Geophysical appraisal of the Abu Madi gas reservoir, Nile Delta Basin, Egypt:
Implications for the tectonic effect on the lateral distribution of petrophysical
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Petroleum Research
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Geophysical appraisal of the Abu Madi gas reservoir, Nile Delta Basin,
Egypt: Implications for the tectonic effect on the lateral distribution of
petrophysical parameters
Mohammad Abdelfattah Sarhan
Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, New Damietta City, 34517, Egypt
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The tectonic deformation has a significant influence on the hydrocarbon reservoirs properties. The effect
Received 19 December 2021 of this process focuses on the lateral distribution of the petrophysical parameters characterizing the
Received in revised form hydrocarbon reservoirs. The main objective of the current study is to perform a petrophysical exami-
27 February 2022
nation of the Abu Madi gas reservoir which is the greatest gas-bearing reservoir at Nile Delta Basin in
Accepted 6 March 2022
order to examine how far the Messinian tectonics affected the lateral variations of these petrophysical
Available online xxx
parameters. This petrophysical evaluation was performed based on the wireline log data acquired for five
wells, namely, Abu Madi-2, Abu Madi-7, El Qara-3, Nidoco-7, and Nidoco-9 drilled within the Abu Madi
Abu madi formation
Paleo-Valley. The petrophysical assessment for the most promising zone intervals within the Abu Madi
Messinian reservoir sandstones in the inspected wells show that the total porosity varies between 17% and 22%, the effective
Nile delta basin porosity ranges from 7% to 19%, the shale volume fluctuates between 16% and 30%, hydrocarbon satu-
Petrophysical parameters ration varies from 37% to 76%, and the bulk volume of water varies between 0.02 and 0.09. These sig-
Well logging nificant variations in the petrophysical properties of the Abu Madi reservoir are attributed to the tectonic
influence during the deposition of the Abu Madi Formation as a part of the Late Miocene syn-rift
megasequence in the Nile Delta Basin. This conclusion confirms that the petrophysical properties of
sandstone reservoirs are function of tectonic and structural deformation.
© 2022 Chinese Petroleum Society. Publishing services provided by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi
Communication Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
1. Introduction which drilled the first well (Mit Ghamr-1) in 1966. The same
company achieved the first commercial result in 1967 upon the
The Nile Delta Basin (NDB) has a long history of hydrocarbon discovery of natural gas from the Abu Madi field at the onshore part
exploration in both onshore and offshore sectors. Several trillion of the Nile Delta. This field produced gas from the Messinian Abu
cubic feet of gas was discovered during the last 50 years from Madi Formation. In 1969, Philips Company started the first deep
different stratigraphic levels, ranging from the Oligocene to the drilling in the offshore part of the Nile Delta in the Abu Qir Bay in
PlioceneePleistocene (e.g. Abu El-Ella, 1990; Pigott and Abdel- the northwestern offshore part of the Nile Delta by extracting
Fattah, 2014; Abdel-Fattah and Tawfik, 2015; Sarhan and Safa, natural gas from the Abu Madi sandstones. The second offshore gas
2017, 2019; Nabawy et al., 2018; Abdel Aal et al., 2000; Abdel- was discovered in 1978 by a French oil company named Elf Aqui-
Fattah, 2014; Sarhan, 2021a, b and c; Sarhan et al., 2022; Abdel- taine in the northern part of Alexandria City and produced natural
Fattah et al., 2022). gas from the Abu Madi Formation (Abu El-Ella, 1990).
The Messinian Abu Madi sandstones have been the primary gas The Abu Madi Formation was deposited throughout the Messi-
provenance in both the onshore and offshore portions of the NDB nian (EI-Heiny and Morsi, 1992; EGPC, 1994) and is basically
for numerous petroleum companies since 1963 (Abu El-Ella, 1990). composed of sandstone and shale intercalations (Rizzini et al.,
Exploration activities in the NDB started in 1963 when the first 1976). The Abu Madi Paleo-Valley refers to the proto-Nile distrib-
concession was given to the International Egyptian Oil Company, utaries at northern NDB, which incised a wide fluvial system in the
preexisting continental shelf and slope of the Mediterranean Sea as
a result of the significant decrease in the global sea level during the
E-mail address: [email protected]. Messinian (Barber, 1981; Sestini, 1989; Harms and Wary, 1990).
