A. Y. 2022/2023
Contact ER.GO
The Competition Announcements are all available online, on the website www.er-go.it
You can apply to ER.GO benefits only on-line, on the website www.er-go.it.
PARLA CON ER.GO: a service available for students asking for help in the online applying procedures and
in the different steps to follow, to get access to the benefits and services offered by ER.GO. It also gives detailed
information about matters concerning the right to education.
SCRIVICI ! service accessible from the DOSSIER UTENTE (https://dossier.er-go.it) to get information and
consultancy about the Competition Announcements
Live Assistance! Online chat service, available from the DOSSIER UTENTE (https://dossier.er-go.it) and
aimed to give information and assistance about questions concerning Competition Announcements and general
Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 10.30 am.
DOSSIER UTENTE: Service available to users, accessible both from smartphone and desktop on the
webpage https://dossier.er-go.it with SPID, CIE,CNS credentials or with University credentials only for non-
resident in Italy.
Dossier Utente is a personal file available to the student throughout his /her university career.
In the Dossier, according to each academic year, student can also:
• view the required benefits
• check the ranking lists
• view the status of assignment of the benefits required by the student
• view the academic achievement data certified by University
• update the IBAN code and view the payment notices of scholarship and other economic benefits
provided by ER.GO.
• send documents to ER-GO to be filed and available for next consultations in the section “Protocollo”
• view the “account” (debt and credit position with Er-go) and the “Certificazione Unica” (Income tax
• view all communication sent by ErGo
• communicate with ER.GO through SCRIVICI! and chat on line with ER.GO's personnel through the
Assistenza Live Service;
• Get access to the online 'booking system' “ABITARE ERGO” for any service related to living in a
Hall of Residence
• Generate the QR code in order to use the prepaid catering vouchers.
• Book for career meetings/career counselling interviews or study support interviews;
• book for one-to-one interviews with ER.GO's personnel
• fill in/out different forms in the specific section “Modulistica”
All written communication from ER.GO to students (including those related to the loss of requisites for
benefits, check procedures, etc.), will be issued on their “Dossier Utente”, which will have official value to
all extents and purposes, instead of postal correspondence.
In order to communicate in a traceable and secure way with ER.GO, you can use the Certified electronic mail
You need a personal certified electronic mailbox, easy to set up by a simple request on-line directly to the
company managing the service.
Once you have stated the certified electronic mail address in the on-line application, the PEC completely
replaces the “registered post with return receipt”, specified in some parts of the application notices (i.e. sending
the rental agreement, etc.), and allows formal replies, documents and correspondence to be received from
As regards documents requested to international students about their family economic condition, PEC does
not replaces the “registered post with return receipt”, since they must be legalized and sent in original.
For further information, regarding all ER.GO Benefits, please read carefully the General Rules and the
Announcements A. Y. 2022/2023 in their whole.
1. Benefits
2. Who can apply
3. Necessary conditions to get the benefits
4. How to apply if you are an international student
4.1 Documentation required to international students from Non-EU countries.
4.2 Documentation required to international students from European Union countries
4.3 Provisions common to international students from EU and Non-EU countries
4.4 International students recognized as stateless or holders of international protection (with residence
permit for political asylum or subsidiary protection), or of complementary protection (e.g. special protection
and special cases)
5. When to apply
6. Ranking lists
7. Scholarships
7.1 Scholarship amount
7.2 Scholarship amount - increases
7.3 Scholarship amount – converted into prepaid credit for catering service
7.4. Scholarship (grant and services) for non-resident students enrolled at Bologna and Romagna
campuses (Cesena, Forlì and Rimini), Modena or Parma University, formerly assignee of an
ER.GO accommodation in the a. y. 2021/2022 (BAPS)
7.5 Scholarship payment
8. Condition of non-resident student, commuter student and resident student
9. Economic requirements
10. Educational achievement requirements
11. Methods of collection of economic interventions
12. Benefits revocation
13. Accommodation service
14. Subsidies for catering service
15. Grants for International Mobility
16. Hardships awards
For students enrolled in Inter-University courses “MUNER” (Association joining the four Universities of
Bologna, Ferrara, Modena and Reggio Emilia and Parma together with the Motor Valley famous brands, with
the specific target of encouraging the development of innovation and education provided in Emilia Romagna
in the automotive sector) and in other inter-university degree courses of the Universities of Emilia-Romagna
region, located in Emilia Romagna there are specific procedures of benefits supply, taking into account the
different locations of the courses (administrative office and teaching branch) for semester or year. Please, refer
to each Benefit Announcement for the specific procedures to follow.
The family unit's economic condition to get access to ER.GO services should not overtake two indicators (the
so-called ISEE and ISPE), which must not exceed respectively the following maximum values:
Benefits ISEE Threshold ISPE Threshold
Scholarship € 24.335,11 € 50.000,00
Accommodation facilities with € 24.335,11 € 50.000,00
assisted access
International mobility grants € 24.335,11 € 50.000,00
Hardship awards € 24.335,11 € 50.000,00
Subsidies for the catering service € 28.000,00 € 62.000,00
Allowances for students with
- Individual assistance € 32.000,00 € 62.000,00
- Contributions € 28.000,00 € 62.000,00
- Educational Achievement
Students enrolled in the first year, unlike for subsequent years, can get access to scholarship only by their
economic conditions. All students, in the first and subsequent years, must reach a certain level of achievement
over the academic year, in order to maintain the Scholarship and not to pay back the instalments received.
