Computer Science and Engineering Department

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Course of Study & Scheme of Examination


Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

III Semester

Course Subject Scheme of Studies Credits

Number Periods per week
CSE211 Discrete Structure 3 1 - 3
CSE212 Data Structure 3 1 - 3
CSE 213 Digital Electronics 3 1 - 3
CSE 214 Digital Communication 3 1 - 3
CSE 215 Computer Graphics 3 1 - 3
CSE 216 Linear Algebra & Numerical 3 1 - 3
CSE 217 DS Lab - - 2 1
CSE 218 Digital Electronics Lab 2 1
CSE 219 CG Lab - - 2 1
CSE 220 Lab-I (Python/VHDL) 2 1
Total Credit 22

IV Semester
Course Subject Scheme of Studies Credits
Number Periods per week

CSE 221 Probability and Queuing 3 1 - 3

CSE 222 Computer Architecture 3 1 - 3

CSE 223 Theory of Computation 3 1 - 3
CSE 224 Database Management System 3 1 - 3
CSE 225 Analysis and Design of 3 1 - 3

CSE 226 Software Engineering 3 1 - 3

CSE 227 DBMS Lab - - 2 1
CSE 228 ADA Lab - - 2 1
CSE 229 SE Lab - - 2 1
CSE 230 Lab-II (JAVA/PHP) - - 2 1
Total Credit 22

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 2

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

V Semester

Course Subject Scheme of Studies Credits

Number Periods per week

CSE 311 Compiler Design 3 1 - 3

CSE 312 Operating System 3 1 - 3
CSE 313 Microprocessor 3 1 - 3
Departmental Elective 1 3 1 - 3

Departmental Elective 2 3 1 - 3

Open Elective 1 3 1 - 3

CSE 315 CD Lab - - 2 1

CSE 316 MP Lab- - - 2 1
CSE317 OS Lab - - 2 1
CSE 318 Lab-III (Android/MATLAB) 2 1
CSE 319 Minor Project 1
Total Credit 23

VI Semester

Course Subject Scheme of Studies Credits

Number Periods per week

CSE 321 Computer networks 3 1 - 3

CSE 322 Data ware housing and mining 3 1 - 3

CSE 323 Artificial intelligence 3 1 - 3

Departmental Elective 3 3 1 - 3

Departmental Elective 4 3 1 - 3

Open Elective 2 3 1 - 3

CSE 325 Network Lab - - 2 1

CSE 326 Data ware housing and mining Lab - - 2 1

CSE 328 Lab-IV ( Hadoop/CUDA) 2 1

CSE329 Minor Project - - - 2

Total Credit 23

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 3

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

List of V and VI Semester Departmental Electives

CSE 331 Advance Computer Architecture

CSE 332 Software Reusability

CSE 333 CAD of Digital Systems

CSE 334 Parallel and Distributed Algorithm

CSE 335 Distributed database

CSE 336 Embedded System

CSE 337 Cryptography

CSE 338 Heterogeneous computing

CSE 339 Digital Image Processing

CSE 341 E-commerce & E-Governance

CSE 342 Advanced Data Structure

CSE 343 Principles of Programming Languages

HUM xxx Professional Communication

List of V and VI Semester Open Electives

CSE 351 Multimedia

CSE 352 Object-Oriented Design and Modeling

CSE 353 Simulation & Modeling

CSE 354 UNIX internals & shell programming

CSE 355 Information Theory and Coding

CSE 356 Statistical Methods

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 4

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

VII Semester
Course Subject Scheme of Studies Credits
Number Periods per week


CSE 411 TCP/IP & Web Technology 3 1 - 3

Departmental Elective 5 3 1 - 3

Departmental Elective 6 3 1 - 3

Open Elective 3 3 1 - 3

Open Elective 4 3 1 - 3

CSE 412 Lab TCP/IP & Web Technology - - 2 1

CSE 413 Major Project - - - 2

CSE 414 Internship/Industrial Training. - - - 1

CSE 415 Seminar 2 1

Total Credit 20

VIII Semester

Course Subject Scheme of Studies Credits

Number Periods per week


CSE421 Network Security 3 1 - 3

Departmental Elective – 7 3 1 - 3

Departmental Elective – 8 3 1 - 3

Open Elective 5 3 1 - 3

Open Elective 6 3 1 - 3

CSE 422 Major project - - - 2

CSE 423 General Proficiency - - - 2

CSE 424 Seminar 2 1

Total Credit 20

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 5

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

List of VII and VIII Semester Departmental Electives

CSE 431 Software Testing

CSE 432 Cloud Computing

CSE 433 Distributed Computing

CSE 434 Pattern Recognition

CSE 435 Computer Vision

CSE 436 Randomized Algorithm

CSE 437 Natural Language Processing

CSE 438 Mobile computing

CSE 439 Quantum computing

CSE 441 Sensor Network

CSE 442 Web search and Mining

CSE 443 Big Data Analytics

List of VII and VIII Semester Open Electives

CSE 451 Graph Theory

CSE 452 Optimization Techniques

CSE 453 Cyber crime and information warfare

CSE 454 Wireless Networks

CSE 455 Neural Networks

CSE 456 Ethical hacking

CSE 457 Biometrics

CSE 458 Machine Learning

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 6

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

Concepts, definitions, taxonomy and history of computer programming, operating
systems and program execution, Unix system, Input/output devices, Storage devices,
Flow chart and algorithm development, Computer program. C programming, Statements,
Arrays and functions
1. Programming with C Gottfried
2. C programming Ritchie & Kernighan
3. UNIX programming Kernighan & Pike



Set Theory, Principle of inclusion and exclusion, Proposition and first order logic,
Mathematical Induction, Relations, partial ordering and total ordering. Posets, Lattices ,
Algebraic system and group theory, Hass Diagrams, Functions, Logic, Graph Theory,
Discrete Probability, Boolean algebra, Group Theory, Discrete Numeric functions,
Generating functions, Recurrence Relations, linear recurrence relations with constant
coefficients, homogeneous solutions, particular solutions, total solution, Propositional
Calculus, predicate logic, Introduction, formal language , grammars and finite state
1. Element of Discrete Mathematics By C. L. Liu
2. Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Application By D.S. MALIK and
M.K. Sen,
Thomson Publications
3. Discrete Mathematical Structures with applications to computer science, by
Trembly J. P.&Manohar .P
4. Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians by Mott J.
L. Kandel A. and Baker T. P
5. Graph Theory Frank Harary


Department of Computer Science and Engineering 7

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

Introduction to Data Structures, Algorithm Evaluation, Arrays, Multi-dimensional Arrays,

Sparse Matrices, Structure, Pointers, Stacks: representation of stacks and basic operations,
applications of Stacks, Prefix, Postfix and Infix notations and conversion, Recursion, Tail
Recursion, Towers of Hanoi. Queues: Types of Queue and its application. Linked lists:
Types of Linked list, implementation of Stack and Queue using Linked list, Polynomial
representation and Arithmetic. Trees: binary tree, n-ary Tree, Tree Traversal, AVL Trees,
Threaded trees, Binary Search trees, Graphs: Representation, Traversing. Sets:
Representation of sets and operations of sets. Searching: Sequential Search, Binary Search,
and Hashing. Sorting: External and Internal Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort,
Radix Sort, and Bucket Sort.
1. Data Structure Using C Tanenbaum
2. Fundamentals of Data Structures Horowitz and Sahni
3. Data Structures, Schaum‘s Seri
4. Classic Data Structures Samantha


Number system, radix conversion, Binary codes, Boolean algebra, Logic gates, simplification
of Boolean expressions, minimization techniques. Combinational circuit: Full and half adder,
Full and half subtractor, Parallel adder and subtractor, BCD adder, Excess 3 adder,
Magnitude comparator, Look-ahead carry generator, Multiplexer and De-multiplexer,
Encoder and Decoder. Flip-Flop: RS, clocked RS, T, D, JK, race-around problem, master –
slave JK, Sequential circuits: State diagrams, Designing of sequential circuit, Minimization of
sequential circuit, Synchronous and Asynchronous system, Synchronous Counter
Designing, Asynchronous counter, Registers, Shift registers, Serial and parallel registers,
Johnson and rings counter.
1. Digital Electronics Morris Mano
2. Digital Circuits & Design Arivazhagan S Salivahanan


