Planmeca Compact I Touch v2: User's Manual

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Planmeca Compact i Touch v2


user's manual

The manufacturer, assembler and importer are responsible for the safety, reliability and
performance of the unit only if:
- installation, calibration, modification and repairs are carried out by qualified
authorised personnel
- electrical installations are carried out according to the appropriate requirements such
as IEC 60364
- equipment is used according to the operating instructions.
Planmeca pursues a policy of continual product development. Although every effort
is made to produce up-to-date product documentation this publication should not be
regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications. We reserve the right to make
changes without prior notice.
Publication number 10033022 Revision 23
Released 10 January 2022
Table of contents

1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Disclaimer.......................................................................................................................................1
2 Associated documentation..........................................................................................................................2
3 Training.......................................................................................................................................................4
4 Registering your product.............................................................................................................................5
5 Annual maintenance................................................................................................................................... 6
6 Symbols on product labels..........................................................................................................................7
7 For your safety..........................................................................................................................................10
7.1 Safety precautions........................................................................................................................10
7.2 Safety switches.............................................................................................................................15
7.3 Stopping chair movements quickly............................................................................................... 16
7.4 Reporting serious incidents.......................................................................................................... 17
8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit............................................................................................................... 18
8.1 Unit configuration..........................................................................................................................18
8.1.1 Over-the-patient delivery with balanced instrument arms............................................ 18
8.1.2 Over-the-patient delivery with hanging-tube instruments.............................................20
8.1.3 Side delivery with hanging-tube instruments................................................................21
8.1.4 Mobile cart with hanging-tube instruments...................................................................22
8.1.5 Independent cart with hanging-tube instruments......................................................... 23
8.2 Detachable parts.......................................................................................................................... 23
8.3 Applied parts.................................................................................................................................27
8.4 Bowl..............................................................................................................................................27
8.5 Monitor..........................................................................................................................................29
8.6 Mobile and independent cart........................................................................................................ 29
8.7 Tablet holder.................................................................................................................................30
8.8 USB connectivity.......................................................................................................................... 31
8.8.1 Instrument console.......................................................................................................31
8.8.2 Cuspidor.......................................................................................................................32
8.9 Water and air quick-connectors....................................................................................................32
8.10 Planmeca Romexis connection.................................................................................................... 33
8.11 Planmeca ProX X-ray unit............................................................................................................ 34
8.12 Planmeca intraoral scanner..........................................................................................................34
9 Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating lights......................................................... 36
10 Instrument system.................................................................................................................................... 37
10.1 Delivery arms................................................................................................................................37
10.1.1 Over-the-Patient (OP) delivery arm..............................................................................37
10.1.2 Side delivery arm......................................................................................................... 38
10.2 Instrument console....................................................................................................................... 39
10.2.1 Instrument console with balanced instrument arms..................................................... 39
10.2.2 Instrument console with hanging-tube instruments......................................................41
10.3 Quick-connector hoses.................................................................................................................41
10.4 Instrument functions..................................................................................................................... 43
10.4.1 Instrument spray.......................................................................................................... 44

User's manual Planmeca Compact i

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10.4.2 Automatic chip blow..................................................................................................... 44

10.4.3 Instrument light.............................................................................................................44
10.4.4 Reverse rotation of micromotor....................................................................................44
10.4.5 Quickstart of air driven instruments..............................................................................44
10.4.6 Instrument speed/power limit....................................................................................... 44
10.4.7 Torque limit.................................................................................................................. 45
10.4.8 Apical action.................................................................................................................45
10.5 Trays.............................................................................................................................................45
10.5.1 Quick-connect tray....................................................................................................... 45
10.5.2 Integrated tray.............................................................................................................. 46
10.5.3 Top tray........................................................................................................................ 47
10.5.4 Rotating tray.................................................................................................................48
10.5.5 Double tray...................................................................................................................48
10.5.6 Column tray..................................................................................................................48
10.5.7 Over-the-patient (OP) tray............................................................................................49
10.6 Sterile water system..................................................................................................................... 49
10.6.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 49
10.6.2 Setting up sterile water system.................................................................................... 52
10.6.3 Extending sterile water tube.........................................................................................54
10.6.4 Adjusting sterile water flow rate................................................................................... 55
10.6.5 Adjusting sterile water volume..................................................................................... 56
10.6.6 Removing sterile water bag holder (OP deliveries)......................................................56
11 Suction system......................................................................................................................................... 57
11.1 Suction arms.................................................................................................................................57
11.1.1 Adjustable suction arm.................................................................................................57
11.1.2 Adjustable suction arm with Flexy-holder.....................................................................57
11.1.3 Left/right suction arm with Flexy-holder....................................................................... 58
11.1.4 Chair-mounted adjustable suction arm with Flexy-holder............................................ 58
11.1.5 Chair-mounted left/right suction arm with Flexy-holder................................................59
11.2 Flexy-holder..................................................................................................................................60
11.3 Removing and replacing suction tubes.........................................................................................63
12 Patient chair..............................................................................................................................................65
12.1 Patient recognition........................................................................................................................65
12.2 Automatic legrest..........................................................................................................................66
12.3 Trendelenburg position.................................................................................................................67
12.4 Armrests....................................................................................................................................... 67
12.5 Manual headrest...........................................................................................................................69
12.5.1 Adjusting height of headrest.........................................................................................69
12.5.2 Adjusting headrest angle..............................................................................................70
12.5.3 Adjusting headrest for children or short patients..........................................................70
12.6 Motorised headrest.......................................................................................................................72
13 Control panel............................................................................................................................................ 73
13.1 Control panel on instrument console............................................................................................ 73
13.1.1 Touchpad functionality................................................................................................. 74
13.2 Control panel on Flexy-holder...................................................................................................... 76
14 Foot control...............................................................................................................................................77
14.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................77
14.2 Foot control pedal.........................................................................................................................78
14.3 Foot control functions................................................................................................................... 79
14.3.1 Centre knob functions.................................................................................................. 79
14.3.2 Left-side and right-side knob functions........................................................................ 79
14.3.3 Pedal functions.............................................................................................................79
14.4 Disconnecting standard foot control from dental unit................................................................... 81

Planmeca Compact i User's manual

Table of contents

14.5 Wireless foot control..................................................................................................................... 81

15 Switching unit on and off...........................................................................................................................83
16 Signing in and out..................................................................................................................................... 84
16.1 Signing in......................................................................................................................................84
16.2 Signing out....................................................................................................................................86
17 Managing users and personal settings..................................................................................................... 87
17.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................87
17.2 Creating new user........................................................................................................................ 87
17.3 Deleting user................................................................................................................................ 88
17.4 Editing user settings..................................................................................................................... 89
17.4.1 Editing user name........................................................................................................ 90
17.4.2 Editing language.......................................................................................................... 91
17.4.3 Editing colour theme.................................................................................................... 93
17.5 Resetting personal settings.......................................................................................................... 94
18 Assigning PlanID card to user.................................................................................................................. 95
19 Checking dental unit details......................................................................................................................98
19.1 About this unit...............................................................................................................................98
19.2 Unit type....................................................................................................................................... 99
19.3 Unit serial number........................................................................................................................ 99
19.4 Unit software version.................................................................................................................... 99
19.5 Service..........................................................................................................................................99
19.5.1 Service contact details................................................................................................. 99
19.5.2 Annual maintenance.................................................................................................... 99
19.5.3 Storage information......................................................................................................99
19.5.4 GUI diagnostics..........................................................................................................100
19.5.5 PlanID........................................................................................................................ 100
19.5.6 Clock calibration.........................................................................................................100
19.5.7 Product registration.................................................................................................... 100
19.5.8 Peripherals................................................................................................................. 100
19.5.9 Dental unit model....................................................................................................... 100
19.5.10 Screensaver............................................................................................................... 101
19.6 Network settings......................................................................................................................... 101
19.7 Message history......................................................................................................................... 101
19.8 Bluetooth.................................................................................................................................... 101
19.9 Licences..................................................................................................................................... 102
20 Operating patient chair........................................................................................................................... 103
20.1 Manual operation........................................................................................................................103
20.2 Automatic operation....................................................................................................................105
20.2.1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 105
20.2.2 Extended vs. traditional view......................................................................................106
20.2.3 Selecting automatic position...................................................................................... 106
20.2.4 Selecting rinsing position........................................................................................... 108
20.2.5 Stopping chair movements.........................................................................................109
21 Operating motorised headrest................................................................................................................ 110
21.1 Normal mode.............................................................................................................................. 111
21.1.1 Joystick...................................................................................................................... 111
21.1.2 Foot control................................................................................................................ 111
21.2 Tilt mode.....................................................................................................................................112
21.2.1 Joystick...................................................................................................................... 112
21.2.2 Foot control................................................................................................................ 113
22 Operating dental unit.............................................................................................................................. 114

User's manual Planmeca Compact i

Table of contents

22.1 Language....................................................................................................................................114
22.2 Bowl rinse................................................................................................................................... 115
22.3 Cup fill.........................................................................................................................................115
22.4 Timer.......................................................................................................................................... 116
22.5 Door open / assistant call........................................................................................................... 117
22.6 Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating light.............................................118
22.6.1 Indicator lights............................................................................................................ 118
22.6.2 Switching operating light on/off.................................................................................. 120
22.6.3 Switching composite mode on/off.............................................................................. 121
22.6.4 Adjusting intensity of operating light...........................................................................122
22.6.5 Adjusting intensity of operating light in composite mode........................................... 124
22.6.6 Changing light tone of operating light.........................................................................125
22.7 Planmeca Solanna Vision camera..............................................................................................126
22.7.1 Starting to use cameras............................................................................................. 127
22.7.2 Adjusting camera settings from dental unit................................................................ 129
22.7.3 Switching video streaming on/off............................................................................... 131
22.7.4 Recording video......................................................................................................... 132
22.7.5 Capturing image.........................................................................................................133
22.8 X-ray film viewer......................................................................................................................... 134
23 Operating instruments............................................................................................................................ 135
23.1 Instrument logic.......................................................................................................................... 135
23.2 Micromotor..................................................................................................................................136
23.2.1 Speed/power.............................................................................................................. 136
23.2.2 Reverse rotation.........................................................................................................137
23.2.3 Speed/power limit.......................................................................................................137
23.2.4 Instrument spray........................................................................................................ 137
23.2.5 Momentary spray....................................................................................................... 139
23.2.6 Automatic chip blow................................................................................................... 139
23.2.7 Manual chip blow....................................................................................................... 139
23.2.8 Instrument light...........................................................................................................140
23.3 Bien-Air MCX micromotor...........................................................................................................141
23.3.1 Torque........................................................................................................................141
23.3.2 RPM........................................................................................................................... 142
23.4 Bien-Air MX2 micromotor........................................................................................................... 142
23.4.1 Torque........................................................................................................................143
23.4.2 RPM........................................................................................................................... 144
23.4.3 Presets....................................................................................................................... 144
23.5 Bien-Air MX-i micromotor........................................................................................................... 145
23.5.1 Sterile water............................................................................................................... 146
23.5.2 Torque........................................................................................................................146
23.5.3 RPM........................................................................................................................... 146
23.5.4 Presets....................................................................................................................... 147
23.6 Morita TORX micromotor............................................................................................................147
23.6.1 Torque........................................................................................................................148
23.6.2 RPM........................................................................................................................... 149
23.6.3 Apical action...............................................................................................................150
23.6.4 Presets....................................................................................................................... 151
23.7 Apex locator................................................................................................................................154
23.7.1 Before using apex locator.......................................................................................... 154
23.7.2 Using apex locator..................................................................................................... 157
23.7.3 Testing apex locator function..................................................................................... 160
23.8 Turbine....................................................................................................................................... 162
23.8.1 Speed/power.............................................................................................................. 162
23.8.2 Quickstart................................................................................................................... 162

Planmeca Compact i User's manual

Table of contents

23.8.3 Instrument spray........................................................................................................ 163

23.8.4 Speed/power limit.......................................................................................................164
23.8.5 Momentary spray....................................................................................................... 165
23.8.6 Automatic chip blow................................................................................................... 165
23.8.7 Manual chip blow....................................................................................................... 166
23.8.8 Instrument light...........................................................................................................166
23.9 Scaler......................................................................................................................................... 166
23.9.1 Speed/power.............................................................................................................. 167
23.9.2 Instrument spray........................................................................................................ 167
23.9.3 Momentary spray....................................................................................................... 168
23.9.4 Satelec Newtron scaler.............................................................................................. 169
23.9.5 LM scaler....................................................................................................................169
23.9.6 EMS No Pain scaler................................................................................................... 170
23.9.7 Instrument light...........................................................................................................170
23.10 Planmeca Lumion Plus polymerisation light............................................................................... 170
23.11 Intraoral camera and Planmeca Romexis.................................................................................. 172
23.11.1 Intraoral camera placed in instrument console.......................................................... 172
23.11.2 Intraoral camera placed in suction holder.................................................................. 174
23.12 Planmeca intraoral scanner........................................................................................................176
23.12.1 Operating intraoral scanner from foot control.............................................................176
24 Operating suction handpieces................................................................................................................ 179
24.1 Saliva and high-volume suction..................................................................................................179
24.2 Tilting high-volume suction......................................................................................................... 180
25 Programming.......................................................................................................................................... 181
25.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................181
25.2 Organising items on control panel.............................................................................................. 182
25.3 Automatic chair positions............................................................................................................182
25.3.1 Extended view............................................................................................................183
25.3.2 Traditional view.......................................................................................................... 184
25.4 Instrument settings..................................................................................................................... 185
25.4.1 Instrument speed/power limit..................................................................................... 185
25.4.2 Instrument spray........................................................................................................ 185
25.4.3 Enabling/disabling sterile water mode........................................................................186
25.4.4 Automatic chip blow................................................................................................... 187
25.4.5 Instrument light...........................................................................................................187
25.4.6 Bien-Air MCX micromotor.......................................................................................... 188
25.4.7 Bien-Air MX2 micromotor........................................................................................... 189
25.4.8 Bien-Air MX-i micromotor........................................................................................... 192
25.4.9 Morita TORX micromotor........................................................................................... 195
25.4.10 Planmeca Lumion Plus polymerisation light...............................................................197
25.5 Timer settings............................................................................................................................. 198
25.6 Bowl rinse and cup fill.................................................................................................................198
25.6.1 Adjusting cup fill and bowl rinse flow rates.................................................................198
25.6.2 Duration of bowl rinsing..............................................................................................199
25.6.3 Duration of cup filling..................................................................................................200
25.7 Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating lights........................................... 201
25.7.1 Intensity......................................................................................................................201
25.7.2 Colour temperature and brightness............................................................................202
25.7.3 Gesture sensor...........................................................................................................203
25.8 Duration of door open / assistant call......................................................................................... 204
25.9 Clock...........................................................................................................................................205
25.10 Date............................................................................................................................................ 206
25.11 Wireless foot control................................................................................................................... 207

User's manual Planmeca Compact i

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25.11.1 Pairing wireless foot control....................................................................................... 207

25.11.2 Viewing battery charging information......................................................................... 209
25.11.3 Adjusting radio settings.............................................................................................. 209
26 Calibrating clock..................................................................................................................................... 211
27 Flushing and cleaning programs.............................................................................................................213
27.1 When to use cleaning programs.................................................................................................213
27.2 Before you start.......................................................................................................................... 213
27.3 Short instrument flushing............................................................................................................216
27.4 Long instrument flushing............................................................................................................ 219
27.5 Suction cleaning......................................................................................................................... 221
27.6 Waterline cleaning...................................................................................................................... 224
27.6.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 224
27.6.2 Starting waterline cleaning cycle................................................................................225
27.6.3 Waterline flushing.......................................................................................................231
27.6.4 Maintenance...............................................................................................................235
28 Cleaning and disinfection........................................................................................................................236
28.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................236
28.2 Dental unit surfaces....................................................................................................................236
28.3 Instruments.................................................................................................................................239
28.4 Instrument console..................................................................................................................... 239
28.4.1 Oil collector................................................................................................................ 239
28.5 Cuspidor..................................................................................................................................... 240
28.5.1 Bowl........................................................................................................................... 240
28.5.2 Instrument flushing holder..........................................................................................242
28.5.3 Suction tube cleaning holder......................................................................................242
28.5.4 Disposable filters........................................................................................................243
28.5.5 Spittoon valve coarse filter......................................................................................... 243
28.5.6 Amalgam collector......................................................................................................244
28.5.7 Deposit cup................................................................................................................ 245
28.5.8 Clean-water bottle...................................................................................................... 246
28.6 Suction system........................................................................................................................... 247
28.6.1 In the morning............................................................................................................ 247
28.6.2 After each patient....................................................................................................... 247
28.6.3 After each working day...............................................................................................248
28.6.4 Weekly cleaning procedures...................................................................................... 249
28.6.5 Cleaning suction handpieces..................................................................................... 250
28.7 Planmeca ProX...........................................................................................................................251
28.8 Planmeca ProSensor..................................................................................................................251
28.9 Planmeca intraoral scanner........................................................................................................252
28.10 External PC................................................................................................................................ 252
29 Planmeca ActiveAqua.............................................................................................................................253
29.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................253
29.2 Measuring free chlorine.............................................................................................................. 253
29.3 Changing Planmeca ActiveAqua prefilter................................................................................... 254
29.4 Resetting prefilter counter.......................................................................................................... 256
29.5 Adjusting Planmeca ActiveAqua settings................................................................................... 258
30 Clean water system................................................................................................................................ 261
30.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................261
30.2 Waterline cleaning...................................................................................................................... 262
30.2.1 After the working day................................................................................................. 262
30.2.2 In the morning............................................................................................................ 265
31 Help and error messages....................................................................................................................... 267

Planmeca Compact i User's manual

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31.1 Overview.....................................................................................................................................267
31.2 Help messages in short form......................................................................................................268
31.3 Error messages in short form..................................................................................................... 277
31.3.1 General error messages............................................................................................ 277
31.3.2 Power supply related error messages........................................................................280
31.3.3 Control panel related error messages........................................................................281
31.3.4 Instrument related error messages............................................................................ 281
31.3.5 Instrument multiplexer related error messages..........................................................282
31.3.6 Suction holder related error messages...................................................................... 284
31.3.7 Foot control related error messages.......................................................................... 284
31.3.8 Operating light related error messages......................................................................285
31.3.9 Separator system related error messages................................................................. 286
31.3.10 Patient chair related error messages......................................................................... 286
31.3.11 Main CPU related error messages.............................................................................287
31.3.12 Headrest related error messages...............................................................................287
31.3.13 ActiveAqua related error messages........................................................................... 288
31.3.14 Water leak related error messages............................................................................ 289
31.3.15 Maintenance related errors........................................................................................ 289
31.3.16 Software upgrade error messages.............................................................................289
31.3.17 Error messages generated by control panel.............................................................. 290
31.4 Viewing help and error message history.................................................................................... 290
32 Consumables..........................................................................................................................................294
33 Disposal.................................................................................................................................................. 299
34 Technical information..............................................................................................................................300
34.1 Technical specifications..............................................................................................................300
34.2 Instrument classifications........................................................................................................... 303
34.3 Dimensions.................................................................................................................................304
34.3.1 Positioning of patient, dentist and assistant............................................................... 304
34.3.2 Patient area................................................................................................................305
34.3.3 Over-the-patient delivery with balanced instrument arms.......................................... 307
34.3.4 Over-the-patient delivery with hanging-tube instruments...........................................308
34.3.5 Side delivery with hanging-tube instruments..............................................................310
34.3.6 Cart............................................................................................................................ 312
34.4 Planmeca Compact i dental unit water consumption..................................................................313
35 Planmeca as EU importer.......................................................................................................................314
36 Certifications........................................................................................................................................... 315
36.1 CE...............................................................................................................................................315
36.2 EU Declaration of Conformity for PlanID RFID-reader............................................................... 315
36.3 EAC Declaration of Conformity for PlanID RFID-reader.............................................................315
36.4 FCC Class B Notice for wireless foot control..............................................................................315
36.5 FCC Class B Notice for PlanID RFID-reader..............................................................................315
36.6 Industry Canada (IC) Compliance Statement.............................................................................316
36.7 Industrie Canada (IC) Déclaration de conformité....................................................................... 316
36.8 RF Exposure...............................................................................................................................316

User's manual Planmeca Compact i

Table of contents

Planmeca Compact i User's manual

1 Introduction

1 Introduction
The Planmeca dental unit is an electrically controlled dental device that
consists of a patient chair, cuspidor, delivery arm, dental instruments,
operating light and a foot control. The Planmeca dental unit is meant to be
used for dental treatment by dental care professionals.
This manual describes the Planmeca dental unit and how to use it.
Depending on the configuration of your dental unit, this manual may contain
parts that do not apply to your dental unit. Please read this manual carefully
before using the unit.

The use of the Planmeca dental unit is allowed only under the supervision of
dental care professionals.

This manual is valid for software revision 7.12.3 or later.

In error situations, this manual is the primary source of information.

For information on OEM products, please refer to OEM documentation.

This Planmeca dental unit fulfils the requirements of Directives 93/42/EEC

(MDD) and 2011/65/EU (RoHS).

All button illustrations indicate that the button on the control panel should be
pressed. Pressing a button will either switch a function on or off, depending
on the original setting, or change the value.
The settings and values shown in this manual are only examples and should
not be interpreted as recommended values unless otherwise stated.

1.1 Disclaimer

Planmeca Solanna Vision is equipped with a network connection. Planmeca
claims no responsibility for the end user’s data security or for any
malfunction in the system that may lead to data loss. User organisation must
take care of protecting the network by using a firewall.

Planmeca Solanna Vision is equipped with camera and microphone
functionalities. These can be used to record patient and employee
personal data. User organisation must take into account national regulations
concerning the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons and in
particular their right to the protection of personal data.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 1

2 Associated documentation

2 Associated documentation
This Planmeca dental unit is delivered with the following manuals and
• User’s manual
For dental care professionals. Describes the dental unit and its different
parts as well as instructs how to operate and clean the dental unit.
• Installation manual
For service personnel. Describes how to install the dental unit.

Use the installation template (included in delivery) to position the unit
• Technical manual
For service personnel. Gives instructions for service situations.
• Wiring diagrams (10030500)
• Pneumatic diagrams (30014222)
• User's manual for optional WEK water disinfection system
For dental care professionals. Gives instructions for use and

Planmeca Romexis software is delivered with the following manuals:

• Planmeca Romexis user’s manual
For dental care professionals. Describes how to monitor and control the
activities as well as gather data related to dental treatments.
• Planmeca Romexis quick installation guide
For service personnel. Describes how to install Planmeca Romexis
• Planmeca Romexis technical manual
For service personnel. Gives instructions for service situations.

The Planmeca Solanna or Planmeca Solanna Vision operating light is

delivered with the following manual:
• User's manual
For dental care professionals. Describes the operating light and instructs
how to operate and clean it.
• Installation and technical manual
For service personnel. Describes how to install the operating light to the
ceiling or wall, and gives instructions for service situations.
The operating light's installation to the dental unit is described in the
dental unit's installation manual.

The intraoral X-ray unit Planmeca ProX can be installed to the Planmeca
dental unit. Planmeca ProX is delivered with the following manuals:
• User’s manual
For dental/health care professionals. Describes the intraoral X-ray unit
and its different parts as well as instructs how to operate and clean the
X-ray unit.

2 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

2 Associated documentation

• Installation manual
For service personnel. Describes how to install the intraoral X-ray unit.
• Technical manual
For service personnel. Gives instructions for service situations.

The Planmeca intraoral scanner is delivered with the following manual:

• Planmeca FIT user’s manual
For dental care professionals who take digital impressions for dental
• Planmeca FIT installation manual
For service personnel. Describes how to install the intraoral scanner.

The Planmeca ProSensor sensor is delivered with the following manuals:

• User’s manual
For dental care professionals. Describes the sensor that is intended to
be used for capturing digital intraoral X-ray images and instructs how to
use it.
• Installation manual
For service personnel. Describes how to install the sensor.

Before using surface disinfectants, upholstery disinfectants, dental unit

water and waterline disinfectants, or suction disinfectants, read the
disinfectant’s material safety data sheet and the document Planmeca
approved disinfectants (30007097). The document can be found in the
Planmeca Material bank.
Before using an instrument, read the instrument’s user’s manual.
For a full list of accessories, refer to the Planmeca product price list.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 3

3 Training

3 Training
A hands-on user’s training is given in connection with the installation of this

4 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

4 Registering your product

4 Registering your product

About this task
Before you start using your Planmeca product, you must register it to
activate the warranty.

As an alternative to navigating to the registration website as described
below, you can enter in your Internet browser.

1. Go to Planmeca's Product registration page.
1.a. Sign in to the dental unit.
1.b. Press Program.

1.c. Press About this unit.

1.d. Select Service > Product registration.

1.e. Read the QR code with a QR code reader to enter the registration
2. Follow the instructions on the website.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 5

5 Annual maintenance

5 Annual maintenance
To guarantee the dental unit’s proper operation, the unit must be checked
and serviced by a qualified Planmeca service technician according to the
maintenance schedule that has been set for your dental unit.
In the annual maintenance, the service technician replaces all parts
specified by the maintenance kit. These include, but are not limited to,
parts in contact with air, water and suction systems. In addition, the service
technician checks and services all dental unit parts suspect to wear and tear
in normal use. These include parts in the cuspidor, foot control, instrument
console, delivery arms, patient chair, suction arm and operating light. Also,
the mechanical stability and electrical safety inspection is performed.
The default maintenance interval is 365 days.
In the About this unit window you can check when the annual maintenance
was last performed and when it should be performed next.
A help message will remind you about the annual maintenance well in

6 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

6 Symbols on product labels

6 Symbols on product labels

Fulfils the requirements of Directive 93/42/EEC.

Certification mark of the Eurasian Customs Union.

Medical Device in accordance with (EU) 2017/745.

Date of manufacture (Standard ISO 7000).

SGS listing marking according to US and Canadian standards (ANSI/AAMI

ES60601-1 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601- 1).

Type B applied part (Standard IEC 60417).

Type BF applied part for specified dental instruments (Standard IEC 60417).

Alternating current (Standard IEC 60417)

On/Off switch (Standard IEC 60417).

Consult electronic instructions for use (Standard ISO 7000-1641).

Refer to instruction manual/booklet (Standard ISO 7010).

General warning (Standard ISO 7010).

Warning, crushing hazard: hand (Standard ISO 7010).

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 7

6 Symbols on product labels

Warning, hot surface (Standard ISO 7010).

Warning: Electricity (Standard ISO 7010).

To avoid risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be connected to a
supply mains with protective earth.

Health hazard (acc. to EC regulation no. 1272/2008).

Do not put fingers inside mechanical parts.

Strong magnet. Remove the tray mounting arm when treating patients who
have a cardiac pacemaker. (Standard ISO 7010.)

Protected against dripping water (Standard IEC 60529).

Disposable item. Do not reuse (Standard ISO 7000).

Sterilised using steam or dry heat (Standard ISO 7000).

Separate collection for electrical and electronic equipment according to

Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE).

Protective earth (ground) (Standard IEC 60417).

Radio certification label (Japanese Radio Law).

8 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

6 Symbols on product labels

Note that the mains voltage is always present at the mains terminal under
the cover, when the unit is switched on. Do NOT open the cover. (Standard
IEC 60601-1.)

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 9

7 For your safety

7 For your safety

7.1 Safety precautions

No modification of this dental unit is allowed.

Only instruments or equipment approved by Planmeca may be connected to
this dental unit.

Do not simultaneously touch the patient and the PC.

Do not simultaneously touch the patient and the USB ports, or any electrical
connectors of external instrument modules.

Do not touch the patient when opening the cuspidor door or when the
cuspidor door is open.

Applies only to Planmeca dental units without a patient chair
Do not lift the patient when the patient is placed under the delivery arm. Risk
of trapping!

Maintenance procedures shall not be performed while equipment is in use
with a patient.

The patient must not be in contact with instruments when the patient is
resuscitated with a defibrillator.

10 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

7 For your safety

The worm screw securing nut (1) in the chair lift motor must always be
attached to the worm screw and must not be removed. If the securing nut is
faulty or displaced, immediately stop using the dental unit and contact your
Planmeca dealer.

A faulty or broken dental unit must not be used.

Do not perform other maintenance procedures than those instructed in this

When servicing the unit, always switch the unit off.

Guide the patient to sit on the chair. Make sure no one sits on the legrest,
the backrest or any other part of the dental unit.

When the patient is in the chair, ensure that the patient’s arms and legs are
resting on the chair.

Do not allow the patient to grab the operating light or its arm when getting
seated or getting up from the patient chair.

Instrument hoses have a limited lifespan and should be replaced after 5
years of use.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 11

7 For your safety

Drops of water on the touch display might disturb the functioning of the
control panel.

Lock the control panel from the Maintenance window before using a table-
top instrument.

The dental unit must not be used simultaneously with the intraoral X-ray unit
Planmeca ProX.

The light source of the operating light may cause retinal injury if viewed upon
Protect the patient’s and dental treatment staff’s eyes with protective glasses
that block high-energy visible light (HEV light), or limit the direct exposure to
4 minutes.

Switch off the unit before using an electrosurgical knife.

The use of the electrosurgical knife may affect the function of an
implanted pacemaker or defibrillator. Please refer to the manufacturer’s own

Do not use the scaler or the polymerisation light on patients with cardiac
pacemakers. The instrument can cause disturbance on the pacemaker’s

Electromagnetic interference between the equipment and other devices
can occur in very extreme conditions. Do not use the equipment in close
conjunction with sensitive devices, or devices creating high electromagnetic

Do not use the equipment in close conjunction with anaesthetic gas or in
highly oxygenated environments (oxygen content >25%).

Before using the dental unit, ensure that the instruments have been properly
flushed and that the suction tubes as well as the dental unit’s waterlines
have been cleaned as instructed in this manual.

If the drain is blocked, the dental unit might overflow with contaminated
water and excessive water could flow onto the floor. Shut down the unit and
contact your property's caretaker and your Planmeca dealer.

12 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

7 For your safety

When a water leak is detected, error E90 is displayed. Turn off the clinic’s
main water tap and contact your Planmeca dealer.

For surgical procedures, use sterile irrigating solutions, such as sterile water
or saline. Appropriate delivery devices should be used to deliver sterile
irrigating solutions during surgery. This may include a dedicated surgical
irrigation system with components including handpieces that are single-use
disposable or compatible with heat sterilisation methods used in outpatient
dental settings.

A power cut will shut down the software-controlled backflow prevention
system. If you are using a turbine without a built-in backflow prevention
system, contaminated water can enter into the turbine and turbine hose in
the event of a power cut.

In extreme operating conditions the temperature of the chair lift and backrest
motors might rise significantly. DO NOT TOUCH THE MOTORS!

In extreme operating conditions the surface temperature of the seat
upholstery may rise to 44°C (111°F). When applying maximum allowed load
on the patient chair in hot climate conditions, ensure sufficient time for the
seat upholstery to cool down.

Before switching on the dental unit, make sure that the main water feed, air
pressure and suction motor are turned on.

National regulations concerning the quality of dental water and dental air
must be followed when using the Planmeca dental unit.

The water used by the dental unit instruments and cup fill are to be used for
rinsing only. For more information, please contact your Planmeca dealer.

The main water feed must be turned off when the dental unit is not in use.

If your dental unit is not equipped with an internal water/waterline cleaning
system, you must connect the dental unit to an external water/waterline
cleaning system.

The user must monitor the microbial load of the water used by the dental

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 13

7 For your safety

If using air abrasives, please consult instructions for use given by the air
polisher manufacturer. Make sure that adequate flushing of dental unit is
performed immediately after using air polishers.

The air used by the dental unit instruments must be dry, clean and oil-free.

Never place heavy objects or containers of liquid on any part of the unit or
hang objects from the unit’s arm structures.

Care should be taken when other movable equipment is used in conjunction
with the dental unit.

The dental unit shall only be connected to a trusted private network (and not,
for example, the Internet).

EMC requirements have to be considered, and the equipment must be
installed and put into service according to the specific EMC information
provided in the accompanying documents.

Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect the dental

External equipment intended for connection to signal input, signal output or
other connectors, shall comply with relevant IEC standard (e.g. IEC 60950
for IT equipment and the IEC 60601 series for medical electrical equipment).
In addition, all such combinations - systems - shall comply with the IEC
60601-1 standard. Equipment not complying to IEC 60601-1 shall be kept
outside the patient area.

Any person who connects external equipment to signal input, signal output
or other connectors has formed a system and is therefore responsible for the
system to comply with the requirements of IEC 60601-1. If in doubt, contact
a qualified technician or your local representative.

14 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

7 For your safety

7.2 Safety switches

Care should be taken when driving the patient chair from one position to
another. Obstructions in the patient chair’s line of movement activate safety
switches that stop the motorised movements. The safety switches and their
functions are described below.
1. Backrest
An obstruction between the backrest and the floor when driving down
the chair and/or the backrest stops downwards chair and backrest
movements. Remove the obstruction to resume normal operation.
2. Chair-mounted left/right suction arm, joint
The suction arm is in the upmost position and prevents the chair and
backrest from being driven downward. They can be driven normally
when the suction arm has been moved downward.
3. Chair-mounted left/right suction arm, arm underside
An obstruction under the suction arm prevents the chair and backrest
from being driven downward. Remove the obstruction to resume normal
4. Chair bottom and lift adapter
An obstruction between the chair and the floor stops downwards chair
and backrest movements. Remove the obstruction to resume normal
5. Legrest
The position of the legrest is identified as ‘locked’ or ‘unlocked’ (= hangs
freely). Based on this information, the chair can be driven lower when it
is locked.
6. Adjustable legrest (all lengths)
An obstruction between the legrest and the floor stops downward chair
movements. Remove the obstruction to resume normal operation.
7. Bowl
The bowl is above the patient chair and stops upward chair movements.
Move the bowl into home position to resume normal operation.
8. Cuspidor door
The patient chair up/down movement is inhibited when the cuspidor door
is open. Also, the operation of instruments is inhibited. Close the door to
resume normal operation.
9. Side delivery; delivery arm joint (down)
The delivery arm is below its mechanical limit and downward backrest
movements are stopped. After stopping, the backrest can be driven
10. Side delivery; delivery arm joint (up)
The delivery arm is above its mechanical limit and upward backrest
movements are stopped. After stopping, the backrest can be driven

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 15

7 For your safety

7.3 Stopping chair movements quickly

The chair movements can be stopped quickly by:
• touching anywhere on the control panel display,
• kicking safety switch number 4 on the chair bottom,
• pushing the foot control pedal or the centre knob in any direction, or by
• pressing the handle of the foot control.

If the wireless foot control has been idle for 2 hours and has gone to sleep
mode, you must press the handle twice to stop the chair movements. (The
first press wakes the foot control up from sleep mode and the second press
stops the movements.)

16 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

7 For your safety

7.4 Reporting serious incidents

Serious incidents that have occurred in relation to the device must be
reported to the manufacturer and the local competent authority.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 17

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

8.1 Unit configuration

8.1.1 Over-the-patient delivery with balanced instrument arms

1. Monitor 6. Adjustable suction arm 11. Balanced instrument arms

2. Cup fill tube 7. Foot control 12. Control panel
3. Bowl rinse tube 8. Tray 13. OP delivery arm 520 mm
4. Bowl 9. Instrument console 14. Operating light
5. Adjustable suction arm with 10. Patient chair 15. ProX X-ray unit

18 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

This type of dental unit configuration has the option of a shorter OP delivery
arm (340 mm). The shortened console arm (1) allows easy access to the
patient chair if the instrument console is placed on the assistant's side during
patient change. The shortened console arm is especially well suited for
dental units without bowl.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 19

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

8.1.2 Over-the-patient delivery with hanging-tube instruments

1. Monitor 7. Control panel

2. Cup fill tube 8. Instrument console with hanging-tube (HT)
3. Bowl rinse tube 9. Tray
4. Bowl 10. OP delivery arm
5. Chair-mounted left-right suction arm with 11. Operating light
6. Patient chair

20 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

8.1.3 Side delivery with hanging-tube instruments

1. Monitor 7. Patient chair

2. Chair-mounted left-right suction arm with 8. Bowl
3. Side delivery arm 9. Bowl rinse tube
4. Instrument console with hanging-tube (HT) 10. Cup fill tube
5. Control panel 11. Operating light
6. Tray

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 21

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

8.1.4 Mobile cart with hanging-tube instruments

1. Monitor 6. Patient chair

2. Chair-mounted left-right suction arm with 7. Bowl
3. Instrument console with hanging-tube (HT) 8. Bowl rinse tube
4. Control panel 9. Cup fill tube
5. Tray 10. Operating light

22 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

8.1.5 Independent cart with hanging-tube instruments

1. Tray 3. Cart box

2. Control panel 4. On/off switch
5. Connections for USB memory stick, Ethernet
cable and foot control

8.2 Detachable parts

The following detachable components are marked with a manufacturer
trademark. Do not perform dental treatment when either or both of these
are detached.

Balanced instrument arms


User's manual Planmeca Compact i 23

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

The following detachable components are not critical to operation. The user
can perform dental treatment even if a wrong, similar part is fitted.

