464-Article Text-1619-1-10-20210721
464-Article Text-1619-1-10-20210721
464-Article Text-1619-1-10-20210721
ISBN. 978-623-96179-3-6
June 12, 2021 pp. 227-234
The banking industry is currently growing rapidly by utilizing and optimizing management information and
technology in the form of e-banking as an efficient means of a satisfying customer. Online-based services at banks
are more efficient services to help customers. Technological advances have been used to attract customer for bank
transactions. Therefore, customer satisfaction is a priority in banking activities. Customer satisfaction is an important
factor in maintaining a competitive advantage in the era of technological development. This research is a form of
replication that will use the subject of e-banking user bank customer in Indonesia which aims to determine the factors
that affect customer satisfaction of e-banking service users. This research uses quantitative methods with multiple
linear regression analysis. The results of this study state that cloud service, e-learning, and service quality are factors
that can increase customer satisfaction when using e-banking services.
Keywords : customer satisfaction, e-banking, e-learning, security, service quality, the role of cloud service
The development of information and communication technology presents new opportunities for all sectors of the
economy, these developments have an impact on fundamental changes in the business sector (Shaqiri & Namani,
2015). One of the factors of business success is information technology (IT) which is useful for optimizing business
management in generating profits. IT-based business is considered the main source of success in the business world
(Nikoloski, 2012). The development of IT in business aims to make it easier for customers to interact with companies
(Hugh & Kim, 2019). The era of the digital economy for cellular services is one aspect that is experiencing rapid
development in the world, this opportunity offers significant added value to services. In the last few decades,
competition in the banking industry has become increasingly intense. Technology-based banking activities in this era
emerged as a strategic innovation for responding to changes and increase competitive power for customer
convenience (Ho, Wu, Lee, & Pham, 2020).
The development of information technology has made it easier for bank customers to access accounts via the internet
network (e-banking). The e-banking application is a banking activity that utilizes information technology that
provides services as needed (Li, Lu, Hou, Cui, & Darbandi, 2021). E-banking products provide transaction services at
low costs to increase efficiency and productivity. The e-banking service is one of the fastest-growing bank products
in the world, especially in Indonesia (Ho, Wu, Lee, & Pham, 2020). Based on the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
noted that the number of e-banking users increased 270% from 2012 to 2016, this increase occurred due to customer
needs in utilizing technology (Yani, Lestari, Amalia, & Puspita, 2018). In terms of transactions, in 2020 the number
of customers transacting via e-banking was 60,912,342 transactions. This data increased by 36% from 2019 with
44,872,107 transactions (Richard, 2020).
Customer satisfaction with e-banking users has been confirmed as the key to success in information technology and
communication systems (Geebren, Jabbar, & Luo, 2021). Customer satisfaction is also an important parameter for
banks (Ahmed, Rezaul, & Rahman, 2014), and banks must have a strategy that aims to get customer satisfaction
(Ayo, Oni, Adewoye, & Eweoya, 2016). Satisfaction is one of the reasons customers continue to use e-banking as a
transaction facility (Nustini & Fadhilah, 2020). Customer satisfaction in using e-banking services is influenced by
several factors, namely cloud service, security system, e-learning and service quality (Li, Lu, Hou, Cui, & Darbandi,
2021). Technological advances are part of the emerging trends in information technology, such as the internet of
things (IoT), big data, cloud computing, and industry 4.0 (Kim, 2017). Cloud computing is a large-scale parallel
system that provides computing resources such as servers, networks, and applications via the internet (Song, Kim, &
Shon, 2020). Cloud computing enables the growth of cost-effective information technology services (Ali, Shretha,
Chatfield, & Murray, 2020). The rapid development of cloud computing has an impact on cloud service, which is a
component needed to measure the quality of a service that has a direct effect on customer performance and
satisfaction (Ding, Wang, Wu, & Olson, 2017).
With increasing concerns regarding cloud security and privacy, the security system dynamically provides a reliable
computing environment according to customer needs (Huang, Chen, Yuan, Ding, Jian, Tan, Chen, Chen 2020).
System security is a series of services such as passwords and authentication services that are mostly used in cloud
systems. Complex security services derive from the coordination of several different services (Hamdy, Abbas, &
Hegazy, 2021). The security system is currently a major concern in the banking sector for better service
improvements (Neeraja, Rao, Maloji, & Hussain, 2018).
The sophistication of information technology allows individuals to learn effectively using electronic services (e-
learning) (Tan, Chen, Li, Li, Tang, Wang, 2015). E-learning is a type of service that is one of the new developments
in the company. This system makes it possible to access the latest knowledge which aims to increase the productivity
and performance of the company (Chen & Kuo, 2011). E-learning is a solution to avoid problems related to physical
mobility that allows customers to access online information anywhere (Dominici & Palumbo, 2013).
