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CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL H.S.C PART-I ANNUAL PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 2018 DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS Time Allowed 2 hrs. Qa. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS * Procedure + Theory + Equation © Burette Reading 0.1 + Difference 0.2 + Difference 0.3 + Difference 0.4 + Difference © Normality / Morality & Amount Q#2. MELTING / BOILING POINT * Theory «Result & Observation 401°C 402°C £03 °C £04 °C OR ELEMENT DETECTION + Theory and Equations + Systematic Approach and Equations VIVA JOURNAL Total Marks 15 08 Marks 1+1+1 Marks 03 Marks 03 Marks 2.5 Marks 2.0 Marks 1.0 Marks 2.0 Marks(1.0+1.0) 03 Marks 1.0 Marks 02 Marks (1.0+1.6) 2.0 Marks 1.5 Marks 1.0 Marks 0.5 Marks 03 Marks 1.0 Marks 2.0 Marks (1.0+1.0) 03 Marks 01 Mark NOTE: Journal must be kept in custody till announcement of the result. = BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION KARACHI BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE EDO AR MODEL EXERCISES FOR CHEMISTRY. PRACTICAL H.S.C PART-| EXAMINATION. 2018 Ss. % Given 0.01N Solution of HCl. Find out normality and amount of KOH solution in gm/700 cm?. ount of KMnOx gm/0.6 dm*. Given 0.06N Solution of FeSO,. Find out normality and am 6H20 In Given 0,03N Solution KMnOx. Find out Normality and amount of FeSO« (NH4)250«. gm/200 cm’, Given N/7 Solution of Na,COs, Find out normality and amount of Hz50s in gm/0.8 dm’, Given 0.1N Solution of NaOH. Find out normality and amount of HCl gm/1.dm3. Given 0,088N Solution of KMnO,, Find out normality and amount of FeSOs. 7H20. Given 0.12N oxalic acid Solution, Find out normality and amount of KMnO« In gm/600 cm*. Given 0,05N oxalic acid Solution out normality and amount of KOH Solution. |/12 HNO; Solution, Find out normality and amount of NazCo3 In gm/400 cm’. Given Ny ormality and amount of KMnOx Solution in gm/800 cm. Given 0.02N FeSOx. 7H20 Solution. Find out ni Given N/6 KMnO, Solution Find out normality and amount of ‘(CyH204.2H20 in gm/550 om, Given 0.099N Solution of NaOH. Find out normality and amount of H25Os in gm/850 com>. Given N/12 Solution of H2SOs. Find out normality and amount of NaHCO; In gm/450 cm’. ind out normality and amount of KMnO, in gm/250 cm>. Given N/10 C2H20«.2H20 Solution. Fit 7H,0 In gm/0.350 dm’, Given 0.075N Solution of KMnOs. Find out normality and amount of FeSO,. Given 0.08N Solution of HNOs, Find out normality and amount of KOH Solution in gm/650 cm*. 1 0.07N C2H;0z Solution. Find out normality and amount of NaOH Solution in gm/S00 cm>. Giver 6H20.Find out normality and amount of KMinO, in Given 0.5N Solution of FeSOs (NH4)2 SOs. gm/0.4.dm>. Given N/11 Solution of KMnO«. Find out normality and amount of HNO; Solution in gm/444 cm?, Find out normality and amount of FeSO,. 7H20 in gm/1.5, dm? Given N/9 Solution of KOH. NOTE:- 1. Element Detection Should be given with Acid-Base titration (All five elements that is Nitrogen, Sulphur, Chlorine, Bromine & lodine should be given) 2. Melting Point & Bolling Point should be given with Redox each case should be used) titration. (At least Five compounds in Prof. NOOR HAMED SHAIKH (Head Examiner) EQUIVALENT WEIGHT OF COMPOUNDS:- Equivalent Weight of Acid:- HCL = Molar Mass Basicity Of Acid H,SO, = Molar Mass Basicity Of Acid HNO; = — Molar Mass Basicity Of Acid - CH;COOH= Molar Mass Basicity Of Acid H,C,0,2H,0 = Molar Mass Basicity Of Acid H,C,0, = Molar Mass Basicity Of Acid % Equivalent Weight of Base:- KOH = Molar Mass ~ Acidity Of Base . CHEMISTRY 17 " 36.5 = 36.5 1 98 =49 2 63 =63 t 