- Enrolment at University, Higher Institutes for Arts and Music, San Pellegrino School for Interpreter Cultural
Mediators in Rimini and CIELS Bologna must be made by the deadlines stated in General Rules, article 13,
to be eligible to benefits.
- Applications must be submitted by the deadlines specified under paragraph “When to apply”.
4. How to apply if you are an international student
You can fill in the benefits application form exclusively on line on the website www.er-go.it, or at the
CAF (Tax Assistance Centres) recognised by ER.GO (complete list on the website www.er-go.it).
In order to delegate the CAF to fill out the benefits application, students must pay attention to the
instructions in the On line Services Suite.
You can exclusively access the online application by using SPID digital identity, the electronic identity
card (CIE) or the National service card (CNS).
It is mandatory to apply for a digital identity (SPID, CIE or CNS) to access the online services for the students
- have an Italian identity document (identity card, driving licence or passport);
- are resident in Italy (if you have a residency in Italy you can ask for an identity card and therefore, for a
Students, who do not have a residency in Italy, can access online application by using credentials issued by
Students, who access the online application using University credentials even if they meet the requirements to
request a digital identity (SPID, CIE, or CNS), will undergo controls and the possible eligibility for/assignation
of benefits will be suspended in order to end the identification procedures.
To apply for benefits there is no need to enrol in advance at University, Higher Institutes for Arts and Music,
and San Pellegrino School for Interpreter Cultural Mediators in Rimini and CIELS Bologna.
Students, to be eligible to benefits, must in any case enrol at University within the deadlines stated in the
General Rules of the Announcements, article 13; otherwise the assigned benefits will be revoked.
The online application includes a first section dedicated to PERSONAL DATA and a second section dedicated
to the acquisition of ECONOMIC DATA; only after completing and confirming the first and second sections,
it will be possible to get access to the APPLICATION FORM for requesting benefits. Once the application has
been completed, the data entered must be confirmed. Once the application is confirmed:
A) students who do not use the CAFs to apply:
A.1) if they have filled it out using their digital identity (SPID, CIE or CNS), the procedure is completed and
the application is automatically confirmed;
A.2) if they have filled it in using the credentials issued by the University:
- if they have specified a PEC (certified electronic mail) address in the online application, they will receive
an email from ER.GO, containing the confirmed application form. In order to complete the application
process, it is compulsory to reply to this email using the same PEC address indicated in the online application,
within the deadlines;
- if they did not specify a PEC (certified electronic mail) address in the online application, they will receive
an SMS (only applicants, who didn't specify a mobile number, will receive an e-mail), containing a personal
PIN code, which must be entered within the deadlines in the confirmed online application, using the same
access credentials used to apply online.
B) Students, who use CAF recognised by ER.GO to apply for benefits, will receive an email from ER.GO
to their own email address (specified in the application form) with their personal PIN CODE. In order to fill
out the benefits application form, it is compulsory to follow carefully all the instructions given in the email, to
fill in the personal PIN CODE, absolutely within the deadlines.
The filled-out application form, with its PIN CODE and regularly registered, can be viewed and downloaded
directly in DOSSIER UTENTE by the student himself/herself, keeping it in a special data storage media,
which guarantees its integrity and inviolability.
ATTENTION! ER.GO acquires the applications for the no tax area/partial fee exemption for the Universities
of Bologna, Parma, Modena and Reggio Emilia, as follows: 1. for the Universities of Bologna and Parma it is
necessary to confirm only the PERSONAL DATA and ECONOMIC DATA sections; 2. for the Universities of
Modena and Reggio Emilia, it is necessary to confirm the PERSONAL DATA and ECONOMIC DATA sections
and fill in application form for the no tax area / partial fee exemption.
Regarding the education achievement requirements, for students enrolling at the Universities, in years
subsequent to the first, the credits obtained, according to the University archives, will be stated in the on-line
application form, as recorded within 10/08/2022.
Students, however, have the chance to add any more credits obtained within 10/08/2022, if those credits haven't
been recorded by the University yet (e.g. ERASMUS + Programme exams). They have just to follow the
directions suggested by the on-line application form.
The information about credits will be sent at the same time to the Universities for the necessary checks.
Before applying, it is advisable to check your own electronic exam transcripts, in order to view all the
exams and didactic works passed and consequently recorded by 10/08/2022, as they are relevant with
regards to the education achievement required to apply for benefits.
For the A.Y. 2022/2023, the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education may provide particular
easier procedures to get access to benefits, concerning the submission of the family economic conditions
documentation by students of Ukrainian nationality and residents in Ukraine, taking into account the conflict
To compete for the A.Y. 2022/2023 benefits, students, referred to in these paragraphs, must submit the
documentation about income and assets abroad, referred to the year 2021, complete, translated and legalized,
uploading it in the DOSSIER UTENTE within the deadlines for the completing of the application,
provided for by art. 14 of the General Rules, under penalty of being ineligible for benefits.
It will be within Er.Go's power, during the academic year, to ask for the original paper documents,
submitted through DOSSIER UTENTE, for check purposes.
Please, note that even students, who complete the benefit application in an ER.GO-affiliated CAF, are required
to submit the complete documents about income and assets abroad, translated and legalized, uploading them
in the DOSSIER UTENTE within the deadlines indicated at the following art.5, under penalty of being
ineligible for benefits.
The documentation to be submitted is the one specified in the following paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 below.
International students, coming from Non-EU countries, must provide the complete documentation about
economic and financial conditions, issued by the competent authorities for the territory, in which the incomes
were produced and where the assets are owned. The documents must be translated into Italian and legalized
by the Italian diplomatic authorities competent for that territory or, where applicable, apostilled in accordance
with the current regulations.
