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Golden State Baptist College is unashamedly an independent, soul-winning,
separated Baptist college. Students should realize that attendance at Golden
State Baptist College is not a right, but a privilege. Students will not be
allowed to create controversy on the campus nor to advance doctrines,
ideas, or philosophies contrary to the purposes of Golden State Baptist
College. Students should realize that they might be subject to expulsion at
any time if the Administration feels that they have violated these principles,
even though the student may not have broken any specific rule or regulation
of the college. Students are expected to abide by the spirit of the rules of
Golden State Baptist College as well as the “letter of the law.”

It is our goal to ensure that each student who attends our college not only
maintains but also nurtures a respectful and loving relationship with his
parents. There will be no toleration of criticism of a student’s parents.

We believe there must be an accountability to the parents. Because of this,

Golden State Baptist College will notify a student’s parents and pastor if
he drops out of college or is expelled. Grades will be made accessible via
Moodle to the parents as well as to the student. A student’s parents may
receive information regarding his child’s demerits upon request.

The college administration reserves the right to share any information

regarding a student’s application or his time as a student at Golden State
Baptist College with his parents, legal guardian(s), home church pastor,
any pastor who recommended him for admission to Golden State Baptist
College, and/or the pastor of any church he attends after leaving Golden
State Baptist College. This permission includes any medical, counseling, or
discipline issues that may arise of any nature without limitation.

There will be no toleration of criticism on our campus of other fundamental

colleges, churches, or pastors. Certainly, other fundamental schools and other
fundamental pastors may have a different direction than that of Golden State
Baptist College or North Valley Baptist Church. However, there will be no
discussion of these differences permitted which is critical of the positions of
other fundamental works. Students will not be permitted to be judgmental
or to evaluate the motives of other ministries or other Christians. This could
be cause for expulsion.



GSBC Academic Building ........................................................ 4

Campus Map ........................................................................... 5

Auditorium Map ...................................................................... 6

College Academic Building and Gym Hours .......................... 8

Staff Contact Information/Pass Approval Schedule ................ 9

Senior Awards ....................................................................... 10

Tuition Payment Schedule ..................................................... 11

School Calendar .................................................................... 12

Handbook.............................................................................. 16

Daily Bible Reading Schedule ............................................... 58

Notes ..................................................................................... 62

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR










2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR








2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR



7:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
5:15 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

9:00 p.m. to 15 minutes before curfew

15 minutes before dinner to 15 minutes before curfew

After Sunday evening services to 15 minutes before curfew




College Offices ...................................................................... (408) 988-8551

Ladies’ Dorm - Mrs. Popkes .................................................. (510) 978-9296

Men’s Dorm - Bro. McCurry .................................................. (408) 771-9252



• Passes submitted online by 9:00 a.m. will be reviewed by 12:00 p.m.

• Passes submitted online by 2:00 p.m. will be reviewed by 5:00 p.m.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


These awards are given to the young lady and young man who best
represent Golden State Baptist College with their outstanding testimonies
and exemplary Christian lives.


This award is given to the young man who has exemplified extraordinary
ministry service during his years at Golden State Baptist College.


This award is given to the young lady who has exemplified extraordinary
ministry service during her years at Golden State Baptist College.


This award is given to the young man who has demonstrated exceptional
musical involvement while here at Golden State Baptist College.


This award is given to the young lady who has demonstrated exceptional
musical involvement while here at Golden State Baptist College.




FALL 2022

First Payment...............................................Registration Day (September 1)

Second Payment .................................................................... September 30

Third Payment .............................................................................October 21

Fourth Payment ....................................................................... November 18

Fifth Payment ............................................................................ December 9


First Payment.................................................. Registration Day (January 19)

Second Payment ........................................................................ February 17

Third Payment ................................................................................ March 10

Fourth Payment ...................................................................................April 7

Fifth Payment ....................................................................................April 28

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR



August 31 (Wednesday) ......................... Dormitories Open for All Students

September 1 (Thursday) .............................................................Registration

September 2 (Friday)...................................................................Orientation

September 6 (Tuesday) ...........................................First Meeting of Classes

October 16 - 18 ......................................... Worldwide Missions Conference

October 24 - 27 ......................................................... Midterm Examinations

November 23 - 25 .......................................................... Thanksgiving Break

December 12 - 16 ........................................................... Final Examinations




January 18 (Wednesday) ...............New Students to Move into Dormitories

January 19 (Thursday) ..................................... Registration and Orientation

January 20 (Friday) ......................................................................Orientation

January 23 (Monday) ...............................................First Meeting of Classes

March 5 - 8 .................................. National Pastors’ & Workers’ Conference

March 13 - 16 ............................................................ Midterm Examinations

March 27 - 28 ........................................................................... College Days

May 1 - 5 ......................................................................... Final Examinations

May 8 - 10 ..........................................................Graduation Days’ Activities

May 10 .....................................Commencement Exercises (Required Event)

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR







Academic Absences .................................................................................. 18

Academic Policies ..................................................................................... 19
Activity Policies ......................................................................................... 23
Appearance ............................................................................................... 24
Ladies’ Guidelines ............................................................................... 24
Men’s Guidelines ................................................................................ 26
Automobiles .............................................................................................. 27
C Ministry Policies ..................................................................................... 29
Chapel ....................................................................................................... 30
Church Attendance ................................................................................... 30
Dating ........................................................................................................ 32
Digital Devices .......................................................................................... 35
Dining Hall ................................................................................................. 36
Discipline ................................................................................................... 37
Dormitory Hours........................................................................................ 39
Dormitory Policies ..................................................................................... 40
Employment .............................................................................................. 43
Fall 2023 Information ................................................................................ 44
Final Exam Week ....................................................................................... 45
Finances..................................................................................................... 46
Infirmary Guidelines .................................................................................. 48
Music ......................................................................................................... 48
Passes ........................................................................................................ 48
Soul Winning ............................................................................................. 52
Summer Policies ........................................................................................ 53
Miscellaneous Policies ............................................................................... 55



Concerning cases of emergencies, if it is a matter of life and death, you
should immediately call 911. If someone is injured or ill but the situa-
tion is not life threatening, you should contact the college offices, the
Administration, or your dormitory supervisor. In non-life-threatening
emergencies, only call an ambulance or 911 after instructed to do so
by the college personnel specified above.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


1. Students must read this handbook every semester. Failure to read

the handbook and submit the signed form (indicating the student
has read the handbook and will abide by the rules of the college)
will result in the student receiving 10 demerits per week until the
form is submitted.
2. The Administration reserves the right to amend these guidelines at
any time.

Academic Absences

3. The following is the attendance policy:

Class meets Lose Credit
One hour Absent 4 times
Two hours Absent 7 times
Three hours Absent 10 times
Five hours Absent 16 times
For example: some classes meet one hour per week. If a student
is marked absent four times (including any excused cuts, financial
withdrawn absences or pre-approved absences for any reason
including illness), he will lose credit for that class.

4. A student will receive one excused tardy per credit hour per class.
5. Each tardy from class (excluding free tardies) will result in one grade
point being deducted from the student’s final grade.
6. Each student will receive one excused absence per credit hour per
7. Each unexcused absence from class (excluding free absences) will
result in two grade points being deducted from the student’s final
8. Financial withdrawals will count toward the student’s total absences.
9. If a student wants to miss a class other than when he is ill, he must
apply in advance for a pre-approved absence. (An example of this
might be a student who wants to go home for a long weekend to
celebrate a parent’s birthday.) Students are limited to only 3 pre-
approved absences per semester.
A. No student may be in the dormitory or on the college property
while using a pre-approved absence.
B. Local students may only use a pre-approved absence for
activities that include at least one parent, are of a special nature,



and are approved in advance. Local students may not use a pre-
approved absence to spend additional time at home. A local
student is one who lives within a 75-mile radius of the campus.
C. Dormitory students from out of the area are restricted to three
trips home in one semester. They may use pre-approved
absences to stay at home with advance approval.
D. Students may not exceed 3 pre-approved absences. All other
absences will count as unexcused absences. Students should not
“waste” pre-approved absences early in the semester because
no extras will be given.
E. Pre-approved absences may not be used during blackout dates.
F. Pre-approved absences will not be given simply because a
student says, “I have a lot of things to do,” or “I want to work on
my papers,” or “I need to get my car repaired.” Pre-approved
absences must meet the criteria given above. A student’s class
attendance is vital to his education. His other responsibilities
should be scheduled at other times.
G. To apply for a pre-approved absence, the student should
complete a pre-approved pass for the days involved. This must
be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m. on the business day prior
to the absence.
10. If a student misses a class without having the absence pre-approved,
and if the absence is due to some circumstance beyond his control,
he should present the reason for the absence, and the Administration
will determine if the absence can be excused.

Academic Policies

11. All students must attend all classes every day unless they are sick or
have a pre-approved excused absence.
12. Students should attend the first hour of each class every semester,
regardless of financial status.
13. Attendance will be taken in each class by the instructor on a roster
provided by the college offices.
14. Attendance reports are available on www.gsbc.edu/mygsbc.
Students are responsible for checking their attendance reports on
a regular basis.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


15. Students who arrive in class within the first five minutes after the
class begins will be counted tardy. If a student is more than five
minutes late to a class, he will be considered absent.
16. In situations where a student is required to scan in for attendance,
each student must scan in for himself only. In other words, students
may not ask someone to scan in for them, and they may not scan in
for other students. (10 demerits if the person is present; 25 demerits
if the person is not present and there is deception involved.)
17. Students who are too ill to attend class, ministries, or church services
must log-in sick on www.gsbc.edu/mygsbc. (10 demerits) See rule
#379 for additional information regarding this policy.
A. On weekdays, students must log in sick before their classes
begin. If a student logs in after classes have begun, he will
receive an unexcused absence in any class he has missed.
B. On weekdays, students who log in sick after 1:00 p.m. will receive
10 demerits.
C. On weekends, students must log in sick before 9:00 a.m.
18. Students who are absent from a class may make up work for that class
and take any tests that were given in the class. This is true whether
the absence is excused or unexcused. All grades for make up work or
tests missed due to unexcused absences will be lowered 30%.
19. Late policy for missed tests and quizzes:
A. Students must make up missed tests or quizzes within one week
of the date it was administered in class, regardless of holidays,
cancelled classes, work days, etc.
B. Failure to take the missed test or quiz within one week will result
in a zero on that test or quiz.
C. Students who feel they need an extension of this time period
because of a very unusual circumstance must submit a request
to the Administration before the week has expired.
20. Late policy for papers, projects, and major homework assignments:
A. Papers, projects, and major homework assignments are due at
the beginning of the class period. If students are still editing,
printing, stapling, binding, etc. these items when the teacher
collects them, they are late.
B. Papers, projects, and major homework assignments submitted
up to one week late are docked one letter grade.