Hygienic membrane

HT instrument holder

Top tray (size 2)

Quick connect tray (size 1 and 2)


Instrument flushing holder

24 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

Suction tube cleaning holder

Cup fill tube

Bowl, filter and filter cap

Disposable filters

Side cover plate for cuspidor

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 25

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

Dentist’s instruments and hoses

Suction tubes

Assistant’s instruments and hoses

Adapter for Luzzani Minibright syringe

26 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

Adapter for DCI syringe

Foot cover

8.3 Applied parts

Applied parts are parts of the dental unit that in normal treatment situations
come into contact with the patient.
The applied parts of this dental unit include the instruments, the patient chair
with upholstery, and the armrests.

8.4 Bowl

Do not allow the patient to grab the bowl when getting seated or getting up
from the patient chair.

Always place the bowl in home position.

Make sure that the bowl is not above the patient chair when you drive the
chair upward.

The glass bowl is attached to the top of the cuspidor.

It can be rotated 110° around its axis according to the figure below.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 27

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

1 Home position
2 To avoid a collision between the patient chair and the bowl when
driving the chair upward, position the bowl within this area.
If the bowl assembly for some reason comes off the cuspidor, you can put it
back as follows:
1. Place the ring to the underside of the bowl assembly
This is shown by item 1 in the picture below.
2. Make sure that the peg goes into the slot as shown in the picture below.

28 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

3. Push the bowl downwards at the same time making sure that no cables
are squeezed.
4. Turn the bowl assembly into place. You will know that it is in place when
you hear the clicking sound of the micro switch

8.5 Monitor
The monitor can be moved from its handle.

Do not allow the patient to grab the monitor handle or monitor arm when
getting seated or getting up from the patient chair.

Never spray water on the monitor.

For more information, see the monitor’s user’s manual.

8.6 Mobile and independent cart

Lock the wheels of the cart by pushing down the wheel lock to prevent the
cart from moving around during treatment.
The height of the cart can be adjusted:
• Lift the cart upward from the handles.
• To lower the cart, push the locking mechanism inward and
simultaneously push the cart downward from the handles.
When you push the cart downward, make sure to support the cart from
the handles so that the movement is controlled and the cart does not
crash down.

When you move the cart, for example from one room to another, it must
be in the lowest position.
Connect the wired foot control to the bottom of the cart. The foot control can
be placed on the shelf.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 29

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

1 Wheel lock
2 Handles
3 Locking mechanism for height adjustment
4 Connector for wired foot control
5 Foot control
6 Cart connection cable

8.7 Tablet holder

A tablet can be attached to the tablet holder on the Flexy-holder.

Before attaching the tablet to the tablet holder, ensure that the round mount
interface is glued to the backside of the tablet.
To attach the tablet to the tablet holder, position the mount interface towards
its counterpart on the tablet holder slightly askew so that they interlock.
Then, turn the tablet 45° to either side to lock the tablet to the tablet holder.

30 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

Ensure that the tablet is protected from splashes.

Planmeca is not liable for damages caused to the tablet caused by
negligence, including but not limited to dropping the tablet on the floor.

The tablet can be charged from the USB port on the cuspidor, see section
"Cuspidor" on page 32.

8.8 USB connectivity

8.8.1 Instrument console

The USB port on the underside of the instrument console offers a USB
connection for the dentist’s intraoral camera.

Connect only intraoral cameras supplied by Planmeca to the USB port.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 31

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

8.8.2 Cuspidor
There are two optional USB ports on the cuspidor.

1. USB port for charging the tablet

2. USB port for connecting the intraoral camera.
Connect only intraoral cameras supplied by Planmeca to the USB port.

8.9 Water and air quick-connectors

The water and air quick-connectors can be used with external devices.
When you connect a device to the quick-connector, water/air flows to the
The water and air quick-connectors are located on the cuspidor, next to the
suction hoses.

1 Water quick-connector
2 Air quick-connector
To avoid stagnant water inside the dental unit, regularly use enough water
with external devices connected to the water quick-connector, as the quick-
connector's waterline is not included in the dental unit's flushing and cleaning

32 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

8.10 Planmeca Romexis connection

The dental unit must be connected to Planmeca Romexis software when you
want to use Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management, the intraoral camera,
the intraoral scanner, the touchpad functionality, or sign in with a PlanID
Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management software allows time stamped
recording and real-time monitoring and control of most dental unit activities.
The features and gathered data can be used for remote assistance, service
and maintenance support, as well as preventive maintenance planning.
The Romexis symbol on the dental unit’s control panel indicates the state of
the connection.

Symbol Dental unit network settings Connection between Planmeca

Romexis and dental unit
Romexis connection enabled On

Romexis connection enabled Off

No symbol Romexis connection disabled Off

The settings for the Planmeca Romexis connection can only be changed
by a qualified Planmeca service technician. If, for example, your dental unit
configuration includes the Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management module,
but the connection is disabled (no symbol displayed on control panel),
contact your Planmeca dealer.
For information on how to use Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management
software, see Planmeca Romexis user’s manual.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 33

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

8.11 Planmeca ProX X-ray unit

The Planmeca ProX X-ray unit can be mounted to the dental unit pylon.

Drive the chair carefully when positioning the ProX X-ray unit.

Do not drive the chair during the exposure.

Do not touch the external PC and the patient at the same time.

Move the ProX X-ray unit behind the pylon when it is not being used.

For more information about Planmeca ProX, see Planmeca ProX User’s

8.12 Planmeca intraoral scanner

The intraoral scanner can be placed in the Flexy-holder.

34 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

8 Planmeca Compact i dental unit

Before using the scanner you must connect it to the dental unit. The
connector on the scanner must be carefully attached to the port for the
scanner on the cuspidor (1).

Make sure that you attach the intraoral scanner connector the right way into
the port for the scanner. If the connector is turned the wrong way, it will not
go into the port. Use of unnecessary force will break the connector.

There are two ports on the cuspidor. One is the port for the intraoral scanner,
and the other is a USB port. Make sure you attach the connector to the right

To avoid splashes on the scanner, remove it from the dental unit after use
and place it on the table stand.

For more information about the intraoral scanner, see Planmeca FIT user’s

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 35

9 Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating lights

9 Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision

operating lights
Do not allow the patient to grab the operating light or its arm when getting
seated or getting up from the patient chair.

You can operate the Planmeca Solanna operating light either from the light
itself, or from the dental unit’s control panel or foot control. It also features
a “no touch” function, which means that you can operate the light by waving
your hand in front of the sensor.
The Planmeca Solanna Vision operating light has all the features of the
Planmeca Solanna operating light and is also equipped with two cameras
and a microphone that can be used for video streaming, capturing still
images and recording videos.
You can operate the Planmeca Solanna Vision operating light either from
the light itself, from the dental unit’s control panel or foot control, or from
Planmeca Romexis software. All data is stored in Planmeca Romexis.
For information on how to operate the operating light, see section "Planmeca
Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating light" on page 118.
For information on how to operate the camera, see section "Planmeca
Solanna Vision camera" on page 126.
For instructions on how to program the operating light, see section
"Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating lights" on page

36 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

10 Instrument system
10.1 Delivery arms

10.1.1 Over-the-Patient (OP) delivery arm

The OP delivery arm is attached to the top of the dental unit and swings over
the chair.

Do not lean on the OP delivery arm.

Do not allow the patient to grab the OP delivery arm when getting seated or
up from the patient chair.

The instrument console can be positioned using the handles on the console.
The rotation area of the delivery arm is presented in the illustrations below.
The items do not need to be locked into position.
The following presents the OP delivery arm with balanced instrument arms.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 37

10 Instrument system

The following presents the OP delivery arm with hanging-tube instruments.

10.1.2 Side delivery arm

The side delivery arm is attached to the cuspidor base and swings under the

Do not stand on the side delivery arm.

The instruments can be positioned using the handle on the instrument

console. The arm does not need to be locked into position.

38 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

The rotation area of the side delivery arm is presented in the illustration

10.2 Instrument console

10.2.1 Instrument console with balanced instrument arms

The console can be equipped with up to five instruments.
The leftmost position is reserved for the syringe only. The other instruments
can be positioned in any order in the four remaining positions.

1. Syringe

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 39

10 Instrument system

The instrument arms can be removed by pulling them out from their holders,
for example for cleaning or for covering with protective sleeves. The arms
are replaced simply by pushing them firmly into their places.

1. Roller
2. Hose guide
3. Instrument arm

When placing the instrument hose back in the roller, bend the hook of the
hose guide carefully and pass the hose over the roller.
The balance of the instrument arms can be changed according to the weight
of the instrument and personal preferences. Their flexibility can be adjusted
as follows:
1. Pull out the roller.
2. Adjust the balance of the instrument arm by moving the roller to a
desired position. Note that by positioning the roller higher up, the arm
is lighter to bend.
3. Push the roller back in to lock its position

When balancing/adjusting the instrument arms, bear in mind that the
instruments shall under no circumstances fall over the patient.

40 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

10.2.2 Instrument console with hanging-tube instruments

The console can be equipped with up to five instruments. The leftmost
position is reserved for the syringe only. The other instruments can be
positioned in any order in the four remaining positions.

The instrument holders can be removed by pulling them out from their
openings, for example for cleaning. The holders are replaced simply by
pushing them firmly into their places. The angle of the instrument holder can
be slightly adjusted.

10.3 Quick-connector hoses

The instruments are equipped with quick-connector hoses to be connected
to the instrument console. If a syringe and/or a polymerisation light are
placed in the Flexy-holder, they are connected to the cuspidor.
The hose is connected into place by turning the connector locker clockwise,
and removed by turning the connector counter-clockwise. Make sure that the
flat side of the connector is upward when connecting the quick-connector
hose to the dental unit.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 41

10 Instrument system

1. Instrument hose
2. Quick-connector

Switch the unit off before opening the quick-connectors. When disconnecting
the syringe, empty the water and air from the hose before opening the
The instrument location on the instrument console can be changed simply by
removing the instrument with its hose and reconnecting it to the new place.
The old instrument settings will remain the same despite of the new location
of the instrument hose.
The instrument selection on the instrument console can also be
interchanged. The settings of the eight last used instruments are stored in
the memory, and are recalled when the instrument is reconnected.

42 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

Make sure that the hoses are properly connected to avoid any leakage.

Always make sure that the instrument hose is correct for the used
instrument. The control system identifies the instrument hose, not the
instrument. The control system does not recognise if an instrument has been
changed on the instrument hose.

If the outer casing of the instrument hose is broken, the entire hose must be
replaced, although the hose itself might still be functioning.

The instrument sealings must be correct and unbroken, and the instrument
must be attached properly to the hose connector. The leakage between the
instrument and the connector causes leakage air to drift into the hose lining.

A scaler requires additional electronics and the scaler type can not be
changed without changing electronics.

10.4 Instrument functions

The instrument console has five instrument positions. You can set each
instrument so that the following functions will, where applicable, either be
on or off when the instrument is active (i.e. picked up from the instrument
• instrument spray
• automatic chip blow
• instrument light
• reverse rotation (micromotors)
• quickstart (air driven instruments)
• instrument speed/power reduction
• torque limit (Bien-Air MCX micromotors)
• torque limit and drive mode (Bien-Air MX2 and Morita TORX

The type or magnitude of the following functions can be programmed:

• instrument spray
• automatic chip blow
• instrument light
• instrument speed/power reduction
• torque limit
• drive mode for Bien-Air MX2 micromotors
• apical action for Morita TORX micromotors.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 43

10 Instrument system

10.4.1 Instrument spray

The instrument spray can be programmed to be on or off when the
instrument is active (i.e. picked up from the instrument console). Also, the
type of spray can be programmed.
If the Planmeca Sterile water system is in use, the sterile water mode can be
For more information, see sections "Instrument spray" on page 185 and
"Enabling/disabling sterile water mode" on page 186.

10.4.2 Automatic chip blow

The automatic chip blow can be programmed to be on or off when the
instrument is active (i.e. picked up from the instrument console). Also, the
type of automatic chip blow can be programmed.
For more information, see section "Automatic chip blow" on page 187.

10.4.3 Instrument light

The instrument light can be programmed so that it will either be on or off
when an instrument is active (i.e. picked up from the instrument console).
Also, the intensity can be adjusted. For more information, see section
"Instrument light" on page 187.
The instrument light can be on only in one instrument at a time, for example,
the instrument light of the syringe will switch off, if the light of the active
instrument is switched on.

10.4.4 Reverse rotation of micromotor

The direction of the micromotor rotation can be reversed, see section
"Reverse rotation" on page 137.

10.4.5 Quickstart of air driven instruments

The turbine can be set to start with maximum speed, see section
"Quickstart" on page 162.

10.4.6 Instrument speed/power limit

The instrument speed/power limit can be set to be on or off when the
instrument is active (i.e. picked up from the instrument console), see
sections "Speed/power limit" on page 137 (micromotor), "RPM" on page 142
(Bien-Air MCX micromotor), "RPM" on page 144 (Bien-Air MX2 micromotor),
"RPM" on page 149 (Morita TORX micromotor) and "Speed/power limit" on
page 164 (turbine).
For the Bien-Air MX-i micromotor the torque limit is always on and can not
be switched off.
The power reduction level can be programmed, see sections "Instrument
speed/power limit" on page 185 (micromotor and turbine), "Bien-Air MCX
micromotor" on page 188, "Modifying preset values" on page 189 (Bien-Air
MX2 micromotor), "Modifying preset values" on page 192 (Bien-Air MX-i
micromotor) and "Modifying preset values" on page 195 (Morita TORX

The instrument speed/power limit does not affect the air driven instruments
for which quickstart has been selected.

44 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

10.4.7 Torque limit

The torque limit for the Bien-Air MCX, Bien-Air MX2 and Morita TORX
micromotors can be set to be on or off when the instrument is active (i.e.
picked up from the instrument console), see sections "Torque" on page 141
(Bien-Air MCX), "Torque" on page 143 (Bien-Air MX2) and "Torque" on page
148 (Morita TORX).
For the Bien-Air MX-i micromotor the torque limit is always on and can not
be switched off.
The torque limit value can be programmed, see sections "Bien-Air MCX
micromotor" on page 188, "Modifying preset values" on page 189 (Bien-Air
MX2 micromotor), "Modifying preset values" on page 192 (Bien-Air MX-i
micromotor, only presets i4 - i5) and "Modifying preset values" on page 195
(Morita TORX micromotor).
For the Bien-Air MX2 micromotor you can program the drive mode, that
is, the instrument function when the torque limit is reached, see section
"Modifying preset values" on page 189. The drive mode for the Bien-Air MCX
and Morita TORX micromotors can not be programmed.

10.4.8 Apical action

For the Morita TORX micromotor you can program the apical action, that is,
what happens when the file tip reaches a certain point in the root canal. For
instructions, see section "Apical action" on page 150.

10.5 Trays

10.5.1 Quick-connect tray

The quick-connect tray is available for the instrument console with balanced
instrument arms.
The tray is attached to the mounting arm with a magnetic connector and can
easily be attached and detached. You can rotate the tray 360° to the desired
position. The maximum load on the quick-connect tray is 2 kilograms (4.4

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 45

10 Instrument system

The tray mounting arm is attached to the instrument console with a quick-
connector. To remove the tray assembly from the instrument console, pull
the ring of the locking mechanism outwards (1) and then pull the tray arm
away from its position (2).

The mounting arm can be attached to the instrument console by pushing it to

its position.

10.5.2 Integrated tray

The integrated tray is available for OP-deliveries with hanging-tube
instruments. The maximum load on the tray is 2 kilograms (4.4 lbs).

46 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

The integrated tray is located on the left side of the instrument console.

10.5.3 Top tray

The top tray is placed on top of the instrument console and is available for
OP-deliveries with hanging-tube instruments and for the mobile cart. The
maximum load on the top tray is 2 kilograms (4.4 lbs).
The tray is attached to the instrument console with a quick-connector,
enabling an easy attachment and detachment of the tray.

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10 Instrument system

10.5.4 Rotating tray

The rotating tray is placed on top of the instrument console and is available
for side deliveries. The maximum load on the tray is 2 kilograms (4.4 lbs).
You can rotate the tray 180° to the desired position.

10.5.5 Double tray

The double tray is available for side deliveries. It is a combination of the top
tray and the rotating tray. The maximum combined load on the trays is 2
kilograms (4.4 lbs).
The top tray is attached to the instrument console with a quick-connector,
enabling an easy attachment and detachment of the tray (see picture in
section "Top tray" on page 47.)
The rotating tray can be rotated 180° to the desired position.

10.5.6 Column tray

The column tray is available for all dental units with a column. In OP
deliveries the mounting arm is attached to the column above the OP delivery

48 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

The tray is attached to the mounting arm with a magnetic connector and
can easily be attached and detached. You can rotate the table 180° to the
desired position. The maximum load on the quick-connect tray is 2 kilograms
(4.4 lbs).

10.5.7 Over-the-patient (OP) tray

A large tray that can be placed above the patient is available for side-
deliveries and for the mobile cart.
The maximum weight limit on the tray is 5 kilograms (11 lbs).

10.6 Sterile water system

10.6.1 Introduction
When the sterile water system is used, sterilised water is fed from a
disposable sterile water bag through an external disposable tube to a
surgical handpiece or scaler. The instrument must have an externally
mounted spray nozzle on which the sterile water tube is fitted.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 49

10 Instrument system

Before using an instrument with sterile water, make sure water comes out
from the instrument.

The sterile water system can only be used with surgical handpieces that are
intended for sterile use, as well as with scalers with external sterile water
connection. If other instruments are used, the system is not sterile.

To ensure sterile conditions, extra precaution should be taken to make sure
that correct procedures are followed and all the components and tools used
(e.g. scissors) are sterile.

The sterile water bag, nozzle and tubes are disposable and intended for
single use only.

Inspect sterile packaging for damage. If sterile packaging is damaged, the
item must not be used.

The attachment of the sterile water bag, nozzle and tubes to the dental unit
is to be performed by dental personnel only.

Be careful not to squeeze your fingers in the water pump.

When using sterile water, be careful not to step on the sterile water tubes or
otherwise squeeze them.

Refer also to the documentation delivered with the sterile water bag and the
sterile water tube.

50 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

A sterile water system can be installed to the following dental unit

• Over-the-patient delivery with balanced instrument arms (1)
• Over-the-patient delivery with hanging-tube instruments
• Side delivery with hanging-tube instruments (2)
• Mobile and independent cart (3)

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 51

10 Instrument system

10.6.2 Setting up sterile water system

Before using sterile water, you need to set up the sterile water system as
described below and edit the instrument spray settings so that sterile water
is used (see section "Enabling/disabling sterile water mode" on page 186).
1. Hang the sterile water bag on the holder.
In OP-deliveries, the holder is attached on the pylon, and in side and cart
deliveries it is attached to the instrument console.

2. Open the lid of the water pump and place the silicone part of the sterile
water tube in the pump.

52 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

Make sure that the sterile water tube is inserted so that water is pumped
from the sterile water bag to the instrument. The arrow on the pump
indicates the direction of the water flow, away from the bag and toward
the instrument.

3. Close the lid of the pump.

4. Connect the sterile water tube to the sterile water bag by pushing the
nozzle firmly into the opening at the bottom of the sterile water bag.
5. Route the other end of the tube to the instrument hose.
6. Connect the water tube to the instrument by sliding the tube over the
externally mounted spray nozzle as shown in the figure below.

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10 Instrument system

7. In OP deliveries, attach the long end of the sterile water tube to the OP
delivery arm with the clips included in the sterile water tube package.

8. Enable sterile water from the instrument spray settings. See section
"Enabling/disabling sterile water mode" on page 186.

10.6.3 Extending sterile water tube

If the sterile water tube is too short, you can extend it with one or two
extension tubes, depending on how long a sterile water tube you need.
The following instructs how to join two extension tubes with the sterile water
tube before routing the tube from the instrument to the sterile water bag, but
note that you may well use only one extension tube, provided it gives you
the required length. You may also cut the extension tube shorter, if needed.
1. Cut the sterile water tube at location marked with (1) in picture.
2. Attach the two extension tubes to each other with a tube joint (provided
with extension tube pack) (2). This creates the joint extension tube.
3. Attach one end of the joint extension tube to the sterile water tube with
nozzle (3).
4. Attach the other end of the joint extension tube to the sterile water tube
with pump part (4).
5. This part (5) goes into the sterile water bag.
6. This part (6) goes into the pump.

54 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

10 Instrument system

10.6.4 Adjusting sterile water flow rate

Turn the black knob on the instrument console to adjust the sterile water flow

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 55

10 Instrument system

10.6.5 Adjusting sterile water volume

Use the clamp on the sterile water tube to adjust the water volume. Push the
slide forward to reduce the volume, and backward to increase the volume.

10.6.6 Removing sterile water bag holder (OP deliveries)

The sterile water bag holder that is mounted on the column can be removed
from its mount as follows:
1. Loosen the screw on the mount with a 4 mm Allen key.
2. Remove the sterile water bag holder.
3. Tighten the screw.

56 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

11 Suction system

11 Suction system
11.1 Suction arms

11.1.1 Adjustable suction arm

The adjustable suction arm is attached to the side of the unit base.

11.1.2 Adjustable suction arm with Flexy-holder

The adjustable suction arm with a Flexy-holder is attached to the side of the
unit base.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 57

11 Suction system

11.1.3 Left/right suction arm with Flexy-holder

The left-right suction arm with a Flexy-holder is attached to the side of the
unit base.

11.1.4 Chair-mounted adjustable suction arm with Flexy-holder

The chair-mounted adjustable suction arm with a Flexy-holder is mounted to
the underside of the patient chair.

58 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

11 Suction system

11.1.5 Chair-mounted left/right suction arm with Flexy-holder

The chair-mounted left/right suction arm with a Flexy-holder is mounted to
the underside of the patient chair.

If the chair is equipped with a chair-mounted left/right suction arm, make
sure that the Flexy-holder does not hit the cuspidor when driving the chair

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 59

11 Suction system

If the chair is equipped with a chair-mounted left/right suction arm, make
sure that the Flexy-holder is not above the cuspidor when driving the chair
down. If the chair does not move downward and H 03 is displayed, check
that the chair-mounted arm is not in the upmost position. This arm position
prevents the chair from moving downward.

11.2 Flexy-holder
The suction handpieces are placed in the Flexy-holder.
The Flexy-holder is a suction holder that is attached to the suction arm.
Its integrated control panels enable you to control selected functions of the
dental unit. For more information on the control panel, see section "Control
panel on Flexy-holder" on page 76.

60 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

11 Suction system

The Flexy-holder has three openings. The two left-most openings can be
equipped with suction handpieces and the right-most with the assistant’s
syringe. In addition, one or two supplementary holders or a holder for the
intraoral scanner can be placed on either side of the Flexy-holder. The
supplementary holder can be equipped with a USB intraoral camera or a
polymerisation light.

1. Saliva suction handpiece

2. High-volume suction handpiece
3. Syringe

The intraoral scanner and the USB intraoral camera can not be
simultaneously attached to the Flexy-holder. If the intraoral scanner is
placed in the Flexy-holder, the USB intraoral camera can be placed in the
instrument console.

Removing holders
The suction tube, instrument and supplementary holders can be removed
from the Flexy-holder, for example for cleaning.

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11 Suction system

Remove the suction tube holder by pulling it downward from the Flexy-
holder. To replace it, push it firmly into its place.

Remove the roller from the suction tube holder by pulling it away from the
holder. To replace it, push it firmly into its place.

Remove the instrument holder by squeezing it from the bottom and at the
same time lifting it upward. To replace it, squeeze the holder and insert it into
its place.

62 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

11 Suction system

Remove the supplementary holder by pulling it out from the Flexy-holder. To

replace it, push it firmly into its place.
Remove the holder for the intraoral scanner by pressing the trigger (see
arrow in picture) and pulling the holder out from the Flexy-holder. To replace
the holder for the intraoral scanner, push it firmly into its place.

11.3 Removing and replacing suction tubes

1. To minimise contamination risk, perform suction cleaning.
For instructions, see section "Suction cleaning" on page 221.
2. Remove the side cover plate by pulling it out from the cuspidor.
3. Detach the securing ring (1) from the suction tube.

You can grease the securing ring with non-toxic vaseline to make it
easier to remove.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 63

11 Suction system

4. Remove the suction tube (2) from the suction tube connector.

5. Replace the suction tubes in the reverse order.

64 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

12 Patient chair

12 Patient chair
Make sure no one sits on the legrest or the backrest.

The patient chair can be equipped with a fixed or an automatic legrest.

If, for example, the patient feels sick and starts to vomit while lying in the
chair, you can raise the backrest quickly by pushing it up by hand from
behind the backrest. Note, however, that the backrest does not stay up by
itself but must be supported the whole time and lowered in a controlled

Dark coloured clothes may cause coloured stains on the bright coloured

12.1 Patient recognition

A sensor in the patient chair recognises if there is a patient in the chair and
forwards information about this to Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management
When a patient is in the chair, a Patient icon is displayed on the control

When the chair is empty, an Empty chair icon is displayed on the control

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 65

12 Patient chair

12.2 Automatic legrest

The automatic legrest can be moved synchronously to the movements of the
backrest, that is, when you drive the backrest down, the automatic legrest is
driven up. Use the chair movement buttons to drive the patient chair. Notice
that the lever underneath the legrest has to be unlocked (moved to the right)
in order to move the legrest with the backrest. Support the legrest with your
other hand when locking or unlocking the lever.

1. Automatic legrest
2. Lever
The automatic legrest can be locked approximately 18° from the horizontal
position. To lock the legrest, the lever has to be moved to the left. Support
the legrest with your other hand when locking or unlocking the lever. Notice
that the backrest will move upward and downward when the legrest is

1. Approx. 18° from the horizontal position

2. Lever

66 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

12 Patient chair

12.3 Trendelenburg position

If required, the patient chair can be inclined from the horizontal position to
the Trendelenburg position. In the Trendelenburg position the legrest is in
the horizontal position and the backrest is driven -4° from the horizontal
To drive the patient chair to the Trendelenburg position, first drive the
chair to horizontal position, lock the legrest manually by moving the lever
underneath the legrest to the left, and press the Backrest down button until
the backrest reaches a position of -4°.

1. Horizontal position

12.4 Armrests
The right armrest can be moved 90° outwards. Before you move the armrest
horizontally you must lift it slightly to unlock it. The armrest can be locked
into the positions 1 and 3 presented below. The armrest can be removed
when it is in position 2.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 67

12 Patient chair

Surgical armrest
As an option, a surgical armrest is available. The patient’s arm can be
strapped to the armrest when, for example, infusing saline solution.

Make sure that the patient does not lean on the armrest when getting in or
out of the chair.

To move the armrest horizontally you must lift it slightly to unlock it.
To replace the right standard armrest with the surgical armrest you must first
detach the standard armrest. To do so, lift the armrest slightly to unlock it
and move the armrest to a 45° position. When the armrest is in a 45° angle,
lift it straight up to remove it (1).
Once you have removed the standard armrest, place the surgical armrest
on the spindle in a 45° angle, push the armrest down and rotate in either
direction until it locks into place (2).
The surgical armrest is removed in the same way as the standard armrest.

68 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

12 Patient chair

12.5 Manual headrest

12.5.1 Adjusting height of headrest

The height of the headrest can be adjusted by sliding it manually.

The headrest can only be pulled out as far as to the MAX mark.

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12 Patient chair

12.5.2 Adjusting headrest angle

To adjust the angle of the headrest, press the bar on the side of the headrest
support to release the locking mechanism. Manually set the headrest to the
required angle and release the bar. When adjusting, the headrest should be
supported by hand.

12.5.3 Adjusting headrest for children or short patients

The headrest can be turned around and repositioned for better head support
for children or short patients.
Pull the headrest out. Turn it around so that the cushion faces backward and
push the headrest back into the chair.

70 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

12 Patient chair

Turn the cushion around (180° counter-clockwise).

Press the bar on the side of the headrest support to release the locking
mechanism and position the headrest at the top of the chair.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 71

12 Patient chair

The headrest is now repositioned. To adjust the angle of the headrest, press
the locking bar. Manually set the headrest into the required position and
release the bar. When adjusting, support the headrest with your other hand.

12.6 Motorised headrest

The motorised headrest allows you to adjust the headrest using the foot
control or the joystick on the headrest. For more information, see section
"Operating motorised headrest" on page 110.

72 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

13 Control panel

13 Control panel
13.1 Control panel on instrument console

1. Sign out button 12. Wireless foot control battery (optional,

display only)
2. Patient recognition (display only) 13. Unit buttons
3. Time (display only) 14. Customisable swipe menu. Swipe to the side
to view more functions
4. Motorised headrest mode (optional, display 15. Timer button
5. Date (if configured, display only) 16. Wireless foot control button (optional)
6. Maintenance button 17. Apex locator button (optional)
7. Assistant call / Door open 18. Touchpad button (optional)
8. Chair buttons 19. X-ray film viewer button
9. User name (display only) 20. Solanna Vision button (optional)
10. Romexis connection (optional, display only) 21. Program button
11. Bluetooth connection enabled (optional,
display only)

The control panel is located on the instrument console. You can use it to
control and program the instruments, the dental unit, and the chair. You can
also start maintenance procedures from the control panel.
You can operate the control panel by touching it with your finger or with a
soft stylus. The display is generally medical glove touch capable, but some
glove types have limited functionality.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 73

13 Control panel

The control panel shows information related to the current operation and
changes accordingly.
Some of the buttons have indicator lights that show the status of that specific
function. When the indicator light is lit, it means that the function is activated.
When the unit is in programming mode, the Program button is blue.
You can organise the items in the main window’s swipe menu according to
your preferences, see section "Organising items on control panel" on page
The control panel is available in several languages and the language can be
changed from the control panel. For more information, see sections "Editing
language" on page 91 and "Language" on page 114.

In the programming mode, the setting to be changed is displayed on the

control panel. A disabled or unselected function is displayed in grey. To
enable or select the function, press the grey button and it will turn blue. A
blue button means that the function is enabled or selected.
For more information on programming, see section "Introduction" on page
In case of malfunction, an error code or a help message is displayed, see
section "Help and error messages" on page 267.

13.1.1 Touchpad functionality

The control panel can be used as a touchpad. Press the Touchpad button on
the control panel to open the touchpad-view.
The touchpad-view provides you all the functionalities of a computer mouse
and keyboard, so there is no need for an external mouse or keyboard.

The touchpad function requires that the dental unit is connected to
Planmeca Romexis software. The software version must be 4.1 or later.
If there is no Planmeca Romexis connection, the function is disabled and the
Touchpad button is grey.

Using control panel as computer mouse

In the the touchpad-view, press Touchpad to open the mouse-view on the

control panel.

Move your finger on the control panel to move the cursor accordingly across
the monitor or tablet screen. Scroll a list or text with the scroll wheel to the
right and use the buttons at the bottom just like you would use the left and
right mouse buttons.
A short press of the left and right button clicks an item on the screen. When
you press the button for longer, the button stays activated until you release
the button by pressing it again. The button is blue when it is activated.

74 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

13 Control panel

1. Scroll wheel
2. Left button
3. Right button
When you want to exit the touchpad-view, press OK.

Example: Drag-and-drop
Use your finger on the touchpad to move the cursor on the screen to the
item that you want to drag. When the cursor is on the item, press the left
button for 1 second to activate it. The button turns blue. With your finger on
the touchpad, drag the item to the correct location. Press the left button to
release it (the button turns grey).

Using control panel as keyboard

In the the touchpad-view, press ABC to open the keyboard on the control

An alphanumeric keyboard is displayed for entering text in a text field on the

monitor or tablet screen.
Use the arrows in the top row to move up and down, to the left and right in
the text.
The symbols below the arrows in the top row can be used as they are, or
as a shortcut to letters containing that symbol. For example, when you press
^ for about one second, letters with the symbol ^ are displayed. You will
automatically return to the normal view when you enter one of the letters. To
return to the normal view without entering a letter, press the symbol again.
To display special characters, press Alt. Press Alt again to return to the
normal view.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 75

13 Control panel

13.2 Control panel on Flexy-holder

The control panel on the Flexy-holder is used for controlling the dental unit
and the chair.

1. Chair buttons
2. Unit buttons
3. Flexy button
The function behind the Flexy button can be programmed by the service
technician. Depending on what has been programmed, you can do one of
the following by pressing the Flexy button:
• select the headrest mode (normal or tilt mode) for the motorised
• activate/deactivate the intraoral camera
• drive the chair to the rinsing position (default)
• lock/unlock the touch display
• turn the suction on/off
• turn the operating light’s composite mode on/off (short press) or adjust
its intensity (long press)
• activate/deactivate the apex locator
• change the light tone of the operating light
• turn Planmeca Solanna Vision video streaming on/off
• start/stop Planmeca Solanna Vision video recording
• capture an image with the Planmeca Solanna Vision camera
• open/close the Planmeca Solanna Vision window.
For more information, contact your Planmeca dealer.

76 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

14 Foot control

14 Foot control
14.1 Introduction
The dental unit has one integrated foot control that operates the instruments,
the unit and the chair.
The foot control is available as a wireless and a standard version.

1. Handle
2. Left-side knob
3. Centre knob
4. Right-side knob
5. Pedal

The foot control is a precision instrument. Do not stand on or apply
unnecessary force to the foot control and its knobs.

Do not use the foot control in areas where liquids are likely to be present on
the floor.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 77

14 Foot control

14.2 Foot control pedal

Two foot control pedals are available: a standard pedal (1) and a wide pedal

If you want to change from a standard pedal to the wide pedal, or vice versa,
contact your Planmeca dealer.
The two foot control pedals function differently. For example, to increase the
instrument speed, you must push the standard pedal horizontally, either to
the left or to the right. When you use the wide pedal, you increase the speed
with a vertical movement: the further down you push the pedal, the higher
the instrument speed is.
The functional differences between the standard pedal and the wide pedal
only apply to the operation of the micromotor, turbine and scaler. They
do not apply to the operation of the dental unit, chair or headrest. The
differences are described in the table below.

Standard pedal vs. wide pedal

Function Standard pedal Wide pedal

Increase instrument speed Push pedal to left/right Push pedal down
Change instrument spray type Push pedal down briefly Push pedal to left
Activate manual chip blow Push and hold pedal down Push pedal to right
Activate momentary spray Push pedal down briefly while N/A
driving instrument

For more information, see sections "Micromotor" on page 136, "Turbine" on

page 162, and "Scaler" on page 166.

When the functionality of the foot control pedal is different for the standard
pedal and the wide pedal, this is clearly indicated in the text and pictures of
this manual. When the text refers to the foot control pedal in general without
making this differentiation, the same functionality applies to both types of
pedal, although the illustration only presents the standard pedal.

78 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

14 Foot control

14.3 Foot control functions

14.3.1 Centre knob functions

When the motorised headrest is activated, the centre knob activates other
features than those presented below. For more information, see section
"Operating motorised headrest" on page 110.

Action Function
Centre knob left Chair to automatic position A
Centre knob left, long activation Backrest down
Centre knob right Chair to automatic position B
Centre knob right, long activation Backrest up
Centre knob up Chair to automatic position C
Centre knob up, long activation Chair up
Centre knob down Chair to automatic position D
Centre knob down, long activation Chair down

14.3.2 Left-side and right-side knob functions

Action Function
Left-side knob up Can be configured by a Planmeca service technician.
Default function: Operating light on/off
Left-side knob down Can be configured for a selection of instruments by a
Planmeca service technician.
The function depends on the selected instrument
slot. Only one function per instrument slot can be
Right-side knob up Can be configured by a Planmeca service technician.
Default function: Intraoral camera on/off
Right-side knob down Chair to rinsing position.

14.3.3 Pedal functions

The factory default functions of the foot control pedal when the dental unit is
equipped with a standard pedal and no instrument is activated are presented

Action Function
Pedal left Assistant call
Pedal down, short activation Cup fill and bowl rinse
Pedal down, long activation Cup fill for as long as the pedal is pressed
Pedal right & down Chair to rinsing position

When an instrument is activated, the functions of the standard pedal depend

on the used instrument. These instrument-specific functions are presented

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 79

14 Foot control

Micromotor, turbine

Action Function
Pedal left / pedal right Drive instrument
Pedal down, short activation Change spray water & air / air / off
Pedal down, long activation Manual chip blow; activated for as long as the pedal is
pushed and held down


Action Function
Pedal left / pedal right Drive instrument
Pedal down, short activation Change spray 1 / 2 / off

Unit controlled polymerisation light

Action Function
Pedal left / pedal right / pedal down Start / stop instrument

Intraoral camera

Action Function
Pedal left / pedal right Freeze / unfreeze picture
Pedal down Save still picture

Intraoral scanner

Action Function
Pedal left Move upward in the list of scan type selection tools
Pedal right Move downward in the list of scan type selection tools
Pedal down, short activation Start scanning
Pedal down, long activation Take image

80 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

14 Foot control

14.4 Disconnecting standard foot control from dental unit

To disconnect the standard foot control from the dental unit, press down the
metallic tongue (1) on the socket and pull out the plug (2).

14.5 Wireless foot control

The wireless foot control is an optional feature.

The standard foot control and the wireless foot control can not be used
simultaneously. Should such a situation occur, the standard foot control
overrides the wireless foot control.
When the wireless foot control has been idle for 2 hours, it goes into sleep
mode. You are notified about this with a message on the control panel. The
sleep mode is also indicated by a battery symbol on the control panel. Wake
up the foot control by pressing the foot control handle.
Before using the wireless foot control, check the power level of its battery.
The power level is indicated by a battery symbol on the control panel.

