Managing Fatigue: It'S About Sleep: Drew Dawson, Kirsty Mcculloch
Managing Fatigue: It'S About Sleep: Drew Dawson, Kirsty Mcculloch
Managing Fatigue: It'S About Sleep: Drew Dawson, Kirsty Mcculloch
Centre for Sleep Research, University of South Australia, Basil Hetzel Institute,
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville Road, Woodville, SA 5011, Australia
KEYWORDS Summary Fatigue has increasingly been viewed by society as a safety hazard.
Fatigue; This has lead to increased regulation of fatigue by governments. The most common
Prior sleep; control process has been compliance with prescriptive hours of service (HOS) rule
Wakefulness; sets. Despite the frequent use of prescriptive rule sets, there is an emerging
Safety; consensus that they are an ineffective hazard control, based on poor scientific
Management; defensibility and lack of operational flexibility. In exploring potential alternatives,
Prescriptive rules; we propose a shift from prescriptive HOS limitations toward a broader Safety
Hours of service management system (SMS) approach. Rather than limiting HOS, this approach
provides multiple layers of defence, whereby fatigue-related incidents are the final
layer of many in an error trajectory.
This review presents a conceptual basis for managing the first two levels of an error
trajectory for fatigue. The concept is based upon a prior sleep/wake model, which
determines fatigue-risk thresholds by the amount of sleep individuals have acquired
in the prior 24 and 48 h. In doing so, managing level 1 of the error trajectory involves
the implementation of systems that determine probabilistic sleep opportunity, such
as prescriptive HOS rules or fatigue modelling. Managing level 2, requires individuals
to be responsible for monitoring their own prior sleep and wake to determine
individual fitness for duty. Existing subjective, neurobehavioral and electrophysio-
logical research is reviewed to make preliminary recommendations for sleep and
wake thresholds. However, given the lack of task- and industry-specific data, any
definitive conclusions will rely in post-implementation research to refine the
Q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fatigue for the purposes of this review all references HOS hours of service
to fatigue imply mental fatigue unless OH&S occupational health and safety
specifically indicated otherwise OHSAS occupational health and safety manage-
FRE fatigue-related error ment systems
FRI fatigue-related incident PSWM prior sleep/wake model
FRMS fatigue risk management system SMS safety management system
rules. At the most fundamental level, regulation providing the same length of time off during the
has involved the prescription of maximum shift and subjective day, as opposed to subjective night, will
minimum break durations for individual shifts or result in a significantly reduced amount of recovery
work periods. In addition, some industries and sleep.17
organizations have supplemented individual shift In our opinion, estimating the level of mental
rules with supra-shift rules that further restrict the fatigue associated with a given pattern of work is
total number of sequential shifts or cumulative linked more to the timing and duration of sleep and
hours worked in a given period (e.g. week, month or wake within the break, rather than the duration of
year).9,10 These limitations have typically been the break alone. Although, there is clear scientific
imposed coercively via a regulatory body or evidence to support this notion, few regulatory
‘voluntarily’ through a labor contract.11,12 models acknowledge it explicitly. As depicted in
The traditional prescriptive HOS approach most Fig. 1, it is our view that regulatory models based
probably derives from earlier regulatory models for only on shift duration are unlikely to produce
managing physical rather than mental fatigue. In congruence between what is safe and what is
the early part of the 20th century, OH&S hazards permitted and what is unsafe and not permitted.
related to physical fatigue were managed primarily The relationship between the recovery value of
by regulating the duration of work and non-work non-work periods (vis-à-vis mental fatigue) and the
periods. Previous research had indicated that actual amount of sleep obtained has become
physical fatigue accumulates and discharges in a increasingly complex in recent years. In addition
broadly monotonic manner with respect to time.13 to the biological limitations of this approach,
As such, managing physical fatigue by limiting work increases in total working hours, lengthening of
hours and break periods was both scientifically shift durations from 8 to 12 h, and concomitant
defensible and operationally practical. reductions in breaks from 16 to 12 h18 have
While the application of prescriptive duty limi- significantly restricted the opportunity for sleep.
tations may have been an appropriate control for Furthermore, changes in workforce demographics
physical fatigue, we do not believe the same can be and the social use of time in and outside the
assumed for mental fatigue. It is common to use
analogous approaches for the regulation of a new Safe Not Safe
hazard. However, in the case of mental fatigue, this
approach incorrectly assumes that the determi-
Symptom Checklists
Behavioral symptoms Level 3 Self-report behavioral scales
Physiological monitoring
Level 5
Actual Incident
Figure 2 Fatigue-risk trajectory. There are multiple layers that precede a fatigue-related incident, for which there
are identifiable hazards and controls. An effective Fatigue risk management system (FRMS) should attempt to manage
each layer of risk HOS, hours of service; SMS, safety management system.
