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access texts to improve postsecondary education at all levels of higher learning by developing an Open Access Resource
environment. The project currently consists of 14 independently operating and interconnected libraries that are constantly being
optimized by students, faculty, and outside experts to supplant conventional paper-based books. These free textbook alternatives are
organized within a central environment that is both vertically (from advance to basic level) and horizontally (across different fields)
The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by MindTouch® and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot
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11.2: FLUIDS
11.3: WAVES
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The third edition to Physlet Physics represents a major technological advancement in how the 800 Physlet-based interactive
materials are delivered to teachers and students alike. In the first and second edition, the interactive Physlet-based materials relied
on Java applets. With the 2014 release of the new HTML5 standards, browsers have gradually ceased supporting plug-ins, such as
Java. In addition, the popularity of smart phones and tablets has increased, and these devices never supported Java. However, the
new HTML5 standard fully supports JavaScript simulations allowing materials to run on all platforms. To that end, we have
partnered with Robert Hansen (St. Olaf College) to use his SwingJS platform to port our Physlet Java Applets to
JavaScript/HTML5. Physlet Physics 3E now runs on any platform on a JavaScript-enabled browser. More details are below in the
SwingJS section.
Users simply access the Physlet Physics 3E ComPADRE site (as they did for Physlet Physics 2E)
at and the original functionality of Physlet-based materials is 100% maintained. The
partnership with ComPADRE will continue to allow us to update materials and therefore provide the best materials to teachers and
students. Housing the material on ComPADRE lowers the barrier for adoption, since anyone can access these materials.
In Summary, Physlet Physics 3E:
Replaces Java Physlets with JavaScript Physlets: This change provides more reliable simulations behavior on Windows and
Macintosh operating systems as well as all mobile devices via a JavaScript-enabled browser.
Provides Same Navigation: The Physlet Physics 3E ComPADRE site looks and behaves as the successful Physlet Physics
3E ComPADRE site which was designed to allow quick navigation to each section, chapter, and exercise. In addition, arrows at
the top of the exercises (and previous / next navigation at the bottom of each exercise) allow for quick navigating to the next
Includes Exploration Worksheets: To aid in the assignment of the Explorations, Exploration Worksheets are included on
the Physlet Physics 3E ComPADRE site. They can be viewed and downloaded under Supplements in each chapter, and at the
bottom of every Exploration page.
Is Still Not Tied to a Single Publisher's Textbooks: The materials on ComPADRE allows everyone teaching introductory
physics to use these materials irrespective of the textbook one uses.
Is Still Free: This material is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License but at no
cost to the teacher or student. If you wish to support this and other projects on ComPADRE, please consider joining
the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) and/or donating to the ComPADRE Continuation Fund through the
SwingJS is an open-source SourceForge project by Robert Hansen (St. Olaf College) that allows the rapid and easy conversion of
Java applets to JavaScript. The project started by convert the very popular Jmol Java Applet, also developed by Robert, to
JavaScript/HTML5, now called JSmol.
Instructor Resources
In addition to the interactive curricular material on this site, instructors may also wish to view the Physlet Physics Instructor's
Guide by Anne J. Cox and Melissa H. Dancy. The Physlet Physics Instructor's Guide is available to verified teachers from the
In addition to the lengthy and complete acknowledgements to the First Edition and Second Edition, which can be found below in
the Preface to the First and Second Editions below, there are several people we wish to thank for making the Third Edition possible.
We especially thank Robert Hansen (St. Olaf College) for the collaboration in converting out Java-based Physlet materials to
JavaScript. We also thank Davidson College Physics majors, Aiden Edmonson and Ricky Davidson, who along with Wolfgang
Christian did all the "heavy lifting" of the conversion of all 800 Physlet Physics pages. In addition, we thank Bruce Mason, Lyle
Barbato, and Matt Riggsbee of ComPADRE for their tireless work in getting our materials into ComPADRE (a second time). We
also thank Beth Cunningham, Bob Hilborn, and the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) for their continuing support
of Physlets and ComPADRE. We thank our colleagues at Davidson College for their support over the years, especially the Physics
Department, Dean of Faculty Wendy Raymond, and President Carol Quillen.
Finally, and most importantly, we again express our sincerest thanks to those who have encouraged us the most: our spouses,
Barbara and Nancy, and our children, Beth, Charlie, and Konrad and Emmy.
In addition to the lengthy and complete acknowledgements to the First Edition which can be found below in the Preface to the First
Edition, there are several people we wish to thank for making the Second Edition possible. We thank Bruce Mason, Lyle Barbato,
and Matt Riggsbee of ComPADRE for their tireless work in getting our materials into ComPADRE. We also thank Beth
Cunningham, Bob Hilborn, and all of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) for their continuing support of
Physlets and ComPADRE. We thank our colleagues at Davidson College for their support over the years, especially the Physics
Department, Dean of Faculty Clark Ross, and President Carol Quillen. Without Davidson College's support of Mario Belloni's
sabbatical, this project could not have happened.
Finally, and most importantly, we again express our sincerest thanks to those who have encouraged us the most: our spouses,
Barbara and Nancy, and our children, Beth, Charlie, and Konrad and Emmy.
Physlet Physics contains a collection of exercises spanning the introductory physics sequence. These exercises use computer
animations generated in Java applets to show physics content. We call these Java applets Physlets (Physics content simulated with
Java applets). Every chapter of Physlet Physics contains three quite different Physlet-based exercises: Illustrations, Explorations,
and Problems.
Illustrations are designed to demonstrate physical concepts. Students need to interact with the Physlet, but the answers to the
questions posed in the Illustration are given or are easily determined from interacting with it. Many Illustrations provide examples
of physics applications. Other Illustrations are designed to introduce a particular concept or analytical tool. Typical uses of
Illustrations would include "reading" assignments prior to class and classroom demonstrations.
Explorations are tutorial in nature. They provide some hints or suggest problem-solving strategies to students in working problems
or understanding concepts. Some Explorations ask students to make a prediction and then check their predictions, explaining any
differences between predictions and observations. Other Explorations require students to change parameters and observe the effect,
asking students to develop, for themselves, certain physics relationships (equations). Typical uses of Explorations would be in
group problem-solving and homework or pre-laboratory assignments. Explorations are also often useful as Just-In-Time
Teaching exercises. The Worksheets provide students with extra structure to aid in the completion of the Exploration and provide
instructors with an easy way to assign Explorations.
Problems are interactive versions of the kind of exercises typically assigned for homework. They require the students to
demonstrate their understanding without as much guidance as is given in the Explorations. They vary widely in difficulty, from
exercises appropriate for high school physics students to exercises appropriate for calculus-based university physics students. Some
Problems ask conceptual questions, while others require detailed calculations. Typical uses for the Problems would be for
homework assignments, in-class concept questions, and group problem-solving sessions.
There are a great many people and institutions that have contributed to our efforts, and we take great pleasure in acknowledging
their support and their interest.
We thank our colleague Larry Cain for the many hours he spent reading the manuscript and for providing many insightful
comments and suggestions. We also thank our colleagues and our students at Davidson College for testing of Physlet-based
material in the classroom and the laboratory. Mur Muchane and the Davidson ITS staff have provided excellent technical support.
We would also like to thank the Davidson College Faculty Study and Research Committee and Dean Clark Ross for providing seed
grants for the development of Physlet-based curricular material. We also thank Nancy Maydole and Beverly Winecoff for guiding
us through the grant application process.
The Physlets project has benefited tremendously from collaborations with non-U.S. universities. In particular, special thanks and
recognition go to Francisco Esquembre and Ernesto Martin at the University of Murcia (Spain), to Sasa Divjak at the Universtiy of
Ljubljana (Slovenia), and to Frank Schweickert at the University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) for translating Physlet-based
material into their respective languages and for maintaining non-English-language Physlets websites.
W.C. would like to thank the numerous students who have worked with him over the years developing programs for use in
undergraduate physics education. Some of our best Physlets are the result of collaborative efforts with student coworkers. In
particular, we would like to single out Mike Lee, Cabel Fisher, and Jim Nolen.
M.B. would like to thank Mario Capitolo, Anne J. Cox, Edward Deveney, Harry Ellis, Kurt Haller, Bill Junkin, Ken Krebs, and
Steve Weppner for many useful and stimulating discussions regarding teaching and the incorporation of Physlets with existing
curricular material.
Some people have been such frequent contributors of time and ideas that we have brought them in as contributing authors of this
book. We would like to thank Anne J. Cox, Melissa Dancy, and Aaron Titus (whose work was supported in part by NSF DUE-
9952323), both for their writing and for the many valuable ideas we have gained during our associations with each of them. In
addition, we would like to thank Thomas M. Colbert for his work creating Worksheets for the Explorations.
Special thanks to Chuck Bennett, Scott Bonham, Morten Brydensholt, Anne J. Cox, Melissa H. Dancy, Dwain Damian, Andrew
Duffy, Fu-Kwun Hwang, William Junkin, Steve Mellema, Chuck Niederriter, Evelyn Patterson, Peter Sheldon, Aaron Titus, and
Toon Van Hoecke for their contributions of curricular material. In addition, we thank Harry Broeders, the CoLoS consortium, Fu-
Kwun Hwang, Ernesto Martin, Toon Van Hoecke, and Vojko Valencic for the use of their applets.
We would like to thank all those who reviewed material. During the initial writing we received feedback from Rhett Allain
(Southeastern Louisiana University), Cornelius Bennhold (George Washington University), Thomas M. Colbert (Augusta State
University), Edward F. Deveney (Bridgewater State College), Kevin M. Lee (University of Nebraska), Chuck Niederriter
(Gustavus Adolphus College), and Steve Mellema (Gustavus Adolphus College). We also would like to thank Harry Ellis, Eduardo
Fernandez, and Steve Weppner of Eckerd College for the feedback we received from their class testing of the exercises.
Ranking tasks in this book are inspired by the ranking tasks in Ranking Task Exercises in Physics, T. O' Kuma, D. Maloney, and C.
Hieggelke. Their Two-Year College (TYC) Workshops have been an especially fruitful arena for the give-and-take of ideas with ILLUSTRATIONS EXPLORATIONS PROBLEMS SUPPLEMENTS
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11.1.1: Introduction to Physlets
This chapter is an introduction to the various types of interactive curricular material you will find in Physlet® Physics 3E. In
addition, this chapter gives a brief tutorial on the types of basic computer skills you will need to run, interact with, and complete the
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
Press play to begin the animation. Note that the VCR-type buttons beneath the animation control the animation much like buttons
on a VCR, CD, or DVD player. Specifically,
Some problems require that you click-drag the mouse inside the animation to make measurements. These measurements cannot
be more accurate than one screen pixel. This means that depending on how you measure the position of an object you may get a
slightly different answer than another student in your class. Restart.
Use the following techniques (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds) to measure the position of the man in the
x direction as a function of time:
a. Pause the animation at t = 0 s (you may have to step back or reinitialize or reset the animation).
b. With the cursor in the animation, hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor to the center of the man to measure his
position in the x direction.
c. Step forward by 2s and record the time and the man's new position in the x direction.
d. Repeat these measurements for t = 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 s.
Look at show data in table after you have finished part (d). Be sure to take a close look at the data table.
e. Do your answers agree with the table? Why or why not?
During the laboratory portion of your physics class, you will most likely have to measure objects rather precisely. A Vernier
caliper is a device that can precisely measure the length of small objects (less than about 20 cm long (position units on the
caliper are given in centimeters). You read the caliper by placing an object in the caliper, closing the arm of the caliper, and
reading off of the scale. Restart.
In the animations you are to drag the red circle on the caliper arm to move it. Your cursor will change into a little hand when it
is over the circle. Once the cursor changes, left-click to drag the object around.
The 0 line on the movable arm tells you centimeters and tenths of centimeters. The zero line is almost always between two
tenths on the scale. To figure out the hundredths place, you look to find which line on the movable arm matches up with a line
on the fixed scale. The number on the movable scale tells you the hundredths place. The default position of the caliper after
clicking Restart is 1.64 cm.
Now try it yourself for Animations 1 through 4. What are the lengths of these objects?
In Animation 4 you must drag the object in position before you can measure its length.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
Animation 1 | Animation 2
Shown are two animations, each with three toy monster trucks and their position vs. time graphs (position is given in centimeters
and time is given in seconds). The arrow in each animation shows where the origin of coordinates is located. All measurements of
position are with respect to this origin. Animation 1 shows the three monster trucks starting at different positions at t = 0 s . During
this animation, for each individual truck, the distance traveled is equal to the displacement.
Note that we are treating each monster truck as an idealized object, a point. We are always measuring the position of a convenient
part of the monster truck and then describing the motion of this part of the monster truck. For this animation the part of each
monster truck that we follow is its front bumper, but it could have been the middle or the rear bumper. What matters is that we are
consistent in the measurement process. The position of the object will vary depending on where you take the measurement (the
front bumper, the middle, the rear bumper of the truck), but the difference in position measurements, the displacement vector,
always stays the same. Therefore, it is not position that is important in physics, but rather the change in position or displacement
that is important.
When you get a good-looking graph, right-click on it to clone the graph and resize it for a better view.
What are the average velocities of the trucks in Animation 1? Even though the trucks start at different positions, all three trucks
have the same average speed (distance traveled/time) and average velocity (displacement/time). This can be seen from the slope of
the graph (note that the distance traveled and displacements for each individual truck are identical in this animation). In Animation
2 the initial positions of the three monster trucks are the same, but each truck travels a different distance and also has a different
displacement. The truck with the largest average speed and average velocity (for each individual truck, its average speed is still
equal to its average velocity) is the one with the largest slope on the position vs. time graph.
velocity term by changing v from −15 cm/s to 15 cm/s, and the acceleration term by changing a from −5 cm/s to 5 cm/s .
2 2
Use the animation to guide your answers to the following questions (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
a. How does changing the initial position affect the position vs. time graph?
b. How does changing the initial position affect the velocity vs. time graph?
c. How does changing the initial velocity affect the velocity vs. time graph?
d. How does a positive initial velocity vs. a negative initial velocity affect the velocity vs. time graph?
When you get a good-looking graph, right-click on it to clone the graph and resize it for a better view.
d. What is the total area under the curve calculated during each animation?
e. How are your answers for (c) and (d) related? Does this make sense? Why?
View all five animations and answer the questions below for the velocity vs. time graph (use the check box to view the velocity vs.
time graphs).
f. What is the initial position in each animation?
g. What is the final position in each animation?
h. What is the displacement of the cart (x − x ) in each animation?
i. What is the total area under the curve calculated during each animation?
j. How are your answers for (f) and (g) related? Does this make sense? Why?
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Which of the animations shows the correct position vs. time graph for the toy T-bird (position is given in centimeters and
time is given in seconds)? For simplicity, the red dot is shown to indicate where measurements are taken. Restart.
Exercise A hockey puck sliding on ice collides and rebounds from a wall
A hockey puck sliding on ice collides and rebounds from a wall on a hockey rink. A top view is shown in the above
animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. For each time interval in the data table below, calculate the displacement, distance traveled, average velocity, and average
speed of the puck.
Time interval Displacement (m) Distance traveled (m) Average velocity (m/s) Average speed (m/s)
t = 1.5 s to 12.0 s
t = 1.5 s to 6.0 s
t = 6.0 s to 12.0 s
b. For which time interval(s) listed in the table above is the displacement equal to the distance traveled?
c. Is the magnitude of the displacement always equal to the distance traveled?
d. In general, if an object moves in a straight line but does not change direction, will the magnitude of its displacement during
any interval equal its distance traveled during the same interval? If the answer is no, which will be greater?
e. In general, if an object moves in a straight line but changes direction at some point, will the magnitude of its displacement
during an interval that includes the change in direction equal its distance traveled? If the answer is no, which will be
f. Finally, qualitatively draw the acceleration vs. time graph for the animation.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
Exercise Which helicopter flies according to the velocity vs. time graph shown?
Which helicopter flies according to the velocity vs. time graph shown above (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds)? Restart.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
Exercise Two balls are putted with the same initial velocity on separate greens
Two balls are putted with the same initial velocity on separate greens. The x axis is always defined to be parallel to the ground
(even when the blue ball is on the hill). The first ball (red) rolls on a flat surface. The second ball (blue) rolls on a flat surface,
then down a hill, onto a flat surface, then up a hill, and onto a flat surface again (position is given in meters and time is given
in seconds).
a. Which ball will reach the hole first? Make your prediction and then press "play" to view the animation to see the
result. Restart.
b. Which ball has a greater average velocity during the animation time?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus. Script authored by Aaron Titus and Mario Belloni.
Observe the two animations (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Sketch the velocity as a function of time for each animation. Draw both functions on the same graph in order to compare
the two animations.
b. Make a second velocity vs. time sketch for Animation 1. On your graph, make sure to have a long enough time interval that
the ball's position is between x = −2 m and x = 2 m twice. What is the area under this portion of the velocity curve?
Remember the convention that area under a curve above the axis is considered positive and area below the axis is
considered negative. How would your answer change if you did this for Animation 2?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
Shown is a red golf ball that you are to putt into the green hole (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Two time-dependent obstacles are in your way. Find the initial velocity that will score a hole-in-one. Show all your
work leading up to this velocity. Restart.
Exercise Calculate the acceleration of 6 carts depending on the data given
A 1.0-kg cart on a track experiences several different constant accelerations as shown in the animation (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). The red dot shows you where position measurements are taken. What is the acceleration
of the cart in each animation? Restart.
In Animation 1, the click-drag to read coordinates is disabled.
In Animations 4-6, the time display is disabled.
In Animations 2 and 3, the calculation for the velocity is disabled.
The purple truck is catching up to the yellow truck (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. If the trucks continue, at what clock reading, t , will the purple truck pass the yellow truck?
b. At what position, x, does the purple truck pass the yellow truck?
c. On one graph, plot x vs. t for each truck. Verify your answers for parts (a) and (b).
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
The animation simulates the motion of a helium balloon with the effect of air resistance neglected. A graph of y velocity vs.
time for the balloon is also shown (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Is the y velocity increasing, decreasing, or constant?
b. Is the y acceleration increasing, decreasing, or constant?
c. What is the acceleration of the balloon?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
At t = 10 s , the rope holding cargo on a hot-air balloon is cut and the cargo is in free fall (position is given in meters and
time is given in seconds). The table gives you the coordinates of the cargo. Restart.
a. What is the velocity of the cargo before the rope is cut?
b. At what instant does the cargo reach its maximum height? Calculate t and compare it to what you measure in the animation
(to the nearest 0.05 s).
c. What is the maximum height (relative to the ground) reached by the cargo? Calculate this height and compare it to what you
measure in the animation.
d. Calculate the instantaneous velocity of the cargo at the instant (just before) it hits the ground.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A golf ball is putted on a level, but wet, green. A top view is shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). Restart.
a. Is the velocity of the golf ball constant, increasing, or decreasing during the interval from t = 0 to t = 5 s ?
b. Is the speed of the golf ball constant, increasing, or decreasing during the interval from t = 0 to t = 5 s ?
c. What does the area under the velocity vs. time graph (from zero to the curve) from t = 0 to t = 9.4 s correspond to?
d. What is the ball's average acceleration between t = 0 and t = 9.4 s ?
e. Is the acceleration of the golf ball constant, increasing, or decreasing during the interval from t = 0 to t = 5 s ?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
Exercise Two springs are attached to the ends of a cart that is on a cart track
Two springs are attached to the ends of a cart that is on a cart track. If the cart is pulled back and released, it will move back
and forth as shown in the animation. The graph shows the acceleration of the cart as a function of time (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. At what time(s) is the acceleration of the cart equal to zero?
b. Where is the acceleration a maximum? A minimum?
c. What is the area under the graph for the interval from t = 0.5 s to t = 1.0 s ?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A golf ball is putted up a steep hill on a green. A side view is shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). The positive x direction is defined to be parallel to the hill and down the hill. What should the minimum
initial velocity of the ball be in order to make it into the hole located at x = −3.6 m? Restart.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
Press "play" to see a putted golf ball roll on a green as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given
in seconds). Restart.
a. What is the acceleration of the ball for each region (the lowest flat surface, the hill, and the highest flat surface)?
b. When the ball is on the hill, would you say that the velocity of the ball is increasing, decreasing, or constant? What about its
c. Suppose you want to putt the ball so that it just barely makes it to the hole at the top of the hill. What should the initial
velocity of the ball be (i.e., the velocity of the ball at the bottom of the hill)?