Characterization of communication signals: Bit rate Baud rate, Sampling, Nyquist bit rate,
Shannon Theorem, Bandwidth, Throughput. PCM, Delta Modulation, Serial & parallel
transmission, Amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and phase modulation, ASK,
BPSK, QPSK, FSK, QAM, Modems. Multiplexing, Spread spectrum modulation: Pseudo
noise sequences, DS & FH spread spectrum. Synchronous and asynchronous transmission,
Line coding scheme, Error detection and correction.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 8

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

1. Data Communication and Networking B A Forouzan

2. Digital Communications Simon Haykin,
3. Principles of Communication Systems Herbert Taub& D L Schilling
4. Data & Computer Communication William Stallings


Introduction to raster & random graphics fundamentals, Display devices & comparison Point
plotting, line drawing & circle drawing & their algorithm like DDA & Bressenhams, Video
Basics- Graphics input/ output devices techniques, Mouse, tablets, stylus, light pen,
valuators, digitizers, and plotter Devices independent graphics systems, positioning
constraints, rubber band technique, dragging, inking& Painting, Data Structure of Computer
Graphics, 2-D Transformation, Clipping, Windowing, View port, 3-D transformation,
clipping, viewing transformations, projection, curve generation methods. Graphics
packages, segmented files,
Geometric models, Picture Structure. Raster graphics, Character Displaying, Natural
images Solid Area. Scan Conversion, Raster display hardware, Filling areas, aliasing & anti-
aliasing Hidden surface elimination, Shading, Application to Simple Engineering Problem.
1. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics William M. Newman
2. Computer Graphics D. Hern and M.P. Baker.
3. Computer Graphics Multimedia and Animation Malay k Pakhira. PHI


Numerical solutions of non-linear algebraic equations by Bisection, Regula-falsi, Secant,
Newton-Raphson Methods and Newton-Raphson Method with Multiple Roots.
Numerical solutions of systems of simultaneous linear algebraic equations by Gauss
elimination method, Gauss Jorden method, Crout's triangularization method, Jacobi's
iterative method and Gauss Seidel iterative method.
Finite difference and interpolation, Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration:
trapezoidal rule, Simpson‘s rules 1/3 & 3/8 and Weddle's rule.
Numerical solution of differential equation: Picard's method, Taylor's series method, Euler's
method, Modified Euler's method, Runge's Method and Runge-Kutta's Method.
Matrix: Algebra of matrices, Elementary Row and Column operations, determinants, Rank
and nullity, systems (Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous) of linear equations, Eigen
values and Eigen vectors, Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
Vector Space: Vector spaces, Subspaces, Linear combinations and subspaces spanned by
a set of vectors, Linear dependence and Linear independence.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 9

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B. S. Grewal.

Subject Name Out comes

Discrete Structures (i) Learn about computer mathematics.

Data Structures (i) Concept and importance of data structures

(ii) Learn to implement various types of data


(iii) Learn how To determine algorithm correctness

and its efficiency

Digital Electronics (i) Learn about digital logics and their


Digital Communication (i) Learn about the basic concepts of how digital
data is transferred across various types of data
communication links.

Computer Graphics (i) Learn about the development of computer

graphics technologies

(ii) Learn about the various operations which can be

applied on computer graphics.



Permutations, combinations, counting, summation, generating function, recurrence relations,
asymptotic. Sample space and events- Probability- The axioms of probability- Some
Elementary theorems- Conditional probability- Baye‘s theorem- Random variable- Discrete
and continuous- Distribution- Distribution function, Distribution, Binomial and poison
distribution Normal distribution- related properties.
Queuing theory- Classification, stationary process, markov process, Binomial process,
Poisson process, Birth and death process, Markov chain.
1. Probability and Statistics with reliability, Queuing and Computer Science
Trivedi K.S.
2. Reliability Engineering Balagurusamy .E

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 10

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

3. Fundamental of Queuing Theory Gross D,and Harris C.M.

4. Probability Statistics and Queuing Theory Allen, A.O.


Central processor organizations: basic building blocks, bus organized computer
memory, address structure, register transfer languages, instruction formats,
expanding op-codes and addressing modes. Control unit organization: hardwired
control & micro-programmed control organization, control memory, address sequencing
micro-instruction formats, micro-program sequencer, micro-programming. Arithmetic
processor design: addition and subtraction algorithm, multiplication algorithm, division
algorithm, processor configuration, and floating point arithmetic. Input-Output organization:
Asynchronous Data Transfer, Asynchronous Communication Interface, Modes of Transfer:
Interrupt-Initiated, Direct Memory Access (DMA). Memory Organization: Main Memory,
Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory: Hardware Organization, Cache Memory: Mapping
Schemes, Virtual Memory: Address Space and Memory Space, Address Mapping. Structure
of multiprocessors, Introduction to parallel processing, Flynn‘s classification, pipeline
processing, pipeline hazards.
1. Computer Organization and architecture William Stallings
2. Computer Architecture Morris Mano,
3. Computer Organisation & Architecture T.K. Ghosh,


Finite State Systems, Basic Definitions Non-Deterministic finite automata (NDFA),
Deterministic finite automata (DFA), Equivalence of DFA and NDFA Finite automata with E-
moves, Regular Expressions, Equivalence of finite automata and Regular Expressions,
Regular expression conversion and vice versa, Myhill-Nerode Theorem and minimization of
finite Automata. Concept of basic Machine, Properties and limitations of FSM. Moore and
mealy Machines, Equivalence of Moore and Mealy machines, Properties of Regular Sets:
The Pumping Lemma for Regular Sets, Closure properties of regular sets. Context free
grammar and ambiguity, reduced forms, Removal of useless symbols and unit production,
Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Griebach Normal Form (GNF). Introduction to Pushdown
Machines, Application of Pushdown Machines, context free grammar to PDA and vice
versa, Closure properties of CFL. Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Turing Machines,
Design of T.M, Halting problem of T.M., PCP Problem. Chomsky hierarchies of grammars,
Context sensitive grammar, unrestricted grammars, Context sensitive languages, Relation
between languages of classes. Computability: Basic concepts, Primitive Recursive

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 11

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

1. Introduction to automata theory, language & computations Hopcroaft & O.D.
Ullman, R Mothwani,
2. Theory of Computer Sc.(Automata, Languages and computation): K.L.P.
Mishra & N. Chandrasekaran,
3. Introduction to formal Languages & Automata Peter Linz,
4. Fundamentals of the Theory of Computation- Principles and Practice Ramond
Greenlaw and H. James Hoover
5. Introduction to the Theory of Computation Michael Sipser


Fundamentals of DBMS, different data models. Relational database systems. ER modelling,
Enhanced ER Model, ER to Relational Mapping. Relational Database Design, integrity
constraints, functional dependency constraints, assertions, triggers, Normalization in
relational approach. Relational algebra and calculus. SQL, overview of query processing and
cost estimation, Query Optimization, Transaction processing and concurrency control. Data
storage and indexing, B-Trees and B+ Trees, Overview of advanced databases.
1. Fundamentals of Database Systems Elmasri & Navathe
2. Database System Concepts Silberschatz, Korth & Sudershan .
3. An Introduction to Database Systems C. J. Date


Fundamentals of algorithm, asymptotic complexity, recursive algorithms, recurrence relation,
heap, priority queue and heap sort. Algorithm Design Techniques their control abstractions
and related problems: Divide and conquer, Greedy strategy, Dynamic programming,
Backtracking, Branch and bound, least cost search. Introduction to lower-bound theory,
Search Trees: BST, AVL, B and B+ trees. Introduction to NP-Complete and NP Hard
1. Computer Algorithms Horowitz and Sahani.
2. Introduction to Algorithms Cormen and Rivest
3. An Introduction to Algorithms Thomas H Cormen,Ronald L. Rivest


Introduction to software engineering, software process & process models, Software metrics
and measurements, software project management, software project planning, scheduling
and tracking, cost estimation methods. Requirements analysis: Principles, complexity,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 12

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

methods, structured analysis, SRS Documentation. Design principles: abstraction,

refinement, modularity, control hierarchy, structured partitioning, design types and methods.
Software coding: coding style, coding efficiency, capability maturity model (CMM), Software
quality assurance, Software testing: Software testing techniques, choice and classification of
test data, verification & validation methods. Software maintenance, configuration
management, system documentation, software reusability.
1. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering PankajJalote,
2. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach R S. Pressman.