Power level Sleep mode Full < 40% full < 20% full

You can also view detailed battery charging information on the control panel.
For instructions, see section "Viewing battery charging information" on page
When the battery is less than 20% full you need to recharge the battery as
soon as possible.
To charge the foot control battery, connect the foot control to the power
outlet using the provided cable and power adapter. The LEDs on the foot
control blink green while the battery is being charged.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 81

14 Foot control

When the wireless foot control battery is full, and the foot control is
connected to the power outlet, the LEDs on the foot control are a steady

Do not charge the foot control battery while treating a patient.

The battery charging area must be dry. Do not expose the charger to liquids.

The power supply is marked and specified as a part of the Planmeca dental

The batteries must be replaced only by a qualified Planmeca service

The foot control batteries must be removed whenever the foot control is
stored for a longer period. The batteries must be removed only by a qualified
Planmeca service technician.

The wireless foot control transmitter contains a radio device FCC: YI1002
and IC: 9050A-002, and the wireless foot control contains a radio device
FCC: YI1001 and IC: 9050A-001. See also section "FCC Class B Notice for
wireless foot control" on page 315.

82 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

15 Switching unit on and off

15 Switching unit on and off

The on/off switch (1) is located at the rear of the unit base. Press the switch
to turn the unit on. Press the switch again to turn the unit off.

When the unit is switched on, the on/off switch light is on.

If your unit is equipped with a water heater, fill the cup once after switching
the unit on to start the heating. Notice that when using the water heater, the
water temperature can rise up to 46°C.

If your dental unit is equipped with the optional Suction Tube Cleaning
System (STCS), make sure that the STCS box cover is closed when
switching the unit on.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 83

16 Signing in and out

16 Signing in and out

16.1 Signing in

The sign in method depends on the dental unit’s configuration. For more
information on the configuration, or for changing it, contact your Planmeca

Before you can sign in with a PlanID card, you must assign a PlanID card
to your user profile. For instructions, see section "Assigning PlanID card to
user" on page 95.

If you have a PlanID card and the dental unit is equipped with a PlanID
reader, sign in by showing the PlanID card to the PlanID reader on the
instrument console.

At least 15 cm of separation distance between the PlanID reader and the
user's body must be maintained at all times.

To be able to sign in with your PlanID card, the PlanID connection must be
enabled. The connection status is shown in the Sign in in window.
PlanID is enabled.

PlanID is disabled or PlanID region has not been set.

Instrument console with balanced instrument arms

84 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

16 Signing in and out

Instrument console with hanging-tube instruments

If you do not have a PlanID card, you can sign in from the Sign in window by
pressing on your user name on the list. The list of users can be scrolled.

It is also possible to sign in to the dental unit as a guest user by pressing the
Guest user button in the Sign in window.

Once you have signed in, the treatment window opens and you can start
using the dental unit with your own personal settings.

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16 Signing in and out

Factory settings are loaded for guest users every time they sign in.

16.2 Signing out

1. In the top left corner of the treatment window, press Sign out.

86 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

17 Managing users and personal settings

17 Managing users and personal settings

17.1 Introduction
When you sign in to the dental unit, you can start using the unit with
your own personal settings. Depending on the dental unit configuration,
the settings are either stored in the dental unit or in Planmeca Romexis
software. For more information, contact your Planmeca dealer.
Your personal settings include the following:
• user settings (language, colour theme and automatic chair positions
• instrument settings
• operating light settings
• chair settings.
For information on how to edit your personal settings, see sections "Editing
user settings" on page 89, "Instrument settings" on page 185, "Adjusting
intensity of operating light" on page 122, "Automatic chair positions" on page
182, and "Extended vs. traditional view" on page 106.

Depending on the dental unit’s configuration, some users are not able to edit
their user settings. Also, if these users reset their instrument, operating light
or chair settings, the reset does not affect the settings that these users may
optionally have saved in Planmeca Romexis. For more information, contact
your Planmeca dealer.

17.2 Creating new user

About this task

If your dental unit includes Planmeca PlanID, create the new user as
described in section "Assigning PlanID card to user" on page 95.

1. Press New user in the Sign in window.

The Create new user window opens.

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17 Managing users and personal settings

2. Edit the user settings by pressing the Edit button.

For information on how to edit the user settings, see section "Editing
user settings" on page 89.

17.3 Deleting user

1. In the Sign in window, press Edit next to the user that you want to delete.

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17 Managing users and personal settings

The User settings window opens.

2. In the User settings window, press Delete.

A confirmation message is displayed.

3. Confirm the deletion by pressing OK.

Your user name is deleted from the user list in the Sign in window.

The user profile optionally saved in Planmeca Romexis is not deleted.
For more information, contact your Planmeca dealer.

17.4 Editing user settings

You can edit the user settings in the User settings window. There are two
alternative ways to get to this window:

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17 Managing users and personal settings

• In the Sign in window, press Edit next to the user whose settings you
want to edit.

• Sign in to the dental unit and press Program > User settings.

If your dental unit has been configured so that you cannot edit your user
settings, you can still edit the dental unit’s language as described in section
"Language" on page 114.

17.4.1 Editing user name

1. In the User settings window, press Edit next to First name.

The Set first name window opens.

2. Edit your first name.
An alphanumeric keyboard is displayed for editing the user name.

90 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

17 Managing users and personal settings

To display special characters, press ALT. Press ALT again to return to

the normal view.
The symbols in the top row can be used as they are, or as a shortcut
to letters containing that symbol. For example, when you press ^ for
about one second, letters with the symbol ^ are displayed. You will
automatically return to the normal view when you enter one of the letters.
To return to the normal view without entering a letter, press the symbol
3. When you have entered your first name, press OK to save the first name
and return to the User settings window.
Pressing Close exits the Set first name window without saving the user
4. In the User settings window, press Edit next to Last name.

The Set last name window opens.

5. Edit your last name.
6. When you have entered your last name, press OK to save the last name
and return to the User settings window.

Pressing Close exits the Set last name window without saving the user
7. When you have edited all the user settings (including language, colour
theme and the automatic chair positions view), save them by pressing
OK in the User settings window.

17.4.2 Editing language

About this task

If your dental unit has been configured so that you cannot edit your user
settings, you can still edit the dental unit’s language as described in section
"Language" on page 114.

1. In the User settings window, press Edit next to Language.

The Program - Language window opens.

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17 Managing users and personal settings

2. Edit the used language.

Select your preferred language from the list by pressing on the language.
You can scroll the list of languages either from the list itself, from the
scroll bar to the right, or by using the Up and Down buttons.

When you press a language to select it, you will automatically return to
the User settings window.
Pressing Close exits the Program - Language window without making
changes to the language.
The available languages are:
• English
• Finnish
• German
• Spanish
• French
• Italian
• Swedish
• Hungarian
• Czech
• Danish
• Norwegian
• Russian
• Japanese
• Polish
• Traditional Chinese
• Simplified Chinese

92 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

17 Managing users and personal settings

• Romanian
• Arabic
• Dutch
• Portuguese
• Greek
• Turkish
• Estonian
• Latvian
• Lithuanian
3. When you have edited all the user settings (including user name, colour
theme and the automatic chair positions view), save them by pressing
OK in the User settings window.

17.4.3 Editing colour theme

1. In the User settings window, press Edit next to Color theme.

The Program - Theme window opens.

2. Edit the used colour theme.
Select your preferred colour theme from the list by pressing on the
colour. You can scroll the list of colour themes either from the list itself,
from the scroll bar to the right, or by using the Up and Down buttons.

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17 Managing users and personal settings

When you press a colour to select it, you will automatically return to the
User settings window.
Pressing Close exits the Program - Theme window without making
changes to the colour theme.
3. When you have edited all the user settings (including user name,
language and the automatic chair positions view), save them by pressing
OK in the User settings window.

17.5 Resetting personal settings

About this task

You can reset your personal settings (language, colour theme, instrument,
operating light and chair settings) to factory defaults. The reset does not
affect your user name or your position on the user list in the Sign in window.

This reset only applies to settings stored in the dental unit. For more
information, contact your Planmeca dealer.

1. Open the User settings window.
There are two alternative ways to open this window:
In the Sign in window, press Edit next to the user whose settings you
want to reset.

Sign in to the dental unit and press Program > User settings.

The User settings window opens.

2. Press Reset.

A confirmation message is displayed.

3. Confirm the reset by pressing OK.

94 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

18 Assigning PlanID card to user

18 Assigning PlanID card to user

Before you begin
• Planmeca Romexis version 4.6 or later installed
• Dental unit is connected to the Planmeca Romexis server
• Dental unit’s PlanID reader has been enabled by a qualified Planmeca
service technician.
For information on the dental unit’s configuration requirements, contact your
Planmeca dealer.

Before you assign the PlanID card to a user, we recommend that the
user has been created in the Admin module of Planmeca Romexis. This
is typically done by a Planmeca Romexis administrator.
The following information must be supplied when creating the user:
• In Add User window, User tab
• Username
This username is later entered in the Romexis username field in the
dental unit.
• Member of Groups
We recommend that you create a group for PlanID users and add all
PlanID users to that group.
• In Add User window, Personal tab
• First Name
• Last Name
These will be shown in the dental unit as your first and last name.

If you have stored a picture of yourself in Planmeca Romexis software,
the picture will show in the dental unit’s User settings window and in the
Welcome-message that is displayed when you sign in to the dental unit.

For instructions, see Planmeca Romexis technical manual, chapter

Administration, section Resource.

About this task

Before you sign in to the dental unit with the PlanID card for the first time,
you must assign the PlanID card to the user. This can be done either from
the dental unit or from the Planmeca Romexis computer.
Especially if you must assign PlanID cards for several users, we
recommend that you assign them from the Planmeca Romexis computer.
For instructions, see Planmeca PlanID quick guide (30005120).
The following instructs how to assign the PlanID card from the dental unit.

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18 Assigning PlanID card to user

1. Press New user in the Sign in window.

The Create new user window opens.

2. Press Assign PlanID tag.

The Assign PlanID tag window opens.

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18 Assigning PlanID card to user

3. Press Edit next to Romexis username.

The Set Romexis username window opens.

4. Enter your Romexis username and save the changes by pressing OK.

The username must be the same that you entered in the Add User
window in Planmeca Romexis.
Only letters A-Z and a-z, period (.), hyphen (-), underscore (_) and the
“at” sign (@) are allowed.
The Set Romexis username window closes.
5. Show the PlanID card to the PlanID reader on the dental unit.
The text PlanID tag detected is displayed.
6. Close the Assign PlanID tag window by pressing OK.

7. Close the User settings window by pressing OK.

Your PlanID card has now been assigned to you and you have been signed
in to the dental unit.

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19 Checking dental unit details

19 Checking dental unit details

19.1 About this unit

About this task

The technical details about the dental unit are presented in the About this
unit window.
This section describes how to access the About this unit window and the
subsequent sections describe what information you can find in this window.

1. Press Program.

2. Press About this unit.

The About this unit window opens.

The following is an example only and does not necessarily portray the
actual situation.

> means that more information can be opened to a new window.

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19 Checking dental unit details

3. Press OK to close the window.

19.2 Unit type

Unit type tells you which type of dental unit you are working on.

19.3 Unit serial number

Unit serial number shows the serial number of your dental unit. If the dental
unit’s main control PCB is not equipped with a software licence dongle, no
serial number is displayed.

19.4 Unit software version

Unit SW version shows the software version.
Press > to display detailed information on the different parts of the software.

19.5 Service
Service contains information for service situations.
Press > to display the following items:
• Service contact details
• Annual maintenance
• Storage information
• GUI diagnostics
• PlanID
• Clock calibration
• Product registration
• Peripherals
• Dental unit model
• Screensaver

19.5.1 Service contact details

The service contact details give you information on whom to contact when
you need technical assistance. The contact information can only be edited
by a qualified Planmeca service technician.

19.5.2 Annual maintenance

Annual maintenance tells you
• when the annual maintenance was last performed
• how many days are left until the next annual maintenance.
The last item, Confirm annual maintenance, is for qualified Planmeca service
technicians only.

19.5.3 Storage information

Storage information contains details on the control panel SD card.

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19 Checking dental unit details

Press > to display the relevant information.

19.5.4 GUI diagnostics

GUI Diagnostics shows the current hardware revision of the control panel
and also contains tools for finding possible errors in the touch display.

GUI diagnostics is only meant to be used by a qualified Planmeca service

19.5.5 PlanID
In the Details tab you can view details on the tag ID and the PlanID reader's
region of operation. To change the region, contact your Planmeca dealer.

The Configuration tab contains tools for enabling/disabling the PlanID reader
as well as for adjusting its power level, and is only meant to be used by a
qualified Planmeca service technician.

19.5.6 Clock calibration

For instructions on how to calibrate the clock, see section "Calibrating clock"
on page 211.

19.5.7 Product registration

For instructions on how to register your dental unit, see section "Registering
your product" on page 5.

19.5.8 Peripherals
Peripherals contains information on and service tools for:
• Solanna operating light
• Capacitive patient sensor (Capsense)
• Planmeca ActiveAqua water treatment system

The tools for the Solanna operating light and the capacitive patient sensor
are only meant to be used by a qualified Planmeca service technician.

The Planmeca ActiveAqua annual maintenance counter is only to be reset
by a qualified Planmeca service technician.

For instructions on how to reset the Planmeca ActiveAqua prefilter change

period and adjust the Planmeca ActiveAqua settings in the ActiveAqua
window, see section "Adjusting Planmeca ActiveAqua settings" on page 258.

19.5.9 Dental unit model

Dental unit model shows the model of your dental unit.

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19 Checking dental unit details

19.5.10 Screensaver
It is possible to configure the dental unit so that a screensaver is displayed
when the Sign in window has been unused for 3 minutes. To take a standard
or custom screensaver into use, contact your Planmeca dealer.

19.6 Network settings

The front page of About this unit shows the dental unit’s IP address next to
Network settings. Press > to display the dental unit's network settings.
Press the Romexis tab to view network settings related to the Planmeca
Romexis connection.
The following network settings are displayed:
• Romexis connection
• Name of dental unit
• MAC address
• IP address
• Network mask
• Gateway
• Romexis server IP address
• Romexis server port
• Communication protocol
Press the Solanna Vision tab to view network settings related to the
Planmeca Solanna Vision operating light.
The following network settings are displayed:
• MAC address
• IP address
• Network mask
• Gateway
The Planmeca Solanna Vision camera settings (user credentials, stream
resolution, frame rate and microfone) can be reset to factory defaults by
pressing the Reset button, but reset must only be performed by a qualified
Planmeca service technician.

The network settings may only be edited by a qualified Planmeca service

19.7 Message history

Message history displays help and error messages when you press >.
For information on how to use the message log, see section "Viewing help
and error message history" on page 290.

19.8 Bluetooth
When you press > next to Bluetooth, you are directed to a window where
you can enable or disable the Bluetooth connection.

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19 Checking dental unit details

19.9 Licences
Licences displays the licences used by the dental unit when you press >.

102 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

20 Operating patient chair

20 Operating patient chair

20.1 Manual operation

When driving the chair near the upper limit, make sure that the console arm
does not press or hit the patient.

When driving the backrest up, make sure that the patient’s hand or arm does
not get squeezed between the armrest and the backrest.

To drive the backrest down, press the Backrest down button until the chair
reaches the required position.

If the chair is equipped with an optional automatic legrest, the legrest
position is adjusted simultaneously with the backrest position.

To drive the backrest up, press the Backrest up button until the chair
reaches the required position.

To drive the chair up, press the Chair up button until the chair reaches the
required position.

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20 Operating patient chair

Make sure that the bowl is not above the patient chair when driving the chair

If the chair is equipped with the chair-mounted left/right suction arm, make
sure that the Flexy-holder does not hit the cuspidor when driving the chair

To drive the chair down, press the Chair down button until the chair reaches
the required position.

If your chair is equipped with an optional automatic legrest, the lowest
possible position of the chair depends for safety reasons on the legrest

In case the chair is equipped with the chair-mounted left/right suction arm,
make sure the Flexy-holder is not above the cuspidor when driving the chair
down. If the chair does not move downward and H 03 is displayed, check
that the chair-mounted arm is not in the upmost position. This arm position
prevents the chair from moving downward.

Alternatively, you can adjust the position of the chair with the foot control.
Push and hold the centre knob in the desired direction (see picture below).
When the chair reaches the desired position, release the centre knob. You
can steer the chair only in one direction at a time.

104 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

20 Operating patient chair

20.2 Automatic operation

20.2.1 Overview
Automatic chair positions can be stored into memory.
For more information on how to store the automatic positions, see section
"Automatic chair positions" on page 182.
When automatic positions have been stored into memory you can select an
automatic position from the control panel or the foot control and the chair
automatically drives to the selected position. When the chair has reached
its preprogrammed position, the position can be adjusted. To adjust the
position manually, use the foot control’s centre knob or the chair positioning
buttons on the control panel in a non-automatic mode (see section "Manual
operation" on page 103).
You can program the operating light and its composite mode to be on or
off in preprogrammed positions. The light goes off when the chair begins to
move to a position where the light has been programmed to be off, but goes
on only after the chair has reached the programmed position, where the light
has been programmed to be on. The operating light and composite mode
intensities can also be programmed to a certain value.

If the chair is equipped with the chair-mounted left/right suction arm, make
sure the Flexy-holder is not above the cuspidor when driving the chair down.
If the chair does not move downward and H 3 is displayed, check that the
chair-mounted arm is not in its upmost position. This arm position prevents
the chair from moving downward.

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20 Operating patient chair

20.2.2 Extended vs. traditional view

In the User settings window, select whether you want to view the automatic
positions in a traditional or an extended view.

• Extended view
Includes the automatic positions A, B, C, D and rinsing position in list-
format and allows renaming of positions A - D. For instructions, see
section "Extended view" on page 183.
To take the extended view into use, check the checkbox next to
Automatic positions extended in the User settings window.
• Traditional view
Includes the automatic positions A, B, C, D and rinsing position.
To take the traditional view into use, uncheck the checkbox next to
Automatic positions extended in the User settings window.

20.2.3 Selecting automatic position

Extended view
Control panel: To move the chair to a preprogrammed position, first press
the Chair positions button in the main window. Then, in the list that opens,
select an automatic position by pressing it.

106 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

20 Operating patient chair

The position you are currently in is marked by a blue frame.

Foot control: A foot control symbol on the right side of the automatic position
on the list indicates in which direction you must push the right-side or centre
knob to drive the chair to the preprogrammed automatic position.
For information on how to adjust the preprogrammed automatic positions,
see section "Extended view" on page 183.

When the chair is in an automatic position, the current position is displayed

on the Chair positions button in the main window.

Traditional view
Control panel: To move the chair to a preprogrammed position, press briefly
the corresponding chair position button.

Foot control: Push the centre knob briefly to the position (A, B, C or D)
where the preprogrammed chair position has been stored. The chair will
move automatically to the preprogrammed position.

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20 Operating patient chair

20.2.4 Selecting rinsing position

Extended view
When the chair moves to the rinsing position, the bowl on the Chair positions
button flashes throughout the movement. Filling the cup starts automatically
and the bowl is rinsed.
When the chair stops in the rinsing position, the bowl symbol on the Chair
positions button stops flashing.
To return to the previous working position, press Chair positions again
and select Working position from the list that opens. Bowl rinsing starts
automatically. An arrow on the button flashes throughout the movement.
When the chair stops, the operating light turns back on, if it was on initially.

Standard view
Press Rinsing position to move the chair to the preprogrammed rinsing
position. The indicator light flashes throughout the movement. Filling the cup
starts automatically and the bowl is rinsed.

When the chair stops in the rinsing position, the indicator light remains on
and an arrow appears below the indicator light.
When you press Rinsing position again, the chair will return to the previous
working position. Bowl rinsing starts automatically. The indicator light flashes
throughout the movement.

Foot control

You can drive the chair to the rinsing position by pushing the pedal to the far
right and down.

You can also drive the chair to the rinsing position with the foot control by
pushing down the right-side knob.
To return to the working position, push down the right-side knob again.

For information on how to program the rinsing position, see section

"Automatic chair positions" on page 182.

Alternatively, the dental unit can be configured so that the chair moves to the
preprogrammed rinsing position when you press the Flexy button. Contact
your Planmeca dealer.

The unit can be set up so that the Rinsing position indicator light goes off
and the previous position is not stored when you are driving from the rinsing
position to a preprogrammed position. Next time you press Rinsing position,
the chair will move to the rinsing position. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

108 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

20 Operating patient chair

Automatic cup fill and bowl rinse functions when the dental unit reaches the
rinsing position are configurable; contact your Planmeca dealer.

The water in the dental unit is intended for rinsing only, not for drinking.

20.2.5 Stopping chair movements

To stop the chair from moving before it reaches the preprogrammed position,
either press anywhere on the control panel display, press any chair button
on the Flexy-holder, push the foot control pedal or the centre knob in any
direction, or press the foot control handle.
The chair movement stops also when the stop plate is pushed or when
the backrest is pressed upward. The chair can be driven normally after the
possible obstruction has been removed.

1. Stop plate
2. Backrest

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21 Operating motorised headrest

21 Operating motorised headrest

The headrest symbol on the control panel indicates that the dental unit is
equipped with a motorised headrest.
The motorised headrest can be operated in two different modes: normal
mode and tilt mode. Both modes can be accessed with the joystick on the
headrest or the foot control.

Alternatively, the dental unit can be configured so that you change headrest
mode by pressing the Flexy button. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Do not leave your fingers under the headrest or between the headrest and
backrest when driving the headrest.

110 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

21 Operating motorised headrest

21.1 Normal mode

21.1.1 Joystick
If the headrest is in the tilt mode, press the joystick briefly to change the
headrest mode from tilt mode to normal mode.

1. Joystick
2. Lengthen
Push the joystick away from the backrest to drive the headrest away
from the backrest.
3. Shorten
Push the joystick toward the backrest to drive the headrest toward the
4. Headrest up
Push the joystick up to drive the headrest up in accordance with the
movement of the anatomical tilt.
5. Headrest down
Push the joystick down to drive the headrest down in accordance with
the movement of the anatomical tilt.
The movement continues for as long as the joystick is pushed.

21.1.2 Foot control

The foot control’s centre knob is normally used for driving the backrest
and seat (chair mode). However, once you have activated the headrest’s
normal mode with the foot control, you can use the centre knob to move and
operate the headrest.

To activate the normal mode, briefly push the left-side knob up (factory

The partially green headrest symbol on the control panel indicates that the
normal mode has been activated.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 111

21 Operating motorised headrest

When the dental unit is equipped with a motorised headrest, the factory
default is that the normal mode is activated by pushing the left-side knob
up. However, it is possible to configure the foot control so that the normal
mode is activated when you push the right-side knob up instead. Contact
your Planmeca dealer.

Drive the anatomical movement down (A) or up (B) by pushing the centre
Push the centre knob in direction C to lengthen and in direction D to shorten
the headrest.
The movement continues for as long as the centre knob is pushed.

If the motorised headrest is not in the anatomical tilt line, the headrest will be
driven to this line before the anatomic tilt is adjusted. Therefore, the headrest
may first move away from the direction it is driven to.

21.2 Tilt mode

21.2.1 Joystick
Press the joystick on the headrest for approximately 2 seconds to change
the headrest mode from normal mode to tilt mode.

1. Joystick
2. Tilt up
Push the joystick away from the backrest to tilt the headrest up and raise
the patient’s jaw.
3. Tilt down
Push the joystick toward the backrest to tilt the headrest down and lower
the patient’s jaw.
4. Headrest up
Push the joystick up to drive the headrest up in accordance with the
movement of the anatomical tilt.
5. Headrest down
Push the joystick down to drive the headrest down in accordance with
the movement of the anatomical tilt.
The movement continues for as long as the joystick is pushed.

112 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

21 Operating motorised headrest

21.2.2 Foot control

The foot control’s centre knob is normally used for driving the backrest
and seat (chair mode). However, once you have activated the headrest’s
tilt mode with the foot control, you can use the centre knob to move and
operate the headrest.

To activate the tilt mode, push the left-side knob up (factory default) for
longer than two seconds.

The fully green headrest symbol on the control panel indicates that the tilt
mode has been activated.

When the dental unit is equipped with a motorised headrest, the factory
default is that the tilt mode is activated by pushing the left-side knob up.
However, it is possible to configure the foot control so that the tilt mode
is activated when you push the right-side knob up instead. Contact your
Planmeca dealer.

Push and hold the centre knob to tilt the headrest backward (A) to raise the
patient’s jaw or forward (B) to lower the patient’s jaw.
You can also move the headrest up (C) or down (D) by pushing and holding
the centre knob.
The movement continues for as long as the centre knob is pushed.

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22 Operating dental unit

22 Operating dental unit

22.1 Language

About this task

If your dental unit has been configured so that you can not edit your user
settings, including language, you can edit the dental unit’s language as
described below.

Users who can edit their user settings change the language as described in
section "Editing language" on page 91.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Language to open a list of available languages.

The available languages are:

• English
• Finnish
• German
• Spanish
• French
• Italian
• Swedish
• Hungarian
• Czech
• Danish
• Norwegian
• Russian
• Japanese
• Polish
• Traditional Chinese
• Simplified Chinese
• Romanian
• Arabic
• Dutch
• Portuguese
• Turkish
• Greek

114 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

22 Operating dental unit

• Latvian
• Lithuanian
• Estonian
3. Select a language by pressing it.
Move up and down on the list by pressing the up/down buttons.
The list of languages closes and the language of your choice is
displayed on the control panel.

22.2 Bowl rinse

Control panel on instrument console: Press Bowl rinse to rinse the bowl.
Bowl rinsing can be stopped before it stops automatically by pressing Bowl
rinse again.

Control panel on Flexy-holder: Press Cup fill / Bowl rinse to rinse the bowl.
Bowl rinsing can be stopped before it stops automatically by pressing Cup
fill / Bowl rinse again.

The flow rate of the bowl rinse can be adjusted by turning the black knob
inside the unit, see section "Adjusting cup fill and bowl rinse flow rates" on
page 198.
The duration of bowl rinsing can be programmed, see section "Duration of
bowl rinsing" on page 199.

22.3 Cup fill

By default, the cup fill is not activated unless the cup is positioned in its
place under the cup fill tube. To change this setting, contact your Planmeca

The water in the dental unit is intended for rinsing only, not for drinking.

Control panel on instrument console: Press Cup fill and the unit will
automatically fill the cup and then rinse the bowl. Cup filling can be stopped
before it stops automatically by pressing Cup fill again.
If Cup fill is pressed and held for longer than 1 second, water flows for as
long as the button is pressed, and the bowl is not rinsed.

Control panel on Flexy-holder: Press Cup fill / Bowl rinse twice or press
the button once until the cup filling starts (0.5 - 1 sec.) and the unit will
automatically fill the cup and then rinse the bowl. Cup filling can be stopped
before it stops automatically by pressing Cup fill / Bowl rinse again.
If Cup fill / Bowl rinse is pressed and held for longer than 1 second, water
flows for as long as the button is pressed, and the bowl is not rinsed.

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22 Operating dental unit

Foot control: When all the instruments are in their holders you can fill the cup
either by briefly pushing the pedal down twice or by pushing down the pedal
once until the filling starts (0,5 - 1 sec.). The unit will automatically fill the cup
and then rinse the bowl. Cup filling stops automatically after a preset time.
Cup filling can be stopped before it stops automatically by pushing the pedal
briefly down.
If the pedal is pushed for longer than 1 second, water flows for as long as
the pedal is pushed, and the bowl is not rinsed.

The flow rate of the cup fill can be adjusted by turning the black knob inside
the unit, see section "Adjusting cup fill and bowl rinse flow rates" on page
The duration of the cup fill can be programmed, see section "Duration of cup
filling" on page 200.

Patient's cup fill button (optional)

The patient can fill the cup by pressing the patient's cup fill button on the
cuspidor. The water flows for as long as the button is pressed.

1 Patient's cup fill button

22.4 Timer

About this task

The timer memory contains six preprogrammed time settings. Follow the
steps below to activate a timer.

Other functionalities can be used while the timer is running.

The timer can not be run from the foot control.

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22 Operating dental unit

1. Press Timer to open a list of available timers.

2. Select a timer from the list.

The Timer button’s indicator light is lit and the duration of the timer
is displayed on the control panel.The countdown begins immediately,
but the selected time is displayed for five seconds before the actual
countdown is displayed.
If you wish to close the list without selecting a timer, press Close.

When the timer reaches zero you will hear two signal tones and the indicator
light goes off.
The function can be cancelled by pressing Timer again.
The preset timers can be reprogrammed, see section "Timer settings" on
page 198.

22.5 Door open / assistant call

If you have installed a door opening device or assistant call, you may
activate these from the control panel or the foot control.

Only one of these functions can be enabled at a time. To change the
enabled function, contact your Planmeca dealer.

Control panel: Press Door open / assistant call to activate the function. You
will hear a short signal tone when the function starts.
Press Door open / assistant call for longer than 0.5 seconds to continue the
function until the button is released.

Foot control: When all the instruments are in their holders you can push
the pedal to the left to activate the Door open / assistant call function. If the
pedal is pushed for longer than 0.5 seconds, the function continues for as
long as the pedal is pushed.

Alternatively, the foot control can be configured so that the Door open /
assistant call function is activated when you push the left-side or right-side
knob up. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

The duration of the signal can be programmed, see section "Duration of door
open / assistant call" on page 204.

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22 Operating dental unit

22.6 Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating light

Do not allow the patient to grab the operating light or its arm when getting
seated or getting up from the patient chair.

The light must be moved from the handles only. Do NOT move the light from
the arm or from the light body.

The light beam may speed up the hardening of some filling materials. Move
the light so that the light beam is not directed towards the filling material or
turn on the operating light's composite mode.

To be able to use the operating light hands-free with the gesture sensor, the
sensor must be enabled.

The sensor detects your hand movement at an approximate distance of 3 -
18 cm (1.2 - 7.1 in.) from the infrared sensor.
The distance can be adjusted, see section "Gesture sensor" on page 203.

22.6.1 Indicator lights

The indicator lights on the operating light’s handle buttons indicate the
current state of the operating light.

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22 Operating dental unit

Indicator lights

Colour Meaning
White The operating light is on and the colour temperature is neutral.

Light blue The operating light is on and the colour temperature is cool.

Peach The operating light is on and the colour temperature is warm.

Orange The composite mode is on.

Green The operating light is off.

Yellow When the indicator light blinks yellow, the operating light is
not functioning properly and full luminosity can not be reached.
You can also hear a warning sound. Please contact your local
Planmeca service technician.

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22 Operating dental unit

22.6.2 Switching operating light on/off

From operating light

From one handle
Briefly press the handle button on either handle to switch the light on. Press
the handle button a second time to switch the light off.
You will hear a clicking sound when you press the button.

Hands-free with sensor

Wave your hand shortly in front of the sensor to switch on/off the operating
light. The light will switch on/off after you have moved your hand away from
the sensor activation area.
You will hear a clicking sound when you wave your hand in front of the

From dental unit

When you switch the operating light on, the indicator light on the Operating
light button is lit.

Control panel: Press Operating light to switch the operating light on or off.

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22 Operating dental unit

Foot control: Push the left-side knob up to switch the operating light on/off.
This is the default factory setting.

The foot control can also be configured so that the operating light is switched
on/off when you push the right-side knob up. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

22.6.3 Switching composite mode on/off

The composite mode allows you to work with composite materials with
minimal risk of pre-polymerisation caused by the operating light.
The composite mode turns off automatically when another instrument than
the polymerisation light is picked up from the instrument console.

From operating light

From one handle
Press twice the handle button on either handle to switch to composite mode.
Press the handle button twice again to switch the composite mode off.
You will hear a clicking sound each time you press the button.

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22 Operating dental unit

Hands-free with sensor

Wave your hand twice in front of the sensor to switch the composite mode
The light will switch to composite mode after you have moved your hand
away from the sensor activation area for the second time.
You will hear a clicking sound each time you wave your hand in front of the

From dental unit

When you switch the composite mode on, the indicator light on the
Composite mode button is lit.

Control panel: Press Composite mode to switch the operating light’s

composite mode on or off.

The dental unit can be configured so that you can switch the operating
light's composite mode on or off by pressing the Flexy button. Contact your
Planmeca dealer.

The foot control can be configured so that the composite mode is switched
on/off when you push the left- or the right-side knob up. Contact your
Planmeca dealer.

When the polymerisation light is taken from the holder and returned to it, the
composite mode is switched on. This feature is configurable; contact your
Planmeca dealer.

22.6.4 Adjusting intensity of operating light

The intensity adjustment range is from 30% to 100%.
Each time you adjust the intensity, the direction of the adjustment (increase/
decrease) changes. Thus, if you first increase the intensity, the intensity will
be decreased the next time you adjust it.

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22 Operating dental unit

You will hear short successive clicking sounds while the intensity is being
adjusted and a long signal tone when the maximum/minimum intensity is
The operating light intensity can also be programmed, see section
"Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating lights" on page

The operating light intensity will decrease to 30% of the maximum intensity
when the chair is moving.

From operating light

From one handle
Press and hold the handle button on either handle to adjust the intensity
of the operating light. The intensity increases/decreases for as long as you
press the button.

Hands-free with sensor

Once the operation light is lit, keep your hand longer in front of the sensor to
adjust the intensity of the light.

If the operating light is installed to another manufacturer’s dental unit, the
intensity adjustment can be done only from the operating light.

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22 Operating dental unit

From dental unit

The light intensity is displayed on the Operating light button. When you
change the intensity, the information on the button changes accordingly.

Control panel: Press and hold the Operating light button to adjust the
operating light intensity.

Foot control: Push and hold the left-side knob up to adjust the operating light

The foot control can also be configured so that the intensity is adjusted when
you push and hold the right-side knob up. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

After one second, the intensity will increase until you release the button/
knob. When you press and hold the button/knob again, the intensity will start
to decrease.

22.6.5 Adjusting intensity of operating light in composite mode

The intensity adjustment range is from 30% to 100%.
Each time you adjust the intensity, the direction of the adjustment (increase/
decrease) changes. Thus, if you first increase the intensity, the intensity will
be decreased the next time you adjust it.
You will hear short successive clicking sounds while the intensity is being
adjusted and a long signal tone when the maximum/minimum intensity is
The operating light intensity can also be programmed, see section
"Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating lights" on page

From operating light

From one handle
Press and hold the handle button on either handle to adjust the intensity
of the operating light. The intensity increases/decreases for as long as you
press the button.

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22 Operating dental unit

Hands-free with sensor

Once the operation light is lit, keep your hand longer in front of the sensor to
adjust the intensity of the light.

If the operating light is installed to another manufacturer’s dental unit, the
intensity adjustment can be done only from the operating light.

From dental unit

The light intensity of the composite mode is displayed on the Composite
mode button. When you change the intensity, the information on the button
changes accordingly.

Control panel: Press and hold the Composite mode button to adjust the light
intensity of the composite mode.

The dental unit can be configured so that the operating light's intensity in the
composite mode can be adjusted when you press and hold the Flexy button.
Contact your Planmeca dealer.

The foot control can be configured so that the intensity is adjusted when you
push and hold the left-side or the right-side knob up. Contact your Planmeca

22.6.6 Changing light tone of operating light

The white light tone of the operating light can be warm, neutral or cool.

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22 Operating dental unit

From operating light

From both handles
When the light is on (and composite mode off), press and hold both handle
buttons simultaneously to toggle between the three colour temperatures
warm, neutral and cool.
You will hear a signal tone when you toggle the colour temperature from the
handle buttons.

From dental unit

You can change the light tone by pushing the left-side or the right-side knob
up, if this function has been configured to the foot control. To configure the
function, contact your Planmeca dealer.

Alternatively, you can change the light tone by pressing the Flexy button,
if this function has been configured to the Flexy button. To configure the
function, contact your Planmeca dealer.
You can also change the light tone in the programming window, see section
"Colour temperature and brightness" on page 202.

22.7 Planmeca Solanna Vision camera

• Planmeca Romexis software version 6.0 or later must be installed. When
Planmeca Romexis is running, the camera is continuously connected to
the software.
• Planmeca Romexis and the dental unit have been paired by a Planmeca
service technician.
• The connection between Planmeca Romexis and the dental unit has
been enabled by a Planmeca service technician.

Solanna Vision button

The Solanna Vision button on the control panel features indicators for video
streaming and recording, as well as an indicator light for each camera to
mark the status of the camera.

The left/right notation is as seen from behind the camera.

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22 Operating dental unit

Button example Status

Right camera not selected; no connection between the
camera and the control panel.
Left camera selected but not activated.
Right camera not selected; no connection between the
camera and the control panel.
Left camera selected, video streaming is on, no video is
being recorded.
Right camera not selected; no connection between the
camera and the control panel.
Left camera selected, video is being recorded.
Recording time runs below button until recording is
Planmeca Romexis has not identified the camera or the
Planmeca Romexis client paired with the dental unit has
been switched off.

Solanna Vision software update is being loaded.

Note that the blinking i-icon can also appear
independently from the Solanna Vision button.
Solanna Vision software has been loaded. Restart the
dental unit to update the software.
Note that the software downloaded icon can also appear
independently from the Solanna Vision button.