Shown is a red golf ball that you are to putt into the green hole (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Two time-dependent obstacles are in your way. Find the initial velocity and the acceleration that will score a hole-in-
one. Show all your work leading up to this velocity and acceleration. Restart.
Shown is a red golf ball that you are to putt into the green hole (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Two time-dependent obstacles are in your way. Find the initial velocity and the acceleration that will score a hole-in-
one. Show all your work leading up to this velocity and acceleration. Restart.
Drag the black rectangle into position (between x = 0.5 m to x = 3.5 m) before you play the animation (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). Play the animation in order to measure the time when the ball collides with the
rectangle. After the ball collides with the rectangle, you must click "reset" to move the rectangle to a new position and play the
animation again. Restart.
a. How would you describe the motion of the ball before it collides with the rectangle? How many measurements are needed
to confirm your description?
b. Is the x trajectory of the ball best described using the equation for constant velocity or the equation for constant
acceleration? Support your answer with actual measurements.
c. Find an equation for the x trajectory of the ball (before it hits the rectangle). What minimum number of measurements is
required to determine this trajectory?
Exercise A tennis ball launcher shoots a red tennis ball into the air
A giant tennis ball launcher shoots a giant red tennis ball straight up into the air. At the instant it leaves the launcher (t = 0 s ),
a giant green tennis ball is dropped from rest (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. If you want the red ball to return to the launcher at the same instant that the green ball hits the ground, what should the red
tennis ball's initial velocity be?
b. With the initial velocity you calculated in part (a), what would be the maximum height of the red ball shot from the
Make sure to measure the position of each ball consistently.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
Exercise A tennis ball launcher shoots a tennis ball into the air
A giant tennis ball launcher shoots a giant tennis ball straight up into the air (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Because of the cylinder of the launcher, you can't see where the ball is first launched (assume it is launched at
t = 0 s ). If you double the initial velocity of the ball, what is the new position of the maximum height? Restart.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
component of the vector gets larger (it approaches the magnitude of the vector). Mathematically this is described by the statement
Once in component form, we can of course, go back to magnitude and direction form by using the relationships
2 2 1/2 −1
r = (x +y ) and θ = tan (y/x)
Notice that the magnitude of the vector, here r, must be positive as stated above.
incline was horizontal (an angle of 0 ), the object would not move at all. He therefore reasoned that as you decreased this angle
from 90 the acceleration would decrease. He was able to measure this acceleration and, thereby, determine the acceleration due to
gravity. Mathematically, this amounts to the realization that as a function of the incline's angle:
geff = g sin(θ)
where g eff is the acceleration down the incline. See Illustration 2.5 and Chapter 4 for more details.
By varying the type of object sliding down the slippery (frictionless) incline, he was able to show that all objects accelerate at the
same rate. Try the experiment for yourself (time is given in seconds and distance is given in meters) with the above three
Galileo started his objects from rest on an incline. What did he find from his experiments? Galileo's conclusion was that during
successive equal-time intervals the objects' successive displacements increased as odd integers: 1, 3, 5, 7, …. What does that
really mean? Consider the chart below, which converts Galileo's data into data we can more easily understand (data shown for an
incline whose angle yields an acceleration of 2 m/s ): 2
Elapsed time (s) Displacement during the time interval (m) Total displacement (m)
1 1 1
2 3 4
3 5 9
4 7 16
velocity at the peak is not zero. Click here to view the velocity and acceleration vectors.
Illustration authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
years). This Illustration will compare the two motions by focusing on the velocity and the acceleration of the planet in each of the
Start the uniform circular motion animation and watch the planet's motion. How would you describe the motion of the planet
(consider velocity and acceleration)? The speed of the planet is certainly a constant since the motion of the planet is uniform. But
using our usual xy coordinates, the velocity certainly changes with time. Recall that the term velocity refers to both the magnitude
and direction. However, if we use the radial and tangential directions to describe the motion of the planet, the velocity can be
described as tangential and the acceleration can be described as being directed along the radius (the negative of the radial
direction). Click here to view the velocity vector (blue) and the black line tangent to the path. Click here to view the acceleration
vector (red), too. Notice that the acceleration vector points toward the star at the center of the circle.
Start the noncircular motion animation and watch the planet's motion. How would you now describe the motion of the planet
(consider velocity and acceleration)? The speed of the planet is certainly no longer a constant since the motion of the planet is no
longer uniform. Again using our usual xy coordinates, the velocity certainly changes with time since now both the direction and the
magnitude change. However, if we use the radial and tangential directions to the path of the planet, the velocity can be described as
tangential and the acceleration can be described as being directed along the radius. Click here to view the velocity vector (blue)
and click here to view the acceleration vector (red), too. Notice that the velocity and the acceleration are no longer perpendicular
for most of the orbit of the planet.
Notice that between points A and C the planet is speeding up, and between points C and A the planet is slowing down. This means
that at points A and C the tangential component of acceleration is zero. It turns out that for a planet orbiting a star (if there are no
other planets or stars nearby) the acceleration of the planet is directed exactly toward the star whether the motion of the planet is
uniform or not.
Illustration authored by Aaron Titus and Mario Belloni.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Five vectors are shown on the coordinate grid (position is given in meters). You can change the position of a vector by click-
dragging at the base of the vector. Click restart to return the vectors to their original positions.
a. Rank the x components of the five vectors shown (smallest to largest).
b. Rank the y components of the five vectors shown (smallest to largest).
c. What are the components of the vector that results when Vector B is added to Vector D?
Problem authored by Melissa Dancy.
Two vectors are shown on the coordinate grid (position is given in meters). Restart.
a. What are the x and y components of the blue vector?
b. What are the x and y components of the red vector?
Now drag the circle at the tail of the red vector so that it is on top of the blue vector's head. The vector sum is now a vector that
reaches from the tail of the first (blue) vector to the head of the second (red) vector.
c. What are the components of this vector sum?
d. How do they relate to the components of the original (blue and red) vectors?
The animations represent the motion of a ball on various surfaces (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
The "ghosts" are placed at equal time intervals. Such a picture is often called a motion diagram. Restart.
Answer the following questions using the coordinate system specified in each animation by the red arrow. Please indicate ties
by ( ). For example a suitable response could be: 1, (2, 3), 4, 5, 6.
For parts (a), (b), and (c), use the ghost images to qualitatively rank the quantities.
a. Rank each case from highest to lowest displacement.
b. Rank each case from highest to lowest final velocity.
c. Rank each case from highest to lowest acceleration (assume constant acceleration).
Now use the usual x and y coordinates that you can access by click-dragging in the animation.
d. Calculate the displacement vector for each animation.
e. Calculate the acceleration vector for each animation (assume that in Animation 3 and Animation 6 the ball starts at rest and
that in Animation 1 and Animation 4 the ball ends at rest).
Problem authored by Mario Belloni*.
*This exercise was adapted from an original Ranking Task Exercise which appears in the book Ranking Task Exercises in
Physics, T. O' Kuma, D. Maloney, and C. Hieggelke.
A bowling ball is lifted from rest onto a shelf by an external agent (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
For each quantity below, rank the animations (numbered 1 through 4) from least to greatest. Ties in ( ) please. For example, a
suitable response could be: 1, (2, 3), 4. Restart.
Quantity Ranking
magnitude of displacement
magnitude of average velocity
A flying helicopter is shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Sketch a graph of x position vs. time for the helicopter.
b. Sketch a graph of y position vs. time for the helicopter.
c. What is the x velocity of the helicopter at any instant?
d. What is the y velocity of the helicopter at any instant?
e. What is the speed of the helicopter at any instant?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
A hot-air balloon travels as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). The x and y
positions of the hot-air balloon's basket are shown in the graphs. Restart.
a. During approximately what time interval is the magnitude of the y velocity increasing?
b. During approximately what time interval is the magnitude of the y velocity decreasing?
c. At approximately what instant of time does the y acceleration change from positive to negative?
d. What is the y velocity from t = 87 s until t = 200 s ?
e. What is the y acceleration from t = 87 s until t = 200 s ?
f. What is the x velocity from t = 87 s until t = 200 s ?
g. What is the x acceleration from t = 87 s until t = 200 s ?
h. What is the x displacement from t = 0 s until t = 200 s ?
i. What is the y displacement from t = 0 s until t = 200 s ?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
A projectile is launched as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Where does the
ball reach its minimum speed, and what is its speed when it gets there? Restart.
A hunter (off screen) aims his rifle at an apple in a tree as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). At the instant the bullet leaves the rifle, the apple starts falling from rest. Which of the above animations
correctly depicts the hunter's aim that hits the apple?
All three show the apple being hit, but only one animation depicts correct physics. Restart.
A projectile is launched with an initial speed of 20 m/s as shown in the animation (position is given in meters). Restart. The
time display is suppressed, but you can still click-drag to get coordinates. A line is also shown that represents the initial
direction of the velocity.
a. What is the launch angle?
b. What are v and v ?
0x 0y
A projectile is launched when the yellow Lamborghini (not shown to scale) goes by at t = 0 s (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). You may change the projectile's launch angle and initial speed by using the text boxes and
clicking "set values and play." Find the relationship between v and θ such that the projectile will always hit the car. When you
determine the relationship, make sure to test it with a few values of v and θ . Restart.
A red ball slides off a table as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Ignore air
friction. If the ball collides with the other table such that v remains the same and v changes sign upon collision, where will
y x
A bouncing basketball is shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart. While
the basketball is in the air, its motion is characterized by projectile motion.
a. What is the average y acceleration of the ball during the interval of the first bounce, that is from t = 0.85 s to t = 0.95 s?
b. What is the average x acceleration of the ball during the interval of the first bounce, that is from t = 0.85 s to t = 0.95 s?
c. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the ball during this interval?
d. While the ball is in the air (between the bounces), is the x velocity increasing, decreasing, or constant? What is the x
acceleration while the ball is in the air?
e. As the ball rolls to a stop, between t = 3.0 s and t = 8.0 s , what is the x acceleration of the ball? What is the y
acceleration of the ball during this interval?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
Exercise A putted golf ball rolls in a straight line toward the hole
The animation shows a putted golf ball as it travels toward the hole (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. Is the acceleration of the golf ball between t = 0 and t = 4.2 s constant, increasing, or decreasing?
b. What is the average acceleration of the golf ball during this time interval?
c. Calculate the x displacement of the golf ball from t = 0 to t = 4.2 s and show that it is the same as what you measure on
the animation.
d. Calculate the y displacement of the golf ball from t = 0 to t = 4.2 s and show that it is the same as what you measure on
the animation.
e. What is the magnitude of the displacement of the golf ball from t = 0 to t = 4.2 s ?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
In the animation shown, a space probe has engines that can fire on all four sides (position is given in meters and time is given
in seconds). Two of the engines engage at t = 5 s . Restart The acceleration is constant and zero before the engines engage,
and it is constant (but not equal to zero) after the engines engage.
a. What is the initial velocity of the probe just before the engines fire?
b. What is the acceleration of the probe after the engines fire?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
An object travels along a circular path as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. At t = 2 s , what is the direction of the velocity of the object?
b. At t = 2 s , what is the approximate direction of the acceleration of the object? You do not need to give an exact direction,
just an approximate direction based on what you know about the direction of the radial component and the direction of the
tangential component.
c. At t = 4 s , what is the direction of the velocity? If it is zero, indicate so.
d. At t = 4 s , what is the approximate direction of the acceleration? If it is zero, indicate so.
e. At t = 6 s , what is the direction of the velocity?
f. At t = 6 s , what is the approximate direction of the acceleration?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
A square rotates as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart. A corner of
the square is labeled A. For all of the following questions consider the motion of point A from t = 0.5 s to t = 2.5 s .
a. What is the displacement of point A during this time interval?
b. What is its distance traveled during this interval?
c. What is its average velocity during this interval?
d. What is its average speed during this interval?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
A point (red) on a rotating wheel is shown in the animation (position given in meters and time given in seconds). Restart.
a. What is the period of the wheel (the time it takes the red point to complete one revolution)?
b. What is the speed of the red point?
c. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the red point?
d. At t = 5.0 s , what is the direction of the velocity vector and what is the direction of the acceleration vector for the red
Problem authored by Aaron Titus with support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DUE-9952323 and placed
in the public domain.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
know of the push that is shown in Free-Body 1x. Is that the only force acting in the x direction? Newton's second law says that a
net force acting on an object means that the object must be accelerating (the object's velocity changes). Does the block's velocity
change? No (You can tell either by looking at the block's motion or by calculating the velocity and showing that it does not
change.); therefore there must be another force acting, that of friction that opposes the motion. This eliminates Free-Body
1x and Free-Body 3x because they show only one force. The second force not only opposes motion, but in this animation it is
exactly the same size as the push. This means that Free-Body 2x is not correct either. Therefore, Free-Body 4x depicts the correct
free-body diagram for the forces that act in the x direction. (The form of the frictional force will be considered in detail in Chapter
Now consider the forces in the y direction (Free-Body y ). What forces act? How big are they? How do we know? Click each of the
four y -direction free-body diagrams. Which one do you think is correct? Usually we know all of the forces that act, but here we just
know of the force of gravity that is shown in Free-Body 1y. Is that the only force acting in the y direction? Since the block does not
accelerate in the y direction, there must be another force acting. This eliminates Free-Body 1y and Free-Body 2y because they
show only one force. The force that is missing is the so-called normal force (the force of the table acting on the block) that opposes
If an object's mass remains constant, the magnitude of a force exerted on an object is proportional to the time rate of change of
the velocity (i.e., acceleration). Specifically, ∑ F = ma .
Use this definition as you consider the results of Illustration 3 (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Set the
mass in the text box before you select the graph type, velocity or acceleration.
The two-handed image ("handy") interacts with the 1.0-kg cart in the animation if the image is near the left-hand or right-hand end
of the cart. The arrow below the cart shows the direction and strength of the force exerted on the cart. You will have to move the
image to keep it behind the cart since the interaction changes direction if the image passes through the center of the cart. Start the
animation and explore it for a few minutes. Reset the animation if the cart goes off the end of the track.
Now select velocity (and then acceleration). Drag the handy image to the left of the cart and try to apply the force for as brief a
period of time as you can. This will result in a force applied to the cart only for a short period of time and then no force will act.
What do the resulting velocity and acceleration graphs look like? The velocity graph should show an increasing velocity for the
instant handy is acting on the cart; then it should have a slope of zero. The velocity only changes when the force is acting. The
acceleration graph should give a spike during the application of the force and be zero otherwise. Repeat the same process when the
image is to the right of the cart. What changes? Because force is a vector, the applied force is now in the negative x direction.
Therefore, the velocity and the acceleration are now both negative as well.
Now select velocity (and then acceleration). Drag the handy image to the left of the cart and then keep dragging it to the right as the
cart moves. This will result in a constant force applied to the cart. What do the resulting velocity and acceleration graphs look like?
The velocity graph should have a constant slope upward while the acceleration graph should give a constant acceleration during the
application of the force. Repeat the process when the image is to the right of the cart. What changes? Because force is a vector, the
applied force is now in the negative x direction. Therefore, the velocity and the acceleration are now both negative as well.
What changes on the velocity and acceleration graphs will occur if the mass of the cart is doubled or decreased by a factor of two?
Try it and find out. Since acceleration is equal to the force over the mass, an increase in mass means a smaller acceleration, and a
decrease in mass means a larger acceleration.
is in contact with (and therefore pushes on) the green 1-kg block (also not shown to scale). Click here to show and play the
physical situation. Note that on the position vs. time graph each block's trajectory is shown in a color-coded x(t) function, while in
the velocity and acceleration vs. time graphs, a single v(t) or a(t) is shown (the blocks move together and therefore must have the
same velocity and acceleration). The blocks may not move together when you set the contact forces.
Now it is up to you to determine what contact forces are required to make the motion of the blocks physical. When you are ready,
select the "set values and play" button with the default forces. What happens? The red block "moves through" the green one
What next? We could analyze the forces acting on the first mass, but let's analyze the second mass since it has only the first mass
pushing on it. Because it has an acceleration of 4 m/s and a mass of 1 kg , it must experience a force of 4 N from the push of the
red mass. What about the red mass? Newton's third law says it must experience an equal and opposite force, here a force of −4 N .
Try these values out (−4 N for the force on the red block and 4 N for the force on the green block) to see if you believe what
Newton's third law says the forces should be.
Illustration authored by Anne J. Cox and Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Anne J. Cox.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
newtons). The light gray lines represent the traditional xy axis, and the black lines represent the coordinates along the incline. The
blue vector represents the normal force; the green vector represents the weight. You may move the tails of the blue and green
vectors to add them and use the red vector to represent their resultant vector by dragging the red vector's tip. Restart.
a. Determine the resultant force from the diagram.
b. Determine the acceleration of the block.
a. When the initial velocity is zero, in what direction does the ball travel for a given force?
b. When the initial velocity is not zero, in what direction does the ball travel for a given force? Hint: The best way to do this is to
pick a nonzero v or v , not both. Also turn on the ghosts.
0x 0y
c. Try F = 5 N , θ = 270 , v = 7 m/s , and v = 15 m/s . Does this motion look familiar? Turn on the ghosts to help with the
0x 0y
Exploration authored by and placed into the public domain by Aaron Titus.
A 10-kg mass, M , is attached via a massless pulley to another variable mass m (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). You can test the limits of the formula for the acceleration of the Atwood's machine (not shown to scale) by changing the
ratio of the masses above. Restart.
a. Draw a free-body diagram for each mass.
b. Solve for the acceleration of m in terms of g, M , and m.
c. Which, if any, of the following statements regarding the motion of the masses are true?
Verify your answer(s) to (c) by using the animation and your answer for (b).
a new value at t = t + dt . This process can be repeated over and over to approximate the solution as a function of time.
1 0
Clearly there are pitfalls in the above procedure. If the time step is too large (1 year for example) interesting phenomena can be
missed. This is clearly not an informative dataset if something interesting happens during the time interval. On the other hand, if
the time step is too small (1 nanosecond for example) the computer may take a very long time to plot a representative set of points
so that you can see the motion of the ball.