60 =60 A 126 =63 Zs 90 =45 2 56 =56 i NaOH = Molar Mass = 40 =40 Acidity Of Base + *%* Equivalent Weight of Carbonate:- KHCO; = 394+1+12+16 x3 = 100 = 100 1 1 Na, CO; = 2x23+12+16x3 = 106 = 53 2 2 Naz CO;10H,O = 2x 23+12+16 x 3+10(18) = 286 =143 2 2 Na,CO;= = 2+23+12+16 x3 = 106 =53 1 2 Na,HCO;= 23+1+12+16x3 = 84 = 84 Ay 1 K, CO3= 39x2x12+16x3 = 138 =69 2 iz * Equivalent Weight of Oxidizing agent and Reducing agent:- KMnO, = 39+554+16x4 = 158 = 31.6 No of electron gain by Mn ion Lice: FeSO,7H,0= 56+31+16x4+7(18) = 278 = 278 (hydrated) NoofelectronlossbyFe*ion 1 CHEMISTRY 18 FeSO,(NH,)2 50, 6H,0 = 392 = 392 =392 No of electron loss by Fe**ion 1 FeSO, = 152 = 152 = 152 (unhydrated) _ No of electron loss by Fe’? ion 1 FeSO,(NHz)2 SO, = 284 = 284 = 284 (unhydrated) No of electron loss by Fe” ion - 1 ELEMENT DETECTION Theory:- The organic compounds are covalent or non-ionic in nature so th compounds don't dissociate into their ions in a Aqueous ssighoraal These compounds are fused with into ionic compound. Sodium . covalent compound in which these elements are present in ionic form. Equation (i) Na + © + N————— NaCN ——— Na’ + CN lijeana +) S——-—_____ NaS see 2Na’ + S (iii) Na + Cl Nacl Na’ + Cl (iv) Na + Br NaBr —————_ Na’ + Br (v) Na +1 Na Na’ + 1 Procedure:- Asmall dried piece of Na metal with a little quantity of given organic compound is taken ina fusion tube. Heat the tube is gently till it becomes red hot. Drop it into a china dish already containing distilled water in it. Crush the tube with the help of ass rod. Boil the contents of china dish for few minutes and gl xtract or Lassaigne's then filter. The filtrate is known as sodium e solution. 411 Element Detection ___Experiment ___| Observation [Inference] Equation _| => TEST FOR NITROGEN | | | | Sodium Extract + NaOH 7 | N + FeSO. + ( Freshly Prepared) Prussian Blue Nitrogen is | 2NaCN + Fe! (cn) | : Colour appears | Present ~* | —>Na,SO+Fe(CN)2 | + Boil + Cool + H,SO, | ANaCN + Fe(CN)2 (conc) few drops. —>Na,[Fe(CN)el | Sodium Ferro Cyanide | 3NaFe (CN)¢+2Fe(5Oa)3 —> Fe,[Fe(CN)cls | r Ferric Ferro Cyanide | => TEST FOR SULPHUR | | | Sodium Extract + Black PPT Sulphur | Na2S + Pb(CH3COO)2—> CH3COOH(dil) + Pb Present | PbS +2CH;COONa (CH3COO), Black ppt | | => C.T For Sulphur Sodium Extract + Sodium | Voilet Colour Sulphur NaS + Naz [(FeCN)sNO] Nitro prusside Appears Confirmed | —> Na,[Fe(CN)sNOS] Naz[FeNO(CN)s] => TEST FOR HELOGEN Sodium Extract + Dirty while PPT | Chlorineis | NaCl +AgNO3 HNO;(dil) Boil then + Cool | Solution in Present —>AgClj.+ NaNO3 + Add AgNO; NH,OH White ppt AgCl + 2NH,OH —>[Ag(NHs3)2] Cl + 2H,0 Diammine Silver Chloride Pee eee eee 2a eee ‘CHEMISTRY : 12 | OR OR Ons | | Pale yellow PPt_ | Bromine is | NaBr + AgNO; Sn Partially Soluble | Present NaNO, + AgBr | In NH,OH Pale Yellow ppt | | \ \ OR OR OR \ | Deep yellow PPt | lodine is Be \ | Insoluble in | Present NE | NH,OH Agi +NaNO3 Deep Yellow ppt | =>LAYERTEST ‘ Sodium Extract + Cl. If CCl, layer Bromine 2Br + Cl—>Br2 + 2C1 water + CCl,+ KMn0O, + turns brown Confirmed | Br, + CClh—> Brown HCl(con) + Shake Layer OR If CCl, layer lodine Ss . turns violet confirmed 21+ Ch I + 2¢l I,+ CCl,—>violet layer => Result:- Given Organic Compound Contain CHEMISTRY 13 MELTING POINT Definition:- The melting point of a solid is a temperature at which solid & Theory:- The melting point is a physical characteristic of the pure c liquid phases of the substance are at equilibrium. Solid =———— Liquid compound. The sharp melting point always indicates the purity of substance. Procedure:- (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) ; (vi) Observation:- Result:- The