After you have saved videos and images

The images and videos are automatically saved to the selected patient file in
Planmeca Romexis software. The images can be viewed in the 2D module
window and the videos as attachments in the Patient data window.
For more information on how to open these windows, see Planmeca
Romexis user's manual.
To be able to view a recorded video, a separate video software, such as
Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player or VLC Media Player must be
installed on the computer and configured to open files with the .mp4 file
extension. The videos can be edited in any 3rd party video editing program.

22.7.1 Starting to use cameras Activating camera from Planmeca Romexis

1. Select a patient to open the patient file.
2. Select the 2D module.
3. To activate the camera, click the Solanna Vision button.

Alternatively, you can click the Solanna Vision button in the File module.

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22 Operating dental unit

Video streaming starts and the live stream can be viewed in the Solanna
Vision window in Planmeca Romexis. On the dental unit's control panel,
the Solanna Vision button indicates that video streaming is on.

This does not open the Solanna Vision window in the dental unit.

To switch full screen mode on/off, press the f key on the Planmeca
Romexis keyboard.
To switch low latency mode on/off, press the l key on the Planmeca
Romexis keyboard Activating camera from dental unit

Before activating the Planmeca Solanna Vision camera from the dental unit
you must do the following in Planmeca Romexis:
1. Select a patient to open the patient file.
2. Select the 2D module.
To activate the camera, open the Solanna Vision window on the dental unit.
When the window opens, video streaming automatically starts.

When the Solanna Vision window is open on the dental unit, the indicator
lights on the operating light handles are blue and the operating light can not
be operated from the handle buttons. You can, however, use the operating
light hands-free with the gesture sensor, if the sensor is enabled.

How to open Solanna Vision window on dental unit

Interface Action
Planmeca dental unit: Press Solanna Vision in the main window to open the
Control panel on instrument Solanna Vision window.
Planmeca dental unit: Planmeca Compact i: The Solanna Vision window can be configured
Control panel on Flexy- to be opened by pressing the Flexy button, contact your Planmeca
holder dealer.
Planmeca dental unit: Foot Planmeca Compact i: The Solanna Vision window can be configured
control to be opened from one of the side knobs on the foot control, contact
your Planmeca dealer.

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22 Operating dental unit

The Solanna Vision window gives you access to the Solanna Vision controls.

When the Solanna Vision dental unit window is not open, the operating
light, instruments, dental unit and chair can be used normally, also when
streaming or recording is running in the background.
Press OK to close the Solanna Vision dental unit window.

22.7.2 Adjusting camera settings from dental unit Selecting camera and zoom level

About this task

Planmeca Solanna Vision has two cameras. Select which camera you want
to use.

It is possible to select the camera also from the Planmeca Romexis
keyboard by pressing keyboard buttons 1 and 2.

1. Open the Solanna Vision window in the dental unit.
For instructions, see section "Activating camera from dental unit" on
page 128.

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22 Operating dental unit

2. Select the camera by pressing the corresponding camera button.

Right camera (as seen from behind the camera)

selected. Press to unselect.

Left camera (as seen from behind the camera)

selected. Press to unselect.

3. Select the level of digital zoom by pressing the corresponding button.

The options are 1x, 2x and 5x zoom. The selected option is indicated by
a blue button. Adjusting video settings

1. Open the Solanna Vision window in the dental unit.
For instructions, see section "Activating camera from dental unit" on
page 128.
2. In the Solanna Vision window, press Settings.

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22 Operating dental unit

The Video settings programming window opens.

3. Select the video resolution by pressing on the preferred resolution.

The options are:
• HD 720p (1280x720)
• Full HD 1080p (1920x1080)
• UHD 4K (3840x2160)
A blue background indicates the selected resolution.
4. Select the frame rate by pressing on the preferred frame rate.
The options are 25 Hz (PAL) and 30 Hz (NTSC).
A blue background indicates the selected frame rate.
5. Press OK.

22.7.3 Switching video streaming on/off

When video streaming is on, the live video stream is played in the Solanna
Vision window in Planmeca Romexis.
When you turn streaming off, the Solanna Vision window in Planmeca
Romexis closes. The window opens again when you turn streaming on.
Pausing streaming does not close the Solanna Vision window in Planmeca
Romexis, it just freezes the picture.

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22 Operating dental unit

If streaming does not start when you switch video streaming on, check if
you have selected a camera. For instructions, see section "Adjusting camera
settings from dental unit" on page 129.

In the Solanna Vision window, both in the dental unit and Planmeca
Romexis, a blue button means that the function is on, and a grey button
that the function is off.

How to switch video streaming on/off

Interface Action
Planmeca dental unit: In the Solanna Vision window, press Video camera
Control panel on to turn video streaming on/off.
instrument console
In the Solanna Vision window, press Pause to pause
video streaming. Press Pause again to resume
In the Solanna Vision window, press Microphone to
mute/unmute the microphone.

Planmeca dental unit: Planmeca Compact i: Video streaming can be configured to be switched
Control panel on Flexy- on/off from the Flexy button, contact your Planmeca dealer.
Planmeca dental unit: Planmeca Compact i: Video streaming can be configured to be switched
Foot control on/off from one of the side knobs on the foot control, contact your
Planmeca dealer.
Planmeca Romexis In the Solanna Vision window, click Streaming to turn
video streaming on/off.

In the Solanna Vision window, press Pause to pause

video streaming. Press Pause again to resume
In the Solanna Vision window, check the Sound
checkbox to turn on the microphone.
When the Solanna Vision window is open, press the Space key on the
Planmeca Romexis keyboard to pause streaming. Press Space again to
resume streaming.
Planmeca dental unit: When video streaming is on, the camera indicator light
on the Solanna Vision button in the main window indicates that streaming is
going on.

Planmeca Romexis: When video streaming is on, a green streaming icon in

the top right corner of the 2D module and File module window indicates that
streaming is going on.

22.7.4 Recording video

You can record a video only when video streaming is on.
By default, the length of the video is unlimited. To limit the length, contact
your Planmeca dealer.

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22 Operating dental unit

In the Solanna Vision window, both in the dental unit and Planmeca
Romexis, a blue button means that the function is on, and a grey button
that the function is off.

How to record video

Interface Action
Planmeca dental unit: In the Solanna Vision window, press Record to start/
Control panel on stop recording.
instrument console
In the Solanna Vision window, press Microphone to
turn the microphone on/off.

Planmeca dental unit: Planmeca Compact i: Recording can be configured to be started/

Control panel on Flexy- stopped from the Flexy button, contact your Planmeca dealer.
Planmeca dental unit: Planmeca Compact i: Recording can be configured to be started/
Foot control stopped from one of the side knobs on the foot control, contact your
Planmeca dealer.
Planmeca Solanna Vision When the Solanna Vision window is open on the dental unit's control
panel, press the handle button for >0.5 seconds to start/stop recording.
A signal tone indicates the start of recording.
The indicator light on the handle button blinks blue - light blue while
recording is going on.
Planmeca Romexis In the Solanna Vision window, click Video camera to
start/stop recording.

When the Solanna Vision window is open, press the r key on the
Planmeca Romexis keyboard to start/stop recording.
Planmeca dental unit: When recording is going on, the camera indicator
light on the Solanna Vision button in the main window blinks to indicate that
recording is going on.

Planmeca Romexis: When recording is going on, a red recording icon in the
top left corner of the Solanna Vision window indicates that recording is going
Also, in the 2D module and File module windows, a red video camera icon in
the top right corner indicates that recording is going on.

22.7.5 Capturing image

You can capture an image only when video streaming is on.

How to capture image

Interface Action
Planmeca dental unit: In the Solanna Vision window, capture an image by
Control panel on instrument pressing Still camera.

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22 Operating dental unit

How to capture image

Interface Action
Planmeca dental unit: Planmeca Compact i: The dental unit can be configured so that an
Control panel on Flexy- image is captured when you press the Flexy button, contact your
holder Planmeca dealer.
Planmeca dental unit: Foot Planmeca Compact i: The dental unit can be configured so that an
control image is captured when you push one of the side knobs on the foot
control, contact your Planmeca dealer.
Planmeca Solanna Vision When the Solanna Vision window is open on the dental unit's control
panel, press the handle button to capture an image. You will hear a
clicking sound when you press the button.
Planmeca Romexis In the Solanna Vision window, capture an image by
clicking Still camera.

When the Solanna Vision window is open, press the Enter or p key
on the Planmeca Romexis keyboard to capture an image.

22.8 X-ray film viewer

The control panel display can be used for viewing X-ray films. To open the
viewer, press X-ray film viewer.

When the display is used as an X-ray film viewer, its intensity is increased to
the maximum value.

The X-ray film viewer is suited for X-ray films with an optical density of ≤1.2
OD. It is not a tool for diagnosis.

When you want to close the X-ray film viewer, press OK.

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23 Operating instruments

23 Operating instruments
23.1 Instrument logic

If you use similar instruments at the same time, keep them in their own
places. The memory operation does not recognise the parameters and
settings of the similar instruments if their places are changed.

The dental unit contains an instrument logic with the principles described
below. The active instrument can be operated with the foot control and its
settings are displayed on the control panel and they can be changed.
When the active instrument is operated, other instruments can be away from
the instrument console, but they can not be operated.
The syringe can be operated independently of other instruments at any time.
1. When the dentist picks up instrument 1 from the instrument console,
it becomes the active instrument. The dentist can drive it with the foot
control pedal (a short push to the right/left or down is enough).
2. While the dentist drives instrument 1, the assistant can pick up
instrument 2 for preparation. Picking up instrument 2 does not change
the active instrument.
3. The dentist returns the active instrument (instrument 1) to the instrument
4. The assistant returns instrument 2 to the instrument console.
5. The dentist activates instrument 2 by picking it up from the instrument
console. After this, it can be driven with the foot control as above.
The memory operation of the logic settings makes it possible to store
parameters and settings for up to eight instruments. Changing the place of
the instrument on the console does not change the parameters and settings
of that instrument.

Intelligent four-handed dentistry

In four-handed dentistry it is important to enable a smooth preparation and
exchange of instruments between the dentist and the assistant. Therefore,
an alternative instrument logic can be taken into use for four-handed
dentistry. Please contact your Planmeca dealer.
In intelligent four-handed dentistry one instrument can be left waiting in
a queue so that it is ready for use when the dentist returns the active
instrument to the instrument console.
The intelligent four-handed dentistry follows the principles described below.
The active instrument can be operated with the foot control and its settings
are displayed on the control panel and they can be changed.
The instrument logic does not control the syringe which can be used at any
1. When the dentist picks up instrument 1 from the instrument console,
it becomes the active instrument. The dentist can drive it with the foot
control pedal (a short push to the right/left or down is enough).
2. While the dentist drives instrument 1, the assistant can pick up
instrument 2 for preparation and the instrument goes to the instrument

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23 Operating instruments

Only one instrument at a time can be in the queue. If two or
three instruments are picked up while driving an instrument, only the
instrument that was picked up last will remain in the queue.
3. The dentist returns the active instrument (instrument 1) to the instrument
console and immediately the instrument in the queue (instrument 2) is
activated and handed to the dentist by the assistant. Instrument 2 can be
driven with the foot control as described above.

23.2 Micromotor

23.2.1 Speed/power
Standard pedal: To drive the instrument, push the foot control pedal to the
right or to the left.
Wide pedal: To drive the instrument, push the foot control pedal down.

Pushing the pedal further to the right/left or down will increase the speed
or power of the instrument. As you push the pedal, the power output is
displayed on the control panel.
The normal range is 10 - 100%.
To stop the instrument, allow the pedal to return to the rest position.

Ensure that the pedal is in rest position when you activate the instrument.

The speed/power level depends on the instrument.

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23 Operating instruments

23.2.2 Reverse rotation

In normal operation the micromotor rotates in a clockwise direction. To
reverse the direction of rotation press Reverse. Reversing is possible only
when the micromotor is picked up from the instrument console, but not
When the micromotor rotates in the reverse direction, the indicator light is
amber. To enable a low ticking sound during reverse rotation, please contact
your Planmeca dealer.

The foot control can be configured so that the reverse rotation is activated/
deactivated when you push the left-side knob down. Contact your Planmeca

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

23.2.3 Speed/power limit

When the micromotor's speed/power limit is on and set to, for example, 50%,
the foot control pedal movement controls the speed/power between 10 -
50% instead of the normal range of 10 - 100%. The preset maximum value
is displayed on the control panel when the micromotor is picked up from the
instrument console.
When the speed/power limit is on, the indicator light on the control panel
button is green.

Control panel: Press Micromotor speed/power limit to reduce the

micromotor’s speed or power to a preset level. Press Micromotor speed/
power limit again to switch the power limit off.

The foot control can be configured so that the micromotor’s speed or power
is limited when you push the left-side knob down. Contact your Planmeca

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The speed/power limit can be programmed. See section "Instrument speed/
power limit" on page 185.

Note that the speed/power limit depends on the instrument.

23.2.4 Instrument spray

The instrument cooling spray setting can be selected to be water & air, air or
no spray.

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23 Operating instruments

The spray flow rate can be programmed. See section "Instrument spray" on
page 185.

The amounts of water and air for the currently used spray type are displayed
on the control panel.

When sterile water is used, you can select between sterile water spray
and spray off. Sterile water is indicated by a Sterile water symbol and the
indicator light blinks green on the Instrument spray button.
For instructions on how to enable/disable the sterile mode, see section
"Enabling/disabling sterile water mode" on page 186.

Press Instrument spray once to switch on the water & air spray. You will hear
two short signal tones. Additionally, a green indicator light shows that the
water & air spray is switched on.

Press Instrument spray a second time to switch the air spray on. You will
hear one short signal tone. Additionally, a yellow indicator light shows that
the air spray is switched on.

Press Instrument spray a third time to switch off the instrument cooling
spray. You will hear one long signal tone. Additionally, the indicator light
goes out.

Alternatively, you can select the spray setting with the foot control. The
indicator lights on the control panel are lit accordingly.
Standard pedal: Push the pedal down briefly to select the spray setting.
Wide pedal: Push the pedal briefly to the left to select the spray setting.

Push the pedal once to switch on the water & air spray. You will hear two
short signal tones.
Push the pedal again to switch on the air spray. You will hear one short
signal tone.
Push the pedal a third time to switch off the instrument spray. You will hear
one long signal tone.

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23 Operating instruments

The foot control can also be configured so that you push the left-side knob
down to select a different spray setting. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The spray must be switched off when using an instrument without a
waterline inside the handpiece.

The instrument spray operated with the foot control can be disabled in the
service mode, in which case you can switch the spray on and off only from
the control panel. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

23.2.5 Momentary spray

When you are driving the instrument, you can activate the momentary spray
by pressing the foot control pedal down. The spray will continue until you
remove your foot from the pedal.

The momentary spray can be enabled and configured in the service mode,
contact your Planmeca dealer.

The momentary spray can not be activated with the wide foot control pedal.

23.2.6 Automatic chip blow

When the automatic chip blow is on, the indicator light on the control panel
button is on and two short blows of water, air, or both will occur after the
instrument is stopped.
Control panel: Press Chip blow to switch the automatic chip blow on or off.

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to switch the automatic chip blow on/off. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The type of chip blow can be programmed, see section "Automatic chip
blow" on page 187.

23.2.7 Manual chip blow

Standard pedal: You can temporarily activate the manual chip blow by
pushing and holding down the pedal.

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23 Operating instruments

Wide pedal: You can temporarily activate the manual chip blow by pushing
and holding the pedal to the right.

The flow of air will continue until you remove your foot from the pedal.

The type of manual chip blow does not depend on the type of the automatic
chip blow, but is always dry. The manual chip blow can be set to be
dependent on programming; contact your Planmeca dealer.

23.2.8 Instrument light

When the instrument light is on, the indicator light on the control panel button
is green.
Control panel: Press Instrument light to switch the instrument light on/off.

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to switch the instrument light on/off. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The instrument light intensity can be programmed, see section "Instrument

light" on page 187.

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23 Operating instruments

23.3 Bien-Air MCX micromotor

Besides the basic micromotor functions, the Bien-Air MCX micromotor has
some additional features. These are described below.

23.3.1 Torque

Press Torque to enable the torque function. The green indicator light means
that torque is enabled.

When torque is enabled, also the drive mode Auto stop is enabled. When
the torque limit is reached, the micromotor stops.

Only the drive mode Auto stop is available for the Bien-Air MCX micromotor.

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to enable/disable the torque function. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The following table presents a conversion table of percentage values to Ncm

values for a 1:1 handpiece. The tolerance is +/- 5%.

The torque depends on the handpiece type.

Conversion table: % to Ncm (1:1 handpiece)

Percent Ncm
10 0.3
15 0.4

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23 Operating instruments

Conversion table: % to Ncm (1:1 handpiece)

Percent Ncm
20 0.5
25 0.6
30 0.8
35 0.9
40 1.0
45 1.1
50 1.3
55 1.4
60 1.5
65 1.6
70 1.8
75 1.9
80 2.0
85 2.1
90 2.3
95 2.4
100 2.5

23.3.2 RPM
Press RPM limit to reduce the micromotor’s maximum speed to a preset
level. The green indicator light means that the RPM limit is on. Press RPM
limit again to switch the rpm limit off.

23.4 Bien-Air MX2 micromotor

Besides the basic micromotor functions, the Bien-Air MX2 micromotor has
some additional features. These are described below.

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Before using the torque and RPM functions, please refer to the
file manufacturer’s instructions concerning torque and RPM value
recommendations for the files.

23.4.1 Torque

Press Torque to enable the torque function and access the drive modes. The
green indicator light means that torque is enabled.

When torque is enabled, you can select the drive mode by pressing Drive
mode, which always shows the current drive mode. The modes are:
Auto stop
The micromotor stops when the torque limit is reached.

Auto reverse
When the torque limit is reached the micromotor will operate

Auto forward
When the torque limit is reached, the micromotor will operate
counter-clockwise (auto reverse) for 2 seconds and then
return to clockwise direction.
(The length of the counter-clockwise rotation can be modified,
see section "Modifying preset values" on page 189.)

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
either to enable/disable the torque function or to select the drive mode.
Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light and the drive mode symbol on the control panel to
verify that pushing the left-side knob down activates the correct function.

Reverse rotation can not be enabled in the Auto reverse and Auto forward

Torque can be disabled only in the Auto stop mode.

The following table presents a conversion table of percentage values to Ncm

values for a 1:1 handpiece. The tolerance is +/- 5%.

The torque depends on the handpiece type.

Conversion table: % to Ncm

Percent Ncm
10 0.4

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23 Operating instruments

Conversion table: % to Ncm

Percent Ncm
15 0.5
20 0.7
25 0.9
30 1.1
35 1.2
40 1.4
45 1.6
50 1.8
55 1.9
60 2.1
65 2.3
70 2.5
75 2.6
80 2.8
85 3.0
90 3.2
95 3.3
100 3.5

23.4.2 RPM
Press RPM limit to reduce the micromotor’s maximum speed to a preset
level. The green indicator light means that the RPM limit is on. Press RPM
limit again to switch the limit off.

23.4.3 Presets
Each user has a personal set of presets for the Bien-Air MX2 micromotor.
Six different presets are available and the Preset button displays the
currently used preset.
If you want to use another preset than the current, follow the steps below.
1. Activate the micromotor.
2. Press Preset.
3. In the window that opens, select the desired preset (1 - 6). You will then
automatically be returned to the MX2 window.

The following table presents the default preset settings for the Bien-Air MX2
micromotor. These presets can be modified, see section "Modifying preset
values" on page 189.
The tolerance for RPM and torque values is +/- 5%.

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23 Operating instruments

RPM and torque settings for different presets

Function Preset 1 Preset 2 Preset 3 Preset 4 Preset 5 Preset 6

Drive mode Auto Auto Auto stop N/A N/A N/A
forward reverse
RPM limit 260 260 900 2 000 5 000 40 000
Torque % 30 30 50 N/A N/A N/A
Instrument spray Off Off Off Air 70% Air 70% Air 70%
Water Water Water
40% 40% 40%
Automatic chip blow Off Off Off Off Off Off
Instrument light 100 100 100 100 100 100

23.5 Bien-Air MX-i micromotor

The user must be familiar with implant procedures before using the Bien-Air
MX-i micromotor.

Always check the preset settings before using the micromotor.

The Bien-Air MX-i implantology micromotor is designed for implant insertion

procedures with a 20:1 handpiece. Implant procedures should only be
performed with the following handpieces:
• Contra-angle handpiece CA 20:1 L KM Micro-Series (light)1600786-001
• Contra-angle handpiece CA 20:1 L KM (light)1600785-001
• Contra-angle handpiece CA 20:1 L Micro-Series (light)1600692-001
• Contra-angle handpiece CA 20:1 L (light)1600598-001
Of the basic micromotor functions the Bien-Air MX-i micromotor does not
have instrument cooling spray or chip blow. If the dental unit is equipped
with a sterile water system, sterile water can be used.
The additional micromotor functions are described below.

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23 Operating instruments

23.5.1 Sterile water

If the dental unit is equipped with a sterile water system, sterile water spray
can be used when presets i1 - i4 are selected.

Sterile water is not available for preset i5.

When sterile water is available, the Instrument spray button is enabled.

Press Instrument spray to turn sterile water spray on/off. A green indicator
light on the button shows that the sterile water spray is switched on.

The Sterile water symbol also indicates that the sterile water spray is
switched on.

23.5.2 Torque
Presets i1 - i3 have a fixed torque value of 50 Ncm that can not be changed.
Torque is not displayed on the control panel.
In presets i4 - i5 the torque limit is always on and can not be switched off.
The green indicator light on the button is always on.

Two values are displayed next to the Torque button: torque (1) and max
reached torque (2).

The Ncm values displayed on the control panel are accurate only when 20:1
handpieces listed on the previous page are used.

When the instrument is not used, torque (1 in picture above) shows the
torque limit. When you drive the instrument, torque shows the current torque
Max reached torque (2 in picture above) shows the highest torque value
during instrument use. The value is displayed also after you have stopped
the instrument and resets when you start driving the instrument again. The
max reached torque value also resets when the torque limit or RPM limit is
modified, or when you select another preset.

23.5.3 RPM

The RPM values are accurate only when 20:1 handpieces are used.

The RPM limit is always on for the Bien-Air MX-i implantology micromotor
and can not be switched off. The green indicator light on the button is always

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23.5.4 Presets
Each user has a personal set of five presets for the Bien-Air MX-i
• i1 for pilot drilling
• i2 for implant drilling
• i3 for implant drilling
• i4 for implant tapping
• i5 for implant placement
The Preset button displays the currently used preset.
If you want to use another preset than the current, follow the steps below.
1. Activate the micromotor.
2. Press Preset.
3. In the window that opens, select the desired preset (i1 - i5). You will then
automatically be returned to the MX-i window.

The following table presents the default preset settings for the Bien-Air MX-i
micromotor. These presets can be modified, see section "Modifying preset
values" on page 189.
The tolerance for RPM and torque values is +/- 15%.

Function Preset i1 Preset i2 Preset i3 Preset i4 Preset i5

RPM range 100 - 2000 100 - 2000 100 - 2000 5 - 85 5 - 85
RPM limit 1200 800 500 30 15
Torque range, Ncm - - - 10 - 70 10 - 70
Torque, Ncm 50 50 50 35 35
Sterile water On* On* On* On* N/A
Automatic chip blow N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Instrument light brightness 100 100 100 100 100
* Sterile water is switched off if a dental unit controlled sterile water system is
not connected.

23.6 Morita TORX micromotor

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23 Operating instruments

The user must be familiar with endodontic procedures before using the
Morita TORX micromotor.

When coupled with the CA-10RC-ENDO 10:1 handpiece, the Morita TORX
micromotor can be used together with the Morita Root ZX mini U apex
locator to measure the root canal.
When the CA-10RC-ENDO 10:1 handpiece is used, an optimum torque
reverse (OTR) function is available when the OTR preset is selected.
Besides the basic micromotor functions, the Morita TORX micromotor has
some additional features. These are described below.

23.6.1 Torque
Torque is available for presets a1 - a3, OTR and t1 - t3.
Press Torque to enable the torque limit. The green indicator light means that
the torque limit is enabled.

In the OTR preset, the torque limit is always on and can not be switched off.
The green indicator light on the button is always on.

Presets a1 - a3 and t1 - t3
When the torque limit is enabled, also the drive mode Autoforward is
enabled. When the torque limit is reached, the micromotor will rotate
counter-clockwise (reverse) until the torque value has decreased to 50%
of the torque limit value and then return to clockwise rotation.

Only the drive mode Autoforward is available for the Morita TORX

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to enable/disable the torque function. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

Preset OTR
The OTR preset features an optimum torque reverse (OTR) function. When
the torque limit is reached, the micromotor reverses 90°, then moves forward
180° and repeats this movement until the torque limit is no longer reached.

The OTR preset should only be used with the Morita TORX micromotor
coupled with the CA-10RC-ENDO 10:1 handpiece.

Calibrating OTR

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23 Operating instruments

For the OTR function to work properly it must be calibrated at regular

intervals when help message H 59 is displayed and when you change to
the CA-10RC-ENDO 10:1 handpiece.

It is possible to drive the micromotor without calibrating the OTR function,
but this may affect the operation of the micromotor.

When you select the OTR preset, or when the OTR preset is selected
and the OTR function has not been calibrated in the last 30 minutes, help
message H 59 is displayed on the screen. Press the Torque calibration
button on the help message to open the calibration window.

The calibration window can also be opened by pressing the blinking

OTR CAL button in the instrument window. The button blinks only when
calibration is needed.

Calibration window

In the calibration window, press Calibrate to start OTR torque calibration.

The calibration progress is shown in the window.

Do not touch the file or let the file touch anything during calibration as this
will result in a failed calibration.

You can cancel the calibration by pressing Close in the calibration window.
Activating another instrument during calibration also cancels the calibration.

When the calibration has been performed successfully, close the calibration
window by pressing OK.

23.6.2 RPM
Press RPM limit to reduce the micromotor’s maximum speed to a preset
level. The green indicator light means that the RPM limit is on. Press RPM
limit again to switch the limit off.

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23 Operating instruments

As default, the micromotor starts with full speed when preset a1 - a3 or OTR
is selected. This is indicated by its RPM limit button.

In the OTR preset, the RPM limit is always on and can not be switched off.

23.6.3 Apical action

When you select one of the apical presets a1 - a3 or the OTR preset, a
small Apex locator window automatically opens on the control panel. For
information on using the apex locator, see section "Apex locator" on page
When you use presets a1 - a3 or the OTR preset, the instrument preset
window also features an Apical action button. When an apex measurement
is not going on, toggle the button to define what happens when the file tip
reaches the point in the root canal defined by the flash bar. The button
always shows the current apical action (thus, the symbol on the button
changes according to the selected apical action).

Reaching the torque limit can also make the micromotor to rotate counter-

Apical action

No apical action
When the file tip reaches the point in the root canal defined
by the flash bar, this does not induce an action in the
micromotor and the micromotor continues to rotate forward.
Auto stop
The micromotor stops when the file tip reaches the point in
the root canal defined by the flash bar.
When the micromotor has stopped, a thin file can simply
be pulled out from the root canal by hand. If a thicker file
is used, the micromotor's reverse function must be used to
safely remove the file from the root canal.
Auto forward
When the file tip reaches the point in the root canal
defined by the flash bar, the micromotor will rotate
counter-clockwise (auto reverse) until it has reversed three
segments on the apex meter and then return to clockwise

Torque action vs. apical action

Torque action defines the micromotor's rotation when the torque limit is
In presets a1 - a3 the only available torque action for the Morita micromotor
is autoforward. When the torque limit is enabled and the torque limit
reached, the micromotor will rotate counter-clockwise (reverse) until the
torque value has decreased to 50% of the torque limit value and then return
to clockwise rotation.
In the OTR preset an optimum torque reverse is implemented. When the
torque limit is reached, the micromotor repeats a 90° reverse, 180° forward

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23 Operating instruments

-movement until the torque value has decreased below the set torque limit
and then returns to clockwise rotation.
Apical action defines the micromotor's rotation when the file tip reaches the
limit depth in the root canal (marked by a flash bar in the window). When
the apical action autoforward is selected and the limit depth is reached, the
micromotor will rotate counter-clockwise (reverse) until it has reversed three
segments on the apex meter and then return to clockwise rotation.

1 Torque action
Torque-based transition from reverse to forward rotation
2 Apical action
Apical depth-based transition from reverse to forward rotation
(when apical action autofoward is selected)

23.6.4 Presets
Each user has a personal set of presets for the Morita TORX micromotor.
Ten different presets are available and the Preset button displays the
currently used preset.
If you want to use another preset than the current, follow the steps below.
1. Activate the micromotor.
2. Press Preset.
3. In the window that opens, select the desired preset. You will then
automatically be returned to the main window.

The presets available for the Morita TORX micromotor are:

1 a1 OTR t1
2 a2 t2
3 a3 t3
Presets 1 - 3 are generic default presets where the torque limit is not
available, a1 - a3 are presets for measuring the apex where the torque
limit can be enabled, OTR is a preset for optimum torque reverse where

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23 Operating instruments

the torque limit and rpm limit are always on, and presets t1 - t3 are torque
presets where the torque limit can be enabled.
Presets a1 - a3 and OTR can only be used with the Morita CA-10RC-ENDO
10:1 endo-contra handpiece. This handpiece must not be used with other
presets than a1 - a3 and OTR.

Endodontic treatment must only be performed using the Morita TORX
micromotor's a1 - a3 and OTR presets and the Morita CA-10RC-ENDO 10:1

Always check the preset settings before using the micromotor.
The table below lists the factory presets for the Morita TORX micromotor.
These presets can be modified, see section "Modifying preset values" on
page 195.
The tolerance for RPM and torque values is +/- 5%.

The torque limit value depends on the handpiece type.

Factory presets for Morita TORX micromotor

Setting Preset 1 - 3 Preset a1 Preset a2 Preset a3 Preset OTR Preset t1 - t3

Instrument Spray 1: Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Spray 1:
spray Water: 50 Water: 50
Air: 80 Air: 80
Spray 2 Spray 2
(Dry): (Dry):
Water: 0 Water: 0
Air: 80 Air: 80
Default: Default:
Spray off Spray off
Sterile water Available N/A N/A N/A N/A Available
Cooling air Enabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
Automatic On/Off Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled On/Off
chip blow Water: 0 Water: 0
Air: 60 Air: 60
Default: Default:
Chip blow Chip blow
on on
Manual chip Can be N/A N/A N/A N/A Can be
blow configured configured
to be used to be used
from foot from foot
control control
Default: On Default: On

152 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

23 Operating instruments

Factory presets for Morita TORX micromotor

Setting Preset 1 - 3 Preset a1 Preset a2 Preset a3 Preset OTR Preset t1 - t3

Rotation Forward/ Forward/ Forward/ Forward/ Forward Forward/
Reverse Reverse Reverse Reverse Reverse
Default: Default: Default: Default: Default:
Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward
rotation rotation rotation rotation rotation
Instrument On/Off N/A N/A N/A N/A On/Off
light Brightness: Brightness:
100 100
Default: Default:
Instrument Instrument
light on light on
Power curve Linear/Full Linear/Full Linear/Full Linear/Full Full Linear/Full
Default: Default: Full Default: Full Default: Full Default:
Linear Linear
Rpm Value range: Value range: Value range: Value range: Values: 100, Value range:
100 - 40 000 100 - 1000 100 - 1000 100 - 1000 300, 500 100 - 2000
Default: 40
Rpm limit Enabled/ Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
Disabled Value range: Value range: Value range: Values: 100, Value range:
Value range: 100 - 1000 100 - 1000 100 - 1000 300, 500 100 - 2000
100 - 36 000 rpm rpm rpm rpm rpm
rpm Default: 400 Default: 400 Default: Default: 300 Default:
Default: rpm rpm 1000 rpm rpm 2000 rpm
Torque limit Disabled Enabled/ Enabled/ Enabled/
Enabled; Enabled;
Disabled; Disabled; Disabled;
optimum autoforward
autoforward autoforward autoforward
torque Value range:
Value range: Value range: Value range: reverse 0.5 - 2.5
0.5 - 5.0 0.5 - 5.0 0.5 - 5.0 Value range: Ncm
Ncm Ncm Ncm 0.2 - 1.0 Default:
Default: Default: Default: Enabled, 2.5
Enabled, 1.0 Enabled, 2.0 Disabled Default: 0.2 Ncm
Ncm Ncm Ncm
Handpiece 1:1 10:1 10:1 10:1 10:1 1:1
Apical N/A Available Available Available Available N/A
Apical N/A Off/ Stop/ Off/ Stop/ Off/ Stop/ Off/ Stop/ N/A
actions AutoForward AutoForward AutoForward AutoForward
Default: Default: Default: Default:
AutoForward AutoForward None None
Apical beep N/A On/off On/off On/off On/off N/A
volume Default: On Default: On Default: On Default: On

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23 Operating instruments

23.7 Apex locator

The Morita Root ZX mini U apex locator can be used as a guide when
measuring the root canal. It is available for the Morita TORX micromotor, the
CA-10RC-ENDO 10:1 handpiece and for hand files.
The apex locator can be operated from the dental unit's control panel. More
detailed information on how to measure the root canal can be found in the
operation instructions provided by Morita.

Do not simultaneously touch the patient and the USB ports, or any electrical
connectors of external instrument modules.

Do not use this apex locator on patients who have a pacemaker or ICD.

Do not use this apex locator in conjunction with an electric scalpel.

The Morita Root ZX mini U is not recommended for use with children under
12 years of age.

Always check the measurement with an X-ray. In some cases, an accurate
measurement cannot be made, for example, because of the canal shape.

When the file is in the root canal and apex measurement is going on (>2
bars on the meter scale are blinking), the control panel is locked.

23.7.1 Before using apex locator

Before performing endodontic treatments with the Morita TORX micromotor
and the CA-10RC-ENDO 10:1 handpiece, read the documentation provided
by Morita.

Before using the Morita Root ZX mini U apex locator, read the
documentation provided by Morita.

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23 Operating instruments

1. Probe cord The probe cord is plugged into the jack on the
back of the instrument console.
2. File holder If you are using a hand file with the apex locator,
insert the file holder's grey male plug into the grey
female connector on the probe cord.
If you are using the Morita TORX micromotor and
the CA-10RC-ENDO 10:1 handpiece with the apex
locator, do not use the file holder. Leave the grey
female connector on the probe cord hanging.
3. Contrary electrode Insert the contrary electrode into the white female
connector on the probe cord.

Always grip the connector to connect/disconnect the probe cord. Never pull
or yank on the cord itself.

Before treating a patient:

• Make sure that the probe cord is securely plugged into the jack on the
back of the instrument console.

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23 Operating instruments

Instrument console with hanging-tube instruments

Instrument console with balanced instrument arms

• Check that the file holder and contrary electrode are properly connected
to the probe cord.

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23 Operating instruments

• If you are using a hand file with the apex locator, touch the metal part
of the file holder with the contrary electrode. Check that all the meter
indicator bars in the Apex locator window light up.

If the indicator bars do not appear normally, stop using the device and
contact your Planmeca dealer.
• If you are using the Morita TORX micromotor and the CA-10RC-ENDO
10:1 handpiece with the apex locator, touch the file with the contrary
electrode. Check that all the meter indicator bars in the Apex locator
window light up.

If the indicator bars do not appear normally, stop using the device and
contact your Planmeca dealer.

23.7.2 Using apex locator

The Morita Root ZX mini U apex locator can be used both with hand
files and with the Morita TORX micromotor and the CA-10RC-ENDO 10:1
If you are using hand files, press Apex locator to open the Apex locator

If the Apex locator button is not visible in your control panel's swipe menu,
you must add it. See section "Organising items on control panel" on page

If you are using the Morita TORX micromotor and the CA-10RC-ENDO
10:1 handpiece, the Apex locator window automatically opens on the control
panel when you select one of the apical presets a1 - a3 or the OTR preset.

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23 Operating instruments

1 Meter scale for estimating the location of the apex.

The numbers on the meter scale do not represent the actual
distance to the apex and should be used only as an estimate of
the distance.
The numerals 1, 2 and 3 do not represent length in millimetres.
2 Press the arrow to close the Apex locator window.
You can open the window again by pressing the Apex locator

3 Press to minimise the window.
When the window is minimised, press the equivalent button to
maximise the window.
4 Indicates the number of bars between the file tip and the flash
5 Flash bar
6 Handle for dragging flash bar to desired location
7 Sound button for turning off/on the sound of the apex locator.
The Sound button only turns off the sound of the apex locator. It
has no effect on the beep signals of the torque function.
We recommend that you keep the sound on at all times.

The flash bar is a reference for measurement and should be set between 2
and apex. Set the flash bar by dragging the handle to the desired location.
When you insert the file into the root canal, the flash bar starts blinking.
When the file tip reaches the point in the root canal designated by the flash
bar, the flash bar stops blinking and stays on.

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23 Operating instruments

As you progress down the root canal, a beep signal starts to sound when
the file tip goes below 2 on the meter scale. For the 5 first bars, the beep
signal is slow, after which the beep signal becomes fast, and finally becomes
continuous when it reaches the flash bar.