error (FRE). Each FRE, in turn, will be associated implementation of control procedures at levels 1
with an individual in a fatigued state, exhibiting and 2 of the error trajectory outlined in Fig. 2. That
fatigue-related symptomology or behaviors. The is, control methods for determining whether:
fatigued state in the individual will, in turn, be
preceded by insufficient recovery sleep or exces- † a roster or schedule provides, on average, an
sive wakefulness. Insufficient sleep or excessive adequate opportunity to obtain sufficient sleep
wakefulness will be caused by either: (a) insuffi- and
cient recovery sleep during an adequate break † if so, whether an individual has actually obtained
(e.g. failure to obtain sufficient sleep for reasons sufficient sleep
beyond their control, choosing to engage in non-
sleep activities or a sleep disorder), or (b) by an Each of the four steps in the general error
inadequate break (e.g. the roster or schedule did trajectory for a FRI provides the opportunity to
not provide an adequate opportunity for sufficient identify potential incidents and, more importantly
sleep). the presence (or absence) of appropriate control
The development of appropriate control pro- mechanisms in the system. It is also often the case
cedures at level 3 and above is beyond the scope of that many more potential incidents (i.e. ‘near
this paper. These will be addressed in subsequent misses’) will occur than actual incidents and that
publications. In this review, we will focus on levels these could, if monitored, provide a significant
1 and 2. In particular, we will propose a novel opportunity to identify fatigue-related risk and to
conceptual framework for the design, and modify organizational process prior to an actual FRI.
370 D. Dawson, K. McCulloch
Potentially, this framework would enable us to intellectual and emotional perspectives on the
identify the root causes of many potential FRIs in a appropriateness and relative merits of different
logical and consistent manner. In addition, we can control mechanisms at a single level of the diagram.
systematically organize and implement effective For example, in recent years there has been
hazard control measures for fatigue-related risk at considerable discussion as to the relative merits
each ‘level’ of control using a systems-based of fatigue-modelling39 and the more traditional HOS
approach. The figure also implies that we can approaches.34,37 From the perspective in Fig. 2,
reduce the incidence of fatigue-related incidents by both are only level 1 control strategies that attempt
more coordinated or integrated control of the to ensure that employees are given, on average, an
antecedent events or behaviors that constitute adequate opportunity to gain sufficient sleep.
potential or ‘latent’ failures of the safety system.38 Since, this is only a probabilistic determination
Effective management of fatigue-related risk and no hazard control mechanism is perfect,
requires a FRMS that implements task and organi- neither will prevent all error trajectories in Fig. 2
zationally appropriate control mechanisms for each projecting beyond level 1. Thus, a system with little
point in the theoretical error trajectory. Where an or no hazard controls at level 2 or beyond may be
organization fails to develop appropriate controls quite poorly defended against FREs. Similarly, in a
at each level of the hierarchy, it is unlikely that, system that has very effective hazard control
overall, the system will be well-defended against strategies at levels 2–4, debates about the relative
fatigue-related incidents. merits of different level 1 strategies could arguably
The figure also provides a useful way of under- be considered moot.
standing: (1) the piecemeal and uncoordinated The following sections of this paper will focus on
nature of many regulatory approaches to fatigue describing a novel conceptual basis for the devel-
management to date; and (2) why unintegrated opment of appropriate control mechanisms for
approaches to managing fatigue related risk (such fatigue-related hazards and the scientific justifica-
as sole use of prescriptive HOS rules) may not be tion for such an approach.
entirely successful. As can be seen from Fig. 2, an effective approach
In general, accident investigations have focused to fatigue management will require a variety of
primarily on later segments of the error trajectory control measures applied at each of the four points
when trying to identify whether fatigue was a on the error trajectory. Thus, an effective FRMS
contributing factor. Conversely, when framing would require control procedures at level 1 of the
regulatory responses to fatigue-related incidents error trajectory, on average, ensure that employ-
(as a control measure), there have rarely been ees are provided with an adequate opportunity for
systematic attempts to address all levels and few, if sleep. It would also require control procedures at
any, directed to lower levels of the error trajec- level 2 that ensure that employees who are given an
tory. In doing so, policy makers have assumed that adequate opportunity for sleep actually obtain it.
compliance with prescriptive HOS rule sets and At level 3 we need to ensure that employees who
other relevant labor agreements, constitutes an obtained what is considered, on average, sufficient
effective control measure for fatigue-related risk. sleep are not experiencing actual fatigue-related
As such, even if individual organizations were to behaviors (e.g. due to sleep disorders, non-work
achieve explicit compliance (admittedly a farcical demands or individual differences in sleep need).
assumption in many industries), they implicitly (and The use of symptom checklists or subjective fatigue
erroneously) assume that: scales is an example of control procedures at this
level. Similarly, we would need control procedures
† A rule set can determine reliably whether an at level 4 to identify the occurrence of FRE that did
individual will be fatigued (or not); and not lead to a FRI. Finally, an effective FRMS would
† Individual employees always use an ostensibly require an incident analysis and investigation
adequate opportunity for sleep appropriately procedure to identify those occasions when all the
and obtain sufficient sleep. control mechanisms failed to prevent an FRI.
