Stresses in Linings of Bored Tunnels
Stresses in Linings of Bored Tunnels
Stresses in Linings of Bored Tunnels
An analytical procedure is presented for evaluating the stresses in linings of bored tunnels caused by kinematic soil—lining
interaction. Three cases of plane—strain interaction are treated as produced by (1) relaxation of in situ soil stresses near
a lining following its installation, (2) overburden pressure at the soil surface, and (3) two-dimensional free-field soil
response normal to the lining axis as produced by an earthquake. The procedure is applied separately to a steel lining and
a concrete lining for a site located at the lower end of Market Street in San Francisco through which a BART (Bay Area
Rapid Transit) tunnel passes. ( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
When boring a cylindrical tunnel through relatively soft soil, a rigid open-face shield (Figure 1) is pressed
forward longitudinally (z direction) into the soil, much like the action of a cookie cutter, transferring the
in situ soil stresses to the outer surface of the shield. As the shield moves forward, a narrow segmental lining
ring is installed directly behind the shield and grout is injected between the outer surface of the ring and the
inner surface of the cylindrical cavity. It is intended that this grout fill any voids or gaps that may be present.
This ring-installation operation is continually repeated as the shield moves forward with the adjacent lining
rings being bolted together to secure them in place within the tunnel.
As the shield passes by a fixed point along the longitudinal axis of the tunnel, the soil pressure distribution
is transferred to the lining. However, since the lining is quite flexible compared to the shield, the lining will
deform under this distribution which, in turn, will modify the pressure distribution. This coupled behaviour
of cause and effect is referred to herein as kinematic soil—lining interaction. This same type of interaction will
be assumed also for the other two interaction cases mentioned above, namely that produced by overburden
pressure at the soil surface and that produced by free-field soil response during an earthquake.
In 1964, Burns and Richard1 published a paper entitled ‘Attenuation of stresses for buried cylinders’ which
presented a procedure for evaluating the soil—structure interaction behaviour produced by an overburden
pressure at the soil surface. The procedure treated the soil surrounding the cylinder as a continuum and
derived two-dimensional plane-strain solutions using the Michell series form of the Airy stress function.
Later in 1972, Peck et al.2 used these solutions to approximate the stresses in a tunnel lining produced by the
relaxation of in situ soil stresses near the lining following its installation by the shield tunnelling method. The
Michell series form of the Airy stress function was also used by Einstein and Schwartz3 in 1979 to analyse the
linings of tunnels having various support conditions.
* Correspondence to: Joseph Penzien, International Civil Engineering Consultants, Inc., 1995 University Avenue, Suite 119, Berkeley,
CA 94704, U.S.A.
Figure 1. Open face tunnel shield (MUNI Metro Turnback Project, Drawing No. DL-10089)
Because the soil—lining interaction behaviour produced by an applied overburden pressure at the soil
surface differs from that behaviour produced by relaxation of the in situ soil stresses near a lining following its
installation, different solutions should be used to determine these two behaviours. Therefore, this paper
presents separate solutions for these two interaction cases using the classical theory of elasticity. In addition,
a solution for the case of soil/lining interaction resulting from free-field soil response during an earthquake is
presented. Various aspects of global seismic response of linings have been published by Merrit et al.4 in 1985
and by Wang5 in 1993, which, in particular, evaluate seismic deformation of cross-sections using the
formulations of Peck et al.2 with the lateral soil coefficient (K ) set equal to !1)0.
In each of the three soil/lining interaction cases mentioned above, subsets of solutions are obtained for two
different conditions at the interface between the soil and the lining, namely (1) full continuity of the soil and
lining displacements, and (2) full slippage, without normal separation, resulting in no tangential shear forces.
The effect of pore pressure due to the presence of ground water is included in the solutions.
The subsequent development of analytical procedures for treating the three cases of soil—lining interaction
is separated into four parts (1) in situ stress state of the soil through which the tunnel is bored, (2) generalized
force/displacement relations of the soil, (3) generalized force/displacement relations of the lining, and (4)
soil—lining interactions.
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
Planes xy, yx, and zy are principal planes of the element upon which principal normal stresses act as
u"c H (2)
8 8
and K is the effective lateral soil coefficient, representing the horizontal component of the initial in situ
stress, which can have a wide range of values depending upon the site conditions (e.g. if the tunnel is bored
into overconsolidated clay, the value of K can exceed unity considerably).