For each of the following forces, first describe the force (magnitude and direction) and then predict the motion of the ball. How
close were you? Don't forget to determine how the initial position and velocity affect the motion of the ball for each of the forces.
a. Fx (x, t) = 1
b. Fx (x, t) = −1
c. Fx (x, t) = 1 ∗ step(3 − t) This function is a constant until t = 3 s when it turns off.
d. Fx (x, t) = x
e. Fx (x, t) = −x
f. Fx (x, t) = cos(x)
g. Fx (x, t) = cos(t)
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
A red block is pushed and moves as shown in the animation. In addition, a green block sits on the red block and moves as
well. Restart.
a. Which free-body diagram is correct? Give reasons why the other three diagrams are incorrect.
b. How would your answer to (a) change if the blocks did not move?
A free-body diagram for a 20, 000-kg airplane at some instant is shown in the animation (grid size is given in 40, 000
newtons). Generally, all of the external forces on an airplane can be resolved into four components called weight, lift, thrust,
and drag. Restart. You can move a vector around by click-dragging at its tail.
a. What is the net force on the airplane at this instant?
b. What is the acceleration of the airplane at this instant?
c. What can you definitely say about the velocity of the airplane at this instant?
d. Suppose a classmate in your study group proclaims that "the net force on the airplane is zero and therefore the airplane must
be on the ground and at rest." What is the error in your classmate's statement?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A 100-kg wagon with a 20-kg block on its frictionless bed is pulled to the right with a constant force (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). Does the animation obey Newton's laws? Support your answer. Restart.
A 100-kg wagon with a 20-kg block on its frictionless bed is pulled to the right with an unknown force (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). Sketch a plot of the force exerted by the hand on the cart as a function of time. Restart.
A 0.010-kg buoy is dropped into a lake as shown in the animation. Before it hits the water, it is in free fall. Restart.
a. Before the buoy hits the water, what is the net force on the buoy?
b. At t = 1.2 s , what is the net force on the buoy?
c. At t = 1.2 s , what is the force of the water on the buoy?
d. At t = 4.5 s , what is the net force on the buoy? Approximately, what is the velocity of the buoy at this instant? Can the
velocity of an object be zero even though the net force on the object is not zero?
e. At t = 4.5 s , what is the force of the water on the buoy?
f. At t = 11.0 s, what is the net force on the buoy?
g. At t = 11.0 s, what is the force of the water on the buoy?
h. Describe the velocity of the buoy at this instant (t = 11.0 s); is it increasing, decreasing, or constant?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
The animation shows a putted golf ball of mass 0.050 kg as it rolls toward the hole. The putter hit the ball before t = 0 s and is
no longer in contact with the ball (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. What is the net force on the golf ball during the interval from t = 0 to t = 4.2 s ?
b. What is the force of the putter on the golf ball during this interval?
A 20-kg ball has a hole with a rod passing through. The rod exerts a force as needed that constrains the ball to move along the
rod. An applied force is now added (the "pulling" force) so the ball is pulled as shown (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). The force vector is shown as a red arrow, and the force makes an angle θ with the horizontal. The velocity is
given in meters/second. You may adjust the angle and/or the magnitude of the pulling force (F < 7 N) . Restart.
a. How does the acceleration change as you vary the pulling force for a constant angle?
b. How does the acceleration change as you vary the angle for a constant pulling force?
c. Combine your answers above to obtain a general mathematical formula for the acceleration of the ball due to an arbitrary
applied force.
d. Determine the general mathematical formula for the normal force the rod exerts on the ball when an arbitrary force is
applied to the ball.
Script authored by Steve Mellema, Chuck Niederriter and modified by Mario Belloni.
Problem authored by Mario Belloni.
A 50-kg box is riding in an elevator that accelerates upward or downward at a constant rate (position is given in meters and
time is given in seconds). The box rests on a digital scale that records its apparent weight in newtons. The green arrow
represents the instantaneous velocity of the elevator and its contents. Adjust the value of the acceleration
(−9.8 m/s ≤ a ≤ 9.8 m/s ) and see how it affects the apparent weight. Restart.
2 2
c. Write a formula for the scale reading as a function of the acceleration of the elevator, the mass of the box, and g.
d. Determine the value of the elevator's acceleration that would make the force that the scale exerts on the box vanish In other
words, how can the box become apparently "weightless?"
Script authored by Steve Mellema, Chuck Niederriter, and modified by Mario Belloni.
Problem authored by Mario Belloni.
A 10-kg mass is attached via a massless string over a massless pulley to a hand (position is given in meters and time is given
in seconds). The masses in each animation are identical. Restart.
a. Rank the animations according to the acceleration of the mass, from greatest to least (positive is up).
b. Rank the animations according to the tension in the string, from greatest to least (positive is up).
Indicate ties by placing the animation numbers in () please. For example, a suitable response could be: 1, 2, (3, 4), 5, 6 .
c. Calculate the acceleration of the mass in each animation.
d. Calculate the tension of the string in each animation.
Problem authored by Mario Belloni*.
*This exercise was adapted from an original Ranking Task Exercise which appears in the book Ranking Task Exercises in
Physics, T. O' Kuma, D. Maloney, and C. Hieggelke.
Two boxes, each of mass 2.0 kg, are connected by a lightweight rope. The boxes are hoisted upward with a constant
acceleration as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
A 1.0-kg cart (not shown to scale) on a low-friction track is connected to a string and a hanging object as shown in the
animation. Neglect any effects of the pulley on the motion of the system (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. What is the tension in the string?
b. What is the mass of the hanging object?
Note that the coordinates for each object (the positive x direction) are already chosen for you.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A large 2000-kg truck and a small compact car collide head-on as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and
time is given in seconds). Assume the collision takes place in 0.05 seconds. Restart.
a. Describe the force on each vehicle before, during, and after the collision. Be sure to estimate the magnitudes of these forces
and give their directions.
b. Which vehicle, the car or the truck, experiences the greater force during the collision?
Newton's third law states that whenever two objects interact, they exert equal and opposite forces on each other (position is
given in meters and time is given in seconds). The balls in the animations can be dragged around. As you do so, notice how
the sizes of the arrows change. Each arrow represents the force on an object (the length of the arrow indicates the magnitude of
the force). Which animation, if any, obeys Newton's third law? Restart.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
Consider what happens when you pull on a stationary block up to the point where there is still no motion. Set the mass to 100 kg
and vary F . The frictional force f matches F
applied s up to the frictional force's maximum value, f
applied =μ N = 392 N .
s; max s
After that the frictional force dramatically decreases, the block accelerates, and the frictional force becomes the kinetic friction of
motion, f = μ N .
k k
So what are μ and μ ? Well, given that there is no motion until when F
s k = 392 N , f is approximately 392 N.
applied s; max
Therefore, given that the normal force is 980 N, μ = 0.4 . Now there is an acceleration when F
s = 392 N . Since the change
μ = 0.2 .
Uniform circular motion is an interesting mixture of one- and two-dimensional concepts. During uniform circular motion, the speed
of the object must be constant. This is the uniform in uniform circular motion. So is an object moving in a circle with a constant
speed accelerating? Yes! Why? The velocity is changing with time. Watch the animation (position is shown in meters and time
is shown in seconds). The animation depicts an object moving in a circle at a constant speed. To determine the acceleration we
need to consider the change in velocity for a change in time. Restart.
Since the speed does not change in time, what does change in time? It is the direction that changes with time. Draw two velocity
vectors to convince yourself that the direction of the velocity changes with time. Recall that velocity has a direction (which always
points tangent to the path, the so-called tangential direction) and a magnitude, and either or both can change with time. In what
direction does the change in velocity point? Calculate the acceleration. It points toward the center of the circle. Since the object is
accelerating, this motion must be due to a force (or a set of forces, a net force) that points solely toward the center of the circle.
(Note: if the motion is nonuniform circular motion, the net force can point in another direction.) This direction—toward the center
of the circle—is called the centripetal or center-seeking direction. It is often also called the radial direction, since the radius points
from the center of the circle out to the object (the net force points in the opposite direction).
Therefore, for uniform circular motion, the acceleration always points toward the center of the circle. This is despite the fact that
the velocity and the acceleration point in changing directions as time goes on. However, we get around this apparent difficulty in
describing direction by defining the centripetal or radial direction and the tangential direction (the direction tangent to the circle).
These directions change, but the velocity is always tangent to the circle, and the net force is always pointing toward the center of
the circle. The following animation shows velocity and acceleration as the object undergoes uniform circular motion.
you have a choice of where to place the coordinate axes (to make life easier or more difficult), the choice here is critical. Your
choice of coordinates must have one axis with its positive direction pointing toward the center of the circle.
In the animation, a Ferris wheel rotates at constant speed as shown (position is shown in meters and time is shown in minutes).
Each square represents a chair on the Ferris wheel. Restart.
Consider a rider at point (a). What does the free-body diagram for a chair on the Ferris wheel look like at this point? To answer this
question we must determine the applied forces that act on a rider when the rider is at point (a). At point (a) there are the normal
force and the weight acting in opposite directions. Are the forces the same size or different? They must be different and the normal
force must be bigger. Why? We know that the net force must point toward the center of the circle and that the net force is
ma = m v /r for uniform circular motion.
What is the acceleration of the rider when the rider is at point (a)? As stated above we know the acceleration must be v 2
/r , where
v = 2πr/T , where T is the period of one revolution.
What about the answers to these questions when the rider is at points (b), (c), and (d)? Well, the forces may be different or point in
different directions, but the results are the same. The net force must be toward the center of the circle and be mv /r.
At the top of the arc, the velocity is zero, and hence |a | = g . On the descent, the velocity is downward, and the force of air friction
is therefore upward and hence |a | < g . Therefore, |ay| is greater on the way up! This is borne out by the Acceleration Graph. At
some point, the frictional force has exactly the same size as the force of gravity. When this occurs there is no longer a net force, and
the acceleration of the projectile is zero. The velocity corresponding to this situation is called the terminal velocity.
These animations are valid at low speeds. We can experimentally determine that the force of air friction is proportional to the
velocity at low speeds, with R = −b v , where R is the resistive or drag force and b is a constant that depends on the properties of
magnitude of the velocity, and D is the drag coefficient (0.2– 2.0). Sometimes the drag force is written as bv with the assignment
that b = 1/2DρA. We can solve for the velocity as a function of time, but it is harder. We must be careful in this model if we have
two-dimensional motion, since the x and y motions are no longer independent.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
a. Find the mechanical equilibrium for this system when the spring constant is 1.0 N/m, 2.0 N/m, 3.0 N/m, and 4.0 N/m.
b. Use your equilibrium measurements to find the mass of the ball. Hint: What forces act on the ball?
c. Use your equilibrium measurements to find the natural length of the spring, that is, the length of the spring without an attached
meters and time is shown in seconds). You are to set the spring in motion by setting its initial position (x , 0) and its initial
a. Find the v needed for circular motion at a radius of 10 m (the red circle).
c. Fx (x, vx, t) = 1 − vx
e. Fx (x, vx, t) = x − vx
This Exploration allows you to choose initial conditions and forces and then view how that force affects the red ball. You can right-
click on the graph to make a copy at any time. If you check the "strip chart" mode box, the top graph will show data for a time
interval that you set. Note that the animation will end when the position of the ball exceeds +/ − 100 m from the origin. Restart.
Remember to use the proper syntax such as −10 + 0.5 ∗ t , −10 + 0.5 ∗ t ∗ t , and −10 + 0.5 ∗ t ∧ 2 . Revisit Exploration 1.3 to
refresh your memory.
For each of the following forces, first describe the force (magnitude and direction) and then predict the motion of the ball. How
close were you? Don't forget to determine how the initial position and velocity affect the motion of the ball for each force.
Fx Fy x0 y0 v0x y0x
1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0
−x −2 ∗ y 10 10 0 0
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Consider a 2-kg physics textbook (not drawn to scale) pressed against a wall, which has a coefficient of static friction of
μ = 0.3 and a coefficient of kinetic friction of μ = 0.2 as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is
s k
Consider a 2-kg physics textbook (not drawn to scale) pressed against a wall, which has a coefficient of kinetic friction of
μ = 0.4 as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Draw a free-body diagram for the book, showing all the forces that act.
b. What is the net force on the book? Include both magnitude and direction in your answer.
c. What is the force of the push represented by the hand?
Consider a 2-kg physics textbook (not drawn to scale) pressed against a wall, which has a coefficient of kinetic friction of
μ = 0.4 as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Draw a free-body diagram for the book, showing all the forces that act.
b. What is the net force on the book? Include both magnitude and direction in your answer.
c. What is the force of the push represented by the hand?
A woman pushes on a block with an unknown force as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given
in seconds). At t = 2 seconds she doubles the force applied to the block. Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between
the block and the table. Restart.
A 4-kg block sits on an 8-kg block that is pushed across the floor as shown (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. Which free-body diagram is correct? Give reasons why the other three diagrams are incorrect.
b. Draw the correct free-body diagram and label the force that causes each interaction.
Be sure to include the force of friction if two surfaces are rubbing against each other. Remember that the length of an arrow is
proportional to the value of the quantity being represented, and its length does not represent the actual size of the quantity.
A 10.0-kg block sits on a 20-kg block as shown (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). There is friction
between the top and the bottom block, but the surface between the bottom block and the table is frictionless. Restart.
a. Draw free-body diagrams for both blocks.
b. Find the net force on each block.
c. Find the force of the push.
A 12 − kg box slides on a rough (meaning that there is friction) 26.56 ramp as shown in the animation (position is given in
In the animation, a Ferris wheel rotates at constant speed as shown (position is given in meters and time is given in minutes).
Each square represents a chair on the Ferris wheel. Restart.
a. Draw the free-body diagram for a chair on the Ferris wheel when it is at the points (a), (b), (c), and (d).
b. What forces act on a rider when the rider is at points (a), (b), (c), and (d)?
c. What is the acceleration of the rider when the rider is at points (a), (b), (c), and (d)?
d. If the rider has a mass of 100 kg, what is the size and direction of the net force on the rider at points (a), (b), (c), and (d)?
Script authored by Aaron Titus.
Problem authored by Wolfgang Christian and Mario Belloni.
A mass sits on a turntable as shown (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. What force provides the centripetal acceleration?
b. Which vector represents the net force on the object?
A puck resting on an air hockey table is attached to a string and given an initial tangential push such that it travels in a circle at
constant speed (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the puck?
b. Draw the free-body diagram for the puck.
c. What is the tension in the string if the puck has a mass of 0.1 kg?
A 5-gram coin is on a rotating turntable as shown (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. What is the coin's acceleration during the animation?
b. Draw a free-body diagram for the coin.
c. Determine the minimum value of μ for this motion to occur.
Exercise The spring can be stretched by click-dragging the blue ball
The spring can be stretched by click-dragging the blue ball as shown in the animation (position is given in centimeters and
time is given in seconds). Slowly drag the spring back and forth out of the equilibrium position and answer the following
questions. Restart.
a. Over what range of compression and stretching is Hooke's law valid?
b. Find the elastic limit of the spring.
c. Determine the spring constant of the spring.
A 200-gram brick falls onto a platform as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
The animation stops when the brick is in equilibrium. Determine the spring constant of the spring. Restart.
A ball on a frictionless table is fired at a block that is connected to a very light spring as shown (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. For each animation, draw the force vs. time graph for the orange ball.
b. Suppose you wanted to determine x(t) for the orange ball. Are Newton's laws an effective way to determine x(t) for the
orange ball? Why or why not?
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
WORK = F ⋅ Δx = F Δx cos(θ),
where F is the constant force and Δx is the displacement. F and Δx are the magnitude of the vectors, respectively. You may have
heard or seen "WORK = F d " which is not always correct. That statement ignores the vector properties of F and x and can lead
you into thinking that the definition of WORK is FORCE times DISTANCE, which it is not.
Consider the animation with a 100-kg block and vary the force applied from 0 to 391 N. What happens in the animation? The
block does not move. What is the work done on the block due to the applied force? What is the work done on the block due to the
force of static friction? What is the work done on the block due to the normal force? What is the work done on the block due to the
force of gravity? The work done by each of these forces is zero. How do you know? First there is no displacement. If there is no
displacement there can be no work. In addition, the normal force and the force of static friction can never do work. The normal
force cannot do work because if there is a displacement it would always be perpendicular to the normal force, hence no work. The
force of static friction can also never do work. When there is static friction there can never be a displacement. After all, static
friction implies the block is static and thus not moving. Since there is no work done on the block, the block's kinetic energy cannot
Now consider the animation with a 100-kg block and an applied force of 446 N. What happens in the animation? The block moves
and, in fact, it accelerates. What is the work done on the block due to the applied force? What is the work done by the force of
kinetic friction? What is the work done on the block due to the normal force? What is the work done on the block due to the force
of gravity? The net work done by the sum of these forces is now not zero. How do you know? There is a change in kinetic energy.
This can only happen when there is work done on the block. The force of gravity does not do any work on the block because the
force is perpendicular to the displacement in this animation. The normal force, as said above, can never do work. The work done by
the applied force will be positive.
The force of kinetic friction reduces the kinetic energy of the block by |F Δx| because the frictional force and the block's
k friction
displacement are in opposite directions. Kinetic friction will always oppose motion, so it will always reduce kinetic energy. Note
that we do not say the work done on the block by kinetic friction. This phrase is not correct. The work done by friction on the block
is the energy the block loses, and this is not equal to −F Δx . Some of the kinetic energy dissipated by friction,
k friction
|F Δx|, is transferred to the table as thermal energy (the table heats up), while some of it remains with the block as thermal
k fricion
points in the direction of the displacement). Therefore, in the table, F times x = KE (because x is the displacement since the
block starts at x = 0 m and the final KE is the change in KE since the block starts with no kinetic energy).
Illustration authored by Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Steve Mellema and Chuck Niederriter and modified by Mario Belloni.
Therefore, the magnitude of work done by gravity will be |mgΔy|. So, consider a ball at y = 0 m that drops to y = −2 m . Is the
work done by gravity positive or negative? Use the graph to calculate the work. It is indeed positive (a negative force in the y
direction and a negative displacement in the y direction means cos(θ) = 1 ). This is because the force is in the same direction as the
displacement. What about lifting an object up from y = −2 m to y = 0 m ? The work done is negative since the force is in the
opposite direction from the displacement [cos(θ) = −1] . We can use |F Δy| because the force does not vary over the displacement.
But what if the force does vary, as in the case of a spring?
Check the check box to see the graph representing a spring force. Enter in values for the starting and stopping points for the
calculation of the work and then click the "evaluate area (integral)" button. Enter in x = 0 m for the starting point and x = 4 m for
the ending point, representing the stretching of a spring. Is the magnitude of the work done |F Δx|? Why or why not? The
magnitude of the work is not |F Δx|. In the case of the spring, the magnitude of the work is 0.5 ∗ kx , which is the area under the
force function (it is also the integral of F dx). Note also that the work is negative: The force and the displacement are in the
opposite direction [cos(θ) = −1] .