C. Papers, projects, and major homework assignments submitted

up to two weeks late are docked two letter grades.
D. Papers, projects, and major homework assignments that are
more than two weeks late may not be submitted; the students
will receive a zero.
21. Late policy for daily homework:
A. Daily homework assignments must be completed within two
weeks of the due date.
B. Each teacher may set his own policy regarding how much to
dock late homework assignments within the two-week grace
C. After this grace period, the student will receive a zero.
22. The deadline to take finals or turn in any late work for a class will be
the Monday after finals week.
23. Each outside reading assignment must be read during the semester
in which the student is taking the course. (25 demerits)
24. Textbook policy: students are required to purchase required textbooks
for each course, and they must purchase the edition specified by the
professor. E-books are allowed with instructor permission.
A. Students will receive a two-week grace period from the time
they are officially enrolled in the class to purchase these books.
B. Students who have not purchased the required textbooks will
have one point deducted from their final grade for every class
day they do not own this book.
C. Once the professor conducts a textbook check, it becomes
the student’s responsibility to inform the professor that he has
purchased the book.
25. Concerning papers that students are required to write for classes:
A. Each paper must be the student’s own work. Anything that is
quoted or nearly quoted from a book, the internet, another
student’s paper, or any other source should be enclosed in
quotation marks and footnoted. Failure to cite sources is
plagiarism, a violation of federal law. (25 demerits)
B. A student may never submit the same or nearly the same paper
more than once. He could not write a paper on “The Prayer
Life of Moses” and submit the same paper in Prayer class and

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


Old Testament Survey. Also, he could not turn that paper in for
Prayer class one year and Old Testament Survey the next year.
If he retake the class, he is not allowed to resubmit the same
paper again. (25 demerits)
26. Students are not allowed to record classes or chapel services without
permission from both the instructor and the Administration.
27. Students may not create a disturbance in the classroom. (5 demerits)
28. Students may not chew gum in classes, chapel, church, or at any other
time they are assembled in a meeting with a speaker. (5 demerits)
29. The college provides a computer lab for use by our students.
Students who are not in either of the following groups may not use
this area. (5 demerits)
A. Students who are enrolled in a class that meets in this room and
for which they are charged a course fee
B. Students who pay a computer lab fee
30. The college provides a music lab for use by our students. Students
who are not in either of the following groups may not use this area.
(5 demerits)
A. Students who are enrolled in a music class that meets in this
room and for which they are charged a course fee
B. Students who are enrolled in Private Piano
31. The college is pleased to be able to provide a media center for use
by our students. Students may use this area only if they are enrolled
in a media class that meets in this room and for which they are
charged a course fee. (5 demerits)
32. Students enrolled in GSBC may not be simultaneously enrolled
in another college or university with the exception of approved
correspondence courses. The student will be required to withdraw
from either GSBC or the other college immediately.
33. Returning students must have approval from their academic advisor
before enrolling in a Distance Learning Course. An administrative
fee of $25 will be charged to your GSBC account if you fail to get
the proper approval and your payment requires a refund from the
finance office. All previous balances need to be paid in full in order
to take a course. Your course will be put on hold after notification if
your balance is unpaid.



34. When a student who is enrolled in Distance Learning is removed

from school, his Distance Learning course will be unaffected by his
35. Online classes have different academic policies than regular classes.
Students are responsible to know and follow these rules as outlined
on their online class syllabus.
36. All dormitory students are required to observe study hours on
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. These study hours will be
from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (5 demerits) This rule does not apply to
masters students.
A. During this time, students must be in their dormitory studying
or in the college studying. They must remain in one of these two
locations for the entire hour and a half. Thus, there will be no
walking from the dorms to the academic building or loitering in
the college buildings at this time.
B. Students may listen to quiet background music but are not
allowed to listen to radio broadcasts (such as sporting events).
C. Students may not be in the Activity Center during study hours.
D. Couples may not be together during study hours.
37. Cell phones may not be used or accessed at all during study hours.
(10 demerits)

Activity Policies

38. Students are not allowed to attend activities if they did not sign up
and pay.
39. Couples must stay with their group at all times.
40. Students are not allowed to drive to college activities. (10 demerits)
41. If a student wishes to bring a non-student on a college activity, he
must get written permission from the Administration 7 - 10 days in
advance. If prior permission is not asked for or received, the non-
student will not be allowed to attend the activity.
42. If an activity is deemed casual, men may wear jeans, a collared shirt,
and athletic shoes. Men may also bring a tee shirt to wear only for
athletic events. Ladies may wear denim and athletic shoes.
43. If an activity is deemed collegiate, men must wear a collared shirt,
Docker-style pants, casual shoes, and a belt. Ladies must wear a

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


casual skirt or dress, and casual shoes. No one is allowed to wear

denim or athletic shoes.

Appearance - Ladies

44. Ladies are expected to dress like ladies, to be appropriate, and to

be modest.
45. Violation of any of these rules will result in a minimum of 5 demerits,
at the Administration’s discretion.
46. Pants and shorts are never allowed. This would apply to each lady
during the school year and during any college break (summer,
Christmas, etc.). These items are never allowed in the dormitory at
any time.
47. Leggings may only be worn under approved attire but may never be
worn to classes, chapel, or church services.
48. Clothing may not be form-fitting.
49. The front and back hems of skirts, dresses, and culottes must cover
the bottom of the knee at all times. Slits in a dress or skirt or openings
of a button-up dress or skirt—whether the slit/opening is in the front,
back, or side—must be sewn or fastened according to the following
A. When the hemline ends at the bottom of the knee, slits must be
sewn up completely.
B. When the hemline ends below the bottom of the knee, slits must
be sewn up to the bottom of the knee.
C. Walking pleats are allowed in the back center of the skirt but
must be sewn up according to the guidelines of A and B.
50. The neckline of a dress or blouse can be no lower than the width
of four fingers beginning at the hollow of the neck in front or four
fingers below the base of the neck in back.
51. Visible undergarment lines are neither appropriate nor in good taste.
When wearing a light-colored blouse, a slip or camisole with wide
straps should be worn. No part of any undergarment should show.
52. Guidelines regarding sleepwear will be given by the dorm supervisor.
53. Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., all ladies must be dressed
in regular dress code attire - both in the dormitories and outside.
The exception would be when a student calls in sick.



54. Ladies are required to wear school attire when entering the academic
building and the Commons from 7:00 a.m. until after the 1:00 p.m.
meal each day.
55. Tops with writing, pictures, or designs solely across the front may
not be worn. (This does not apply to sweatshirts or GSBC tee shirts.)
56. Ladies may not wear tee shirts of any color or tops made of thin tee
shirt material to class, chapel, or church services.
57. Ladies may not wear sweatshirts or hoodies to class, chapel, or
church services.
58. Denim may only be worn under the following guidelines:
A. Classes and chapel: denim jackets and vests may be worn.
B. Soul winning: denim jackets, vests, and skirts may be worn.
C. Shopping, working, or leisure activities in the afternoon: denim
of any sort may be worn.
D. GSBC intramural activities: denim of any sort may be worn.
E. Church Services: denim of any sort may not be worn.
F. NVBS athletic events: denim of any sort may not be worn.
59. Culottes and athletic shoes may be worn only when involved in a
sports game or when a lady’s work is of a physical nature.
60. Church style shoes should be worn to school. (Sperrys, moccasins, or
similar styles should not be worn).
61. Sandals may be worn at any time.
62. Flip flops may not be worn.
63. Ladies are not to wear men’s suit coats or sport coats.
64. Hosiery with designs (floral, fishnet, etc.) may not be worn.
65. Tattoos must be covered and not visible at all times. (10 demerits)
66. Ladies’ hair must be clean and neatly styled. Hair may not be cut
excessively short. Hair may be highlighted. Worldly colors and styles
will not be permitted.
67. Make-up is to be worn with discretion.
68. Ladies may wear no more than two earrings in either ear. These
earrings may be worn only in the lower ear lobe, not at the top or on
the side of the ear.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


69. If a young lady wishes to appeal demerits given for a dress code
violation, she may contact the college office to schedule an
appointment. During this appointment, she will wear the attire in
Banquet Dress Guidelines

70. Strapless dresses may not be worn, even under a jacket or shawl.
71. Shawls may be worn but only with a dress that passes the above
guideline. Shawls may not be used or pinned to cover an immodest
72. All banquet dresses must be approved by the Ladies’ Dorm
Supervisor prior to the event.

Appearance - Men

73. Men are required to wear suit coats or sport coats and ties to all
church services. Men must wear ties on the campus to classes, chapel,
and the 1:00 p.m. meal. On Saturday, men must wear ties to the bus
workers’ meeting and while they are on visitation. On Sunday, men
must wear ties at all times. (5 demerits)
74. Men may not wear tee shirts, denim jackets/vests, sweatshirts, or
hoodies to classes, chapel, or church services. (5 demerits)
75. Whenever men are required to wear ties, they must wear shirts with
collars, appropriate slacks, and shoes that “hold” a shine. (Athletic,
canvas, or casual shoes may not be worn at any of these times). At all
other times, on campus and off campus, men must wear shirts with
collars and dress slacks, casual pants such as Dockers, or nice jeans.
Men may not wear tee shirts to do office work or other light jobs,
whether on campus or off campus. (5 demerits)
76. Men may never wear shorts or tank tops unless they are in the gym
and involved in an athletic activity. They should wear warm-ups to
and from the gym. (5 demerits)
77. Men may not wear sandals. They may not wear boots (except for
cowboy boots) or shoes that look like hiking boots whenever they are
required to wear ties. (5 demerits)
78. Shoes and socks must be worn at all times. (5 demerits)
79. Men’s shirts must be tucked in at all times. (5 demerits)
80. Belts must be worn with all pants that have belt loops. (5 demerits)



81. Men may not wear suspenders without a suit coat. (5 demerits)
82. Men may not wear caps, visors or hats inside any building at any
time. (5 demerits)
83. Men may not wear necklaces, bracelets, or earrings. (5 demerits)
84. Tattoos must be covered and not visible at all times. (10 demerits)
85. Men’s hair must be clean and neatly cut. It may not touch the top of
the ears. It must be “off the collar.” Sideburns may not be longer
than the middle of the ear. No permed, shaved, stacked, dyed, or
“pop culture” haircuts are allowed. (5 demerits)
86. Men must be clean shaven at all times in public. (5 demerits for the
first offense, ten demerits for subsequent offenses)
87. No mustaches or beards are permitted. (5 demerits)


