Veiled Fate Lore Book
Veiled Fate Lore Book
Veiled Fate Lore Book
Thanks to the team at Quackalope for helping us build out the Veiled Fate world
and giving the story of Eredan depth.
We can’t wait for you to read what we’ve been working on together.
DEMIGODS 29 - 48
...dust held together with blood and hope just long enough for a faint memory of
life before they crumble to the ground and blow away in the wind. Their bodies
fail them. Their minds break. And that small window in history that chronicles their
birth, life, and death closes just as quickly as it opened. Each mortal is a fragment
in the tapestry of human history, but such a small work of art they are when
compared to the cosmos at large.
Dying is no great tragedy. A life begins, then ends, but whether it is truly the end or
simply another beginning cannot be known. The real tragedy is suffered by those
living. Pain, loss, and the terrible knowledge of life’s finality—all of these threads
unravel and wear on the soul until someone takes their last breath.
So then there is no worse fate than to live forever; it is the truest form of
suffering to not only exist in a world with the flaws of humanity eternally on
display, but also to watch as the lifeblood ebbs, the hope fades, and everyone
else returns to dust. To bear witness to the body crumbling and the mind
shattering is cruelty unlike any other.
It is the burden of an immortal to endure, all while losing what makes them
human. This is the burden of Eredan. He is a man obsessed with the consequences
of death and one of the few who will never endure those same consequences.
Millenia ago there was a boy named Eredan. As a child, he hoped to escape But no one knew his name. No one shared his story. He sagged to his knees and whispered small prayers to whichever god might His aged brother bent down by the fire and warmed. They sat in
from the small hamlet where his family lived. His parents were simple The man was still a boy at heart. A boy who missed his home. listen. silence for some time. Eredan grimaced as he thought about the graves
farmers, but they were respected by others in the village. They harvested outside–he should have been here. Or he shouldn’t have come back.
enough that they did not want for food in the winter months, and they shared And so he found himself on the outskirts of his village. He watched young children Eredan had left years ago, but you cannot break the ties that family threads Either way, this was a mistake.
what they could with those in need. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was a good chase stray dogs in the streets and farmers return from the fields with baskets into your soul. They may wear thin, but they do not break. The sight of his
life. from the harvest. Traders stood in the village square bartering for goods. Birds flew family in the ground before him cut deeper than years of absence ever could. “Where did you go, Eredan? What happened to you?”
overhead and perched on the thatched roofs. It looked much the same as when he His family rested near him, but he was alone.
Just not for Eredan. The boy wished for more. There were older brothers left it all those years ago. He didn’t answer his brother’s question. What do you say across the
and sisters to help with the farm. They would take care of the family. Eredan “Eredan?” gulf between men? He didn’t know the answer, so he didn’t give one.
wanted to be more than a farmer in a small village. Traveling peddlers told As he strode forward, though, he started to notice small differences. Different
grand tales of cities with walls stretching into the sky. Of devilish creatures homes standing in place of ones from his childhood. A new well was dug further He spun around, surprised to find an old man The smoke billowed up toward the roof,
and the mighty heroes who slew them. Of worlds beyond this one. from the village square. And faces he didn’t recognize. So many faces that leaning out of the doorway to his home. and the men sat and stared into the flames.
were alien to him. It was as if time had stopped for him while life in the village
It was enough to capture the mind of a child and inspire awe. The stories continued. Eredan knew he wasn’t making sense. That was life. That happened “Is that you, brother?” the man asked. Later, Eredan laughed bitterly as a revelation struck him–it was a malicious
stirred feelings deep within him, and Eredan knew he had to leave in order to everywhere. But wasn’t home someplace that never changed? Someplace he twist of Fate to stop aging but not want to. Thousands wish for immortality
explore the world. When he came of age, he packed his meager belongings could return to and forget about everything else? This didn’t feel like home–more Eredan stood up and walked forward. He didn’t recognize the man yet very few ever attain it, and those that do rarely think it a blessing. Eredan
and presented himself to his family. like another world. until he got closer and saw his sea-green eyes. It was his youngest brother. believed it to be a curse, a penance to be paid for leaving his family. He could
never dig roots into the soil of the world because he’d be the only one left to
“When I return, you will see a man instead of a boy. And such stories I will It wasn’t long before he saw the most disturbing sign of change. The family’s “I must be dreaming,” the stooped figure continued as he turned to shuffle watch them wither and dry out.
have to share with you.” farmhouse was in disrepair. Holes in the roof, broken chairs out front, and a inside. “Eredan would be long dead by now. The hand of Fate is playing tricks
thick layer of dust covering all surfaces. It looked so… ancient. on my eyes.” He vowed to never love again, despite
His older siblings looked on with envy, imagining the world he would see. knowing how much that would cost him.