melting point of given substance is CHEMISTRY Take a capillary tube. Seal its one end by heating. Introduce a little amount of given compound in it by gentle tapping. Fixed capillary tube with thermometer by thread in. Place the thermometer in small beaker containing paraffin oil. and heat the beaker gently with constant stirring. When the substance in capillary tube start to melt remove the burner and note the temperature where the substance in capillary tube is completely melted. This will be melting point of solid. S.N Melting Point ocr 14 BOILING POINT Definition:- the boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid in a open container is equal to the atmospheric pressure and bubble of vapour are formed throughout the liquid. Theory:- The boiling point is also physical characteristic of a pure liquid substance. The pure substance always shows the fix boiling point at sea level. Procedure:- (i) Introduce few drops of given liquid in ignition tube it attach with thermometer by thread. (ii) Bottom of ignition tube and bulb of thermometer should be in the same level. (ii) Take a capillary tube sealed at one end put it into ignition tube with sealed end upward. (iv) Place thermometer in the beaker containing paraffin oil and heat the beaker gently with constant stirring. (v) | When continuous stream of bubbles starts coming from ignition tube, remove the burner. (vi) Note the temperature that is the boiling point of the liquid. ; Observation:- Result:- The boiling point of given substance is CHEMISTRY 15 TITRATION Strong Aci ‘ong Base Object:- you are given ecco find out the normality and amount of T ee (i : Theory:- (i) A acid reacts with base forms salt and & water. Acid donates H" ions while base donates OH’ ions, these ions combine to form water his reaction is called "Neutralization". H+ OH —————> 2,0 The point where neutralization takes place is called end points. Phenolphthalein is used as indicator to determine end point of reaction titration. Equation:- Procedure:- (i) water. (ii) Fillthe burette with (iii) Fix the burette vertically in stand remove the air bubble from the jet present. (iv) Take 10ml solution of........... with the help of pipette and transfer into conical flask and add one or two drops of indicator Wash the burette, pipette, conical flask and funnel with ... solution up to zero mark. before titration. Note down the reading of burette that is initial reading. (v) Add solution from burette into conical flask drop wise and shake it from time to time as light permanent / persistent pink colour appears, so stop it. Note down the burette reading. Make the difference between final reading - initial reading, wash the conical flask and repeat the procedure. CHEMISTRY 01 servation = ervation:- (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) : (v) (vi) Solution In Burette Solution In conical flash Normality of unknown solution =N1= Normality of known solution =| Volume of unknown solution Volume of known solution = (vii) Colour changes from to No | Initial Reading | Final Reading | Differences | Concordant | Cm? Cm? | Cm? | ReadingCm* | meas ee m ] | | F ; =| alten - | | | | | \ | ——______| : Calculation ** Formula OF Normality :- unknown solution vs known solution NixV1 = N2xV2 * Equivalent Weight :- =. Eqw.t of An Acid => Molecular weight of Acid / Basicity =. Eqw.t of An Base => Molecular weight of Base / Acidity * Amount :- Normality x Eqw.t x Volume in dm? OR Normality x Eq w.t x Volume in Cm? : 1000 (i) Normality Of unknown solution = N . 3 (ii) Amount Of unknown solution = gm/dm CHEMISTRY Saas 02

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