For the purpose of analysis, it will be assumed that the tunnel is to be located sufficiently below ground
surface so that approximate solutions can be obtained by treating the in situ stress state of the soil as being
uniform over the vertical-diameter dimension D as indicated in Figure 3. In doing so, the loading represented
in this figure will be separated into its dilatational and shear-type loadings as shown in Figures 4(a) and 4(b),
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
L2 1 L 1 L2 L2/ 1 L/ 1 L2/
# # # # "0 (6)
Lr2 r Lr r2 Lh2 Lr2 r Lr r2 Lh2
Figure 4. Separation of in situ soil loading into its dilatational (a) and shear-type (b) components
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
must be used, in which the Airy stress function / is of the following form:
/(r, h)"f (r) cos 2h (7)
which separates the variables r and h. Substituting this function into equation (6) yields the ordinary
differential equation
d2 1 d 4 d2f 1 df 4
# ! # ! "0 (8)
dr2 r dr r2 dr2 r dr r2
which has the solution
f (r)"Ar2#Br4#C #D (9)
Equation (7) therefore becomes
/(r, h)" Ar2#Br4#C #D cos 2h (10)
Having evaluated the Airy stress function, the stress fields in the region R)r(R and 0)h(2n can be
obtained using
1 L/ 1 L2/ L2/
p (r, h)" # , p (r, h)"
r r Lr r2 Lh2 h Lr2
1 L/ 1 L2/
q (r, h)" !
rh r2 Lh r Lr Lh
Upon substitution of equation (10) into these relations, one obtains
6C 4D 6C
p (r, h)"! 2A# # cos 2h, p (r, h)" 2A#12Br2# cos 2h
r r4 r2 h r4
6C 2D
q (r, h)" 2A#6Br2! # sin 2h
rh r4 r2
The constants A, B, C, and D in these equations can be obtained by satisfying the stress boundary conditions
at r"R as expressed by equations (4) and at r"R as given by p (R, h)"0 and q (R, h)"0. To facilitate
r rh
investigation of normal and tangential interaction between the lining and surrounding soil medium sepa-
rately, equations (4) are divided into the two sets of two separate cavity-boundary loadings given by
p (R, h)"! 1 (1!K ) cos 2h; q (R, h)"0
r 2 0 rh
and (13)
p (R, h)"0; q (R, h)" 1 (1!K ) sin 2h
r rh 2 0
The corresponding stress fields given by equations (12) become
R 2 1 R 4
p (r, h)"!pN (1!K ) ! cos 2h
r 1 0 r 2 r
pN R 4
p (r, h)"! 1 (1!K ) cos 2h (14)
r 2 0 r
pN R 2 R 4
q (r, h)"! 1 (1!K ) ! sin 2h
rh 2 0 r r
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
R 2 R 4
p (r, h)"!pN (1!K ) ! cos 2h
r 1 0 r r
R 4
p (r, h)"!pN (1!K ) cos 2h (15)
h 1 0 r
pN R 4 R 2
q " 1 (1!K ) 2 ! sin 2h
rh 2 0 r r
Of interest in the subsequent analytical development is the radial-strain relation e (r, h) for each of the
above loading cases, since it is needed to determine the corresponding diameter-change distributions with
respect to h. This relation will now be determined under the condition of plane stress as given by Hooke’s law
e (r, h)" [p (r, h)!l p (r, h)] (16)
r E r 4 h
in which l and E represent Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus, respectively, for the soil in its in situ state.
4 4
The resulting diameter-change distributions can then be easily converted to the plane-strain condition
(e "0).
