Hilario-Marvin S - FS1 - E-Portfolio-Final
Hilario-Marvin S - FS1 - E-Portfolio-Final
Hilario-Marvin S - FS1 - E-Portfolio-Final
Cooperating School
Academic Year 2022-2023
1st Semester
Submitted by:
FS Student (BSED 4- SCIENCE)
Submitted to:
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 1
A. Portfolio Entries:
I. Title of each Section
Learning Episode 1: The School Environment
Learning Episode 2: Learner Diversity: Developmental
Characteristics, Needs, and Interests
Learning Episode 3: Focus on Gender, Needs, Strengths,
Interests, Experiences Language, Race, Culture, Religion,
Socioeconomic, Difficult Circumstances, and Indigenous
Learning Episode 4: Learner Diversity: The Community and
Home Environment
Learning Episode 5: Creating an Appropriate Learning
Learning Episode 6: Classroom Management and
Classroom Routines
Learning Episode 7: Physical and Personal Aspects of
Classroom Management
Learning Episode 8: The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Learning Episode 9: Preparing for Teaching and Learning
Learning Episode 10: The Instructional Cycle
Learning Episode 11: Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources
and ICT
Learning Episode 12: Assessment for Learning and
Assessment as Learning (Formative Assessment)
Learning Episode 13: Assessment of Learning (Summative
Learning Episode 14: The Teacher as a Person and as a
Learning Episode 15: Towards Teacher
Quality: Developing A Global Teacher of
the 21st Century
Learning Episode 16: On Teacher’s Philosophy of Education
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 2
II. Entries or Evidence
III. Reflection on each Section
B. Additional Entries to the Portfolio
6. Personal Reflections on the Portfolio
7. Comments of the Faculty
8. Rubric for the Portfolio
9. Student’s Self-Rating Competency Checklist
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 3
Marvin S. Hilario, 22 lives in Daang
Bago, Dinalupihan, Bataan. He spent her
primary years of education at Daang Bago
Elementary School, where he graduated
with an award of first honorable mention.
After that, he studied at Balsik National
High School, where he became a school
athlete by playing badminton and
graduating in the same year with a “With
Honor” award. Subsequently, Hilario
moved to the University of Nueva Caceres
Bataan in Senior High to pursue his strand
which was GAS or General Academic
Strand. He then graduated with Honors.
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will
live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
This quote has been with me ever since I first heard these words, and as I pursue my
dream of becoming a teacher, I frequently mention that I want this to be my fundamental
guiding principle while imparting knowledge to my students. Education should be inclusive
and dynamic, allowing each individual student to develop and learn in a variety of contexts
until they discover what works best for them. As a result, when I become a teacher, I want to
be someone who can recognize their character, their strengths, and their weaknesses and help
them become whom they want to be by utilizing their talents, despite the fact that they all
have them, they are all capable of succeeding.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 4
Dinalupihan, Bataan
[email protected]
Gender : Male
Birthday : November 10, 2000
Birthplace : Dinalupihan, Bataan
Age : 22
Blood Type : B+
Height : 5’9
Weight : 65 kg.
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language : Filipino/ Kapampangan
Name of Mother : Marife S. Hilario
Name of Father : Noli F. Hilario
San Ramon, Dinalupihan, Bataan
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 5
• Communication skills
• Creativity
• Flexibility
• Organization Skills
• Sport Enthusiast
• Computer Literacy
Rendel R. Batchar, MaED
Class Adviser
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 6
which makes the learning process more active, helps the students to work in real situations,
and to develop skills, competencies, and positive attitudes through activation of their existing
Thus, as part of accomplishing the FS1 course, an e-portfolio shall be created for the
purpose of documenting and presenting the finished tasks of the students. It will help provide
a simple and organized presentation of what the field study students were able to observe,
learn and accomplish during their deployment. Here is also where they may express their
experience through narratives and reflection that will showcase their learnings and gains
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 7
(Portfolio Entries)
Observations of Teaching -
Learning in Actual School
(PRED 2213)
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 8
1 OCTOBER 19 FS1 Learning Episode 1.1 Exploring The School Campus
2 OCTOBER 26, FS1 Learning Episode 1.2 Observing Bulletin Board Displays
3 NOVEMBER FS1 Learning Episode 2 Learner Diversity: Developmental
03, 2022 Characteristics, Needs and Interests
4 NOVEMBER 9, FS1 Learning Episode 3 Observing differences among learners’ gender,
2022 needs, strengths, interests, and experiences: and
differences among learners’ linguistic, cultural,
socio-economic, and religious backgrounds and
difficult circumstances
5 NOVEMBER FS1 Learning Episode 4 Learner Diversity: The Community and Home
16, 2022 Environment
6 NOVEMBER FS1 Learning Episode 5 Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment
23, 2022
7 DECEMBER FS1 Learning Episode 6 Classroom Management and Classroom
01, 2022 Routines
8 DECEMBER FS1 Learning Episode 7 Personal and Physical Aspects of Classroom
07, 2022 Management
9 DECEMBER FS1 Learning Episode 8 The Teacher and School Curriculum
14, 2022
10 JANUARY 04, FS1 Learning Episode 9 Preparing for Teaching and Learning
Learning Episode 10 The Instructional Cycle
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 9
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work my way through these steps:
1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, then in
the classroom.
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a school environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a. Descriptive paragraph c. Photo essay
b. Sketch or drawing d. Poem, song or rap
As you move around the campus, observation forms are provided for you to
document your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before
proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be
accomplished in the activity sheet will yield better learning results.
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available, and say how
each will contribute to the students’ learning and development.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 10
board that entails the cleanliness since the room is
number of emergency clean and organize.
hotlines, safety seal/
precaution, the DepEd
memo and the list of the
names of the teachers in
organizational chart. The
office is well ventilated,
and it is relaxing because
there is sofa while you are
waiting or talking to the
Library / The library was under its In my perspective, it can
renovation, but the books contribute to student learning
are well arranged on the and development in terms of
shelves. they can browse different
information when they need it
especially if they have an
assignment or research. It also
promotes interpersonal skills
for their collaborative work/
Counseling room/ it / There are tables and chairs It can contribute to student
also serves as a record that can be use. Also, the learning and development
room in BNHS room is well ventilated, and because he/she can share
the documents are well his/her problem to engage
arranged. speaking up to his/her
problem to authorized person.
Also, the record room can
serve as an inspiration to the
student to be organize.
Canteen/Cafeteria / The have 2 canteens, 1 in It can contribute to student
the junior high school and 1 learning and development in
for the senior high school. It terms of they can eat nutritious
has chairs and tables that foods. They can also develop
they can be use when they their interpersonal skills.
are eating. They serve
nutritious foods and
refreshing drinks.
Medical Clinic / It has a first aid kit for It can contribute to student
emergency, and they have learning and development
an oxygen tank and because they can give a
nebulizer. Also, the clinic is student an assistance that they
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 11
well ventilated and need especially when they are
organize. sick.
Resource Center
Science Laboratory / They do not have separate It can contribute to student
room for science laboratory learning and development in
instead they use their terms of they can experience
respective science room for the apparatus first-hand, that
experiment. There are leads them in learning on how
several apparatuses like to use and manipulate these
microscope and some things.
beakers. The room is not
conducive for science
Outdoor/Garden / They have several gardens Yes, it can contribute to
that represent the different student learning and
clubs. The gardens contain development because they can
ornamental and vegetable distinguish different plants
plants. accordingly. It can aid them to
give their full potential in
planting plants.
Home Economics / They are long tables and It can contribute to student
Room chairs that can be use in learning and development
cooking. It also has because they can learn
different cooking apparatus different things like how to
like microwave oven, cook and manipulate different
kitchen wares and apparatus in the kitchen. Also,
condiments. The room is it can engage the idea of
well organized and clean, cleanliness and organizing.
but it is hot inside even
though there is an exhaust
Industrial Workshop / They have a lot of Yes, it can contribute to
Area workshop area per T.L.E student learning and
specialization for ICT, development because it can
garments, electricity, engage interest in creating new
manicure etc. ideas about certain activity.
They can acquire new skills
that can be used to our daily
basis like cooking, fixing hair,
doing nails, fixing computer,
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 12
making dress, and
manipulating electricity etc.
PTA Office
Comfort Room for / They do not have separateIn my perspective, it can
Boys comfort room for boys andcontribute to student learning
girls, but their comfort and development in terms of
room are clean. they can indulge themselves to
cleanliness and being hygienic.
Comfort Room for / They do not have separate In my perspective, it can
Girls comfort room for boys and contribute to student learning
girls, but their comfort and development in terms of
room are clean. they can indulge themselves to
cleanliness and being hygienic.
An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on
the space provided.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 13
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes,
religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
I saw our national hero, Jose Rizal, our current president, the mission, vision and
core values, bulletin boards that contains their birthday who are the cleaners. I also
perceived different Covid protocols that help students to maintain the social
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are engaged. Where is the teacher’s table
located? How are the tables and chairs/desk arranged?
The 2 teacher’s table located at front and at the back of the room. They are using
long tables and monobloc chairs since it is a science room, there are 6 long tables,
and each table has roughly 8 monobloc chairs.
Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record
your data.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 14
3. Learner’s Desks There are 6 long learning tables and it arranged these by
2 each row. The tables are old and need to change
because it is not sturdy.
4. Blackboard The are 2 black boards in front and they are serving their
purpose very well.
5. Learning They are learning visual aids each side of the room and
Materials/Visual Aids they are all in good condition.
6. Electric fans There are approximately 8 electric fans, and they are
doing their job well.
7. Trash can There are approximately 6 trash cans because they
segregate the biodegradable, non- biodegradable and
recyclable 1 set on the back and 1 set on the side of the
door. They are doing their job well also.
8. Cleaning tools There are several cleaning tools like walis tingting, wais
tambo trash can and mop at the back and arranged it
properly. They are serving their purpose very well.
9. Books There are plenty of books in a shelf and it is located at the
back and arranged it properly on the respective shelves.
The books are serving their purpose very well.
10. Lighting There are 4 fluorescent lamps that can brighten the room
and they are also in good condition and serves their
How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
In my perspective, the campus of the school or the classroom has its crucial part
when it comes to the learning of the students, thus it must have a positive impact. There is
already enough space on the school property and in the classrooms to meet all the needs of
the student. Some rooms are good for learning, while others are not. Lastly, the classroom
environment can maximize student performance by fostering a disciplined learning
environment that improves students' academic abilities and competences as well as their
social and emotional well-being that are beneficial for their development.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 15
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/How does
this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
Most of the child’s time is spent in school. because their environment has an impact
on how they grow. As an individual, the teacher must make sure that the environment in
the classroom supports students' learning were growing, including a positive relationship,
safety, drive, and openness to learning. The students were instructed in they can apply for
a long time in a variety of professions or subjects, such as science, math, and the like
knowledge. Additionally, it is a location where people receive instruction on how to
contribute positively to society.
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?
In my opinion, yes, because this is real life in teaching, especially in public school
there are a lot of dilemmas that we may face. Crowded classrooms, unorganized rooms
and loud environments are just some of the problems, but the good thing is how we
play as a good teachers, how we turn this negative side into a positive. For me, that is
the definition of an effective teacher.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 16
teachers have like being enthusiastic, well-organized, gregarious, self-assured, and
sympathetic. By taking all these traits, everything will follow.
The display board or what we more commonly refer to as a bulletin board, is one of
the mst readily available and versatile learning resources.
To achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps: 1.
Examine for bulletin board displays. Include samples of those found at the entrance,
lobby, hallways and classrooms. 2. Pick one and evaluate the display. 3. Propose
enhancements to make the display more effective.
As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms
provided for you to document your observations.
An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS Read the following carefully before you
Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 17
1. Where the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see
2. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and
colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?
3. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
4. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the
5. Are the messages clear and easily understood?
6. Think about what you got your attention. Why did it get you attention?
7. Take a photo of the display board (if allowed)
Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:
Observation REPORT
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 18
Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.
4 – Outstanding 3 – Very Satisfactory 2 – Satisfactory 1 – Needs Improvement
Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective Communication / The design of the letters that had been
It conveys the message quickly used was readable.
and clearly.
Attractiveness / The chosen color palette was appealing
Colors and arrangement catch and to the viewer.
hold interest.
Balance / The images and texts were aligned based
Objects are arranged, so stability is on their context.
Unity / The overall design of the boards was
Repeated shapes or colors or use of minimalist and the color palette of green
borders hold display together. and pink matched the whole board.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 19
Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the Bulletin Each bulletin board The whole layout was not
Board layout secured with a tempered uniformly complimented
class that will secure all the to each other. Also, the
announcement and files. font size of each board was
Also, the color palette that not readable, and the
had been used was quality of the printed
pleasing to the eyes. materials were low
Lastly, all the files and quality.
announcement were
placed on their proper
Marvin S. Hilario
Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may present your
output through any of these:
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 20
• An electronic (computer) drawing illustration or layout
My Board Display Lay-out.
2. Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience?
Why? Why not? The board's layout appeals to me quite a bit, but I think it didn't really
capture the interests of the intended audience. The bulletin's positioning is against the
light, making it challenging to see from a distance. Second, I think students are not
interested in it because the pictures have already faded since it was last updated a year
3. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not? Yes. Because readers place a high value on words. If they are unable to
understand that language, they will just ignore it. Just imagine, you are reading a text in a
language you don't normally understand, all you get are question marks because you
don't have any experience with that language. By this, it's crucial that the terminology
utilized be simple to understand.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 21
4. Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?
Board display play a vital role to our student because it aids us in visual learning, which
benefits student’s education. We teachers use display boards to display pictures related to
the lesson's topic.
Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form
• to prevent contamination of water sources, negative consequences from
othersfinding it, disease spread, and to speed up decomposition.
✓ to ensure environmental preservation through efficient waste management
✓ to increase jobs in the waste management, recycling, and recovery
industries. Increase product and usage rates for recycling and reuse.
Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:
• Infographics, pictures, and quotations relating to reading about proper
disposal ofwaste management.
Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):
• Most of it comes through the internet and
booksHere are the materials for aesthetic
• printed materials, colored paper, cartolina, plastic cover and scissors
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 22
1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
In my opinion here are the skills that a teacher should posses to come up with
effective board display. First, be creative, to make the display board more enticing, we must
have the necessary creativity and it can attract the interest of the student. Secondly, be
always organized because we present information that are very integral to the learning of
our students. Next, have a good communication skill, the information should display must
be simple for the students to understand for the message to be conveyed. Followed by
being resourceful, it is important to effectively use all the resources or materials that we
have. Lastly, is to have originality because we teacher always innovate ideas that may help
our student’s knowledge.
2. Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I must say I possessed the skill of being a good communicator because back then I
tend to vocalize all the ideas that I have for the betterment of our bulletin board. I share all
the knowledge that I have because when we share our wisdom to other people they can
also learn, by that, we exchange ideas that can help us in building a good bulletin board.
3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how
you can improve on or acquire these skills.
I must admit that I'm not very creative. Despite the fact that I lack artistic aptitude,
I do my best to provide pupils with works that will inspire them. I've been honing my
creative abilities by watching online supplemental videos that can help me do so.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 23
Activity 2.1
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:
Step 1 Observe 3 groups of learners from different levels (preschool, elem. And high school).
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 24
Step 2 Describe each of the learners based in my observations.
Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to document your
1. Observe their gross motor skills how they carry themselves, how they move, walk, run, go up the stairs,
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns?
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy, sad, easily cries, mood
2. How do they express their wants/needs Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-conscious?
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language proficiency.
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of their thinking
3. Were there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how they showed problem solving abilities.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 25
Learners’ Development Matrix
Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in the
matrix. This will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at
different levels. The items under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just
sample indicators. You may add other aspects which you may have observed.
They do task on
their own, they
Self-help skills work independently.
Their writings are
finer and when it
comes in cursive
Interaction with The respect was
Teacher being shown in
building a god
rapport to their
teacher. Also, they
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 26
are interactive when
Interaction with it comes in
Classmates/friends recitations.
They work
hamnoiusly with
their peers when
Interests they are doing tasks.
The respect to one’s
decision was being
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 27
was clear and
concrete. They also
know how to
properly and giving
Thinking skills accurate feedback.
They think
Problem-solving critically and know
how to assess what
is right and wrong.
Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed.
Based on these characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.
• Therefore, teachers
should not expect
preschoolers to stay
seated for a long
period of time.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 28
Level Salient Characteristics Implications to the
Observed Teaching-Learning Process
Age range of learners
Age range of learners
High School They are being fan of The teacher must reinforce
Age range of learners gadgets as a learning tool in and create a fun interaction
Observed: 16-17 years old harmonizing new skills using gadgets as tool in
and knowledge. learning. Teachers who
intend to use technology in
the classroom should be
sure to make it clear what
behaviors are permitted.
1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you
were at their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you
As I reminisced about my experienced when I was in Senior High School there are a lot
of similarities and differences that I noticed. First, is how we are interacting with our peers,
that was evident at this age because this stage of teens is very open with socializing with
other people. Next is how we respect our subject teachers; I remember those times when
we are being favorite of our several teachers because we are being respectful and knowing
our limits even though we are so close to them. Lastly, we are different from answering
recitations because they are too shy to answer even if they know the answer. Unlike me, I
am so active in answering recitations even I am not sure of my answers because I believe if
you know something, you should verbalize and share it.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he
help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How
did it affect you?
I had an instructor in my first year of college who I still think highly of now. I respect
her commitment how she manages the class, etc. I consistently received great marks on her
quizzes and in our exams. She always has a party even if it is a modest victory. For those
that answered properly, she commends them and offers rewards. Nevertheless, she doesn't
let those with lesser scores continue to do so, she even took corrective action. Personally, I
felt that I needed to do it the next time when she greeted me and thanked me for what I'd
done. Knowing that not all teachers are like that is helpful to me. It supported my mental
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 29
and emotional well-being. I developed more of my skills and studied more since I felt
respected at the time, which also helped me emotionally and cognitively.
Working with various learners is challenging. Teachers need to be aware that these
variations play a role in how well students achieve. No matter how diverse they are, a
teacher must be able to meet their requirements. When working with different groups
of learners, teachers must adapt all their techniques or strategies. However, the most
crucial thing is for the teacher to respect these distinctions and encourage other pupils
to embrace their individuality.
Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future
teacher? Clip some readings about this theory and paste them here.
The theory of cognitive development put out by Jean Piaget is what I adore the most.
He gave a more focused explanation of the developmental stages. With it, I can quickly
distinguish the characteristics that preschoolers, elementary schoolchildren, and teenagers
have in common. As a soon-to-be teacher, I must be conscious of the possibility of having
various learner types in my classroom. I must therefore be resourceful and knowledgeable
in handling a variety of situations. This theory will act as my guide in developing various
strategies and suitable materials for dealing with various students in the classroom.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 30
The learners’ differences and the type of interaction they bring surely affect the
quality of teaching and learning. This activity is about observing and gathering data to find
out how student diversity affects learning.
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps:
Step 1. Observe a class in different parts of a school day. (Beginning of the day, class time,
recess, etc.)
Step 2. Describe the characteristics of the learners in terms of age, gender, and social and
cultural diversity.
Step 3. Describe the interaction that transpires inside and outside the classroom.
Step 4. Interview your Resource Teacher about the principles and practices she uses in
dealing with diversity in the classroom.
Step 5. Analyze the impact of individual differences on learners’ interactions.
The observation form is provided for me to document my observations.
Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation
report on the space provided on the next page.
1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial groups,
religious and ethnic backgrounds.
During Class:
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 31
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact
with one another and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the
teacher than others?
2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they
behave and interact differently?
3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or
compete against each others?
4. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most help?
When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the classmates try to
help him? Or do they raise their hands, so that the teacher will call them instead?
Outside class:
1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogenously, by age? By
gender? by racial or ethnic group? By their interests? Or are the students in
mixed social groupings? If so, describe the groupings.
2. Notice students who are alone and those who are not interacting. Describe their
Interview the teachers and ask about their experience about learners in difficult
circumstances. Request them to describe these circumstances and how it has affected
the learners. Ask about the strategies they use to help these learners cope.
Ask the teachers about strategies they apply to address the needs of diverse students
due to the following factors:
• Gender, including LGBT
• Language and cultural differences
• Differences in religion
• Socio=economic status
Name of School Observed: Balsik National High School
School Address: Jose Abad Santos Ave, Hermosa, Bataan
Date of Visit: November 9, 2022
1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the
classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the
leader. A mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
There was a classmate who was a perpetual practical joker. He socializes
with all his classmates and begs for food since he is lazy. A top student who also
acts as the class leader usually tries to remind the class to be quiet, albeit not
everyone pays attention to her. Another student pretended to be the class secretary
even though she wasn't. She is the one who the instructor usually asks to write the
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 32
assignments on the board, collect the printing costs, and list the names of the
misbehaving kids.
What makes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect their behavior?
Their peers, the notion that being this way would be preferable, the
responses of others that somehow satisfy them, and the insightful criticism of their
teachers all have an impact on how they choose to play out these roles.
2. Is there anyone you observed who appear left out? Are students who appear
“different” Why do they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by the
others? How is this shown?
There is no student stood out to me as being unusual or excluded. The
students embrace one another's uniqueness and forge bonds with one another.
3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students?
The teacher encourages the children to be kind and considerate with their
words, to support one another and appreciate one another's differences, and to be
there for one another as friends who are prepared to lend a hand and provide
emotional support. The teacher also exhorts the students to respect and accept one
another's beliefs and points of view, as well as their shared interests, time, and
4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the
classroom? How does the teacher leverage diversity?
The teacher ensures she is conscious of the unique characteristics of each
student by getting to know their backgrounds, learning preferences, and areas of
interest. By allowing them to discuss their cultural backgrounds, the teacher builds
good relationships with her students while encouraging open communication and
respect in the classroom.
1. How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity
among the learners and between the teachers?
Even though the students in the class are all unique individuals, their
collective acceptance and admiration of one another made me feel at ease as I was
observing. The way a teacher handles diversity in the classroom is a good
indication of how well-developed her teaching tactics are for fostering knowledge
of and connections to various cultures. The kids' evident empathy and openness to
people from different backgrounds allowed them to communicate well with one
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 33
another. Another indication that a teacher is doing a good job of cultivating
cultural sensitivity in the classroom is when students act confidently and
independently in front of the class. I experienced a sense of unity in the classroom
because of the way they support one another, how openly they communicate with
their teacher, and how they work together in cooperative learning activities.
To realize Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps.
1. Ensure that you have reviewed the no. 3 Focused on Indigenous Peoples in the
Learning essentials of Episode 3.
2. Observe in a school with a program for IP learners.
Please note: Ensure proper coordination of your college/university to obtain
permission from these schools before you visit.
If an actual visit is not visible, consider a “virtual visit” through social media.
And if still not feasible consider a “virtual” field study through watching Indigenous
peoples in the Philippines videos. Tehre are available at Youtube. You can start with
this video by DepEd:
Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations.
An observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics
Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation
report on the space provided.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 34
1. Before you observe, read about the specific IP group in the school you will visit.
Know their norms and customary greetings. This will help you blend in the school
community and interact with respect.
2. Observe and note the different parts or areas of the school environment. How are
learning spaces arranged.
3. What activities do they do in these different areas of the school?
4. Who are the people who manage the school? Who are involved in teaching the
5. Observe how the teaching-learning process happen. Describe the learning activities
they have and the teaching strategies that the teacher uses.
6. Describe the interaction that is taking place between the teacher and learners, among
the teachers and in the school in general.
7. What instructional materials and learning resources are they using?
8. Interview the teacher or principal about the curriculum. Find out the curriculum
goals. You can use the questions found on the Analysis part of this activity.
Name of School Observed: Balsik National High School
School Address: Jose Abad Santos Ave, Hermosa, Bataan
Date of Visit: November 9, 2022
Curriculum Design, Competencies and Answer each question based on your observation and
content interview data.
1. Does the school foster a sense of belonging Based on our observation during class and our visit on
to one’s ancestral domain, a deep campus. We saw how even though they are a senior
understanding of the community’s beliefs high school and student are not as open to their
and practices. Cite examples preferences they provide LGBQ bathrooms and have
inclusive programs. The same goes with the class: the
teacher acknowledges each student and does not create
a sense of divide between them.
2. Does the school show respect of the Yes, the institution values each student's spirituality.
community’s expression of spirituality? They permit students to refrain from taking part in
How? activities that may be disrespectful of or offensive to
their spiritual beliefs.
3. Does the school foster in the indigenous The videos I've watched indicate that they have
learners a deep appreciation of their specific programs that make sure indigenous students
identity? How? are fully integrated activities and classes. They also aid
and ensure that are to obtain the necessary high-
quality education
4. Does the curriculum teach skills and I don't now see any distinctive adjustments to our
competencies in the indigenous learners curriculum that cater to the native population, yet they
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 35
that will help them develop and protect are educated enough knowledge to come to that
their ancestral domain and culture? realization on their own, enabling them to develop as
a person.
5. Does the curriculum link new concepts and Yes, the new curriculum is well adept to the new
competencies to the life experience of the concepts and offers real life learning that may be
community? applied in real life situations. It is also focused on the
child's skill more than it was before.
6. Do the teaching strategies help strengthen, Yes, to be honest, the instructional techniques aid in
enrich, and complement the community’s enhancing and strengthening the community in a way
indigenous teaching-process? that the contemporary new tactics provide a more
varied and inclusive education. For instance, right now
we have the native tongue language, which is
beneficial in regions where the dialect of one's mother
tongue differs.
7. Does the curriculum maximize the use of The curriculum that we are currently using is one that
the ancestral domain and activities of the is well developed and has gone through many
community as relevant settings for learning processes; thus, it is by means able to include the
in combination with classroom-based ancestral domain. However, it can be improved, so no
sessions? Cite examples. it is not yet maximized.
8. Is cultural sensitivity to uphold culture, In the classroom, cultural sensitivity is practiced
beliefs and practices, observed and applied through being conscious of the pupils participate in
in the development and use of instructional several lessons and activities. Supposedly be changed
materials and learning resources? How? to consider the variations. very same regarding their
(For example, Culture bearers of the ethnicity or culture, the professors observe and
Indigenous Peoples are consulted.) recognize those so they can give the appropriate
culture-supporting education.
9. Do assessment practices consider The evaluations completed at school take into account
community values and culture? How? the community by its tone is sympathetic, and it is
inclusive. For instance, in the student profile must
mention many religions. During exams, they might
offer instruction in a different language or dialect.
10. Do assessment processes include Yes, the assessment encourages the students to use
application of higher order thinking skills? their higher order thinking skills. They are well
constructed and well planned.
What do you think still be done to promote and uphold the indigenous people’s knowledge
systems and practices and rights in schools?
In my perspective, the best thing to promote and uphold the indigenous people’s
knowledge systems and practices and rights in schools are first, give the right to legal and
constitutional recognition of indigenous languages because in this day and age a lot of our
Ip’s were still experiencing discrimination in our society. Secondly, the right to live
without facing racial or linguistic prejudice, we are still in this era where a lot of people
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 36
are close-minded, and they keep on repeating the wrong doings on the past instead of
breaking the glass of stereotypes.
I could sense the bond between the teacher and the pupils. The kids are also close, and
they communicate with each other a lot online. I can tell that if the kids were in the
same class, they would get even closer since even though they don't see each other in
2. What did you appreciate most from your experience in visiting the school with
I respect and admire the teachers for their commitment to impart knowledge to the kids
despite the challenges. I respect the effort they put up to drive 5–6 hours simply to teach
the students, but more significantly, I appreciate how persistent they are in seeing that
these students fulfill their potential. They believe that teachers are the only unsung
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 37
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies will you
remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the high
and low achievers in your class? Make a collection of strategies on how to address the
students’ different ability levels.
These are the instructional techniques that, in my opinion, will contribute most to a
classroom that values students' individual differences. Group activities ensure that
individuals can come together and comprehend one another despite their unique qualities
that allow for diversity. Those who learn better through visual means might then create
posters or engage in visual learning. The other tactics then concentrate on helping each
student develop their own skills by letting them go on their own explorations and testing
them according to their skill levels.
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Learning Episode 4
Activity 4.1
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:
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PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 40
Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answer
the questions here.
1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting
experienced by the learner? Explain your answer.
The child's education appears to be the parents' top priority and focus. They offer a secure
environment for learning and can even help the student, when necessary, but they don't
disrupt the lesson.
2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family
factors do you think contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 41
The family plays a significant role in many aspects of a child's development, including
genetics, which a child inherits from his or her parents and may result in developmental
changes. For example, if your parent has good genes, the likelihood that you will have the
same genes is very likely. In addition, the family, especially the parents, has a significant
impact on the child's development; the way they interact with and teach the learner may
influence how quickly the child develops.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If
yes, what are these effects?
Communication between the home and the school benefits the students, who are better able
to learn without interruptions as a result of the parties' adjustments and agreements, and who
also benefit from the teachers' ability to better understand the child as a result of the parents'
ability to fill in the gaps regarding the child's behavior that only they are aware of. Because
the teacher and the school give them enough updates, the parents are also able to fully
understand the learning process at that point.
4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the development
and learning of the students? Who are the people or which institutions can the teacher tap to
seek advice regarding the development and learning of students.
I believe that genuine education and school transformation may be achieved through
constructive, authentic community ties and initiatives. Young people achieve better, remain
in school longer, and have a more positive educational experience when families, community
organizations, businesses, and schools collaborate to support learning. There are many
fantastic instances of school and community partnerships worldwide. For instance, asking
local businesses for assistance or even partnering with the local government to develop
fantastic educational initiatives for students
1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you
experience? How did it affect you?
Growing up in a broken family is quite hard but I didn’t feel this because of my
grandparents, I didn’t experience that I am incomplete because of them. As I age, I grew to
respect and build trust with anyone because they always say to me that the most integral
part of communicating is building trust.
2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How
can you work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 42
As a prospective teacher, I would need to first develop a transparent channel of
communication with all the stakeholders to build a strong relationship between the home
school and community. I need a method of informing them and getting their feedback. I
must also take the initiative and exercise more creativity when developing programs and
activities that require their participation. For instance, when parents are given the proper
information, when they understand why they are needed and on what aspects they are
needed, they would be more obedient and contribute more to school activities like brigada
eskwela, etc.
We, learners, learn from our environment, our home, community, and school have a
huge impact on our growth as individuals because we learn several things from them that
may help us to become better. We become fruitful in today’s world because they mold us,
they aid us to grow to be more independent in this challenging world.
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2. Make a reflection acrostic about the home, school, and community link.
Learning Episode 6
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Learning Episode 6
Learning Essentials
Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 45
5.Passing of papers /
6. Passing of books /
8. Tardy students /
9.Absent students /
10.Submission/Collection of materials /
Analyze the routines set by the Resource Teacher by answering the following questions.
1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why
In my perspective, the procedures used in class are successful in
maintaining order and discipline. Clearly, the class is structured, the students are
paying attention, and the instruction is going smoothly. Also, the discussion,
activities, and assessments make good use of the limited time.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 46
greeting, a prayer, an attendance check, asking how good her students are, and so
on and so forth. Additionally, she provides entertainment for these students who
are perplexed in some way by the lesson by recalling the past lesson.
1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?
As a future educator, I will surely apply these three routines to my classroom
in the near future. First, start the day with a prayer because I believe that we should
thank God for the new blessings that he had given us and also ask for his guidance.
Secondly, checking attendance because for me attendance is a must. Also, this may
serve as a tracker of how many students are tardy and late. Lastly, the most
important thing is to ask how they are doing because I believe we should build a
harmonious interaction with them to build a good rapport and trust towards them.
Learning Episode 6
Activity 6.2
Observe a class and list down the classroom rules formulated by the Resource Teacher.
Cite the importance of these rules.
Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced for learners' safety and
security. Rules also teach discipline and self-control. Rules eliminate stress and will provide a
more pleasant, secured and non-threatening environment. Rules ensure the students'
engagement and focus in their classroom activities.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 47
Classroom Rules Importance
1. E.g. Read directions well. -Ensure less error in answering the activity.
1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?
Rules are made to guarantee safety, fairness, and respect for other people's
rights. Also, Rules are the foundation of a well-managed class, and developing them
requires thought and planning on the part of the instructor. Rules of behavior that
are applicable and meaningful should be used to deter students from misbehaving
in the classroom. Rules are different from procedures in that they outline how the
classroom should be organized, what kinds of conduct are encouraged and
acceptable, and how students should cooperate to accomplish a common objective.
2. Are classroom rules really important?
For me classrooms are very integral because it helps to prevent potential
student wrongdoing, classroom rules also help to discipline students, shape their
behavior, and enhance learning. Additionally, it teaches kids responsibility and the
dos and don'ts of the classroom.
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Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will you have the
same rules? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.
Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource Teacher which
are worth emulating. Tell something about it.
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Learning Episode 7
Learning Episode 7
Learning Essentials
1.1 voice
1.3 attendance
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 51
1.4 punctuality
Managing yourself as a teacher contributes to the order and well-being of your class.
Attending to these physical elements of the learning environment ensures the safety,
2.2 lighting
2.3 acoustics
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 52
Learning Episode 7 Activity 7.1
Observe a class and interview the Resource Teacher. Ask how the personal and physical
aspects of classroom management ensure proper classroom management and discipline.
Check if these aspects were observed in the classroom.
1.2 Is the teacher's voice modulated and can be heard by the entire
1.3 Was the teacher present in class?
1.4 Did the teacher arrive on time in class?
1.5 Does the teacher exude a positive attitude towards teaching?
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Learning Episode 7 Activity 7.2
Observe the classroom management strategies that your Resource Teacher employs in
the classroom. You may also conduct an interview to substantiate your observation.
Check the management strategies employed by the Resource Teacher. Check (✓) observed,
put an (✖) if not observed and (O) for no opportunity to observe.
Observed Opportunity
Effective Classroom Management Strategies Observed
(✓) to Observe
1. Model to the students how to act in different situations.
2. Establish classroom guidelines.
3. Document the rules.
4. Refrain from punishing the entire class.
5. Encourage initiative from class.
6. Offer praise and rewards.
7. Use non-verbal communication.
8. Take time to celebrate group effort.
9. Let students work in groups.
10. Interview students to assess their needs.
11. Address bad behavior quickly.
12. Consider peer teaching.
13. Continuously engage the students.
14. Assign open-ended project.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 55
15. Write group contracts.
Analyze the checklist you have accomplished and answer the given questions:
1. How many strategies were employed by the Resource Teacher? Did these contribute
to better classroom management? Explain your answer.
There were several strategies that my resource teacher employed to
classroom management. Teachers and students both benefit from in terms of
classroom management, it is quite helpful, especially in ensuring that students
work productively and honestly in class, which will help them achieve their
learning objectives.
2. What were not used by the Resource Teacher? Were these important? What should
have been used instead? Explain.
One of several teacher’s strategies that were not used is the punishment
because sll other classroom management techniques can be negatively impacted
by punishment on students' relationships.
As a future teacher, reflect on the observations then answer the given question.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 56
Learning Episode 8
Learning Essentials
1. Strengthens the early childhood education with the use of the mother tongue.
2. Makes the curriculum relevant to the learners. The use of contextualized lessons and
addition of issues like disaster preparedness, climate change and information and
communication technology (ICT) are included in the curriculum. Thus, in-depth
knowledge, skills and values, attitude through continuity and consistency across every
level and subject.
3. Builds skills in literacy. With the use of Mother Tongue as the main language in
studying and learning tools from K to Grade 3, learners will become ready for higher
level skills.
5. Gears up for the future. It is expected that those who finish basic education in Grade
12 will be ready for college or Tech-VOC careers. Their choice of careers will be defined
when they go to Grade 11 and 12.
6. Nurtures a fully developed youth. Beyond the K to 12 graduate the learner will be
ready to embark on different career paths for a lifetime.
You will recall that a school curriculum is of many types for the Kindergarten to Grade 12
in the country.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 57
• The enhanced curriculum K to12 curriculum is the Recommended Curriculum. It is to
be used nationwide as mandated by Republic Act 10533.