In case of countries where there are particular difficulties in issuing the certification attested by the local Italian
Embassy, the documentation can be replaced by a certificate in Italian issued by the Embassy or by a Consulate
in Italy of the country of origin, legalized by the Prefecture office competent for the territory.
For information on how to translate and legalize international documents, consult the website of the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs at this address: https:urly.it/3npqv.
The student is an orphan of both parents: it is necessary to submit the death certificates of both parents (if not
already provided to Er.Go in the previous academic years).
Presence in the family status of married older brothers/sisters: the marriage certificate must be submitted or
the brother'/sister's marital status must be specified in the family composition certificate;
Presence in the family status of older siblings not living with the family of origin: it is necessary to submit
the residence certificate of the non-cohabiting brother/sister or this should be specified in the certificate of
the family composition.
b) the working activity carried out in 2021 by each family member, including all siblings of legal age. In
cases where some members do not carry out any activity, the status of not working or unemployment and
the amount of any unemployment benefit or similar received must be specified in the documentation;
c) the period of performance of the work activity of each member (specifying whether it is a period of less
than or more than six months during 2021);
d) the income amount earned in the year 2021: certification, issued by the public administration competent
in fiscal management, attesting the total gross income (taxes included) from work or pension received by
each adult member of the family in the calendar year 2021.
• Special situations:
If you do not have the above-mentioned certificate, you can submit one of the following documents:
- Certificate issued by the employer attesting the salary received in the calendar year 2021 (from January to
December) including taxes;
- Last paycheck (December 2021) only if it attests the total income received in the year 2021;
- All 12 monthly payslips attesting the income received in the calendar year 2021, if the total income is not
specified in the last paycheck;
e) Buildings: certification of all the buildings owned on December 31st 2021 by each family member, attesting
the building surface area in square meters.
In particular:
Residential house: if owned: a certificate of ownership, attesting the building surface area, is required.
In all other cases (lease, free use agreement, etc.) it is necessary to attach a specific declaration, issued by the
competent authority, attesting that no member of the family unit is owner of properties.
Other buildings: it is necessary to submit the relevant ownership certificates;
f) the amount of any residual mortgage loan in effect at the time December 31st, 2021 on the house and/or on
other properties;
g) the assets amount for each individual member of the family unit owned on December 31st, 2021;
h) any document certifying the student's disability or handicap.
All the income/assets local values must be expressed in Euro, on the basis of the average exchange rate of
foreign currencies for the year 2021, as provided for by institutional sources.
International students from Non-EU countries, which are "particularly poor", (Table A, General Rules), must
provide a certification of the Italian Representation in the country of origin, attesting that the student does not
belong to a family, known as to be of high income and high social level.
In order to get started the necessary checks, according to art. 17 of the General Rules, all students are in
any case required to submit, by the deadline specified in paragraph 17, the family status certificate and the
documentation concerning the self-certified incomes and assets, translated into Italian and, where necessary,
legalized or apostilled in accordance with the current regulations.
International students, whose family unit resides and receives income and/or owns assets in Italy, submit the
application in the same way settled for Italian students. In case of mixed income and/or assets (part in Italy
and part abroad), income and/or assets abroad must be documented within the deadlines and according to the
procedures specified above, in paragraph 4. and following, even if included in the DSU declaration of the ISEE
International students with dual citizenship must apply choosing one of the two citizenships. In case that one
of the two citizenships is Italian, this one prevails.
4.4 International students recognized as stateless or holders of international protection (with residence
permit for political asylum or subsidiary protection) or of complementary protection (e.g. special
protection and special cases)
Students with a residence permit for asylum application, whose procedure to recognise their status as
eligible for international protection is still underway. and do not have their residence permit, must
submit the documents listed above at points a), b), c). The eventual benefits awarding depends on the
status recognition and on the issuing of the corresponding residence permit.
Students whose procedure to renewal their residence permit is still underway and do not have it yet,
must submit the documents listed above at points a), b), c). Any benefits awarding depends on the
status recognition and on the issuing of the corresponding residence permit.
In case of change of the residence permit, as stated in this article 4.4, into a residence permit with a
purpose different from the original one, no more within the scope of international or complementary
protection, ER.GO reserves the right to evaluate the economical condition, without implementing
the regulations about the family unit to refer to, according to art. 7 of the General Rules.
5. When to apply
You must scrupulously respect the deadlines shown in the following table, as late applications will not
be taken into account.
Benefit online application deadline Finalizing by PEC or PIN – Documents
th st
Scholarship and fee exemptions From 4 July to 1 September By 2nd September 2022
for: 2022
- students enrolling in the first
year or in subsequent years of all
Lodgings (and BAPs) for students
already assignee of ER.GO From 4th By 12th August 2022
accommodation in the a.y. July to 10 August 2022*
2021/2022 (CONFIRMATION):
- enrolled in subsequent years of
single cycle degree, first and
second cycle degrees, first and
second cycle Diplomas of the
Higher Institutes for Arts and
Music (A.F.A.M.)
- first year students of second
cycle degrees and of second cycle
Diplomas of the Higher Institutes
for Arts and Music (A.F.A.M.)
- enrolled in Specialisation
Schools, PhD and S.P.I.S.A. first
and subsequent years
Accommodation for students
TIME in a.y. 2022/2023:
- enrolled in subsequent years of
single cycle degree, first and
second cycle degrees, first and
second cycle Diplomas of the
Higher Institutes for Arts and
Music (A.F.A.M.);
- enrolled in Specialisation
Schools, PhD and S.P.I.S.A.
first and subsequent years.