Service quality aims to meet the needs and expectations of customers. Customer satisfaction results from good
employee performance (Chen & Kuo, 2011). Service quality has a role in influencing customer satisfaction, the better
service provided, the higher customer satisfaction (Nunkoo, Teeroovengadum, Ringle, & Sunnassee, 2020). Service
quality for e-banking users in the banking industry is considered important to maintain a higher quality of service.
Customers are more interested in banks that provide fast transaction services when using e-banking (Raza, Umer,
Qureshi, & Dahri, 2020).
The four variables which are factors that affect customer satisfaction in this study have never been done before in
Indonesia. This is an important achievement in this research to provide a research instrument that looks at the effect
of management IT e-banking services on customer satisfaction in Indonesia.
2.2 E-learning
E-learning makes it easy for individuals to carry out cooperative learning efficiently anywhere and anytime (Li, Lu,
Hou, Cui, & Darbandi, 2021). E-learning is a type of electronic service that helps users access the latest knowledge
and find solutions that aim to increase company productivity (Chen & Kuo, 2011). The quality of e-learning services
is one of the factors that can increase satisfaction and loyalty to individuals (Pham, Limbu, Bui, Nguyen, & Pham,
2019). Karaaslan (2013) investigated the role of e-learning in the success of improving professional performance and
developing the career of bank employees based on the e-learning used. The research was conducted on employees of
the Aegean region of foreign banks. As a result, e-learning training was effective in increasing the bank's
performance in creating professional employees. Purnomo & Lee, (2013) conducted research in Indonesia, aiming to
determine whether the technology acceptance model can be used to understand the benefits of customer perceptions
in using the e-learning system. The analysis method used is the structural equation modeling technique. The results of
this study suggest that the model used provides a conceptual framework for individuals and organizations to better
understand the crisis factors that most play a role in influencing the acceptance of e-learning in developing countries.
called a policy-customized trusted cloud service (PC-TCS) using a prototype based on the Xen Hypervisor. As a
result, the PC-TCS system can be integrated into the cloud system as part of a trusted computing base. Mogos &
Jamail (2021) conducted a study to identify the security situation of the e-banking application and analyze the risks
and attacks that can be encountered by bank customers. The method used is the analysis of IT threats with potential
vulnerabilities and IT system control. The result is that online applications are essential to ensure environmental
security in a way that is authentic, available, and confidential and has a high level of security. Banks must regularly
look at developing risks and provide solutions to address security problems
understand the crisis factors perceptions of customers in the
that most play a role in ease of using the e-learning
influencing acceptance system.
Chen, (2013) Explain that the intensity of Using the same Discusses the effect of diffusion
e-banking use has different framework, namely e- and e-banking services, risk
perceptual patterns banking services. perception, brand awareness, and
regarding the benefits and brand image of e-banking service
risks of innovation. Then, providers, related to e-banking
brand awareness and brand usage attitudes and intentions to
image of the bank providing use e-banking.
e-banking services are
exogenous factors that are
important to see customer
attitudes and interests.
Huang, et al., The resulting PC-TCS Using a security system This research develops a new
(2020) system can be integrated framework and cloud security framework called a
into the cloud system as part services. policy-customized trusted cloud
of the computing base service (PC-TCS) using a
prototype based on the Xen
Mogos & Jamail, Shows how to implement Using the banking Identify the security situation of
(2021) several different protective system security variable the e-banking application and
measures to protect analyze the risk of attacks that can
accounts of individuals and occur on bank customers.
organizations from being
targeted by Internet crime.
Raza, Umer, All dimensions in this study Using the variables of Determine customer loyalty
Qureshi, & Dahri, have a positive and service quality and variables.
(2020) significant impact on customer satisfaction.
customer satisfaction.
Meanwhile, customer
satisfaction has a positive
effect on customer loyalty.
This research is explanatory research, which is a study that examines the relationship between the independent
variables (cloud service, e-learning, banking system security and service quality) and the dependent variable
(customer satisfaction). The analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis with the help of the SPSS
application which aims to see the estimated relationship between variables (Uyanik & Guler, 2013). The data in this
study were descriptive, so the researcher also conducted literature research to find phenomena without ignoring
numerical data. The conceptual model of this research can be seen in fig.1. The first measurement in this study is to
test the reliability and discriminating power of items, then the second measure the relationship between variables.
Figure 1. Conceptual of Research
3.1 Sampling Design and Data Collection
This study uses a population of bank customers using e-banking services with a minimum sample of 111 subjects as
determined by the G * Power application with an effect size of 0.3; error probability 0.05; and power 0.95. Collecting
data using a questionnaire distributed online with the characteristics of the subject having an e-banking application
and having done transactions online. The questionnaire obtained from a random sampling of 142 respondents, table 2
describes in detail the related sample of this study.
