International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: Chong Li, Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Zhefeng Yu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: Chong Li, Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Zhefeng Yu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences: Chong Li, Hui-Shen Shen, Hai Wang, Zhefeng Yu
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Full-scale modeling and nonlinear FEA are presented for large amplitude vibration of sandwich plates with func-
Auxetic metamaterial tionally graded (FG) auxetic 3D lattice core. For the first time, auxetic 3D lattice metamaterials with FG con-
3D lattice figurations along the out-of-plane direction are designed, of which the fundamental vibration frequencies are
Functionally graded
analyzed and verified by experiments using 3D printed specimens. Both results suggested that the effects of FG
3D printing
configurations and strut incline angles are significant, and the FG-X specimen possesses the highest fundamental
Sandwich plates
Large amplitude vibration frequency. Subsequently, by means of full-scale nonlinear FE simulations, the large amplitude vibration charac-
teristics are investigated for the sandwich plates, in which the novel construction of auxetic 3D lattice core with
three FG configurations along the thickness direction is proposed. And the constituent material properties are
taken to be temperature-dependent. Results revealed that FG configurations have distinct effect on the natural
frequencies, nonlinear-to-linear frequency ratios of sandwich plates, along with EPR-amplitude curves, which
will become stable when the vibration amplitude is sufficiently large.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Wang).
Received 12 November 2019; Received in revised form 16 January 2020; Accepted 22 January 2020
Available online 23 January 2020
0020-7403/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Li, H.-S. Shen and H. Wang et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 174 (2020) 105472
As a new generation of composite materials, functionally graded where Lu and Hu are respectively the overall in-plane and out-of-plane
material (FGM) [30] has microstructural details that vary in a spatially dimensions. Moreover, the incline angle 𝜃 is defined to be negative
pattern, and thus have outstanding designability [31]. There are many when it is clockwise. An obvious precondition of the micro-structural
kinds of FGM, such as CNTRC material [32,33] and GRC material design is that, the struts should not contact or even intersect with each
[34,35]. Functionally graded auxetic metamaterials, including 3D other, which requires:
lattices and 2D honeycombs, possess gradual variations of cell size, ( )
𝑎0 − 2𝑟 + 2𝑏0 sin 𝜃 > 0 ⇒ sin 𝜃 > − 𝑎0 − 2𝑟 ∕2𝑏0 . (2)
shape or thickness, and the gradient configuration can give rise to the
continuous distribution of mechanical properties [36], such as effective The main advantage of this 3D microstructure is that, all six effective
stiffness and Poisson’s ratio. Ma et al. [37] developed a functionally Poisson’s ratios (EPRs) are negative. While for re-entrant honeycombs
graded NPR metamaterial for blast protection, in which the microstruc- compressed along x3 -direction, only x1 -direstion will generate strain
𝑒𝑓 𝑓
tures are varying along the in-plane direction to place stiffer ones in like in the plain strain condition, because of the fact that 𝜈32 ≈ 0. As
the central region. Their results indicated that optimal distribution can a preliminary study on the EPR of auxetic 3D lattice metamaterials, we
further improve the protection. Jin et al. [38] numerically investigated firstly calculate the variations of Lu and Hu :
the dynamic responses and blast resistance of the honeycomb sandwich ⎧𝛿𝐿𝑢 = 2𝑏0 cos 𝜃
structures under blast loading, in which the 2D re-entrant honeycombs ⎪ −2𝑏20 cos 𝜃 sin 𝜃
⎨𝛿𝐻𝑢 = √ (3)
have varying cell wall thicknesses. By means of tests and full-scale finite ⎪
element simulations, Boldrin et al. [39] compared two gradient cellular ⎩ (𝑏0 cos 𝜃)2 − (𝑎0 ∕2)2
layouts of 2D re-entrant honeycombs: gradient internal cell angles and 𝑒𝑓 𝑓
Then the 𝜈31 is
cell wall aspect ratios. Furthermore, the nonlinear bending, thermal √
postbuckling, nonlinear vibration and dynamic response of sandwich 𝜀 𝛿𝐿𝑢 ∕𝐿𝑢 𝐻 (𝑏0 cos 𝜃)2 − (𝑎0 ∕2)2 𝐻𝑢 2 ∕2𝐿𝑢
𝑒𝑓 𝑓
beams with functionally graded negative Poisson’s ratio honeycomb 𝜈31 =− 1 =− = 𝑢 = (4)
𝜀3 𝛿𝐻𝑢 ∕𝐻𝑢 𝐿𝑢 𝑏0 sin 𝜃 𝑏0 sin 𝜃
core were investigated by Li et al. [40–43], in which the auxetic core
𝑒𝑓 𝑓 𝑒𝑓 𝑓
is still 2D re-entrant honeycombs. However, to the best of authors’ Apparently, the microstructure will have negative 𝜈31 (and 𝜈32 )
knowledge, no existing researches have been carried out on sandwich when 𝜃 < 0.