88. Students are limited to having one vehicle parked on campus at any
time. ($25 daily fine)
89. There is a parking fee of $45 per vehicle per semester for all on-
campus students and off-campus students who use a vehicle for
transportation to and from school.
90. A $50 ticket will be issued for any vehicle failing to display a valid
parking permit. A $75 ticket will be issued for any vehicle that is not
91. Parking permits must be placed on the lower right rear window of
the registered vehicle.
92. Only licensed drivers are allowed to operate a motor vehicle on
college property. ($25 fine)
93. The speed limit on campus is 7 miles per hour. Exceeding the speed
limit will result in a $25 fine.
94. A $20 ticket will be issued for all parking violations. This applies to
both on-campus and off-students.
A. Parking in a handicapped area, which includes the white-striped
zone adjacent to it
B. Parking in any red curb fire lane

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


C. Parking in the staff and faculty area, which includes all spaces
facing the flag poles and facing De La Cruz Blvd. in front of the
academic building
D. Parking in the yellow zone located behind the Commons
E. Parking in the oval parkway in front of the auditorium
95. The Administration reserves the right to issue a ticket for any
California vehicle code violation. ($10 fine)
96. The Administration reserves the right to report repeat offenders of
the California vehicle code to the police.
97. Two weeks after a ticket is issued, a student will forfeit the right to
contest the ticket and fine.
98. During any NVBC church service, students must park at Oracle.
A. Students are not allowed to leave their vehicles overnight at
B. The times vehicles should be moved are as follows: Sunday
morning at 9:00 a.m., Sunday evening at 5:15 p.m., and
Wednesday evening at 5:45 p.m.
C. Students may not park on the college property, De La Cruz Blvd.,
Aldo Ave., or parking lots located on these streets. If a vehicle is
found in any of these locations, the owner will receive a $25 fine.
In rare cases, permission may be granted for an exception to this
rule. However, permission must be received in advance in order
to avoid the parking fine.
99. The owner of any vehicle that appears to be abandoned or inoperable
will be given one week to correct the problem (the vehicle will receive
a tow notice.) If the problem is not corrected within one week, the
vehicle will then be towed at the owner’s expense. These vehicles are
subject to a $25 fine.
100. Students may not store unused vehicles without Administrative
approval. Students will receive a one-week notice that they need to
move their stored vehicle off campus. After one week, a $25 daily
fine will commence. After one week of daily fines, the car will be
towed at the owner’s expense.
101. Students who choose to leave their vehicles on campus during the
summer will be charged a $50 storage fee. This fee must be paid in
advance and applies to those who “lend” their vehicles to others.
Vehicles must be drivable and parked in the bus garage parking



lot; they must not be leaking fluids, and car keys must be left with
the dorm supervisors. GSBC is not responsible for any damaged or
stolen vehicles. Each student should understand that by leaving his
vehicle on campus, he is doing so at his own risk, and gives staff
permission to move his vehicle if necessary. Students who fail to
abide by the above policy are subject to additional fees and/or
having their vehicles towed.
102. Students may repair their cars on the college campus. These repairs
may be done only in the parking spaces directly behind the Commons
building. This does not include the spaces in the yellow zone.
However, while they are in the process of making repairs, students
may not leave a car “up on blocks,” leave it with parts spread out,
etc. for more than 48 hours. All infractions are subject to a $10 fine.
103. Students should wash their vehicles by the bus garage.
104. A $20 registration fee is required for motorcycles each semester.
105. A $10 registration fee is required for all bicycles each semester.

C Ministry Policies

106. The basics:

A. Never touch a child.
B. Never allow a child to sit on your lap.
C. Never carry a child.
D. Never say to a child one-on-one, “I love you.”
E. Never be alone with a child.
107. Never yell or lift your voice at a child, unless they are in danger.
108. No-touch policy:
A. We keep our hands off the young people who ride our buses.
B. The only exception to this would be in the case where physical
restraint is necessary to keep riders out of harm’s way or to keep
them from harming each other. In this instance, we may use only
the amount of force necessary to restrain them - nothing more.
109. Any visit to a home should be less than 15 minutes.
110. Do not enter the homes you visit.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


111. A child who has ridden the bus or will be coming to church may
never ride in a student’s car. (15 demerits)
112. Married students who graduate from GSBC may continue to work
in the C ministry as long as their spouse is attending GSBC and
the graduate abides by the same rules as an off-campus student.
(Administrative approval is required.)


113. Dormitory students must be in chapel five days per week unless
they have a pre-approved absence or are excused due to illness. (15
114. Off-campus students are required to attend chapel every day they
are enrolled in a class. (15 demerits)
115. Auditing students are under the same rules and guidelines as a
normal student.
116. Student teachers are required to attend chapel every day they are
not teaching during the chapel hour. (15 demerits)
117. Failure to scan in prior to the beginning of chapel will result in 10
demerits. Each student is personally responsible to scan his student
ID card to record his attendance. A student who scans his card from
11:00 a.m. to 11:05 a.m. will receive 5 demerits. Scan cards no earlier
than 10:50 a.m.
118. Students who are absent from chapel without a pre-approved pass
will receive 15 demerits. Anyone who is more than five minutes
late to chapel or who leaves more than five minutes early will be
considered absent.
119. No cuts are allowed for chapel unless the student has received a
pre-approved pass.
120. Students who miss chapel during a blackout period will receive 40
demerits per day they miss.
121. Failure to respond to a chapel announcement or a scheduled meeting
with a staff or faculty member will result in 5 demerits.

Church Attendance

122. All students must attend any and all services of North Valley Baptist
Church with the exception of students from the local area who may
apply for permission to attend their home churches. (15 demerits)



123. Each student is personally responsible to scan his student ID card to

record his attendance. (15 demerits)
124. Students must sit in front of the pillars and are not allowed to sit in
the balcony. (15 demerits)
125. Students must attend a Sunday school class, a Sunday morning
church service, and a Sunday evening service every week. Students
may not be excused from any of these because of work.
126. Students must attend the Wednesday evening service every week
unless they are at work. (15 demerits) If a student must miss a part
of the Wednesday night service because of work, but could attend
as much as 30 minutes, he is required to attend church as long as
possible. A student in this situation must take the time to change into
appropriate church attire before attending the service.
127. Students are required to be out of the dorms during church service
times. (15 demerits)
128. Each Sunday at 9:45 a.m., all dormitory students who are not actively
serving in another ministry will attend the GSBC Sunday school class
in the main auditorium. (15 demerits)
129. All freshmen and first-semester students will attend the 10:30 a.m.
service in the main auditorium. They will sit in the side balcony
sections. (10 demerits)
130. Students who are late to Sunday school or any church service will
receive 5 demerits if they arrive within the first five minutes of the
service. After five minutes, they will be considered absent.
131. Students must be involved in a ministry every Sunday they are in
town. These ministries include: riding a bus at least one way, teaching
or helping in a Sunday school class or children’s church, or working in
a nursing home ministry. (15 demerits)
132. All college students whose home church is not NVBC will work in the
C ministry. (15 demerits)
133. Students whose home church is NVBC prior to enrolling in college
may continue to work in any A or B ministry in which they were
working prior to entering college.
134. During their senior year, students whose home church was not NVBC
prior to coming to college may attend an A adult Sunday school
class for one semester.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


135. Engaged couples may attend a couples Sunday school class with
administrative approval during their junior and senior years.
136. Students must leave the church auditorium no later than 45 minutes
after each church service dismisses. (10 demerits)
137. Dorm students may not be in the main church building except during
publicly announced services, activities, or meetings scheduled by
staff. (10 demerits)

138. Students may not visit or attend local churches without written
permission from the Administration. A local church is defined as one
that is within a 75 mile radius of NVBC. (15 demerits)
139. Students must submit a request to the Administration for permission
to sing or preach in other churches by submitting a pass. No student
may sing, preach, or play an instrument in the same church more
than two times in any semester. (15 demerits)
140. During the school year, seniors may apply to the Administration
for permission to intern in churches within driving distance of the
college. To be a senior, a student must have completed 96 credits
and be within 32 credits of graduation. The Administration will
consider at most one intern for any church. The Administration
would also need to approve the housing situation for any student
interning in a church.
141. No student may ever travel during a Sunday school, Sunday morning,
Sunday evening, or Wednesday evening church service. (15 demerits)
142. Students will receive 35 demerits for not correctly completing your
activity report. This amount can be reduced to 5 demerits if it is
submitted within 2 weeks.
143. We believe that a Christian’s first financial obligation is to tithe.
Students are expected to tithe every Sunday to the church of which
they are a member on the income they have received that week.
Tithing is defined as giving ten percent of your gross income to God.
(15 demerits)


144. A couple is defined as any two individuals who are of opposite

145. Weekdays: men and ladies may not socialize on campus from 3:00
p.m. until 10 minutes before the evening meal. (5 demerits)



146. Saturdays: men and ladies may not socialize on campus before 5:00

147. Sundays: men and ladies may not socialize on campus before 2:30

148. During any college break (Christmas, summer, etc.), men and ladies
may only socialize on campus during the following times:
A. The 30 minutes before and after scheduled meal times
B. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
149. At the college, at church, and on activities, couples are not to be in
isolated areas away from all other people day or night. That means
that a lone couple may not be in any room of the church or the
college, college library, piano practice rooms, or the bridge and
tower area. (25 demerits to expulsion)
150. Outside the college building, couples may be together only under
the porches in the back of the academic building, between the
front of the ladies’ dorm and the nearest islands in the parking lot,
the clock tower fountain, the courtyard, and the front porch of the
Commons. (10 - 35 demerits)
151. Inside the academic building, during any times that couples are
allowed to socialize after 1:30 p.m., they may be together only in the
central hallway portion of the lower floor (the Campus Corner, Java
Junction, Golden Grille, Overflow, computer lab, Student Lounge,
Activity Center, and the two main hallways that connect these areas).
Couples should enter and exit the building during this time only
through the doors by the ATM machine. (10 demerits)
152. The front lobby area located by the church receptionist is not an
approved place for students to date. Note: masters students may
apply for permission. (10 demerits)
153. After dark, lone couples may not be together in the courtyard or any
area around the Kid’s Town. (15 demerits)
154. Students of the opposite gender are not allowed to be in the
same public place off campus without an approved chaperone (i.e.
restaurant, Mission Peak, etc.). (25 demerits)
155. Students may have off-campus dates other than on college-
sponsored activities, so long as they are properly chaperoned. All
chaperones must be approved by the Administration.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


156. If a couple gets out of sight of their chaperone, both students will
receive a minimum of 25 demerits.
157. Students who have improperly chaperoned dates will receive a
minimum of 25 demerits.
158. Students may date on chaperoned activities sponsored by the
159. Couples who become separated from (out of sight of) the group on
a college activity will receive 20 demerits (all subsequent infractions
– 50 demerits)
160. Students are not allowed to touch members of the opposite gender.
The following would be considered improper conduct:
A. Couples may not walk or sit too closely. There must be visible
daylight between the couple when viewing from an angle. (10
B. Couples may not lie on the grass together (25 demerits)
C. Couples may not touch. (any physical contact) (25 demerits)
D. Couples may not hold hands. (35 demerits)
E. Kissing, hugging, and/or petting is prohibited. (75 demerits to
F. Fornication and adultery will be cause for immediate expulsion.
161. No student should have any part of his body inside a vehicle while
another individual of the opposite gender is inside the vehicle. (10
162. Students (dormitory or off campus) who are in a car with a member
of the opposite gender without a proper chaperone will receive 15
demerits. If there is a date involved, there would be a total of 40 or
more demerits. (15 demerits for being in the car and 25 demerits or
more for an improperly chaperoned date)
163. If a couple is ever alone in a home or a hotel, they will be expelled. If
two couples are in a home or hotel without proper chaperones, they
will receive 75 demerits to expulsion. If a mixed group is present in a
home or hotel where there is an odd number but there is not a proper
chaperone, every couple will receive 50 demerits to expulsion. The
“odd numbered” students will receive 25 to 75 demerits. Couples
may not be together in hotel rooms even if their parents are present.
(25 demerits)
164. Couples who are alone in a dormitory apartment or dormitory room
will be expelled.