rule systems that purport to provide adequate appropriate (e.g. Civil Aviation Order 4810). The
opportunity for sleep. In recent years, there has difficulty with this requirement is the reliability of
been an emerging scientific and regulatory con- self-assessment of fatigue. That is, although people
sensus that many of our prescriptive shift work rules can estimate their level of fatigue or alertness with
do not provide a reliable control mechanism that some degree of reliability, we have very little
prevents fatigued individuals from unsafe working scientific evidence to support the notion that
practices.11,40 This is primarily due to a failure to individuals can use this information to make
distinguish between non-work and sleep time in reliable subjective judgements about the concomi-
determining the recovery value of time-off; and the tant level of risk or safety and relative fitness-for-
failure to take into account the time-of-day at duty.43,44 It also ignores the very real potential for
which shifts or breaks occur.41 coercive financial, social and operational pressures
As a consequence, there has been a strong move to distort effective decision making in this area.
toward developing different approaches to ensure In other jurisdictions, we have seen enthusiastic
an adequate average opportunity to obtain sleep for attempts to introduce the requirement to train and
fatigue risk management. Broadly speaking these educate employees about fatigue. These initiat-
can be divided into two groups: modified prescrip- ives, while well intentioned, assume that training
tion; and fatigue modelling. and education in itself will produce beneficial
From a practical perspective, it is important to changes in individual and organizational safety
determine whether a given shift system, on behavior with respect to fatigue-related risk.
average, enables an individual to report fit-for- Despite significant spending in this area, to date,
duty. That is, whether the particular pattern of there is little or no published evidence to support
work provides adequate opportunity for sleep. the hypothesis that improved knowledge of the
Recently, fatigue modelling has provided an appeal- determinants of fatigue and potential counter-
ing alternative to traditional prescriptive measures leads to improved hazard control.45
approaches in that it appears more ‘scientific’ and Given the shortcomings of fatigue modelling and
it provides a reliable method to determine whether subjective self-estimations of fatigue, we propose a
a pattern of work adequately limits waking time and behaviorally-based methodology for assessing fati-
provides adequate opportunity for sleep. For a gue. The model proposed in the remainder of this
comprehensive review of existing models, see the paper outlines methods for predicting average
2004 issue of Aviation, Space, and Environmental levels of fatigue at the organizational level, as
Medicine.42 well as control mechanisms for the more specific,
While some of the models are extremely useful day-to-day risk of fatigue at the individual level
for predicting average levels of fatigue at the
within organizations.
organizational level, they are not particularly
useful for determining whether a given individual
is fit-for-duty on a given occasion. Specifically,
such approaches are unlikely to provide conclus-
ive indications of whether an accident or incident
The prior sleep and wake model
was due to fatigue, because they can tell us for assessing fatigue
nothing about individual behavior on a given day.
Thus, while modelling approaches to fatigue-risk The first point we would make is that we do not yet
management represent a significant potential have a detailed understanding of the relationship
improvement in our capacity to assess general between increasing fatigue and risk for many
aspects of a schedule, they do not provide industries and occupations. There is a significant
controls any higher than level 1 in the error body of laboratory research indicating that increas-
trajectory. Most importantly, they provide little ing fatigue is associated with increases in the
or no guidance for determining the likelihood of probability and/or frequency of certain types of
fatigue, and, therefore, fatigue-related risk on a performance degradation on standard measures of
day-to-day basis for individuals within the neurobehavioral performance.3,4,46–48 However,
organization. the best that can be said with particular regard to
There have been some attempts to develop safety is that increasing fatigue is typically thought
control mechanisms for fatigue at higher levels in to be associated with increasing likelihood of
the ‘error trajectory’. For example, in some error.5,49 Thus, we are not yet at a point where
regulatory environments individuals have been research can be used to clearly articulate the
assigned the right and/or responsibility to override likelihood or typology of errors for specific tasks
prescriptive guidelines where they believe it is and/or workplace settings.
372 D. Dawson, K. McCulloch
At best, we can suggest that based on the Wake-up Start of Shift End-of-shift
published literature:
† Error rates increase exponentially with linear
increases in psychometric measures of fatigue;4
† Errors are broadly comparable in nature and Sleep in prior 24 hours [X]
frequency with other forms of impairment (e.g.
Sleep in prior 48 hours [Y]
alcohol intoxication);50,51 and
† We can make only general predications about the Time awake [Z]
susceptibility of certain types of tasks to fatigue-
related error. Figure 3 Prior sleep wake model (PSWM). Fitness for
work at levels 1 and 2 of effective fatigue-risk manage-
In view of our lack of a detailed understanding of ment can be determined by an algorithm that is
workplace or task specific risk associated with comprised of three simple calculations: prior sleep in
fatigue, any set of guidelines should be considered the last 24- and 48-h; and length of wakefulness from
provisional, tentative and subject to ongoing awakening to end of work.
refinement on the basis of post-implementation
evaluation. hazard control, we propose a simple algorithm
With this caveat in mind, we would suggest that based on the amount of sleep and wake experienced
knowledge of the frequency distribution of prior in the 48 h period prior to commencing work.
sleep and wake could form a rational basis for As can be seen above in Fig. 3, the algorithm is
determining the level of fatigue an individual is likely comprised of three simple calculations. That is:
to experience within a given shift. Furthermore, Prior sleep threshold—prior to commencing
there is potential for both individuals and organiz- work, an employee should determine whether
ations to use this information as the basis for rational they have obtained:
decision making with respect to fatigue-related risk.