The younger ones cried, not knowing when they would see him again. Was it abandoned? Eredan said nothing as he followed his brother inside. The man squinted
But his mother just smiled and stepped forward, kind eyes radiating love, his eyes and rubbed his temple, but eventually gave up on dismissing the Those who escape death are no longer part of the living, and Eredan chose to
Eredan observed the fields behind his home—once carefully cultivated and now hallucination in front of him. walk away. Better to live as a recluse than face the truth of what time will do
“No matter how you return to us, you will always be our son. That is enough.” thick with weeds and wild animals. But before he passed over the threshold, an to those for whom he cares. He withdrew from humanity, choosing instead
unfamiliar sight in the nearby grass made his chest tighten with pain; he walked “What happened here, brother?” to explore the unknown corners of the world rather than face the ravages of
Eredan smiled and looked down. over in a daze. time. There was no limit to what he could discover if he became indifferent to
“Life happened, Eredan, just as it does everywhere else. Mother grew old and life.
“If Fate is kind, I will return to you. There is so much out there I want to Four burial stones were huddled underneath the low-hanging branches of a infirm, and Father couldn’t tend the fields anymore, so our eldest brother and
see, and whatever I find I’ll bring home to share with you.” magnificent oak tree. This was where his mother had always wanted to be buried. sister took over the farm. Then the same happened when the years caught up Eredan abandoned his humanity to lessen his pain, ultimately
His parents were the first generation of farmers in the village; his mother and to them. And now it’s my turn.” becoming something more. It was a calculated choice that elevated
And with that, he left his family and his old life behind. father chose to build their house near the tree because of its beauty. Now four him above all other mortals, and, in doing so, made him lose
stones marked graves in the shade of the afternoon sun. His mother’s name was The old man tried to start a fire, but the small piece of flint crumbled in his some of what made living so special.
Eredan did not return to his home until years later. They passed in a blur, and carved into one stone and his father’s into the one next to hers. The other two hand. Eredan walked over to help and soon the wood took flame. As he
he was unsure how long he’d been gone. Like the heroes of myth, he’d seen lacked inscriptions, but he suspected his siblings lay next to his parents. watched the fire grow and the smoke rise, Eredan said nothing. Fate had other plans, though.
wondrous things. He had trekked all over the world.
Love unlocks the heart no matter how hard the mind resists. It doesn’t matter Eredan threw himself into studies of the arcane, into the research of long- Eredan’s children had only ever been told they were gods, that they would empresses. One kingdom fractured into many.
the intent of a person, the coldness with which they observe their fellow man forgotten texts, and into whatever rumors of immortality that reached his ear. ascend; those words warped their perception and clouded their thinking. Eredan’s wife saw the evil in her children–the unchecked greed and naked
as they walk the earth. It penetrates through that armor and softens even the He did not know how he ascended to immortality, but his life proved that it Gods are better than mere mortals; aren’t they? Shouldn’t the immortal’s ambition. She was horrified by how twisted and deformed her sons and
hardest of humans. was possible. He just had to find out how to force the phenomenon. children act like that then? In the absence of discipline, chaos reigns. daughters had become. And her heart–once full of love and joy for the man
she adored and the children she nurtured–broke.
Bonds forged in an instant endure for years, remaining long after the lovers His time spent quelling conflict out in the regions of the world had Children may come of age, but they don’t necessarily grow up. They may have
are gone. Life begins and then ends, but love defies death. It defies reason, propelled him to new heights. Eredan discovered innate powers of arcane and children of their own, but in the mirror looking back at them is a reflection As tears rolled down her cheeks and her fingers trembled,
and it defies the will of even an immortal. mystical origin–the ability to heal disease, to wield control over elements, to of youth unchanged. As these demigods grew in power and stature, Eredan she scrawled a final treatise for her husband.
manipulate matter itself. It was all within his reach as he delved deep into an hoped they would chisel away until the softness of childhood faded and the
A woman unlike any other. That’s who claimed Eredan. Who brought him back untapped well of power. There was so much potential to unlock. marbled strength of maturity revealed itself. But he was not there, and he Listen for the cries, the muted whispers, and the begging.
into the fold of humanity and gave him purpose. She gave him a new life, a left them to explore their power unchecked. Sons and daughters must mold Do they make you shiver at night when the fire beats back the cold?
new family. Her name is never spoken in the ancient histories of the world, But no matter how many spells he cast or ancient relics he used, Eredan themselves if they are to overcome that void. They must pick up the hammer
though. Eredan kept that part of her to himself. could not stop his wife from aging. His children inherited his immortality but and chisel and look in the mirror with determination. Take the anguish, the razor-sharp pain of a mother with a barren womb.
the woman he loved was doomed to die. And that truth was inescapable as he And know that you ripped life away from the bloody vessel of this world.
