General Inspection Checklist For Safety Representatives

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General Inspection Checklist

for Safety Representatives

This checklist can be used as a guide to help inspect a workplace for common problems. It is not an exhaustive list of items
and will not cover all hazards in all workplaces. It can be completed in a single inspection or over a series of shorter
inspections. The template can be adapted to suit your workplace or you can use the blank boxes to add in additional items
that you want checked or items that you come across.

Area or Location Inspected:

Inspected By:

No. Item Yes No Comments

1 Is the workplace clean and tidy?
2 Is there adequate lighting?
3 Is there excessive noise?
4 Is the temperature reasonable?
5 Are welfare facilities, e.g. toilets and canteen,
clean and tidy?
6 Are walkways kept clear of trip hazards?
7 Are there trailing leads?
8 Is there clear access to exit doors and do fire exits
open outwards?
9 Are floors and walkways slippery?
10 Are floors wet at the entrance?
11 Are secure handrails in place on stairways and
raised walkways?
12 Are steps hard to see, damaged or slippery?
13 Is wet cleaning of floors carried out at a time when
there is little or no pedestrian traffic?
14 Are fire extinguishers in their marked locations?
15 Have fire extinguishers been serviced and checked
and are they in date?
16 Has the fire alarm recently been tested?
17 Are employees aware of the location of the
assembly point?
18 Has an evacuation drill been carried out in the past
6 months?
19 Are employees aware of the location of the first aid
20 Is the first aid kit fully stocked and has it recently
been checked?
21 Are employees aware of the location of emergency
power cut offs e.g. for electricity and gas?
22 Have employees using machines and equipment
been trained?
General Inspection Checklist
for Safety Representatives

No. Item Yes No Comments

23 Are machine guards in place to prevent access to
dangerous parts?
24 Are employees aware of the location of machine
emergency stop(s) and are they within easy reach
and working?
25 Are machine operator manuals / instructions
26 Is PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) provided
and being worn?
27 Do electrical cables and plugs show signs of
over-heating, damage or wear and tear?
28 Has the RCD (Residual Current Device) recently
been tripped / tested?
29 If asbestos is present in the building is its
condition being monitored and are there
procedures and signs in place to prevent its
30 Are chemicals stored safely?
31 Are systems for removing dust or fumes in good
working order and used as needed?
32 Do the wheels of trolleys and manual handling
aids move freely?
33 Are signs or information provided to direct visitors
to reception?
34 Are vehicles and pedestrians kept safely apart?
35 Are vehicles loaded or unloaded in a suitable area?
36 Are mirrors and other visibility aids on workplace
vehicles in good working order?
37 Are there edges and openings where people
could fall?
38 Is suitable equipment used for getting to work
areas at height?
39 Is there an in-date certificate of thorough exam-
ination for lifting equipment e.g. lift, crane, hoist,
forklift, MEWP?
40 Is there an in-date certificate of thorough exam-
ination for pressure systems e.g. pressurised steam
boiler, compressed air?
Have employees been made aware of the
41 contents of the safety statement and the risk
assessments relevant to their work?
42 Are employees aware where the safety statement
is available?
Additional items / hazards in your
workplace: Yes No Comments

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