Subject Name Out comes

Probability and Queuing Theory (i) Learn about basic theory of probability
and queuing theory.

Computer Architecture (i) Learn about architecture of computer.

(ii) Learn how computer works.

Theory of computation (i) Learn about theoretical concepts of

computer science.
(ii) Learn about language hierarchy and their
computational machines.

Database Management system (i) Learn about the concept of data,

databases and database management
(ii) Learn about how to handle databases.

Analysis and Design of Algorithms (i) Learn different algorithm design

techniques and study related problems.
(ii) How to determine algorithm correctness
and its efficiency.



Compilers and translators, structure of compiler its different phases, Compiler construction
tools. Lexical analyzer, Specification and recognition of tokens, input buffering.
Syntax analyzer, top down and bottom up parsing. Syntax directed definition, syntax directed
translation scheme, intermediate codes: syntax tree, post fixed expressions,three address
code, quadruples and triples. Code optimization, DAG, Code generation,Symbol table
implementation, Error handling

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 13

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

1. Compilers Principle, Techniques & Tools Alfread V. AHO, RaviSethi& J.D.
2. Theory and practice of compiler writing Tremblay & Sorenson


Operating system functions and characteristics, design issues, Process abstraction, process
management, system calls, threads, process hierarchy, CPU scheduling, comparative study
of scheduling algorithms Process synchronization and inter-process communication,
message passing mechanisms, Process synchronization constructs Deadlock
Characterization, prevention and avoidance, deadlock detection and recovery. Memory
management techniques, overlays, dynamic linking, virtual memory concept. Disk structure,
Disk scheduling, File System, file access and allocation methods, directory system,
file protection mechanisms, implementation issues, Device Management: Hardware
organization, device scheduling policies, device drivers. Case Studies: Windows, UNIX,
1. Operating system Silberschatz and Galvin
2. Operating system Deital
3. Operating system Andrew S. Tanenbaum
4. Operating Systems Gary Nutt &Nabendu Chaki

Introduction of Microprocessor, Evolution of Microprocessor, Types of Microprocessor,
History of Computers, Memory, Memory organization, Classification of Memory.
8085: Pin Diagram of Microprocessor 8085, Architecture of 8085 and Operations of its
8086: Pin Diagram of Microprocessor 8086-88, Architecture of 8086, Difference between
8085 and 8086, Programming Model, Real mode memory addressing, Introduction to
protected mode memory addressing memory paging, Interrupts: hardware and software
Addressing modes: Data, program, Stack, memory-addressing modes
Assembly language programming: Instruction set of 8086, Memory Segmentation, Stack and
sub routine.
Interfacing: 8251(Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter), 8253 & 8254
(Programmable Interval Timer), 8255 (Programmable Peripheral Interface),
8259(Programmable Interrupt Controller), 8257(Direct Memory Access), 8279 (keyboard &
display, controller).

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 14

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

8051: Introduction to microcontroller 8051, Pin Diagram, Architecture, Memory Organization,

Counters and Timers, SFRs (Special Function Registers), Microcontroller Interrupts and
Power Consumption Control
1. Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals by Ray and Bhurchandi



Introduction to TCP/IP and OSI reference model, polling techniques, multiplexing, and
concentration, transmission media used in physical layer. MAC protocols ALOHA,
CSMA/CA, CSMA/CD Ethernet, token bus, token ring, (IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.4,
IEEE 802.5) DLL protocols, error correction and detection codes, flow control protocols
performance evaluation with error or without error, protocol specification and verification,
framing, HDLC. Switching techniques, Routing and congestion in network layer, routing and
congestion control algorithms. Connection management in transport layer, protocols of
transport layer, TCP , UDP etc., world wide web (www), electronic mail(E-mail), Study of
high speed fibre optic networks, FDDI.
1. Computer Network Tannenbaum.
2. Computer Network W. Stalling.
3. Data network Dimitris and Galliger.
4. Computer Networking: A Top down Approach James F. Kurose, Keith W.


Data Warehouse Introduction, Concept Hierarchy Generation Data Warehouse and OLAP
Technology - A Multidimensional Data Model Stars, Snow flake and Fact Constellations
Schemas for Multidimensional Databases, OLAP operations, Data Warehouse
Architecture. Introduction to data mining - kinds of data, relational databases, traditional
databases, advanced database systems. Data Mining functionalities and patterns generated.
Data Pre-processing: - Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction
Data Discretization, Associations and Correlations- The Apriori Algorithm, Finding Frequent
Item sets Using Candidate Generation Mining, Frequent Item sets without Candidate
Generation Mining, Frequent Item sets Using Vertical Data Format Classification-
Classification by Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification Rule-Based Classification,
Associative Classification Prediction- Linear Regression and Non linear Regression

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 15

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

Clustering- Partitioning and hierarchical Methods Mining Social Network, spatial databases,
multidimensional databases, text databases and World Wide Web.
1. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and
Jian Pei,
2. Data Mining Introduction and Advance Topic Margaret H. Dunham and S.
3. Next Generation of Data Mining Rajeev Motwani and Vipin Kumar
4. Data Ware Housing: Architecture & Implementation Michael W. Hawkins
5. Data Warehousing: Concepts, Techniques, Products & Applications C.S.R.


Introduction to data mining - kinds of data, relational databases, traditional databases,
advanced database systems. Data Mining functionalities and patterns generated.
Data Preprocessing: - Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction
Data Discretization. Concept Hierarchy Generation Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology-
A Multidimensional Data Model Stars, Snow flake and Fact Constellations Schemas for
Multidimensional Databases, OLAP operations, Data Warehouse Architecture
Associations and Correlations- the Apriori Algorithm, Finding Frequent Item sets Using
Candidate Generation Mining, Frequent Item sets without Candidate Generation Mining, and
Frequent Item sets Using Vertical Data Format
Classification- Classification by Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification Rule-Based
Classification, Associative Classification
Prediction- Linear Regression and Non linear Regression
Clustering- Similarity and distance measures, Outliers, Partitioning and hierarchical
Methods, Mining Social Network, spatial databases, multidimensional databases, text
databases and World Wide Web.
1. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and
Jian Pei,
2. Data Mining Introduction and Advance Topic Margaret H. Dunham and S.
3. Data Warehousing in the real World, Sam Anahory and Dennis Murray


Meaning and definition of artificial intelligence, Production systems: types, characteristics,
study and comparison search techniques: BSF, DSF, hill climbing, best first search, A*

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 16

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

algorithm, AO* algorithm etc, types of control strategies. Knowledge representation:

Problems faced, propositional and predicate logic, resolution and refutation, deduction,
theorem proving. Reasoning: introduction, reasoning methods, Baye‗s theorem, Bayesian
network, fuzzy logic. Slot and filler structures: semantic networks, frames, conceptual
dependency, scripts etc. Game playing and its techniques, planning techniques, study of
blocks world problem in robotics, understanding, natural language processing and common
sense. Learning and its techniques, neural networks and its applications, expert systems.
1. Artificial Intelligence Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight .
2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Eugene Charniak and Drew McDermott
3. Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic & Genetic Algorithms: Synthesis & Applications
S. Rajasekaran, G.A. VijyalakshmiPai
4. Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis Nils J. Nilsson