1 Slow beep signal

2 Fast beep signal
3 Continuous signal
If the flash bar has been set within the 5 bars below 2 on the meter scale,
the beep signal is slow at first and becomes continuous when the file tip
reaches the flash bar. There is no fast beep signal.

1. Slow beep signal

2. Continuous signal

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23 Operating instruments

If the flash bar has been set at 2 on the meter scale, the only signal that is
heard is the continuous signal when the file tip reaches the flash bar.

1. Continuous signal

23.7.3 Testing apex locator function

About this task

The apex locator function must be tested weekly.

While the test is going on, the control panel is locked.

1. Open the Apex locator window either by pressing the Apex locator button
or by activating the Morita TORX micromotor and selecting one of the
apex presets (a1 - a3).

2. Insert the tester into the jack on the back of the instrument console.
Instrument console with hanging-tube instruments

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23 Operating instruments

Instrument console with balanced instrument arms

3. Check that the meter indicates within 3 bars above or below 1.

The meter may jump when the tester is inserted. If it does, wait for about
one second until the meter stabilises and then check the reading.
If the reading is 4 or more bars away from 1, the unit will not make an
accurate measurement. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

1 3 bars above 1
2 3 bars below 1

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23 Operating instruments

23.8 Turbine

The turbines supplied by Planmeca have a built-in backflow prevention

system, which protects the water used in the instrument from contamination.

A power cut will shut down the software-controlled backflow prevention
system. If you are using a turbine without a built-in backflow prevention
system, contaminated water can enter into the turbine and turbine hose in
the event of a power cut.

23.8.1 Speed/power
Standard pedal: To drive the instrument, push the foot control pedal to the
right or to the left.
Wide pedal: To drive the instrument, push the foot control pedal down.

Pushing the pedal further to the right/left or down will increase the speed
or power of the instrument. As you push the pedal, the power output is
displayed on the control panel. The normal range is 5 - 100%.
To stop the instrument, allow the pedal to return to the rest position.

Ensure that the pedal is in rest position when you activate the instrument.

The speed/power level depends on the instrument.

23.8.2 Quickstart
The turbine will start with maximum speed if the quickstart is enabled.
When quickstart is enabled, the indicator light on the control panel button is

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23 Operating instruments

Control panel: When the instrument is active, but not operated, press
Quickstart to enable/disable the quickstart.

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to enable/disable the quickstart. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

23.8.3 Instrument spray

The instrument cooling spray setting can be selected to be water & air, air or
no spray.
The spray flow rate can be programmed. See section "Instrument spray" on
page 185.

The amounts of water and air for the currently used spray type are displayed
on the control panel.

When sterile water is used, you can select between sterile water spray
and spray off. Sterile water is indicated by a Sterile water symbol and the
indicator light blinks green on the Instrument spray button.
Sterile water is meant to be used together with an air scaler.
For instructions on how to activate/deactivate the sterile mode, see section
"Enabling/disabling sterile water mode" on page 186.

Press Instrument spray once to switch on the water & air spray. You will hear
two short signal tones. Additionally, a green indicator light shows that the
water&air spray is switched on.

Press Instrument spray a second time to switch the air spray on. You will
hear one short signal tone. Additionally, a yellow indicator light shows that
the air spray is switched on.

Press Instrument spray a third time to switch off the instrument cooling
spray. You will hear one long signal tone. Additionally, the indicator light
goes out.

Alternatively, you can select the spray setting with the foot control. The
indicator lights on the control panel are lit accordingly.
Standard pedal: Push the pedal down briefly to select the spray setting.
Wide pedal: Push the pedal briefly to the left to select the spray setting.

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23 Operating instruments

Push the pedal once to switch on the water & air spray. You will hear two
short signal tones.
Push the pedal again to switch on the air spray. You will hear one short
signal tone.
Push the pedal a third time to switch off the instrument spray. You will hear
one long signal tone.

The foot control can also be configured so that you push the left-side knob
down to select a different spray setting. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The spray must be switched off when using an instrument without a
waterline inside the handpiece.

The instrument spray operated with the foot control can be disabled in the
service mode, in which case you can switch the spray on and off only from
the control panel. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

23.8.4 Speed/power limit

When the turbine’s speed/power limit is on and the preset value is, for
example, 50%, the foot control pedal movement controls the speed/power
between 5 - 50% instead of the normal range of 5 - 100%. The preset
maximum value is displayed on the control panel when the turbine is picked
up from the instrument console.
When the speed/power limit is on, the indicator light on the control panel
button is green.
Control panel: Press Turbine speed/power limit to reduce the turbine’s speed
or power to a preset level. Press Turbine speed/power limit again to switch
the speed/power limit off.

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23 Operating instruments

The foot control can be configured so that the turbine's speed or power is
limited to a preset level when you push the left-side knob down. Contact your
Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The speed/power limit can be programmed. See section "Instrument speed/
power limit" on page 185.

The turbine speed/power limit does not affect the air driven instruments for
which quickstart has been selected.

Note that the speed/power limit depends on the instrument.

23.8.5 Momentary spray

When you are driving the instrument, you can activate the momentary spray
by pressing the foot control pedal down. The spray will continue until you
remove your foot from the pedal.

The momentary spray can be enabled and configured in the service mode,
contact your Planmeca dealer.

The momentary spray can not be activated with the wide foot control pedal.

23.8.6 Automatic chip blow

When the automatic chip blow is on, the indicator light on the control panel
button is on and two short blows of water, air, or both will occur after the
instrument is stopped.
Control panel: Press Chip blow to switch the automatic chip blow on or off.

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to switch the automatic chip blow on/off. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The type of chip blow can be programmed, see section "Automatic chip
blow" on page 187.

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23 Operating instruments

23.8.7 Manual chip blow

Standard pedal: You can temporarily activate the manual chip blow by
pushing and holding down the pedal.
Wide pedal: You can temporarily activate the manual chip blow by pushing
and holding the pedal to the right.

The flow of air will continue until you remove your foot from the pedal.

The type of manual chip blow does not depend on the type of the automatic
chip blow, but is always dry. The manual chip blow can be set to be
dependent on programming; contact your Planmeca dealer.

23.8.8 Instrument light

When the instrument light is on, the indicator light on the control panel button
is green.
Control panel: Press Instrument light to switch the instrument light on/off.

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to switch the instrument light on/off. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The instrument light intensity can be programmed, see section "Instrument

light" on page 187.

23.9 Scaler

Do not use the scaler on patients with cardiac pacemakers. The scaler can
cause disturbance on the pacemaker’s function.

A scaler requires additional electronics and the scaler type can not be
changed without changing electronics.

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23 Operating instruments

23.9.1 Speed/power
Standard pedal: To drive the instrument, push the foot control pedal to the
right or to the left.
Wide pedal: To drive the instrument, push the foot control pedal down.

Pushing the pedal further to the right/left or down will increase the speed
or power of the instrument. As you push the pedal, the power output is
displayed on the control panel.
To stop the instrument, allow the pedal to return to the rest position.

Ensure that the pedal is in rest position when you activate the instrument.

The speed/power level depends on the instrument.

23.9.2 Instrument spray

The spray setting for the scaler can be selected to be water 1, water 2 or no
The amount of water that runs through the scaler can be set separately for
water 1 and 2, see section "Instrument spray" on page 185.

The amount of water and the spray water number (1 or 2) are displayed on
the control panel.

When sterile water is used, you can select between sterile water spray
and spray off. Sterile water is indicated by a Sterile water symbol and the
indicator light blinks green on the Instrument spray button.
For instructions on how to enable/disable the sterile mode, see section
"Enabling/disabling sterile water mode" on page 186.

Press Instrument spray once to switch on water 1. You will hear two short
signal tones. Additionally, a green indicator light shows that water 1 is
switched on.

Press Instrument spray a second time to switch on water 2. You will hear
one short signal tone. Additionally, a yellow indicator light shows that water 2
is switched on.

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23 Operating instruments

Press Instrument spray a third time to switch off the instrument spray. You
will hear one long signal tone. Additionally, the indicator light goes out.

Alternatively, you can select the spray setting with the foot control. The
indicator lights on the control panel are lit accordingly.
Standard pedal: Push the pedal down briefly to select the spray setting.
Wide pedal: Push the pedal briefly to the left to select the spray setting.

Push the pedal once to switch on water 1. You will hear two short signal
Push the pedal again to switch on water 2. You will hear one short signal
Push the pedal a third time to switch off the instrument spray. You will hear
one long signal tone.

The foot control can also be configured so that you push the left-side knob
down to select a different spray setting. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The instrument spray operated with the foot control can be disabled in the
service mode, in which case you can switch the spray on and off only from
the control panel. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

23.9.3 Momentary spray

When you are driving the instrument, you can activate the momentary spray
by pressing the foot control pedal down. The spray will continue until you
remove your foot from the pedal.

The momentary spray can be enabled and configured in the service mode,
contact your Planmeca dealer.

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23 Operating instruments

The momentary spray can not be activated with the wide foot control pedal.

23.9.4 Satelec Newtron scaler

The Satelec Newtron scaler and the Satelec Newtron LED scaler have four
• periodontics; power range 1 - 3
• endodontics; power range 3 - 5
• scaling; power range 5 - 8
• conservative dentistry; power range 8 - 10.

A coloured band at the base of the scaler tip helps you choose the proper
scaler mode on the dental unit:
• Green - periodontics
• Yellow - endodontics
• Blue - scaling
• Orange - conservative dentistry (restoration)

When the scaler is the active instrument, the scaler mode can be changed
by pressing Power.

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to change the scaler mode. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the scaler mode symbol on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

23.9.5 LM scaler

Keep the patient's lips, cheeks and tongue out of the way of the activated
scaler tip, as contact may cause burns.

The LM scaler has three modes:

• low (0 - 40)
• medium (0 - 70)
• full (0 - 100).
Start with the low mode and, if needed, gradually change to medium and full

When the scaler is the active instrument, the scaler mode can be changed
by pressing Power.

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23 Operating instruments

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to change the scaler mode. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the scaler mode symbol on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

23.9.6 EMS No Pain scaler

The EMS No Pain scaler has three modes:
• endodontics; power range 1 - 50
• scaling; power range 1 - 100
• restoration; power range 50 - 100.

When the scaler is the active instrument, the scaler mode can be changed
by pressing Power.

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to change the scaler mode. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the scaler mode symbol on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

23.9.7 Instrument light

When the instrument light is on, the indicator light on the control panel button
is green.
Control panel: Press Instrument light to switch the instrument light on/off.

The foot control can be configured so that you push the left-side knob down
to switch the instrument light on/off. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

Check the indicator light on the control panel to verify that pushing the
left-side knob down activates the correct function.

The instrument light intensity can be programmed, see section "Instrument

light" on page 187.

23.10 Planmeca Lumion Plus polymerisation light

The polymerisation light generates optical radiation and proper safety
measures should be taken when using the instrument. For detailed
information, please refer to OEM documentation.

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23 Operating instruments

Do not use the polymerisation light on patients with cardiac pacemakers.
The polymerisation light can cause disturbance on the pacemaker’s function.

When the polymerisation light is taken from the holder in the instrument
console and returned to it, the operating light's composite mode is switched
on. This feature is configurable; contact your Planmeca dealer.

To start the polymerisation cycle, first select the desired curing mode
by pressing the navigation button on the handpiece. Then, start the
polymerisation cycle by pressing the start button on the handpiece.
The polymerisation cycle can be interrupted by pressing the start button
To start the polymerisation cycle with the foot control, first select the desired
curing mode by pressing the navigation button on the handpiece. Then,
push the foot control pedal to the right or to the left or down to start the
polymerisation cycle.
The polymerisation cycle can be interrupted by pushing the foot control
pedal to the right or to the left or down.
The length of the cycle is programmable, see section "Planmeca Lumion
Plus polymerisation light" on page 197.
When the polymerisation light is activated, the length of the polymerisation
cycle is displayed on the control panel. When you start the cycle, you will
hear a signal tone. This signal tone is repeated every 10 seconds, and also
at 5 seconds. The progress of the polymerisation cycle is displayed on the
control panel.

Independent mode
The Planmeca Lumion Plus polymerisation light can also be operated in
the independent mode. The independent mode is typically used when the
Planmeca Lumion Plus polymerisation light is attached to the assistant
element, but the independent mode can also be configured to be used
on the dentist side (the configuration is performed by a Planmeca service
When the Planmeca Lumion Plus polymerisation light is in the independent
mode, it can only be controlled by the buttons on the instrument itself, not
over the control panel or the foot control.
To start the polymerisation cycle in the independent mode, first select the
desired curing mode by pressing the navigation button on the handpiece.
Then, briefly press the start button on the handpiece to start a 10-second
exposure, or press and hold the start button for 2 seconds to start a 20-
second exposure. The polymerisation cycle can be interrupted by pressing
the start button.
In the 10-second cycle, a signal tone is heard at the beginning and the end
of the cycle. In the 20-second cycle, a signal tone is heard as the cycle
starts, after 2 seconds to confirm the start of the 20-second cycle, after 10
seconds and at the end of the cycle.

When the Planmeca Lumion Plus polymerisation light is in the independent
mode, it can not be controlled over the foot control.

Refer to the Planmeca Lumion Plus manual of use and maintenance.

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23 Operating instruments

23.11 Intraoral camera and Planmeca Romexis

For detailed information on the Somia intraoral camera, please refer to
Planmeca Somia user's manual.


1. Image control button

2. Power/macro button
3. Indicator light
4. Camera lens
5. Light source (LED)
6. USB cable

• The intraoral camera must be connected to the USB port.
When the intraoral camera is placed in the instrument console, it is
connected to the USB port on the underside of the instrument console.
When the intraoral camera is placed in the suction holder, it is connected
to the USB port on the cuspidor.
• Planmeca Romexis software must be installed and the connection
between it and the dental unit must be enabled. When Planmeca
Romexis is running, the intraoral camera is continuously connected to
the software.

After you have saved the images

Once you have saved the images, you can browse through them in the
Planmeca Romexis Image browser. Press the Done button at the bottom of
the intraoral camera window in Planmeca Romexis to move to the Image
browser. For more information on the Image browser, see the Planmeca
Romexis user’s manual.

23.11.1 Intraoral camera placed in instrument console

Starting intraoral camera

Before you turn on the intraoral camera, first select the patient and then
select the 2D module in Planmeca Romexis.
To turn on the intraoral camera, pick it up from the instrument console.
Alternatively, you can turn the intraoral camera on by pressing either of the
buttons on the camera handpiece (Power/macro or Image control button).

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23 Operating instruments

If you turn on the intraoral camera from the buttons on the handpiece, the
camera can not be operated from the dental unit's foot control.

When the intraoral camera turns on,

• the indicator light on the handpiece turns blue,
• you will hear a short sound signal,
• the Planmeca Romexis intraoral camera view is displayed on the
• the text “Intraoral camera active” is displayed on the dental unit's control
Once the intraoral camera is activated, you can operate it
• from the dental unit's foot control, if the camera has been turned on by
picking it up from the instrument console
• from the camera handpiece, or
• remotely from the Planmeca Romexis user interface.
You can use the camera in normal or macro mode, as well as freeze
and save the image. The LED on the handpiece is turned on and off
simultaneously with the intraoral camera.

Macro on/off
A short sound signal indicates that the macro mode is turned on/off. When
the macro mode is on, autofocus is off and the indicator light on the
handpiece is lilac.

Interface Action
Handpiece Press the Power/macro button to turn the macro
mode on/off.

Freezing/unfreezing image
A short sound signal indicates the freeze/unfreeze of an image. When the
image is frozen, the indicator light on the handpiece is green. When you
unfreeze the image, the camera goes back to live stream (indicated by the
blue indicator light on the handpiece).

Interface Action
Foot control In Planmeca Compact i dental units, push the foot
control pedal to the left or right to freeze/unfreeze the
Handpiece There are two ways to freeze/unfreeze the image
from the handpiece.
• Press the Image control button halfway and hold
it to freeze the image. When you release the
button, the image unfreezes.
• Press the Image control button all the way down
and release it to freeze the image. To unfreeze
the frozen image, either press the Image control
button halfway and then release it, or press the
button all the way down and release it.

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23 Operating instruments

Interface Action
Planmeca Romexis Press the Freeze button to freeze the image. Press
the Resume button to unfreeze the image. The
buttons are located at the bottom of the intraoral
camera window.

Saving image
A frozen image can be saved from the dental unit, the handpiece and
Planmeca Romexis. From the handpiece you can save an image also
without freezing the image first.
A long sound signal indicates that an image is saved. When the image is
being saved, the indicator light on the handpiece blinks orange. After the
image is saved, the camera goes back to live stream (indicated by the blue
indicator light on the handpiece).

Interface Action
Foot control In Planmeca Compact i dental units, when the image
is frozen, briefly push the foot control pedal down to
save the image.
Handpiece Press the Image control button for two seconds.
Note! When saving an image from the handpiece,
you can, but do not have to freeze the image first.
Planmeca Romexis When the image is frozen, press the Save button at
the bottom of the intraoral camera window.

Turning off intraoral camera

When you return the intraoral camera to the instrument console, the camera
is automatically turned off and the indicator light on the handpiece goes off.
The intraoral camera can also be turned off by
• closing the Planmeca Romexis intraoral camera view,
• pressing the Power/macro button on the handpiece for two seconds, or
• not using the intraoral camera for 300 seconds.

23.11.2 Intraoral camera placed in suction holder

Starting intraoral camera

Before you turn on the intraoral camera, first select the patient and the 2D
module in Planmeca Romexis. Then, start the camera from the dental unit.
1. Pick up the camera from the suction holder (Flexy-holder).
2. Activate the intraoral camera with the foot control by pushing the right-
side knob up (factory default setting).
The dental unit can also be configured so that the intraoral camera is
activated when you push the foot control's left-side knob up or when you
press the Flexy button. Contact your Planmeca dealer.
The indicator light on the handpiece turns blue. The text “Intraoral
camera active” is displayed on the dental unit's control panel and the
Planmeca Romexis intraoral camera view is displayed on the monitor.
Once the intraoral camera is activated, you can operate it

174 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

23 Operating instruments

• from the dental unit's foot control,

• from the camera handpiece, or
• remotely from the Planmeca Romexis user interface.
You can use the camera in normal or macro mode, as well as freeze
and save the image. The LED on the handpiece is turned on and off
simultaneously with the intraoral camera.

Macro on/off
A short sound signal indicates that the macro mode is turned on/off. When
the macro mode is on, autofocus is off and the indicator light on the
handpiece is lilac.

Interface Action
Handpiece Press the Power/macro button to turn the macro
mode on/off.

Freezing/unfreezing image
A short sound signal indicates the freeze/unfreeze of an image. When the
image is frozen, the indicator light on the handpiece is green. When you
unfreeze the image, the camera goes back to live stream (indicated by the
blue indicator light on the handpiece).

Interface Action
Foot control In Planmeca Compact i dental units, push the foot
control pedal to the left or right to freeze/unfreeze the
Handpiece There are two ways to freeze/unfreeze the image
from the handpiece.
• Press the Image control button halfway and hold
it to freeze the image. When you release the
button, the image unfreezes.
• Press the Image control button all the way down
and release it to freeze the image. To unfreeze
the frozen image, either press the Image control
button halfway and then release it, or press the
button all the way down and release it.
Planmeca Romexis Press the Freeze button to freeze the image. Press
the Resume button to unfreeze the image. The
buttons are located at the bottom of the intraoral
camera window.

Saving image
A frozen image can be saved from the dental unit, the handpiece and
Planmeca Romexis. From the handpiece you can save an image also
without freezing the image first.
A long sound signal indicates that an image is saved. When the image is
being saved, the indicator light on the handpiece blinks orange. After the
image is saved, the camera goes back to live stream (indicated by the blue
indicator light on the handpiece).

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23 Operating instruments

Interface Action
Foot control In Planmeca Compact i dental units, when the image
is frozen, briefly push the foot control pedal down to
save the image.
Handpiece Press the Image control button for two seconds.
Note! When saving an image from the handpiece,
you can, but do not have to freeze the image first.
Planmeca Romexis When the image is frozen, press the Save button at
the bottom of the intraoral camera window.

Turning off intraoral camera

Deactivate the intraoral camera from the dental unit when you have finished
working with it.
Deactivate the intraoral camera with the foot control by pushing the right-side
knob up (factory default setting).
The dental unit can also be configured so that the intraoral camera is
deactivated when you push the foot control's left-side knob up or when you
press the Flexy button. Contact your Planmeca dealer.
When the camera is deactivated, the indicator light on the handpiece goes
off. Return the intraoral camera to its holder.

23.12 Planmeca intraoral scanner

The Planmeca intraoral scanner is used together with Planmeca Romexis
and Planmeca PlanCAD Easy software. The scanner is mainly operated
with the software, but to make the scanning procedure easier, some of the
operations can also be performed from the dental unit’s foot control.
The intraoral scanner is placed in the Flexy-holder.

Make sure that you attach the intraoral scanner connector the right way into
the USB 3.0 port for the scanner on the cuspidor. If the connector is turned
the wrong way, it will not go into the port. Use of unnecessary force will
break the connector.

There are three USB ports on the cuspidor. Make sure you attach the
connector to the right port, see section "Cuspidor" on page 32.

To avoid splashes on the scanner, remove it from the dental unit after use
and place it on the table stand.

For more information, see Planmeca FIT user’s manual.

23.12.1 Operating intraoral scanner from foot control

The control panel guides you how to operate the intraoral scanner from the
foot control.

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23 Operating instruments

Activating instrument view

The foot control can be configured so that the Planmeca intraoral scanner is
activated when you first pick up the scanner from the Flexy-holder and then
push the left-side or the right-side knob up. Contact your Planmeca dealer.
The scanner can be deactivated by pushing the knob up once more.

Generating model
Push the left-side knob down to generate a model of the scanned area.

Selecting scanning mode

To move upward in the list of scan type selection tools in the Planmeca
Romexis menu on the monitor, push the foot control pedal to the left.
To move downward in the list of scan type selection tools in the Planmeca
Romexis menu on the monitor, push the foot control pedal to the right.

Starting scanning
Briefly push the foot control pedal down to start the scanning.

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23 Operating instruments

Taking image
Push and hold down the foot control pedal to take an image.

178 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

24 Operating suction handpieces

24 Operating suction handpieces

Remove the suction handpiece from the patient’s mouth before stopping the

In addition to the instructions below, the suction can also be configured so
that it is started/stopped by pushing the foot control’s left-side or right-side
knob up, or by pressing the Flexy button. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

If you have stopped the suction from the foot control or the Flexy button
while the suction handpiece was in your hand, the suction will start for a
while when you return the handpiece to the suction holder. The duration of
this post-suction delay is configurable, contact your Planmeca dealer. This
feature is not available for the tilting high-volume suction handpiece.

24.1 Saliva and high-volume suction

When a saliva or high-volume suction handpiece is lifted from its holder,
the suction will automatically start. When the handpieces are returned, the
suction will stop.
When you are using the suction handpiece, the suction can be controlled by
sliding the adjuster up or down.

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24 Operating suction handpieces

24.2 Tilting high-volume suction

When you lift the suction handpiece from its holder, the weight of the suction
tube will cause the end of the handpiece to “tilt” slightly. This action opens
the handpiece valve allowing the suction to start.

You can stop the suction temporarily by “straightening” the suction

handpiece with your thumb and forefinger.
If you temporarily put the suction handpiece down during dental treatment,
the suction will automatically stop as the force of the suction will straighten
the handpiece.

180 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

25 Programming

25 Programming
25.1 Introduction
Automatic chair positions, operating light and instrument settings are saved
to the user’s personal settings. Before you start programming, make sure
that you have signed in to the dental unit with your own user name.

If the instrument is operated during programming, the changes in settings
are seen immediately.

The air/water flow of the syringe can not be programmed.

To check a function setting (other than automatic position) without
programming it, press Program and the button of the desired function. The
setting is displayed on the control panel. Press OK to close the window
without changing the setting.

Most of the programming follows the same pattern:

1. If you are programming an instrument, pick up the instrument from the
instrument console.
2. Press Program to activate the programming mode.
The button turns blue.

3. Select the desired function from the control panel.

4. A pop-up window opens where you can adjust the values with the plus
(+) and minus (-) buttons.

Alternatively, you can change the settings with the foot control. To
increase the parameter value, push the pedal to the right. To decrease
the parameter value, push the pedal to the left. When the pedal is
pushed halfway (right or left) the parameter changes slowly. When the
pedal is pushed to its extreme position (right or left) the parameter
changes quickly.

5. Press OK to store the new setting into memory.

The pop-up window closes.

When you press Program, you will also see the following symbols on the
control panel:

service mode

user settings

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25 Programming


software update

about this unit

The Service mode and Software update buttons are reserved for service
situations only.

25.2 Organising items on control panel

About this task

You can organise the items in the main window’s swipe menu according to
your preferences.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Organise. A pop-up window opens.

3. Organise the items.

• To move an item, drag the item to the desired position on the menu.
• To remove an item, drag the item to the field at the bottom of the
• To add an item, press + and add an item from the selection.
• The swipe menu contains several pages. To move an item to
another page, drag the item to the edge of the page and hold it there
until the new page opens.
4. Press OK to confirm the new order.

If you do not wish to save the new order, press Close.

25.3 Automatic chair positions

When you have signed in to the dental unit with your own user name, all
changes you make to the automatic chair positions and then save, are saved
to your personal settings. This means that whenever you sign in to the
dental unit, you will use your last saved automatic chair positions.

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25 Programming

The chair height cannot be programmed near the upper limit. The help code
H 8 is displayed if the chair position is not allowed. When needed, the upper
limit can be altered. Contact your Planmeca dealer.

25.3.1 Extended view

About this task

If you only want to rename the automatic position or adjust its position on the
list, start programming from step 4.

1. Move the chair to the required position by using the chair movement
buttons on the control panel or by using the foot control.
2. If you want the operating light or its composite mode to be on (off) in this
position, turn them on (off).
3. Adjust the intensity of the operating light and/or its composite mode as
described in section "Intensity" on page 201.
4. Press Program.

5. Press the Chair positions button.

A list of automatic positions opens.

6. Select the wanted chair position by pressing it on the list.

The field of the position that you have selected from the list (position C in
picture) turns blue.

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25 Programming

7. Optionally, edit the name of the automatic position A - D by pressing Edit

next to the name.

This opens a new window with an alphanumeric keyboard where you

can edit the name.
Use the arrows in the top row to move up and down, to the left and right
in the text.
The symbols below the arrows in the top row can be used as they are,
or as a shortcut to letters containing that symbol. For example, when you
press ^ for about one second, letters with the symbol ^ are displayed.
You will automatically return to the normal view when you enter one of
the letters. To return to the normal view without entering a letter, press
the symbol again.
To display special characters, press Alt. Press Alt again to return to the
normal view.
To save the new name, press OK. To exit the window without changing
the name, press Close.
8. Press OK to confirm that you want to save the current position as an
automatic position.

If you do not wish to save the position as an automatic position, press


25.3.2 Traditional view

1. Move the chair to the required position by using the chair movement
buttons on the control panel or by using the foot control.
For instructions, see section "Manual operation" on page 103.
2. If you want the operating light or its composite mode to be on (off) in this
position, turn it on (off).
3. Adjust the intensity of the operating light and/or its composite mode as
described in section "Intensity" on page 201.
4. Press Program.

5. Press the desired chair position where to store the chair’s position
(rinsing position, A, B, C or D).

6. Press OK to confirm that you want to save the current position as an

automatic position.

If you do not wish to save the position as an automatic position, press


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25 Programming

25.4 Instrument settings

When you have signed in to the dental unit with your own user name, all
changes you make to the instrument settings and then save, are saved to
your personal settings. This means that whenever you sign in to the dental
unit, you will use your last saved instrument settings.

25.4.1 Instrument speed/power limit

About this task

The instrument speed/power limit does not affect the air driven instruments
for which quickstart has been selected.

1. Activate the instrument.
2. Press Program.

3. Press Instrument speed/power limit.

When you are programming the turbine, press Turbine speed/power


A pop-up window opens.

4. For W&H and SycoTec SLM-E Typ 810 brushless micromotors only:
Press %/rpm to select whether you want to adjust the instrument speed/
power limit in percentage points or in rpm. The appearance of the button
in the instrument view changes accordingly.

5. Adjust the instrument speed/power limit.

The minimum speed/power limit is 5 or 10% (depending on the
instrument) and the maximum is 95%. The adjustment step is 5.
If the preset value is, for example, 50%, the foot control pedal movement
controls the speed/power between 5 - 50% instead of the normal range
of 5 - 100%.
6. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes.

25.4.2 Instrument spray

1. Activate the instrument.

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25 Programming

2. Press Program.

3. Press Instrument spray.

A pop-up window opens.

4. Adjust the flow rates for water and air.
Scaler: Adjust the flow rates for water 1 and water 2.
The minimum value of all parameters is 0 (no flow) and maximum 100.
The adjustment step is 1 in the value range 0 - 35% and 5 in the value
range 35 - 100%.
5. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new values are displayed on the
control panel.

25.4.3 Enabling/disabling sterile water mode

About this task

If the dental unit is equipped with the Planmeca Sterile water system,
enable/disable the sterile water mode as described below.

The flow rates for sterile water can not be adjusted by the user.

1. Activate the instrument.
2. Press Program.

3. Press Instrument spray.

A pop-up window opens.

4. Toggle the Sterile water button to enable/disable the sterile water mode.

A grey button means that the sterile water mode is disabled, and a blue
button that it is enabled.

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If you disable the sterile water mode for an instrument that uses sterile
water, the flow rate for sterile water 1 and 2 automatically changes to
5. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes.

25.4.4 Automatic chip blow

About this task

The type of manual chip blow does not depend on the type of the automatic
chip blow, but is dry as a factory default. The manual chip blow can be set to
be dependent on programming, contact your Planmeca dealer.

1. Activate the instrument.
2. Press Program.

3. Press Chip blow.

A pop-up window opens.

4. Adjust the flow rates for water and air.
The minimum value of both parameters is 0 (no flow) and maximum 100.
The adjustment step is 1 in the value range 0 - 35% and 5 in the value
range 35 - 100%.
5. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new values are displayed on the
control panel.

25.4.5 Instrument light

1. Activate the instrument.
2. Press Program.

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25 Programming

3. Press Instrument light.

A pop-up window opens.

4. Adjust the light intensity.
The minimum value is 70% of the maximum intensity and the maximum
100%, and the adjustment step is 2.
After reaching the minimum value the light is switched off.
5. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new values are displayed on the
control panel.

25.4.6 Bien-Air MCX micromotor

About this task

Changing the instrument spray, chip blow and LED values for the Bien-
Air MCX micromotor follows the normal programming pattern. For more
information, see sections "Instrument spray" on page 185, "Automatic chip
blow" on page 187 and "Instrument light" on page 187.

1. Activate the micromotor.
2. Press Torque.

The micromotor's drive mode is automatically set to Auto stop. This

means, that when the torque limit is reached, the micromotor stops. No
other drive modes are available for the Bien-Air MCX micromotor.

3. Optional: Adjust the micromotor speed rate (RPM).

3.a. Press Program.

3.b. Press RPM limit.

A pop-up window opens.

3.c. Adjust the micromotor speed rate (RPM).

Alteration of RPM speed rate in different ranges

Range In steps of:

100 - 200 10 (e.g. 110, 120 etc...)

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25 Programming

Alteration of RPM speed rate in different ranges

Range In steps of:

200 - 500 20 (e.g. 220, 240, 260 etc...)
500 - 1 000 50 (e.g. 550, 600, 650 etc...)
1 000 - 2 000 100 (e.g. 1 100, 1 200 etc...)
2 000 - 5 000 200 (e.g. 2 200, 2 400 etc....)
5 000 - 10 000 500 (e.g. 5 500, 6 000, 6 500 etc...)
10 000 - 20 000 1 000 (e.g. 11 000, 12 000 etc....)
20 000 - 38 000 2 000 (e.g. 22 000, 24 000 etc....)

3.d. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new value is displayed on the
control panel.
4. Optional: Adjust the torque limit.
4.a. Press Program.

4.b. Press Torque.

A pop-up window opens.

4.c. Adjust the torque limit rate.
The adjustment range is 10% - 95%.
4.d. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new value is displayed on the
control panel.

25.4.7 Bien-Air MX2 micromotor Modifying preset values

About this task

Before modifying the torque and RPM functions, please refer to
the file manufacturer’s instructions concerning torque and RPM value
recommendations for the files.

If you want to modify the presets presented in section "Presets" on page

144, you can do so by following the steps below.

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25 Programming

1. Activate the micromotor.
2. Press Torque.

3. Select the micromotor’s drive mode.

Toggle between the drive modes by pressing the current drive mode
The modes are:
Auto stop
The micromotor stops when the torque limit is

Auto reverse
When the torque limit is reached the micromotor will
operate counter-clockwise.

Auto forward
When the torque limit is reached, the micromotor
will operate counter-clockwise (auto reverse) for 2
seconds and then return to clockwise direction.
The length of the counter-clockwise rotation is
adjusted in step 13.
4. Optional: Adjust the micromotor speed rate (RPM).
4.a. Press Program.

4.b. Press RPM limit.

A pop-up window opens.

4.c. Adjust the micromotor speed rate (RPM).

Alteration of RPM speed rate in different ranges

Range In steps of:

100 - 200 10 (e.g. 110, 120 etc...)
200 - 500 20 (e.g. 220, 240, 260 etc...)
500 - 1 000 50 (e.g. 550, 600, 650 etc...)
1 000 - 2 000 100 (e.g. 1 100, 1 200 etc...)
2 000 - 5 000 200 (e.g. 2 200, 2 400 etc....)
5 000 - 10 000 500 (e.g. 5 500, 6 000, 6 500 etc...)
10 000 - 20 000 1 000 (e.g. 11 000, 12 000 etc....)
20 000 - 38 000 2 000 (e.g. 22 000, 24 000 etc....)

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4.d. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new value is displayed on the
control panel.
5. Optional: Adjust the torque limit.
5.a. Press Program.

5.b. Press Torque.

A pop-up window opens.

5.c. Adjust the torque limit rate.
The adjustment range is 10% - 95%.
5.d. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new value is displayed on the
control panel.
6. Optional: Adjust the counter-clockwise rotation time of the micromotor in
the Auto forward mode.
6.a. Press Program.

6.b. Press Auto forward.

A pop-up window opens.

6.c. Adjust the Auto forward time.
The maximum time is 6 seconds and the minimum 0 seconds, and
the time can be changed in steps of 0.2 seconds.
6.d. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new value is displayed on the
control panel.
7. Optional: Press Instrument spray to toggle between water & air, air and
no spray. The amount of water and air can also be programmed.

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25 Programming

8. Optional: Press Chip blow to switch the automatic chip blow on or off.
The amount of water and air can also be programmed.

9. Optional: Press Instrument light to switch the instrument light on or off.


Changing the instrument spray, chip blow and instrument light values
follows the normal programming pattern. For more information, see sections
"Instrument spray" on page 185, "Automatic chip blow" on page 187 and
"Instrument light" on page 187.

When you have modified the settings of a preset, but have not saved them,
a dash (–) replaces the preset number on the control panel.
The procedure for saving the modified preset settings is explained in section
"Saving modified preset values" on page 192. Saving modified preset values

About this task

When you have modified the Bien-Air MX2 instrument settings, you can
store them under any preset (1 - 6) so that the modified settings are in use
next time you select that preset.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Preset to open a list of presets.

3. Press the preset under which you want to store the modified settings.
The preset window is closed. The settings are stored in the dental unit
when you return the instrument to its holder.

25.4.8 Bien-Air MX-i micromotor Modifying preset values

About this task

Changing the instrument light values for the Bien-Air MX-i micromotor
follows the normal programming pattern. For more information, see section
"Instrument light" on page 187.

192 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

25 Programming

Before modifying the torque and RPM functions, please refer to the
implant manufacturer’s instructions concerning torque and RPM value
recommendations for the implants.

When using the Bien-Air MX-i micromotor the torque and rpm limits are
always on and can not be switched off.

1. Activate the micromotor.
2. Optional: Adjust the torque limit.
2.a. Press Program.

2.b. Press Torque.

Torque can only be adjusted for presets i4 - i5. Presets i1 - i3 have
a fixed torque value of 50 Ncm.

A pop-up window opens.

2.c. Adjust the torque limit rate.

The adjustment range is 10 - 70 Ncm in steps of 5.
2.d. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new value is displayed on the
control panel.
3. Optional: Adjust the micromotor speed rate (RPM).
3.a. Press Program.

3.b. Press RPM limit.

A pop-up window opens.

3.c. Adjust the micromotor speed rate (RPM).
The adjustment range is 100 - 2000 RPM for presets i1 - i3 and 5 -
85 RPM for presets i4 - i5.

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25 Programming

Alteration of RPM speed rate in different ranges

Range In steps of:

5 - 20 1 (e.g. 5, 6, 7 etc...)
22 - 42 2 (e.g. 22, 24, 26 etc...)
45 - 85 5 (e.g. 45, 50, 55 etc...)
100 - 300 10 (e.g. 110, 120, 130 etc...)
320 - 600 20 (e.g. 320, 340, 360 etc...)
650 - 1 000 50 (e.g. 650, 700, 750 etc...)
1 100 - 2 000 100 (e.g. 1 100, 1 200, 1 300 etc...)

