Supplier Management

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P&SC Supplier-Management COMPLETED

Checklist Date: [Date]
Auditor Name: [Team Leader Name]
MS Sub-El.




Question Remarks Assessor Guidance
2,2 Interviews/Physical P&SC-MGMT 17236 Does the supplier have a formal and well documented CAT1 Y,N Yes: The supplier has a formal strategy and a development plan and medium / long
Checks/Records development plan including investment, production capabilities term strategy which is formally documented and communicated. Implementation
development, commercial expansion plan, R&D...? plan is also formalized
No: the supplier does not have strategy and development plan
1,1 Interviews/Physical P&SC-MGMT 17237 Is the supplier development plan implementation monitored? CAT1 Y,N Yes: The supplier strategy and a development plan implementation is monitored.
Checks/Records Results are registered
No: the supplier does not monitor strategy and development plan implementation

6,2 Interviews/Physical P&SC-MGMT 17238 Does the supplier demonstrate a structured approach in CAT1 Y,N "Yes: Supplier planning is fully linked to customer business plan, it is periodically
Checks/Records business planning to incorporate all business & customer reviewed and updated to incorporate new customer requirements
requirements? No: Supplier planning is not linked customer business plan or not fully aligned"

5,2 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17240 Does the supplier have recovery plan or contingency planning CAT1 Y,N Yes: Plan is in place to serve major customer in case of major disruption
in case of major production disruption for major customers? No: No plan in place

5,1 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17241 Does the supplier identify risks related to its activity? CAT1 Y,N Yes: Major risks identified and quantified for all company operations
No: Risk not identified
5,1 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17243 Does the suppliers develop a risk mitigation plan? CAT1 Y,N Yes: Risk mitigation plan exist for all company risk identified
No: Risk mitigation plan does exist
3,1 Interviews/Physical Checks P&SC-MGMT 17253 Does the supplier management team have the capabilities and CAT1 Y,N Yes: The supplier management team is skilled, well organized and has clear vision.
vision to run the business? No: The management team is weak or lack some capabilities

3,1 Interviews/Physical Checks P&SC-MGMT 17254 Is the company organization chart clear? CAT1 Y,N Yes: The supplier organization is clear and well documented
No: The management team roles and responsibilities are unclear with overlap and /
or non managed areas
3,1 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17260 Does the supplier resources have job description detailing job CAT1 Y,N Yes: All job positions are formally described with role, responsibilities and
to be performed and capabilities required? capabilities required. Job description are clearly communicated to employees who
are aware of their responsibilities
No: Job description do not formally exist or do not exist
3,1 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 45429 Is the Supplier following Schlumberger Accounts Payable CAT1 Y,N Yes: Invoice Submission process is current and up to date per SLB requirements.
procedures? Supplier is aware of the overall supplier invoice compliance / PO Invoices
* Are they aware of Non- PO template ( for Non – PO requirements. Supplier can describe NON-PO invoice requirements and can
commodities ) access My Supplier Portal
* Are they aware of SOA submission No: Supplier is unaware of SLB requirements or are not formally using existing
* Are they sending the invoices after the goods have been process.
delivered / service provided Add remarks on the current process if any one of the above process is not done
* Is the supplier using the preferred method of invoicing for his correctly.
scope: Ariba / MSP or any other EDI methodology

1,1 Interviews/Physical Checks P&SC-MGMT 13845 Does the supplier have a vision or mission statement for the CAT2 Y,N Yes: The supplier has a vision and/or mission statement that is known and
company? displayed in the working environment.
No: The supplier does not have a vision nor a mission statement and it is not well
known within the working environment.
3,5 Records P&SC-MGMT 13846 Does the supplier have a system to ensure the quality of their CAT2 Y,N YES: Personnel are hired with specific expertise and experience. Background
people; clear hiring requirements and background checks? checks are completed and documented in the personnel files - proof of checks for
all levels of employees is verified. The suppier can verify this by showing samples
of documentation for current employees; CV, background check, reference checks,
NO: Personnel are hired without specific expertise or skills and background checks
are not conducted.

# SLB-Private
3,3 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 13847 Is there a training program for employees to ensure that CAT2 Y,N A training program should be available for all personnel within a company, whether
necessary skills are in place? it be technical or process training.
YES: Minimum training requirements to perform specific tasks are defined and
tracked. Evidence of training records per job description are defined and tracked
and competency progress charts or achievements can be shown.
NO: No training program in place.

1,1 Records P&SC-MGMT 13848 Does the supplier monitor attrition levels and analyse retention CAT2 Y,N A high attrition rate can indicate work environment issues and subsequently
issues and implement actions? become Service Quality Issues for Schlumberger.
Yes: Attrition numbers are monitored on a regular basis and where levels are
outside the acceptable range, they are analysed and actioned appropriately.
No: Attrition numbers are not monitored.

6,3 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17239 Does the supplier have recovery plan or contingency planning CAT2 Y,N "Yes: Disaster plan in place for ensuring continuity of supplies to customers (Critical
in case of major production disruption for all customers? Machinery, Labor unrest, Labor absence etc.)
No: No plan in place for all customers"
3,1 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17247 Is the management team formally and periodically involved in CAT2 Y,N Yes: Management team is fully involved in company operations results and in
quality control, continuous improvement, customer audits customer feedback implementation.
action plans implementation, customer satisfaction reviews? No: Management team delegated improvement plan to middle management and
lower level of management
3,4 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17249 Does the supplier have an up to date ERP in place? CAT2 Y,N Yes: The supplier has ERP which is up to date
No: The supplier has no ERP system
3,4 Interviews/Physical P&SC-MGMT 17251 Does ERP cover all company sectors (Procurement, CAT2 Y,N Yes: The supplier has ERP covers all function of the company. All ERP modules
Checks/Records Production, Maintenance, AP/AP, Sales)? are fully integrated
No: The supplier ERP does not cover all function of the company or different
modules are not properly integrated to provide consolidated view
3,5 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17255 Are all the Supplier HR & Recruitment policies formalized? CAT2 Y,N Yes: HR and Recruitment policy is clearly documented and auditable
No: Policies are not formalized
3,5 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17256 Does the supplier have a resource need planning? CAT2 Y,N Yes: HR have a view on future needs in resources and capabilities, linked with
company strategy and business plan and customer requirements.
No: HR do not have forecasts plan.
3,2 Records P&SC-MGMT 17258 Does succession plan exist for all key positions within the CAT2 Y,N Yes: All position within the organization are covered by the succession planning. All
supplier organization? positions have at least 2 successor identified. Succession plan is formalized
Partly: All position are not covered by succession plan within the company or this
plan is not documented

3,3 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17261 Is there any training effectiveness assessment plan in place? CAT2 Y,N Yes: Effectiveness of all training provided is measured through tests before and
after training. Training effectiveness of employees is all also measured through on
the job performance reviews. Training effectiveness is formally recorded and
assessed periodically to improve training programs
No: Effectiveness of trainings is not measured

3,2 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 17262 Does the supplier have a structured Sourcing & procurement CAT2 Y,N Yes: Procurement & Sourcing positions are clearly identified as such and staffed
3,1 Interviews/Records P&SC-MGMT 45430 Does the supplier have an official catalogue/ price book CAT2 Y,N Yes : Catalogues and Price List exists and are clear with expiration dates . Verify
specifically for SLB with clear prices and validity within SLB systems if the price list exists or ask for evidence of SWPS ID/ SAP ITT
Catalog #
No: No Catalogue / Price List
Total: N/A
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# SLB-Private
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P&SC Supplier-Management

# SLB-Private

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