Grade 7 Mathematics Sample Lesson Plan Booklet: Ministry of Education, Youth & Information
Grade 7 Mathematics Sample Lesson Plan Booklet: Ministry of Education, Youth & Information
Grade 7 Mathematics Sample Lesson Plan Booklet: Ministry of Education, Youth & Information
Of the many essential elements to effective lesson delivery, at the heart of it, is Mathematics Teaching
effective lesson planning. Lesson planning is no new concept to education, Practices
however, if we are guided by the philosophy; that education is fluid and Establish mathematics
constantly evolving, then equally so, there should be an expectation, that how goals to focus learning.
we plan for delivery would also evolve. Implement tasks that
promote reasoning and
In todays’ world, the students we engage are known to be the 21st century problem solving.
learners. These learners are required to have a very different skill set from
Use and connect
learners of the past. For these students, the meaning of knowing has shifted
from being able to remember and repeat information, to being able to locate, representations.
evaluate and use information effectively.
Facilitate meaningful
In the mathematics classroom, teachers are required to have a deep mathematical discourse.
understanding of the mathematical knowledge vital to promoting mathematics Pose purposeful questions.
learning for all students. These skills are embodied in the eight effective Build procedural fluency
mathematics teaching practices. These eight practices represent the set of skills from conceptual
needed to promote the demonstration of the Standards for Mathematical understanding.
Practices (SMPs) by students. The SMPs embody the mathematical skills that Support productive
should be displayed by the students when learning mathematics. struggle in learning
In this booklet are a series of sample mathematics lesson plans designed to assist Elicit and use evidence of
teachers to demonstrate the mathematics teaching practices, while at the same student thinking.
time promotes the demonstration of the SMPs by the students. All objectives
were taken from the National Standards Curriculum (NSC); covering a cross Standards for Mathematical
section of mathematics objectives under the five content strands. The lessons
were designed to engender a student-centred learning approach. This was Make sense of problems
fuelled mainly, in part. by the reliance on the 5E model, which requires teachers and persevere in solving
to engage students by piquing interest and pre-assessing prior knowledge; them.
'Reason abstractly and
provides opportunity for students to explore new concepts towards constructing
their own knowledge , while being able to freely share and explain their Construct viable
thinking to their pears. Additionally, the model allows for greater extension of arguments and critique the
students’ knowledge; by applying their new found understanding to unfamiliar reasoning of others.
or real-world contexts. Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools
We are aware that each school exists within its own context, and as such these strategically.
plans are intended to be used as a guide. Teachers are free to modify any lesson Attend to precision.
or activity in the best interest of the students, based on their knowledge of Look for and make use of
students’ abilities, school policies, or any other factor. It is advised that where structure.
lessons or activities are being modified or adjusted, that the objectives are still Look for and express
met at the intended level of achievement. regularity in repeated
Introduction……………………………………………………………………...… i
Table of Content…………………………………………………………………... ii
Objective List……………………………………………………………………… 1
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts, calculators and
software to compute and estimate in order to solve real-world problems involving fractions,
percentages and decimals.
General Objective(s):
Describe different types of numbers in the real number system (Natural, whole, integer,
rational, Irrational)
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
List the set of factors of sets of whole numbers
Compute the HCF and the LCM of whole numbers
State the place value of a digit in a whole number or decimal fraction
Specific Objectives:
Categorize numbers as Real, Rational, Irrational, Integers and Whole.
Give justification as to why a number belongs in a category.
List at least two examples of numbers in each category.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Key Vocabulary: Natural numbers, whole numbers, Integers, rational numbers, irrational
numbers, real numbers
Learning Outcome(s):
Ability to recognize the differences between sets of real numbers
The following day students came back with a myriad of measurements having unspecified units
(fractions, decimal, radical numbers, negative numbers), it was at this point the teacher gave an
addition clue (he wanted a measure less than zero) as to what types of numbers were expected.
Mike, now confused along will everyone in his class, asked the mathematics teacher for
clarification on the types of numbers. They had ideas about types of numbers but were not sure
what was which.
Mark’s Math Class began like this.
Number Sort.
Based on your knowledge of numbers sort them in the table under the given categories.
( 24/ 7 , 0.3, -6/7, -3, √17, −1, √4, 1, 0, √2, 4.5, √121 ) -Feel free to add examples-
Recommend usage of model for all number types to clear any misconceptions students may have
but will not share in the class.
Examples Non-Examples
Re-vist table from above. Include a new row in which students will order the numbers that were
recoded. Place number in order of size.
Based on above explanations (Frayer model), task students with identifying other frequently used
numbers or representations thereof. Research i.e. (π ,i ).
Towards the end of class, cut out numerical values (with tape at the back), task students with
sticking each number on the chart based on the general or specific heading
Tomorrow is Integrated Science Class, only time will tell the outcome.
Actions to be taken
Actions to be taken
For example, 1,654 to the nearest thousand is 2,000. To the nearest 100 it is 1,700. To the nearest
ten it is 1,650.
This activity will be motivated to be fun and interactive. Any inaccuracies will be pointed out by
other students with the help of guiding questions from the teachers.
- Place students into groups of two or three.
- Assign each group with at least one of the variations in the attached exploratory task. Each
variation must be done by at least one group, if all groups do not do all variations.
- Using select groups, have students share their answers and reasoning for each of the
Within the same groups, task students to do the following:
One of the teachers at the Primary School saw what Tishani was doing and exclaimed, “you
are using up your mathematics skills well!”
Tishani replied with a smirk, “What math skills Miss? I do not see any mathematics here.”
The teacher laughed, “Yes! you are estimating, more specifically, you are rounding off to the
nearest Hundredth, Tenth, Tens, Hundreds etc.”
She continued, “Now that we are on a break Try this:
If you’re filling a bucket and it reaches half way, what would you say? It will fill soon or it is
half full don’t? so:
- Is 1.5 closer to 1 or 2?
- Is 25 nearest to 10, 20 or 30?
- Is 1.2345 to the nearest thousandths 1.234 or 1.235?
Also, what is 87125.7823 to the nearest:
- Thousandths
- Hundredths
- Tenths
- Tens
- Hundreds
- Thousands
- Ten Thousands”
Tishani needs your help as you were the one who helped her above, what would be the correct
responses for those above?
When groups have completed the task, selected groups will share their responses and reasoning.
Actions to be taken
My Score ( ): ___________
My score is closer to my teammate’s score of: _____________
NB Tish Here I am focusing on the Thousands place.
This then means that in the other race, 1,231 is closer to _______ than ________ (1000, 2000).
My Score ( ): ___________
My score is closer to my teammate’s score of: _____________
NB Tish Here I am focusing on the Thousandths place.
This then means that in the other race, 1.0012 is closer to ________ than _________.
My Score ( ): ___________
My score is closer to my teammate’s score of: _____________
NB Tish Here I am focusing on the Hundreds place.
This then means that in the other race, 389 is closer to _______ than ________ (300, 400).
My Score ( ): ___________
My score is closer to my teammate’s score of: _____________
NB Tish Here I am focusing on the Hundredths place.
This then means that in the other race, 15.016 is closer to _______ than ________.
Standard: Number
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts, calculators and
software to compute and estimate in order to solve real-world problems involving fractions,
percentages, and decimals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should know how to:
- Divide whole numbers by a single digit number
- List the set of factors of a whole number
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Identify whole numbers divisible by 2, 3, 6 and 9
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Hundreds chart
- At least two different coloured highlighters (Students can bring from home)
Key Vocabulary:
Content Outline:
A number is divisible by…
2 if the last digit is even or zero
3 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 3
5 if its last digit is 5 or 0
6 if the number is divisible by both 2 and 3
9 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9
I divided two numbers as shown above and got 3 (or 2, 5, 6, 9 etc. depending
on the card their pair received) as my answer. What could those numbers be?
How many different pair of numbers can you come up with?
What if I divided these two numbers instead? What could those numbers be
now? How many different pair of numbers can you come up with in 1minute?
Alternate the Cards between pairs i.e. Pair 1 receives “The 2 Card”, Pair 2 “The 3 Card”…
Pair 6 “The 2 Card”, Pair 7 “The 3 Card” and so on.
2. Encourage students to compare their solutions to their partner and highlight two or three
different strategies used in finding the numbers e.g. simplifying as a fraction, long
division, visual etc.
Explore – Patterns on the Hundred Chart
1. Provide each pair with a hundred chart shown below
(see appendix for printouts),
2. Ask pairs to use their highlighter to shade the
numbers that can be divided by 2, 3, 5, 6 or 9. Pairs
will look for patterns based on the card selected in the
Engage activity e.g. pairs with “The 2 Card” will
shade numbers divisible by 2, pairs with “The 3
Card” will shade numbers divisible by 3, and so on.
Do any of the patterns you found have anything in
N.B. If students have found patterns for the number
assigned, they can move on to finding patterns for other numbers.
1. As a whole class discussion, choose 5-6 pairs to share patterns they have observed, one
group for each pattern. Expected responses include:
Numbers divisible by 2 end with 2, 4, 6, 8, and 0. They also form alternate columns on
the hundreds chart. They are called even numbers.
Number divisible by 3 run along the diagonals from 3, 6, and 9, and the pattern
repeats i.e.
2. For students who do not readily realize the Divisibility by 3 pattern, guide with the
following suggested questions:
Write down the numbers divisible by 3. Look at the digits… What do you notice?
Does it work with three-digit numbers? What is the pattern?
3. For students who do not readily realize the Divisibility by 6 pattern, guide with the
following suggested questions:
Look at the numbers shaded for 2, 3, and 6. What do you notice? All the numbers
that are multiples of 6 are also shaded as multiples of 2 and 3
Why is this true? 3 and 2 are factors of 6, thus all multiples of 6 will have 2 and 3
as factors
So how can we test if a number e.g. 1872 is divisible by 6? If it is a multiple of 2
and 3, then it must be a multiple of 6
4. Some students may have only compared some numbers on the hundred chart and think
that the digits must sum to 9 instead of sum to a number divisible by 9. If so, guide with
the following line of reasoning:
Suppose I chose these numbers also divisible by 9 – 99, 189, and 9459. What do
you notice about the sum of the digits? The sum of the digits is divisible by 9, not
equal to 9.
Extend this by asking them to provide one or two counterexamples to their previous
Provide students with the blank hundreds chart as shown. Ask them,
Task 2
A digit is missing from each of the numbers below. Determine what digit can be placed in the box
so that the number is divisible by 3. In each case, is there only one solution?
Task 3
Actions to be taken
The 3 Card
The 5 Card
Use the correct units, tools and attributes to estimate, compare and carry out the processes of
measurement to given degree of accuracy.
General Objective(s):
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
- Differentiate between the units of the Metric System in measurement situations
- Know standard instruments used to measure length
- Measure length using non-standard units
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to
Key Vocabulary:
- Measuring
- Metre rule
- Ruler
- Estimate
- Standard units
- Non-standard units
Sarah wants to measure the height of her puppy but needs to decide which instrument she should
use to measure with. Which measurement instrument should she use and why?
Guided Questions
- What are some instruments that you know of that we use to measure length?
- Why do we have so many different measuring tools?
Students from each group will be asked to make a presentation to the class about their findings
while they perused their worksheet. Students and teacher will have a whole group discussion to
come up with a conclusion after all the presentations.
Guided Questions
- What are some similarities and differences in what each group shared?
- What units were used in each case?
- What conclusions can we draw about how to go about selecting an appropriate instrument
to measure the length of an object?
In their groups, students will discuss the task below and share their response in a whole
class discussion.
Paul is redecorating his living room and has some things he wants to measure in the
room. He needs to decide the best tool to measure the objects in his living room before he
goes to the hardware store to purchase a measuring tool. He only has enough money to
purchase one instrument. He needs help deciding which tool is the most useful measuring
tool for him to buy. What should Paul take into consideration in order to select the tool?
Which tool do you think is the most appropriate and why?
Students will be asked to write in their Math Journals, a letter to friend explaining what they
learned about measuring the length of objects using appropriate instruments. Students will be
asked to ensure the following questions are answered in their letter.
Actions to be taken
Date: _____________________
Instructions: Select objects available in the classroom and then complete the table below.
Some objects have been suggested for you.
Width of a desk
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Measuring instruments (balance scale, kitchen scale)
- Different objects to weigh,
- Pencils
- Paper
Key Vocabulary:
- Measuring -Scales
- Estimate -Standard units
- Non-standard units -Kilograms
- Grams -Mass
In their groups, students will discuss the task below and share their response in a whole
class discussion.
Maria thinks mass is the same as weight. Karl insists that they are different. Who do you
agree with and why?
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
- Know standard instruments used to measure temperature
- Read scales on a thermometer
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to
- Measure temperature of objects using appropriate instruments
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Thermometers
- Worksheet
- Substances to measure temperature
Key Vocabulary:
- Measuring
- Thermometer
- Temperature
- Estimate
- Standard units
- Non-standard units
Learning Outcome(s):
- Engage in problem solving situations involving measurement
Content Outline:
Temperature is the measure of heat in the body. Temperature characterizes the body as hot or cold.