• When the curriculum writers began to write the content and competency standards of
the K to 12 Curriculum it became a Written Curriculum. It reflects the substance of RA
10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. In the teacher's class it is the lesson
plan. A lesson plan is a written curriculum in miniscule.
• What has been written in a lesson plan has to be implemented. It is putting life to the
written curriculum, which is referred to as the Taught Curriculum. The guidance of__
the teacher is very crucial.
• A curriculum that has been planned, and taught needs materials, objects, gadgets,
laboratory and many more that will help the teacher implement the curriculum. This
is referred to as the Supported Curriculum.
• In order to find out if the teacher has succeeded in implementing the lesson plan, an
assessment shall be made. It can be done in the middle or end of the lesson. The
curriculum is now called the Assessed Curriculum.
• However, there are unplanned curriculum in schools. These are not written, nor
deliberately taught but they influence learning. These include peer influence, the
media, school environment, the culture and tradition, natural calamities and many
more. This curriculum is called Hidden Curriculum or Implicit Curriculum.
So, what will be the roles and responsibilities of the teacher in the relations with the school
curriculum, specifically in the K to 12 or the enhanced curriculum for basic education?
Teachers then should be multi-talented professionals who:
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 58
• evaluate the written, planned and learned curriculum.
1. Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting. Secure a
copy, make observations of the process, and record your information in the matrix
below. Describe your observations.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 59
These kinds of materials are often Textbooks are created from the
distributed by the school to the guided information both from the
students so that they can use it in curriculum guide and from the
4. Supported Curriculum
their class or learning teacher. The material contains the
(Subject Textbook)
appropriate information that
should be presented to the
This is the so-called assessed To determine whether students
curriculum, which occurs when are developing, teachers can
5. Assessed Curriculum students take a quiz or take mid- employ pencil and paper tests as
(Assessment Process) term and final exams. well as authentic assessments
such as portfolio and
performance-based evaluations
These learning outcomes are Learning outcomes are statements
written and predetermined way that describe the skills or
before the lesson is conducted. It knowledge that students should
is often called objectives, where have at the end of a specific
after the lesson when achieved it assignment, lesson, curriculum, or
6. Learned Curriculum represents the effectiveness of the program and assist students in
(Achieved Learning Outcomes) teaching methods used and understanding why that
curriculum itself. I have observed knowledge and those skills will
that these are often stated before be useful to them.
the lesson starts so that the
students know what is to be
Hidden Curriculum can be found These are the learning that is
while in class or even just while acquired by the students that are
the students are inside the school not actually set in the lesson plan
7. Hidden Curriculum interacting with their classmates. or written in the curriculum
(Media) guide. However, even not part of
the lesson these are beneficial
information that helps the
students grow and learn better.
1. Which of the seven type’s curriculum in the school setting is easy to find? Why?
- The Recommended Curriculum (K–12 Guidelines) is simple to locate because
academics and professional organizations have endorsed it. Written curriculum
documents based on the recommended curriculum syllabi, course of study, module,
books, instructional guides, and lesson plan are available from DepEd, CHED, and
TESDA for basic education, higher education, and vocational education.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 60
2. Which is difficult to observe? Why?
- In my opinion, the Hidden Curriculum (Media) is the hardest to detect. It outlines
what is taught to children through the physical setting, rules, and practices at school.
Unplanned learning outcomes are any outcomes that are not specifically specified
in a course plan.
3. Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one another?
- Yes. The connections between curricula are strong, and both can learn from the
other. Curriculum, for instance, is the foundation of education and what separates
educational achievement from the most basic to the most complex subjects.
Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 61
curriculum and hidden curriculum are placed above the learnt curriculum. It can take some
time to find these two. They are fundamental, I can say. It's because the Department of
Education uses the suggested curriculum. And it must be adhered to strictly. While the
standards or principles that are taught in class serve as the hidden curricula. An effective
curriculum provides instructors, students, administrators, and community members with a
quantifiable approach and structure for delivering a quality education. Students must
show that they have met certain learning objectives, standards, and core competencies
before going on to the next level.
Activity 8.2
The Miniscule School Curriculum: The Lesson, A Closer Look
This activity requires a full lesson observation from Motivation to Assessment.
1. Secure permit to observe one complete lesson in a particular subject, in a particular grade/
year level.
2. Keep a close watch on the different components of the miniscule curriculum: the lesson
3. Follow the three major components of a curriculum (Planning, Implementing and
Evaluating/Assessing). Observe and record your observation.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 62
Now it's time to observe how the teacher implemented the
prepared lesson plan. Observe closely the procedure.
How did the teacher begin the lesson?
What procedure or steps were followed?
B. Implementing How did the teacher engage the learners?
Was the teacher a guide at the side?
Were the learners on task?/ Or were they participating in the
class activity?
Was the lesson finished within the class period?
Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you make
observations to find evidence of learning.
C. Evaluating Were the objectives as learned outcomes achieved?
How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?
c. What evidence was shown? Get pieces of evidence.
Write a paragraph based on the data you gathered using these key questions?
1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal characteristics or
competencies of global quality teachers?
- She encourages and supports students' learning so that they can all succeed in the
interconnected world of today. She works with her student to create fresh
opportunities for learning. She employs a variety of techniques to support program
improvements and student learning. She develops students' potential and helps
them become holistically and internationally competitive.
3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught? Happy and
eager? Satisfied and contented? Disappointed and exhausted?
- Since the lesson was delivered very efficiently and no further questions were raised
at the end of the lesson as a result of the students' satisfaction with the discussion,
I can tell that the teacher is happy and satisfied with the session.
4. Can you describe the majority of students' reactions after the lesson was taught?
Confused? Happy and eager? Contented? No reactions at all.
- The majority of them are happy and satisfied because their teacher exhibits a high
level of tolerance and understanding and gives credit to all of their responses, even
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 63
if they don't always make sense in relation to the question, but their teacher still
expresses gratitude, which motivates students and boosts their self-confidence.
Based on your observations and tasks in Activity 2 how will you prepare your lesson plan?
Make a short paragraph on the topic.
In my perspective, whatever the components of a lesson plan are, each one should
build on the previous one and flow into the next. In addition to the core components of a
curriculum, there are extra standards to follow. Each one includes crucial elements such as
the type/level of students, their prior knowledge, which will help us keep the flow
continuing, and the teaching tactics that you may use in your lesson plan. Following that,
students must establish learning objectives, design specific learning activities, plan the
session, and assess their progress.
Activity 8.3
Constructive Alignment of the Components of a Lesson Plan
Using the diagram below fill up the Component parts of a Lesson Plan.
Title of the lesson: Animal Reproduction
Subject Area: Earth and Life Science
Grade level: 11
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 64
2. Will the outcomes be achieved with the teaching methods used? Why?
- The teaching approach can produce learning outcomes. Teaching strategies have an
impact on student accomplishment. It means that competent teaching can help
students learn better. Learning outcomes can be achieved in this manner. Faculty
and students benefit from learning outcomes. Achieving a consensus on the aim
and goals of a course. Learning outcomes form the basis of course design and
assessment, aiding students in focusing on what is important.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 65
- For me when students perform well in the activity set and earn passing or above-
average grades, the Evaluation and Assessment section will state whether or not the
outcomes have been reached.
What value will it give to the teacher if the three components are aligned?
If the three elements are in harmony, the teacher will benefit from success.
achievement in successfully providing classes and effectively teaching learners.
Activity 1 Artifact
Present evidence for each kind of curriculum operating in the school setting. This can be in
pictures, realia, documents, or others.
7 Types of Curricula
1. Recommended Curriculum - The curriculum that is recommended by scholars and
professional organizations.
- Basic Education - Recommended by DepEd
- Higher Education - Recommended by CHED
- Vocational Education - TESDA
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 66
like Power Point presentations, movies, slides, models, mockups, realia’s facilities –
playground, laboratory, AV rooms, zoo, museum, market or plaza (places where direct
experiences occur)
Activity 2: Artifact
1. Present a sample curriculum in a form of a Lesson Plan.
Here is the link for my Detailed Lesson Plan:
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 67
Activity 3: Artifact
1. Present a matrix to show the constructive alignment of the three components of a
lesson plan.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 68
Using the diagram below fill up the Component parts of a Lesson Plan.
Title of the lesson: Animal Reproduction
Subject Area: Earth and Life Science
Grade level: 11
Learning Essentials
1. Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning outcomes.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 69
2. Learning is an active process. “What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember, what I
do, I understand.”
3. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas. Students are given the
opportunity to connect what they learn with other concepts learned, with real world
Begins with a rule, Methods Begins with the concrete,
generalization, abstraction experience, details, examples
and ends with concrete, and ends with a rule,
experience, details, examples. Teaching generalization, abstraction.
Activity 9.1
Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning given in Revisit the Learning
Essentials. I will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning.
I can cite more than one evidence per principle of learning.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 70
What did the Resource Teacher do to
Principles of Learning
apply the principle of learning
My resource teacher uses a projector to
1. Effective learning begins with the setting
show her teachings and the learning
of clear and high expectations of learning
objectives she has for the lesson's subject.
Most Applied
According to what I've observed, the theory of learning that is most frequently used is
that "Learning is an Active Process," where a student-centered approach is used. When
students are actively involved in the learning process, they learn more. Teachers serve as
facilitators rather than as one-way information providers according to this learning theory.
For instance, the teacher gave a lecture during which the students listened attentively to her
without taking notes, and after 20 minutes, the students worked in groups to recollect, define,
and elaborate on the lecture's content.
Least Applied
The learning principle that has received the least amount of application is "Learning is
the discovering of personal meaning and relevance of concepts." In this instance, the instructor
took the majority of the class period to clarify and present their viewpoints.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 71
From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?
"Learning is an active process" is, in my opinion, the most crucial tenet since it makes
advantage of student interaction to impart knowledge. With the use of a student-centered
approach, it encourages students to actively participate in the learning process. In a more
student-centered approach than traditional learning, which has relied on lengthy instructor
talks and lectures, students are expected to learn via cooperation and investigation. According
to this type of principle, it is the responsibility of the student to collaborate with the teacher
in the development of knowledge, and the teacher's mission is to assist the student. As a result,
it promotes critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and deeper understanding by allowing
students to participate in the creation of information.
Activity 9.2
Observe a class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated.
Determine if the learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not. Give evidence.
Yes No Yes No
/ /
1. Describe the structure of the passive voice
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 72
4. Describe how to utilize the appropriate voice in the / /
appropriate contexts while considering usage, affect,
and intention.
2. Cite pieces of evidence that these learning outcomes were achieved.
1. In the Presentation stage, students start with their relevant prior knowledge—verbs ‘to
be’ and past participles, before the teacher introduces the form of the passive voice
2. Students gradually changed active voice sentences regarding food into passive
during the debate, particularly in the Practice stage. Additionally, during the
production phase, students used the passive voice when discussing food.
3. Following a conversation, the instructor gave the students a task to compose passive
phrases in the simple present and simple past tenses about the food they had.
4. In the Presentation Stage, students watched watch video clips from some YouTube
and filled in the blanks with the passive construction. Students also recognized the
voice of the sentences, and mad scaffolded explorations about passive voice usage
Reflect on the
I've learned that in order to create SMART learning outcomes, your lesson
objectives or intended learning outcomes must be SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Realistic, and Timebound). Doing so will really assist the teacher and guide
them in the teaching process as well as the growth of the students. As I've already stated,
SMART objectives will benefit teachers in guiding the direction of the lesson, assisting
them in achieving their objectives on a given subject, and aiding in the organization and
clarity of discussion.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 73
Activity 9.3
I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the
guide questions, I shall reflect on my observations and analysis.
Teacher-centered Student-centered
Did teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-learning
- No, the teacher effectively used her time by process? How? Or were they mere passive
allocating minutes to each section of the class. recipients of instruction?
She set aside time for group projects, the quiz, - Yes. The teaching and learning process
and the lecture. included the pupils. When they had group
work, they served as a listener and a facilitator.
Was the emphasis on the mastery of the lesson Was the emphasis on the students' application
or on the test? Prove. of the lesson in real life? Give proofs.
- No, the focus was on mastering the lesson since - Yes. as the teacher permitted students to create
the instructor allowed each student the their own examples of sentences describing the
opportunity to facilitate the discussion rather meals they had.
than just lecturing about it, ensuring that all of
the students were comfortable with the subject.
Was class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was class atmosphere collaborative? Why?
-No, the instructor allowed students to - Yes. because they were instructed to form
collaborate with their peers and groups so that groups and that everyone should interact with
everyone could take part and express their one another and take part in the activities.
views and thoughts collectively.
Did teacher focus only on one Did teacher connect lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?
- Yes. The teacher focused exclusively on one - No, the teacher just paid attention to the main
subject for the entire class period from or one subject.
beginning to end so that the students would not
become lost in it and would retain it.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 74
What teaching-learning practice shows that teaching approach was:
a) constructivist-connected to past experiences of partners learners constructed new lesson
- The instructor encouraged the students to relate their prior experiences to the issue under
discussion and tried to tie those experiences to the new idea.
b) inquiry-based
- The method of teaching and learning that I have observed using the inquiry-based approach is
when the teacher asks the students probing questions about the subject while also promoting
independent thought. The questions may be open-ended in order to enable students to share their
opinions and ideas.
c) developmentally appropriate-learning activities fit the developmental stage of children
- The teacher fosters a student's growth (social, emotional, physical, and cognitive)
d) reflective- Remembering, considering, and analyzing a teaching experience are all parts of
reflective teaching. When a teacher, for instance, asks students for comments and invites
colleagues to observe your class, that is believed to be a reflective teaching technique.
g) integrative - Lesson was multidisciplinary - e.g. In Science, Math concepts were taught.
- In order for the students' learning to be multidisciplinary and not just restricted to the subject,
the instructor connects other topics and concepts to the subject matter. In other words, the students
are able to understand and have the chance to learn new topics.
1. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and for the
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 75
If a teacher only teaches for test preparation and mastery, the student will not
learn more since the teacher restricts learning to the concept level and without any
application. Additionally, I can understand that if this occurs, pupils may just prepare
for exams, making it easy for them to forget what the teacher had taught.
2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or student-
centered? Why?
The student-centered approach would still be used if I were to teach the class
again. I would encourage students to actively participate, but they would be the ones
to facilitate. I'll steer them and reprimand them when they make mistakes.
- The teaching principles are crucial for all educators, especially future ones, in order
to advance both our own learning and that of our pupils. This encourages the best
possible teaching and learning techniques to be used in various learning
institutions. By putting these concepts into practice, it improves student
engagement and learning.
Learning Essentials
These are the guiding principles in the selection and use of teaching methods:
1. Learning is an active-process.
2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the learning.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 76
3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances learning.
bits of information.
Realizing the importance of these guiding principles in teaching and learning, the
12 Curriculum Guide. The Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has
been ahead of DepEd and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in the practice of
Competency Standards-Based teaching and Assessment. CHED requires all higher education
institutions in the country to go outcome-based education (OBE) in its CHED Memo 46, s.
2012. Outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL) is OBE applied in the teaching-learning
When you apply OBTL you see to it that the teaching-learning activities (TLAs) and in
tum the Assessment Tasks (ATs) are aligned with the intended learning outcomes. In other
words, in OBTL you first establish your intended learning outcomes (lesson objectives). Then
you determine which teaching-learning activities (TLAs) and also the assessment tasks (ATs)
you will have to use to find out if you attained your ILO's.
In lesson planning, the ILOs are our lesson objectives, the TLA's are the activities we
OBE and OBTL are not entirely new. They are importantly new. With mastery learning
Likewise, it is also important that teachers must be able to have a mastery of the art of
questioning and reacting techniques to ensure the effective delivery of instruction. These are
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 77
Activity 10.1
Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus then
analyze my observations with the help of the guide questions.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 78
Using real-world examples, making the
course relatable by asking the students
6. Learning is meaningful when it is
whether they have ever encountered such
connected to student’s everyday life.
circumstances, and having them share
their experiences.
What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing? Reflect on this question.
What instructional approach works the best? Exists something like that. Whether it
be for teaching a language or another subject, there is no such thing as the perfect approach.
The type of pupils, the language itself, the topic matter, and the level of student motivation
all affect the strategy a teacher can employ. Immersion is one technique that can help you
learn a language better. Instead of hanging out with pals who speak the same language,
students should become friends with those who do. A teacher should provide pupils
additional opportunity to practice because language acquisition success depends on how
often you do it. Lectures in language lessons are ineffective, especially for pupils who are
tech savvy. Engaging initiatives and activities will function better. The approach a teacher
can take additionally relies on the language skills being taught.
The teacher must be perceptive. The teacher should have a thorough understanding of how
pupils learn. She should be well-versed in classroom observation so she may implement
the best and most appropriate strategy for the lesson just by seeing and evaluating the
students' progress.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 79
Activity 10.2
1. Did the Teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes (ILOs)at the
beginning of the class? Did he/she share them with the class? How?
- She shares her class objectives in the class by providing the precise intended learning
outcomes to the subject matter. For me, absolutely, by mentioning or giving them a soft
copy of the syllabus and what will be the objectives and identifying learning outcomes at
the conclusion of the subjects. She started her conversation by basing it on the questions
she asked the class and on her discussion.
2. What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs help him/her
attain his/her lesson objectives/ ILOs? Explain your answer.
- The first student to cross the finish line in the game, which is a type of competition, is
given the opportunity to respond to the question. If the response is correct, she awards
points to the student, which will have a stronger impact on the students' performance.
3. What assessment task/s did teacher employ? Is/Are these aligned to the lesson objectives/
- The teacher sets up an online test by displaying the questions from the story guide that
students must respond to. As it relates to the lesson she is discussing, it is in line with her
aims. Her entire instructional approach is in line with the objectives or desired learning
outcomes when it comes to the learning activities and assessment.
1. What are your thoughts about Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)?
- The targeted learning objectives for students in the program are clearly stated
in outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL), a student-centered educational
technique. The next step is carefully planning teaching and learning activities
to assist students in achieving these objectives. This suggests that everything
teachers do should be focused on the knowledge, understanding, and abilities
they want pupils to have. Or to put it another way, teachers should devote their
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 80
attention on helping students develop the skills, personalities, and information
necessary to achieve the clearly defined intended objectives.