(a) X hours sleep in the prior 24 h; and
Within this framework, there are two main questions
(b) Y hours sleep in the prior 48 h.
that should be asked. First, is the individual fit-for-
duty and acceptably rested to commence work? The Prior wake threshold—prior to commencing work
second question is predicated on the answer to the an employee should determine whether the period
first. That is, if an individual is acceptably alert to from wake-up to the end of shift exceeds the
commence work, for what period of time can they be amount of sleep obtained in the 48 h prior to
reasonably expected to work before fatigue sub- commencing the shift.
sequently creates an unacceptable level of risk? Hazard control principle—where obtained sleep
As a starting point for this decision, we suggest or wake does not meet the criteria above, then
that a rational FRMS should be based on prior sleep there is significant increase in the likelihood of a
and wake rules, linked to an evaluation of the fatigue-related error and the organization should
adequacy of prior sleep and wake. The reasons for implement appropriate hazard control procedures
this are straightforward: for the individual.
A critical aspect of the rules defined above is to
† Unlike subjective estimates of fatigue, prior
create appropriate threshold values for the mini-
sleep and wake are observable and potentially
verifiable determinants of fatigue; mum sleep values for the prior 24 and 48 h to
† Prior sleep and wake provide a way of integrating commencing work and the amount of wakefulness
individual and organizational measures of fatigue that would be considered acceptable. It is import-
(levels 1 and 2) since systems-based approaches ant to note that the thresholds could potentially
can deal with probabilistic estimates of sleep and vary as a function of fatigue-related risk within a
wakefulness, and individual employees can make workplace. For example, if a given task has either a
clear determinations of individual amounts of greater susceptibility of fatigue-related error, or
actual prior sleep and wakefulness; and there are significantly greater consequences of a
† Prior sleep and wake measures can be set or fatigue-related error, the threshold values may be
modified according to the risk profile associated adjusted to a more conservative level.
with specific tasks or workgroups. To our knowledge, there is currently no pub-
lished data that would enable us to determine
In order to determine whether an employee is appropriate thresholds for specific tasks or indus-
likely to be fatigued and the required degree of tries. However, there is significant literature
Managing fatigue: It’s about sleep 373
addressing the consequences of various levels of neurobehavioral performance task. This probably
sleep restriction and the subsequent effects on reflects the use of a single 5-h condition and no
standardized measures of sleepiness, neurobeha- greater restriction of TIB as cited above.
vioral performance, and to a lesser extent, error Perhaps due to the similarity of results, there
rates. was no additional work in this area for nearly 20
As a starting point, we think it is worth examining years. In 1993, Rosenthal et al. decided to use a
the literature to try and establish some tentative similar experimental design but to use electro-
values for the rules outlined above. It is important physiological rather than behavioral measures to
to note that these are only starting points for a determine fatigue levels.56 They studied the effect
discussion, and that lab-based studies can only ever of systematic reductions in TIB on electroencepha-
provide indicative (as opposed to absolute) values. lographic (EEG) measures of sleepiness/alertness.
Over time, data collected in the workplace, with In their study, subjects were given 8, 6, 4, or 0 h
real tasks and actual employees, must be assigned TIB. Multiple Sleep Latency Tests (MSLT) carried out
primacy. Until that data exists, however, we across the next day showed that after TIB fell below
believe it is reasonable to look to the published 6 h, subjects experienced a significant decrease in
scientific literature for initial guidance. subsequent sleep onset latency and, by inference,
If we examine the research literature addressing sleepiness. Indeed, after TIB fell below 6 h, the
minimum sleep and maximum wake thresholds, two mean latency to sleep onset was in the range
broad classes of research study emerge. The first 2–7 min.
are studies that examine a single night of sleep loss, Unfortunately, there were no neurobehavioral
and the second, studies examining sleep loss over a performance or standard vigilance measures
sequence of nights. These studies typically measure reported in this study so it is difficult to compare
the effect through changes in subjective, neurobe- with the previous two studies. To date, only one
havioral or electrophysiological indices of fatigue, published single night study has simultaneously
alertness or sleepiness.19,52 reported EEG defined sleepiness along with neuro-
This distinction is based on the idea that the behavioral data.58 In this study, Gillberg and
consequences of sleep loss can accumulate. That is, Åkerstedt combined neurobehavioral performance
over sequential nights of sleep loss, relatively small measures and EEG measures of sleepiness with TIB
non-significant effects associated with a single restricted to 4 h.57 Their study broadly confirmed
sleep loss event may accumulate to produce a the previous studies using similar subjects. That is,
significant level of cumulative impairment. Indeed, with TIB restricted to 4 h there was significant
the chronic partial sleep loss studies reported in impairment of simple reaction times and significant
recent years clearly confirm this observation.4,53 decreases in mean sleep onset latencies during the
The only other data addressing this area is the
chronic partial sleep deprivation studies reported
Single night sleep deprivation studies by several authors.4,45,53,58 It is possible to infer
single night sleep loss effects by looking at the data
One of the first studies examining the effect of a from the first night only. While these studies will be
single night’s sleep loss on neurobehavioral per- addressed in detail in the section examining the
formance and alertness was Wilkinson and col- neurobehavioral performance effects of multiple
leagues in 1966.54 In this initial study subjects’ time nights of sleep loss, the results from the first night
in bed (TIB) was restricted to one of six different of sleep loss can be added to our discussion of single
conditions. Subjects were either given 7.5, 5, 3, 2, 1 night studies.