The SI unit used to measure the temperature is the Kelvin (K). The other scales used to measure the
temperature are Celsius or Fahrenheit. The instrument which is used for measuring temperature is a
Students will work in groups of four. Each group will be given a worksheet (See Appendix 1) as
well as a thermometer. Each group will also be given substances to measure temperature of
(Suggested items: a cup of iced water, a cup of water that has been sitting outside, and a cup of
water from the refrigerator, container with alcohol, etc). Each group will be asked to complete the
worksheet given.
Students from each group will be asked to make a presentation to the class about their findings
while they perused their worksheet. Students and teacher will have a whole group discussion
about their findings.
Guided Questions
- What units were the temperatures reported in?
- What did you notice about the temperatures that were reported in oF as against those that
were reported in oC?
Actions to be taken
Iced Water
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
- Understand the relationship between litre and millilitre
Specific Objectives:
- Measure volume using appropriate instruments
- Measure capacity using appropriate instruments
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Medicine cup
- 1L Jug
- 100mL graduated cylinder or beaker
- 1 Tennis ball per group
- 1 medium sized bottle of WATA per group
- 1 marble per group
- 1 tablespoon per group
Key Vocabulary:
- Volume
- Capacity
- Displacement
- Milli
Content Outline:
Volume and capacity are both terms for measures of the “size” of three-dimensional regions. The
term capacity is generally used to refer to the amount that a container will hold. Standard units of
capacity include quarts, gallons, liters, and milliliters. The term volume can be used to refer to the
capacity of a container but is also used for the size of solid objects. Standard units of volume are
expressed in terms of length units, such as cubic inches or cubic centimeters.
The volume or capacity of an item can be measured using graduated cylinders, beakers, medicine
cups, 1 L jugs, 5 L containers and so on.
Engage –
1. Start a class discussion differentiating volume from capacity. Guide students with the
following questions:
How do we measure the amount of space something takes up? And how much of
something else it can hold?
In what ways does volume differ from capacity?
What instruments can we use to measure volume and capacity?
1L Jug
A graduated
Ensure students are familiar with each of these instruments.
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Capacity of a
syrup bottle
Volume of
syrup bottle
Volume of a
Volume of a
tennis ball
Use correct units, tools and attributes to estimate, compare and carry out the processes of
measurement to given degree of accuracy.
General Objective(s):
Perform conversions within units and across related units
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
( ) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Differentiate between the units of the Metric system in measurement situations
Compute the area of regions shaped as rectangles
Specific Objectives:
Perform conversions within square units: km2 m2 cm2, mm2
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Ruler with units in cm and mm (e.g. from a Geometry set)
Tape to create a 1 m2 grid
10-15 sample 1 dm2 grids
Sets of 1 cm2 grids (100 per group)
Key Vocabulary:
Learning Outcome(s):
Students will be able to:
Engage in problem solving situations involving measurement
Complete tables with measures of area of object
1. Students will complete the prefix chart [See Appendix] as a review of the metric units:
1. Invite two-three groups to share the relationship they found between area in decimetres
and area in centimetres, explaining how they found it. Each group will listen and share
whether they found the same or otherwise. Students should realize that 1dm2 100 cm2
2. Guide students with the following suggested questions:
What if I were to convert from cm2 to dm2?
Does the same thing happen when I convert from cm to dm? What’s the difference
between converting regular units vs. converting square units?
3. Invite two-three groups to share the relationship they found between area in metres and
area in centimetres, explaining how they found it. Each group will listen and share
whether they found the same or otherwise. Students should realize that
1m2 10, 000 cm 2
4. Some students may still think that we still use the same conversion factor as regular units
for square units i.e. since 2 cm = 20 mm, then 2 cm2 = 20 mm2. This can be remedied by
using a cm2 and mm2 grid (each can be created at
paper.aspx). For the same exploration activity, allow students to explore how mm2 grids
fit into a cm2 grid. Students should more explicitly see that 100 mm2 can fit into 1 cm2.
1. Extend students into exploring other units by posing the following questions for them to
discuss in their groups [See Conversion chart Activity in Appendix]:
I. Given 1cm = 10mm, do you think the same relationship that we discovered for
their square units applies? How so? [Allow students to go back to their diagrams in
Area activity if they need to]
II. Since 1m = 100cm, 1 m2 = ____ cm2?
2. Invite one or two groups to share their observations to (I) and (II).
3. Complete the conversion chart together as shown in Content section.
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Complete the following chart and copy in your notebooks. One has already been done for you:
Length of side
Centimetres Millimetres
Length of
Length of
Use the correct units, tools and attributes to estimate, compare and carry out the processes
of measurement to given degree of accuracy.
General Objective(s):
To develop an appreciation for Perimeter and its applicability to real world phenomena.
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
1. Worksheet
2. Play Areas Printouts
3. Computer
4. Metre Rule
Key Vocabulary:
Measurement, Metric, Length, Metre, Surface, Perimeter
Learning Outcome(s):
- Engage in problem solving situations involving measurement;
- Make entries in journals on experiences gained from measuring activities;
- Complete table with measures of area and perimeter of objects;
Content Outline:
Perimeter of Composite Shapes
The perimeter of a shape is the total distance around its edge. To calculate the perimeter of a
shape, you just have to add up the lengths of all of its sides. Sometimes shapes can be more
complicated. Be particularly careful to add up the lengths of every side when you work out the
total perimeter.
In some cases, you’ll need to calculate the 'missing' lengths, eg x and y in the question below.
A plan of a play area is shown below:
The teacher will show the students the picture of the parks followed by a series of questions to
prepare the students for the task they have to do afterwards. (These parks are the same as the ones
in the explore)
1. Now, look at these two parks… Do any of them take a definitive shapes/simple shape?
2. What type of shapes can you see in each park?
3. What can be built to protect the safety of those that enter the park?
4. The fence that will be built, what does that represent?
5. Can you estimate the amount of fencing material they will need?
6. Which do you think will need more? How do you know? How can you find out?
Next, invite selected pairs to the board to explain how they found the amount of fencing
needed for the Park. It is expected that students will sum each side of the shape that was
Have students find/state the perimeter for each of the plots then answer the question that
was initially asked. The answer will be Park 1 as it will have the larger perimeter of the
two parks.
The teacher will provide clarifications where necessary. Also, the teacher should clear up
any misconceptions that the students may have as it relates to finding the perimeter of
compound shapes.
The students will do the following worksheet.
Error Analysis: Describe and correct the error in finding the perimeter of the figure
Actions to be taken
Use correct units, tools and attributes to estimate, compare and carry out the processes of
measurement to given degree of accuracy
General Objective(s):
Find the area of composite shapes on a plane
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
- Explore the tiling of a plane using different shapes
- Name and measure regions, compute the area of regions shaped as rectangles and
right-angled triangles individually; in combination or as the surfaces of three-
dimensional objects;
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to
- Find the area composite shapes on a plane by counting squares.
- Calculate the area of composite shapes on a plane
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Grid paper
Key Vocabulary:
- Area
- Composite
- Shape
- Triangle
- Rectangle
- Decompose
Learning Outcome(s):
- Engage in problem solving situations involving measurement;
- Complete table with measures of area and perimeter of objects
- Model areas and perimeters using software
- Have students work in groups of 4. Provide each group with one of the following
diagrams (See Appendix 1) as well as blank sheet to record their information. Have
students find the area of the shape they were given by counting the squares. Ask each
group to come up with at least two different ways to count the squares.
- Provide each group with one of the diagrams from Appendix 2. Have each group find the
area of the composite shape provided.
- Have each group share their diagram and explain to the class how they went about finding
the area of the diagram. Have them explain how the first a diagram gave them insight into
what needed to be done for the second diagram.
Guiding Questions
- How did you count the squares in the first diagram?
- Are there other ways to count the squares?
- Is there a fixed formula that can be used to find the area of composite shapes?
- What conclusion have you reached as it pertains to finding the area of composite shapes?
Have students :
1. use their knowledge gained in the
explore activity to complete the Area
Maze below and find the total area of
2. research and share their opinion on how
calculating area of composite shapes is
similar to finding total surface area of a
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Explore paths, geometric shapes and space and make generalization about geometric
relationships within the environment.
General Objective(s):
⮚ To develop an understanding for solids (3D – Objects) and the role it plays in today’s
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
(✓) 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
(✓) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
(✓) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
(✓) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
(✓) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills: Students should know how to:
- Recognize faces, edges, vertices of a solid and classify solids according to the
number and shape of their faces;
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to :
1. Identify and draw nets of solids (Prisms, Pyramid)
Teaching/Learning Resources:
1. Nets – Toothpaste boxes, tin cans, dice, tissue roll, and any other similar items as these
2. Internet
3. Computer/tablet/smartphone
4. Worksheet
5. Solids
Key Vocabulary:
Geometry, Solids, Similar, Constructions, Nets of solids, Cubes, Cuboids, Prism, Pyramid.
Content Outline:
What is meant by the net of a solid?
A geometry net is a 2-dimensional shape that can be folded to form a 3-dimensional shape or a
solid. Or a net is a pattern made when the surface of a three-dimensional figure is laid out flat
showing each face of the figure. A solid may have different nets.
The teacher will prepare the students for the task to come by focusing the discussion around
the questions below. Also, the students will be shown the solids Can you name these solids?
1. Have you ever considered how these packages are put together?
2. Are you able to identify the simple shapes that make up the packages?
3. Do you know the name given to these 2D shapes that combine to form the solids?
4. What characteristics of a solid figure do you need to consider when making its net?
It is expected that most if not all of the drawings of the nets would have been the same. Use
this to start a discussion if there can be more different nets (arrangement).
In the same groups, the pairs will be asked to create/find at least one more arrangement for the
nets of the solids they just created. The students will be asked to justify their arrangement.
The students will be given the following worksheet. See attached worksheet.
Actions to be taken
Explore paths, geometric shapes and space and make generalization about geometric
relationships within the environment.
General Objective(s):
To develop an understanding for solids (3D – Objects) and the role it plays in today’s
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills: Students should know how to:
- Recognize faces, edges, vertices of a solid and classify solids according to the
number and shape of their faces;
- Identify and draw nets of solids
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
1. Construct Solids from Nets
Teaching/Learning Resources:
1. Nets – Toothpaste boxes, tin cans, balls, marbles, dice, tissue roll, and any other similar
items as these listed.
2. Internet
3. Computer/tablet/smartphone
4. Worksheet
5. Solids
6. Glue
Key Vocabulary:
Geometry, Solids, Similar, Constructions, Nets of solids, Cubes, Cuboids, Prism, Pyramid, Euler
Learning Outcome(s): Students will be able to:
- Complete tables on solid shapes correctly;
- Classify solids ably;
Content Outline:
What is meant by the net of a solid?
A geometry net is a 2-dimensional shape that can be folded to form a 3-dimensional shape or a
solid. Or a net is a pattern made when the surface of a three-dimensional figure is laid out flat
showing each face of the figure. A solid may have different nets.
The teacher will prepare the students for the task to come by focusing the discussion around these
questions whilst showing them a net (preferably a real life object like a toothpaste box).
1. Look at this object I have here. Are you able to identify the simple shapes that make it up?
2. Do you know the name given to these 2D shapes that combine to form the solid?
3. Have you ever considered how these packages are put together?
4. Which solid do you think this net forms?
5. Whilst showing them another net, which solid do you think this forms?
6. If given the nets, do you think you can fit it up and be able to identify the solid?
For the following activity, the students will be working in pairs and given the following activity
to complete. Nets for the solids can be found at: Be sure to provide glue such that
the nets can be folded and glued together.
Selected pairs will be strategically invited to the board to demonstrate how they folded a
particular net in order to identify its respective solid. A copy of the table will be made
available on the board for them to complete the row.
At the end of the groups sharing and agreeing/disagreeing with the solutions presented,
use students’ thinking and reasoning to describe/define a net and its purpose to solids.
The teacher will seek to clarify the difficulties and misconceptions that the students may
have with any of the solids and their nets.
In the same pairs, the students will be asked to complete the table shown below by examining the
solids they have constructed for the requisite information.
Afterwards, Complete the table as shown below:
1. _____________ 2. ________________
3. _____________ 4. _________________
5. ________________ 6. ____________________
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Explore paths, geometric shapes and space and make generalization about geometric relationships
within the environment.
General Objective(s): At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
Develop an appreciation for transformation and apply it to real world phenomena
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills: Students should know how to
1. Identify a point on the Cartesian plane
2. Describe the properties of shapes
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
1. State the relationships between an object and its image in a plane when it undergoes a
translation in that plane
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Internet, “Math” kits, Computer/tablet/smartphone, Geometric instruments and software
(Geogebra), Assortment of quadrilaterals and triangles
Key Vocabulary:
Geometry, Transformation, Image, Object, Plane, Translation, Similar, Congruent.
Learning Outcome(s): Students will be able to:
- Get involved in group activities and discussions;
- Participate in paper folding activities depicting transformations of polygons;
- Engage in problem solving situations.
Content Outline:
In a translation transformation all the points in the object are moved in a straight line in the same
direction. The size, the shape and the orientation of the image are the same as that of the original
object. Same orientation means that the object and image are facing the same direction.
We describe a translation in terms of the number of units moved to the right or left and the
number of units moved up or down.
Move the object 2 units to the right and 4 units up.
The students will listen and move to the song Cha Cha Slide for about a minute.
