American J Hematol - 2013 - Andersen - Eosinophilia in Routine Blood Samples and The Subsequent Risk of Hematological
American J Hematol - 2013 - Andersen - Eosinophilia in Routine Blood Samples and The Subsequent Risk of Hematological
American J Hematol - 2013 - Andersen - Eosinophilia in Routine Blood Samples and The Subsequent Risk of Hematological
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Research Article
Male 180,578 (50.2)
Female 179,372 (49.8)
Age (years) 48.3 6 16.7
No (<0.5 3 109/L) 341,790 (96.0)
Mild (0.5–1.0 3 109/L) 13,118 (3.7)
Severe (1.0 3 109/L) 1,288 (0.3)
Previous eosinophilia (<6 months)
Only negative tests 30,104 (8.4)
At least one positive test 2,371 (0.7)
No blood test 327,475 (91.0)
Charlson’s Comorbidity Index [1] 0.22 6 0.77
C-reactive protein
Normal 181,162 (50.4)
Increased [2] 48,349 (13.5)
No blood test 129,755 (36.1)
Previous malignancy
Incident malignancy
Eosinophilia (since 1977)
n (%) n (%) Odds ratio (95% CI) P-value
Values are numbers (%) of the eosinophilia group in question and odds ratios (95%) and P-values for the defined outcomes from multivariable logistic regression
analysis adjusted for sex, age (quadratic), year, month, C-reactive protein, previous eosinophilia, and comorbidities (Charlson’s comorbidity index). Individuals with pre-
vious cancer were omitted from the analyses (n 5 1,234).
P-value for the likelihood-ratio test of all categories of eosinophilia simultaneously.
associated with CLL with ORs of 2.57 (1.50–4.43, contribute to this discussion with our data. However, the fact
P 5 0.0006) and 5.00 (1.57–15.94, P 5 0.0065) for mild and that only patients demonstrating severe eosinophilia are at
severe eosinophilia, respectively. In the 18 patients with risk, indicates the existence of a specific reaction where pro-
eosinophilia who were later diagnosed with CLL we ana- nounced eosinophilia is produced by signaling during the
lyzed their differential counts in more detail in order to scru- development of HL. This observation may be in accordance
tinize the relationship between the observed eosinophilia with a previous, large study of eosinophilia in HL, where less
and the diagnosis of CLL. In 16/18 patients (89%), lympho- than 2% of patients had eosinophil counts above 1 3 109/L
cytosis was present in addition to eosinophilia at the time [9]. Eosinophil infiltration is found in the lymphoma tissue
of the blood sampling (median lymphocyte count 5 16.3 3 [21] and blood eosinophilia has been associated with a sur-
109/L, range 5 7–131). Finally, eosinophilia was associated vival benefit [9]. However, the impact of both tissue infiltration
with all-cause death with ORs of 1.16 (1.09–1.24, and blood eosinophilia in HL remains controversial, and pre-
P < 0.0001) and 1.60 (1.35–1.91, P < 0.0001), for mild and viously eosinophil granulocytes were assumed to play a role
severe eosinophilia, respectively (Table II and figure 2). in the development and deregulation of interactive signaling
between Reed-Sternberg cells and adjacent, reactive cells
[22]. Recently, eosinophilic cationic protein was reported to
Discussion exert a cytotoxic effect on HL cell lines [23]. Therefore, the
In this large prospective epidemiological study blood finding of blood eosinophilia preceding the diagnosis of HL
eosinophilia may be considered a marker for development may represent an immunological defense mechanism
of HL and cMPNs. Interestingly, we also demonstrate that against HL or its subclasses. Similarly, tissue infiltration by
mild and severe eosinophilia may both precede the diagno- eosinophils has been associated with a favorable prognosis
sis of CLL and increase the risk of death. in some solid tumors [24] and proposed to represent
Various mechanisms have been suggested for the reactive an immunological antitumor mechanism in prostate
eosinophilia in HL, including GM-CSF [20] and interleukin-5 cancer [25].
mediated eosinophilia [21]. It has been reported that only Interestingly, our data also showed a significant associa-
mixed cellularity and nodular sclerosis histology subclasses tion between eosinophilia and CLL. This link to CLL has
of HL are associated with eosinophilia [9,11], but we cannot not been reported earlier. The concomitant lymphocytosis