Lea Reviewer
Lea Reviewer
Lea Reviewer
ACT 183 – law creates the MPD CESAR NAZARENO – the first chief of
ACT NO 70 – act establishes the
Metropolitan police force in manila COL ANTONIO TORRES – First Filipino
Chief of police of Manila police District
ADMINISTRATION – an organizational
process concerned with the implementation COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY:
of objectives and plans and internal RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY
operating efficiency
ADMINISTRATION: BUREAUCRACY of police says that immediate
commanders shall be responsible for the
ADMINISTRATIVE – Planning, research,
effective supervision and control of their
and budgeting are example of what
personnel and units?
function in police organization?
CONTINENTAL THEORY - police have no
ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTION – Planning, or minimal interaction with their clientele
research, and budgeting are example of
what function in police organization CONTINENTAL THEORY – refers to a
group of persons working together for a
AUGUST VOLMER – first police chief of common goal or objectives
Berkeley, California
CONTROLLING – administrative function
AUTHORITY – the right to command and would involve the act of assessing the
control the behavior of employees performance of each member of the
organization when dispute as to the CONTROLLING – the checking or
command exist what problem-solving evaluation and measurement of work
device will be utilized? performance in organization
AUTHORITY LEVEL PRINCIPLE – principle DIE INDICUM – The word Ordeal was
in organization is regarded as a problem- derived from what Medieval LATIN word?
solving device
EGYPTIANS – introduced the first use of
dogs as guards and protectors
EXECUTIVE ORDER 1040 – law transferred community were not familiar to him to avoid
the administrative control and supervision contact with person that he knows. What
of the INP from the Ministry of National concept of modern policing was applied
Defense to the National Police
KIN POLICING – form of early policing
system whereby family of the offended
FRANK PLEDGE SYSTEM – system of individual was expected to assume
policing whereby a group of ten responsibility for justice
neighboring male residents or over 12
LAST RESORT – In the concept of modern
years of age were required to guard the
policing system physical force is only used
GREEK – The term “POLICE” was derived
LINE FUNCTION – oldest and simplest type
from word?
of which is define by its clear chain of
GROUND COMMANDER – In Crowd command
dispersal/control who manage the incident
LINE STRUCTURE – “command must
GUARDIA CIVIL – policing system come from the higher level of authority
consisted of a body of Filipino policemen before it can be carried out” the statement
organized originally in each of the best applies to organizational structure?
provincial capitals of the central provinces MANAGEMENT – also known as the
of Luzon under the Alcalde Mayor? judicious or wise use of resources.
HEIRARCHY – refers to representation of MANAGEMENT – Mr. is the head of the
the formal relationship among superiors and organization; the latter prudently utilizes all
subordinates in any given organization of the resources of his company for the
HENRY FIELDING – organized the Bow effective delivery of services to their
Street Runners stakeholders. Mr. simply practice which
administrative function?
HENRY FIELDING – organized the bow
street runners MANAGEMENT – Mr. is the head of the
organization; the latter prudently utilizes
HOME RULE THEORY – Police officer X is all of the resources of his company for the
assigned in community relations effective delivery of services to their
department, he does always go to the stakeholders. Mr. simply practice which
community and seek the actual problem in administrative function?
their community to determine what crime
prevention program should be employ. The MARCH 17 1954 – Automobile Patrol was
situation applies to what theory introduced in Metro Manila
HOME RULE THEORY – theory of police MEDJAYS – term used to police force
service states that policemen are civil whose duties include guarding of the tombs
servants whose key duty is the preservation and apprehending thieves in Egypt
of public peace and security
METHOD OF CRIME – “no person shall be
IMPARTIAL ENFORCEMENT – supposing, tried for murder unless there is a proof of
Police Officer X is newly hired police the the body of the victim” the statement best
latter then was assigned in the area where applies to the following. Except?
METROPOLITAN POLICE ACT OF 1829 – PLANNING – Prior to the deployment of
act establishes the first formally organized police officers in the field the police were to
modern police force in England follow specific procedures which was made
in advance to identify on how they will
MODERN – broadens police activities to execute their function in the field. This
cater to social services and welfare of the applies to which administrative function?
individual as one of its mission as well as
that of the community in general are what PLANNING – the determination in advance
concept of police service? of how the objectives of the organization will
be attained
MODERN CONCEPT – What concept of
police service is applied if the efficiency of POLICE – a public official with an
the police is measured by means of extraordinary power to make an arrest and
decreased number of crimes? performing direct police functions
OFFIXER DELA PAIX – claimed to be the POLICE – refers to a body of civil authority,
origin of the term police officer which is tasked to maintain peace and order