Lodgings for:
- first year students of first cycle From 4th July to 1st September By 2nd September 2022
degree courses and single-cycle 2022
degree courses and of first cycle
Diplomas of the Higher Institutes
for Arts and Music (A.F.A.M.)
No tax area exemption and From 4th July to 3rd November By 8th November 2022
reduced university fees 2022
(UNIMORE) - for all students The application form can be filled out
no later than 6.00 p.m. on 3rd
November 2022
ER.GO paid internship (part time) From 4thJuly to 1st September By 2nd September 2022
for students of the inter-University 2022
courses “MUNER”
and other inter-university courses
of the Universities of Emilia-
Romagna region, located in
* the specified deadline concerns also the possible application for extraordinary accommodation assignment
** Please check the Announcement for Scholarships
6. Ranking Lists
All the ranking lists are published on the website www.er-go.it. available in their entirety in the 'DOSSIER
UTENTE' in accordance with the local Privacy Policy /Transparency Code
Lodgings for students who 24th August 2022 7th September 2022
TIME in a.y. 2022/2023:
- enrolled in subsequent years
of single cycle degree, first
and second cycle degrees,
first and second cycle
Diplomas of the Higher
Institutes for Arts and Music
(A.F.A.M.) ;
- enrolled in Specialisation
Schools, PhD and S.P.I.S.A. first
and subsequent years
- first year students of first 8th September 2022 21st September 2022
cycle courses, single-cycle
degrees and of first cycle
Diplomas of the Higher Institutes
for Arts and Music (A.F.A.M.)
- first year students of second
cycle courses, and of second
cycle Diplomas of the Higher
Institutes for Arts and Music
(A.F.A.M.) who apply for the
first time in a.y. 2022/2023
Scholarship, university fees 6th October 2022 1st December 2022
exemption (applicants for
- first year students of first cycle
courses, single-cycle degrees
Scholarship, university fees 27th October 2022 1st December 2022
exemption (applicants for
Paid internship/ part- time at 27th October 2022 1st December 2022
UNIMORE, peer tutoring for
students with disability at
internship for students (part time)
of the inter-University courses
“MUNER” and other inter-
University courses of the Emilia-
Romagna Universities, located in
the region Emilia-Romagna.
Paid internship/part-time at 1st March 2023 Only definitive ranking list to be issued
UNIPR on 28th April 2023
No tax area exemption and 30th November 2022 19th January 2023
reduced university fees (all applicants) (all applicants)
19th January 2023 (first year 15th February 2023 (first year students
students of second cycle degree) of second cycle degree)
University fees exemption TOP 19th January 2023 15th February 2023
STUDENT Modena and Reggio
Emilia University: all students
Education allowances (vouchers) 30th January 2023 20th February 2023 (definitive ranking
lists for this benefit)
Such dates may vary depending on the number of applications received. For other benefits see the specific
paragraphs and respective announcements.
Students can file an appeal against the provisional ranking lists only online and only within the deadlines, as
stated in the General Rules of the Announcements.
7. Scholarships
According to Ministerial Decree no. 1320 dated 17-12-2021, for the academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024,
state funding contributes to the coverage of the scholarships from resources of the National Recovery and
Resilience Plan (PNRR), as part of the European Union funding “Next Generation EU”.
The resources available for the academic year 2022/2023 will be assigned for the 75% to students enrolled in
subsequent years and for the 25% to freshmen, proportionally to the number of eligible students in each ranking
The scholarship for the students enrolled in the “further semester” beyond the Course time span is equal to the
50% of the amounts above.
In the case of female students enrolled in S.T.E.M University courses (Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics), indicated in the Appendix of the Announcement, the value of the scholarship is increased by
The possible increases are not cumulative with each other. If both conditions are met, the most favourable will
be implemented.
The increases are paid with the scholarship last instalment.
7.3 Scholarship amount – converted into prepaid credit for catering service
Students can apply for converting a part of the scholarship into credit for the catering service. In this case,
ER.GO will add a 50% extra amount.
Therefore, the scholarship is split into four different amounts, which can be converted into the catering service,
corresponding to four different ER.GO grants:
Scholarship amount converted ER.GO contribution Total amount of prepaid credit for the
into catering service catering service
€ 200 € 100 € 300
€ 400 € 200 € 600
€ 500 € 250 € 750
€ 600 € 300 € 900
About how to use the prepaid, see the Announcement for subsidised access to catering services.