165. Couples who sneak away from their home or the college and are
gone for an extended period of time will receive 75 demerits to
166. Students who are working secular jobs should be courteous to
everyone at their place of employment. However, they may not
socialize extensively with coworkers. This would mean they should
not eat meals with them or spend excessive amounts of time talking
before work, after work, during breaks, or during lunch hours. (25
167. Dormitory students are not allowed to date non-students without
permission from the Administration. The attire, appearance, and
actions of the non-student must meet the college rules. If the
Administration approves a couple dating, they will generally be able
to have any number of “church dates.” The couple would need to
have approval from the Administration for any non-church dates -
including dates on college activities. (25 demerits)
168. College students who are not from NVBC may not socialize with
young people from NVBC who have not graduated from high school.
This means that they could not do things such as sit together in
church, date, call each other on the phone, or stand around and talk
before or after church. College students who are not from NVBC
should spend their time with other college students. (10 demerits)
169. College students who are not from NVBC must apply to the
Administration if they want permission to associate in any way with
a member of the opposite gender from NVBC who is a high school
graduate and not enrolled in GSBC. They must have this permission
before they could sit together in church, date, call each other on the
phone, or stand around and talk before or after church. The non-
student must meet all of the college appearance standards and be
involved in a regular soul-winning ministry. The parents of both the
student and the non-student would also have to approve the request.

Digital Devices

170. Students using personal laptops in the computer lab must have them
oriented so the display is facing the door.
171. Anyone who tampers with the computers in the computer lab or
the media center (including unplugging the network cables and
plugging them into your laptop, etc.) will receive 10 demerits for the
first offense. If a student violates this rule repeatedly, his network/
computer privileges will be revoked or suspended for four weeks.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


172. Students are not allowed to access or watch any type of videos in
the computer lab. (i.e. Sports highlights, YouTube, news clips, etc.)
(10 demerits)
173. Students are not allowed to download Torrents. (50 demerits)
174. Any attempts to bypass the NVBC/GSBC firewall/content filter with
the use of VPN’s, proxies, or any other method will be dealt with
VERY severely by the Administration.
175. Students may not access the internet in class. (10 demerits)
176. Cell phones may not be used during classes, chapel, or church
services. This includes sending text messages. (10 demerits)
177. Alarms, tones, or ringing from phones, watches or any other
electronic device may not sound during classes, chapel, or church
services. (10 demerits)
178. Students are not allowed to have social apps whose main purpose is
to connect with random strangers. (35 demerits to expulsion)
179. Students are not allowed to post any negative or inappropriate GSBC
related material or media to the internet for public consumption. (35
demerits to expulsion)

Dining Hall

180. The Commons is off limits for all students outside of meal times. This
includes the foyer and stairwells. The foyer may be used for entry to
the gym during scheduled basketball games.
181. The chairs and tables that are in the courtyard may be moved for
social events, but they must be returned to their original location
immediately following the event for which they were moved.
182. Students are not allowed to waste or destroy food items in the
dining hall due to misuse. (5 demerits)
183. When using the microwave in the Commons, students must provide
their own paper products and utensils. Dining hall supplies are not
to be used by students outside of regular meal times. (5 demerits)
184. Students must dispose of all trash after using the microwave
provided in the dining hall. (5 demerits)
185. Students may not take meals out of the dining hall without permission
from the Administration, with the exception of taking them to the Ed
Young Courtyard. (10 demerits)



186. No plates, silverware, glasses, etc. may be taken out of the dining
hall. (10 demerits)
187. The college provides items such as individual packets of ketchup or
tea to be used in the dining hall. These may not be taken out of the
dining hall. (10 demerits)
188. Students who take sack lunches and subsequently eat the evening
meal in the Commons will be charged a $10 fine.
189. Meal cards will be available for purchase in the Campus Corner for
$5 each. The dining hall will not take payments. Also, students may
not share a portion of someone else’s meal without paying the $5


190. Students will have two weeks from receiving their demerits to contest
them. After this two-week period, these demerits will become a
permanent part of their record.
191. Students may “work off” dorm duty, room duty, or scan in demerits
according to the following guidelines:
A. Students must work one hour for every ten demerits to be
B. Students will have three weeks from receiving their demerits to
work them off.
C. The maximum number of demerits a student may work off in any
semester is 75.
D. The only individuals authorized to assign tasks to work off
demerits are the dormitory supervisors and the Administration.
192. A student who is guilty of one incident of lying, cheating, or stealing
will receive at least 25 demerits. Multiple offenses will be dealt with
very severely by the Administration.
193. Students are expected to report major infractions of school policy to
the Administration. A violation of school policy is seen as a betrayal
of the whole student body and is regarded as such. Students who
are aware of major violations of the school policy and/or who do not
give full disclosure may be subject to the same disciplinary action as
those who have committed the infraction.
194. Students will be notified on Thursdays that their demerit total has
reached 75 or 125 demerits and will be campused for two weeks.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


Students will have until 2:30 p.m. the next day to adjudicate and work
off demerits to get below 75 or 125 demerits. After Friday at 2:30
p.m., students will not be removed from the campused list unless
there was a staff error.
195. Any student who receives 75 demerits will be campused for two
weeks. The student will not be allowed to leave the campus for
anything except church, work, soul winning, and certain special
circumstances approved in advance by the Administration such as a
doctor’s appointment. Campused students may not attend activities
or intramurals, even if the activity is on campus. Off-campus students
obviously may leave the campus to go home. Local students may not
go home during this time. (10 demerits)
196. Students who reach 125 demerits will be campused a second time
with the same penalties as the first time.
197. Campused students who are single will not be allowed to socialize
with the opposite gender during the two weeks. (10 demerits) This
would include dating, sitting together in church or chapel, having
meals together, and standing around talking.
198. Campused students must sit in the designated “campused pews”
during chapel services. (10 demerits)
199. If one member of a dating couple is campused, the couple must be
at least two rows apart in classes, chapel and church. (5 demerits)
200. Any campused student would not be allowed to be in the Golden
Grille, Overflow, Java Junction, Student Lounge, Activity Center,
gym, weight room, or the exercise room during the two weeks. (5
201. If a student’s demerit total reaches 150 within the last four weeks of
a semester, and his demerits consist primarily of routine offenses,
the Administration may determine that the student be expulsion
suspended. The student would be given an additional limit of
demerits that would equal ten times the number of weeks left in the
semester. If the student receives more than that number of demerits
before the end of the semester, he will be expelled. The student will
be campused for the remainder of the semester.
202. If a student is expulsion suspended, he will have a limit of 100
demerits the next semester he attends, instead of 150, before being
203. Dormitory or off-campus students are not allowed to have any social
interaction with expelled students without administrative approval.



This would include emails, text messages, notes and/or phone

conversations. No expelled student is allowed on campus until he
has been approved for readmission to the college. An expelled
student who violates this ruling will jeopardize his opportunity to be
readmitted as a student. Currently enrolled students who violate this
rule will receive a minimum of 15 demerits.
204. If a student leaves college, mail will be forwarded for only 30 days
after the withdrawal of the student.

Dormitory Hours

205. Dormitory students must be on their own dorm floors by 10:30 p.m.
(curfew) every night except Friday nights. (11:00 p.m.)
206. Students arriving after curfew must be in the dorm and on their own
floor within 5 minutes of arriving back on campus. (5 demerits)
207. “Lights out” will be at 11:00 p.m. with the exception of Friday night.
On Friday nights, students must be in the dormitory by 11:00 p.m.
“Lights out” will be at midnight. “Lights out” for masters students
will be at 1:00 a.m. If you arrive in the dorms after “lights out,” you
have 30 minutes to be in bed. (5 demerits)
208. At lights out, students must be in bed and quiet. They may not
continue talking, listening to the radio, etc. (5 demerits)
209. Cell phones may not be used or accessed at all after lights out. (10
210. In the dormitories, no one may get up in the morning before 5:00
a.m. without permission from dorm supervisor. (5 demerits)

211. Ladies’ and men’s dormitory devotions will be held monthly on

Tuesday evening at 10:00 p.m. These devotions are required for all
students who are not at work. Dormitory ladies will meet in the college
chapel, and dormitory men will meet on the second floor of the
Commons. These devotions will last approximately 30 minutes. (10
demerits for missing devotions; 5 demerits for being late to devotions)
212. Students who move back into the dorms after a break (Christmas,
summer, etc.) must give at least 48 hours notice and move in between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR

Dormitory Policies

213. All dormitory students are required to be full-time students (enrolled

in at least 12 credits).
214. A man may not enter the ladies’ dormitory, and a lady may not enter
the men’s dormitory. (50 demerits to expulsion)
215. Dormitory rooms are furnished by the college so that each student
has a bed, a closet space for hanging clothes, and drawer space in
a dresser. Each room also has at least one desk and chair. Students
may bring a bookshelf (without doors) so long as it is not more that
twelve inches deep and two feet wide. They are also allowed to
have a storage unit no larger that a standard two-drawer file cabinet.
However, students may not bring into the rooms additional furniture
such as, but not limited to: floor lamps, pole lamps, room partitions,
chairs, sofas, desks, or refrigerators. No furniture in the room may
be moved, nor may any be added without approval of the dormitory
supervisor. (15 demerits)
216. In the men’s dorm, each man must have his name posted at the end
of his bed. (5 demerits)
217. Students may not remove or tamper with any sign posted by the
dorm supervisor. (10 demerits)
218. GSBC provides a zippered mattress protector for all dorm beds. All
students need leave this mattress protector installed on their bed at
all times. (10 demerits)
219. Students are allowed to have locked boxes in their rooms, but they
must supply the Administration with a key or combination.
220. The Administration reserves the right to censor any room decorations
which are not deemed to be in good taste.
221. Nothing may be attached to the dormitory wall by the use of nails,
screws, tacks, glue, tape, or staples. The only approved method for
attaching things to the dormitory walls is “sticky tack.” Monetary
fees for wall damage will be assessed based on the extent of the
damage. (5 demerits)
222. Students are not allowed to drape blankets, sheets, etc over the
sides of the bunk above at any time. (10 demerits)
223. Students are not allowed to hang, place, or display anything on the
blinds, windows, or the window ledge in the dorms. (10 demerits)