As I think about it, I can see how important performance-based learning is to kids'
development and how it makes us more globally competitive. Performance-based learning
allows students to apply what they have learned. Since they may employ this knowledge
in their daily lives, students will gain from it. This made it possible for OBTL students to
monitor their development and decide whether or not a certain subject was a good fit for
them. OBTL can be used by teachers to provide pupils with more structured learning
opportunities, which will lead to higher-quality education.
Activity 10.3
Observe a class activity. You shall focus on the questions that the Resource Teacher
asks during the classroom discussion. Write the questions raised and identify the level of
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 81
What are the positive and negative effect of genetic
c. comparison
engineering? cite some examples.
How can you apply the knowledge you have acquire to
d. application
change the perception of our society?
In what ways can you share this learning to our society?
e. problem-solving
1. Neil Postman once said: “Children go to school as question marks and leave school
as periods!" Does this have something to do with the type of questions that teachers
ask and the questioning and reacting techniques that they employ?
Reflect on
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 82
saying this, we need to know how to behave appropriately and constantly be considerate
of other people. It must be important to pose pertinent questions that are sensitive to
students' need for accurate responses. Asking the right questions encourages participation
and helps the pupils learn the teachings.
Show proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this Episode by interviewing at
least two teachers on their thoughts on OBTL.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 83
(ICT CFT V3, 2018)
Learning Episode 11
Learning Essentials
Similar to the PPST, the ICT CFT also articulated competencies in levels which guide
teachers as they develop their ICT skills from Level 1, Knowledge Acquisition, to Level 2,
Knowledge Deepening, and Level 3, Knowledge Creation. The Commission on Higher
Education Teacher Education Curricula (2017) includes the UNESCO ICT CFT so most likely
you have tackled this in your Technology for Teaching and Learning classes.
It will be good to review the UNESCO ICT CFT v3 framework as you work in this
episode. The activities here are meant for you to observe, analyze and reflect about the
competencies discussed in the framework.
(Access it at https://www.open.edu/openlearncreate/pluginfile.
V3. pdf)
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 84
names are Audiovisual Center, Media and Technology Resource Center, Teaching-
Learning Technology Department, or Simply Learning Resource Center.
2. With the swift development of ICT, the natural outcome was the ever-expanding
interface between the traditional library and ICT both in terms of hardware and
software systems and applications.
3. Schools may have different set-ups when it comes to a Learning Resource Center
(LRC). Some have replaced the term library with LRC. Some have a separate library,
LRC, and Audio Visual or Media Center. Some only have the LRC both for teachers
and students. Still some have combined their learning resource centers with maker
4. The common purpose among these centers is to provide print, audio-visual and ICT
resources to support the teaching-learning process.
5. The goals of the Center may include orienting and training teachers in the use of
audiovisual and ICT resources, working with teachers and administrators in
producing instructional materials, making available useful resources to the students,
teachers, and the school community.
6. In order to support the philosophy and aims of the school, the Center must fulfill the
following functions: center of resources, laboratory of learning, agent of teaching,
service agency, coordinating agency, recreational reading center, and a link to other
community resources.
Technology Integration
The teacher also works at creating a learning environment that encourages and enables
quality technology integration. The interdependent characteristics of the learning
environment are being active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-directed. The
Technology Integration Matrix connects the Levels of Technology Integration and the
Characteristics of the Learning Environment. Examine the matrix below. To make you
understand how integration is done in each of the levels and environment, explore the TIM
website and learn from the many interesting videos showing technology integration. Go to
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 85
Appropriateness. The resource is grade/level-appropriate. The content matches what is
needed by the teacher.
Completeness. The content is complete. It has all the information needed to be able to use
Motivation. The resource is engaging and rewarding to learners. It will encourage the active
participation of the learners.
Organization. The resource is logically sequenced. It clearly indicates which steps should be
taken. The procedures or processes flow smoothly.
(Based on the work of Fitzgerald, Mary Ann, Lovin, Vicki, & Branch, Robert Maribe
(2003).A Gateway to Educational Materials: An Evaluation of an Online Resource for Teachers
and an Exploration of User Behaviors. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 11(1),
Education 4.0
Shwab described the 4th wave of the industrial revolution. The unprecedented speed at which
technology is evolving has disrupted many vital processes that involve how we run
production, businesses and consequently how we teach and learn. The following Technology
trends have huge potential to transform the ways we teach and learn (UNESCO, 2018):
1. Open Educational Resources (OER). OERs are materials that can be used for teaching
and learning that do not require payment of royalties nor license fees. There is an
abundance of OERs in the form of textbooks course materials, curriculum maps,
streaming videos, multimedia apps, podcasts, and many others. They can have a
significant impact on education as they are made available and easily accessible in the
internet. Be sure to explore them to help you work on this episode.
2. Social Networks. Social networks have revolutionized the way we interact, learn
about things and share information. Sites and apps such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram provide a virtual venue for teachers and learners to work together interact
among themselves and with other classrooms locally and globally.
3. Mobile Technologies. Filipinos are one of the most active on the internet, and also one
who sends the most number of text messages per day. This indicates the high number
of mobile device users. These devices can also be used as a learning tool by allowing
teachers and students more opportunities to learn inside and even outside the
4. The Internet of Things. IoT is a system of computing mechanisms that become built-
in into many everyday things, that allow sending and receiving data through the
internet. A lot of things have turned "smart.” We have smart cars that can navigate on
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 86
its own. Smart houses that monitor temperature and light. Smart TVs that interface
with the internet. Watches that send our vital signs to our doctors. All of this
development can influence the way we teach and learn.
5. Artificial Intelligence. Commonly, artificial intelligence is associated when
computers or machine simulate thinking and behaviors of humans such as talking,
learning and solving problems. Virtual assistants such as, Siri, Alexa, Bixby and
Google assistant are near samples of AI. Among others, uses of AI in education can be
in the areas of gamification and adaptive instruction for learners with special needs.
6. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. VR is a simulation of an environment by a
computer program that allows a person to visit and experience the environment
virtually. In AR, images from computer programs interlay with the actual views of the
real-word, resulting in an extended, expanded, or altered view of a real-world
environment. In education, among others, VR and AR programs and apps allow more
exciting ways of seeing and experiencing things that add to the motivation and
engagement of learners.
7. Big Data. Through the billions of interactions and transactions are done electronically,
and through the internet, an enormous amount of data is generated and stored. The
challenge is how to make sense of this data, through analytics and research, possibly
answer pertinent questions about how to make teaching and learning most effective.
8. Coding. Coding is a skill necessary to create computer software, apps, and websites.
Today, there are learning programs that introduce coding activities as early as
kindergarten. Robotics programs in the elementary and secondary programs
introduce and hone the skills of young learners. Coding helps learners develop novel
ways of exploring and trying out ideas, especially when done with problem or project-
based learning approaches.
9. Ethics and privacy protection. We have repeatedly heard about how quickly
technology is changing and impacting our lives. Through all this, It is crucial to ensure
that human values and principles govern or guide our use of technology. Ethical
practices that protect the rights of every person need to be upheld.
Activity 11.1
Visiting the Learning Resource Center
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 87
1. Visit a school's Learning Resource Center. Look around and see what resources
2. Ask the Learning Resource Center in-charge about how some equipment or
3. Make an inventory of its available resources and classify them according to their
As you visit and observe the Learning Resource Center, use the observation guide
provided. Ask the assistance of the Center staff courteously.
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are
classified. Are they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy
guidelines/ procedures posted are available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take photos of the
After you are through with your observation, classify the resources available that
you believe are most useful. Use the activity form provided for you.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 88
1. PRINTED The printed resources are The lecture approach was
RESOURCES prepared and created by being used especially
- News paper the teachers, especially the when the teacher gives an
- Magazines learning modules for the activity as a sample or an
- Encyclopedia home learning. It contains actual activity to be done
- Dictionary all the necessary during the class.
information and activities
that aligns with the
learning objectives
2. AUDIO RESOURCES Used to provide music and The teacher uses the
- Speakers or when playing video that speakers for audio
- Microphone has sounds during class presentations like music
during class to make the
discussion more engaging,
like when in music class,
and they need to listen to
the song or when there is a
story saying that has a
4. ICT RESOURCES There are televisions in the The teachers use the
- Laptop middle of the classroom television to present
- Projector during our visit. The videos, PowerPoints and
- Internet laptops and or computer music for the class. Now
- Phone are used during our online they use their computers to
- Computers classes attend and conduct the
- Television classes, they present
PowerPoint presentations
and videos.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 89
Name and Signature of Observer:
ICT Competency Standards For Teachers (CHED Teacher Education Programs (2017):
1. Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their functions and
The fact that they are strategically placed, well organized, and carried out, as
well as the fact that someone is in charge of monitoring and making sure all
resources are secure and ready for use, lead me to assume that the
resources/materials are arranged correctly in accordance with their duties and
qualities. Doors are dust-free, and computers have good ventilation. The improper
use of materials and resources is also prevented via procedures.
2. Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teachers?
Why? Why not?
Yes. Guidelines and procedures encourage easy access to resources while
ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to use them. The resource center
has imposed some restrictions on computer use to ensure that everyone is catered
for. Students only need to complete a borrowing form if they intend to keep the
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 90
The learning resource center's cleanliness and conducive learning atmosphere should
be preserved. Always make sure the sources and contents are regularly updated and
1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource Center caught your interest the most?
The learning resource that has most intrigued me is the accessibility of a
computer for research. The vast knowledge and information available on computers
with internet access would tremendously benefit students' studying. As opposed to
before, when students only used books and other written materials.
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:
Step 2. Describe how technology was integrated in the lessons and how the students were
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 91
Step 3. Use the Technology Integration Matrix to analyze the technology integration done by
the teacher.
As you observe the class, use the observation sheets provided for you to document
your observations.
Read the following questions and instructions carefully before you observe.
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning resources.
4. Closely observe the learners' response to the teacher's use of learning resources.
Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are they showing their
interest in the lesson and in the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of
the teacher and the materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness, and
I have observed in the class that the teacher has this Q and A strategy in which a teacher
asks a student regarding the topic they tackled. The teacher gives rewards plus points to
those who have actively participates in the class and that I was so amazed how the
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 92
students respond the to the teacher. I can say that the teacher’s strategy is so effective in
the learning of the student. I have acquired some essential skills and strategies that I can
apply to my future practice teaching. The flow of their online class is organized, the
students behaved well and attentively focusing on the discussion of the teacher.
Use the Technology Integration Form to analyze the class you observed. Refer to the
Technology Integration Matrix on p. 123. In which level of technology integration do you
think the teacher you observed operated? Why?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 93
Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristic of the learning
environment in the class that you observed? Point your observations that justify your answer.
I believe the learning environment observed in the class I observed is authentic; they use
technology and their creativity to produce a more creative output rather than simply
performing the task.
Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your suggestions.
The teacher has excellent learning tools in the classroom and used effectively and has
received positive feedback from the students during discussion time, despite using online
discussion. They listened carefully and responded positively to the teacher's questions, and
the teacher was pleased with their performance. Students pay attention to the learning
materials, allowing them to respond to exercises and the teacher quickly. They will be able
to learn more and gain a better understanding of the subject by using these educational
1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you
do differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of students? Why?
If I were the teacher, I would also encourage students to use their creativity and
collaborate when creating their work. To avoid wasting the students' ideas, I may try
something new: I will allow all my students to respond to my question after each reporter.
Because sharing one's ideas as a student will boost one's confidence.
2. Surf the net to find sites that provide support materials and/or interactive
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 94
3. List and describe at least 5 open-source sites/interactive programs; from open-
Analyzing the information you got from observing the class, surf the internet to
select electronic resources, including OERs, social networking sites, and apps with
virtual or augmented reality that will be useful in teaching the same lesson. Evaluate
the resources you found, using the set of criteria discussed in the Revisit the Learning
Essentials part of this Episode. Use the form below to note your analysis and evaluation.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 95
Name and Describe Put a check if the resource satisfies the criterion. Describe
Type of the how you
Electronic electronic can use it
Resource resource if you
(include were to
author/ teach in
publisher/ the class
source). you
Accurate appropriate Clear Complete Motivating Organized I will use
it as a
Google medium
meet / / / / / / of online
I will
Power used it as
Point / / / / / / a
Presentation medium
to deliver
Video To be
Presentation / / / / / / able to
about the
issues of
1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources
for the class? What made it easy? Difficult?
It is just easy to surf and find appropriate resources in the internet because
there is so many information that pop out in just one click however, the difficult
thing is that, there are also lots of information that aren’t reliable and fake news is
rampant now in digital platform therefore; as teacher you must be vigilant
researcher, and download information that came from reliable and credible sources.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 96
2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you
consider? Explain. Which of the new trends in Education 4.0 would you like to explore
more for your work as a teacher? Why?
I chose those electronic resources because those are the vital sources and a
medium of teaching and learning process in this pandemic times. I want to explore
more in a vast realm of digital platform because nowadays in these trying times
everything should be done through the use of technology.
3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have, and what skills
would you continue to work on to be better at utilizing education 4.0 resources?
The skills that I have is that, I can manipulate basic computer like Microsoft
word, excel, and PowerPoint. However, I admit that I have so many things that I
need to work on and go beyond deeper on the usage of technology such as editing
fascinating videos, photoshops and film making which I think is also an essential
skill that I should also possess.
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps.
Step 1: Review the seven domains of PPST and identify competencies I like to develop
Step 2: Visit sites of MOOC providers and explore the courses offered that are relevant
to PPST domains I want to work on.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 97
2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on.
3. Search for MOOCs in the internet which are relevant to the competencies you
• http://www.teachthought.com/technology/list-75-moocs-teachers-students/
• http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/moocs-best-teachers-free-online-
• http://www.forbes.com/sites/skollworldforum/2013/06/10/moocs-for-teachers-
• https://www.mooc-list.com/categories/teacher-professional-development
4. Indicate the MOOC provider. You might need to create an account in the different
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 98
maximize students’
engagements and
The teacher’s work
becomes meaningful
3. Diversity of Learners in difficult
when it is informed by Coursera
Learners circumstances
research and learning
Planning and Curriculum is a
4. Curriculum and management of structure that guides
Planning teaching and both teaching and
learning process. learning.
Use of assessment
data to enhance
5. Assessing and The course is not
teaching and Coursera
Reporting available
learning practices
and programs.
Engagement of One of the main
6. Community
parents and the focuses of this is
Linkages and
wider school harmonious link of Coursera
community in the school in the
educative process. community
After completing this
7. Personal Professional course, you will be
Growth and reflections and able to discuss the
Professional learning to improve significance of
Development practice objectives priority and
From among the MOOCs you explored, pick at least three which you believe are the
most appropriate for you. Describe the MOOCs below.
Provider: The provider of this course is Coursera. It is well known website that
offers different online courses or educational organization.
Content Outline: This course will assist you in having opportunities to practice your
presentation skills. It also assists you in gaining the necessary experience to feel
more confident when giving a speech in the classroom.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 99
Why did you pick up this MOOC?
Provider: Coursera
Objectives of the MOOC: The course learning objectives are used to determine
whether the specialization's objectives align with your learning objectives. Assess
your current level of business English communication proficiency. Develop
vocabulary related to jobs and companies by presenting relevant information about
yourself in a discussion forum.
Content Outline: In this course, there is 5 weeks’ time/day commitment and the
contents are Introduction to Business in English communication, Introduction,
Meeting arrangement on the telephone and the last is meeting arrangement (Email
). During the course, you will begin learning vocabulary and costumer related to
socializing and networking in English.
I believed that this MOOC will help me to become good communicator and to
practice my language skills. It will help me to have an experience about entering to
a business. In this, I will also to be prepared in my future profession through
developing my vocabulary and build confidence to speak in front of other people.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 100
1. How can MOOCs help you in your future career as a professional teacher and as a
lifelong learner?
MOOCs play an important role to improve me. It allows me to discover new things
that will aid my teaching learning process. It is more convenient for me to obtain
information as a prospective teacher.
2. What did you learn from the way the providers use technology to teach in the
3. How will you prepare yourself for MOOCS, as a learner, and as a teacher who may
someday teach a MOOC?
I will prepare myself as a learner for massive open online courses (MOCC), I will
become acquainted with these programs as a result of my exploration of this course.
1. Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher. Put your comments/
annotations about what you observed.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 101
As I observed the materials that my resource teacher was very effective because I see
how her students learn from her lesson. Despite of the small television she was able to
reiterate her presentation and explain it in a good manner.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 102
Technology enables teachers to fit any learning style, whether students learn best
through lectures, reading, examples, or video. Students can learn at their own speed by
accessing interactive online games, online movies, audiobooks, and more.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 103
3. Visit www.edudemic.com/50-education technology-tools-every-teacher-should-
Cannot open the link
Explore and enjoy the fantastic education tools. Try them out. Describe what
you discovered and share how these tools can be helpful to you.as a teacher.
4. Visit edtechteacher.org. This a treasure box for you. Explore and share what you
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 104
4. Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/material that you want to learn
more about. How can this gadget/material be-useful in instruction/teaching?
Learning Episode 12
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 105
Learning Episode 12
Learning Essentials
the end of the lesson and so while we are still in the process of teaching we do check
• If we find out that the learners failed to understand prerequisite knowledge and skills,
assessment while the learners are being formed or taught. It is assessment in the midst
of instruction.
• We do not wait for the end of the lesson to find out if learners understood the lesson
or not because if it is only at the end of the lesson that we discover that the learners
did not understand the lesson, we have wasted so much time and energy teaching
presuming that everything was clear, only to find out at the end of the lesson that the
learners did not understand the lesson at all. This means that we have to reteach from
the very beginning, something that we could have saved ourselves from doing had we
given time to find out if the lesson was understood while still teaching.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 106
Activity 12.1
(Formative Assessment)
Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find out if the students
understood the lesson while teaching-learning is in progress.
Any questions?
Any clarification?
2. Did the teacher ask the class “Did you understand”? If she did, what was the class'
If the teacher asks the class if they understand the lesson, the students respond like
this "yes teacher" or "no teacher" it depends on they understand the teachers’ lessons and
how the teacher delivered it to them. Understanding is the key to learn.
