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Resume Kartik Kanchan

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Kartik Kanchan


[email protected]


A curious engineer with an affinity towards electric vehicles
and their technological advancements. Driven to the
automotive domain from the point of introduction to FSAE
electric in my software the whole experience moulded the
SKILLS engineer I am to create and be part of mobility for tomorrow.
• Skills Summary Management With this vision in mind, I worked in startups that provide a
Project lead for developing solution to top OEMs in India in the two-wheeler and four-
5kWh battery pack for 3- wheeler segments.
wheeler. It's time for an upgrade and the next challenge for that I
Responsible for planning and would like to join you for my next venture.
execution of 20kWhr energy
storage system. EXPERIENCE
Project planning and execution
for benchmarking of India's 07/2022 - Current
First Electric SUV BlueBinaries Engineering and Solutions Pvt Ltd | Bengaluru,
• Skills Summary Technical India
Mathematical model creation System Engineer
and simulation for FSAE
• Generation of System requirement document.
electric vehicle power train
• CAN matrix and DBC file creation as per client
system using Matlab and
requirement Integration and handshaking between motor
controller and BMS for better and safe performance.
Creation of battery pack
• Fault analysis and rectification.
equivalent model in Simulink
• Power Train Tuning and calibration Creation of bench
and Simscape to understand
setup for power train unit.
the impact of different driving
• Calibration of voltage and current parameters.
patterns on individual cells.
• Tuning of the controller to achieve max range possible
Powertrain tuning for 3.7kW
without impacting performance and generation of couture
motor that led to up to 20%
plot for a 3.7kW motor.Tweaking throttle response for
regen increment, 30%
better performance according to driving modes.
increment in range.
• Implementing tested parameters in the vehicle and
Circuit designing in EagleCAD
analyzing data to understand the impact.
for system safety circuits in
FSAE electric vehicle 04/2021 - 06/2022
Vector CANoe for DBC file 3GeoMETre Innovations Pvt Ltd - Research Oriented |
generation and data Noida, India
visualization. Chief Technologist
Sensor calibration check and Development of Battery Pack with maximum fault free
instrumentation for collecting The goal of the project was to develop a 51.2V100Ah pack
valuable data from with no possible damage from SC, high inrush current, reverse
benchmarking vehicles via polarity, water ingression, & mechanical impact.
IPEtronik and Prosig.
Development of Stack able type Energy Storage System
The challenge was to develop a 51.2V400Ah system with a
2019 telemetry system with no wire connections externally.The
Pillai Collage of Engineering product is one of its kind in the country with all protections
| Mumbai,India and limits programmable.
Bachelor of Engineering: Root Cause Analysis
Electroinics Reported issues by the team for existing product ground fault
Focus: Electric Machines, leakage, damage due to high inrush current, cell imbalance,
Power Electronics, Control and SC fail. Analyzed the issue reported, found solutions for
Systems, Micro Controllers, all the issues, and rectified.
VLSI, Circuit Theory, Signals Testing And Validation
and Systems. Testing for quality of cells before procurement.
Validating BMS function before implementing in system
Secondary High School | 10/2019 - 04/2021
Mumbai, India Advanced Structures India | Bengaluru, India
Certificate of Higher Sr. Engineering Analyst
Education: Science Evaluation of high-voltage electric vehicles (above 300V)
Focus: Electronics,Physics, Designed circuit boards for voltage sensors and instrumented
Chemistry, Mathematics. vehicles with current sensors, pressure transducers, IMU, and
GPS. The benchmarking was done on India's first electric SUV
and we analyzed data to get cooling activation timing, energy
CERTIFICATIONS management, and logic used for drive modes and regen.
System validation for the homologation vehicle(2-Wheelers)
• Vector CANoe and CAPAL
Tested prototype with regulations to pass homologation, also
mapped motor and controller characteristics.
Completed a certified course
in Vector CANoe and CAPAL 06/2019 - 10/2019
script in Udemy. Earth Energy EV | Mumbai, India
• Matlab Onramp Courses Powertrain Engineer
Matlab Script, Simscape,
Simulink, Control Design, and • Development of battery discharge circuit for 1.4 kWh
Stateflow. pack.
• ChM009x: Electric and • Harness development and safety check for 60V system.
Conventional Vehicles • Testing and benchmarking competitor vehicles for system
A course of study offered by evaluation.
ChalmersX, an online learning • Procurement of BMS and other components to develop a
initiative of the Chalmers 1.5kW pack.
University of Technology.
Tulu: First Language (Bachelor Thesis)
My thesis focused on the needs of farmers related to spraying
English: B2
pesticides and water with efficient and easy use as they won't
Upper Intermediate be carrying heavy pesticide tanks and exposed to carcinogenic
• Solar-aided Electric Car
Developed in-house solar panes with 500W power output
capability, this aided our batteries to charge. We stood 13th
in ESVC 2017.
• FSAE BEV System
Constructed a competitive formula student vehicle for
Formula Bharat 2019.As a first-year team, we passed our TI.

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