Csuf Spring 1 Ilp
Csuf Spring 1 Ilp
Csuf Spring 1 Ilp
Section 3: Inquiry Focus and Planning (Attach Pre/Post Assessments and Data Collection Tools)
Directions: Your inquiry question should be concise and likely no more than 8-10 words. Your hypothesis should indicate what you expect students to be able to do after the lesson, and it should
be able to be evaluated based on your assessment plan. Note that Semester 3 requires an inquiry question that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Inquiry Question Hypothesis Lesson Series Topic Assessments/Data Collection
Students will create
How can I use student data to personalized goals based on Series of mathematics Desmos Activity
make informed instructional their progress and lessons focused on
decisions to differentiate achievement levels and self- Smarter Balanced Target F Desmos Activity 2
student learning and create assess their achievement of focusing on functional
personalized goals? these goals. relationships in graphing. Practice summative
Smarter Balanced
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Assessment (SBA)
practice problems
1. Item 183603
2. Item 183587
Students’ proficiency in
mathematics will increase as
Student goal creation
a result of using Desmos sheet/self-assessment
mathematics tools and other
lesson resources as an
Quizizz Assessment
intervention strategy.
Excel Workbook for data
collection -Sample
Focus Students
Directions: Identify three focus students for your inquiry. Identify special characteristics of the students and include performance data. Explain why you have selected them for this inquiry focus.
Do not use actual names of students. (Note: At least one focus student should be an English learner and at least one must have an ILP/504 accommodation. The third is your choice, but please
identify someone that poses an instructional challenge.) Identify expected results for each focus student.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student with ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Performance Data This student’s ELPAC score is level 3. This student’s identified learning This student has been identified
This student needs support in challenge is Specific Learning as gifted or GATE. This student
developing academic language in the Disability and their IEP goals in math needs support in understanding
content area. This student struggles focus on computation, practical applications, extending
with understanding complex interpretation, and scoring proficient learning, and being motivated
terminology, forming sentences with on assessments. This student needs through challenging content. In
supports, and reflecting on what was support in understanding complex addition, this student could use
learned. mathematical concepts and assistance in alternative pacing to
processes. This student struggles keep them on task.
This student currently has a C- in math, with computation, fluency, word
and struggles with passing problems, procedural knowledge, This student currently has a B in
assessments, comprehending and conceptual knowledge. math, but struggles with
procedural and conceptual knowledge, motivation and making consistent
comprehending vocabulary, and This student currently has a C in progress. This student’s class
participating. This student’s math, and struggles with complex assessment scores are strong, but
assessment data on NWEA math word problems, graphing, and this student struggles with the
assessments indicate a low connecting math to real-world advanced mathematical tasks
performance for same-aged peers. situations. This student’s NWEA required on Smarter Balanced
math assessments indicate assessments and performance
I selected this student because they challenges with word problems, tasks. This student’s NWEA math
will benefit from this intervention multi-step problems, and this assessment scores are low, but
series of lessons that will improve student struggles to use available this could be the result of rapid
classroom, school-wide, and state-wide tools to solve problems. guessing and a lack of motivation,
assessments. This student will benefit rather than ability.
from having a smaller group setting to I selected this student because they
work in and to create personalized will benefit from this intervention I selected this student because
goals that could aid this student in series of lessons that will improve they will benefit from this
other areas of academics. Instruction their course grade and scores on intervention series of lessons that
will be adjusted for this student based statewide assessments. This student will improve their motivation,
on assessment results and informal tends to work well in small groups understanding of real-world
monitoring to ensure equitable access and through technology, so this applications, and knowledge of
to vocabulary content through direct lesson will be appropriate to meeting how to construct a strong
instruction, modeling, sentence stems, IEP goals, along with meeting critical response on SBA testing
images, videos, and a vocabulary sheet state standards in mathematics. performance tasks. This student
guide. Instruction will be adjusted for this tends to work well with
student based on assessment results differentiated pacing, which is
and informal monitoring to ensure present in these lessons.
equitable access to content through Instruction will be adjusted for
accommodations and built-in this student based on prior
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knowledge, pacing needs,
supports throughout the lesson such
collaborative opportunities, and
as visuals, captioning, hands-on
motivation by allowing this
opportunities, and peer
student to adjust pacing and to
expand on the content.
I anticipate that this student will I anticipate that this student will
I anticipate that this student will
improve in their mathematical improve in multi-step math
be more motivated in future math
vocabulary knowledge and skills in problems through the provided tools
courses and content, will learn
Expected Results successfully completing math word and supports. I anticipate this
how to set appropriate goals, and
problems. I anticipate that this student student’s assessment scores in math
will improve their performance on
will successfully participate in group will improve as a result of this
SBA performance tasks.
conversations. intervention.
