resulting from printing wrong document pages.
3. It allows you to make adjustments so that no part of the document appears outside
the printable area.

20. (a) Please refer to Answer 10 (ii)

(b) Completed table below:

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 93


1. Explain the following terminologies

(a) Cell (b) Column (c) Row (d) Graph [2011 Q5]

2. Explain the following terms as used in spreadsheet:
(i) Worksheet (ii) Active cell (iii) Range (iv) Workbook [2012 Q5(a)]

3. ABC supermarket has acquired an application to generate cash receipt for goods
purchased by its customers as shown in the diagram below.
The amount for each item is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity of
goods purchased. The sub total is a summation of the amounts obtained for all
purchased items. The tax payable is computed at the role of 10% of the sub total.
The total amount to be paid is the summation of the sub total and the tax payable on
purchased items.

Using the diagram below, answer the questions that follows:

(i) Name the application program used in creating the above.

(ii) Identify the parts labelled I, II and III.
(iii) Provide the formula used in calculating the following cells:
D2 _________________
D5 _________________
D6 __________________ [2013 Q1(a)]

4. State the data type for the following characters as used in spreadsheet application
(i) 13.65
(ii) 24.04’
(iii) =sum(A5:G5)
(iv) =A4+C8-G25
(v) +233244971100 [2014 Q2(a)]

94 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco


Use the diagram above to answer questions (i) to (iv).

(i) Name the application program used for the above igure.
(ii) Write the formula or function used to calculate the pro it for cell D7.
(iii) Write the formula or function used to calculate the total; expenses for cell C7.
(iv) Name the parts labelled A, B, C.
[(2014 Q1(a)]

6. Study the worksheet carefully and use it to answer (I - iv)

3 1 Mensah Ko i 63 67 45 175

4 2 Jon ia Esi 34 78 64 176

5 3 Mends Eddy 54 82 66 202

6 4 Skews Okra 58 57 65 180
7 5 Cof ie Sans 50 50 54 154

8 6 Okrah Emma 56 83 67 206

9 7 TOTAL 315 417 361 1093

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 95

(i) Outline the steps by which the Serial No (1,2,….,7) were generated without typing
them one by one.
(ii) What is the cell address in which the name “MATHS” was entered ?
(iii) Write down the cell range in which “ BECE CLASS 3 RESULTS” was typed.
(iv) Write the spreadsheet formula that was used in computing the total value 202 in
cell G5.
(v) Write the spreadsheet formula that was used in computing the total 417 in cell E9
(vi) How many cells are in the range C3:E6.
[2017 Q1(a)]

7. a) List three toolbars or bars in a spreadsheet application.
b) De ine the following terms as used in a spreadsheet application:
(i) Cell (ii) Active Cell (iii) Name box [2018 Q5]

8. (a) Give two features of an active cell.
(b) State the data type for the following data as used in spreadsheet.
(i) =A4 + C8 – G25 (ii) =PRODUCT(A5:G5)
[2018 Private Q5]

9. Explain spreadsheet package and give one example. [2018 Private Q5(c)]

10. De ine the following terms as used in a spreadsheet application:

(a) Column (b) Rows (c) Range (d) Worksheet
[2019 Private Q5]

11. (a) Explain the following terminologies as used in a Spreadsheet application
(i) cell (ii) cell address
(b) State two features of an active cell
(c) State the data type of the data below as used in a spreadsheet application.
=SUM(B6:H6) [2021 Q5]


1. Explanation of the following terminologies:

(a) Cell
§ It is a rectangular box in a worksheet of a spreadsheet program, such as
Excel. It is a box in which one can enter a single piece of data.
§ It is the intersection of a row and column in a worksheet.

96 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

It is identi ied by the letter of the column and the number of the row.
The cell can hold 3 types of data – text, a number (or numeric value) or
a formula.

(b) Column:
§ A column is a vertical line of cells (boxes) in a worksheet of a
spreadsheet program.
It is labelled with a letter. A column has the same width.
(c) Row
§ A row is a horizontal line of cells (boxes) in a worksheet of a spreadsheet
program. It is labelled with a number A row has the same height.

(d) Graph
§ A graph is a chart and its associated sample data in a table called data.
§ A visual representation of worksheet data.

Graphs / charts make it easier to understand the data in a worksheet

Some examples of graphs are Pie graphs, bar graphs, line graphs,
scatter graphs, column graphs, etc.

2. (i) Worksheet is the rectangular grid of cells in a spreadsheet program.

(ii) Active cell is the cell that has been selected or activated.

(iii) Range refers to a collection or group of cells.

(iv) Workbook is made up of a combination of two or more worksheets.

