Ghandhara Nissan

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Ghandhara Nissan Lim


Statement of Financial P

2022 2021 2020

Share capital and reserves
Share capital 570,025 570,025 570,025
Subscription money against right issue
Capital reserves
share premium 1,102,721 1,102,721 1,102,721
surplus on revaluation of fixed assets 2,142,524 2,176,240 2,223,294
3,245,245 3,278,961 3,326,015
Revenue reserve - unappropriated profit 2,281,351 2,158,630 1,982,600
Total equity 6,096,621 6,007,616 5,878,640

Non current liabilities
Lease liabilities 43,063 62,858 72,259
Long term borrowings 845,553 46,397 49,345
Deferred income - government grant 196,854 953 2,072
Long term deposits 28,226 27,726 22,611
Deferred taxation 252,289 296,879 322,399
Total non current liabilities 1,365,985 434,813 468,686

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables/Notes payables 5,274,185 601,834 433,591
Accrued mark-up 36,739 5,386 12,170
Short term borrowings 93,765 100,000 50,721
Current portion of lease liabilities 20,359 23,928 25,221
Taxation - net
Current maturity of long term borrowings 258,146 109,100 18,409
Current portion of deferred income - government grant 41,722 7,200 3,811
Unclaimed dividend 10,601 10,601 10,603
Total current liabilities 5,735,517 858,049 554,526
Total liabilities 7,101,502 1,292,862 1,023,212

Total equity and liabilities 13,198,123 7,300,478 6,901,852

Non current assets
Property, plant and equipment 5,427,099 4,065,389 4,105,816
Intangible assets 1,960 1,976 1,903
Long term investments 222,906 222,906 222,906
Long term loans 4,754 5,834 8,444
Long term deposits 23,148 27,461 22,541
Due from the Subsidiary Company 797,027 549,285 559,724
6,476,894 4,872,851 4,921,334
Depreciation -200,053 -141,556 -145,819
Current assets
Stores, spares and loose tools 169,235 136,467 136,504
Stock-in-trade 2,731,376 687,788 902,496
Trade debts/Accounts recceivables 330,323 355,971 322,111
Loans and advances 55,414 9,899 10,070
Deposits and prepayments 613 60,602 5,406
Investments 675,863
Other receivables including sales tax 289,942 16,439 141,323
Accrued interest / mark-up 43,121 20,405 14,482
Taxation - net 305,357 110,854 137,035
Bank balances 2,119,985 1,029,202 311,091
Total current assets 6,721,229 2,427,627 1,980,518
Total assets 13,198,123 7,300,478 6,901,852
hara Nissan Limited
nt of Financial Position

2019 2018

570,025 450,025

1,102,721 40,000
2,261,358 972,241
3,364,079 1,012,241
2,149,861 2,151,296
6,083,965 4,667,881

44,767 47,439

18,611 9,611
354,312 264,738
417,690 321,788

371,201 695,581
22,287 6,736
18,564 17,721

10,611 10,675
596,333 835,684
1,014,023 1,157,472

7,097,988 5,825,353

3,912,436 2,133,465
2,537 2,744
222,906 222,906
10,141 6,972
13,368 20,247
650,757 766,994
4,812,145 3,153,328
-121,342 -109,909

124,506 91,767
1,069,654 738,323
252,479 260,537
28,589 72,190
19,459 11,260
389,325 100,928
161,325 64,605
27,527 17,755
150,109 1,314,660
2,285,843 2,672,025
7,097,988 5,825,353
Income Statement

2022 2021 2020 2019

Revenue 5,359,062 3,225,727 1,663,080 2,373,750
Cost of sales -4,946,808 -2,879,812 -1,658,058 -2,053,661
Gross profit 412,254 345,915 5,022 320,089

Distribution cost -107,183 -90,020 -72,756 -70,051

Administrative expenses -224,661 -222,162 -232,861 -228,397
Other income 215,633 119,474 148,757 259,882
Other expenses -19,284 -14,306 -12,281
Profit from operations/EBIT 276,759 138,901 -151,838 269,242
Finance cost -146,231 -23,347 -64,094 -263,821
Profit before taxation 130,528 115,554 -215,932 5,421
Taxation -29,373 15,198 9,309 -34,227
Profit after taxation 101,155 130,752 -206,623 -28,806


Ratio Analysis

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Current asset 1.171861055 2.829240521 3.5715511987 3.8331653623 3.197410744
Quick ratio 0.666133149 1.868625218 1.6978789092 1.8306600507 2.204104662
DSO 22.4979474 40.27911072 70.694443442 38.822468668 42.86048035
Debt ratio 0.463682449 0.088792953 0.0699719438 0.0522966508 0.119405811
Fixed asset turnover 0.827412337 0.661979404 0.3379327638 0.4932831409 0.703616623
Liability to asset ratio 0.538069088 0.177092788 0.1482518026 0.1428606247 0.198695598
Equity to asset ratio 0.461930912 0.822907212 0.8517481974 0.8571393753 0.801304402
Time interest earned -1.89261511 -5.94941534 2.368989297 -1.020548023 -55.96427004
Gross profit margin 1.923073478 1.892763709 1.9969803016 1.865154713 1.804706648
Net profit margin 0.018875505 0.040534118 -0.124241167 -0.012135229 0.467618471
Operating profit margin 0.051643179 0.043060371 -0.091299276 0.1134247499 0.574642116
Basic earning power 0.020969573 0.019026288 -0.021999602 0.0379321577 0.21886708
Return on asset 0.007664347 0.01791006 -0.029937327 -0.004058333 0.1781044
Return on equity 0.016591978 0.021764374 -0.035148095 -0.004734741 0.222268091
Total assets turnover 0.406047284 0.441851479 0.2409614115 0.3344257556 0.380875459
Inventory turnover -1.77440581 -3.66557437 -1.736166506 -1.821366484 -2.283293378

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