224. Students are not allowed to hang items from the light fixtures in the
225. Any extension cord used in the dormitories must be a surge
protector. Any cord not meeting this requirement will be confiscated.
(5 demerits)
226. Dirty clothes must be kept in a sealed container without holes. (5
227. Students may never disconnect or remove batteries from fire alarms
in the dormitories. Note: please notify your dormitory supervisor if
you discover an alarm that is inoperable. (25 demerits to expulsion)
228. Each dormitory student is expected to have his room ready for a
walk-through inspection by 8:00 a.m. each day. In order for a room to
be considered ready for inspection, the following things should be
cared for: (minimum 5 demerits)
A. Room should be straightened. Contents of the room should
be arranged neatly on shelves, desk tops, dresser tops, and in
B. Beds should be made and cleared of items.
C. Trash should be emptied.
D. Clothes should be hung neatly in the closet.
E. Carpet should be vacuumed.
F. Furniture should be dusted (including window sills).
229. Students must turn out the lights in their rooms and turn the heat/air
unit off when no one is in the room. (5 demerits)
230. Dormitory students will be assigned to clean the common areas of
the dorm on a regular basis. Students who do not perform these
duties adequately will receive a minimum of 10 demerits.
231. Any damage caused to any property should be reported to the
dormitory supervisor immediately. If a student caused the damage,
he should report it himself. If someone else caused it and another
student knows who caused it, the situation must be reported
immediately. Failure to do so will result in 15 demerits.
232. Students are financially responsible for any damage they cause
whether or not it was intentional. If damage is caused in a dorm
room, the student responsible must pay for the damages. If no one

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


admits to causing the damage and it is not known who did it, the cost
of repairs will be divided evenly among the students of that room.
233. No movies or videos of any type are allowed in the dormitories,
including DVDs, YouTube, Netflix, or any other medium. (25 demerits
to expulsion)
234. Students are not permitted to play or possess video or computer
games on campus. (25 demerits to expulsion)
235. Anyone who watches movies or videos anywhere on campus with the
exception of college-sponsored viewings will receive 25 demerits to
236. Students are not allowed to video chat in the dorms, with the
exception of the common areas. (10 demerits)
237. No weapons of any kind are permitted in the dorms. This includes
firearms, ammunition, explosives, or guns of any kind. This also
includes knives with blades longer than 3 inches. (20 demerits to
238. No weights are allowed in the dorm rooms. (5 demerits)
239. Dormitory students may never have lighted candles, candle burners,
or wax melts in the dormitories. (10 demerits)
240. Dormitory students may not have pets, birds, fish, or reptiles in the
dorms. (15 – 50 demerits)
241. Students are required to inform the Administration of any prescription
medication they will be taking.
242. Dorm students are never allowed to be on or in the same bed.
(possible expulsion)
243. During the regular school semester, students are allowed to put 2
items into storage. GSBC is not responsible for any lost, damaged,
or stolen items. Each student should understand that by placing
items in storage, he is doing so at his own risk.
244. When a dormitory student moves out of the dormitory, he must
take all of his possessions with him. If a student leaves possessions
at the college, we will assume they have been abandoned to the
college. They will be sold, discarded, put to use, or given away at
the discretion of the college. A cleaning fee may also be charged to
the student’s account.
245. The elevator in the clock tower is primarily for handicapped use.
Otherwise, the clock tower and connecting breezeways are off-limits



for men at all times except for emergencies. Ladies may use the
elevator when moving their belongings in or out of the dormitories
until curfew. After curfew, they must use the stairs. (20 demerits)
246. Dormitory men may only use the dorm entrance next to the clock
tower to enter and exit the dorms. The guest apartment lobby areas
are off limits at all times except for emergencies. (10 demerits)
247. Men and ladies may not socialize at the entrances of the dormitories.
(5 demerits)
248. No student is allowed in another student’s room unless one occupant
of that room is present. (10 demerits)
249. Doors to all dormitories must be locked at all times. Doors may not
be propped open or rigged in such a way that anyone could enter
without a key. (5 demerits)
250. A student may not enter or exit any room on campus through any
means other than an authorized, unlocked door. (50 demerits to
251. Students must use their keys to enter the dormitories. They may not
knock on the door and expect someone else to open it. (5 demerits)
252. Students may never prop open a door to the hallway.
253. Students may enter a room only through a door that has been
unlocked with a key. (50 demerits)
254. Students are not allowed to duplicate any GSBC-issued key. (25
255. Students are not allowed to grant access into the dormitories to
anyone who is not a dorm resident. (25 demerits to expulsion) If
the person granted access is an off-campus student, the off-campus
student will also receive the same consequence.
256. No student may talk to anyone through the dorm windows. (5
257. Students may not remove window screens from any building. (50


258. GSBC reserves the right to deny students employment at any work
place that is deemed not in harmony with the Christian life.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


259. No student may work at the same job site as someone he is dating.
One of them will be required to find new employment. (25 demerits)
260. Students are allowed to work outside area homes as long as they
have received a pass in advance. Students are never allowed to work
inside area homes.
261. A student who misses work without a valid excuse will receive 10
demerits for the first infraction and 25 demerits for the second and
all other infractions.
262. A student who misses work and does not notify his employer will
receive 25 demerits.
263. A student must give sufficient notice of his resignation to his
employer. Generally, this must be two weeks unless shortened by
the employer. (25 demerits)
264. If a student is fired from a job, he must notify the college office within
one business day. (15 demerits)
265. If a student is fired from his job because of stealing from his employer
or because of lying on his time card, the student will be expelled
from GSBC.
266. If a student has been in the military reserves before being admitted
to GSBC, he will be permitted to continue in the reserves. However,
if the individual was not in the reserves before being admitted to
GSBC, he will not be permitted to join the military reserves after
admission to the college.

Fall 2023 Information

267. Dormitories will open in the fall for new and returning students
on Wednesday, August 30. No one will be allowed to move into
the dormitories before Wednesday, August 30, unless they are
considered a summer dormitory resident. Non-summer dormitory
students will not be allowed to move into the dormitories prior
to opening day, unless the student is employed with the Campus
Employment Program. Students employed with CEP need to
arrange their arrival date with their supervisor.
268. To be considered a summer dormitory resident, students must move
into the dorm no later than Monday, August 14, 2023. These students
would be expected to stay in the dorm continuously until August 30,
2023. Students who move in on August 14, 2023, will be charged



the dorm fee for August. Any student who is not here by August 14,
2023, may not return until August 30, 2023.
269. Students must receive a room assignment before they move into the
dormitory. Students who move into the dormitories early, or without
receiving a room assignment will be fined.
270. No one will be allowed to register for the fall semester until all old
bills from the spring and all summer charges are paid in full. Students
will also have to pay the first payment of the fall semester to register;
this payment cannot be deferred.

Final Exam Week

271. No one may take final exams early under any circumstances.
272. Pre-approved absences may not be taken during the week of classes
before final exams, during the week of final exams, or during the
week of graduation.
273. Chapel will be held at 11:45 a.m. during the week of finals.
274. During final exam week, all dormitory students must attend chapel
every day and all off-campus students must attend chapel every day
they are enrolled in a class whether or not there is an exam given on
that day. (15 demerits)
275. No one may leave before 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 16, 2022.
276. All students are required to attend the college end-of-the-year
activities from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. during the week prior to
college graduation.
277. All students are required to attend college graduation ceremonies.
Students who are working off-campus jobs and will be keeping that
job through the entire summer will be excused from graduation if
scheduled to work during the graduation ceremonies. Out-of-town
students who are going home for the summer are expected to resign
from their jobs early enough to attend college graduation. All seniors
marching in the graduation exercises must attend the rehearsal, or
they will not be permitted to march.
278. Any student who does not attend (or fails to scan in at) the
Commencement Exercises on Wednesday evening will lose credit
from one of his three-credit courses or two of his two-credit courses.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR



279. If a student has not paid his bill within the seven-day grace period,
a $15 charge will be added to his bill. If the bill remains unpaid for
fourteen days from its due date, an additional $15 charge will be
added. A two-week grace period is provided for any student who
is struggling with his bill. A student will be withdrawn from classes
after this if his bill is not paid. A student who is behind in his bill will
be permitted to stay on campus for seven days after he is withdrawn
from classes if he is working to pay the balance on his bill.
280. All fourth payments must be paid in full by the last day of any given
semester to not receive a WF in the class.
281. At the end of the fall semester, students will have until the first day
of the upcoming spring semester to remit any unpaid balances in
full. If payment in full is not received by the finance office, all grades
for the fall semester will be permanently changed to WF and no
credits will be received
282. At the end of the spring semester, students will have until June 30
to remit any unpaid balances in full. If payment in full is not received
by the finance office by the end of day on June 30, all grades for the
spring semester will be permanently changed to WF and no credits
will be received.
283. If credits are removed from a student’s record, he will still owe the full
amount of his bill until it is paid. Paying the balance owed in full does
not reinstate the lost credits.
284. Transcripts will not be released until the student’s bill is paid in full.
285. In order to enroll as a student at GSBC, all previous college bills must
be paid in full.
286. All paid registration fees need to be applied within 1 year. (Example:
a registration fee paid in fall of 2022 needs to be applied by the fall
of 2023.)
287. Failure to return student keys will result in the following charges:
A. Room key: $25
B. Mailbox key: $25
C. Main dormitory key: $35
288. If a student is planning on staying in the dorms for the summer, all
previous balances must be paid in full three weeks from the fifth



payment in order for the student to remain in the dorms as a full-time

or a part-time dorm resident.
289. Students who have not paid their current summer fee by the last day
of the month will be asked to move out of the dorms.
290. At the end of each semester, students will be required to fill out a
form and state their dormitory occupancy intentions for the break.
Students will be billed according to this form. If a student has any
changes to this form, he must notify the finance office and his dorm
supervisor within the grace period. Failure to notify the finance office
will result in no credits to the student’s financial account.
291. Billing for Christmas break is divided into two payments. The first
billing for room and board will be for the remainder of December.
This fee will begin and be due on the first Monday after the end
of the fall semester. A late fee of $15 per week will be posted to
the student’s account if the December Christmas break fee is not
paid by December 26. Students will not be allowed to remain in the
dorms if their bill has not been paid by December 31. The January
Christmas break room and board fee is due on Monday, January
2, due to the holiday. A late fee of $15 per week will be applied
to the student’s account if the January break fee is not paid by the
following Monday, January 9, 2022. The January room and board
fee has to be paid in full before students can attend classes for the
spring semester.
292. The fees for Christmas break are $25 per day.
December Fee: (13 days) $325
January Fee: (13 days) $325
293. When a student moves into the dorms during the summer or
Christmas break, they must notify the finance office no later than the
next business day.
294. All keys will need to be turned in to the college when the student will
be gone for more than seven days.
295. Students will be charged for the day they are in the dorms for any
portion of the day.
296. A $15 late fee per week will be added to the student’s bill if he fails
to pay room and board charges on time, whether the student is in
town or not.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


Infirmary Guidelines

297. Only individuals that the Administration approves are allowed to

stay in the infirmary. The Administration will also determine the
necessity as well as duration of the stay.
298. The dorm supervisors along with the Administration will determine
a supervision schedule.
299. No one is allowed to be in the infirmary with a sick student unless
approved by the dorm supervisor.
300. The dorm supervisors will be in charge of ensuring that meals are
brought to the infirmary. The Administration will provide nutritional
guidance if required.
301. Only videos that are approved by the Administration will be allowed
in the infirmary.