or 0 h TIB. Neurobehavioral and vigilance perform- In the first night of these studies we see much the
ance were assessed using a 30-min vigilance task same result as that observed in the other studies
and a standard serial addition task. The results reported above. That is, following a single night of
indicated significant impairment for vigilance sleep loss, there is not a significant level of
below 5 h TIB and neurobehavioral performance neurobehavioral deficit until TIB falls below 4 h
below 3 h TIB. per night.
A subsequent study by Taub and Berger (1973) Taken together these studies suggest that the
used a single condition of 5 h TIB.55 Compared to effects of sleep loss depend to some extent on the
baseline, this study essentially replicated the ear- dependent measure used. In general, EEG measures
lier results of Wilkinson et al. That is, vigilance was of sleepiness obtained using sleep onset latency
significantly impaired once TIB fell below 5 h but during the MSLT appear the most sensitive measure
there was no significant effect reported on the and cognitively demanding and engaging tasks (e.g.
374 D. Dawson, K. McCulloch
serial addition) the most refractory. Vigilance tasks clinically significant. Using sleep onset latencies
appear to have an intermediate sensitivity to sleep during daytime MSLT as an index of sleepiness they
loss. observed clinically significant increases in EEG
Following a single night of sleep loss, it would measures of sleepiness (sleep onset latencies less
appear that there is little evidence of a clinically than 10 min) after two nights. After seven nights all
significant reduction in any measure of sleepiness/ measures were in the ‘pathological’ level of
alertness until TIB is reduced below 6 h. Most sleepiness.
measures show significant clinical levels of sleepi- A similar experimental design using neurobeha-
ness once TIB is reduced to 4 h. Between 6 and 4 h vioral measures was reported by Tilley and Wilkinson
there is some debate based on the measure used (1984).60 Using mean simple reaction time as an
(i.e. psychomotor vigilance, reaction time or more index of neurobehavioral performance, they
complex cognitive tasks); and the degree to which observed a statistically and clinically significant
the task is engaging or boring (e.g. serial addition is decline after the first night and an even greater
more engaging than simple reaction time which is, effect after the second night.
in turn, more engaging than the psychomotor Herscovitch and Broughton (1981) looked at the
vigilance tasks). Finally, the number of subjects effects of restricting TIB to 5 h for five nights on a
included in the study and the concomitant effect on vigilance task.58 Subjects’ performance on a vigi-
the statistical power of the experimental design in lance task was assessed at baseline then after five
question fuels the debate on the relative validity of nights. Subjects reported mean sleep durations of
findings. 4.6 h across the five nights of the study and the
Given the distinction between TIB, sleep authors reported a significant decline in vigilance
obtained and the need to not be carrying an after the 5 days of TIB/sleep restriction. There
accumulated sleep debt, it is unlikely that individ- were no measures reported for the intervening days
uals would be significantly impaired at most so it is not possible to interpret the time course of
common work tasks until obtained sleep fell changes across the 5 days of the study.
below 5 h in the preceding 24. There are a number Blagrove et al. (1995) restricted TIB to 5 h for six
of caveats to this conclusion and they will be nights and measured neurobehavioral performance
addressed in the next section. using a battery of four cognitive tasks as well as
subjective measures.45 They reported that mean
sleep duration was 4.3 h and that neurobehavioral
performance was significantly impaired after three
Multiple night sleep deprivation studies nights on all cognitive tasks except for vigilance.
Vigilance did not show a significant decline across
Hamilton and colleagues conducted one of the first the six nights of the study. In general, this study is
studies examining the effect of multiple nights of divergent with the majority of studies cited above.
sleep loss on neurobehavioral performance and It shows a lower level of sensitivity to restricted TIB
alertness in 1972.59 In their study, TIB was and sleep. The reasons for this are not clear but may
restricted over four sequential nights and daytime reflect the measures used or low statistical power in
performance was monitored for the effects on the design.
standardized tests of vigilance and neurobehavioral Dinges et al. (1997) restricted TIB to 5 h for seven
performance task of serial addition. The results nights andmeasuredneurobehavioral performance and
indicated that neurobehavioral performance and sleepiness.4 In their study they reported a significant
vigilance were maintained until TIB fell below 6 h. reduction in psychomotor vigilance performance after
In the 4-h TIB condition both neurobehavioral the second night and a significant increase in MSLT-
performance and vigilance were significantly determined sleepiness after five nights.
