Shreya Kundu's Design Portfolio
Shreya Kundu's Design Portfolio
Shreya Kundu's Design Portfolio
UX designer & illustrator
UI Illustration
My process
Understanding Exploring the user’s Creating a stylescape Making the UI component Prototyping
the user problem system
User base Overall “feel” of the app Designing for consistency
young working generation, who often look forward to Clean, confident, minimal, smart, different, bold, simple, The components intact with all required properties like
exploring different places on weekends, but often don’t representing a boarding pass design style; to the point, padding, packing with space between, and other
find people to go with. attempting something new, different from what was out properties, hence anyone can create new screens
there, not just another travel app without breaking the consistency in design.
User profile
Final screens Create new trip
Some of the final UI screens
Error icon in fields
and components
Errors like wrong input will be
denoted by a small red exclamation,
to attract the user’s attention, while
not shocking them
Calender interaction
Same width as other fields, to make
it seem a part of the continuous
process, instead of an overlay
Trip cards
The trip description card will show
different amounts of info in different
pages, to decrease cognitive load of
the user
Explore Trip description and iternerary
Important features
of Travelkaro
Decreasing designer’s
workload Itenerary format
I designed the components to have The itenerary has 3 main parts -
several sections of different input travel, stay, activities.
types. Even though repetitive,
unnecessary sections can be hidden.
UX + UI Storyboarding
area and designed TableTop. properly communicating with waiters the customers in time
Based on my secondary and primary
Key findings
High fidelity Welcoming and preferences Adding to order
Some wireframes made in Miro
Component system
From the wireframes, I suspended the
individual UI molecules and organisms,
and made the high fidelity versions of
those for making UI screens quickly
Placing an order Ending meal and payment
Important features
Menu readily available of TableTop
at each step
The user can go back to the menu
Clear communication
to check item prices if needed.
Often in real life, the menu is taken
away once the user has placed the
1 between customer
and kitchen
order, hence they cannot check
prices later if needed.
2 Quick ordering
Eliminating uncertainty
After placing an order, the user Takeaway option
can see the orders they made, The user will be subtly directly,
and avoid anxiety. and not pushed, to the menu.
My process
Understanding the user Exploring the user’s User journey in form of Studying interfaces of Making wireframes
problem conversations between apps with minimal actions and some high fidelity
the app and the user in screens
different scenarios
Easy-to-glance at
3 upfront before
starting trip
4 Minimal interactions
Bicycle status
Shows the most important
stats a user needs to know Tools at fingertips
to choose a bike Translator, safety calls, nearest
shop - the most important tools
are easy to find in need
Use case #2:
Low battery + switching bicycles
I drew some packs of illustrations
Overview in different styles, for both
personal and client projects.
My process
Office tasks (WIP)
I’m making a collection of 10
illustrations representing different
office tasks and situations
Doodled animals Webalo illustrations
A collection of animal A collection of illustrations I made for presentation
illustrations in my comic style. slides of a frontline worker management tool, Webalo
Daily practice
I try to draw
illustrations daily to
sharpen my skill.
Brand identity and illustration set for
a SaaS platform, Litmus.
brand mascot, the Chaos Bird, which does tubes, and ‘chaos experiments’ with
‘experiments’ on code and frameworks to the liquids inside the test tubes,
Doing experiments Examining analytics Seeing YAML files Chaos bird inviting feedback
Chaos Hub Moving towards more resilience Searching for experiments 404