7.4 Scholarship (grant and services) for non-resident students enrolled at Bologna and
Romagna campuses (Cesena, Forlì and Rimini), Modena or Parma University, formerly
assignee of an ER.GO accommodation in the a. y. 2021/2022
For those non-resident students (as to say, non-resident in the towns listed in tables 6 and 7 annexed to the
Announcement), enrolled at Bologna or Romagna campuses - Cesena, Forlì and Rimini- at Modena or Parma
University, already assignee of an accommodation in the a. y. 2021/2022 and applying in the a. y. 2022/2023
for the Scholarship + Lodging + prepaid credit for the catering service + Sport at the Unviersity Sport Centre
in Bologna, in Bologna or in Romagna campuses - Cesena, Forlì and Rimini- in Modena or Parma (BAPS),
the scholarship amount is set, according to ISEE values, as follows:
Amount for Scholarship + free Accommodation + prepaid credit for the catering service
ISEE value brackets
+ Sport (BAPS) for students enrolled in normal course schedule at university
€ 2.481,75
€ 2.854,01 in case of an increase by 15% for ISEE value up to € 12.167,56
€ 2.978,10 in case of an increase by 20% for female students enrolled in S.T.E.M courses
€ 2.500,00
Up to € 16.223,41
€ 900,00
€ 300,00
€ 1.613,14
€ 1.935,77 in case of an increase by 20% for female students enrolled in S.T.E.M courses
€ 2.500,00
From € 16.223,42 to €
€ 500,00
€ 300,00
€ 1.340,15
€ 1.608,18 in case of an increase by 20% for female students enrolled in S.T.E.M courses
€ 2.500,00
From € 17.845,76 to
€ 20.264,78
€ 400,00
€ 300,00
€ 1.240,88
€ 1.489,06 in case of an increase by 20% for female students enrolled in S.T.E.M courses
€ 2.500,00
From € 20.264,79 to
€ 24.335,11
€ 250,00
€ 300,00
Note: Scholarship amounts for students enrolled in a “further semester” are specified at the article 3 in the
Announcement for Scholarships of the respective University campus.
The amount of money for students assignee of scholarship shall not exceed the sum as noted in the previous
table, even in case of their giving up to accommodation and/or catering and/or sport, or in the event of revoking
the lodging as a consequence of the violation of the General Rules for University Residences.
In the lack of supply of the money grant, because of lack of funds, students however keep the right to get free
services, as in the previous table, and according to their economic brackets.
Free accommodation service consists in being assignee of a bed for 12 months (August included) in one of
ER.GO Residences in the city of Bologna or in Romagna campuses - Cesena, Forlì and Rimini- and in Modena
or Parma; it is quantified in an amount of €. 2.500,00.
Free catering service consists in the possibility of having a certain number of free meals, up to the total annual
value, as specified in the table above (€ 900, € 500, € 400 and € 250 according to ISEE bracket). To eligible
students the prepaid credit for catering will be given as electronic tool with an identification code to be
downloaded through DOSSIER UTENTE in the affiliated and authorised eateries.
Free sport activity consists in the possibility of enrolling for free in courses proposed by the University Sport
Centre of Bologna or Romagna campuses - Cesena, Forlì and Rimini - Modena or Parma (CUS) up to the
amount of € 300.00, covered for the 50% by ER.GO and for the other 50% by the University Sport Centre of
Bologna or Romagna campuses - Cesena, Forlì and Rimini- of Modena or Parma (CUS). You can check the
activities proposed by the University Sport Centre of Bologna or Romagna campuses - Cesena, Forlì and
Rimini- of Modena or Parma (CUS) and included in BAPS on the respective websites (cusb.unibo.it –
cusmore.it - cusparma.it).
New enrolments in courses of the sport season a.y. 2022/2023 will be accepted from September 2022. To be
admitted to courses students will need: 1. CUS annual card released for free to BAPS assignees; 2. Medical
certificate for non-competitive sport activity: the certificate is issued free of charge (costs to be paid by ER.GO)
to the students assignee of BAPS. The visit takes place at the medical centres affiliated with CUS or ER.GO
In case of revocation of accommodation because of the loss of eligibility to the benefits, also the right to the
prepaid amount for catering is revoked, regardless of period spent in the accommodation, and the prepaid
amount already used for the catering, must be refunded.
In case of giving up to or revocation of the accommodation for serious violations of the Residence Rules, 50%
of the prepaid fee is due for access to the catering service. In both cases, the amount exceeding 50% of the
prepaid credit, that may have been used, must be reimbursed. In both cases, the amount in money and the
supplement for sports activities, referred to in art. 3 of the Scholarship Announcement, are confirmed.
Non-resident students (not resident in towns as listed in Tables 6 and 7, annexed to the Announcement),
enrolled in University of Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Rimini, Ferrara, Modena or Parma, formerly assignee of an
accommodation in the a.y. 2021/2022 and not applying for BAPS , can apply for accommodation for the a.
y. 2022/2023 with a scholarship value according to articles 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 of the Announcement for
The Scholarship amounts for other non-resident students (not resident in towns as listed in Tables 6 and 7,
annexed to the Announcement), enrolled in University of Bologna, Cesena, Forlì or Rimini, Ferrara, Modena
or Parma , applying for an accommodation in the a. y. 2022/2023, are specified in articles 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 of
the Announcement for Scholarships.
In case of Scholarship + free accommodation + pre-paid catering + Sport at the University Sport Centre
(BAPS), the three instalment amount is determined referring to the money sum.
Commuter students
Students can get the scholarship as “Commuters”, if:
They are resident at a distance, from the location of the course attended, that takes between 45 and 90 minutes
on public transport (in a municipality included in Table 7 of the Announcement )
though considered “non-resident” because of the distance from the University attended, they live however in
a free accommodation in the university site, or nearby, provided it is within the municipalities included in Table
6 or in Table 7 of the Announcement, for at least 10 months of the academic year (from 1st October 2022 to
30th September 2023).
The procedures and deadlines for sending the self-certification of domicile and relative documentation,
required for “Non-resident Students” must be respected also in this latter case.
Resident Students
Students can get the scholarship as “Resident Students”, if:
they are resident at a distance, from the location of the course attended, that takes up to 45 minutes on public
transport or if they have accommodation in the site of the course attended or nearby, for less than 10 months
or do not have any accommodation.