Substituting separately the first two of equations (5), (14), and (15) into equation (16) yields
R2pN (1#K )
e$ (r, h)" 1 0 (1#l )
r 2E r2 4
pN (1!K ) R 2 1 R 4
e4/ (r, h)"! 1 0 ! (1#l ) cos 2h (17)
r E r 2 4 r
pN (1!K ) R 2 R 4
e45 (r, h)"! 1 0 !(1#l ) cos 2h
r E r 4 r
respectively. The superscript d has been added to the strain term e (r, h) above to denote the dilatational
loading given by equations (3), while the superscripts sn and st have been added to denote the normal and
tangential components of the shear-type loading as expressed by the first and second of equations (13),
Having the radial strain functions of equations (17), the corresponding diameter-change distributions
around the cavity wall can be obtained using
PR er (r, h) dr (18)
Adding the last two of these three equations gives the diameter-change distribution resulting from both
components, sn and st, of the shear-type loading acting together. Doing this yields
*1 D (h)"*1 D4/ (h)#*1 D45 (h)" 1 (1!K )(3!l ) cos 2h (20)
44 44 44 E 0 4
The bar has been placed above * in equations (19) and (20) to denote the plane-stress condition. These
equations can be converted to represent the plane-strain condition by substituting E /(1!l2 ) for E and
4 4 4
l /(1!l ) for l giving
4 4 4
*D (h)"! 1 (1#K )(1#l )
$4 E 0 4
*D4/ (h)" 1 (1!K )(1#l )(5!6l ) cos 2h
44 3E 0 4 4
*D45 (h)" 1 (1!K )(1#l )(2!3l ) cos 2h
44 3E 0 4 4
*D (h)" 1 (1!K )(1#l )(3!4l ) cos 2h
44 E 0 4 4
Note that *D (h)"*1 D (h) because under the dilatational plane-stress loading condition of equation (3),
$4 $4
p (r, h)"!p (r, h) as shown in equation (5); thus e (r, h)"0 which corresponds identically to the plane-
r h z
strain condition.
Using equations (21), four different generalized stiffness coefficients for the soil can be obtained as follows:
(1) a dilatational coefficient k defined as that value of loading pN (1#K )/2 which will produce the
$4 1 0
diameter-change distribution *D "!1, (2) a shear-component coefficient k4/ defined as that value of
$4 44
pN (1!K )/2 which will produce the diameter-change distribution *D4/ (h)"cos 2h, (3) a shear-component
1 0 44
coefficient k45 defined as that value of pN (1!K )/2 which will produce the diameter-change distribution
44 1 0
*D45 (h)"cos 2h, and (4) a combined shear-component coefficient k defined as that value of pN (1!K )/2
44 44 1 0
which will produce the diameter-change distribution *D (h)"cos 2h. Using these definitions and satisfying
equations (21), one obtains
E 3E
k " 4 ; k4/" 4 (22)
$4 2R(1#l ) 44 2R(1#l )(5!6l )
4 4 4
3E E
k45 " 4 ; k " 4 (23)
44 4R(1#l )(2!3l ) 44 2R(1#l )(3!4l )
4 4 4 4
It can be shown that
k4/ k45
k " 44 44 (24)
44 (k4/#k45 )
44 44
corresponding to the two stiffnesses k4/ and k45 being in series.
44 44
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
will be
p "!p; p "p "!KM p (25)
y x z 0
in which
KM "l /(1!l ) (26)
0 4 4
In this case, the lateral pressure coefficient KM is a function of Poisson’s ratio, l , only. It does not depend on
0 4
the degree of consolidation within the soil.
The corresponding loading on the soil within the imaginary dashed circle of diameter D in Figure 2 can be
separated into its dilatational and shear-type components in the same way the in situ loading of Figure 3 was
separated as shown in Figure 4. It is easily determined that the diameter-change distributions of the circle
caused by these dilatational and shear-type components are
*D (h)"! (1#KM )(1#l )(1!2l )
$# E 0 4 4
4 (27)
*D (h)" (1!KM )(1#l ) cos 2h
4# E 0 4
respectively. If the soil within the imaginary circle is now removed bringing the boundary normal and shear
stresses on the tunnel wall to zero, additional diameter changes will take place. These changes are obtained
by dividing the dilatational and shear-type components of loading eliminated by removal of the soil by the
corresponding generalized stiffness coefficients given by the first of equations (22) and the second of
equations (23), respectively, resulting the diameter-change distributions
*D (h)"! (1#KM )(1#l )
$5 E 0 4
4 (28)
*D (h)" (1!KM )(1#l )(3!4l ) cos 2h
45 E 0 4 4
The total dilatational diameter-change distribution of the tunnel wall caused by the overburden pressure p is
obtained by adding the first of equations (27) to the first of equations (28); and, the total shear-type
diameter-change distribution is obtained by adding the second of these two sets of equations.