Enter in x = 4 m for the starting point and x = 0 m for the ending point. What happens to the sign of the work done by the spring
Illustration 4: Springs
The fact that the spring force varies with position means that while we can determine the force, we cannot determine the velocity of
an object attached to a stretched spring using kinematic equations for constant acceleration. Why? The force is not constant (it
varies with position) and therefore the acceleration is not constant. What can we do? We can use the work-energy theorem.
The spring-ball system shown in the animation can be stretched by click-dragging the 1-kg dark blue ball (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). The black arrow attached to the ball shows the net, i.e., total, force on the ball. The pale
blue ball on the left is the free-body diagram for the dark blue ball. The red and green arrows attached to the pale blue ball show the
spring and gravitational forces, respectively. The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s in this animation. Restart.
Hooke's law states that the force that the spring exerts is F = −kx , where k is the spring constant and x is measured from the
equilibrium position of the spring. In this Illustration the initial position of the spring and the spring constant can be changed by
using the text boxes.
So how do we determine the work done by the spring? We need to calculate the integral of F cos(θ)Δx, where F and Δx are the
magnitude of the force vector and the displacement vector, respectively. We must calculate the integral because the force is not a
position where θ is the angle between the gravitational force and the ball's infinitesimal y displacement. Restart.
y y
b. Given your force diagrams, there are positions where the speed of the ball is changing more rapidly than others. Take each of
the positions you considered and rank them from highest tangential acceleration to lowest.
c. Assume that the ball can get to y = 10 m . How much kinetic energy does the ball lose in going from y = −10 m to y = 10 m ?
Is this independent of v initial?
d. What is the work done by gravity when the ball goes from y = −10 m to y = 10 m ?
e. Determine the minimum speed that the ball must have to go over the top. Once you have an answer, check it using the
A 2-kg hammer strikes a 1.5-gram nail at t = 1.8 s as shown in the animation (position is given in centimeters and time is
given in seconds). Restart.
a. Determine the work done on the hammer by the nail.
b. Use your calculation in (a) to determine the average force exerted on the nail by the hammer.
A 1.5-kg brick falls a given height onto a 15-gram spike as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). Restart.
a. Determine the work done on the brick by the nail.
b. Use your calculation in (a) to determine the average force exerted on the nail by the brick.
A woman pushes on a 2.5-kg block with an unknown force as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). At t = 2 seconds she doubles the force applied to the block. Restart.
a. Determine the total work done on the block and table in the first two seconds of the animation.
b. Determine the total work done on the block and table in the final two seconds of the animation.
A bowling ball is lifted from rest onto a shelf by an external agent (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
The bowling ball starts at rest and ends up at rest when the animation ends. For each quantity below, rank the animations
(numbered 1 through 4) from least to greatest. Restart.
Indicate ties by placing the animation numbers in () please. For example, a suitable response could be: 1, 2, (3, 4), 5, 6 .
Quantity Ranking
A 5.0-kg block (called Block 1) is lifted from rest by an external agent, then returned to its original position as shown in the
animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). An identical block (called Block 2) is pushed along the
surface with a force of 10 N. As with Block 1, it is returned to its original position at the end of the animation. Both blocks
start and end at rest. Restart.
a. Determine the work done by gravity on Block 1 during the animation.
b. Determine the work done by gravity on Block 2 during the animation.
c. Determine the work done by the normal force on Block 2 during the animation.
d. Determine the total work done by friction (done on Block 2 and the table) during the animation.
A mass of 2 kg is in a rather large bowl and moves as depicted in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given
in seconds). There is no friction between the mass and the bowl, so the mass slides along the surface of the bowl (it does not
roll at all). Determine the velocity of the mass at the bottom of the bowl. Restart.
A 12-kg box is pushed at constant speed (the box is already moving at this constant speed at t = 0 s and continues to do so
even after the animation ends) as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). The hand
pushes on the box at an angle of 60 from the vertical. Note that there are four forces acting on the box: gravity, the force of
A 12-kg box slides up a 26.56 frictionless ramp at a constant speed as shown in the animation (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). Note that both gravity and the hand do work on the box. Restart.
a. What is the work done on the box by the external force (hand) during the animation?
b. What is the work done on the box by gravity during the animation?
c. What is the total work done on the box during the animation?
A 12-kg box slides down a rough 26.56 ramp at constant speed (it is already traveling at this constant speed at t = 0 s and
continues to do so even after the animation ends) as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Note that both gravity and friction do work on the box. Restart.
a. What is the work done by friction (done on the box and the ramp) during the animation?
b. What is the work done on the box by gravity during the animation?
c. What is the total work done on the box during the animation?
A 10-kg mass is attached via a massless string over a massless pulley to a hand (position is given in meters and time is given
in seconds). The masses in each animation are identical. Restart.
a. Rank the animations according to the work done on the mass by gravity, from greatest to least.
b. Rank the animations according to the work done on the mass by the tension in the string, from greatest to least.
c. Rank the animations according to the total amount of work done on the mass, from greatest to least.
Indicate ties by placing the animation numbers in () please. For example, a suitable response could be: 1, 2, (3, 4), 5, 6 .
d. Calculate the work done on the mass by gravity during each of the animations.
e. Calculate the work done on the mass by the tension in the string during each of the animations.
f. Calculate the total amount of work done on the mass during each of the animations.
A 2.5-kg cart on a low-friction track is connected to a string and a 0.5-kg hanging mass as shown in the animation. Neglect
any effects of the pulley on the motion of the system (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
During the animation,
a. What is the work done on the hanging mass due to the tension in the string?
b. What is the work done on the hanging mass due to gravity?
c. What is the work done on the cart due to the tension in the string?
d. What is the work done on the cart due to gravity?
e. What is the work done on the cart due to the normal force?
f. What is the total amount of work done on the two-object system?
g. What is the final kinetic energy of the two-object system?
Note that the coordinates for each object (the positive x direction) are already chosen for you.
A ball on an air track is attached to a compressed spring (at x = 0 m the spring is unstretched) as shown in the
animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Which area properly represents the work done by the
spring during the animation (assume v = 0 m/s at the beginning and end of the animation)? Restart.
A cart sits on a track. A compressible spring is connected to the cart and to a barrier at the end of the track. At t = 0 s , the
spring is compressed 0.5 m from its unstretched position, and you have to push on the cart to keep it in equilibrium. Then, by
applying a varying force, you allow the spring to relax and then cause it to stretch while maintaining equilibrium during the
entire process. The spring constant is 50 N/m. The frictional force of the track on the cart is negligible. Treat the cart as a
point particle (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. What is the work done by the force of your hand on the cart during the interval between t = 0 and when the spring is fully
b. What is the work done by the spring on the cart during this same interval?
c. What is the total work done on the cart during this interval?
d. What must the force of your hand on the cart be to keep it in equilibrium when the spring is fully compressed?
e. What must the force of your hand on the cart be to keep it in equilibrium when the spring is fully stretched?
f. Why is the work done by your hand on the cart not equal to the product of this force component [calculated in part (e)] and
the displacement of the cart?
Illustration authored by Aaron Titus and placed in the public domain.
A 0.50-kg cart resting on an air track oscillates as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). What is the spring constant of the spring? Restart.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
energy with a varying zero potential energy point. You can vary the zero point from −15 m < y < 15 m by changing the value
in the text box and clicking the "set value and play" button. Restart.
Change the zero point for the potential energy from zero to a variety of positive values and a variety of negative values. Answer the
following questions about the animation.
a. For zero points that are less than zero, does the gravitational potential energy shift up or down?
b. Is all of this energy accessible to the ball? In other words, can it all be converted to kinetic energy?
c. For zero points that are greater than zero, does the gravitational potential energy shift up or down?
d. For y = −15 m , how much potential energy does the ball start out with? How much does it have when it hits the ground?
e. For Animation 2 only: Approximately how long does it take for 80% of the initial energy to be dissipated?
object to a new position and release it. The object will have zero initial velocity when it is released. If the object returns to the
original position you can record the velocity and calculate the kinetic energy. This kinetic energy must have come from the
potential energy at the new position if the interaction is conservative.
Animation will stop after 100 s.
joules). Restart.
a. Describe each potential energy function in words.
b. How does the work relate to the change in potential energy along a certain path?
c. What happens when you drag the cursor through a closed path (a path that begins and ends at the same point)?
d. What is the force that is responsible for each potential energy function? Write the force in the x and y direction as a function of
x and y , F (x, y) and F (x, y).
x y
A mass of 2 kg is in a rather large bowl and moves as depicted in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given
in seconds). There is no friction between the mass and the bowl so it slides along the surface of the bowl (it does not roll at
all). Determine the velocity of the mass at the bottom of the bowl. Restart.
A 12-kg box slides up a 26.56 frictionless ramp at constant speed as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and
time is given in seconds). Note that the hand does work on the box. Restart.
a. What is the work done on the box by the external force (hand) during the animation?
b. What is the change in gravitational potential energy of the box during the animation?
c. What is the change in kinetic energy of the box during the animation?
A 12-kg box slides down a 26.56 frictionless ramp at constant speed as shown in the animation (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). Note that the hand does work on the box. Restart.
a. What is the work done on the box by the external force (hand) during the animation?
b. What is the change in gravitational potential energy of the box during the animation?
c. What is the change in kinetic energy of the box during the animation?
A 12-kg box slides down a rough 26.56 ramp at constant speed (it is already traveling at this constant speed at t = 0 s and
continues to do so even after the animation ends) as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Note that friction does work on the box. Restart.
a. What is the work done by friction (done on the box and the ramp) during the animation?
b. What is the change in gravitational potential energy of the box during the animation?
c. What is the change in kinetic energy of the box during the animation?
A 10-kg mass is attached via a massless string over a massless pulley to a hand (position is given in meters and time is given
in seconds). The masses in each animation are identical. Restart.
a. Rank the animations according to the change in gravitational potential energy of the mass, from greatest to least.
b. Rank the animations according to the work done on the mass by the tension in the string, from greatest to least.
c. Rank the animations according to the change in kinetic energy of the mass, from greatest to least.
Indicate ties by placing the animation numbers in () please. For example, a suitable response could be: 1, 2, (3, 4), 5, 6 .
d. Calculate the change in gravitational potential energy of the mass during each of the animations.
e. Calculate the work done on the mass by the tension in the string during each of the animations.
f. Calculate the change in kinetic energy of the mass during each of the animations.
A 2.5-kg cart on a low-friction track is connected to a string and then to a 0.5-kg hanging mass as shown in the animation.
Neglect any effects of the massless pulley on the motion of the system (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
Note that the coordinates for each object (the positive x direction) are already chosen for you.
Exercise Three balls are thrown off the top of a building
Three balls are thrown off the top of a building, all with the same speed but with different launch angles (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). Restart. The components of the initial velocities are given.
The blue ball has an initial velocity of (6 m/s, 8 m/s).
The green ball has an initial velocity of (10 m/s, 0 m/s).
The red ball has an initial velocity of (8 m/s, −6 m/s).
a. Rank the three balls according to which one hits the ground first.
b. Rank the three balls according to which one has the greatest speed the instant before impact with the ground.
c. Now calculate the speed of each of the balls the instant before impact with the ground.
A ball is dropped on a hard floor as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
Assume that the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s . Restart.
a. What is the speed of the ball the instant before it hits the ground?
b. How much energy (in % of original energy) is lost in the collision with the floor?
c. What is the coefficient of restitution for the ball?
The coefficient of restitution, for the collision where one object does not move, is the ratio |v
f .
|/| vi |
Two carts are in close proximity. A massless spring is attached to the end of the red cart and is compressed. The massless
spring is released such that the two carts are "pushed" apart as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). The mass of the green cart is 1.5 kg. Consider a system made up of the two carts and the massless
spring. Restart.
a. What is the velocity of the center of mass of the carts after the massless spring is released (assume that since the spring is
massless it cannot have a kinetic energy)?
b. What is the mass of the red cart?
c. What is the change in kinetic energy of the system due to the release of the spring?
d. What was the change in potential energy of the spring?
A spring gun is loaded with a 500-gram projectile (position is given in centimeters and time is given in seconds). The spring
is massless and therefore has no kinetic energy. Restart.
a. How much potential energy is converted to kinetic energy in the spring gun?
b. How much potential energy has been converted to kinetic energy when the ball is at the following positions: −5 cm,
−4 cm, −3 cm, −2 cm, −1 cm, and 0 cm ?
A 1.0-kg projectile bounces off of an object (m = 1 kg ) attached to a massless spring as shown (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). The table entries, v and v , show the velocities of the projectile and the target, respectively.
1 2
A 0.5-kg projectile bounces off of an object (m = 1 kg ) attached to a massless spring as shown (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). The table entries, v and v , show the velocities of the projectile and the target, respectively.
1 2
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
caused a time rate of change of momentum, Δp/Δt or dp/dt, where momentum is defined as p = mv . The two descriptions are
the same if the mass of the object in question does not change. Therefore, if there is no net force acting on an object or a system of
objects, the momentum does not change. This statement is called conservation of momentum. Conservation of momentum, along
with conservation of energy, is used in analyzing collisions between objects.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
ever has meant by 'force', rate of change of momentum." So if Newton's statement seems odd it is because you are used to a special
—and famous—case of Newton's general statement of the second law, that of ∑ F = ma . Restart.
Consider the force applied by the hand over a small Δt (this happens automatically at t = 1 s ). Notice the change in
momentum (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). The arrow represents the change in momentum. Initially
the mass of the cart is 1 kg . Change the mass to 2 kg . Does the change in momentum differ? No! But what does change is the final
velocity; it is half of the velocity when the mass was 1 kg . The same force results in the same change in momentum in the same
time interval.
Another way to represent this is in terms of the integral (the area) under a force vs. time graph. Check the box to see this graph.
This area is called the impulse, which is a fancy name for Δp. What can you say about the impulse received by the cart,
independent of its mass? Check the second box to find out. Again, it should be, and is, the same.
Consider the animation with the force applied by the hand over a large Δt (this happens automatically at t = 1 s ). The difference
between the animations is that in large Δt the force acts for a longer time and therefore the force causes a larger change in
momentum. Again, the arrow represents the change in momentum, which is larger than the small Δt case.
mass was 1 kg . The same force results in the same change in momentum in the same time interval.
So what happens to the kinetic energy? Does it remain the same upon a change in mass? No. Why not? Recall that the work that
will be equal to the change in kinetic energy is related to the displacement the cart undergoes when the force is applied. Due to the
larger mass, the cart does not accelerate as much and therefore does not move as far, so its kinetic energy is less.
Another way to represent this is in terms of the integral (the area) under a force cos(θ) vs. distance graph. This area is called the
work that is the object's ΔKE . What can you say about the work received by the cart when its mass changes? Check the second
box to find out. Again, it should be, and is, different.
What happens when instead of applying a small Δt, you apply a large Δt? There is a larger impulse because Δt is larger. There is
also a larger change in the kinetic energy since Δx is larger as well.
system is zero, then Δp/Δt = 0 or dp/dt = 0 , which means that the change in momentum over time must be zero. Hence the
sum of the two impulses experienced by the balls must be zero. If one particle's momentum goes up, the other particle's momentum
must go down by exactly the same amount. Check it out by looking at the tables.
Two-dimensional models show a dramatic difference between hard and soft collisions. (See Problem 8.12 for two-dimensional
collisions.) Hard collisions tend not to have much of an effect on incident particles except for the occasional particle that suffers a
head-on impact. Soft collisions, on the other hand, produce minor deflections on a large number of particles. The experimental
observation of alpha particles being deflected backwards from gold foil led Ernest Rutherford to predict that atoms have a small
hard core, the nucleus.
0.5 kg < m1 < 4 kg, 0 m/s < v1 < 4 m/s, and − 4 m/s < v2 < 0 m/s.
The table gives an instantaneous reading of each cart's momentum as well as the total momentum in the two-cart system. In
addition, when you select the check box, arrows representing the magnitude of the relative velocities before and after the collision
between the two carts are also shown.
Because the net force on the system of two carts is zero, the change in momentum of the two-particle system is zero. In other
words, momentum is conserved. Using equations, we would say that since ∑ F = Δp/Δt or ∑ F = dp/dt , if the net force
net net
on a system is zero, then Δp/Δt = 0 or dp/dt = 0 , which means that the change in momentum over time must be zero. Hence
the sum of the two impulses experienced by the carts must be zero. If one particle's momentum goes up, the other particle's
momentum must go down by exactly the same amount.
In elastic collisions, the concept of the relative velocity is an important one in analyzing the collision. The relative velocity is
defined as v − v (it could also be defined as v − v as the choice of 1 and 2 is arbitrary).
1 2 2 1
Turn on the relative velocity arrows and vary the velocity of each cart and the mass of the right-moving (orange) cart. Determine
the relationship between the relative velocity before the collision and the relative velocity after the collision. What did you find? It
turns out that the magnitude of the relative velocity before and after an elastic collision is the same. However, the sign of the
relative velocity changes from before to after the collision: (v − v ) = −(v − v ) . This relationship can be verified by using
1 2 i 1 2 f
the conservation of energy and conservation of momentum equations and a bit of algebra.
Consider an elastic collision where v = 1 m/s and v = −4 m/s . Clearly the relative velocity before the collision is 5 m/s.
1 2
What must it be after the collision? −5 m/s. Try it and find out if this is true. Does it matter if you change the mass of the orange
Change v from zero to 2 m/s (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). How does the collision change? The red
ball is now initially stationary, and the blue ball is moving to the left at 2 m/s. Note that in the original collision with v = 0 m/s ,
the red ball was initially moving to the right and the blue ball was initially stationary. In the new frame the momentum of the two-
ball system is different. However, the kinetic energy happens to be the same and energy and momentum are conserved.
Now try v = −2 m/s . Are energy and momentum still conserved? Even though the values of the kinetic energy and momentum
change, the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum still hold.
A concept similar to that of the center of mass is that of the center of gravity. In fact the two are often used interchangeably. The
center of mass is defined above; the center of gravity is defined as the point on a system where gravity can be considered to act.
The center of gravity takes into account the fact that the force of gravity—and therefore the acceleration due to gravity—is
different for different heights above the surface of Earth. For this Illustration, the center of mass is equivalent to the center of
gravity. Only if the system is really large might the acceleration due to gravity be different at different parts of the system. This
would cause the center of gravity to differ from the center of mass.
Illustration authored by Aaron Titus and Mario Belloni.
Script by Aaron Titus.
mechanical energy) is not conserved. Energy stored in the individual elements of the system (presumably the green block's
potential energy) is turned into kinetic energy of both blocks and then is dissipated by friction.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Enter the range of initial velocity ...both balls moving ...the red ball stopping ...the red ball moving to the left and the
values for the red ball that to the right after the after colliding with the blue ball moving to the right after the
results in... collision. blue ball. collision.
mred = mblue
mred = 2 ∗ mblue
AFTER you have made your predictions, test them using the animation. Were you correct? If not, explain.
b. Now set the initial velocity of the blue mass to −20 cm/s, the initial velocity of the red mass to 5 cm/s, and the masses equal.