2096-2495/© 2022 Chinese Petroleum Society. Publishing services provided by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communication Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Please cite this article as: M.A. Sarhan, Geophysical appraisal of the Abu Madi gas reservoir, Nile Delta Basin, Egypt: Implications for the tectonic
effect on the lateral distribution of petrophysical parameters, Petroleum Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ptlrs.2022.03.002
M.A. Sarhan Petroleum Research xxx (xxxx) xxx
Accordingly, the Abu Madi sandstones were deposited as an northern Egypt on an E-W trend (Mosconi et al., 1996), as presented
incised-valley fill representing a lowstand systems tract and were in Fig. 1A. This hinge line characterizes the southern boundary of
followed by estuarine facies as a transgressive systems tract (Salem the rifted continental margin to the north of Egypt (Bertello et al.,
et al., 2005). 1996). Numerous normal faults were developed along this line,
Information on the lateral variations in the petrophysical pa- with strong faulting downward toward the north. This resulted in a
rameters of hydrocarbon reservoirs is important in assessing fluid significantly thick sedimentary section (5000e7000 m) encoun-
flow through such reservoirs (Torabi et al., 2013). Accordingly, the tered to the north of this line, whereas only 500e1500 m of the
present work aimed to assess the Abu Madi sandstones through section was recorded to the south (Harms and Wary, 1990; EGPC,
hydrocarbon reservoir analysis using available electric log data for 1994; Sarhan and Hemdan, 1994). Active subsidence in the NDB
five drilled wells to examine the lateral variations of petrophysical occurred in the Late Miocene during the uplift of Sinai and the
properties throughout the study area within the Abu Madi Paleo- Eastern Desert and the beginning of the Suez rift and the
Valley (Fig. 1). AqabaeJordan shear (Kamel et al., 1998).
A compression belt evolved in the NDB through the Plio-
Pleistocene, which was accompanied by a sinistral wrench move-
2. Geologic setting ment. This led to the formation of the Pelusium fault trending
NEeSW (Fig. 1A), which crosses the northwest offshore parts of
The NDB comprises an area of about 250,000 km2 in the eastern Sinai, limits the southern part of the Nile Delta, and extends to the
Mediterranean region. It represents a passive margin basin initiated western part of the African Plate (EGPC, 1994; Zaghloul et al., 200l).
due to thermal subsidence after the tectonic extension that sepa- The Pliocene section in the NDB (Fig. 2) comprises, from top to
rated the African plate from the Eurasian plate throughout the Late base, the Mit Ghamr and El Wastani Formations (Late Pliocene) and
TriassiceEarly Cretaceous (May, 1991; Dolson et al., 2001). Kafr El-Sheikh Formation (EarlyeMiddle Pliocene). The Miocene
The NDB has a fan comprising thick sedimentary succession succession includes the Rosetta, Abu Madi, and Qawasim Forma-
from the Late Tertiary to the Quaternary. During the JurassiceEarly tions characterizing the Late Miocene age (Messinian), Sidi Salim
Cretaceous, a major faulted and overall flexed zone formed across Formation (Middle Miocene), and Qantara Formation of the Early
northern Egypt, which was termed the Hinge Zone (Said, 1962; Miocene (EGPC, 1994; EI-Heiny and Enani, 1996; Vandre et al.,
Sestini, 1989). This zone strongly controlled the overall strati- 2007). The evaporites of the Rosetta Formation are widely distrib-
graphic and tectonic evolution of the north-central basins of Egypt uted across the Nile Delta but are absent in the fluvial to shallow
(Said, 1981; Harms and Wary, 1990; Arisi Rota et al., 1994). It bisects marine Abu Madi depositional system (Abdel Aal et al., 2000), as
presented in Fig. 2.
During the Messinian, the Mediterranean was isolated from the
ocean and desiccated due to extreme evaporation. This led to the
Fig. 1. (A) Regional map representing the location of the Abu Madi Paleo-Valley in the
northern Nile Delta Basin (simplified after Matresu et al., 2013). (B) Locations of the
investigated wells and seismic profiles within the Abu Madi Paleo-Valley. Fig. 2. Generalized lithostratigraphy of the Nile Delta Basin (after EGPC, 1994).
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where VSh denotes the shale volume; GR, the gamma ray reading
value; GRmin, the lowest gamma ray value; and GRmax, the
maximum gamma ray value.
deposition of thick evaporate deposits (Rosetta Formation) and a FD ¼ (rma rb)/(rma rfl) (3)
major unconformity surface. Subsequently, north-trending streams
(The Eonile of Said, 1990) developed at the latitude of Cairo (Harms FD is the density-derived porosity, rma is the matrix density, and
and Wary, 1990). The Eonile shaped a deep canyon incision when rb is the formation bulk density (the log reading), which is a
the drainage transformed from the northwest direction (Qattara function of the matrix density, porosity, and density of the fluid in
depression) in the Early Miocene to the north in the Late Miocene the pores (freshwater mud, saltwater mud, or hydrocarbons). rfl
represents the fluid density.
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Table 1
The calculated prtrophysical parameters for the examined wells within Abu Madi Paleo-Valley reservoir in northern Nile Delta Basin (NDB).