When Fate brings two people together, the echoes of that union reverberate watched her grow old. The children, who knew more of Eredan from the words Few follow through with this daunting task, however,
through time. And no echo was louder than the years that Eredan spent with of their mother than from the man himself, watched their father despair over and the sculptor’s tools lie unused by a cracked reflection. We have failed. Those who crave love dress themselves in hate.
his beloved. As a potter shapes clay, so too did his wife shape him into a great what he knew would come to pass. The ache in their bones calls for you but you do not heed it.
man. A man with a purpose. All of the knowledge, all of the strength, all of the Eredan’s wife did her best. She offered all of herself to her children, hoping
willpower that Eredan discovered through his centuries of life were channeled So, at the height of the Golden Age, Eredan left the world behind for what lay to give them the strength to become something great on their own. It’s a We have failed.
into making a safer world for the woman he loved. beyond the stars. He left the great City, his impressionable children, and, most tenuous affair, though, when a mortal strives to mold the children of a god. Down, down into the darkness I fall as the world burns around me.
painfully of all, his wife. To the world, he called for the leaders of the realm to Eredan was not there to guide their ambitions, curb their appetites, or The ache in their bones calls for us, but we do not heed it.
They ushered the realm into a golden age. And while she painstakingly carry on in his absence. To his children, he entreated them to give more than teach the lesson of what it means to be immortal.
established a centralized government, his wife also bore him children. She they took and to help those in need. And to his wife, he begged forgiveness. It Goodbye, my love.
reared her sons and daughters in a time of progress. The immortal king did not matter what she wanted, whether she accepted death. Eredan would As she grew weak, they grew strong. And with that strength came When you return, take Death’s scythe and reap what we have sown.
built a throne of power that reached across the lands and secured peace the not watch another family fall apart; he would keep them all together. an overwhelming need to fulfill Eredan’s legacy on earth. Each of the
likes of which had never been seen before, and his wife helped oversee the children believed they were destined to rule the kingdom in his stead. When Eredan returned to the mortal realm from the Abyss, he brought
construction of a mighty city at the center of the realm, one that solidified He left to seek immortality for his wife. His obsession would more than a scythe. Years of searching for the secret of immortality unlocked
Eredan’s reign and displayed the power of the people united. As Eredan take him to the Abyss, and his absence would change the world. They understood little of their powers. So, when they inevitably clashed, the mysteries of the universe for Eredan. He was not merely an immortal;
unified the disparate tribes and regions, she made the City ready for his it was cataclysmic in scope. When great forces collide, the gravity of the he was ascendant.
return. All while she told their children the great stories of their father Eredan– What happens to children with nothing but an idea of what their power is? encounter pulls everything else into its orbit. Lands were broken, people were
the man who roamed the world and sought to bring the light home with him. With only stories from passersby of the god Eredan shaping the world with killed, and the Golden Age was torn asunder. Eredan’s children brought havoc But he came back to an empty home. He returned to find the lifeless body
a sweep of his hand? Men do not tell tales of failure. They do not share the and darkness to their father’s kingdom. of his wife and her last words beside her, condemning his part in this evil.
Those were the happiest years in Eredan’s long life, but they also taught him wisdom of mistakes. Only glory and prestige are passed down through
the two most painful lessons he ever learned: stories do not make a father, generations of storytelling. That’s no way for children to discover themselves, Whatever good Eredan showed the world, his children displayed the opposite. The only one who deserved to live forever was gone.
and love cannot stop time. And it was the last lesson that truly sent him on a no way to grasp how to become someone great. Because great people are With absolute power comes absolute despotism if there is no guiding hand to
path away from the light he shared with the world and into the darkness. flawed ones. They just persevere when others give up. show the way. Sons and daughters turned into tyrants and queens, kings and
In her place was a warring band of unruly children who abused their power. Then, he created the Veil. A celestial barrier that surrounded the world He wept as they sought to bring down the Veil. He felt the cracks in it widen;
He brought divine wrath down upon them. Eredan’s rage burned hot that and kept it isolated from the rest of the universe. A shield that could it grew thinner by the year. The demigods’ quest for power weakened the
day, but he knew that imprisonment and exile would only make them hunger protect against gods and demigods. barrier that kept his children removed from the mortal world. An age of peace
for the mortal realm even more. He could not guarantee that the demigods was coming to an end. Eredan had spent years apart from the people of this
would leave the world alone unless he offered them something even better. The effort almost consumed Eredan, but his work was not in vain. realm with grief as his only companion, and the one soul who could have
The Veil stood and it prevented the nefarious influence of his children. kept the darkness at bay was his beloved.
To achieve this, he made the heavens. A feat of such magnitude that it Mankind would be free from their machinations.
drained some of his life force. Otherworldly energy crackled and exploded Her name echoed in his heart, but he could no longer picture her face. He
as this arcane utopia spun into being. It was everything the demigods could With that final act, Eredan withdrew. He was a shadow of himself. wanted to blame his children for her death, but he couldn’t live with that lie.
want, contained in space and cut off from the mortal realm. They could The world he helped build moved on without him. His name He bore the responsibility. He could not save her.
squander their potential in a haven of excess. became a legend as his renown faded into the annals of history.