A discussion will ensue, afterwards, linking the moves used in the song to transformation.
For example, the slides, turns, rotations if any.
The teacher will delve into the parts that said: Slide to the left, slide to the right. The
teacher will ask the students what is that called in transformation. The teacher will explain
to them that this is called translation.
The students will then be told that the topic for the class will be translation.
1. What can we say about the shape and its image? Do they look the same?
2. How about the size of the two? Did anything change?
3. Has the orientation of the image changed in comparison to its object?
4. Was each point moved by the same amount left/right and up/down?
5. How do you know? How can you find out?
Selected pairs will be asked to explain the relationship between the object and its image.
The pairs will be asked to justify the reason for their answers.
A selected pair will be asked to find how much the shape was translated.
At the end of the groups sharing and agreeing/disagreeing with the solutions presented,
use students’ thinking and reasoning to explain what happens when a shape is translated.
It is expected that pairs will arrive at the solution that a shape and its image, after the
translation, looks the same, has the same size and orientation. Also, it is expected that the
students would have checked by counting how much a point moved by to its prime. The
answer is 8 units to the left and 2 units upwards.
The teacher will seek to clarify the difficulties and misconceptions that the students may
have with any of the pointers mentioned above.
The students will be assessed using the worksheet attached.
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
5) 6)
Explore paths, geometric shapes, and space and make generalizations about geometric
relationships within the environment.
General Objective(s):
State the relationships between an object and its image in a plane when it is reflected in a
line in that plane
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Identify and count the number of lines of symmetry in compound plane figures
Distinguish between similar and congruent figures
Specific Objectives:
State the relationships between an object and its image in a plane when it is reflected in a
line in that plane
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Ruler or straight edge
Key Vocabulary:
Line of Reflection
Learning Outcome(s):
Students will be able to get involved in group activities and discussions
Engage in problem-solving situations
For the figures that are a reflection, draw in its mirror line.
Students will identify the mirror lines and discuss why E is not a reflection of C even
though they look very similar.
Task 1 – See Evaluation Activity in the Appendix
Actions to be taken
How did you identify the congruent figures? What does it mean for two figures to be congruent?
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
- Describe the physical world in terms of geometric concepts and talk about
mathematical findings.
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to
- Define the term rotation
- State at least 2 properties of rotation
- Identify a rotation about the point of origin
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Graph Paper
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Geogebra (or any other virtual coordinate plane)
Key Vocabulary:
- Rotation
- Object
- Image
- Turn
- Clockwise
- Anti-clockwise/ counter-clockwise
- Quadrant
- Origin
- Point
- Transformation
Rules for Rotations Around the Origin on a Coordinate Plane 90° rotation counter clockwise
(x, y) → (-y, x) 180° rotation (x, y) → (-x, -y) 270° rotation counter clockwise (x, y) → (y, -x)
360° rotation (x, y) → (x, y)
Students and teacher will engage in a whole group discussion about the terms rotate.
Clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Guided Questions
- Where have you heard the word rotate or rotation before?
- What do you think the term clockwise means?.........anti-clockwise?
- Can you give some examples of clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation in the real
Students will stand and face the front of the room. Teacher will explain that rotations are
always done counter-clockwise. Students will be asked to close their eyes and then rotate 90
degrees. Students will open their eyes and see where everyone is. Students will be asked to
face the front of the class again and repeat the last step but this time they will be asked to
rotate 180 degrees. Students will be asked to repeat the last step, but this time they will be
asked to rotate negative 90 degrees.
Students and teacher will have a discussion about what they observed each time they rotated.
Guided questions
- What do you notice about your original position as against your final position each
time you rotated?
- What changed and what remained the same after each rotation?
Students will work in groups of 4. Each group will be given a protractor and a ruler. Each
group will be given a worksheet consisting of an objects which will be labelled, an image
which is a rotation of the object and will be labelled as well as the point of rotation which will
also be labelled. (See Appendix 1for example of worksheet). Students will be asked to peruse
and investigate the object and its image and to take note of any relationship that is observed
between the object and the rotated image.
Actions to be taken
1. What are the similarities and differences between the image and the object?
2. What is the distance from each point on the object to the centre of rotation?
3. What is the distance from each point on the image to the centre of rotation?
4. What is the angle between each point on the image and each point on the object?
Explore paths, geometric shapes, and space and make generalizations about geometric
relationships within the environment.
General Objective(s):
⮚ Identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
(✓) 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
(✓) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
(✓) 4. Model with mathematics.
(✓) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
⮚ Identify triangles
⮚ Lines of symmetry
Specific Objectives:
⮚ Identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of triangles.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Images of triangles, worksheet with tables.
Key Vocabulary:
angles, sides, symmetry, properties, triangles
Learning Outcome(s): Students will be able to:
Identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of triangles.
Triangles may also have names which describe the type of angle which they contain:
1. An acute triangle (has) all three angles measuring less than 90 degrees.
2. A right triangle will have one right angle, which is an angle of 90 degrees.
3. An obtuse triangle will have one angle which is greater than 90 degrees.
They will be asked to tell the types of triangles that they can think of.
Students will be given the following scenario:
Students of grade 7 had been asked to list the types of triangles that they know. Here are some
of their responses:
Edd: There are four types of triangle: equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right-angled. These
triangles have different properties. In a triangle, there can be 3, 2, or no equal sides and angles.
Also, some triangles can be symmetrical.
Rose: There are only three types of triangle. These are equilateral, isosceles and scalene.
Right-angled triangles don't count because all right-angled triangles are also isosceles or
scalene triangles.
Aiden: You can name a triangle using either the sides or the angles of the triangle. Using the
sides, you can have equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles. Using the angles, you get right-
angled, acute or obtuse triangles. When we name a triangle, we can combine these names in
order to give as much information about the triangle as possible.
Students will be given a worksheet with a grid. They will be asked to look on the grid and
answer the question that follows.
Look at each space on the grid and try to sketch some different triangles to go in the box.
Can you sketch a triangle for every box in the grid? Why/why not?
Actions to be taken
Explore paths, geometric shapes, and space and make generalizations about geometric
relationships within the environment.
General Objective(s):
Identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of triangles and quadrilaterals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Identify triangles
Specific Objectives:
Identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of quadrilaterals
Teaching/Learning Resources: images of quadrilaterals, cut-outs of quadrilaterals,
Key Vocabulary: angles, sides, symmetry, properties, quadrilaterals
Learning Outcome(s):
Students will be able to:
Identify and use angle, side and symmetry properties of quadrilaterals.
Content Outline:
Students will be placed in six groups. Each group will be given a sheet of cartridge paper with
an assign quadrilateral and they will be asked to create a graffiti wall. They will be asked to
write as much as they know about the assigned quadrilateral.
Students at grade 7 were given a worksheet to complete with the properties of each
quadrilateral. Below is Allysa’s completed worksheet.
In pairs, review Allysa’s worksheet and use the cut-outs of each quadrilateral to tell if she is
correct. Make corrections if necessary.
N.B. Teacher will make cut-outs of each quadrilateral available for students in pairs.
Students will be asked to share their responses and the teacher will make clarifications where
Students will be asked to select a career path where knowing this information about
quadrilateral may be useful. They will be asked to write a paragraph explaining.
Students will be asked to create a chart with images of each quadrilateral and their properties.
Charts must be creative.
Actions to be taken
Explore paths, geometric shapes, and space and make generalizations about geometric
relationships within the environment.
General Objective(s):
⮚ Construct, using appropriate geometric instruments, a circle of a given radius.
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
(✓) 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
(✓) 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
(✓) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
(✓) 6. Attend to precision.
(7). Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
1. Use the compass to draw circles to create designs;
2. Draw and measure angles using the protractor;
3. Describe the physical world in terms of geometric concepts and talk about
mathematical findings.
Specific Objectives:
Construct, using appropriate geometric instruments, a circle given a radius.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Paper clips
Key Vocabulary:
construct, circle center , compass, ruler, radius
Learning Outcome(s):
Students will be able to:
● use a compass, and ruler to draw geometric circles based on given conditions.
Content Outline:
A compass is a tool for drawing circles. The point where the needle of the compass sits
represents the center of the circle, and its radius can be adjusted by widening or narrowing the
two arms of the compass.
What happen as the rope is lengthen?
What part of the circle does rope represents?
How far could the goat go in any direction?
What would need to happen for a complete circle to be formed?
Have students work in pairs. Provide each pair with 30-cm rulers, paper clips, string, pencils
and a compass.
In the morning Joe’s goat was tethered to a stake in a field and could walk or run in a circle. The
length of the goat's tethered rope was 5 metres. In the afternoon, Joe lengthened the goat’s
tethered rope by ___ metres.
Devise a way of constructing the largest circle that the goat could walk in the morning and in
the afternoon. The compass must be used to construct at least one of the circles. Label the
radius, centre, diameter and circumference of each circle.
Have each group post their design around the classroom at the end of the exploratory challenge
and have a gallery walk.
Draw a segment 𝑨𝑩 with a length of your choice. Use your compass to construct two circles:
i. A circle with center 𝑨and radius 𝑨𝑩.
ii. A circle with center 𝑩and radius 𝑩𝑨.
Describe the construction in a sentence.
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Key Vocabulary:
- Angle
- Ruler
- Line segment
- Perpendicular
- Parallel
- Bisector
Learning Outcome(s):
- Engage in problem-solving situations
- Construct sets of lines accurately with the aid of geometric instruments
The perpendicular bisector is a line which cuts a line segment into two equal parts at 90°.
To construct a perpendicular bisector,
1. Start with a line segment PQ.
2. Place the compasses on one end of the line
3. Set the compasses' width to a approximately
two thirds the line length. The actual width
does not matter.
4. Without changing the compasses' width, draw
an arc above and below the line.
2. Repeat the process for the other two activities, one group shares while the other
critiques. Through peer-wide teaching, the 2 other members of the group will guide
fellow students where they’ve made errors.
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Tyrese and Sheree were given an assignment to research the same three geometric constructions.
They know what to do and how to use the tools, but they just keep getting the steps confused!
The following are the steps on how to construct a parallel line using ruler and compasses only.
Can you put them in the correct order for Tyrese and Sheree?
P.S. Add a description under each to help them remember
Tyrese and Sheree were given an assignment to research the same three geometric constructions.
They know what to do and how to use the tools, but they just keep getting the steps confused!
The following are the steps on how to Construct a Perpendicular Line using ruler and compasses
only. Can you put them in the correct order for Tyrese and Sheree?
P.S. Add a description under each to help them remember
Tyrese and Sheree were given an assignment to research the same three geometric constructions.
They know what to do and how to use the tools, but they just keep getting the steps confused!
The following are the steps on how to construct a perpendicular bisector using ruler and
compasses only. Can you put them in the correct order for Tyrese and Sheree?
P.S. Add a description under each to help them remember
Tyrese and Sheree made some geometric constructions of their own, as shown below,
Constructing Parallel Lines
Using your ruler and compasses only, can you confirm if their geometric constructions are
Question 1 – Construct a parallel line at the given point for the following lines:
1. 2.
Question 2 – Construct a perpendicular line at the point given for the following lines:
3. 4.
5. 6.
Specific Objectives: Identify and use Commutative Property for Addition and Multiplication
Engage: Students will participate in a game called “Guess & Solve”
Students in their groups will choose a partner and work in pairs to complete a series of
problem based scenario where one person in each pair will identify the operation needed to
solve the problem and the other will solve. The first group to correctly solve the most
questions in the shortest time frame wins.
Explore / Explain:
Task 1: In their groups students will be given a list of items along with their costs. They will
be instructed to find the total cost for items on list. (List for each group should be ordered
Task 2: In your groups pretend to be in a bakery, where there are ten trays of chocolate chip
cookies, each tray has 36 cookies.
a) Calculate the approximate number of cookies in total using multiplication. (Represent
your answer with a picture)
b) Based on the activity done in task 1 create a multiplication sentence that supports the
rule you created.
Guiding Question:
Based on both problems what can you deduct about the order of
Students in small groups will be given an information sheet on arithmetic properties
and asked to identify the property that is associated with the activities they just did.
(This will stimulate a discussion on the commutative property of addition and
1. Students will create a scenario that would be a representative of the numbers (Task 2)
when they are switched.
2. Students in their groups will view the problems presented and identify those problems
that the commutative law would be applicable to.
1) 3 × 12
2) 4 + 20
3) 36 ÷ 6
4) 36 – 6
2. There are 2 dozen mangoes in each bag and there are 6 bags. How many mangoes are there?
a) Write the mathematics sentence and solve.
b) Rewrite the mathematical problem that shows the commutative property of the
question above.
c) Write the mathematics sentence and solve.
Task 2
Students in small groups will create a jingle that explains the Commutative Property of
addition and multiplication. (Jingle must include the following terms; unchanged,
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
1. Associative Property
2. Commutative Property
3. Equivalent Expressions
4. Area of rectangles
Specific Objectives: Students will be able to
Identify and use the distributive property
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Square tiles/graph paper
Key Vocabulary:
Distributive, Expression, Equivalent, Product, Sum, Difference
Learning Outcome(s): Students will be able to:
Model arithmetic properties accurately
Engage in problem-solving situations
Content Outline: The distributive property is one of the most frequently used properties in
math. In general, this term refers to the distributive property of multiplication which states
that, multiplying the sum of two or more addends by a number will give the same result as
multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding the products
together. The general form is 𝒂(𝒃 + 𝒄) = 𝒂𝒃 + 𝒂𝒄).