structures with auxetic 3D lattice core possessing functionally graded On the other hand, the 3D lattice metamaterial possesses lower rela-
configurations along the plate thickness direction, which can achieve tive density compared with the 2D re-entrant honeycombs. For the same
the FG distribution of effective properties of the auxetic core, and the volume of 6 × 6 × 4 (mm), t = 2r = 0.2 mm, l0 sin 𝛼 = b0 sin 𝜃 = 1 mm
section stiffness of sandwich plates will then be influenced. and a0 = 4 mm, in which the parameters t, l0 , h0 , 𝛼 of honeycombs are
In the present study, we first examine fundamental vibration illustrated in Fig. 1(a), the relative density of them are evaluated as:
frequencies of the designed auxetic 3D lattice metamaterials with func- for 2D re-entrant honeycombs,
( )
tionally graded configurations, by FE simulations and experiments. The 𝜌∗ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑦𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑏 𝑡 3ℎ0 + 4𝑙0
proposed FG auxetic 3D lattices would have a wide range of versatility = = 0.1745 (5a)
𝜌𝑐 𝐻𝑢 ⋅ 𝐿𝑢
in their application, including for anomalous elastic wave polarization
while for 3D lattice,
[44], as acoustic metamaterials for controllable band gaps [45,46] and ( )
as core of sandwich structures, which are increasingly used in aircrafts, 𝜌∗𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝜋𝑟2 8𝑎0 + 16𝑏0 + 2𝑐0 𝜌∗ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑦𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑏
= = 0.0192 ≈ 11% × . (5b)
spacecrafts, deep submergence vehicles and pressure vessels, etc. 𝜌𝑐 𝐻𝑢 ⋅ 𝐿𝑢2 𝜌𝑐
These structures, however, are often subjected to severe operational Therefore, the 3D lattice metamaterials do have remarkable
conditions [47], in which the transverse deflections are no longer small lightweight advantage.
compared to the plate thickness. Under these circumstances, geometric
nonlinearity must be included in the vibration analysis, and nonlinear 2.1. Functionally graded configurations
vibration frequencies will change as the increment of amplitudes.
This paper then focused on the large amplitude vibration behavior of Unlike the in-plane FG configurations in [38], the microstructures
sandwich plates with three functionally graded auxetic 3D lattice core, in present study are varying along the x3 -direction, i.e. out-of-plane
in which the strut incline angles of microstructures vary along the plate direction. Note that the strut radius r can be independent, and if the
thickness direction. The uniform distributed (UD) core is also taken into values of Lu , Hu and a0 are given, there will be only one independent
account for comparison. With thermal effects are further considered, parameter left. In the current study, the incline angle 𝜃 is chosen as the
full-scale modeling and nonlinear thermal-mechanical analysis are design parameter, while b0 and c0 will be determined accordingly.
performed, and the material properties of both auxetic 3D lattice core As a qualitative analysis, the effective stiffness of 3D lattice mi-
and facesheets are taken to be temperature-dependent. crostructures will decrease with the magnitude of incline angle 𝜃
enlarge, and would vanish when |𝜃| → 𝜋/2. Of course, this is impossible
because of the restriction of Eq. (2). Therefrom the structural section
2. Vibration behavior of the FG auxetic 3D lattice metamaterials bending stiffness will depend on the FG configurations, which will then
affect the vibration frequencies.