Pipeline processor principles and design, Instruction set architecture; Memory addressing;
Instruction composition; Instruction-level parallelism; Hazards: dynamic scheduling, branch
prediction; Memory hierarchy; Processor case studies; Multiprocessor introduction: Shared-
memory architectures, their synchronization and consistency issues, advanced multi-
core topics; Transactional Memory; Interconnection networks.
1. Computer Architecture and parallel processing Kai Hwang, Briggs
2. Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability
Kai Hwang,
3. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, J. L. Hennessy and D. A.
4. Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software ApproachDavid Culler,
J.P. Singh and Anoop Gupta
5. Computer Architecture & Organization John P. Hayes


Software Engineering Process, Software Reuse Factors, Reuse driven Software Engineering
Business, Overview of software reuse metrics. Architectural Style: Object oriented software
engineering Application and component systems, Use Case Components, Object
components, Layered architecture. Approaches for software reuse - Patterns, Frameworks
and Components. Pattern and Framework Approaches: Design patterns, Analysis patterns,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 17

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

Organizational patterns, Anti-patterns. Creational Patterns, Structural Patterns, Behavioral

Patterns, Architectural Patterns. Component System Engineering & Application System
Engineering: Requirement analysis, Robustness analysis, Designing, Implementing,
Testing and Packaging of the Component system. Case Studies.

1. Reusability and Software Construction: C and CJerry D. Smith.
2. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software Richard
Helm, Erich Gamma, John Vlissides and Ralph Johnson.
3. Reuse-Based Software Engineering: Techniques, Organizations, and
Controls Hafedh Mili and Sherif M. Yacoub.
4. Software Reusability Wilhelm Schafer, Diaz Prieto and Wilhelm Shafer .


Digital Systems And VLSI, Basic Electrical Properties Of CMOS, Data Structure in
VLSI design, Fabrication And Devices, Logic Gates, Combinational Logic Networks,
Sequential Machines, Subsystem/ Peripheral Design, Validation And Testability, Floor
planning and Architecture Design
1. Modern VLSI Design: IP-Based Design Wayne Wolf
2. Basics VLSI Design Pucknell and Eshraghian


Introduction to parallel algorithm, data parallel and control parallel approach, models
of parallel computation, dense matrix algorithm , sorting searching, selection and graph
algorithms. Introduction to distributed algorithms, synchronous algorithms network model,
leader election algorithm, minimum spanning tree, shortest path, distributed consensus k
agreement problem, two phase commit, three phase commit, mutual exclusion algorithms,
and applications of distributed algorithm.
1. Parallel algorithms Michael. J. Quinn
2. Distributed algorithm Nancy Lynch
3. Implicit Parallel Programming in Ph, Rishiyur S. Nikhil, 1947- Arvind

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 18

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Introduction to Distributed Database Systems, Distributed DBMS Architecture, Distributed
Database Design, Semantic Data Control, Overview of Query Processing, Introduction to
Transaction Management, Distributed Concurrency Control, Parallel Database Systems,
Distributed Object Database Management systems, Database Interoperability
1. Principles of Distributed Database Systems, M. TamerOzsu Patrick Valduriez
2. Distributed Databases Principles and Systems, Stefano Ceri and Guiseppe


Introduction, Hardware & electronics fundamentals, Peripherals Program Design and
Analysis, Processes and Operating system, Real time Operating system. Memory,
Interfacing Examples of Embedded systems: Digital Camera Examples, Smart card
application, embedded database applications, etc. State Machine and Concurrent Process
Models, Control Systems Verilog programming, Programming of mobile and Hand-held
devices IC Technology Full-Custom (VLSI) IC Technology, Semi-Custom (ASIC) IC
Technology, Programmable Logic Device (PLD) IC Technology, FPGA Hardware Software
Partitioning, Hardware/Software Co-Simulation, Intellectual Property Cores, Low Power
1. Embedded system Design, Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis
2. Computer as Components, Wayne Wolf
3. 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems, Rajiv Kapadia
4. The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems, Mazidi & Mazida

Introduction to cryptography. Security Attacks, Mechanism and Services. Cryptosystems,
Conventional encryption model and techniques, classical encryption techniques- substitution
ciphers and transposition ciphers, cryptanalysis, stream and block ciphers. Block ciphers
principals, fiestal structure, SPN, DES, triple DES, AES, IDEA encryption and decryption,
key distribution. Finite field: Introduction to graph, ring and field, modular arithmetic,
Fermat‗s and Euler‗s theorem, Euclid‗s Algorithm, Chinese Remainder theorem, Entropy
and huffman‘s coding, Comparison of symmetric and public-key cryptographic
systems, Modern Trend in asymmetric key Cryptography-Elliptic curve based
cryptography,Principals of public key crypto systems, RSA algorithm, Diffle-Hellman

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key exchange algorithm, Message Authentication and Hash Function: security of hash
functions and MACS, MD5 message digest algorithm, secure hash algorithm (SHA). Digital
1. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice William Stallings,
2. Cryptography Theory and Practice Douglas R. Stinson.
3. Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms Bruice Schneier


Heterogeneous computing: Overview, Types of system, Areas of heterogeneity,
Shortcomings of Homogeneous System. Heterogeneous computing by multiple CPUs: Grid,
Cluster and Other multi-core architectures. Heterogeneous computing using CPU-GPU:
Overview of GPUs, Introduction of GPGPU, Architecture, Features, Programming model,
Thread Organization, Memory management, GPU-CPU load balancing, Optimization,
Floating Point Performance, Multiple GPUs.
Case study: GPGPU based Heterogeneous computing by OpenCL and CUDA.
1. State-of-the-art in heterogeneous computing Andre R. Brodtkorb
2. Heterogeneous Processing: a Strategy for Augmenting Moore's Law, Amar
3. Heterogeneous Computing with Open CL Benedict Gaster


Introduction to Image Processing Systems, Digital Image Fundamentals:- Image model,
Relationship between Pixels, Imaging geometry, Camera model, Image Sensing and
Acquisition, Sampling and quantization, Image Enhancement and in spatial Domain: Point
processing, Neighbourhood Processing, High pass filtering, High boost filtering, zooming.
Image Enhancement based on Histogram modelling, Image Enhancement in frequency
domain: 1D& 2D Fourier transform, Low pass frequency domain filter, High pass frequency
domain filters, Homomorphics filtering, Image Segmentation, Detection of discontinuation by
point detection, line detection, edge detection, Edge linking and boundary detection Local
analysis, global by graph, theoretic techniques, Thresh-holding, Morphology, Representation
and description, Discrete image transform, Image Compression, Wavelet transformation,
Image geometry, Image restoration.
1. Digital Image Processing Gonzalez & Wood
2. Digital Image Processing A.K. Jain .Image Processing Dhananjay K.