(5+7+3)x4 (5+7+3)x4
= 15 x 4 =5x4+7x4+3x4
= 60 = 60
The distributive property helps in making difficult problems simpler. You can use the
distributive property of multiplication to rewrite expressions. In mathematics an expression is
made up of variables and constants along with algebraic operations (addition, subtraction, etc.)
Expressions are made up of terms.
Some of its examples include
3x+4y -7
4x – 10
This is done by distributing or breaking down a factor as a sum or difference of two numbers.
Here, for instance, calculating 8 × 27 can made easier by breaking down 27 as 20 + 7 or 30 −
The distributive property of The distributive property of multiplication
multiplication over addition: over subtraction:
8 × ( 20 + 7 ) 8 × ( 30 − 3 )
= 8 × 20 + 8 × 7 = 8 × 30 − 8 × 3
= 160 + 56 = 240 − 24
= 216 = 216
Cedric wants to cover two areas of his wall with square tiles so he can put up pictures of his
friends and family. The first area with length 5m and width 6m and the second area with
length 5m and width 3m.
NB. Let 1 tile = 1m x 1m
Students in small groups will be provided with square tiles/graph paper to
Students in small groups
Part 1
1. Will be given new dimensions such as length 2m and width 4m along with length 2m
and width 6m to model the same situation. Students will model and write two
equivalent expressions to represent the problem.
2. Will explore what the model would look like if they combined the drawings to make
one big rectangle and write an expression that could be used to find the area (see
example below. Note this is not a model of the problem)
Explain: Students will answer the following questions during whole class discussion
a. How are the expressions the same/different?
b. What do you notice about the expressions?
Part 2.
Students will then be presented with the following situation;
Let's say I have two pieces of candy to give to each girl in the class and 2 pieces of
candy to give to each boy in the class. I distribute two to Sarah, two to Maria (you can
hand out manipulates or actual candy, continue until everyone has gotten "candy").
Explain: students will answer the following questions during whole class discussion
a. How many pieces did I hand out to girls and how do you know?
b. How many pieces to boys and how do you know?
c. How many pieces did I hand out altogether?
d. Have students write out the appropriate expressions using the distributive property
if e.g. you have 12 girls and 7 boys: 2 × 12 + 2 × 7 = 2(12 + 7).
e. What if I gave out three (3) pieces instead? Write the appropriate expressions for
distributing 3 pieces.
f. Have students make a generalization about how the rule looks expressed as
variables (e.g.𝒂(𝒃 + 𝒄) = 𝒂𝒃 + 𝒂𝒄).
1. Explore whether or not the distributive property can be applied to
a. Subtraction 8(4 − 3)
b. Multiplication 4(3 × 7)
c. Division 4(6 ÷ 3).
If so, write the distributive property for that operation
3. Riley wants to paint two walls in his room a bright shade of blue. In order to figure out
how much paint to purchase, he needs to find the combined area of both walls. One
wall is 7m long and the other wall is 10m long. Both walls are 9 feet high.
Write two equivalent expressions that could be used to find the combined area of both walls.
Evaluate both expressions to prove the expressions are equivalent.
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Teaching/Learning Resources:
1. Interlocking cubes
2. Work cards
Key Vocabulary:
Associative property, Number operation, Addition, Multiplication, Parentheses/ brackets,
grouping, sum, factor, equivalent expression, equation
Twist on Q-Focus: In groups students will complete the following in 1 5 seconds.
Instruction: On the sheet of paper provided write as much as you can about the concept at the
Addition Multiplication
Activity 1: In groups read the scenario on the cards 1 and 2
#1 #2
You are selling cupcakes at a bake sale to What if? Dave hates chocolate and buys
earn money for a new bicycle. Two of your only 1 vanilla cupcake. Carla buys the 2
neighbours come just as you open. You're chocolate and 4 cherry cupcakes.
off to a good start! Dave from next door
buys 1 chocolate cupcake and 2 vanilla
cupcakes. Carla from down the street buys 4
cherry cupcakes.
Teacher Says: The concept you have been uncovering is the Associative Property: This
means that you can add or multiply regardless of how the numbers are grouped. By 'grouped'
we mean 'how you use parenthesis'. In other words, if you are adding or multiplying it does not
matter where you put the parenthesis. Now let us continue to explore.
Task 2
Read the scenario and complete the following activity
How can you group the factors in two ways, but still, end up with the same
answer?( associative property) (Use diagrams or pictures and numbers to
Students will have a class discussion as they share their thinking. The following will be a
What are the similarities and differences between the two tasks?
How did you maintain the groupings within each equation?
Explain the use of the parentheses in each pair of equation.
In your own words explain the Associative Property of Addition and Multiplication.
1. Farmer Joe has a garden with two sections of vegetables. Each section of
vegetables has 5 rows with 10 plants in each row. How many plants does
farmer Joe have planted in his garden?
Expression Answer Model
2. Hazel collected beads for her necklace. She collected 7 red beads, 8 blue
beads and 5white beads. How many beads did she collect in all?
Expression Answer Model
Copy and correctly complete the following:
(3 ×5) × 7 = 3 × (5 × _____)
____ × (____ × 8) = (____× 7) × 8
9+ (3 + 5) = (____ + 3) + 5
(___ +____)+ 8 = 2+ (____+ 8)
Actions to be taken
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts, calculators and
software to compute and estimate in order to solve real world problems involving
fractions, percentages and decimals.
General Objective(s):
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Carry out the 4 basic operations on integers and fractions
Identify and use the following properties of arithmetic
a) Commutative
b) Associative
c) Distributive
Specific Objectives:
Students should be able to:
1. Identify, model and use the additive identity with 90% accuracy.
2. Identify, model and use the multiplicative identity with 90% accuracy.
3. Identify, model and use the additive inverse with 90% accuracy.
4. Identify, model and use the multiplicative inverse with 90% accuracy.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Number line, pictures
- 𝑎 × 𝑎=1
Inverse Property of Addition
- Example: 𝑎 + (−𝑎) = 0
- −5 + 5 = 0
The following pictures will be posted. Students are required to match pictures. Upon matching
the pictures students are to use a word that begins with I to describe the reason for matching.
Students will give reasons as to why the pictures are considered IDENTICAL. A Concept Map
can be used to represent ideas to be discussed.
Based on the responses recorded in ‘a’ and ‘b’,
- Are any of the responses identical to the number you selected?
- Think of the number you selected and zero as a set, can the associative or
commutative property be applied? Give examples and make justifications where
- What generalizations can be made?
A whole class discussion will be conducted where the additive identity and the
multiplicative identity will be defined and discussed.
Mark left home for a walk. He took a left then a right then another left and ended up at the
Post office. Using a model, what direction should mark take to get home?
- What one word can be used to describe Mark’s journey to his home? Discuss.
- Mark later made five steps from the verandah to the living room, how many step
should he take to get back where he started? Use a model to justify your response.
Use a number to support your answer.
Let’s think, how can i get back to the original number, if i add 5 to a number? Use
models to justify your response.
A man entered a 5K walk run marathon and only completed one fifth of the journey.
How many kilometres did he cover? Justify your responses.
Discussions and justifications should include models diagrams and generalizations.
5+ = 5
+ = 20
X = 20 if the first box is 20, then the second box MUST be ____
Explain ____________
2. Students are required to compose a song/ poem or story highlight at least 2 main
concept learnt.
- Write 2 examples that illustrates each of the following
a) Additive inverse
b) Multiplicative inverse
c) Additive identity
d) Multiplicative identity
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Understand the concept of fractions
Understand the concept of ratio
Specific Objectives: Students should be able:
Write a fraction as a ratio and vice versa
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Blank pages, worksheets
Key Vocabulary:
fraction, ratio, colon, numerator, denominator,
Learning Outcome(s):
Convert ratio to fraction
Convert fraction to ratio
Content Outline:
A ratio compares two numbers or two quantities that are measured with the same unit.
Ratios are usually written as two numbers separated by a colon: 2: 5
A fraction is a part of a whole where the denominator represents the total number of equal parts
the whole is divided into and the numerator represents the number of equal parts out of the total
Ex- 5 here it means two parts of the five equal parts of the whole.
Much like ratios, fractions are a comparison of two quantities containing differences in
characteristics or properties. For example, comparing apples and oranges, boys and girls, or
students and teachers can all be turned into a ratio or fraction, in which there is a numerator and a
denominator. Although most times, ratios are seen with a colon symbol, they are conceptually
similar to fractions and can be simplified like fractions as well.
To understand the relationship between fractions and ratios, consider a pizza cut into six slices.
If only one slice has pepperoni, then you could say the pizza is 1/6 pepperoni. The ratio
between pepperoni and non-pepperoni slices is 1:6.
To convert a fraction to a ratio, first write down the numerator, or top number. Second, write a
colon. Thirdly, write down the denominator, or bottom number. For example, the fraction 1/6
can be written as the ratio 1:6.
Students in their groups will complete the following.
There are 15 students in your classroom 8 are boys and the rest are girls. Express this
information in as much ways as you can.
There are 15 students in your classroom 8
are boys and the rest are girls.
Students will have whole group discussion to present the various representations they came up
Students will separate the shaded region from the unshaded region. And discuss the
relationship of one part to the whole. Students will confirm that;
There are 8 boys in the class of 15
There are 7 girls in the class of 15
There are 8 shaded regions in the set of 15
There are 7 shaded regions in the set of 15
Students will discuss the meaning of the phrase 8 to 15 or 7 to 15 and the
8 7
relationship to 15 and 15
Students will complete the following individually
The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls is 3:5
Use the bar model to show this information
Express the number of boys to number of girls as a fraction
Express the number of boys as a fraction of the number of students in the class
Express the number of boys as a ratio of the number of students in the class
1. A tiled floor has black and white tiles in the ratio of 2:3 what fraction of the tiles is
2. A necklace has red and yellow beads in the ratio of 1:5. There were 20 yellow beads on
the necklace. What fraction of the necklace is red?
Actions to be taken
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Compare quantities, solve problems, apply concepts, analyse
Specific Objectives:
Students should be able to:
Compare two quantities using ratio in problem- solving situation with 90% accuracy.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Pictures, paint (blue, yellow), small container
Key Vocabulary: quantity, ratio, comparison, simplest form,
Learning Outcome(s):
Engage in problem-solving situations
Compare two quantities using ratio
Content Outline:
A ratio is a comparison of two or more numbers that indicates their sizes in relation to each
other. A ratio compares two quantities by division, with the dividend or number being divided
termed the antecedent and the divisor or number that is dividing termed the consequent.
A ratio says how much of one thing is compared to another thing. A ratio compares values.
A ratio is a comparison of two numbers. A ratio can be shown in different ways:
Use the “:” to separate the values: 3 :1
Or use the word “to”3 to 1
Or write it like a fraction
Part-to whole
The ratio of bananas to both fruits is 2:5 or 2/5
The ratio of apples to both fruits is 3 : 5 or 3/5
When calculating ratio, there are a number of methods that can be used, as shown below:
4. Tape diagrams
The question will now be extended; in small groups the students will be asked to use at
least two different ways of solving the problem. Each group will share and explain
their methods.
Activity 2
What does the ratio tell you about the things you are comparing?
1. Anna’s recipe for lemonade calls for 2 cups of lemonade concentrate and 3
cups of water. Bailey’s recipe calls for 3 cups of lemonade concentrate and 5
cups of water. Whose recipe makes stronger lemonade? How do you know?
2. A recipe calls for butter and sugar in the ratio 2:3. If you're using 6 cups of
butter, how many cups of sugar should you use?
3. On a trip, Laura took 72 good pictures. She had 2 good pictures for every 3 bad
pictures. How many pictures did she take in all?
Actions to be taken
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:
Write a fraction as a ratio and vice versa
Compare two quantities using ratios
Specific Objectives: Divide a quantity into a given ratio
Teaching/Learning Resources: tangram pieces (cut outs)
Content Outline: A ratio is a comparison of two or more numbers that indicates their sizes in
relation to each other. A ratio compares two quantities by division, with the dividend or
number being divided termed the antecedent and the divisor or number that is dividing termed
the consequent.
Dividing a quantity in a given ratio: To divide a quantity in the given ratio, we need to
follow the steps given below.
(i) Write the given quantity
(ii) Write the ratio that we have to split.
(iii) By adding the ratio, we can find the total number of parts that we have to split.
(iv) Divide the given quantity by the total number of parts
(v) Multiply each the number in the ratio by the unit rate to get the answer.
Guiding Questions:
What relations are there between the following?
a) Yellow Hexagon and Red trapezium _______
b) Yellow hexagon and Green triangle _______
c) Can you write a ratio to express the relationships mentioned above?
Note to teacher: If the students are struggling with the task ask if the smaller blocks can be
used to make lager ones.
Explore / Explain: Students will be given the following problem to solve in pairs
Part 1
Mother decided to bake some cookies. She downloaded the following recipe from the internet.
Help her to figure out the correct portion for each ingredient.
Based on responses given students will explain using a step by step procedure on how to
divide a particular quantity in a given ratio.