The microstructure of a 3D lattice metamaterial with negative Three types of functionally graded (FG) configurations are con-
Poisson’s ratio, expanded from the classical 2D re-entrant honeycombs, sidered, indicating that the strut incline angle of microstructures is
is illustrated in Fig. 1. Five parameters are needed to characterize the varying along the out-of-plane direction. For FG-V configuration, the
microstructure, and apparently we can use the horizon strut length strut incline angles are [(𝜃 1 )2 /(𝜃 2 )2 /(𝜃 3 )2 ], in which: 𝜃 i (i = 1,2,3) is
a0 , the incline strut length b0 , the connecting strut length c0 , the strut negative and |𝜃 1 |<|𝜃 2 |<|𝜃 3 |; the subscript match with the other half
incline angle 𝜃, and the strut radius r, as shown in Fig. 1(b), in which ‘2’ indicates two microstructures having the same inline angle. The
in-plane x1 - and x2 - directions of the right handed local coordinate FG-X and FG-O configurations possess incline angles of [𝜃 1 /𝜃 2 /𝜃 3 ]S
system are parallel to the horizon struts, while the out-of-plane x3 - and [𝜃 3 /𝜃 2 /𝜃 1 ]S , in which the subscript ‘S’ denotes symmetric about
direction is then determined accordingly. The overall dimensions of a the mid-plane of sandwich plates. Fig. 1(c) and (d) show the FE model
microstructure can be expressed as and 3D printed specimen with the FG-X configuration. In addition,
{ the auxetic 3D lattice metamaterial with uniform distributed (UD)
𝐿𝑢 = 𝑎0 + 𝑐0 + 2𝑏0 sin 𝜃
√ microstructures is also taken into account for comparison, of which all
( )2 , (1)
𝐻𝑢 = 2 (𝑏0 cos 𝜃)2 − 𝑎0 ∕2 the strut incline angles are equal to 𝜃 2 .
C. Li, H.-S. Shen and H. Wang et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 174 (2020) 105472
The elastic modulus and mass density of the PA-12 material are taken UD 88.980 91.186
to be 1800 MPa and 1.01 g/cm3 , while the Poisson’s ratio is v = 0.37, FG-O 81.651 83.264
FG-X 92.320 94.702
as determined in our lab under the ASTM 638-14 standard test method.
reduce as the incline angle increase, due to the decrease of b0 and c0 Table 4
in Eq. (5b). In conclusion, the natural frequencies will increase as the Overall geometric parameters and meshes of sandwich plates with a = b = 25h
decrease in incline angle, because of the increment in specific stiffness. and different facesheet-to-core thicknesses ratios.
Furthermore, Table 3 suggested that the functionally graded con- Problem hf /hc N = b/Lu Elements Model-scale
figuration can obviously affect the vibration behavior, and the FG-X
Natural 1/100 102 749,088 SC8R+2,705,040 B31 Whole
specimen has higher natural frequency. As shown in Table 1, the FG-X frequency 1/50 104 778,752 SC8R+2,812,160 B31 Whole
configuration has microstructures with the incline angle of −15° in the 1/20 110 871,200 SC8R+3,146,000 B31 Whole
outer layer, which possess higher effective stiffness than those having Nonlinear 1/100 51 187,272 SC8R+676,260 B31 Quarter
incline angle of −25° and located around the midplane. Therefore, the vibration 1/50 52 194,688 SC8R+703,040 B31 Quarter
1/20 55 217,800 SC8R+786,500 B31 Quarter
effective stiffness of FG-X configuration is higher than that of UD and
FG-O configurations. Considering their equal mass, the FG-X specimen
has larger specific stiffness and thus higher natural frequencies.