3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the lesson or a part
of the lesson? How?
No, the students did not give the teacher the sense that they were perplexed by the
material. Everyone in the class participates well, and in their oral participation, they all got
the proper answer.
In simple explanation, there is nothing for the teacher to respond because the
students understand everything the teacher taught. They understand the lesson very well
to the point that everyone contributes to the lesson and they all got correct answers.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 107
5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification? How was this
Yes, students were given an opportunity to ask queries, if any. After the discussion,
teacher asked students if they have any questions. They were given chance to ask what was
making them confuse in the discussion.
6. If she found out that her/his lesson was not clearly understood, what did teacher do? Did
you observe any of these activities? Please check.
__/__Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two classmates
7. If she engaged himself/herself in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did he/she use the same
teaching strategy? Describe.
I have not observed a class yet that the teacher did a re-teaching of a topic.
8. While re-teaching by himself/herself and /or with other students-turned tutors, did teacher
check on students' progress?
Yes, the teacher used short assessment in the form of quiz or oral questioning to
test for the student progress.
If yes, How?
There is a need for a system that can easily analyze the data to check on the
performance of the students. A short quiz can be designed which can be easily understood
by teachers and students. A short quiz can be developed which can be performed by the
students on the go. These short quizzes can be used to obtain the data to check the
performance of the students.
1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching is in
progress? It not better to do a once-and-for- all assessment at the completion of the entire
I believe it is better for a teacher to find out if students understand the lesson while
teaching is in progress so that it could be further explained and given emphasizes for a
more in-depth understanding of it. Aside from that, to aid and figure out the students who
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 108
needs extra attention and to be able to come up for an assessment that could fit their level
of understanding without compromising the quality of education. Moreover, I believe that
it is not good to do it upon the completion of the lesson through an assessment as students
can just merely pick or make up an answer just for the sake that they have an answer and
a score for the assessment.
2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask “Did you understand, class?” when he/she intends
to check on learners' progress?
Based on my observation, given that there are different types of students, there are
cases that even though they do not understand the topic they would say 'yes' when asked
if they have understood it since they are too shy or have a hard time to ask the part that
they find difficulty with. That is why activities and assessments is needed to check their
understanding throughout the lesson.
3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purposes? Why or why
There is one analogy that I have read that says, "Summative assessment is like
sitting into a car, drive and expect to arrive at the destination", basically checking how far
away you are. While, formative assessment is constantly checking street signs, your GPS
and turning appropriately. Which means formative assessments are considered part of the
learning, they need not be graded as summative assessments (end-of-unit exams or
quarterlies, for example) are. Rather, they serve as practice for students, just like a
meaningful homework assignment. They check for understanding along the way and
guide teacher decision making about future instruction; they also provide feedback to
students so they can improve their performance. Moreover, formative assessments also
help differentiate instruction and thus improve student achievement.
5. For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class sometimes seen to be more effective
than teacher himself/herself doing the re-teaching or tutoring?
One factor that I noticed is that students are too shy to ask clarifications from their
teacher as they find them intimidating sometimes and it could be on the personality of the
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 109
students itself. Wherein, peer tutoring is seen to be more effective as student feel
comfortable around their peers/ classmates wherein, it allows them to freely ask about
areas that they find hard.
• Reflect on this and write your reflections. Should you record results of formative
assessment? Why or why not?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 110
Unlike summative assessment, which evaluates student learning, whilst formative
assessment monitors student understanding so that students are always aware of
their academic strengths and learning gaps. W h e r e i t a l s o h e l p s t e a c h e r s
i m p r o v e t h e e f f e c t i v e n e s s o f t h e i r instruction. On that ground, the
formative assessment should not be recorded.
Any questions?
Any clarification?
2. My Analysis
The teacher should assess whether the students have understood the
material during class. It enables the instructor to assess if the lessons are effective
and whether any adjustments are necessary to promote student learning. If the
students' learning has improved, the instructor should have a record of it so they
can track it. Additionally, formative evaluations come in a variety of formats and
cater to the various learning preferences of the students. Peer tutoring may also be
a type of formative evaluation. In most cases, it is more successful than reteaching.
It's because some people think that engaging with others helps us learn more.
3. My Reflection
The way that teachers engage with students, how they set up learning
scenarios, how they direct students toward learning goals, and even how they
measure student success, all change. For raising student performance, formative
evaluation is a potent tool. It improves student learning capacities, raises the bar for
student achievement, and promotes the equality of student results. I might be able
to determine a student's current performance level for a particular ability by
conducting routine ongoing assessments.
4. Snapshots of peer tutoring or other activities that show formative assessment in
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 111
Learning Episode 12 Activity 12.2
Learning Essentials
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 112
• Assessment as learning encourages students to take responsibility for their own
• It requires students to ask questions about their learning.
• It provides ways for students to use formal and informal feedback and self-assessment
to help them understand the next steps in learning.
• It encourages self-assessment and reflection.
Observe a class and find out practices that reflect assessment as learning. Record your
Teacher My Observation
1. Did teacher provide opportunities for the Yes, the teacher provides opportunities for
learners to monitor and reflect on their own her students to reflect on their work and
learning? processes is a valuable way to enhance the
learning journey.
2. What are proofs that students were By writing journals, reflection, and
engaged in self-reflection, self-monitoring portfolios about what they have learned.
and self-adjustment?
3. Did students record and report their own Yes, the teacher lets the students share
learning? what they have learned, their opinion and
ideas and, they record their scores.
4. Did teacher create criteria with the Yes, the teacher lets the students share
students for tasks to be completed or skill to what they have learned and to rate
learned? themselves
1. If the student is at the heart of all assessment, then all assessment should support
student learning. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Yes, I agree, the primary purpose of an assessment is to enhance learning,
but that does not cover all the reasons why assessments are created. Assessments
help to measure how much a student knows. For the teacher to understand their
students' level of understanding, they must assess them. Assessments measure the
level of understanding and knowledge that students have. The measurement
collected is vital for the teacher to understand what they need to concentrate on and
what the student is struggling with. Also, assessments enhance learning because
they push a student to read more to pass their assessment tests. Therefore, even if
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 113
the student is at the heart of all assessments, all assessments do not need to support
student learning.
2. Does assessment as learning have the same ultimate purpose as assessment for
No, Assessment of learning is comparing students' achievement levels to a
standard using assessment data collected at the end of the teaching and learning
process. It's a summative process that usually involves standardized assessments.
Assessment of learning scores are frequently used to evaluate the effectiveness of
teachers or schools to improve student accomplishment based on the results of
single, pointin-time exams. Assessment FOR learning, on the other hand, integrates
assessment methods into the teaching and learning process to constantly change
instructional strategy. It can involve test data, but it also covers other quantitative
and qualitative data, as well as a lot of anecdotal and descriptive information.
2. My Analysis
Assessment plays a crucial role in the learning process and motivation. The
types of assessment assignments we provide our students have an impact on how
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 114
they approach the learning activities and the study techniques they use. The
relationship between student performance and specified learning goals has helped
teachers evaluate their curriculum. Assessment has an impact on how important a
class's learning objectives are.
3. My Reflection
In order to know when they are learning, how much effort is needed for success,
whether they have succeeded or failed, and which learning tactics are most effective
for them, students must analyze themselves. It is a crucial step in the evaluation
process because it gives pupils a way to examine and think back on their own
achievements. The objectives might range from time management to requesting
more. If they don't grasp something, they should ask questions in class.
Learning Episode 13
At the end of this Episode, I must be able to demonstrate understanding of the design,
selection, organization and use of summative assessment strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements by being able to:
➢ A determine the alignment of assessment tools and tasks with intended learning
➢ critique traditional and authentic assessment tools and tasks for learning in the context
of established guidelines on test construction;
➢ evaluate non-traditional assessment tools including scoring rubrics;
➢ examine different types of rubrics used and relate them to assessment of student
➢ distinguish among the 3 types of learners' portfolio;
➢ evaluate a sample portfolio;
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 115
➢ construct assessment questions for HOTS following Bloom's Taxonomy as revised by
Anderson and Krathwohl and Kendall's and Marzano's taxonomy;
➢ explain the function of a Table of Specifications;
➢ distinguish among types of learners' portfolios and their functions;
➢ A compute students' grade based on DepEd's grading policy;
➢ state the reason(s) why grades must be reported to parents; and
➢ Describe what must be done to make grade reporting meaningful.
Learning Essentials
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 116
2. What are possible consequences if teacher's assessment tasks are not aligned to learning
outcome/s? Does this affect assessment results? How?
- The learning outcomes will not be met if the teacher's assessment tasks are not
matched with the learning outcomes. And the students will not be able to
demonstrate their learning during the evaluation. Many students may focus
their attention on activities that will lead to good grades on tests rather than
understanding what may be necessary for application of their learning when
objectives and evaluations are mismatched. Furthermore, it has an impact on the
assessment outcomes. Because the students will not apply what they have
learned in the assessment, they will receive a low evaluation score.
• Reflect on past assessments you have been through. Were they all aligned with what
your teacher taught with learning outcomes?
While doing this activity, I had a flashback to previous assessments that I had
completed in senior high school and at this college. There are two types of teachers: one
that clearly demonstrates his or her enthusiasm for teaching and who never tires of
giving his or her all in the classroom. There's also this one teacher who seldom interacts
with the students. When it comes to assessment, the teacher who teaches every day will
use this simple style of assessment that is connected with the learning outcome.
Another type of teacher who hardly teaches is one who uses out-of-the-box assessments
that are unrelated to learning outcomes.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 117
• How did this affect your performance? As a future teacher, what lesson do you learn
from this past experience and from this observation?
Experiencing the mismatched assessment task with the learning outcome allowed
me to concentrate more on the assessment task in order to achieve a good score rather
than the learning itself. This has piqued my curiosity in the subject. Instead of
becoming an active learner, I became a passive learner who did what was asked of me
in order to receive good/high grades rather than growing my knowledge of the subject.
In terms of this issue, we've dealt with it before in our Professional Education courses,
The Assessment in Learning I and II. Our professor has consistently reminded us of the
Do's and Don'ts of creating/completing an assessment. As a prospective educator, I've
learned from my previous experiences, learnings, and observations that the assessment
task should always be aligned with the learning outcomes. Always keep your students
in mind, adopt an approach that will help them learn more, and focus on the learnings
rather than the assessment results. Always remember that the students are at the center
of any assessment. You should give the assessment in such a way that it gauges the
students' learning about the topics as well as awarding them a good mark.
Learning Essentials
• Observe classes and pay particular attention to the assessment tool used by the
• With teacher's permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
Direction: Put a check (✓) on the test which teacher used. From your teacher’s test items,
give an example.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 118
Type of traditional assessment Put a Learning Sample Test Common (Is the
Tool/ Paper and Pencil Test check Outcome Item of assessment tool
(✓) Assessed Resource constructed in
here Teacher accordance with
guidelines?) Explain
your answer.
Type of traditional assessment Put a Learning Sample Test Common (Is the
Tool/ Paper and Pencil Test check Outcome Item of assessment tool
(✓) Assessed Resource constructed in
here Teacher accordance with
guidelines?) Explain
your answer.
Constructed-Response Type
1. Completion
✓ Explain how
relative and
The length of
time it takes for
The completed test
provided students with
absolute dating the half-life of a reasonable basis for
were used to a radioactive the required responses
determine the element isotope and avoided mutilated
subdivisions of to decay into a statements, all of
geologic time stable decay which adhered to the
into standards for creating
a stable this type of test
element is
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 119
known as
2. Short Answer type
✓ Explain how
the movement
a This form of short
answer test asks the
of plates leads that dinosaur student to solve a basic
to the fossil is equation while also
formation of younger than a filling in the table with
folds and faults trilobite fossil the answers from the
and more than solved problem. They
60 million ask precise questions,
years old? and the problems are
3. Problem-solving NOT NOT NOT OBSERVED
1. Which assessment tools/tasks were most commonly used by teacher? Which ones were
rarely used? Why were they rarely used?
- The multiple-choice style of test was the most popular assessment employed by
teachers. These examinations are used to evaluate the student's grasp of both
difficult and simple ideas. Because all of the possible responses are supplied,
calculating and designing a new answer does not take long. The essay style of
test, on the other hand, is a rarely used assessment tool by teachers. Because the
subject is essentially conceptual, it is difficult for pupils to write an essay on the
2. Based on your answers found in the Tables above in which type of assessment tools and
tasks were the Resource Teachers most skilled in test construction? least skilled?
- Based on the previous table, I believe that problem solving is the type of
assessment instrument and activity that the resource teacher is best at creating
tests. Because problem solving is the one with which a mathematics teacher is
most familiar and the one with which they are most comfortable. They
understand the principles and may design any form of problem solving as long
as it is related to the subject matter and the students' learning. On the other
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 120
hand, I believe that completion is the area in which the resource teacher has the
least expertise. Because, based on my observations, the items in this section are
extremely predictable, and some of them were extracted directly from the
How good are you at constructing traditional assessment tools? Which do you find most
difficult to construct? Any lesson/s learned?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 121
Learning Essentials
• There are learning outcomes that cannot be assessed by traditional assessment tools.
• Authentic/non-traditional /alternative assessment tools measure learning outcomes
like performance and product.
• These performance task and product are assessed by the use of scoring rubric.
• A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for student's work that includes descriptions of
levels of performance quality on the criteria. (Brookhart, 2013)
• The main purpose of rubrics is to assess performances and products.
• There are two types of rubrics - analytic and holistic. Analytic rubrics describe work
on each criterion separately while a holistic rubric assesses a student work as a
• For diagnostic purposes, the analytic rubric is more appropriate.
• For a holistic view of a product or performance, the holistic rubric will do.
• A good scoring rubric contains the criteria against which the product or performance
is rated, the rating scale and a description of the levels of performance.
• Observe classes in at least 3 different subjects and pay particular attention to the
assessment tool used by the teacher.
• With teacher's permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
• Study the assessment tool then accomplish Observation Sheet.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 122
Authentic Learning Sample of How a product/ performance was Comment/s (is
assessment/non- Outcome product/performance assessed the scoring
traditional/alternative Assessed Assessed rubric
according to
1. Product Explain The teacher evaluates the work Yes, the rubric
how the using a holistic rubric that was was created in
movement presented to the class and focuses accordance
of plates on the student's whole output. with the
leads to criteria. The
the rubrics include
formation three criteria:
of folds competency
and faults (score x2), idea
(score x2), and
grammar, and
(scoring x2)
(score x1).
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 123
2. Performance Making a Based on my observation, the The criteria
salted egg performance was assessed by the focus mostly on
as their holistic rubrics which is the the students’
task in teacher used a criterion rubric understanding
osmosis of the concept/
regulation. processes and
of their
1. Between analytic and holistic rubrics which one was more used? Why do you think that
type of rubric was used more?
- Analytic rubrics are used more frequently than holistic rubrics. I believe they
used the analytic rubric more than the holistic rubric because it is easier to use
because it is made up of level of scales and adjectives that make it easy to
rate/score performance. Analytic rubrics provide several scores for the task, one
for each different category being evaluated, whereas holistic rubrics provide a
single score to summarize a student's performance on a given task.
2. Based on your answers in # 1, what can you say about the scoring rubrics made and used
by the Resource Teachers?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 124
- What I can say about the teacher's scoring rubrics is that they are simple to use
and aligned with the assignment that was assigned to the pupils. Teachers will
be guided in their evaluation by a set of criteria.
3. Will it make a difference in assessment of student work if teacher would rate the product
or performance without scoring rubrics? Explain.
- Yes, there is a significant difference in grading student work if the teacher does
not use a scoring rubric to score the product or performance. The work of the
students will be judged subjectively if a rubric is not used. They will be more
concerned with the output's physical look rather than its content.
4. If you were to improve on one scoring rubric used, which one and how?
- If I had to pick one scoring rubric to enhance, it would be the holistic rubric that
was used to evaluate the product. I would change it such that instead of scoring
it on a scale of 5 to 1, I would grade it on a scale of 3 to 1. It would be easy to
evaluate the pupils' work with this change.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 125
- The scoring rubric in this FS Book 1 has greatly aided me in producing a better
product. This rubric serves as my guide, and it also allows me to evaluate my
own work in order to choose whether I should improve it, revise certain aspects,
or leave it alone. The rubrics provide some crucial criteria that I must evaluate
in order to produce a better product.
Are authentic assessment tools and tasks new? Reflect on your experiences of tests for all the
years as a student
The scoring rubric in this FS Book 1 has greatly aided me in producing a better
product. This rubric serves as my guide, and it also allows me to evaluate my own work in
order to choose whether I should improve it, revise certain aspects, or leave it alone. The
rubrics provide some crucial criteria that I must evaluate in order to produce a better
product. There's also the time it takes to conduct a survey/interview and then generate a
report from it. In terms of rubrics, we were constantly told that they would serve as a guide.
There are also occasions when we are the ones who evaluate our classmates' performance
for fairness and participation in the class. I understand that real evaluation takes a lot of
time and effort, but it has been the most fun aspect of learning for me. The process by
which you use everything you've learned to create a fantastic product or performance. It's
also a lot of fun to make and practice your talents with.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 126
Learning Episode 13 Activity 13.4
Learning Essentials
accompanied by clear criteria for performance which prove student effort, progress or
collection of students’ work. The student's reflection must accompany each output or
• A portfolio is different from a work folder, which is simply a receptacle for all work,
• Effective portfolio systems are characterized by a clear picture of the student skills to
be addressed, student involvement in selecting what goes into the portfolio, use of
through which students share what they think and feel about their work, their
• There are several types of portfolio depending on purpose. They are: 1) development
evaluation portfolio.
1. Ask your Resource Teacher for samples of portfolio, if any. If there are, select one best
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 127
2. If none, research for a sample portfolio and include them in My Learning Artifacts.
1. With OBE in mind, which should be the basis for the selection of pieces of evidence to show
that what the student was supposed to learn was learned?
