Post Harvest Assignment

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Nov. 27, 2022

1. Describe, define and provide the advantages and disadvantages of the following packaging
material for chilled fish.

Advantages Disadvantages
Plastic The advantages of plastics include their Poor lifespan since plastic ages poorly over
low cost, water resistance, resistance to time, scratches, dents, and cracks can
energy and heavy chemicals during degrade plastic. quickly takes in tastes and
production, durability, and light weight. odors huge effects on the environment and
The use of plastics has drawbacks because health at greater risk from high BPA
they pollute the environment. Animal life concentrations.
is endangered by them.
Glavarized Reusable- Nationwide, green policies are Too Expensive- Metal shipping containers,
iron sheet gaining traction, which is good for both particularly those in larger sizes, can be
tabs people and the environment. Metal significantly more expensive than plastic
containers may be reused, therefore they shipping containers of the same size. When
work well with waste reduction strategies. setting a storage budget, it is important to
The statement that no metal container is consider both the benefits and costs of each.
completely worthless is not exaggerated. Too Heavy to Carry - Due to the fact that
Durability- The durability of metal metal containers are typically made of steel,
containers means they’re easily superior they are very heavy. The majority of the
to plastic or other materials. Metal can get time, moving and relocating the containers
banged up and repeatedly relocated will require the use of lifters and other
without suffering significant external tools. They cannot be manually moved.
damage. Rusting- Metal containers need to be
protected against rusting since moisture
exposure will cause them to corrode.
Wooden Local businesses may produce and fix the Bacteria and fungus may quickly infect
boxes containers. Wood is comparatively untreated wood. Deterioration of the
resistant to several types of weather and product may result from treating wooden
(sea)water. Wooden crates are frequently boxes with paint or other chemicals. For
used for multiple trips and are more produce like soft fruits, the material may be
effective for transporting larger fruits, too hard or rough, so liners made of a softer
such as watermelons. The majority of material may be required.
crates are well ventilated, and quick pre-
cooling is feasible.
Coconut, The benefit of packaging made of woven The disadvantage is that the webbing will
bamboo or bamboo is that it can keep the air moist open if you are interested in it, and it will
rattan and, due to its opaque nature, can shield be challenging to close it again.
the packaged material from reactions that
cause decomposition due to light or light.
Pindang fish and presto milkfish are two
examples of fish products that are
packaged with rattan or bamboo.
PRODUCTS. Retrieve on November 28, 2022 at
Haul, (2012). Advantages and Disadvantages of Metal Storage Containers. Retrieve on November 28,
2022 at

2. Describe, define and provide the advantages and disadvantages of the following insulating

Advantages Disadvantages
Cork and fiber glass mat The most typical, non- Your skin and lungs may
flammable, moisture-resistant, become severely irritated if you
and efficient heat flow blocker. come into contact with it.
Rice hall. Kapok, saw dust, comprised of natural materials Before being used as insulation,
coconut fiber that have been recycled. natural fiber materials must first
go through a chemical
Polysterene able to insulate nearly anything difficult to clean, short lifespan,
and lack of melt water drainage.
Polyurethane Materials that are sprayed on or Due to its thinness and aging
foamed are great for insulating properties, liquid polyurethane
and enclosing already-existing foam tends to pull away from
walls, oddly shaped spaces, and the framing.
working around obstacles. They
save energy as well.

Alpharetta (2022). (2022, October 29). Advantages and Disadvantages of Common Types of Insulation.
Gagne Heating & Air Conditioning | Retrieve on November 29, 2022 at

3. Pointers in handling chilled fish

Instruments for measuring temperature
Let's first have a look at how different temperatures are expressed and a few of the tools we may use to
measure them.
It is helpful to use a measuring scale with a specific number for that temperature in order to comprehend
temperature fluctuations. The Celsius scale, also known as the Centigrade scale, is often used. It is
denoted by a number followed by °C (degrees Celsius), as in the following example:
100 °C = the temperature of boiling water;
37 °C = the temperature of a healthy adult human;
0 °C = the temperature at which water starts to freeze or ice begins to melt.

This scale is also used to measure temperatures far lower than the freezing point of water, such as 30 °C
(minus 30 °C) for frozen goods, and even much lower.
A mercury-in-glass thermometer, a dial thermometer, or an electronic thermometer with digital readings
are just a few examples of the numerous tools we might use to measure temperature. To monitor a fish's
temperature, several of them include long, pointed probes that may be inserted.
The effects of temperature
We are aware that tropical fish are captured in warm ocean waters, such as those between 25 and 30 °C.
Enzymes and bacteria that cause spoiling prefer to dwell in these heated environments. The circumstances
created by chilling the fish make enzymes and bacteria respond more slowly, which also slows down the
rotting process.
Fish can degrade quickly and even spoil within 8 to 10 hours at tropical ambient temperatures (roughly 25
to 35 °C). Fish that are left out in the sun will become even hotter, creating the perfect environment for
bacteria and enzymes to attack the flesh.
We are aware that a fish's stomach contains a significant amount of enzymes and microorganisms. A
fish's intestines may spill out and contaminate it if it is destroyed by being improperly gaffed, tossed on
the deck, or trodden on. The quality of the infected seafood will swiftly decline. Any damaged fish is not
only worthless, but it can also cause other good-quality, undamaged fish to degrade and spoil.
Bacteria that cause deterioration are present worldwide, although they are especially prevalent in unclean
environments. Millions of germs are thriving on the blood, slime, and fish bits. Unclean equipment
frequently transmits bacteria to healthy fish.
While many bacteria speed up food decomposition, certain other bacteria can be dangerous to humans
because they create toxins. This is just another incentive to maintain all handling and processing facilities,
equipment, and workspaces immaculate by cleaning them often with powerful detergents.
Given that we use our hands for many handling and processing steps, personal hygiene is equally crucial.
Dirty hands and clothing will aid in the transfer of harmful bacteria that can make people ill as well as
spoilage bacteria.
FAD Fishing Skill Workshop, (2008). Fish Handling and Chilling. Retrieve on November 29, 2022 at
FAD Fishing Skills Workshop - Module 3: Fish handling and chilling (

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