The main concern is that, the effective mechanical properties of the
microstructures are quite sensitive to their shapes, which will change
3. Full-scale nonlinear FE simulation of sandwich plates significantly in the large amplitude region. In contrast, the determi-
nation of effective properties often bases on the assumptions of linear
Consider a sandwich plate with a total thickness of h = hc + 2hf , elastic and small deformation. Therefore, theoretical investigations
in which hc and hf are respectively the thickness of core layer and using effective homogenization models are inadequate for geometric
facesheet, and having width-to-thickness ratio b/h, length-to-width ra- nonlinear problems, and suitable for linear problems only.
tio a/b. Let (X, Y, Z) be the right-handed global coordinate system with The thickness of core layer is hc = 24 mm with Hu = 4 mm, and
its origin located at the center of mid-surface, and X- and Y-direction the facesheet-to-core thickness ratio is selected as hf /hc = 1/20, 1/50
are respectively along the length and width of sandwich plates, while and 1/100. The width to thickness ratio of sandwich plates is taken
Z-direction points to the bottom facesheet along thickness direction. to be b/h = 25, and length-to-width ratio is fixed as a/b = 1. The
As illustrated in Fig. 2, the auxetic 3D lattice core is arranged to have number of 3D lattice microstructures along the in-plane direction is
the same out-of-plane direction with the sandwich plates, and the then N = b/Lu , in which the overall length of a microstructure is taken
correspondence relationship between the local and global coordinate to be Lu = 6 mm. Moreover, the strut incline angles of microstructures
systems is x1 ⇔X; x2 ⇔Y; x3 ⇔Z. with different configurations has been presented in Table 1.
For the sake of brevity, the core and facesheets are assumed to
3.1. Full-scale finite element modeling be perfectly adhered and their meshes are carefully arranged so as to
share nodes along the interfaces. Each facesheet is meshed with one
In the instances of large amplitude vibration, the shape of the layer of continuum shell elements SC8R, while for the microstructures
sandwich plate and, hence, its stiffness change as it deforms at different of auxetic 3D lattice core, the Timoshenko beam elements B31 are
amplitudes. Therefore, the geometric nonlinearity is necessary to be adopted, which allow for transverse shear deformation. To achieve
taken into account to achieve reasonable simulations. a satisfactory compromise between accuracy and costs of time and
The large amplitude deformation of sandwich plates will bring memory, a convergence analysis was carried out, and finally the mesh
about local large deformation of the auxetic 3D lattice core. As a result, size for facesheets is 1 mm, while the a0 , b0 and c0 struts are meshed
the shape of microstructures, as shown in Fig. 2(b), along with their using one, two and four elements, respectively. Finally, detailed overall
effective properties will change accordingly. With regard to this, in geometric parameters and meshes of the sandwich plates with different
the large amplitude vibration problems, we will obtain and present parameters are summarized in Table 4.
not only the nonlinear-to-linear frequency (NLFR) ratios, but also the Three types of boundary conditions, i.e. CCCC, CSCS and SSSS, are
EPR-amplitude curves. considered, where “C” signifies the fully clamped boundary condition,
On the other hand, for the intension of more precisely obtaining “S” signifies the simply supported boundary condition with in-plane im-
the large amplitude vibration behaviors, 3D full scale finite element movable conditions, and “CSCS” indicates that “C” for X = ±a/2 and “S”
modeling is conducted, which indicates that all the structural details for Y = ±b/2. For “C”, all the degrees of freedom (DoFs) of the nodes
are modeled, instead of using the effective homogenization models. located at the plate edges are constrained, while for “S”, the boundary
edges are constrained with only one rotation DoF is allowed. In large Table 5
amplitude vibration problems, we only consider the vibration mode (1, Temperature-dependent material properties of the auxetic 3D lattice core
1), which is symmetric about both X = 0 and Y = 0 planes, thus only a and face sheets.