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Introduction: Electronic Commerce, Technology and Prospects, forces behind E-Commerce,
Advantages and Disadvantages, Architectural framework, E-Commerce Strategy, E-
Commerce emerging Issues and implementation issues, E- Commerce Law, Govt. policies
and Agenda. Electronic Payment Systems: Credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, e-credit
accounts, e-money, Marketing on the web, marketing strategies, advertising on the web,
customer service and support, introduction to m-commerce. E-payment security. E-
Government, theoretical background of e-governance, issues in e-governance applications,
evolution of e-governance, its scope and content, benefits and reasons for the
introduction of e- governance, e-governance models- broadcasting, critical flow,
comparative analysis, mobilization and lobbying ,interactive services/G2C2G. E-readiness,
e-government readiness, E- Framework, step & issues, application of data warehousing
and data mining in e-government, Case studies: NICNET-role of nationwide networking in
e- governance, e-seva. E-Government systems security: Challenges and approach to
e-government security, security concern in e-commerce, security for server computers,
communication channel security, security for client computers.
1. Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective Efraim Turban, Jae Lee


Amortized complexity, Introduction to external sorting, Selection trees & k-way merging, Run
generation, Optimal merging of runs, Buffering, Double-ended priority queues. Interval
heaps, Leftist trees, Binomial heaps, Fibonacci heaps, Dictionaries, Optimal Binary Search
Trees, AVL trees, Red-black trees, B-trees, B+ and B*-trees, Splay trees, Splay Trees,
Binary Tries, Compressed Binary Tries, Suffix Trees, Bloom Filters, Interval Trees, Priority
Search Trees, Skip lists, Treaps.
1. Fundamentals of data structures in C++, by E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and D.
Mehta, Second Edition, Silicon Press, 2007


Preliminary concepts of programming language, Issues in Language Translation: Syntax,
Semantics, Stages, analysis and synthesis, Data types, Expressions and Statements,
Subprograms and Blocks, Abstract Data types, Exception handling, Logic Programming
Language, Functional Programming Languages, Object-oriented programming.

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Semantic gap, Language evaluation criteria, Introduction to 4G Languages, Implementations

of modern programming languages-Java, C#. Concurrency: Subprogram level concurrency,
semaphores, monitors, message passing.
1. Concepts of Programming Language Robert .W. Sebesta
2. Programming Languages Louden
3. Programming languages Ghezzi
4. Programming Languages Design and Implementation Pratt and Zelkowitz,

Subject Name Outcomes

Artificial intelligence (i) How to map human intelligence in

computer system processes.

(ii) How to represent knowledge.

(iii) Design of experts system.

Advance Computer Architecture (i) How high processing and multi core
machine works.

(ii) Designing of multi core processing unit.

CAD of Digital Systems (i) Learn about how to design very large
scale processing unit.

(ii) Hardware programming.

Distributed database (i) How to manage large databases on

distributed machines.

(ii) How to make fast access of large data.

Cryptograph (i) How to secure information.

(ii) How to authenticate users.

Digital Image Processing (i) How to handle and process different types
of images in computers.

Software Reusability (i) Learn the methods of Design and

implementation of software components so
that they can be reused.

Parallel and Distributed Algorithm (i) How to design parallel algorithm from

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(ii) How to process parallel algorithm of

distributed environment.

Embedded System (i) Ability to create hardware for any software

for real time processing.

Heterogeneous computing (i) Learn about how to process any code on

different types of processing units present on
single machine.

E-commerce & E- governance (i) Learn about various electronic -commerce

methods and their security issues.

(ii) Learn about various e-governance


Principles of programming languages (i) To improve ability to develop effective

algorithms,Improve use of existing
programming languages, increase
vocabulary of useful programming
constructs, To make easier to design a new
programming language.

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Introduction to multimedia, Multimedia system design, data and file format standards, data
compression and decompression techniques, lossy and lossless compression.
Multimedia input and output technologies, storage and retrieval technologies.
Multimedia Communications, multimedia communication protocols (UDP, RTP, RTCP, XTP,
TELNET, IP Multicast etc), network performance parameters, streaming. Multimedia
Applications and Design issues, hypermedia message, integrated multimedia message
standards. Multimedia authoring system and tools user interface design.
1. Multimedia system Design Prabhat K Andleigh and KiranThakrar
2. Multimedia Communications Fred Halsall


Object oriented programming concepts, Object Orientation, OMT Methodology, Object and
Class, Link and Association, Generalization, Aggregation, Multiple Inheritance, Packages.
Object Meta modeling, Functional Modeling. Analysis: Object Model, Data Dictionary,
Dynamic Model, Functional Model, Interaction Modeling-Use case model, Sequence model,
and Activity models, System Design, Object Design, Implementation-Implementation using
programming language and Database, UML Modeling.
1. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design by Michael Blaha / William Premerlani,
Prentice Hall
2. Object-Oriented Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore
3. OMT Insights by Dr. James Rambaugh


Systems, modelling, general systems theory, concept of simulation, simulation as a decision
making tool, types of simulation. Pseudo random numbers, methods of generating random
variables, discrete and continuous distributions, testing of random numbers, concepts of
Queuing theory. Design of simulation experiments: Problem formulation, data collection and
reduction, time flow mechanism, key variables, logic flow chart, starting condition, run size,
experimental design consideration, output analysis and interpretation validation. Simulation
languages: Comparison and selection of simulation languages, study of these simulation
language. Case studies: Development of simulation models using simulation language

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studied for systems like queuing systems, Production systems, Inventory systems,
maintenance and replacement systems and Investment analysis.
1. System Simulation Geoffrey Gordon
2. System Simulation with Digital Computer Narsingh Deo


Evolution of Unix OS, Architecture of the UNIX OS, Heavy kernel and micro kernel
architecture,the buffer cache, internal representation of files (inode, accessing blocks,
releasing blocks, structure of regular files, conversion of a path name to an inode, inode
assignment to a new file, allocation of disk block) Comparisons of UNIX file system with
other file systems. System calls for the file systems, OPEN, READ, WRITE, and CLOSE,
PIPES, the pipe system call , opening a named pipes, reading and writing pipes, closing
pipes, DUP, mounting and amounting file system, LINK ,UNLINK, SYSTEM call for TIME
and CLOCK. The structure of processes, process states and transitions, layout of system
memory, the context of a process, saving the context of the process, manipulation of the
process address space.Light weight process (Threads) kernel level thread, user level
threadProcess control, process creation, signals, process termination, awaiting process
termination, the user id of a process, changing the size of the process, the system BOOT
and INIT process. Shell programming, study of different type of shell like C shell, Bourne
shell etc. shell script, shell command, looping and making choices, for Loop, while and
until, passing arguments to scripts, programming in different shells. Inter process
communication, process tracing, network communication, sockets multiprocessor system,
problem of multiprocessor systems, solution with master a slave processor, solution with
semaphores, study of distributed UNIX system.
1. The Design of UNIX Operating System Maurice J Bach.


Information and entropy information measures, Shannon‘s concept of information. Channel
coding, channel mutual information capacity (BW) , theorem for discrete memory less
channel, information capacity theorem , error detecting and error correcting codes, types of
codes : block codes, hamming and Lee metrics, description of linear block codes ,parity
check codes ,cyclic code, masking techniques. Compression : loss less and lossy, Huffman
codes, LZW algorithm, Binary image compression schemes, run length encoding, CCITT
group 3 1-D compression, CCITT group 3 2D compression, CCITT group 4 2D Compression.

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Convolution codes, sequential decoding. Video image compression: CITT H 261 Video
coding algorithm, audio (speech) compression. Cryptography and cipher.
1. R Bose, ―Information Theory, Coding and Crptography‖, TMH 2007
2. Multimedia system Design by Prabhat K Andleigh and KiranThakrar(PHI
3. Multimedia Communications by Fred Halsall(Pearson Publications).


Introduction to Statistics, Meaning of Statistics as a Science, Importance of Statistics. Scope
of Statistics, Introduction to Data Analysis, Population and Sample, Types of characteristics ,
Types of data, Notion of a statistical population, Methods of sampling, Presentation of Data,
Data Visualization, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Moments,
Skewness and Kurtosis, Theory testing ,Optimization, Hypothesis Testing, Bayesian
Statistics,7 Subjective Probabilities, Heuristic analysis, Histograms:, Regression, Correlation,
Error, Relational Databases, Cleaning Data:
1. Goon Gupta and Das Gupta: Fundamentals of Statistics, Vol. 1, The World
Press Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata.
2. Dawn Griffiths: Modern Head First Statistics, O Reilly Publication
3. Snedecor and Cochran: Statistical Methods, Oxford and IBH Publishers
4. Mukhopadhyay, P.: Mathematical Statistics (1996), New Central Book
Agency, Calcutta, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Ed. 4 (1989),
MacMillan Publishing Co. New York.
Subject Name Outcomes

Multimedia (i) Learn about various types of multimedia

formats and their processing.