In the end, he could not save himself, or he didn’t want to. He had lived
But his work had just begun. What followed was a display of power never He watched the heavens for signs of his children. They were not worthy countless lifetimes, and now it was time to vanish into darkness. Maybe
before seen in the realm. It birthed creation myths among the mortals and of this world. He would bide his time and wait for a successor who earned there would be a new beginning on the other side. Maybe his beloved
burned Eredan’s name into the hearts and minds of all those living who his throne rather than inherited it. Until then, the Veil would hold. It had to. would be waiting for him.
witnessed the healing of the earth.
But Eredan didn’t plan for the most human of consequences. Before their Eredan was sure of only one thing:
He repaired the broken walls of the City. He quelled earthquakes and sealed banishment, his children had sons and daughters of their own—demigods the time had come for the world to decide its fate.
up chasms. Repopulated wildlife and rebuilt holy temples. Eredan went lesser in power but equal in ambition—who stood as heroes in the realm and
among the high and the low, healing illnesses and granting strength. who aimed for even loftier titles. The most ambitious of them were known as He would no longer hold the pen.
The violence of his children was overshadowed by an outpouring of The Nine. People saw them as saviors in a world that was slowly forgetting Others would take up the mantle and write a new chapter.
arcane power that left everyone in awe. the divine presence of Eredan. Nevertheless, Eredan knew the truth about
them. He felt his children silently turning their gaze back to the mortal realm. When he faded away from the mortal realm, the Veil shattered fully.
His children weren’t satisfied with perfection, though. The demigods pushed Maybe they had known this day would come. Eredan was gone. The age was over.
against their chains. Who cares about utopia when there is fresh clay ready to
be shaped in the mortal realm? Does it not speak to power when a demigod The Veil stood firm against celestial intervention from the outside. Now, the throne of Eredan beckons, and his immortal heirs seek to influence
can take something imperfect and make something beautiful out of it? Who Yet it held no protections against those on the inside. One holding the succession. Banished from the mortal realm, these demigods offer their
will remember the rivers of blood when they are paved over with streets of aloft a shield to guard the innocent never looks for a blade in the back. favor to offspring who are pawns in this dangerous game.
gold? Eredan’s children strained against his power and threatened to leave
heaven to unleash new terrors on the world. It would not be long before they For years, the Veil withstood all assaults from Eredan’s children. Eredan’s children know that absolute power cannot be shared.
broke out of their cosmic confinement and descended to earth again. Their descendants, though, were wily and determined. As heroes,
they could influence the hearts of many. As kings, however, Only one can capture the throne.
Eredan knew that a more drastic measure must be made. He reached through they could control the future of all.
all the planes of existence he’d walked. He summoned all of the power that
he could channel without killing himself. And he even brought forth the Abyss What better patrons of glory than those of heaven and not of earth? Eredan’s
into the world of men to augment his power further. descendants wondered this as they turned their faces to the stars above.
Sailors pray that Eredan blesses their journeys and keeps the crew onboard
because in those fathomless depths are unforgiving currents that will claim any
COAST soul unfortunate enough to fall overboard. Anyone who isn’t swept away by the
whim of the elements falls prey to creatures of the deep known as ship-breakers.
For those who choose to embrace the coastal lands, though, there is much to
discover in the salt-kissed islands and the bird-filled sky. It’s a place where the two
halves of nature collide, and the bridge between the realm of earth and the domain
of water is a unique one.
Exotic fish swim in shoals, vibrant life blooms underwater in the reefs, and the
wind-chapped faces of the townsfolk in these lands often crease into smiles as
they breathe the ocean air. Eredan would walk the shores and meditate in the days
before he disappeared. Others find that same peace now.
Few people live in the forest, and those that live near don’t venture too far into its
FOREST depths, lest it swallows them. Wander too far and stray from the short paths that
exist and all sense of direction fades away. The gloom surrounds those foolish
enough to do so. And eyes watch from a distance.
This is a place of eternal twilight. The woods are deep, and the will-o’-wisps wait to
lure travelers into a realm that’s never been tamed. Nature reminds any who visit
the forest what power endures after centuries. It is not the will of man that lasts
FOREST here; it is the way of the earth.
Even Eredan respected the forest. It was forbidden to cut down trees from there.
But he is gone now and his edicts are forgotten. So the boughs tense, the leaves
shudder, and the roots grasp. All stand ready to teach the lesson anew should
mortals believe they have dominion over this place.
Towns above now lie abandoned while a network of caves, tunnels, and small
CANYONS settlements burrow into the rock to keep pace with the dwindling streams of water
at the bottom of the canyons. Parents tell their children stories of the “fingers of
Eredan” that transformed the land into a verdant paradise, but the dirt and dust
make it nothing more than a myth.