impaired after 4 days. It is worth noting that the More recently Belenky and colleagues (2003)
relative sensitivity of vigilance and neurobehavioral restricted TIB to 3, 5, 7 and 9 h over 7 days.46
tasks was similar to that observed in the single night Psychomotor vigilance and MSLT measures were
studies with vigilance measures declining more reported. In this study, there were no significant
rapidly than neurobehavioral performance. reductions in neurobehavioral performance or slee-
A further study addressing this issue was piness until TIB fell below 7 h. When TIB fell to 5 h
reported by Carskadon and Dement in 1981.53 In there was a significant decline in psychomotor
this study, TIB was restricted to 5 h for 7 days. Using vigilance after the third night and significantly
the Stanford Sleepiness Scale, self-reported mean increased sleepiness toward the end of the week.
sleepiness was statistically greater after one night, When TIB fell to 3 h, neurobehavioral performance
although not to a point that would be considered declined significantly after the second night and
Managing fatigue: It’s about sleep 375
sleepiness increased significantly from the fourth In view of this, and the need, at least initially, to
night. be conservative from a regulatory perspective, we
Using a similar experimental design by Van would suggest that any guidelines derived from the
Dongen and colleagues (2003) restricted TIB to 8, studies above could reasonably substitute minimum
6 and 4 h but extended the period during which sleep required for the TIB values cited in the studies
sleep debt accumulated to 14 days.61 In this study, above since, in most cases, these values were
the authors only reported a single neurobehavioral within 5–10% of each other.
performance measure, PVT lapses. The second caveat is related to the time of day at
It is difficult to interpret this study in detail since which the sleep (or sleep loss) occurs. In all of the
the published figures do not include variance studies cited, TIB and, therefore, sleep loss occurred
estimates. Nevertheless, clinically significant during subjective night. It is possible that the
declines in mean neurobehavioral performance recovery value of sleep may show circadian variation.
appear to exist by the end of the study for the 6 At present there is no good data to support or refute
and 4-h groups but the 8-h group maintained this. While it is true that when sleep is attempted at
performance across the study. The rate at which an inappropriate circadian time it is typically
sleep debt accumulated and mean neurobehavioral reported as more disrupted and shorter and subjects
performance declined were greatest for the group report the sleep to be less satisfying, the relationship
restricted to 4-h TIB. The 6-h group also showed a between neurobehavioral performance recovery and
significant decline in performance across the study sleep duration and quality are typically confounded.
but at a lower rate. The 4-h group showed clinically There is no doubt that anecdotal and lay percep-
significant declines in psychomotor vigilance per- tions of sleep suggest that sleep of a given duration
formance after 2 days. On the other hand, the 6-h has less neurobehavioral recovery value per unit
TIB group maintained performance until the middle time when it occurs at an inappropriate circadian
of the study (6–8 days) but by the end of the study time. On the other hand, while there is good
mean psychomotor vigilance lapses had declined to empirical evidence to suggest that sleep duration
a point that was approaching clinical significance. and architecture are altered when sleep occurs at an
The studies cited above indicate that there is not inappropriate circadian phase, there is little, if any,
a clear or definitive answer to the question of how evidence to indicate that the neurobehavioral
much sleep is sufficient. It would appear that recovery value of sleep is altered by changes in
clinically significant declines in neurobehavioral sleep architecture independent of sleep duration.
performance and increases in sleepiness appear It is worth noting that the lack of such evidence
once TIB for a single night decreases much below reflects the dearth of studies addressing the
5/6 h. If TIB is restricted over multiple nights (up to question rather than a failure of previous studies
seven), we see clinical impairment once the longer- to identify a difference. Indeed, future research
term average declines below w6 h. When sleep is should attempt to answer this, as it is, in our
restricted over 14 nights there is some evidence opinion, an important theoretical question. We are
that more sensitive measures of neurobehavioral not suggesting that changes in the circadian timing
performance (e.g. psychomotor vigilance lapses) of sleep do not alter the neurobehavioral perform-
show a clinically significant reduction. ance recovery value of a given sleep duration. We
There are, however, a number of caveats to this are merely suggesting that until there is data to
interpretation. The first is related to the distinction address this question it would be inappropriate to
between TIB and obtained sleep. In the prior sleep develop guidelines that implied an effect.
and wake model (PSWM), we articulated an A third caveat is related to the link between the
approach in which we counted the amount of performance decrement measured in laboratory
sleep obtained rather than TIB. The majority of studies and the subsequent inference that a given
the studies considered above reported manipulated level of performance impairment or sleepiness is
TIB rather than sleep. On the other hand, most of related to safety in some simplistic linear manner.
the studies reported mean values for sleep obtained Laboratory studies control for many outside vari-
that were very similar to TIB. Broadly speaking ables (such as work stress, self-paced work,
obtained sleep in most of the studies was less than social/domestic demands, etc.). Thus, in real life
but very close to TIB since sleep was restricted, it settings, additional factors that also impact either
occurred at night and sleep debt had frequently directly or indirectly upon safety, may make the
accumulated. As a consequence, sleep efficiency relationship between fatigue, performance and
was high and TIB and sleep were similar. In addition, safety more complex.
there was little or no competing social activities The final caveat is that neurobehavioral per-
that we are aware of. formance or sleepiness is typically reported as a
376 D. Dawson, K. McCulloch
mean for the subsequent day. In fact, neurobeha- wakefulness.61 That is, each hour of sleep ‘buys’
vioral performance and sleepiness were measured about 2 h of wakefulness.