Inquiry Lesson Implementation Plan
Directions: that Semester 3 requires a lesson that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Administer Pre-Assessment Deliver Lesson(s) Administer Post-Assessment Analyze Results Discuss Results with Mentor
Datnow, A., & Hubbard, L. (2015). Teachers’ use of assessment Martin, A. J. (2015). Growth approaches to academic
data to inform instruction: Lessons from the past and prospects for development: Research into academic trajectories and
the future. Teachers College Record, 117(4), 1–26. https://doi- growth assessment, goals, and mindsets. British Journal of
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 8
Educational Psychology, 85(2), 133–137. https://doi-org.lib-
This article focuses on using data-driven decision making to inform
instruction. I learned that there are so many different forms of data
that we collect daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to better This article focuses on the interaction between assessments,
understand our students and to determine how to inform goals, and growth mindsets. I learned that data-driven
instruction. For example, we use standardized, benchmark data instruction should focus on individual student growth, not
from numerous formal assessments at the school, local, state, and comparisons between peers, to ensure that we are focusing on
federal levels to measure student progress and achievement. students’ inner growth. I also learned that learning-oriented
Teachers also use formative assessment data to inform instruction goal setting impacts educational outcomes and may increase
in-the-moment. However, there is variability in the use of data, student motivation. In terms of goal setting, students need
since many teachers collect data but struggle to use it effectively. input on goals creation with proper guidance from their
Teachers must develop skills in analysis of assessment items and teacher. These goals should focus on data and realistic
tasks to help them with data accessing, organization, analysis, progression that allows students to take actionable steps to
reflection, and action. Teachers must also think critically about the make educational progress. The most important thing that I
goals of assessments, strengths and weaknesses, and how to learned through my analysis of this research article is that goal
differentiate different types of assessments based on individual setting, growth mindsets, motivation, self-reflection, and
students’ goals. Lastly, I learned that the administration and analysis assessments are inextricably linked when teachers guide
of assessments can be an issue of equity, since many teachers focus students’ goal creation and monitoring.
growth on their struggling students, while often ignoring their
highest performing students.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject, and summary of ideas.)
One colleague who teaches all subjects in grades 6-12 in an Another colleague who teaches all subjects in grades 6-12 in an
independent study setting has used assessment data for years to independent study setting has used assessment data to help
inform instructional decision-making. This colleague has taught students create personalized goals. This colleague helps each
professional development meetings on utilizing assessment data student construct a goal for each course, and has students
from a variety of sources to enact a personalized educational plan track their goals achievement over time. Students are provided
for students and to inform curriculum development. This teacher with some easy-to-use assessment data that allows them to
uses a clearly formatted Excel spreadsheet with critical data that create a personalized, appropriate goal that is based on data.
demonstrates students’ performance over time. Students are color This teacher then holds students accountable for meeting
coded based on their achievement of grade-level standards. This these goals, and helps students adjust their goals when
teacher then adjusts instruction based on these students’ current expectations are not met. This teacher has found that
levels and where they need to be. This careful analysis allows for collaboratively creating goals with students based on
easy differentiation in assessments and learning goals to meet the assessment data has resulted in increased student motivation,
needs of each student. advanced operational skills, and improved assessment results.
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student’s improved comprehension of mathematical
terminology found on the post-assessment.
Action Items
In terms of curriculum design, lesson planning, and assessment planning, my action items include
continuing to have students construct goals in lessons. In particular, I will continue to model appropriate
goal setting, assist my students with goals creation, and continue to have my students assess their progress
For curriculum design, lesson toward their goals. I will have my students track their growth over time to help them determine how they
planning, assessment planning can make targeted improvements to their study habits to reach these goals. This use of self-reflection will
be critical to ensuring that my students feel connected to the lessons and their overall progress. In terms
of assessment planning, I will continue to use a variety of formative and summative assessments to ensure
my students are being assess fairly and effectively.
In terms of classroom practice, I will continue to improve on data collection and analysis to ensure that I
am using a systematic process in my classroom practice. Also, I will continue to incorporate goal setting
each day, or at least periodically, to ensure that my students continue to make progress not only in the
For classroom practice content, but also in their goal-setting and reflection skills. Furthermore, in terms of classroom practice, I
will ensure that students know their progress toward their goals by providing them with updated data. For
example, I will be sure to constantly check-in with my students to help them see how their goals or actions
could be adjusted to find success.
In terms of teaching English Learners, students with special needs, and students with other instructional
challenges, I will continue to include explicit vocabulary instruction into my classroom to ensure all
students can access the language components of each lesson. I will continue to use goal setting with my
For teaching English learners, special populations to help them become more involved in their education by helping them develop critical
students with special needs,
and students with other
skills in self-reflection, monitoring, and goal-setting. Additionally, I will continue to use a variety of
instructional challenges instructional strategies that seem to work well for these student populations. I will continue to research
and try new strategies that will help maximize student learning for all subgroups. Furthermore, I will
continue to offer extension activities and more hands-on tasks for my diverse learners to ensure they are
provided with a variety of tasks that further engage them.
In terms of future inquiry and the ILP, I will look more into how I can improve student goal setting, using
varied instructional strategies, and using data to inform instruction. Although this ILP process has shown
For future inquiry/ILP that I have achieved the higher levels of these CSTP elements, I know that I can continue to improve my
practice in these areas to become a more effective educator. I will reflect back on my strengths and
weaknesses in these CSTP elements to continue to improve my teaching skills.
For the next POP cycle, I will be sure to include what worked well from this semester into future
semesters. I will also determine the areas that did not go well, and reflect on how I can either improve in
these areas, or how I can further refine my practice to avoid these weaknesses, flaws, and challenges in
For next POP cycle instruction. Also, for the next POP cycle, I will continue to provide my students with self-reflection
opportunities, such as the goal setting activities that were conducted in this POP cycle. Furthermore, in the
next POP cycle, I will be sure to reflect on how this cycle could have been further enhanced with
educational technology, in order to meet the ISTE standards that are required of the next POP cycle.
Semester 3 Only:
For future use of technology
Other Notes
Overall, there are clearly many action items that must be addressed, enacted, and reflected upon in subsequent POP cycles and ILPs.
These action items reflect the many strengths and weaknesses of this lesson series and my overall emphasis on data analysis,
instructional strategies, and self-reflection opportunities for students.
Attached pre/post-assessments:
Quizizz Assessment
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