3. (i) Application program used:

Spreadsheet application or Microsoft Excel or Lotus 1-2-3

(ii) Identi ication of the labelled parts

I - Column II - Cell III - Row

(iii) Formulae used in the cells

D2 =B2*C2
D5 =SUM(D2:D4) or =D2+D3+D4
D6 =10%*D5 or =0.1*D5 or =D5/10

4. Data types for the following as used in a spreadsheet application

(i) 13.65 - Value
(ii) 24.04’ - Label

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 97

(iii) =Sum(A5:G5) - Function
(iv) =A4+C8–G25 - Formula
(v) +233244971100 - Value

5. (i) The application program used: Microsoft Excel

(ii) The formula / function used to calculate the pro it for cell D7
=B7–C7 or =D3+D4+D5 or =SUM(D3:D5)

(iii) The formula / function used to calculate the total expenses for cell C7
=C3+C4+C5 or =SUM(C3:C5)

(iv) Names of the labelled parts

A - Name box B - Formula bar C - worksheet/ worksheet window

6. (i) Steps by which the Serial No. (1, 2, ... ,7) were generated without typing
them one by one.
1. Type the irst two numbers that is 1and 2 in cell A3 and A4 respectively.
2. Select both cells A3 and A4.
3. Move the mouse pointer to the right button Conner of the selected cells until it
changes into a black cross.
4. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag it downwards to cell A9.
5. Released the mouse button.

(ii) Cell Address in which the name “MATHS” was entered;

Cell D2

(iii) Cell range in which “BECE CLASS 3 RESULTS” was typed:


(iv) Spreadsheet formula that was used in computing the total value in cell G5:

(v) Spreadsheet function used in computing the total “417” in Cell E9


(vi) Number of cells in the cell range C3:E6

12 cells

7. a) Toolbars or bars in Spreadsheet Application

1. Title bar 2. Menu bar 3. Formatting toolbar
4. Formula bar 5. Status bar 6. Standard toolbar

98 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

b) De inition of the following terms as used in a spreadsheet application:
(i) Cell: It is the intersection of a column and a row in a worksheet, which is
identi ied by the column letter and the row number

(ii) Active Cell: It is the current selected cell in a worksheet which is ready to
accept data from the user.

(iii) Name box: It is the part of a worksheet that displays the name of
the active cell.

8. (a) Features of an Active Cell

§ The name of an active cell is displayed in the name box
§ The default active cell is A1
§ The content of the active cell is shown in the formula bar
§ An active cell has a bold black boarder around the cell.
§ An active cell can be changed by using the arrow keys of mouse.

(b) Data type for the following data:

(i) =A4+C8 – G25 --- Formula
(ii) =PRODUCT (A5:G5) --- Function

9. Spreadsheet is a software application that enables a user to organize and

manage data using rows and columns and it performs calculation using formula
and functions.
Examples of spreadsheet packages include:
§ Microsoft Excel
§ Lotus 1-2-3
§ OpenOf ice Calc
§ Google Sheets, etc.

10. De inition of the following terms as used in spreadsheet application:

(a) Column: Please refer to Answer 1(b) above

(b) Rows: Please refer to Answer 1(c) above

(c) Range: Please refer to Answer 2(iii) above

(d) Worksheet: Please refer to Answer 2(i) above

11. (a) Explanation of the following terminologies

(i) Cell: A cell is the area de ined by the intersection of a row and a column in a

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 99

OR A cell is the unit of the worksheet that can store data

(ii) Cell address: Cell address is a combination of a column and a row number
describing where a cell is located on a spreadsheet

(b) Features of an active cell:

(i) The active cell has thick borders
(ii) Active cell has selected row and column headings
(iii) The cell address of an active cell appears in the name box
(iv) An active cell is the cell which is ready to accept data entry
(v) An active cell is the selected cell

(c) Type of data in the spreadsheet application:

=SUM(B6:H6) - Function


100 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

OBJECTIVE TEST (ALL TOPICS) 8. Multimedia, Games and Word processing
software are all examples of
INFORMATION PROCESSING A. application Software
B. utility software
1. The following options are all characteristics C. operating system software
of valuable information except D. typing software
A. it is meaningless C. it is accessible
B. it is reliable D. it is useful 9. When a computer user wants to perform a
speci ic task on the computer, he needs
2. Which of the following is not a source of A. an operating system
data? B. an application software
A. Interviews C. Questionnaires C. an antivirus software
B. Surveys D. Information D. general software