Well Name Lat.- Long. XeY Depth to top of Pay Pay Average Average Average Average Average Average BVW
Coordinates Coordinates Abu Madi Fm.(m) Interval Thickness Total Effective Shale Water Hydrocarbon
(m) (m) Porosity (FT) Porosity Volume Saturation (Sw) Saturation (Sh)
(FE) (VShale)
Abu Madi-2 31.42N, X ¼ 648670 3030 3250e3314 64 0.18 0.15 0.16 0.24 0.76 0.03
31.35E Y ¼ 968520
Abu Madi-7 31.42N, X ¼ 642400 2996 3030e3051 21 0.22 0.07 0.30 0.30 0.70 0.02
31.287E Y ¼ 966050
El Qara-3 31.49N, X ¼ 641778 3132 3357e3371 14 0.17 0.12 0.22 0.42 0.58 0.05
31.28E Y ¼ 975561
Nidoco-7 31.58N, X ¼ 645474 3123 3530e3623 93 0.18 0.14 0.16 0.63 0.37 0.09
31.32E Y ¼ 985875
Nidoco-9 31.58N, X ¼ 640987 3200 3395e3428 33 0.20 0.19 0.21 0.27 0.73 0.05
31.27E Y ¼ 985882
Fig. 4. Constructed contour maps based on the data obtained from available wells demonstrating the subsurface geology and lateral distribution of different average petrophysical
parameters within the Abu Madi Paleo-Valley reservoir. (A) Depth map for the top of the Abu Madi Formation; (B) pay-thickness map for the promising zone interval in the Abu
Madi reservoir; (C) total porosity lateral distribution map; (D) effective porosity lateral distribution map; (E) shale volume lateral distribution map; (F) water saturation lateral
distribution map; (G) hydrocarbon saturation lateral distribution map; and (H) BVW lateral distribution map.
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Fig. 4. (continued).
calculated BVW values are low and constant in a specific zone, this lateral distribution map for the average effective porosity demon-
zone is predicted to produce water-free hydrocarbon. This can be strates that the maximum value (0.19) is observed in the north-
determined by applying the following equation described by western part of the study area in the Nidoco-9 well (Fig. 4D).
Buckles (1965): The shale volume map explains that the shale content increases
in the southwestern part of the area (0.30) in the Abu Madi-7 well
BVW ¼ 4e * Sw (6) (Fig. 4E). The water saturation map in Fig. 4F exhibits increasing
values in the northeastern part of the examined area. The hydro-
4e denotes the effective porosity, and Sw, the water saturation. carbon saturation map (Fig. 4G) explains that the hydrocarbon
Lateral distribution maps (isoparametric maps) for the calcu- occurrences gradually increase toward the study area's south-
lated petrophysical parameters are then constructed to observe the eastern part in the Abu Madi-2 well (76%) and northwestern
lateral variation of each parameter throughout the study area portion in the Nidoco-9 well (73%). The BVW distribution map
within the Abu Madi Paleo-Valley reservoir. (Fig. 4H) signifies the increase in BVW values in the northeastern
part of the examined area (0.09) where the Nidoco-7 well was
4. Results
The visual examination of the well log data of the Messinian Abu 5. Discussion
Madi Formation in the accessible wells revealed that several zones
display the following optimistic criteria: The obtained results indicate the great variations in the petro-
physical properties of the Abu Madi reservoir between the exam-
(1) Low shale contents (i.e., clean sandstone) verified by the low ined wells. This study attributes these obvious differences in
gamma ray values. petrophysical properties to the deposition of the Abu Madi For-
(2) High deep resistivity curves supporting hydrocarbon mation as a part of the Upper Miocene syn-rift megasequence in
attendance. the NDB (Sarhan et al., 2014). Figs. 5e8 present interpreted seismic
(3) Density curves located left to the neutron curve, confirming profiles in different directions along the Abu Madi Paleo-Valley in
the sandstone matrix. the study area. These seismic sections confirm the presence of
(4) High porosity values of the neutron curve attesting to the growth normal faults accompanying a syn-rift megasequence. The
good quality of sandstone, affirming it to be a potential distribution and geometry of these faults beneath the northern Nile
reservoir. Delta Basin are attributed to the N-NW propagation of Red Sea-Gulf
of Suez rifting during the Messinian as shown in Fig. (9) (Sarhan
These promising zones represent potential hydrocarbon reser- et al., 2014). In contrast, the post-rift megasequence in the north-
voirs and are located at depths between 3250 and 3314 m, in central part of the Nile Delta developed during the Plioce-
addition to 3030 and 3051 m in the Abu Madi-7 well. In the El Qara- neeQuaternary (El-Fawal et al., 2016).
