Children and Adolescent Literature
Children and Adolescent Literature
Children and Adolescent Literature
now 81 years old. Adeline gave up medicine to write full-time. Chinese
1. Some will use real events, but with fictional people.
Cinderella is her autobiography written for children, published on August 2,
Example: A novel about World War II, with fictitious military leaders as
1999 and sold over one million copies worldwide.
characters and invented scenes and dialogues.
Adeline is the fifth youngest of the Yen family and the protagonist of the
2. Some historical fiction will use fictional events, but with real
novel. The book follows her childhood from the age of four to her departure
to England in her early teens. Niang is the stepmother to Adeline and her
Example: A novel about President George Washington that explores a
four older siblings and the natural mother to 4th Younger Brother (Franklin)
fictitious affair he had with a Native American.
and Little Sister (Susan). Joseph is the father of Adeline and all of her
3. A story may include both real events and real people.
siblings, referred to as "Father" throughout the novel. Affluent, intelligent,
Example: Vanessa and Her Sister by Priya Parmar
business savvy and ambitious, Father is seemingly ignorant of the feelings of
others, particularly his children. Ye Ye is Adeline's grandfather on her
Characters are involved in a conflict or problem that is real (or
father's side and the head of the household at the beginning of the novel. A
mirrors life) for that time period
devout Buddhist, Ye Ye maintains a moral compass unseen in the rest of the
Uses descriptive writing that digs into characters making them
family. The eldest daughter of Ye Ye and Nai Nai, Aunt Baba is described as
interesting and are easy to identify with.
"meek, shy and unmarried," wholly dependent on her younger brother--
Intriguing plot that creates some sort of suspense.
Adeline's father-financially.
Plot makes sense and has a solution.
Historically authentic setting that sets the tone for the story. EXPOSITION: The theme of the story is shown through the life of a four-year
Is in a real place and a definite period of time in history that the old young girl who was treated as the bad luck of the family because her
reader wants to know more about. birth was the cause of her mother's death.
STORY ELEMENTS OF HISTORICAL FICTION RISING ACTION: Adeline's life was a mess and miserable. The abuse of her
1. CHARACTERIZATION Characters are ordinary real people who did or sibling to her physically and mentally. She was treated not part of the family
could have lived in the historical setting. and was treated a criminal and more worse is treating her like a curse.
Basically, the rising action of the story is how the weak Adeline became
strong through the hardship of her parents and siblings.
CLIMAX: The Climax of the story is when she was sent to Hongkong
boarding school. A school that was managed by the catholic school and
needed to speak in English or French.
FALLING ACTION: Eventually she was the only girl left in the school. Other
student left for the holiday and decided to join play-writing competition.
Her father took her home because her father found out that she won First
prize in a play-writing competition. Allowing her to Study at England in a
medical school.
RESOLUTION: Adeline had a happy ending. Adeline was able to get the
attention of her father allowing her to study in London. Adeline wants to
study about literatures but her father's condition was medicine. Adeline
took the chance of studying in London in the fields of medicine. Her aunt
told her that her life was similar to Cinderella.
MAN VS. MAN: It is being showed when Adeline was being abused
physically by her stepmother. Another is how her father crushed her heart
when her father baited her duckling.
MAN VS. SOCIETY: Showed when the whole family treated her differently.
MAN VS. FAITH: When Adeline considers herself bad luck, thinking that she
is the reason of her mother's death.
Education and Individuality. The importance of education and the
character development, independent of the expectations of others, is
evident throughout Chinese Cinderella.
Self-Worth. Ye Ye best expresses the importance of self-worth in one of his
last messages to Adeline, telling her that she can "vanquish the demons only
when you yourself are convinced of your own worth."