PREDICT the direction each ball will be traveling after impact. AFTER you have made your prediction, try it. Were you
correct? If not, explain.
c. Set the initial velocity of the blue mass to −10 cm/s and the red mass to half the mass of the blue ball. PREDICT the velocity
the red mass must have in order to completely stop the blue mass when they collide. Now try it. Were you correct? If not,
d. Set the initial velocity of the blue mass to −10 cm/s and the red mass to twice the mass of the blue ball. PREDICT the velocity
the red mass must have in order to completely stop the blue mass when they collide. Now try it. Were you correct? If not,
Exploration authored by Melissa Dancy.
0.5 kg < m1 < 2 kg, 0 m/s < v1 < 4 m/s, and − 4 m/s < v2 < 0 m/s
The bar graph gives an instantaneous reading of each cart's energy and the check box changes the collision type from perfectly
elastic to perfectly inelastic. Restart.
Answer the following questions for both the elastic and inelastic collisions.
a. Vary the mass and velocities. Is Δp = −Δp ?
1 2
A 1.5-kg box (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds) slides on ice for 1.5 seconds and then encounters a
rough surface. Restart
a. Find the momentum at the start of the animation.
b. Is the momentum of the box constant during the first 1.5 seconds?
c. Is the momentum of the box constant during the next three seconds?
d. Is momentum conserved during the first 1.5 seconds?
e. Is momentum conserved during the next three seconds?
A flower pot and a basketball collide with a table (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Each has exactly
the same mass. Restart.
a. Which object undergoes the greater change in momentum after colliding with the floor?
b. Which object undergoes the greater change in kinetic energy after colliding with the floor?
c. Is the force of the floor on the flower pot greater or less than the force of the floor on the basketball?
Two carts collide with a wall as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Assume
the two carts are identical. Restart.
a. Is kinetic energy constant for either collision?
b. Which cart, top or bottom, undergoes the greater change in kinetic energy due to colliding with the wall?
c. Is this the same cart that undergoes the greater change in momentum?
d. Explain how carts can change their momentum but not their kinetic energy.
Two carts on an air track collide as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). If the
mass of the red cart is 0.8 kg, what is the mass of the blue cart? Restart.
A large 2500-kg truck (blue) collides with a small car (brown) as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and
time is given in seconds). After the collision, the vehicles move at constant velocity. What is the mass of the small
car? Restart.
Two identical carts are shown colliding on a frictionless air track (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
Which animation(s), if any, correctly models the laws of classical physics? Restart.
Three identical carts, two of which are attached, are shown colliding on a frictionless air track (position is given in meters and
time is given in seconds). Which animation(s), if any, correctly models the laws of classical physics? Restart.
A spring that is attached to the end of a cart is compressed, and the cart is placed next to another cart on a low-friction track.
The spring is released such that the two carts are "pushed" apart as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and
time is given in seconds). The mass of the green cart is 1.35 kg, and the mass of the orange cart is 0.9 kg. Restart.
a. What is the magnitude of the momentum of the green cart after the collision?
b. What is the magnitude of the momentum of the orange cart after the collision?
c. What is the change in momentum of the system due to the release of the spring?
d. What is the change in kinetic energy of the system due to the release of the spring?
A collision occurs between two pucks on a frictionless surface (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Is
the collision elastic or inelastic? Note that the masses of the pucks are not necessarily the same. Restart.
The color-coded graphs show the velocities of the red and black balls, respectively (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). Would you define the collision shown as elastic, inelastic, totally inelastic, or explosive? Assume both balls
have the same mass. Restart.
Two carts undergo a perfectly inelastic collision (the carts stick together) as shown in the animation. Also shown is a velocity
vs. time graph for each cart. You can see the acceleration vs. time graph by clicking the check box (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). The two carts have equal speed before the collision. You may vary m from 0.5 kg to
2 kg . Restart.
a. For which values of m is the magnitude of the change in momentum, |Δp|, of the yellow cart greater than, less than, or
equal to the magnitude of the change in momentum, |Δp|, of the bluish cart? Why?
b. For which values of m is the magnitude of the change in acceleration, |Δa |, of the yellow cart greater than, less than,
1 max
or equal to the magnitude of the change in acceleration, |Δa |, of the bluish cart? Why?
Several two-dimensional collisions between two balls (the green ball is ball 1 and the blue ball is ball 2) are shown (position is
given in meters and time is given in seconds). Also shown is a protractor, which you can drag around (by the little circles on
its legs) to measure angles. Restart.
For each animation:
a. Determine the initial momentum of each ball
b. Determine the final momentum of each ball.
c. Calculate and compare the initial momentum to the final momentum for the two-ball system.
Four spheres are shown in the animation. A blue sphere is half as massive as a red one and a purple sphere is twice as massive
as a red one. Where should the purple one be placed in order for the center of gravity to be at the location of the black
dot (position is given in meters)? Restart.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A spring that is attached to the end of a cart is compressed, and the cart is placed next to another cart on a low-friction track.
The spring is released such that the two carts are "pushed" apart as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and
time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Find the ratio of the green mass to the red mass.
b. Find the position of the center of mass.
c. Find the distance from each mass to the center of mass at time t = 0 s .
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
reference frame that is moving with a constant velocity with respect to the surface of Earth. The observer also takes down time,
position, and velocity measurements as shown in the table and represented by t, x , and v respectively. Animation 1 shows
2 2
But in what direction does the observer move? Consider the following question first. What if the observer-in her frame of
reference-saw the ball as stationary? We would conclude that the observer was traveling at the same velocity as the ball as seen
from the reference frame of Earth. When we move in the direction of the motion of the ball, the ball's relative velocity decreases.
Thus, when we move in a direction opposite to the motion of the ball, the ball's relative velocity increases. Therefore the observer
is moving to the left, relative to the reference frame of Earth, at 1 m/s!
Change the velocity from zero to 2 m/s (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). How does the collision
change? The red ball is now initially stationary and the blue ball is moving to the left at 2 m/s. Note that, in the original collision
with v = 0 m/s , the red ball was initially moving to the right and the blue ball was initially stationary. In the new frame the
momentum of the two-ball system is different. However, the kinetic energy happens to be the same and energy and momentum are
Now try v = −2 m/s . Are energy and momentum still conserved? Even though the values of the kinetic energy and momentum
change, the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum still hold.
Now try v = 1 m/s . What is the new momentum for the two-ball system? This frame of reference is appropriately called the zero-
momentum frame. In this frame the momentum of the system is zero. This frame is also called the center-of-mass frame. The center
of mass is a coordinate that is a mass-weighted average of the positions of the objects that make up the system. In a two-object
system the center of mass is always somewhere in between the two objects. Since the center of mass is a mass-weighted average,
the center of mass will always be closer to the object that is more massive. In the case of this animation, where both balls have the
same mass, the center of mass is always at the midpoint between the two masses. This point does not move in the zero-momentum
frame, but does move in other frames.
following questions using at least two different inertial reference frames for each animation.
a. Does the total momentum depend on your choice of reference frame?
b. Does the change in momentum depend on the reference frame?
c. Is the total momentum conserved in different reference frames?
d. Find the mass and the ratio of the masses of the two balls. Does this result depend on the reference frame?
e. Is there a reference frame in which the total momentum is zero? If so, observe the change in velocity in this reference frame and
explain why analysis of the collision is particularly simple in this reference frame.
following questions using at least two different inertial reference frames for each animation.
a. Do the kinetic energies of the individual particles depend on your choice of reference frame?
b. Does the change in total kinetic energy due to the collision depend on the reference frame?
c. Is the total kinetic energy constant in different reference frames? (Be sure to answer for both animations.)
d. Find the mass and the ratio of masses of the two balls. Does this result depend on the reference frame?
e. What is special about the reference frame in which the total momentum is zero? Is the kinetic energy zero in this frame?
a. Before entering a nonzero value in the text box, predict which airplane will reach its destination first if the top (blue) airplane is
subject to a head/tail wind.
b. Once you have made your prediction, play the animation to see if you were right.
c. If you were incorrect, can you now see why you were incorrect? Explain.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Two objects approach each other as shown in the animation. Before they collide, what is the speed of the green object as
measured in the reference frame of the red object (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds)? Restart.
You are rowing a boat across a river (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). The river current flows from
left to right in the animation. Your goal is to reach your favorite mooring spot on the opposite river bank (shown in red). By
rowing, you control the (constant, vertical) velocity of the boat with respect to the water. Restart.
a. What is the (horizontal) velocity of the water with respect to the banks?
b. What is the magnitude of the velocity of the boat with respect to the banks?
c. What angle, θ , does the boat's velocity vector make with the lower bank?
Problem authored by Steve Mellema and Chuck Niederriter.
Two space aliens measure the position of an orange star from different space ships. Alien 1 records data as x and alien 2
records data as x (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). You are viewing the same star from an inertial
reference frame. Assume that you and the aliens have agreed to use the same distance and time units. You suspect that one of
your alien friends is in a noninertial reference frame. Restart.
a. Which alien is in an inertial reference frame and which alien is in a noninertial frame?
b. Find the Galilean transformation from your frame into the inertial reference frame.
Two physics coworkers measure the position of the object shown from different inertial reference frames (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). Coworker 1 records data as x and v and coworker 2 records data as x and v .
1 1 2 2
Assume both coworkers have agreed to use meters and seconds to measure distance and time. Restart.
a. What is the relative speed of coworker 1 with respect to coworker 2?
b. Find the Galilean transformation that transforms the measurements of coworker 1 into those of coworker 2.
Two physics coworkers measure the position of the object shown from different inertial reference frames (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). Coworker 1 records data as x and v and coworker 2 records data as x and v .
1 1 2 2
Assume both coworkers have agreed to use meters and seconds to measure distance and time. Restart.
a. What is the relative speed of coworker 1 with respect to coworker 2?
b. Find the Galilean transformation that transforms the measurements of coworker 1 into those of coworker 2.
Two carts start at rest on similar air tracks as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Restart. Write an equation for the x position of the green cart as seen from the orange cart.
Assume you are sitting on the shore of a lake and observe two boats (not shown to scale) drifting in the lake. Another student is
riding in one of the boats (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. For each of the animations, find the velocity of each boat as seen from the shore.
b. Determine the velocity of the red boat as seen by the student riding in the green boat for each of the animations. This is the
relative velocity between the two boats.
You can simulate running along the shore by typing a velocity, −15 m/s < v < 15 m/s , into the input field before you select
an animation.
c. Does changing the reference frame, i.e., running along the shore, change the relative velocities of the two boats? Try
reference frame velocities of +2 m/s and −2 m/s.
d. For each of the animations, what velocity should you enter so that the red boat appears stationary?
e. For each of the animations, what velocity should you enter so that the green boat appears stationary?
A physics student measures the position and velocity of the ball shown in the animation and reports the results to you in the
table shown. You are viewing the same experiment from another reference frame (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). Your values are shown next to the ball in the animation. Assume that your reference frame is an inertial
reference frame and that both you and the other student use the same units for time and distance. Restart.
Do the following for each of the animations:
a. Determine if the other student is in an inertial reference frame.
b. Determine the transformation that transforms the x and v data from your frame to her frame.
Two airplanes (not shown to scale) travel the same round-trip distance between two cities (time is given in hours). Both
airplanes have the same air speed, but one airplane (the top airplane with the blue wingtip) travels faster or slower relative to
the ground because it is subject to a headwind and a tailwind. A positive wind velocity means a tailwind on the outbound part of
the trip and a headwind on the inbound part of the trip. What is the ratio of the wind speed to the air speed for the top
airplane? Restart.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
2π radians = 360 . Notice that both units are defined in terms of one full revolution. To see the angle given in radians look
at Animation 4.
So why use radians? Well, it turns out that there is a really nice relationship between angle in radians (θ ), the radius (r), and the arc
of the circle (s ). This geometric relationship states that: θ = s/r . Why is this useful? It allows us to treat circular motion like one-
dimensional motion. The arc is the linear distance traveled, which is s = vt when the motion is uniform. This means that
θ = (v/r)t , since s = rθ . We call v/r by the name omega, ω, and it is the angular velocity. Therefore, θ = ωt , for motion with a
constant angular velocity. When there is a constant angular acceleration, we call it by the name alpha, α , and it is related to the
tangential acceleration by a /r. So when we are using radians we can use our one-dimensional kinematics formulas with x → θ ,
v → ω , and a → α .
that ω = 1.256 radians/s. Since the wheel is a disk, C = 2 . Therefore, we can calculate the moment of inertia as:
kg ⋅ m . Finally, we have that K E J and L = 3.14 × 10 J ⋅ s (into the page or computer screen).
−4 2 −4 −4
2.5 × 10 = 1.97 × 10
Note that these are small values because I for this disk is small. A 1-m radius and 2-kg mass disk would have a moment of inertia
of 1.0 kg ⋅ m .
for the motion of objects? This Exploration allows you to explore both terms in the equation: the initial angular position by
changing θ from 0 radians to 6.28 radians and the angular velocity term by changing ω from −15 rad/s to 15 rad/s. Restart.
0 0
Answer the following questions (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
a. How does changing the initial angular position affect the motion?
b. How does changing the initial angular velocity affect the motion?
it really mean for the motion of objects? This Exploration allows you to explore all three terms in the equation: the initial angular
position by changing θ from 0 radians to 6.28 radians, the angular velocity term by changing ω from −15 rad/s to 15 rad/s,
0 0
Answer the following questions (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
a. How does changing the initial angular position affect the motion of the object?
b. How does changing the initial angular velocity affect the motion of the object?
c. How does changing the angular acceleration affect the motion of the object?
d. Can you get the object to change direction?
f. What is the general form for the net torque on the pulley in terms of F , F , and r
1 2 ?
Set the mass of the pulley to 1 kg , F to 10 N, F to 5 N, and vary the radius of the pulley.
1 2
g. How does the angular acceleration of the pulley depend on the radius of the pulley?
Set the radius of the pulley to 2 m, F to 10 N, F to 5 N, and vary the mass of the pulley.
1 2
h. How does the angular acceleration of the pulley depend on the mass of the pulley?
i. Given that the pulley is a disk, find the general expression for the angular acceleration in terms of F , F , m
1 2 pulley , and r
pulley .
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
A child sits on a merry-go-round at the position marked by the red circle (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). What is her angular displacement in radians after 0.44 seconds? Restart.
A child sits on a merry-go-round at the position marked by the red circle (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. What is her average speed and instantaneous velocity?
b. What is her angular speed and angular velocity?
For the instantaneous velocity and angular velocity, you should give a value for the speed and a description of the velocity's
direction for any point in time.
A quarter and a penny are on a turntable as shown in the animation (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. Which coin has the greater angular speed?
b. What are their angular speeds?
A child sits on a merry-go-round at the position marked by the red circle (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). What is her angular acceleration? Restart.
A boy sits on a merry-go-round at the position marked by the red circle. A girl gives the merry-go-round a constant tangential
push for 0.2 seconds as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). What is the
magnitude of the tangential acceleration of the boy while the girl is pushing the merry-go-round? Restart.
A grinding wheel is rotating at constant speed when an object makes contact with the outer edge as shown in the
animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Friction causes the wheel to stop. What is the angular
acceleration of the wheel? Restart.
A turntable (a flat disk) of mass 5.0 kg is rotating at a constant speed when your finger makes contact with the outer edge, as
shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Friction between your finger and the
turntable causes the turntable to stop. What is the average torque on the turntable caused by the frictional force? Restart.
A car starts from rest and accelerates until it is halfway around a circular track. After that time it moves at constant
speed (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Which animation correctly shows the acceleration
vector? Restart.
The animation depicts an idealized drive train for a bicycle. A large green disk (i.e., a flat cylinder) is used to rotate a small
green disk of the same density and thickness via a massless chain that does not slip (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). What is the ratio of the kinetic energy of the green disk to the kinetic energy of the red disk (
green red)? Restart.
Exercise Two identical masses are hung over two different pulleys
Two identical black masses, m, are hung via massless strings over two pulleys of identical mass M and radius R , but different
mass distributions as shown in the animation (position is given in centimeters and time is given in seconds). The bearings in
the pulleys are frictionless, and the strings do not slip as they unwind from their pulleys. Restart.
a. Which mass has the greater acceleration?
b. Which pulley has the greater moment of inertia?
c. Which pulley has the greater tension acting on it?
d. Which pulley has the greater torque acting on it?
Answer the following in terms of a general formula for either pulley using the following variables:
a (the acceleration of the black mass), g, m, M , and R .
e. What is the tension in the string?
f. What is the torque acting on the pulley?
g. What is the moment of inertia of the pulley? Remember that we do not know the pulley's mass distribution.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus and Mario Belloni.
A 1.0-kg cart (not shown to scale) on a low-friction track is connected to a string and a 0.5-kg hanging object as shown in the
animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). The pulley has a uniform mass distribution in the shape
of a disk and therefore affects the motion of the system. Restart.
a. What is the acceleration of the system?
b. What is the tension in the string? (There are two regions of the string to consider.)
c. What is the mass of the pulley?
d. What is the moment of inertia of the pulley?
Note that the coordinates for each object (the positive x direction) are already chosen for you.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
Exercise Two masses are attached with a massless string over a pulley
Two masses, one on a table, M = 2.5 kg , and one hanging, m = 1.0 kg , are attached with a massless string over a pulley as
shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). The table is frictionless, the bearings in the
pulley are frictionless, and the string does not slip on the pulley. What is the moment of inertia of the pulley? You may use
either torque/force or energy methods. Restart.
A 2.5-kg rotating red disk is connected by a string over a pulley of mass m = 1 kg to a black hanging mass as shown in the
animation (position is given in centimeters, time is given in seconds, and velocity is given in centimeters/second). The post
the red disk sits on is massless and has frictionless bearings. The string is wrapped around the post and does not slip. The
bearings in the pulley are frictionless and the string does not slip. What is the black block's mass? You may use either
force/torque or energy methods. Restart.
Each animation shows an object rotated about a fixed axis through the center (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). Every object has the same mass, m = 2 kg . Every animation has a black dot in the center indicating the origin of the
coordinate system. You are to calculate the angular momentum about this point for each animation. Calculate and rank (from
greatest to least) the angular momentum (about the origin) of the objects in each animation. Restart.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
As the ball rolls down the incline, the gravitational potential gets transformed into kinetic energy, but how much of each? With
rolling without slipping, we found that there is a relationship between the linear velocity and the angular velocity: v = ωR . Given
this relationship we know that KE = (1/2)m v , while K E
= (1/2)I (v / R ) . But the moment of inertia always looks
2 2
potential energy gets transformed into the total kinetic energy, and what fraction goes into KE or KE is determined by the
trans rot
constant C . Specifically,
A ball of radius 1.0 m and a mass of 0.25 kg rolls down an incline, as shown (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). The incline makes an angle θ = 20 with the horizontal. Watch the graph of gravitational potential energy and rotational
Kepler's second law (see Chapter 12 on gravitation for more details) states, during equal time intervals, the radius vector from
the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas. What does this tell you about the angular momentum of the planets?
momentum is found with the RHR and is into the page (which is the negative z direction).
Now what happens to the angular momentum after the first collision? Given that only the black ball moves, we find that
|L| = mvr = I ω = 50 kg ⋅ m /s (again, into the page). The angular momentum is the same as before the collision. Given that
there are no external torques (The pendulum string does not create a torque. Why?), angular momentum is conserved.