quarter of sandwich plates need to be modelled, as shown in Fig. 2(a). In Temperature 300K 325K 350K
this case, symmetric constraint conditions are applied upon the symmet-
Ec (MPa) 105,698.2 104,293.0 102,887.9
ric planes. Finally, these three boundary conditions can be expressed as: 𝜈c 0.29 0.29 0.29
𝛼 c (/K) 6.94150E−06 6.69461E−06 6.41790E−06
𝐶 ∶ 𝑈 1 = 𝑈 2 = 𝑈 3 = 𝑈 𝑅1 = 𝑈 𝑅2 = 𝑈 𝑅3 = 0, (6a) 𝜌c (kg/m3 ) 4429 4429 4429
⎧𝑈 3 + 𝑈 3𝐿𝑊 𝑅 = 0
Ef (MPa) 68,749.5 67,835.2 66,921.0
⎪ 𝑈𝑃 𝑅 𝜈f 0.33 0.33 0.33
𝑆 ∶ ⎨𝑈 1𝑈 𝑃 𝑅 + 𝑈 1𝐿𝑊 𝑅 = 0(𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑋 = ±𝑎∕2) , (6b) 𝛼 f (/◦ C) 2.31134E−05 2.35274E−05 2.39414E−05
⎪𝑈 2𝑈 𝑃 𝑅 + 𝑈 2𝐿𝑊 𝑅 = 0(𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑌 = ±𝑏∕2) 𝜌f (kg/m3 ) 2707 2707 2707
𝑈 1 = 𝑈 𝑅2 = 𝑈 𝑅3 = 0(𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑋 = 0)
𝑆𝑌 𝑀𝑀 ∶ , (6c)
𝑈 2 = 𝑈 𝑅1 = 𝑈 𝑅3 = 0(𝑓 𝑜𝑟𝑌 = 0)
sandwich plates, it is essential to ensure this temperature-dependency
in which, U1, U2 and U3 are translational DoFs along the X-, Y- and is taken into account. Considering the realistic materials used in aircraft
Z-directions; UR1, UR2 and UR3 are rotational DoFs about the X-, industry and possible 3D printing techniques for metal specimens
Y- and Z-directions; and the subscripts UPR and LWR refers to nodes (including SLM and EBM), the auxetic 3D lattice core and facesheets
symmetrically located on the upper and lower side of the mid-surface. are respectively made from Ti-6Al-4V and aluminum alloy, and the ex-
pressions for their mechanical properties are detailly described in [42].
3.2. Solution procedures and temperature-dependent material properties In the present FE simulations, three thermal environments are used,
i.e. T = 300, 325 and 350 K. The material properties for the constituent
The sandwich plates are further considered in different thermal materials of both auxetic 3D lattice core and facesheets under these
environments, and the difference between the applied and initial tem- thermal environments are summarized and listed in Table 5.
peratures will cause thermal strain on the condition that the thermal
expansion coefficient is given for the material. Accordingly, a sequen- 4. Numerical examples and discussion
tially coupled thermal-mechanical analysis is carried out. To begin
with, a predefined field is created, in which the initial temperature field The numerical results presented herein were obtained using the
is defined as T0 = 300 K. Sequentially, the temperature field is modified implicit solver ABAQUS/Standard, which solves nonlinear problems
as expected in a new analysis step, after which mechanical analysis is iteratively using the Newton’s method with the Nlgeom option is
then performed, as shown in the flowchart presented in Fig. 3. switched on, and the natural frequency problem is solved by a linear
For the nonlinear vibration problem, a large amplitude displacement perturbation analysis step.
field is firstly applied upon the sandwich plates, as shown in Fig. 2(a),
which will be then deactivated to allow free vibrations. The nonlinear
frequency 𝜔NL can be obtained by tracking the motion of the sandwich 4.1. Comparison studies
plate. Then the nonlinear-to-linear frequency ratio (NLFR) 𝜔NL /𝜔L is
determined accordingly, and the natural frequency 𝜔L is solved as an As introduced earlier, no existing researches have been carried
eigenvalue problem, which can be expressed as on the large amplitude vibration behaviors of sandwich plates with
[ ( ) ] auxetic 3D lattice core, three reduced problems are utilized to verify
− 𝜔L 𝑖𝑗 𝐌 + 𝐊 𝐯𝑖𝑗 = 𝟎, (7) present FEM, including one natural frequency and two large amplitude
vibration problems. The SC8R elements are employed to mesh the
where M and K are respectively the mass and stiffness matrix, (𝜔L )ij and
plates, and seed density is determined by convergency analysis.