Doing so, yields
*1 D (h)"! (1#KM )(1!l2 )
$ E 0 4
4 (29)
*1 D (h)" (1!KM )(1!l2 ) cos 2h
4 E 0 4
in which a bar has been added above the terms *D (h) and *D (h) to denote the loading case of an
$ 4
overburden pressure p applied to the soil surface.
the range !D/2(y(D/2. In this case, the average free-field shear strain of the soil in the xy plane over
this depth is given by the approximate relation
u(!D/2, t )!u(D/2, t )
c" # # (30)
# D
The corresponding state of stress over the depth D is of the shear-type shown in Figure 5(a) which is
equivalent to that state of stress shown in Figure 5(b). The individual stresses in this case are given by
c EM
q"p "!p " # 4 (31)
1 2 2(1#l6 )
in which the shear modus GM is equal to EM /2(1#l6 ) and should be assigned a value compatible with the
4 4 4
critical shear-strain level c . These stresses will produce an ovalling of the imaginary circle of diameter
D shown in Figure 2 with its major and minor axes in the $45° directions as indicated in Figure 5(b). If
a tunnel of diameter D is present when the earthquake occurs, its diameter-change distribution in the ovalling
mode is obtained by simply substituting c EM /2(1#l6 ) for p(1!KM )/2 and cos 2(h#n/4) for cos 2h in the
# 4 4 0
second of equations (29) resulting in the relation
*2 D (h)"4Rc (1!l6 ) cos 2(h#n/4) (32)
4 # 4
in which the double bar over the term *D (h) denotes the seismic free-field ground response causing the
diameter changes.
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
Using the sign convention shown in Figure 6, it can be shown that the distributions of internal axial force,
shear, and bending moment per unit of longitudinal (z direction) dimension are given by
P (h)"!1 pR cos 2h, » (h)"!2 pR sin 2h, M (h)"!1 pR2 cos 2h (35)
/ 3 / 3 / 3
when only the loading p (R, h) is acting on the lining, and by
P (h)"!2 pR cos 2h, » (h)"!1 pR sin 2h, M (h)"!1 pR2 cos 2h (36)
5 3 5 3 5 6
when only the loading p (R, h) is acting on the lining. When both loadings p (R, h) and p (R, h) are acting
5 / 5
together, the distributions are
P(h)"!pR cos 2h, »(h)"!pR sin 2h, M(h)"!1 pR2 cos 2h (37)
Using the method of virtual work and assuming the plane-strain condition, the diameter changes at h"0
and h"n/2 due to loading p (R, h) and the diameter changes at these same values of h due to loading p (R, h)
/ 5
are given by the relations
*D4/ (R, 0)"!*D4/ (R, n/2)" (1!l2 )
4- 4- 9E I -
- -
and (38)
*D45 (R, 0)"!*D45 (R, n/2)" (1!l2 )
4- 4- 9E I -
- -
respectively, in which l , E , and I represent the lining’s Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus, and its
- - -
circumferential cross-section moment of inertia per unit of longitudinal dimension. The contributions of axial
and shear stresses in the lining to these shear-mode diameter changes have been ignored as they are
negligible. Adding equations (38) yield the diameter changes
*D (R, 0)"!*D (R, n/2)" (1!l2 ) (39)
4- 4- 3E I -
- -
due to both loadings p (R, h) and p (R, h) acting together.
/ 5
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
Generalized stiffness coefficients for the lining in the shear-type modes under the plane-strain condition
will now be defined as follows: (1) a shear-component coefficient k4/ defined as that value of p which will
produce the diameter-change *D4/ (R, 0) equal to unity, (2) a shear-component coefficient k45 defined as that
4- 4-
value of p which will produce the diameter change *D45 (R, 0) equal to unity, and (3) a shear-coefficient
k defined as that value of p which will produce the diameter change *D (R, 0) equal to unity when both
4- 4-
p (R, h) and p (R, h) are acting together. Using these definitions and satisfying equations (38) and (39), one
/ 5
obtains the coefficients
9E I 9E I 3E I
k4/" - - ; k45" - - ; k " - - (40)
4- 2R4(1!l2 ) 4- R4(1!l2 ) 4- R4(1!l2 )
- - -
which satisfy the relation
k "k4/ k45/(k4/#k45 ) (41)
4- 4- 4- 4- 4-
All of the above generalized stiffness coefficients of the lining will be used in the subsequent soil—lining
interaction analyses.