at multiple time points across the day and then The theory of ‘sleep buys wakefulness’ is further
averaged to provide a more stable estimate. In supported by an earlier study by Bonnet (1991),
practice, sleep restriction produces a reduction in which examined the usefulness of prophylactic naps
mean values of neurobehavioral performance and in operational settings.62 Nap lengths of 0, 2, 4 and
sleepiness but these variables show a non-random 8 h were tested to determine subsequent effects on
time course across the day. Typically, performance alertness and performance. The results indicated
across the subsequent day shows a monotonic that on average, the benefits of a given nap period
change such that fatigue increases as a function of positively impact alertness and performance for
the initial level of fatigue (due to sleep loss) and approximately double the length of the nap taken.
then its subsequent trajectory increases over the Furthermore, such benefits continue to accumulate
waking period. In general, this will increase as a in a linear fashion for naps as long as 8 h.
function of wake duration period and the circadian It is important to note that this is an average
time at which wake occurs. value and that this may vary according to:
(a) elapsed time (i.e. it varies in a monotonic but
nonlinear manner), and (b) the time of day at which
the wake period occurs. For example, a period of
Extended wakefulness studies extended wakefulness occurring in the mid after-
noon may be associated with less sleepiness than
the same period of wakefulness occurring in the
The section above detailed the scientific evidence
early hours of the morning. It is also important to
supporting the idea of a minimum sleep threshold
note that a neurobehavioral performance recovery
consistent with the requirement for a safe system
half life for sleep has been estimated at approxi-
of work. In this section, we will address the
mately 2 h59 so it may be the case that the initial
methodology for limiting prior wake to ensure
hours of sleep may actually ‘buy’ more than two for
fatigue levels are not above a given threshold. As
one and that the last 4 h may buy proportionately
a starting point for this discussion we would like to
less. However, since real world shift systems rarely
put forward the following argument.
restrict sleep to less than 3–4 h this simplification
First, that the fatigue ‘clock’ starts ‘ticking’ from
may not create a significant problem in practice.
the moment of wake and continues ‘ticking’ until the If, however, an individual has less than the
next sleep period.61 It does not, as is often implied in nominal 6 h sleep then the previous section indi-
prescriptive regulatory systems, start ‘ticking’ at cates that their average subsequent fatigue
the point that an individual employee starts work. (inferred from neurobehavioral performance and
As a consequence, the point at which fatigue is sleepiness) will be increased. With a reduction in
likely to become problematic is more directly sleep, an individual will start the next work period
related to the duration of wakefulness and only with a residual sleep debt and, on average, be more
indirectly to the length of the work period. HOS only tired. In addition, we would suggest, that, relative
mediates fatigue via alterations to prior sleep and to a given threshold, they would be able to sustain
wake durations. Relative to shifts occurring late in alertness for less time compared to the individual
the wake period (e.g. afternoon and night), shifts who had their nominal 8 h.
starting early in the wake period (morning) can go Using the general (and admittedly simplistic)
for longer before fatigue becomes a problem. principle that each hour of sleep ‘buys’ 2 h of
Hence, our view that assessing the likelihood of subsequent wakefulness we would suggest that the
fatigue should focus on prior wake rather than HOS. ability to ‘sustain alertness’ is decreased by 2 h for
Second, sleep is a ‘recovery process’ for wake. each hour of sleep loss. Thus, the individual who has
That is, during sleep we recover from fatigue and, as reduced their sleep by 2 h could maintain alertness
a corollary, sleep enables us to ‘buy’ a certain above a given threshold for a period of only 12 h
amount of subsequent wakefulness above a given (i.e. 16K(2!2)Z12). In view of the potential to
threshold.58 This implies a linear relationship carry a residual sleep debt into a subsequent work
between sleep and alertness; that alertness period, we have suggested that there be a one-to-
increases as a function of prior sleep. Based on the one relationship relative to sleep in the preceding
theoretical modelling work of Van Dongen and 48 h. That is that we set the wake threshold relative
colleagues (2003), it would appear that under to the total hours of sleep in the 48 h prior to
normal entrained circumstances a nominal 8 h of commencing work rather than a two-to-one
sleep will typically ‘buy’ about 16 h of relationship for the prior night.
Managing fatigue: It’s about sleep 377
It is acknowledged that scientific evidence to relies on relatively objective behavioral measures that
support, or refute, our parameterization of this rule are meaningful, observable and easily determined at
is limited. We would, nevertheless, suggest that the the individual level and, where appropriate systems
general principle is probably sound (i.e. that sleep exist, across an entire group or organization. Further-
loss reduced the duration that one can sustain more, these measures could potentially be aggregated
alertness) and is unlikely to be considered con- across an organization to provide the basis of a sound
troversial. That is, less sleep will reduce the time statistically based approach to estimating the amount
that one can sustain alertness. of sleep and wakefulness associated with an actual or
On the other hand, unpublished data reported by proposed schedule.