Guiding questions:
1. What information do you have?
2. What is the ratio?
3. How will you determine how much money Mr Bob Brown
works from Monday to Friday?
Actions to be taken
3 liters 10 liters
48 square meters 160 square meters
It can be written in two ways: as two equal fractions a/b = c/d; or using a colon, a: b = c: d.
You can use proportion to identify quantities.
Example: If 2 gallons of gasoline costs $5.40, how much would 5 gallons cost?
There are actually several ways to figure out the answer to a proportion — all
involve proportional thinking.
1. If two gallons costs $5.40, you first need to figure out how much 1 gallon costs, and
then multiply that by five to get the cost of 5 gallons.
2. You write a proportion like above but instead of cross-multiplying; you simply
multiply both sides of the equation by 5.
3. You write a proportion this way: (and it still works, because you can write the two
ratios for the proportion in several different ways)
5.40 2 gallons
x 5 gallons
Engage: Students in small groups will be given the following strips of table to complete and
share their observations and strategies used.
Miles 45
Hours 1 2 3 4 12
1. If Sam is paid $45 for 5 hours of work, how much will he be paid for the given hour(s)
of work?
2. How many hours would he need to work in order to earn given amount of dollars?
Explain: Students will answer the following questions during whole class discussion
1. What is the difference between ratio and proportion?
2. Is there only one way to identify a quantity in a proportion? (Allow students to share
their strategies and add where necessary).
How tall is the tree?
Sam tried using a ladder, tape measure, ropes and various other things, but still couldn't work
out how tall the tree was. But then Sam has a clever idea ... similar triangles!
Sam measures a stick and its shadow (in meters), and also the shadow of the tree, and this is
what he gets:
1. If a car travels a certain distance in 3 hours, what distance could it travel in 7 hours?
2. The sale price of a phone was $150, which was only 80% of normal price. What was
the normal price?
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Skills to be developed:
Data collection
Recording information
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Construct and interpret simple frequency tables from a set of data;
Calculate the range of a data set (from raw data or from a frequency table).
Teaching/Learning Resources:
strips of paper, tape
The frequency of a particular data value is the number of times the data value occurs. For example,
if four students have a score of 80 in mathematics, the score of 80 is said to have a frequency of
4. The frequency of a data value is often represented by f.
A frequency table is constructed by arranging collected data values in ascending order of magnitude
with their corresponding frequencies.
Example: The marks awarded for an assignment set for a Year 7 class of 20 students were as follows:
6 7 5 7 7 8 7 6 9 7
4 10 6 8 8 9 5 6 4 8
Frequency tables allow us to look at the entire data values in a more ordered and easy manner.
In the table above, for the column labelled “Ice- Cream Flavour”, list all the flavours that the
students preferred once.
Identify the number of students in the class that liked a particular flavour, for example: Chocolate. In
the table in the column labelled “Number of Students”, indicate the number of students that like the
specific flavour in ascending order.
For the labelled column “Tally”, indicate using stokes (│) for each student that like the specific
flavour; therefore, if 3 students like chocolate then it will be represented as (│││).
Use the completed table to answer the following guided questions:
- If the teacher confirmed the students’ arrival date at Devon House, which flavour ice-cream(s)
would you highly recommend for Devon House to have on the given date?
- Which flavour ice-cream(s) would you least recommend for Devon House to have on the given
- Explain what does the first row of your table represents based on the data collected and
- The table above is an example of a frequency table. Why do you think it is considered a
frequency table? Which column in the table could be renamed as the frequency?
3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1, 1, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2,
2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 1,
1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3
Complete the frequency table below:
# of Siblings Tally Marks Frequency
Using the table above:
- State the greatest number of siblings.
- State the lowest number of siblings.
- Determine the range number of siblings.
Actions to be taken
Collect, organize, interpret and represent data and make inferences by applying
knowledge of statistics and probability.
General Objective(s):
To develop an appreciation for the use of statistical averages (mean, mode and median)
in real life situations.
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
(*) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Constructing frequency tables from raw data
Specific Objectives:
Collect and organize raw data from survey to find mode, median and mean of data set.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Survey recording sheet, worksheet
Key Vocabulary:
Survey, raw data, mode, median, mean, order, middle, most, frequency, total, divide
Content Outline:
A measure of central tendency is a single value that attempts to describe a set of data by
identifying the central position within that set of data. As such, measures of central tendency
are sometimes called measures of central location. They are also classed as summary statistics.
The mean, median and mode are all valid measures of central tendency, but under different
conditions, some measures of central tendency become more appropriate to use than others.
Mean, median, and mode are the three most common “averages” in statistics that represent an
entire set of data or information.
The mode is the value that appears most often in a set of data.
To find the median, place the data in value order/alphabetical order and find the middle
number/value. When there is no value in the middle in a set of data we average the two values
closest to the middle .i.e. add them and divide by 2
The mean or average is the sum of a collection of numbers divided by the total number of
values in the collection. The collection is often a set of results of an experiment, or a set of
results from a survey.
The entire class participates in a data collection activity about rating a reggae song. The
students will be given a data collection sheet to rate each song using number of stars
The organizers of the “Reggae song of the year competition” have asked for this class to
participate in the voting activity by rating each song. Here are the five (5) nominees that were
pre-selected (See worksheet 1)
Each song on the Bill board chart is given a rating using stars.
Rate each song by placing a tick beside the number of stars, with five stars being the
highest ratings and one being the lowest rating based on lyrical content that is appealing to
Each group will be assigned one of the songs that were rated in the engagement activity. They
will be given the data collection sheets (those completed by the entire class) for the assigned
song. They will also be given a frequency table template. Groups will compile data and record
information in the frequency table
Group task
You have been given the data from the other students about the ratings they gave that
song. Organise this information in the table below.
Frequency Number of
(number of students) stars
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Lead Questions:
a) How many persons gave the song a rating in all?
b) Tell how you know
Examine the frequency table that you have created about the given song.
1. (a)Which star rating did most of the students select for this song? __________
This is the mode.
(b) Explain how you know from your table? _________________________________
2. Make a list of all the number of stars given by each student for this song in the
frequency table, starting with the highest number of stars to the lowest.
3. Can you verify the mode from this listing? Justify
4. Can you think of any situation where the mode would be needed to report a set of data?
Discuss with your group then share with the whole class.
For example: How could the mode be used in each of these scenarios:
Menu choice at a local restaurant…………………………
Purchases by an appliance store manager…………………
(b) Could you show how you could determine the total number of stars awarded by the
students from part 2?
7. (a) Divide the value for the total number of stars by the total frequency (number of
students who did the survey):
This value obtained is called the Mean number of stars rating given for the song.
(b) In your own words, how could you describe the process of obtaining the mean?
(Note that mean, mode and median are called statistical averages and sometimes the mean can
be referred to as the average for the data.)
(c) Do you think this mean or average rating for the song best represents the
collective data from the survey? Explain
Explain: Students will share what they understand from the tasks completed in “explore”.
Whole class discussion:
Which statistical average is most suitable to use to report a set of data?
Are there situations where either median or mode would be suitable to use in representing data
rather than the mean? Justify
Actions to be taken
The organizers of the “Reggae song of the year competition” have asked for this class to
participate in the voting activity by rating each song.
Here are the five (5) nominees that were pre-selected (See worksheet 1)
Each song on the Bill board chart is given a rating using stars.
1, Rate each song by placing a tick beside the number of stars, with five stars being the
highest ratings and one being the lowest rating based on lyrical content that is appealing to you.
Group task
You have been given the data from the other students about the ratings they gave that
song. Organize this information in table.
Collect, organize, interpret and represent data and make inferences by applying
knowledge of statistics and probability.
General Objective(s):
To develop an appreciation for the use of statistical averages (mean, mode and median)
in real life situations.
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Finding mode, median and mean of data set.
Specific Objectives: at the end of instruction, students should be able to
Solve problems involving mode, median and mean of given data set in real life
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Key Vocabulary:
Mean, mode, median, data set, discrete
Content Outline:
Raw data, also known as primary data, is data (e.g., numbers, instrument readings, figures,
etc.) collected from a source. Example: {3, 5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12}
A measure of central tendency is a single value that attempts to describe a set of data by
identifying the central position within that set of data. As such, measures of central tendency
are sometimes called measures of central location. They are also classed as summary statistics.
The mean, median and mode are all valid measures of central tendency, but under different
conditions, some measures of central tendency become more appropriate to use than others.
Mean is the average of the numbers calculated by adding the numbers together and then
dividing by the amount of numbers that were added.
3+5+5+6+8+10+12 49
= Mean is 7
7 7
Mode is the number that occurs most often. There can be more that 1 mode as well as no
The mode of {3, 5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12} is 5
A review of the previous lesson concept will be done by doing a puzzle in small groups.
Students will be asked to share solutions with class.
Place a number in each rectangle that could replace the missing number to make each “leg”
Lead question: Were there more than one possibility for each response. Justify
1. Here are the numbers of oranges in the nine bags: 12, 10, 10, 10, 13, 12, 11, 13 and 10.
2. How could you determine the number that could be used on the
3. Work out the median, mean and mode and see which she should use to put in the
Mode = ______________________
Median = ____________________
Mean = ____________________
Jenny should use the _____________ to advertise the number of oranges in the bags. Justify
Which statistical average is most suitable to represent the data?
During the Covid -19 quarantine periods, consumers who needed to purchase garlic were faced
with the following prices per head at different locations in a town: $30, $80, $20, $50 and $60.
The Consumer Affairs Commission would like to give a report to the Prime Minister on the
price gouging (spike in prices).
By finding the mean, mode and median, decide which measure of central tendency best
describes the data. Justify
1. The goals scored by a Da- Costa football team in their last season is: 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3 and
5. Determine the mean, mode and median goal scored.
2. You are an auto mechanic and needs to ensure that this customer’s tyres have the
correct pressure. He needs a mean pressure of at least 31 pounds per square inch
(PSI) for the four tyres. He has measured the first three tyres and got the following PSI
29 psi
32 psi
31 psi
What is the smallest possible pressure he can measure in the fourth tyre in order to pass the
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Employ algebraic reasoning through the use of expressions, equations and formulae to
interpret, model and solve problems involving unknown quantities.
General Objective(s):
Develop an awareness and appreciation for number properties as related to equality and
how they can be used to solve real world scenarios.
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Check that students can:
Perform the four operations on integers;
Compute using fractions.
Specific Objectives:
Students should be able to :
Investigate and formulate rules about equality from knowledge of arithmetic properties using
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Worksheet, calculator
Key Vocabulary:
Commutative, Associative, distributive, equal, balance, zero, group
Learning Outcome(s):
Participate in group discussions and activities cooperatively;
Accurately model expressions and equations;
Write equations and expressions using appropriate symbols;
Content Outline:
Properties are rules that allow you to balance, manipulate, and solve equations
The Commutative Property: Changing the order of addition or multiplication does
not matter with integers. “Commutative” comes from the word “commute” or the
phrase “move around”.
a x (b x c) = (a x b) x c
Example: 8 x (3 x 6) = (8 x 3) x 6
The Distributive Property: The product of a number and a sum is equal to the sum of
the individual products of terms.
a x (b + c) = a x b + a x c
Example: 5 x (x + 6) = 5 · x + 5 x 6
Engage: students working in pairs will be given Activity sheet – Part A about balance and
equality. Discuss and share as whole group.
Part A
i. The scale below is balanced. Write a word, phrase or statement that you could use to
replace the word balance.
ii. Read the statements below and complete them by selecting an algebra tile to represent
+ =
What could cause this equation to be unbalanced?
$650 $150
You were asked to purchase lunch for yourself and four other friends. You all decided on a
burger and Coca-Cola. Show how you could apply the distributive property to determine the
total cost of all meals.
Design a poster to summarize the concepts of the lesson
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Part A
1. The scale below is balanced. Write a word, phrase or statement that you could use to
replace the word balance.
2. Read the statements below and complete them by selecting an algebra tile to represent it.
4. What if when all the money is counted in the saving pan there is a total of $11. Write an
algebraic statement to represent this.
+ =
Algebraic statement Always Sometimes Never Can you give What Create an
true true true a counter conclusions can example
example? you make? that
8+3= 3+8
8×3= 3×8
Extend to prove:
i. 10 + 3 +
5= 2+
Commutative property
10 + 5
ii. 10 × 3 ×
5= 3×5×
× (3
+ 5)
What do you
observe? _____
Extension: What
would this
expression be equal
2 × (𝑥 + 6)
i. Using you
investigate what
happens when zero
is added to a
number, example:
Is this always true for
Zero Property
Content Outline:
A constant is a fixed value, a number on its own, whose value does not change. A constant
may either be positive or negative.
A variable is any letter or symbol that represents a changeable or unknown an
algebraic expression. For example, in the expression 2x+y, x and y are variables.
Students working in groups of 3-5 are given activity sheet about completing an order at
a restaurant as shown below for a group of friends:
In your group, record the order on the form below to give the chef
Here are the breakfast orders for the friends Table # _1_
Table # _1_
Customer: M. Smith
Items Cost
ordered $
𝑆 + $100
2. A variable is any letter or symbol that represents an unknown value or quantity. What
was the variable used by the waitress to represent the item on the bill? ____
4. Complete the bill for the customer by inserting the cost for the meal
Lead Questions:
Can you think of any situation in real life that could be represented using an equation?