For each of the three loading conditions of the soil treated above, namely (a) relaxation of the in situ soil
stresses at the tunnel wall location, (2) application of an overburden pressure p on the soil surface, and (3)
exposure to free-field seismic ground response, dilatational and shear-type diameter changes of the tunnel
wall with no lining present have been evaluated for generalized displacement patterns of the soil and
generalized stiffness coefficients have been defined for the corresponding generalized soil and lining displace-
ments. This information is sufficient for determining the lining diameter changes which take place due to
soil—lining interaction in each loading case.
k u
*s " $4 *D # (45)
$- (k k ) $4 k
$-` $4 $-
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
Substituting the first of equations (21), the first of equations (22), and equation (33) into this equation gives,
after some rearrangement of terms, the relation
pN R(1#K )(1#l ) 2uR2(1!l2)
*s " 1 0 4! - (46)
$- E (1#a ) E A (1#a )
4 $ - - $
in which a is a dimensionless parameter defined by
a ,E A (1#l )/RE (1!l2 ) (47)
$ - - 4 4 -
Substituting equation (33) into equation (42) yields
*u " - (48)
$- EA
- -
Adding equations (46) and (48) expresses the total inward diameter change of the lining, which can be
simplified to the form
pN R(1#K )(1#l ) 2uR2(1!l2)a
* " 1 0 4# - $ (49)
$- E (1#a ) E A (1#a )
4 $ - - $
Equations identical in form to equation (45), but with its pore pressure term u/k removed, can be used to
obtain the diameter changes of the lining due to shear-type soil—lining interactions. If this type of interaction
takes place with full continuity of the soil and lining displacements at the soil/lining interface, then by
substituting the fourth of equations (21), the second of equations (23), and the third of equations (40) into
equation (45), with the term u/k removed, one obtains
pN R(1!K )(1#l )(3!4l )
* " 1 0 4 4 cos 2h (50)
4- E (1#a )
4 4
in which
6E I (1#l )(3!4l )
a" - - 4 4 (51)
4 R3E (1!l2 )
4 -
If the interaction takes place with full slippage at the interface, without normal separation, resulting in no
tangential shear forces, then by substituting the fourth of equations (21), the second of equations (22), and the
first of equations (40) into equation (45), again with the term u/k removed, yields
pN R(1!K )(1#l )(3!4l )
*4/" 1 0 4 4 cos 2h (52)
4- E (1#a4/)
4 4
in which
3E I (1#l )(5!6l )
a4/" - - 4 4 (53)
4 R3E (1!l2 )
4 -
Due to an overburden pressure on the soil surface
Equation (45), again modified with the term u/k removed, can be used to obtain the diameter changes of
the lining due to an overburden pressure p being applied to the soil surface. Substituting the first of
equations (22), the first of equations (29), and equation (33) into this modified form of equation (45), one
obtains the dilatational inward diameter change
2pR(1#KM )(1!l2 )
*1 " 0 4 (54)
$- E (1#a )
4 $
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
in which a is defined by equation (47); substituting the second of equations (23), the second of equations (29),
and the third of equations (40), into the modified form of equation (45) yields, for the case of full continuity of
the soil and lining displacements at the soil/lining interface,
2pR(1!KM )(1!l2 )
*1 " 0 4 cos 2h (55)
4- E (1#a )
4 4
in which a is defined by equation (51); and finally, substituting the second of equations (22), the second of
equations (29), and the first of equations (40) into the modified form of equation (45) gives, for the case of full
range slippage at the soil/lining interface,
4pR(1!KM )(1!l2 )
*1 4/" 0 4 cos 2h (56)
4- E (1#a4/ )
4 4
in which a4/ is defined by equation (53). A bar has been placed above the terms * , * , and *4/ in
4 $- 4- 4-
equations (54), (55), and (56), respectively, to denote the loading case of an overburden pressure p applied to
the soil surface.
4Rc (1!l6 ) n
*2 " # 4 cos 2 h#
4- (1#a ) 4
4 (57)
4Rc (1!l6 ) n
*24/" # 4 cos 2 h#
4- (1#a4/ ) 4
The double bars above the terms * and *4/ denote seismic ground motion response as the source of loading
4- 4-
on the lining.
by equations (50) and (52) into the above equations (59) and (60), respectively, will yield results for the
stress-relaxation case of loading and substitution of the values *1 and *1 4/ given by equations (55) and (56)
4- 4-
will yield the corresponding results for the overburden-pressure case of loading. Equations (59) and (60) can
also be used for the seismic loading case by substituting the double-bar values of equations (57) for * and
*4/ and by substituting (h#n/4) for all values of h.