Simulation & Modelling (i) Learn how to design a model for any real
life problem

(ii) Mathematical representation of any real

life problem.

Object-oriented Programming (i) Learn different types of object oriented

concepts and their implementation.

UNIX internals & shell programming (i) Learn about internal architecture of UNIX
operating system.

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(ii) How to design shell scripts.

(iii) Learn how to modify kernal code.



Introduction to TCP/IP network model,
IP: Internet Protocol- IP header, IP Routing Principal, IP Fragmentation, Checksum, IP
options. Subnetting, Subnet masks, Supernetting, CIDR Directly/indirectly connected
machines, IP addresses. Ethernet, framing, ARP, ARP Cache, ARP Packet Format, RARP,
Serial Links, Bridges, Spanning Tree algorithm, ICMP- ICMP message type, ICMP address
mask request and reply, ICMP Query and Error message, determining the path MTU.RARP
and ARP.
Transport layer protocols: TCP and UDP: TCP and UDP header, Connection Establishment
and Termination, TCP State Transition diagram, Segmentation, Maximum Segment Size.
ISN and sequence numbers. TCP data transfer -- sliding windows, slow start, congestion
avoidance, fast retransmit, fast recovery.TCP – Timeout and Retransmission. Sockets.
Web Technology: DNS, IGMP, FTP, POP, SMTP, HTTP, HTML, XML Basic concept of
client/server computing.
1. W Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated Vol. I: The Protocols, Pearson
Education Asia, 2000.
2. W Richard Stevens, TCP/IP Illustrated Vol. III: TCP for Transaction, HTTP,
NNTP, and the UNIX Domain Protocols, Pearson Education Asia, 2000.



Introduction to Network security: Network security needs. Threats to network security, kind of
computer security. security policies, security mechanisms, Attacks, security tools and
Basic Cryptography, Transposition/Substitution, Block Cipher Principles, Introduction to
Symmetric crypto primitives, Asymmetric crypto primitives, Secret Key Cryptography ,
Data Encryption Standard (DES), Message Digests, MD5, Message Authentication and
Hash Functions, Hash And Mac Algorithms, RIPEMD , HMAC, Principles of Public Key
Cryptosystems, Diffie Hellman Key Exchange , Elliptic Curve Cryptography,
Cryptanalysis, SHA-1, RSA, Selection of public and private keys. Key distribution
centres and certificate authorities, digital signature standards (DSS), proof of digital

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signature algorithm. Kerberos, Real-time Communication Security, IPsec, Electronic Mail

Security. Firewalls and Web Security, Intruders and Viruses, trusted system, password
management. Cyber crime, zero knowledge proof, malware – privacy, honey pot, defence
programming, web application vulnerability, DHS , attack , semantic attack, DOS, DDOS,
wireless attack.
1. Cryptography and Network Security William Stallings
2. Introduction to network security Krawetz, Cengage


Network Security (i) How to secure information on Internet.

(ii) How to authenticate users on Internet.



Software Testing Principles, Quality, Testing flow process. Defect Classification: Origin of
Defects, Classes, Repository and Design, Developer/Tester Support for Developing a Defect
Repository. Test Case Design Strategies: Black Box Approach , Random Testing,
Equivalence Class Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis, COTS, White Box approach,
Test Adequacy Criteria, Coverage and Control Flow Graphs, Covering Code Logic,
Additional White Box Test Design Approaches, Evaluating Test Adequacy Criteria. Unit
testing, Integration tests, System testing, Regression testing and Acceptance testing, Test
Plan Writing. Testing Tools. Criteria for Test Completion.
1. Software Testing in the Real World – Improving the Process Edward Kit
2. Effective Software Testing Elfriede Dustin
3. The Art of Software Testing Glenford J. Mayers
4. Foundations of Software Testing Aditya P. Mathur


Cloud Computing: Introduction, Working of cloud computing, benefits;
Understanding Cloud Computing: Developing cloud computing services, Discovering cloud
services; Cloud Computing for Everyone: Centralizing email communications, Cloud
computing for community; Cloud Computing for the Corporation: Managing Schedules,
Managing Projects; Using Cloud Services: Collaborating on Calendars, Schedules, and

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Task Management, Collaborating on Project Management Outside the Cloud: Other Ways to
Collaborate Online: Collaborating via Web-Based Communication Tools, Collaborating via
Social Networks and Groupware.
1. Cloud Computing Michael Miller,
2. Implementing and Developing Cloud Computing Applications David E.,Y.


Distributed Computing: Introduction, Types, and Various system models. Communication
and Processes: RPC, RMI and others, Client and Server threads. Clock Synchronization:
Types of clock and their synchronization, Introduction to distributed mutual exclusion,
Election of a process, Consensus and related problems; Consistency: Various types of
consistency, Consistency protocols, Fault tolerance: Introduction to fault tolerance, Process
resilience; Protection and security in distributed systems: Various types of security
techniques, Cryptography; Examples of distributed systems: Distributed file systems,
Distributed shared memory and others.
1. Distributed Systems Principles and paradigms Andrew S. Tanenbaum
and Maarten
2. Distributed systems, concepts and design, George Colouris, Jean Dollimore
and Tim Kindberg.


Introduction to Pattern Recognition, Regular Pattern, Irregular Pattern,
Approaches to Pattern Recognition, Parametric, Non-Parametric Approaches. Parzen
window method for density estimation, Feature selection, Search methods, Pattern
Recognition Applications., Discriminant functions, Decision surfaces, Classification
algorithms: Naive Bayes, Random Tree, Random Forest, Multiple Polynomial Regression,
Classification using SVM. Classifier Ensembles, , Linear Regression, Introduction to hidden
Markov models (HMMs), Discrete HMMs and Evaluation problem, Forward method for
evaluation problem, Backward method for evaluation problem, Parameter estimation for
HMMs, Continuous density HMMs (CDHMMs),Types of Clustering, K-Mean Clustering, Iso-
data Clustering, Clustering Metrics, Clustering applications, Fuzzy K-Mean, Clustering
tendency, Semi Supervised learning. Fuzzy variants of classification and clustering
algorithms, Neural networks fundamentals, Genetic Algorithms, Neural and Genetic based

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approaches for Pattern recognition, Self organizing maps, Advantages/Disadvantages of

Neural based approaches for Pattern Recognition.
1. Pattern recognition and image processing Earl Gose
2. Pattern classification Duda, Hart, stork.


Introduction to computer vision, computer imaging system, Image formation and sensing
CVIP tools, Image representation. Elements of Visual Perception, Light and the
Electromagnetic Spectrum, Image Sensing and Acquisition, Image Sampling and
Quantization. Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain, Image Enhancement in the
Frequency Domain, Homomorphic Filtering. Image Restoration, Colour Image Processing,
Segmentation, Thresholding, The Use of Motion in Segmentation, Image Compression,
Error-Free Compression, Lossy Compression, Image Compression, Standards,
Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing, Multiresolution Expansions, Wavelet
Transforms.Chain code, Tracking and Motion model, Reflectance map, Photometric stereo.
1. Computer Vision Young, Tzay Y.
2. Computer vision Dana H. Ballard


Introduction to randomized algorithms. Game Theoretic Techniques. Probabilistic Method,
MarkovChains and Random Walks. Randomized Data Structures: Treaps, skip lists, Hash
tables. Geometric algorithms and linear programming, Graph algorithms, Approximate
Counting, Online Algorithms.
1. Randomized Algorithm Motwani and Raghavan


Introduction, Stages of NLP, Sequence Labeling and Noisy Channel, Argmax Based
Computation, Noisy Channel Application to NLP, N-grams, Part-of-Speech Tagging, Hidden
Markov and Maximum Entropy Models, Formal Grammars of English, Syntactic Parsing,
Statistical Parsing, Information Extraction, NLP and IR Relationship, Question Answering
and Summarization, Machine Translation.