Justify and give an example of each
How can we differentiate between a variable and a constant
3. Complete the statement below about terms by inserting the words from todays lesson :
Variables plus operations Coefficients constants minus
Explain: Students will discuss in their groups and share their responses to the following:
How could we differentiate between an algebraic expression and an equation?
What are the similarities and differences between an expression and an equation?
You have been given these three conditions for writing algebraic expressions
- Terms where the coefficient is 1, but the 1 is not visible.
- Terms that have fractions as coefficients.
- Expressions that do not have a constant.
a) Write two (2) expressions that satisfy at least 2 of the conditions listed above.
b) Write one (1) expression that satisfy all three conditions
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
You are the supervisor for a busy dining room in the city. Many persons have come for breakfast
in a hurry but you are short staffed.
Pancakes and scrambled eggs
Stew Chicken $450
Spanish Omelette $200
A $100 cup of Jamaican Coffee is
added to each order
A group of friends came in for breakfast and you have to take their orders quickly on your
notepad. Can you devise a quick way to record the orders to give the chef to tell him how much
of each item you need?
In pairs, students will actively participate in an activity where each will be given a form with
some expressions. For each form, the students will use a green marker to circle the
variables, a yellow to circle the coefficients and a red to circle the constant terms
respectively in each expression below.
Form 1
𝑥+7 3 − 10𝑡
−9𝑟 + 14𝑠 7𝑥𝑦
Form 2
−8 + 𝑝 17𝑟
−23 + 2𝑞 31𝑙 − 4𝑠𝑡
Form 3
𝑞 − 2𝑝 −11𝑔 + 8
5𝑟 − 7𝑝𝑞 −2
After completing the activity share and discuss with your partner.
Pairs will be randomly selected to share their responses with the class justifying their
2. Write the rules for like terms is the space provided below.
3. Write the rules for unlike terms is the space provided below.
Leading Questions
Reread the scenario presented, should your terms have variables? If yes, should they be
the same?
Look at each set of terms in each row, what are you observing? (Similarities and
Have you inspected all parts of the algebraic terms? If so what have you
noticed?(variable, coefficient, power)
Answer Key
Vocabulary Like Terms OR Unlike terms
100 100
What is a term? What is a Unlike term?
200 200
What are like terms? What is a Like term?
300 300
What is an expression? What is a Unlike term?
400 400
What is a variable? What is a Like term?
Like Terms Non-example
Definition Characteristics
Unlike Terms Non-example
Each circle below contains four terms, three like terms and one unlike term. Identify the unlike
term and justify your answer in the space provided. Use words such as variable coeffiecent,
power and constant.
Actions to be taken
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Algebra tiles, Algebra tile mat
Key Vocabulary:
Algebra, Constant, Variable, Equation, Terms, Coefficient, Expression, Operations, Simplify,
Like terms, Unlike terms
When you combine like terms, be sure to use the + or - that is in front of the coefficient
inclusive of the term. So in this case, we will add the 3, 5 and 9 that is in front of the x terms.
Then we will subtract 7 and 4 that is in front of the y terms to get the solution. 3x + 5x + 7y +
9x - 4y = 17x + 3y
Engage: In small groups (of two or three) complete the activity below and be prepared to
share your results with the class
Which terms are like terms?
Circle all terms that Draw a square Underline all terms Draw an X through
are like terms with around all terms that that are like terms all terms are like
3𝑎 are like terms with with 𝑎2 terms with 5
5. 4𝑏 2 6. 17 7. 100 8. 14𝑎𝑏
Use Algebra tiles and mat to model the following algebraic expression. Share with your
1. 6𝑥 2 + 𝑦 + 7 2. 5𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦 2 − 2𝑥
1𝑥𝑦 − 1𝑥𝑦 = 0
−1𝑥𝑦 + 1𝑥𝑦 = 0
−1𝑥𝑦 + 1𝑥𝑦 = 0
1𝑥𝑦 − 1𝑥𝑦 = 0
−1𝑥𝑦 + 1𝑥𝑦 = 0
7. Circle each set of like-terms in questions 2 – 6 in the row labelled rearranged expression.
Number one has been completed for you.
8. What did you notice in each expression after rearranging the expression?
9. Fill in the blanks using; minus, constant, like-term, operating symbols, add, algebraic
terms, coefficient; to complete the following statement;
I simplify algebraic expressions by rearrange ____________ with their ____________
(____________ or ___________), combining ____________ by operating on their
____________ or ____________.
Guided Questions
When you rearrange the expression, what is being grouped?
What happens to the operational symbol to the left of the term before and after
In the final expression how did some of the coefficients and constants change? Why?
3. 𝑥 2 − 4𝑥 + 5𝑥 4. 5𝑥 + 6𝑦 − 2𝑥 + 8𝑦
= 2𝑥 2 = 5𝑥 + 2𝑥 − 6𝑦 + 8𝑦
= 7𝑥 + 2𝑦
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Perform the four operations on integers;
Define and identify variables, terms, constant, coefficient, expression, equation, and
Compute using fractions.
Specific Objectives:
In small groups and individually, use symbols to represent quantities correctly when
creating equations, with at least 80% accuracy after engaging in a class discussion.
In small groups and individually, write equations to illustrate word problems using
appropriate symbols, with 100% accuracy after using guided discovery approach.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Situational cards, Algebra Tiles
Key Vocabulary: symbols, variables, equation, expression, operators, constants
Learning Outcome(s):
Students will be able to:
Participate in group discussions and activities cooperatively;
Write equations from word problems using appropriate symbols.
Content Outline:
Symbols are letters, figures or a combination of letters used to represent an object,
idea, number or information.
A letter that is used to represent a number is called a literal number (or algebraic
Expression comprise of a symbol or a combination of symbols.
An expression is a group of terms (the terms are separated by + or − signs)
The audio CD edition of the book Peter bought some candy and gave
‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama some of the candy to his best
costs $12 more than the hardcover friend, Kevin. Peter had a total of
edition on Amazon. The combined 27 candies.
cost for the audio CD and the
hardcover book was $52.
Using the cards provided and manipulate the Algebra tiles (if needed) to answer the following
guided questions:
- What information in the scenarios do you have that can help to rep resent the given
information symbolically?
- What possible strategies you might use to solve this problem?
- What are the known quantities given in each situation?
- Use the Algebra tiles (unit tiles) or a suitable representation to represent the know
- Can you identify the unknown number or amount in each of the situation?
- Which Algebra tile or symbol did you use to represent the unknown number or amount
identified in each of the situation? Explain how you know your answers are
- What does the Algebra tiles or symbol represents given the context of each of the
- What principle or relationship is there between the quantities and/or symbols?
- How can you use operators to show the relationship among the given quantities and the
- Use the Algebra tiles or a suitable representation, including the operators, to model
each of the situations?
- Based on the responses for each situation, did you create an equation or an expression
using the identified symbols? Justify your response.
- Write a mathematical statement that can be used to represent your model.
Does the mathematical statement (equation) match the given situation? Justify
your response.
Share your responses and justify your thinking.
If one-fourth of the audio CD edition of the book ‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama was sold
and 3 times as much for the hardcover edition on Amazon in a given week; adjust your model
to show the total number of books sold in that given week.
Share your responses and justify your thinking.
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Content Outline:
Backtracking is a simple way to solve equations using flowcharts. Flowcharts are useful
because they help you to do the calculations in an equation in the correct order.The key to
solving equations is the idea of undoing operations by doing the opposite operation.For
example, the opposite operation to addition is subtraction. This can be shown on a flowchart:
The flowchart shows that 3 + 5 = 8 and, by working backwards, that 8 - 5 = 3. To undo the
operation of “+”, we must do the opposite operation, “-” .
1. 4n + 5 = 45.
2. 2
Set It Up
Draw the board shown to the right, with square boxes about of length 30 cm. This can be
drawn on the floor with chalk, on cartridge papers then pasted together or printed. Jumping
can be done with one foot (for single digits) or two feet (for double digit numbers; with the left
foot representing the tens group and the right foot representing the ones, or vice versa, you
How to Play
The first player jumps from square to square to indicate an equation; for example, a player
might jump onto squares 4, +, 3 in order: “4 + 3 = “. The next player jumps to the answer,
then jumps a different equation. The player after her solves that, and so on.
Teacher will create equations before class.
Actions to be taken
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
- Perform the four operations on integers
- Compute using fractions
Specific Objectives: Students will be able to
- Solve simple linear equations using Balance Method
Teaching/Learning Resources: Cartridge paper, whiteboard, tape
Content Outline:
Solving an equation means finding the value or values for which the two expressions on each
side of the equals sign are equal. One of the most common methods used to solve equations is
the balance method.
Imagine an equation as a set of scales. The scales will stay in balance as long as the same
operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) is applied to both sides.
In the boxes below are numbers and operations. Use the numbers and operations in any
combination, to get each of the numbers below the box. Any number or operation in the box
may be used more than once.
2 3
+ x
i. 6
ii. 7
iii. 8
iv. 12
b) 5 4 20 − ÷
i. 1
ii. 4
iii. 5
3a + 8 26
1) Why do you think “8” Was subtracted from both sides of the balance?
3a + 8 – 8 26 – 8
a. How could you determine the value of the variable 𝑎 in the model?
b. What operation would you apply?
3a 18
3a __ 18 __
NOTE: Replace the balance scale with the equal (=) sign.
3a + 8 26
Instead of the representation using the scale above, we will write 3𝑥 + 8 = 26.
3) Solve the following for the unknown term using the balance method.
iii. 3𝑟 − 7 = 35
iv. 2𝑐 + 5 = 17
4) John bought 5 apples. The cost of all 5 apples plus a tax of $63.75 cost a total of
iii. Using the letter ‘a’ to represent cost of one apple, write an equation to represent
the information above.
iv. Using the balance method, solve the equation to determine the value of one
Actions to be taken
3a + 26
Prior Knowledge:
Formulate rules from their knowledge of arithmetic properties;
Define and identify variables, terms, constant, coefficient, expression,
equation, and operations
Skills to be developed: Simplifying expressions
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
• Simplify algebraic expressions by grouping like terms.
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Observation sheet, containers with water, oil and soda (or any two water based mixture)
Key Vocabulary/ Concepts: like terms, unlike terms, coefficient, variable,
Simplifying an expression is the first step to solving algebra problems. Through simplifying,
calculations are easier, and the problem can be more quickly solved. By simplifying expressions
you must first group all the like terms together. Like terms are two or more terms that
have exactly the same variables. (The coefficients do not have to be the same, just the
When you combine like terms, you MUST take the sign IN FRONT of the term with it or your
answer may be incorrect!
Students will be placed in small groups to conduct simple experiment. Each group will be
provided with four small transparent containers. The containers will have water, oil, grape soda,
orange soda (sodas can be any flavor or same flavor depending on the level student). Students
will state the contents of each container as they will be labeled. Students will be instructed to
pour the water and the oil in one container and shake or stir then they will do the same for the
two sodas. Students will observe the outcome of both mixtures and write their observation in
their books/observation sheet. A representative from each group will then share the findings
with the class.
What happened when the oil and water mixture was settled?
What happened when the soda mixture was settled?
Expected responses: The water and the oil mixture does not mix
Why do you think the oil and water did not mix? (they are different - unlike substances)
(optional: explain oil base vs. water base and allow students to give examples)
Why did the sodas mix? (Like substance irrespective of colour)
Emphasize that same base mix whilst different base separate. (science: based on level of
Give students the following scenario and allow them to do the activity that follows.
Mary went to the market on Monday and bought the following items.
banana , banana , apple , apple , banana
How can we use algebra to make Mary’s list simpler? Use an appropriate variable and
operation for each fruit.
Intended response
b + b + a + a + b = 3b + 2a
a + a + b + b + b = 2a + 3b
(teacher can instruct some groups to put apple first and others to place banana first as shown
above and discuss the commutative property and its place in simplifying algebra)
a + a + a + a - a = 4a – a = 3a
rearrange Simplify
2a - b + b + b + b + b = 2a + b + b + b + b – b = 2a + 4b – b = 4a + 3b
5a + a + a + 3 + b – b = 7a + 3
Like terms can be added or subtracted while unlike terms cannot be added or subtracted.
Students will do the following activity in their groups
Stimulate class discussion and students’ responses and add clarity where possible
Extend/ Elaborate:
Students will attempt the following worded question
Carter decides to buy cups of cola at $2 each and boxes of chocolate at $8 each for his friends.
1) Write an algebraic expression to find the total cost of the food if Carter buys x cups of
cola and y boxes of chocolate
Students will compete to expand and simplify the following question using their knowledge of
expanding brackets.
After the first attempt on question 1, teacher will work the problem by scaffolding with class
being actively involved if no group got the correct answer.
NB: Suitable questions can be given based on students’ pathway level
Action to be taken:
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts,
calculators and software to compute and estimate in order to solve real-world problems
involving fractions, percentages and decimals.
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
students should be able to
Define a set
Identify and list members of a set
Identify the intersection and union of a set.
Even, odd and prime numbers.
Specific Objectives:
Identify and give examples of well-defined sets.