3. The process of sharing information from 10. The following programs are all part of the
the computer from one user to another Microsoft Of ice suite except
through a computer network is called A. MS Word C. MS Excel
A. output C. computer B. MS Paint D. MS PowerPoint
B. information D. communication
11. Which of the options below is not an
A. Windows C. Lotus 1,2,3
4. When the computer is turned off, which of B. LINUX D. UNIX
the following options will lose the
information it holds?
B. RAM D. Floppy disk
12. Typing speed is measured in
5. The speed of the CPU is measured in A. words per minute
A. bytes C. miles B. words per second
B. kilometers D. hertz C. minutes per word
D. words per hour
6. The component of the system unit that
converts alternating current to direct 13. The average number of words that a
current to be used by the computer is person can type within a minute is termed
A. motherboard C. main memory A. typing game C. typing number
B. power supply D. hardware B. typing skills D. typing speed

7. The part of the computer that can be seen 14. The home row keys include the following
and touched is letters except
A. software C. hardware A. S B. I C. J D. L
B. softcopy D. Hardcopy
15. The process of pressing the left mouse

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 101

button two times in quick succession is refers to
A. right clicking C. left clicking A. noti ication area C. wallpaper
B. double clicking D. triple clicking B. start button D. mouse pointer

16. Which of the following options is not a 25. Which of the following is not part of the
basic operation of the computer mouse? sections on the taskbar?
A. Typing C. Scrolling A. Start button
B. Clicking D. Pointing B. Noti ication area
C. Opened programs area
17. Which of the keyboard keys removes D. Mouse cursor
characters towards the right side of the
insertion point? 26. Date, time and system volume are some
A. Backspace key C. Tab key of the items featured on the
B. Spacebar key D. Delete key A. start menu C. noti ication area
B. wallpaper D. my computer
18. The Enter key is also known as
A. return key C. random key
B. shift key D. send key WINDOWS MANAGEMENT

19. Which of the following keyboard symbols 27. Which of the following commands do you
is not a top-row character? use to reduce an opened window to a
A. & B. / C. @ D. % button on the taskbar?
A. Maximize C. Restore

20. Clicking on the start button displays 28. The close, maximize and minimize
A. All programs C. Start menu buttons are together referred to as
B. My computer D. Task manager A. windows icons C. control buttons
B. windows D. controls
21. The small pictures on the computer
desktop which represent programs, iles or 29. Which part of a window can we ind the
folders are? logo and name of the program?
A. Pictures C. Icons A. Status bar C. Control box
B. Photos D. Wallpapers B. Name box D. Title bar

22. The recycle bin is a special folder that 30. The following are features of the title bar
contains except
A. deleted items C. special documents A. program icon C. control buttons
B. music folders D. secret items B. program name D. content display

23. The background picture displayed on the 31. A special feature in the windows
desktop is called operating system that helps you to ind
A. Icon C. My pictures missing or hidden iles and folders which
B. Wallpaper D. Screen saver have not been deleted is called
A. recycle bin C. search assistant
24. The system tray on the taskbar also B. ile searcher D. search tool

102 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

32. The control buttons are made up of the INTEGRATING ICT INTO LEARNING
following except
A. control C. minimize 39. Which of the following is not a bene it of
B. close D. restore ICT to students?
A. Facilitating of understanding
B. Undertaking academic research
HEALTH AND SAFETY IN USING ICT TOOLS C. Developing professional of ice
33. RSI is an acronym which means D. Watching movies
A. Repetitive Stress Injury
B. Restricted Strain Injury 40. Which of the following is not a negative
C. Repetitive Strain Injury impact of the increased use of ICT, on the
D. Restricted Stress injury society?
A. Loss of social and personal skills
34. Which one of the following does not B. Unemployment
prevent or reduce lower back pain? C. Free access to immoral content
A. Relaxing your shoulders D. Easy access to academic information
B. Using a irm, adjustable chair
C. Taking long breaks
D. Gently massaging the forehead COMPUTER VIRUSES

35. All the following are health hazards to the 41. All the following are examples of anti-
computer user except virus software except
A. stomach pains C. back ache A. Avast! C. Avira
B. wrist pains D. poor vision B. McAfee D. Trojan horse

36. Repetitive strain injury is a hazard 42. One way of preventing your computer
associated with the use of which device? from being infected by a virus is
A. Television C. Keyboard A. restarting the computer everyday
B. Mouse D. Monitor B. installing and running an antivirus
37. Which of the following is a safety C. random sharing of removable drives
precaution for the use of computer as an D. visiting and downloading from unknown
ICT tool? websites
A. Sit in the wrong posture very close to the
computer 43. Formatting the hard disk means
B. Use screen ilters for the monitor screen A. permanently deleting all information on
C. Overload the sockets the hard disk
D. Sit for long hours when using the B. removing the hard disk from the
computer computer
C. creating partition on the hard disk
38. All the following are examples of ICT D. saving more information on the hard
tools except disk
A. microwave C. computer 44. A computer virus has the following
B. mobile phone D. television effects on an infected computer except
A. slowing down performance