3.2 Measurement Instrument
Measuring five variables in this study using a scale developed by Li, Lu, Hou, Cui, & Darbandi, (2021) totalling 25
items. The scale measures the variables of cloud service, banking system security, e-learning, service quality and
customer satisfaction. All variables were measured using a Likert scale with the following responses: 1 (strongly
disagree); 2 (disagree); 3 (neutral); 4 (agree); 5 (totally agree). A high score on this scale indicates a satisfactory e-
banking service. Researchers transadapted the scale using the guidelines of Beaton, Bombardier, Guillemin, & Ferraz,
(2000) with stages: stage 1 (initial translation); stage 2 (synthesis of the translation); stage 3 (expert committee); stage
4 (test of the prefinal version); stage 5 (submission of documentation).
3.3 Reliability of Research Instruments
Reliability measurement in this study used the Cronbach's alpha method. Reliability for the independent variables
consisting of cloud service, e-learning, banking system security, and service quality were 0.68, 0.78, 0.76, and 0.67,
for the dependent variable, namely customer satisfaction, reliability of 0.81. According to Bujang, Omar & Baharum,
(2018) reliability above 0.5 can still be recommended.
4.1 Descriptive Statistic
This study uses a descriptive statistical method in the form of a percentage and a frequency table. This section
describes gender, age, and job status which can be seen detail in table 2. Of the 142 respondents 60% were women
and 40% were men. Respondents in this study were dominated by subjects who had worked 58%, and 63% were
dominated by adults.
Table 2. Statistic Descriptive of participants
Measure Indicator Frequency Percentage
Gender Male 57 40%
Female 85 60%
Job status Student 50 35%
Already working 82 58%
Unemployment 10 7%
Age Under 21 17 12%
21-30 89 63%
31-40 23 16%
41-50 11 8%
Over 50 2 1%
service, e-learning, banking system security, and service quality variables, while 35.5% is explained by other
Table 3. The coefficient of determination
Before conducting multiple regression tests, this study has met the assumption test criteria. Table 4 illustrates the
results of multiple regression tests. The result shows (β = 0.517, sig = 0.009 <0.05) so that hypothesis 1 can be
accepted. Cloud Service has a significant effect and has a positive relationship with customer satisfaction. Therefore,
banks must ensure that cloud services work optimally. Cloud systems must be designed according to their needs so
that customers can easily get benefits when using that system (Li, Lu, Hou, Cui, & Darbandi, 2021). Cloud services
are currently believed to be able to increase the profitability of a company and can bind customers (Shang,
Kauffman, Huang, & Yang, 2020), cloud services are also a component that can measure the level of customer
satisfaction directly (Ding, Wang, Wu, & Olson, 2017).
Hypothesis 2 test results show that e-learning has a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction (β = 0.446,
sig = 0.000 <0.05). According to Pham, Limbu, Bui, Nguyen, & Pham, (2019) the quality of e-learning services is an
important factor that affects user loyalty and satisfaction. In addition, Pham, Vu, & Tran, (2020) said that
organizations that have e-learning programs must realize the importance of customer loyalty related to trust and
satisfaction in general. To make this happen, Chen & Kuo, (2011) explain that e-learning must have several criteria
so that usage satisfaction can be increased. These criteria are content that is stable, easy to use, has up-to-date content,
and has good service response.
Hypothesis 3 has different results, (sig = 0.240> 0.05), namely the banking system security variable has no significant
effect on customer satisfaction. This means that even though the bank has a good security system, it does not affect
customer satisfaction. Satisfaction does not always guarantee someone to become a regular customer. Many factors
influence a customer's desire to continue subscribing (Elizar, Indrawati, & Syah, 2020). Even though the bank has
made efforts to optimize the banking system security, security risks in e-banking services remain a concern for
customers. Threats of crime and fraud can be in the form of loss of customer funds, hoaxes of bank information via
SMS and email, theft of personal data, and hacking of verification via SMS causing customer concern (Poornima &
Sridharan, 2020).
The results of testing hypothesis 4 show that service quality has a significant and positive effect on customer
satisfaction (β = 0.305, sig = 0.000 <0.05) it means that the better service quality, the more customer satisfaction
increases. Customers who are satisfied with e-banking services will have a positive impact on the bank's brand
(Nguyen, Pham, Tran, & Pham, 2020). Service quality for e-banking users is considered important to maintain a
higher quality of service. Bank customers are more interested in banks that provide fast transaction services when
using e-banking (Raza, Umer, Qureshi, & Dahri, 2020). The banking industry has a major focus on service quality.
Service quality has an important point to increase customer satisfaction, if customers are satisfied because of the
quality of service provided by the bank, it will increase customer loyalty to remain customers (Alam & Al-Amri,
2020). Literature related to service quality and customer satisfaction has explained that in the era of digital
transformation, banks need to understand customer needs to evaluate services (Zouari & Abdelhedi, 2021).
Customer satisfaction is an important point that must be considered by banks to increase competitiveness
in the era of digital development. The conclusion of this study is that cloud service, e-learning and service
quality are proven to have a significant effect on customer satisfaction, while banking system security has
no significant effect on customer satisfaction. The results of this study are different from previous studies
which prove that banking system security is one of the factors that has a positive influence on customer
satisfaction. This can be caused by customers who until now have received threats of fraud and crime
from the e-banking services used.
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