Identify and use the language of sets (including disjoint, null, complement and subsets).
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Objects/ printed pictures,
Key Vocabulary:
Disjoint set
Null set/ empty set
Elements/ members
Content Outline:
A set is a collection of objects (called elements) which have a common property.
A well-defined set has distinct elements that are so clearly described that we can identify
whether an element belongs or does not belong to it.
Therefore, when the intersection of two disjoint sets is a null or empty set.
For example:
A = {a, e, i, o, u}
B = {b, c, d, f, g}
A ∩ B = {}
a, e. i, b, c,
o, u d, f, g
Engage: In groups students will be given the following objects/ printed pictures to group as
they see fit and label each group.
Guided Questions:
How did you decide to group the elements?
Do any of the sets overlap?
Could you rearrange to form any other sets with these elements?
Students will complete the following activity below.
Mark is studying types of numbers in class. He realized that there are many different types of
numbers. So, he decided that he will look at three different types of numbers. Even numbers,
odd numbers and prime numbers to observe the similarities and difference of these numbers.
He decided to list the first 10 even numbers and label it set N;
The first 10 odd numbers and label it set M;
and the first 10 prime numbers and label it set P;
Use the information given to:
1. List:
Set N =
Set M =
Set P =
2. Find N ∩ M =
3. Find N ∩ P =
4. Find M ∩ P =
5. Represent Marks findings on a Venn diagram.
6. Describe the Venn diagram drawn.
Actions to be taken
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts, calculators and software
to compute and estimate in order to solve real world problems involving fractions, percentages
and decimals.
General Objective:
Illustrate data using Venn Diagrams.
Key Vocabulary: Venn Diagram, Union, Intersection, Universal set, subset, elements/members
Learning Outcome(s):
Draw Venn diagrams correctly;
Engage in problem-solving situations;
Define key terms
Content Outline:
A Venn diagram is an illustration of the relationships between and among sets, groups of
objects that share something in common. Usually, Venn diagrams are used to
depict set intersections and union of sets.
A universal set is the set of all elements that are under consideration for a particular problem or
In the below example, we have circle A in green and circle B in purple. This diagram represents
the union of A and B which we notate as A ∪ B.
A mathematical set in which every element in the set is also contained in a larger set
X is a subset of Y if every element of X is contained in Y.
Example: Given X = {a, r, e} and Y = {r, e, a, d}, what is the relationship between these sets?
We say that X is a subset of Y, since every element of X is also in Y. This is denoted by:
A pair of intersecting hula hoops will be placed on the floor with a large rectangle to enclose
both. One hoop will represent Set A (MOTHER) and the other, Set B (FATHER). Students will
be asked to walk and place their cards in the correct place that they think it should be. Teacher
and students will discuss whether or not the cards were correctly
Guided Questions:
Do you know what these hoops represents?
What do you know about a Venn Diagram?
Why did you place your card in such area?
Did we accommodate those who do not live with their mother or father? How?
What do you notice about the position of persons’ cards who live with both parents? Why is this
Do you know what is meant by the intersection of sets?
Show the area that would represent the intersection
Explain what is meant by the union of sets.
Show the area that would represent the union of the sets
State any three facts about the Venn Diagram presented.
In the discussion, students will learn the key terms and the symbols to represent universal set,
union, intersection.
NB. Where hula-hoops are not available, teacher can draw large circles on the floor.
Task 2: Students will be asked to represent the following scenario on a Venn Diagram, then
answer the following questions.
150 college freshmen were interviewed, 85 were registered for a Math class, 70 were registered
for an English class and 50 were registered for both Math and English.
a) How many signed up only for a Math Class?
b) How many signed up only for an English Class?
c) How many signed up neither for Math nor English?
Students will show working on board and give explanation as to how they arrive at the answer.
Misconceptions will be addressed.
Task 3: There are 123 girls at the Mount Mars Primary School. Twenty-five of those girls are
in grade 7. Represent the information on a Venn Diagram using Set A to represent the total
number of girls, while Set B represents the number of students in Grade 7.
25 123-25=98
Guided Questions:
How many students are a part of Set A?
How many students are a part of Set A only?
Explain your drawing/answer.
Students will be introduced to subset and how to represent such on a Venn Diagram. They will
also learn the symbol used to represent subset
Pierced Ears
Gender Yes No TOTAL
Male 19 71 90
Female 84 4 88
TOTAL 103 75 178
Students will be asked to illustrate the information provided on the table above on a Venn
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Complete the ‘my plate template’ by writing the food and
beverage consumed for lunch / dinner yesterday and
breakfast today.
Task 1:
Students will review the following information.
The menu below show the meals of Sally and Kim.
Sally’s Breakfast
Kim’s Breakfast
Cornflakes in cold milk
Oatmeal porridge
Eggs (scrambled)
Egg (boiled)
Toasted bread
Half an orange
Half an orange
Hot milo
Hot chocolate
Sally Kim
Guided Questions:
Which items (elements) would you place in the area coloured red and why?
What would this area represent?
(Repeat questions for each colour.)
Task 2:
Each group will get a set of cards with concept and definition. Illustrated below.
Let Set A be Sally’s breakfast items and let Set B be Kim’s breakfast items
Use set the notations and concept cards above to correctly identify the elements of the
different sets from the Venn Diagram created in task 1.
A∪ B = { }
A∩ B = { }
𝐴′ = { }
𝐵′= { }
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts, calculators
and software to compute and estimate in order to solve real-world problems
involving fractions, percentages and decimals.
General Objective(s):
Compute the total price given quantity and unit price;
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
( ) 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Key Vocabulary:
Unit price
Total price
Better buy
Learning Outcome(s):
Convert various units correctly;
Problem-solve situations effectively;
Engage in group discussions and activities cooperatively;
Content Outline:
The unit price is the cost for one item or measurement.
Quantity is the amount, number or measure of an item.
The total price is the amount of money spent to purchase an item or service.
Marlon has $200, he wants to make lunch for he and his two friends. Select the item that
you think is the better buy for Marlon.
Students will explain to the class why they think the item selected is the better buy.
This will generate a class discussion.
In groups, students will be given the following task to complete.
Task One
Mark is selling oranges at the market. The cost of one orange is $45. Pam wants some oranges
to make juice. She is not sure how much they will cost, but she only has $500. The oranges are
sold in threes.
Unit price
Total Price
Unit price
Guided Questions
1. Use the white or cream rods to represent the unit as shown above.
2. How many white or cream rods were used to represent the total number of oranges
3. How can you find the total price for the 12 oranges?
4. How many oranges can she buy?
5. Explain your answer.
Students will complete the following task below.
Pam is selling pencils. She went to the Pencil Factory to purchase pencils. The sign below was
$30 each
$30 each OR
$29 each (when
bought in a pack
of 12)
Pam wants to purchase 5 dozen pencils. So, she looks at the prices of both sets of pencils.
1. Four children went to the cinema. They each pay $1500 for their tickets, what is the total cost
price for all four tickets.
2. Paul is planning on purchasing a cellular phone. The table below shows the rate at which the
telecommunication providers offer.
Digicel Flow
Actions to be taken
Key Vocabulary:
Unit price
Cost price
𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑥 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠
𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒 =
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠
For example: A case of 24 tissues cost $1200.00, what is the price for a tissue?
= $50.00.
In groups of 2, build a structure using the set of interlocking cubes provided
and create a chart showing how many of each block was used (colour,
Each group will assign a dollar value to the quantity (number) of cubes per colour. Use the
information to complete the table below.
Sample table:
Five friends are planning a movie night for next Saturday. The ticket price for three
different cinemas is shown in the table below. Decide which theatre is the BEST to
watch the movie.
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
The students will share with the class strategies used to arrive at the items chosen.
In groups, determine the quantity of each item purchased, using the information in the
table below, (the table can be reduced so that each group has two unique items).
In their explanation it is expected that students will outline:
What Mathematical technique (e.g. Transposition) did I use to solve for the unknown
Was it challenging in obtaining a solution?
How did you overcome that challenge
Items Unit Price Total Price
Ripe Banana $20 each $240
Pineapple $150 per kg $3000
Orange $600 per dozen $ 14400
Strawberry $180 per kg $900
Grape $250 per kg $750
1. Is there a relationship between the unknown quantity, unit price and purchase price?
2. Can I express this relationship as an equation?
3. Can I solve this equation for the unknown quantity?
4. Express your solution
a. In written form (narrative, equations, song, poem)
b. As an illustration (diagram/table)
Solve the following question:
1. A shop keeper went to market to purchase oranges. The shop keeper buys 5 dozen
oranges and brought it back to his shop, sold it and made a total $1625.00. If the shop
keeper made $125.00 on the total cost price what is the unit price?
2. The book fair had a sale where 6 books were $2046.00. If you wanted to buy 7 books,
how much money would you need?
The students will be asked to make a journal entry on strategies that can be used to calculate
quantity given the unit and total price.
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to;
Identify ‘best buys’ and bargains by comparison of unit costs;
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Teacher generated activity sheet.
Key Vocabulary:
Money, Unit Price/unit cost, Total cost
Learning Outcome(s):Students will be able to;
Problem-solve situations effectively;
Engage in group discussions and activities cooperatively
Content Outline:
The "Unit Price" (or "unit cost") tells you the cost per liter, per kilogram, per pound, etc, of
what you want to buy. Comparing Unit Prices can be a good way of finding which the “best
buy” is. The best buy is the item that has the lowest unit cost for the particular content you
want to purchase. Many times items are packaged in different size containers. Sometimes
shoppers save money by selecting a larger container of the same item. For example, a gallon of
milk often costs less by amount than a quart of milk. To find out which size container is the best
buy, you will need to know the unit price of the contents and compare
We divide the price of certain number of units of an item by the number of units to find
the unit price of that item. For example, to find the unit price of 12 ounces of soup
that costs $2.40, divide $2.40 by 12 ounces, to get unit price of soup as $0.20 per ounce.
Bubbla $67.83
Core $126.87
Regular $216.88
7. Which is a better indication of best buy size, regular price or unit price?
8. Identify the best buy between the large Trix or regular Trix show calculations
(Individual work, Share with partner when completed)
Net Weight of Cereal Price for the box cereal
Large Trix $571.30
When entering the super market there is a value bin with an advertised deal of 6 Serge Milk
(250 ml) and 15 Granola cereal (30g) at a price of$1,240. However, the milk and cereal on the
shelves are priced Serge (1 litre) at a price of $380 and Granola Cereal (303g) at a price of
$450. What is the better buy?
1. Three different brands of washing powder are on sale. Their prices are shown below. Work
out which brand provides the best value for money. Give reason
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Use the basic operations, number relationships, patterns, number facts, calculators and
software to compute and estimate in order to solve real world problems involving
fractions, percentages and decimals.
General Objective:
Calculate profit and loss in monetary and percentage terms;
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
() 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
() 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Students should already be able to:
- Carry out the four basic operations on numbers
- Calculate a percentage of a number
Specific Objectives:
Students should be able to:
- Define the terms profit and loss in their own words
- Calculate profit in monetary value with 100% accuracy
- Calculate percentage profit with 85 % degree accuracy
- Calculate loss in monetary value with 100% degree accuracy
- Calculate percentage loss with 85 % degree accuracy
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Key Vocabulary:
Profit, loss, percentage profit, percentage loss, cost price, selling price
Learning Outcome(s):
1. Calculate profit or loss in monetary value
2. Calculate percentage profit and/or percentage loss
Content Outline:
Profit and Loss Percentage - are used to refer to the amount of profit or loss that has been
incurred in terms of percentage which can be either profit percentage or loss percentage.
Cost price: This is the price at which we have purchased an item. This is abbreviated as C.P.
Selling price: This is the price at which we sell an item; in short, it is written as S.P.
Loss: When the Cost Price of an item is more than the Selling Price of the same item,
then this is the condition of loss for the seller.
S.P. < C.P.
Net Loss: The difference between the amount of Cost Price and the Selling Price is a
net loss.
Net Loss = C.P. – S.P.
Jennifer was presented with two business options to choose one. Help her choose giving reasons
to support your choice.
2. A shopkeeper buys a stove from a manufacturer. The shopkeeper sell the stove for
$ 90 000.00 at a profit of 20 %.
a) How much did the shopkeeper pay the manufacturer for the stove?
3. In small groups, create your own question.
Actions to be taken
Students will be placed in four groups and given a 50 dollar not, each of a different currency.
Each group will write down what they think each note can buy. They will then be asked which
note they think has the highest value in Jamaica.
Students will be given the following currency conversion table without a title.
Task 1: Karla wants $10,000.00 JMD to put towards her school fee. She plans on calling her
dad in America, her aunt in Canada and her grandma in England to assist her with to pay her
fees. She is unaware of who will be able to send the money. Karla wants help in converting the
$10,000.00 JMD equivalent to the three different currencies in order to make her call. Help
Karla to do the three calculations.
Task 2: Dad decides he can only send 55US. Karla needs to calculate:
a. The amount of money will she get in JMD
b. The balance needed
c. Convert the balance needed in GBP and CAD before calling her grandma and aunt.
Guided Questions:
What is the difference in converting from another currency to JMD versus JMD to another
Calculations will be done on the board and misconceptions cleared if necessary.