Direct superposition can be used to find the combined internal force components for any two, or all three,
of the loading cases treated above. In doing so, it is helpful to recognize that, when combining the internal
force components due to seismic loading with those of the other two loadings, the following identity can be
in which
The previously developed theory will now be applied to two cases involving a steel lining and a concrete
lining. Both case studies have been carried out for a site located at the lower end of Market Street in San
Francisco where a BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) tunnel passes through soft soil material (Recent Bay
Mud). The conditions at this site as represented in Figure 1 are the following:
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
the formulations provided in Reference 2 (with correction for the effects of pore pressure on the hoop stress
and using the condition of no slippage between the lining and soil):
Max. bending moment 46)5]103 Nm/m (10)4 k ft/ft) 81)82]103 Nm/m (18)39 k ft/ft)
Max. thrust 73)2]104 N/m (50)10 k/ft) 83)10 N/m (56)94 k/ft)
Max. diameter change 11)4 mm (0)446 in) 19)53 mm (0)769 in)
At the above-mentioned BART tunnel site, it has been estimated that the average free-field soil shear strain
c could reach the level 0)0028 under maximum credible earthquake conditions (Reference 8). Making use of
this value, equations (57) and (59) yield
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
value results in decreasing this critical stress. This latter decreasing of the critical stress is due to the
increasing strong soil—lining interaction which takes place.
The unified treatment of kinematic soil—lining interactions produced by (1) relaxation of in situ soil stresses
near a lining following its installation, (2) overburden pressure applied to the soil surface, and (3) free-field soil
response resulting from an earthquake, as presented herein, provides simple formulas for the calculation of
lining deformations, forces, and corresponding stresses. These response quantities as produced by the
relaxation of in situ soil stresses are significantly reduced from those produced by the ‘equivalent’ overburden
pressure loading, p"c H thus, distinctly different solutions should be used for these two loading cases to
4 4
avoid unnecessary conservatism in design.
The separate solutions obtained for the cases of full slippage and no slippage at the soil/lining interface
during the occurrence of shear-type deformations indicated that full slippage has only a small effect on the
shear and bending moments in the lining, but does reduce the maximum axial force by approximately 50 per
cent. However, since the axial force produced by the dilatational-type deformation is much greater than the
maximum axial force produced by the shear-type deformation, this 50 per cent reduction has little effect on
the combined axial force due to both types of deformation. Consistent with this observation, slippage has
little effect on the maximum combined normal stresses in the lining as produced by in situ stress relaxation
and seismic free-field soil response.
( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)
It should be emphasized that the analytical procedure developed herein for determining lining stresses
following installation is based on the assumption of perfect construction methods, i.e. the lining is placed in
position in a circular stress-free state and grouting outside the lining completely fills all voids present. Since
a perfect installation of this type cannot be achieved, the stress-state of linings as actually installed and the
deficiencies which can occur in grouting should be taken into consideration in the design process. As pointed
out by Kuesel,7 the steel rings installed in the BART tunnels were subjected to considerable ovalling due to
elastic flexure and working of the joints under their own dead weight and additional distortions were
introduced as the linings were bolted together. Even though uncertainties exist regarding the stress state of
linings during and following construction, evaluation of stress states under assumed ideal conditions, using
the procedures developed herein, provides a sound starting point, the results of which can then be adjusted
using engineering judgement as deemed appropriate.
Under extreme seismic conditions, the lining cross-section may deform significantly into the inelastic
range. Such deformations should be controlled so as to force them to occur in the interior regions of the
lining segments, not in the circumferential joints. Under moderate seismic conditions, the lining should be
designed to remain elastic; in which case, the analytical procedures developed herein can be used to assess
1. J. Q. Burns and R. M. Richard, ‘Attenuation of stresses for buried cylinders’, Proc. Symp. on Soil—Structure Interaction, ºniversity of
Arizona, Engineering Research Laboratory, Tucson, AZ, September, 1964.
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( 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 27, 283—300 (1998)