3 well, the prolific zone is located between 3357 and 3371 m. In the Basically, the petrophysical properties of siliciclastic reservoirs
Nidoco-7 and Nidoco-9 wells, zones exhibiting positive signs of exhibit significant changes due to tectonic deformation (Torabi
hydrocarbon presence occur at depths from 3530 to 3623 m and et al., 2013, 2021; Zhu et al., 2019; Ogilvie and Glover, 2001;
3395e3428 m, respectively. Torabi and Fossen, 2009; Alkhasli et al., 2022). Also, the structural
The average values for the most common petrophysical param- elements and tectonic setting (uplift and subsidence) in rift basins
eters for these promising zones have been calculated and presented significantly impact the facies distribution and stratal geometry by
in Table (1). The highest total porosity (22%) was recorded in the Abu controlling the sediment supply and the accommodation space
Madi-7 well and the lowest value (17%) in the El Qara-3 well. The (Gawthorpe et al., 1994; Collier and Gawthorpe, 1995).
maximum effective porosity (19%) was recorded in the Nidoco-9 well Since the Abu Madi Formation was deposited as part of the final
and the lowest value (7%) in the Abu Madi-7 well. The highest shale stage of the Late Miocene syn-rift megasequence in the NDB, its
volume (30%) was documented in the Abu Madi-7 well and the least deposition was intensely overprinted by tectonic influence rather
value (16%) in the Abu Madi-2 and Nidoco-7 wells. The highest water than relative sea-level changes (Sarhan, 2015). Consequently, the
saturation (63%) and hence the minimum average hydrocarbon facies and distribution of the Abu Madi Formation were affected by
saturation (37%) were recorded in the Nidoco-7 well. In contrast, the the paleo-topography, which was controlled by faulting and
least water saturation value (24%) and the maximum average hy- erosion during the Messinian (El Heiny et al., 1990). Therefore, the
drocarbon saturation (76%) were recorded in the Abu Madi-2 well. considerable fluctuations in the petrophysical parameters of the
The maximum BVW (9%) was documented in the Nidoco-7 well and Abu Madi reservoir in the study area are linked to the tectonic effect
the minimum (2%) in the Abu Madi-7 well. during the deposition of the Abu Madi Formation as part of the
The depth contour map for the top of the Abu Madi Formation in Messinian syn-rift megasequence in the NDB.
the study area demonstrates that the depths range between 2996 m Accordingly, the main finding presented by this paper is that, to
in the Abu Madi-7 well and 3200 m in the Nidoco-9 well. The depth build an accurate and virtual reservoir model for appraising and
increases toward the northwestern part of the study area (Fig. 4A). forecasting the reservoir properties at any hydrocarbon field; the
Furthermore, the pay-thickness map for the reservoir interval tectonic setting of the whole sedimentary basin must be
within the Abu Madi reservoir demonstrates that the net pay sand considered.
thickness increases eastward, especially in the location of the
Nidoco-7 well, where the maximum thickness reaches 93 m
(Fig. 4B). 6. Conclusions
The lateral distribution map of the average total porosity in-
dicates that the southwestern part attains the highest total porosity (1) The Abu Madi sandstones is the chief hydrocarbon reservoirs
values (0.22) in the Abu Madi-7 well (Fig. 4C). Meanwhile, the in the Nile Delta Basin.
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Fig. 5. EW onshore seismic profile Line No. MAN 478e81 (modified after Sarhan, 2021a) shows the toplapping of the base of the syn-rift megasequence to the lower reflectors of the
prerift megasequence. Abundant growth normal faults were noted within the syn-rift megasequence, including the Abu Madi Formation.
Fig. 6. NNWeSSE offshore seismic section (Line No. JG 64e11) displays the existence of growth normal faults within the syn-rift megasequence.
(2) The calculated petrophysical parameters for the gas intervals (4) This study approves that the presence of buried active
within the Abu Madi Formation in the studied wells display; normal faults attributed to the NNW propagation of the Gulf
total porosity (17%e22%), effective porosity (7%e19%), shale of Suez rift are the responsible for this tectonic instability.
volume (16%e30%), water saturation (24%e63%) and bulk (5) The activities of these buried faults (subsidence and uplift-
volume of water (0.02e0.09). ing) control these lateral variations in the petrophysical pa-
(3) The constructed isoparametric maps for these parameters rameters for the Abu Madi gas reservoir in northern Nile
reflect significant variations in their lateral distribution Delta Basin.
within the Abu Madi Paleo-Valley. This confirms that the (6) This work highlights the importance of the tectonics in the
deposition of the Abu Madi Formation was accompanied by evolution of petrophysical properties for the hydrocarbon
an unstable tectonic setting during the Messinian time. reservoirs.
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Fig. 7. NEeSW offshore seismic profile (Line No. JG 61e49) exhibits that the buried normal faults affected the syn-rift megasequence.
Fig. 8. NWeSE offshore seismic section (Line No. JG 64e8) shows that some erosional channels and growth faults cut through the Sidi Salim Formation in the prerift megasequence.
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