Students who live in the municipalities indicated in Table 6 of the Announcement are considered as “Resident
As far as their eligibility to scholarship is concerned, students are considered as residential students, if they
have their domicile in a lodging owned by themselves or by one of their parents, if present in the student's
family unit or in the ISEE requested in order to apply for Higher Education Benefits.
Self-certification of domicile
Students who applied to get a scholarship as “Non-resident” or “Commuters” must fill in the online the self-
certification of domicile form, on the website www.er-go.it , after having filled in and confirmed the
scholarship application form from 4th July 2021 by the last deadline on 15th November 2022, with the
following options: self-certification of domicile completed by 3rd October 2022 (first deadline) will be taken
into consideration in the scholarship provisional ranking lists; those filled out from 4th October to 15th
November 2022 (second deadline) will instead be included in the scholarship predefined ranking lists
The self-certification of domicile temporarily replaces the documents concerning the paid or free
accommodation (such as the contract relative to the self-certified domicile) which have to be sent, exclusively,
by registered post with return receipt (postmark date), to:
- for the Bologna and Romagna sites, Via Schiavonia 3/a – 40121 Bologna
- for the Ferrara site, c/o Residenza Santa Lucia, Via Ariosto 35 – 44121 Ferrara
- for the Modena and Reggio Emilia sites, Via Vignolese 671/1 – 41125 Modena
- for the Parma site, Vicolo Grossardi 4 – 43125 Parma
It will be within Er.Go’s power, to do sample checks on the complete and correct documentation about "upon
payment domicile", in order to verify the real payment of the due lease/rent, asking for the suitable receipts
documents (e.g. receipts, copies of payment arrangements, etc…)
9. Economic requirements
The economic condition of the student is assessed considering ISEE (Index of the Economic Condition) and
ISPE (Index of Property Condition), two indexes measured according to the composition of the family, the
incomes and assets owned by the family. The regulation in force about ISEE introduces a specific ISEE as
regards services connected with the right to higher education. Usually, in case of parents living with the
applying student, the ISEE, issued for services connected to the right to university studies, corresponds with
the ORDINARY ISEE, in this case, the ISEE certificate (Attestazione) must specify that it is applied to the
supporting services of the right to higher education on behalf of the student concerned. In case of particular
situations, please see the General Rules of the Announcement for the academic year 2022/2023 and the Guide
to ISEE for the academic year 2022/2032.
Independent student
In case of parents not living with the student applying for an ISEE for services connected to the right to higher
education, the applying student is member of the parent’s family unit, except in case both the following
requirements occur.
a) Official residence outside the family home for at least two years before the date of submission of the ISEE
certificate, in a housing not belonging to a member of the native family;
b) Earned income or similar of at least € 9.000,00 per year in the last two years, declared by the student in
his/her income tax return.
c) If the student is married, or cohabitant under a cohabitation de facto (art. 1 paragraph 36 of Law 76/2016)
registered at the city of residence, it will be taken into account the student's new family unit, only if he/she
meets the residence requirement (according to letter a) and in case the income requirements (according to letter
b) are fully met, also considering the income of the student’s spouse or cohabitant under a cohabitation de
facto (art. 1 paragraph 36 of Law 76/2016) registered at the city of residence. In this case, to meet the income
requirements, the spouse’s or cohabitant’s income (referred to the two previous years) can be taken into
consideration, even if the student at that time was not yet married or cohabitant under a cohabitation de facto
(art. 1 paragraph 36 of Law 76/2016) registered at the city of residence.
Rules for spouses are valid also for both parties of same-sex civil union, as provided for by the current
regulations (law 20th May 2016, no. 76).
d) Only in case of a student enrolled at PhD courses, the family unit is composed of the student applying for
benefits, his/her spouse, under-age children (younger than 18 years old) and adult children, according to the
rules provided for by article 3, paragraph 2 and 5, of D.P.C.M. 5 Dec. 2013, no. 159. In this specific case,
the ISEE is calculated on the basis of the so called “restricted family unit” and it is provided in a specific
section of the ISEE certificate. The applying to benefits student, enrolled at PhD courses, can however reserve
the chance to establish a family unit according to the ordinary rules provided for by article 3 of D.P.C.M. 5
Dec. 2013, no. 159. In this case, it is taken into account the “ISEE ORDINARIO” of the ISEE certificate.
In this case the student can be considered as independent student and we will consider only the economic
condition of his/her new family unit, and not of his/her native family.
Students not resident with their native family, who do not have both the requirements indicated above, cannot
be considered as independent students, but as members of their parents’ family unit and must fill in the
application form with reference to the ISEE including their native family. To define the student’s condition as
Resident Student, Non-Resident Student or Commuters, ER.GO will consider the residence of the native
Students enrolled in subsequent years must obtain distinct academic achievement in order to:
> gain access to scholarships and receive the first instalment,
> get the second instalment of scholarship,
> confirm the allocation of the scholarship and get the payment of the third instalment (balance). If the
scholarship is not confirmed, it is revoked and the instalments already received in money and services, must
be paid back. Students enrolled in subsequent years, who do not achieve the relevant requirements by
10/08/2023 maintain, nevertheless, the right to the reimbursement of the regional fee.
The credits obtained must be no less than:
For all other courses please check the Announcement to manage the evaluation process and evaluation
The bonus is an amount of extra credits that can be used to reach the minimum achievement level required
to get the benefits of the year in which the student is going to enrol. It has to be required in the online
application form.
It can be used also to confirm the scholarship of the year in which the student is enrolled.