In light of the OBE, I believe the activities and output of the students should serve
as the foundation for the selection of pieces of evidence to demonstrate that what the
students were expected to learn was learned. They should be included in the portfolio so
that the teacher may assess the student’s learning in a specific lesson. It's also a good idea
to include any written or artistic reflections from the student on what they’ve learned.
2. Scrutinize the elements of this portfolio. Based on the parts, under which type of portfolio
does this fall?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 128
1. Cover Letter-"About the Author" and "What My Portfolio Shows About My Progress as a Learner"
2. Table of Contents with numbered pages
5. Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised revisions, i.e.(first drafts and corrected/revised
6. Student's Reflections,
3. Where and when does the teacher make use of each of the 3 types of the portfolio?
When a teacher wants to know how a student's growth or change over time, how to
help students develop process skills like self-evaluation and goal-setting, how to identify
students' strengths and weaknesses, and how to track the development of additional
products/performances, the teacher should use the Development or growth portfolio.
Showcase Portfolios were used to highlight end-of-year/semester achievements, produce a
sample of best work for career or college application, display student perceptions of
favorite, best, or most important work, and communicate a student's current aptitudes to
future professors. When a teacher wants to record success for grading purposes, progress
toward standards, and put students correctly. The option is to create an
assessment/evaluation portfolio.
Have portfolios made the learning assessment process more inconvenient? Is the effort
exerted on portfolio assessment commensurate to the improvement of learning and
development of learners' metacognitive process that results from the use of portfolio?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 129
• Sample/s of Improved Written Tests, both selected-response type and supply type.
• Sample/s of product and performance assessed
• Sample/s of a rubric
• Sample/s of students' reflection on his/her portfolio.
Learning Essentials
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 130
Cognitive Processes Examples
Remembering- produce the right information from memory
Recalling • Name three 19th-century women English authors.
• Write the multiplication facts.
• Reproduce the chemical formula for carbon tetrachloride.
Understanding – make meaning from educational materials or experiences.
Interpreting • Translate a story problem into an algebraic equation.
• Draw a diagram of the digestive system.
• Paraphrase Jawaharlal Nehru's tryst with destiny speech.
Exemplifying • Draw a parallelogram.
• Find an example of stream-of-consciousness style of
• Name a mammal that lives in our area.
Classifying • Label numbers odd or even.
• List the events of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857.
• Group native animals into their proper species.
Comparing • Explain how the heart is like a pump.
• Compare Mahatma Gandhi to a present day leader.
• Use a Venn diagram to demonstrate how two books by
Charles Dickens are similar and different.
Explaining • Draw a diagram explaining how air pressure affects the
• Provide details that justify why the French Revolution
happened when and. how it did.
• Describe how interest rates affect the economy.
• Applying- use a procedure
Executing • Add a column of two-digit numbers.
• Orally read a passage in a foreign language.
• Have a student open house discussion
Implementing • Design an experiment to see how plants grow in different
kinds of soil.
• Proofread a piece of writing.
• Create a budget.
• Analyzing- break a concept down into its parts and describe how the parts relate
to the whole
Differentiating • List the important information in a mathematical word
problem and cross out the unimportant information.
• Draw a diagram showing the major and minor characters
in a novel.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 131
their effect. ·Make a diagram showing the ways plants and
animals in your neighborhood interact with each other.
Attributing • Read letters to the editor to determine the authors' points
of view about a local issue.
• Determine a character's motivation in a novel or short
• Look at brochures of political candidates and hypothesize
about their perspectives on issues.
Evaluating- make judgments based on criteria and syllabus guidelines.
Checking • Participate in a writing group, giving peers feedback on
organization and logic of arguments
• Listen to a political speech and make a list of any
contradictions within the speech.
• Review a project plan to see if all the necessary steps are
Critiquing • Judge how well a project meets the criteria of a rubric.
• Choose the best method for solving a complex
mathematical problem.
• Judge the validity of arguments for and against astrology.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 132
Figure 10. The New Taxonomy in Detail
Source: http://www.greatschoolspartnership.org/wp-
3. Score him/her according to the level of questions that he/she asks from remembering
to creating and metacognition and self-system thinking. You may also refer to written
4. Make tally, then get the total. Use Table 1 and Table 2 separately.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 133
Tally And Total Score Rank Tally And Total Rank Example Of Assessment Rank
Of Cognitive Processes Score Of Cognitive Tasks/Questions Given By Based
(Bloom As Revised By Processes(And Resource Teacher On Use
Anderson And Kendell And
Krathwohl) Marzano)
Metacognition 5
Example: 6-
Creating = Highest
Evaluating= 5
1. Which cognitive skill had the highest number of assessment questions? Lowest
- Applying/Knowledge Utilization is the cognitive competence with the most
assessment questions. With the exception of cognitive skills, which have no
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 134
assessment questions, understanding/comprehension and Self-System
Thinking have the fewest evaluation questions.
2. What do these (lowest and highest number of assessment questions) reveal about
Resource Teacher's level of questions?
- The resource instructor has the highest and lowest amount of assessment
questions, indicating that he has a high level of questions. The quantity of
questions, in my opinion, is appropriate for the subject area that the teacher was
teaching. They are the ones that would be ideal for use in a class discussion.
3. Based on Kendall's and Marzano's taxonomy,which are the highest cognitive skills?
Give an example of an assessment question for each of the two highest cognitive skills-
metacognitive skills and self-system thinking.
- The highest cognitive skill, according to the kendall and marzano taxonomy, is
Self-Sytem Thinking. This is one of the smallest number of questions in relation
to the table I just finished. As an example: What values have you develop during
the discussion and the activity?
If you were to rate yourself HOTS-where will you be on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 as hithe ghest)
where will you be?
As a future teacher, reflect on how will you contribute to the development of learners' HOTS?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 135
School: Balsik National High School Grade/Year Level: Grade 11
Learning Essentials
covered by a test and the number of items or points which will be associated with
each topic.
• Sometimes the types of items are described in terms of cognitive level as well.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 136
photosynthesis and
7. Identify the factors 7 3 1 2 1 1 8
that affect the rate of
photosynthesis and
cellular respiration.
Total 50
There should be additional items for each distinct domain and cognitive level for a
more accurate evaluation. Utilizing distinct evaluation tools that advance cognitive
levels continuously would score knowledge at various learning stages.
3. With OBE in mind, is it correct to put learning outcome not topic in the first column? Why
or why not?
The learning objective's placement in the first column is appropriate. This is due to
the fact that the learning result must be considered while choosing the test items
and establishing their cognitive level. The TOS must also be directed and consistent
with the assessment task.
4. Can a teacher have a test with content validity even without making a TOS? 5. Complete
the given TOS.
Without creating TOS, a teacher cannot administer a test with content validity. It
happens because test writers have a propensity to concentrate too much on
knowledge-level facts and ideas when there isn't a table of specifications.
Read this conversation and reflect on teachers' assessment practices. Write your reflections
Student A: Saan naman pinulot ni Teacher ang kaniyang tanong? Ni-isang tanong sa
tinuro,wala!(Where did Teacher get her test? Not one of what she taught came out!)
Student B: Oo nga.!Nakakaiinis! (You are right! How annoying!")
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 137
Did you have a similar experience? Reflect on it. Will the required use of Table of
Specifications as guide in test construction solve the problem of misaligned tests?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 138
• Analysis
• Reflection
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 139
with the constructed TOS and learning goals when creating test questions. It would be
more convenient for both the teacher and the pupils. I understand that creating a TOS is
difficult, but it is necessary in order to ensure the test's legitimacy.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 140
Learning Essentials
• With the implementation of the Enhanced Basic Education Program of 2013, more
• The latest grading system in basic education includes students' performance in written
tests and performance tasks, with emphasis on the latter. The quarterly exam may be
3. Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for an interview with him/her and with
1. What are the new features of the latest grading system? What things are you required
to do with this new grading system which you were not asked before?
- Teachers use DepEd Order No. 31 s. 2020 known as the Interim Guidelines for
Plan. Written works and performance task shall be administered to assess the
content and performance standards that describe the knowledge, abilities, and
- Any of the two-grading system it depends on the situations. Since D.O 31 S. 2020
IS JUST ONLY TEMPORARY. When the pandemic stops, we will use again D.O
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 141
C. Interview of 5 Students
The percentage under performance task is higher than the other two components, which
the student appreciate about the new grading method. Furthermore, the new grading
system has a minimum grade of 60, which is transformed to a 75 on the report card.
2. Do you have problems with the new grading system? If there is, what?
Apart from the difficulty in interpreting the letter grading system since the student was
unable to establish the precise percentage that the student achieved, the student have had
no problems with the new grading method thus far.
3. Does the new grading system give you a better picture of your performance? Why or
Why not?
Yes, the new grading system provides the student with a clearer sense of his work because
the ratings are clearly spelled out in their teacher's report card. The letter grading system,
as he previously stated, is somewhat puzzling.
4. Which do you prefer - the old or the new grading system? Why?
The new grading system that they are currently employing at school is preferred by the
students. The existing grading system, according to him, is limited since it does not
demonstrate what a pupil is learning or should be learning. The new grading system
alleviates some of the burden on students at a specific level.
2. How do you compute grades per quarter for Grades 1 to 10 and Grades 11 to
12.Give an example?
There is only one Quarterly Assessment every grading period, however there should be
opportunities for students to generate Written Work and exhibit their knowledge and
abilities through Performance Tasks. Written Work and Performance Tasks are not
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 142
required in any particular amount, but they must be spread out over the quarter and used
to assess learners' abilities after each topic has been taught.
The following are the steps on computing grades per quarter: a. Grade from all
student work are added up. b. The sum for each component is converted to the percentage
score using this format.
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3. How do you compute grades at the end of the school year?
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4. What descriptors and grading scale are used in reporting progress of learners?
5. What are the bases for learners' promotion and retention at the end of the school year?
Promoting a student to the next school level or keeping a student in the same grade level is
a decision that must be made wisely and based on evidence. A student who has a Final
Grade of 75 or above in all learning areas is promoted to the next grade level. The
guidelines for learner advancement and retention are listed in the table below.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 147
6. What is the report on learners’ observed values?
The K–12 curriculum aims to educate Filipinos holistically with 21st-century capabilities.
The construction of values and attitudes based on the Department of Education's Vision,
Mission, and Core Values (DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2013) must accompany the growth of
learners' cognitive competences and skills, as demonstrated on the next page. Non-DepEd
schools are free to change or adapt these criteria to fit their school's philosophy, vision,
mission, and fundamental values. According to my observations, the report on learners'
observed values is based on DepEd's four key values: This Core Values have been
translated into behavior statements as Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, and
Makabansa. Learners' behavior demonstrating the Core Values will be reported using a
non-numerical rating system. The Class Adviser and other teachers must agree on how
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 148
these observations will be conducted. Students are graded on four core values: AO (Always
Observed), SO (Sometimes Observed), RO (Rarely Observed), and NO (Never Observed)
(Not observed
E. Grade
• in a subject of your choice from Grades 1 to 6 (if you are a future elementary
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 149
• in your specialization if you are a high school teacher)
• Show the percentage contributions of written work, performance tasks and
quarterly assessment. Then give the descriptor. Refer to DepEd Order # 8,
Analyze data and information gathered from the interview and from your review of an
1. Do teachers and students like the new grading system? Why or why not?
Yes, both the D.O 31 s. 2020 (used during the pandemic) and the D.O 8 s. 2016 grading
systems are popular among teachers and students
2. What are the good points of the new grading system according to teachers? According to
As said by the teacher Written works and performance tasks will be used to evaluate the
content and performance standards that specify the knowledge, abilities, and skills that
students should display. According to the student I interviewed, the new grading system's
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 150
good points include the distribution of percentage per component on which Performance
task is greater than the two, and finally, the new grading system's minimal grade.
The difficulty here is adjusting to the new pandemic grading system, which has only
recently been established. In addition, the grading system does not include the Quarterly
4. Do you favor the distribution of percentages of written work, performance tasks and
quarterly assessment?
Yes, I support the allocation of written work percentages, performance tasks, and quarterly
evaluations. Because, for me, the focus will be on the students' performance in class,
whether it be in the shape of an assignment or otherwise. It would be simpler to assess the
kids' progress.
5. Did you like the experience of computing grades? Why or why not?
I enjoy computing grades because, aside from the fact that it is challenging, it allows me to
directly monitor the performance of students based on their grades. Furthermore, there is
a novel and simple method for calculating grades without making mistakes. It is the usage
of Microsoft Excel on which you would program it, and after entering the scores, it would
directly compute the students' grades.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 151
Learning Essentials
• Grades fulfill their function if reported meaningfully to students and most of all to
parents, our partners in the education of children.
• Grades are a measure of achievement, not necessarily IQ. A student may have high
IQ but not necessarily achieving or performing because of lack of motivation or
other factors.
1. Observe how cards are distributed on Card Distribution Day. Describe how cards are
The cards are normally distributed at the end of the quarter/semester, and there is a
recognition program for those who are among the top students in their classes. The
cards are given to the parents in person.
2. Describe how the Resource Teachers communicated learners' assessment results and
grades to parents.
A teacher's standard practice is to first inform parents about how grades are calculated
so that they may comprehend why their children have high or low grades.
3. Did parents raise questions or concerns? If yes, what were their questions/concerns?
Some parents inquire about their children's behavior and performance in class.
4. How did the Resource Teacher handle their questions and concerns? What answers
did he/she give?
The teacher responds to the questions by informing the parents about the students'
improvements and behaviours observed throughout the lesson. The teacher focuses
more on the positive comments from the students, as well as informing the parents
about the students' outputs that were shown and present in the classroom.
Interview with Resource Teacher
1. How do you give feedback to your students regarding their performance? When do
you give feedback?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 152
Usually, the teacher gives feedback after the class. She entertains the students that need
some attention. They are students who somehow have difficulties in terms of learning.
On the other hand, she spends some time having a one-on-one talk with her student.
2. How do you report students' performance to parents? Does the school have a regular
way of reporting grades to parents?
We conducted quarterly Parent – Teacher Conference to inform the parents on the
performance of their children.
3. What problems on grade reporting did you encounter with parents? How did you
address it/them?
Some parents did not satisfy with the given grades to their children but of course, as
teacher, we need to explain in detail the rating of their children for us to build good
relationships with them.
Interview with Students
1. Do you see the meaning of your grades in the School Report Card?
- Yes, the School Report Card explains the meaning of the student's grades.
- Knowing his grades motivates him to do more and work more in order to
maintain and improve his grades. He is pleased with his grades, which reflect
all of his hard work and dedication to studying.
1. Does your child's Report Card give you a clear picture of how your child is
Yes, the child's report card provides parents with a detailed overview of their child's
performance. Even without their monitor, they can know that their child is performing
well in class based on the grades provided.
2. If you were asked what else should be found in the Report Card, which one? Why?
Parents believe that the information in the report card is sufficient to know that their child
is studying diligently. Because the main thing is that parents can see their child's grades
plainly. That's why there's no one else to add.
3. Do you find the Card Distribution Day important? Why or why not?
Yes, the parent believes that the card distribution day is important, not only for themselves
but also for their children. This is an important day for parents to show their support for
their children. Furthermore, they claim that this is an excellent time to monitor their child's
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 153
performance and behavior through the teacher's observation, which is communicated to
1. Grades are often a source of misunderstanding. How should I do report so that it will
result to effective learning?
Grades are a cause of miscommunication between the teacher and the student, the student
and their parents, the teacher, and their parents, and the student and their peers. This
misperception stems from their or their child's dissatisfaction with their grades. They may
also conclude that there is bias if they compare the student's grades to those of the other
students. As a teacher, I must tell students and teachers about the process of computing
students' grades in order to guarantee that the scoring, grading, and reporting of scores and
grades are fair in order to promote learning. For them to be educated and to understand what
they lack and what they need to develop. Furthermore, I must tell students and teachers about
the process of computing students' grades in order to guarantee that the scoring, grading, and
reporting of scores and grades are fair in order to promote learning. For them to be educated
and to understand what they lack and what they need to develop
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 154
Learning Episode 14
Learning Essentials
"My Teacher, My Hero" was a banner during the World Teachers' Day celebration in
the Philippines in the years past. Are Filipino teachers, real heroes? What do you think? Why?
country just like any other hero. To be a teacher requires a lot of personal and professional
First, the teacher must have innate qualities or attributes that are exemplary and are
fitted to be teachers. These are natural tendencies of a person. Here are some of the qualities
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 155
This teacher behaves according to the
• Lives a life inspired by spiritual personal spiritual beliefs that are not
principles and beliefs. contrary to the norms, mores and tradition
of the community.
Not everyone has these qualities, hence not everyone can be a good teacher. As the old
saying goes: "Teachers are born but good teachers are both born and made."
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 156
pedagogy courses. Your professional courses include experiential learning courses that
include Field Study 1, Field Study 2 and Teaching Internship. These are important in your
preparation to become professional teachers.
So what are the professional competencies that every teacher should have? You will
find these in the matrix that follow.
Professional Competencies of Filipino Teachers
• Designs, selects and utilize This teacher designs selects and uses
appropriate assessment strategies appropriate assessment tools for, as, and of
and tools learning.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 157
This teacher arranges the classroom to
• Provides safe, secure, fair physical
provide a safe, secure psychological
and psychological learning
environment that supports and encourages
environment that supports learning
So, it is not easy to become a professional teacher. The demand is great. A qualified
Now you are ready to identify if the enumerated characteristics are found among the
There are two observation activities in this Episode. Activity 1 will identify the
Personal Characteristics of the Teacher and Activity 2 will identify the Professional
Activity 14.1
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 158
Personal Observe (O) Data Results
Qualities Interview (|) I Have found out that
a. Dignifies Observe The teacher has her own principles and is well- composed in
front of the students that is worthy of respect from others.
b. Healthy Observe I have found out that the teacher is healthy by asking about
her health. She has no prior illness or any health problems
that limits her from doing her job.
c. Spiritual Observe She always starts and ends her class with a prayer and always
Interview reminds students to pray right before they go to bed. Also, by
asking her religion where she shared that every Sunday she
goes to church and thanks the Almighty
d. Knowledge Observe I have found out she is quite knowledgeable about the topic
by observing how she answers the questions from the
students regarding the topic being discussed.
e. Humble Observe I found out that she is indeed humble in how she interacts
Interview with the other teachers without boasting about herself
Activity 2 will focus on the Professional Competencies of the Teacher. You may change your
sample Teacher in Activity 1 with another teacher or you can still observe the same teacher.