What about after the second collision? Well, this is a bit harder. The radius vector r changes (before the first collision the radius
changed, but the part of the radius perpendicular to the momentum was constant). We must use a better definition of the magnitude
of r × p than rp sin θ. In general we get for the z component of the angular momentum: L = (x p − y p ) . At t = 16 seconds,
z y x
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
the graph of gravitational potential energy and rotational and translational kinetic energy vs. time or distance. Restart.
Change the angle and the mass of the ball to determine the answers to the following questions.
a. What percent of the initial gravitational potential energy is converted into translational kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill?
b. What percent of the initial gravitational potential energy is converted into rotational kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill?
c. What is the ratio of KE /KE
rot ? What does this number correspond to?
d. How does the ratio of KE /KE rot depend on the mass of the ball? On the angle of the incline?
e. How would the animation change if the ball were replaced by a disk of the same radius?
Exploration authored by Wolfgang Christian and Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Steve Mellema, Chuck Niederriter, and Mario Belloni.
A wheel rolls as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). What is the velocity (with
respect to the floor) of a point on the edge of the wheel when it is at the highest point? Restart.
A wheel rolls without slipping while being pulled by a string wrapped around its circumference, as shown in the
animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Which animation properly depicts the physical
situation? Restart.
Exercise Determine whether an object rolls without slipping or slides down an incline
A 1-kg object moves down the blue incline and onto the black table as shown in the animation (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Determine from the motion of the object whether it rolls without slipping or slides without rolling down the blue incline.
b. If the object rolls without slipping, determine if it is a disk, a hoop, or a sphere.
Exercise Determine whether an object rolls without slipping or slides down an incline
A 1-kg object moves down the blue incline and onto the black table as shown in the animation (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Determine from the motion of the object whether it rolls without slipping or slides without rolling down the blue incline.
b. If the object rolls without slipping, determine if it is a disk, a hoop, or a sphere.
A giant 2.5-kg green yo-yo, made of two solid green disks and a massless red hub, is shown (position is given in meters and
time is given in seconds). Determine the torque that the string exerts on the yo-yo. Restart.
Problem authored by William Junkin and modified by Mario Belloni.
A wheel rolls without slipping while being pulled by a massless string wrapped around its circumference. The string is also
attached to a 0.11-kg hanging mass via a massless pulley as shown (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). If the wheel closely resembles a uniform disk, what is the mass of the wheel? Hint: use energy. Restart.
Several objects are rotating as shown (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Every object, or collection of
objects, has the same mass, m = 2 kg . All mass distributions are uniform and all strings are massless. Every animation has a
black dot representing the origin of the coordinate system. You are to calculate the angular momentum about this point for each
animation. Calculate the angular momentum (about the origin) of the systems shown. Restart.
A red disk is dropped onto a rotating yellow disk that has a mass of 20 kg as shown in the animation (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). What is the mass of the red disk? Restart.
A puck sliding on an air table collides with another puck of equal mass that is attached to a string as shown in the
animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). What quantities are conserved? Restart.
Exercise A puck sliding on an air table collides with another puck
A 100-gram projectile is incident on a tethered mass on a tabletop (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
You are viewing the tabletop from above. Assume only conservative forces are acting. Determine the total angular momentum
before and after each collision as measured from the pivot point of the pendulum (which is also the origin of
coordinates). Restart.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
times more massive than the least massive planet, Pluto. Restart.
As you vary the mass ratio in the animation, the mass of the system changes such that the product of the masses, m ∗ m , remains
1 2
the same. Therefore as you change the mass ratio, the force will remain the same for the same separation between the masses.
The 1000:1 Mass animation closely resembles the Sun and Jupiter system (the distance is given in astronomical units [A.U.] and
the time is given in 108 seconds). The green circle is like the Sun, while the red circle is like Jupiter. The force of attraction due to
gravity is shown by the blue arrows (not shown to scale), and the relative kinetic energies are shown as a function of time on the
graph (note that for this animation the unit for the kinetic energy is not given since we are comparing the relative amount for each
object). Also note that the eccentricity of the orbit e = 0.048, the perihelion and aphelion distances, and the planet's period closely
match those of Jupiter.
In the 100:1 Mass animation does the "Sun" remain motionless? What about the 10:1 Mass animation? The 2:1 Mass animation?
The 1:1 Mass animation? What do you think this means for planetary dynamics in our solar system?
For elliptical orbits, the force due to gravity changes magnitude since the separation changes. But at every instant, the forces of
gravitational attraction (the force of the green circle due to the red circle and the force of the red circle due to the green circle) are
always the same. This is Newton's third law. It is not too surprising that the law of universal gravitation (described by Newton)
contains the third law (also described by Newton).
At the same time, what happens to the kinetic energy of the system as a function of time? It too changes. But why? As the
separation between the "Sun" and the "planet" changes, the gravitational potential energy of the system changes too. While the
kinetic energy of the system changes, the sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the system must—and does—
remain a constant throughout the motion of the objects.
years). This Illustration will compare the two motions by focusing on the velocity and the acceleration of the planet in each of the
Start the Uniform Circular Motion animation of the planet and watch its motion. How would you describe the motion of the planet
(consider velocity and acceleration)? The speed of the planet is certainly a constant since the motion of the planet is uniform. But
using our usual xy coordinates, the velocity certainly changes with time. Recall that the term velocity refers to both the magnitude
and direction. However, if we use the radial and tangential directions to describe the motion of the planet, the velocity can be
described as tangential, and the acceleration is directed along the radius (the negative of the radial direction). Click here to view the
velocity vector (blue) and a black line tangent to the path. Click here to view the acceleration vector (red), also. Notice that the
acceleration vector points toward the center star.
Start the Noncircular Motion animation of the planet and watch its motion. How would you describe the motion? How would you
now describe the motion of the planet (consider velocity and acceleration)? The speed of the planet is certainly no longer a
constant, as the motion of the planet is no longer uniform. Again using our usual xy coordinates, the velocity certainly changes
with time; now both the direction and the magnitude change. However, if we use the radial and tangential directions to the path of
the planet, the velocity can be described as tangential and the acceleration is directed along the radius. Click here to view the
velocity vector (blue) and click here to view the acceleration vector (red), also. Notice that the velocity and the acceleration are no
longer perpendicular for most of the orbit of the planet.
Notice that between points A and C the planet is speeding up, and between points C and A the planet is slowing down. This means
that at points A and C the tangential component of acceleration is zero. It turns out that for a planet orbiting a star, if there are no
other planets or stars nearby, the acceleration of the planet is directed exactly toward the star whether the motion of the planet is
uniform or not.
Illustration authored by Aaron Titus and Mario Belloni.
Kepler's second law states, During equal time intervals, the radius vector from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas. What
does this tell you about the angular momentum of the planets? What does this tell you about the motion of the planets?
Illustration authored by Fu-Kwun Hwang and Mario Belloni.
Applet authored by Fu-Kwun Hwang, National Taiwan Normal University.
where the planet is farthest from the star. The planet's orbit is elliptical, and its trail is shown as it orbits the star. Kepler's second
law states that the planets sweep out equal areas in their orbits in equal times. What does this mean for the planet's orbit? If the
planet had a circular orbit, the planet would undergo uniform circular motion and Kepler's second law is just a statement of equal
speed; it confirms the statement of uniform circular motion. For elliptical orbits, therefore, the planet's motion must not be
uniform. Restart.
Starting at t = 0 , run the animation for 3 years (not real time, animation time!). How much area has been swept out by the planet in
this time interval? There is 28.43 A.U. swept out. What about from 3 to 6 years? Again 28.431 A.U. is swept out. Does it
2 2
This Exploration shows 10 identical planets orbiting a star. The initial position of the planets can be set at t = 0 time units when
the planets are on the x axis. The difference in orbital trajectory, therefore, is due to the planets' initial velocities (in this animation
GM = 1000 ). Restart.
a. As you vary the initial positions of the planets, how do the orbital trajectories change?
b. Find a planet with circular motion. What is the period for this motion?
c. What happens to the orbit when x gets really small?
d. What happens to the orbit when x gets really large?
This part of the Exploration shows 10 identical planets orbiting a star. The initial velocity of the planets can be set at t =0 time
units when the planets are on the x axis.
e. As you vary the initial velocities of the planets, how do the orbital trajectories change?
f. Find a planet with circular motion. What is the period for this motion?
g. What happens to the orbit when v gets really small?
h. What happens to the orbit when v gets really large?
Exploration authored by Mario Belloni and modified by Emmy Belloni.
This Exploration shows a planet orbiting a star. The initial position in the x direction and the initial velocity in the y direction of
the planet can be set at t = 0 time units when the planet is on the x axis. The difference in orbital trajectory, therefore, is due to
the planet's initial position and velocity (in this animation GM = 1000 ). Restart.
a. As you vary the initial velocity of the planets, how do the orbital trajectories change?
b. What happens to the orbit when x gets really small (keep v = 10 )?
0 0y
d. What happens to the orbit when v0y gets really small (keep x = 5 )?
e. What happens to the orbit when v0y gets really large (keep x = 5 )?
k. As you increase v (x = 10 ), the orbit changes shape. What shape does it have just beyond the speed required for circular
0 0
l. As you increase v (x = 10 ) even further, you eventually reach a condition of "escape." Use energy considerations to predict
0 0
A 100-kg mass can be moved around (by click-dragging it) near an unknown mass as shown in the four animations (distance
is given in meters and force is given in newtons). The table shows how the force on the unknown mass changes due to the
position of the 100-kg mass. Restart.
a. Which animation is physical? Why?
b. For that animation, what is the mass of the unknown mass?
A planet orbits a star (yellow) as shown in the animation (position is given in R Earth Sun and time is given in Earth days).
Determine the mass of the star. Restart.
A planet has an initial velocity in the y direction that gives it a slightly elliptical orbit around a star as shown in the animation
(position is given in 10 km and time is given in years). Restart.
Exercise Could this animation of a planetary orbit depict a physical situation?
The animation purports to model a solar system. However, the planet shown is not in a circular or an elliptical orbit (position is
given in 10 km and time is given in years). Restart.
The animation purports to model a solar system. However, one of the planets does not obey all of Kepler's laws for this solar
system (position is given in 10 km and time is given in Earth years). Identify that planet. (The sun is yellow.) Restart.
A satellite orbits a planet as shown in the animation (position is given in 10 km and time is given in Earth days). If the
satellite's orbit above the planet were doubled, what would its speed have to be in order for it to stay in a circular orbit? Restart.
A rocket accelerates upward while a ball is fired into the opening in the rocket as shown in the animation (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). The rocket and the ball are far from any massive object. For an observer in the rocket,
what acceleration does the ball appear to have? Restart.
A very wealthy individual proposes to dig a hole through the center of Earth and run a train (the small black circle) from one
side of Earth to the other as shown in the animation (position is given in Earth radii and time is given in seconds). Which of
the animations correctly depicts the motion of the train? Ignore frictional effects and treat Earth as a uniform mass
distribution. Restart.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
second support from left to right to view the forces of the supports on the board. When the board is of a negligible mass, there are
three forces that act on the board: the weight of the box, and the forces of the supports. As you move support 2 around, what do you
notice? When the movable support is as far right as it can go, the force of the first support is zero and the force of the second
support cancels the force of the box. This seems logical, but why this force? An F = 10 N and an F = 9.6 N , would work too,
1 2
right? Well, yes and no. It would certainly make the sum of the forces on the board equal to zero, but what about the sum of the
torques? This sum would not be equal to zero no matter where you measured the torques from. Only an equal and opposite force
acting at the same position as the weight of the box will keep the board in equilibrium. As you move the second support to the left
note that both forces exerted by the supports get bigger, and that the force that the first support exerts is negative. We can
Note that adding a new system of blocks to the left end each time did not change the x coordinate of the center of mass;
however, it did cause the y coordinate to decrease since each system of blocks hung lower and lower. However, shifting the y
coordinate of the center of mass did not change the equilibrium status of the mobile.
The center of gravity for each brick is shown as a small blue dot. The current mouse position (relative to the top left edge of the
table) is shown in the upper part of the animation in the Text Field. If you press the "show c.g." button, the center of gravity for the
brick subsystems (top brick, top two bricks, top three bricks and all four bricks, respectively) will be shown as a small circle with
an arrow. The length of the arrow is proportional to the gravitational force for each balanced subsystem. In addition,
The left edge of each brick is in red
The position of the center of gravity is in black when "show c.g." is selected
A box of uniformly distributed mass sits in equilibrium on a ramp as shown in the animation (position is given in
meters). Restart.
a. Suppose you wish to increase the angle of the ramp. What is the maximum angle of the ramp so that the box does not tip?
b. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction between the box and ramp in order for the box to not slide when the ramp
is at the angle measured in part (a)?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A steel block sits on a board that is held by two strings. The strings are attached to a crossbar that is held by two ringstands on
a laboratory table. Assume that all objects have uniformly distributed mass, which means that the center of mass of each object
is at its geometric center. The masses are as follows: The block has a mass of 2.0 kg, the board has a mass of 0.50 kg, and the
crossbar has a mass of 1.0 kg (position is given in meters). Restart.
a. What is the tension in each string?
b. What is the force of each ringstand on the crossbar?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
Exercise Calculate the normal forces on the front and rear tires of a truck
The side view of a truck on a level road is shown in the animation. The mass of the truck is 1230 kg. Suppose the resultant
force of the road on the front set of tires is 4000 N, in the upward direction of course (position is given in meters). Restart.
a. What is the resultant force of the road on the rear set of tires?
b. What is the horizontal distance from the front axle to the center of mass of the truck?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A 10-kg box sits on a table as shown in the animation. A rope is attached to the box, and you pull the rope to the right with a
certain force. Assume that the coefficient of static friction is great enough so that the box doesn't slip first (position is given in
meters). Restart.
a. What minimum force will make the box tip?
b. What is the minimum value of the coefficient of static friction for the box NOT to slide before tipping?
c. If you would like to apply a greater force to the box, yet minimize the risk of tipping, what should you do?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
The rear wheel of a bicycle is in equilibrium as it rests against the corner of a curb as shown in the animation. For purposes of
this problem, neglect the force of the bicycle frame on the wheel. The wheel is not touching the ground, and its mass is
0.40 kg. Neglect the mass of the bicycle chain (position is given in meters). Restart.
a. Assuming that the top and bottom chain tensions are equal, what is the tension in the chain?
b. What is the magnitude and direction of the force of the curb on the wheel?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A string is attached between the end of a narrow uniform beam and the wall. Friction on the beam keeps the left side from
falling. The magnitude of the weight of the beam is w (position is given in meters). Restart.
a. What is the ratio of the tension in the string to the weight, T /w?
b. What is the magnitude and direction of the force of the wall on the beam?
c. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction required for the left end of the beam not to slip?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
Two uniform rods are hinged to a wall and screwed to each other as shown in the animation. The mass of the blue rod is 2.0 kg
and the mass of the black rod is 1.5 kg (position is given in meters). Restart.
a. What are the magnitude and direction of the force of the top hinge on the black rod?
b. What are the magnitude and direction of the force of the bottom hinge on the blue rod?
c. What are the magnitude and direction of the force on each rod due to the screw attaching the rods? Your answer should
include two forces, the force of the screw on the blue rod and the force of the screw on the black rod.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A seesaw, usually in equilibrium, is shown in the animation. A little girl named Melody sits on the seesaw and thereby applies
a force of 200 N to the seesaw as indicated by the red vector labeled F . The seesaw weighs 500 N (position is given in
meters). Restart.
a. Where should her dad sit on the seesaw in order to keep the system in equilibrium if he applies a bulky 900 N to the seesaw
when sitting on it?
b. What is the force of the axle on the seesaw, assuming that the only other force applied to the seesaw besides Melody and
her dad is the force of the axle?
c. When Melody's dad wants to practice a circus act by applying a 900 N force to the far right edge of the seesaw, Melody's
mom immediately rushes to her aid by applying a downward force on the seesaw to keep the system in equilibrium. If the
force of Mom on the seesaw has a magnitude of 750 N, at what location on the seesaw is it applied?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A long pendulum is made of a pendulum bob of mass 10.0 kg attached to a lightweight cable. By pushing horizontally on the
pendulum bob, you keep it in equilibrium. Note: The hand is not drawn to scale; it appears larger than its actual
dimensions (position is given in meters). Restart.
a. What is the force of your hand on the pendulum bob?
b. What is the force of the cable on the pendulum bob (i.e., tension)?
c. Suppose you wish to make it easier on yourself by applying the minimum force necessary to keep the pendulum bob in
equilibrium, while maintaining its position as shown in the animation. In this case, what are the magnitude and direction of
the minimum force of your hand on the pendulum bob, and what would then be the tension in the cable?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
An emergency lever (the red, sideways, L-shaped object) is designed to rotate clockwise about an axle in a hinge (the gray half
circle) as shown in the animation. Assume the lever is rigid, is made of uniform material, and has a mass of 0.20 kg. The axle
(the black circle) exerts a frictional force on the lever (position is given in meters). Restart.
Exercise Determine where the normal force acts on a box on a ramp
A wood block of uniformly distributed mass sits in equilibrium on a ramp as shown in the animation. Its mass is
0.20 kg (position is given in meters). Restart.
a. If you replace the "load" of the ramp on the bottom surface of the block with a single normal force acting at a certain
distance from the front edge of the block, what are the magnitude and direction of this force and at what location does the
force act?
b. What is the force of static friction on the block?
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
Four spheres are shown in the animation. A blue sphere is half as massive as a red one, and a purple sphere is twice as massive
as a red one. Where should the purple one be placed in order for the center of gravity to be at the location of the black
dot (position is given in meters)? Restart.
Problem authored by Aaron Titus.
A 2-kg box sits 0.3 m from the right end of a board of unknown weight. Two supports exert forces on the board (position is
given in meters). You can drag the second support from the left to the right to view how that force changes with its position.
The arrows represent the relative sizes of the force vectors for the movable support and the box, but their length does not
represent their actual magnitudes (the actual value of the forces, as well as the separation between the supports, is shown in
the table). The board is 6 m long and support 1 is 0.3 m in from the left edge. Determine the mass of the board. Restart.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
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11.2.1: Static Fluids
The study of fluids brings us to an application of Newton's Laws and Conservation of Energy that does not involve rigid bodies and
point particles. Instead of mass and force we use density and pressure, but the laws do not change. We simply apply them in a
different context. This chapter focuses on fluids that are static, i.e., stationary. The basic concepts allow us to understand pressure
variations in fluids and objects that float (or sink) in fluids.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
(the dimension you cannot see) is 1 m, what is the volume of water above the point you picked? What is the mass and thus the
weight of the water at that point? For example, consider a depth of 3 m. The pressure is 29, 400 N/m . The volume of water above
this point is a cylinder of volume 9.4 m . The mass of the water is the volume times the water's density, or 9, 400 kg, and therefore
(abbreviated Pa).
Strictly speaking, this is the gauge pressure, not the absolute pressure, because we assumed P = 0 at the top of the water column
when the pressure (due to the atmosphere) is actually around 1 × 10 Pa . The absolute pressure then would be the pressure at the
top due to the atmosphere added to the pressure due to the weight of the water. All of this comes together in the equation:
P = P0 + ρgy
where P is the pressure at the top, ρ is the density of the liquid, g is acceleration due to gravity and y is the depth of the liquid.