302. Students may not possess or listen to rock music or any other
unapproved music on campus or in their vehicles. (35 demerits to
expulsion depending on the music and the frequency of listening to
303. Students are not allowed to possess any burned CDs. (5 demerits
per CD)


304. Pass Approval Schedule:

A. Weekdays: passes submitted by 9:00 a.m. will be ready after
12:00 p.m. Passes submitted by 2:00 p.m. will be ready after 5:00

B. No passes will be approved on weekends.

305. No verbal passes will be given for any reason, with the exception of
rare extenuating circumstances.
306. Students will not be allowed pre-approved passes or weekend passes
during blackout dates. As our calendar has additions, additional
dates may be added. Blackout dates for the 2022-23 school year are
as follows:
August 31 – September 11........(No weekend passes)
October 1 – 31...........................(No weekend passes)



December 5 – 16 .......................(No pre-approved passes)

January 21 – 22 ..........................(No weekend passes)
February 12................................(No weekend passes)
February 25 – 26 ........................(No weekend passes)
March 4 – 10 ..............................(No weekend or pre-approved passes)
March 27 – 28 ............................(No pre-approved passes)
April 1 – April 9 ..........................(No weekend or pre-approved passes)
April 22 – May 10.......................(No weekend or pre-approved passes)
All College Work Days

307. When this handbook refers to the “local area,” it means a 75 mile
radius of the college.
308. Students who travel outside the “immediate area” without a pass will
receive 20 demerits. The immediate area is limited to Santa Clara,
San Jose, Sunnyvale, Milpitas, and Mountain View.
309. Students may walk between the college campus and the Rivermark
Shopping Center according to the following guidelines:
A. Before dark, ladies may walk in groups of two or more. Ladies
may never walk off campus after dark.
B. Mixed groups may not walk together nor may they be together
except at the church or college.
C. Students may not cross De La Cruz Blvd. except at crosswalks.
(5 demerits)
D. Students may walk only on De La Cruz Blvd., Clyde Ave., and
Agnew Rd.
E. Students violating any of these policies will receive 10 demerits
unless dating is involved, in which case they will receive demerits
for unchaperoned dates.
310. Ladies must travel in groups of at least two. The exception would be
when a lady is traveling to work. (25 demerits)
311. Extending Passes: If a student is away from the college “on a pass”
and discovers that he cannot return to the college before the pass
expires, he must extend his pass. The student should do this by calling
the phone number designated by the men’s or ladies’ dormitory
supervisor. Extensions will only be approved for emergencies or
extenuating circumstances deemed acceptable by the Administration.
Students who do not return by the time stated on their pass and who
do not call will receive a minimum of 15 demerits for being gone
without a valid pass. A student who does call to extend his pass will
not receive demerits, so long as:

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


A. He calls his dorm supervisor for an extension.

B. The reason for being gone is something that would have been
excused. (For example, a student who is shopping could not
extend his pass into study hours, and students who are “out to
eat” cannot extend their pass after curfew).
C. The extension does not go beyond the limits of work curfew.
312. All students are required to have a digital copy of their pass with
them when going off-site. (5 demerits)
313. Students must stop to show passes to security when the security
guard is at the entrance. (20 demerits)
314. The only valid reason for being out of the dormitories after curfew is
work or picking someone up from work.
315. If a student works after curfew, he must obtain a pass in advance
from the Administration. Failure to obtain this pass before leaving
for work will result in 20 demerits. Any student who has a pass must
arrive on campus by the time the pass expires.
A. Hours and method of transportation will need to be approved.
Students will not be allowed to ride to or from work with non-
students. (10 demerits)
B. A student who has permission to go to work may stop at a store
or a fast food restaurant on the way to or from work, as long as
these stops do not total more than twenty minutes.
C. Students must make their own travel arrangements.
316. Work curfew: men working an off-campus job must arrive back on
campus by 1:00 a.m. every night. Ladies working off-campus must
arrive by 12:00 a.m. Passes cannot be extended beyond work curfew.
Failure to return to the campus by work curfew will always result in
A. Students who arrive after work curfew will receive demerits as
• Up to 15 minutes late – 5 demerits
• Up to 30 minutes late – 10 demerits
• More than 30 minutes late – 20 demerits to expulsion
B. Students who do not call to report their tardiness before work
curfew will receive 10 additional demerits.



317. Students may not leave the dormitory before 6:00 a.m. However,
students could apply to the Administration to leave at 5:00 a.m. on
a case-by-case basis.
318. All students are required to get passes for off-campus dates.
319. All students are required to get passes for times that they are with
someone other than a college student, unless they are on the
campus. (20 demerits)
320. No dormitory or off-campus student may spend the night in the
home of someone he is dating. This rule applies at all times (including
holidays) to students within the Santa Clara area and students who
travel outside the Santa Clara area. Students who are visiting a
boyfriend or girlfriend out of town must stay in a different home in
that area. The address and phone number of that residence must
be listed on the pass. They may not stay in a hotel. (50 demerits to
321. If several college students are attending a wedding out of the Santa
Clara area, college men and women may not stay in the same hotel.
Also, they may not visit at each other’s hotel. (15 demerits or more –
see other rules about being in hotel rooms)
322. Dorm students who are planning to visit someone other than their
parents outside of the 75 mile radius need to provide written
permission from a parent to the college offices before the pass will
be approved.
323. If a dormitory student’s parents do not live in the Santa Clara area
and the parents come to the area to visit, the dormitory student may
stay in area hotels or area homes with the parents, subject to the
approval of the Administration.
324. Students must obtain passes when visiting or spending the night
with parents or relatives.
325. Students may only visit staff homes up to once per week.
326. Dormitory students whose parents live in the Santa Clara area may
stop by their home for up to 15 minutes per day while going to or
from work or on another pass. (10 demerits)
327. Permission to go home overnight (local students): this must be
approved in advance by the Administration. Students may spend the
night only in the home of their parents, legal guardians, grandparents,
married brothers, married sisters, married aunts, or married uncles.
Dormitory students may spend the night in their parents’ home, at

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


most, two nights in any week. They may spend the night in the home
of a grandparent, married brother, married sister, married aunt, or
married uncle, at most, one night every two weeks.
328. Dormitory students may visit only in the homes of their parents,
grandparents, married brothers, married sisters, married aunts,
married uncles, and staff/faculty (a pass would be required). Students
may not visit in any other homes. For example, a dormitory student
may not visit in the home of a church member or another student.
Visiting the home would be entering it in any way for any length of
time. It would also include spending time in the yard, on the porch,
etc. (25 demerits)
329. In addition to Thanksgiving, dormitory students may leave the Santa
Clara area for visits, at most, three times in any semester including
for ministry in other churches. (15 demerits)
330. For Thanksgiving Day, students who live in the local area may have
one student of the opposite gender or four students of the same
gender over to their house from the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 10:00
p.m. At least one parent must be in the home at all times. Faxed
parental permission must be received for any student wishing to visit
in the home of a student of the opposite gender. All students who
are planning to visit in the home of another student must have a
signed pass to do so.

Soul Winning

331. All students are required to go visiting and soul winning a minimum
of three hours every week. They must witness to at least one person
every week. Witnessing is defined as verbally presenting the gospel
to an unsaved person. The witnessing done during Sunday school
classes and church services or invitations does not count towards this
requirement. (15 demerits)
332. All students are required to attend a ministry meeting on Saturday
mornings. For C Ministry, this is the 9:30 a.m. meeting in the college
chapel. For B Ministry, this means the Faithfulness Rally or Bus
Meeting. Students must scan in. (10 demerits)
333. Everyone must be out of the dorms on Saturday by 9:00 a.m. (15
334. Everyone must be at soul winning or visitation and dressed accordingly
between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. During



this time students are not allowed to do personal shopping or eat at

restaurants. (10 demerits)
335. Students may not visit or do their soul winning alone. (10 demerits)
Men and ladies may visit in the same general area (even in the same
large apartment complex, or on opposite sides of a street), but may
not visit together (15 demerits, unless dating is involved, in which
case the dating rules will apply).