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 103

B. increasing the storage capacity of the 51. Which of the following does not describe
hard disk Random Access Memory?
C. randomly restarting the computer A. It is the working memory of the
D. deleting of saved iles computer
B. It is volatile
COPYRIGHT ETHICS C. It stores information permanently
D. It stores information faster.
45. Which of the following do not qualify for
copyright protection under the copyright 52. What is the size of a standard loppy
laws of Ghana? disk?
A. Audiovisuals and artistic works A. 4 ½’’ B. 2 ½ ‘’ C. 3 ½ ‘’ D. 5 ½’’
B. Sound recordings and musical works
C. Ideas, concepts and procedures 53. Which of the following are ways to
D. Computer software and literary works protect storage media?
I. Keeping them in protective case
46. Copying or stealing an author’s work and II. Write – protecting the storage media
presenting it as your own work is called III. Keeping them away from moisture
A. Plagiarism C. Reproduction IV. Keeping them near magnetic ields
B. Duplication D. Piracy
A. I, II and IV only C. I, III and IV only
47. The association of musicians that help the B. I, II, and III only D. II, III and IV only
government in enforcing the copyright laws
and protecting the works of musicians is BASIC INPUT AND OUTPUT DEVICES
B. MISIGA D. MUSIGH 54. The function keys on the computer
keyboard are made up of
48. All the following are effects of copyright A. F1 to F10 C. F1 to F16
infringement except B. F1 to F12 D. F1 to F18
A. ines
B. imprisonment 55. The part of the computer keyboard that is
C. con iscation of illegal items used for mathematical computation is
D. pardon A. alphanumeric keys
B. function keys
D. arrow keys
49. CD – R is an acronym which means
A. Compact Disc Readable 56. An input device with a stick that can be
B. Compact Disc Rewritable moved in different directions to control the
C. Compact Disc Recordable movement of a pointer on screen is
D. Compact Disc Reloaded A. plotter C. touch screen
B. Joystick D. Scanner
50. CDs and DVDs are examples of
A. optical storage media 57. The following options can be used as
B. magnetic storage media game controllers except
C. electronic storage media A. game pad C. stylus
D. solid state devices B. joystick D. arrow keys

104 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

58. Which of the following is an output 66. LCD is an acronym which stands for
device? A. Liquid Crystal Display
A. Hard disk drive C. Microphone B. Liquid Cathode Display
B. Speaker D. Processor C. Liquid Crystal Decoder
D. Liquid Cathode Decoder
59. VDU is another name for the monitor, and
it stands for FILES AND FOLDERS
A. Versatile Display Unit
B. Visual Display Unit 67. All the following are types of iles except
C. Visual Distribution Unit A. Pictures C. Movies
D. Visual Display Uniform B. Music D. My computer

60. All the following are properties of the 68. The ile extension .doc represents
monitor except A. Word ile C. Image ile
A. resolution C. refresh rate B. Music ile D. Application ile
B. size D. print quality
69. A ile type can be identi ied by its icon
61. All the following are non-impact printers and
except A. size C. extension
A. Chain C. Thermal B. name D. location
B. Inkjet D. Laser
70. When a deleted ile in the recycle bin is
62. Which of the following describes the two sent back to its original location, it is called
categories of computer printers? A. re-saving C. restoring
A. Laser and Inkjet B. installing D. recycling
B. Impact and Non – impact
C. Laser and Dot Matrix 71. The ile extension .mp3 represents
D. Impact and Laser A. Application ile C. Word ile
B. Audio ile D. Picture ile
63. A device used to produce permanent
hardcopy of information onto a paper is 72. Deleted iles and folders can be restored
A. monitor C. webcam from the
B. printer D. Scanner A. Recycle bin C. My computer
B. Desktop D. My documents
64. Devices used to give out the results of
processed data to be accessed by the user THE INTERNET AND WORLD WIDE
are called WEB
A. output devices C. storage Devices
B. input devices D. processors 73. URL stands for
A. Uniform Resource Locator
65. CRT stands for B. Universal Resource Locator
A. Card Reader Tube C. Unit Resource Locator
B. Card Ray Tube D. Unilateral Resource Locator
C. Cathode Ray Tube
D. Cathode Reader Tube 74. The following are all internet services

