MF30602, MF30003 - Robots - and - Computer-Controlled - Machines
MF30602, MF30003 - Robots - and - Computer-Controlled - Machines
MF30602, MF30003 - Robots - and - Computer-Controlled - Machines
001(' or Exornil1(~tjorl. ~2/J ,-). K ! (;,",',ji>j 1 (I I'JI /\1 !) 1\1\1 DUll Jli"iI .1 III, 11111/V\I III. )'( 'I
Answer all Ilw questions. ASSlIll1I' SIII\.;II>II' daL" if IIt'lTSS;11y. ;\'\;ll'l<s
Fig. 1 show» a 2 duf ~vri;d manipulator llavillg iubo.ud (/'1) and ou d (1"2) link x of 1I'IIgth
10111 .uu] O.t) III. J('sjH,C'tivcly. Th« links (if 1.111'
uuuupulat.or arc a..<;SIIIIIl'd to hnvc- 1'('('t.illlgIJiar
IT()SS'SI'('lilJlI of .'iidl·~ (/ == O.OS III und /) = tJ.t);) III. ASSIIIIH' [II(' dc-usit v ()f [i nk 111(lll'ri;Ji as
7.0 X J(J:1 /,;,(;/11/:1. TaIH'. ;ll'ceierat-.ioll d uc 10 )!;nlvit.y y= !).i-\l /Ills! TII(' IlldSS1'Sof III<' links ;111'
ass'lrlJ('<1 III 1)(' lo('a.t.('d ;it t.hc-ir }'('sIH'c( ivo <. 'C;s.
1. Why do we add parabolic blonds at two ends of a linear trajectory [unr t ion"
.) Explain l.he working prinicpl« of Remote Center Compliance (ReC') as a passive grippcr
used ill robots.
5. Define Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, Forward Dynamics and Inverse Dynam-
ics problems in robotics.
PARTB, Answer all questions, full marks 25, Assume data if required but not provided
1. A pIIY'.!c i\t reqllil!'<' rr volt"I~(' pul,->C'11.111,of fr('4L II! Y I)(H) pp.n, fOi ,I 21ll11Hllc' t rn u- ,hl/dllelll, .I', IIII'ul -
one' III ill" experiments, out filld', Ih.11 hi" jJld') , 4l'I1('1.n or i-, 11O1workiuj; III', IIH'llldlill ,Ii "liI',ill ('('/ 1/11'
the out pu: pulse train trorn .I ( N( In iI/ill/' d( hin« X .IJ1i\ ('Ill (Jlf('1 10 1l!'1" (1111IIII' "IIY'->I(1',1 II\(, vol ,It',(' 1('vl'l.,
of 1111',pli/\e train match the r c-quirc: Ill<. of tile phy,->ici\t. 111(' mil/ing 1l1,1(I111H'h,1:. .Ill X .ixi- Ie , d ',( Il'W of 5
mrn pilc 11and the number of hol on tho X ;1xi<;ellcocil'r is )00. So, the, 111,11Ill': 01 dd ('XC'( ut c on
thp Illil/illg m/c control unit il refer to satisfv the rhysici~l\ need.are (G')() i'. absolute p gl rllllillillg)
2. Your company is making a CNC milling machine X-V table which would be affordable in small investment
shops. Hence, you have restricted the number of bits m and n of your X-V hardware interpolator to 10 and 15
respectively. However, you want to provide a maximum movement of 500 mm along X axis and 500 mm along
Y axis. The system clock frequency = 2m+n/10 ppm. The highest velocity along cutter path can only be realized
for a minimum distance of 150 mm along path. In that case
a. How much would be the basic length unit of the X axis 7[2]
b. How much would be the system clock frequency 7[2] n bit
c. What is the highest feed velocity achievable along X axis 7[2J.-- _ X axis
d. If two lines of command in a CNC program executed in m bit
this CNC milling machine are eed
n bit
What is the value of the feed rate number, that is, the number to be put inside the feed rate DDA
{to be added to itself repeatedly)[3J
e. In question d, how much would be the pulse rate output from the X-DDA in ppm 7[2]
4. You are supposed to generate cutter paths for cutting free form
part shown, but your pen drive, with cutter path generation
software, is rendered unusable by viruses. A friend from geology
department lends you a software for drawing isoheight lines on
your free form surface but it cannot provide you with derivatives or
curvature. You can generate any number of points on any isoheight
line. How can you use such a software for getting forward steps,
each step with approximately 50 urns maximum deviation from the
part surface 7 Note - tangents, normals, radii are NOT available. [4]
S. For a client X, your company is making a product with many holes, drilled in a
single setting on a CNC drilling machine. Bul Client X complains of slight errors in
the X coordinates of the centres of some of the holes. Your company lodges
complaint with manufacturer of the CNC drilling machine for existence of pitch errors in one of their lead
screws. The drill manufacturer says their lead screws come with accurate encoders and hence pitch errors, if
any, would be taken care of by this feedback device. Judge who is right in this case. Pitch error typically
means slight, non-uniform variation in lead screw pitch value along axis of screw. [3]
PART B contd., please ignore previous part B, Q1 and attempt this part B, Q1
1. A physicist requires a voltage pulse train of frequency 1200 ppm, for a 2-minute time duration, as input in
one of his experiments, but finds that his pulse generator is not working. His mechanical engineer friend taps
the output pulse train from the rotary encoder mounted on the X axis lead screw of a CNC milling machine to
help out the physicist. The voltage levels of this pulse train match the requirements of the physicist. The
milling machine has an X-axis lead screw of 5 mm pitch and the number of holes on the X axis encoder is 200.
So, the commands that he should execute on the milling m/c control unit in order to satisfy the Physicist's
need, are (G90 is absolute programming, second line of the commands to be used for the requirement above)
a. GOOG90 X 30 Y 40 b. GOOG90 X 30 Y 40 c. GOOG90 X 30 Y 40 d. GOOG90 X 30 Y 40
G01 X 35 Y 42 F 50 G01 X 60 Y 80 F 25 G01 X 90 Y 120 F 100 G01 X 90 Y 120 F 50
Choose correct option & Justify option with calculations for pulse frequency and time duration [1+3+3]