3.d. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new value is displayed on the
control panel. Saving modified preset values

About this task

When you have modified the settings of a Bien-Air MX-i micromotor preset,
you can store them under that specific preset so that the modified settings
are in use next time you select that preset.

If you have signed in to the dental unit with a PlanID card, Planmeca
Romexis software version 6.2 or later must be installed to be able to save
the modified Bien-Air MX-i settings to your personal settings. If Planmeca
Romexis 6.2 is not installed, default preset settings are loaded when you
sign in to the dental unit.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Preset.

3. Press OK to confirm that you want to save the new settings.

If you do not want to save the new settings, press Cancel.

The preset window is closed. The settings are stored in the dental unit
when you return the instrument to its holder.

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25 Programming

25.4.9 Morita TORX micromotor Modifying preset values

About this task

If you want to modify the presets presented in section "Presets" on page
151, you can do so by following the steps below.

1. Activate the micromotor.
2. All presets: Adjust the RPM limit.
2.a. Press Program.

2.b. Press RPM limit.

A pop-up window opens.

2.c. Set the RPM limit.
In the OTR preset, the possible RPM values are 100, 300 and
2.d. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new value is displayed on the
control panel.
3. All presets except OTR: Press RPM limit to switch the RPM limit on or

4. Presets a1 - a3, OTR and t1 - t3: Adjust the torque limit.

4.a. Press Program.

4.b. Press Torque.

A pop-up window opens.

4.c. Adjust the torque limit value.
The adjustment range depends on the preset and is 0.5 - 5.0 Ncm
for presets a1 - a3, 0.2 - 1.0 Ncm for the OTR preset, and 0.5 - 2.5
Ncm for presets t1 - t3.

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25 Programming

4.d. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new value is displayed on the
control panel.
5. Presets a1 - a3 and t1 - t3 only: Press Torque to switch the torque limit
on or off.

6. All presets except OTR: Press Reverse to switch the reverse rotation on
or off.

7. Presets 1 - 3 and t1 - t3 only: Press Instrument spray to toggle between

water & air, air, and no spray. The amount of water and air can also be

8. Presets 1 - 3 and t1 - t3 only: Press Chip blow to switch the

automatic chip blow on or off. The amount of water and air can also
be programmed.

9. Presets 1 - 3 and t1 - t3 only: Press Instrument light to switch the

instrument light on or off.

10. Presets a1 - a3 and OTR only: Press Apical action to toggle between the
apical actions auto stop, auto forward, and no action.

The button looks different depending on which apical action is currently
in use.
11. Presets a1 - a3 and OTR only: Press Sound to turn off/on the sound of
the apex locator.

This only turns off the sound of the apex locator. It has no effect on the
beep signals of the torque function. We recommend that you keep the
sound on at all times.


Changing the instrument spray, chip blow and instrument light values
follows the normal programming pattern. For more information, see sections
"Instrument spray" on page 185, "Automatic chip blow" on page 187 and
"Instrument light" on page 187.

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25 Programming

When you have modified the settings of a preset, but have not saved them,
an asterisk can be seen on the Preset button.
The procedure for saving the modified preset settings is explained in section
"Saving modified preset values" on page 197. Saving modified preset values

About this task

When you have modified the settings of a Morita TORX micromotor preset,
you can store them under that specific preset so that the modified settings
are in use next time you select that preset.

Any changes you make to the the OTR preset are saved locally to the dental
unit only until you sign out from the dental unit. The next time you sign in to
the dental unit, default OTR preset settings are taken into use.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Preset.

3. Press OK to confirm that you want to save the new settings.

If you do not want to save the new settings, press Cancel.

The preset window is closed. The settings are stored in the dental unit
when you return the instrument to its holder.

25.4.10 Planmeca Lumion Plus polymerisation light

About this task

The duration of the polymerisation cycle can be programmed only for the
Planmeca Lumion Plus polymerisation light.

1. Activate the instrument.
2. Press Program.

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25 Programming

3. Press Polymerisation cycle.

A pop-up window opens.

4. Adjust the length of the polymerisation cycle.
The value range is 5 - 100 seconds. The adjustment step is 5 sec. and
the default value is 10 sec.
5. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new values are displayed on the
control panel.

25.5 Timer settings

About this task

Up to six timer settings can be programmed into the timer memory.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Timer.

A pop-up window opens.

3. Press the timer that you want to adjust.
A new pop-up window opens.
4. Adjust the length of the timer.
The minimum value is 5 sec. and the maximum 20 min. The adjustment
step is 5 sec.
5. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes.

25.6 Bowl rinse and cup fill

25.6.1 Adjusting cup fill and bowl rinse flow rates

The flow rates of the bowl flush and cup fill can be adjusted with the two
black knobs located inside the dental unit.

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25 Programming

1. Adjustment knob for bowl flush

2. Adjustment knob for cup fill
When you have adjusted the flow rates, you might need to adjust the
duration of the bowl rinse and cup fill. For instructions, see sections
"Duration of bowl rinsing" on page 199 and "Duration of cup filling" on page

25.6.2 Duration of bowl rinsing

1. Press Program.

2. Press Bowl rinse.

A pop-up window opens.

3. Adjust the duration of the bowl rinsing.
The minimum value is 5 seconds and the maximum 240 seconds, and it
is adjusted in steps of 5.
4. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes.

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25 Programming

25.6.3 Duration of cup filling

About this task

By default, the cup fill is not activated unless the cup is positioned in its
place under the cup fill tube. To change this setting, contact your Planmeca

The water in the dental unit is intended for rinsing only, not for drinking.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Cup fill.

A pop-up window opens.

3. Adjust the duration of the cup filling.
The minimum value is 2 seconds and the maximum is 15 seconds. The
duration is adjusted in steps of 0.5 seconds.
4. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes.

What to do next
The duration of the cup filling can also be programmed as follows:
1. Place an empty cup to the cup holder.
2. Press Program.

3. Press Cup fill.

200 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

25 Programming

4. Push the foot control pedal down. The cup filling time will first be set to 2
seconds and will start to increase after pushing the foot control pedal for
2 seconds. The pedal can be released and then pushed again, and the
time continues to increase. Continue until the cup is filled to the desired

5. Press Program.

25.7 Planmeca Solanna and Planmeca Solanna Vision operating lights

25.7.1 Intensity

About this task

The light intensity can also be adjusted from the operating light, see sections
"Adjusting intensity of operating light" on page 122 and "Adjusting intensity
of operating light in composite mode" on page 124.

When you have signed in to the dental unit with your own user name, all
changes you make to the light mode settings and then save, are saved to
your user profile. This means that whenever you sign in to the dental unit,
you will use your last saved light mode settings.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Operating light or Composite mode. Both buttons open the same
pop-up window.

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25 Programming

3. Open the Intensity tab.

4. Adjust the intensity of the operating light or the composite mode.

The active foot control icon shows which value can be
adjusted by pushing the foot control pedal to the left or
right. To activate the inactive value, press down the foot
control pedal or press the plus (+) or minus (-) button of
the inactive value.
The minimum value is 30% of the maximum intensity and the maximum
100%, and the adjustment step is 5.
5. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new values are displayed on the
control panel.

25.7.2 Colour temperature and brightness

About this task

The colour temperature can also be adjusted from the operating light, see
section "Changing light tone of operating light" on page 125.

1. Press Program.

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25 Programming

2. Press Operating light or Composite mode. Both buttons open the same
pop-up window.

3. Open the Colour temperature tab.

4. Select the white light tone by pressing it.

The selected tone is highlighted in blue.
5. Select the maximum brightness by pressing it.
The selected brightness is highlighted in blue.
6. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes.

25.7.3 Gesture sensor

1. Press Program.

2. Press Operating light or Composite mode. Both buttons open the same
pop-up window.

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25 Programming

3. Open the Sensor tab.

4. Toggle the gesture sensor button to enable/disable the gesture sensor.

A grey button means that the function is disabled, and a blue button that
the function is enabled.
5. Adjust the distance at which the gesture sensor on the operating light
reads your hand movements by dragging the handles to a suitable
6. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes.

25.8 Duration of door open / assistant call

1. Press Program.

2. Press Door open / assistant call.

A pop-up window opens.

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25 Programming

3. Adjust the door open / assistant call time.

The minimum value is 0 seconds, the maximum 250 seconds. The value
is adjusted in steps of 1 in value range 0 - 30, and in steps of 5 in value
range 30 - 250. The default value is 5.
4. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes.

25.9 Clock

About this task

If Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management software is used together with
this dental unit, you do not need to adjust the clock settings. The dental
unit clock is synchronised with the Planmeca Romexis clock every time the
dental unit is booted up.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Clock.

A pop-up window opens.

3. Select the clock programming view by pressing Clock at the bottom of
the programming window.

4. Press 12/24 to change the mode (12-hour / 24-hour clock).

5. Adjust the time.

6. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new time is displayed on the control

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25 Programming

25.10 Date

1. Press Program.

2. Press Clock.

A pop-up window opens.

3. Select the date programming view by pressing Date at the bottom of the
programming window.

When the date is not visible on the control panel, the items in the
programming window are grey. This means that they are disabled.
To show the date on the control panel and to enable programming, press
the Date button at the top of the programming window.

The button will turn blue and all items in the window will turn black (which
means that programming is enabled).
4. Select the date format.

Press the arrow to scroll through the different format options:

• (day, month, year)
• mm.dd.yyyy (month, day, year)
• (year, month, day)
5. Adjust the day, month and year.
6. Press OK.

The pop-up window closes and the new date is displayed on the control

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25 Programming

25.11 Wireless foot control

25.11.1 Pairing wireless foot control

About this task

If no wireless foot control is connected to your dental unit, or if you want to
change the current wireless foot control to another, you must pair the dental
unit and the foot control.

1. Press Program.

2. Press Foot control.

The Wireless foot control window opens.

3. Open the Configuration tab.

4. The Foot control serial no field displays the current foot control’s serial
number. If you want to change the foot control, press Edit.

On the foot control, the serial number can be found on its underside.

The Bind foot control window opens.

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25 Programming

5. Press and hold down the handle of the foot control that you want to pair
your dental unit with to select it.
The selected foot control is shown with a black font on the list (marked
with arrow in the picture below).

The foot control that is highlighted in blue is the currently paired foot

For information on the different markings in the Bind foot control window,
press Questionmark.
6. While holding the handle down, start pairing by touching the name of the
selected foot control (black font) on the list.
A confirmation message is displayed on the dental unit’s control panel.
7. Press OK to confirm the start of the pairing process.

8. Release the foot control handle.

Once the pairing is done, a message is displayed on the dental unit’s
control panel and the paired foot control is highlighted in blue on the list.
If the pairing is not successful, you will receive a notification, after which
you can retry to perform the pairing.
9. Press OK to close the window.

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25 Programming

25.11.2 Viewing battery charging information

1. Press Program.

2. Press Foot control.

The Wireless foot control window opens.

3. Open the Configuration tab.

The Battery field shows the current charging level of the battery.
4. Press Battery to open the battery’s charging history log.

If no graph is displayed, press the foot control handle.

5. Press OK to close the window.

25.11.3 Adjusting radio settings

About this task

The following describes how to optimise the communication between the
dental unit and the wireless foot control.

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25 Programming

1. Press Program.

2. Press Foot control.

The Wireless foot control window opens.

3. Open the Radio tab.

If the Foot control channel and Transmitter power fields are inactive, you
must press the foot control handle to enable the adjusting of the settings.
4. Select the foot control channel.
You can freely choose between the channels 1 and 16, but, to minimise
radio signal interference, no two foot controls within 10 meters of each
other should have the same channel.
5. Adjust the transmitter power.
Select the lowest power level and increase it, if needed. The value range
is 1 (lowest) to 6 (highest).
6. Press OK to confirm your selections and exit the programming mode.

To exit the programming mode without confirming, press Close.

210 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

26 Calibrating clock

26 Calibrating clock
1. Press Program.

2. Press About this unit.

3. Select Service.
A new window opens.
4. Select Clock calibration.
A new window opens.
5. The dental unit asks you to set the current time. Press Calibrate.

6. Set the current time by changing the hour, minute and second values
with the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons. It is recommended that you
check the current time from an NTP server.
7. Press OK to exit the calibration window.

8. Wait for a minimum period of 7 days for the clock to calibrate. However,
a calibration period of 2-3 weeks is recommended.
9. Press Program to complete the calibration sequence after the minimum
calibration period.

10. Press About this unit.

11. Select Service.

A new window opens.
12. Select Clock calibration.
A new window opens.
13. The dental unit informs that it is ready to calibrate. Press Calibrate.

If you at this point want to reset the calibration (the clock resumes the
time it had before you started the calibration process), press the Reset
button. You will be asked to confirm the reset in a new window.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 211

26 Calibrating clock

14. Adjust the time to match the correct time by changing the hour, minute
and second values with the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons. When you
adjust the time, it is recommended that you check the correct time from
an NTP server.
15. Press OK to close the window.

The calibration can also be reset at this point, if you, for example, notice
that an error has been made during the calibration process.

212 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

27.1 When to use cleaning programs
We recommend that you run the flushing and cleaning programs as follows:

Recommended cleaning intervals

Icon Cleaning program When Duration

Short flushing After every patient 30 seconds / instrument

Long flushing In the morning and after 2 minutes (default)

the working day

Suction cleaning After the working day 6 - 8 minutes

Waterline cleaning Once a week. We 2 minutes in the evening +

recommend that waterline min. 8 hours affect time +
cleaning be performed 5 minutes in the morning
once a week after the
working day (but not over
the weekend).

27.2 Before you start

Always feed cold water to the dental unit.

The water in the dental unit is intended for rinsing only, not for drinking.

The water tap must be closed when the dental unit is not in use.

If disinfectant is splashed on the surfaces of the dental unit, remove the
splashes instantly with water and mild soap to avoid stains.

In the Maintenance mode you can perform instrument flushing as well as

cleaning of the suction tubes and the dental unit’s waterlines.
The duration of the cleaning procedure depends on the dental unit
configuration and the amount of instruments and suction tubes to be
When the cleaning procedure of the instruments is running, the status of the
procedure is displayed on the control panel.
The instrument hose positions on the control panel correspond to their
positions on the instrument console. A selected item is displayed in blue,
and an item that is being cleaned is displayed in a blinking green. When
all items have been cleaned, they are displayed in a steady green. If the
cleaning procedure for some reason is interrupted or not successful (for
example, there is no water flow), the item is displayed in yellow.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

To enter the Maintenance mode, press the Maintenance button.

The Maintenance window shows the different cleaning programs.

The time stamp under the cleaning program name is an easy way to check
when the cleaning program was last started. However, it does not tell
whether the cleaning program was successfully completed.
While performing the flushing/cleaning, follow the instructions displayed on
the control panel. When the cleaning program runs without problems, the
messages only show briefly, but all messages can be viewed in the message
history log.
To view the message history log, see section "Viewing help and error
message history" on page 290.
Some control panel buttons are common for all cleaning programs, see the
following table.

Common cleaning program functions

Button Function
Displays additional information about the cleaning program
when you press the button during the cleaning cycle.

214 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

Common cleaning program functions

Button Function
Closes the pop-up window.

Minimises the pop-up window.

Cancels the selected action.

Indicates that the touch display is unlocked. Press to lock.

Useful, for example, when cleaning the touch display or
when using a table-top instrument.

Indicates that the touch display is locked. Press for 1

second to unlock.
A progress bar is displayed while you press.

Alternatively, the dental unit can be configured so that the touch display is
locked/unlocked when you press the Flexy button. Contact your Planmeca

Placing syringe in flushing holder

Each type of syringe has its dedicated place in the flushing holder. The
picture below shows the syringe openings in the holder, but note that the
picture is an example only and does not represent the actual holder.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

1 Luzzani Ergo syringe

Remove the metallic syringe cover and place the syringe in the
flushing holder. Make sure you insert the syringe the right way so
that it fits into the holder.
2 DCI syringe
Remove the syringe cover and place the syringe in the flushing
holder. Lock the syringe into place with a rotating movement when
the syringe is in the holder.
3 Luzzani Minibright syringe
Remove the metallic syringe cover and place the syringe in
the flushing holder. Lock the syringe into place by pushing it
downwards until you hear a click.

27.3 Short instrument flushing

About this task

The duration of the short flushing cycle is configurable. Contact your
Planmeca dealer.

You can interrupt the flushing cycle by pressing Close. After the interruption,
the dental unit can be used normally.

1. Press Maintenance to go into maintenance mode.

2. Remove the cup from the cup holder. Turn the bowl away from above
the flushing holder as shown in the figure. Turn also the cup fill tube

216 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

above the bowl as shown in the figure. Press the outer edge of the
flushing holder cover (1) and remove the cover.

3. Remove the instrument handpieces from the instruments and clean them
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Place all water consuming instruments (including syringes) into the
openings in the instrument flushing holder.
Optionally, in dental units with balanced instrument arms, you can
remove the hoses of the instruments to be flushed from the instrument
arms / instrument holders before placing the instruments in the flushing
In dental units with hanging-tube instruments, the instruments to be
flushed must be removed from the instrument holders before placing
them in the flushing holder.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

1 Flushing holder cover

5. Start the short flushing cycle.

Balanced instrument arms: Start the flushing cycle by bending the

instrument arms of those instruments (including syringe) that are to be
flushed to an angle of at least 90° and simultaneously selecting Short
flushing on the control panel.
Hanging-tube instruments: Start the flushing cycle by selecting Short
flushing on the control panel.
The system will first identify the instruments and then each instrument
hose is flushed with air and water for 30 seconds in its turn.
6. Release the instrument arms (if your dental unit is equipped with
balanced instrument arms).
7. Once the flushing cycle is finished, H 36 is displayed. Remove the
instruments from the flushing holder and return them to the instrument
console. Place the flushing holder cover back to its position.
If H 36 is still displayed after returning the instruments, activate the
syringe and then return it to the instrument console.

218 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

If water flow was not detected for all water consuming instruments,
H 36.1 is displayed. Run instruments for a while with spray water to
ensure that the flushing of instruments is sufficient.

27.4 Long instrument flushing

About this task

The duration of the long flushing cycle is configurable. Contact your
Planmeca dealer.

In units equipped with a water heater, the long flushing fills the waterlines
and water heater with cool water and switches the water heater off. The
water heater switches automatically back on the next time instrument water
spray is used.

You can interrupt the flushing cycle by pressing Close. After the interruption,
the dental unit can be used normally.

1. Press Maintenance to go into maintenance mode.

2. Remove the cup from the cup holder. Turn the bowl away from above
the flushing holder as shown in the figure. Turn also the cup fill tube
above the bowl as shown in the figure. Press the outer edge of the
flushing holder cover (1) and remove the cover.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

3. Remove the instrument handpieces from the instruments and clean them
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Place all water consuming instruments (including syringes) into the
openings in the instrument flushing holder.
Optionally, in dental units with balanced instrument arms, you can
remove the hoses of the instruments to be flushed from the instrument
arms / instrument holders before placing the instruments in the flushing
In dental units with hanging-tube instruments, the instruments to be
flushed must be removed from the instrument holders before placing
them in the flushing holder.

1 Flushing holder cover

5. Start the long flushing cycle.

Balanced instrument arms: Start the flushing cycle by bending the

instrument arms of those instruments (including syringe) that are to be
flushed to an angle of at least 90° and simultaneously selecting Long
flushing on the control panel.

220 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

Hanging-tube instruments: Start the flushing cycle by selecting Long

flushing on the control panel.
The system will first identify the instruments and then each instrument
hose is flushed with air and water in its turn. The time of flushing is
the same for all instruments. The total flushing time is displayed on the
control panel. At the same time the cup fill tube and the bowl are flushed,

Adjust the water flow of the cup fill tube so that the water does not splash
into the bowl.
6. Release the instrument arms (if your dental unit is equipped with
balanced instrument arms).
7. Once the flushing cycle is finished, H 36 is displayed. Remove the
instruments from the flushing holder and return them to the instrument
console. Place the flushing holder cover back to its position.
If H 36 is still displayed after returning the instruments, activate the
syringe and then return it to the instrument console.
If water flow was not detected for all water consuming instruments,
H 36.1 is displayed. Run instruments for a while with spray water to
ensure that the flushing of instruments is sufficient.

What to do next

After the flushing cycle, the unit should immediately be switched off. This
procedure ensures that cool water remains in the pipelines of the unit, thus
minimising the growth of biofilm.

The dental unit can be configured to display help message H 99 if the unit
has been switched off without performing long flushing after water has been
used. When H 99 has been enabled, it can be displayed as a reminder only,
or it can be set to disappear only after you have performed long flushing. To
take help message H 99 into use, contact your Planmeca dealer.

27.5 Suction cleaning

About this task

The Suction Tube Cleaning System (STCS) is an optional feature. If your
dental unit does not have this feature, clean the suction tubes with OroCup
as instructed in section "OroCup" on page 248.

1. Remove the suction handpieces from the suction tubes and clean them
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Press Maintenance to go into maintenance mode.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

A pop-up window opens.

3. Select Suction cleaning.

4. Open the suction cleaning cover.

5. Insert the suction tubes into the suction tube cleaning holder.

Make sure that the suction tube cleaning holder itself is in place (i.e.
pushed to the bottom of the suction cleaning unit. See step 8 for a
picture of the unit).

Make sure that a plug is inserted into each empty suction tube holder in
the suction tube cleaning holder to prevent the concentrate from spilling.
6. Lift the dosing cubic from the suction cleaning unit and fill it with
Planmeca approved suction disinfectant.
The dosing scale indicates the required amount for 1 or 2 suction tubes.

1 One suction tube

2 Two suction tubes
7. Place the dosing cubic back to the suction cleaning unit.
8. The green indicator light of the start button is on when the cleaning
program can be started. Start the cleaning by pressing the green start
The start button indicator light is flashing during the cleaning procedure
and the control panel informs you about the progress of the procedure.

222 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

The cleaning program can be interrupted by pressing the yellow cancel

button. H 43 is displayed.
After interrupting the cleaning program a final suction is performed
automatically. After that you can start the cleaning program again by
filling the dosing cubic and pressing the green start button. The program
will start from the beginning.

1. Dosing cubic
2. Suction tube cleaning holder
3. Start button (green)
4. Cancel button (yellow)

9. When the cleaning program is completed, help message H 42 is

displayed. Return the suction tubes to the suction holder and close the
suction cleaning cover.
10. If suction disinfectant is left in the dosing cubic after the cleaning cycle,
clean the cubic under running water.

The dental unit is now ready for normal operation.

Before attaching the handpieces back on the suction tubes, wipe the
identification bushings (1) with Planmeca approved surface disinfectant.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

27.6 Waterline cleaning

27.6.1 Introduction
Waterlines are a breeding ground for biofilm. Biofilm may contain bacteria
that are harmful to the patient and to the dental team. This is why the
waterlines of the dental unit should be cleaned once a week with a
disinfectant. The solution is left in the unit overnight and the waterlines of
the unit are flushed with water the next morning. The disinfectant should not
be left in the waterlines for longer than one night.
After installation, or if the dental unit has not been used for a long time,
the waterlines of the dental unit must be treated with a disinfectant for three
consecutive cycles.
If you have several dental units with Waterline Cleaning System (WCS), you
may use the same container in all of them.

Even though every effort has been taken to ensure patient safety, even in
case of malfunction or misuse, always make sure that the unit is properly
flushed before taking it into use.

Only Planmeca Planosil, Planmeca PlanPure or Alpro Bilpron disinfectant
must be used. Planmeca does not guarantee the suitability of and is not
liable for damages caused by other disinfectants.

If you are using the Clean Water System (CWS), clean the waterlines
according to the instructions in section "Waterline cleaning" on page 262.

Waterline Cleaning System is not available for dental units equipped with the
Planmeca ActiveAqua water treatment system.

The dental unit waterlines should be cleaned once a week; the Maintenance
main window displays when cleaning programs were started. If Planmeca
Romexis Clinic Management software is used, detailed information on
cleaning cycles can be retrieved. For more information, see the Planmeca
Romexis user’s manual.

Do not let the Waterline Cleaning System run over the weekend.

The water must flow properly through the cup fill line, otherwise the unit will
not be flushed. Make sure that the cup fill line is not totally closed. The flow
through the cup fill line is recommended to be approximately 1 dl / 5 sec.

224 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

27.6.2 Starting waterline cleaning cycle

About this task

The waterline cleaning program can be cancelled by pressing Cancel. If
the cleaning cycle is cancelled after the disinfectant container has been
attached to the dental unit, flushing is required. Help message H 35 guides
you through the flushing.

The pop-up windows can be minimised by pressing Minimise.

1. Press Maintenance to go into maintenance mode.

2. Remove the cup from the cup holder. Turn the bowl away from above
the flushing holder as shown in the figure. Turn also the cup fill tube
above the bowl as shown in the figure. Press the outer edge of the
flushing holder cover (1) and remove the cover.

3. Remove the instrument handpieces from the instruments and clean them
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Place all water consuming instruments (including syringes) into the
openings in the flushing holder.
Optionally, in dental units with balanced instrument arms, you can
remove the hoses of the instruments to be flushed from the instrument
arms / instrument holders before placing the instruments in the flushing

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 225

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

In dental units with hanging-tube instruments, the instruments to be

flushed must be removed from the instrument holders before placing
them in the flushing holder.

1 Flushing holder cover

5. Start the cleaning cycle.

Balanced instrument arms: Start the cleaning cycle by bending the

instrument arms of those instruments (including syringe) that are to
be cleaned to an angle of at least 90° and simultaneously selecting
Waterline cleaning on the control panel.
Hanging-tube instruments: Start the cleaning cycle by selecting
Waterline cleaning on the control panel.

226 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

Help message H 30 is displayed.

H 30 means that the unit is waiting for the disinfectant container to be

6. Release the instrument arms (if your dental unit is equipped with
balanced instrument arms).
7. Close the water tap.
The picture below shows the water tap when it is closed.

The container can not be attached to the unit if the tap is not properly

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

8. Open the disinfectant container by turning the bottle clockwise so that

the locking pin slides along the groove.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

9. Fill the container with disinfectant up to the groove (marked with arrow in
figure below) and attach the lid. If you need to place the container on the
table, place it horizontally.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

10. Attach the container to the unit.

Make sure that the container is properly closed before attaching it to the

Do not press the release button (marked with arrow in picture) while
attaching the container to the unit.

Automatic feeding begins and the instrument waterlines, the cup fill line
and the bowl waterlines are filled. The Waterline cleaning window on the
control panel informs you about the progress of the cleaning cycle.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

11. When the disinfectant has been fed, help message H 31 is displayed
(you will hear a signal tone).

This means that you should now turn off the unit’s power.
Let the disinfectant stay in the unit overnight (min 8h). After the waiting
period you may proceed to section "Waterline flushing" on page 231.

The disinfectant must not be left in the unit for longer than one night (not,
for example, over the weekend).

If you do not start waterline cleaning as described in this section, but
instead start it simply by attaching the disinfectant container to the dental
unit, help message H 55 is displayed.

To proceed with the cleaning cycle, you must select the instruments and
insert them into the flushing holder as described in steps 1 - 4 in this
section and then press the Waterline cleaning button as instructed on the
control panel.
To cancel the cleaning cycle, press Close. A help message instructs you
how to proceed:
- If the cleaning cycle is cancelled after the container has been attached
to the unit, help message H 35.1 is displayed.
- If help message H 35 is displayed, you must open the water tap, select
the instruments, put them in the flushing holder and press the Instrument
flushing button to flush the instruments.
After flushing, ensure that the water coming from the instruments is clear
before you resume working on the dental unit.

27.6.3 Waterline flushing

About this task

When the disinfectant has stayed in the unit overnight, follow the steps
below to perform waterline flushing.

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27 Flushing and cleaning programs

1. Switch the unit on.
Help message H 31.1 is displayed.

2. Press the release button (marked with arrow in picture) for some
seconds to release the pressure and then remove the container.

Help message H 31.2 is displayed.

3. Open the lid, rinse the container and fill it with clean water. Attach the lid
to the container.
4. Attach the container to the unit.

Do not press the release button while attaching the container to the unit.

232 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

Container flushing using the water from the container is automatically

started through the syringe and cup fill line. The Waterline cleaning
window on the control panel informs you about the progress of the
cleaning cycle.

When the container flushing is ready, you will hear a signal tone.
5. Help message H 32 is now displayed.
It means that the pre-rinsing cycle is completed and the container should
be removed. Remove possible excess water from the container into the
sink. Close the container by attaching the lid. Place the container on a
table or in a cabinet to wait for the next use.

6. Help message H 33 is displayed, meaning that the unit is waiting for the
water to be turned on.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 233

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

A long instrument flushing cycle using the water from the dental unit
waterlines is automatically started after opening the tap. The long
flushing takes 4 minutes by default in a dental unit with cup fill and bowl
rinse functions.
To extend the duration, contact your Planmeca dealer.

The picture below shows the water tap when it is open.

7. After the long flushing cycle, make sure that the water coming from the
instruments and cup fill line is clear.
If the water is blue, run water through all water consuming instruments
and the cup fill line until the water is clear, and increase the flushing

To extend the duration, contact your Planmeca dealer.

After this, the unit is ready for normal use.

234 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

27 Flushing and cleaning programs

27.6.4 Maintenance
Change the waterline disinfectant container once a year.

1. Lid
2. Collar
3. Container, code 10040749
4. Standing support

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 235

28 Cleaning and disinfection

28 Cleaning and disinfection

28.1 Introduction
Planmeca approved surface disinfectants, upholstery disinfectants, dental
unit water and waterline disinfectants, and suction disinfectants are listed in
the document Planmeca approved disinfectants (30007097). The document
can be found in the Planmeca Material bank.

Do not use cleaning agents in aerosol or spray form directly on any surfaces.

All parts must be cleaned before disinfecting or autoclaving them.

If disinfectant or cleaning solution is splashed on the surfaces of the dental
unit, remove the splashes instantly with water and mild soap to avoid stains.

Before starting the cleaning procedures in the evening, hang the foot control
on the hook under the patient chair and make sure no cables lie on the floor.

28.2 Dental unit surfaces

The table below lists when and how to clean the dental unit surfaces.

236 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

28 Cleaning and disinfection

How to clean dental unit surfaces

When Part Cleaning agent Additional cleaning method

Dish- Washer- Autoclave
washer disinfector (134°C)
(65°C) (93°C)
After every patient Instrument Planmeca
and after the console approved surface
working day disinfectant
Hygienic Planmeca X X
membrane approved surface
Instrument hoses Planmeca
approved surface
Balanced Planmeca
instrument arms approved surface
Hanging-tube Planmeca X X
instrument approved surface
holders disinfectant
Control panel Planmeca
approved surface
Trays Planmeca
approved surface
Metal parts of Planmeca
headrest approved surface
Metal parts of Planmeca
armrests approved surface
Front cover of Planmeca
operating light approved surface
Handles of Planmeca X X
operating light approved surface
Cup fill tube Planmeca
approved surface
Bowl surfaces Mild soap- and X
water solution
approved surface
Bowl filter Mild soap- and X X
water solution

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 237

28 Cleaning and disinfection

How to clean dental unit surfaces

When Part Cleaning agent Additional cleaning method

Dish- Washer- Autoclave
washer disinfector (134°C)
(65°C) (93°C)
Cuspidor Planmeca
approved surface
Flexy-holder, Planmeca
tablet holder and approved surface
suction arm disinfectant
Suction Planmeca X X
handpieces approved surface
Suction tubes Planmeca
approved surface
Monitor Planmeca
approved surface
Upholstery Mild soap- and
water solution
After the working Upholstery Planmeca
day approved
On Flexy- Planmeca X
holder: Suction approved surface
tube holders disinfectant
(incl. rollers),
holder and
On Flexy-holder: Planmeca
Holder for approved surface
intraoral scanner disinfectant

Parts that should be cleaned weekly or monthly

When Part Cleaning method

Weekly Upholstery Treatment with Dürr FD 360.
Wipe away any excess oil after treatment.
Monthly Instrument flushing Washer-disinfector (93°C).
holder After cleaning, the holder can be autoclaved (134°C).
See also section "Instrument flushing holder" on page

238 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

28 Cleaning and disinfection

Parts that should be cleaned weekly or monthly

When Part Cleaning method

Suction tube Washer-disinfector (93°C).
cleaning holder See also section "Suction tube cleaning holder" on
page 242.

Instrument console

Before cleaning the instrument console, lock the touch display by pressing
the Lock button in the Maintenance window.

When the touch display is locked, the Lock button is blue. Press the button
for 1 second to unlock the touch display. A progress bar is displayed while
you press the button.

Alternatively, the dental unit can be configured so that you can lock/unlock
the touch display by pressing the Flexy button. Contact your Planmeca

When the dental unit is equipped with hanging-tube instruments, dry the
instrument holders properly after cleaning. Wet surfaces might disturb
instrument recognition.

The instrument console and control panel must be completely dry before
covering them with a protective cover.

28.3 Instruments
Clean and service the instruments according to the information supplied with
the instrument.

After cleaning the instrument, let the oil run from it for at least 10 minutes
before replacing it on the console.

Do not use lubricating oil on the Morita TORX micromotor (with the exception
of its O-rings).
Throw away the intraoral camera’s disposable hygiene sleeve after use.

28.4 Instrument console

28.4.1 Oil collector

Instrument console with balanced instrument arms

The oil collector underneath the instrument console has to be emptied and
cleaned monthly. Remove the oil collector by turning it counter-clockwise as
shown in the picture below.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 239

28 Cleaning and disinfection

Instrument console with hanging-tube instruments

The oil collector underneath the instrument console has to be checked
monthly and emptied when full.
You can check how full the oil collector is without removing it. If the oil level
in the narrower chamber has started to fill, it is time to empty the oil collector.

To remove the oil collector from the instrument console, unscrew the oil
collector attachment knob and carefully pull the collector out.

28.5 Cuspidor

28.5.1 Bowl

Do not pour anything into the bowl unless the unit is switched on and has air
and water (that is, the compressor is switched on and the air- and waterlines
are opened).

Do not pour anything else than water and a suction line cleaning agent into
the bowl. The water must be poured slowly into the bowl. The flow may not
exceed 5 l/min.

Do not empty the bowl filter to the drain!

240 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

28 Cleaning and disinfection

The bowl can be removed and washed in the dishwasher. The maximum
washing temperature is 65°C. At higher temperatures the bowl may break.
Avoid rapid temperature changes in the dishwasher and when the bowl is in
use. When positioning the bowl into the dishwasher, make sure that the bowl
does not press other objects in the machine.

Clean the bowl after every patient by pouring a few drops of Planmeca
approved suction disinfectant into the bowl and using a soft brush. Rinse the
bowl by pressing Bowl rinse. The outside of the bowl can be wiped clean
with a damp cloth.
The bowl can also be removed and washed in the dishwasher if required. To
remove the bowl, do as follows:
1. Turn the bowl and the cup fill tube away from above the cuspidor.
2. Remove the bowl filter parts and empty the bowl filter.
3. Push the bowl fastening clip carefully down and
4. rotate the bowl counter-clockwise.
5. Lift the bowl slightly upward and remove it by pulling it horizontally.

Replace the bowl in reverse order.

The cover cap of the filter makes the removal of the filter easier, but the filter
can also be used without the cover cap.

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28 Cleaning and disinfection

28.5.2 Instrument flushing holder

The instrument flushing holder can be lifted away from its position.

Disinfect the flushing holder once a month in a washer-disinfector at 93°C.

After disinfection, it can optionally be autoclaved at 134°C.
Note that the flushing holder cover can not be autoclaved. Remove the cover
before autoclaving the instrument flushing holder.

28.5.3 Suction tube cleaning holder

Disinfect the suction tube cleaning holder once a month in a washer-
disinfector at 93°C.

When you place the suction tube cleaning holder back in the cuspidor after
cleaning, make sure it is pushed firmly into its position in the cuspidor.

242 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

28 Cleaning and disinfection

28.5.4 Disposable filters

Empty the disposable filters daily or when they are full. Replace them

The disposable filters must be emptied/disposed into a separate amalgam

28.5.5 Spittoon valve coarse filter

If your dental unit is equipped with a VS/A compatible suction system, empty
the spittoon valve coarse filter when it is full.

Before emptying the spittoon valve coarse filter you must empty the bowl
(spittoon) valve of any excess water by pressing the Program button for
about 5 seconds until the suction starts. The valve will close automatically
after about 15 seconds.

The spittoon valve coarse filter must be emptied into a separate amalgam

When you have emptied the filter, make sure you place it properly back in its
holder to prevent the water from leaking onto the floor.

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28 Cleaning and disinfection

When the filter is clogged, the dental unit will instruct you to empty the filter.
In some error situations, the dental unit may also restrict the water flow to
prevent leakage.

1 Spittoon valve coarse filter

28.5.6 Amalgam collector

Switch the unit off before removing the amalgam collector from the dental

DÜRR CAS1 suction system

Replace the amalgam collector as soon as possible after help message H 1
is displayed, or at least before the next patient.
The degree of fullness of the amalgam collector can also be checked from
the indicator light next to the collector on the Dürr CAS1 suction system.

Yellow indicator light ≥ 90 % full

Red indicator light 100 % full

244 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

28 Cleaning and disinfection

1 Amalgam collector

28.5.7 Deposit cup

Switch the unit off before removing the deposit cup from the dental unit.