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 105

A. World wide web A. internet ethics C. netiquette
B. File Transfer Protocol B. etiquette D. internet rules
C. Voice – over Internet Protocol
D. Internet Service Providers 82. The following options are examples of
internet etiquette except
75. Which of the following is not a A. Respect the privacy of others
requirement for internet connectivity? B. Do not distribute pornography
A. Computer C. Be rude to others on the net
B. Telephone line and modem D. Do not send or respond to lames
C. Internet Service Provider
D. Electric cables 83. Typing in capital letters throughout a
message on the internet means
76. What is the name of the main page of a A. seriousness C. shouting
website that usually lists the contents? B. boldness D. Bombing
A. Hot page C. Physical page
B. Home page D. Welcome page 84. Messages sent out as insults or threats
via the internet are referred to as
77. The address that uniquely identi ies A. lame C. threats
every computer on a network or over the B. assault D. attacks
internet is termed as
A. World Wide Web 85. In the computer laboratory, which of the
B. Internet Protocol Address following rules do not apply as
C. Web Address appropriate?
D. Markup Address A. Do not eat in the computer lab
B. Do not ask permission before inserting
78. The special rules governing how removable storage devices
information is handed on the internet are C. Avoid walking about in the computer lab
collectively known as D. Do not make unnecessary noise.
A. Instructions C. Protocols
B. Packets D. Transmissions 86. A page on the internet that contains text,
graphics, audio and video is called
79. The full meaning of HTML is A. Web page C. Web browser
A. Hypertext Markup Language B. Website D. Web address
B. Hypertext Marking Language
C. Hypertest Marking language 87. A highlighted word, picture or thumbnail
D. Hypertest Markup Language that leads you to other documents or
websites once it is clicked is known as
80. The full expression for Modem is A. hypertext C. highlights
A. modern – modulator B. hyperlink D. hypermedia
B. modulator – demodulator
C. modulator – modulator 88. Which of the following depicts a correct
D. modern – demodulator website address?
A. www.grade1pub.org
81. Widely accepted rules and regulations B. grade1pub.www.org
that govern the use of the internet are C. org.grade1pub.www
called D. ww.grade1pub.org

106 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

89. A search engine is B. Carbon copy D. Cash card
A. hardware used to locate information on
the internet 96. All the following can be sent as an email
B. an application or website that helps us to attachment except
ind information on the internet A. Document C. Video
C. hardware component used to send e- B. Picture D. Ideas
D. a program or website used for sending e- 97. Received email messages are contained
mail messages in which folder?
A. Inbox C. Spam
90. All the following are examples of search B. Draft D. Sent
engines except
A. Firefox C. Yahoo 98. Blind carbon copy is used for
B. Google D. Ask A. sending copies of an email to other
addresses without making it known to
91. Which of the following is not a web the recipients
browser? B. sending copies of an email to other
A. Safari C. Firefox addresses which can be seen by all
B. Chrome D. Bing recipients
C. sending an email message to only one
EMAIL AND SHARING OF person without making copies to others
INFORMATION D. replying an email message

92. Which of the following is not a way of 99. Organizations that host websites for
sharing information on the net? creating an account, sending and receiving
A. Personal blogs email messages are called
B. E-mail A. e-mail websites
C. Public Address System B. e-mail companies
D. Instant Messaging C. e-mail service providers
D. e-mail institutions
93. A ile that is sent together with an e-mail
message is referred to as 100. Sign out means
A. clipart C. attachment A. connecting to a network
B. e-mail ile D. zip ile B. accessing an account
C. creating a new account
94. All the following are importance of email D. exiting an opened account
A. sending of job applications 101. A valid e-mail address consists of the
B. transacting businesses online following parts except
C. communication across different A. Username C. domain name
locations B. @ symbol D. Password
D. sending of spam to others
102. Sign up means
95. Cc is a feature in sending email which A. exiting an opened account
stands for B. creating a new account
A. Carbon card C. Cash copy C. accessing an existing account