1. Collin is setting off from Jamaica for a business trip to London. He converts $530,000 to
pounds. How much pounds will he receive?
2. After working on a farm in Canada, Alejandro is returning to Jamaica. He converts
$1500 to Jamaican dollars. How much JMD will he receive?
3. Out of curiosity, Abigail wonders how much her car would be worth in the US. The car
costs 1.8 mil in JMD. How much would this be equivalent to in USD?
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Employ algebraic reasoning through the use of expressions, equations and formulae to
interpret, model and solve problems involving unknown quantities.
General Objective(s):
Develop an appreciation for coordinate geometry and apply it to real world phenomena
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills: Students should know how to:
1. Locate points on the Cartesian plane
2. Identify the different quadrants in the Cartesian plane
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- Write coordinates of points as ordered pairs
- Plot ordered pairs of numbers on the Cartesian plane
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Teacher-generated worksheets, grid paper, map of Caribbean, activity sheet, Battleship
Key Vocabulary:
Graphs, Data, Coordinates, Points, Ordered pairs, Cartesian plane, Quadrants
Learning Outcome(s):
- Actively and cooperatively participate in group activities and discussions;
- Construct diagrams accurately;
- Accurately locate coordinates on a plane;
Content Outline:
The Cartesian coordinate system, also called the rectangular coordinate system, is based on a
two-dimensional plane consisting of the x-axis and the y-axis. Perpendicular to each other, the
axes divide the plane into four sections. These are known as the quadrants and
labelled/numbered I, II, III and IV.
Each point in the plane is identified by its x-coordinate, or horizontal displacement from the
origin, and its y-coordinate, or vertical displacement from the origin. Together, we write them
as an ordered pair indicating the combined distance from the origin in the form (x, y). An
ordered pair is also known as a coordinate pair because it consists of x- and y-coordinates. For
example, we can represent the point (3, −1) in the plane by moving three units to the right of the
origin in the horizontal direction, and one unit down in the vertical direction.
It is expected that students will use the coordinates that are on the on the grid to locate a
point. As each point meets at an intersection of an x and y value, this is likely to guide
their thinking.
Afterwards, the teacher will give them the activity in the Explore.
The students will be completed the following activity in pairs.
The pairs will be playing a game of Battleship, the coordinate game, in which two players
place their navy ships in a Game Board that has corresponding positions or coordinates
where their opponent must guess which coordinates they have positioned their battleship.
Every correct guess means they hit the target and who ever hit all the battleship wins. The
first person to sink all the ships of his/her opponent wins. The activity, with detailed
instructions, is attached. The game can be played for about 10 – 15 minutes.
Selected pairs will be asked to explain what happened in the game that they played.
They will be asked to explain how they were able to find/locate the coordinates of the
battleships that they opponent had.
At the end of the groups sharing/reporting on the game, use students’ thinking and
reasoning to explain and emphasize the importance of ordered pairs and coordinates.
The teacher will seek to clarify the difficulties and misconceptions that the students may
have with any of the pointers mentioned above.
Using the same pairs, the students will be taking part in a bonus round of the game of
In their game of battleship, Lemar gave Jermaine a hint about locating one of his ships. He said
that the ship is in the second quadrant. Which one of the following could represent an ordered
pair for the ship’s location? Justify your response and plot the point on the grid.
1. P (3, 4)
2. P (4, -5)
3. P (-3, 2)
4. P (-1, -4)
Individually, the students will complete the activity sheet attached as assessment of learning.
Actions to be taken
Employ algebraic reasoning through the use of expressions, equations and formulae to
interpret, model and solve problems involving unknown quantities.
General Objective(s):
Develop an appreciation for coordinate geometry and apply it to real world phenomena
Standards for Mathematical Practices :
() 1. Make sense of problems and perseveres in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
() 4. Model with mathematics.
() 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
() 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills: Students should know how to:
- Plot ordered pairs of numbers on the Cartesian plane
Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- Connect points on the Cartesian plane to form patterns
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Worksheet, graph paper, ruler
Key Vocabulary:
Graphs, Data, Coordinates, Points, Ordered pairs, Cartesian plane, Quadrants
Learning Outcome(s):
- Actively and cooperatively participate in group activities and discussions;
- Construct diagrams accurately;
- Accurately locate coordinates on a plane;
Content Outline:
The Cartesian coordinate system, also called the rectangular coordinate system, is based on a
two-dimensional plane consisting of the x-axis and the y-axis. Perpendicular to each other, the
axes divide the plane into four sections. These are known as the quadrants and
labelled/numbered I, II, III and IV.
Each point in the plane is identified by its x-coordinate, or horizontal displacement from the
origin, and its y-coordinate, or vertical displacement from the origin. Together, we write them
as an ordered pair indicating the combined distance from the origin in the form (x, y). An
ordered pair is also known as a coordinate pair because it consists of x- and y-coordinates. For
example, we can represent the point (3, −1) in the plane by moving three units to the right of the
origin in the horizontal direction, and one unit down in the vertical direction.
Students will be asked to share their experiences when plotting and connecting the points. They
will also be asked to describe the image that Jim had gotten.
Students will be asked to work in pairs, one person will be asked to create an image while the
other tells the points.
Students will be given a worksheet.
(See appendix)
Actions to be taken
Employ algebraic reasoning through the use of expressions, equations and formulae to
interpret, model and solve problems involving unknown quantities.
Standards for Mathematical Practices:
() 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
( ) 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
() 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
( ) 4. Model with mathematics.
( ) 5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
() 6. Attend to precision.
( ) 7. Look for and make use of structure.
( ) 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
Generate number patterns and identify their rules using algebra;
Solve word problems using algebraic expressions and formulae;
Write coordinates of points as ordered pairs;
Plot ordered pairs of numbers on the Cartesian plane;
Specific Objectives:
- Represent a mapping by (a) rule, (b) diagram,(c) a set of ordered pair
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Mappings
- Tables
Key Vocabulary:
- Mapping
- Ordered pair
- Rule
- Patterns
- Domain
- Range
Content Outline:
An ordered-pair number is a pair of numbers that go together. The numbers are written within a
set of parentheses and separated by a comma.
For example, (4, 7) is an ordered-pair number; the order is designated by the first element 4 and
the second element 7. The pair (7, 4) is not the same as (4, 7) because of the different ordering.
Ordered pair can be used to show domain or inputs and range or outputs
Column1 Column 2
Classify each object in column one by drawing a line to a common name in column 2.
Have selected students share their completed mapping.
Have a discussion in which students describe the relation of an object to its common name.
How are the objects in column 1 related to those in column 2?
What does the arrow tell us about the relationship between the first set of numbers and
the second?
How many objects can be found in each column?
How did you classify the objects?
Have students working in pairs to complete the task below.
The mapping shows the cost to purchase one, two, and three hotdogs at your school.
A) Expand the mapping to determine the cost of six hotdogs.
2 $300
3 $450
MoEYI/NMP/Grade 7 Sample Mathematics Lesson Plans/2020 271
B) Complete the set of ordered pairs for up to five hotdogs
(1,150), (2,300), (___,___), (___,___),(___,___)(___,___)
Each group will be allowed to present their solution to the exploration activity
Students will be engaged in a discussion about the strategies they used to complete the
ordered pairs and find a rule for the mapping.
Describe the pattern of inputs and outputs in the mapping diagram shown.
Did you encounter any difficulty in making table, set of ordered pairs, Why?
What strategy did you use to complete the set of ordered pairs?
What strategy did you use to find the rule of the mapping?
Point out that the ordered pairs shows that the relationship between the points is the same each
time because the relationship rule, × 150, is the same for all pairs of numbers
1 150
2 50 300
3 X150 450
4 X150 600
5 X150 750
6 X150 ?
Point out that this time the rule is × 150, multiplication, and we call this the common ratio.
(Students do not need to remember this.)
A store sells previously viewed movies. The mapping shows the cost of buying 1, 2, 3, or 4
Domain Range
1 10
2 18
3 24
4 28
Domain Range
1 4
2 8
3 12
Describe and correct the error in drawing a mapping diagram of the set of ordered pairs. (5, 4),
(6, 4), (7, 4), (8, 4).
Domain Range
4 6
Actions to be taken
Specific Objectives:
Recognize and give examples of each of the following type of mapping:
i. one-to-one
ii. one-to-many
Teaching/Learning Resources:
Key Vocabulary:
Relations/relationships, mappings, ordered pairs, one-to-one, one-to-many, domain, range
Learning Outcome(s):
- Actively and cooperatively participate in group activities and discussions
- Predict outcomes based on patterns observed
Content Outline:
A relation is a relationship between sets of values. In math, the relation is between the x-values
and y-values of ordered pairs. The set of all x-values is called the domain, and the set of all y-
values is called the range.
One-to-many Relation
Now, as the name suggests, this mathematical relation
is one element to many others. What is meant by that
statement? Let’s revisit our school children example.
If it found out that at least one school child received
more than one apple, then the relation is no longer a
one-to-one relation. From then onwards it becomes a
one-to-many relation. So in a one-to-many relation
polygamy is allowed. This is because one person can
have more that one wife or husband.
In mathematical terms, we say that one element in the
domain has many images in the co-domain. That is to
say, it is not all elements of the domain that has unique
Engage – Matching Cards
1. Provide each student with either an image of a mapping or an ordered pair as provided
in the appendix below. If there are more students than mapping/ordered pairs provided,
repeat the cards or add new ones.
2. Ask students to find the person in the class that has their matching mapping/ordered pair
and stick with them.
3. Once students have finished pairing, allow them to share their matching mapping and
ordered pair. Other pairs will be allowed to critique their responses.
Explain –
1. Ask two-three groups will share their observations with the class. Informally, students
should realize that Relation A represents one-to-one functions and Relation B represents
one-to-many functions. If students are struggling, use guided questions:
What relationship do you notice between domain and range?
Take one element in the domain. How many elements does it have in the range?
Is that the same for the others? What can you say about these elements? [Use
same line of questioning for next Relation]
2. Introduce the terms “One-to-One” as Relation A and “One-to-Many” as Relation B.
Compare and improve students’ descriptions with the precise mathematical definition.
N.B. Some students may not readily realize in the real-world context that in a One-to-One
function each element in the domain maps to a unique element in the range. Thus, they may
overgeneralize mapping (3) in Examples of Relation A i.e. since child to mother is a one-to-
one function in our example, then mother to child is a one-to-one function as well in all
cases. Differentiate general examples versus examples from a specific mapping.
1. Ask students in pairs,
Can you think of any examples of One-to-One functions and One-to-Many functions?
Write down three-four examples of each. Can you justify your response?
2. Discuss students’ responses in whole group discussion. Ask other students to critique
responses and give an example in another way e.g. mapping, ordered pair etc.
Determine whether the following relations are one-to-one or one-to-many:
1. { (1, 3) (4, 6) (2, -1) (1, 1) (3, 4) }
2. { (1, 3) (4, 4) (2, -1) (0, 2) (3, 4) }
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken
Examples of Relation B
The following scenarios are examples of relationships. What would you call each of these
relations- Relation A or Relation B? And why?
1. Carl the Electrician charges a fee for each hour worked on a project. What is the relation
between the money earned and the hours worked?
Prerequisite knowledge/skills:
- Substitute in algebraic expressions with up to two variables
- Recognize and give examples of one-to-one and one-to-many mapping
Specific Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to
Recognize and give examples of many-to-one mapping
Recognize and give examples of many-to-many mapping
Draw mapping diagrams of many-to-one mapping
Draw mapping diagrams of many-to-many mapping
Teaching/Learning Resources:
- Post-Its
- Cartridge paper
Key Vocabulary:
- Mapping
- Relations
- Ordered pairs
- Many to one
- Many to many
Learning Outcome(s):
Actively and cooperatively participate in group activities and discussions;
Construct diagrams accurately;
In a many to many mapping, several elements in the domain have many elements in the co-
domain. And several elements in the co-domain are associated with many elements in the
Students will engage in a short game dubbed “Relations Sort”. The board will be prepared
with a T-chart labelled One-to-One and One-to Many. Short scenarios will be written and
placed in a container. Students will be selected at random to select a scenario, read the
scenario to the class and then place the scenario (by using tape to attach it) under the
appropriate column on the board.
Examples of scenarios:
- We are sharing apples to school children and each child receives one and only one
- Paul is married but he has three extra-marital relationships.
Following the sort, students and teacher will have a discussion about the finished product,
sharing their agreement or disagreement with what was done.
Guided Questions
- Do you agree or disagree with the placements of the scenarios? Why or Why not?
- How can you justify the placement of the scenarios?
Have students work in groups of four. Provide each group with cartridge paper. Have students
draw a T-chart on to the cartridge paper label the columns with the headings “Many-to Many”
and “Many-to-One”. Also provide each group with scenarios (8 or more on post-its or
otherwise), inclusive of mapping diagrams and ordered pairs. Each group will peruse the
scenarios, discuss among themselves and use the T-chart to sort the scenarios.
Each group will make a presentation to the class, showing their completed T-Charts and
explaining why they placed each scenario under the chosen column. Teachers and students
will have a discussion after each presentation.
Guided Questions
- How did you decide where to place each scenario?
- Do you agree or disagree with the placements of the scenarios? Why or why not?
Teacher evaluation:
Actions to be taken