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1. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language
Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition D. Jurafsky
and J. Martin
2. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing C. Manning and H.


Introduction to Mobile Communications and Computing, novel applications, GSM: Mobile
services, System architecture, and new data services. (Wireless) Medium Access Control
:Motivation for a specialized MAC, DMA, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Mobile Network Layer:
Mobile IP, IP packet delivery, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Mobile
Transport Layer : Traditional TCP, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Fast
retransmit/fast recovery, Transmission/time-out freezing, Selective retransmission,
Transaction oriented TCP. Database Issues: client server computing with adaptation,
transactional models, and quality of service issues. Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs):
Properties of a MANET, spectrum of MANET applications, routing and various routing
algorithms, security in MANETs. Protocols and Tools: Wireless Application Protocol-WAP.
Bluetooth and J2ME.
1. Mobile Communications Jochen Schiller
2. Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing Stojmenovic and
3. Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing Adelstein, Frank, Gupta,
Sandeep KS, Richard III, Golden, Schwiebert, Loren


Quantum Computing: Overview of traditional computing and Quantum computing, Church-
Turing thesis, Circuit model of computation, Quantum physics and Computation, Dual
vectors, Operators; Qubits and Quantum modle of computation: State of a quantum
system, Time evolution of a closed system, Composite systems, States and general
quantum operations, Quantum gates, Universal sets of quantum gates; Quantum Algorithms:
Superdense coding, quantum teleportation, probabilistic versus quantum algorithms, phase
kick-bac, the Deutsch algorithm, Quantum phase estimation and Quantum Fourier
Transform , Shor's algorithm for order finding ,Quantum search algorithm; Quantum
computational complexity and error: Computational complexity, Black-box model, Lower

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bounds for searching, General black-box lower bounds, Classical error correction , Fault
tolerance, Quantum error correction.
1. Quantum Computing V. Sahni,
2. An introduction to Quantum Computing P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, and M. Mosca,


Introduction of ad-hoc/sensor networks: key definitions, advantages, unique constraints and
challenges, applications, and wireless communications/radio characteristics. Media Access
Control and routing protocols for Ad-Hoc wireless networks: issues, classification and
protocols. Networking Sensors: features, deployment of sensor networks, sensor tasking
and control. Sensor Network platforms and tools: Berkley Motes ,Sensor network
programming challenges ,Embedded Operating System. Transport layer, QoS issues and
security protocols for ad hoc and sensor networks. Simulators for wireless ad hoc and
sensor networks. Applications of Ad-Hoc/Sensor Network and Future Directions.
1. Ad hoc Wireless Networks C. Siva Ram Murthy & B. S. Manoj
2. Wireless Sensor Networks: Information Processing Approach Feng Zhao and
Leonidas J. Guibas.


Introduction, Document representation, Term-document matrix, Query languages and query,
Boolean retrieval, Indexing and searching, Scoring, Term weighting, Vector space model,
Ranking, Evaluation in information retrieval, Probabilistic information retrieval, Text
classification and Naive Bayes, clustering, Matrix decompositions and latent semantic.

1. An introduction to Information Retrieval Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar
Raghavan, and Hinrich Schütze, Cambridge University Press.


Introduction to Big Data Analysis: What is big data, History of big data innovation, Big data
architecture, Characteristics of big data, Data in warehouse and data in hadoop, Big data
importance, Big data application.

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Big Data in Cloud: Introduction to cloud, Storage as a services in cloud, Use of big data in
cloud, Accessing big data in cloud using mobile device, Big data productive and prescriptive
Big Data Technology and Tools: Hadoop, MapReduce and YARN, HDFS, HBase, Open
source technology for big data analytics, Component of hadoop, Application development in
hadoop, Getting your data base in hadoop.
Developing Big Data Application: Parallelism, Application development framework,
MapReduce programming model, NoSQL data management for big data, Scheme-less
model, Graph analytics for big data.
Big Data Privacy and Ethics: Big data privacy, when data should and should not be used,
Fraud and big data, Risk and big data, Credit risk management, Big data ethics,
Transparency, Privacy and Identity.
1. Big Data Analytics: From Strategic Planning to Enterprise Integration with
Tools, Techniques, NoSQL, and GraphBy David Loshin
2. Understanding Big Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and
Streaming Data: Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data
By Paul Zikopoulos, Chris Eaton.
3. Big Data, Big Analytics: Emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends
for Today's Businesses, By Michael Minelli, Michele Chambers, Ambiga

Subject Name Outcomes

Software Testing (i) Learn how to test programming models

(ii) Learn how to write different test cases for

any program to test input/output

Cloud Computing (i) Learn how to reduce spending on

technology infrastructure

(ii) How to get more work done in less time

with less people (Streamline processes).

Distributed Computing (i) Learn about how to design applications

which execute on distributed machines.

(ii) Learn about how to share resources in

distributed environments.

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Pattern Recognition (i) Learn about methods to identify different

types patterns present on a data set.

Computer Vision (i) Learn about how to make computer to

understand its environment by getting human
like vision capabilities.

Randomized Algorithm (i) Learn how to employ a degree of

randomness as part of its logic.

(ii) Learn How to distinguish between

algorithms that use the random input to
reduce the expected running time or memory

Natural Language Processing (i) Learn about processing of natural

languages on computer system

(ii) learn about how to make computer to

understand human problems and their

Mobile computing (i) Learn about different types of mobile


Quantum computing (i) learn How a quantum computer will be

able to perform any task that a classical
computer can.

Sensor Network (i) Learn about different types of network

which can be handled by sensors.

(ii) Learn about processing of various

protocol and their implementation in Sensor

Web search and Mining (i) Learn about how to process data present
on World Wide Web.

(ii) Learn about various types of information

retrieval tool and their working.

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Definition of a graph and directed graph, simple graph. Degree of a vertex, regular graph,
bipartite graphs, sub graphs, complete graph, complement of a graph, operations of graphs,
isomorphism and homomorphism between two graphs, directed graphs and relations.
Walks, paths and circuits, connectedness of a graph, Disconnected graphs and their
components, Konigsberg 7-bridge problem, around the world problem, Euler graphs,
Hamiltonian paths and circuits, Existence theorem for Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs.
Trees and their properties, distance and centre in a tree and in a graph, rooted and binary
trees, spanning trees and forest, fundamental circuits, cut sets, connectivity and
separability,1- isomorphism, 2-isomorphism, breadth first and depth first search. Incidence
matrix and its sub matrices, Reduced incidence matrix, circuit matrix, fundamental circuit
matrix, cut set matrix, fundamental cut set matrix, path matrix, adjacency matrix of a
graph and of digraph. Planar graphs, Euler‗s formula, Kuratowski‗s graphs, detections of
planarity, geometric dual, combinatorial dual. Chromatic number, independent set of
vertices, maximal independent set, chromatic partitioning, dominating set, minimal
dominating set, chromatic polynomial, colouring and four colour problem, coverings,
matching in a graph. Network flows, Ford-Fulkerson algorithm for maximum flow,
Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path between two vertices, Kruskal and Prim‗s algorithms
for minimum spanning tree.
1. Graph Theory with Applications to engineering and computer science Deo
2. A first Look at Graph Theory Clark John and Holton D.A.,
3. Graphs and Applications: An Introductory Approach Aldous and Wilson,
4. Graph Theory Reinhard Diestel,


Engineering application of Optimization, Formulation of design problems as mathematical
programming problems, General Structure of Optimization Algorithms ,Constraints, The
Feasible Region, Branches of Mathematical Programming ,Gradient Information, The Taylor
Series, Types of extrema, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Local Minima and
Maxima, Classification of Stationary Points , Convex and Concave Functions, Optimization
of Convex Functions, General Properties of Algorithms ,An Algorithm as a Point-to-Point
Mapping, An Algorithm as a Point-to-Set Mapping Closed Algorithms , Descent Functions,
Global Convergence, Rates of Convergence. Unconstrained Optimization: One dimensional