If the bonus is not used, it increases as follows:
- At the end of the first year: 5 credits
- At the end of the second year: 12 credits
- At the end of the third year: 15 credits
If the bonus is used, it is not possible to increase it further . Any remaining bonus credits can be used only
over subsequent years .. Any bonus not used during the first level degree course can be used during the
second level degree course. The bonus used in previous academic years can not be counted in subsequent
years. If for example a student, enrolling at the second year of a First Cycle Degree or of a Single Cycle
Degree and having right to a 5 credits bonus, has achieved 23 credits and uses a 2 credits bonus to reach the
required 25 credits, he can use the remaining 3 credits of bonus during the following years. His/her real
credits are in any case 23. If, on the contrary, the student uses the bonus for the first time when enrolling at
the third year, he/she has right to use 12 credits; if he/she needs only 6 credits, he/she can use the remaining 6
credits during the following years of study.
There are special criteria to evaluate academic achievement in case of:
- Qualifications for educational activities after abandonment or forfeiture of studies, or by attending single or
master courses.
- Qualifications for educational activities/exams for international students who have attended study periods
- Qualifications for educational activities/exams for students who move from former degree courses of the
Faculty of Law to the single-cycle degree in Law; move or transfer from degree courses to single-cycle
degrees; for graduates who request to shorten their courses in the single-cycle degree.
For any doubt or question, please check the application Announcement or contact our service
a) loss of eligibility requirements at the access (see art. 2.2 of the General Rules of the Announcements
“Causes of exclusion and of relinquishment”);
b) lack of academic achievement requirements for benefits confirmation by 10/08/2023 for students
enrolled in subsequent years of first and second cycle degree courses and by 30/11/2023 for freshmen
of first and second cycle degree courses. No enrolment in the subsequent academic year for students
enrolled in third cycle degree courses (Specialization Schools and PhD). Students with a disability
rating 66% or with disability recognized by art. 3 par. 1 Law 104/1992, students enrolled in the further
semester of the first and second cycle, students enrolled in the last year of the third cycle have no
academic achievement requirements to confirm their benefits. For any further information see art. 8
and following of the General Rules of the Announcements.
In case of benefits revocation, students must pay back the sums of money received as scholarship and
as other aids and also the value of the enjoyed services, with consequences also on associated benefits,
as summarized in the table below:
No academic
NO eligibility achievement NO enrolment in
No academic achievement
requirements at requirements by the subsequent a.
Benefit requirement by 30/11/ 2023
access-all the 10/08/2023 y. - PhD and
Freshmen Specialization
students Students in
subsequent years Schools
Free Sport (only (with the exception
BAPS) of graduates of the
extra-session of the
a. y. 2021/2022 who
have no dues)
See art. 5 of the General Rules of the Announcement to know how to give benefits back.
a. with admission by ranking list, aimed at non-resident students with all the required income and academic
achievements, who will stay in the same University branch for a continuous period of time, corresponding to
the whole academic year. Only for the University branches of Bologna and Romagna campuses (Cesena, Forlì
and Rimini), Modena and Parma, the admission by ranking list is free for those students assignee of
Scholarship + free lodging + subsidies for catering + Sport at the University Sport Centre of Bologna, Bologna
and Romagna campuses (Cesena, Forlì and Rimini), Modena or Parma (BAPS).
b. with assisted admission, aimed at non-resident students, at students enrolled in University courses (which
issue double or multiple or combined degrees), coming from the partner University abroad, and who attend for
a period of time the University of Bologna and Romagna and aimed also to students enrolled at the courses of
the Polytechnic Institutes (ITS) or to other non-resident students belonging to specific conventions drawn up
with ER.GO. About the monthly fees, please have a look to the specific tables in the Accommodation
c. with free admission, aimed at students, researchers, recent graduates, who need to stay temporarily and
occasionally at Emilia Romagna Universities. It isn't required any income and academic achievements.
Available lodgings in the Halls of Residence are managed by the Lodging Booking Desk (BORSINO delle
offerte di alloggi – in Italian) on the website www.er-go.it, - Accommodation service – borsino, where:
> check the available rooms and book them for short and occasional stays
> pay for the accommodation on-line with credit card on ER.GO website www.er-go.it (PAGOPA)
The accommodation service is aimed primarily to applicants entitled in the ranking list.
The assignment of the accommodation starts from the moment of real assignment, starting from September
2022, until 15th September 2023, except for the Christmas and summer closing periods of the residences.
For students already assignee of accommodation in the academic year 2021/2022 eligible in the unique ranking
list of confirmations of the academic year 2022/2023 published following the assessment of the appeals, the
assignment of accommodation goes on without interruption compared to the previous academic year.
Students in the ranking who, due to unavailability of places, have not been called for accommodation
assignment by letter sent by 30 September 2022, will be able to submit self-certification of domicile, in order
to get the “non-resident student” scholarship amount by 15 November. 2022.
The accommodation assignment at ER.GO's Halls of Residence offers the opportunity to participate in
voluntary activities, artistic workshops, career counselling meetings, as well as support services such as
counselling and study support.
For students who are assignees of accommodation, it is possible to access the ABITARE ER.GO service from
the DOSSIER UTENTE for services dedicated to living in a hall of residence.
For any doubt or question, please see the application Announcement or contact our service SCRIVICI!.