DÜRR CS1 suction system

Check the deposit cup weekly and clean or replace it when it is 70% full.
Refer to the instructions supplied with the Dürr separator.

Wet suction system

Check the deposit cup weekly and clean or replace it when it is 70% full.

Microvac suction system

Check the deposit cup weekly and empty and clean it when it is 70% full.

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28 Cleaning and disinfection

1 Deposit cup

Metasys suction system

Refer to the instructions supplied with the Metasys amalgam separator.

28.5.8 Clean-water bottle

Use a bottle brush and a mild soap- and water solution to clean the clean-
water bottle once a week.
To remove the clean-water bottle from the dental unit, first turn the Water
bottle switch toward 'OFF'. Then, take a hold of the bottom of the bottle, turn
the bottle slightly so that the pin moves along the groove and pull the bottle

246 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

28 Cleaning and disinfection

28.6 Suction system

Dry the suction tube holders and the tube bushings properly after cleaning.
Wet surfaces might disturb suction tube recognition.

28.6.1 In the morning

1. Rinse each suction tube with 0.5 litres of water by slowly aspirating water
and air through the suction handpieces.

2. Wipe the suction handpieces with Planmeca approved surface


28.6.2 After each patient

1. Remove the used aspirating tips.
2. For hygienic and operational reasons, empty one glass of water (100 -
200 ml) with each suction tube by aspirating water and air through the
suction handpiece. Do this even if only the saliva suction tube has been
3. Wipe the suction handpieces with Planmeca approved surface
4. Wipe the suction holder / Flexy-holder, including the tablet holder, with
Planmeca approved surface disinfectant.


Do not use a spray disinfection solution for the suction arms and holders.

Clean the tablet according to the instructions given by the manufacturer.

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28 Cleaning and disinfection

28.6.3 After each working day

1. Disinfect the suction system either by running the suction cleaning
program or by using OroCup. For information on the suction cleaning
program, see section "Suction cleaning" on page 221.
2. When the suction system has been rinsed, disinfect the suction
handpieces in a washer-disinfector at 93°C, then optionally autoclave
them at 134°C.
3. Flexy-holder: Disinfect the supplementary holders, suction tube holders
(including rollers) and instrument holder in a washer-disinfector at 93°C.

4. Flexy-holder: Wipe the holder for the intraoral scanner with Planmeca
approved surface disinfectant. OroCup

About this task

The following describes how to disinfect the suction system with OroCup.

1. Mix the cleaning solution:
Pour 20 ml Planmeca approved suction disinfectant into the rinsing
bottle. Add 1 l water and shake well.

Do not use dish washing detergents.

248 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

28 Cleaning and disinfection

2. Place the rinsing bottle (for example OroCup) on a flat surface (table or

3. Remove the suction handpieces from their holders and push them onto
the inserts inside the cap of the rinsing bottle. Allow the bottle to empty.
4. Return the suction tubes back to the holder right after OroCup has been
emptied. Do not use suction only for air.
5. Replace the exchangeable parts (filters etc.) the next morning.

28.6.4 Weekly cleaning procedures During working day

About this task

Clean the suction system with Dürr MD 555 cleaner 1 - 2 times a week to
prevent the buildup of deposits in the suction system, especially if you are
using dental air polishers.
This procedure is mandatory for dental units with a Dürr amalgam separator
or Dürr VS/A separator.
For more information on Dürr MD 555 cleaner, please visit http://

1. Pour 50 ml of Dürr MD 555 cleaner into a rinsing bottle (for example
OroCup). Add 1 l water and mix well.
2. Place the rinsing bottle on a flat surface (table or floor).

3. Remove the suction handpieces from their holders and push them onto
the inserts inside the cap of the rinsing bottle.
4. Remove the suction handpieces from the rinsing bottle when there is 250
ml of the solution left in the bottle.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 249

28 Cleaning and disinfection

5. Return the suction handpieces immediately back to the holder. Do not

use suction only for air.
6. Open the bowl valve to remove any excess water by pressing the
Program button for about 5 seconds until the suction starts. The valve
will close automatically after about 15 seconds.

7. When the valve has closed, pour the 250 ml that is left of the solution
into the bowl.
8. Let the solution affect for 30 - 120 minutes.
9. Rinse the bowl by pressing Bowl rinse.

10. Rinse the suction tubes by manually aspirating water through the suction
handpieces. After working day

About this task

If your dental unit is equipped with a Dürr amalgam separator or Dürr VS/A
separator, you must clean the suction system with Planmeca approved
suction disinfectant once a week.

1. Mix 5 ml of Planmeca approved suction disinfectant with 250 ml water
and stir well.
2. Open the bowl valve to remove any excess water by pressing the
Program button for about 5 seconds until the suction starts. The valve
will close automatically after about 15 seconds.

3. When the valve has closed, pour the suction disinfectant solution into the
4. Let the solution affect overnight. Rinse the suction system the next
morning with 2 l of water.
5. Rinse the bowl with water the next morning by pressing Bowl rinse.

28.6.5 Cleaning suction handpieces

The following explains how the suction handpieces can be disassembled for

We recommend that the suction handpieces be replaced once a year.

High-volume suction handpiece

Unscrew the handpiece from the suction tube for cleaning.

250 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

28 Cleaning and disinfection

If necessary, the handpiece can be completely disassembled for more

thorough cleaning. The handpiece parts can be disinfected in a washer-
disinfector at 93°C, then optionally autoclaved at 134°C.

Saliva suction handpiece

The saliva suction handpiece can be disassembled for cleaning by pulling
out the end of the handpiece and removing the core (2) and the adjuster (1).
The handpiece parts can be disinfected in a washer-disinfector at 93°C, then
optionally autoclaved at 134°C.

28.7 Planmeca ProX

For information on how to clean the Planmeca ProX X-ray unit, see
Planmeca ProX user’s manual.

28.8 Planmeca ProSensor

For information on how to clean the Planmeca ProSensor sensor, see
Planmeca ProSensor user’s manual.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 251

28 Cleaning and disinfection

28.9 Planmeca intraoral scanner

For information on how to clean the Planmeca intraoral scanner, see
Planmeca FIT user’s manual.

28.10 External PC
The external PC together with its mouse and keyboard can be wiped with a
dry cloth, or according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

When cleaning the external PC, always disconnect the PC from the mains
electricity supply.

252 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

29 Planmeca ActiveAqua

29 Planmeca ActiveAqua
29.1 Introduction

No chemicals must be added to the Planmeca ActiveAqua water treatment

Planmeca ActiveAqua is a water treatment system that produces clean and

soft water for dental unit instruments and cup fill. All the water used by the
dental unit runs through an air gap, which fulfills the EN1717 standard.
The clean water is disinfected without any added chemicals. The disinfection
process, which is based on electrolysis, removes microorganisms, provides
total biofilm control and guarantees a safe treatment environment for both
the dental team and the patients.
When Planmeca ActiveAqua is installed to the dental unit, instrument
flushing and suction cleaning are performed daily as instructed in section
"Flushing and cleaning programs" on page 213. As Planmeca ActiveAqua
takes care of water disinfection, neither the Waterline Cleaning System nor
the Planmeca WEK water disinfection system is available for dental units
equipped with Planmeca ActiveAqua.

Planmeca ActiveAqua maintenance parts

1 Prefilter

29.2 Measuring free chlorine

About this task

To ensure that the Planmeca ActiveAqua water treatment system functions
properly and that the settings are on an optimal level, the free chlorine in the
outcoming water must be measured weekly.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 253

29 Planmeca ActiveAqua

When help message H90.1 is displayed, measure the concentration of free

chlorine in the water using test strips.

1. Use the syringe to fill half a cup with water.
2. Immerse a test strip in the water and carefully swirl the test strip around
for 30 seconds.
3. Take out the test strip and compare its colour with the colour chart on the
test strip bottle.
4. On help message H90.1 on the control panel, select the chlorine level
according to the measurement and press OK.
The chlorine level alternatives are < 0.2 (low), 0.2 - 0.8 (optimal), and >
0.8 (high).
Based on these measurements, a help message is displayed and the
dental unit automatically adjusts the electrolysis strength in normal use,
which in turn affects the chlorine level.

If the water does not contain enough chlorine (value < 0.2), perform long
instrument flushing and measure the free chlorine concentration again.
For instructions on how to perform long instrument flushing, see section
"Long instrument flushing" on page 219.
If the chlorine level is continuously too low, raise the value of Electrolysis
strength in normal use in the ActiveAqua maintenance window. If raising the
value does not help, contact service.
For information on functions performed in the ActiveAqua maintenance
window, see section "Adjusting Planmeca ActiveAqua settings" on page 258.

29.3 Changing Planmeca ActiveAqua prefilter

About this task

The prefilter's lifetime depends on the water hardness setting and the clean
water consumption, the maximum change period for the prefilter being 25

254 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

29 Planmeca ActiveAqua

A counter keeps track of the change period. Change the prefilter when the
dental unit displays help message H90.2.

To ensure the proper operation of the dental unit, it is important that you
change the prefilter when help message H90.2 is displayed and do not reset
the prefilter change period counter until the prefilter has been replaced.

If you for some reason need to delay the prefilter change, press the Close
button on help message H90.2 and change the prefilter as soon as possible.
Depending on the dental unit's settings, H90.2 is displayed again when you
sign in to the dental unit or when the dental unit is switched on.

If help message H91.1 is displayed often, the prefilter may be clogged and
should be changed.

It is very important that the water hardness value has been set correctly
in the Planmeca ActiveAqua settings to ensure proper operation of the
Planmeca ActiveAqua water treatment system and to prevent calcification
of the Planmeca ActiveAqua electrolysis chamber.

1. Switch off the dental unit.
2. Open the cuspidor door.
3. Lift (1) the ActiveAqua module and then turn it out from the cuspidor (2)
to access the prefilter.

4. Remove the prefilter.

Hold a plastic bag around the prefilter at removal, as some water will
drop from the filter head.

Detach the prefilter by first rotating it in the direction shown below and
then pulling it downward.

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29 Planmeca ActiveAqua

5. Attach the new prefilter by first placing it into position and then rotating it
in the opposite direction until it locks into position.
6. Turn the ActiveAqua module back into the cuspidor and press it down so
that it locks into position.
7. Close the cuspidor door.
8. Switch on the dental unit.
9. Confirm the prefilter change by pressing Reset on help message H90.2.

Alternatively, the change can be reset in the ActiveAqua maintenance

window, see section "Resetting prefilter counter" on page 256.
A confirmation message is displayed.
10. Confirm the reset by pressing OK.

11. Wait for 90 s while ActiveAqua circulates water to bleed the prefilter.

29.4 Resetting prefilter counter

About this task

The prefilter's lifetime depends on the water hardness setting and the clean
water consumption, the maximum change period for the prefilter being 25
When the prefilter has been changed, you must confirm the change either
by pressing the prefilter reset button on help message H90.2 or from the
ActiveAqua maintenance window (described below).

256 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

29 Planmeca ActiveAqua

1. Press Program.

2. Press About this unit.

3. Select Service > Peripherals > ActiveAqua.

The ActiveAqua maintenance window opens.

4. Press Reset next to Replace prefilter in.

A confirmation message is displayed.

5. Confirm the reset by pressing OK.

6. Wait for 90 seconds while Planmeca ActiveAqua circulates water to

bleed the prefilter.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 257

29 Planmeca ActiveAqua

7. Press OK to close the window.

29.5 Adjusting Planmeca ActiveAqua settings

About this task

In the Active Aqua maintenance window you can adjust the values for water
hardness and also adjust the electrolysis strength both for normal use and
for instrument flushing.

It is very important that the water hardness value is correct to ensure
proper operation of the Planmeca ActiveAqua water treatment system and to
prevent calcification of the Planmeca ActiveAqua electrolysis chamber.

1. Press Program.

2. Press About this unit.

258 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

29 Planmeca ActiveAqua

3. Select Service > Peripherals > ActiveAqua.

The ActiveAqua maintenance window opens.

4. Press Edit next to Water hardness (dH) to adjust the water hardness

The Program - Water hardness window opens.

5. Adjust the water hardness level by dragging the handle to a suitable
The water hardness level must be set according to information received
from your local water supplier or local authority.
The value range is 0 - 40 °dH.
6. Press Edit next to Electrolysis strength, Normal use to adjust the
electrolysis strength in situations when instuments or the cup fill function
are used.

The Program - Water chlorine level window opens.

7. Adjust the water chlorine level by dragging the handle to a suitable
The default value is 50, but is automatically modified according to the
weekly free chlorine level measurements.

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29 Planmeca ActiveAqua

The value range is 0 - 100%.

Adjusting this setting resets the free chlorine 7-day counter.
8. Press Edit next to Electrolysis strength, Instrument flushing to adjust the
electrolysis strength when instruments are flushed.

The Program - Chlorine level window opens.

9. Adjust the chlorine level by dragging the handle to a suitable position.
The value of Electrolysis strength, Instrument flushing must be at least
that of Electrolysis strength, Normal use. Thus, if the electrolysis strength
for Normal use = 50, the electrolysis strength for Instrument flushing
must be 50 or higher.
The value range is 0 - 100%.
10. Press OK to close the window.

260 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

30 Clean water system

30 Clean water system

30.1 Introduction
In the Clean Water System (CWS), the water that is used for the instruments
comes from a clean-water bottle installed to the dental unit. CWS can be
used, for example, when the domestic water is of poor quality, the waterline
system does not generate enough pressure, or if its use is required by

1. Clean-water bottle
2. Pressure monitor

The switches on the clean-water bottle assembly let you control the water

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 261

30 Clean water system

1. Water supply
Lets you select the water supply for your dental unit. Turn the switch
toward ‘CITY’ to select domestic water, and toward ‘BOTTLE’ to select
the clean-water bottle.

If your dental unit is installed so that it has no domestic water, this switch
is missing and the water supply for the dental unit is clean-water bottle
2. Water bottle pressure control
The pressure in the water bottle can be adjusted by turning the knob.
The pressure can be checked from the pressure monitor and should be
between 2.5 and 2.8 bar.
3. Water bottle
When the clean-water bottle is used (water supply -switch turned toward
‘BOTTLE’), the water bottle -switch lets you turn the bottle on or off.
When the switch is toward ‘ON’, the pressure is maintained in the bottle,
and the bottle can be used.
When the switch is toward ‘OFF’, you can detach the bottle, for example,
for cleaning. Allow a few seconds for the pressure to drop before
unscrewing the bottle.

30.2 Waterline cleaning

The waterlines of the dental unit should be cleaned once a week with a
Planmeca approved waterline disinfectant. The solution is left in the unit
overnight and the waterlines of the unit are flushed with water the next
morning. The disinfectant should not be left in the waterlines for longer than
one night.

Only Planmeca Planosil, Planmeca PlanPure or Alpro Bilpron disinfectant
must be used. Planmeca does not guarantee the suitability of and is not
liable for damages caused by other disinfectants.

To avoid stains, possible disinfectant splashes should be wiped away

30.2.1 After the working day

About this task

You can interrupt the flushing cycle by pressing Close. After the interruption,
the dental unit can be used normally.

1. Open the dental unit door.

262 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

30 Clean water system

2. Remove the clean-water bottle.

First, turn the Water bottle switch toward 'OFF'. Then, take a hold of the
bottom of the bottle, turn the bottle slightly so that the pin moves along
the groove and pull the bottle downwards.

3. Empty the possible water from the clean-water bottle.

4. Fill the clean-water bottle with approx. 1 dl of Planmeca approved
waterline disinfectant. The amount depends on the unit configuration.
The assistant's syringe uses about 1 dl of disinfectant. Thus, if the
syringe is in use, add this amount to your calculations on the required
disinfectant amount.
We recommend you keep record of how much disinfectant has been
5. Place the clean-water bottle back in its place in the dental unit and close
the unit door.

Ensure that the water supply switch is turned toward ‘BOTTLE’ and that
the water bottle switch is turned toward ‘ON’.
6. Press Maintenance to go into maintenance mode.

7. Remove the instrument handpieces from the instruments and clean them
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
8. Place all water consuming instruments (including syringes) into the
openings in the instrument flushing holder.
Optionally, in dental units with balanced instrument arms, you can
remove the hoses of the instruments to be flushed from the instrument
arms / instrument holders before placing the instruments in the flushing
In dental units with hanging-tube instruments, the instruments to be
flushed must be removed from the instrument holders before placing
them in the flushing holder.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 263

30 Clean water system

1 Flushing holder cover

9. Start the short flushing cycle.

Balanced instrument arms: Start the flushing cycle by bending the

instrument arms of those instruments (including syringe) that are to be
flushed to an angle of at least 90° and simultaneously selecting Short
flushing on the control panel.
Hanging-tube instruments: Start the flushing cycle by selecting Short
flushing on the control panel.
The system will first identify the instruments and then each instrument
hose is flushed with air and water for 30 seconds in its turn.
10. Release the instrument arms (if your dental unit is equipped with
balanced instrument arms).
11. Turn the unit off and let the disinfectant affect in the unit overnight.

Leave the instruments in the flushing holder overnight.

264 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

30 Clean water system

30.2.2 In the morning

1. Open the dental unit door.
2. Remove the clean-water bottle.
First, turn the Water bottle switch toward 'OFF'. Then, take a hold of the
bottom of the bottle, turn the bottle slightly so that the pin moves along
the groove and pull the bottle downwards.

3. Rinse the clean-water bottle and fill it with clean water.

4. Place the clean-water bottle back in its place in the dental unit and close
the unit door.
5. Start the short flushing cycle.

Balanced instrument arms: Start the flushing cycle by bending the

instrument arms of those instruments (including syringe) that are to be
flushed to an angle of at least 90° and simultaneously selecting Short
flushing on the control panel.
Hanging-tube instruments: Start the flushing cycle by selecting Short
flushing on the control panel.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 265

30 Clean water system

The system will first identify the instruments and then each instrument
hose is flushed with air and water for 30 seconds in its turn.
6. Release the instrument arms (if your dental unit is equipped with
balanced instrument arms).
7. Repeat the flushing sequence in steps 5 and 6 at least three more times,
or until the water is clean. If the clean-water bottle runs out of water, refill
If the water quality of the domestic water is good, you can also use the
domestic water mode when performing the flushing.
8. Balanced instrument arms: Place the instrument hoses back in the
instrument arms, and the instruments back in the instrument console.
Hanging-tube instruments: Place the instruments back in the instrument

The dental unit is now ready for use.

266 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

31 Help and error messages

31.1 Overview
The dental unit displays three types of safety messages: notifications, help
messages and error messages.
Notifications are typically issued for guidance in maintenance situations, for
example, when instruments are flushed. Notifications are blue in colour.
Help messages are green and provide helpful information for the user.
They are displayed, for example, if you are using the unit or instrument
incorrectly, or if the function is not allowed for some reason. The help
message disappears automatically when the situation is corrected.

Some help messages have a Close button that allow you to close the
message before it is automatically closed.

Error messages warn of a fault in the dental unit and require actions from
the user. To correct the error situation, and thus to close the error message,
follow the instructions in the message. Some error messages contain a
question mark that you can press to receive more information about the

The level of detail displayed in the error messages is configurable. Contact
your Planmeca dealer.

When a help or error message is issued, it is displayed as a semi-

transparent bar at the top of the control panel.

Press the help/error bar to open the help/error message.

When you press the hyperlink Contact service in the help or error message,
the service contact details are displayed. The details are only to be changed
by a qualified Planmeca service technician.
The Minimise button allows you to minimise the help or error message to a
help or error bar.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 267

31 Help and error messages

31.2 Help messages in short form

The WCS related help messages can be disabled. Contact your Planmeca

The list may contain help messages related to features that are not part of
your unit configuration.

Help messages


H1 Amalgam collector is 95% full. Replace or empty the collector as soon
as possible, or at least before the next
patient. Pressing the program button allows
to continue the operation until the collector
is 100% (totally) full.
H2 Amalgam collector is 100% full. Replace or empty the collector immediately.
The suction system cannot be used before
the collector is emptied or replaced.
H3 Patient chair cannot be driven down Check that the space under the seat is free
because safety switch is activated. and nothing is touching the plate at the
bottom. The chair can be driven normally
after the possible obstruction has been
H 3.1 Move mannequin arm back to driving sector The mannequin arm must be horizontally
to enable height adjustment. positioned to the driving sector to enable
driving the mannequin arm up/down.
Otherwise there is a risk of colliding the
mannequin arm with the table.
H4 This left-hand instrument position allows The leftmost position in the console is
only syringe. reserved for the syringe only. Replace this
instrument with a syringe. Place the other
instrument to one of the four right-hand
H5 This instrument position does not accept Remove the syringe from this position and
syringe. replace it with any other kind of instrument.
The syringe must be placed in the leftmost
H6 Patient chair cannot be driven when Stop the instrument (release the foot control
instrument is in use. pedal) to be able to run the chair.
H7 Patient chair up/down movement is not Close the cuspidor door to be able to run
allowed when cuspidor door is open. the chair up/down or to a pre-programmed
H8 Chair height can not be programmed this Run the chair slightly down to be able to
high in automatic positions for patient safety program this position into memory.
H9 This scaler cannot currently be used with This scaler needs a dedicated electronics
this unit. that is not installed, or the scaler electronics
installed is not compatible with this scaler.

268 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

Help messages


H 10 Wait while configuring the dental instrument Wait a few seconds for the unit to check
setup. your instrument configuration, since it has
H 11 Software download mode is on.
H 12 Unit's internal error reporting is disabled. The unit operates normally but no errors are
reported (exhibition use). Use service mode
n.15 to turn error reporting back on.
H 13 Instrument cannot run because of patient Return the foot control pedal once to the
security violation. middle position to start the instrument.
Instruments do not start if the standard foot
control pedal is already pushed to the right
or left when the instrument is picked up from
the instrument console.
H 14 This dental instrument is not recognised To be able to operate this new instrument
(new type of instrument). the MCB software must be updated.
Contact your Planmeca dealer.
H 14.1 Instrument presets are reset to defaults. Instrument presets are faulty. Presets are
reset to defaults.
H 15 This button has no function at the moment. Instruments: Pick up a dental instrument
before attempting to alter its settings; or
if the instrument is selected, this function
is not allowed with this instrument. Other
buttons: the unit does not have this function.
H 16 Operating light is dimmed and This feature enables easier work with
polymerisation light can be used. composite materials, minimising the risk of
operating light induced curing. This feature
is triggered by picking up and returning
the polymerisation light to its holder without
starting it. The operating light returns to
normal at the same instance any control is
touched or another instrument selected. The
feature can be disabled.
Contact your Planmeca dealer.
H 17 No syringe connected to instrument The console syringe must be re-connected,
console. otherwise there is an air-leak from
the syringe quick-connector whenever an
instrument or device that requires air
pressure is used.
H 18 No instrument hose connected to this The instrument is picked up, but there is no
instrument place. hose connected at this location. Check that
all hoses go to the right instrument arms.
H 19 No syringe connected to connector located The assistant's syringe must be re-
on cuspidor. connected, otherwise there is an air-leak
from the assistant's syringe QC whenever
an instrument or device that requires air
pressure is used.
Contact your Planmeca dealer.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 269

31 Help and error messages

Help messages


H 20 Wrong instrument is connected to syringe Contact your Planmeca dealer.
connector on cuspidor or assistant
instrument configuration is wrong.
H 21 Flow of both spray air and spray water are Contact your Planmeca dealer.
programmed to zero (no flow).
H 22 Main air or water valve is set to be always This is a reminder that either of the main
closed in SM 12 (air) /13 (water). valves has been set to be always closed.
The setting may be changed in service
modes SM 12 (air) and SM 13 (water).
H 23 Automatic/manual chip blow cannot be used
when sterile water function is selected.
H 24 Programming of selected setting is disabled. The programming of the selected setting is
Contact your Planmeca dealer.
H 25 Planmeca Compact e help message: Contact your Planmeca dealer.
Patient chair cannot be driven into
automatic chair position.
H 26 Drive chair upwards, then lower backrest. Drive the chair upwards before lowering the
If patient chair is attached to unit, chair's backrest. If this help message is shown
automatic positions are not switched on. while the patient chair is attached to the
unit, it means that you have forgotten to
switch on the chair’s automatic positions. To
clear the message, put the operation mode
switch on the cuspidor side of the chair base
in the “AUTO” position (switch up).
H 27 Drive backrest upwards, then lower chair. Drive the backrest upwards before lowering
If patient chair is attached to unit, chair's the chair. If this help message is shown
automatic positions are not switched on. while the patient chair is attached to the
unit, it means that you have forgotten to
switch on the chair’s automatic positions. To
clear the message, put the operation mode
switch on the cuspidor side of the chair base
in the “AUTO” position (switch up).
H 28 Planmeca Compact WE's help message. Connect the lifter cable.
H 29 Drive chair downwards, then lower backrest. Drive the chair downwards before lowering
If patient chair is attached to unit, chair's the backrest. If this help message is shown
automatic positions are not switched on. while the patient chair is attached to the
unit, it means that you have forgotten to
switch on the chair’s automatic positions. To
clear the message, put the operation mode
switch on the cuspidor side of the chair base
in the “AUTO” position (switch up).
H 30 Close water tap. Fill container with
disinfectant up to groove and attach to unit.
H 31 Switch unit off, leave disinfectant in unit When unit is turned back on, disinfection
overnight (min. 8 h). procedure continues.
H31.1 Remove container, fill it up to groove with
water and attach to unit.

270 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

Help messages


H31.2 Attach container filled with water.
H 32 Container flushing completed. Remove container from unit.
H 33 Open water tap.
H 34 No instruments selected when starting Select at least one instrument and syringe
instrument flushing or waterline cleaning. (remove from holder, bend the instrument
H 35 Instruments are locked for safety reasons. Select instruments, place them in flushing
holder, and press Instrument flushing button
to start instrument flushing.
H35.1 Waterline cleaning cancelled or failed. Make sure water tap is open. Select
Remove container. instruments, place them in flushing holder
and press Instrument flushing button to start
instrument flushing.
H 36 Flushing ready. Return instruments to Also bend and release syringe's instrument
instrument console. arm once.
H36.1 Instrument flushing completed, but water Run instruments for a while with spray water
flow was not detected for one or more to ensure instrument flushing is sufficient.
H36.8 Low water pressure during final flushing. Perform long instrument flushing to ensure
instruments are flushed.
H 37 Waterline cleaning has been interrupted.
H 38 Low water pressure during final rinsing. When waterline cleaning is finished,
perform long instrument flushing to ensure
instruments are flushed.
H 39 Syringe misplaced or its flow not detected in Return syringe to console. Then, select
waterline cleaning. syringe (bend instrument arm) again and
place it carefully in flushing holder.
H 40 Too many Bien-Air MX brushless A maximum of two is allowed.
H 41 Insert suction tubes to suction tube cleaning
holder, add disinfectant and press green
start button (upper button).
H 41.1 Insert suction tubes to suction tube cleaning
H 41.2 Remove suction tubes from holder to start
suction cleaning.
H 42 Suction cleaning completed. Return suction
tubes to suction holder and close suction
cleaning cover.
H 42.1 Suction cleaning completed. Return suction
tubes to suction holder.
H 43 Suction cleaning cancelled. Return suction
tubes to suction holder.

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31 Help and error messages

Help messages


H 44 Incorrect suction tube amount detected.
Return them to suction holder, place them
back to suction tube cleaning holder and
start cleaning.
H 45 Set WMS to Domestic Water Supply -mode Suction cleaning can not be used when
and wait until WMS bottle is full. Then start WMS is set to Bottled Water -mode.
suction cleaning.
H 46 Suction use is forbidden or there are no The value of service mode n.83 is 0.
suction tubes in dental unit configuration.
H 47 Suction disinfectant pressure is low. (In
automatised suction cleaning: Fill suction
disinfectant container).
H 47.1 Suction disinfectant level low. Fill suction
disinfectant container.
H 47.2 Suction disinfectant container filled.
H 48 WMS must be set to Bottled water off and Bottled water off = domestic water is used
Bottle on -modes before starting suction Bottle on = bottle is used; domestic water is
cleaning. run through the bottle
H 50 No cup in cup holder. Sensor does not Place a cup on the cup holder. Or change
recognise cup when pressing cup fill button. the setting of service mode n 115.
H 51 Bowl is above patient chair when driving If the unit has a bowl, move the bowl to
chair up. the rest position. If the unit has an OP
delivery arm safety switch, check that the
OP delivery arm is not blocking the chair
H 52 Patient chair can not be driven upward
because safety switch of side delivery arm
is released.
H 52.1 Mannequin arm can not be driven upward
because safety switch under the table is
H 53 Patient chair can not be driven downward
because safety switch of side delivery arm
is released.
H 53.1 Mannequin arm can not be driven
downward because safety switch of the arm
is released.
H 54 Cup is inserted in cup holder. Remove the cup and make sure the cup fill
tube is above the bowl.
H 55 Disinfectant container attached. To start
waterline cleaning, select instruments and
press Waterline cleaning button.
H 57 Vision action failed. Select patient in Select patient in Planmeca Romexis before
Romexis. performing Solanna Vision action.

272 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

Help messages


H 59 OTR torque calibration needed. For the OTR torque measurement result
to be accurate, always perform calibration
when changing the handpiece.
H 59.1 OTR torque calibration started. Do not touch the file during calibration. The
file runs with full speed during calibration.
H 59.2 OTR torque calibration cancelled.
H 59.3 OTR torque calibration failed. Try calibration again and ensure that
nothing touches the file during calibration.
If calibration still fails after multiple attempts,
contact service.
H 59.4 OTR torque calibration performed
H 59.5 OTR torque calibration interrupted.
H 60 WMS: Container almost empty in Domestic Reduce water use for a moment.
water supply -mode.
H 61 WMS: Container almost empty in Bottled Reduce water use and fill the container as
water -mode. soon as possible.
H 62 WMS: Container switch is turned off. Switch on the container switch.
H 63 Cuspidor door is open. Close the door.
H 64 Fill container with disinfectant over upper
H 65 Fill container with water over upper sensor.
H 66 Wait 8 hours or switch unit off for the night.
H 67 Instrument flush cancelled. Return
instruments to instrument console.
H 68 Romexis connection lost. Make sure the Ethernet cable is attached
and Romexis is running.
H 69 Unable to create a new user. Maximum
amount of local users exceeded.
H 70 Brushless micromotor is stuck or broken.
H 71 Romexis user ID already in use. Check the ID, select another one, or allow
rebind in Romexis.
H 72 Incompatible Romexis version. PlanID is not supported with this version of
H 72.1 Incompatible Romexis version User settings for currently active instrument
can not be used. Romexis version does not
support user instrument settings or presets
for currently active instrument. Check the
instrument settings before using instrument
and update Romexis.
H 73 Failed to copy user profile from Romexis.
H 73.1 Failed to save user settings.
H 74 PlanID reader missing. PlanID reader is either missing or not

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31 Help and error messages

Help messages


H 75 Annual maintenance in <#> days. Contact service for annual maintenance.
H 76 Annual maintenance performed.
H 79.1 Serial number chip missing. The serial number chip is missing. Contact
H 80 Headrest length safety feature activated Check that nothing is blocking the headrest
when driving headrest. Check that nothing movement. The headrest can be driven
is blocking headrest movements. normally after the possible obstruction has
been removed.
H80.1 Headrest length drive limit activated when Check that nothing is blocking headrest
driving headrest. movements.
Faulty length motor, motor cable,
non-lubricated slider rail or position
potentiometer may cause this problem.
H 81 Headrest angle B safety feature activated Check that nothing is blocking the headrest
when driving headrest. Check that nothing is movement. The headrest can be driven
blocking headrest movements. normally after the possible obstruction has
been removed.
Faulty angle B motor, motor cable or
position sensor may cause this problem.
H81.1 Headrest angle A drive limit activated when Check that nothing is blocking the headrest
driving headrest. movement.
Faulty angle A motor, motor cable or
position sensor may cause this problem.
H 82 Connecting to wireless foot control was Connection was established with the
successful. requested foot control.
H 83 Foot control handle pressed down. Release the foot control handle.
H 84 Connecting to wireless foot control failed. Connection with the requested foot control
could not be established. Make sure the foot
control is active (connect to a charger, if
possible), is in the vicinity of the unit, and
try again.
H 85 Software update denied. Chair was moving The chair was moving or an instrument was
or instrument was in use while starting in use while starting the software update.
software update.
H 86 Software update denied. Incorrect control An incorrect control panel type was detected
panel type was detected while starting while starting the software update.
software update.
H 87 Software update halted. Activate the Wireless foot control has to be activated
wireless foot control by pressing the handle. before it can be updated.
H 88 Wireless foot control configuration was Wireless foot control channel and power
successful. settings were successfully changed.
H 89 Wireless foot control configuration failed. Wireless foot control channel and power
settings could not be changed. Make sure
the foot control is active (connect to a
charger, if possible), is in the vicinity of the
unit, and try again.

274 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

Help messages


H 90 This button has no function at the moment,
press Pos Sel, Chair/Headr/Light Sel first.
H 90.1 Measure water chlorine level. Run at least 50 ml of water from the syringe
to the cup. Move the test strip back and
forth in the water for 30 seconds. Compare
the strip colour with the colour scheme.
Select the chlorine level on the control panel
according to the measurement.
< 0.2 (LOW)
0.2 - 0.8 (OK)
> 0.8 (HIGH)
If the chlorine level is continuously too low,
contact service.
H 90.2 ActiveAqua prefilter expired. Switch off the dental unit. Replace the
prefilter. After switching on the dental unit
press the Reset prefilter button to confirm
the prefilter replacement.
To temporarily ignore this notification, select
any instrument or press Cancel.
H 90.3 ActiveAqua water container is empty. Water container fill is slow or the low level
sensor does not sense water.
H 90.4 ActiveAqua water container overflow. Check ActiveAqua level sensors and water
H 90.5 ActiveAqua annual maintenance overdue. Annual ActiveAqua maintenance must be
performed. Contact service.
H 90.6 Measured chlorine level low. Normal use chlorine level increased by
H 90.7 Measured chlorine level OK. No change to normal use chlorine level.
H 90.8 Measured chlorine level high. Normal use chlorine level decreased by
H 91 Stop (Help) button pressed.
H 91.1 ActiveAqua low prefilter waterflow. Prefilter Too low recirculation flow detected in
may be clogged. ActiveAqua water container. Prefilter may
be clogged, other flow restriction may exist
in water container recirculation line, or the
water pump may be faulty.
H 91.2 ActiveAqua prefilter change confirmed. ActiveAqua prefilter change confirmed.
H 92 Help (Stop) button pressed.
H 93 This button has no function at the moment
because there is no motorised light.
H 94 Clock calibration failed. Maximum
calibration range exceeded.
H 95 Patient chair automatic position cannot be
reached because legrest is unlocked or
armrests are blocking movement.

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31 Help and error messages

Help messages


H 96 PlanID tag already in use. PlanID tag assigned to another user.
H 96.1 Different user already logged in. The unit has rejected a login request
because a different user is already logged
H 97 Failed to assign PlanID tag to user. Check Romexis connection.
H 98 User not found. User not found with this PlanID tag. Create
a new user or select an existing Romexis
user and assign the PlanID tag.
H 98.1 User login failed. Retry login or reboot the unit. If problem
persists, contact service.
H 98.2 RFID unknown. The RFID is unknown to the system.
H 99 Unit has been switched off without This help message can be disabled, contact
performing long flushing after water has your Planmeca dealer.
been used. Perform long flushing.
HE200 Detected new software update. Confirm to
HE201 Detected new software update SD-card.
Confirm to install ?
HE210 Software update. Installing to Control panel Do not turn the power off while the software
bootloader sw. DO NOT TURN POWER is being updated.
HE212 Software update. Installing to Control panel Do not turn the power off while the software
application sw. DO NOT TURN POWER is being updated.
HE214 Software update. Installing to Control panel Do not turn the power off while the software
application sw. DO NOT TURN POWER is being updated.
HE216 Software update. Downloading from server. Do not turn the power off while downloading
DO NOT TURN POWER OFF. software from the server.
HE218 Software update. Installing to Main PCB. Do not turn the power off while the software
DO NOT TURN POWER OFF. is being updated.
END Flushing completed. Remove syringe from
flushing holder and return it to console.
If syringe is removed, return it to flushing
DOOR Cuspidor door is open. Close the door.
FC.LD Move foot control pedal to leftmost position. Move the foot control pedal to the leftmost
Press pedal down and hold. While holding, position. Press the pedal down and hold.
push centre knob briefly in 'chair up' While holding, push the centre knob briefly
direction. in the ‘chair up’ direction.
FC.LU Move foot control pedal to leftmost position Move the foot control pedal to the leftmost
and hold. While holding, push centre knob position and hold. While holding, push the
briefly in 'chair up' direction. centre knob briefly in the ‘chair up’ direction.
FC.CD Press foot control pedal down and hold. Press the foot control pedal down and hold.
While holding, push centre knob briefly in While holding, push the centre knob briefly
'chair up' direction. in the ‘chair up’ direction.