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optimization techniques: Dichotomous Search, Fibonacci Search ,Golden-Section

Search, Quadratic Interpolation Method ,Cubic Interpolation, The Algorithm of Davies,
Swann, and Campey, Inexact Line Searches , Multidimensional Gradient Methods
,Steepest-Descent Method, Newton Method Gauss- Newton Method, Conjugate-
Direction Methods: Conjugate Directions, Basic Conjugate-Directions Method,
Conjugate-Gradient Method, Minimization of Non-quadratic Functions, Fletcher-Reeves
Method, Powell's Method, Partan Method. Quasi-Newton Methods: The Basic Quasi-Newton
Approach, Generation of Matrix Sk ,Rank-One Method, Davidon-Fletcher-Powell
Method, Broyden-Fletcher- Goldfarb-Shanno Method, Hoshino Method, The Broyden
Family, The Huang Family, Practical Quasi- Newton Algorithm, Applications of
Unconstrained Optimization, Nonlinear Least Squares Problem and Algorithms. Linear
Programming: Graphical method, Simplex method, Duality in linear programming
(LP),Sensitivity analysis, Interior-Point Methods, Primal-Dual Solutions and Central Path,
Primal Affine- Scaling Method, Primal Newton Barrier Method, Primal-Dual Interior-Point
Methods. Nonlinear Constrained Optimization: Constrained Optimization, Constraints,
Classification of Constrained Optimization Problems, Simple Transformation Methods
,Lagrange Multipliers , First-Order Necessary Conditions, Second-Order Conditions,
Convexity , Duality Quadratic And Convex Programming: Convex QP Problems with Equality
Constraints, Active-Set Methods for Strictly Convex QP Problems , Interior- Point Methods
for Convex QP Problems, Cutting-Plane Methods for CP Problems, Ellipsoid Methods.
Minimax Methods: Minimax Algorithms, Improved Minimax Algorithms,
1. Practical Optimization Algorithms and Engineering Applications Andreas
2. An Introduction to Optimization Edwin K., P. Chong & Stanislaw h. Zak


Introduction of cyber crime, challenges of cyber crime, categorizing cyber crime, cyber
terrorism, virtual crimes, perception of cyber criminals: hackers, insurgents and extremist
group, interception of data, surveillance and protection, criminal copy right infringement,
cyber stalking, hiding crimes in cyber space and methods of concealment. Anonymity and
markets, privacy and security at risk in the global information society, privacy in cyber
space, war fare concept, information as an intelligence weapon, attack and retaliation
attack and defense. An I-WAR risk analysis model, implication of I –WAR for information
managers, perceptual intelligence and I-WAR, handling cyber terrorism and information
warfare, Jurisdiction.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 36

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

1. Principle of cyber-crime Jonathan Clough
2. Information warfare: Corporate attack and defence in digital world William
Hutchinson, Mathew Warren


Introduction to wireless communication, and future trends, Wireless Generations and
Standards, Wireless Physical Layer Concepts, fundamentals of antennas, Cellular
Concept and Cellular System Fundamentals. Spread Spectrum Modulation Techniques,
Coding and Error Control, Multiple Access Technique for Wireless Communications,
OFDM. Wireless LAN Technologies, Wireless IEEE Standards, Mobile Network Layer
(Mobile IP). Mobile Transport Layer (Mobile TCP), Mobile Data network (GPRS), WAP
Model and architecture, Introduction to Ad hoc networks, Sensor networks, Bluetooth
networks and Wireless Mesh networks.
1. Wireless communication Principles and Practice, T. S. Rappaport
2. Mobile Communications Schiller
3. Principles of Wireless Networks: A Unified Approach Pahalvan, K. and
4. Wireless Communications and Networking William Stallings


Introduction to neural networks, working of a biological and an artificial neuron, neural
network architectures, single and multi-layer neural networks, perceptron, linear seperability,
perceptron training algorithm, back propagation algorithm.
Adeline, madalines, adaptive multi-layer networks, prediction networks, radial basis
functions, polynomial networks and regularization.
Difference between supervised and unsupervised learning, winner takes all networks,
counter-propagation networks, adoptive resonance theory, neocognitron, Hopfield networks,
Bolzmann‘s training.
Various types of optimization methods like gradient descent simulated annealing etc, bi-
directional associative memory networks.
Introduction to fuzzy logic, neuro-fuzzy systems, applications of neural networks.
1. Elements of artificial neural networks by Kishan Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan
and Sanjay Ranka.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 37

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016

2. Neural networks and fuzzy systems by Bart Kosko, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Fundamentals of artificial neural networks by Mohammad H. Hassoun,
Prentice Hall of India.


Ethical hacking Overview, TCP/IP Concepts Review, network and computer Attacks,
Network enumeration and Foot printing- DNS query, Whois query, OS finger printing, Banner
grabbing Programming for security professionals- Web application vulnerabilities, Buffer
overflow attack, Session hijacking, Code injection attacks- Cross Site Scripting attack, SQL
injection attack
Password hacking, windows hacking, network hacking, anonymity and email hacking. Web
servers hacking, session hijacking, Surveillance, desktop and server OS Vulnerabilities,
Database attacks, hacking wireless networks, cryptography, network protection systems,
Trojan and backdoor applications, legal resources, virtualization and Ethical Hacking.
1. Ethical Hacking and Network Defense. Michael T. Simpson, Kent Backman,
James Corley
2. Hacking Exposed—Network Security Secrets & Solutions, Stuart McClure
Joel Scambray, George Kurtz

Introduction and definitions of biometric. Traditional authenticated methods and
technologies. Biometric technologies: Fingerprint, Face, Iris, Hand Geometry, Gait
Recognition, Ear, Voice, Palmprint, On-Line Signature Verification, 3D Face Recognition,
Dental Identification and DNA. The Law and the use of Multibiometrics systems. Statistical
measurement of biometric. Biometrics in Government Sector and Commercial Sector. Case
Studies of biometric system., Biometric Transaction. Biometric System Vulnerabilities.
1. Biometrics for network security, Paul Reid, hand book of Pearson
2. Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition, D. Maltoni, D. Maio, A. K. Jain, and S.
Prabhakar, Springer Verlag.
3. BIOMETRICS: Personal Identification in Networked,A. K. Jain, R. Bolle, S.
Pankanti (Eds.), Society, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
4. Biometric Systems: Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation, J.
Wayman, A.K. Jain, D. Maltoni, and D. Maio (Eds.), Springer.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering 38

B.Tech. Scheme & Syllabus, 2016-17, Revised in BOS Meeting dt. 24.09.2016


Supervised Learning-Feature Selection, Cross Validation, Bootstrapping, Normalization
Classification: Naïve Bayes, Bayesian Network, C4.5, Id3, Svm, Neural Network, Vc
Dimension, Regularization, Regression: Linear, Polynomial, Multiple Linear Regression, Svr
Committee Machines/ Ensemble Learning: Bagging, Boosting
Unsupervised Learning- Clustering: K-Nn, K-Means, Fuzzy K-Means, Hierarchical
Clusturing, Single Linkage, Complete Linkage, Average Linkage, Non Spherical Clustering
Hmm-Statistical Testing Methods, Probabilistic Inference
Machine Learning Applications: Text Classification, Disease Diagnosis, Biometric Systems

Subject Name Outcomes

Graph Theory (i) Learn about different types of algorithm

which can be applied on graph.

(ii) learn about different types of application

of graph theory in computer science.

Optimization Techniques (i) Learn the different types of methods for


Cyber crime and information warfare (i) Learn about different types of cyber

(ii) Learn how to secure the

computer/networks from these cyber attacks.

Wireless Networks (i) Learn about different types of wireless

networking models.

(ii) Learn about processing of various

protocol and their implementation in wireless

Ethical hacking (i) Learn about various flaws of what is being


(ii) Learn about how to reveal and fixed these


Department of Computer Science and Engineering 39

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