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 107

D. connecting to the internet B. Page Down, Home
C. Home, End
103. The following options are email service D. Page Up, Page Down
providers except
A. Yahoo mail C. Hotmail 111. Undo and Redo commands are found on
B. Gmail D. Email A. Taskbar
B. Standard toolbar
104. To access an already created account, C. Drawing toolbar
you must irst D. Formatting toolbar
A. sign in C. sign out
B. sign up D. sign on 112. Formatting text in Word processing
refers to
WORD PROCESSING A. Correcting mistakes in the text
B. Changing the appearance of text
105. What is the default location for saved C. Saving the document
Word documents? D. Copying and pasting text
A. My Computer C. My Pictures
B. My Documents D. Recent Places 113. The distance between one line of text
and the next line in a document is called
106. Which keyboard shortcut command is A. Line distance C. Line separation
used to save a ile for the very irst time? B. Line spacing D. Line gap
A. Ctrl + E C. Ctrl + B
B. Ctrl + S D. Ctrl + A 114. Which of the following is equivalent to
double line spacing?
107. Which of the following is not a word A. 1.0 C. 1.5
processing application? B. 1.15 D. 2.0
A. Microsoft Excel C. WordPad
B. Microsoft Word D. Corel WordPerfect 115. All the following buttons are used in text
alignment except
108. Which of the following features is not A. Underline C. Justify
used for editing in Word processing? B. Align Center D. Align Left
A. Copy C. Cut
B. Paste D. Bold 116. Which of the following is not a font
109. Which of the following commands is A. Bold C. Regular
used to reverse a most current action or B. Italics D. Superscript
A. View command 117. In the text P2, the 2 appears as a
B. Reverse command A. Number C. Subscript
C. Undo Command B. Superscript D. Positive integer
D. Redo command
118. The following are all buttons on the
110. Which of the following keys are used to drawing toolbar except
move the cursor to the beginning and the A. Arrow style C. Fill Colour
end of the current line respectively? B. Font style D. Draw tool
A. End, Page Up

108 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

119. AutoShapes contains the following an excel program
except D. a formula always begins with a
A. Connectors C. Flowchart numerical value but a function uses dates
B. Basic shapes D. Rectangle
127. Which function is used to display the
120. Portrait and Landscape are types of current date and time in spreadsheet?
A. Page Layout C. Page Orientation A. TODAY C. NOW
B. Paper Size D. Page setup B. TIME D. DATE

121. Which of the following contains the Print 128. Which of the following is a spreadsheet
button application?
A. Standard toolbar C. Formatting toolbar A. MS Word C. Notepad
B. Menu bar D. Drawing toolbar B. Lotus 1-2-3 D. Encarta

122. WYSIWYG means 129. Data is organized in a spreadsheet by

A. What you say is what you get A. lines and spaces
B. What you saw is what you got B. layers and planes
C. What you see is what you get C. rows and columns
D. What you said is what you got D. squares and rectangles

123. The keyboard shortcut for Print 130. The default alignment for numbers in a
previewing a document is cell is
A. Ctrl + F2 C. Ctrl + PP A. right C. justify
B. Ctrl + P D. Ctrl + F12 B. left D. center

131. The cell on a worksheet which is ready to

INTRODUCTION TO SPREADSHEET receive data is called
APPLICATION A. cell reference C. cell address
B. active Cell D. data Cell
124. A formula comprises arguments and
A. symbols C. operators
132. The following are features of the
B. addition sign D. alphanumeric
spreadsheet application window except
A. formula bar C. task bar
125. A prede ined formula that perform
B. title bar D. cell name box
calculations by using speci ic values, called
arguments in a particular order is known as
133. A built-in formula that performs basic
A. formula C. computation
calculations in spreadsheet is called
B. function D. calculation
A. label C. number
B. value D. function
126. Which of the following differentiates a
formula and a function?
134. The sum of the cells F1, F2, F3, G4, G5 is
A. a formula begins with an equal sign but a
A. =Sum(F1, F2, F3, G5)
function begins with a plus sign
B. =Sum(F1:F3, F4, G4, G5)
B. a formula always uses parenthesis but a
C. =Sum(F1+F2+F3+G4+G5)
function does not
D. =Sum(F1, F2, F3, F4, G4, G5)
C. a formula is written by the user but a
function inserts features as prescribed by
Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 109
135. Which of the following will best compute ANSWER TO OBJECTIVE LIKELY
the total sum of values from cell A1 to A5? EXAMINABLE QUESTIONS
A. =SUM(A1:A5)
B. =SUM(A1 to A5) 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. B
C. =SUM(A1:A2:A3:A4:A5)
D. =TOTAL(A1:A5) 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. A
13. D 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. A
136. Which of the following keyboard shortcut
19. B 20. C 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. A
commands is used to activate the ind and
replace dialog box? 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. D
A. Ctrl + H C. Ctrl + R
31. D 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. C
B. Ctrl + F D. Ctrl + Z
37. B 38. A 39. D 40. D 41. D 42. B
137. Which of the following is not an option in 43. A 44. C 45. C 46. A 47. C 48. D
the spelling and grammar dialog box?
A. Edit C. Ignore All 49. C 50. C 51. C 52. C 53. B 54. B
B. Ignore D. Change 55. C 56. B 57. C 58. B 59. B 60. D