Summer Policies

336. Students are expected to follow the college rules in matters of

appearance, behavior, and Christian service at all times, even when
school is not in session.
337. Students must pay their registration fee for the fall semester by
graduation day to be able to stay in the dorms during the summer.
338. Students living in the dormitories during the summer must:
A. Be working on a regular basis or enrolled in classes. Students
who do not abide by this policy will be required to move home
during the summer.
B. Attend the meeting after church every Sunday night. Students
who are in town but do not attend this meeting will receive 10
C. Keep their dormitories clean during the summer. Their beds
should be made, and their area should be neat. Students will
also be required to share the dormitory duties.
339. In matters of discipline, the summer will be considered the same as
one semester of the school year, and all rules apply.
340. Students will be on the demerit system in the summer. Those who
earn 75 demerits between May 10 and August 30 will be expelled
from the dormitories
341. Graduates who remain in the dorms during the summer are limited
to 50 demerits. Graduates must be out of the dorms by July 1 unless
enrolling for the Masters Program.
342. Students who are enrolled in a summer school class and move out of
the dorm on the Saturday after the class ends will not be charged for
the portion of the month after they leave.
343. Students who do not live in the local area but return to the Santa
Clara area during the summer must stay in the college dormitories. If

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


they are here for a few nights for something such as a wedding, their
charges for staying in the dormitories will be prorated. Specifically,
during the summer, students may not stay in area hotels or in area
homes of anyone other than those with whom they would be allowed
to stay during the school year. Students who violate this policy will be
dealt with very strictly by the Administration and may not be allowed
to return to college in the fall. The only exception is for students
who come with their church youth group for youth conference; these
students may stay with that youth group.
344. During the break, non-local students are not allowed to move out
of the dorms and stay in the local area unless approved by the
Administration. Students who do so may not be allowed to return to
school the next semester.
345. If you are leaving for the summer, you must remove everything from
your dormitory. You must either take everything home with you or
leave it in a summer storage area at the college.
A. Students are limited to keeping two items in summer storage
and will be charged $15 per item.
B. GSBC is not responsible for any lost items.
C. After 4 months (from the day of graduation to opening day of
the dormitories), anything left unclaimed in the storage room
will become the property of GSBC.
346. In order to place things in the summer storage area, all items must
be securely packed and labeled with a name and summer address.
All items must be in closed containers and securely taped shut. While
we do not plan to move these boxes from one location to another
while students are gone, we may have to do so. Students must check
boxes into the summer storage area. They may not simply leave
them outside of the door. If they do not check them in properly, the
boxes will not be placed in summer storage; they will be disposed of
at the discretion of the college.
347. You may not give everything in your dorm room to your roommate
and ask him to keep it for you for the summer. You may not “sell it all
to a friend for a dollar and buy it back for a dollar” in the fall. When
you leave, your belongings leave.
348. Anything remaining in the dormitories when students leave will be
disposed of at the discretion of the college. We will assume that
anything left in a dorm room or in summer storage has been donated
to the college, and we will deal with such items accordingly.



Miscellaneous Policies

349. Students may not attend movie theaters. (50 demerits to expulsion)
350. No student may join or attend any type of health club or spa such as
Gold’s Gym, 24 Hour Fitness, etc. (25 demerits to expulsion)
351. Students are not allowed in the copier room. (10 demerits)
352. The Bridge and Tower is off limits to college men. (5 demerits)
353. Students are not allowed in the Youth Auditorium lobby. (10 demerits)
354. The following areas are off limits to all students when a staff member
is not present: Commons kitchen and storerooms, electrical closets,
fire alarm closets, church nursery, church auditorium, records room,
staff offices, mail room, Campus Corner, Java Junction, Golden
Grille, roof access closets, and the roof. (25 demerits to expulsion)
The exception would be CEP students who are working. CEP
students are only allowed in areas that fall under their specific job
requirements. (i.e. maintenance is not allowed in the mail room).
355. The faculty cubicles located in the library are off limits to all students.
(10 demerits)
356. College facilities are for the college students. Students should check
with the Administration before bringing non-student visitors from
the local area to the college. (10 demerits)
357. A student is not allowed to have any items in his dorm room or
vehicle that violate the rules of our college or that are not in harmony
with the Christian life. Therefore, we reserve the right to go through
a student’s personal belongings in the dorms at any time whether
or not that student is present. A student may be asked to allow a
staff member to search his vehicle or cell phone at any time. We
also reserve the right to confiscate objectionable items and either
discard them or return them later at our discretion.
358. Questionable literature such as secular, worldly romance novels,
bridal-type magazines, or ladies’ lingerie catalogs are not allowed
on campus or in the dorms. (minimum of 15 demerits)
359. Items which are not in harmony with the Christian life, such as but
not limited to: drinking, smoking, drug abuse, pornography, reading
or keeping questionable material, attending questionable places,
playing cards, or gambling, will be dealt with very severely by the
360. Fireworks are not allowed on the college campus. Students would
receive a minimum of 15 demerits for having them on campus, 15
demerits for being involved with a group where they were being lit,
and 25 demerits for lighting them on campus.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


361. Students who play inappropriate practical jokes will generally

receive 25 demerits for the first incident and more for the second.
Something would be deemed an inappropriate practical joke if it
inconvenienced another, damaged another’s property, or caused
undue embarrassment or discouragement to another. For example,
if someone poured water on another’s bed, the mattress would
be damaged, and the other student would be inconvenienced by
having to change sheets, etc. If someone let the air out of a car tire,
the other would be inconvenienced by having to change the tire.
Demerits will be assigned to those actually “playing the joke” and
to those who actively or passively encourage it (the “bystanders”).
Students could receive more than 25 demerits for the first offense, if
the situation is serious enough.
362. Food and beverages are only allowed in the following areas of the
academic building: the Golden Grille, Overflow, Campus Corner,
Student Lounge, Java Junction, and the connecting hallways. (10
363. Students may not eat food from outside sources, such as fast food
restaurants, in the Java Junction or the Golden Grille. (5 demerits)
364. Students who take a book out of the library without checking it out
will receive 20 demerits.
365. No talking in the library. (5 demerits)
366. College ladies may not do washing or mending for college men. (10
367. Students may not leave briefcases, bags, books, or anything else in
the college hallways or dorm foyers. These will be taken to lost and
found. (5 demerits)
368. College students are not allowed to sign for delivery packages (UPS,
Fedex, etc.) without permission from a staff member.
369. Students may not use the college phone number and/or the college
address when advertising items for sale nor when advertising a
business or service they conduct. (10 demerits)
370. No playing ball of any kind in the parking lots. (10 demerits)
371. No one may ride scooters or skateboards on the college campus. (5
372. No one may bring rentable scooters/bicycles onto the campus. (10
373. Students may not sit or lie on the grass or blankets outside on the
college property. (5 demerits)



374. Men may not use the benches located behind the Clock Tower.
375. Any student who tampers with circuit breakers anywhere on campus
will be fined $50.
376. Students will be charged $200 for a false fire alarm (false pull, fire
extinguisher smoke/dust, burned food, etc).
377. When you hear a toxic gas alarm sound, please do the following:
shelter within the building and do not congregate in the walkways.
378. Students should respond to emails from the faculty and staff as soon
as possible.
379. Students who travel on tour for the college must be registered for
the fall semester before college ends for the summer break.
380. Any dorm student who logs in sick must remain in the dorms until
the following morning. He may not leave for meals, work (on or
off campus), church, soul winning, or for any other reason for the
remainder of the day. He must arrange for meals to be brought to
him, and he must call in sick for work. Off campus students who
call in sick must also remain home until the following morning. (25
demerits) See rule #17 for additional information regarding this
381. If a student completes the fall or spring semester and is living in the
Santa Clara area during the summer or Christmas break, he must
stay with his parents or in the dormitories. Students who violate this
rule will not be allowed to return to GSBC for the following semester.
382. Students may live off campus pending administrative approval if
they are:
A. 25 years of age or older.
B. An undergraduate student with 6 credits or less remaining.
C. A masters student.
383. Local bridal showers can only be planned for a GSBC bride who was
a NVBC member prior to enrollment at GSBC and who also lives in
the immediate area outside of the school year.
384. No marriages are allowed during a school semester or on the Friday
or Saturday after the conclusion of the fall or spring semester.
385. Concerning dormitory students, neither party of an engaged
couple may move into their new residence before they are married.
386. Students must receive permission from the Administration to re-
enroll for the following semester if they are married during any
summer or Christmas break prior to their graduation.

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


Daily Bible Reading Schedule

September 2022 October 2022 November 2022

1. Ezekiel 1-4 .................... 1. Matthew 1-4 ................. 1. John 1-3 .......................
2. Ezekiel 5-9 .................... 2. Matthew 5-6 ................. 2. John 4-5 .......................
3. Ezekiel 10-13 ................ 3. Matthew 7-9 ................. 3. John 6-8 .......................
4. Ezekiel 14-16 ................ 4. Matthew 10-11 ............. 4. John 9-10 .....................
5. Ezekiel 17-19 ................ 5. Matthew 12 .................. 5. John 11-12 ...................
6. Ezekiel 20-21 ................ 6. Matthew 13-14 ............. 6. John 13-16 ...................
7. Ezekiel 22-24 ................ 7. Matthew 15-17 ............. 7. John 17-18 ...................
8. Ezekiel 25-28 ................ 8. Matthew 18-20 ............. 8. John 19-21 ...................
9. Ezekiel 29-32 ................ 9. Matthew 21-22 ............. 9. Acts 1-3 ........................
10. Ezekiel 33-36 ................ 10. Matthew 23-24 ............. 10. Acts 4-6 ........................
11. Ezekiel 37-39 ................ 11. Matthew 25-26 ............. 11. Acts 7-8 ........................
12. Ezekiel 40-42 ................ 12. Matthew 27-28 ............. 12. Acts 9-10 ......................
13. Ezekiel 43-45 ................ 13. Mark 1-3 ....................... 13. Acts 11-13 ....................
14. Ezekiel 46-48 ................ 14. Mark 4-5 ....................... 14. Acts 14-16 ....................
15. Daniel 1-3 ..................... 15. Mark 6-7 ....................... 15. Acts 17-19 ....................
16. Daniel 4-6 ..................... 16. Mark 8-9 ....................... 16. Acts 20-22 ....................
17. Daniel 7-9 ..................... 17. Mark 10-11 ................... 17. Acts 23-25 ....................
18. Daniel 10-12 ................. 18. Mark 12-13 ................... 18. Acts 26-28 ....................
19. Hosea 1-6 ..................... 19. Mark 14-16 ................... 19. Romans 1-3 ..................
20. Hosea 7-14 ................... 20. Luke 1 ........................... 20. Romans 4-7 ..................
21. Joel 1-3 ........................ 21. Luke 2-3........................ 21. Romans 8-10 ................
22. Amos 1-5 ...................... 22. Luke 4-5........................ 22. Romans 11-13 ..............
23. Amos 6-9 23. Luke 6-7........................ 23. Romans 14-16 ..............
Obadiah ....................... 24. Luke 8-9........................ 24. I Corinthians 1-4 ...........
24. Jonah 1-4 ..................... 25. Luke 10-11.................... 25. I Corinthians 5-9 ...........
25. Micah 1-7 ..................... 26. Luke 12-13.................... 26. I Corinthians 10-13 .......
26. Nahum 1-3, 27. Luke 14-16.................... 27. I Corinthians 14-16 .......
Habakkuk 1-3 ...............
28. Luke 17-18.................... 28. II Corinthians 1-4 ..........
27. Zephaniah 1-3
Haggai 1-2.................... 29. Luke 19-20.................... 29. II Corinthians 5-8 ..........