What will be the pressure at point A? Add a second pressure indicator to check.
Illustration authored by Anne J. Cox.
when it is floating. Assume the dimensions of the block are 1 m (and it is a cube). First, let's find the net force on the block when it
is floating by finding the pressure on the block.
Since pressure as a function of depth in a liquid is ρ gy (where ρ is the density of liquid, g is the acceleration due to gravity,
and y is the depth in the liquid), what is the pressure at the bottom of the block? It is P +ρ gy where y = 0.4 m. What is
atm liquid
the pressure at the top of the block? It is just P . Therefore, the liquid exerts a total force of ΔP A = ρ
atm gy A = 400 N ,
which must also be the block's weight if it is in equilibrium. Why do we neglect the force on the sides of the block due to water
The animation also shows the spillover of water into a second container (to the left). What is the volume of water in this second
container? Using the density of water, what is the weight of the water? Note that this is equal to the buoyant force because, if the
block were removed and the water in the spillover tray (to the left) were put back into the main water container, that water would
be supported, so the pressure difference supports that weight of water. This means that although the buoyant force is due to the
pressure difference at different depths, it is also equal to the weight of the water displaced by the object, as expressed in the
equation below:
If the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the object, the object floats. Change the density of the object by click-dragging the
mouse on the base of the red arrow in the top left-hand box and then let the animation run. Repeat the calculations to show that the
buoyant force is equal to the weight of the object.
What happens if the object is pushed into the water below where it would naturally float (away from equilibrium)? Try using the
mouse to drag the floating block farther down in the water. What type of motion do you observe, and why? Think about the forces
acting on the block.
Illustration authored by Anne J. Cox.
Applet authored by Fu-Kwun Hwang, National Taiwan Normal University.
a. What is the weight of the block and the tension in the string when the block is in the liquid? Therefore, what is the value of the
buoyant force? The buoyant force and the tension in the string (as the force on the support wire) act upward and the weight acts
b. What is the volume of the block in the liquid—either the submerged part of the block if the block is partially submerged when
you paused it or the entire block if it is completely submerged (the dimension of the block that is into the screen is 5 cm )?
c. What is the volume of the water that is displaced by the block (the dimension of both water containers into the screen is
10 cm )? Verify that this is equal to the answer in (b).
d. What is the mass of the liquid displaced? What is the weight of the liquid displaced? Check that this is equal to the buoyant
e. Pick two different masses and densities and verify that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the water displaced.
Exploration authored by Anne J. Cox.
Move the pressure indicator and measure the pressure at the bottom of the wooden block and at the top of the block.
a. If the block is a cube, what is the force on the block due to the water (buoyant force)?
b. What, then, is the weight of the block? What is the density of the block?
c. Another method: How much (what percentage) of the block is submerged? Check that the density of the block is that same
percentage of the density of water (1000 kg/m ).
Now consider what would happen if we put the block in an oil with a different density.
The animation shows a model of a hydraulic lift. The gray areas are circular lids on top of the yellow fluid inside the
lift (position is given in centimeters). Restart
a. What force is required on the left side to support the 40-kg mass?
b. If the mass is lifted up 1 cm, how far down does the fluid on the left need to be pushed?
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
A tube contains a column of mercury while the bottom container of mercury is open to the atmosphere to form a mercury
barometer (position is given in tenths of meters and pressure given in pascals). What is the atmospheric pressure? Restart.
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
Find the density of the object being immersed in the water bucket. The initial reading on the spring scale is 19 N . One full
revolution of the spring scale represents a change of 10 N. Restart.
Problem authored by Peter Sheldon and Mario Belloni.
How much more mass can this "boat" sitting in water hold and still float? The dimension of the "boat" into the screen is
8 cm (position is given in centimeters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
A block is lowered into a liquid as shown (position is given in centimeters, time is given in seconds, and force is given in
newtons). The dimension of both containers into the screen is 20 cm. The dimension of the block into the screen is 10 cm.
What is the density of the liquid? Restart.
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
Shown is a block of wood floating in a bucket of water. The bucket is placed in an elevator as shown in the animation (position
is in meters and time is in seconds). Restart.
a. Elevator in free fall: If the picture on the left represents the orientation of the wood when the elevator is stationary, which
animation correctly depicts the new orientation of the wood while the elevator is in free fall as shown (assume a broken
Animation 1a | Animation 2a | Animation 3a
b. Elevator rising: If the picture on the left represents the orientation of the wood when the elevator is stationary, which
animation correctly depicts the new orientation of the wood while the elevator is moving as shown?
Animation 1b | Animation 2b | Animation 3b
Problem authored by Mario Belloni and Anne J. Cox.
As the air inside a hot-air balloon is heated, the density of the air inside the balloon decreases and the balloon expands
(see Chapter 20 and the Kinetic Theory and Ideal Gas Law Illustrations for a detailed explanation). The animation shows a hot-
air balloon ascending with constant acceleration (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). If the balloon
fabric and basket have a combined mass of 300 kg, what is the density of the air inside the balloon? (Neglect the volume of the
basket). The density of the air outside the balloon is 1.3 kg/m . Restart.
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
An ice cube melts in a glass of water as shown in the animation (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
minutes). Which animation correctly shows what the final water level will be? Explain. Restart.
The animation is color coded as follows: Blue is water, red is oil, and brown is a wood block initially floating at the interface.
A pump, which starts at t = 1 s , removes the oil. Which animation is physical? (In other words, which animation obeys the
laws of physics?) Explain. Restart.
Problem authored by Peter Sheldon and Mario Belloni.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of the fluid, v is the speed of the fluid flow, and y is the height of the fluid (you can, of
course, pick any point to be y = 0 m ), we find a change in pressure as well. In this case, because the pipe is horizontal, y is the
same, so we simply use P + (1/2)ρv = constant , so as the speed increases, the pressure decreases. Note the pressure readings
The format of the pressure is written in shorthand. For example, atmospheric pressure, 5
1.01 × 10 Pa , is written as
1.01e + 005.
where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of the fluid, v is the speed of the fluid flow, and y is the vertical position from y = 0 m
(you can, of course, pick any point to be y = 0 m ---this is equivalent to picking any spot to be the zero of potential energy, but
once you have picked the y = 0 m spot you must be consistent).
Consider point 1 to be the top of the fluid and point 2 to be the point where the fluid leaves the hole. Given this assignment, we can
easily see that P = P = P
1 2 . At the top of the reservoir the water is essentially stationary, so v1 = 0 m/s there. This means that
where Δh is the height of the water above the hole (not the height of the opening, although the two are related).
Illustration authored by Anne J. Cox and Mario Belloni.
The format of the pressure is written in shorthand. For example, atmospheric pressure, 5
1.01 × 10 Pa , is written as
1.01e + 005.
First, find the speed of the air above (once above the wing, the air speed is constant) and below the wing. We can find the average
speed easily as the displacement over the time interval, and we find that v = 950 cm/s = 9.5 m/s
below and
vabove = 990 cm/s = 9.9 m/s .
Now we can calculate the pressure difference using our results for the air speed and the density of air, ρ = 1.3 kg/m . We find that
in this case ΔP = 5 Pa . If the surface area of the wing is 0.1 m , what is the net force (lift) on this wing? Since P = F /A , we
find that the net force will be the pressure difference times the area or 0.5 N.
The reason an air flow pattern develops that yields different speeds on the top and the bottom is that the air flowing around the
wing moves into nonideal fluid flow. Initially, since the air on top has farther to travel, the air on the bottom of the wing gets to the
back of the wing and moves up to "fill" this space, but this instability causes a turbulent wake that eventually allows a new, more
stable, air-flow pattern such as the one shown, where air-particles that travel across the top go faster. For a greater difference in
pressure, the wing is tilted up (the angle of tilt is called the angle of attack), and this increases the lift.
The format of the time is written in shorthand. For example, a time of 6.00 × 10 −3
s , is written as 6.00e − 003.
Exploration authored by Anne J. Cox and Chuck Niederriter. Script authored by Chuck Niederriter and Anne J. Cox.
The format of the pressure is written in shorthand. For example, atmospheric pressure, 5
1.01 × 10 Pa , is written as
1.01e + 005.
The relationship between the speed and dimensions of the water going in compared with the water leaving is governed by the
continuity equation (what flows in must flow out unless there is a leak in the pipes!): Av = constant, where A is the cross-sectional
area and v is the speed of the liquid. Assume the pipes are cylindrical.
a. What is the volume of both blue regions (should be the same)?
b. What is the speed of the water in the left pipe?
c. What is the cross-sectional area of the left pipe?
m. Calculate the difference in potential energy of the center of mass of the dark blue regions. Does the net work equal the
difference in kinetic energy plus the difference in potential energy?
This is all described by Bernoulli's equation.
n. Show that the net work is equal to (P − Pleft )Avt .
and y is the height of the fluid (you can, of course, pick any point to be y = 0 m ). Restart.
The amount of water leaking out is small during the animation. So the height effectively stays constant during the time this
animation is running (to a good approximation).
a. Use Bernoulli's equation to find the pressure at the bottom of the reservoir. Pick a height of water in the reservoir. The pressure
above the water is atmospheric pressure (1.0 × 10 Pa ). What is the pressure of the water at the bottom of the reservoir? (Note
Blood flows in an artery with a partial blockage as shown in the animation (position is given in centimeters and time is given
in seconds). Assume the blood can be treated as an ideal fluid. A blood platelet is shown moving through the artery. Which of
the animations properly represents the motion of the platelet as it moves through and past the blockage? Explain. Restart.
Assume an ideal fluid (position is given in meters and pressure is given in pascals). The dark brown in the animation
represents a section of liquid as it flows into a region marked by the horizontal line and the corresponding water that must
move out of the region in the top right. What is the density of the liquid? Restart.
The format of the pressure is written in shorthand. For example, atmospheric pressure, 5
1.01 × 10 Pa , is written as
1.01e + 005.
A wooden tank of water whose top is open to the atmosphere is shown (position is given in meters). Assume an ideal fluid.
What is the water level in the tank? Restart.
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
A tank of water is under pressure. What is the pressure at the top of the tank? Assume an ideal fluid (position is given in
meters). Restart.
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
What is the density of the fluid in this reservoir? Assume an ideal fluid (position is given in meters and pressure is given in
pascals). Restart.
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
Assume an ideal fluid (position is given in meters and pressure is given in pascals). The dark blue in the animation is a
section of water (density 1000 kg/m ) as it flows through the pipes (assume they are cylindrical; that is, the vertical distances
in the animation correspond to the diameter of the circular cross section). The pressure indicator can slide along the center of
the pipes. Restart.
a. What will the length of the dark blue region be in the narrowest tube?
b. How fast will it go in the narrowest tube?
c. What is the pressure in that tube?
The format of the pressure is written in shorthand. For example, atmospheric pressure, 5
1.01 × 10 Pa , is written as
1.01e + 005.
Exercise Identify the correct animation for liquid flowing through pipes
Which of the animations, if any, depicts a possible physical situation for ideal fluid flow? Explain what is wrong with the
animations that are not physically possible. Assume an ideal fluid in each case (position is given in tenths of meters). The
vertical tubes are open to the atmosphere. Assume all tubes are cylindrical. Restart.
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
The animation shows an overhead view of two boats loosely moored to the banks of a river (position is given in
meters). Restart.
a. Explain why the boats move together as seen in the animation.
b. If instead of a left-to-right flow of the river, the river water flowed from right to left, how would the animation change?
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
What is the gauge pressure of the pump of this water fountain in order for it to pump the water as shown? Treat the water as an
ideal fluid. Assume the exit of the pump is where the water leaves the fountain (position is given in centimeters). The density
of water is 1000 kg/m . Restart.
Problem authored by Anne J. Cox.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
1 3/24/2022
11.3.1: Periodic Motion
Any motion that repeats (think of a position vs. time graph), no matter how complex, is called periodic. This type of motion is
important to study since many natural systems are periodic.
When the cause of motion is a linear restoring force, the periodic motion is particularly simple and is called simple harmonic
motion. This motion has the remarkable property that the period of oscillation is independent of the amplitude of the motion.
Complicated periodic motion is rather remarkable as well, but for a different reason. Complicated periodic motion can always be
described in terms of a sum of sines and/or cosines. This is Fourier's theorem.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
v = −ωR cos(ωt) and that both are functions of time. Watch the animation to convince yourself that this decomposition is correct
as a function of time. If we know a bit of calculus, we can take the derivative of the position with respect to time. We again get that
v = −ωR sin(ωt) and v = ωR cos(ωt) .
y x
We also know that the acceleration is a constant, v /R, and points toward the center of the circle. We can again decompose this
acceleration as a = −ω R cos(ωt) and a = −ω R sin(ωt) . Again, if we know a bit of calculus, we can take the derivative of
the velocity with respect to time. We again find that a = −ω R cos(ωt) and a = −ω R sin(ωt) . Note that since this is simple
harmonic motion there must be a relationship between the position and the force. Since force must be a linear restoring force and,
since force is also mass times acceleration, we must have that ma = −kx or that a(t) = −(k/m) and a(t) = −ω x(t) , which is 2
the case if we compare our functions for y(t) and x(t) to a (t) and a (t).
y x
For simple harmonic motion we change two things, R → A where A is called the amplitude, and we only consider one direction,
in this example the y direction. This yields: y = A cos(ωt) , v = −ωA sin(ωt) , and a = −ω A cos(ωt) . Simple harmonic motion
requires a linear restoring force, an equilibrium position, and a displacement from equilibrium.
which at first glance does not look at all like simple harmonic motion. But what happens when the angle θ is small? Well,
sin(θ) ≈ θ for small enough θ ; therefore, F = −mgθ .
tan small angles
Drag the pendulum bob to a large angle and see how the two tangential forces (any angle vs. small angle) deviate at large angles.
The motion of the pendulum is shown according to the actual force, F = −mg sin(θ) , and not the small angle approximation,
Fnet= −mgθ , although both are shown on the graph. Therefore the period of the pendulum is the actual period. When you get a
good-looking graph, right-click on it to clone the graph and resize it for a better view.
where the proportionality factor between F and −x is now mg/L. For small enough angles (when sin(θ) ≈ θ ) we have simple
harmonic motion.
Now consider both the motion of a pendulum and the motion of a mass attached to a spring by looking at Animation 2. In this
animation the pendulum is the same as Animation 1 (the net force on the bob is shown as a green arrow), the spring has a spring
constant of 1.30666 N/m, and the mass of the red ball attached to the spring is 2 kg (the net force on the red ball is represented by
the blue arrow). It may seem strange that we have chosen such an oddly precise value for the spring constant. Drag the pendulum to
about 0.15 radians and drag the mass on the spring to some initial amplitude (it does not matter what this value is, but for
simplicity chose 2.3 m) and play the animation. What do you notice about the graph? Do you see why the spring constant was
carefully chosen? These values were chosen to tune the motion of the two systems to be the same:
0.5 0.5 0.5
ωmass-spring = (k/m ) = ωpendulum = (keffective /m ) = (g/L)
Now reset this animation and drag the pendulum bob to 0.75 radians and the mass on the spring to 10.3 m and play the animation.
What happens now? By looking at Animation 1 can you say why this is? Notice as time goes on, that the two motions now deviate
from each other. Large-amplitude pendulum motion is no longer simple harmonic motion.
Illustration authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
in meters, angle is given in radians, and time is given in seconds). Restart. These values tune the motion of the two systems to
be the same:
0.5 0.5 0.5
ωmass-spring = (k/m ) = ωpendulum = (keffective /m ) = (g/L)
In the following animations we will show graphs of the kinetic and potential energy of the mass-spring system but will not show
the kinetic and potential energy of the pendulum. However, the kinetic and potential energy of the pendulum will look the same
with exactly half the kinetic and potential energy (and therefore half the total energy) of the mass-spring system. Why half? For the
mass-spring system, kinetic energy is (1/2mv ) and the potential energy is (1/2kx ), and for the pendulum the kinetic energy of
2 2
of the pendulum bob, the mass-spring system will always have twice as much kinetic energy as the pendulum bob. Since the spring
constant for the mass-spring system is twice the effective spring constant for the pendulum (
k =m
effective pendulum g/L = 0.6533 N/m ), the mass-spring system will always have twice as much potential energy as the
pendulum bob.
When you get a good-looking graph, right-click on it to clone the graph and resize it for a better view.
Consider Animation 1, which shows the graph of kinetic and potential energy vs. position. What can you say about the total energy
of the system? It is a constant and about 1.89 J. The energy starts out all potential and at the equilibrium position the energy is all
kinetic. At maximum compression the energy is all potential again. Given that the total energy is kinetic plus potential, we have
2 2 2 2
E = 0.5m v + 0.5kx = 0.5kxmax = 0.5m vmax
Now consider Animation 2, which shows the graph of kinetic and potential energy vs. time. Notice how the two graphs are
different in their functional form.
The graphs in Animation 1 have the form of 0.5kx (the potential energy) and the form of A − 0.5kx (the kinetic energy), where
2 2
A is a constant, the total energy. In this animation the total kinetic energy is 1.89 J. The form of the kinetic energy can be
understood from the energy function shown above. The potential energy is 0.5kx , which is proportional to x . The kinetic energy
2 2
can be written in terms of the total energy and the potential energy as E − 0.5kx . 2
trigonometric functions are a function of time. Why? We know from simple harmonic motion that if the object is initially displaced
from equilibrium with no initial velocity that
Given the form of the kinetic energy and the potential energy, we have that
2 2 2 2
KE(t) = 0.5kx sin (ωt) and P E(t) = 0.5kx cos (ωt)
0 0
where we used ω 2
= k/m to simplify the kinetic energy. Therefore the total energy will always add up to 0.5kx 2
= 1.89 J.
Illustration authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
First, what is the natural frequency of oscillation of the mass? Look at the animation with no additional forces or damping. Drag the
ball to 3 m and let go. Pause the animation and measure the period (about 4.45 seconds from peak to peak). The frequency is one
over this, or 0.225 Hz. The angular frequency is 2πf or 1.41 rad/sec. Since the angular frequency squared (here 2) is equal to the
ratio of k/m, we know that k = 2 N/m .
What happens to the motion of the mass when a driving force is turned on? Try it and find out. Vary the angular frequency of the
driving force. What happens when the angular frequency of the oscillation is close to or far from that of the driving force? How
sensitive is the motion to this parameter? When the natural and driving frequencies are the same, it is called resonance.
There are three types of damped motion you should also investigate:
Under Damped: the damping is so small there are many oscillations before motion is stopped.
Over Damped: the damping is rather large; the motion takes a long time to get back to equilibrium.
Critically Damped: a special case in which the time to get back to equilibrium is minimized.
where in this animation L = 1 . A is the result of an integral that represents the overlap between the original function and a
particular Fourier component (one term in the Fourier series represented by the integer n ). In order to get this to exactly work out,
there must be a 2/L (in our case just a factor of 2 since L = 1 here) included in the integral. Verify that this is necessary by
predicting A for the function sin(3 ∗ 2 ∗ pi ∗ x) and then use the animation as a check.
Remember to use the proper syntax, such as −10 + 0.5 ∗ t , −10 + 0.5 ∗ t ∗ t , and −10 + 0.5 ∗ t ∧ 2 . Revisit Exploration 1.3.3 to
refresh your memory.