138. When you print preview a worksheet, 61. A 62. B 63. B 64. A 65. C 66. A
A. The entire worksheet is displayed 67. D 68. A 69. C 70. C 71. B 72. A
B. The selected range is displayed
C. The active portion of the worksheet is 73. A 74. D 75. D 76. B 77. B 78. C
displayed 79. A 80. B 81. C 82. C 83. C 84. A
D. All of the above.
85. B 86. A 87. B 88. A 89. B 90. A
139. The following feature can be applied to a 91. D 92. C 93. C 94. D 95. B 96. D
data in a worksheet except
A. Font name C. Font colour 97. A 98. A 99. C 100. D 101. D 102. B
B. Font size D. Font style 103. D 104. A 105. B 106. B 107. A 108.D
109. C 110. C 111. B 112. B 113. B 114. D
140. Which of the following function keys
activates the spelling and grammar dialog 115. A 116.D 117. B 118. B 119. D 120. C
121. A 122. C 123. A 124. C 125. B 126. C
A. F5 C. F7
B. F6 D. F8 127. C 128. B 129. C 130. A 131. B 132. C
133. D 134. D 135. A 136. A 137. A 138. C
139. A 140. C

110 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

1. Study the diagram below carefully and answer the questions that follow:
a) Give an appropriate name to the diagram

b) Identify the parts of the diagram labelled A, B, C, D and E

c) Give the functions of each of the labelled parts identi ied in b) above.
d) What is another name given to the part labelled E?

2. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow:

a) What is the name given to the diagram above?

b) Identify the names of all the parts labelled from I to XVII
c) What is the function of the parts labelled VII, VIII, IX, X and XI?
d) Mention an application program in which the diagram above is found.

3. Name three (3) devices used to access the internet.

4. a) Mention three (3) examples of spreadsheet program.

b) Outline the steps involved in launching Microsoft Excel from the start menu button.

5. The diagram below is the compose page of Yahoo mail. Study it carefully to
answer the questions that follow:

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 111

a) Identify the parts labelled I, II, III, IV and V
b) State the function of each of the parts identi ied in a) above.

6. Give four (4) differences between a ile and a folder.

7. a) What is a computer virus?

b) Give ive (5) common examples of computer viruses.

8. What is an antivirus software?

9. Give four (4) examples of computer viruses.

10. (i) List any two (2) ways by which virus can be removed from an
infected computer.
(ii) Outline four (4) ways of preventing computer virus infection.
(iii) State any ive (5) effects of computer virus infection.

11. Mention ive (5) rules and regulations that must be observed when using
the computer laboratory.

12. a) What is copyright infringement?

b) List three (3) penalties (effects) for copyright infringement.

c) Give four (4) acts/examples of copyright infringement.

13. Explain the following terminologies as used in e-mail:

(a) Spam (b) Inbox (c) Draft (d) Sent

14. Describe the procedures involved in sending a ile as an attachment in e-mailing.

15. Outline the procedures involved in launching the Microsoft Paint

application from the start menu.

112 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

16. List three (3) common examples of search engines.

17. a) What is netiquette?

b) Give ive (5) examples of netiquette.

18. Mention three (3) common examples of search engines.

19. State three (3) differences between ‘formatting a document’ and ‘editing
a document’.

20. What is the importance of ‘Print Preview’ in Word Processing?

21. Mention any three (3) standard paper sizes used for a Word
processing document.

22. Give one (1) function of each of the following manipulative keys found on
the computer keyboard:
(i) Caps Lock (ii) Shift (iii) Enter
(iv) Delete (v) Backspace (vi) Tab

23. What is the difference between the ‘Save As’ and ‘Save’ commands?

24. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow:

a) Name the application program in which the toolbox above can be found.
b) Give the names of all the parts labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, and O.
c) What is the function of the parts labelled B, F, J, and M?
d) What is the general use of the application program you have named in a) above?

25. What is the major difference between a Word Processor and Spreadsheet

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 113

Windows Program Key Combinations:
Ctrl+C ……… Copy Ctrl+ X ……… Cut
Ctrl+ V……… Paste Ctrl+ Z ……… Undo
Ctrl+ Y ……… Redo Ctrl+P ……… Print
Ctrl+S ……… Save Ctrl+A ……… Select All

Microsoft Word Program shortcuts

o F7 ……… Spelling and grammar check
o Ctrl +F2 ……... Print Preview
o Ctrl +L ……… Align Left
o Ctrl +E ……… Centre Align
o Ctrl +R ……… Align Right
o Ctrl +J ……… Justify
o Ctrl + Shift +P …….. Font size
o Ctrl + Shift +F ……… Font
o Ctrl +S ……… Save/ Save As
o Ctrl +B ……… Bold
o Ctrl +I ……… Italics
o Ctrl +U ……… Underline
o Ctrl +End ……… Move cursor to end of sentence
o Ctrl +Home ……… Move cursor to beginning of sentence.