28. Zechariah 1-7 ............... 30. Luke 21-22.................... 30. II Corinthians 9-13 ........

29. Zechariah 8-14 ............. 31. Luke 23-24....................

30. Malachi 1-4 ...................



Daily Bible Reading Schedule

December 2022 January 2023 February 2023

1. Galatians 1-3 ................ 1. Genesis 1-3 .................. 1. Leviticus 1-3 .................
2. Galatians 4-6 ................ 2. Genesis 4-6 .................. 2. Leviticus 4-6 .................
3. Ephesians 1-3 ............... 3. Genesis 7-9 .................. 3. Leviticus 7-8 .................
4. Ephesians 4-6 ............... 4. Genesis 10-12 .............. 4. Leviticus 9-10 ...............
5. Philippians 1-4 .............. 5. Genesis 13-15 .............. 5. Leviticus 11-13 .............
6. Colossians 1-4 .............. 6. Genesis 16-18 .............. 6. Leviticus 14-15 .............
7. I Thessalonians 1-5 ....... 7. Genesis 19-21 .............. 7. Leviticus 16-18 .............
8. II Thessalonians 1-3 ...... 8. Genesis 22-24 .............. 8. Leviticus 19-21 .............
9. I Timothy 1-6 ................ 9. Genesis 25-27 .............. 9. Leviticus 22-23 .............
10. II Timothy 1-4 ............... 10. Genesis 28-30 .............. 10. Leviticus 24-25 .............
11. Titus 1-3, Philemon ...... 11. Genesis 31-33 .............. 11. Leviticus 26-27 .............
12. Hebrews 1-4 ................. 12. Genesis 34-36 .............. 12. Numbers 1-2 ................
13. Hebrews 5-7 ................. 13. Genesis 37-39 .............. 13. Numbers 3-4 ................
14. Hebrews 8-10 ............... 14. Genesis 40-42 .............. 14. Numbers 5-6 ................
15. Hebrews 11-13 ............. 15. Genesis 43-45 .............. 15. Numbers 7 ...................
16. James 1-5 ..................... 16. Genesis 46-48 .............. 16. Numbers 8-9 ................
17. I Peter 1-2..................... 17. Genesis 49-Exodus 1.... 17. Numbers 10-11 ............
18. I Peter 3-5..................... 18. Exodus 2-4 ................... 18. Numbers 12-13 ............
19. II Peter 1-3.................... 19. Exodus 5-7 ................... 19. Numbers 14-15 ............
20. I John 1-3 ..................... 20. Exodus 8-10 ................. 20. Numbers 16-18 ............
21. I John 4-5 ..................... 21. Exodus 11-13 ............... 21. Numbers 19-20 ............
22. II John, III John, Jude ... 22. Exodus 14-16 ............... 22. Numbers 21-22 ............
23. Revelation 1-2 .............. 23. Exodus 17-19 ............... 23. Numbers 23-25 ............
24. Revelation 3-5 .............. 24. Exodus 20-22 ............... 24. Numbers 26-27 ............
25. Revelation 6-8 .............. 25. Exodus 23-25 ............... 25. Numbers 28-29 ............
26. Revelation 9-11 ............ 26. Exodus 26-28 ............... 26. Numbers 30-31 ............
27. Revelation 12-13 .......... 27. Exodus 29-31 ............... 27. Numbers 32-33 ............
28. Revelation 14-16 .......... 28. Exodus 32-34 ............... 28. Numbers 34-36 ............
29. Revelation 17-18 .......... 29. Exodus 35-37 ...............
30. Revelation 19-20 .......... 30. Exodus 38-39 ...............
31. Revelation 21-22 .......... 31. Exodus 40.....................

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


Daily Bible Reading Schedule

March 2023 April 2023 May 2023

1. Deuteronomy 1-2 ......... 1. I Samuel 1-3 ................. 1. II Kings 1-3 ...................
2. Deuteronomy 3-4 ......... 2. I Samuel 4-7 ................. 2. II Kings 4-5 ...................
3. Deuteronomy 5-7 ......... 3. I Samuel 8-11 ............... 3. II Kings 6-8 ...................
4. Deuteronomy 8-10 ....... 4. I Samuel 12-14:23 ........ 4. II Kings 9-10 .................
5. Deuteronomy 11-13 ..... 5. I Samuel 14:24 - 16 ...... 5. II Kings 11-13 ...............
6. Deuteronomy 14-16 ..... 6. I Samuel 17-18 ............. 6. II Kings 14-15 ...............
7. Deuteronomy 17-20 ..... 7. I Samuel 19-21 ............. 7. II Kings 16-17 ...............
8. Deuteronomy 21-23 ..... 8. I Samuel 22-24 ............. 8. II Kings 18-20 ...............
9. Deuteronomy 24-27 ..... 9. I Samuel 25-27 ............. 9. II Kings 21-23:20 ..........
10. Deuteronomy 28 .......... 10. I Samuel 28-31 ............. 10. II Kings 23:21 - 25 ........
11. Deuteronomy 29-31 ..... 11. II Samuel 1-2 ................ 11. I Chronicles 1-2 ............
12. Deuteronomy 32-34 ..... 12. II Samuel 3-5 ................ 12. I Chronicles 3-5 ...........
13. Joshua 1-3 .................... 13. II Samuel 6-9 ................ 13. I Chronicles 6-7 ............
14. Joshua 4-6 .................... 14. II Samuel 10-12 ............ 14. I Chronicles 8-10 ..........
15. Joshua 7-8 .................... 15. II Samuel 13-14 ............ 15. I Chronicles 11-13 ........
16. Joshua 9-10 .................. 16. II Samuel 15-16 ............ 16. I Chronicles 14-16 ........
17. Joshua 11-13 ................ 17. II Samuel 17-18 ............ 17. I Chronicles 17-20 ........
18. Joshua 14-16 ................ 18. II Samuel 19-20 ............ 18. I Chronicles 21-23 ........
19. Joshua 17-19 ................ 19. II Samuel 21-22 ............ 19. I Chronicles 24-26 ........
20. Joshua 20-21 ................ 20. II Samuel 23-24 ............ 20. I Chronicles 27-29 ........
21. Joshua 22-24 ................ 21. I Kings 1-2:25 ............... 21. II Chronicles 1-3 ...........
22. Judges 1-2 ................... 22. I Kings 2:26 - 4 ............. 22. II Chronicles 4-6 ...........
23. Judges 3-5 ................... 23. I Kings 5-7 .................... 23. II Chronicles 7-9 ...........
24. Judges 6-7 ................... 24. I Kings 8........................ 24. II Chronicles 10-13 .......
25. Judges 8-9 ................... 25. I Kings 9-11 .................. 25. II Chronicles 14-17 .......
26. Judges 10-11 ............... 26. I Kings 12-13 ................ 26. II Chronicles 18-20 .......
27. Judges 12-14 ............... 27. I Kings 14-15 ................ 27. II Chronicles 21-24 .......
28. Judges 15-17 ............... 28. I Kings 16-18 ................ 28. II Chronicles 25-27 .......
29. Judges 18-19 ............... 29. I Kings 19-20 ................ 29. II Chronicles 28-30 .......
30. Judges 20-21 ............... 30. I Kings 21-22 ................ 30. II Chronicles 31-33 .......
31. Ruth 1-4........................ 31. II Chronicles 34-36 .......



Daily Bible Reading Schedule

June 2023 July 2023 August 2023

1. Ezra 1-2 ........................ 1. Psalms 36-39 ................ 1. Isaiah 1-4 ......................
2. Ezra 3-5 ........................ 2. Psalms 40-45 ................ 2. Isaiah 5-9 ......................
3. Ezra 6-7 ........................ 3. Psalms 46-51 ................ 3. Isaiah 10-14 ..................
4. Ezra 8-9 ........................ 4. Psalms 52-59 ................ 4. Isaiah 15-21 ..................
5. Ezra 10 ......................... 5. Psalms 60-66 ................ 5. Isaiah 22-26 ..................
6. Nehemiah 1-3............... 6. Psalms 67-71 ................ 6. Isaiah 27-31 ..................
7. Nehemiah 4-6............... 7. Psalms 72-77 ................ 7. Isaiah 32-37 ..................
8. Nehemiah 7-8............... 8. Psalms 78-80 ................ 8. Isaiah 38-42 ..................
9. Nehemiah 9-10............. 9. Psalms 81-87 ................ 9. Isaiah 43-46 ..................
10. Nehemiah 11-12........... 10. Psalms 88-91 ................ 10. Isaiah 47-51 ..................
11. Nehemiah 13 ................ 11. Psalms 92-100 .............. 11. Isaiah 52-57 ..................
12. Esther 1-3 ..................... 12. Psalms 101-105 ............ 12. Isaiah 58-63 ..................
13. Esther 4-7 ..................... 13. Psalms 106-107 ............ 13. Isaiah 64-66 ..................
14. Esther 8-10 ................... 14. Psalms 108-118 ............ 14. Jeremiah 1-3 ................
15. Job 1-4 ......................... 15. Psalms 119 ................... 15. Jeremiah 4-6 ................
16. Job 5-8 ......................... 16. Psalms 120-131 ............ 16. Jeremiah 7-10 ..............
17. Job 9-12 ....................... 17. Psalms 132-138 ............ 17. Jeremiah 11-14 ............
18. Job 13-16 ..................... 18. Psalms 139-143 ............ 18. Jeremiah 15-18 ............
19. Job 17-20 ..................... 19. Psalms 144-150 ............ 19. Jeremiah 19-22 ............
20. Job 21-24 ..................... 20. Proverbs 1-3 ................. 20. Jeremiah 23-25 ............
21. Job 25-29 ..................... 21. Proverbs 4-7 ................. 21. Jeremiah 26-28 ............
22. Job 30-33 ..................... 22. Proverbs 8-11 ............... 22. Jeremiah 29-31 ............
23. Job 34-37 ..................... 23. Proverbs 12-15 ............. 23. Jeremiah 32-33 ............
24. Job 38-40 ..................... 24. Proverbs 16-19 ............. 24. Jeremiah 34-36 ............
25. Job 41-42 ..................... 25. Proverbs 20-22 ............. 25. Jeremiah 37-40 ............
26. Psalms 1-9 .................... 26. Proverbs 23-26 ............. 26. Jeremiah 41-44 ............
27. Psalms 10-17 ................ 27. Proverbs 27-31 ............. 27. Jeremiah 45-48 ............
28. Psalms 18-22 ................ 28. Ecclesiastes 1-4 ............ 28. Jeremiah 49-50 ............
29. Psalms 23-30 ................ 29. Ecclesiastes 5-8 ............ 29. Jeremiah 51-52 ............
30. Psalms 31-35 ................ 30. Ecclesiastes 9-12 .......... 30. Lamentations 1-2 .........
31. Song of Solomon 1-8 ... 31. Lamentations 3-5 .........

2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR






2022 - 2023 SCHOOL YEAR


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