vij are respectively the natural frequency and corresponding vibration
mode, in which the subscript ij refers to the mode shape of (i, j), and Example 1. Consider a square thick plate with clamped boundary con-
i, j is the half wave numbers in the X- and Y- direction. As mentioned ditions, which has a width-to-thickness ratio of b/h = 10. The material
earlier, only the mode (1, 1) is considered to calculate the NLFR, thus property is isotropic with a Poisson’s ratio of 𝜈 = 0.3. The comparison
by default the 𝜔L refers to (𝜔L )11 . results are listed in Table 6, in which
√ the natural frequencies are non-
Moreover, in different thermal environments, the mechanical dimensional and defined by Ω=𝜔𝑎 𝜌∕𝐸 . From the Table 6, it can be
properties of the constituent materials are expected to have significant concluded that present results using 10 SC8R elements in the thickness
change. For accurate predictions of the large amplitude vibration of the direction agree well with that of Lim [48] using a higher-order
plate theory with 17 terms in the admissible shape functions.
Table 6
Comparison of natural frequencies for a square thick plate (𝜈 = 0.3, b/h = 10)
with clamped boundary conditions.
0.98636 0.99754
XSYMM-YSYMM 3.1200 3.09999
3.1485 3.13351
1.8848 1.88972
3.7269 3.73059
3.7765 3.77877
2.6457 2.63177
XASYMM-YASYMM 4.4395 4.45314
Fig. 3. Flowchart of linear and nonlinear vibration analysis process with con- 5.1393 5.03918
sideration of thermal effects.
C. Li, H.-S. Shen and H. Wang et al. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 174 (2020) 105472
Table 7
Comparison of the nonlinear frequency ratios (𝝎NL /𝝎L ) for a symmetric
[0/90/core/90/0] sandwich plate with b/h = 20 and hc /hf = 8.
Table 8
The natural frequencies (Hz) of sandwich plates in different thermal envi-
ronments. (CCCC, r = 0.200 mm, hf /hc = 1/50).
Temperature Configuration (𝜔L )11 (𝜔L )12 = (𝜔L )21 (𝜔L )22
expressed as
Fig. 4. Comparison of NLFR-amplitude curve for a square [0/90/core/90/0]
sandwich plate with simply supported BCs. 𝑒𝑓 𝑓 𝑈 1∕𝐿𝐸𝑅
𝜈31 =− (8)
(𝑈 3𝐵 − 𝑈 3𝑇 )∕𝐻𝐸𝑅
Example 2. Consider a square [0/90/core/90/0] sandwich plate with in which, LER and HER are respectively the overall length and height of
simply supported boundary conditions, which has a width-to-thickness the effective region, and satisfy LER = Lu , HER = 6Hu . It is notably that
ratio of b/h = 40 and core-to-facesheet thickness ratio of hc /hf = 10. Eq. (8), directly modified from the primal definition of the Poisson’s ra-
The material properties are: for facesheets, EL = 139,000 MPa, tio, is applicable for both linear and large amplitude vibration problems.
ET = 9860 MPa, GLT = GTT = 5240 MPa, 𝜈 LT = 0.3 and 𝜌 = 1590 kg/m3 ;
for core, E = 90 MPa, G = 32 MPa, 𝜈 = 0.45 and 𝜌 = 170.6 kg/m3 . From 4.2.1. The linear vibration frequencies
Fig. 4, in can be concluded that present results using 10 SC8R elements As a basis to determine the NLFRs, we firstly extract the first
in the thickness direction agree perfectly well with the finite element four linear vibration frequencies of sandwich plates with different
results of Ganapathi [49] based on the HSDT theory with 7 DoFs geometrical parameters under thermal environmental conditions, and
per node. results are summarized in Tables 8–10. From Table 8, we can conclude
that as the temperature rises, the natural frequencies will decrease. As
Example 3. Consider a square [0/90/core/90/0] sandwich plate with expected, the natural frequencies of CSCS plates lie between those of
different boundary conditions, which has a width-to-thickness ratio of the CCCC plates and SSSS plates, as shown in Table 9. It is notable that,
b/h = 20 and core-to-facesheet thickness ratio of hc /hf = 8. The material for the CSCS cases, the natural frequencies of mode (1, 2) and (2, 1)
properties are the same as used in Example 2. The nonlinear-to-linear are different, and the latter one is higher. As presented in Table 10, the
frequency ratios (𝝎NL /𝝎L ) of the sandwich plate with SSSS and CCCC natural frequencies will increase significantly with the increment in
boundary conditions are listed and compared in Table 7, from which it strut radii. Moreover, the sandwich plates in Tables 8–10 have facesheet
can be concluded that present results agree well, but are slightly lower
than that of Madhukar and Singha [50] using normal deformation
theory. Table 9
The natural frequencies (Hz) of sandwich plates with different boundary
conditions. (T = 300 K, r = 0.200 mm, hf /hc = 1/20).