Rope bridges now crisscross the surface of the land like stitches on open wounds.
Travelers use them to traverse the dangerous territory while more adventurous
CANYONS types employ the services of chasm-jumpers to access the more remote regions.
People fear two things in the canyons--the streams drying up as the water
disappears and the earth cracking and all of the scars in the rock connecting
until it all collapses. They pray for Eredan. They hope for salvation.
But all the while, the canyons scratch deeper into the crust of the world.
Gusts of wind at night transform the dunes, and the tracks of passing tribes are
DESERT wiped away. To travelers unfamiliar with the landscape, the desert boasts a new
face each day, and the hypnotic pattern of the dunes threatens to lure them off
into the emptiness.
With torrid heat in the day and biting cold at night, only those with generations of
desert life in their blood are well adjusted to the severe environment. It makes for
hardy people who bow with the wind and shift with the sands. Those who
DESERT know the secrets of the wilderness can find water and food, but the inhospitable
land chews up and spits out any who don’t respect it. Their bleached bones are
all that remains.
Sometimes the most unforgiving world can hide the most beautiful sights—desert
blooms after rain; striations in the sand; the lazy swirl of birds in the sky; the
heavens at night, full of stars and wonder. There is life in the desert too.
Rivers of magma burn new channels into the rock and extend the root system
of this igneous tree. The trunk reaches up into the air, and the gaseous leaves
VOLCANO choke all who linger in the fumes. If the Abyss were not in this realm, then the
volcano would be the mortals’ hell.
As the mountains watch the years pass, rain dances upon the slope, snow
cascades in an avalanche to the steppe below, and fire glows from caves dug into
MOUNTAINS the rock—all while earth erodes. This land is a cauldron of elements that boils over
and scalds all but the men and women of the peaks.
At night, golems grind fresh paths through the jagged mountains, trolls hunt for
fresh meat for their caves, and goblins swarm out of their tunnels for fresh loot to
add to the hoard. To stay alive, the mountain tribes sleep in turns and keep watch.
It’s the only way to ensure the safety of the clans.
But, for the bold, the mountains call to them, promising ancient secrets long buried
and glory hovering just beyond their grasp. This is a wild land, and those strong
enough to stake a claim will be remembered in the annals of mortal history.
They just have to survive first.
THE CITY Walls fifty spans thick protect the people from any outside threat. They are wide
enough for several horsemen abreast to ride the ramparts at the top. Watchtowers
line the battlements and give the city watch a view of the realm in all directions.
The imposing height of the fortifications serves as a landmark for miles.
Major avenues cut through the city like spokes on a wheel, and at the center
resides the great market where merchants from all over the realm peddle their
THE CITY wares. Walk down a street and five different languages are being spoken and ten
different foods being cooked.
All light casts shadows, though, and the City is full of darkness: deals made in the
dark, knives flashed, and lives cut short. Just as the City raises all of the good in
the heart of a mortal, it also encourages their worst vices. These are on display too;
one just has to know where to look.
An indefinable spit of land separates the City from the Abyss. The sulfuric
wasteland acts as an environmental barrier for denizens of the city. Known as
a gateway to the nether realm, sulfur pools extend for miles and track through
the dark rock, casting a pall of gray shadow into the air.
Some say the place hews a mortal’s soul from their body. Youth dare each other
to spend the night in the Pools, each of them standing in the gloomy haze until
a shift in the wind or a silhouette in the fog scares them all away.
THE POOLS On the rare occasions when someone emerges from the Pools and enters
the City, people shy away. An instinctive fear grabs hold of them; they don’t
want to be tainted or marked by the same misfortune that befell someone
escaping that cursed place. It calls in the night, shrill cries whistling on
the wind like mournful music.
For those brave enough to journey into the fog and those desperate
enough to immerse themselves in the sulfur pools, there is a restorative
experience. Beyond the atmospheric horror, a place of healing waits for
any with the will to seek it.
A place of punishment, penance, and purgatory, the Abyss swallows the refuse of
the realm and rarely spits them back out. Only the most determined of souls can
return from that place of torture and damnation. If demigods strive for the favor of
Eredan, then the Abyss is the cold rebuke of their ancestor.
Monsters lurk in the depths, and the shallows are filled with the wayward souls
who drowned beneath the smoky and ethereal haze. The yawning darkness calls to
THE ABYSS the hearts of mortals and demigods, beckoning them to lie and rest for millennia.
Travelers who skirt the edges of the Abyssal domain claim to hear the anguished
moans of loved ones passed beyond the Veil. Whether it’s trickery or the cruel twist
of Fate snipping at mortal life they may never know. But the demigods who crawl
out of that misery know one thing: they do not wish to return.