276 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

Help messages


FC.CU Keep foot control pedal in rest position Keep the foot control pedal in the rest
(centre). Push centre knob briefly in 'chair position (centre). Push the centre knob
up' direction. briefly in the ‘chair up’ direction.
FC.RD Move foot control pedal to rightmost Move the foot control pedal to the rightmost
position. Press pedal down and hold. While position. Press the pedal down and hold.
holding, push centre knob briefly in 'chair up' While holding, push the centre knob briefly
direction. in the ‘chair up’ direction.
FC.RU Move foot control pedal to rightmost position Move the foot control pedal to the rightmost
and hold. While holding, push centre knob position and hold. While holding, push the
briefly in 'chair up' direction. centre knob briefly in the ‘chair up’ direction.
FC.-- To exit foot control calibration mode, press
and hold down calibration switch for 4
H 7003 Control panel is temporarily disabled due to Make sure the touch screen is clean
interference on touch screen. and dry. If the problem continues, contact

31.3 Error messages in short form

The error message tables list the error messages, which are mainly intended
to assist the technician. If an error message is displayed, contact service.
For more detailed information, see Planmeca Compact i Touch technical

The lists may contain error messages related to features that are not part of
your unit configuration.

31.3.1 General error messages

General error messages

E1.01 Main water valve short circuit.
Disconnect valve and check if error disappears.
E1.02 Main air valve short circuit.
Disconnect valve and check if error disappears.
E1.03 Bowl rinse valve short circuit.
Disconnect valve and check if error disappears.
E1.04 Cup filling valve short circuit.
Disconnect valve and check if error disappears.
E1.05 Water flush valve short circuit.
Disconnect valve and check if error disappears.
E1.06 Separator pulse valve short circuit.
Disconnect valve and check if error disappears.

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31 Help and error messages

General error messages

E1.07 Ejector valve short circuit.
Disconnect valve and check if error disappears.
E1.08 Extra out 1 short circuit.
Disconnect output and check if error disappears.
E1.09 Extra out 2 short circuit.
Disconnect output and check if error disappears.
E1.10 Extra out 3 short circuit.
Disconnect output and check if error disappears.
E1.11 Separator start signal / Microvac's start valve short circuit.
E1.12 Assistant syringe water valve short circuit.
Disconnect valve and check if error disappears.
E1.13 Separator alarm reset signal short circuit.
Disconnect output and check if error disappears.
E1.14 PLANET output (ELMP) short circuit.
Disconnect output and check if error disappears.
E2.01 Incoming water valve open circuit.
Error can be detected when circuit is dead.
E2.02 Incoming air valve open circuit.
Error can be detected when circuit is dead.
E2.03 Bowl rinse valve open circuit.
Error can be detected when circuit is dead.
E2.04 Cup filling valve open circuit.
Error can be detected when circuit is dead.
E2.05 Main Control PCB output open circuit warning.
E2.06 Separator pulse valve open circuit.
Error can be detected when circuit is dead.
E2.07 Main Control PCB output open circuit warning.
E2.08 Main Control PCB output open circuit warning.
E2.09 Main Control PCB output open circuit warning.
E2.10 Main Control PCB output open circuit warning.
E2.11 Separator start signal open circuit / Microvac valve open
E2.12 Assistant syringe water valve open circuit.
Error can be detected when circuit is dead.
E2.13 Separator alarm reset signal open circuit.
Error can be detected when circuit is dead.
E2.14 Main Control PCB output open circuit warning.
E2.15 Not used or not in the manuals.

278 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

General error messages

E3.1 Incoming air pressure compared to water pressure is too low.
Ensure that air pressure main switch is on. If problem persists,
contact service.
E3.2 Internal water pressure too low.
Check dental unit's incoming water pressure. Ensure that
dental unit inlet water tap is open.
E3.4 Internal air pressure (after regulator) is too low.
Ensure that air pressure main switch is on. If problem persists,
contact service.
E3.5 Internal air pressure (after pres. regulator) is too high.
Check pressure regulator, pressure sensor and pressure block
E3.6 Waterline cleaning feed pressure too low.
Check and adjust waterline cleaning feed pressure. Replace
waterline cleaning feed regulator if problem still exists.
E3.7 Waterline cleaning flush pressure too low.
Check dental unit's incoming water pressure. Ensure that
dental unit inlet water tap is open.
E4.1 Short circuit in cable from MCB to control panel / suction
holder in branch 1.
E4.2 Short circuit in cable from MCB to control panel / suction
holder in branch 2.
E4.3 Communication bus (CAN) is not operational or CAN devices
are disconnected (foot control, operating light, motorised
headrest, uWmc).
E4.4 Communication bus (Console CAN) is not operational.
E5 Unsupported device attached.
Detach the device or contact service.
E6.01 Cuspidor up -safety circuit error.
E6.02 Cuspidor down -safety circuit error.
E6.03 Chair down -safety circuit error.
E6.04 Bowl up -safety circuit error.
E6.05 Bowl down -safety circuit error.
E6.07 Console up -safety circuit error.
E6.08 Console down -safety circuit error.
E6.09 Emergency stop -safety circuit error.

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31 Help and error messages

31.3.2 Power supply related error messages

If a fuse has blown, contact your Planmeca dealer. Fuses must be changed
only by a qualified Planmeca service technician.

Power supply related error messages

E7 Power supply related error messages. IPS voltage failure on
E7.01 Instrument power supply overcurrent shutdown.
Instrument power supply may be shortcircuited or selected
instrument hose may be faulty.
E9 Internal operating voltage too low. Unit functionality may be
E10 Internal operating voltage too high.
E11.1 OP-light fuse (F5) and/or Water heater fuse (F7) has blown on
the MCB.
E11.2 Separator fuse (F6) and/or Syringe heater fuse (F8) has blown
on the MCB.
E11.3 Either of the +24V electronics fuses (F9 or F10) has blown on
the MCB.
E11.4 Rectifier D5 or D1 short circuit or either of the 24V electronics
fuses (F3 or F4) has blown on the MCB. Chair, instrument and
headrest control not allowed.
E11.5 Separator fuse (F5) has blown on the MCB.
E11.6 Water heater fuse (F6) has blown on the MCB.
E11.7 Syringe heater fuse (F7) has blown on the MCB.
E11.8 Polymerisation light fuse (F8) has blown on the MCB.
E12.1 SELV voltage too low. Unit functionality may be limited.
E12.2 SELV voltage too high.
E13 Mains frequency outside acceptable range.
E14 IPS temperature measurement sensor error.
E15 IPS heatsink is running too hot on MCB.
E16 Attached scaler electronics is of new type.
E16.1 New type of scaler electronics is attached to MCB.
Update MCB software.
E16.2 New type of scaler electronics is attached to IMUX.
Update MCB software.
E16.3 Scaler electronics slot does not match with scaler hose
Check scaler electronics connection.

280 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

Power supply related error messages

E16.4 Other instrument than scaler is connected to slot where scaler
electronics is.
Check scaler electronics connection.
E17 Power Supply related error messages.
E18 Power Supply related error messages.

31.3.3 Control panel related error messages

Control panel related error messages

E19.1 Control panel in branch 1 is of new type.
Update MCB software.
E19.2 Control panel in branch 2 is of new type.
Update MCB software.
E20.1 Control panel 1 button stuck.
Control panel button is stuck during self test.
E20.2 Control panel 2 button stuck.
Control panel button is stuck during self test.
E21 Control panel related error messages.
E22 Control panel related error messages.

31.3.4 Instrument related error messages

Instrument related error messages

E23 Polymerisation light bulb has blown or is not properly attached
to socket.
E23.1 Instrument overtemperature error.
Check the instrument handpiece and let the instrument cool
E23.2 Micromotor error; phase missing.
Check that the micromotor and hose are connected properly.
E23.3 Instrument undervoltage error.
E23.4 Instrument power protection error.
E23.5 Instrument EEPROM error.
E23.6 Instrument overvoltage error.

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31 Help and error messages

Instrument related error messages

E23.7 Instrument data communication error.
Check that instrument hose is properly connected. Do not
unmount hose when instrument is selected.
E23.8 Apex locator / Morita micromotor PCB failure.
E23.9 Unable to save instrument settings to selected preset.
E25 Satelec mini LED polymerisation light requires newer IMUX
PCB version.

31.3.5 Instrument multiplexer related error messages

Instrument multiplexer related error messages

E28.1 Reference resistor signal out of bounds when unit is switched
E28.2 Active instrument signal out of bounds.
Error in hose identifcation system in IMUX. Ensure that the
instrument's quick connector is properly attached.
E28.3 Syringe signal out of bounds.
Error in hose identifcation system in IMUX. Ensure that the
instrument's quick connector is properly attached.
E28.4 Reference resistor signal out of bounds when instrument is
Ensure that the instrument's quick connector is properly
E28.5 Syringe signal changes during use (blinking).
Error in hose identifcation system in IMUX. Ensure that the
instrument's quick connector is properly attached.
E29 Voltage error in instrument light power supply in IMUX.
If there is a problem with one instrument only, replace the
hose. If the problem is with several instruments or the hose is
ok, contact service.
E32.1 IMUX is not responding. IMUX cable disconnected or failure in
cable or IMUX.
E32.2 IMUX software is not compatible (IMUX is of new type) with
MCB software.
Update MCB software.
E32.3 IMUX data error (cable short circuit).
E32.4 IMUX communication error.
E32.5 Wrong IMUX type or wrong unit type.
E33.1 Syringe select valve short circuit.
E33.2 Instrument 1 select valve short circuit.

282 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

Instrument multiplexer related error messages

E33.3 Instrument 2 select valve short circuit.
E33.4 Instrument 3 select valve short circuit.
E33.5 Instrument 4 select valve short circuit.
E33.6 Instrument multiplexer related error messages.
E33.7 Drive/Cooling air valve short circuit.
E33.8 Air coolant valve short circuit.
E33.9 Water coolant valve short circuit.
E34.1 Syringe select valve open circuit.
E34.2 Instrument 1 select valve open circuit.
E34.3 Instrument 2 select valve open circuit.
E34.4 Instrument 3 select valve open circuit.
E34.5 Instrument 4 select valve open circuit.
E34.6 Instrument multiplexer related error messages.
E34.7 Drive/Cooling air valve open circuit.
E34.8 Air coolant valve circuit.
E34.9 Water coolant valve circuit.
E35.1 Drive/Cooling air pressure sensor output below 0.2 V.
E35.2 Air coolant pressure sensor output below 0.2 V.
E35.3 Water coolant pressure sensor output below 0.2 V.
E35.4 Differential pressure sensor output below 0.2 V.
E36.1 Drive/Cooling air measurement over range.
Check if micromotor handpiece has air- and waterlines. Check
if instrument, handpiece or hose is blocked.
E36.2 Spray air measurement over range.
Check if micromotor handpiece has air- and waterlines. Switch
off spray water and air if there are no air- and waterlines in
instrument or handpiece.
E36.3 Spray water measurement over range.
Check if micromotor handpiece has air- and waterlines. Switch
off spray water and air if there are no air- and waterlines in
instrument or handpiece.
E36.4 Differential pressure sensor output above 5 V.
E37 Pressure sensor cable not properly attached to IMUX.
E39 Drive (cooling) air valve control servo cannot maintain
pressure to instrument.
E42 Air coolant (spray air) control servo cannot maintain required
E45 Water coolant (spray water) control servo cannot maintain
required pressure.

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31 Help and error messages

31.3.6 Suction holder related error messages

Suction holder related error messages

E47 Suction holder is of new type.
E47.1 Suction holder in branch 1 is of new type.
Update MCB software.
E47.2 Suction holder in branch 2 is of new type.
Update MCB software.
E48.1 No suction holders detected.
Either the holder is missing or faulty, or the cable to the holder
is loose or faulty.
E48.2 Suction holder related error messages.
E48.3 Suction holder related error messages.
E48.4 Suction holder related error messages.
E49.1 Suction holder PCB or its cable is faulty in branch 1.
Either the holder is missing or faulty, or the cable to the holder
is loose or faulty.
E49.2 Suction holder PCB or its cable is faulty in branch 2.
Either the holder is missing or faulty, or the cable to the holder
is loose or faulty.
E50 Unidentified STCS jumper configuration.
E50.1 Water management system (WMS) must be set to Bottle
water off -mode when starting suction cleaning.
E50.2 Suction disinfectant pump is not running.

31.3.7 Foot control related error messages

Foot control related error messages

E51.1 Cable from foot control is loose or connected into wrong
connector on MCB.
E51.2 Foot control is not responding.
Ensure that the foot control cable is properly attached to the
unit. If it is, contact service.
E51.3 Foot control pedal was pressed down when dental unit was
switched on.
Restart the unit without touching the foot control.
E51.4 Foot control pedal was not in home position when dental unit
was switched on.
Restart the unit without touching the foot control.

284 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

Foot control related error messages

E51.5 Foot control's chair control knob was not in home position
when dental unit was switched on.
Restart the unit without touching the foot control.
E51.6 Foot control left knob is either stuck or active at power-up or
after pedal use.
E51.7 Foot control right knob is either stuck or active at power-up or
after pedal use.
E52 Foot control is of new type, update MCB software.
MCB software must be updated.
E52.1 Incompatible wireless foot control receiver software.
E52.2 Incompatible wireless foot control software.
E52.3 Incompatible foot control software.
E53 Foot control data error (cable short circuit).
E54.0 Foot control error.
E54.1 Foot control EEPROM write failure.
E54.2 Foot control EEPROM read failure.
E54.3 Pedal too far from sensors, channel A.
E54.4 Pedal too far from sensors, channel B.
E54.5 Sensor plate is tilted too much to either side, checksum error.
E54.6 Sensor plate is too close to PCB, channel A.
E54.7 Sensor plate is too close to PCB, channel B.
E54.8 Foot control re-trigger error.
E54.9 Foot control calibration error.
E55 Wireless foot control connection lost.

31.3.8 Operating light related error messages

Operating light related error messages

E56 Operating light erroneously connected or short circuit in push
E57 Incompatible SingLED software.
E58 Operating light bulb burned out.
Replace bulb.

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31 Help and error messages

31.3.9 Separator system related error messages

Separator system related error messages

E59.1 Separator reports functional error.
Refer to Metasys separator documentation.
E59.2 Separator reports functional error.
Refer to Dürr separator documentation.
E60 Separator is not responding or separator cable is faulty.
E61 Separator is flooded with too much water.
E62 Newly attached separator is of new type and cannot be
controlled by MCB.
E63.1 Water management system (WMS) seems to be installed,
although it should not be (according to service mode).
E63.2 No Water management system (WMS) is installed, although it
should be according to service mode.

31.3.10 Patient chair related error messages

Patient chair related error messages

E64 Lift motor position potentiometer or its cable is faulty or
E65 Lift motor does not run or no signal from position
E65.1 Lift motor does not run. EmeStop relay PCB/cables or position
sensor/cable may be faulty.
E66 Lift motor or its position potentiometer cable has a wrong
E67 Backrest position potentiometer or its cable is faulty or
E68 Backrest motor does not run or no signal from position
E68.1 Backrest motor does not run. EmeStop relay PCB/ cables or
position sensor/ cable may be faulty.
E69 Backrest motor or its position potentiometer cable has a wrong
E70.1 Lift motor error.
E70.2 Backrest motor error.

286 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

31.3.11 Main CPU related error messages

Main CPU related error messages

E72.1 Program (Flash-EPROM) error. Main software is corrupted.
Replace Flash- EPROM.
E72.2 Program (Flash-EPROM) error. Boot software is corrupted.
Replace Flash- EPROM.
E72.3 Program (Flash-EPROM) error.
Update MCB software.
E72.4 Data transfer error while updating main PCB SW from control
panel memory device.
E73.1 EEPROM error, CPU EEPROM erase/program failure, replace
E73.2 CPU configuration register contents are wrong, replace CPU.
E73.3 CPU EEPROM checksum error.
E73.4 CPU EEPROM checksum programmed. Replace CPU if error
occurs often.
E75.1 CPU error, WD reset.
E75.2 Illegal OP-code.
E75.3 Illegal vector.
E75.6 Mains voltage failure.
E75.7 Clock monitor reset.
E76 Main PCB hardware test failed.
E76.1 Unknown PCB version. Software upgrade required.
E79 IMUX water pressure cannot be released during waterline
cleaning cycle.
E79.1 IMUX water pressure rose during waterline cleaning cycle
when pressure rise was not expected.

31.3.12 Headrest related error messages

Headrest related error messages

E80.1 Motorised headrest is not found (according to service mode
E80.2 Motorised headrest is found, but is not set in service mode
E80.3 Headrest joystick (dentist side) stuck or cable broken.
E80.4 Headrest joystick (assistant side) stuck or cable broken.
E80.5 Motorised headrest motor A potentiometer or cable is faulty or

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 287

31 Help and error messages

Headrest related error messages

E80.6 Motorised headrest motor B potentiometer or cable is faulty or
E80.7 Motorised headrest length potentiometer or cable is faulty or
E81 Motorised headrest communication error (may be too old or
wrong software or loose cables or short circuit).
E81.1 Motorised headrest communication error.
E82 Headrest software is incompatible with MCB software.
Headrest or MCB software should be upgraded.
E82.1 Headrest software is incompatible with MCB software.
Headrest or MCB software should be upgraded.
E82.2 Incompatible headrest software.

31.3.13 ActiveAqua related error messages

ActiveAqua related error messages

E83 ActiveAqua connection loss
E83.1 ActiveAqua and main PCB settings vary.
Check and set water hardness (dH) and electrolysis settings
in service modes (n.181 and n.182) or in the ActiveAqua
view. Reset the counters for prefilter replacement and annual
E83.2 ActiveAqua electrolysis chamber asymmetrical current error.
E83.3 ActiveAqua electrolysis chamber high current error.
E83.4 ActiveAqua electrolysis chamber low current error.
E83.5 ActiveAqua RT clock malfunction.
E83.6 ActiveAqua water flow high.
Water flow too high due to faulty water flow sensor or leakage
in the system.
E83.7 ActiveAqua level sensors missing.
Level sensors are not connected.
E83.8 ActiveAqua electrolysis chamber very high current.
E83.9 ActiveAqua water container fill timeout.
ActiveAqua can not fill the water container. Ensure that
nothing blocks the inlet water (stuck inlet water filter or flow
reducer inside the main water block) and that the water
container does not leak.
E84.1 ActiveAqua water container fill self-test fail.
ActiveAqua can not fill the water container. Ensure that
nothing blocks the inlet water.

288 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

ActiveAqua related error messages

E84.2 ActiveAqua electrolysis chamber self-test fail.
Electrolysis chamber current not detected in ActiveAqua self-
test. Check the chamber connection.
E84.3 ActiveAqua water flow self-test fail.
Water flow not detected in ActiveAqua self-test. Check the
flow meter, circulation valve and pump.
E84.4 ActiveAqua pressure switch selft-test fail.
ActiveAqua pressure switch short circuit detected.
E84.5 ActiveAqua container recirculation flow self-test fail.
ActiveAqua water flow detected even if there should not be
E84.9 ActiveAqua software is incompatible with dental unit software.
Perform dental unit software upgrade.

31.3.14 Water leak related error messages

Water leak related error messages

E90 Water leak detected.
Main water valve is closed.
E90.1 Water leak detected. Water use allowed temporarily.

31.3.15 Maintenance related errors

Maintenance related errors

E91 Annual maintenance overdue.
Annual maintenance should have been performed <x> days

31.3.16 Software upgrade error messages

Software upgrade error messages

E99 Software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.
E99.1 MCB software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 289

31 Help and error messages

Software upgrade error messages

E99.2 IMUX software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.
E99.3 Control panel software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.
E99.4 Operating light software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.
E99.5 Motorised headrest software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.
E99.6 Foot control software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.
E99.7 Wireless foot control software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.
E99.8 Wireless foot control receiver software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.
E99.9 PlanID reader software upgrade failure.
Retry upgrade.

31.3.17 Error messages generated by control panel

Error messages generated by control panel

EP19.3 Control panel version mismatch.
EP19.5 Control panel software upgrade has failed or memory card is
EP21.1 Control panel display is faulty.
EP21.2 Control panel data error.
EP21.5 Unable to read Main PCB software version.
EP21.6 Control panel software not installed or software error.
Insert software update SD-card or contact service.
EP21.7 Touch panel is not working.

31.4 Viewing help and error message history

About this task

The dental unit keeps a log of all help and error messages. It can be viewed
in the About this unit window.

290 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

1. Press Program.

2. Press About this unit.

The following is an example only and does not necessarily portray the
actual situation.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 291

31 Help and error messages

3. Press Message history.

The following window opens.

Move up and down on the list with the arrow buttons.

When you click on a message, the message is opened into a new
The message history window can be filtered by message type.
In the picture above, all types are listed:

Messages related to cleaning cycles

Help messages

Error messages

4. Optional: Filter messages by toggling the Message type buttons.

A grey button means that the message type is not listed, and a blue
button that it is listed.

292 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

31 Help and error messages

5. Optional: Delete the message history by pressing Delete message


A confirmation message is displayed. Confirm the deletion by pressing


Carefully consider when the deletion of message history is appropriate
as it contains information that is valuable to the Planmeca service
6. Press OK to close the window.

The Save message history to USB -option is meant to be used only by a
qualified Planmeca service technician.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 293

32 Consumables

32 Consumables
Consumables are detachable parts of the dental unit that the user can

Suction handpieces

Part Order number Material

Saliva suction nozzle 00221015 PU/ABS

Suction tip Universal Cannula 10034007 PBT

Protect, Dürr, 5 pcs

Suction tip Prophylaxis 10034009 PBT

Cannula, Dürr, 4 pcs

Billund saliva suction handpiece 10039175 PP, POM,

assembly stainless steel

Dürr saliva suction handpiece 10039173 PSU, PP,

assembly POM, stainless

Billund high-volume suction 10039176 PP, POM,

handpiece assembly stainless steel

Dürr high-volume suction 10039172 PSU, PP,

handpiece assembly POM, stainless

Tilting high-volume suction 10022870 PSU, PP,

handpiece assembly POM, stainless

294 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

32 Consumables

Sterile water hoses

Part Order number Material

Sterile water hose with 3.2 x 1.6 10022953 Silicone, PVC
mm pump hose

Infection control parts

Part Order number Material

Dürr disposable filter 00221013 PP
0725-041-00, 1 piece PP
Dürr disposable filter
0725-041-00, 12 pcs
NOTE! 2 filters needed
Filters retain solid particles with
a diameter of ≥ 2 mm
Handle of Planmeca Solanna 30005173 Silicone rubber
operating light, 1 piece
NOTE! 2 handles needed

Hygiene membrane 30016100 Silicone rubber

Silicone mat for tray, size 1 10029421 Silicone rubber

Silicone mat for tray, size 2 10029413 Silicone rubber

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 295

32 Consumables

Infection control parts

Part Order number Material

Cover cap for bowl filter 10005746 PSU

Bowl filter 10005329 PSU

Filter retains solid particles with
a diameter of >= 1.9 mm

Extension for cup fill tube 10005343

Instrument flushing holder for 10036781 Silicone rubber

dental units with Luzzani
MiniBright syringe

Instrument flushing holder for 10005269 Silicone rubber

dental units with Luzzani Ergo

Adapter for DCI syringe 10005801 Aluminium

Adapter for Luzzani Minibright 10037239 Modified

syringe polyphenylene
ether resin

296 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

32 Consumables

Infection control parts

Part Order number Material

Amalgam collector, Dürr 10013485 PBT

Dürr OroCup 00004883 PE

WCS bottle 10040749 PE

Prefilter for Planmeca 30018103


Foot cover for Comfy upholstery 02500000 PVC

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 297

32 Consumables

Infection control parts

Part Order number Material

Foot cover for Ultra Relax 10009142 PVC

Foot cover for Ultra Relax 10030201 PVC

upholstery with automatic


Part Order number Contents

Planmeca Planosil, 2 x 5 kg 10011547 Water,
solution and

Planmeca PlanPure, 1 litre, 6- 10038303 Mixture of

pack propylene
biguanides and
agents in

Green and Clean WK solution, 10035933 Water,

4 x 750 ml hydrogen
solution and

298 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

33 Disposal

33 Disposal
In order to reduce the environmental load over the product’s entire lifecycle,
Planmeca products are designed to be as safe as possible to dispose of.
Planmeca products fulfil the requirements of Directives 2011/65/EU (RoHS)
and 2012/19/EU (WEEE).
Disposal of obsolete units is the responsibility of the waste possessor. The
risks involved and the necessary precautions must be taken into account
when handling waste products.
Parts which can be recycled should always be taken to the appropriate
processing centres, after hazardous waste has been removed. All parts
and components containing hazardous materials must be disposed of in
accordance with waste legislation and instructions issued by the local
environmental authorities.
The following parts contain hazardous waste:
• Amalgam separators in dental units, including filters and amalgam
collector /deposit cup (amalgam)
Batteries must be disposed of following the requirements of Directive
2006/66/EEC and in accordance with waste legislation and instructions
issued by the local environmental authorities.
The following parts contain batteries:
• Dental unit wireless foot control
• Circuit boards (may contain)

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 299

34 Technical information

34 Technical information
34.1 Technical specifications
Original manufacturer
PLANMECA Oy, Asentajankatu 6, 00880 Helsinki, FINLAND
Phone: +358 20 7795 500, fax: +358 20 7795 555,
Painted parts: RAL-9016
Upholstery colours: Please consult your dealer for availability
Mechanical dimensions
Installed: (H x D x W) 1210 mm x 963 mm x 1990 mm
(see template for details)
150 kg (331 lbs)
Maximum allowed load on patient seat
Maximum allowed patient weight 185 kg (407 lbs) and accessories load of
15 kg (33 lbs)
Environmental conditions
Transportation conditions
Temperatures: -20°C to +60°C (-4°F to +140°F)
Relative humidity: 5% RH to 95% RH; non-condensing humidity
Air pressure: 700 hPa to 1060 hPa (10 psi to 15 psi)
Storage conditions
Temperatures: -5°C to +60°C (+23°F to +140°F)
Relative humidity: 5% RH to 95% RH; non-condensing humidity
Air pressure: 700 hPa to 1060 hPa (10 psi to 15 psi)
If the unit has been stored at temperatures below +10 °C (+50 °F) for
more than a few hours, time must be allowed for the unit to reach room
temperature in the original packing before connecting the unit to the mains
Operating conditions
Temperatures: +15°C to +35°C (+59°F to +95°F)
Relative humidity: 5% RH to 95% RH; non-condensing humidity
Air pressure: 800 hPa to 1060 hPa (12 psi to 15 psi)
Altitude: < 2000 m (less than 1.25 miles)
Mains voltage and frequency
Mains voltage setting: 100V~
Mains frequency: 50 or 60 Hz
Fuse rating and type

300 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

34 Technical information

F1, F2 = Schurter 0001.1014 10A/250V/FAST ACTING/HIGH BR CAP.

(100V, 115V)
F1, F2 = Bussmann S501-10-R 10A 250V FAST ACTING/HIGH BR CAP.
(100V, 115V)
F1, F2 = Schurter 0001.1012 6.3A/250V/FAST ACTING/HIGH BR CAP.
(220V – 240V)
F1, F2 = Bussmann S501-6.3-R 6.3A 250V FAST ACTING/HIGH BR CAP.
(220V- 240V)
F3, F4 = 4A/250V/Fast act./High br. cap, Schurter 0001.1010 OR
Bussmann S501-4-R
F5 = 8A/250V/Fast act./High br. cap, Schurter 0001.1013 OR Bussmann
F6 - F8 = 6.3A/250V/Fast act./High br. cap, Schurter 0001.1012 OR
Bussmann S501-6.3-R
Power consumption
Idle unit: ≈ 60 VA (unit not in use, OP-light turned on)
Typical average: ≈ 350 VA (during patient treatment)
Maximum: 1450 VA (at maximum rated mains voltage, both
chair motors running)
Electrical classification
Class I
Operation of chair lift and backrest motors
Intermittent operation, ED 6%, 25 sec "ON", 400 sec. "OFF"
Water supply
Pressure range: min. 300kPa (44 psi), max. 900 kPa (130 psi)
In dental units with Planmeca WEK water
disinfection system, the pressure range must be
300 - 600 kPa (44 – 87 psi).
In dental units with Planmeca ActiveAqua water
treatment system, the pressure range must be
(100)200 - 900 kPa ((15)30 - 130 psi).
Flow rate: ≥ 4 l / min (maximum consumption at any
Quality: hardness; ≤ 8°dH
In dental units with Planmeca ActiveAqua water
treatment system, the water hardness can be 0 -
pH: 6.5 – 8.5
Connection: 1/4”

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 301

34 Technical information

Backflow prevention: The water supply line must be equipped

with a backflow prevention valve according
to local requirements. E.g. in most European
countries according to EN1717 standard, BA
Type backflow preventer.
In dental units with Planmeca WEK water
disinfection system or Planmeca ActiveAqua
water treatment system, a backflow prevention
valve is not needed as they are separated from
mains water with an AB type air gap.
Conductivity: > 80 μS/cm
This requirement applies only to dental units with
Planmeca ActiveAqua water treatment system
Chloride content: Recommended above 8 mg/L but feasible 4 - 8
This requirement applies only to dental units with
Planmeca ActiveAqua water treatment system
Air supply
Pressure range: min. 550 kPa (80 psi), max. 900 kPa (130 psi)
Flow rate: ≥ 55 litres / minute (maximum consumption at
any instance)
Humidity: dew point not greater than −20 °C at atmospheric
Quality: medical grade, dry and oil-free
Oil contamination: max. 0.5 mg/m3
Particulate ≤ 100 particles per cubic meter for 1 μm to 5 μm
contamination: particle size
Connection: 1/4”
Water and air filters
Water filter: 25 µm (internal), 5 µm (external suggested)
Air filter: 25 µm (internal)
Replacement of water and air filters should be performed by qualified
service technician according to the maintenance schedule.
See section "Annual maintenance" on page 6.
Suction connection
Vacuum: ≥ 150 mbar
Flow rate: ≥ 550 l/ min
Connection: Ø 50 / 46 mm
Type: Medium volume
Class: Wet or dry depending on installed options
Drain connection
Capacity: min. 10 l/min
Connection: Ø 50 / 46 mm
Water and air quick-connectors (optional)

302 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

34 Technical information

Output pressure: water 2.8 bar, air 5.5 bar (regulated internal water
and air pressure)
Foot control power supply (optional)
Type: MENB1010A0903F01
Wireless foot control (optional)
Battery size: AA, HR6
Battery type: NiMH 1.2V, min 2000mAh, low self-discharge,
UL-listed (USA, Canada only)
Planmeca ProSensor power supply (optional)
Phihong Single Port Injector
Type: PSA16U-480 (POE)
Input voltage: 100-240 VAC (50-60 Hz)
Output voltage: 48VDC
Max. output current: 0.35 A
Insulation voltage
Primary-secondary 3000VDC

Suction system cleaning, Planmeca approved suction


Procedure Dosage Affect time

Suction system Suction disinfectant Min. 2 minutes; can be
cleaning concentration is 3.6% adjusted

Planmeca approved disinfectants for the suction system are Dürr Orotol
Plus and ORBI-Sept Evacuation System Disinfection Concentrate. For
more information on these disinfectants, please refer to the manufacturer’s

34.2 Instrument classifications

The electrical classification of the instrument is marked on the instrument
hose either as B or BF. If there is no marking, no electricity flows through the
Type B

Type BF

The following lists the instruments that are available for the Planmeca dental
unit and their electrical classification type.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 303

34 Technical information

Instrument classifications

Instrument Type
DCI autoclavable 3-way syringe B
Luzzani Ergo 3-way syringe B
Luzzani Minibright 6-way syringe B
Luzzani Minibright 6-way syringe with LED B
PM fibre optic turbine hose S B
Bien-Air MCX brushless micromotor with LED B
Bien-Air MX2 brushless micromotor with LED B
Bien-Air MX-i LED implantology micromotor B
SycoTec SLM-E Typ 810 brushless micromotor with LED B
Morita TORX micromotor B
EMS No Pain scaler B
EMS No Pain LED scaler B
LM-ProPower Ultra scaler B
LM-ProPower UltraLED scaler B
Satelec Newtron scaler B
Satelec Newtron LED scaler B
Planmeca Lumion Plus LED polymerisation light B
Planmeca Somia USB intraoral camera BF
Planmeca Emerald intraoral scanner B

34.3 Dimensions

34.3.1 Positioning of patient, dentist and assistant

The following picture shows an example of how to position the dentist and
assistant during treatment.
The patient must always be positioned in the patient chair, with arms and
legs resting on the upholstery. The dentist and assistant can move within the
areas marked in the picture below.

The following picture is an example only and presents one possible
scenario. The actual positioning of dentist and assistant depends on the
used working method, treatment situation, region etc. and can therefore not
be explicitly stated in this manual.

304 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

34 Technical information

1. Dentist’s area
2. Assistant’s area

34.3.2 Patient area

The patient area is 1.5 m (59.1”) in each direction from the dental unit.
The external PC, its keyboard and mouse, as well as Planmeca ProSensor’s
power supply and the Planmeca ProX generator assembly must be located
outside the patient area. The dentist, assistant and patient must not touch
the equipment outside the patient area during treatment.

Use only Planmeca specified devices inside the patient area.

The floor of the patient area must be dry.

Connect only Planmeca specified devices to the dental unit.

The external PC must be protectively earthed and IEC 60950 -approved (CE

The monitor must fulfil IEC 60601-1 ed.3 requirements.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 305

34 Technical information

Inside patient area: Outside patient area:

1. Dental unit 9. Foot control battery charger
2. Planmeca monitor 10. Planmeca ProSensor PoE port and power
3. Planmeca ProX X-ray tube head and arm 11. External PC
4. Planmeca ProSensor control box 12. Planmeca ProX generator assembly
5. Planmeca operating light
6. Foot control. Use only IEC 60601-1 approved
power source supplied by Planmeca
7. Tablet
8. Planmeca intraoral scanner

306 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

34 Technical information

34.3.3 Over-the-patient delivery with balanced instrument arms

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 307

34 Technical information

34.3.4 Over-the-patient delivery with hanging-tube instruments

308 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

34 Technical information

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 309

34 Technical information

34.3.5 Side delivery with hanging-tube instruments

310 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

34 Technical information

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 311

34 Technical information

34.3.6 Cart

312 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

34 Technical information

34.4 Planmeca Compact i dental unit water consumption

Part Water consumption
Bowl The flow rate is approx. 2.5 litres (0.66 gallons)
per minute. The flow rate can be configured.
Cup fill The cup filling is adjusted for the size of cup you
Syringe The flow rate is approx. 0.1 litres (0.03 gallons)
per minute.
Handpieces The flow rate is approx. 0.05 litres (0.01 gallons)
per minute.
Suction system The flow rate is approx. 0.4 litres (0.11 gallons) /
minute when the suction is on, and the amount
depends on which suction system is used in the
dental unit. The water flow keeps the suction
system clean when in use.
Suction system Cleaning is done once a day and uses 2.5 litres
cleaning cycle (0.66 gallons) of water.

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 313

35 Planmeca as EU importer

35 Planmeca as EU importer
Planmeca is the EU importer for the following manufacturers:

E.M.S Electro Medical Systems S.A

Rue Vuarpilliere 31, CH-1260 Nyon, Switzerland

EU authorised representative:
Route de Pontarlier 32, 39460 Foncine le Haut, France

J. Morita MFG. Corp.

680 Higashihama Minami-cho Fushimi-ku Kyoto 612-8533, Japan

EU authorised representative:
Medical Technology Promedt Consulting GmbH
Altenhofstrasse 80, 66386 St. Ingbert, Germany

Dental Components, LLC dba DCI International

305 North Springbrook Rd Newberg, Oregon 97132, USA

EU authorised representative:
Dental Components Europe (DCE)
56 Bis Avenue de la Lanterne, 06200 Nice, France

314 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

36 Certifications

36 Certifications
36.1 CE
Hereby, Planmeca Oy declares that the radio equipment type PlanID™ is in
compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available upon request.

36.2 EU Declaration of Conformity for PlanID RFID-reader

Hereby, Planmeca Oy declares that the radio equipment type PlanID™ is in
compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available upon request.

36.3 EAC Declaration of Conformity for PlanID RFID-reader

This device has been tested to comply with the applicable standards. The full
text of the EAC declaration of conformity is available upon request.
If an operational failure of the device is detected, consult your local
Planmeca dealer for assistance.
For date of manufacture of the device please see type label on device.

36.4 FCC Class B Notice for wireless foot control

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved
by Planmeca may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to
operate this equipment.

36.5 FCC Class B Notice for PlanID RFID-reader

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions:

User's manual Planmeca Compact i 315

36 Certifications

1. This device may not cause harmful interference.

2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved
by Planmeca may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to
operate this equipment.

36.6 Industry Canada (IC) Compliance Statement

This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation
of the device.

36.7 Industrie Canada (IC) Déclaration de conformité

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables
aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux
deux conditions suivantes:
(1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de
l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

36.8 RF Exposure
This device has been tested for compliance with FCC RF exposure limits
in a portable configuration. At least 15 cm of separation distance between
the PlanID device and the user's body must be maintained at all times. This
device must not be used with any other antenna or transmitter that has not
been approved to operate in conjunction with this device.

316 Planmeca Compact i User's manual

Planmeca Oy | Asentajankatu 6 | 00880 Helsinki | Finland
tel. +358 20 7795 500 | fax +358 20 7795 555 | [email protected] |

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