Air Around Us

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1/2/22, 12:37 PM Air around Us

Beyond the Clouds


The vast white fluffy clouds seen in the blue sky is actually millions of tiny water
droplets held up by air.

The water vapour that evaporates from seas, rivers and other water bodies travels up into
the sky to form clouds.

What's in It Air, You

Air is everywhere

We cannot see air, but we can feel its presence in so many ways.
The leaves of the trees rustle or the clothes hanging on a clothesline sway because of
the presence of air.
Pages of an open book begin fluttering when the fan is switched on.
Our earth is surrounded by a thin layer of air.
This layer extends up to many kilometres above the surface of the earth and is called

Colour of air

Air has no colour and one can see through it. It is transparent.

Moving air

Moving air can be termed as wind.

We can feel the wind as it sways leaves on a tree or during storms the wind blows at a very
high speed even uprooting trees in their way.

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The layer of air that covers the Earth extends upto some kilometres in space, this is the

Air as a Mixture

Air is a mixture of different gases and particles; oxygen, water vapour, nitrogen, carbon
dioxide, dust and smoke.

Main components of Air

The main constituents of air are nitrogen and oxygen. Air is 78 percent nitrogen, just under
21 percent oxygen, and the rest is water vapor, carbon dioxide and small concentrations of
other gases.

Water vapour

Water vapour is present in the air as a gaseous form of water and is responsible for

Dust and smoke

The minor particles that are present in air. High amount of these particles in air can cause

I Can't Live Without You

Breathing in animals

Animals take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide during respiration. 2/4
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Breathing in humans

Breathing in plants

Plants respire through the process of photosynthesis. In this process, they take in carbon
dioxide and give out oxygen as a waste which we breathe in.


Photosynthesis is a biological process used by plants to prepare their food with the help of
sunlight and energy. Carbon dioxide is taken in and oxygen is given out as a waste product
in this process.


Breathing in fish

Oxygen dissolved in water is used by fishes to breathe.

Symbiotic cycle

Organisms usually come together where each benefits from the other.
We get oxygen and other products from plants and they get not only carbon dioxide
but other advantages from us.
This is in the form of a cycle. Respiration and photosynthesis lead to recycling of
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the environment.

Come on Baby, Light My Fire 3/4
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Fire requires oxygen for sustenance.

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