A hammer can build, but it can also tear down. It wields enormous potential, and
no one understands this duality more than the mighty Pentha. Descended from a
line of master smiths, she grew up in the fiery climate of the volcano as her family
worked the prized obsidian and other precious metals of the realm. And one day
when her friend was murdered, she learned how quickly a hammer could turn to
bloodier work. She was a vengeful arbiter with a red-tinged right hand.
Many feared her zeal for justice after that, but Pentha ignored them all because she
realized something her ancestors had not—her family could wield great power and
not just craft it for others. Deep in the vaults of the forge, the demigod hefted a
chunk of star metal--one of the few known in the realm--and returned to the forge
with intent. In a fever, she heated, hammered, and worked the metal until she
emerged from the forge the next day with a celestial weapon beyond compare.
Around the realm, all mortals know of Pentha’s warhammer. It is a thing of legend,
almost as much as the demigod who wields it. It binds to her and establishes a
duality to her mythos which emanates from her like a heady aura. Pentha inspires
loyalty and her two-handed weapon inspires fear. Few have the strength to lift it.
None but her, though, have the skill to wield it so effortlessly.
The mountains cull all but the most resilient. And among those hardy tribes,
the warriors of the peaks are held with high regard as the most unyielding in
all the realm. When these warriors descend the mountains, they walk with the
calm measured steps of souls unafraid of death. Agamar is the most sacred of
these fighters.
A demigod with tree trunks for legs, the spine of a mountain, and the heart of
a king, Agamar fears no one. His flame-bladed sword is etched with runes that
boast of his victories. The wolf cloak draped across his shoulders signifies his
leadership among the mountain tribes. And his horned helm burdens his head
with glorious purpose.
City dwellers are weak. They hide behind great walls and hunker down next to
burning hearths when the seasons turn. They do not know hardship. They do not
know what it’s like to hunt for their food or build shelter during a blizzard. The
mountains blow away the chaff and burn off the fat. Agamar is ready to show the
realm the ferocity of his people and the power of his claim to the throne.
He has defied death across the realm. Each victory is another rune to bless his
sword. Agamar does not rely on deceit or guile. He doesn’t need to take his
enemies by surprise; he wants them to see him coming. He brandishes his sword
with determination and forges his Fate with the indomitable power
of the mountains at his back.
Hailing from the Coast, Klar is unpredictable like the waves. A giant of a man with
a disposition to match, he’s a demigod who knows his strength and believes with
unwavering conviction that he is destined to rule. Eredan may have been a god
with knowledge of the arcane and wisdom beyond the scope of mortals, but at his
core was a strength born of watching those around him die. Klar understands this.
Known as the “Water Giant,” Klar guards the bridge over the Abyss and
determines what pilgrims and travelers may cross the ancient construct. He
believes that Eredan and Fate have made him master of the Abyss and the Pools.
From the bridge, he watches the barrier between two worlds and decides who is
worthy in his domain.
It takes strength and endurance to stand guard before such terrible darkness. Klar
harnesses Fate like sailors harness the wind, leaning into it and learning to control
it. What better ruler for the realm than one with mastery over the Abyss? Klar plans
to usher in a second Golden Age.
A forest dweller and a child of nature, Aponi knows full well what stalks the woods
at night and what rules the land when mortals sleep. There is power in the realm
beyond what men can comprehend, and Aponi knows how to channel that primal
energy. While others fear the wild creatures in the woods, Aponi shares their world
and speaks their language.
Aponi seeks power just like the other demigods in the world, and that doesn’t
bode well for her rivals. She isn’t interested in the petty squabbles that break out
in the City or the territorial disputes throughout the realm. She’s ready for nature
to take over. The ruins throughout the realm speak to the legacy of the mortals.
Nature is the only constant as time breaks down all else.
Just as nature creeps into the world of men, so too does Aponi slowly creep into
the plans of the other Nine. She seeks to uncover their plots and foil their plans.
Like a tree digging its roots into the ground as it grows, Aponi twists into the fabric
of the realm and makes her presence known. She is coming for the throne.
But Saghari balks at the thought of dying as she sails across the chasms. Her speed
takes her from plateau to plateau across the cracked landscape as she revels in the
freedom of the canyons; the region is bereft of riches and starved for resources,
but the people are proud. They own the skies and the waters far below.
Saghari wants to carry that freedom with her and show the realm a different
way of living. The people have nothing to show from years of war and strife.
If the canyon tribes can survive with so little, imagine how they could shape
the world with the glut of resources that the realm has to offer. Eredan gave
so much to build something new, but that legacy is stained and broken now.
Saghari will pick up the pieces.
Other heroes in the Nine perceive Saghari to be a meek demigod, but her ways
are deceptive. With her vaulting spear, she has unexpected reach. She excels in
open spaces and the race for the throne is as open as they come. Her stamina is
peerless, and her vision of a new world keeps Saghari focused when others falter.
While exploring ruins in the desert as a boy, Namari was poisoned by a scorpion.
His people thought he would die within hours, but his heart rate did not slow.