Try various odd functions to see the result of the integral, A . Consider the following functions (you may copy and paste them in
the Sawtooth Wave in Illustration 5 the Square Wave in Illustration 5
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
You can change these default values as you see fit. Remember to use the proper syntax such as −10 + 0.5 ∗ t ,
−10 + 0.5 ∗ t ∗ t , and −10 + 0.5 ∗ t ∧ 2 . Revisit Exploration 1.3 to refresh your memory.
The spring can be stretched by click-dragging the blue ball as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). Once you have dragged the blue ball into position, click the "play" button to show the motion of the blue
ball. Restart.
a. Over what range of compression and stretching is Hooke's law valid?
b. Find the elastic limit of the spring.
c. Determine the spring constant of the spring.
d. Determine the mass of the blue ball.
e. Over what range of compression and stretching is the motion of the spring simple harmonic?
A ball on an air track is attached to a compressed spring as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). Restart.
a. Determine which graph properly shows the position of the ball as a function of time.
b. Determine the frequency and period of the motion.
c. Write down the equation for x(t).
d. If the mass of the ball is 2 kg , what is the spring constant?
A 1-kg ball on an air track is attached to a compressed spring as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time
is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Determine which graph properly shows the velocity of the ball in the x direction as a function of time.
b. Write down the equation for v (t) .
A ball on an air track is attached to a compressed spring as shown in the animations (position is given in meters and time is
given in seconds). Restart. Each of the five graphs CORRECTLY shows a different property of the motion of the ball.
Determine whether the red ball undergoes simple harmonic motion, and state which graph(s) tell you this.
A 500-gram red ball on an air track is attached to a compressed spring (at x = 0 m the spring is unstretched) as shown in the
animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Determine the spring constant of the spring (assume
v = 0 m/s at the beginning and end of the animation). Restart.
A 200-gram mass is vibrating at the end of a spring as shown (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. What is the spring constant?
b. What is the total mechanical energy of the system?
c. What is the maximum velocity of the ball?
The animation shows the analogy between circular motion (coin on a turntable) and simple harmonic motion (hanging mass on
a spring). Restart. Given the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds), which graph properly
denotes position vs. time for a horizontal spring synchronized with the turntable?
The animation shows the analogy between circular motion (coin on turntable) and simple harmonic motion (hanging mass on a
spring). Given the above animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds), what is the maximum speed of
the hanging mass? Restart.
A ball on a string oscillates as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. Determine which graph properly shows the position of the ball in the x direction as a function of time.
b. Determine which graph properly shows the velocity of the ball in the x direction as a function of time.
c. Determine which graph properly shows the acceleration of the ball in the x direction as a function of time.
Take data from the graph and answer the following:
d. Write down the equation for x(t).
e. Write down the equation for v(t) .
f. Write down the equation for a(t) .
g. Write down the equation for v(x).
A pendulum is allowed to oscillate in an accelerating elevator as shown in the animation (position is given in meters and time
is given in seconds). Determine the effective acceleration due to gravity by analyzing the motion. Restart.
A very wealthy individual proposes to dig a hole through the center of Earth and run a train (the small black circle) from one
side of Earth to the other, as shown in the animation (position is given in Earth radii and time is given in seconds). Which of
the animations correctly depicts the motion of the train? Ignore frictional effects and treat Earth as a uniform mass
distribution. Restart.
Two identical cubes (l = 10 cm ) are floating in water (ρ = 1000 kg/m ). The one on the left is in equilibrium. The one on the
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
However, we are looking at the wave at t =0 and we cannot determine the wave speed or frequency (where v = λf = ω/k ), so
we just have:
Which slider changes which quality of the wave? Well, there are three sliders and three parameters in the wave function. Try each
slider and see what happens. Slider A controls the phase shift, ϕ , since it shifts the function to the left or right. Slider B controls the
wavelength of the wave and therefore the wave number k , since k = 2π/λ. Clearly Slider C controls the amplitude, A , of the wave
If what was discussed above has made sense, you should be able to identify the wave parameters (find the value of the phase shift,
wavelength and amplitude) using the sliders for this wave function (shown in red).
Illustration authored by Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
the case of this animation, f (x, t) and g(x, t). Their superposition, arithmetic sum, is written as f (x, t) + g(x, t) .
where in the animation L = 28 cm (see Illustration 16.5 and Illustration 16.6 for more details on the periodic case).
When you get a good-looking graph, right-click on it to clone the graph and resize it for a better view.
Illustration authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
superposition. Notice that there is an overall wave pattern that modulates a finer-detailed wave pattern. The overall wave pattern is
defined by the propagation of a wave envelope with what is called the group velocity. The wave envelope has a wave inside it that
has a much shorter wavelength that propagates at what is called the phase velocity. For these values (of k and ω), the phase and
group velocities are the same.
Now consider k = 8 rad/m and ω = 8.4 rad/s. What happens to the wave envelope now? It does not move! This is reflected in
1 1
the calculation of the group velocity. The finer-detailed wave has a phase velocity of 1.02 m/s. Now consider k = 8 rad/m and
ω = 8.2 rad/s . The group velocity is now about half that of the phase velocity (certain water waves have this property). Now
consider k = 8 rad/m and ω = 7.6 rad/s. The group velocity is now about twice that of the phase velocity.
1 1
For a superposition of two waves the group velocity is defined as v = Δω/Δk and the phase velocity as v
group phase = ωavg / kavg .
In general, the group velocity is defined as v = ∂ω/∂k and the phase velocity as v
group = ω/k . phase
So what velocity do we want? The physical velocity is that of the wave envelope, the group velocity. For waves on strings we got
lucky: the phase and group velocities are the same (these are harmonic waves).
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
intervals for each animation (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
When you have completed the exercise, check your answers with the animations below.
c. Determine the amplitude, wavelength, and wave speed of the wave, g(x, t), that will make f + g a standing wave.
Find the frequency of the wave shown in the animation (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
Find the velocity of the wave shown in the animation (position is given in centimeters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
The animation shows disturbances on two identical strings (position is given in centimeters and time is given in seconds).
What is the tension in the second string if the tension in the first string is 500 N? Restart.
The animation shows disturbances on two identical strings (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
At t = 2.5 seconds, which of the following, if any, statement(s) is (are) true regarding the superposition of the two waves?
a. Their sum adds up to zero.
b. Their sum adds up to twice that of the original waves.
c. Their sum is as if only one of the original waves is there.
d. Their sum has a large peak, a depression, and then another large peak.
The animation shows disturbances on two identical strings (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
At t = 2.0 s , which of the following, if any, statement(s) is (are) true regarding the superposition of the two waves?
a. Their sum adds up to zero.
b. Their sum adds up to twice that of the original waves.
c. Their sum is as if only one of the original waves is there.
d. Their sum has a large peak, a depression, and then another large peak.
The animation shows how two waves can add together to produce a standing wave on a string (position is given in
centimeters and time is given in seconds). The third panel represents the string. The waves in the first two panels have been
superimposed to produce the wave in the third panel. Restart.
Which of the following, if any, statement(s) is(are) true?
a. Waves never pass through the point x = 0 cm on the string since this point never moves.
b. The string is perfectly straight when the maxima in the first two panels overlap.
c. There is an instant in time when the string does not move.
d. The string is moving fastest when the maxima in the first two panels overlap.
The animation shows a standing wave on a string (position is given in centimeters and time is given in seconds). With what
speed do waves propagate on this string? Restart.
The animation shows a standing wave on a string (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). If the tension in
the string is 4 N, determine the mass of the string. Restart.
Shown in black is a wave (position is given in meters). Three sliders are given that change certain properties of the
wave. Restart.
a. Which slider changes which property of the wave?
b. Use the sliders to identify the wave parameters for this wave function (shown in red).
Problem authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
1. Measure the frequency, wavelength, and period of the wave (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
2. Verify that the speed of the wave crest is wavelength times frequency.
3. Write down a formula for the wave as a function of both distance and time. That is, write a formula for y(x, t).
The animation shows a standing wave on a string (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds). Restart.
a. What is the speed of waves traveling on this string?
b. Assume you are standing at the point x = 2 m . Sketch the height of the wave at this point as a function of time.
c. Write an equation for the height of the wave as a function of time at the points x = 0 m and x = 2 m .
d. Write down a formula for the wave as a function of both distance and time. That is, write a formula for y(x, t).
Two traveling waves (the top two panels) are depicted on a string (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
They are traveling in opposite directions and add to a standing wave as depicted in the bottom panel. Restart.
a. What are the wavelength, frequency, and velocity of the initial two waves?
b. What are the wavelength, frequency, and velocity of the resulting standing wave?
Shown in black is a traveling wave (position is given in centimeters and time is given in seconds). Measure the relevant
properties of this wave and determine the wave function of the wave. Restart.
The animation shows a portion of a standing wave on a taut string (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. What is the speed of a wave traveling to the right on this string?
The animation shows a portion of a standing wave on a taut string (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. Measure the frequency, wavelength, and period of the wave in the animation.
b. Write a formula for the position as a function of time for a small section of string located at x = 0 cm and a formula for
x = 2 cm .
c. Write a formula for the velocity as a function of time for a small section of string located at x = 0 cm and a formula for
x = 2 cm .
d. Sketch the velocity of the string as a function of x at t = 0 cm . That is, show how each small section of string is moving at
t = 0 s .
The animation marks sections of a taut string with small circles. You can change the number of small circles (the wave
markers) by dragging the slider. Consider a traveling sinusoidal wave on this string. Restart
a. Describe the motion of a small section of this string. Does a section of string ever move to the right or left?
b. Write an equation, f (t), that describes the motion of a small section of the string shown.
c. Compare the motion of two different small sections of string. What is the same and what is different?
d. If the wave function is not shown, how many markers are needed to clearly discern the sinusoidal nature of the wave
function? What mistake are you likely to make if you use too few markers?
e. Write an equation, f (x, t), that describes this wave.
a. Sketch the displacement of each wave at the point x = 0 cm as a function of time (position is given in centimeters and
time is given in seconds).
b. How do your sketches change if you measure the waves at x = 2 cm ?
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.
Topic hierarchy Illustrations Explorations Problems Supplements
is in terms of the pressure wave that travels to the right. The pressure wave fluctuates ever so slightly about atmospheric pressure.
Illustration authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
looks like the original waves but with twice the amplitude. But the resulting wave is more interesting when the frequencies (and
therefore the wavelengths) do not quite match. Consider the resulting wave when the green wave's frequency is 120 Hz. If you
were at x = 20 m, you would hear the sound wave getting louder and softer, louder and softer with time. When you hear this
pattern, you are hearing beats. The time in between the loud sounds (or conversely the soft sounds) can be measured and is 0.05
seconds. This corresponds to a beat frequency of 20 Hz. This is precisely the difference in the frequencies! What happens when the
green wave's frequency is now 80 Hz? We get the same period and therefore the same beat frequency of 20 Hz. Therefore we find
that the beat frequency is f = |f − f | .
beat 1 2
moving toward/away from the source, and consequently sees a change in frequency.
For the case in which the source is moving, shown in Animation 3, the frequency (time in between wave fronts) and wavelength
change. The wave fronts are emitted much closer together/farther apart (λ = vT − / + v T = [v − / + v ]/f ) as the source is
moving toward/away from us. Animation 4 represents the sound wave of a source moving according to a linear restoring force
(simple harmonic motion).
We may write both these cases together, with v as the velocity of the source and v as the velocity of the observer or detector, as
f = f [v ± vD ]/[v − / + vS ]
Hence when the source is stationary and the observer/detector is moving f = f [v ± v ]/v , and when the detector/observer is
stationary and the source is moving f = f v/[v − / + v ] . Here the upper signs indicate a velocity towards and the lower signs
You can drag the ear across the screen to change its location.
The program draws sound wave paths to the listener.
The animation pauses when the sonic boom arrives at the listener; the animation can be resumed by clicking the right mouse
The color of the paths of the sound waves changes to blue when those sound waves reach the listener. The order in which the
sound from different paths arrives at the listener is shown as numbers located at the point that the sound was produced.
Press "reset" for default values.
to move from A to D is AD/v, and the time it takes sound to travel from D to C is DC /v . S
Now, how does the time interval AC /v compare to the time interval AD/v + DC /v ? In other words, which event happens
ADC is longer than the path AC . The best you can do is when the time interval for AD is the smallest it can be, which is when
v = v . In this case comparing the two time intervals is equivalent to comparing the two paths. Clearly, ADC > AC . When
v << v , the situation is worse and the time interval for the path ADC is even longer. Therefore, you would hear the sound from
the airplane when it was at A before you heard it from when it was at point D.
Now consider what you will hear if a supersonic airplane flies over you (v > v ) . Again, what you hear is dependent on whether
AD/v + DC /v S is greater than, less than, or the same as AC /v . If v is large enough, the extra path difference, AD, accounts for
a smaller and smaller time interval, and since DC < AC we may hear the sound emitted at D before hearing the sound emitted at
A . Try it in the applet above. Set v and move the ear around. Notice when you "hear" the sounds from the airplane by looking at
2 0.500 0.500
4 0.250 0.250
6 0.166 0.166
8 0.125 0.125
10 0.100 0.100
c. What wave patterns develop from these values?
d. Can you write down a mathematical formula describing each case? (Hint: it is a sum.)
Exploration authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
H Clarinet Trumpet
1 0.91 0.53
2 0.51 1
3 0.71 0.94
4 0.86 0.95
5 1 0.66
6 0.71 0.58
7 0.54
8 0.2
9 0.18
Do the resulting tones sound like the clarinet and trumpet? Well, sort of. You should be able to hear some similarities to the
instruments they are supposed to represent, and you should be able to tell that the sounds are different, but it does not exactly sound
like the real thing.
f. Can you think of some reasons why the sound you produced is not exactly like the real thing?
Exploration authored by Melissa Dancy.
Script authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
microphone, as a function of time, from each speaker and also shows the sum of the two waves. Change the frequency of either
sound source (25 Hz < f , f < 30 Hz) , and watch the changing interference between the two sound waves.
1 2 Study the
phenomenon of beats and verify that the beat frequency is correct. Restart.
a. What happens as the two frequencies get closer together?
b. What happens as the two frequencies get farther apart?
c. Does it matter which speaker has the higher frequency?
d. What happens if the two frequencies are identical?
Remember that it is the difference between the two sound frequencies that determines the beat frequency.
Exploration authored by Steve Mellema and Chuck Niederriter.
Script authored by Steve Mellema and Chuck Niederriter.
b. For v >v
source (slider values > 1 ) how does the V-shaped shock wave vary according to v
sound source ?
The animation is a slow-motion representation of a cross section of a sound wave propagating in Lucite. A detector, the orange
square, is placed in the pipe and properly measures the pressure (position is given in meters and time is given in seconds).
What is the speed of the sound wave? Note: The animation runs for 0.1 s. Press "reset" to reload the animation. Restart.
Exercise The animation represents a sound wave propagating in a very long pipe
The animation represents a cross section of a sound wave propagating in a very long pipe. Restart. A detector, the orange
square, is placed in the pipe and properly measures the pressure (position is given in meters and time is given in
milliseconds). Which of the graphs properly represents the displacement of the air molecules in the pipe?
Why are there no dead spots in the sound distribution (position is given in centimeters and time is given in seconds) when
either the left or the right source is transmitting, but there are multiple dead spots when both sources are transmitting?
The animation shows a standing wave on a string (position is given in centimeters and time is given in seconds). If this
string is on a musical instrument, what wavelength sound is produced by the standing wave? Restart.
The animation shows a standing wave on a stringed musical instrument (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). If the tension in this string is doubled and the string stays in its fundamental mode, what frequency sound is
produced by the new standing wave? Restart.
Exercise What is the difference in frequency between the two waves?
The animation shows a superposition of two waves on identical strings (position is given in meters and time is given in
seconds). What is the difference in frequency between the two waves? Restart.
Exercise A man and woman in front of the White House hear a siren as an ambulance drives by
A man and a woman are in front of the White House as an ambulance drives by with its sirens on (position is given in meters
and time is given in seconds). Restart.
The three animations play the possible siren sound heard by three individuals: the man, the woman and the ambulance driver.
a. The sound in Animation 1 is heard by whom?
b. The sound in Animation 2 is heard by whom?
c. The sound in Animation 3 is heard by whom?
Problem authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
Script authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
Exercise In which of the animation(s) does the source travel slower than sound?
The animation represents a cross section of a three-dimensional sound wave propagating away from a moving source (time is
given in seconds). Restart.
a. In which of the animation(s) does the source travel slower than the speed of sound?
b. In which of the animation(s) does the resulting sound wave travel the fastest?
You are standing beside a highway as a police car with its siren on drives by, as shown in the animation (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). Restart. Which of the animations represents what you would hear?
Exercise Determine the change in frequency you will hear as the police car goes by
You are standing beside a highway as a police car with its siren on drives by, as shown in the animation (position is given in
meters and time is given in seconds). If the frequency of the siren is 800 Hz, determine the change in frequency you will hear
as the police car goes by. Restart.
Exercise Using a speaker, a standing sound wave has been set up inside a tube
Using a speaker, a standing sound wave has been set up inside a tube. A movable microphone lies inside the tube (position is
given in meters and time is given in seconds). The graph shows the sound recorded by the microphone as a function of time.
Move the microphone back and forth to study the changing amplitude of the sound it receives. Restart.
a. For what microphone position(s) does the amplitude of the sound go to zero? What is such a location called?
b. For what microphone position(s) is the amplitude of the sound a maximum? What is such a location called?
c. From the locations of the nodes, determine the wavelength of the sound waves.
d. From the graph, determine the frequency of the sound waves.
e. Using the wavelength and the frequency, find the velocity of the sound waves in the tube.
Problem authored by Steve Mellema and Chuck Niederriter.
Script authored by Steve Mellema and Chuck Niederriter.
This animation shows a standing wave in an open pipe (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. In which harmonic, n , is the air in the pipe oscillating?
b. Determine the frequency of the musical tone produced by the pipe in this situation.
c. Determine the fundamental frequency of the pipe (lowest frequency of resonance).
Problem authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
The animation shows a standing wave in an open pipe (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. In which harmonic, n , is the air in the pipe oscillating?
b. Determine the frequency f of the tone produced by the pipe in this situation.
The animation shows a standing wave in a half-open pipe (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. In which harmonic, n , does the air in the pipe oscillate?
b. Determine the frequency f of the tone produced by the pipe in this situation.
c. Determine the fundamental frequency f (the lowest frequency of resonance in the pipe).
This animation shows a standing wave in a half-open pipe (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. Determine the frequency f of the tone produced by the pipe in this situation.
b. Now the pipe is cut into two pieces of equal length. Determine the fundamental frequency of each of the two pieces.
Problem authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
This animation shows a standing wave in a half-open pipe (position is given in centimeters and time is given in
seconds). Restart.
a. In which harmonic, n , is the air in the pipe oscillating?
b. Determine the wavelength for this oscillation.
Problem authored by Morten Brydensholt, Wolfgang Christian, and Mario Belloni.
Physlets were developed at Davidson College and converted from Java to JavaScript using the SwingJS system developed at St.
Olaf College.