4.2. Parametric studies Boundary condition Configuration (𝝎L )11 (𝝎L )12 (𝝎L )21 (𝝎L )22
From Fig. 6(b), it is observed that when the thermal effects are
/h < 0.5. Moreover, all the curves will gradually become stable in
taken into consideration, the EPR-amplitude curves become distinctly
the large amplitude region. The physical explanations are as follows.
different from those of T = 300 K. This phenomenon is on account of the
Under in-plane immovable boundary conditions, when the structure is
fact that the initial displacements are caused by temperature changes.
subjected to a large amplitude deformation, its mid-plane will extend
Therefore, conclusions can be drawn that thermal environments
to a curved surface, and the in-plane strain 𝜀1 is then positive. Because
𝑒𝑓 𝑓 have significant effects on the large amplitude vibration behaviors of
of the negative Poisson’s ratio 𝜈31 , the resulting out-of-plane strain
sandwich plates.
𝜀3 will also be positive. The change of 𝜀3 is the outcome of 𝜀1 (as well
𝑒𝑓 𝑓 Furthermore, the NLFR-amplitude curves of FG-X plates denoted by
as negative 𝜈31 ), and then will delay. However, as the accumulate of
hollow symbols are lower than that of UD plates with solid symbols.
strains, in the large amplitude region their ratios become stable.
On the other hand, the FG-X plates have higher ERP variation curves
In the following analysis, only FG-X and UD plates are further
than UD plates. Both results further demonstrate the distinct effect of
FG configurations.
5. Concluding remarks
It is expected that the present results could shed light on the vibra-
tion behavior of functionally graded auxetic 3D lattice metamaterials
Fig. 9. The effects of facesheet-to-core thickness ratio on the nonlinear-to-linear and sandwich plates with such core, and would be conducive to further
frequency ratio (NLFR) and EPR variation of sandwich plates with FG-NPR 3D investigations.
lattice core: (a) NLFR-amplitude curves; (b) EPR-amplitude curves.
Declaration of Competing Interest
distinctions. It is concluded that boundary conditions can distinctly af- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
fect the NLFRs, but only have small effects on the EPR-amplitude curves. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
However, it is observed that in large amplitude region, all the EPR the work reported in this paper.
curves of FG-X marked by hollow symbols, are higher than that of UD
by solid symbols. Besides, the NLFR curves of FG-X plates are lower CRediT authorship contribution statement
than that of UD cases.
Chong Li: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Software,
Validation, Formal analysis, Data curation, Visualization, Writing - orig-
4.2.5. The effects of strut radii inal draft, Writing - review & editing. Hui-Shen Shen: Conceptualiza-
The effects of strut radii r on the NLFR and EPR variation of sandwich tion, Writing - review & editing, Funding acquisition. Hai Wang: Re-
plates with FG-NPR 3D lattice core are illustrated in Fig. 8. The sand- sources, Supervision. Zhefeng Yu: Investigation, Resources.
wich plate has a small facesheet-to-core thickness ratio of hf /hc = 1/100
and are rested at the temperature filed of T = 300 K. The boundary Acknowledgments
conditions are assumed to be CCCC. Results presented in Fig. 8(a)
indicated that, the NLFR-amplitude curves will become lower as the The support for this work, provided by the National Natural Science
strut radius increases, implying that the specific stiffness is becoming Foundation of China under Grant no 51779138 is gratefully acknowl-
larger. Moreover, the EPR-amplitude curves of the sandwich plate with edged.
bigger strut radius is lower than that of the plate with thinner structs,
as shown in Fig. 8(b). Therefore, the strut radii will significantly affect References
the NLFR-amplitude curves, and EPR variation of the effective region.
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