It quickened as his body fought the poison and kept the young demigod alive.
The nomadic tribes called him the “Dune Scorpion” and began to train him in
the art of war.
A protector of the desert tribes and a wanderer at heart, Namari keeps his
ancestral ties close as he travels throughout the realm. A fearsome bird of prey
perches on his wrist and gazes with cold, smoldering anger at any who comes
near its master. This is a man of the wilderness who brings the bite of his
heritage to any who oppose him.
Namari despises the excess of the urban cities, but he travels through the realm
regardless, seeking whatever power and riches he can take back to his people in
the desert. It’s time for the dunes to shift and for the nomadic tribes to rise above
the other mortals. City dwellers have hoarded the wealth of the world for too long.
And at the head of that desert wave will be Namari, a demigod with untamed
speed. He wields the bow and the sword, riding as a herald of change. With stony
eyes that patrol the sky above him, his vision extends far past that of other mortals
and demigods. He will drag the rest of the world with him on his quest.
There is only one in the City as keenly aware of the criminal undercurrents as the
conspiracies among the nobles. With her hand deeply embedded in those two
distinct worlds, Naka is positioned to leverage anyone, from street ruffians to the
City’s elite. She wields information in her left hand and politics in her right. They
cut deeper than steel ever could.
Not all demigods use their brawn to influence the Fate of mortals. Naka has no
need for getting her hands dirty. She performs violence with words, she kills with
silence, and she controls the lives of hundreds with the information she trades and
the bargains she strikes. That’s true power, unbridled by the fatigue of the sword
arm or the bloodlust of the people.
Naka will not let go of what she’s amassed. From her time as a youth on the City
streets, she learned what it meant to have nothing and to live by the whims of
those in power. She is one of the most dangerous of the Nine because she
hungers for more even when she stands at the top of the pyramid.
Those that cross her find themselves out of favor among the ruling elite and in
danger of a blade in the dark, but Naka will never be implicated because she
wraps herself in a shroud of mystery. And now she’s willing to leave the City
to pursue her ambitions for the throne. The puppetmaster pulls the strings
across her vast network.
As one who chronicles the legends of the realms and transcribes the oral
histories of its people, Belan is intimately familiar with the cultures that mix
in the City like a simmering cauldron. He knows the people, the upper and lower
classes, better than they know themselves. He is a rare historian with plans to
use his knowledge for gain.
Belan can wield his sword with dispassion, but he is much more suited to the pen.
There is power in words that the other demigods do not recognize. They shape the
understanding of mortals and dictate how life will be remembered when all who
live now are but dust. If he is the one who records history, does he not shape it?
He is the only one to rival Naka in collecting information. Just as the sharpest
sword cannot draw blood if it doesn’t know where to swing, the ambitious
demigods around Belan will not succeed if they don’t know where to direct their
energy. He knows where the temples lie in the remote regions. He knows the
secrets of the world.
If Belan can capitalize on his position, then he may be the next leader of the realm.
His faith in his mission comes from knowing what others do not. It’s the kind that
influences the mind with one breath and draws the sword in the next. Power and
understanding working in unison. Belan could be the one to wield them both.
Orphaned in the desert, life started to fade like a mirage until a nomad happened
upon the malnourished babe. Fate intended on her demise, but Isabel had other
plans. While she retained the reed-thin and gaunt appearance of one marked by
death, she learned to channel her hunger for life into something truly remarkable.
A djinn of the desert, a sorceress of skulls, and a demigod with designs on the
throne, Isabel is a nomad of the realm now. Wise ones find her disconcerting,
priests find her inexplicable, but her power cannot be disputed. She is what
happens when demigods stand against Fate and dare to test the bounds of destiny.
Her dress of bones is imbued with spirits from beyond the Veil. Her staff is
powered by Abyssal energy and her knowledge of the arcane is unrivaled among
the Nine. Isabel is a mesmerizing being who sees past the walls that others build
around their souls. She pierces through the Veil and bears witness to the cosmos.
Death frightens those who can’t grasp the life that thrives on it. It petrifies those
who see it as the existential swing of the axe. But to one who comes from such
a haunted past, death is a seed of power to be embraced and not feared; Isabel
knows this all too well, and now the orphan seeks to become a queen.
Rebellions are bloody things—the line of morality frays, blurs, and sometimes disappears altogether. Protected by the Veil, the mortal realm had not been struck by cosmic tragedy. But his offspring do not concern
Three demigods restore peace to the land by dismantling the warbands and stamping out the themselves with the fate of the mortals or the material plane. If all that’s left of the realm are Eredan’s throne and a
insurrection before it could consume other parts of the realm. blackened slab of stone on which it rests, then the celestials only care that their chosen demigod sits on the throne.