In case you will not change your teacher to be observed the same teacher will be your sample
for both Activity 1 and Activity 2. Aside from direct observation, you will also do a Survey in
Activity 2.
Did you learn from your observation of the teacher? Now let us analyze the
information that you have gathered.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 159
- Determined Dignified Knowledgeable- A teacher must be knowledgeable in her
field and subjects she handles to ensure that the students will learn from her. She
must also be dignified and determined in her craft, people must see her as someone
whom they can respect and is worthy of respect from her students and colleagues.
The determination to teach her students and to continually learn from her students
is one of the most significant qualities a teacher must possess.
2. Which of these qualities do you have? Do you think you can fit as a good teacher
someday? ____________ Why? Describe yourself.
Good teachers are role models, whether in school, at home or in the community. From
the teachers that you had from elementary to college, did the personal qualities that they
possess, help you learn better as a student?
Identify one personal characteristic of your model teacher that has made a great impact
in your life as a learner. Reflect and describe how this quality influenced you.
When I was 3rd-year college, the teachers I had were the ones who influenced my
thinking and passion the most along with the special children whom I interacted with.
Their passion and positivity reached and influenced my personal qualities that I always
see the positive side of things and find that passion to teach the special children in my case.
They also teach us to help one another, because the only ones who can help us are the ones
we are with right now. And we sincerely thank them for that.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 160
a. Name
b. LET License No
attended, etc.)
3. Request a co-teacher or the head (only one of the 2) to answer the checklist/rating
5. Compare the answer of the co-teacher or that of the head with your answer on the
BEED/BSEd Student
Name of the Teacher: Mrs. Evangeline D. Tala
PRC License No: 0014086
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 161
Does the teacher exhibit
the competence of a
Professional Competence professional teacher?
Check your answer below.
Yes No Doubtful
1. Practices the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers /
2. Teaches the subject matter very well with mastery /
3. Keeps self-updated with educational trends, policies and /
4. Uses varied teaching methods that facilitate learning with /
skill and ease
5. Engages the parents and other stakeholders to cooperate as /
partners in educating the children
6. Teaches with compassion based on the knowledge and /
understanding of the characteristics and needs of diverse
7. Prepares curriculum plans, implements these with /
innovation in every lesson
8. Designs or selects and utilizes appropriate assessment /
strategies and tools for lessons taught
9. Makes classroom atmosphere physically (arrangement) and /
psychologically (friendly, inclusive) safe and secure for
Marvin S. Hilario
Your Name and Signature (Pre-Service Student)
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 162
Did you learn from your observation and interview on teacher's professional
competences? Now let us analyze the data.
- Yes, that the teacher exhibits the qualities expected of a teacher and that she is
prepared to go above and beyond what was required of her. Since the teacher
demonstrated all the aforementioned qualities, her competencies are regarded as
strong in her profession.
2. Did your answers to the survey form coincide with the answers of the co-teacher or
head of the teacher you observed?
Yes, as it is what we have found to be the teacher's most exceptional attribute,
and the responses from her fellow instructors are consistent with the traits we have
Complete the following sentences as your reflections from the results of Activity 2.
1. As a future teacher, the results imply that I should also possess good characteristics
and attitudes that a teacher must have. These characteristics display how you will
impact your students' lives and in the teaching field. Also, having a positive
attitude, passion, and professionalism in teaching will result in productive teaching
and can even produce competent students. As someone who will nurture students
or individuals who are the future of our country is the greatest responsibility of a
teacher. To teach students to be globally proactive in improving themselves, a
teacher must possess the same qualities as what they want their students to possess.
Teachers are role models of students who are still in the process of reaching their
dreams. And to have productive teaching that will produce competent students is
the best accomplishment for a teacher.
2. If all the teachers teaching today possess the professional characteristics and
competencies as the teacher/teachers observe then learners will be more globally
competent, skilled, and productive. Professional characteristics of teachers help
students to maximize and enhance their fullest potential not just in the aspect of
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 163
academics but as a whole. The qualities and characteristics of a teacher can influence
the teaching-learning process in the class. If the teacher has the qualities of a
globally competent teacher, the students will be motivated to have the same
qualities as the teacher. To teach the best, one must be taught by a more
knowledgeable person in the field/area. A teacher’s responsibility is to let the
students exhibit and enhance their fullest potentials.
1. Show here the artifacts of this Episode. A shorts narrative about the teacher with a
description of the personal qualities and professional characteristics that you have
observed. You may request a picture from the teachers.
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Learning Episode 15
Learning Essentials
A survey of the ASEAN countries and beyond tends to show that there are
three majors FILIPINO GLOCAL TEACHER responsibilities of teachers. These are
While the number of actual teaching hours per day varies all over the world,
in our country, teaching in public schools requires six hours of actual teaching, that
includes administrative work such as management of learning per day. The two hours
of the working day is allotted to administrative work such as scoring and recording
learners outputs, making reports, filling forms, preparing for the next day's activity
and performing other administrative tasks. The previous Episode on the teacher,
reminded us of the qualities and competencies mentioned earlier. Teachers should be
multi-literate, multi-cultural, multi-talented, innovative and creative. The future
Filipino teacher like you shall act locally but think globally.
"Teach local, reach global” means that the teacher brings diverse experiences
in the classroom with the various skills to live and work as citizens of a global society.
What teachers do in the local communities impacts the larger community. As global
citizens, the work begins, where the teachers are, thus a "glocal” teacher.
Quality teachers are characterized by different attributes and skills needed in the 21st
century education. Partnership 21 identified (1) Global awareness, (2) Financial, economic,
business and entrepreneurial literacy, and (3) Civic and Health Literacy which require:
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 166
1. Learning and Innovative skills.
2. Information, Media and Technology Skills
3. Life and Career Skills
More specifically, quality teachers are competent teachers who can demonstrate
exemplary mastery of knowledge, skills, values and dispositions relative to the following
Majority of the current classrooms provide learning spaces that can hardly prepare the
21st century learners for the development of the 21st century skills.
Since the 21st century classroom is learner-centered, the teacher acts as a facilitator of
learning. Students no longer study each subject in isolation, but they work on interdisciplinary
projects that cover several subject areas. Learning is no longer for memorizing and recalling
of information but on learning how to learn. Thus classroom designs should respond to the
21s century learning. More so, quality teachers should be changing their roles from teaching
in isolation to co-teaching, team teaching and collaboration .with students and peers.
A new and creative design of classrooms by the teachers is needed as well as the
management of learning. These are the two teacher qualities needed to address the new roles
of teachers.
How should a new classroom be? Here are some suggestions on the six elements of
a new classroom:
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 167
With the classroom structure, a quality teacher should be able to manage learning
under a very conducive learning environment. Teacher should use effective classroom
management strategies that will ensure productive learning.
• organized,
• orderly,
• focused,
• attentive,
• on task, and
• are learning.
This will take much of your skill, experience and patience. The two important factors that
may affect learning management are the use of technology and the diversity of learners.
Activity 15.1
Observation 1: This activity will require you to stay in school for one school day.
1. Secure permit to observe a quality teacher in the school for one whole class day.
➢ Actual Teaching
➢ Management of Learning
➢ Administrative Work
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 168
3. Use the key guide found in the matrix below.
5. If you missed seeing the evidence to the key guide, you may interview the teacher.
6. Make a narrative or essay of your answer entitled: “A Day in the School Life of a
Quality Teacher".
7. If permitted, you may include the teacher's picture in action to your essay.
Note: Observe and record observations on the following aspects as key guide to
Teacher's Major Key guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
Responsibility indicators/behaviors of the teacher along the key points. Write your
observations and description in your notebook. This will be one of
your artifacts.)
A. Actual 1. This teacher is learner-centered.
Teaching 2. acts as a facilitator of learning.
3. Has mastery of subject matter.
4. sees to it that learning outcomes are achieved.
5. is pleasant and fair in dealing with the learners.
B. Management This teacher
of Learning 1. allows all learners to participate in the lesson.
2. considers the needs of the learners in the seating
3. uses instructional support materials to help learners
understand the lesson.
4. sees to it that learning is achieved within the period.
5. dismisses a class on time.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 169
Refer to the results of your observation to answer the questions that follow.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being practiced?
A. Actual Teaching?
B. Management of Learning?
C. Administrative Work?
Based on the result of my observation, “management learning” shows the
majority of indicators being practiced. The teacher always gives
opportunities to students to participate in every class activity and discussion.
The use of instructional materials during class discussions is a must. The
teachers used visuals, tv screens and books that helped students to
understand the lessons better. Lastly, the seating arrangement is important
before class discussion. Through seating arrangement, she always organizes
the capacity and attitude of learners towards class discussion for better
2. Which demonstrated behavior, do you find in the teacher that is worthy of emulation
when you become a teacher? Describe.
3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply with?
What are the reasons?
The administrative work is the major responsibility that the teacher finds to
comply with. This responsibility needs a longer time frame to comply,
especially those other tasks that the superior asks them to comply with. Such
lesson plans, attendance sheets, and formative and summative records must
be monitored consistently and should be reported to superiors within or
before due time.
4. From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as a quality teacher? Why?
Yes, I can consider her as a quality teacher. She may have imperfections in
the field of teaching however her passion and love for teaching is
overflowing. This passion and love for teaching gives her motivation to
perform and act her job as a teacher professionally. Moreover, she exhibits
the good qualities of a teacher which I can also apply in my own career of
teaching soon.
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Now, that you have spent one school day observing this teacher, it would be good
for you to reflect on all your observations by answering reflective questions below.
1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If yes, why? If No, why not?
Yes, these would be an eye opener for all of us, what is up and are about to encounter
when we become educators.
2. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you do better as a professional
As a future educator, the same techniques will be adopted. However, we should still
consider the individual differences of our students and create a more encouraging and
dynamic lesson for the learner.
3. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a quality teacher? Do you
think you will be ready to address these? Give at least 2 concerns.
Adaptability and Versatility. One harmonious classroom should have these qualities to
ensure that the teacher and learners have these kinds of relationships. It helps teachers
to impart knowledge to the learners for he/she are able to know what kind of
environment (classroom) they have.
4. In what aspects of the teacher's day, would you like to congratulate the teacher you
observed? Can you show your appreciation to this teacher by sending a Thank you card?
(Include this in your artifact)
Other than the sweet appreciation of our teachers through chocolates and flowers, we
include thank you card as a token of gratitude and admiration.
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Learning Episode 15 Activity 15.2
This activity will allow you to develop your sense of creativity and imagination of designing
a classroom for the 21st century and determining how to manage learning in this classroom.
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Grade level 11 TVL- A
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 173
B. My Classroom for the 21st Century
Make a comparison of your drawing A and B. Describe the similarities and differences.
Explain why.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 174
Features of the Present My Vision of the Future Why the similarity? Why
Classroom Components Classroom the difference?
Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a future teacher? How
will you manage learning in the future classroom? How will you prepare yourself to respond
to 21st teaching-learning and become a glocal teacher?
Make a short paragraph on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21st century
I think the challenges that await me as a future teacher are how I will design my
own classroom environment and how I will impose classroom management itself on my
learners. Classrooms must foster freedom, comfort, belongingness, and security which are
vital to the learners. These qualities of the classroom are necessary for building a positive
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 175
atmosphere and effective classroom learning. Moreover, imposing classroom management
can be also a challenging one. The teacher must reinforce such positive rules in the
classroom to be observed and followed by the learners in order to tolerate kindness,
respect, diversity, and belongingness within the learning environment.
These are the artifacts that you need to file in this Episode.
1. Activity 15.1 Report on the Observations including evidence that go with it.
Since my resource teacher is a floating teacher, this is our current classroom may be seen in
the image above. It is considerably more appealing due to the range of colors that fill it.
The contents were sifted, and it has been arranged. There are also several bulletin boards
where kids can take pleasure in reading. The space can accommodate a sizable number of
pupils. Additionally, it has physically stunning and well-kept characteristics.
Activity 15.1 Narrative on the Day in the School Life of the Quality Teacher
Every time she starts the class, the instructor is prepared. She exhibits timeliness by
arriving for the lesson on time and waits patiently for the pupils to arrive. She always
welcomes the students with fun and excitement. With the aid of her prepared materials, the
conversation proceeded smoothly. Through thorough instruction, she demonstrates
mastery of the material. Given the enthusiasm their instructor had in class, the pupils
always looked forward to attending. Her instructional approach is successful since the kids
came close to getting the right response. She also makes sure that each of her assessment
assignments is in line with the necessary learning objectives. Lastly, she always solicited
input from the students at the conclusion of class. And as might be predicted, they are all
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 176
2. Activity 15.2 Drawing of the present classroom and a Drawing of your Vision of the
3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21st Century
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 177
Learning Episode 16
Learning Essentials
of the past and of the present. The way teachers relate to learners and the way they teach are
Basic documents such as the vision and mission' statements, core values and mandate
the philosophies of education of the country. They state the standards and the outcomes of
education towards which all curricular activities and teaching-learning should be directed.
Learning Episode 16
Activity 16.1
statements, core values and mandate and on the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and
• Study the DepEd Vision and Mission statements, Core values and Mandate.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 178
• Accomplish the Table below by answering this question: Which philosophies are
given an example.
Philosophies of Education Which philosophies are expressed in Which philosophies are expressed
the DepEd Vision, Mission in the K to 12 Curriculum
Statements, Core Values, Mandate? Framework and Guide and Sec 5 of
Give proof. RA 10533? Give proof.
1.Essentialism - teach mastery Essentialism - The core values of Essentialism - List of tandards and
of the basics; curriculum is maka-Diyos, maka-tao, maka- competenciest hat learners are
prescribed; subject matter- kalikasan and maka- bansa show that expected to attain is the subject
centered there are universal, DepEd is essentialist. DepEd believes matter thats students are expected to
objective values; inculcate in unchanging values that need to be learn. - Essentialist
values in subject matter inculcated.
2. Perennialism - teach those Perennialism- Teachers use variety of Perennialism- the organization and
that last, the classics; there are teaching methods that train the well-disciplined environment in the
universal values; inculcate student’s minds. They recommend early grades, where teachers teach
these universal, objective that students learn from reading and students how to read, write, speak
values analyzing the works of history’s finest and listen to that will prepare them
thinkers and writers for later grades to study history,
literature, and philosophy. It is
teacher-centered in order to achieve
these goals.
3. Progressivism- very child- Progressivism- By replacing Progressivism- By integrating
centered; teach those that homework with engaging in class modern technology and multimedia
interest the child; one learns by activities that will stimulate the child’s in assigning outputs and projects to
experience; learners learn by active learning. learners.
doing so teacher teacher's
teaching is experiential; values
are subjective; no inculcation of
values since they are subjective;
instead. teachers help students
clarify their values
4. Reconstructionism - school Reconstructionism- the teacher Reconstructionism- It is used to
is agent of change; schooling is involves the students in discussions of build a new social order and educate
preparing students for the moral dilemmas to understand the individuals into new behavioral
social changes; teaching is implications of one's actions. Students roles, and to be rationally educated
involving the students in individually select their objectives and learners.
discussions of moral dilemmas social priorities and then, with
guidance from the teacher, create a
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 179
plan of action to make the change
happen (2018).
5. Existentialism - Teachers Existentialism- An existentialist Existentialism- Learners are taught
teach learners to make a choice, classroom typically involves the about Understanding the Self and
to make decisions and not teachers and school laying out what asked about their self-concept and
merely to follow the crowd; one they feel is important and allowing what they identify themselves as.
who does not make a choice the students to choose what they
and so simply follow others do study. All students work on different,
not leave meaningful life self-selected assignments at their own
pace (Lynch, 2016).
6. Pragmatism- That which is Pragmatism- When teachers uses Pragmatism- Pragmatic teachers
useful, that which is practical devices or technology to present the should explicitly teach students
and that which works is what is experiment or process during the class group work, cooperation and
good; that which is efficient discussion. negotiation skills. They should then
and effective is that which is encourage children to practice those
good. e.g. showing a video clip skills throughout their daily tasks
on mitosis is more efficient and (2019).
more effective and therefore
more practical than teacher
coming up with a visual aid by
drawing mistosis on a cartolina
or illustration board
7. Rationalism - emphasizes To protect and promote the right of
the. development of the every Filipino to quality, equitable,
learners' reasoning powers; culture-based, and complete basic
knowledge comes though education
reason; teacher must develop
'the reasoning power of the
8. Utilitarianism - what is good Maka-Diyos Maka-tao Makakalikasan In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which is
is that which is most useful Makabansa - in the values of being Curriculum Development,
(that which. brings happiness) Maka-tao it pursues that the students Curriculum must be culturally
to the greatest number of promote the good for a greater sensitive, with no sense of what
peoples; number of people or the entirety of constitutes an education from the
those around them this entails teacher's perspective.
9. Empiricism - source of “Teachers facilitate learning and In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which is
knowledge is through the constantly nurture every learner.” in Curriculum Development, the
senses; teacher must involve DepEd Vision. Students' teaching- curriculum will employ
the senses in teaching- learning learning is based on human senses, constructivist, inquiry-based,
and it holds the belief that there is no reflective, collaborative, and
such thing as intuitive understanding, integrative pedagogical approaches,
and that understanding is instead with teachers involving students'
derived from experience.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 180
senses in the teachinglearning
10. Behaviorism - behavior is Maka-Diyos Maka-tao Makakalikasan In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which is
shaped deliberately by forces in Makabansa - The teaching of the core Curriculum Development, the
the environment and that the values is and example of behaviorism curriculum should be learner-
type of person and actions in which the teacher carefully shapes centered, inclusive, and
desired can be the product of desirable behavior. developmentally appropriate; we
design; behavior is determined teachers should encourage students
by others, rather than by to engage in desired behavior by
person's own free will; teacher rewarding them for good work
must carefully shape desirable
behavior; drills are commonly
used to enhance learning
rewards reinforce learning.