1. BIOS —Basic Input Output System
2. bit —binary digit
3. Blog —Web Log
4. CPU —Central Processing Unit
5. CRT —Cathode Ray Tube
6. CD-R —Compact Disk Recordable
7. CD-ROM —Compact Disk Read-Only Memory
8. CD-RW —Compact Disk -Rewritable
9. DVD —Digital Video Disc
10. DVD-R —DVD-Recordable
11. DVD-ROM —DVD-Read Only Memory
12. DVD-RW —DVD-Rewritable
13. DOS —Disk Operating System
14. E-mail – Electronic mail
15. FAQ —Frequently Asked Questions
16. FDD —Floppy Disk Drive
17. FTP —File Transfer Protocol

114 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco

18. Gb —Gigabit GB GB—Gigabyte
19. GPRS —General Packet Radio Service
20. GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out
21. HD —High Density
22. HDD —Hard Disk Drive
23. HTML —Hypertext Markup Language
24. HTTP —Hypertext Transfer Protocol
25. Hz —Hertz
26. ICT —Information & Communication Technology
27. IM —Instant Messaging
28. I/O —Input / Output
29. IP —Intellectual Property /Internet Protocol
30. ISP —Internet Service Provider
31. IT —Information Technology
32. JPEG —Joint Photographic Experts Group
33. KB —Keyboard /Kilobyte /Knowledge Base
34. LED —Light-Emitting Diode
35. MAN —Metropolitan Area Network
36. MB —Megabyte
37. MHz —Megahertz
38. MS —Microsoft
39. MS-DOS —Microsoft Disk Operating System
40. Modem – Modulator – demodulator
41. OS —Open Source /Operating System
42. P2P —Peer-To-Peer
43. PAN —Personal Area Network
44. PC —Personal Computer
45. PC DOS —Personal Computer Disk Operating System
46. POST —Power-On Self Test
47. PSU —Power Supply Unit
48. RAM —Random Access Memory
49. RGB —Red, Green, Blue
50. ROM —Read Only Memory
51. ROM-DOS —Read Only Memory - Disk Operating System
52. TB —Terabyte
53. UPS —Uninterruptible Power Supply
54. URI —Uniform Resource Identi ier
55. URL —Uniform Resource Locator
56. USB —Universal Serial Bus
57. VGA – Video Graphics Array
58. VoIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol
59. WAN —Wide Area Network
60. WAP —Wireless Access Point /Wireless Application Protocol
61. Wi-Fi —Wireless Fidelity
62. WLAN —Wireless Local Area Network
63. WWW – World Wide Web
64. W3C – World Wide Web Consortium
65. WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get

Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco 115

Answering Objec ve Ques ons
· Do not shade two (2) different answers thinking that the correct one will be
marked for you. No, even if the correct answer is among the two shaded ones,
you will be marked wrong.
· Avoid shading and erasing over and over again. The machine used for marking
the objectives is so sensitive that when it senses the erased answer, it will
consider it as the answer. And you should know by now that when two answers
are detected, you will be marked wrong.
· So, always shade the answers you are very sure of, then note down and leave
the ones you are not sure about. You can always go back to verify the answers
before settling on your inal answer.
However, if it happens that you are to erase a shaded answer, make sure to use
a good eraser and clean it completely without leaving a trace of shading.
· Use the appropriate pencil to shade your option fully. Make sure that by shading
the answer, your shading doesn’t extend to the option next to it.
Answering ICT Essay Ques ons
· Read all instructions very carefully. There is no need to rush in answering
the questions without reading to understand what is required of you.
For instance the examiners might state that answer a certain compulsory ques on,
but failure to read instruc ons can make you skip that par cular ques on.
· Avoid cancellations, knowing very well that the space provided for the answer is
not enough.
· Since there is not enough space on the answer sheet, make sure that
your handwriting is not too big, so that your answer can ill up the
· Avoid the use of abbreviations for your answers. For instance, if your
answer is Compact Disk, write it in full instead of writing CD. Abbreviated
answers are marked wrongly.
Also if an answer is a two-worded phrase, do not write only the irst word and
leave the other. For example, if your answer is supposed to be Formatting toolbar
and you write only ‘formatting’, you will end up losing the mark.
· When outlining procedures, avoid long sentences and the use of pronouns.
Just go straight to the point.
· Read through all your answers to make sure you have selected or written the
right answers, before you can think of submitting your paper. If you rush to
submit your work without reading through, you might have made a big
mistake that wouldn’t be aware of.

116 Get Grade1 BECE ICT Pasco


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