When they return to the City, the reception is mixed. Among the rebels were fathers, sisters, sons, That apathy is not natural. It’s the byproduct of megalomania. What is natural to these beings is
and more to the people living within the walls. Blood can be thicker than the ties that bind all mortals destruction, and one of them demonstrates a propensity for ruination by conjuring an otherworldly
and demigods. Instead of a celebration, a tribunal is called. meteor that streaks toward the fertile land below.
The demigods clamor for a seat at the table of the divine. They crave fame, they seek glory, and they guard their power To maintain balance, nature exerts its influence on the realm. An all-seeing arbiter that pushes at the
with jealousy, growing in strength until they can overpower the will of the others and usurp the throne of Eredan. backs of those incapable of rising above and pulls at the leashes of those that strain beyond the rest.
Free will is a mirage for the blind to latch onto when all around is darkness.
One of the Nine without designs for the throne decides to sow chaos among the other demigods.
They spread rumors, lay snares, and lead the others into conflict. Civility balances on a needlepoint Reports flood in of forest dryads, water nymphs, air elementals, and fire golems roaming the wilds.
and they await for the demigods to implode. They seek out those touched by the god Eredan; their intentions are unknown. Mortals stay indoors,
and the demigods tread carefully, looking over their shoulders.
Spread across the land, these artifacts will attune to whoever finds them first, but the sorcerer warns any Whether they reveal their loyalties or mask their intentions behind layers of subterfuge, it does not matter.
would-be relic-hunters that the vaults are protected by arcane defenses. The risks are great, but the rewards are greater. As demigods portal into the City, the stakes are real and Eredan’s throne lies empty. One must ascend.
The Nine take off in different directions.
All across the land, mages struggle to contain the necrotic energy, but tendrils of its essence escape and The interference will only increase as the fight for succession embroils more and more of the
curse those touched by its darkness. This is an ancient evil, long thought removed from this earthly plane. land in the divine feud. Which of the Nine bask in the glow of their parent’s approval?
Who lies forgotten in the annals of history? Only Fate knows.
Much to the chagrin of the wicked plotter in the heavens, the people quickly band together and fight against the daemons Now he must decide between blessing the downtrodden or
to protect their homeland. Old feuds and bitter rivalries are forgotten in defense of the realm. blessing those who strive in the service of the people. He turns to his children for advice.
The twisted visage of a beast roams beyond the outer wall at night; tattered flesh hangs from its cheekbones and its Ash from the volcano descends on the land, bringing with it dark skies and darker tidings. It contaminates the water
eyes are clouded like white-hot coals dipped in murky water. Send it back to the Abyss. and infects the populace. People are dying in droves and are in desperate need of divine intervention.
2 In the ensuing chaos, the swiftest among them 2 All plans disintegrate in the face of true horror like
this, but one among them summons the courage to
a beating. What sends the stronger message…?
into the Abyss by their fellows. a way to filter the ash and plague out of the water.
Thousands of lives are saved.
2 A battering ram approaches the gate and makes 2 As the attackers gain a foothold, one of the Nine
foresees calamity and flees the fight. Several
lethal creature.
hero bruises their face and sullies their good name. demigod, but instead, they augment their strength and
speed with a holy relic and rush forward. Temerity falls
connects much of the sinister goings-on in the land.
They sentence these conspirators to death and the 3 Counseling the mortals on how to identify the signs
of corruption in government, one cunning demigod
4 If you don’t fight, you can’t lose. It may not win you
the day. Or fame. But it allows you to stay in the
before faith. ambitious plot of a demigod crumbles. deflects suspicion away from their cabal of politicians
and successfully maintains control over many leaders
fight throughout the years. It’s not wise. It’s just the way
it must be. 4 Demigods are often thought to be violent creatures,
but the blessing of the divine doesn’t ensure an
appetite for conflict. But poke a sleeping bear enough
across their land. Their grip on the people tightens.
fight they don’t understand. demigod cleanses villages and townships of rats with a
blood-flecked sword.
3 Another looks on anxiously. Maybe this was a 3 The final hero hopes to act with conviction and
instead swings their weapon at the encroaching
medicine creates an ointment that combats the plague. fatal illness, a demigod well-versed in herbs and natural
remedies creates a potion. Will it work…?
3 Recognizing the captive audience in the square, 3 Threatened by what Naka has gained, another
hero instructs their followers to infiltrate her
and guard the star-metal against all others.
4 A moonlit night on stone smoothed by air and
water. No mortal sounds filtering through the
one demigod strides to the gallows and stands
atop the platform, calling for attention. The clamoring
inner circle. And then wait. The value of information
cannot be overstated.
3 Journeying over treacherous waters, a demigod 3 One of the terms of the treaty sentences the most
deadly fighters on each side of the conflict to the
barbarism leaves the demigod near-dead, but they hide
under a bloodied corpse to avoid any finishing blows.
Lore Design
Quackalope Alright Studio
Michael Dockery
Lead Writer Ali Patterson
Devon Norris Dane Baudoin