11. Constructivism- Learners Teachers encourage learning and It shows that constructivism exists
can construct knowledge and provide ongoing support for each and encourages students to think
meaning; teaching -learning student, exemplifying how DepEd about sharing their priceless
therefore is constructing uses constructivism by encouraging knowledge and experiences as
knowledge and meaning; students to actively create knowledge learners.
teacher does not just “tell” or rather than merely absorb it.
dictate but asks learners for
knowledge they construct and
meaning of lesson
• Observe how a teacher relates to every learner and how he/she proceeds with her
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 181
Here are philosophies of education. Find out which philosophies were manifested
in class by observing what and how teacher teaches and relates to learners.
3.Progressivism- very child-centered; teach The teacher practices active learning and as
those that interest the child; one learns by much as possible creates lessons that are
experience; learners learn by doing so teacher child-centered. She also relates the lesson to
teacher's teaching is experiential; values are any real and actual life experiences.
subjective; no inculcation of values since they are
subjective; instead teachers help students clarify
their values
5.Existentialism- Teachers teach learners to The teacher allows the students to express
make a choice, to make decisions and not merely themselves and have opinions on things they
to follow the crowd; one who does not make a find that matter. Encourages the students to
choice and so simply follow others do not leave build their character as a person
meaningful life
6. Pragmatism - That which is useful, that which She allows the students to explore and
is practical and that which works is what is good; discover things while learning. Provides the
that which is efficient and effective is that which students with learning materials that is best
is good. e.g. showing a video clip on mitosis is appropriate and will allow the best learning
more efficient and more effective and therefore experience
more practical than teacher coming up with a
visual aid by drawing mistosis on a cartolina or
illustration board
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 182
7. Rationalism- emphasizes the development of The teacher creates activities that enriches the
the learners' reasoning powers; knowledge reasoning of the learners, like allowing them
comes though reason; teacher must develop the to analyze and reason about problems
reasoning power of the learner presented.
8. Utilitarianism - what is good is that which is The teacher teaches values that promote the
most useful (that which brings happiness) to the desire to create and do things for the greater
greatest number of peoples; good.
9. Empiricism - source of knowledge is through Creates lessons that showcase the students
the senses; teacher must involve the senses in senses like a listening activity or a reading
teaching-learning and observing activity
10. Behaviorism - behavior is shaped Creates routines and instill learning that is for
deliberately by forces in the environment and the betterment of the student’s behavior
that the type of person and actions desired can Always remind the students to use proper
be the product of design; behavior is determined words of respect and the proper behavior in
by others, rather than by person's own free will; class
teacher must carefully shape desirable behavior;
drills are commonly used to enhance learning,
rewards reinforce learning.
11.Constructivism - Learners are capable of The teacher pursues the students to have their
constructing knowledge and meaning; teaching own views on different concepts and make
-learning therefore is constructing knowledge them think for themselves.
and meaning; teacher does not just “tell” or
dictate but asks learners for knowledge they
construct and meaning of lesson
1. Based on your findings and observations in Activity 16.1 and Activity 16.2, which
philosophies of education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you say
2. If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to,
what should that be and why?
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 183
Although essentialism stresses teacher-centered learning, this educational
theory is preferred since the curriculum gradually advances to increasingly difficult
skills and particular knowledge. Essentialism attempts to implant in every student
the most basic academic knowledge and skills as well as character development.
What is your philosophy of teaching? This describes what you believed you should
teach, how you should teach and how you should relate to others in school-with the learners,
your colleague our Superiors and all other stakeholders. Write them down. This is your title,
"My Philosophy of Teaching.”
My Philosophy of Teaching
I believe that the learner does not everyone acquire knowledge equally or quickly.
They approach the learning process differently than I do, and I need to recognize and
comprehend that. I believe that I should teach the learners to create and modify their own
knowledge by applying their own information and experiences by educating about and
introducing the actual world. I believe that I have a duty to assess students’ interests, skills,
and prior knowledge as a successful diagnostician. The next step is for me to design
instructional activities that will push each student intellectually and allow them to
3.Progressivism- very child-centered; teach The teacher practices active learning and as
those that interest the child; one learns by much as possible creates lessons that are
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 184
experience; learners learn by doing so teacher child-centered. She also relates the lesson to
teacher's teaching is experiential; values are any real and actual life experiences.
subjective; no inculcation of values since they are
subjective; instead teachers help students clarify
their values
5.Existentialism- Teachers teach learners to The teacher allows the students to express
make a choice, to make decisions and not merely themselves and have opinions on things they
to follow the crowd; one who does not make a find that matter. Encourages the students to
choice and so simply follow others do not leave build their character as a person
meaningful life
6. Pragmatism - That which is useful, that which She allows the students to explore and
is practical and that which works is what is good; discover things while learning. Provides the
that which is efficient and effective is that which students with learning materials that is best
is good. e.g. showing a video clip on mitosis is appropriate and will allow the best learning
more efficient and more effective and therefore experience
more practical than teacher coming up with a
visual aid by drawing mistosis on a cartolina or
illustration board
7. Rationalism- emphasizes the development of The teacher creates activities that enriches the
the learners' reasoning powers; knowledge reasoning of the learners, like allowing them
comes though reason; teacher must develop the to analyze and reason about problems
reasoning power of the learner presented.
8. Utilitarianism - what is good is that which is The teacher teaches values that promote the
most useful (that which brings happiness) to the desire to create and do things for the greater
greatest number of peoples; good.
9. Empiricism - source of knowledge is through Creates lessons that showcase the students
the senses; teacher must involve the senses in senses like a listening activity or a reading
teaching-learning and observing activity
10. Behaviorism - behavior is shaped Creates routines and instill learning that is for
deliberately by forces in the environment and the betterment of the student’s behavior
that the type of person and actions desired can Always remind the students to use proper
be the product of design; behavior is determined words of respect and the proper behavior in
by others, rather than by person's own free will; class
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 185
teacher must carefully shape desirable behavior;
drills are commonly used to enhance learning,
rewards reinforce learning.
11.Constructivism - Learners are capable of The teacher pursues the students to have their
constructing knowledge and meaning; teaching own views on different concepts and make
-learning therefore is constructing knowledge them think for themselves.
and meaning; teacher does not just “tell” or
dictate but asks learners for knowledge they
construct and meaning of lesson
My Philosophy of Teaching
I believe that the learner does not everyone acquire knowledge equally or quickly.
They approach the learning process differently than I do, and I need to recognize and
comprehend that. I believe that I should teach the learners to create and modify their own
knowledge by applying their own information and experiences by educating about and
introducing the actual world. I believe that I have a duty to assess students’ interests, skills,
and prior knowledge as a successful diagnostician. The next step is for me to design
instructional activities that will push each student intellectually and allow them to
WEEK 1- OCTOBER 19, 2022
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WEEK 3- NOVEMBER 3, 2022
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WEEK 4- NOVEMBER 9, 2022
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WEEK 7- DECEMBER 1, 2022
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WEEK 8- DECEMBER 7, 2022
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WEEK 9- DECEMBER 14, 2022
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WEEK 10- JANUARY 4, 2022
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WEEK 11-12- JANUARY 10, 2022
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Learning Episode 1
It was informative to go around the school's grounds and look at the displays on the
bulletin boards. I was able to observe the numerous ways that various professors and
departments engage their students and express their creativity. The informational and
aesthetically pleasing bulletin boards were both useful. It made me realize how crucial it is to
create a welcoming, engaging learning atmosphere that fosters creativity and inquiry. I got a
fantastic idea for my own classroom from it as well.
Learning Episode 2
Learning Episode 3
It was enlightening for me to observe variances in learners' gender, needs, strengths, interests,
and experiences, as well as in their linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic, and religious origins,
and challenging situations. It aided me in seeing how various experiences and backgrounds
affect each student's viewpoints and learning preferences. It was crucial for me to be conscious
of these variations and considerate of their requirements. This assisted me in creating a
welcoming and courteous learning atmosphere for all of my pupils. I discovered that it's
crucial to be adaptable and make concessions in order to guarantee that every kid has an equal
chance of succeeding.
Learning Episode 4
Learner diversity: During my student teaching experience, I made sure to discuss the
importance of the family and community context. It showed me that every student has a
unique family and neighborhood background that influences their ideas and life experiences.
I gained knowledge on how societal factors like poverty, trauma, and others affect students'
ability to learn. It aided me in realizing the need of fostering good ties with families and setting
up my classroom in a way that accommodates the various requirements of my kids. I also
discovered how crucial it is to be sensitive to the requirements of students and their families
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 196
while also being culturally relevant. The significance of being a student advocate and being
knowledgeable about the various issues that might affect their learning were lessons I learned
from this topic.
Learning Episode 5
One of the most important aspects of my student teaching experience was creating a suitable
learning atmosphere. It showed me how crucial it is to create a setting that encourages
learning and participation that is secure, encouraging, and engaging. I discovered how to
improve the learning environment in the classroom via administration, planning, and design.
I also gained knowledge of various teaching methods and approaches that engage and inspire
pupils. I was able to learn from this experience how crucial it is to foster an environment in
the classroom where respect, accountability, and a love of learning are valued. I also
discovered the value of adaptability and the necessity to be flexible in order to meet my pupils'
shifting requirements.
Learning Episode 6
The classroom procedures and management were crucial components of my student teaching
experience. I gained knowledge on the value of outlining precise standards, guidelines, and
practices as well as how to put them into practice. I was able to see how numerous methods
and tactics were used to keep the classroom in order and preserve discipline, which made it
easier for me to comprehend how crucial consistency and fairness are. I gained knowledge on
how to control behavior, the value of fostering positive relationships with my pupils, and how
to employ positive reinforcement, redirecting, and other strategies. I also discovered how
crucial it is to cultivate an atmosphere in the classroom that encourages autonomy and self-
control. This experience made it easier for me to see the value of routines and classroom
management in fostering a supportive and effective learning environment for my students.
Learning Episode 7
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 197
Learning Episode 8
An essential part of my student teaching experience was being familiar with and
understanding the school curriculum. I gained knowledge of the objectives, benchmarks, and
requirements of the curriculum for the grade level and topic I was teaching. I got to see how
seasoned teachers carry out the curriculum and modify it to suit the need of their students.
This experience made it clear to me how crucial it is to grasp the curriculum and how to tailor
my lesson to fulfill its objectives. Additionally, I discovered the value of being adaptive and
flexible when it comes to the curriculum and how to use it to provide my students with
relevant and interesting learning opportunities.
Learning Episode 9
An important part of my student teaching experience was getting ready for teaching and
learning. I gained knowledge about the significance of organizing and putting together
efficient lessons that are in line with the objectives and standards of the curriculum. I saw how
seasoned educators arrange their lessons using a variety of techniques, including reverse
design. I also discovered how crucial it is to engage and inspire students by utilizing a variety
of teaching styles and techniques. I learned from this experience how important it is to plan
ahead, be prepared, and use evaluation results to guide my class and make any necessary
revisions. Overall, this experience has improved my understanding of the value of planning
for teaching and learning and how it may enhance engagement and learning among students.
Learning Episode 10
The teaching cycle had a significant role in my student teaching experience. The many phases
of the instructional cycle, such as assessment, planning, instruction, and evaluation, were
explained to me. I witnessed how seasoned educators organize, carry out, and evaluate
teaching using the instructional cycle. I also learnt how crucial it is to use summative and
formative evaluations to guide education and make necessary corrections. Through this
experience, I was better able to see the value of adopting a continuous and cyclical approach
to enhance education as well as the necessity of being introspective and attentive to student
needs. Overall, this experience has given me a better understanding of the role that the
instructional cycle plays in designing effective and interesting lessons for my students.
Learning Episode 11
ICT CFT v3, 2018—the third version of the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for
Teachers—was a significant part of my student teaching experience. I gained knowledge of
the many skills instructors must possess in order to successfully incorporate technology into
their classrooms. I gained knowledge on the value of digital literacy and practical applications
of technology to improve student learning. I also gained knowledge about the significance of
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 198
using technology to promote student learning, as well as the value of being introspective and
sensitive to the needs of students. This experience made it easier for me to comprehend how
crucial it is to be skilled in using technology and how it may enhance student learning and
Learning Episode 12
My student teaching experience had several crucial components, including assessment for
learning and assessment as learning (formative assessment). I discovered the significance of
formative assessment as a tool for comprehending student learning and modifying education.
I saw how seasoned instructors track student development and inform instruction by using
formative assessment strategies including observation, questioning, and self-evaluation. I also
gained knowledge about the significance of giving students timely and detailed feedback as
well as the function of formative evaluation in fostering student engagement and motivation.
This experience improved my understanding of the value of formative evaluation in
developing a flexible and successful teaching strategy. Overall, this experience has given me
a better understanding of the role that formative assessment plays in advancing student
Learning Episode 13
My student teaching experience had several crucial components, including assessment for
learning and assessment as learning (formative assessment). I discovered the significance of
formative assessment as a tool for comprehending student learning and modifying education.
I saw how seasoned instructors track student development and inform instruction by using
formative assessment strategies including observation, questioning, and self-evaluation. I also
gained knowledge about the significance of giving students timely and detailed feedback as
well as the function of formative evaluation in fostering student engagement and motivation.
This experience improved my understanding of the value of formative evaluation in
developing a flexible and successful teaching strategy. Overall, this experience has given me
a better understanding of the role that formative assessment plays in advancing student
Learning Episode 14
An essential part of my student teaching experience was getting to know the teacher's
abilities, both personally and professionally. I gained knowledge about the significance of
having a thoughtful, self-aware, and dedicated to continual professional improvement. I
witnessed how seasoned educators utilize goal-setting, self-evaluation, and reflection to
enhance their instruction. I also discovered the value of setting a good example for my
pupils and developing strong bonds with my coworkers and family. This experience taught
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 199
me the value of having a well-rounded and successful teaching career, both personally and
Learning Episode 15
To improve teacher quality: a key component of my student teaching experience was creating
21st-century global instructors. I gained knowledge about the significance of having a
thoughtful, receptive classroom community and a dedication to lifelong professional
development. I witnessed how seasoned educators utilize goal-setting, self-evaluation, and
reflection to enhance their instruction. I also discovered the value of being a lifelong learner
and keeping up with the most recent findings and cutting-edge instructional techniques. This
experience made it easier for me to see how crucial it is for teachers in the twenty-first century
to be globally aware and flexible in order to meet the requirements of their pupils and the
wider community.
Learning Episode 16
One of the most significant aspects of my student teaching experience was developing my
educational philosophy. I thought about how my teaching approach is influenced by my
values and ideas about teaching and learning. I gained knowledge of the various educational
philosophies and how they influence instructional strategies. I also discovered how crucial it
is for me to be able to describe my own philosophy and how it influences how I make decisions
as a teacher. My understanding of the value of having a distinct educational philosophy and
how it might influence my teaching approach has been improved by this experience. Overall,
this experience has given me a better understanding of the value of having a personal
philosophy of education, how it might influence my practice, and how it can direct my
professional growth.
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 200
Learning is inevitable for us future educators and learning by doing is the most integral part of
education because it connects theories and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations.
Giving students the opportunity to work in actual workplace settings and expand their existing
abilities, competencies, and positive attitudes, field study is a teaching method that makes learning more
During the entirety of our field study, I am able to learn so many things, we needed to observe a
real class. I was assigned to Balsik National High School; the faculty was very accommodating and very
kind. They were able to provide us with a very fun and informative experience. For the observation, I
was able to participate in two classes, from 11 TVL -A and ABM 11. While I am reading the portions
of our episode that question us about actual classrooms, from back then makes me nervous because I
was afraid not to meet all the requirements but contrary to this, I am still able to pick up a lot of
knowledge from all the teachers and staffs in my cooperating school. The students there were chaotic,
but they always have the enthusiasm to learn, especially when the instructor understands how to get
them moving, and I learned how entertaining and humorous students can be in class by observing them
even more eager to become a teacher.
The answers to my episode weren't simple, but I am quite proud of them since they are all the
result of my efforts and what I have learned. The nicest part of it all was the amount of knowledge I
learned, so I suppose staying up late was worthwhile. Even though I skipped a few tasks and had a lot
of difficulties, my portfolio shows that I persisted and learned things during my field study one
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PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 202
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 203
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Has a 90%- Has 75%- Has 60%- Has a 60%- Has a less
Content of 100% of 889% of the 74% of the 74% than the
1 the the needed needed needed needed 59% of the
Portfolio content. content. content. content. needed
Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Most
Objectives are are SMART are SMART are objective
2 of the SMART and cover and cover SMART s are not
Portfolio and cover 75% of the only less and do not cover
the whole course. than 75% of cover the only a
course. the course. whole minimum
course. of the
Entries are Entries are Entries are Some Few
Quality of best of of better of better entries are entries are
3 Entries quality. quality, quality, of of
many are some are acceptable acceptable
well selected well quality quality,
and selected limited not
substantial. and selected selected
substantial. and and very
substantial. minimal
Creativity, Creativity, Creativity, Minimal No
Pre- neat and neat and has neat and creativity, creativity
4 sensation has a very a strong has an neat with in
of Entries strong impact or average minimal disarray,
impact or appeal. impact or impact or no impact
appeal. appeal. appeal. or appeal.
Submitte Submitted Submitte Submitted Submitte
Promptness d ahead of on schedule. d 10 days from 11-30 d from 31
5 schedule. after the days after or more
schedule. schedule. after
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 204
I I am I can do
canno learnin this, but I I can do
COMPETENCY t do g how need to this very
this to do learn more well
yet this and improve
1. Determines an environment that
provide social, psychological and
physical environment supportive of
2. Differentiates learners of varied /
learning characteristic and needs.
3. Manage time, space and
resources to provide and
environment conducive to learning
4. Recognizes multi-cultural
background of learners when
providing learning opportunities.
5. Determines teaching approaches
and techniques appropriate to the /
6. Determines, understands and
accept the learner’s diverse /
7. Relates the learner’s background
to their performance in the /
8. Reflects on the impact of home
and family life to learning.
9. Expounds on one’s
understanding of the learning
process and the role of the teacher
in facilitating these processes in
their students.
10. Accepts personal accountability
to learner’s achievement and
PRED 2213 - Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment 205