Students awarded with a scholarship residing out of town (except from Students enrolled at Bologna and
Romagna campuses (Cesena, Forlì and Rimini), Modena or Parma University assigned with BAPS–
scholarship, free lodging, subsidies for catering service, as defined in art.7.4) may ask to convert part of their
scholarship into catering vouchers. In this case ER.GO will assign an additional contribution in the amount of
the 50% of the student’s quota. You can apply for catering service while filling in the Benefits Application
Students eligible for scholarship, but not awarded because of lack of funds, will receive a contribution of €
500.00 for the catering service (except from Non-Resident Students eligible for BAPS see art 3 of The
Scholarship Announcement )
Only students enrolled at Bologna and Romagna campuses (Cesena, Forlì and Rimini), Modena or Parma
University assigned with BAPS (scholarship, free lodging, subsidies for catering service, as defined in
art.7.4), are entitled to the following contribution, according to their ISEE as declared in their application
For students enrolled in University courses, which issue double or multiple or combined degrees, and spending
a period of study abroad at the partner University the contribution will be halved in case of a 6 months period
of stay and it will be reduced of 100% for more than 6 months stay.
In case of waiver of the accommodation or revocation for serious violations of the Residences Rules it is due
the 50% of the pre-paid catering service contribution. In both cases the amount of the prepaid exceeding 50%
that may be used, must be reimbursed. In both cases, the amount in money and the supplement for sports
activities referred to in art. 3 of the Scholarship Notice, are confirmed.
In case of non-payment of the scholarship cash amount due to unavailability of financial resources, these
students still maintain the free catering service as specified above, in addition to the free accommodation
service and the sport activities as indicated in paragraph 7.4.
The deadline to use the pre-paid amount, given to the students assignee of scholarship (grant and services) is
31st December 2023.
To the assignee of scholarship students,, who on 31/12/2023 still have a residual pre-paid amount, this amount
will be reset, while the amount of scholarship will remain available also in the next academic years of studyng.
All the students with ISEE up to € 28.000,00 and ISPE up to € 62.000,00 can be assigned a contribution of €
300,00 for the catering service, if they reached their achievement. This contribution will be assigned in case
of availability of funds after the payment of the scholarships to all the eligible students. In case of lack of
fund, the contribution of € 300.00 will be assigned primarily to those student assigned with a scholarship in
academic year 2021/2022.
In all cases, the prepaid amount in catering service can be used via an electronic tool containing an
identification code that can be downloaded from the dossier utente.
The grant consist of a single amount to support board and lodgings expenses.
The amount of the grant is € 600.00 per month and it is assigned for the entire period spent abroad, up to a
maximum of ten months, regardless of the destination country. The amount of the scholarship taken from
European Union funds or other bilateral agreement (non-EU too) or “Sostegno Giovani” fund issued by the
University or AFAM Institution is deducted from the total contribution of € 600.00.
E.g. If the student awarded with a 5 months Erasmus+ grant of € 240.00 per month, without addition
economic subsidies, is assignee of the grant for international mobility, will receive from ER.GO €
360.00/month for the 5 month period of stay abroad.
The mobility contribution is associated with a reimbursement of the cost of the round trip up to a maximum
amount of € 100.00 for European Countries and € 500.00 for non-EU Countries.
The contribution is assigned for a maximum of five months to students enrolled at an extra semester, with
respect to the duration of the courses according to new regulations.
For students who apply for BAPS scholarship, the scholarship and services amounts are those specified in the
art. 7.4 above.
> Lodging with fee according to the ranking lists (only for students already assigned in the academic year
The grants are meant only for students eligible/assignee with a scholarship in the academic year 2021/2022.
Hardship awards are granted only once, and they are incompatible one another. Hardship awards are also
incompatible with money grants, with the same purposes, given by Universities in the A.Y. 2020/2023. In
some cases, there can be grants integrated with Universities.
The application, both for extraordinary assignment of accommodation and for extra grant, must be
exclusively submitted on line, on the website www.er-go.it, entering the DOSSIER UTENTE, and choosing
from the menu MODULISTICA the form: “Modulo interventi straordinari” .
The hardship awards are assigned after evaluation of the produced documentation and taking into account the
academic achievements; it's up to ER.GO asking for an informal interview in order to define better the
student's situation. The benefit is assigned according at the incontestable discretion of ER.GO.
Er.Go reserves itself the right to take into consideration particular request of loan made by female students
regularly enrolled at the University, who are mothers with a child under the age of one, exclusively if the
student’s family unit is composed only by the student and her child, in the absence of a parental support.
Particularly difficult situations arising from the need to provide assistance and care to a non self-
sufficient family member may also be assessed.
It is possible to pay the registration fee with the so-called Mod. F24 Elide and with the so-called Mod. RLI,
that can be found on the Revenue Agency website www.agenziaentrate.gov.it in the section Forms -
Payment forms.
Cedolare secca (flat tax) is another way to pay the registration tax.
Owners renting a lodging may decide which payment methods they want to adopt.
In case owners decide to adopt the flat tax method (cedolare secca), the documentation proving the payment
should be one of the following:
- modello RLI 12
- a declaration issued by the Revenue Agency stating the option for the flat tax (cedolare secca)
- a declaration issued by the Revenue Agency stating the extension of the option for the flat tax (cedolare
Please Note that as regards transfers (cessione), takeovers (subentro) and sublease
(subaffitto) the registration can be paid with the so-called Mod. F 23 and Mod. RLI 12.
Website: www.er-go.it
051/19907580 - 051/0185268
Telephone service aimed tat providing information and assistance for questions on benefits
announcements and general procedures. It is working from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 to 16.00.
For the information points of Romagna campuses (Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini), please,
refer to the “Contacts” page on ER.GO website.
Vicolo Grossardi, 4 – 43125 Parma - phone +39 0521 2139, Fax +39 0521 213620