Balkin’s group (Balkin, private communication) Moreover, this would provide the basis for
suggests that the rate at which fatigue accumulates integrating much of the fatigue-modelling work
across the day does vary as a function of prior sleep that has been developed in recent years. Since
loss and in a manner consistent with the principles most of these models estimate fatigue based, at
outlined above. That is, increasing prior sleep loss: least in part, on the timing of work and/or sleep, the
(a) increases average fatigue levels, and (b) the PSWM would provide statistical measures on average
rate at which fatigue accumulates across the day. timing and duration of sleep in actual workplaces on
Discussion of the wake threshold is more likely to specific tasks. Using this data, it would be possible to
focus on the parameterization of the rule rather use the collection of prior sleep wake data to
than the rule per se. Thus, it may be the case we develop statistical models on the distribution and
need an additional offset value for wake based on timing of sleep (and therefore statistical distri-
factors related to the individual risk profile of the butions of prior sleep and wake) and to estimate the
work task. For example: amount of sleep obtained by people working a
particular type or class of schedules. This in turn
Wake threshold Z sleep in prior 48 h could be used to estimate statistical distributions of
estimated fatigue in workplace populations.
Ghours determined by task risk profile
approaches to one in which fatigue is no longer On the other hand, there is a significant amount of
managed as an industrial or labor relations issue but published literature on the subjective, neurobeha-
rather, as part of an organization’s overall SMS. vioral and electrophysiological effects of sleep loss
From this perspective, fatigue related accidents or over a single or multiple nights. We can extrapolate
incidents are seen as the final segment in a causal from this data to conclude that it is unlikely that prior
chain of events or error trajectory. Within the error to commencing work an individual obtaining less than
trajectory there are four identifiable segments com- 5 h sleep in the prior 24 and 12 h sleep in the prior 48 h
mon to all fatigue-related incidents. At the earliest and who is awake for longer than the amount of sleep
levels of the error trajectory are segments related to: in the prior 48 h is likely to be unimpaired at a level
(1) the provision of an adequate opportunity to sleep, consistent with a safe system of work.
and (2) appropriate utilization of a sleep opportunity In defining this threshold we caution readers that
(break period). In this review, we have proposed a particular occupational tasks may well be more
novel methodology that enables organizations to take susceptible to fatigue-related error or the conse-
an integrated approach to determining whether they quences of fatigue-related error are so severe as to
have appropriate control procedures at level 1 or 2 of require threshold values greater than we have
the proposed fatigue-related error trajectory. specified. Furthermore, these initial values should
The basis to this methodology is the PSWM. The be viewed as a starting point and subject to revision
conceptual basis to this model is that fatigue is in the light of actual workplace experience.
better estimated from prior sleep/wake behavior However, where these thresholds are inappropri-
than from patterns of work. Using this model, an ate, we should see the systematic projection of
organization can define task specific thresholds for error trajectories beyond level 2. That is, despite
sleep and wakefulness based on the amount of sleep achieving the requisite threshold levels of sleep the
obtained in the 24 and 48 h prior to commencing FRMS would continue to observe either
work. Where aggregate or individual sleep/wake
values fail to reach pre-designated thresholds, the † level 3 factors indicating the occurrence of
increased likelihood of fatigue would require a fatigue-related behaviors or symptoms;
greater level of hazard control to prevent an actual † level 4 factors related to the occurrence of
incident from occurring (levels 3 and 4). fatigue-related errors; or
At level 1 of the error trajectory organizations are † level 5 issues related to the occurrence of actual
required to manage the opportunity for sleep fatigue-related incidents.
probabilistically. In general, prescriptive rule sets
or fatigue modelling are the most common ways in
which an organization can determine prospectively
whether a pattern of work is likely to provide Acknowledgements
employees with an adequate opportunity to obtain
sufficient sleep (vis-à-vis the defined threshold).
We would like to thank Dr Angela Baker, Dr Sally
Using this approach, an acceptable roster or schedule
Ferguson and Dr Adam Fletcher for their comments
is one that is associated with a certain percentage of
and input on this paper.
people on average (e.g. O95%) having an adequate
opportunity to gain the requisite amount of sleep.
At level 2 of the error trajectory, individuals use Research agenda
the PSWM to determine whether they have had
sufficient sleep. Since, level 1 control mechanisms † The efficacy and viability of existing FRMSs
will allow a pre-determined percentage of employ- should be evaluated and discussed in terms
ees insufficient sleep (e.g. 5%) the personal PSW of future development.
calculation will allow them to identify themselves, † Knowledge of the circadian effects on timing
report this information and the organization can of sleep is essential to determine the
engage in appropriate control procedures at level 3 neurobehavioral performance recovery
and above in the error trajectory. values of given sleep durations.
In determining appropriate threshold values for † Experimental studies and applied workplace
sufficient sleep this review acknowledges that cur- research designs should be conducted, to
rently, there is a dearth of organization- and/or task- enable the prior sleep/wake rule to be
specific data sufficient to answer this question parameterized in detail, and refine the
definitively. Indeed it is our view that such data will appropriateness of the recommended
be collected by organizations in the post-implemen- thresholds.
tation phase.
Managing fatigue: It’s about sleep 379
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